The Journal of Iranian Studies ISSN: 2536-5029 - E-ISSN: 2651-4370 Vol: 3, No: 1, pp. 121-147 Received: 02.04.2019 Accepted: 24.06.2019 DOI: 10.33201/iranian.547988 A Comparative Study of Iran and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Policy Objectives in Indonesia Muhammad Ravi* Abstract Looking from a geographical perspective, Indonesia and the two most influential Islamic countries that promote two major denominations of Islam, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, are located in different parts of the world. However, holding the ground for the majority of Muslim in the world makes Indonesia a suitable place for Iran and Saudi Arabia to exercise their influence. Since Iran and Saudi Arabia have a set of contradictory ideologies, the need to expand their influence is competitive. The article starts by analyzing the foreign policy objectives of the two countries in Indonesia. Then, a comparative study is made between them. The main theory used in this work is based on neorealism to ascertain the objectives of Iran and Saudi Arabia. The article uses secondary data that have been used in the literature. The article concludes that although these objectives have started becoming more economical, the religious aspect continues to play a dominant role in the foreign policy objectives of the two countries. Keywords: Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Foreign Policy, Ideology, Iran * Sakarya University, Middle East Institute, Middle Eastern Studies, MA Student,
[email protected], ORCID: / 0000-0001-9796-4065 121 İran Çalışmaları Dergı̇ si ISSN: 2536-5029 - E-ISSN: 2651-4370 Cilt: 3, Sayı: 1, ss. 121-147 Geliş Tarihi: 02.04.2019 Kabul Tarihi: 24.04.2019 DOI: 10.33201/iranian.547988 Endonezya’da İran ve Suudi Arabistan Dış Politika Hedeflerinin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışması Muhammad Ravi* Öz Coğrafi bir perspektiften bakıldığında Endonezya ile iki büyük İslam mezhebini destekleyen İran ve Suudi Arabistan dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde bulunmaktadır.