Contact details: Rue de la Charité 33, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium [email protected]


2010- Research fellow, Bruegel, Brussels, Belgium 2005- Lecturer in Political Economy, Economics Department, ,


2005 PhD in European Political Economy, London School of Economics (LSE), UK 2002 MPhil in European Political Economy, LSE, UK 1999 MSc in European Studies, LSE, UK


European economic governance; political economy of fiscal adjustment; central banks and wage bargaining systems; varieties of capitalism; international trade and New Keynesian models.


2005-10 Associate Fellow, International Economics, Chatham House, London, UK 2008 Visiting Scholar, University of Auckland, New Zealand 2007 Visiting Fellow, DGECFIN, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium 2005-07 Academic Collaboration – International Network Grant, Leverhulme Trust 2000-05 LSE Research Studentship 2004 Visiting Research Associate, Free University of Berlin, Germany 2004 UACES Research Scholarship 2002 Visiting Researcher, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy


2011- “Monetary Policy”, University of Udine, Italy 2009- “EU Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Governance”, College of Europe, Natolin Campus, Warsaw, Poland 2005- “Macroeconomics”, University of Udine, Italy


2006-08 “Government and Policies of the ”, MSc Mercosur and the EU in Comparative Perspective, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina 2002-07 “Government and Policies of the EU”, University of Udine, Italy 2002-06 “Basic Economic Policy Concepts”, University of Udine, Italy 2004-05 “Politics of Economic Policy”, LSE, UK 2002-05 “Politics of International Economic Relations”, LSE, UK


2001- Free lance analyst (EU policies, EU economic governance)


2009 Società Italiana degli Economisti, Annual Conference, Bank of Italy and Luiss University, Rome, Italy; SASE Annual Conference; Sciences Po, Paris, France; Network of European Economic Reform Analysts (NEERA), Launch Meeting, Department for European Affairs, Rome, Italy; EUSA, Biennial Conference, Los Angeles, USA

2008 Società Italiana degli Economisti, Annual Conference, , Italy; AIEL, Annual Conference, University of , Italy; International Research Workshop Cleavages in Europe’s Political Economy: socio-economic preferences of actors, sectors and country-size effects University of Udine, Italy; International Research Workshop The Implications of European Integration, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, USA; Departmental Research Workshop, University of Auckland, New Zealand; International Research Workshop Central Banks, Fiscal Policies and Unionized Labour Markets: the role of different institutions, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

2007 DGECFIN Economic Seminar, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium; ECPR, Annual Conference, , Italy; International Research Workshop The Eurozone under stretch: analysing regional divergences in EMU: facts, dangers and cures, SWP, Berlin, Germany; EUSA, Biennial Conference, Montreal, Canada; PSA, Annual Conference, University of Bath, UK; UK Department for Work and Pensions, International Conference Welfare Reform: challenges, choices and international insight, Central Hall Westminster, London, UK

2006 AIEL, Annual Conference, University of Udine, Italy; UACES, Annual Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland

2005 International Research Workshop Between Growth and Stability: the consequences of the reform of the European Stability and Growth Pact, LSE, UK; International Research Workshop Political and Economic Consequences of EMU, University of Victoria, Canada

2004 UACES, Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, UK; UACES Student Forum, University of Glasgow, UK



Journal articles:

2009 ▪ “Beyond monetary credibility: the impact of globalization on the output- inflation trade-off in Euro-area countries”, in: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 20, 162-176 2007 ▪ with P. Tiberi Vipraio “The impact of the European Monetary Union on German relative wage growth: divergences and delayed adjustment in EMU”, in: Politica Economica, August ▪ “Has EMU Made Germany Worse Off: Public Finances, Wage Bargaining and ECB Credibility from a German Perspective”, in: Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Volume 18, Issue 1

Chapters in books:

2011 ▪ “EU Economic Governance and Varieties of Capitalism”, in: S. van Genugten and E. Jones (eds), Europe Today, 4th edition, Rowman and Littlefield, NY 2008 ▪ “Bringing Domestic Pressures Back Into the Budget: Germany’s Stability Pact and the New Incentive Structure in EMU”, in: B. Casey and S.L. Talani (eds), Between Growth and Stability: the demise and reform of the SGP, Edward Elgar 2007 ▪ “I differenziali d’inflazione nell’Euro-zona. Alcune prove preliminari della sostenibilità politica delle divergenze nell’Unione monetaria”, in: A. Villafranca (ed), Le Sfide della Governance Economica Europea, Il Mulino ▪ “Has EMU Made Germany Worse Off: Public Finances, Wage Bargaining and ECB Credibility from a German Perspective”, in: A. Verdun (ed.), Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union. Taking stock of the first eight years, Nova Science Publishers

Briefing papers:

2011 ▪ with M. Hallerberg and G. Wolff “How Effective and Legitimate is the European Semester? Increasing the Role of the European Parliament”, EP Briefing Paper, European Parliament, September ▪ with J. Pisany-Ferry and G. Wolff “An Action Plan for the European Leaders”, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Bruegel, July ▪ “A European Fund for Economic Revival in Crisis Countries”, Bruegel Policy Contribution, February 2010 ▪ with J. Rocholl “The Inequal Effect of New Banking Rules in Europe”, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Bruegel, October ▪ with C. Altomonte “Monitoring Macroeconomic Imbalances in Europe: Proposal for a Refined Analytical Framework”, EP Briefing Paper, European Parliament, September ▪ with J. Pisany-Ferry and A. Sapir “Two crises, Two Responses”, Bruegel Policy Brief, Bruegel, March 2008 ▪ “The role of country size –Integrating trade theory with monetary policy regime accounts”, Working Paper N. 35, Department of Communication,


▪ with P. Subacchi and V. Rossi “Exploiting Europe’s Strong Potential: Governance, Institutions and Policies”, IEP Briefing Paper 08/01, Chatham House 2007 ▪ “Are Inflation Differentials in the Euroarea a Challenge to EMU Governance? Some preliminary evidence on the political sustainability of divergences in EMU”, EEGM Working Paper N.2 2006 ▪ “Fit for EMU? Comparing the new member states with Southern Europe”, IEP Briefing Paper 06/03, Chatham House ▪ with E. Jones, “The EU needs a strong US economy, not reform”, IEP Briefing Note 06/03, Chatham House ▪ “The Unnecessary European Social Model”, IEP Briefing Note 06/01, Chatham House


In progress ▪ “Incentives for wage restraint in a monetary union: the role of country size, bargaining systems, and intra-EMU trade” ▪ “Product market competition, skill regimes and labour market institutios”, mimeo ▪ “Exchange rate movements and fiscal adjustment: a political economy perspective”, mimeo ▪Varieties of Capitalism and Macroeconomics: institutional choice, complementarities and dysfunctions, mimeo (incomplete)


European Political Economy Review; Journal of European Public Policy; New Zealand Economic Papers; Journal of Common Market Studies; Journal of Macroeconomics; International Review of Economics and Finance


English speaking: excellent; reading: excellent; writing: excellent Italian speaking: excellent; reading: excellent; writing: excellent German speaking: very good; reading: excellent; writing: good Spanish speaking: sufficient; reading: sufficient


University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES); European Union Studies Association (EUSA); Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro (AIEL); Royal Economic Society (RES); Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE)