The Victorian Naturalist

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The Victorian Naturalist H ^v^' '* -¥ * 'W^' ^ THIE Victorian Naturalist: THE JOURNAL & MAGAZINE OF THE MAY, 1907, TO APRIL, 1908. Ibon. EDitor : MR. F. Q. A. BARNARD. The Author of each Article is responsible for the facts and opinions recorded. /Ift e 1 1> II r 11 e : WALKER, MAY ct CO., PRINTERS, iMACKILLOP STREET (off 390 LITTLE COLLINS STREET). 1908. "/"^VV^^^v^W THE VICTORIAN NATURALIST. MAY, 1907, to APRIU 1908. CONTENTS. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria:— pauk Annual Report ------ 43 Proceedings 1, 17, 41, 6a, 81, 93, 105, 121, 137, 149, 161, 177 Reports of Excursions - _ _ 20, 21, 124, 141, 153 ORIGINAL PAPERS. Barnard, F. G. A. —Over the Dividing Range - - 111 Batey, I. —The Animal-Life of the Sunbury District Sixty Years Ago - - - - - 69 Cole, C. F.—Bird-Life in the Xagambie District - - ' 75 Some Birds of the Hawthuni District - - - 89 Ewart, Prof. A. J., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.L.S.— New or Rare Aus- tralian Plants in the National Herbarium, Melbourne 12 Contributions to the Flora of Australia—No. 5 - -06 No. 8 - - 190 On Supposed New Victorian Plant Records - - 86 The Negative Phototaxis of Blow-Fly Larvaj - - 61 Unrecorded Introduced Plants - - - - 15 Victorian Plant Records - - - - - 144 French, C, F.L.S., F.E.S.— A Naturalist's Health Trip to Northern Queensland (with 5 plates) - - 167 Hall, T. S.,M.A., Harvey, J. H., and Thorn, W.— Buchan and its Caves - - - - - 97 Hardv, a. D., F.L.S.—The Plenty Ranges in Early Spring - 128 Jacobsox, E. —Notes on Web-Spinning Ants - - - 36 JarVIS, E. —Life-History of Butterfly Hetcronijmpha pliihrope, Boisd. -----. 194 Keartland, G. a. —Notes on the Plumage of Australian Parrots - - - - - -158 Mattixgley, a. H. E.—a Trip to Mud Island, Port Phillip - 4 M'Alpine, D. —The Specific Name of the Introduced Plant known as " Onion Weed" - - - 154 INDEX. PAGE. North, A. J., C.M.Z.S. —Description of a New Species of Chalcophaps from North-Western Australia 135 Notes on Grant's Bird of Paradise - - - - 136 Sayce, O. a. —Descrii)tion of a New Remarkable Crustacean with Primitive Malacostracan Characters 117 Thiele, E. O. —Physiographical and Geological Notes on the Mt. Wellington District, North Gippsland (with map, diagram, and plates) _ _ _ 23 TovKY, J. R. —Remarks on the National Herbarium of Mel- bourne .----- 116 Waterhouse, G. a., B.Sc, F.E.S., and Lyell, G., F.E.S.— Some Dimboola Butterflies _ _ _ 165 PAGE I'AGE Aboriginal Quarries, Mt. Bird-Life on Resolution William - - 115, 116 Island- - _ - 92 Acacia glunduligicarpa - 190 Birds, Extinct - - - 176 Acacia pycnantha - - 95 Birds near Melbourne - - 148 Acacias in bloom 68, 84, 96, 164 Birds of Hawthorn District - 89 ' - ' Across the Baw Baw Moun- Blackbird, The English 95 tains and Past the Yarra Blackfish, The - - - 72 Falls" 160 Black Rock, Excursion to - 161 Alga, A Freshwater - 64 Black Swan, Close Season for 18 Anaspidse - - - - 119 Blow-Fly Larvae, Negative Anaspides tasmanica 118 Phototaxis of - - 61 Animal-Life of Sunbury Dis- Botanical Correction, A - 80 trict - - - - 69^.Brisbane, Natural Historj^ in 80 Ants, Notes on Web-spinning 36 Buchan: Caves, The - 83, 97 Armitage, R. W., Notes on Butterflies, Some Dimboola 1 65 Queensland Fire - fly Butterfly, The Caper 134, 148 Beetle - - - - 178 Candollea soholifera - - 55 Australia, Contributions to Cam's dingo - - - - 70 Flora - - - - 56 "Canterbury Museum, Re " " Australian Insects 63 cords of" 79 Australian Plants, New or Cassinia arcuata - 55 Rare - - 12, 56, 190 Cassinias - - - . 84 Bandicoot, Short-tailed - 71 Casuarinas or She -oaks 159 Barnard, F. G. A., Presiden- Caves, The Buchan 97 tial Address - - - 48 Clialcnphaps occidental is, n. sp. 135 Over the Dividing Range Chapman F. , Silurian Lime- 95, 111 stone Fossils, Mt. Wel- Batey, Animal-Life of Sun- lington - 34 bury District - - 69 Choristodon rubigvnosus 180 Bauera stssiliflora - -55 Cladophora crispata 190 Beaumaris, Excursion to - 1 Coburg, Excursion to - 20 Beetles, Food-Plants of Vic- Coburg, Excursion to East 21 torian Longicorn - - 155 Cole, C. F., Bird-Life in Na Behnois Java - - - 134 gamble District - 75 Bird-Life at Nagambie - 75 Some Birds of Hawthorn Bird-Life in New Zealand 92, 104 District - - - 89 — 1 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Correspondence - - - 93 " Facilities for Study of " Crustacean, A New - - 117 Natural History - 48 Dasyurus yeoffroi/i - - 66 Fire-fly Beetle - - - 178 " Dasyurus viverrinus - - 70 " Fishes of Australia - 40 Dennant PalEeontological Flora of Australia, Contribu- Collection, The - - 140 tions to - - - oiS Deyeuxia - - - 13, 80 Flying Squirrel - - - 71 Diniboola Butterflies - - 165 Foraminifera of Victoria - 104 Dingo - - - - 70 Fossils, Mt. Wellington - 34 Dividing Range, Over the - 1 1 Frankston, Excursion to - 153 EUery, The late E. L. J. - 152 French, C, A Naturalist's Elodea canadensis - 38, 68 Health Trip to Northern Eucalyptus aipina - - oo Queensland - - - 167 Ewart, Prof. A. J., Contri- " From Eange to Sea" - 136 butions to Flora of Aus- Fruit Fly, The - - - 35 tralia - - - - oQ Fungus Growth, A - - 180 Negative Phototaxis of (jadopsis murmoratus - - 72 Blow-Fly Larvee - - 61 Geology in Eailway Cuttings 158 New or Eare Australian Otossopjsittacus concinnus 163, 179 Plants - - - 12 Grampians, Plants of - 55 On Supposed New Vic- Grant's Bird of Paradise - 136 torian Plant Eecords - 86 Grayling - - - - 73 Some Notes on Field Work 139 Green-Leek Parrakeet 123, 179 Unrecorded Introduced Greensborough, Excursion Plants- - - - 1'5 to - - - - 94 Victorian Plant Eecords - 144 " Guide to Study of Aus- " Extinct Birds - • - 176 tralian Butterflies - 189 Fauna and Flora Committee 138 Hall, Mr. Robert - 96, 138 Field Naturalists' Club of Hall, T. S. , A Visit to Buchan 97 Victoria- " Handlist of the Birds of Annual Eeport - - 43 Australia" - - - KSO Conversazione for Juniors 42 Hardy, A. D., Earlj^ Spring Excursions in Plenty Ranges 95, 128 Beaumaris - - - 1 Harvey, J. H., The Buchan Black Rock - - - 161 Caves Twenty Years Ago 98 Coburg - - - 20 Hawthorn District, Birds of 89 East Coburg - - 21 Herbarium, Remarks on - Frankston - - - 153 National - - 140 Greensborough - - 94 Heron, Nest and Eggs of - Kororoit Creek - - 1 Night - - - 153 Melton - - - 124 Herring, Freshwater - - 73 Mt. William - - 177 Heteronympha phHerope But- - Eingwood - - 20, 105 terfly, Life-History of li'4 ' Sandringham - - 105 How Dift'erent Animals Werribee Gorge - - 141 See"' - - - - 83 - Wheeler's Hill - - 121 Howitt, The late A. W. 181 Exhibition of Wild Flowers 108 Hydromus chrysogaster - Ci9 Financial Statement - 47 Ichneumon and Saw-fly - 60 Office-bearers, 1907-8 - 53 Introduced plants - - 15 President's Address - 48 Jacobson, E. , Notes on Web- Proceedings, 1, 17, 41. 65, 81, spinning Ants - - 36 93, 105, 121, 137, 149, 161, Jarvis, E., Life-History of 177 Butterfly Heteronynqjha Special Meeting - - 81 philerope - - - 194 1 INDEX. PAfiK PAGE Kangaroo - - - - 72 North, A. J., Description of Kapiti Island, 'S.Z. - - NH New Species of Chalco- Keartlaud, G. A., Plumage phaps - - - - Wi') of Australian Parrots - 156 Note on (^rant's Bird of Koala - - - - 71 Paradise _ - - l;j(j Koonati(/a ciirsur, n. sp. - 120 Oak, The English - - 95 Koonungidie - - - 111) (FjCOphyUu smariiydutu - ."56 Kororoit Creek, Excursion to 1 (Kcophijlla virescens - - 37 Lancelield, Observations at 111 Ogyris ivaterhoiii>eri - 163, 1(55 Lawrence Rocks. A Night " OnionWeed" 104, 138, 151, on - - - - 178 152, 154 Lieberkulin, A New - - 39 Oijossuni, Common - - 7 Lizards in Captivity - - 148 Opossum, Ring-tailed - 71 Lizards, Sunbury - - 74 Opossums, Close Season for Lohivanellns lohatus - - <)4 18, 54 Lomaria discolor, var. hijiin- Orchid, Varieties of Ptero- 11. nutijida - oo, 0-3, '3 stylis - - - - 85 Lorikeet, The Musk - l(j;3, 179 Or nitJiorhynrh as nnatinua - 72 LiLcwlu flavicoUis - - 178 Osmotic Growth - - - 68 " " - Lyell, Gr. , and Waterhouse, Our Boys and Girls 74 G. A., Some Dimboola Parudisea grardi - - - 136 Butterflies - - - 165 Parks, Encroachment on Magpie's Nest, A Curious - 74 Public- - - - 162 Mattingley, A. H., Trip to Parrakeet, Barraband's 123, 179 Mud Island - - - 4 Parrakeet, Green-Leek - 179 A Night on Lawrence Parrakeets, Pennant's - - 1"9 Rocks - - - - 178 Parrots, Plumage of Aus- M'Alpine, Specific Name of tralian - - - 156 Introduced Plant known Pelagodroma marina - - 4 as "Onion Weed" - 154 Ferameles, sp. - - - 71 Melton, Excursion to - - 124 Ferya letvisii - - - (iO Mosses - - - - 79 Petaurus breviceps - - 71 Mouse, Pouched - - 7U Peiaurus taynanoides - - 71 Mt. Wellington, Physiograpli- Petrel, White -faced Storm - 4 ical and Geological Notes 2o Petrel, The Dove - - 178 Mt. William, Aboriginal Stone Phaps chakoptera - - 179 Quarries at - - 115, 116 Phascolarctus cinereiis - - 71 Mt. William, Excursion to - 177 Phascologale, Brush-tailed - 70 Mud Island, Trip to - - 4 Phascologah ptrticUlutu - 70 Musk Lorikeets - - - l(j3 Phascologale swainsoni - - 70 Mutton-birds - - - 179 Phascolomys mitchelli - - 71 Myxonema tenue - - - (54 Pigeon, Bronzewing - - 180 Nagambie, Bird- Life at - 75 Pigeon, The Lilac-mantled - 135 National Hei-barium, Re- Plants, Frankston - - 153 marks on - - - 146 Plants, Grampian - - 55 National Museum, .Visit to - 41 Plants, Naturalized - - 100 Native Bear - - - 71 Plants, New or Rare Aus- Native Cat - - - - 70 tralian- - - - 12 Native Plants, Popular Names Plants, Records of Victtaian 67 for - - - - 85 Plants, Sealers' Cove - - 159 ' ' Nests and Eggs of Birds Plants, Unrecorded Intro- Found Breeding in Aus- duced - - - - 15 tralia and Tasmania " - 80 P/atycercus eleguns - - 179 New Victorian Plant Records 93 Platypus
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