The Victorian Naturalist
H ^v^' '* -¥ * 'W^' ^ THIE Victorian Naturalist: THE JOURNAL & MAGAZINE OF THE MAY, 1907, TO APRIL, 1908. Ibon. EDitor : MR. F. Q. A. BARNARD. The Author of each Article is responsible for the facts and opinions recorded. /Ift e 1 1> II r 11 e : WALKER, MAY ct CO., PRINTERS, iMACKILLOP STREET (off 390 LITTLE COLLINS STREET). 1908. "/"^VV^^^v^W THE VICTORIAN NATURALIST. MAY, 1907, to APRIU 1908. CONTENTS. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria:— pauk Annual Report ------ 43 Proceedings 1, 17, 41, 6a, 81, 93, 105, 121, 137, 149, 161, 177 Reports of Excursions - _ _ 20, 21, 124, 141, 153 ORIGINAL PAPERS. Barnard, F. G. A. —Over the Dividing Range - - 111 Batey, I. —The Animal-Life of the Sunbury District Sixty Years Ago - - - - - 69 Cole, C. F.—Bird-Life in the Xagambie District - - ' 75 Some Birds of the Hawthuni District - - - 89 Ewart, Prof. A. J., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.L.S.— New or Rare Aus- tralian Plants in the National Herbarium, Melbourne 12 Contributions to the Flora of Australia—No. 5 - -06 No. 8 - - 190 On Supposed New Victorian Plant Records - - 86 The Negative Phototaxis of Blow-Fly Larvaj - - 61 Unrecorded Introduced Plants - - - - 15 Victorian Plant Records - - - - - 144 French, C, F.L.S., F.E.S.— A Naturalist's Health Trip to Northern Queensland (with 5 plates) - - 167 Hall, T. S.,M.A., Harvey, J. H., and Thorn, W.— Buchan and its Caves - - - - - 97 Hardv, a. D., F.L.S.—The Plenty Ranges in Early Spring - 128 Jacobsox, E. —Notes on Web-Spinning Ants - - - 36 JarVIS, E. —Life-History of Butterfly Hetcronijmpha pliihrope, Boisd.
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