The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

1974 uttwt Ty6TOGA (Trans. Lep. Soc, Jap,) Vol. 25, No. 4 ll5




OF JAPAN IN 1963 ()


14-l2, Miyamaee3,Suginami, Tokyo

A few species of thc t'amily based on the collectiun of Nepal Himalaya-Expedition by the Le- pidopterological Society ofJapan in I963 were submittedi to rrie for working out, In this paper, 26 species under 23 genera including 2 new genera, 3 new subgenera and 3 new species are recorded, These were captured at altitudes bctween 350 m. and 3300 m. and Indo-Malayan species and West-Chinese species are scparated from each other an altitude of about 2400 m.

Genus Staurop"s Germar

StauropusGermar, 1812, Prodr.Syst.gloss,, 2: 45.

Mesostauropus subg. nov.

Typespecies: Stauropus sikkimensisMoore.

Kiriakoff (l968) restricted the Stauropus to Palaearctic and put in tcntatively sikkimensis Moere together with other Oriental Stauropus-species to the genus IVbostauropus. However, this ,species is quite diflerent f'rom IVbostauropus ba.salis Moere and others and rather identical with Stauropus.flegi Linnaeus in many points. Hence

a new subgenus Mksostauropus is erected for sikkimensis.

Extcrnal features coincide with those of the nominate subgenus but male genitalia difrbr. Antennae in male bipectinatcd but apical one fourth serratcd, whi]c in IVlrostauropus one fifth serrated; hind- tibiae with oJLe pair ofspurs; rorewing with vein Mi stalked with a common stem of R2-Rs, rising from very near upper angle of cell but in Nbostantropus vein Mi rising t'rom upper angle of cell.

Malft genitalia: socii with a long proeess in upper pertien, projecting apex long and incurved; valvae never thoroughly scparating into costal and saccular parts as in Aleostauropus but forming t}vo projcctions in distal avca while pcrfi:ctly fused in subgcnus Stauropzas; 8th abdominal stcrnitc teLragonal or pentagonal but never rhombic as in Neostauropus ancl not so long as in the subgcnus Stauropus, caudal process more feeble, shorter and broader than subgcnus Stauropur, distal end of cephalic prQjection never furcate, free slip rail short and arising from center while arising from base of cephalic prejection in the subg,enus Stauropus.

Stauroptts(lifesostaurop"s) sikkimensis Moorc

Stauropus sikkimensis Moore, 1865, Proc, Zool, Soc. Lond., l865: 81L400.

Stanropus Serberisae Moore, 1888, Proc. Zoel. Soc. Lond., IS89:

Palaeosiauropus sikkimensis: Kiriakofi; 1967, Gen. Ins,, Not. II: 90.I35,

Nbostauroptts sikkimensis: Kiriakoff; 1968, Gen. Ins., Not. III:

Specilnensexamined: Chitrei,2420m, 28 vi, 3o'g.

Gcnus Netria Walker

IVlrtriaNValker, 1855, List Lep.Het.Brit. Mus,, 6: 1504.

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Netria viridescens Walker

Nbtria viridescens S'Valker, 1855, List Lcp, Hct, Brit, Mus., 6: 1504. Stauropus vin'descens: Hampson, 1892, rvIoths Ind., I: 151,

Specimens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vi, 19,

Genus Dudusa Walker

Dudusa NValker, 1864, Llst Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus., 32: 446. Dvdn'oides Matsumura, 1929, Ins. Matsu., 4: 80. Dudusopsis Matsumura, 1929, Ins. Matsu., 4: 8I.

Dudusa sphingiformis Meore

Dudusa sphingiformis Moore, 1872, Proc. Zool, Soc. Loncl., I872: 577. Dudusoides sphingij?)rmis: Matsumura, 1929, Ins. Matsu., 4: 81.

Specimens examined: Kathrnandu, vi, 18; unnarned place between Tapche and Lelep, l700 m, 9 vii, IS.

Genus Damata Walker

Damata WalkeT, 1855, List Lep. Het. Brit. Mus,, 5: I044.

Damata longipennis Walkcr

Datnata lotzgipennis VVralker, IS55, List Lep. Hct, Brit. Mus. 5: 1044.

Speclmens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vi, 8ae.

Genus Rachia Moore

Raahia Moore, 1879, Descr. Lep. Atkins.: 70. Rlmchia Gaede, 19S4, in Lep. Cat., 59: 190. Mlicroshachia Matsumura, 1925, Zool. Mag, Tokyo, 37: 395. Aagustiala Bryk, 1949, Ark, f, Zool., 42A: 3.

Rachia plnmosa Moore

Rachia Plumosa Moore, l879, Descr. Lep. Atkins.: 70.

Spccirnens examined: Walunchung, 3050 m, 27 vii, 1di,

Genus Hupodonta Butler

Hapodonta Butler, 1877, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 30: 475,

Hmpodonta p"tcherrima (Moore)

Rheosia Pntlcherrima Moore, I865, Proc. Zool, Soc. Lond., 1865: 814. Hlaipodonta pulcherrima: Gaede, 1930, in Seitz, Macrolep, IMorld, 10: 638.

Specimens examined: Unnamed place between Walunchung and Chowki, 2450 m, 28 vii, 2dia.

Genus Allodonta Staudinger

Alotodenta (AUodenta) Staudingcr, 1887, M6m. Rorn,, 3: 223.

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Altodenta Kirby, I892, Lep. Het.: 604,

fflexc!frenttm Matsumura,Syn. 1925,Cat. Zool. Mag, Tokyo, 37: 400.

Altodonta (Attodonta) collaris (Swinhoe)

IVbtodonta collaris Swinhoe, 1904・, Arm, Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 14: 321.185. Allodbnta collaris: Kiriakofl; 1969, Gen. Ins., Not, II:

Specimens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vi, IS.

KiriakoMa subg. nov.

Type species: AUodonta iongivitta Gaade.

Diflhrs from the nom{nate subgcnus in the fo11owing points: antcnnac ciliated; forewing with vein M3 and Cui separated but more approximated than in the subgcnus Alloclonta, vein Mi rising from upper angle of cell; hindwing with Rs and Mi stalked, and the common stem longer than in thc subgenus Altodonta. Male genitalia; uncus and socii not so acute at termen as those of the subgenus Allodbnta; valvae with cestal process of distal end not so developed and posterior process very long; juxta simple; aedoeagus never prolonged at tip; 8th abdominal sternite trapezoidal and narrowly riftcd at medio-caudal cnd, sclerotized caudal fold very broad; 8th

abdominal tergite with caudal margin deeply incised W-like,

AUodonta CKiriakofiia) longivitta Gacde

Ailodbnta longivilta Gacde, 1930, in Seitz, ix(acrolep.World, 10: 643,

Chitrei, 2420 rn, 28 vi, 1di, 19 unnarnecl bctwccn Lhawn PoknandChitrei Specimens examined: ; place ,

27oom, 30 vi, 2didi, 19

Gcnus Peridea Stephens

Peridea Stcphens, 1828, Brit. Ent. Haust., 2: 31.

thsodonta Matsumura,IIL1920, Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 32: l45.

Peridea (Peridea) sikkima (Moore)

Mtodenta sikkima ptIoore, 1879, Dcscr. Lep. Atkins.: 67. Nbtodonta inoorei Hampson, 1892, Ind., I: 163. Mksodenta moorei: Matsumura, ]931, 6000 Ill. Ins. Jap.: 647.329. Peridea tnoorei: Kiriakofl 1959, Ark. f, Zool., (2) 12:

Specimens cxamined: Chltrei, 2420 rn, 28 vi, 3eg.

Gcnus Acmeshturhia Matsumura

Acme,rhach Matsumura, Ins. Matsu,, 4: S9, Oreodentaia KiriakoE 1967,1929, Tijdschr. Ent,, 110: 54.

Acmeshcrchia gigantea (Elwcs)

Netodonta gigantea Elwes, I890, Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond,, 1890: 399, Alotedbnta elwesii Kirby, 1892, Syn, Cat. Lep. Het.: 600, Acmeshachia gigantea: Kiriakofl; 1968, Gen. Ins., Not. II: 175,

Specimens examinecl: Unnarned place between Tapche and Lelep,1700m, 9 vii, 1?.

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Acmeshachia albifascia (Moorc)

Pheesia albijZtscia Moore, 1879, Descr. Lep. Atkins.: 69. IVbtodonta albijZscia: Hampson, I892, Moths Ind., I: 162. Acmeshachia aibofZischia: Kiriakoq 1968, Gen, Ins,, Not, III: 175,

Spccimens cxamincd: Chitrci, 2420 m, 28 vi, 3di&; unnamed place betwecn Tapche and Lclcp, 1700 m, 9 vii, 1?.

Gcnus IVeopheosia Matsumura

rVleopheosia Matsumura, 1920, Zoel, Mag. Tokyo, 32: 147.

IVeopheosia fasciata (Moore) ' Pheosia fasciata Moore, IS88, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1888: 40I. IVkopheosia .fasciata: Matsumura, 1920, Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 32: 147.

Specimens examined: Data missing, 18, 19.

Genus Suzttkia Matsumura

Suzukia Matsumura, 1920, Zool, Mag. Tokyo, 32: 140.

Suzukia (Suzukia) siltkima (Moore)

Hbterocampa sikkima Moore, 1865, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond,, l865: 812. IVbtodonta sikkima; Harnpson, 1892, Moths Ind., I: 163. Peridea sikkima: Kiriakotl; 1959, Ark. £ Zool., (2) 12: 392. Suzukia sikkima: KiriakoffL 1968, Gen. Ins,, Not. III: 18I.

Spccimens examined: Unnamecl place between Lhawn Pokn and Chitrei, 2800 m, 30 vi, 18,

Genus Ilseudofentonia Strand

Pseudofentonia Strand, 19I2, Fauna Exet,, 2: 40.

Pseudafentonia (Rseudofentonia) argentifera

IVleterecampa argentij?ra Moorc, 1865, Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond,, 1865: 813, Rhalera argentEfera: Kirby, l892, Syn, Cat. Lep, Het.: 577. I7kntenia argentij?ra: Hampson, 1892, Moths Ind., I: 147. Pseucipfantonia angentifera: Strand, 1912, Fauna Exot,, 2: 40.

Specimens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vii, ISS8, 19,

Viridifentonia gen. nov.

Typc species: Hlrterocampa Plagiviridis Moore.

Plagiuiridis Moore had been placed by Gaede in the genus iipistauropus, but the species has referred to the Kiriakoff genus A(fesopitalera by (I968). Thc vcnation of Mbsophalera coincides with that of1ipistauropus in the

forewing with veins Mg and Cui well separated, vein M2 frorn the middle efdiscocellular, vein Mi from the uppcr

angle ofcell, but difllers in the fhrewing without the areole and thc hindwtng with veins Rs and Mi moderately

long stalked.

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Plagivzrtdis, however, diflbis from the above two gcnera m the foresvng with ians M3 and Cu! approximated and vein M2 rising from upper one third of discoccllular and from liptstauropuf in the foicwmg without aieole and Panthennus in the hindwing wrth iveins Rg and Mi moderately long stalked In A4esophatera and its allied genera, is near to but differs fromPtagtvmdts in the fore"ing with vein M2 ansmg from]ust below efthe uppcr angle of fu11y cell and in the hind"mg -ith vems Rb and Mi moderately short stalked Ltbtdo and Pellewta could not the be compared withPlagtvtrzdzs as they hag not been exarnmed by me but baged on the ongmal descrLption, EPzstauropusexceptmg the former vcnation probably rcscmblcs that of Pantherznus ancl the latter may comcide with and presence ot areole The antcnnae of the male are serrated in Pelleuaa, weakly pcctmated m Mbsophatera Libidb, Panthennus but strongly pectinated in Ltbtdo, Eipistauropus and Plagtvtndis The male gemtalia of Pellewta, and othcrb but those Mesophalera, Panthertnas and ptagtvzndts are closely allied to each other in the bifurcated uncus

nyr 5 mdiew n



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4 it 8

}'nenaifer}difi fi : II :mu w Moere, Dudlesa Moore, Figg 1-12 Notodontidae (1) Stauropus (lhsostauroPus) stkktmensts di, (2) sphtngofbrmts Moore, Hlripodenta Moore, 6, S,

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120 uttvaTYOTO GA(Trans, Lep. Soc. Jap.) Vol, 25, Ne. 4 1974

of Eipistauropusare considerably diflbrent, The adcquate classificatien of this group is almost irnpossible at present, but ifitisrecognized that Pelletvia, Libido, Mbsqphalera and Pantherinus are the separable genera, then a new gcnus must be erected to Piagiviridis. This new genus agrees with the subgenus of Pseudofentonia in the antennae, the palpi, the wing shape and the venation but distinctly difi'ers in the rnale genitalia.

Viridifentonia plagiviridis (Moore)

Hleteroeampa Ptagiviridis Moore, I879, Descr, Atkins,: 61. Stauropus Plagiviridis: Hampson, 1892, Moths Ind,, I: 158. Iipistauropus Plagiviridis: Gaede, 1930, in Scitz, Macrolcp. World, 10:58.625. lhsopfialera plagivirides (sic): Kiriakofl; 1968, Gcn. Ins,, Not. III:

Speeimens examined: Unnamed placc between Lhawn Pokn and Chitrei, 2800 m, 1 vii, 2(fdi. 'i'':'i'i' 'll:・ ; 21ti,'ii,l ,,

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: tttttt,t 'i':eger-:・1:/1muntt-emetl k'u-t l as :, L/ :i : /;/,・ ,: ;1 /'l'lts' tt;;t .t/,t./t.,l :li/i-iEny. tt/tttt :l. ・・ ・,・-:-l, il- ,,,; ii・ff/i.m./eex・,mu.・/,' I/I,I・ t t .,,.:tt tttttttt:ttzattttt :'i'}tttvt'mat t ttl.. .pm vemp --untttb.t t.t ・ :,ilil・?l'iiii・1' C / 241

: /: tttttt/ t ttt ' .,b t t 'na} t .t tt tt :f/. . .'ll・・

Figs. 13-24. Notodonticlae: Phalera himatd!puana sp. nov., (13) a; (14)do., l';(15) Phatera agaya sp. riev. (Si do,, Aeudeneriae unidentata Bryk, {16) 9; (17) di; (18) Ptitodon atrofitsa Hampson, d; (19) Ptiledontosia crenulata Hampsen, Moore di;(20)opatatina.forruginesa , di; <21) C7eapa latijiiscia "Jalker, di;(22) Biraia j'arnctura Moore, rf ; Besaia tamurensis sp. nev,, (23) (Besaia) e ; (24) Antheua scrvuta Drury, S.

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121 1974 eelma TYOTOGA (Trans. Lep, Soc. Jap,) Vol. 25, No. 4

Nepalia gen, nov.

Type species: IVePalia vesperalis sp. nov.

short Srd segment a. Eyes nak ¢ d; antennae shortly pectinated but one third at apcx ciliated; palpi porrect, small and obtuse; hindtibiac with two pairs ofspurs; abdomen long and extended beyond hindwing; forewing narrow and not go acuted at apex, termen slightly angled inward at vein Cui, tuft of scales on mner margin minute; vein Cu2 arising frorn median vein near vein Cui but away twice length between veins M3-Cui; veins M3 and Cui

separatedl vcin M3 curved; vein M2 from one fourth upper of discocellular; discocellular cencave between veins M2 and M3; vein Mi short stalked with a comrnon stem of R2-Rs; vcin R2 stalkedjust before vein Rs; hindwing Mi and Rs short with veins Cui ancl M3 approximatcd; vein M2 from one third of upper angle of cell; veins

stalked. at Male genitalia: uncus short and shallowly concave at apex; socii largcr than uncus, beaked and pointed tip, terrnen with long brushing hairs at shoulderi valvae rather narrow and membraneeus, costa consisting ofa large and a small heavily sclerotized prejections, small projection at base triangular and large one bifurcatedi distal piecc obtusc at apcx and basal piece bent and pointed at tip; aedoeagus long, with two small spinerous side projections; fivc needlc-likc cornuti, differentln the male This is a unique genus and somewhat related to Viridtt?ntonia Nakamura but very genita!ia.

Napalia vesperalis sp. nov.

but whitish Related to tipisiauropus apiculatus Rothschild from Assam, Ma!aya, Borneo, Java and Sumatra fascia near apex of forewing slcnderer and not so strongly curved. g・ Exp・ 40 mrn. Antennae brown, head and patagia blackish brown; tegula, therax and abdomen greyish brown・ Forewing narrow and ochracceus brown, wlth area enclosed by inner margin, submedian fold and disco-

cellular and outer area of line running between apical one fourth of costal margin and distal end ofvcin Cu2 blackish and indefinite brown mingled with leaden scales ; subbasal, antemedian and postmedian lines black, disconnected ; fasciaaccompanymg in upper area ofsubmedian fo1d, in cel1A and in cell Cu2, one grey inside fascia and two eutside band bordered post rnedian line; testaceous dentate fascja along inside of blackish brown apical shadeI testaceous fringeblackish both sidcs with whitish tint running almest straight from just before apcx to distal cnd of vein Cui; but dark brown brown・ Hinclwing grcyish borwn; fr;nge cencolorous, Undersurface: forewing greyish brown in discoidal cel! and outer area; whitish brown fascia from costal margin to vein Mi near termen; three mmute brown; whitish brown patches bordered with testaceous tint on costa; fringe blackish brown; hindwing yellowish

fringe blackish brown. Male genitalia: described under the generic diagnosis. m coll, Nakamura)- Holotype: di, 30 vi 196S, unnamed place between Lhawn Pekn and Chitrei, 2700 (in Paratype: &, data same as the holotypc (in coll. Nakamura). Distribution: Ncpal.

Genus Plseudonerice Bryk

Jlseudoneriee Bryk, 1949, Ark, £ Zool.,42A: 40.

Rseudonericetinidentata Bryk

Pseadbnerice unidentata Bryk, 1949,Ark,f. Zool., 42A: 40.

Unrecorded from

rn, 30 vi, 38g. Specimcns examinedNcpal.: Unnamed place between Lhawn Pokn andChitrei, 2700

Genus Antheua Walker

Antheua NValker, 1855, List Lep. Het Brlt. Mus., 3: 687.

Z12na M'alker, 1855, List Lep, Het.,Brit, Mus., 7: 1700.

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Antheuaservula (Drury)

IVbctua serverla Drury, I77S, Ins. Exot,, 2: 20. Odbnestis servuta: }'Vestwood, 18S7, Drury 2nd ed,: 22, Antheua servuta: Swinhee, 1890, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., IS90: 189. Antheua discalis Walker, 1855, List Lep. Het. Brit. Mus., 3: 767. Antheua exanthemata Moore, 1883, Lep, Ccylon, 3: 111. Antheua obscmra v, Eecke, 1929, Zool. Mededeel., 12: 162.

Specimens exarnined: Tombol Bridge, 350rn, 25 vi, 19; Unnamed place between Mure and Dhankuta, 6 viii , 19; unnamed place between Dhankuta and Darapani, 7 viii, lo'; Dharan, 600 m, 9 viii, 5?P.

Genus Phatera HUbner

llhalera HUbner, I819, Verz. bek. Schmett., 10: 147. Phaleremimus Bryk, 1949, Ark. t Zool., 42A: 9.

Rhateraalaya sp, nov.

Exp, d, 69 mm., 9- exp, 78 rnm, Closely related te Phateray'avana Moore fromJava and Sumatra but larger. HeadandpatagiadecperthanthatoCiavana;abdomcnofmalc1ighterthanthatoijavanaandsimilartothctbl]owing

species but that offemale dark brown chequed with pale ye]low band; forewing silvery brown with lustreus yellow and suflUsed with pale pinkish tintin inner arca especially in female; black subbasal and antemedian 1ines distinct; five black undulatcdlines between ante- and postmcdian lines barely distinct compared with those ofJ'avana; discocellular spot somewhat more distinct than in juvana and orbicular stigma visiblc3 black Iunulate double post- median line more strongly curved inwards in cell IA than that of.iavana, darker spot attached outsidc ofpostmedian

linc at inner rnargin; apical sarnc as injuvana in shape but nevcr on vein M2 patch pointed (whilepointed inJ'avana), indented at black inner margin and reaching vein M3 at lowcr end which is geniculated and never pointcd as in ochraceous J'avana, dark bordered by fine palc y:11ow line at outer marginJ submarginal black spotted linc more

distinct than that ofJ'avana, attached dark ochTaceous spots in cells Mi-Cui; fringc same as inJ'avana, viz. outer halfchestnut brown and basal halfbuff but at cnd ofveins onlytinted by chcstnut brown; hindwing dark brown without mcdian band whilc inj'avana visible paler median band; fringe white chequercd with chestnut brewn at end of veins, Undersurface: forewing testaceous but lighter than in j'avana, with lighter submarginal band bordered outside by blackish brown arrow-headed line and attached inside blackish brown spottedline,apical area]ightcr; fringe same as uppersurfacc; hindwing paler than forewing without median band; fringe same as uppersurface.

Ma.legenitalia: ratherresemblingthoseof ra.ya Moore; uncus ionger-typed,latcro-basal margin morc pro- duced than in rayal socii more or less largcr, longitudinal, with a protubcrancc at lower ang]e, strongly indented at rnargin; valvae sim{lar to those ofj'avana, with two terminal processes of ampul]a transverse, end of cucullus produced, pad smali;juxta as in ra.ya but never rugous; 8th abdominal sternite same as inj'avana, but med{an tuber- cle more develeping and cephalo-lateral process slightly shorterl 8th abdominal tcrgite sirnilar to that ofj'avana. In forewing venation, vein Rz from apex of areole in this species, while vein R2 diverging fi'om a common stem of R3-R4 in J'avana. Holotypc: ld, 8 yii I963, unnamcd place between Lelep and And:wa, ca 1500 m (in coll. Nakarnura). Paratype: 1?, 17 viii 1963, Kathinandu, 1600m (in coll. Nakamura), Distribution: Nepal,

Phalerahimatayana sp. nov,

e, Exp. 62-67 mm., 9 exp. 71-79 mm, CIoseiy allied te Phatera ropa Moore from Sikkim, India, Indonesia and seuthern China but larger; tegula and thorax mingled more denscly with black hairs; abodomen ochraceous on upperside and whitish (male) or rningled blackish brown (female) on underside but never chequed with pale as yellow band in alaya Nakamura ; forcwing dark silvery, mere suflUsed with brownish scales and lcss lustrous than in raya; basal area strengly tinted with silvery white scales and submarginal aTea silvery but inner arca scarcely suffiisedwith silvery scales

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lunulate double iine; five undulated black lines betw ¢ en postmedian .R2 ... R3-R4 ante- and lines sornewhat morc obscure than in raya; "' ' postmcdian R5 discoccllular spot distinct and forming whitc rcniforrn ring in many individuals; orbicular stigma invisible; apical patch samc as in raya in shape, more oT less weakly indented at black inner margin and never - reaching vein M3 atlower end which is abrupted, pale buff but sufi'used with palcochraccoustintin most parts of central area (ochraceous tint darker in raya); submarginal black fascia indelinite but never forming spotted line as in raya; fringe sarnc as in raya and alaya; hiiidwing dark 25 brown but paler in marginal area and with indistinct palcr rnedian band

insomeindividuals while in raya uniform blackish brown; fringe whitish Fig. 25. Variation of the fore- yellow chequered with chestnut brown at end of veins. Unclersurface: wing venation of IVtalera himalayana

with blackish sp, nov. forewinggreyish brown (male)or testaceous (tbrnale) brown shade over submarginal area; apical patch pale yellow; marginal lunulate blackish brown line restrictcd inside by whitish band inh many individuals; fringe same as uppersurface; hindwing whitish (male) or tcstaccous (female) with greyis brown median band; finc chcstnut

brown marginal linei fringe same as uppersurface. - Male uncus longer:typed,latero-basalmargin same as ln raya socii transverse, strongly genitalia: ; indented at rnargin ; valvae with two terminal processes of ampulla longitudinal, end of cucullus scarcely produced, pad more developcd than in alaya; juxta quadratc, slightly concave at mcdian edge: rugous; 8th abdominal stcrnite same as in raya, but median tubercule more developing and cephalo-lateral process slightly longer; 8th abdominal

tergite simi]ar to that ef ra?a. Forewing venation ofthis species is unstab!e as illustrated in fig, 25, Himalayana is also relatcd to minor Nagano from ,Japan but casily distinguishcd by co]our ef inncr margin of apical patch of forewing. Holotype: g, 28 vi 1963, Chitrei, 2420m (in coll. Nakarnura). Paratypes: 5Sdi, data same as holotype; 19, 10 vii 1963, Tapche, 2400 m; ]9, 28 vii 1963, unnamed place between Walunchung and Chowki, 2450 m (in coll. Nakainura). Distr!bution: Nepal.

Genus Ptilodon Htibner

Ptiloden HUbner, 1822, Syst. -alphL Verz,, 14: 15. Lophoptenyyx Stephens, 1828, Ill. Brit. Ent. Hauit., 2: 26.

Ptitodon atrofusa

LophoPteryx atrofltsa Hampson, 1892, Moths Ind., I: 166. Ptiloden atrofitsa: Kiriakofi; 1968, Gen. Ins., Not, III: 2S2,

m, vii, 23e. Specimens examined: Unnamed place betweeii Walunchung and Chowki) 2s40 28

Genus Ptilodontosia Kiriakoff

Ptilodbntosia KiriakofT; 1968, Gen. Ins,, Not, III: 232,

Ptilodontosia crenulata (Hampson)

Lophopteryx crenzalata Hampson, 1896, Moths Ind., IV: 460. Ptitotlontesia erenulata: KiriakoffL 1968, Gen. Ins., Not, III: 233

Specimens cxamined: Walunchung, S050 m, 27 vii, 2g8; unnamed place between Yangma and Nup, 3310 m, 25 vii, 29?.

Genus Spatalina Bryk

SPataiina Bryk, 1949, Ark. fl Zool., 42A: 34. XleropteTyx Kiriakofl; 1963, Bonn. Zool. Bcitr., 14! 289.

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Spatatinaferruginosa (Moore)

LqPhoptervx .ferruginosa Moore, 1879, 1)escr. Lep. Atkins.: 67. opatagina forrtrginosa: Kiriakofl; I968, Gen, Ins., Not. III: 234.

Speeimens examined: Tapche, 2400 m, 10 vii, 2S& 2?9.

Genus Cleapa NN"alker

Cleopa SMalker, 1855, List Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus., 5: 1037.

A4hrushachia Matsumura, 1934, Ins. Matsu,, 8: 154.

Cletrpalatifascia Walker

Cteopa latijiiscia L'Valker, 1855, List Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus., 5: 1037.

Specimen examined: Unnamed place between Lelep and Tapche, 1700 m, 9 vii, lg,

Genus Biraia Kiriakoff

Bireta (Biraia> Kiriakofl; 1962, Bull. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg,, 98: 174. Biraia Kiriakoff; 1968, Gen. Ins., Not. III: 75. Type species: Biraia junctura Moore= Biraia Postica: Kir'iakoff(erroneously based upon malc gcnitalia, nec Moore}.

"Cleira'' There i$ a striking confusien arnong some species in connection with junctura Moore. Kiriakoff has cstablished the subgenus Biraia for`[Cleira"Postica Moore based on the diagnosis ol' male gcnitalia only. Postica is thc species ",ith eiliated male antennae and rather slencler forewing as was also pointed out by Gaedc (1930) and by Kiriakoff. However, the male genitalia extracLed from thc spccimen ofHimalayanj'unctura Moortt and recerded ln this paper unexpectedly coincided with those of Pestica which were illustrated by Kiriakoff: This junctura Meore is similar toPostica but the male antennae are bipectinated and the Ibrewing rather dcltoid according to the photegraph ofthe type specimen shown by KiriakoHL It is presumed from this f'act that Kiriakoffmistoek the genitalia of j'unctura tbr that of Postica; then the type species of the genus Biraia must bc selected j'unctura Moorc. The re-description of Biraia is as tbllows: Proboscis vestigial i palpi relatively stout, squamous, upturned and rcaching vertex of head, 3rd segment minute and sornewhat acute; antennae long pectinated; abdomen extending justbeyondhindwing. Forewingbroad, triangular, pointed at apex, termen straight, hind anglc angulated; areole very slender; vein R2 diverging from

R3-R4 connate near apex ofareolei veins R2-R4 and Rs arising fi'om apex of areole; vein Mi from upper angle ofcell; vein M2 from just below middle of discocellular; d;scocellu]ar slightly concaveJ vcins M3 and Cui well scparated; hindwing with veins Rs-Mi very short stalked (lf15 length of each veins). Male genitalia: uncus very short, bending downward, apex rounded; soeii minute, bent adversely, apex lip-likc, with a long under process from near base; valvac rathcr thin, simple; aedoeagus relativcly short, bent acutely near tip; 8th abdorninal sternite octagonal, cephalic margin slightly concave, with z-like appendix in meson which is free towards distal end; 8th abdominal tergite pentagonal, slightly incised at caudal portion. Related to 7lorigea Matsumura but diflers in vein R2 of forewing, vcins Rs-Mi of hindwing and male genitalia.

Biraiajunctura (Moore)

Cleira J'unctura Moere, 1879, Descr, Lep. Atkins,: 65, llTdua.iunctura Gaede, 1930, in Seitz, Macrolcp. World, IO: 62S, t. 82e.4.174. C]kira junctura: Kiriakofl} 1962, Bull. Ann. Soc, Ent. Belg,, 98: t. Bireta (Biraia) Postica.: Kiriakofl; 1962, (ncc Moore), ib., 98: Biraia postica: Kiriakoff, 1968, (nec Moore), Gcn. Ins., Not. III: 75. ?Rilia.farrijbra M'alker, 1855, List Lep. Ins. Brit, Mus., 5: 1076. ?Tbrona NValker, 1865, List Lep, Ins. Brit. Mus., 32: 468. .ferrilZra;

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Ily`bia fcrrijbra: Hampson, IB92, (part, nec Walker), Moths Ind,, I: 142. Ilvdna adytttrea Schaus, 1928, ?roc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 73: 85,

Specimen examined: Unnamed place bctween Lhawn Pokn and Chitrci, 2800 m, 30 vi, 16.

Genus Besaia Walker

Besaia S・N'alkcr, 1865, List Lcp. Ins. Brit. Mus., S2: 458.

Among the species of Besaia Walker sensu Kiriakoff (1962>, basistriga Moore is the species belonging to the subgenus Curuzza Kiriakoff (comb. nov.), goddeica Schaus probably belongs to a diflk]rent genus ancl sordicin Wile- rnan, nebutosa 1'Vilcman and dives Kiriakoff arc included in the new subgcnus Kuohsingia, Then, the species belonging to Besaia

tamuren,sts sp. nov.

Kuohsingia subg, nov.

Type specics: Besaia nebulesa NNiileman.

External features same as those ofBesaia (Besaia) excepting slightly narrow forewing. Male uncus bifid in terminal at'ea3 valvae with marginal edge efsacculus ; 8th abdorninal stcrnite without rnedgenitalia:ie-caudalprocess.

Subgcnug Besaia Walker

Besaia (Besctia) tamurensis sp, nov.

Allied to Besaia (Curuzza) basistriga Moore from Sikkim but diflbring in the male genitalia. e, Exp. 40-43 mm. Antennae serrate and fasciclatc, shaft brown; palpi upturned, lst and 2nd segments heavily fringed with dark brown hairs; head and thorax fusco-testaceous; abdomen relatively long, greyish ochraceous butbrownishyellow inundcrsidc and anal tuft, Forewing broad, ]early triangular, apex somewhat acute, termen rounded; ground co]our ochraceous, darker in area restricted by inncr margin, median vein and postmedian line, black scales scattered in costal areal two black basal patches; antemedian fuseous dotted line on costal margin and \eins; reniform stigina semewhat palcr, elliptical; 1'uscous serrated median shade obliquely outward from costal margin and vertical along outsidc of rcn{form stigma to origin of vcins Mz and M3, thcn obliquely inward to iiear middle of inner margin; postmediari fuscous dotted double line parallel to median shade; marginal line black, very line and black patchos attached inside in cells; fusce-testaceous shade running obliquely from apex to outer line en vein Cui and black speck in shade in cell M3; leadcn tint on m:dian vein and on basal half of vein IA; fringe ochraceous. Hindwing greyish brown with marginal line very fine, darker; fringe ochraceeus. Undersurl'ace blackish ochraceous but paler in hindwing; costal area of forewing reddish;

fringe ochraceous, Malc genitalia: uncus beak-like, d{stal end abrupted, basal area wide and bearing numerous hairs inside; socii narrow, apical portion distorted eutwards and expanded fan-like, with a slender process bent outwards and abrupted at apex; aedoeagus vcry short, "'ith a terrnlnal fine and curved side process ; 8th abdominal stcrnite pcn- tagonal, heavily scleretized E'urcate short process at mcdio-caudal corner, a pair sclerotized pr'etrusion in central area.

Chowki, m coll. Nakamura). Holotype: cl, 28 vii I963, unnamecl place between Walunehung and 2450 (in Paratypes: 96"& data same as the holotype (in co!1. Nakamura). Distribution: Nepal.

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126 uetvaTYO TO GA(Trans. Lep, Soc,Jap.) Vol. 25, No, 4 1974


,, I A ts. if- 29)


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,l tstit42 " '

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qys' y XfXF,)>U, ig,5a v Figs.26-30. Stauropus (desostauropus) sikkimensis Moorc, 8. genitalia: (26) lateral view, (27) ventral vicw, (28) dorsal view, (29) 8th abdominal stcrnite, front and lateral view, (30) 8th abdominal tergitc. Figs. 31- 36. Rachia Moere, Plumosa S. genitalia: (31) caudal view, (32) uncus and socius, lateral view, (33) do, dorsal view, (34) aedoeagus, lateral view, (35) 8th abdominal sternite, front and Iateral view, (36) 8th abdominal tergite. Figs,37-41. Allodonta lo,rgivitta (Kiriaket7ia) Gaede, e. genitalia: (37) caudal view, (S8) latcralview, (39) uncus and socii, dorsal view, (40) 8th abdominal sternite, (41) 8th abdorninal tergite. Figs. 42-46. Suzukia sikkima Moore, (Suzukia) G, genitalia: (42) caudal vicw, (43) lateral view, (44) valva, internal view, abdominal sternite, 8th abdominal (45) 8th (46) tergite, Figs. 4748. Peridea (Pen'dea) sikkima Moore, di. 8th abdominalsternite, genitalia: (47) (48) 8th abdominal tergite. (sp: upper process ofsocii, su:under proccss of socii, vc: costal part of valvae, vs ; saccular part of valvae.)

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M JXix 61-"- Stlt L,,YR..66r"q.S.

65/ ty/1'ad' /

' 'fi'I}> K.63 ℃ hi・Il//:.g 68 tiG3k "E" ,pakg,f vKx Lrt" w 69 ;)l.iiiii 52

lateral Figs.49・-52, Acmeshaehia albijliscia Moore, 8. genitalia: (49) caudal view, (50) uncus and socius, albijlasaia Moorc, view, (51) 8th abdominal sternite, (52) 8th abdominal tergite, Figs. 53-55. Acmeshaohia 9. PseudiLfentenia gcnitalia: (53) lateral view, (54) genital plate, (55) 8th abdominal sternite. Figs. 56-59. vicw, uncus and socius, lateralview, 8th (Pseudofbntonia) argentoflara Moore, &. genitalia: (56) caudal (57) (58) Moorc, abdominal sternite, (59) 8th abdominal tergite, Figs. 60-65, Viridlfentonia Plagiviridis G. genitalia: internalview, 8th (60) caudal view: <6I) uncus and socii, dersal view, (62) do, lateral view, (6S) valva, (64) Pseadoneriaeunidbntata Bryk, abdominal stcrnitc, (65) 8th abdominal tergite. Figs, 66-70. di. genitalia: (66) dorsal 8thabdominal sternite, (67) 8th abdominal tergite, (68) genitalia, caudal view, (69) uncus and socii, view, (70) do, lateral vicw.

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128 rttwtTYO TOGA(Trans. Lep. Soc, Jap,)Vol. 25, No,4 1974



rxf・・i・・, -mu1 ' pt/--K .-:..i- " , - .. 0 .....).1 74/A 84------・・ '' ' i fie g,,, 81 .-f- × /byiii''x 'x b 3 73er t ff.carc・ ng.//Css

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"/ ・ff / v) (2klS

tLt.74-x90 V f


Figg.71-75. A?paliavesperalis sp. nov, cS. gcnitalia: (71) caudal vlew, (72) uncus and socii, dorsal vicw, do, lateralview, 8th abdominal sternite, (73) (74) {75) 8th abdominal tergite. Figs. 76-80. Antheua servula Drury, genitalia: caudal view, uncus and socius, Iateralview, S. (76) (77) (78) valva, internal view, (79) 8th abdeminal stcrnite, (80) 8th abdominal tergite, Figs, 81-85, Pltalera himalqJ,ana sp. nov,, g, genitalia: caudak・iew, (81) (82) uncus and socius, lateral view, (83) valva, internal view, (84) 8th abdorninal stcrnite, 8th (85) abdominal tergite. Figs.86-90. Pnaleraaraya sp.nov. caudal vicw, o". genitalia: (86) (87) uncus and socius, latcralvlew, (S8) valva, internal view, (89) 8th abdominal sternite, <90) 8th abdominal tergite.

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113 114 ( fx・ i

93 t{-<99


lateralview, 8th Figs.91-94. Ptilodon atrofiesa Hampson, d. genitalia: (91) caudal view, (92) do, (93) abdominal sternite, (94) 8th abdominal tergite. Figs. 95-99. Ptiledentosia crenulata Hampson, di. genitalia: dorsalview, 8th abdominal stcrnitg, 8thabdom- (95) caudal view, <95) do, lateral view, (97) uncus, (98) (99) inal tergite. Figs. 100-103, Spatatina ,forrtcginosa Moore, di. genitalia: (100) caudal view, (101) uncup, oreapalatijhscia dorsal view, (102) 8th abdominal sternite, (103) 8th abdominal tcrgite. Figs. 104107. view, 8th abdominal sternite, Walker, g. genitalia: (104) cauclal view, (105) uncus and socius, lateral (106) Biraia Moore, calldal vicw, <107) 8th abdorninal tcrgite. Figr. 108-112. J'unctura a. genitalia: (108) (199) abdominal stermte, lateralview ,(111) 8th uncug and socius, lateral view, (110) apical portion of aedoeagus, (112) 8th abdominal tergiLc. Figs, 113-116, Besaia (Besaia) tamuretrsis sp, nov,, e. genitalia: (ll3) caudal abdeminal tergitc. view, <114) uncus and socius, lateral view, (115) 8th abdominal sternite, (116) 8th

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