Dr Benedicta Marzinotto
CURRICULUM VITAE BENEDICTA MARZINOTTO Contact details: Rue de la Charité 33, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium benedicta.marzinotto@bruegel.org CURRENT EMPLOYMENT 2010- Research fellow, Bruegel, Brussels, Belgium 2005- Lecturer in Political Economy, Economics Department, University of Udine, Italy EDUCATION 2005 PhD in European Political Economy, London School of Economics (LSE), UK 2002 MPhil in European Political Economy, LSE, UK 1999 MSc in European Studies, LSE, UK RESEARCH INTERESTS European economic governance; political economy of fiscal adjustment; central banks and wage bargaining systems; varieties of capitalism; international trade and New Keynesian models. FELLOWSHIPS, HONOURS AND GRANTS 2005-10 Associate Fellow, International Economics, Chatham House, London, UK 2008 Visiting Scholar, University of Auckland, New Zealand 2007 Visiting Fellow, DGECFIN, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium 2005-07 Academic Collaboration – International Network Grant, Leverhulme Trust 2000-05 LSE Research Studentship 2004 Visiting Research Associate, Free University of Berlin, Germany 2004 UACES Research Scholarship 2002 Visiting Researcher, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2011- “Monetary Policy”, University of Udine, Italy 2009- “EU Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Governance”, College of Europe, Natolin Campus, Warsaw, Poland 2005- “Macroeconomics”, University of Udine, Italy 1 2006-08 “Government and Policies of the European Union”, MSc Mercosur and the EU in Comparative Perspective, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,
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