OPA Bows to Ration Board; Servicemen to Get Gasoline
Any EXCUM You BACK UP Can Fmd For Not YOUR BOY lipping Your Bond Buying W! Please Hitler Snbepenbent - ieaber -No. 29. F.nlnri.l i nfl rla*A mutter Pulillshtd Every Krl.lny WOODBRIDGK, N. J., FRIDAY. 27 !!>• PRICE FIVE CENTO tile 1'nm WoodbrKire, N. at 11 (irnen SI.. Wnoi|lirlil(t», N. .!. Sweetness Schools Put Scrap OPA Bows To Ration Board; AND To Reopen On Curb Light E. Gregory — Servicemen To Get Gasoline Hv Sept. 8th Tomorrow ;.,.. I mi'Ull to belittle " Muiphy and Edg« Beginners May Be En- Prepared Tin Cans To VurUm lhrV ,,ia,v plan t° lil Be Collected Start- ;hi||. nW11 stuff in the roiled During 1st 10 As Local Blood Started Off To War" ^ '',,!_-hin>r campaign for Days Of Next Month ing At 7 A. M. 1 |,,,i [ might BB well WounHRIIMiK — A rnllcctiui WOOniBKHHi'K - Woodbrid-e atirc Fight ', ,l,al precious few "f |n-i inired tin cans will be madi Towimhip Public Schools will re- hen1 tomorrow, Mrs, Chester (! ,ri |or high places open their doors on -September i>, IVrk, rhiiiriuan of the Salvagi A(,r K,t'l ns much an a Supervising Principitl Victor V. ('"iiimitlee of the Defonsp Coun Victorious b .,t the bottom of Nidtlas announced today. Ele- oil, reminded Township resident ..ir.,.,1 ads if they -had mcntiiryy schoolcolss will .dismis.dismiss their ;K — Culminatinr i today. : b;ittli- by the local War ,11(| upon their own classes at H):3(l A. M., the openpen- ing (lay, but the high school will Housewives are requested t .iti.l llnliointii; Board, ah- 1;i|,.nt in putting to- have the cans at the curt) no lute 1 speechew conduct regular sessions.
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