Alauddin Khalji's conquest of

Some Lesser Known Facts About . According to the 16th-17th century chronicler Haji-ud-Dabir, Alauddin was born as Ali Gurshasp in Qalat, Zabul Province, . Alauddin was the eldest of the four sons of his father Shihabuddin Masâ™ud (who was the elder brother of the Khalji Dynastyâ™s founder Jalaluddin). After his fatherâ™s death, Alauddin was brought up by his uncle Jalaluddin. Alauddin and his younger brother Almas Beg, both married Jalaluddinâ™s daughters. When Jalaluddin became the Sultan of , he appointed Alauddin as Amir-i-Tuzuk (equivalent to Master of cer In November 1296, the ruler Alauddin Khalji sent an expedition to conquer Multan. His objective was to eliminate the surviving family members of his predecessor Jalaluddin Khalji, whom he had assassinated to usurp the throne of Delhi. Multan was governed by Jalaluddin's eldest son Arkali . Alauddin's generals and Zafar Khan besieged Multan for around two months. They managed to gain control of the city after Arkali Khan's officers defected to their side. The surviving family members of Jalaluddin were imprisoned, and later, several of them were eit... For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Alauddin Khalji's conquest of Multan. Home. News. 2. Alauddin Khalji â“ Ala ud-Din Khilji, born Juna Khilji, was the second ruler of the Khilji dynasty reigning from 1296 to 1316. He is considered to be one of the most powerful rulers in Indian history, KÄfÅ«r returned to Delhi in 1311 laden with spoils. After his conquest of Sindh, Muhammad bin Qasim in 712 CE captured Multan from the local ruler Chach of Alor following a two-month siege, following bin Qasims conquest, the citys subjects remained mostly non-Muslim for the next few centuries. By the mid-800s, the Banu Munabbih, who claimed descent from the Prophet Quraysh tribe came to rule Multan, and established the Amirate of Banu Munabbih, which ruled for the next century. Alauddin Khilji is known for his war tactics when the attacked Delhi. The constant attack by the Mongols in caused much panic and anxiety to the government under Alauddin Khilji. The Mongols attacked almost a dozen times during the reign of Alauddin Khilji. Every time, some division of Alauddin's army defeated them. However, in 1299, the Mongols came to Delhi not rob, but to establish themselves. This time, Alauddin went with a huge army and defeated the Mongols badly. When they attacked again in 1307, Alauddin taught them a tough lesson. Alauddin then led an expedition towards the south of India. He was said to be the first Muslim king who went to the south to expand his territory. He made a slave named the army chief. In 1305, the Delhi Sultanate ruler Alauddin Khalji sent an army to capture the Paramara kingdom of in central India. The Delhi army defeated and killed the powerful Paramara minister Goga, while the Paramara king Mahalakadeva took shelter in the Mandu fort. Alauddin appointed Ayn al-Mulk Multani as the governor of Malwa. After consolidating his power in Malwa, Ayn al-Mulk besieged Mandu and killed Mahalakadeva. In November 1296, the Delhi Sultanate ruler Alauddin Khalji sent an expedition to conquer Multan. His objective was to eliminate the surviving family members of his predecessor Jalaluddin Khalji, whom he had assassinated to usurp the throne of Delhi. Multan was governed by Jalaluddin's eldest son Arkali Khan. Alauddin's generals Ulugh Khan and Zafar Khan besieged Multan for around two months. They managed to gain control of the city after Arkali Khan's officers defected to their side. The surviving family members of Jalaluddin were imprisoned, and later, several of them were eit