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80 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Sept. 8, 1989 CARS CARS CARS CARS Remove mineral buildup I [CARS from your feokettle by FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I CARS CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE pouring In holt o cup of white ylnegor and one BUICK Electra Estate PONTIAC Flero 1985 - FORD LTD Country PLYMOUTH Renault SUBARU Brot 1979 . quart of top wafer. Heat to Wagon 1982 - Good Saulre Wagon - 1972, CHEVY Camaro Z-281985 PONTIAC Firebird 1977 - Automatic, V-6, low 1982 - All options, 81K. B®stofter.643- rolling boll and let stand condition. S2900. 646- 400V-8, excellent condi Excellent condition. 1 - T-top, power steerlng- Needs work. Best otter. mileage, silver with 2005, leave message. 4526. Coll 649-9151 otter 5pm. for one hour. Pour out block spoiler, mags, tion. $500. 647-7890. owner, $1,950 or best /brakes, V-8,5.0L,47K, solution, till with water, offer. 647-0347. CHEVROLET 1984 Celeb- $5,900. 646-9826. CHEVROLET Comoro a/c, om/fm cassette, rltv - 4 door, fully boll again and discord. tilt wheel, tinted win AUDI 40uu 1980 - $2500 1985 - V-6, tuned port Add buildup to your dows. $5,495 or best equipped. Excellent Excellent condition Infection, 5 speed olr, condition. Asking budget by selling no- offer. 742-1398 plus extras. 646-9826. power steering and longer used furniture and evenings. $4,000. 646-2392. brokes, om/fm, 82K, $4,499. 646-9826. appliances with a low-cost CLYbE od In Classified. 643-2711. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. ROUTE 83, VERNON CARDINAL BUICK'S VOLUME 84 Cutlata Coups *5895 ^4 Buick Csntury Wag *5995 85 Reliant 4 Door *4995 85 Buick Elsctra 4 Or.
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