(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Planning and Transportation

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(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Planning and Transportation Public Document Pack Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel Dear Member, You are invited to attend the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel to be held as follows for the transaction of the business indicated. Miranda Carruthers-Watt Proper Officer DATE: Thursday, 13 June 2019 TIME: 9.30 am VENUE: Salford Suite, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton In accordance with ‘The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014,’ the press and public have the right to film, video, photograph or record this meeting. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting during the discussion and voting on the item. Please note that there will be a break for Members at approximately 11.15 a.m. until 11.30 a.m., and a lunch break at approximately 1.00 p.m. until 1.45 p.m. AGENDA 1 The Panel is asked to consider whether it agrees to the inclusion of the items listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the agenda. 2 Apologies for absence. 3 Declarations of interest. 4 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held (Pages 1 - 4) on 9 May 2019. 5 Planning applications and related development control issues. (Pages 5 - 12) 9.30 A.M. 5a 18/72232/FUL 5 Rutland Road, Eccles M30 9FA (Pages 13 - 22) 5b 18/72587/FUL Vacant Land Off Somerset Road, Eccles M30 9BT (Pages 23 - 40) 5c 18/72691/FUL 11 Ellesmere Road, Eccles M30 9HE (Pages 41 - 68) 11.30 A.M. 5d 18/72539/FUL Waterside Village, Gemini Road, Salford M6 6HB (Pages 69 - 98) 5e 19/73148/FUL 2 Church Street, Eccles M30 0DF (Pages 99 - 130) 5f 19/73382/FUL Land On Corner Of Silk Street Facing Apex House, (Pages 131 - 138) Blackfriars Road, Salford 1.45 P.M. 5g 19/72952/FUL Former Pilkington Tiles Site, Rake Lane, Clifton, (Pages 139 - 152) Salford M27 8LP 5h 19/72877/FUL Land Formerly 220 Folly Lane, Swinton (Pages 153 - 166) 6 Planning applications determined under delegated authority. (Pages 167 - 238) 7 Urgent Business. 8 Exclusion of the Public. 9 Part 2 - Closed to the Public. 10 Urgent Business. Contact Officer: Tel No: 0161 793 2602 Claire Edwards, Democratic Services E-Mail: claire.edwards@salford.gov.uk Agenda Item 4 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL 9th May 2019 Meeting commenced: 9:30 a.m. “ adjourned: 11.30 a.m. “ reconvened: 11.45 a.m. “ ended: 1.30 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor Mashiter - in the Chair Councillors Clarke, Dawson, Dickman, K. Garrido, Linden, Morris and Warmisham Councillor Burch during all applications with the exception of application reference 19/73235/DISCON (Former Brown Cow Public House, 319 Worsley Road, Eccles M30 8BW) Councillor McIntyre during consideration of applications 18/72691/FUL (11 Ellesmere Road, Eccles M30 9HE) and 18/72805/FUL (Lowry Mill, Lees Street, Swinton M27 6DB) Please note that a list of persons in attendance in respect of matters referred to in Minute 101 is included is included at Appendix A 98. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting. He made reference to this being Councillor McIntyre’s final meeting prior to taking up the role of Ceremonial Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20. The Chair thanked Councillor McIntyre for the contributions he had made as a Member of the Panel and wished him well in his forthcoming role. The Chair outlined the procedure for the meeting. An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Antrobus. 99. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 100. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2019 be agreed as a correct record. 101. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION (Full details of the matter referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Strategic Director Place (Main Report), as amended in the case of applications marked * in the Amendment Report). RESOLVED: THAT, following consideration by the Panel, the under-mentioned applications for planning permission were determined, subject to the conditions listed in the above reports, as indicated below – Application Number/ Site Development Decision Applicant 17/69573/FUL Norton Court Variation of condition 2 Please refer to Minute 102 Greengate (approved plans) attached below Elliot Property Salford to planning permission Construction Limited And M3 7NS 15/66806/FUL Equity Group Limited Page 1 *18/72691/FUL 11 Ellesmere Road Proposed three-storey Deferred, in order to allow Eccles side extensions and the applicant additional Mr Jonathan Leponis M30 9HE conversation of the time to consider Dean property to accommodate amendments which will 15 no. dwellings, including overcome the Panel’s balcony at 2nd floor level, concerns in respect of (a) external parking, the impact on the amenity landscaping and courtyard of future residents by patio virtue of the size of the 3 No. 2-bed apartments which fall below the Council’s recommended guideline of 57sq.m and clarification on the level of outlook that apartments in the basement and roof- space would receive (Policy DES7 and Housing Planning Guidance), and (b) the impact of the design of the extensions on the character of the area (Policy DES1). Concerns were also raised as to whether the development was compliant with the Equalities Act 2010, insofar as access for people with impaired mobility is concerned, and the role of the planning and building control regulations in this regard. 18/72805/FUL Lowry Mill Conversion of existing mill Granted. Lees Street pond into a car park Vanguard Holdings Swinton The Panel requested the Limited M27 6DB addition of an informative offering assistance and advice to the applicant with regard to their Travel Plan. 19/73235/DISCON Former Brown Cow Public Request for confirmation Condition discharged. House of compliance of condition C/O Rapleys LLP 319 Worsley Road 24 (off-site highway works) Eccles attached to planning M30 8BW permission 18/72586/FUL *18/72845/FUL Land Off Hilton Lane Erection of up to 209 Deferred in order for (a) Worsley dwellings, creation of open the traffic implications of Bellway Homes Plc space and associated the development to be infrastructure and works considered further and for clarification to be provided on the accuracy of the traffic data used to inform the Traffic Assessment, and (b) further discussions to take place with the applicant and Ward Councillors in relation to the mitigation proposed as part of the Section 106 obligation. Page 2 102. 17/69573/FUL – NORTON COURT, GREENGATE, SALFORD M3 7NS – VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 (APPROVED PLANS) ATTACHED TO PLANNING PERMISSION 15/66806/FUL RESOLVED: THAT planning permission be granted, subject to the planning conditions stated in the report, and that: (i) the Strategic Director Place be authorised to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following heads of terms: . a financial contribution of £250,000 towards Greengate Pocket Park and the inclusion of a clawback mechanism directed towards the same park. (ii) the applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions listed in the report, on completion of such a legal agreement; (iii) the authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued (subject to the conditions and reasons stated in the report) on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement. 103. PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY The Strategic Director Place submitted a report containing details of planning applications which he had determined under delegated authority during March and April 2019 and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 104. PLANNING AND ENFORCEMENT APPEALS The Strategic Director Place submitted a report which provided details of planning and enforcement appeals that had recently been determined. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 105. ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY UPDATE RESOLVED: THAT this item be deferred for consideration at a future meeting. Page 3 APPENDIX A – LIST OF ATTENDEES 9.30am APPLICATION NO. IN FAVOUR OBJECTING WARD COUNCILLORS / MP 17/69573/FUL Norton Court Greengate Salford M3 7NS 18/72691/FUL Liam Donnelly* John Rabbitt* 11 Ellesmere Road Jonathan Leponis Dean Bruce Thompson Eccles Andrew Connell M30 9HE Anthony Deer 18/72805/FUL Mike Lamplough* Geoffrey Collins* Lowry Mill Lees Street Swinton M27 6DB 19/73235/DISCON Jonathan Harper Former Brown Cow Jim Budd* Public House Nick Harvey 319 Worsley Road Eccles M30 8BW 11.15am APPLICATION NO. IN FAVOUR OBJECTING WARD COUNCILLORS / MP 18/72845/FUL Matthew Shipman* Nick Litherland* Councillor Critchley* Land Off Hilton Lane Matthew Dugdale Alan Malley* Councillor Edwards* Worsley Emma Bartlett* Councillor Lewis* Sarah Connett-Baker* Ms McDermott* Carol Boyce* (representing Rebecca Long- Barry Woodling* Bailey, MP) Christine Derbyshire Janine McDonald Philip Brearley Carla Pasiero Page 4 Agenda Item 5 REPORT Of Strategic Director Place To the Planning & Transportation Regulatory Panel On 13 th June 2019 Planning Applications and Related Development Control Matters (Not considered to contain exempt information) Non-members of the panel are invited to attend the meeting during consideration of any applications included within the report in which they have a particular interest. MAIN REPORT Page1 5 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972-SECTIONS 100A-100K LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS The “Background Papers” relating to all reports on Planning Applications appearing in this report are: - 1. The appropriate ‘Development Information Folder’ for each planning application on the Agenda.
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