October 2, 1896
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862—VOL. 34. FRIDAY OCTOBER . PORTLAND, MAINE. MORNING, 2, 1896j fS2Ki5£V8g!K| PRICE THREE CENTS. APSED. Many other were wrecked or THE REVIEWING STAND COLL buildings WOLCOTT AND CRANE. LATEST SIENTIFIC KNOWL- IS BECOMING SERIOUS. SIX MARYLAND VICTIMS. damaged. GAVE IT TO * REFORMS ASKED FOR. Three Men Drowned. GROVER. EDGE ON FOOD AND DIGESTION. Got. Drake of Iowa and Vice President The Gubernational Ticket Nominated by October 1.—During Tues- — ~ 1 he real cause ol most of our diseases Is Washington, » ■' ■ Massachusetts Republicans. Stevenson Badly Hurt. days storm the oyster schooner Capital simply an Inability to digest food. This induces \ foundered off Sandy Point, 35 miles thinness, loss of flesh and loss weakness, fat, down the Potomac. Three men were Boston, Ootober 1.—The annual state of vitality, wasting away. Canadian Pacific Burlington, Iowa. October 1.—Just From Tues- drowned. Trouble Assuming Further Loss Of Life Bryau Pays His to the convention of the Massachusetts Repub- Ladies of the W. C. T. U. Conven- Loss of flesh and vitality means constant after the in the semi-oenten- Respects procession licans for the nomination of a full state liability to sickness. Wasting away is con- Grave nial celebration got under headway and GENERAL STRIKE IMMINENT. Aspect. day’s Storm. President.. ticket and Presidential electors was con- tion Call for sumption. while were in the Many. 20,000 people streets, vened in Musio this at filf getting thin Is what tails you, there is only Bituminous Coil Miners Are Booking for hall, morning a reviewing stand broke down. one thing to do—get fat. The only way to do Trouble. 10.30 by Chairman George H. Lyman of After,the had oovered about half it Is to take something which will help your parade the state committee. STRIKE OF ALL EM- of stomach and stimulate it to do its work. ORGANIZED the line of maroh, Qov. Francis Drake COUSIN OF SENATOR SHERMAN IN RESPONSE TO FROM Pittsburg, Pa., October 1.—A strike of REQUEST Mr. Lyman delivered an address. He THE MEETING AT BELFAST AD- if you are tired out you do not like to move and staff, Vioe President Stevenson and PLOYEES FEARED. KILLED BY FRIGHT. tbe bituminois coal miners of the United ONE OF HIS AUDIENCE. was acoorded a great reception and much your legs or arm9. If your stomach is all of the state and local officials were JOURNED LAST EVENING. slmila: to that three applause during his speech. tired it does not like to digest; it cannot do its conducted to the stand.Scaroe- States, years ago, is reviewing was seleoted for thought by a lumber of local Gen. William Draper work. ly were seated when the stand producers they gave chairmau and was To eat, or even to eat with a relish does not to be lmmlneit. The operators would permanent greeted Mata Held and of way with a crash and the entire structure and Then Meetings Resolutions Two Negroes Crashed la a Hut Says He W ill Retire From Office with a storm of when he came necessarily mean that one is being nourished welcome snob a It Support- applause Public Meeting at the House in the went to the a mass of broken condition, believing Opera Passed at All Divisional ground, Burned to Death—Great Destruction of on strength, vitality and lies h are the true indi. Sympathy would result in a restoration of ing a Ticket Which Won’t a the platform. timbers. peace, Carry Evening—Portlaud Will the Place of cations. • Points—Officers of Different At finished his Organize Property at Frederick City—School and a in the United Z 12.20 Chairman Draper Women fainted and great confusion at orderly prodictlun standard rate County States—Denies that Next Convention—Delegate, to St.Louis Getting thin is a sign that you need the tlons Asked to Call Members If amid Ont once reigned. Houses of Carroll County Demolished. of wages. Ihe causes are primarily laid Cause of Silver is that of speeoh upplauso. Shhkers’ Cordial. You would not be Bullion Convention Chosen. Digestive Gov. Drake and Mr. Stevenson were the The platform favors a sound monetary Necessary. are at door oi miners of the Pittsburg getting thin if you could digest your iood. on the front tier of seats and were Baltimore, October 1.—Six deaths Owners, in system, tariff laws which will provide Belfast, October 1.—At this morning’s The Shakers’ Cordial not Ottawa, Ootober 1.—A strike of thrown backwards and as a district, voluntarily reducing their Digestive only Out., upon the others reported result of Tuesday night’s W. October sufficient revenues to meet the national rate tc 64 cents from 70 Clarksburg, Va., 1,-lPm, session of tbe stats convention <ft tbe W. oontalns artificially digested food, but it will the members of all the railway organiza- thus escaped fatal injury, but neverthe- hurricane in Five deaths oc- wages cents. the enforcement of Maryland. J. Bryau last at Graftons expenditures, rigid other foods in the less were badly shaken up and consider- This notion las produced a conflict be- spent night 0. T. U., tbe following delegates were digest stomach. tions on the Canadian Pacific system curred iu oounty and the the existing laws restricting immigra- ably bruised. Ex-Governor Sherman of Montgomery tween the ojerators and miners of com- at the residenoe of J, T, nu-' elected to the national convention at SI. A single 10 cent bottle will show whether or seems MoGraw, tion, disapproves of the appropriation of Imminent. Iowa was in the rear of tbe stand. He other in Baltimore states not it is of oounty. peting tional committeeman from this state and the money for sectarian Louis in November: going to meet the conditions your looo- public purposes, Trainmen, firemen, oonduotors, was found with a timber across bis Dr. S. H. first oousin of and endorses the St. Louis case, and If its continued use be heavy Sherman, managed to get a rest. He left platform. C. so, may legs and a on bis neck and EPWORTI LEAGUE CONVENTION. good Cumberland county, Miss M. Dow, motive engineers and trackmen at Otta- plank resting Senator John Sherman met a Z On motion of Hon. Stephen B. Ashley depended on to effect a cure. All druggists back. He is hurt. peoullar Grafton at 8.30 this morning for Clarks- Portland. wa and all the divisional badly of Fall River, the election of two Presi- keep it in stock. leading points death at his country residence at Olney. Major Wyman of Ottnmwa, Iowa, is ConstltutlonAmended and Officers Elected burg. On arriving here Mr. Bryan and dential electors at large wag proceeded Aroostook, Mrs.J. E. Seamans, Amity. along the line to the Pacifio coast held in the is As he after a Injured spine and paralyzed. E. left his house to look horse, had a with. Ex-Governor John A. Brackett at Providence. party breakfast at hotel. Despite Q. Knox, Mrs. R. C. Hall, Rookland. ■FECIAL, NOTICES. mass meetings last night at which reso- S. Burrus, treasurer of Des Moines two trees were blown of ex-Llcut. Gov. Hiale of over, falling very the"continued bad there was Arlington',and oounty, may die; both of his are weather, Washington, Miss Margaret H. Hunter, lutions were passed sympathizing with legs near him. A moment later the room of a Springfield were nominated by acclama- broken, a big crowd on the streets. The candi- field. the Provideuoi. Ootober 1.— AttheEpworth tion. Cherry the railway telegraphers, approviug editor of the Iowa dwelling house fell at his feet. He ran LaFayette Young, League contention todby the following date appeared on the hotel balcony "ihe convention then proceeded to the Androscoggin and Waldo, Miss Emily stand by them, expressing a was cut and bruised about baok to bis Into a chair taking Capital, badly residence, sank and made a short to 600 nomination of a candidate for governor. CARPET CLEANSING the amendment to the constitution were speech people. F. Miller, Searsmont. to out on a strike with head. City Clerk Fred L. Poor wns Woloott was nominated aocla- willingness go and expired. Dr. Sherman was a subject He was Roger by bruised and cut. Miss Mary Lord adopted: driven to the fair grounds Penobscot, Miss Abble Hamlin. them and calling upon the officers of the Drake, to heart disease. mntiou. the was where be delivered a Or Steam governor’s daughter, slightly First—There shall be biennial conven- longer address to 3 Ex-President George B. Lawrence of York and Someiset, Mrs. F, M. different organizations to at onoe oall bruised. All of tbe staff officers suffered Two other adored were Scouring, victims, men, tion, beginning with 1896, meeting in a larger audience. At 11.30 the special the state senate then presented the name Chandler. A prooess for Woolen Bugs, Mats, Ac. out their members on the Canadian Pa- mors or less. State Commissioner Sey- asleen in a hut which was crushed bv a alternate tears with the of W. Crane for lieutenant Carpets, International train pulled out for Murray gov- Kennebeo and Which the mour Jones’s was Parkersburg. Franklin, Mrs. Holway, cleanses withont heating, restores cob cific railway system, if neoessary. leg injured. tree. A set tbe debris worth League convention. ernor. Tbe sufferers were to lamp exploded, At the fair grounds Mr. said in or to at conveyed hospitals Second—I'he biennial convention shall Bryan Congressman Joseph H. Walker fol- Augusta. original brilliancy, and afire and the mea were burned to death.