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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-3-1903 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 11-03-1903 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 11-03-1903." (1903). lvdo_news/755

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. XXIV. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMHEK 3, 1003. NO. 306, breeds are bull notable the terriers operation of the age limit. He entered j pany, has let the partial contract for to Richard belonging Frank and the service from as an j the of the lino between UNUSUAL VOTE BLOODSHED Pennsylvania poll's electric n rrTinu iirwc . bull-dog- Croker, Jr., French belonging acting assistant paymaster in Novem- i this city and the company's power sa el V am. sa-s.- V I IUI1 111. U to Mrs. Oliver Belmont and Mis. ber, 1863, and was appointed assistant m house on the falls of the Pecos river, II Richard Davis, the In the In Harding spaniels paymaster following year. the distance between this city and i of the Forllngton Kennels and prize-winnin- g 1867 he was to as- in in iiu III SELECTION promoted past CITY that point being about fourteen miles. rni mi IK dogs of several varieties be- sistant paymaster, was commissioned The ground for the site of tbe power H to Thomas F. Law son of in ex- uriniiuuinni:; longing paymaster 1892, and pay director house has also been cleared and Boston. in 1899. He retires with the rank of n cavations for the foundations have The array of classes is particularly rear admiral. commenced. Mr. will leave as a Favorable Candidate in Outra- The Court Martial Fixes His Halapleus Interpreted Btrong this year, notably in the great Kentucky dnurlg this week for Denver to Inspect Danes and were Sign for Victory for Fusion St Bernards, which ges the Law Which He To Elect Philadelphia Congressman. Sentence at Dishonorable and select machinery for the use of Result in State Still not satisfactorily represented at the PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Nov. 3. All the company. New Mexican, Ticket association. Would previous shows of the Uphold Indications point to a victory for R. O. Discharge Doubtful , There la also a large number of pet Mloon, the Republican candidate, in The funeral of Mrs. J. i. Duske was and lap dags, including pugs, Pome- the special election being held in held this afternoon from the Episco- Yorkshire toy the Fourth district to- RESULT ' DOUBTFUL ranians, terriers, Congressional LONG ENDED pal church. Tbe rector. Rev. Cbas. spaniels, Italian greyhounds and FIGHT IN VIRGINIA day to fill the vacancy caused by the FIGHT. French, used the beautiful ritualistic QUET IN MARYLAND many other breeds. death of Congressman Foerderer. service of the Episcopal church. The The judges are: James Mortimer, Raymond Raff Is . the , Democratic following associates of tne young bus-ban- d L. H. W. Lacy, nominee. . Hempstead, I.; Boston; er acted as pallbearers;,, Frank AtTwoOclock Leader Murphy Two Killed and Two Wounded Rough-Kld- Bell's 8cheme to f - J. Lewis, Greenwich, Conn.; R, F. if Hockett, C. E. Handwright, Ernest Attempted Illegal Votlaft- l ..Estimates Tammany Victory ' , Cashier tbe West Pointer New Mayhew, Staten Island, N. Y.; Dr.C. atFalrview. More Trouble Killed by Tramps. '""' Tusher, J. N. Shirley, P. ; Lister Jersey. Close in Baa Meets by Ten Thousand Y. Ford, Dansvllle, N. Y, and Richard Anticipated WATERLOO, la., : Nov, J.John With Success and Vincent Truder. The sun was " Croker, Jr., city. Rush the president of the Severn Gas never brighter nor the skies bluer f. t i ' --T- ,. " 3. The judging and' award of prizes company was assaulted by tramps in than when the lifeless body was laid .ft , NEW YORK, Not. Linn Bruce Nov. 3. Jacob ' Nov. soon LOUISVILLE, Ky., 3. BOSTOtf. 8. Arrests for began after . the opening today his home last night and died this DENVER, Colo., Nov. It is stat- away) in the lonely .grave, but the . said:. "There has been' an altogether Krleger, the republican candidate tor As and will continue until the close of morning. The assailants were un- ed that the court martial which, last beauty of nature seemed as an earn- Illegal voting began early. the Unprecedented vote, and that id fa- sheriff, shot and killed Tom Klely, a the exhibition Friday night masked and escaped. found est of the life Immortal upon which Australian ballot system is being used vorable for fusion." democratic judge, in the Eleventh night, General Chase guilty of the had entered. The home, on It Is to tell how vote this afternoon. disobedience of orders, fixed his sen- spirit impossible the Charities Correction ward Posse Returns Without In sorrow un- and Meeting. Indians. Prince street, is plunged Is is . conceded .NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The election tence at dishonorable discbarge from going. It generally Nov. 3. A - MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 3. Nov. 3. A fatal DENVER, Colo., special utterable. that the democrats would carry Bos- day in this city dawned clear. Bright BRISTOL, Tenn., tbe Colorado national guard. It Is ' The twelth annual state conference to the Times from Luck, Wyo.,' says: ton. Both have and early this morning polling. was election row occurred at the polling also reported that Governor Peabody parties expressed of charities and correction opened in The posses are returning from, the W. A. Mclvers of Lincoln county, their confidence of in tbe heavy, not only in democratic place in Fair View, Scott county, Va., will commute the sentence to a repri- victory very scene ' this city today and will remain in men were killed and two of the recent fight without the ' Is at Paradlw Arls., superintending ,tate. strongholds down town, but uptown today. Two mand. , , ...... session until are Indians. It Is believed that the In- the a copper mine. were the fuslonists are Friday. Delegates others wounded. Alex Kris was shot developro f precincts in attendance from in dians and will return to Mr. Mclvers the best mining Nebraska Going many points In the More trouble is escaped New York. Republican.. strong. The voting was extremely right blp. Quitting Is con- Minnesota. A large number of peo- their reservation. experts in the'southwest,r''rt and ; LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 3. The day rapid the hours of the feared. The trouble is the outgrowth NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Without during early In the Twin Cities are an nected with several of the began clear in eastern Nebraska Dur- from ple taking of to a man named C. H. or more largest election. Very peaceful reports objection parade demonstration, than fair-size- active Interest In the proceedings and BAY. raining companies In this territory and ing tbe forenoon the chance for a d the state indicate that the will Cboler. He was uninjured. PRESIDENT AT OY8TER 2,000 members of Dowle's "Zlon voting conference post" vote In the towns. the promises to be the ' Mexico. brightened be No weather re- o have departed for . Chicago. Only heavy. stormy most and successful ever The vote la heavily republican and the A affair Is interesting Carter and Walcott Again. After Casting His Vote H Visits Sag- 100 followers are in New ported. shooting reported about left of state committee claims held by the state organization. Promi- " re- W. C. McDonald, manager the central the from Troy, where a deputy sheriff BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 3. After amore Kill. York. nent authorities on organized Carrizozo Cattle company, Lincoln vote indicates a victory for the repub- - shot J. who refused to charity peated delays and postponements the Phillip Riley, work and aro to Is to twenty Ilcans. prison management chances now for a final OYSTER BAY, N. Y Nov. 3. Pres- county, preparing ship remain at a prescribed distance from appear bright - . address the meeting. carloads of cattle to Kansas City. Un- the polls. settlement of the question of the fistic ident Roosevelt cast his vote this ADDITIONAL LOCAL. o dor Mr. McDonald's mauagoment this All Quiet on the Potomac. supremacy between "kid" Carter morning. Afterwards, accompanied Golf Champion to Wed. company has become one of tbe larg- - BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 3. Early NEW YORK, Nov. S. Most of those and Joe Walcott. The two are by Secretary Loeb and some friends, Before His Honor. CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 3. In est and most successful breeders of this forenoon everything indicated who were arrested this the First to have It in fifteen-roun- d bo took a drive to Hill. ' early morning slated out tonight Sagamore Loyd Hoyt, a gentleman of color, - Presbyterian church, Evanston, Miss cattle in New Mexico. that the election Is progressing quiet- were quickly discharged, their arrest contest before the Criterion o was up before bib honor thia morn- ' a Bessie Anthony, the champion woman ly everywhere in Maryland. There Is having been explained as due to Athletic club of this city. Both have Brinkeroff Promoted Yesterday. ing. He pleaded guilty to the charge golf player of the United will T. C. Evans, an official of the Cans-'. - ho cutting of tickets and the vote will misunderstanding and mistake. Sen- States, been training faithfully for several TOPEKA, Kans., Nov. 3. Union Pa- drunk and and of being disorderly So-(b- e ator C. was tonight become the bride of Mr. cific officials nea Copper company, at Cananea, fair, John Fitzgerald arrested weeks with the result that they ap- yesterday announced the promptly placed a fiver and tho prop ' as-.- . Bernard Home of Miss nora, Mexico, the greatest copper! at the polling place of the Sixth Pittsburg. to be in fine fettle for the fight. promotion of J. II. Brinkeroff of embellishments of pear er to the credit the In Nov. 30. The j Anthony Is the of Mr. and property the southern republic,' BALTIMORE, Md., senibly district on the TlSHiplaint of daughter O Leavenworth to be assistant superin- & city. Manuel Mares, another "d d.," .'da? conditions are watchers him with Mrs. Charles Elliott Anthony and, tendent with at Denver. passed through the city on his way it perfect and all republican charging Labor Leader Better. headquarters was assessed a like amount. Manuel ' though she Is not out of her teens, east ' I Iavoralll bringing out a full disorderly conduct. yet NEW YORK, Nov. 3. John Mitch-oil- , He bad been superintendent of the be bad fr protested vociferously that - vot ' Is com-'plicat- she has held the golf honors for her L. K. & W. e, The ballot unusually the labor leader, who on bis arrival R. R. been nibbed of $13.50, which loft lilui e first as this election and for this It is estimated at 2 p. ni. that sixty-fiv- sex, western champion and was with an 0 here last night suffering only 75 cents In his pocket.. Some ' cent of vote been then as national champion, for sev- - E PISCOPALIANS reason the count will be todlous and per the has attack of acute stomach trouble, is color was lent to the man's (state ' eral past. . The attendants at the slow and it Is not Improbable that the cast. Leader Murphy said today: "In years much better today. ment the that he was found by fact in uua ana not mv mnlnn thf ilfhinfrn.Mr ticket will wedding will include a number " PRESIDENT rosui1 cuy iaie ui O" " ' on the sidewalk helplesBly inebriated, five young society people IN be- known until tomorrow morning. sweep the boroughs by 10,000. prominent TOOK POISON. and that any one Inclined could have SESSION: indicates democratic Chicago and Pittsburg. Rapid voting a appropriated his cash as o spare just - : ' Close In 8an Francisco. victory." Felipe Garcia, Who Tried to Murder 1 JUAREZ well as not. He still owes tho city o - AND DIVORCE TO BE SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Nov. 3. Re-- In can MARRIAGE j His Father Overcome With and will remain hock until he " i The vote is close hero. . THE MIKADO'S BIRTHDAY. NEW YORK AND ' THE LEADING TOPIC OF exceptionally morse. square the account will not known until FIRST MAN IN THE SOUTHERN GREAT CONVENTION. (The result be Mrs. I.ucero was hauled into court .... Monarch Fifty-on- e Years later. Japanese REPUBLIC GOES TO BORDER on the of a din- - Felipe Garcia, the young man who charge maintaining PITTSBURG, Pa., Nov. 3. The, Old Today Has Reigned Nearly In BANKERS TO MEET U. 8. MINISTER. orderly house the Incorporation. Pro-- : Vote in Cleveland, x some months ago atempted to take his twenty-secon- congress of the Heavy Thirty-si- Years. 01 in Sho appeared this afternoon, but : 8. Election father's life, has been seriously tetstant Episcopal church opened its CLEVELAND, O., Nov. to the or . event order fortify herself for with a but la- WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 3. The TWO ELEGANT TRAINS CARRY- troubled with what the old Saxons An of signal Importance to sesHlons In this city today with a day opened heavy fog, deal had imbibed so freely of the fluid ter became fine. The Japanese the world over today cele- ING FINANCIERS BOUND FOR would have called "the again bite of the people of Juarez Is scheduled to large attendance of leadlug church-- , the weather that clouds the understanding thit all brate the birthday of their Mikado, HOME inwlt." His remorse reached such a happen tonight, when tho first sec- men from all of tbe United voting in precincts is unusually PASS THROUGH. told he rto and parts e ar- the judge rail again, hours. to Mutsu Hlto, who Is fifty-on- years degree during last night that be swal- tion of tho Mexican Central train States. Holy communion was cele large for the early Owing Saturday night a little after 10 set case for tomorrow h the morning. of cltlos as old, and already in the thirty-sixt- lowed a goodly amount of poison.. rives at 6 o'clock, 'says the El Paso brated In the morning at Trinity the regulation provided by o'clock an elegant train carrying - - year of his reign. In Washington the His condition was noticed by the jail News. It is to be the special train of church, the Right Rev. Dr. Alexander . the new Code, no accurate compart- ers from Cleveland and northern Ohio Wall Fell on Him. can count occasion will be observed attendants and Dr. Hernandez was President Diaz, the most In H. of western . "ons be made as the informally bound. palatial who Is Vinton, Bishop passed through the city east J. H. Ketchum of Espanoln, should con-Th- e this evening with a dinner at the called in. The physician took prompt all its finishings which the mind of a officiating. j grosses. Accordingly, the The bankers were in a hurry to get digging a well at the Cochitl pueblo, definite news of tha Japanese legation with the Japanese and effective measures, as a result of Pullman architect could devise. regular sessions of the con-- 1 test be close, home to vote, and couldn't remain to was brought Into the city yesterdny Kogoro Takahlra, acting as which the young titan's life was sav- It is the first trip of the Diaz spe- are to open this evening in result will probably be late. minister, visit Las Vegas. At 3 o'clock Sunday for medical treatment, as the result gress host. ed. Felipe was very 111 as the result cial, and Its mission to Juarez is one Hall and will continual- - -- .. i afternoon the elegant bankers' special an aocldnt which occurred Sat- Carnegie of sit- of bis Is that be of wUuiit Importance both to Juartt of of week. Vete " " In view the' present critical from New York In on dose, and it unlikely through the greater part the arrived the the New Mexican. dem-fest- ed city Where and EI Paso. Tbe train comes here urday, says manl-- JACKSON, Miss.. Nov. 3. The uation in the Far East, with Japan and Its will try the poison route again. More than ordinary Interest is l leisurely way irom San Francisco. While Ketchum was at work In tho to-th- e Russia on the verge of war, the Japan- and how he got the poison l& a mys- to meet M. Llmnntenr, the distin- in the proceedings because of i c ticket has no opposition These bankers bad ;. vr tip the Idea well at a of forty-tw- feet, the Mex- depth J to ese becomes a flg-- , His father Is almost as well ua guished minister of finance of of the " 8ht vote being Emperor naturally of home to ballot for tery. Into prominence participants bt getting de,ijx'l a In- timber gave way and, falling ure of world-wid- e interest. Mutsu ever and will suffer no permanent ico, who Is returning home from ti and the importance of the questions poueo. Low, but as It wnn Su day they made the well, struck on his head, Inflicting Hlto, who is now confronted with the convenience from) the very serious most successful trip to Europe, where to be discussed. Besides such only a half hour's ti-- y In Las Vegas. a number of scalp wounds and frac- be- wotnd inflicted his unnatural he went on an attempt to tbe churchmen Prominent Woman Dead. most serious situation since the a half were en- by adjust eminent as Bishop Potter They spent day and the Mexican or adobe tures. After the accident occurred of his ascended the son. , ratio of peso, of New York, Doane of Albany, INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 1 Mrs. ginning reign,, tertained in swell style In Albuquer- Ketchum climbed a of tbe Bishop 1867. He dollar. up part C. widow of throne of the Mikados In Then went to Bishop Whitehead and the Rev. Dr. Ellsa Hendricks, tbe que. they up Santa Fe Is ar- distance, and was then pulled out of was the son of Komel Tenno, and was Georgia Club Women. Senor Llmanteur expected to W. 8. RainsflolJ, those in attendance , Thomas A. Hendricks, to stay all night and part of the next the well by his fellow laborers, with married in 1869 to Princess Harnko. CARTERSVILLE, Ga.. Nov. . rive In El Paso via the Kock Island on the congress include a large num- - j died at her home in this city today morning. aid of bucket Cartersvllle is the sev- railroad on his private ear either Sun- tbe a She wae born ta Ohio He has three daughters and one son, A-- of entertaining ber of distinguished laymen, among of paralysis. Smith, cashier the First re- Ketchum was in charge of Cicero Crown Kotaishl. Mutsu Hlto I enth annual meeting of the Georgia day or. Monday morning. He will number J. Mor- lln 1823, and was Prince National bank, who attended the said that the being Plerpont great Federation main but a few hoars, and will leave Weldner of Pojoaque, who Is the first emperor of the Japanese State of Women's Clubs, gan, Thomas Nelson Page, Hamilton , out tne state. convention, party at the train the Injuries sustained by Ketchum to to introduce modern or which was formally opened and on the special for the Mexican cap- W. Foster I attempt as of the Las Vegas today serious. ' Mable, Oeorge Peabody, representative once. were not ' western civilization into the Island. will continue In session until Friday. ital at i. R. S. Alfred T. in OI bankers. He met many whose ac--I Gen, pliywaodCapt. , situation Virginia. women num- The train which will come to. Jua- He began his reign by genuinely formed Club are present In large A who came la from Ma'aan. RICHMOND, Va Nov. 3. But lit- qualntance be had during the meot gentleman conceived in bers from Atlanta, Savannah, rez to Minister Llmanteur will - great reforms, a spirit week In San' Francisco. Of course, over tho range says that Cbas. Lleb- Marriage and divorce is probably the tle Interest Is being taken in tie elec of One of the first Augusta, Macon,-Griffin- , Athens and be in charge of a high official. to discussed are liberality. results the notable of the New York party schaer Is rebuilding the fences that most Interesting topic be tion here today. The republicans There will be somewhat of a dem- ' - - was the abolition of the feudal system, were Ellis Roberts treasurer of the other cities throughout the stat. suffered at the bands of the white by the congress. Bishop Potter, making a contest in but few of the which had so blocked The programme is considered the onstration In Juarez upon tbe arri- long the prog- , and Comptroller of the caps tbe other night A considerable Whitehead, Vinton, and leading contested counties. ress of the was he who best ever for. a meeting of val of Minister Llmanteur. Ills serv- of the church are country. It Currency Wm. B. Rldgeley. prepared string of fence was cut. It Is said clergymen expected ' the federation. features will ices in settling the curemcy question established the present constitu- A who runs Into Leading some of the fence was on land to make addresses against marriages Y. M. C. A. Conference. modest trainman is Mexico a that Railway tional and under his Include addresses by several women believed, giving Llcbsch-ner- , of divorced t . government, Las Vegas tells of bis conversation that bad been confirmed to persons, COLUMBUS'. O-- Nov. S.A con- . ratio with the sway the people have attained unpre- of note, together with discussions stable, (as compared was on "Tho Limitations .! of Industrial 'Y. M. C. A. with a quiet gentleman, - while another part of it ference of the secretaries appearing a wide of American- dollar), has endeared him cedented progress and enlightenment. In covering range of subjects land for which tbe stUI holds Liberty" Is another- question Which of association on the who expressed much Interest tho the-har- grant the Pennsylvania Interest to of bis countrymen, and la be discussed and which Is country and asked many questions and public title.' to likely Lines west opened in Columbus Ladles' 8how. be will be a sort of popular Idol. to In view Dog listened with attention to the train- provoke unusual interest, today. Pittsburg, Cleveland, Logans-por- t, Stevens-War- d News from Mexico Is to the effect go-ca- rt T NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The thirJ man's of trivial mat- Wedding. Who would steal a baby of the presence of J. Plerpont Morgan Ft. and are re- discussion rather his return will be like the Wayne Chicago annual exhibition of the Ladies' Ken- OSWEGO, N. Y., Nov. . A society that there The man who Is mean enough has and other leading financiers of the which Is ters. Finally the stranger was asked ' presented at the meeting, Association of America to- wedding of note here was that triumphal entry of a conqueror. Min- been found. ; No, he hasn't boon Under th of sub nel opened his name. He pulled out a card and today country. head this presided over by IS. L. Hamilton, rail- in Madison Garden under of Miss Bessie De Wolf Ward, daugh- ister Llmanteur will probably be but he stole the 'go-car- the labor troubles of New York day Square presented it, saying, "That's who I found, either, ject way secretary of the' International circumstances. ter of General and Mrs. called upon to make numerous lect- useful vehicle once be- dis- auspicious The show, am." The card bore the Inscription Brigadier The and other largo cities are to be committee of the Y. M. C. A. ured on the currency question In the from present indications, will be the Unit- Thomas WarJ, and Edwin A. Stevens. longed to Taylor. Storm. He kept it cussed and, if possible, methods "Ellis Roberts, treasurer of the In held The event was a number City of Mexico and other large In at rear of n most successful of its kind ever ed States." attended by a small building the a'r'efl to effect better relations Abran Abcyta, and col- of cities In that country, and he will lh this country. The total number of Both were as persons of social prominence from bis homo. Some miscreant, wholly capital and labor.. lector of Socorro Is now under the bankers' specials be feted and biinitietid on all sides. county, thoroughbred canines on 'exhibition seen out Wellington, New York and olher lost to rectitude, broke In the door "Miracles as an Element of Chris arrest with embezzlement of elegant trains as are ever ' " charged ; ' and absconded ..with is 1,700, and every breed known to '. points. Saturday night tlunlty" and "Immortality" complete the Socorro this way. Brisk In New the county's funds, says Vote Jersey. t. If was Hallowe'en fanciers is Included In tho list. tho It a tho lint of leading subjects to be die Chieftain. Ho was brought Into Jus- NEW YOIIK, N"V .3.-- The The entries come from every sec- Death of a Noted Divine. Director Lisle Retired. voting trick, people may be found who think cussed. At the recent con- Pay ' English tice Green's court Wednesday on that In New Jersey Is brlHk today. 8evn was bad one. tion of the United Slates and Canada, HELENA, Mont., Nov. 3. Rev. Jno. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3.Af It a gress it was proposed to rulo out and was required to furnish arrests were msde In tho city this charge with several hundred from Great Brondel, the head of the Catholic tor forty years service In the navy much of tho miraculous In the Gospel bond In the sum of $10,000 for his ap- morning on tho charge of illegal Brltlan, and universal interest has church In Montana, died early this Pay Director Robert P. Lisle was j""6, Hatflpleus, managing engineer narrative. It Is expected that the itf pearance at the next session of th been aroused in them. Among tho morning. placed on the retired list today by for the Capital Light and Power corn- - jeet will bring forth keen discussion. I district court, which he his 'done. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC NOVEMBER 3 1903

and the size of his ESTABLISHED , I furnish estimates on all kinds of First snap on ardent followers, l76. Cement Walks r choir.' He is certainly a moat remark- Brick'WaJks work and guarantee what I do. Na- ..PARLOR BARBER SHOP.. able man, no matter how bis critics tive red stone a specialty. Vegas CENTER STREET LARD THE" Phone 28C. may belittle blm. I doubt it there is Cemetery Copings . FIRST CLASS WORKMEN for five years any other man in the United States, Monuments W. W. WALLACE. 0. L OKEQOtY, Prat. be be in religious or political life, Buildings - pride of Colorado Leaf Lard who could bring a delegation from First National Bank, Chicago to New York, and have them 10-pou- nd $1.15 pails.... engaged In trying to convert others pails...... ". . . .60 to their views, at their own expense, OF LAS VEGAS. N. M...... , . .40 as Mr. Dowle has done. His follow- .. . 65c Month pails.. -- - ers were all well dressed, and looked CROCKETT BUILDING, SIXTH STREET- Daily Optic, per as It they had plenty to eat, although Apples! Apples! Apples! I must say some- of the women were JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, President - very homely. Vice-Preside- Cheapl y Cheap! A, B. SMITH, nt I aee St. Louis bas been getting E. G. MURPHEY, 1.25 per boxlarge boxes. some of the financial excitement which E. D, RAYNOLDS, Cashier ; in Baltimore when I All kinds and prevailed last , HALLETT RAYNOLDS, Ass't Cashier wrote AH these runs on differ- 1 Varieties Crab for you. Apples Jelly ent cost a lot of money. The A GENERAL BANKING BUSS TRANSACTED Druggist express companies make out of finan COMPANY cial troubles, tor get paid for and GRAAF & HAYWARD, they INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS taking money to the institutions that Sash, Doors, Builders Hardware have to have it, and as soon as the 1 OtOCCRS. ISSUB DOMESTIC, AND FOKEIbN EXCHANGE Bookseller,! MJTCMCRSi I BAKERS. runs are over, they take it back again :i reserve cities. ' WALLPAPER. to deposit in Matters Block Las In east are Crockett Vegas are quieter the but prices HI ... some- terprlse. Tha Paso News, Sherwin-William- s' Paints. Jap-a-La- c. Elaterite no higher. times copies my letters from the Las For two years, 1900 and Roofing. Th campaign la Maryland la being Cruces Citizen,' but' when t was in 190 1, there was an almost total tiie If 1 ran prosecuted with unusual activity. the News office the last time I was failure of of the best red COAL AtJD f ns V crop Mr. Gorman's "-- tho demoorats win, In El Paso no person recognized me. Best for a can- pepper.: Schilling's got chance being presidential There were no and I sup all that came to United States. Chaffin & didate will be strength- MIR Duncan, very greatly pose that was the reason. I am not Another is not rara ened. He has" made some bitter at- redder; nearly Sixth Betwets Grand R. R. t seeking notoriety anyhow; we will Street, ssd so fine, not nearly so hot. tacks on r.esl5ent Roosevelt lately. all moet In the great beyond. Adlos. On of the fiercest is on the color SAMUEL G- - BEAN. Schilling's Best has always ' AAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAAA question. lie claims that the presi- been that one best what A St. Louis World's sort, Fair Osmn sMaf M. Exciteaeit Cansed by Secretary his treatmenfbf Booker T. Day dent,' by FIRST COTTON GIN ever its cost rwe'd rather lose Eitcketck's I ores tRation 8 Washington and other leading color- money a year or two of short HEADQUARTERS..:. ed tnon, bas demoralised ' the whole . . Pacific Coast Land crop. Information f race. Mr. Gorman does not confine IN NEW MEXICO Bureau bIp.PORSYTHE CO., Props, 'f M.arWckybmf .Wrap. ' himself to wherever bin Imagin- -- Frauds facts, . Cuisine and Servkc ation will serva- - better. The lab- best to be had THE IMPORANT PRODUCT BE oring men Y a band In the Positive information was received has been established 836 Bole Agents for Green Rlver.Old Grow, r" at Seventeeth Street, and Sherwood contest and favor the of ING RAISED WITH FLATTER-- I in that Hon. James Edgewood Rye rejection by parties Doming . ;. Whtskiks. . ; enator McComaes. Circulars are be- Waddill would move his from LAND LAWS AGAIN NO SUCCESS IN PECOS. family Denver, in charge of Phil P. Hitchcock, where Kansas City Steaks, ing used to help the republican can- St. Louis. Mo., to the Windmill City Fiib and Oysters in Season didates for the within the next three and that information be legislature. It really begins to appear as If the will cheerfully furnished. Cold Bottle PomerySec j The bishops of the Episcopal church can he would open an office for the Mnmm's Kxtra Dry. fertile soli of Now Mexico pro- prac Cor. Rall.oatf Avenue and Center Street American Health Association are having their conference here. tice of law. Mr. Waddill Is the pres ' duce any plant known to botanical Mecta In Wellington. Trusted They are in evidence everywhere. science when once water la secured. ident of the National Colony and San Christian Science and lMed The president received them yester- The experiments with cotton In the ltarlum company, and his presence A will located ... , day at tho white house, They were o,thorn part of the territory have where the sanitarium be j Dellolou g UNION entertained by music furntHhed by tho demonstrated that the plant can be Is calculated to expedite matters on Bread and Pastries ft marine band. - Many plans are being grown successfully and there is this scheme considerably. From our Special Correspondent. here, war. bamoh. jjjj discussed. no Mexico IntMl Life Insurance knowing but that Now may -- WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 30, 1003 Charles of Raton Phonm 77 i- national Arm. Company SOUTHARD P. WARNER. yet become famous for her cotton. Springer shipped one of the most startling eighty-eigh- t cars of cattle to Kansas Perhaps The Carlsbad Argus says: OF PORTLAND. MAINE. announce-- last Friday. events o the week la tlie Tuesday morning Engineer Waltor City his II (Incorporated 1848.) ' metn, by Secretary Hitchcock, that ADIOS Bollinger lit the fires under the boil "THE Danger In Fall Colds. The e, Investigation Into tho land fraud on cotton only insurance company operating under a state law of er of the engine at the gin, colds are liable to on all The Las Co. tirovidiiiR forextended insurance in case of three Hns . has Fall hang Vegas Telephone lapse after years. given the Pacific coast, which, he ami soon had to soparate better results in settl'-ineu- t things ready winter leaving the seeds of pneumon with living policy holders for premiums paid than been completed. He la not going to tho first cotton grown In the Pecos LINCOLN AVENUE. any other company. LAST WORD ia, bronchitis or consumption. Foley's Death claims with utmost make the result publlo at present, as from the seed. The first load Electric Poor paid the promptness and dispatch. Write any valley Honey and Tar cures quickly and pre Hell, Annunciators, form of policy that may be wanted, and contains the most liberal that would, in his opinion, defeat the direc- Hurirlar Aiurnm. mid 1'rlvHU) every policy appeared presently under the vents serious results. It Is old and at Jti'usmitible Kates. terms and best advantages.' ends of justice. However, ho looks tion of Senor Johiis Fcrlo, an employe SAMUKI, 0. BEAN PENNED reliable, tried and tested, safe and test EXCHANGE RATES V. wise as if he bad found a r and talks of tho Ramsey-Brad- and SiH pt-- U. company, ed, safe and sure, contains no opiates (iKncit: Annum II. ADAMS, Manager, Mare's nest, lie says soma officials yTER ON THE to be once. KnfioKKca: jli per Annum. something began doing at and will not constipate. For sale by New Mexico Arizona and Northwest Texas, of the government will be Involved, DAY OF HIS DEATH. Tho whistle that now marks the hours 3 LAS VEGAS. N. M. Depot Drug store. PHOENIX, ARIZONA but they will not be in tho senate. In company with the tooter which A. the advis- le a fact Siimuol The secretary lias In mind It noteworthy that K. SloKimr attached to the boilers at John Borlngor and Arthur Gregory the timber and tho he died Mr. Mean called at ability of amending tlay tho laundry, gave a whoop and the have purchased the Llttrcll saloon in stone act, and the homestead law, so wrote a letter on his fitvorito subject, wheels bcKnn to turn the fleecy stuff Raton. as to prevent future frauds. He Is irrigation, tho day of his death, and out of one end of tho big boxes and E. & E. sen- Bosenwald Son. Rosenvvald & Son. now conferring with tho western tllat the lent word of the letter, seem. drop the seeds down a chute the other "Watch the Kidneys" ators and representatives as they ar- Ingly prophetic of his approaching way. L. K. Ilumaey, who Is acting "When they are affected, life Is In rive. end, was "aillos." In the morning of as superintendent of the plant, was danger," says Dr. Abernethy, tho great Quite an excitement was caused yes- will begin to "rise to meet tho sun well plcaxed with the way the ma. English physician. Foley's Kidney terday by tho rumor that Plus bad the office of tho Las Cnicea Citizen chlncry workod and said that every Cure makes sound kidneys. For sale store. CORRECT been shot, which afterward quieted and left the lot tor, which read as thing would be running smoothly In by Depot Drug down to a attack cm him. follows: supposed a day or two. The Palace hotel dining room in 1 see the now that the The United States cngl papers say Irrigation So far all the cotton comes from Raton was Sunday by Frank Styles in'Ladies' and Misses' whole from the a of IUntscy-Drad- excitement resultod neors, party handsome, wiry tho ranches of the Callahan. alute of a drunken admirer, . young follows fresh from the states, company in La Hucrta, and while this is In com- The American health association well up their business, have was by no means a favorable year, it Ha Learned a Great Truth. now in session here. Several hun- pleted the survey of the dam site, and Is thought that tho entire feasibility It is said of John Wesley that he JACKETS once said Mistress dred members and men who are in- Mr. Jones, the wizard of the anger, is of cotton Irri- of Wesley: "Why the plan of raising by do tell that child tne same terested in improving the public for the bed rock. Within six you thing boring gation has boon indicated and that over and over again; "John Wesley health are exchanging views. The months or less time the great walls the acreage will be largely Increased becausn once telling Is not enough." FALL 1903. mosquito comes in tor a very large will begin to "rise to meet the sun next year, though, of course, much de- It Is for this same reason that you are told and that Cham shore of blaiuv, and he U charged iu Ma coining," and their laud will upon the In regard to again again pends reports berlaln's Remedy cures colds with to extend yellow fever. the richest bottom land Cough We have on most-comple- te helping go up. Land, the profits of the year's business. and grip: that it counteracts any ten display the a discus- In - There was quite protracted the world, tho famous River Nile Messrs. Ramsey and Brady have dency of these diseases to re- 't in collection of and sion on the Un- not now than and that it ia nd stylish yesterday subject. excepted, is choapcr worked hard on what was entirely an pneumonia, pleasant te as these safe to take. For sale by all druggists. up-to-da- ever exhibited doubtedly, such conferences It evor will be again in the world experiment, standing to lose a Inrge garments do much to improve the deficien- I this out as a Now is was here.'!: This was tery give pointer. sum of money If their faith Judge Oliver returned to Raton stock bought and cies of tho medical profession. the time to purchase; unimproved and deserve to make money Monday from his visit to Chicago and selected our from the Cloak Manufactur- Mrs. Marlatt, wife of C. L. Msrlatt, lands ran be now for two and very carefully by buyer largest bought In the buslnesa in which they are the other points. of ers in New York includes the latest Parisian Novelties assistant in the bureau entomology. three dollars an acre, that could not local pioneers. City. It all our died Her case at be In now for ten yesterday evening. bought a year from From present Indications the yield To Curs a Cold In One Day cloaks are lined throughout with the best satin. as she vat tracted considerable attention, dollars, and all the lands In the wilt average a bale and a halt to the Take Bromo Quinine Tablets. and died ISO. bad been sick for along time ley will go up to You can't keep acre. All refund If druggists the money it ; without attention. . The cor We show the iMplieal a good valley down. Whenever the The plant Is driven at present by falls to cure. B. W. Grove's signa We show the oner a certificate of death from or gave foundation stones that dam are the old engine which did such good ture Is on each box. 25 cents. Corset Fitting Jacket, Box Back Coat, belted Inflammation of the stomach. Mrs. laid everybody will know that means service for the irrigation company, Marlatt. was an ardent believer in as Semi-Fittin- g ; water, and plenty of it And the though electrical powej may be used Mr, and Mrs. Fay Gillespie of Raton blouse with Christian Science, and re- dam rises lam will rise.. and there are " persistently when the Improvements upon the pow bare gone to their Ute creek ranch : Coats " fused medical attention. Even- when hundreds of' who want cape people to got er dnm are completed. from other points. military became known illness 4 mili- It that her a piece of the Mesllla valley if It fitted back with Silk velour, 42-- in long, would terminals fatally.unless modi should be a few acres. There only tary shoulder capes 50-I- n cat skill was summoned, she still In are some who have rusty dollars they The aisled npon relying oh her faith. 'Her have been hoarding for year and Tight Fitting husband pleaded with her, but alt to some have dollars and gold pieces to 75he Prince Albert Shape. Raglan. no effect She still refused to see a throw at birds. They would like to "IFS" of Life physician. It Is Quite remarkable to buy ten acres to build a handsome Make the guarantee of Insurance in The Mutual Life Insurance aee how msny people of fine attain cottage on, and plant in flowers and Colli jmny of New York valuable beyond all calculation. The follow- xnents and large education earnestly fruit trees and vineyards. They would ing Instance Is only one of thousauds: advocate the cause of Christian Set take pleasure lo beautifying It. and The lam Arrhll.ald N. Waterhnuw. of Philadelphia, who died laal Krlilar, Iixltl anuxiiitltif to SNi.utiA la tht Mutual nce, and risk their lives In case of have it as a reaort In a climate where ... A pnllrlna... 1 ...... fciirtit.,iH.irniM .Aniiimij in loin. I in.iirHiitr nimri extreme illness. and ncv hli-- litem. mlrlra wi"e IMUril. were n in.i.niii!..In t h'i wl'.ow will epidemics, famines cyclones t Our Prices from to rwww at tMi-- :.( ia ami an annual litooine of 14 n for twi u range $5.oo $42.5o 1 was over to New York a couple er prevail. Besides all this, we will tf trara. ami If he la llvtiur at the erd if Hint berlml alio will Sfo,n in niakltM a i.Mal amount rwvle.l tlirao win went to the Medlson truck-garde- rah, n.ulr pulli'lra of days ago, and have from two to three SlMMXiim wlil.'b Urn iirrmlmiia vald tr Mr. Uaiorhouw aiuouulMl Hi Square garden to tee John Alexander era raising vegetables and gardens so imlj ftf.MO. iKmro the Pbllatli-lplil- Kecord, No,l., IMC.I Dowle, prophet Elijah Third. I must as to take to El Paso. I like El Paso, Iu writing state what you would like to receive In cash at the aay the papers do him a great In I used to live there, and 1 like to see end of limited payment, amount you would like your liene-llclar- y Don't Justice. He bad a very large audi the great city of the southwest loom to receive. Buy ence the evening I attended, and many Ing up. I knew alt tho old timers seemed to be in sympathy with blm, there, and there Is a few of them Till you have seen our line. It is Joining in the prayers and music in there, aud there are a few of them MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF worth a respectful manner. I was not Ira now, but tho gnat majority of my looking at. pressed by what he said, but was as acquaintances have passed over tho Otdast LarSMit the number of bis or to other field of tt In NEW YORK In in tontshej at large range, gone Amarlra RICHARD A, McCVRDr. Pras'l Wotld

er DARBY A. Always ftesne-b- the DAY, Manager, Albuquerque, N.N. E. Rosenvvald & Son, - South Side Plaza ftuinine ; , jfLvrPorao J en every W. G. OGLE, Dist. Sunt.. . LAS VEGAS .N.M. CsrssaColdiaOMCiy.CfVMSEayt Sf'&p? box. 2Sc j LAS VEGAS DAILY ' Q1T1C XOVEMBKK 3, li)03 '

: esef:-sff-i - .. , 1 TifcySi?'''' " TRACK AND TRAIN J X&rJ .. . . It " it Mr. ' George T. Hill, I CP7f UPMnv T E. Las Vegas, N. M. Engineer Unrig is oft. n'rr- Dear Sir: You ar the only agent wa Fireman Williams is sick. r win j The Lending and only Inclusive Dry Mvs in Las Vsgss during Coodti House hi Liw Vega y . ths present season. Ingineer Lynch has reported. Yours Truly, To sweeten, colds and ALFRED PEATS CO. Ingineer Roberts gets a brief rest Dispels On 4 . Special Sale Prize Wall Paper. Ingineer Hartly rests for one trip To refresh, headaches when a - Fireman Jessoy is on the invalid To cleanse the bilious con- I Umple Now On Dtaptay t list. or Ladies' Silk ft , a a Waists system, i Fireman Heydt is still hors de com stipated; Geo. T. I'M

bat. , Effectually We offer Home For men, women extraordinary phone 140. nthlasdatkiHl. X Engineer Martin has come back to ti x duty, )and Gently; and children; Bargains valued from $5.50 to $7.50,! in Fireman King Is taking a good whole Crepe, holiday. Tafetta and Peau de Soie The enlargement to the round house Acts best on ,,r- 2nd Rand m growing rapidly. Otaiar. I SelliErerjtlui j ; the Engineer Blevins is on the deck of kidneys La VI mi La his pet locomotive otra vex. of Syrup, Figs; and liver 4 ,WWVWWWVMUMWWWW " MyMI Sale Price Fireman Quigley looks sorrowful Dene-- I THE He Ml to its stomach and ' has just flnjshed a pleasant vaca get i .act lion. ficial effects bowels; SIXTH STREET X x "n LAS VEGAS I DININC. Dnrtu El t Friday's Paso Herald has a nice imii mint i ... AND ... big Interesting bunch of railroad news Always bay the genuine Manufactured the by MOST EXCELLENT under the expressive heading, "Pink ) SERVICE and Lin." Gross, Kelly & ) IN THE CITY ' '' Company IS FOUND AT General Superintendent Connors of the Hocking Valley and allied lines (Inoorporatadt) ., 1 has announced the American IpRKIAfiCiSYRUP that Railway association has decided to 7 .'. ... &t 5W DUVALL'S abandon on January 1 next the opera- WHOLESALE HERCHANTS A. j tion of all trains by telegraph orders a'. on all double track roads In the The CENTER STREET. feu rf ti. 'cZSmZZ . on ssrw? tr you arc to meet A report is current that the St. PHW a, of r Las Vegas and Albuquerque, New Mexico. ant M vTpZ fRICNDS Paul will extend its lines to the Pa- AT THE DEPOT cific coast two Chair- mk'X TAKE TNEM TO within years. man Miller denied an interview cred- DUVAU'S... ited to him In which the statement re- FOR A the extension Is terved his apprenticeship. Ho has garding said to have THE MEADOW CITY. such broker In New Mexico. The HIDES GOOD DINNER. held his PELTS A SPECIALTY appeared. Local St Paul officials say present position for about retail merchants, of Las Vega, are Wj)0L, A! they are satisfled with the present a year and his ciiren good satlslac tome more numerous, and carry larger and ""WWaaAAMaaaaaaAaj Thing About La Vega Not better traffic arrangement with the Union Hon, besides making many friends all stocks of goods than do the re- . Generally Known to th tail merchants nf anv nth in which along the line. . ' .' i.n Pacific, gives them a coast out this Territory or Arizona. IIIIIIIIIIUI let. Outside World. a a Las Vegas has two dally and six dross & Richards John Nichols of Topeka Is Co., Tucumcarl, N. M. HOTEL CLAIRE visiting Las weekly papers, three banks, three The Santa Fe la a bis uncle, H: S. Grout, at Vogas.meanlng "The Meadows," working big building and loan associations, six ho- Z :' SANTA m. as 4 foree of men on the stone N. M. Nichols will 8 the covinty seat of San Miguel coun-y- , rr. up quarries leave Albuquerque tels, many boarding houses, nine - - lies both . near Watrous. Several hundred men In a few days for San Bernardino oi side of the Oalllnas churches. a nnmh .it Fire Proof. Elaatrla are out white where he iver, and. with Its suburbs, has about and all of th leadlnr rlrfn r,il Lukui talcing the stone with will enter the employ of social Latter Head Stoam Hoau4. 0,000 socieUes; a roller flour mill, I ' Contrallr Laoatod. Z which the road Is so bal the Santa Fe. Inhabitants. ' splendidly Envelopes X wa . It has excellent capacuy, nrty barrel per day; CO Batha anal , lasted In the mountains. The bud- water works, are nve woll-acouri- n RRECT up natahiutimaiita i..n, well-fille- Not Head T Throushaut. d hemitlfnl P'y seems to be inexhaustible, and store, n.u.. cleaning 8,000.000 pounds of wool an- - junn nogers. zi years old. from and BLaaniZfat lncandi)8cent electric plant, uubiiv: a, weii-miinn- COMMERCIAL Programs La"e Snvmpia Com. when it comes out of the crushers light hnvn . Salt Lake City, iud his liamt run celephone exchanges, headquarter of bottllnc eatahUahmant maralBl Men. the stone makes the best and hand' the Atchison . Invitation over by a coal train at Starkville ratiwav oi mineral ana mai.f. Amorioan W Earasoon somest railroad Mexico imn carbonated waters; Plao. J ballast in the world Wednesday He been division, together with rail- three wagon and sad PRINTING Catalogs morning. tad road machine and carriage factories; bis over shops die and harness factory; a foundry, Blank Book GEO. E. ELLIS. beating way the Santa Fe WOrkS. StOCk Varris ttnil In ran .1,..,. The Kansas City Southern at electric light plant, three planing Book , Proattatat shopa and Tuesday crawled Into an emntv shearing and dipping plants. ana Receipt an:o flhreveport, are closed or muis, otner enternrlses of lesa im MatakA La., under coke oven, In his sleep he thrust West of the river, the old town has MM M ders the portance. va.aj from Kansas City. Between 250 his arm out of the d:orwar across the quaint and picturesque Mexican . A City hall. fOlir nilhtln axhnnl and 300 men are affected. Is off- appearance &dnh hnnuu urn u n l.IM. It track. He i i lUKS. Court-hous- remembered nothlnz of - Maannln (amnio nn. icially stated that the suspension Is the from ywy.v " n era In ether ward night tho time be went to customs, handicraft and occupations; house, Territorial Normal school temporary and is the result of a pol- but ana territorial Insane We O'BYRNE !eep until the wii.ols were on his the plaza and all of the new town asylum and pub turn out east of lic Evarythln FOR." icy of retrenchment. However, the hand. He is cared for at the the river, constitute a distinc- Duuaings, constructed of red and tive American White Sandstone. linaurnn1 In haan. Ve Optic Job Rooms Prtnter knowa closing down of the shops la under- hospital at Trinltla.i city. The streets are How to wide and well while sidewalk ty by similar edifices in any town, of do) ? ) stood to have been hastened by labor graded, abound, shaded with growing trees. qum size, in me states. COAL WOOD trouble, the union men Insisting on Three Darks,. filled with.. ro The latitude la about aama - The passenger rate clerks, who - UU ha non-unio- n the discharge of a fore- trees, aaa to the beauty and healthful-nes- s that of central Tennessee, while the al-- - have been in session at El man. Paso for of the place. Handsome and tuuae i neany e.bou reet This com the last few LAS days, goinir over the and Innumerable lawns, set in grass blnatlon gives a peculiar, but most VEGAS IRON WORKS Rio Grande rate sheet and revising and adorned ' with shrubbery and baDDV. reSUL In tha vlnta A big dance a . dance "as is a it, finished their flower, combine to proclaim a cultur- the day, the thermometer seldom falls, 1902 dance" will be in labors Saturday. A ed nr an held the new store community.- - DonnpniipH - . nnj iu iuo anaae, nemw forty degrees, anil number of changes in the tariff have era comfort while It Foundry Machine Chop. room of the Dunlavy Mercantile com- and convenience. often runs n the sunshine, to Mill and been made, but they are only minor La Veeas In thm nunm sixty five decrees op van Mining Maohinory bailt and repaired, Uaohlne work pany at Estancla about the middle of mnM H. promp done All 17ALL PAPER matters. Before vote rlum of the United the other la ly kinds of OaatttiR made. for Chandler November. A closing a was States, combining hand, the summer, the An special will leave over more natural neat is never In ' o.In'ffn.'p00-- ' Eagi2k P0'16 and 8w M'u, Wetater and Union ' ' taken as to where the next meeting advantages than any oppressive, the shade, A larjra and elevant Una the Santa Fe Central for the benefit other place In America. Her thermal and no nleht la inn warm tnm M..n. lwl'!l?2SV,i,B1 "o6"' Pjnplnir Jacks. Best power for or the committee would take nlace of the latest ' . of the Capital City guests, which will water are the equal of the Hat fortable sleep, under one or two nrj d. and it was decided to hold the next BDriDKB or whlla sign just in return after the dance. W. P. Arkanau ho. ii.. oianaeis. Tut sun win ih m nin. Clarke, . session In Kansas City. Mo., on Anrll .uuuue.y superior. There I no days out of eyrry ten, the year round. at...., land and Industrial agent for the San malaria, no excessive At mm Z6. 1904. - ha va WlUa uu This. With the extreme rirvnnaa nf tha J. c. ADLon, ta Fe Central and the .. rats or Pennsylvania ... gnats, mosquitoes. The air is air, caused by the ver slight preolp- - pnopmnron. R. P. HESSER- - Development company, la boosting the pure, ary, rarued. and highly electri- iiauoa oi moisture;' th resinous aro- fied ' The warranty deeds a certain cum tnr" pln-cla- d big affair. ' i conveyinz the " WHBUUiyMVII. ma, rolling down from th Painter .; ,..'m properties of the Choctaw, Oklahoma mountains; tha larva umum nf aiaa. 'I f hat waters 1 , ft m a specific for llTsr- - trlclty in th air, and th t Paper Hangar. Texas, the Chicago, Rock Island ft -- consequent Roy Dean, a lineman In the' era vtu, rueumsuic ana Diooa llsorders. oson a Oraod Ave., app. 8aa Mlfual MaLBaail Mexico, and the resulting from the altitude; and ploy of the Santa Fe railroad, la in Chicago. Rock Island Her Ifontesuma hotel Is the finest hos- the location Of the town, land lnoka.! ft between ChiTAM Texas railway companies to the telry inri by mountain and mesa con-- Topeka for the purpose of receiving sad la these all Chicago, Rock Island ft Gulf com- situated In a beautiful canyon, to proaac an which treatment at the local hospital of that uvv mnmrm t. spir atmospntr luiiN ixum" lown. ha .va is a balm to all road. Dean was on pany have been filed for record In diseases of the respi- recently ridln: vriDKB. lorxTw in nnmTis.i- f Mmaa uuu orcana. Austin, Tex. sum vviuv kii ratory Tha naranlaa a hand-ca- r near Kaw O. when The named In the to th aorface. Beside City, T., nf this. death from is lower In ! . deed as - consumption ...... ' lie suddenly lost his balance and fell being paid for the Choctaw, sb Aswony- tMuutanam, conducted nw ai?Hico man it is anywner else Oklahoma ft Texas com by the Slater of and the United MlatM. between the rails directly In front .of by the Gulf Charity, the la ui m nikaa Is 11.200.000;' Pis'a 8anltart am. eoaiaMmA i n. Dlaca in New Umwtra awrala f v.aa. the car. The car passed over him pany for the Chicago, i. RAILAGE Rock Island in me saiuonv or climate. Asth. a a YftlUAXIVAV2:ZU and he received many the ft Mexico, 11.000.000. and iu Injuries, w Yens Is the Htntrfhntin. In tha Way nf hnatth an4 nfaaa.... which was wrench- for the Chicago, Rock Island ft Texas. fo. most severe of a aearlr- all- New ' n. v. resort. La Veiaa la nnrlvalail. In a $3,500,000. These formal mj luv ed back. transfers of Atchison system, she has connection radlu of twenty miles. In romantic THAT MADE enTAPposimam . the Rock Island lines In Texas tc the with Kansas on the east, Colorado on uiuuuiain ana bcsiu a the Ariiona giens babbling VEGAS"Ti;lii ADKStAStC Ol'ATm Chicago, Rock Island ft Gulf nilway north, and California on uiuuuiain orooKs. are th Las Vegas R. S. Wickersharo,' assistant ngi the west and Texas anil hm jS OOURTtOUS ATTtX SDrlnes. company are In compliance with au v Mvaivvu..i. hot Harvav'a. PI flOM neer of tests of the coast lines, was on the south. Besides these, she has i thority granted at the last session of more umaes, nparas' Hapello, Itoclada, In Santa Fe last week on his way to stage line, connecting her with auu oiner places, to; numerous t the Texas legislature. tributary than ha SANTA FS, . tt.Z7. San Bernardino hi headquarters. territory, any other mention, whero health can b recov town in New Mexico. Thl ered, and life heroines a RETAIL Mr. Wlckorsham has Jitut hi? Includes territory pleasure to PRICEO i reslgne.1 the entire section east and the ennuye, the invalid, th over ac- The question of whether or not the south of position with tho Santa Fe to the mountains, and com- worked business man. 2.000 lbs or . more each 10c 100 lh ticket brokers of St. Louis are the delivery. oer an cept a good offer from the Chicago A going prises counties of Colfax, Mora This Territory ta rich In avarathlna to be to sell world's Taos, San Miguel, Santa 1,000 to lb$. , Northwestern, upon which line lis permitted fair Fo, Socorro, Iron, copper, coal, lead, sliver, 2,000 iScDcrlOOIhc Monuments i)ona Ana, gold, at. railroad tickets at a dlcount next Grant, Chaves, Lincoln, ant that constitutes the wealth of Eddy .with parts of Valencia tnd Bur nation, 200 to 1,000 lbs - was beforo r mica, limestone, 20c 100 We want nil year the supreme court nallllo a lare-e- than n m sandstone, marbles, per lb In marble brown r country K"VDSUm.S& In onrilnaa tarlala . and stone, men and In Jefferson City the other day. The England. This takes In sickly the famous exhaustless are th SUto Z00 lbs. 25c All work guaranteed. worn a ti question Is an Important one, as It vaney or tee Kio Grande, and the less quantities, among Der(00lM knnwthiitffoorlto several products of the country which Less Yards, oorner Tentb street and affects the rates to bo offered the famous, but not less ATfAllnnt valla than 50 lbs " 0e. mo ih 4 health will re- of Pecos las vegas commands. Sheep, cattle, w w swnrw W aa Douglas avenue. the the flnt fruit 1 turn if public during the world's fair months. of nm and lumber abound, so that In each they the west of 5 S . ft will only The railroads Into Louis these prim article of commerce MILES SWEENEY. try running St There are nlirht- ?arer Prop. - rj thi I tha the Hitters. desire to sell low-rat- tickets nuuirtniQt,i..t. city best market la New Uundredshave during bouses, whose trade titanili .... t.. Mexico. She handle more wool than the fair, but on the condition out the - found this true that the Territory, and Into th ad- all the other town In th Territory It alwaygcuret returns are not to be handled by the juiuins sections; wane th volume of combined, while her commerce In bides thl trade, and value of th Is - Indigution, ticket To prevent this, the the nocks truly enormous. In th am way AGUA WhaleMl an- Retail Dealer I scalper. which they carry, rannnt Ha sb PURA Coiuiipttion, railroad secured an ji,nii.. stands for her trad CO., BiliomncM, companies Injunc- ed of Kansas City and south of In CZAh tion from wi grain, hay, vegetables, and other KAY, AZD Dyiptpita, or the circuit judges of St uenver. inree merchanU' brokers farm while her trad HD Louis hav products; la lc. CFnzii CSO Dousiam MaltrU, f vcr againsx the ticket broken to re- selected th city as tbslr dis- gathered la th neighboring mountain Avmmu, Stock Ml AfM. Securitj Fc;J strain' them from dealing ta world's tributing center, th amoont of their canyon, extends east Into Kansas Urn Vezm, u P!lry it today sales axeMdinv Kw toxbo. Try fair ticket. early i. h. west Into Arisoaa, and south lato 014 4 Cstms Avtsajt. atv tk coxabUied sal af all oUsr t ' VaaaiiMal4 CilstasHsaMCS UXaVKj a v - - 7 4 & JLW ilk v '

is the multitude of technical barrier which ts a dishonest prequlslte. Graft It meanest and lowest form of thievery. practice baa placed about prompt he (Dpttc. - confiden- Mind doctor: gailu workinca. The most desplcablo trim- The pickpocket betrays no your I fear that his ces, and the cautious man can guard for Trade. BY loal need have but little PUBLISHED ' nimble-Angere- Holiday ! himself the Opening crime will meet with prompt punish against Co a thief. and the The Las Vegas Publishing ment, and he undoubtedly enjoys species of The burglar He says: "Ayer's of risk their lives in their Una nloo a Gift Is open ESTABLISHED 11879. alight bono that the administration highwayman Our Immense of everything for Holiday tech- are open and JEWELERY, Justire will be thwarted by aome plunderlngs. They for your early selection DIAMONDS, WATCHES, Editor. a enemies of and boldly JAMES GRAHAM MeNARY, nicality In the proceedings or that avowed society, Pectoral STERLING SILVER, CUT GLASS andFINE CHINA the Its laws dare It penalties. Cherry L. R. ALLEN, Business Manager. pardon will be obtained through defy and chances for ask no meed or respect from infliipnce of friends, the They ft Avast na.. Our ' Lot Vraa Quality and Price Pride ( ii ikt mmtnflc at which are undoubtedly greater with those they would rob. They quarrel for IwU, Mm. v.if as crim coughs." ' All facts have not that brands them ' UP-TO-DA- every day's delay. these society Every thing NEW and TE. Do not fall to visit Our Store mul. a deeu impression upon the puu inals. The forger operates against while we are the NEWEST of ALL is undeniable that those who are trained to be on guard now- - I during NOVEMBER, showing He mind, and It seriously than we do Indeed, NOVELTIES the HOLIDAYS. this consciousness of the limitations against bis villainy. think that the chief Importance of for of - Rate Subscription. and obstructions which are placed "Compared to the grafter, the pick- the efforts at reform is that they open more than ..I J about the law has done pocket, burglar, highwayman, forger people's eyes to the truo character from Nov. 15 to Jan. lot. Iail. pnrwoek. ycarrlr....carrier.. ., Hi the who aim to secure money Open Evcninrjo telly. month, by ...... anv and all other things to impel ind others and magnitude of the evils, and thus lrpuruMWiib, by niMll. tUJ in t(lr, three nmuUia, by mull. .. to so often take Justice Into without returning a fair equivalent for necessary change' of Itoiir. mull...... 4 00 people pave the way imonUi,ly 7 11 courts service are of some )lly, n their own hands. That the joods or deserving public opinion. The actual duration JEWELER II. .. too de- Wmkiy Uplift uer var. of Justice are not accorded the rever of respect. The grafter of a reform government in any city elevat- ! uttioiiHiiiC' ence and which siiouiu liberately robs those who have but the left R. J. MwBalBihild report respect they may be short, impression TAUPERT, i tm t f rem or lnMoU-- it interest of or hon- OPTICIAN command and which the best ed him to a place power by the campaign which preceded the of the government demand that they or. Ignoring that splendid instinct election of that government Is far DOUGLAS AVENUE. OrUiroronn)pllnU can us oo command, is due to this powor which Impels a gentleman to do more and more than peo 606 urrion or In utifwm. must longer permanent by telephone, ixnuU. m.,ra than to other for friendB than he would do for mat- Wk .....uvK any bis ple suppose, and usually prevents or the Th Outlo 'Ill not,:jnar ny clrcun." fact. It is satisfaction to the lay his own pleasure, preferment, ters from going back to quite a bad tMUVWL rwpolmlKe tor Hie return ur M Mo have so distinguished a Jurist plunder those who have giv in which had fn keeping of hot rvecUl niariuwsript. man to grafter a condition as that, they oa Uii made to ruie, win load in the demand en him the of their prop ; . mir win as Judge Brewer guardianship been previously, , , , concern of tbelr Interests. & editor uuir lnu onrrwipouiiotto for reform. erty or the watching ;4 in rnn- i- to hta critics In the New The guest who steals from the table Keep After the Grafters. divides of the silver spoons which Dr. David Starr President WELL DRESSED TUESDAY EVENINO, NOV. . 1903. J YOrk Independent, the Justice his host By Jordan, them Into three classes the lawyers are placed by bis plate, has in him of Stanford University, California: one who are interested lu prolonging liti- the making' of a successful grafter. The problom of graft Is no new 23,600,000 a com- No man can be well dressed unless he spend own the per- His mean, Is small in the of the world. Kipling possibly pays' gation for their benefit; crime, though history . i 1. 1 T1V XI I- - Its" common schools'. The robs the is year: tor son who are associated with those pared to the public official who tells us that the secret hid under tnougntiui auenuon zo ms snoes. xi luo suues schools of Uie entire Country cost the whom an entire com- is of of the engaged in wrong doing, and to not one friend, but pyramids that the graft, neat the other clothes over one halt billion chief are not and dressy, laspayur the idea of prompt and certain punish' munity of his fellow citizens." contractors that built thera. The and good cltuons difference is that we now recognize will not redeem the appearance. ment is offensive; IN KANSAS. the restric BOODLINQ use of to extort who actually believe that Is the public authority J The pen of William Allen White . Is a as a form of and we im ,.- - ,...-.- nllm. or4 1.240 tion of the rluht of appeal grlev money robbery Will "M"- - - ' " being used most effectively In the In . - ,f ri,l. wrnnir. To thin latter class he have a good strong word to cover all Look at This Shoe T ',, and follow-i- n terests of decency good govern In less ex addresses bis argunieuta. The such things, the word graft. caso, Omaha, Buffalo and farts ment Just now In Kansas. It Is sharp ouotatlon from hi article will happy times the same thing was called It is a PACKARD shoe made of position togulber er than a two edged sword and in a glazed ...I. . meat the widest approval among those Dloty and patriotism. rocont article in the Emporia Gazotte of kangaroo leather. It has a soft chamois The superstition long cc,PlBa who bel0Ve that there Is no great The only way of abating the evil , It said some about Governor among raurwou u , radical limitations or the things Is to keep at It, never to forget skin lining. It is a heavy double sole; who a weak broth- graft ways come In serie or tnrees win Bailey" has proven what It Is and never to honor those will right of appeal: made him It is just the shoe to wear well; keep have to be discarded or amended to the of- er, which probably squirm. It. The evil of oppres "No matter how aggravated who practice will solid comfort. in Tlew. of the recent dis- con- We quote the conclusion of his article, we make men itsH shape; give you read "four" fense, how clear the guilt, the sion disappear as aster on the Santa Fe. on ai in which Mr. White temporarily The evils of disappear victed narty, by simply Insisting in strong. graft until sheathes bis sword and indulges act the followers appeal, postpones further action when men think clearly and Several thousand of J called gen is Reasonable In th what might be "glittering Let each man attack his The Price $5.00. of Dowlo the quiet- hearing can be had appellate honostly. prophet, departed eralities oecause mey couio uo y and we shall Dowie nnnrL and that often means a long own partlcularjsrafter ly for Chicago yesterday. piled with equal truth to a large ma- of Wil- delay. ! Astute counsel have been busy see what happens. , should profit by the example jority of the states and territories M and establish during the trial seeking to Introduce Co. liam Randolph Hearst in the United Stses: "Make the Head Sick." Shoe aome error In the proceedings, and Tmpie Sporleder a syndicate of newspaper before be In success- - "There Is too much boodllng Dy Bishop Samuel Fallows of Chicago: to the ll'tbij m the foundation for a undertakes reach goal ojJfif Kansas, too much covering things up is making the whole po McRoberts and lul ado wuun vm Grafting Mrs. Luclnda THE ROOF THAT LAST- S- ambition.' appeal,, for the of and for the sake commercial mSltftuifc of rules which havei""been sake party litical head sick and the daughter Miss Nannlo of Baton left obslrfa of harmony. Harmony is desired very Ant. are full of wounds Matnmo-.- b p The Question of the proper down In respect to. trials, it Is heart f They last Thursday evening for jad c ..... much In the of Kans has In- ance U the Sunday closing law iq, tty tnai me cuunt republican party and bruises which dishonesty Springs. Ark., where they will Spend B nrXHKrarige appouaie to it with the of sore territory wtU not down. Decent. po. flmlserror and awards a new trial. as, but buy price flicted, and the putrefying several weeks for the benefit of tho honor that Is asking too much. Gov- which has caused. Warranted to outlast other roof if painted every pit ail over the territory desire Jfts In-- of a homicide the dead bribery former's health. any tkraso ernor Bailey can make himself the been taken for by six Now use 1 on some or tne miuaings enforcement and they win hHr?H man & forgotten and the ympathlo It has granted years. largest most popular governor Kansas ever Indifferent or puum: Low in the We will show you some that has been sooner or later In every district $t the bp , with the flvine defendant All an complacent New White Hat Price. city, had If will take off his coat and man to obtain in use for and is a good as ever. territory and more Uian likely sootT.' In favor of the A he that when a pays largely The Mlsse O'Brien, Bridge street, years mat(pvComblne neither frffmd " 4 , go to work, knowing an office, be muBt get back a far larg received a new lot of the popular New Mexican. tebdant ana against me puun, have nor foe till his work' Is done. Good er return outside or nis felt in white for ' as experience shows, too often results legiumuv rough heaver and r.lOORE LUMBER CO. Last year the total coal production ex- ' - Iird! How Kansas would take such compensation. It has become the. wear. They are of an- - In the gulUy man's escaping punish- street and dress of the country bituminous and . holder la admis a man to brr heart." perience of almost every office reduced on all hat now. was over 800.000,000 short ment. Such fesult a tacit fering prices (hradte in 10-- 1 IT 1 to be either directly or OIVCS trie RcMAJ& sion that there something radically EPIDEMIC. approached btP tons, an increase of 10,000,000 ofer THE "GRAFT" the who desires Saier WtotJMa our present modes or crim of directly by grafter This Increase was found whol,f' The following expressions opin- a In his In- When In need of stylish riuTT.e"sMrr?5CN!Aii lt. inal him to become partner procedure. eminent Americans are taken rock-botto- Kravit in the bituminous production, ion by famous transactions. The grafting lob work at prices, con from remarkablo symposium on owlni to the lone strike, j AN,' ADMIRABLE DEFINITION. the devil often assume the garb of an suit your own interest and The Op tr,U.;0 ton of the auu which was printed by the M.000,000 abort precedlg There 1 so mucn being saia "graft" ansiol of light. He offers the one bold tic office at the aamo time. S?'sQ v The loss in the antua Eagle: vfismoN. Good year. actual written about "grafting" these day Brooklyn Inc a nubile trust a "rske on even V N. I to 40 por of Than Murder and Theft ft OV" cite output estimated be that ht Is well to get a clear Idea Worse on a. contract which may be the low Perry Onfon pay cash and good - Arthur of Yalo Stuff cent. bust what hi crime a'nrt go'0- By President T.,Hadloy est that Is offered anJ, therefore, orlce tor household goods. Monte consist of. The fol university: Carlo HalL Cola Phone No. ML 143-t- l la.I ment and society claim that no bribery can be charged The Santa re New Mexican ad or scheme of Is an excellent deflnltlon In the very complicated of the people v-- convention li lowing But thu to use a gift C an fo( - aaa vocating early of Dsnte's Infer ; and m fibifsitrr modern term. We recom 'pains and penalties for Is a betrayal of Chicken dinner Wednesdays asa.O",r election of to the repulll private purposes - TURNER'S delegates the and the poli- no, he assigns what Is perhaps the when a con annilav mt tha ImnertaL jfsaui.',.. national convention to be hold mend that people one's civic position. But Sixth Street Market. ran It most of all SOLD BY - ticians of New Mexico read disagreeable punishment Is made for a distinct personal next The favor ndld- of tract year. Range to the people, who use positions It It Imm If consideration, whatever may be, O. G. SCHAEFCH, tng the convention In Vegas and trust as means of making HoufC Store. ! 'Graft la the extorted profit from an power a la downright depravity. Opera Druj IIMIMIMMI tha miioritv of the renuhllcan com them as very Las Ye 'Phona 131 official in representative position or em money. He regardod One must make tho best bargain Purs rruganrt Mrdlclnrs. mlttee doe not conclude that Raton much worse thsn murderers and 10ME ONE Prescriptions Uaratullv Compounded ployment. It Is the purchase price oi possible In the business transactions Las Roller Mills,! Is a more desirable meeting place, but did the Yeas an unfair favor; an accepted bribe In thieves, and so respectable connected with his office, but the office auca Insistence on the data of WHERE why consideration of which the tender Is people of his time. tnn must rean the benefit. Whatr OME J.R.SMITH, Prep the convention being early T Raton I do not bollevo that there will be permitted to violate or evade a law. ever of good may come must Wholesale and Retail Dealer la we have so personal lOME TIME H.E, VOGT&CO Z Range. Is stolon In to a any real remedy until be en t Graft money perfidy t.o nurelv Incidental, and thus CORN . a to take FIOUR, GRAHAM, NEAl,BRAnZ A Investigation of the confidence reposed In a representative. educated public , opinion frei from the taint of corrup SANITARY painstaking a deal more tircly find a better but- PLiaM increased cost ct living and of tha' rate it is the price of omcial dishonor, it these public wrong great tion. May WHEAT, tTC. of wages in the United States in re- A man can advance hi own bus! ter, but for eleven years Blfhestessh price Steam and paid for Mllltn Wheat f cent year ha been completed by the ness interest in a way that he cannot Hot Water uoiorsao oeea n nea. mr owt m 1 national department of tabor. A sum Justly follow a a representative of the Heating LAS VgQAS, N. M. mary only of tha report has a yet people. Blsfhop Huntington u not too "MERIT" MIIIIHM HI bee made public but lhat unwary Yoaro tho Standard wnsnini: when he ay. "Bribery Promptly Doie. Fifty has had NO Kepiiriis cootain natter of considerable note the les bribery, . whether paid EQUAL " Hor THEY 1 u fc rxum uccrtalntd that id a man' pocket or hi .pontic ,..;f..ji, v,',. '' " '','" Oornar Seventh and Doagla Ave. kaa not Increased, or bank note, We have sold it eontinnotw--? LIGHT THE WORLD the coat ft hi nalate. in gold ' - a has been asserted, wore than one- electioneering lift, a professional as If for that length of , mirth tint nnl atmut one-sixt- and litanc or a upper party.. Financial time. the M(rtarTi5ri'D. 'Wright, "nader political, professional,; convivial, they niDERTY whose auHrrtsIoa th Inveitlgwtlon are all of one debauched and accumea was made. And that the wsges of fcrnnit " ' - " ILalips workmen, both unskilled laborer and The remedy for the evil of grafting In aentlment ' those who work at trade, bava lie in an awakened public GROCER. SOLD BT . , :f creased in proportion. He ta even fostered by th pulpit al tha press f moved to make the general statement and by the presentation, of, candidates that !Hhe condition of the laboring for office of menofacknowleged proo THOMPSON I than ever before each uaa better today ity by political party. .;; HARDWARE CO. In the of the country." history mil KRNT I atko south, fumlihed ' DOVCLAS AVCW LAS VEGAS, THE RIGHT OF APPEAL riKim.Mlth two of itShrMHB and bath 11-3- Much dicsusslon and consldersblo in?fl fourth atroet. HARNESS criticism has been stirred up of lato Yonr Investment Guaranteed arc dissolved, tha recent utterances of Justice The depot factions by from the i Yiiiim Did you know the Aetna Building Brewer of the United States supreme .'.n veil his been drawn I) TUB REQUIREMENTS Llattie Hon and the lamb association pay 6 per cent on court In regard to the right of appeal of unity, tho Hi OF THE OCCASION said that the rlsht have bin down together, say the ilJ'lllil special deposits? Before plicing The eminent Judge will receive prompt attention when en- and In the In BMW Carlsbad Argus. Incidentally. It your money elsewhere see us and crossly abused, u well to mention that the trusted to us. trosta of Justice should be much re might be get best interest lamb Is inside the Hon. and has gone We will take entire charge as soon stricted. Ho attributed the prevs In First Class Manner Geo. H. Hunker, Sec, Veeder Bit a course or anc make all lence of lynching in part to the law's through pretty thorough i a notified of death ar ar ton. The new depot will be delay In meting out punishment, digest rangement for, and conduct en Fox street and dissension AT ruin that the mob spirit was direct located FUNERALS For town or looking to- Incited the tendency to prolong not good the OOAL ly by fr Inconven- la manner highly satisfactory to all mir.itrm with the chance of the enra tho fhver and ward relief of the general STOVES Or Ir.;roY03 tii b end. The depot will concerned. V WOOD tnal's eventual escape. This has long ience Is at an built the new site, and dirt been the prevalent conviction among on' RANGES the kind that ha been In the Tkt W. M. LEWIS COMPANY," the great maaa of people tarougnoui (mil HEATERS PATTYS dis- - thrown In tha next thirty UNWITAIEIS. C00IS IL0CK m. filled with : air), will be k. ira mica akino powDgN ooj OHioAta . W l'rauii, ' or me . , ot at the law Itaeir, but Idaya..' 7 v':s'.'r4 H LAS TS GAS DAILY OPTIC KOVICMKER 3, 1003 3

I PERSONALS i cav, Miminmm in I Cattle Inspector Walter O'Brien Is UI6UEL UMIULM BALE in the city today. E mi Geo. E. Baldwin, a well known El IHUB OF LAS VEGAS. Pasoan, is here today. Capital PaU In, $100,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 Dr. Hubbard baa returned from bis INTERESTING RELATION OF SELLS month's visit in Missouri. METHOD OF PERFORMING OFFICERS: T. S. Rich, the government inspect THE FEAT AND MANNER S M. CUNNINGHAM, President FRANK SPRINQER,Vloe-Pre- s. or, is here from Trinidad. Alfred & Co. D. T. G. OF LERNINC IT. Benjamin HOSKINS, Oashler F. D. JANUARY, Asst. W. Allen, a business man of 3j Oashhr PAID TIM Wagon Mound is here today. 5 ,NTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Cecilio Rosenwald and party made Before leaving Las Vegas, Matt a trip down country yesterday. Gay, the high diver whose pretty feat THE Don Felix Garcia, farmer and law interested so many during the carni- LAS VEGAS SAVINGS DANK giver, is in from Chaperito today. told an MCIOIUG val, Optic reporter something H.OOKF, President Vtoe.Pre.Uant Frank McCormick returned this of his history and of the manner in 7. H0SK Tre morning to his ranch at Las Conchas. which he learned the art of neutraliz- PAID Clarke H. Moore and "Bert" Adams ing the effect of gravity. The Standard of Excellence UP CAPITAL, $30,000.00 ' drove out to the Bonanza mine today. '. Mr. Gay said it' was in the bath In The United Stales for Trainmaster J. D. Notgrasa offic- houses of San Francisco that be and tM'SAVEyM&aarnlng by depositing tham In THE LAS VEOAS SAVIMOS BANK. Z : i mn iated as master in the Masonic lodge a number of other men bad Men's "Ready to Wear" Garments wharo thoy will bring you Inoomo. 'tvmry dollar mmvad la two dollara mada." . f young No tWJMMrai rooolwad oflama thamSt. latmaamt amid nm all aammlm m ? last night practised for years making high dives it Mrs. Ella McCaddon has gone to turning in the air and going through r El Paso,' her physician advising a various aquatic and aerial evolutions, lower "altitude. ;. ; - for the of mainly purpose amusing THE HUB The Farr brothers of Albuquerque Jose Inez Sena Is in the city today themselves. after 'he-- However, they have 300 head cat- from to mat- Is the Standard Clothing Store of Las Vegas purchased of tatted Las Conchas, attending came adepts, they resolved to turn ' Up-to-Do- .te tle from James Medley's ranch In the ters of business. . to financial account. ; their expertness i Every Day. of well-know- wilds Socorro county. Eplmenio Salas, a n citl-se- They found that their feats pleased of Corazon," is among the business the people who came to the bath SIXTH STKEHT. The Las ft Fuel visitors in the city. houses and a trial proved that Vegas Ltght Co., " greatly, are now to urnlsh Willow J. W. Dearlng a commercial man larger throngs were delighted. Sev- prepirea Mother' Sake." Creek coal at 14.50 por ton Ceitvered, from Colorado Springs is transacting eral of the young men took up diving "For LBS FOR Mother's new rural Good or 13.90 by the cm r 127 tf 20 $1.00 business here today. for a living. Gay was the only one "For Sake," a n will be seen at the Duncan Wm. Fergusson, who sells shoes for of the number who had practised the drama, Bettcr & on Nov. 11. A great deal of fault has fv' Sell, Schwab Co., .was calling backward but . . he had v Mesilla . leap, though From Park been found of late the the city merchants today. spent years of careful study and with general run of because of the ceo A. E. MUeller, who represents the practise and study on the spectacular plays, tendency per Din Fine Preserving Fruit of to select two or three product which made Milwaukee fam jump,, he found the tiiue had been well managers mark capable people and for the balance of ?. am a n ous, is doing tne city today. spent. He immediately" rushed far I he best ON ALL W. M. Bell, district manager for the ahead of his fellows in the favor of the the company pick up any derelict which find on the DAVIS & may floating In SYDES. New York Life Insurance company, public, they the btit Lace Lace Door Panels, theatrical ocean. This is a Curtains, is in Albuquerque on business. Gay, unstrapping his mind regard- It de Rope Portiers, Tapestry Cur Col. E. G. Austin, president of the ing the manner in which the turn was plan; ! Restau ceives no one but the them' tains and Tapestry YOU CAN MAKE oattle sanitary board, has returned accomplished, said the trick was ac- managers ?r from to of the movement selves. They are the ones that are y rants Table Covers a trip the southern part complished by means of the deluded in led to believe that territory. - of his head. This guided the direction being 20 lbs More Bread cannot Bee FOR Pablo Samora and Telesfor Samora, of his body and he could within certain the theatre going public SUrrat studio over Graaf & . their scheme. Happily, Man- Hay From 100 Pound of ranchmen of the Alamogordo country, limits stop or turn himself at will through wards. Kodak fine Rusco & Holland do not finishing; pho ONE WEEK ONLY. reached the city today, having driven while in the air. This fact, he as- agers belong to that class of tography. in overland. serted could be convincingly demon- unprincipled m&nag' ers; they give the public credit for the J. Percy Carroll, a pleasant gentle strated by making his platform high- Mrs. E. O. Jones presented her hus- I thin ad to secure they possess. They re- tHring along CREAM LOAF FLOUR man from Houston, Texas, is here to er or lower. He could still jump oft intelligence band with a fine son a few days ago, SO cent discount. alize that one or two actors cannot per spend a week or two. He reports backward, turn completely around says the Raton Reporter. a In Th.n esvn bo msxd from a.ny prosperous times In his section of the and light on his feet in the water. give satisfactory performance. other flour 1 know of people select only the Genuine Mexican chile and fresh world. The diver admitted that the wind engaging they (hOI AO for Theo. Havc-$ O at the $40.00 best, and therein lies the secret of the oysters Imperial. ce Passengers through the city today bothered him. When It blew with no land's lOl-pic- decor H. STEARNS. e success; man and J. were W; F,' Taliaferro and wife, who greater velocity than twenty-fiv- company's every ated Dinner Sets the woman Mother's are patterns were on 'their way from California to miles and hour he waited for a lull and In the cast of "For Springer people already laying are the very latent. Is finished actor. their to attend the world's fair their home in Topeka. Mr. Taliaferro then jumped. But there was always Sake" a plans at St. Louis next for FKENCII holds a responsible position in the danger that a sudden gust would year. fc9l 7 ;0.00 Dr. S. C. Brown, dentist, has moved J DKHSBKK, polished, land department of the Santa Fe. cause him to lose his balance and A Felt Want Filled into the and will extend Long Gehrlng with swelled ends.liOx.'Ml French D. editor of city first-clas- H. Anderson, the brainy strike the water wrong. He might now has a s harnessmaker his office hours . Office in Center shaped mirror. the Irrigation Age, passed through the just as well strike stone. If the wina and repairer. Take your work to e block, room 3; hours: 8:30 to 5:30. elty yesterday afternoon, homeward was higher than twenty-fiv- miles an Masonic 10-2- See Window Display. 11-3- Gehrlng's, Temple. bound for. Chicago, levcarrles .hack hour ha simply walked back down the ...... to the Windy city a vast amount of ladder. The people might not like Julius Edwardson has assumed the Notice of Publication. material relating to the reclamation it but that was better than a broken leadership of the Springer military ROSENTHAL . To Whom It May Concern: of the southwest , t back. In fine weather Mr. Gay said band. . FURNITURE CO. Take notice that the Hon. H. B. Fergusson, the able Al- he ran no more risk than jumping undersigned, : ' Charles D. S. Rodes, Just received football goods; a NEXT TO buquerque attorney, who represented from a fence. Rodes, Joseph THE POSTOFFICE. L. nice line at M. Biehl's. 514 New Mexico in congress with dis- The diver said he did not turn in William H. Rodes and Geo. Rodes, Douglas been heretofore and now ive. Colorado phone 219. 10-4- tinction, is here today attending to striking the water. He bent his legs having known by the foregoing names, do business. Mr. Fergusson has many slightly just as he reached the tank, L. W. Mann was in Springer from For Men a.nd VVoma.r now notice as required by friends in the Meadow City who are This made a way for his body and the give public Hall's Peak the first of last week. Section 2910 and 2911 of the Compiled glad to welcome him on his infrequent water acted as a great sofa cushion. FELT Laws of New 1897, that we Fried chicken . visits. There was practically no shock at all: Mexico, for supper Fridays when he shot into the water. are now residents of San Miguel at the Imperial. 5 county of New Mexico; that Initial Service. Territory SHOES, JULIETS Wise Law Invoked. we will make application to Hon. Will- The heating stove has again gone The initial church services held In General Whiteman has iam J. Mills, chief of the su- on duty .for a term of several months. the Santa Fe Central town of Estan-ela-, Adjutant justice and...... found a law which will prevent the preme court of the Territory of New were conducted Thursday evening Best of everything to eat at the Im Santa Fe national company Mexico and judge of the Fourth Judi- the Rev. Dr. A. P. Morrison, pastor guard perial. Rates by the week or month. by An- cial court on from itself "The W. H. district of said territory, 5 of the First Methodist Episcopal dubbing SLIPPERS drews Rifles." Good thing, too. The the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1903, church of El Paso anj superintend- name' is as ahttass9AARARARA at the court house in Las Vegas, San Robert Hern returned to Springer And a nice line of . ent of Methodist missions in New silly Our display of fall Suits and Overcoats is hero ready lbr name is as silly as tnat monstrosity Miguel county, New Mexico, to have from Roy last Monday where he had Mexico and Arizona. The services your inspection. We have a much and more com- among names, Leonard Wood county. our respective names changed to been for several days. , larger were held in the office of the Estancla LAMB'S WOOL SOLES season we sub- Charles D. S. plete line this than have ever shown. established General Whiteman's letter on the Rhodes, Joseph Rhodes, News, which is being by L. ject follows: William H. Rhodes and George ON THE MOUNTAIN COATS Crare-net- te P. A. Speckmann of Trinidad, Colo., for SLIPPERS at One of the most popular this season is the General W. H. Whiteman: , Rhodes, and we will apply to said H who has taken up his residence there. we have them in several Santa Fe, N. M,, Oct. 31, 1903. court for an order of court changing patterns. It is estimated that every man, wo- Dalltftriful Captain James H. Nicholson, Com- our names as required by law. A Comnon Sense Shoe Store. man and child in the community at- plate to spend the We also take measures for Tailor-mad- e Suits both tat mam , 28th A. those manding Company F, First Regi- Dated this day of October, winter. tended the services. Even Brdlf" Street. av.nKDo dock. Prop. and Ladies. t , ment Santa Fe, N. M.: D. 1903, at Las Vegas, New. Mexico. R and ChaerfuL who could not understand "English Infantry, Sunny ..Sir I have the honor to state that CHARLES D RODES. Bum riding by .. . were and were the most at V feasant present, In . i, 4ayi p the action taken by. your company . , JOSEPH S. RODES. tentlve and interested persona in the ( venlnfa by the designating it by any other name than flra assemblage. Dr. Morrison was great- E wa4 House Give us a call and it H that of the company letter F, First GEORGE L. RODES. PhMHytoeat ' Duncan Op ly pleased with the interest taken in ton milk and Cnrr f ,f regiment Infantry, National Guard of , ' " the services, and will shortly establish Kill New Mexico, i "contrary to the' pro- 'J. a church at Estancla. ' David E. Johnson andMIss Mana visions of the law recently enacted Carrol were married in Raton last tnqulrt st Murphcy'i or Optic i HOTEL ARRIVALS. ( by congress for the government of the Wednesday night by Rev. Armstrong. WEDNESDAY. .La Pension. C. W. Daniel. City; militia in the several states and ter- The couple are recently fromKahsas, Will R. Hill, Kansas City;. A. C. Tlch ritories, and Is, therefore, disapproved. and Mr. Johnson Is employed in the-- to S. R., Dearth man, St. Louis; T. A. Gurule, Albu- Section three of the law referred machine shops. "'- reads, "The organization, armament querque, j . 4 ' - I AVARIE HEATH ' mili- .;!" Undertaker and Eldorado: F. Jordan, El Paso; and discipline of the organized Notice to Merchants. v :! ' I - In neveral states and territo- - mer- . . Thos. Duntrlo, Detroit, Mich."- ' tia the Owing to request 'of many Embalmer. AND A COMPANY A Weber in the District of Columbia, New Optic: S. H. McGraw,1 as. ries, and chants keeping open evenings from shall be the same as that which is Sturrock. M. A. Ortiz, Santa Fe; Mrs. December 1, 1903, to the 25th has been UNUSUAL EXCELENCE C. A. Villa nd daughter, Willis, Mar-jorin- e now or may hereafter be prescribed changed to opening on November Cut Flowers.. volunteer armies "!"'. the Latut Rural Drama Humie, Wttlffti for the regular and 15th and closing December 23,1 903, nnH Mnniimpnli Prucntin g ?.!.? how- ' Rawlins: J. D. Huddleston, Spring-flel- cf the United States." There Is, thus giving all merchants mors ttmo an made In favor, of ' Mo.; Ramon Gallegos, San ever, exception for holiday trade. , Both Phones 4-- H. In ex- FOR I P. Gasoline Jose; O. L. Reynolds, Chicago; Louis certain military organizations H. A. CANTER, Engine istence to May 8, 1792, allow- 1 M. II. G. Bauer, Jr., Shoemaker. prior DICE, j cus- Castaneda: Ooe. S. Daldman. El ing Ihem to retain their ancient CI! A 9. KOIIN. toms From which 1 con- MOTHER'S Paso; T. Tompkins, Washington; and uiiages. C. E. DOLL, i urnips, oeeis, (i was Intention of con- Theo.. Watklns, Owensboro, Ky.; V. clude that It the H. N. GRATJBARTH, Can be had at the armament Lettuce, Cabbage, Right Figure H. Bilas, New York; Jas. Jacobson, gress that the organization, W. B. 1I1KTT, SAKE and f all orginl- - 10 Carrots, Parsnips, New York; D. I. Merrill, Kansas City; discipline military 163 Committee. m at of class A New Itofflanri Life Inquire J. L. Danble, Chicago; J. B. Furry, zaflrms outlsde the excepted Celery, Spinnath, Ntory f be alike In alt, Including the D. N. Philadelphia; D. T. White, EI Paso; shall Plaza: W. Rexford, Demlng, Cranberries and manner of by w I Jas. F. Carpenter, 3, A. Pitts, designating companies w city; from Sweet Potatoes STARTLING. AKTISTIC Ash Mrs. L. B. Howell and letters of the alphabet, running Fork; .....AND three Genesee, N. T.; W. A to M, and giving the figure desig Meadow Gold butter at Turner's daughters, ' ' nating the number of. the regiment, Sixth street market 10-7- 0 II. Fergusson, Chicago , RYAN & BLOOD UP-T- 0- DATE PRODUCTION and giving the arm of the service to THE with Is attached. ' OPTIC TOR RENT Furnished rooms, which the company T. L. Oswalt pari cash aad good Both Phona, use of bath; also furnished room Very respectfully, pries for secondhand goods. Hit " ' LOAD 0111-na- a, CO? SIXTH 8TBEET. A CAR . for light touaekeeptnf. MO W. H. WHITEMAN, National aveaae. Colorado Phone L O. D. Adjutant OraeraL "I It-t- ucsec Of hamaary ami MchnloJ Effools LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC NOVEMBER 3, 1903

THE TERRITORY. Sewing m a butinws is an ezactin? and tncliaufct'iig occupation, long hours, fine CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. work, poor light, unhealthy atmoMilirre these are only aume of the thint; KcHiimc ut' which fret the nerve and hurt the. gen- Uriel the Importaut eral health. Often there is a disei-.!,- l Business BUSINESS CHANCES. lcx-- Directory. Doings in Svw ; condition of the womanly oranisM Sale of Pisnos EXPERIENCED restaurant can lew Towns. which cnuws backache or headache and keeper or nival the machina 1 ARCHITECTS. li arn of Call the working sewing good opening. Optic. unMer such conditions is akin to torture. 10152 Thousands of ' HOLT A ETC. v'r 'h i HOLT, MINES, FARMS, RANGES, women who work Vt;' v. Arcj,jtecU and Civil Engineer. WANTED. have written grate- to Dr. We will offer all V Map 11,1(1 eurvey made, buildings ful letters you bargain prices on of A wo H.. V. wuuse i WANTED compotent sewing Rasmussen brothers have struck riercc, mmhnn, ; .' tad construction work of all kinds ' man. Inquire Mrs. Ed. Ward, 902 on Favorite Prescript IVjJ , t . planned and superintended. Office, water the Blackwater ranch, six 10-6- Pianos for this week Third street. west well our to reduce stock. , J7. Montoya B'ld'g, Plasa. teen miles of Roswell. The their womanly ills jltW" .... Is 600 feet and are erecting and established ATTORNEYS. WANTED, ROOMERS Nice location, deep, they a windmill. their general X" steam heat.batb; Mrs. Gold,813 7th large health. Favorite H. Hunker, Attorney at law. " -- o " es- owrge 7 Prescription N. . , wV--vsl' Office. Veeder block. Las Vegas, New Green House; Roswell now tablishes regular- Catalogue Price Selling Price new heat ity, dries un- HELP WANTED. has a floo hot house. The and offen- - ' Oeoroe P. Attorney-At-La- healthy & 7 Money for house ing apparatus is now Installed. sive heals Our$65o.oo Bush Gert's Piano for $5oo.oo 7-- at-..-f WANTED Woman general being drains, f. and United States W. There are about 8,000 feet of glass in inflammation and - East work in family of two. Mrs. H. 'Xjf toner- Office in Olney building, nlceration, and Our $55o.oo Bush & Gert's Piano for $4oo.oo 11-3- 4 the bouse, and the cost of same ' Greene, 1023 Seventh street. green weak-nes- s. S Ve,IM' nm- - cures female will be about 85,000. It makes Our $65o.oo Steger & Son Piano for $5oo.oo FraflK springer, wwrntjFwuiw, FOR RENT. o weak women Office in Crockett building, Kast Lm and On the 25th of last month, Robert strong sick Our. $55o.oo & Son Piano for $4oo.oo yegaa, N. M. FOR RENT Seven room furnished wtman eirjall Steger Harrington, J. N. Upton and other cat- Sick women are invited to consult Dr. E. V. Long, Attorney-At-La- Office house with bath and all conveniences, so avoid Our $45o.oo Victor Piano for $35o.oo tle raisers of Demlng, ; delivered at Pierce by letter free, and the Bast Las Vegas, one ex- is Wyeiatt block, minute's , walk from postofnee. indelicate questionings, offensive - the cattle yards in that 600 bead 'H.M. 30. city, aminations and obnoxious local treat- Our $4oo.oo Victor Piano for $3oo.oo Rent Inquire New Optic Hotel. Hoi-broo- of rattle fpr to B. E. k some 11-- 3 shipment ments deemed necessary by physi- A. A. Jones, Attoroey-At-L- Of of Hoilster? Calif."1 cians. AH correspondence private, Ad- Kust Las Our $45o.oo Singer Piano for $35o.oo ce In Crockett building, FOR RENT Store 25x100 next to dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y." N. M. ft "I take ffrent plesnure In recommendinu Dr. Vegas, weak-nrm- . Bridge Street Hardware store. Call MacGilllvray-Hemenway- : Duncan Plrr Favorite Prwription tor fcmal Our $4oo.oo Singer Piano for $3oo.oo wrftm Mrs. butatinnh Prrmenter, of . 265. 10-1- OSTEOPATHS. Vegas Phone MacOilltvray tthe well known sheep Piiula Store. Shelby Co., Teww. I w Iniuhlrrt with beariitfc-dow- pains in my back and hip. grower of the ChlllU and one advice. FOR RENT steam country Tor aix yrart, and wrot to Or. I'irrre for K. W. HOUR I). 0.c Elegant rooms; most men In busi , .. ... of the popular the ,1.U 1 OSTEOPATH KouiiUtsr, Dr. A, T. beat, bath, electric light; also bottlea ciirM m frel like a new person and Mid fcitiuiil nation ness, was married Sunday night at I thank Or. 1'ierce r my i a Pianos sold on installment Old instru Ttm. Hou- r- to IS m m.. 628' Grand avenue.. to one without health. I have told monthly plan. lloSit housekeeping., In burden any sad lr etwclal appnlutment. ulnttjr Blues, the home of the Rev. Dr. Menual a great nunv ot my friend about the great ,fM. Us f took." UeVajae, Vtul'lioiia4l.t to Miss Gael He- - milicnit ments taken in Ten with Albuquerque Fear) Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical exchange. years guarantee Dr. R. FOR RENT Three room furnished Dr. OSTEOPATH J. Cunningham, men way of Colorado Springs. Adviser, in aper covers, is sent free on costs one-ce- It to Osteopath. Graduate or. tne cottage; apply to Mrs. Humes. Menaul officiated. The wedding was receipt of t stamps to pay every piano. you nothing examine our Pianos. of niailme only. Address Dr. American school ofOstoopathy under very qutet, only a few friends of the cxnense FOR RENT brick house, fur R. V. Pierce, BurTalo, N. Y. Dr. member of the We Still. Formerly nlshed. Mrs. Coin, Model restaurant contracting parties being present. have several slightly used pianos at " ' faculty of the Colorado College of o . It will make the Osteopathy. Mrs. Cunningham, as Grant County Court: The special t!at greatest and FOR RENT Two rooms. In in New Mexico. sistant Suite 14, Crockett block. office term of the third judicial djHtrict camp o - Office hours 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 6, quire at Opera House Bar. 10 98 court for Grant county convened In and L. V. 'Phone Silver with Frank U. 8. Sanitarium: A correspond by appointment FOR 8ALE. City Friday Judge examination ent at the Fort Bayard government Prices. 163, Consultation and W. Parker presiding. District Court - 10-8- 7 informs the New Mexican Bargain free. FOR BALB Milch cow for $20; apply Clerk James P. Mitchell, Court Stenog- hospital ' Mon-toya- that there are three hundred men North Psclflo street, south 's rapher H. B. Holt snd Court Interpre DENTISTS. at- now treatment and house. 11-3- ter Eugene Van Patten are also In there takTiig that Dr. E. L. Hammond. Dentist. Suo-- tendance. The civil docket Is exceed- this number Is exclusive of commis No. FOR SALE Good upright piano, eeasor to Dr. Decker, rooms suite ingly and the term will probably sioned officers of the army who are ? some light I T, Crockett block. Office hours 0 te used; cheap for 8100. Inquire leave treat ' not last over throe weeks. there either on or taking 1 13 and 1:30 to 6:00. L. V. 'Phone 289, 11-- 4 Mrs. L. Poole Wright erect I Goto. lit. ment Hospital tents have been For 8ale One ed on tbe and else square piano, very Sanitarium: Dr. Hugh E. Smith, parade ground f. talk Rosenthal Bros. where for the use of the men and It Is THE HOTELS. cheap; quick. builder of, the big adobe tuberculosis 1071. t on the mesa east of Al- understood that the patients at the - Central Clean sanitarium Hotel, Popular Rates, hospital will be housed In tents in the Douglas avenue. FOR SALE 60 , buquerque, now has the establishment registered, thorough-- future. Experiments have demon- 11- In and has several pa- bred Angora Bucks. Inquire at -' working order, HARNESS. tients Installed in the institution. The strated that persons suffering from feld's or of Forkner ft Doyd, breed- tuberculosis and bronchial troubles has twenty-fou- r rooms 4. The Harness Maker, ers, at ranch near Hot Springs. Ad- doctor ; ready C Jones, ; accommodate Improve more quickly and more rails. Music for can Golumbine street. C. J. occupancy, and Co, Bridge dress Doyd, Las Hot Vegas, factorlly when living In tents, and that N. M. 10117 thirty patients.' A dozen or so more Springs, this Is true of cases in Now Mexico, -- RESTAURANTS. rooms will be completed In a very Salo-Bulld- In section where ror lng Lole. short time and more will be added especially the the Duvafe Restaurant Short Order We One is such as In Sanla Coors Block, Lincoln Ave., under La Pension Hotel. have building lota in all from time to time as patients are re humidity small, Begalar seals. . Center street parts of the city that we can sell you ceived. Fe and Fort Bayard. Many cures cheap. Why not build a, home or bare been already effected at the Fort TAILORS. somo of the much needed that Bayard hospital and tbe CARRIED A MAGIC CHARM. ' Before the astonished gaze ot the lat "And what stock do cottages i Old Slave In Trouble: Charlie percentage they spring will pay money as rental proper of them Is Increasing rapidly as med Charles H. Heyser, who Is promi ter the tourists were welcomed aboard from?" asked the ethnologist. J. at. Allen, The Douglas Avenue good Childress, tbe Roswell negro who : become In Masonic Is the caboose. bell tailor.' . . ty. Here are a few ical officers more acquainted nent circles, telling the The rang and the "Steel preferred," said the prices: broke his somo days ago by fall- warden, 3 lots cor. leg with tbe beneficial workings of New story of a recent trip to Indiana. At train moved away, leaving the Irish who was greatv Baltimore Washington and from mule ho was a wag. ing a team driving, Mexico's 1 Mr. with a man In middle tho , SOCIETIES. ; Second .... :...... 8375.00 climate. Bloomington Heyser party standing the of American. St.... had bis leg amputated, says the Ros- 4 lots 900 Blk. Grand Ave..... 300.00 of friends reached tho railway sta. track. Eldorado No. K. Of well Record. Childress Is a highly re- Real Estate Lodge 1, 8 lots 1000 Blk., 8th St., cement Transfers. tion only to learn from an Irishman "HI!" he yelled between his hands. Walter S. Donahue, brother of Fire- meets every Monday at 8 p. m., at spected old time slave negro, nfty-Qr- e Irene T. Hamblln and Edward L. their Ceatle third floor Clements walks ,. ,., 400.00 lounglirK about that there would be "I'll have wan ar tblm two dollar man C C. Donahue, has arrived In hall, years of ago, and his old mistress In her to F. block, comer Sixth street and Grand 5 lots 800 Blk. 4th St ...... 1.150.00 Hamblln, husband, Benjamin no train for their destination for five magic charms before Saturday night!" the city from South Haven. Mich., avenue. C. Fort Worth telegraphed to see that consideration $800, conveys ; J. J. JUDKIN8, 0. In the Porter-Mill- s addition we have Forsythe, hours, but that one might be caught Exchange. and Intends to spend the winter here. R. RANKIN, K. of R. B. ho received the proper medical atten- lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, block 3, Ilfeld a twelve fine lots only one block from at Seymour, forty miles distant. SAUL ROSENTHAL, M. of F. tion and she would pay the bill. Baca addition. the proposed new electric car line "How are we to reach Seymour?" The distinguished ethnologist was Word from Edward Rosenwald in - I. O. O. F Las Vsgaa Lodge, No. 4, that we can saH at 920 each or 9200 A Ives Scbeller and wife to Ira G asked Heyser. the gueBt of the prison warden. Los Angeles, Is to the effect that he - meets Killed a Bear: Assessor Thomas every Monday evening at their for the bunch. Mnzzard, consideration $75, conveys "There is a fast freight which will He was ascertaining as nearly as Is slightly improved In health. hall, Sixth street AU broth-- I visiting Fleming of Otero county, killed a fine lot 8, block 25, 36, lots on there In a few minutes' replied possible the of tho various ran are cordially Invited to attend. J. Come In 'and we will show you building stop ancestry bear the other up In the H. York, w. M. Lewis V. O.j these and many others at right prices big day Zlon hill. tho Irishman. "But Ml warn ye be classes of prisoners. Mrs. wife of the hi p.f Ho was his Hertzog, director ; T. It. El wood, 8eo. E. Crltea, and terms to moving goats P. II. and wife to Mrs. Zelle forehand that ye can't rldo on It" The one W, suit , Peters warden, opening doo, said: of the University . School of Music, has Trees. ; 8. R Dearth, ' Cemetery to winter ranges In the Ft neon dis- Sloan consideration "Why not?" "In that ' M HO R F Catata and Invaatment Mueller, $3,500, department are arrived in Albuquerque from Los An- Trustee. t ITlUVnt) Co. blS DouaUa trict After tho herd was located "Tho conductor won't take Avtnua, convoys lots 18, 19 and 20, block 38, passen i 10-0- geles, he started across tbe mountains to bribed." ' B. P. O. MeeU Flret And Third Las Vegas Htllslte town company's gersand ho can't be C when I Thursday evenings, each month, at town, suddenly bruin appeared addition. "Suppose I were president of the e Little Sixth street room. Stories of Journalism. In the ahead of two shots " lodge Visiting path him; G. road Ivlted. ; Julius Crsmbers In the Reader Mag- Fred Walscn and wife to Ira Has. i brothers cordially from tho assessor's trusty rifle "You'd have to provo It" f A. A. M ALONE Y. Exalted Ruler. azine for November. sard, F. O. Blood, consideration 8236. brought the Oho to earth. Mr. B. BLAOVKLT. Bed. big 4 1 "That's easy," replied Heyser T. . - 35, lots and B. block Pablo t once made a tour of tbo alms . i . . , . conveys o . to the Masonic emblem which de- Daca's addition. pointing '( A. F. A A. M. houses of the state of New York, Chapman Lodge No. 2, Broke His Leg: Mr. James Fsrrell adorned bis vest. "All that Is neces i ommunlcatlona third scribing thom exactly as they were. Minnie and husband. Regular of Roswell foil 'from his honso Monday Greenberger sary is for me to use tbla magic Browne & Manzanares Go , In month. Every emotion that can be awakened Morris Greenberger, to James H Tbursdsy each Visiting Morning at 8 o'clock and was vcr charm." Invited. H. by1 sorrow was felt that trip. Fox, consideration $95, conveys N. 1-- ! ; brothers cordially Chas. during He was som't conductor has one like The most occurred painfully Injured. doing "The just - Sporleder, secretary; O. L. Gregory, pathetic Incident ot lot 6, block 46, Buent Vista Town ' repairing on his rsnrh houie five ' it,"; remarked the Irishman. at the poor house of Essen comity, lo- company's addition. miles from town, and be toll off the In due time the fast freight made cated In hills Wballons-burg- , the boyond Martha E. Fox and husband, James conductor's VJUOLEGALU I MeeU house, breaking bis leg at the blp. Its appearance and the Rebekah Ledge, I. O. O. F, near Lake. Champlaln. I should He was slone the ac- H. Fox, to Frank Oyster, considera- charm to be like Mr. ; seeoed and fourth Thursday evenings re- at the time of proved exactly say that the trip was made at the tion $3,000, 31 and 32, I and It was 4 o'clock in conveys lota as the Irishman had said. . each month at the I. O. O. F. ball char- cident, ; the Heyser's, COnoCLTRG tt quest of a stale commissioner of 8 1--2 block Pablo Baca's addition, N. . . , - O-- afternoon before help came. j. Mrs. Clara- Bell. N. l Mrs. Mssle ities, who desired that tbe truth ' ' ' . of lot 6. block 45, Buena Vista Town ' . . DsJIer. ff O.j Mrs. k.'i WerU, Bee.i should be told. ' ! ' ,f- ..' " Boniface Now a Bsnedlct: Tbe company's addition. Mrs. Bone Anderson, Treas. After Inspecting the wards for tbe THE, UNDERWOOD friends In this of T. C. McDcr-mo- tt Jose Maria Flores and wife ctal to women and I walked city Wool, aged insane, wood hides and Las Vegas Cemmanewry K. T. No. manager of the Fay Hot Montgomery Bell, consideration $250, across an open court, .dtjpwjih- - mud. TYPEWRITER pelts a. avosnuar eeswiavw aawuu ivwamj Springs; will be surprised to hear of conveys real estate in West Las Veg- tit nn.lli , Vlaltln knlahta to visit the children's quarters. While as. - Cla-- k. that marriage of Sept. eordlalts- welcomed. John 8. B. there, a small, red-fare- red headed gentleman's 29, says the Sliver City Enterprise. I Ehrllch and wife to Vnlted C; Chad. Tamma, Ree. lad attracted my notice. I patted him The took In Colfax, States, consideration other land, con name-H- wedding place - on the shoulder and asked his DEALERS IN . . . Eastern SUr, Regular. Communion- Iowa, the home of tho bride, and after veys 8 12 of NW 4 E. 13 of S. W. even gave tt promptly, told tne he was loa eeorad and fourta Tnursaay a seroral weeks the 14 Sec. 11 T. 18. R. 14 E. 160 acres. AH Kindt of Native of month. AH broth- old and his father and trip lasting happy Produce, ings each visiting tn years that S. are Invited. couple returned to Fay wood where Francisco Chaves and wife to McCormick's ers and sisters cordially mother were dead. I felt deeply , Mower and Reapers Mrs. Julia Webb, worthy matron; they will reside In the future. The Martha L. Chaves, consideration $1, touched by the child's words. Soon Gray's Threshin Machines, Barn est Browne, W. P.: Mrs. Emma bride Is described as sweet and viva- conveys land In Sec. 24 T. 13 R. 24 and See.: Mrs. M. A. Howell, after 1 left the miserable shed In Bain j Benedict, cious and Mr. MrDermott Is to be con- Sec. 17 T. 13 R. 25 E. Rake, Wagons, which thso children were hcrdd Tree. bis choice. Axtec Land A Cattle company to Grain and Wool Bag, Bailing Tie, Fence Wire. Etc and started to recrots 'he gratulated upon fortunate RED MEN meet In K. of P. hall the Huko Seaberg. to convey land In llt'U Ranch Supplies, Blanket, yard. I felt a tug at my roat and Navsjo Enthusiastic Over Gold Gulch: W. of 8 E. 14 of 8. E. 14 Sec. 29 T. 17 R Grain second and 'fourth Tbursdsy sleeps found my lilt In friend lifhinl me Mis Hay, and Feed. eacb moon at the Seventh Run and It. Jackson, the Kl Paso contractor 1L of eyes lootcrd up Jnto mluu so pitifully rhfc-f- s who Is Interested In some at Astrc Land & Cattle company, 80th Breath. Visiting always that I aKltfd: property by IS riili BUST BECAUSE welcome at the Wigwam. D. B. Boson-wald- , Cold (.illicit, spent several days at the Hugo Scatterg, attorney In fact, to "What ran I do for ou. my hoy?" th wrltlns la IH SIGHT W. B. Chief nf dutch looking after his Interests. Mr. Charles E Hartley, consideration $1, Mitrirtnn! alra Sachem, Hlett, "1 want you to kins me." hmix are In ffmu Records. Jackson, toRothor with J. It Patter- etc, conveys S. W. or 8. W. TABULATOR la vitrt of tlie "Certainly, but why?" line son, owns six claims In. the district Si c. 17 T. 18 R. 27. TjIM'cii'nti. it without eollliia' tbe Complete of Amole in stock. "I never was hissed m mv Ufa." liaiiila I Soaps Two of claims now rm-tii- mnrii- - ' Lew Rstes To California. When I these thry are without aarale Dried Fruits fame to write that Story Uxrai.r Uo i all uvor I and Vegetables. second-clas- s working and are down feet on A Love Letter .ra The Santa Fe will sell for publication I developed Its full sixty each of Ihrm. The claims lie contig- Would not Interest you If you're It urMm nf ACTUAL time New Canned Goods in colonist tickets dally from September pathos, giving th tiaiiio of the father- H tin tlt uhn.1 r..(lU Kin'mml coming In Callfor-nla- , uous to the railroad making looking for a guaranteed Salve for It baa llicht. quirk key aruoa 15. to Nov. 80, to all track, I points less and mother loss lad. As a result It DURABLE aa any type- it very convenient for shipping pur- 8ores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of uiatln at rate of 828. W.J.LUCAS, be waa adopted by a wealthy family writer " poses. The owners sr to Fondor, Ma. writes: "I suffered with tf , ( Agent wr-'- l preparing near Saratoga; he has been The Underwood Typewriter - ship a car" of high ore next an ugly sore for a year, but a boi of Agency, IAS raised, given a college education, and grado VEGAS, KSWKZSXIOO. and family bare week to the El Paso spelter. Mr. Ducklen's Arnica Salve cured me. It's Colorado and New Mailed Dealers" Montague 8tvens Is today heir to a fortune. ranch Is out- the best Sslve on earth. 25c all Oil AM left AJtbnaoerque for the Stevens MI9CELLANT Jackson sanguine over the at l53 Pa STUKET. liKtttKB, cuLu fa Socoero cwantf. look t Gold Gulch and la confident drugglsta. Tvswwrtte tursllee. f LAS VEGAS DAILY GPHC NOVEMBER 3, 1 903

We C. a and Poreiim Broad-Minde- dramatic article, several short stories promptly obuln Don't Make a Mistake. Every d Cltlsen and the opening of a new serial, "The , Many persons suffer from dizziness, should plan to patronize the Interna- an pict- headaches and backaches who treat Successor to A. O. SCHMIDT Bishop's Carriage," tional Live Stock Exposition at Chi- RKETJ uresque novel, of which the heroine is themselves for stomach troubles or ' Manufacturer of cago, November 2Sth to December 5th. a keen, d and very fem- rheumatism, when their disease Is 0 ieud modeltmmnketch or photo ol iim nnon lor It stands for growth and expansion some which inine lady thief. But it is among the free report on pateniiMlity. For tree book affection of the kidneys Wagons, Carrlagan, Chicago Live Stock. reviews that some people will find could be quickly cured by Foley's in live stock production. and Dealer in all kinds of CHICAGO, Nov.- - 3. Cattle Re- P. Ills, the hit of this month; for Dr. Honey and Tar. Take it in time. Of course you are going Wmgarn Mmlmrtkl, mmf Mm Hi to $5.-3- fuse S3JZ rjr slow ; good prime steers $5.00 the leading mouthpiece of substitutes. For sale by Depot Low rates via the Santa Fe. Ask Drug store. ware. Svwil BlmckmrnUhtrng CrVV poor to medium $3.50 $4.50; Christian Science, reviews Mrs. Clara W. J. LUCAS, stockers and feeders $2.25 $3.25; Louise Bernham's new Christian Sci- $1 Typewriter Ribbon 57 cents. Agent. Santa ft Time Table. cows $1.55 $3.00; 'canners $1.55; ence novel. There are many other Opposite U. S. Patent Office t. jraflafMClaw flawless Any color or machine; absolutely bulls $2.00 $2.25; calves $2.00 reviews of books of current interest, WASHINGTON D.C, II. J. Rolling was In Springer from can. AT FOUHTMH MQVAHf guaranteed, If you mall us the Un- $2.50; Texas fed steers $3.00.$3.50; and, most of all, there is No. errlvtl n.IMp 1:10 p. B. prominent derwood Typewriter "ad." In this is- Ellzauethtown Wednesday. ttp. western steers $3.25 $4.50. ' John Cecil of William No. tIP,Pm. arrrr 1;S a. m. Dep. 1,4C a. m. Clay's portrait sue with 67 cents one : W. A. stamps. Only No. 4, the limited, oo and Satur Sheep and lambs steady; good to Dean Howells on the cover. Nash has been succeeded as Welnnday. to 4 ai rtv 4 :35 a. m., dt 4;4f a. m. choice Raton agent of the Western Union each address. CALL days, parts falL choice wethers $3.40 $4.00; rsn aouMD. woolens O. O. Foster AND THE MEW STYLES to mixed $3.00 $3.50; western sheep Dr. D. H. has Telegraph company by 1;ZC Cams of Albuquerque Fine are No. I Paw. urtn U: p.m. Dp. p.m. NOW READY. . of Trinidad. Signs made by Plttenger. Damn's T $2.50 $3.25; native lambs $3.50; gone east to spend a vacation of some Hotck No PaM. arrlts 6:15 P. m. S;4i) p. u. See new styles at the shop on Sixth No. S, the California limited, and western lambs $3.50 $3.85. length In Chicago. FOK ALL OCCASIONS Mondays street Also Interior decoration exe- Thursday., arrives t:40 a. u departs Tailor , Saves Two From Death. RUSSELL, cuted In most manner. Phonal). :4la.m. the artistic Avenue. . . KANSAS CITY,. Mo., Nov, 3. Cat- Oo Good It Pays. , "Our little daughter had an almost Offloe at Stable of Miller. R.aJlra4 Phones 14, 101 Colorado. 8-- Cooley 4 to 10c native steers A Chicago man has observed that, fatal attack of whooping and Vegas; tle steady lower; estate cough Fe Limited. "Good deeds are better than real bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Vavl-lan- d Santa $3.60 $5.45; Texas and Indian steers deeds-rBom- e- - of the- latter are worth- of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all No, S and 4 Solid Pullman trains, $3.00 cows & show $3.50; Texas $1.50 less. Act kindly and gently, other remedies failed, we saved her life with observation cars. hand. dining and MOVED $2.50; stockers and feeders $2.50 sympathy and lend a helping with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our To New 8table You lose Most No. 2 Has Pullman cars to Chi at U-7- $2.-0- 0 cannot possibly by It" niece, who had in an ad- $3.75; bulls $2.80; calves Consumption Old Skating Rink , , men appreciate a kind word and en- vanced stage, also used this wonder- Blanks cago and Kansas City, tourist sleeping $2.50; western steers i Document $3.65 Q tj courage most more than substantial ful medicine and today she is perfectly cars to Chicago and Kansas City and & $4.50; western cows $1.50 $2.40. help. There are persons In this com- and COOLEY MILLER well" Desperate throat lung a Pullman sleeper Is added at Trini- BHceeoor M. L. ' i who say: to Ceoley.' ' Sheep steady; lambs $2.90 $5.25; munity might truthfully diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dis- dad for Denver. Arrives La Junta "My good friend, cheer up. A few as to no other medicine, on range wether $2.10; muttons $2.60 covery 10:20 for L1VER.Y doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy earth, i Infallible for Coughs and Colds. p. m., connecting Denver, . $395.' Is BY will rid you of your cold, and there 50c and $1.00. bottles guaranteed by FOR SALE THE Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Leaves no danger whatever from pneumonia all druggists. Trial bottles free. ' La Junta 3:10 . at Pu medicine. al- nSflrrlvlng Chicago Grain and Provisions. when you use that It B it eblo a. m Colorado Springs 6:35 Thra's no Baiter Serein CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Quotations at ways cures. I know it for has helped Mr. and Mrs. J. van Houten, who me out many a time." Sold by all, drug- a, m., Denver 9:18 a. m. This train dose heer were as follows: returned to Raton from their visit In ' today gists. does local work from Las Vegas to Than that the 5-- of Wheat May, 78 8 78 De- Chicago Wednesday last week, Raton. were home a Las Co. cember, 79 Miss Edna Gillepste and Mr. Perry accompanied by nephew Vegas Publishing No. 8 carries both standard and Corn May, 43c; December, 43 Barton were married Thursday even- of Mr. van Houten, H. Lelth Ross of to ' " tourist sleeping cars Kansas City 7-- London. Oats May, 35 8 3 6c; December, ing at Raton by Rev. James Sinnock. and Chicago. Arrives La Junta 10:30 5c. , a. m. Connection for Denver, Colo- ! i Confessions of a Palest Pork May, $12.35. Only a Very Few Published. rado Springs and Pueblo, Leaves La It is not possible for the proprietors Rev. Jno, S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., Junta 12:10 p. m Denver p. n, . From Kansas Saint to publish more than a very few of the writes, "For 12 years I suffered from City, Louis and Chicago Grain Letter. No. 1 Has both standard and tour numerous letters received in praise Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a num- Justice of the Peace Blanks. Memphis to points in the South, South CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Wheat Market ist California of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and ber of physicians and tried all sorts sleepers for Southern east and Southwest 5--8 to 7--8 lower. It reflects dulness, Diarrhoea Remedy and telling of Its of medicines, but got no relief.- - Then points. slow export business and the increas- remarkable cures. They come from I began the use of Electric Bitters and No. 7 Has both standard and tour In walk In life and from feel I am now cured of a disease Dls't Court movement in the northwest. It people every that Subpoena Appearance Bond, ist California Th3 Southeastern ing state In the Union. The follow that had me in its grasp for twelve sleepers to Northern Liifcd without out- every Garnishee, Sheriff's Office is a very quiet market from Mr. .T.-- Greathouse, of If you want a reliable medi- Summons points. Also through standard sleeper lng years.". Kansas side pseculatlve trade at a minimum, Prattsburg, Ga., speaks for itself: ;"I cine for Liver and Kidney trouble, Writ of Attachment, Original Bond, General for El Paso. Connectics for El Paso, Lcsving City at 6;30 P. M. now or and local operations of a scalping na would have been dead but for the stomach disorder general debility, Road Petition Doming, Silver City and all points In dally, will take you to Springfield, Mem- use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera get Electric Bitters. It's Writ of Attachment, Duplicate ture. The short interests seem to guaranteed Mexico, Southern New Mexico and phis, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me by all druggists. Only 50c. Affidavit in Attachment, Orlgin.O Bond of deputy Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville have been pretty well eliminated and seven Arizona. nd all In the of chronic diarrhoea after years Affidavit in Guardian's Bond and Oath points Southeast. the tone of the market Is of I can never say too much Attachment, Duplicate, general Buffering. S. D. Paddock and Miss Helen Lee, For detailed Broom Hall cables that rains in praise of that remedy." For sale Garnishee Summons, Original Administrator's Bond and Oath information apply to heavy. both of La Junta, Colo., were married are with the seeding both by all druggists. Garnishee Letters of Guardianship D.& R. G. interfering In Raton last Thursday, the Rev. J. Summons, Duplicate System Q. W. MARTIN in the United Kingdom and , of Administration Geo. Sproull and wife have return O. Willett officiating. Bond In Attachment Letters Santa Fe Branch INERAL WCSTKRN has been In AQINT but that harvesting good ed to "Raton from Johnson City, Mo., Execution Warrant to Appraisers the northwest of Argentine Tim Table No. 71. 1106. 17TH ST. portion where they went on their wedding Spent More Than $1,000. Order to Garnishee to Summons, Probate Court and conditions for crop are Pay lEffectlva Wedaeadnv April 1.1003.1 a bumper tour. "My wife suffered from lung trouble Inch DENVER. COLO. Election in New York to- tor fifteen she tried a number of Garnishee Receipt Justice's Docket, 100 P favorable. years, MRT IMriH0 WIHT BOUND over 1 no1 Bradstreet reports. Indica- A Dozen Times a Night. doctors and spent $1,000 without Affidavit in Replevin Justice's Docket, 8 2x14 Inch 200 p wo. Mum No.4i day; writes W. W. Baker of Plain- - 9:00 a Niint.A fn A RftlnM a movement from 'I have had kidney and bladder relief," 11:00a tions are for large Neb. "She becama low Bond In Replevin Record for Notary Publlo ni.. lv...ENpanola..Ar..34.. 3:00 p m trouble for years, and it became so view, very j i:on p in northwest in near future. We A iii..L,T....n.!tmini..Ar..D3..,, the the bad that I was to at and lost all hope. A friend recommen Writ of Replevin True Bill Opn..Lv.Tra I'lmlraa.Ar. .00.... 10:06 m obliged get up 6:Hi p ni..LY...AnUntU). .Ar.VX ... 7 can see nothing to change our pre- least a dozen times a Mr. ded Foley's Honey and Tar and, thanks :6tn night, says to Appearance Bond Springer Law (Pro. to Minors) r Kl S:IOam vious views, and still look for a dull Owen Dunn, of Benton Ferry, W. Va. this great remedy, It saved her il:0&sm..Lvt...!',v.Mn... 1:37am life. She enjoys better health than Peace Bond Bond for Deed 7:1& a ni..Ar... Denver.. ,.Lv 404, 9 SO pm and dragging market I never received any permanent bene fit from ' medicine until I took she has known in ten years." Refuse Corn Market a shade easier. It is any Criminal Warrant Application for Licenses Train, run Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two substitutes. For sale by Depot Drug dally except Hunflay. to find stor ,, Report of Connection, with the omaln. Una and almost impossible anything bottles, I am cured." For sale by De- Criminal Complaint Survey of is brnnchtw u follow.; new or anything to say it It pot Drug store. Mittimus Agreement Special Lease At Antonlto C. II. Miss Blanche Gar for Purango, Nllverton and all dull in every way, and the volume of Gregg and lu Sun TIME Appeal Bond Affidavit and Bond in Attachment, point! the Juan country, NEW CARD, Provision R. Walker of Pleasant Green, rett, both of Pueblo, Colo., were mar At Alamosa speculative trade Is small. Henry " (with itandard gauiro) for La taking effect November 1st, 1903: ried in Raton last Rev. Notice of Attachment Original Veta, I'uehlo, Colorado Hprlnxi and Denver interests are still bearish, and consti- Mo., arrived In Raton last Saturday. Thursday by Train No. 4 will leave El 7.00 Affiadivtt alao with narrow snue for Monte Vint a, Del Faso The He is a cousin of Judge Walker. Willett of the Baptist church. Criminal Comp't for Search Wa.'. and Writ in Attachment tute the principal shorts. buying Norte Oreede and all point Inthe Ban Lull p. m. (mountain time), arriving is scattered and of no particular Im- Notice for Publication Duplicate. valley. ' Never Ask Advice. Santa Roaa same time as at present Scohol Children Are Sickly-Mothe- r AtHallda with main line (atand&rd portance. Husking returns are a little Many Venire Citation cause) (6.2S a. When you have a cough or cold for all eaat and went Lead- - m.) and the movement from Gray's Sweet Powders for point, Including conflicting, don't ask what is good for it and get Notice of Garnishm't on Exeo Constable's Sale vllle and narrow gauge points between Hal No. 4 will leave Santa Rosa 9.00 p. hands is only moderate. Children, useJ by Mother Gray, a some medicine with little or no merit Ida and Orand Junction. farmers', Forthcoming Bond Notice of Sale m., and arrive Kl Faso 7:30 a m., seems in the cash situ- nurse in Children's Home, New York, and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Fol At Florence and Canon City for the gold There nothing mountain time. - . break Colds In 24 cure fever- - ey's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat Bond Criminal Warrants o! Creek and Victor. however, to bring about higher up hours, Indemnifying camp, Cripple ation, and lung remedy, It cures coughs and At I'ueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver We still think the market is tshness. Headache, Stomach Troubles, prices. colds quickly. For sale by ppnnt. Drug with all Mlaaourl river (linos for all points EL PASO NORTHEASTERN 8Y- - Teething Disorders, move and regu- store. eavt. to drag lower. . - - likely late Worms. General Blanks. TEM. LOGAN & BRYAN. the bowels, and Destroy For further Information addreat the under. Mrs. Emily Maronn, Merlden, Ct, Low Rates From Eastern Points to Itrned. Deed from says: "It Is the best medicine in New Warranty Notes, per 100 Through paaaengen Santa Fa In Mexico. itandard gauge from can i7T Short Story, the world for children when feverish Deed, Wild aleepert Alamo, (TlcudcroMEJUCO The Santa Fe will sell one way sec Warranty Special Animal Bounty Claim have berth reserved on application. EW In "Little Stories of Journalism" and Sold all ond-clas- constipated." by drug- s colonist tickets from all east Warranty Deed, Corporation Sheep Contracts J. B. Dvis.Agent, Julius Chambers gives in the Novem gists or by mail, 25c. Sample sent Santa Fe. N M. ern points on their line to all points in Quit-clai- Deed Certificate of Brand of Free. Allen S. Le s. k. uoopbh. O. V. A; ber number the Reader Magazine Address Olmsted, New one half class Mexico, at the first Mortgage Deed . . Freight Conductor's Book Covers Denver. Colo several true instances of the fact that Roy. N. T. . . liffTneaawe one way rate, plus two dollars. Cattle Account Book often do as much good as Deed In Relinquishment newspapers This offers an excellent opportunity Road Book some Deoole like to say they do harm. The family of F. C. Farquaharsoo Mining Deed Supervisor's of him at for eastern people to visit the western Sheriff's Day Book Th testimony is strong and includes Raton Joined Trinidad this Assignment of Mortgage country at a nominal rale, during the Books the true tale of the famous "Herald week, where the? will make their Satisfaction of Mortgage Receipt The Best ? next few months. W. J. LUCAS, Agt. tf Satisfaction of about the escape of wild ani- home. Chattel Mortgage Mortgage Hoax," Chattel with note fori mals from the Central Park too. The LAND SCRIP. Chattel Mortgage, with Note Mortgages Broke Into Hi House. Location Certificate Lode Claims is McCntcheon cartoon. Ben Leston Tay use Power of Attorney There in S. Le Qulnn of Caverulish, Vt, was ,By the of land scrip Furnished Room Cards lor's "Reading Sauce," a humorous robbed of bis health In BUI of Sale ctt 't,:y by title can be obtained to government For Sale Cards article on "Passionate Punctuation," vasion of Chronic constipation. When BUI of Sale, bound stock Dr. New Pills Into land without cultivation or residence Township a of Mr. Dooley would King's Life broke Lease, long and short form Plats, large and burlesque bis his trouble was arrested Lltho. Stock Printing house, thereon. All you teed to do is to give M'ch'dlse Per. Mining Certificate - ' alone up the magazine's reputa- Lease, and Prty r-- 1 keep and now he's entirely cured. They're Acts, Protection to Minors hiKh-clas- s sev and show the land to be Trurt Deed tion for fun, even were guaranteed to cure. Z5o at all drug- description linoi " Teachers' Monthly Report eral other little bits of foolish verse gists. of the proper kind; we do the rest By Title Bond to Mining Property ' zzy " Too ' f Oath, School Directors and absent The more serious of Contract of Forfeiture prose reason of the exhaustion the supply Chattel Renewal for 19, 1904, has been as Bohd of Butcher Mortgages Good side Is held by Bliss Carman's article August named which been limited the ha quite price Protest - Bills of Sale Books on "The Post in Modern Life, and New Mexico day by the board of man t " " . Our Customers. is advancing. We have a small amount Notice of Protest Escrltura Oarantlzada by considerations of the Danish sculp agers of the Louisiana purchase expo g on band to sell, that Is fully Escrltura Barantlyada tor Binding, and of "The sition at the request of the New Mex yet guar Warranty Deed, Spanish Declaration of Assumpsit Our Pride's in of Authors." Among the poets of the ico board of managers. This is the anteed. We also deal In real estate, Carta de Venta' Office Certificates number are William 3. Lampton, Er- anniversary of the day on which Gen loans and Investments. Transfer of Location Assay Our Printing. for Power of At Sheriff's Sale nest Neal Lyon, Emery Pottle and eral S. W. Kearney took possession of HUGO 8BABURO, Acknowledgement a the torney Sheep Contracts Partldo Madison Caweln. There are also territory. N. If. Springer, Marriage Certificate 8 beep Contracts Sale . ioainaM Commitments to Justice Peaci THE OPTIP iju v Homestead Entry No, 49S2. BUI of Sale (under law Feb., '95) tQH TICKET Mt M A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Proof of Labor Court noor.73 Timber Culture Affidavits Department of the Interior, Acknowledgment joo AslM Witnesses to Roll . Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M.( Acknowledgment Corporation Pay BUDWEXSER Orders to Witness Feet Live Stock . October L 1903. Authority to Gather Pay Claim Location Notice is hereby given that the fol Option, Real Estate Quit Mining d Official Bond Title Bond Mining Property To against lowlng-name- settler has filed notice guard Affld't Notice of Locations of bis intention to make final proof Renewal Chattel Mortgage Mining Denver & Rio Grande Co. Proof Unsecured Debt Ry. imitation the In support of his claim, and that said Affidavit Tha Scenic Line of the World Mineral No. 1 Homestead Final Proof proof will be made before the United Location Notice Homestead word States Court Commissioner at Las Ve Township Plat Applications The most direct line from New Mexico to all the principal cities Homestead Affidavits gas, N. M., on November 9, 1903, vis Appointment of Teacher mining camps and agricultural districts In Teachers' Certificate Road Petitions Juan N. Crlego, for the SW1-- 4 SE1-- Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Oretfou and WasliinK.on TiudWeiser of Declaratory Statements SB 4 SW 14 Sec. 21, T. 15 N, R. 22 Appointment Deputy Trains depart from Santa Fe, N. M, at 0 a. m. and arrive at 6:30 E, Lots 2 and 3, 6, T. 14N., R. p. m. dally except Sunday, making oonnentlmw with all through is branded on east and west ' 22E. Write for Complete Price List bound trains. the corks of all lie names the following wltnesie to All Through Trains carry the latest pattern Fullnmn Standard prove his continuous residence upon and ordinary sleeping cars, chiilr cars and system of ADDRESS perfect bottles of original Budweiser. and cultivation of said land, viz: An- Dining cars, service a la carte. tonio Orlego of Cabra, N. M.; Juan Pullman reservations made by telegraph upon application, For Accept no imitations of the Sanchez of Cabra, N. M.; Tori bio San- advertising matter, rates and further Information apply to- - chez of Cabra, N. M.; Cruz Lucero of "THE OPTIC OFFICE," Cabra, N. M. J. B. DAVIS, s.:k.:kooper Loral Agent, General P.nn-'e41T- ' of Bottled Beers." MANUEL R. OTERO, New Mexico a Fa, N. M. 10-4- las "King 1 Register. Vegas. J - H 6 LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC NOVEMBER, 3, 1903

MEADOW CITY HAPPENINGS THE COUNTY Better light without sua GOOD MAN GONE. Than sun without light; DRESS GOODS Better right without law Philip Callahan 8uccumbs to the In COMMISSIONERS In- is Than law without right eviUbie After Weeks of BUY a new line with us, but we would like to show V tents &e BEST you ' WM. LAMPTON. Suffering. MONEY APPLIED TO SCHOOL, what we have It is the most ROAD AND BRIDGE FUNDS-EQUALIZA- TION was seen i no upnc yesterday aiternoon re- Engineer Henry Soelinger UP-TO-DA- ceived the news of the death of OF TE Ill on the street today. Philip Callahan barely In time to make LINE Mr. Kestler, the old timer of the brief announcement of the sad fact, to be found We Iani me commissioners are anywhere. are exclusive Is ill. Deceased had for months borne phys- county agents Sapelto, reported very still In session on a cal agony with heroic patience. While grinding away FOKTI1E mass of routine business. The See the new ad. of People's Store still acting as bridge foreman for the equal!. zatlon of taxes la a It is crowded with Interest. Lantry's on the Santa Fe coast lines occupying good "Banner of the time. , Chairman Ramon Fashions," 10c and 15c Offl In Arizona, he was slezed with what part There will be a meeting Gallegos and A. T. are pres- regular appeared to be rheumatism. He grew Rogers of the A. O. V. W. In the ent A deal of business was tonight lodge worse, and about two months ago was good hall. advised to return to his home In Las transacted this morning. :torn K. ttena or 45 was Vegas. The story of the short residue jose precinct November Fashions In. Mrs. F. H. Pierce Is abated $92 on assessment Emlliana entertaining of bis life Is the story of untold suf- Theodore of of 2 was her father, Watklna, Tafoya precinct discharged - fering. The disease seemed to have Don't forget our fine linee of lOffl. Owensboro, Ky. from of taxes. Hon-toy- afflicted every part of bis system payment Felipe of precinct 26 was abated $200. 99 The Territorial Fair association During the last sixteen days of his Waists Waist life not mouthful his Juanita Ortls of precinct 29 was dis , and Patterns has dividend 10 a of food passed "Home declared of per from taxes. Comfort Hps. He knew the end was charged payment of Jose cent to stock holders. approach Lucero " heart-broke- was from The best constructed and most Ing, and though n at the exempted payment of IE7 on account of being the bead , durable steel made. - ft The ties have now been laid almost thought of leaving his wife and range Still selling 2 pairs Black Cat for of a family. Francisco Martlnes of Stockings all the around and the large family without a husband's and V way the plaza 29 "" - precinct was exempted to the , ,V ,- rails are following rapidly. father's protection, he looked forward v 25 Cents. , amount of $50 for a similar reason. with equanimity. All all Ejclusive Agents for "Warner's" Rust Proof Corsets. James Is from Cimar The petition of Donaciano Martinez tops and parts subject to rough England here Mr. Callahan had been for many Red ron of a of a In of as anj others asking that a road through Trading Stamps. disposing crop prime years tKlnploy the Lantrys . usage are made of malleable iron. ' ' Karaey'1 be was consider pies. He finds ready takers. r foreman. Ifo bulltr the big round gap opened ed but no final action was taken. The waterbacks are house In Albuquerque and worked on provided with a patent safety ' The Hebrew ladles' Benevolent so Oeronlmo Mathlas and Ricardo valve to explosion-(n- every part of the Santa Fe system. He prevent other range is provided' with BACHARACH BROS. meet Mathals 2 ciety will tomorrow afternoon was an undemonstrative man of were each exempted to the such a device.) 01 the ' ' at In the of amount of $200. ' The malleable iron waterback is so to oc- u Opposite Oastanoda Hotel. 1:10, vestry the temple, highest character. Those friends he constructed The of ask cupy the entire side and end of fire-bo- the had and their adoption tried, he grap- petition Begldo Gallegos giving great- In the probate court this morning, that In Rociada est surface without the pled to bis soul with hooks of steel. ing a road be opened heating destroying baking quali- W. B. Oortner was appointed adminis was considered. ties of the oven. And bis friendship was well worth trator of the estate of the late CI)L Matias Abran was The flues are asbestos lined; the ovens, dust and having. exempted $160, gas Marcus Brunswick. Francisco Martlnes was proof and ventilated; the construction of (crates A wife, four ' daughters Mamie, exempted perfect ROSENTHAL BROS. $200 and Antonio Martinez $270; Re- for hard coal, soft coal, wood, or a combination of both. The Altar society of the Church of Carrlo, Agatha and Marguerite, and fugio Martinez y Oallegog was ex We the Immaculate Conception will meet one son, Phllfp, are the nearest rela yard. just received You'll Never be ' : empted $200. Chilly with Mrs. Dillon, 1022 Fourth tives. Sold on time If desired. a new line of street, The sum of $339.53 was easy payments imported .... The funeral will probably be held doposked In This Knit Underwear tomorrow afternoon, . lorchon Laces and In from the homo tomorrow.. with the county treasurer, half of the :.. amount to be applied to the school DO sertion. This lot is sold News reaches the that General LOCAL city fund of 1902 half in our stock Children's Fleeced Underwear. The moon Is very fair these and to the road and J5he regular at Fred Walsen, owner of considerable nights ILFELD'S PLAZA ..18' 20 bridge fund of 1901. 10c C-- Sizes.. 22 24 26 28 30 valuable along tho Oalllnas and the day weath loc, 8c and a yard. yi Las Vegas property, has sold ' 9 Epemanio Sena was reduced $160 Exclusive In Price 12$c 17c 2Uc 22o 25o 30c 32o III his bank In Walsenberg. er is perfection. Yesterday the max. Agents. this sale at . Is on erroneous . J Imum temperature was 61, and the assessment 10 J. Lester Jones was reduced Dr. 8. C. Brown, the dentlBt, has whole dsy wai sunny and still. At $200 NEEDLEWORK ' ' for the same reason. Anacleta Allvio ART Our Fur Department moved to the city and has domiciled night the mercury sank to 19. The We Give was reduced $156. a number of Blue Trading Our Is his family In one of the Vollmer mean humidity was 30. Fair weather Quite Stamps fancy . Complete tho applicants for reduction goods sec- houses on Twelfth street. Is foretold for tonight and tomorrow, appeared tion is now Be before the board In sure and se- with rising temperature In the south. person and the bt i m m i n g lect choice values segslong were over with M. W. Sprlnger-ite- , uncommonly lively. m at once. Attorney Mills, the new F- - D. Lamar, a young man from goods In whom there Is no guile, f all kinds. m passeJ Selma, Ala., who same hero some Election Returns st Antlers. through the city today (in his way ths Special $2.98 weeks ago, very low with tuberculosis Tonight election returns will bo Hales homo from Santa Fe, where he had re daily. "stf?!--.- for one lot of long of s been on of the lungs, died InHt night. The ceived at the Antlers by wire. Plenty Fur I'doi-ine- legal business. apodal YOUR fancy you cannot find elsewhere .AS$ih ; a sinter 11-- ' pieces mother and accompanied the Our sofa cushions I are the prettiest and There will be a special 'meeting of young man to tho city. When It was always cheaper than elsewhore. Be are the ladies' Temple Aid aoelety of known tho end was approaching Hon, J. S. Duncan, member of the Personal low a few specials for Monday: Monteflore at 8 'O'clock the father and grandfather came from territorial board of Appearance one extra lot Congregation equalization, today o? I' ur Itous. in tomorrow afternoon In Alabama, reaching here received from Santa Fo a of Uncoverod Sofa Cushions the temple Saturday. list the well till shades. fills afternoon on No. 2 the and land of New filled, large size, 21x1, worth vestry. All members are urged to be parly grants Mexico, which, will be beyond criticism if to (too. .3So present. Tt for homo, taking with them the according to a decision by Judge Mo- - you are clothed in the su- 98c liand-tuiloie- andPolished Beads of the mi an. The Flo, will bo to perb Apache body young family subject taxation. The extra fine quality, full assort- for Children's J. time ,t wealthy and the father Is promin- list was compiled Territorial Audit- ment of colors and sizes. Gundulflugcr, long manager by Hart, Schaffner & Marx Fur Sots of tho Underdonk ent In tho nffulrs of the stnto. An- or Sufford. It shows no less goat ranch at Lamy, than Stein-Bloc- Bead looms and k has resigned and will ret sen to his other melancholy cane of "came too 1&5 grants In tho territory. The tax One of tho best nuikes. We also have a new lalo." on old homo In Philadelphia" Tils suc- this Immense amount of land will, I New arrival of line of Children's cessor is John Ffluogor, the well or course, materially Increase tho Fur , revenues. Beads. Sets known Lamy merchant. , The Matt mill startej up this morn-Ipg- territory's Smart Clothes. Kindergarten at $2.00 to $5.00. all tho new machinery being In ' On exhibition at Murpliey's are place and a largo amount of ore being All tho IraliiH are late this after- eight views of the Harvey mountain on hand. Mr. Matt has Installed W. noon. Those from tho norah were resort and surrounding forest and U. Temple, a skilful mining expert delayed by the wreck at Thatcher Kvery detnil that is known to the PEOPLE'S STORE tailoriimu's evident in mountain country, just finished by and engineer, as general itfauager. yesterday. No reason la for art;is tastefully given every garment. Suits range in price REICH a COMPANY. Wslte. From the artist's standpoint The mil) starts with excellent pros the tardiness of No. 2 from the west the work Is excellent, and the scenes pects. Mr. Matt will run night and Just general cussedncss is the ex- portrayed are characteristic and Inter day employing eight men on each planation vouchsafed by those not in $12 to $25; eating. " shift, Most of the ore on hand comes authority. November from the Tololote country, and there M Overcoats; I Bargains! V Mini Don Margarlto Romero's new are seversl loads from Rociada. Gov C C. Hall, the merchandlsoTrok-er- , I Is growing space. Ho will oc ernor Hsdloy of Rociada will bring who, for more than a score of $10 to $25 We have just received the best cupy one of the store room with his considerable haa quantity frorj his famous years traveled throughout the assortment of Cotton and Woolen general merchandise establishment Aiure mine. southwest, his ' haking headquarters ' If want to I well Romero will in you really dressed you must wsnr one of thA Blankets ever shown. The Drug company have Albuquerque, his disposed of his makes. fan,. a store and Dr. Romero will Messrs. New Mexico Felipe Dunlavy and Dunton, two Interests and, accom - Call and let us show you. A fit Isfguaranteed. and we r- Cotton Blankets - have his office there. It will be a gentlemen from Colorado Springs, who panied by his wife, has gone to Los it ...,.. .i in . i. " v wjj vu nuj biiue yuu Will I'ttlJ. will at handsome structure when completed. have an Idea ot seeing the country Angeles to make his home. Mr. Hall go ; with better vision than is possible is well known to every business man 50c, 60c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $.6o The Electrlo Street Railway com from a car window, are in the city. of the city. Among other big con THE BOSTOS ll pany has prepared a new schedule, They drove here from, the Colorado cerns be has for years the CLOTH Wool Blankets, represented ' which wilt be published In, The Optic city. Their trip was interesting and Kansas Grain company of Hutchin will go at tomorrow, The announces profitable, while not wildly exciting, son, Kafls., the Walnut Creek company Milling Ms GREENBERGER, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4 50, $5.00 Us Intention of keeping strictly Hp" to The gentlemen have a big covered company anJ the Hutchinson Salt the schedule. It will only by a day wagon, admirably fitted up for the company. Mr. Hall has sold his lines Comforters at $1.00 $1.50' or two now until the ears will be run purposes Intended. The gentlemen to W. II. Constable of El Paso, also ning around the plaa, anj the new like the Meadow city and may remain well known here. The change to Los A GUARANTY BOND schedule la made necessary toy the for considerable time. , Angeles is made on account of the ,.' Our ; ClothinSak ,. poor health of Mrs" Hall, who Fully wsmntlnnd usrsnryln requires is still on in full bloom, as we must J. F. Shea, the cashier at lower BiMburncr' make room,' popular the altitude. , , every for our Holiday Goods. Castaneda, will leave ,A ,ery Interesting program Is that this evening for ' Los Angeles, where ha will enter 'n . . . . : to he tlven at the Normaichapel to- upon imported lawns ud, Insortings at suits the duties of a better In the ' night, when both the toil add the position special, sale. See . Hoaenthul Uroc. Cheap at, v 4.50, tCSO, 1750, 18.60, 110.00 Harvey service. The gentleman leaves . Will 3JM silver Demorett medals will be com- space. , r.. go at.. ... iX0, 650, 7.00, 8.5 many friends In Las peted for. The list of contestants Vegas, who will UK '' wish him well In new In MEN'S PANTS lr,i waa published yesterday. A commit- his home Anothur class for beglnucrs tin be the southland of tee of competent Judges, none of whom the far west His started Monday night, Nov. 9th, at the Cheap at. , n.00, 12.G0, 12.00, I1.V successor, Mr. - knows the Identity of the others, has Konyon, Is an affable. ButtHok Janclng academy. 11 1 Will go at. .,2.00, iO0, LoO, im " capable young man. who can been selected. A musical program fearless ly be recommended to the folk who Reduction in all to make room'. , will be offered In addition to the FOR RENT Furnished rooms for TO SAVE YOUR departments travel. MONEY light housekeeping. 617 Eighth Ht Don't neglect this opportunity but come and examined 0cn up an account with 1145. for GREAT BARGAINS. Piano fur yourselves the In Man-e- l rent; IlfelJ'i the Plasa. the probate court yesterday TUB PLAZA TRUST SAVINGS 11-1- A. Gonzales waa appointed ad- Gearing's for heaters. 10-I- BANK. ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Apol-onl- a A bPKlnning can be made Gonzales de Oarcla, his lately de- small sum and the ceased daughter. He was also ap- Why not get the beat deposits thereafter can be In amounts pointed guardian of the minor chil- for your money. the depositor. dren, Alblna and Maria. It was a not-ail- e Our The Is not coincident that at the same ses- work can't be L'sat, money only absolutely safe, but It draws CONTRACTORS sion if the court Mr, Gonr.ales pnv A telenhone interest at the rate postal or of 4 STited his final ifport as admini- will per rent per annum. This Is com and BUILDERS hunbaud call bring our pounded twleo annually. strator of the estate of (he of In or- bis daughter, Daniela Garcia, who died wagon short omou a y ar ago. The report was approve!, LAUNDRY! der and your bun St. Hardware Bridge Store. llfeHMAM 1.) M V - Oor, National Si. Judge Severino Rara Is ImMlntt A- die will EMS. lT- l'rtj. and Orand Ave... nother session this afternoon. 710 DOUGLAS AVE. be prompt IUi.i.xt KTkoiJX. Csnhlrr CCLQ. PHONE 61. WCA317 ly delivered. LAS VEGAS. N. M. Vczaa Phone 100,