Page 60 THE JEWISH PRESS Friday, April 29, 2011 Community Currents Upcoming events… such topics as how new media affects our under- stitute educational opportunities, visit OHEL’s standing of Jewish culture, ethics in writing about website at or call 1-877-EDU- Yeshiva University High Schools (YUHS) will Jewish communal and culture topics, preserva- OHEL. hold its annual dinner of tribute on Tuesday, May tion and redefi nition of tradition through writing, 3, at New York City’s Sheraton Hotel and Towers. and how Jewish topics should and shouldn’t be ad- Pesach Food Distribution Professor Alan M. Dershowitz will be the guest of dressed. honor. Special tribute will be paid to Ya’acov and Please RSVP to
[email protected] or call 212- Shorefront Jewish Community Council (SJCC), Harriet Sklar. Rabbi Mark Gottlieb will be honored 294-8330, ext. 8808. in conjunction with the Metropolitan Council on as Kesser Shem Tov and Gary and Meryl Hoffman Jewish Poverty, provided Passover food packag- as parents of the year. For reservations, to place an In recent news... es to residents of Brighton Beach, Manhattan ad in the journal or for more information about the Beach and surrounding communities. Over 1,300 dinner, please contact 212-960-5366 or email yuhs- OHEL Addresses Eating Disorders poor families (more participants then in any oth-
[email protected]. er year since this program started 10 years ago) Treating Troubled Teens: Parents as Part- came to pick up food packages at SJCC’s annu- * * * ners in the Therapeutic Process, a recent skill- al Passover Food Distribution on April 7, 2011.