r ' JOURNAL POT "WORE SCHOOLS" SN THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Mansfield's Me-Liitie-Son .Actresses AND ADVERTISER. and Indorsements.Mrs. > J Schiller, W. R. HEARST. ALA N OPDA nee Yvette Gu/lbePt.The Chorus Girl-Prima Donna. AN AMERICAN PAPER ro» the AMERICAN PEOPLE Mansfield's rae-Ilttle-son has already established and lissome loveliness, declaring that the articles Mi' Belf, proudly and crowingly, as a newspaper topic.. him!The Allen thought so excellent were, in her opinion, mo In my judgement the Democrats great actor gave him his credentials and started useful. Disenchantment is very cruel. THE CALL FOR of the State are in favor of denying things with great gusto. He has told an moivy, and will hold any leaders pectant public that the baby did not weigh sixteen, butex| Mrs. Dr. Schiller, whom we used to know, and m DcMO- linrTHE eleven, pounds.just as though five pounds more or less or less appreciate, as Yvette Guilbert, 'is to tour ltv who attempt to ereate of Mansfield mattered. He has also asserted if sia, Austria, and under the ma STATC. sions in the eonneils of the party that, Germany Roumanin, dissenCRATIC he is able to prevent it, his son and heir shall never be agement of her brothers-in-law, Carl and Theod* for such acts. It is COMMITTEE responsible an actor. Th,e infant is a trifle over a week old, so it Rosenfeld.' The statement his a terribly unroman a good time lor all liemocrots to will be seen that Ik? has begun nicely. At any rate, ring about it. The Rosenfeld brothers are sound bi get together and light Republicans instead of me-little-scn is going to be eminently useful. There ness men, not in the least inclined to let a dollar I are possibilities that his baby be for ninety-nine cents, and it wouldn't be so trying . among themselves. SO SIGNIFICANCE I carriage may wrangling ' in the lobbies of the theatres at which his our nerves to hear that Yvette had voluntarily selected IS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE CALLING OF" THE CHILDRElf^i- displayed WHATEVER : plays. No actor up to the dared to them as pilots. But she has married into their STATE COMMITTEE TOGETHER FOR SO EARLY A DAY : has, present, popper I CRY exhibit his domesticity; but Mansfield is original, and, Her. husband's sister is Fran Rosenfeld, and famIl3uone I no doubt that all Democrats AS SATURDAY. have Jit PLATr^.. not being a matinee-girl actor, an infant or two would can't get up the slightest excitement about the that this Fall will l»e lighting for success under the party "DEMOCRATIC destroy no illusions. Then there is a prospect of what they are to pay her .$00,000, and 45 perstatementcent of banner. ELLIOTT DAtfFORTH. Jthe is known as the pretty family photograph. You know the net receipts. Yvette. in her highly advertised her Chairman of Democratic State^Coniimittee. the sort I mean.with baby's head nestling'upon the eccentricities, superb disregardIpf the conventions, shoulders of popper and mominer, cabinet size, eight her stout defence of the chanson tn.at lias two The conference between Senator Murphy, ex-Senator and dollars a dozen. To be sure, this sort of thing is her general century-end-ness, entertainedmeanings, Hill and Chairman Danforth which resulted in the dreadfully middle-class, but Mansfield.I repeatconsideredand amused us. Now she is Mrs. Dr. Schiller, and of the call for a meeting of the State Committee issuancenext it.Is original, and I shouldn't be in the least surprised hubby's relatives by marriage are going to take her is the of that between to find one of these in the frames through Europe. The charm has gone. The rose has Saturday first sign harmony pictures photograph wilted. The used in theatres. To his critics Mansfield can now eminent Parisienne wears the savor of leaders which is essential to party success Democraticin the Frankfurter and make a very pathetic plea. "I don't like to be sausages sauerkraut. She is no State. The Journal has been confident that harmonious longer a skittish but a lie said to me at Rye some time ago, "because demoiselle, fully-fledged be and it is not at the ridiculed,"husband is a full relations would effected, surprised this ridicule goes into the records, and will be read by Charming fellow, of literaryfrauHer. and artistic but Yvette thorough agreement of these gentlemen to subordinate future generations." He can now remark: perceptions, is goingaspiration to be managed by her brothers-in-law, and it will be a personal ambitions to the grand attack upon the common remember that I am a father: reflect that"Gentlememthere mere case of "We are a merry are.we are 5s a son upon whoso innocent head your sarcasms must family.we enemy. The meeting of the State Committee will be .we are." If she comes back to this she fall. Do not but oh! save dear country will routine business only will be discharged, and it spare.me, save, my be iess divinely helpless than She will uneventful, MtMMi boy." I can't help thinking that me-little-son is thelittle formerly. not be able to her shoulders is thoroughly understood that no question shall be. best has to Mansfield in shrug pretty and say ".Te suii tiling that happened years. seule et etroiigere." She will brine her bushnnd with to arise there which could prove a menace to party Actors are rot much to giving "hostages to permitted disposed her.her husband who lias Dusiness-managed the unity. I fortune." When such an e^ent happens it is usually and of lias press-agented' Duse. He will know Llltputiansthe The presence of Messrs. Murphy, Croker, Hill and f0z4>i0insi most un-public and secluded. The squire Rye ropes from to and tell her beginning end, exactly what /set a It be a bitter blow to the with Mr. McLaughlin or his representative, at good example. may to say to the interviewers. He will even Induce her Danforth, matinee the matinee matron likes it. And tljo of a !\\ girl, hut to forget that she ever said rude and will mean the campaign of angry things Saturday beginning Saratoga matron's dollar and a half on afternoons is Saturday about America to me in last year. unity and for victory. pleasantly current coin. A is and actresses should be chorus girl from the Savoy Theatre, London, is Disenchantment cruel, to be Wherever our troops meet the careful wbat they dos^The other day, under my front imported by Mr. Frohman for the leading role of "Little Miss which will THE Spaniards a victory is added to \ door, I found a delightful half-tone picture of Viola Xobody," open the Garden Oocheforet in "L nder the Theatre. Her name is Ethel Jackson, and she Is said INVINCIBLE fame's roll. The valor of the Allen, dressed as Rcnee de to have understudied Red Robe." Her. attitude was reposeful and poetic, everybody worth understudying Americans at Malate, mostly ( at the Savoy. This is AMERICAN MISS DEMOCRACY.There, there, :hiidren, stop I'll put it in the platarnaland in her eyes was the expression that is extremely hopeful, and the unteers who had never before beenvolSOLDIER cryin'; dying-duck chorus girl, in the considered so comely upon the stage. It was a pretty shivering poverty of sehlskln the most ar- form tnis Fall. jackets, must begin to feel that her time under fire, justifies picture, and I was just contemplating framing it and has come. [Reproduced from the Joi of September 25, 1898.] Miss Edna May's sudden ascent from the Casino ranks dent national pride. placing it upon my desli a* an mspiriiTion 10 u« useu lias horny, ripe fruit. London accepted her as Assailed in the night by Spanish veterans in dark-blue moments, when I happened to glance at she had though "The Dress Shield been a prima donna of Lillian Russell's them more than three the men in the American The White Star Line lias an the legend undern: ath. It read: And now to.one, outnumbering OF NEW YORK. heartiest in-' London is retaliating, and sendingstanding.us THE SCHOOLS is a most excellent article. Accept my trenches"in the forefront, though taken by surprise, fought BRIGANDS terest in the fullest exposure of Ethel Jackson. It is comforting to know that, in this inTHEdorsement, Viola Allen." It was very discouraging, the and did not retreat eVen when We demaiid school accommodations the Britannic even way, supply of prima donnas 13 gallantly and immovably, adequate O F T H F t conspiracy and I threw the picture away. I shall try to forget it, And practically Under than that of the Miss Allen why not? These girls have the veryunlimited. but four rounds of ammunition_remained to them. for our so that no cliikl may be greater public. but it will be hard work. When I look upon best opportunities for population, John Storm study and discipline. They see, a terrible fire more ammunition was brought. BRITANNIC. is an amazing thing that for as Glory Quayle, luring poor yet reverend and they hear, and watch the of education or restricted it would all the they effects and methods. Time and the Spaniards were driven off, only to opportunity denied a long time a band of brigands to the evils of earthly love, spoil If there is anything in them it is to again bound of the Hall ('nine situations if I suddenly mature, the but in the end they were defeated.as at and this we should have made an ocean liner their home and field of possibilitiesand With the knowledge that there are for T*enew attack, to lialf-day attendance school, dress shields. There is not much romance each prospects rememberedand all, we shall get better choruses than ever. usual.with heavy loss. operations.the leader of the band being the ship's Chief them. Hall Caine, who is realistic, believe to he second to no other municipal want. about Possibly The.sudden rise of the chords girl Is a wholesome and In Manila, as in Cliba and Porto Rico, the American officer. Leagued with him were the third officer and other have woven them into his story had he known might satisfactory Symptom, it win nip in the bud those The untrained volunteer is .Tenth in the Greater New York Miss Allen was so fond of them. He might have! soldier proves his superiority. plank employes. that designs upon the comic opera stage which are in this strain: "Glory, pale and trembling, everywhere more than a match for the Spanish veteran. in Extensive smuggling operations are known to have been written by sensational ladies with notoriety and cherished platform 1897. Democratic turned from John Storm, anxious to save him the' to their It carried on. But much worse than credit. will boom diamonds And as for our regular, where is the fighting man to this was the systematic hand- voice and talent, On that the Democratic party of pangs of rejection. She knew she was looking which have been bidden far too long. The chorus whom he needs to unbonnet? plank, rifling of the mail bags on each of the steamer's trips. The but she had her girl the some, queenly, enticing, forgotten prima donna will teach an audience not to too and the Journal stood last Fall. On that plyik key of the mailroom, down in the hold, was in possession she them on, and expect dress shields. Rushing upstairs, put much at first, but to watch and approve. "Press Greater New York was confided the people to a of the chief and he to have attended him. The was broken." Why are When Commodore Schley' said of by government Jago, officer, appears came back to spell agents" will be useless in her case. She will go upon so foolish? How is it that tbey can be her IT WAS In his report to Admiral Sampson Democratic administration. On that plank the Journal stands at his leisure and in entire security to the highly gainful actresses merits, ami these last longer than mere anecdotal names so nersiflaCP. We nsl-o/1 n<-> rnj-/ *'- to lend their difficulty-won readily? .... ,juvnin,Li.i ciuuni - the work of unsealing the bags, relieving registered letters of induced r.una iviay. on the sinking of Cervera's fleet. "to-day, and to the development and improvement of to bitters, tena; We valuable and then the It is all very well advertise life-giving accepted her unhesitatingly, and admired the "BIG ENOUGH ,.j congratulate you most-, shall be devoted so long as their contents, resealing pouches hair washes and fragrant of the schools the Journal's energies publib cious corsets, golden managers who "put her on." By all meanscourage to With an imitation seal manufactured for that purpose. dress shields seem to be prosaic. let us welcome ALL.'' cerely upon this great victory it shall endure as a newspaperi tlfriees, bill painfully /len! Miss. Ethel Jackson, even if the Prince sinFOR How thousands of dollars were stolen from the in the I have of the under command, many Miss Alien was not aloije picture Wales never smiled upon her.even if she was squadron your Alone among th4 important newspapers of this city the in mails, how much the Government has been cheated in the ttoned. On the other side of the sheet that portrayedmen. never known as a "syndicate girl" in one of George and I am glad '.hat I had an opportunity to contribute won the votes of in all her svelte Journal supported the administration that matter of duties on diamonds and other her I discovered Miss Maxine Elliott, Edwardes's companies. ALAN DALE. the least to a that seems tor smuggled laces, victory big- enough- a solemn ** the people. That support was based upon pledge goods can only be conjectured, but the total is supposed all of « us, »*«»?-a « ?-« under rule, to be enormous. ».f<«>|« » T « »T« »f« .he took the broad and just view, that President ..that the public, schopls, neglected Republican the has so far eluded the has honored himself by adopting. should be neglected no longer. The plank that is quoted Jago, brigand chief, detectives, I.BY McKinleyf'* NEWS" OF OUR HIGHEST CIRCLES CHOLLY KNICKERBOCKER. but the are in and it ought not to- be Sampson and Schley by the Executive's nomination was made part of the platform at the suggestion of the underlings jail, jt | a- i - /VT VVTVVW\'V?Y *c * to the whole gang to justice. VT t r« VVVytVVTTTV *1**1**1" *1**1**1**1**1**1**1**1* 1**1**1**1**1**1**1**1**1*'I**,"!**!"!"!"!* Rear Admirals, all the brave and skilful captainsbecomeJournal. I called personally upon Mr. Sheehan, then bring difficult The extent of the responsibility, either legal or moral, The has set in at Newport again, and one hears of Mrs. Fish. To-morrow Mrs. French's dance on whose management of their ships was so magnificent are the Democratic organization of New York City, to fog is representingor both, that attaches to the White Star Line for the on all sides much complaint against it. the programme. promoted, and Lieutenant-Commander Wainwright, of the be needed.the of urge.should urging importance its committed crimes on board there were many lunelies, and at night the There was a dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Elisha many numbers. with which employes impunitySunday big. Gloucester, goes up in the official Democratic utterance the most of a half dozen gay 011 will with enthusiasm emphasizingits ship remain^ to be determined. .Casino das the scene very Dyer, Jr.'s, Tuesday. Her guests were Mrs. Who can doubt that the Senate to the Casino. of a republic's duties, the thorough education of children The Government has a duty beyond the prosecution of This is a new departure.going dinners. Oelriehs, Mr. and Mrs. Lorlllard Ronalds, HermannMr. won in a important confirm these nomolnatlons, these laurel! the educational was United Everything has been Gelf Club so long that and Mrs. Hermann Duryea, Mr. and Mrs. Charley for all?" at the public expense. The plank framed, the criminals. It ought not to be possible to rob the "big enough victory poor old Casino was forgotten, hut on Sunday nighls Oelriehs, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. acts for the people, and adopted and made the most important of the campaign's States mail on a steamship regularly plying between this The Senate, like the President, now many dine there. Oliver Belmont. Mrs. Stnyvesant Fish's dance, like it is of the Journal stands and foreign ports as the White Star's vessels do. Since the the people of this country have but one regret.that For the fulfilment th,e pledge issues. Mrs. .Tolm Davis, of Washington, had a large din- all things she does, was well done. the of company has demonstrated its inability to protect the not possible to do more at the moment for heroes ner. Among her guests, besides her son Bancroft The house was brilliantly Illuminated. It could be responsible.mails, they should hereafter be under the constant charge Santiago. Within a month the public schools will reopen to resume Davis and her daughter Miss Bessie Davis, .were Mr. seen by all Newport in its elevated position, being of Federal officials. That would be a safe practice on all the most important work that is done in this country.the and Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Miss Grey, Miss Mason, I. one blaze of light and color. The danee was given in the ocean steamships, and the companies should Xp. Wlnthrop and others. honor Of Miss Marion who is Only twenty-six, handsome; education of the voters of the future. Townsend Burden, Jr., Roger Fish, not yet out, and in granddaughter of Commodore to defray the cost. requiredMrs. Potter Palmer also had a small dinner. Her consequence only the very young set were present. A greatHEREDITYAre the schools ready? Sir. and few of unhappily married, a guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Travers, Mrs. Fish's friends were asked in.Mr. and Vanderbilt, rwr,. T,» >[.. 1 * r.. ,"M i Ml*a TtUlaha Will the school room be Honor to Hobson. He cannot be Mr. Honore, Mr. Ilonore ...... ii. aim .uis. AND A drunkard, a spendthrift, inmate of adequate? Mrs. Egerton Wlnthrop, Jr., v.utiriee weincLis, were not last honored too much. Miss Elsie Clews and Reggie Brocks'. Mrs. Moses Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Oliver a lunatic and trying to get Thousands of children taught year. REMEMBER Palmer, Campbell, WOMAN asylum Thouj entertained at Miss LOST is the turned from the schools, cheated of their But honor also to'these, his Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Huunewell dinI Louise Sands, Mrs. Hermann OeMchs,Belmont, out with the law's aid.that sand^>vere away Mr. on the Merrimac, comTHF^Fner Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Belmont, William Burden, and Mrs. Pendleton, and n few others. life of Mrs. Jack Wilmerding. right to a fair start in life. panions story in the of that Jr., and John Tooker. A novelty In the beginning/of the cotillon, Vfhich and interesting story to this TOO. pants all perils And a strange, terrible painfully What is igappen year? particiHEROES,Hermann Oelrichs at another table had Mr. was led by Mr. of a Mrs. Harry Lehr, Baltimore, was its sum. exploit: immortal it is in its details as in frightful Is there a seat in a well ventilated schoolroom ready for nivd Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Lorillard small donkey drawing a tiny cart, led by a negr* in her misery and her DAVlEIi MONTAGUE, lirst-class machinist on the Held She avers that while crazed by every school boy and girl in this city? Ronalds, Miss Fair, Mr. Bourkc Cockran, Mr. Harry costume, with a big straw hat. The cart, was for a few hundred dollars property cruiser New York. Mr. William Coster. All the covered with wheat and habits she signed aWay If the on which the Democratic administration Lehr, Mr. Charles Munn, harvest flowers, poppies and not, pledge J. C. coxswain on the Iowa. worth many thousands, and fled to Europe to join her MURPHY, tables were handsomely decorated with flowers. field daisies and red ribbons, and was tilled with was elected has not been fulfilled. OSBOH5I DEIGNAN, coxswain on the Merrimac. and sat of father, a man dying of dropsy. Here is her picture of the After dinner every one came down stairs favors rakes and hoes glided and ornamentedcotillon If no excuse can be offered. F. PHILLIPS, first-class machinist on the a with ribbons life the two led: not, GEORGE on the lawn and listened to the concert, where great and flowers. The donkey was led three The of this city promised solemnly to live up to the Merrimac. of were assembled. times around the room, and then of his While in Capri I sat up night after night for a month drinking Mayor number people despoiled FRANCIS KELLY, water tender on the Merrimac. favors and led out. and smoking with my father. He gave me absinthe and French platform. The people voted for him because they believed Another Hound of Dinners. R. GLAUSES, coxswain on the New Yort. Among those present were Miss Lillle brandy. I had no sleep; I did not eat; I had to nurse him, and that he would permit no child in the city to lack an education. Oelrichs, GEORGE CHARETTE, gunner's mate on the cruiser On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ellsha Dyer, Jr., gave a Miss Grey, Miss Julia Grant, Miss Edith MISs frequently had to go out at night with a lantern to bring the If his work has not been done he should see to it Clapp, already, small as did Mr. and Mrs. Stuyvesftut Fish, Laura Swan, Miss doctors. These doctors were named Cerio, father and son. It New York. dinner, Gwendolyn Burden, Miss Charlotte at once that it is done. He has the power, he has the and Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Brooks gave a large Whitney, Miss Nathalie Miss was the elder who afterward brought me back to America. Wells, Constance He has no work in hand as important as this.responsibility.WILLINGNESS TO SUSPECT dependent allies, and readiness at their place, Rockhunt. dinner Miss Fannie Jones, Miss Cornelia Davies,Livermore,Miss Her preparation for this debauchery in such revolting be but not that way lies the reward is the of his aunt, Mrs. In this city the richest man should have no reason.save to insult them may natural, Mr. Robert Cutting guest Wliitehouse, Robert Gerry, William Staypole, William association was extensive; of their grateful, trusting friendship. Townsend Burden, for the week. Whitehouse, Frank Andrews, Austin Grey, Reggie his son elsewhere than to the Alfred I to drink to excess. My husband had snobbery.for sending public Cockran is the of Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt, Van It. King, Willing Three years ago began Mr. Bourke guest Spencer, Charley Hatch, Cyril Hatch, and as well as school. There should be no school in the city as good as HARD on the Cubans and for the Harry Grey, started me in the habit, my troubles, monetary DON'T BE TOO Filipinos Stuyvesant Fish at their place, Crossways. and many others. After the cotillon there was a domestic, drove me to continue it. I drank terribly, terribly! that which the city provides. There should be no independence. desiringMr. and Mrs. Lorillard Ronalds are also the guests and the fun lasted until three in the morning.supper, and I smoked terribly, too! Sometimes I drank a quart of and no playgrounds finer, no teachers better schoolroomspaid or Our own forefathers were equally unreasonable. a I took cocktails and absinthe and too, whiskey day. liqueurs,. with better reasons for feeling deep interest in their pupils' 0<>-<><><>0OCH><>00OOOOOOOOOOOCKXO O-OO-O-O-OO000-0-00000-00-00-00-0 all mixed up. I smoked constantly.forty cigarettes a day.and welfare. I ate nothing. I simply lived on stimulants and, excitement. HARMONY. It is a distressing and a disgraceful fact that this greatest Let the Democratic party secure that and victory in the State 8 A PLEA FOR UNDILUTED ENGLISH. No wonder that when the woman was brought back to o and richest city in America'is not the first in its public school of New York will be its reward. <^00-0<>000<><>00-000000OOOOOC 0000-000<><> | America in a doctor's charge she was driven straight from the wharf to the system. In the August Atlantic Monthly is printed an the truih to say that there are not fifty copies of asylum. to THE PHILIPPINES, reddened with the blood of American Beowulf in the States. A democracy is judged by its efforts encourage genuine essay written by Sidney Lanier about 1880. making United Or, again, every boy. But it is a wonder that she should have recovered her soldiers, must never pass from under the Still's and Stripes. far less learned than tlint erudite Equality in opportunity, at least, can be given to and for the great though young health and reason. It will be a greater wonder still if ever equality. Nail the flag to the mast! a powerful logical plea of Macaulay's, can give some account of personthe every citizen if the public schools do their duty. as the basis of English culture, as death of but how many not to she should regain self-respect and self-command, for . epics AngloSaxon Hector; bovs.or. t it nor mince how women who sink, unlike men who descend far, are seldom, IMPROVE THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS; INCREASE THE PAY against imported literature, not excluding matters, many men.in America could WHAT AMERICAN VALOR has won American statesmanship do more than stare if asked to relate the death of able to rise out of the morass of OF GIVE FRESH ENCOURAGEMENT TO it, but preceding it. "We do not bring 'very seldom, gross TEACHERS; should have the courage to keep. neglecting Byrhtnoth? and defiance of all the proprieties. The fibreselfindulgenceof THOSE WHO EDUCATE AND GREATER COMFORT TO with us," wrote Lanier, "out of our childhood the "Yet Byrhtnoth was a hero of our own In which our fathers England the sex is too fine to bear so brutalizing an experience, too THE CHILD WHO STUDIES; BETTER PLAYGROUNDS; PEACE WITH SPAIN, yes. fiber of idiomatic English the tenth century, whose manful fall is recorded In knit to us. The is diluted before fine to together when once torn. Delicacy gone,'it is BETTER BOOKS. But no peace that relinquishes to the enemy one particle of boy's English bequeathedEnglish words that ring en the soul like arrows on gone forever. That is tlje rule. that which has been conquered by our army and navy. It has become strong enough for him to make up his armor. Why do we not draw in this poem.and its IMPROVE THE AMERICAN RACE BY IMPROVING THE like.with our mother's milk? have we 110 Pity goes out to this poor creature. Endowed mind clearly as to the true .taste of if. Why originally, PUBLIC SCHOOL. W. R. HEA&8T. songs of Beowulf and the Grendel? to outward seeming, with most of the desired THE LONG AGONY of Cuba has taught us what sort of a "Out literature needs Anglo-Saxon iron; there 13 nursery advantages does not the serious education of Ii- .1 1.. .1 "Why every for social is. US cilia 11 ci n women.wealth, position, beauty.the girl was neighbor Spain IIO riUlUlllCSSN 111 vunns, j as a matter of *' .1,A nrAil 1 a English-speaking hoy commence, really doomed from the beginning. What more natural Sampson and Schley are both to 13 H111C1CUitl iu«t ouv. »»v»uwva wviu lack of the red corpuscles. Current English prose course, with the Anglo-Saxon grammar? These are the Pacific from what she has been in the Caribbean? than that the daughter of such a father should inherit ADMIRAL be made Rear Admirals. The on both sides of the water reveals an ideal of more serious questions than any one will be prepared Leave Spain a foothold in the Philippines and a war is laid to believe who has not followed them out to their reckless impulses and love of stimulants? How could she SAMPSON, President has1 come to this most like the leaden sky of a November day, for the future. prosewritinglogical results." get from such hands the guarding care due a daughter? up that overspreads the earth with dreariness.no rift deADM1RAL may some time be able to get a partner. The on to the T"]"!nrnmntir»r» aanVi noon ic Spain in its tissue nor fleck in its tint. essay goes prove by comparison iviomeriess, reared in scnoois ana virtually nomeless, It cipion. C""W1 " SCHLEY. soul with the least feeling for color quality of our language, and how it was next to inevitable that Marie Allen should become and the of rank "Upon any uegenerat? deserved, equality THE REST OF IT. the model 'editorial' of the day leaves a profound from the fifteenth century on, and translatesweakened Mrs. Jack Wilmerding. conferred settles, or ought to settle, forever the unseemly are all of a like some of the most robustious passages from "The "What do think about the propriety of a round robin?" asked dejection. The^ sentences height, There Is more of a problem in her case than the and rancorous wrangle over the share of glorj- that regulars on parade, and the words are immaculately Death of Byrhtnoth," an Anglo-Saxon poem dating one officer. Lanier "in the of whether she should be in the or not. of snug and clean-shaven. Out of all this from about A. D., COS, which, said, kept asylum question belongs to each for the victory Santiago. rightfully"It's all right," replied the other. "It's in accord with the prim, the larlty comes a kind of prudery in our literature. judgment of my ear sets the grace of loyalty and The courts can decide that. But who shall determine the The grateful American salute Admiral Sampson fitness of The case of Cervera furnished the cold reguI people things. large "One will go into few moderately 'appointed grmutess of battle to noble music. I think 110 nmn of the father's or degree depraving guilt the extent of the and Admiral Schley, and will delight to further honor bottle. And the small hot bird should uot be entirely omitted.". houses in this country without finding a Homer in could bear this poem read aloud without feeling bis hapless daughter's moral responsibility? both- Washington Star. | some form or other; but it is probably far within aeart beat faster aud bis blood stir.'

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