Jewish Learning Center Family Handbook 2012/13
Please sign & Pages return requiring signatures JJeewwiisshh LLeeaarrnniinngg CCeenntteerr FFaammiillyy HHaannddbbooookk 22001122//1133 –– 55777733 Shomrei is a Full Service Synagogue with a Community Feeling …and you shall teach them diligently unto your children…” (Deuteronomy 6:7) At Shomrei, we are committed to helping parents of toddlers and preschoolers connect to a synagogue - through our state accredited Mommy and Me, Toddler Time, Early Childhood Programs and PreSchool, we foster early friendships and form early Jewish identification. Our community helps families of Jewish preschoolers choose a “next Jewish step,” such as our congregational school, known as the Jewish Learning Center (“JLC”), or nearby Solomon Schechter. We encourage our children to continue to the next step seamlessly, from preschool to Jewish educational program in Kindergarten, where children discover the meaning of Jewish identity as they explore and engage with the values, history, language, beliefs and rituals of the Jewish people. In our JLC, we use all our opportunities to engage our students; learning occurs in the classroom, the sanctuary, the music room, on field trips and in many family-oriented activities throughout the year. Our younger children attend every Sunday morning while our older students learn Sundays and Wednesdays. STOM, our post Bnei Mitzvah/Hebrew High School/USY, meet Wednesday evenings. This year, we take pride in introducing a family service called Hinei Ma Tov, monthly (see calendar for details) and a Tot Shabbat twice a month. Experiential learning is central to our curriculum. Prayer and the study of text are woven into our curriculum. On Sundays and Wednesdays, students assemble to pray, daven, for Shaharit, the morning service, and Mincha, the afternoon service, where they learn basic synagogue skills and gain comfort in the service.
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