Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 319.104
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Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 319.104 § 319.81. When beef cheek meat, beef age requirements set forth in the fol- head meat, or beef heart meat is used lowing chart: in preparation of this product, its pres- Minimum ence shall be reflected in the statement Type of cured meat PFF Product name and qualifying of ingredients required by part 317 of pork product percent- statements this subchapter. The application of cur- age1 ing solution to beef cuts, other than Cooked ham, 20.5 (Common and usual). briskets, which are intended for bulk loin2. corned beef shall not result in an in- 18.5 (Common and usual) with nat- crease in the weight of the finished ural juices. 17.0 (Common and usual) water cured product of more than 10 percent added. over the weight of the fresh uncured <17.0 (Common and usual) and meat. water product—X% of weight is added ingredi- [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970; 36 FR 11903, June 23, ents.3 1971, as amended at 38 FR 29215, Oct. 23, 1973; Cooked shoul- 20.0 (Common and usual). 64 FR 72174, Dec. 23, 1999] der, butt, pic- nic2. § 319.101 Corned beef brisket. 18.0 (Common and usual) with nat- ural juices. In preparing ‘‘Corned Beef Brisket,’’ 16.5 (Common and usual) water the application of curing solution to added. <16.5 (Common and usual) and the beef brisket shall not result in an water product—X% of increase in the weight of the finished weight is added ingredi- cured product of more than 20 percent ents.3 over the weight of the fresh uncured Uncooked cured 18.0 Uncooked (common and ham, loin. usual). brisket. If the product is cooked, the <18.0 Uncooked (common and weight of the finished product shall not usual) and water product— exceed the weight of the fresh uncured X% of weight is added in- brisket. gredients.3 Uncooked cured 17.5 Uncooked (common and shoulder, butt, usual). § 319.102 Corned beef round and other picnic. corned beef cuts. <17.5 Uncooked (common and In preparing ‘‘Corned Beef Round’’ usual) and water product— X% of weight is added in- and other corned beef cuts, except gredients.3 ‘‘Corned Beef Briskets,’’ the curing so- 1 The minimum meat PFF percentage shall be the minimum lution shall be applied to pieces of beef meat protein which is indigenous to the raw unprocessed pork weighing not less than one pound and expressed as a percent of the non-fat portion of the finished product; and compliance shall be determined under § 318.19 such application shall not result in an of this subchapter for domestic cured pork product and increased weight of the cured beef § 327.23 of this subchapter for imported cured pork product. 2 The term ‘‘cooked’’ is not appropriate for use on labels of product of more than 10 percent over cured pork products heated only for the purpose of destruc- the weight of the fresh uncured beef tion of possible live trichinae. 3 Processors may immediately follow this qualifying state- cut. If the product is cooked, the ment with a list of the ingredients in descending order of pre- weight of the finished product shall not dominance rather than having the traditional ingredients state- ment. In any case, the maximum percent of added sub- exceed the weight of the fresh uncured stances in the finished product on a total weight percentage beef cut. basis would be inserted as the X value; e.g., Ham and Water Product—20% of Weight is Added Ingredients. § 319.103 Cured beef tongue. (b) Cured pork products for which In preparing ‘‘Cured Beef Tongue,’’ there is a qualifying statement re- the application of curing solution to quired in paragraph (a) of this section the fresh beef tongue shall not result in shall bear that statement as part of the an increase in the weight of the cured product name in lettering not less than beef tongue of more than 10 percent 3⁄8 inch in height, or in lettering not over the weight of the fresh uncured less than one-third the size of the larg- beef tongue. est letter in the product name if it is in the same color and style of print and § 319.104 Cured pork products. on the same color background as the (a) Cured pork products, including product name. However, the Adminis- hams, shoulders, picnics, butts and trator may approve smaller lettering loins, shall comply with the minimum for labeling of packages of 1 pound or meat Protein Fat Free (PFF) percent- less, provided such lettering is at least 311 VerDate Aug<31>2005 10:21 Jan 31, 2008 Jkt 214029 PO 00000 Frm 00321 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214029.XXX 214029 yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR § 319.105 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–08 Edition) one-third the size and of the same color Minimum Product and style as the product name. Type of cured pork product meat PFF name and 1 qualifying (c) Cured pork product prepared pur- percentage statements suant to this section shall be subject to ‘‘Ham Patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped the compliance procedures in § 318.19 of Ham,’’ ‘‘Pressed Ham,’’ and this subchapter. ‘‘Spiced Ham’’ ........................ 19.5 (Common (d) The binders provided for use in and usual). ‘‘Ham Patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped cured pork products in a regulation in Ham,’’ ‘‘Pressed Ham,’’ and this subchapter, in 9 CFR Chapter III, ‘‘Spiced Ham’’ ........................ 17.5 (Common Subchapter E, or in 21 CFR Chapter I, and usual) with natural Subchapter A or Subchapter B, may be juices. used singly in those cured pork prod- ‘‘Ham Patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped ucts labeled as ‘‘Ham Water Added,’’ Ham,’’ ‘‘Pressed Ham,’’ and ‘‘Spiced Ham’’ ........................ 16.0 (Common ‘‘Ham and Water Product-X% of and usual) Weight is Added Ingredients,’’ and water ‘‘Ham with Natural Juices.’’ In addi- added. ‘‘Ham Patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped tion to the binders referred to in the Ham,’’ ‘‘Pressed Ham,’’ and preceding sentence, the following sub- ‘‘Spiced Ham’’ ........................ <16.0 (Common stances are permitted for use as bind- and usual) and water ers and may be used singly in those product— cured pork products labeled as ‘‘Ham (x)% of Water Added,’’ ‘‘Ham and Water Prod- weight is uct-X% of Weight is Added Ingredi- added ingredients.2 ents,’’ and ‘‘Ham with Natural Juices’’: 1 The minimum meat PFF percentage shall be the minimum pork collagen at up to 3.5% of the prod- meat protein which is indigenous to the raw, unprocessed uct formulation. Unless their use is pork expressed as a percent of the nonfat portion of the fin- ished product; and compliance shall be determined under sec- provided for in a regulation in this sub- tion 318.19 of this subchapter. chapter, in 9 CFR Chapter III, Sub- 2 Processors may immediately follow this qualifying state- ment with a list of the ingredients in descending order of pre- chapter E, or in 21 CFR Chapter I, Sub- dominance rather than having the traditional ingredients state- chapter A or Subchapter B, or in this ment. In any case, the maximum percent of added sub- stances in the finished product on a total weight percentage paragraph, these binders are not per- basis would be inserted as the X value; e.g., Ham and Water mitted to be used in combination with Product—20% of Weight is Added Ingredients. another such binder listed for use in (b) Cured pork products prepared cured pork products. When any such under this section except ‘‘Ham pat- substance is added to these products, ties’’ may contain finely chopped ham the substance shall be declared in the shank meat to the extent of 25 percent ingredients statement by its common over that normally present in boneless or usual name in order of predomi- ham. Mechanically Separated (Species) nance. Product may be used in accordance [49 FR 14879, Apr. 13, 1984, as amended at 50 with § 319.6. FR 9792, Mar. 12, 1985; 53 FR 5151, Feb. 22, (c) Cured pork product prepared pur- 1988; 57 FR 42888, Sept. 17, 1992; 62 FR 45026, suant to this section shall be subject to Aug. 25, 1997; 63 FR 148, Jan. 5, 1998; 64 FR the compliance procedures in § 318.19 of 27904, May 24, 1999; 65 FR 34389, May 30, 2000; this subchapter, and those cured pork 66 FR 54916, Oct. 31, 2001] products prepared under this section § 319.105 ‘‘Ham patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped for which there is a qualifying state- ham,’’ ‘‘Pressed ham,’’ ‘‘Spiced ham,’’ ment required shall comply with the and similar products. requirements of § 319.104(b) of this sub- chapter. (a) Finely divided (chopped, ground, flaked, chipped) cured ham products (d) In addition to the other require- such as ‘‘Ham patties,’’ ‘‘Chopped ments of this section, ‘‘Ham Patties’’ ham,’’ ‘‘Pressed ham,’’ and ‘‘Spiced may not contain more than 35 percent ham’’ shall comply with minimum fat, by analysis. meat Protein Fat Free (PFF) percent- [49 FR 14880, Apr. 13, 1984, as amended at 53 age requirements set forth in the fol- FR 5151, Feb. 22, 1988; 62 FR 45026, Aug. 25, lowing chart: 1997; 65 FR 34389, May 30, 2000] 312 VerDate Aug<31>2005 10:21 Jan 31, 2008 Jkt 214029 PO 00000 Frm 00322 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214029.XXX 214029 yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR.