U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians (name redacted) Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs Updated December 12, 2018 Congressional Research Service 7-.... www.crs.gov RS22967 SUMMARY RS22967 U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians December 12, 2018 In calendar year 2018, the Trump Administration has significantly cut funding for the Palestinians during a time of tension in U.S.-Palestinian relations. Statements by name redated President Trump suggest that the Administration may seek via these cuts to persuade the Specialist in Middle Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to participate in U.S.-led diplomacy on the Eastern Affairs Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Despite the funding cuts, PLO Chairman and
[email protected] Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and other PLO/PA officials have For a copy of the full report, not reversed their decision to break off diplomatic contacts with the United States, which please call 7-.... or visit came after President Trump’s December 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s www.crs.gov. capital. Various observers are debating what the Administration wants to accomplish via the U.S. funding cuts, and how compatible its actions are with U.S. interests. Some Members of Congress have objected to the cuts, including on the grounds that they could negatively affect a number of humanitarian outcomes, especially in Hamas-controlled Gaza. Some current and former Israeli security officials have reportedly voiced concerns about the effects of drastic U.S. cuts on regional stability. Until this year, the U.S. government had consistently supported economic assistance to the Palestinians and humanitarian contributions to the U.N.