Of Japan in 1963 (Lepidoptera)

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Of Japan in 1963 (Lepidoptera) The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 1974 uttwt Ty6TOGA (Trans. Lep. Soc, Jap,) Vol. 25, No. 4 ll5 NOTODONTIDAE OF EASTERN NEPAL BASED ON THE COLLECTION OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL RESEARCH EXPEDITION TO NEPAL I-IIMALAYA BY THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN IN 1963 (LEPIDOPTERA) MASANAONAKAMURA 14-l2, Miyamaee3,Suginami, Tokyo A few species of thc t'amily Notodontidae based on the collectiun of Nepal Himalaya-Expedition by the Le- pidopterological Society ofJapan in I963 were submittedi to rrie for working out, In this paper, 26 species under 23 genera including 2 new genera, 3 new subgenera and 3 new species are recorded, These were captured at altitudes bctween 350 m. and 3300 m. and Indo-Malayan species and West-Chinese species are scparated from each other an altitude of about 2400 m. Genus Staurop"s Germar StauropusGermar, 1812, Prodr.Syst.gloss,, 2: 45. Mesostauropus subg. nov. Typespecies: Stauropus sikkimensisMoore. Kiriakoff (l968) restricted the genus Stauropus to Palaearctic and put in tcntatively sikkimensis Moere together with other Oriental Stauropus-species to the genus IVbostauropus. However, this ,species is quite diflerent f'rom IVbostauropus ba.salis Moere and others and rather identical with Stauropus.flegi Linnaeus in many points. Hence a new subgenus Mksostauropus is erected for sikkimensis. Extcrnal features coincide with those of the nominate subgenus but male genitalia difrbr. Antennae in male bipectinatcd but apical one fourth serratcd, whi]c in IVlrostauropus one fifth serrated; hind- tibiae with oJLe pair ofspurs; rorewing with vein Mi stalked with a common stem of R2-Rs, rising from very near upper angle of cell but in Nbostantropus vein Mi rising t'rom upper angle of cell. Malft genitalia: socii with a long proeess in upper pertien, projecting apex long and incurved; valvae never thoroughly scparating into costal and saccular parts as in Aleostauropus but forming t}vo projcctions in distal avca while pcrfi:ctly fused in subgcnus Stauropzas; 8th abdominal stcrnitc teLragonal or pentagonal but never rhombic as in Neostauropus ancl not so long as in the subgcnus Stauropus, caudal process more feeble, shorter and broader than subgcnus Stauropur, distal end of cephalic prQjection never furcate, free slip rail short and arising from center while arising from base of cephalic prejection in the subg,enus Stauropus. Stauroptts(lifesostaurop"s) sikkimensis Moorc Stauropus sikkimensis Moore, 1865, Proc, Zool, Soc. Lond., l865: 81L400. Stanropus Serberisae Moore, 1888, Proc. Zoel. Soc. Lond., IS89: Palaeosiauropus sikkimensis: Kiriakofi; 1967, Gen. Ins,, Not. II: 90.I35, Nbostauroptts sikkimensis: Kiriakoff; 1968, Gen. Ins., Not. III: Specilnensexamined: Chitrei,2420m, 28 vi, 3o'g. Gcnus Netria Walker IVlrtriaNValker, 1855, List Lep.Het.Brit. Mus,, 6: 1504. NII-Electronic Library Service TheTheLepidopterologicalSociety Lepidopterological Society of Japan 116 matwt TYO TO GA (Trans.Lcp. Soc.Jap.) Vol.25, No.4 1974 Netria viridescens Walker Nbtria viridescens S'Valker, 1855, List Lcp, Hct, Brit, Mus., 6: 1504. Stauropus vin'descens: Hampson, 1892, rvIoths Ind., I: 151, Specimens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vi, 19, Genus Dudusa Walker Dudusa NValker, 1864, Llst Lep. Ins. Brit. Mus., 32: 446. Dvdn'oides Matsumura, 1929, Ins. Matsu., 4: 80. Dudusopsis Matsumura, 1929, Ins. Matsu., 4: 8I. Dudusa sphingiformis Meore Dudusa sphingiformis Moore, 1872, Proc. Zool, Soc. Loncl., I872: 577. Dudusoides sphingij?)rmis: Matsumura, 1929, Ins. Matsu., 4: 81. examined: vi, unnarned and Specimens Kathrnandu, 18; place between Tapche Lelep, l700 m, 9 vii, IS. Genus Damata Walker Damata 1855, List Lep. Het. Brit. Mus,, 5: I044. WalkeT, Damata longipennis Walkcr Datnata lotzgipennis VVralker, IS55, List Lep. Hct, Brit. Mus. 5: 1044. Speclmens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vi, 8ae. Genus Rachia Moore Raahia Moore, 1879, Descr. Lep. Atkins.: 70. Rlmchia Gaede, 19S4, in Lep. Cat., 59: 190. Mlicroshachia Matsumura, 1925, Zool. Mag, Tokyo, 37: 395. Aagustiala Bryk, 1949, Ark, f, Zool., 42A: 3. Rachia plnmosa Moore Rachia Plumosa Moore, l879, Descr. Lep. Atkins.: 70. Spccirnens examined: Walunchung, 3050 m, 27 vii, 1di, Genus Hupodonta Butler Hapodonta Butler, 1877, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 30: 475, Hmpodonta p"tcherrima (Moore) Rheosia Pntlcherrima Moore, I865, Proc. Zool, Soc. Lond., 1865: 814. Hlaipodonta pulcherrima: Gaede, 1930, in Seitz, Macrolep, IMorld, 10: 638. Specimens examined: Unnamed place between Walunchung and Chowki, 2450 m, 28 vii, 2dia. Genus Allodonta Staudinger Alotodenta (AUodenta) Staudingcr, 1887, M6m. Rorn,, 3: 223. NII-Electronic LibraryMbrary Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan rrO 1974 uetwt'ryO GA(Trans. Lep. Soc. Jap,) Vol. 25, No. 4 117 Altodenta Kirby, I892, Lep. Het.: 604, fflexc!frenttm Matsumura,Syn. 1925,Cat. Zool. Mag, Tokyo, 37: 400. Altodonta (Attodonta) collaris (Swinhoe) IVbtodonta collaris Swinhoe, 1904・, Arm, Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 14: 321.185. Allodbnta collaris: Kiriakofl; 1969, Gen. Ins., Not, II: Specimens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vi, IS. subg. nov. KiriakoMa Type species: AUodonta iongivitta Gaade. Diflhrs from the nom{nate subgcnus in the fo11owing antcnnac ciliated; forewing with vein M3 and points: Cui separated but more approximated than in the subgcnus Alloclonta, vein Mi rising from upper angle of cell; hindwing with Rs and Mi stalked, and the common stem longer than in thc subgenus Altodonta. Male genitalia; uncus and socii not so acute at termen as those of the subgenus Allodbnta; valvae with cestal process of distal end not so developed and posterior process very long; juxta simple; aedoeagus never prolonged at tip; 8th abdominal sternite trapezoidal and narrowly riftcd at medio-caudal cnd, sclerotized caudal fold very broad; 8th abdominal tergite with caudal margin deeply incised W-like, AUodonta CKiriakofiia) longivitta Gacde Ailodbnta longivilta Gacde, 1930, in Seitz, ix(acrolep.World, 10:643, examined: Chitrei, 2420 rn, 28 vi, 1di, 19 unnarnecl bctwccn Lhawn PoknandChitrei Specimens ; place , 27oom, 30 vi, 2didi, 19 Gcnus Peridea Stephens Peridea Stcphens, 1828, Brit. Ent. Haust., 2: 31. thsodonta Matsumura,IIL1920, Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 32: l45. Peridea (Peridea) sikkima (Moore) Mtodenta sikkima ptIoore, 1879, Dcscr. Lep. Atkins.: 67. Nbtodonta inoorei Hampson, 1892, Moths Ind., I: 163. Mksodenta moorei: Matsumura, ]931, 6000 Ill. Ins. Jap.: 647.329. Peridea tnoorei: Kiriakofl 1959, Ark. f, Zool., (2) 12: Specimens cxamined: Chltrei, 2420 rn, 28 vi, 3eg. Gcnus Acmeshturhia Matsumura Acme,rhach Matsumura, Ins. Matsu,, 4: S9, Oreodentaia KiriakoE 1967,1929, Tijdschr. Ent,, 110: 54. Acmeshcrchia gigantea (Elwcs) Netodonta gigantea Elwes, I890, Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond,, 1890: 399, Alotedbnta elwesii Kirby, 1892, Syn, Cat. Lep. Het.: 600, Acmeshachia gigantea: Kiriakofl; 1968, Gen. Ins., Not. II: 175, Specimens examinecl: Unnarned place between Tapche and Lelep,1700m, 9 vii, 1?. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 118 uttwhTYOTO GA(Trans. Lcp, Soc. Jap,)Vol. 25, No. 4 1974 Acmeshachia albifascia (Moorc) Pheesia albijZtscia Moore, 1879, Descr. Lep. Atkins.: 69. IVbtodontaalbijZscia: Hampson, I892, Moths Ind., I: 162. Acmeshachia aibofZischia: Kiriakoq 1968, Gen, Ins,, Not, III: 175, Spccimens cxamincd: Chitrci, 2420 m, 28 vi, 3di&; unnamed and m, place betwecn Tapche Lclcp, 1700 9 vii, 1?. Gcnus IVeopheosia Matsumura rVleopheosia Matsumura, 1920, Zoel, Mag. Tokyo, 32: 147. IVeopheosia fasciata (Moore) ' Pheosia fasciata Moore, IS88, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1888: 40I. IVkopheosia .fasciata: Matsumura, 1920, Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 32: 147. Specimens examined: Data missing, 18, 19. Genus Suzttkia Matsumura Suzukia Matsumura, 1920, Zool, Mag. Tokyo, 32: 140. Suzukia (Suzukia) siltkima (Moore) Hbterocampa sikkima Moore, 1865, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond,, l865: 812. IVbtodonta sikkima; Harnpson, 1892, Moths Ind., I: 163. Peridea sikkima: Kiriakotl; 1959, Ark. £ Zool., (2) 12: 392. Suzukia sikkima: KiriakoffL 1968, Gen. Ins,, Not. III: 18I. Spccimens examined: Unnamecl place between Lhawn Pokn and Chitrei, 2800 m, 30 vi, 18, Genus Ilseudofentonia Strand Pseudofentonia Strand, 19I2, Fauna Exet,, 2: 40. Pseudafentonia (Rseudofentonia) argentifera <Moorc) IVleterecampa argentij?ra Moorc, 1865, Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond,, 1865: 813, Rhalera argentEfera: Kirby, l892, Syn, Cat. Lep, Het.: 577. I7kntenia argentij?ra: Hampson, 1892, Moths Ind., I: 147. Pseucipfantonia angentifera: Strand, 1912, Fauna Exot,, 2: 40. Specimens examined: Chitrei, 2420 m, 28 vii, ISS8, 19, Viridifentonia gen. nov. Typc species: Hlrterocampa Plagiviridis Moore. Plagiuiridis Moore had been placed by Gaede in the genus iipistauropus, but the species has referred to the Kiriakoff genus A(fesopitalera by (I968). Thc vcnation of Mbsophalera coincides with that of1ipistauropus in the forewing with veins Mg and Cui well separated, vein M2 frorn the middle efdiscocellular, vein Mi from the uppcr angle ofcell, but difllers in the fhrewing without the areole and thc hindwtng with veins Rs and Mi moderately long stalked. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 1974 ue8th TYO TO GA (Trans Lep Soc Jap)Vol 25, No 4 119 two m the foresvng with ians M3 and Cu! approximated Plagivzrtdis,however, diflbisfrom the above gcnera and vein M2 rising from upper one third of discoccllular and from liptstauropuf in the foicwmg without aieole and Panthennus in the hindwing
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