Fabian Nicieza,Mark Brooks,Patrick Zircher,Shane Law,Chris Stevens | 424 pages | 10 Mar 2010 | | 9780785143130 | English | New York, United States & Cable: Ultimate Collection, Book 1 by

Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Magneto Mary Jane Mr. Teams A. Horsemen of Apocalypse S. Xavier Institute. Concepts Marvel Multiverse. Helicarrier The Psimitar. Story Arcs. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. December 26, Verified purchase. Fun read. See more. Reviewed by Kaveman Kaveman. Ask a question Ask a question If you would like to share feedback with us about pricing, delivery or other customer service issues, please contact customer service directly. Your question required. Additional details. Send me an email when my question is answered. Please enter a valid email address. I agree to the Terms and Conditions. Cancel Submit. Pricing policy About our prices. We're committed to providing low prices every day, on everything. So if you find a current lower price from an online retailer on an identical, in-stock product, tell us and we'll match it. See more details at Online Price Match. Related Pages :. Email address. Like any dichotomy, the one enhances the other; in this case they contrast delightfully. Also, there are so many other great characters through A bromance to last for all time, and timelines, and universes! Also, there are so many other great characters throughout and massively full story arcs. Oct 01, TJ Shelby rated it it was ok Shelves: marvel. I heard great praise throughout the comic world about this series both from critics and fans. I must be missing something. I'm still not sure I enjoy the John Lennon-esque "Imagine" theme presented from a returned-from-the-future pansy ass Messiah figure. And Deadpool His jokes are funny about every 50 pages and I just don't connect. I'm going to have to take a significant break before b I heard great praise throughout the comic world about this series both from critics and fans. I'm going to have to take a significant break before beginning volume two View 2 comments. Jun 23, DeAnna Knippling rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. No fractured voices in his head. A bunch of meh jokes about the Olsen twins. Deadpool called to be an antihero and answering the call with the sound of noble horns instead of burrito farts. Nice ideas. A few decent characters. It's all Feb 19, JM rated it really liked it. So, I'd been familiar with Deadpool from the comics back in the 90's and I was aware that he had a well-received run paired with Cable a few years ago, so in preparation to the movie I decided to give it a go and I have to say that I was impressed. This version of Cable is actually pretty awesome, and works perfectly as a foil for Deadpool's antics. I'll definitely give the whole series a read. Feb 02, Jessie B. Cable and Deadpool are different enough that a team up between them is a lot of fun. Jan 31, Cameo rated it really liked it. I liked it. As always in the Marvel univers, there are A LOT of stuff, characters and storylines to keep track of, but with the most hilarious humor ever to be found in comics, you don't find it all that difficult. I love Deadpool. Jan 05, Shlee rated it it was amazing. Not knowing much of Cable, I found his relationship with Deadpool to be rich and fascinating. I loved the balance between the two characters. Probably my favorite series in Deadpool's continuity, and definitely the one I find funniest and most enjoyable. Mar 15, Megan rated it really liked it. I really don't know what to say about this. Either you love deadpool or you don't. There is no in between. I love him. I laughed out loud. I felt sorry for him. I love the fluidity of the graphic novel. It was such a really really fun read. May 26, Nikki rated it it was amazing Shelves: comic , marvel. Aces, guys, totally aces. The most perfect comic ever created. Jun 07, Justin rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. Alternate universes alight! Body slide by two yuck. Jun 03, Addison rated it really liked it. This was a very good read. All Deadpool fans should take the time out to check this one out. Feb 25, Jasmina rated it liked it. This was a must read? I was highly disappointed. The story was all over the place, Deadpool not that funny, and at some parts some characters highly annoying. Sep 10, Stephanie Hiddleston rated it liked it. Deadpool is great, but Cable is most times quite Jan 27, pianogal rated it really liked it Shelves: reads , graphicnovel. Started out a little slow but got good by the end. Still not in love with Cable, but like him more now. Feb 20, Sal Deaver rated it liked it. This is the supposed to be THE book to read if you're a Deadpool fan? I'm just so confused. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. Graphic Novels Comics. Science Fiction. About Fabian Nicieza. Fabian Nicieza. Fabian Nicieza is an American writer and editor who is best known for his work on Marvel titles such as X-Men, X-Force, New Warriors, Cable and Deadpool , and Thunderbolts , for all of which he helped create numerous characters. Other books in the series. Deadpool & Cable Ultimate Collection - Book 1 - -

Action, adventure, black humor, black-ops, face-changing viruses, gratuitous France-bashing, and lots of gunfire mark the return of two of Marvel's fan-favorite anti-heroes! Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 05, RG rated it it was ok. Ive only come across a couple of Deadpool stories which I like. The art here was very good but the story a little meh. View all 4 comments. Oct 26, Sesana rated it liked it Shelves: comics , superhumans. Cable and Deadpool is, on the surface, an almost entirely nonsensical idea for a teamup book. Luckily, Nicieza seems to have understood that. Most of this large 18 issues collection is dedicated to sorting out why they're Cable and Deadpool are together in the first place. There are issues, of course. Cable's power level seems to be really overreaching to me, for one. Also, this isn't quite the Deadpool I'm used to. It may be because we aren't so much in his head from a narration standpoint, b Cable and Deadpool is, on the surface, an almost entirely nonsensical idea for a teamup book. It may be because we aren't so much in his head from a narration standpoint, but I also think that he's missing some of his usual zest. But the recap pages, when they start showing up, are great, and there are some truly priceless scenes Sinister's entire appearance is gold. This particular trade also reprints the letter columns, which is of highly variable interest. Apr 27, Baba rated it it was ok Shelves: x-men-verse- snikt. A quirk of fate means that these two character's lives are entwined. Sep 03, shayla rated it really liked it. Dec 12, David rated it liked it Shelves: comic-books. Kind of uneven. Lots of pretty crazy stories. Often read like I was missing parts - were there linked episodes in X-Force or Cable or some other title? Did get the feeling that the rest of the series would improve so I'll continue reading the collections. But for the most part this collection was not all that great. Nov 18, Shannon Appelcline rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , comics-marvel-xmen , comics- marvel. The 4-parter that follows is if anything stronger because of its willingness to go so big picture with Cable. Overall, this was a good volume that occasional verges on greatness. Mar 21, zxvasdf rated it really liked it. IT has one of the coolest openings in a comic book. In a series of panels on one page, Deadpool watches TV in his disfigured glory. He's watching TV day and night, day and night. Then the phone rings, and a voice asks for Deadpool. Wade Wilson, in just boxers, goes off panel and returns still in boxers, but is now wearing his mask. Commitment to the job, man! Dec 15, Tacitus rated it really liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. One of the better collections I've read, especially of contemporary comics. Nicieza's writing has clearly evolved since the s, as it's generally sharp, short, and captures each character well. Zircher's artwork was also consistently appealing, and the team worked together well to tell good stories each issue. The collection works well in that that there are 2 main story arcs in the 18 issues. The first involves a somewhat OP Cable who becomes a godlike figure on earth. The second involves Dea One of the better collections I've read, especially of contemporary comics. The second involves Deadpool kidnapping baby Cable from Sinister into the current timeline. Throughout, Nicieza keeps focused on a tight cast of characters, which made the stories easy to follow. He also attempts in each issue to establish the characters, their powers, and the current situation, enabling a new reader to pick up at any point of the series and jump in. Even so, the later issues contain page-one recap expositions that seem a little ham-fisted and essay like, despite their self-referential jokes. The series features a bunch of cameo appearances and supporting characters, ranging from the X-men, Silver Surfer, Cannonball, Siryn, and Forge, all of which seem well thought out and help flesh out the stories. Cable was probably the most interesting character, as he shows the most promise in terms of fully realizing his potential and taking it somewhere bigger, but it never really does, at least in this collection. Deadpool shows some twists, and reveals a heart, although I found his jokes somewhat repetitive and growing stale with time. I could imagine trying to make joke at work using a dated reference about, say, The Love Boat , Anna Nicole, or Balco at work and hold back for fear that it would fall flat because no one gets it. That's how some of Deadpool's jokes feel now, and while no sane person would attempt them in the real world, Deadpool does. And maybe that is exactly the point. Deadpool is a likeable idiot, and delightfully wrong at times, and for all of that, he has a certain charm and definitely stands out as a unique superhero. The collection lacks a strong theme or some other factor that would make it "important" as a series or arc and take it to the stratosphere. But on balance, it succeeds precisely because it aims to be an entertaining series that never takes itself too seriously. There's a lesson in this for other creators. May 20, Jeni rated it liked it. Overall, I liked it though and may pick up Book 2, so that's a three. Nov 17, Josh Morgan rated it liked it. Read it at the recommendation of a friend. It was good to read a comic series, but this particular story wasn't my cup of tea. Jan 29, Rix rated it really liked it. This is that good Deadpool content. Cable is cool too. Oct 17, Adam Spanos rated it it was ok Shelves: superhero-comics , marvel , deadpool. So this is the "must read" series that every deadpool fun should read? I'm not feelin' it man! Pretty lame story, with boring characters and a deadpool being a lot different from what we are used to, mostly because there is a great lack of spot-on jokes with the only exception to be the Sinister story which i admit it, was hilarious. I expected a lot more from that but sadly i got dissapointed. For now i'm still having Posehn-Duggan run on top of every deadpool run. Feb 17, Ben rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. While enjoyable, I did not find this as good as Daniel Way 's version, which was my previous foray into the world of Deadpool. I found the comedy was not quite as sharp; the internal monologues to be more in the nature of exposition and less of an internal dialogue, for example, and a lot of the meta jokes to be in reference to other comics I did not know about, and so less accessible. I also found the initial storyline to be a bit boring with Cable's level of power - however, I think things impr While enjoyable, I did not find this as good as Daniel Way 's version, which was my previous foray into the world of Deadpool. I also found the initial storyline to be a bit boring with Cable's level of power - however, I think things improved as the later parts of the collection begin to explore the implications of what went on before. The artwork is mostly pretty good, and it is consistent through the volume, which is a big plus for me, and despite there being further volumes in this Ultimate Collection , this one itself forms as much of a fully self contained story arc as you can probably get with a Marvel title. Feb 12, Kevin Giebens rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels-comics , marvel. The first time I met Cable, was in the first volume of Deadpool Classic. It was a brief appearance and the first appearance of Deadpool , so I didn't really know who Cable was or what he did in the Marvel Universe. So I was very excited to get this book and see what all the fuzz was about! You can clearly see why this duo is the most unthinkable couple you could imagine. While Cable is the more serious hero, Deadpool is the complete opposite. Cable wants to protect humanity and help, while Deadp The first time I met Cable, was in the first volume of Deadpool Classic. Cable wants to protect humanity and help, while Deadpool just wants money and shoot everything. In the beginning, Cable tries to ignore Deadpool as much as possible. He even makes his head explode a few times, just to make him shut up. But this book gave me the impression Cable is a bit of a overpowered mutant. He thinks he can act like a god, which makes him not so likeable. Luckily, Deadpool brings the laughs and most of the action in this book. And it's kind of sweet to see how Deadpool gets attached to Cable both mentally and physically! Jul 23, Kurt rated it did not like it. I just don't get this book. Plus: this edition comes complete with all letters pages, never before reprinted! Reprints Cable and Deadpool Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Magneto Mary Jane Mr. Teams A. Deadpool & Cable Ultimate Collection Book 1 (Trade Paperback) | Comic Issues | Comic Books | Marvel

Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Chris Stevens ,. Mark Brooks ,. Patrick Zircher ,. Shane Law. Wade Wilson and Nathan Summers - Marvel's mightiest mutant mercs - are back, and this time they're stuck with each other! Can two grown men armed to the teeth with deadly genetic weaponry live together without driving each other crazy?! Action, adventure, black humor, black-ops, face-changing viruses, gratuitous France-bashing, and lots of gunfire mark the return of two of Wade Wilson and Nathan Summers - Marvel's mightiest mutant mercs - are back, and this time they're stuck with each other! Action, adventure, black humor, black-ops, face-changing viruses, gratuitous France-bashing, and lots of gunfire mark the return of two of Marvel's fan-favorite anti-heroes! Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Apr 05, RG rated it it was ok. Ive only come across a couple of Deadpool stories which I like. The art here was very good but the story a little meh. View all 4 comments. Oct 26, Sesana rated it liked it Shelves: comics , superhumans. Cable and Deadpool is, on the surface, an almost entirely nonsensical idea for a teamup book. Luckily, Nicieza seems to have understood that. Most of this large 18 issues collection is dedicated to sorting out why they're Cable and Deadpool are together in the first place. There are issues, of course. Cable's power level seems to be really overreaching to me, for one. Also, this isn't quite the Deadpool I'm used to. It may be because we aren't so much in his head from a narration standpoint, b Cable and Deadpool is, on the surface, an almost entirely nonsensical idea for a teamup book. It may be because we aren't so much in his head from a narration standpoint, but I also think that he's missing some of his usual zest. But the recap pages, when they start showing up, are great, and there are some truly priceless scenes Sinister's entire appearance is gold. This particular trade also reprints the letter columns, which is of highly variable interest. Apr 27, Baba rated it it was ok Shelves: x-men- verse-snikt. A quirk of fate means that these two character's lives are entwined. Sep 03, shayla rated it really liked it. Dec 12, David rated it liked it Shelves: comic-books. Kind of uneven. Lots of pretty crazy stories. Often read like I was missing parts - were there linked episodes in X-Force or Cable or some other title? Did get the feeling that the rest of the series would improve so I'll continue reading the collections. But for the most part this collection was not all that great. Nov 18, Shannon Appelcline rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , comics-marvel-xmen , comics-marvel. The 4-parter that follows is if anything stronger because of its willingness to go so big picture with Cable. Overall, this was a good volume that occasional verges on greatness. Mar 21, zxvasdf rated it really liked it. IT has one of the coolest openings in a comic book. In a series of panels on one page, Deadpool watches TV in his disfigured glory. He's watching TV day and night, day and night. Then the phone rings, and a voice asks for Deadpool. Wade Wilson, in just boxers, goes off panel and returns still in boxers, but is now wearing his mask. Commitment to the job, man! Dec 15, Tacitus rated it really liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. One of the better collections I've read, especially of contemporary comics. Nicieza's writing has clearly evolved since the s, as it's generally sharp, short, and captures each character well. Zircher's artwork was also consistently appealing, and the team worked together well to tell good stories each issue. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Can two grown men armed to the teeth with deadly genetic weaponry live together without driving each other crazy?! Action, adventure, black humor, black-ops, face-changing viruses, gratuitous France-bashing and lots of gunfire mark the return of two of Marvel's fan-favorite anti-heroes! Plus: this edition comes complete with all letters pages, never before reprinted! Reprints Cable and Deadpool Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Float Left Float Right. 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Deadpool and Cable Ultimate Collection #1 - Book One (Issue)

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