SERVING RIO BLANCO COUNTY, COLORADO SINCE 1885 FFaatthheerr’’ss DDaayy ...... On Sunday, we salute RR II OO BB LL AA NN CC OO all the fathers in Rio Blanco County who live up to their love, their duties and their responsibilities of taking care of, sup - porting and nurturing the children they helped bring into this world. Fatherhood Hera ld Tim es means more than just making a woman pregnant; it is a life - time of responsibility. Volume 130, Number 45 I June 18, 2015 I Meeker’s Market Street work nears completion in spite of rain delays By SEAN M cMAHON tion date back to possibly the first the sidewalks and curbs from Fourth
[email protected] week of July. Most of the work is now Street west to 11th Street. complete between Fourth Street and Meszatos said Phase I, which is MEEKER I The work is pro - the Fairfield parking lot at Second the phase being worked on now, was gressing in satisfactory form to install Street. He said there is also a delay for budgeted originally for $700,000 with sidewalks and curbs on the north side pipe work at First Street, but that the 80 percent funded by the federal gov - of east Market Street in Meeker entire project, when complete, should ernment. although repeated rains have caused run all the way to Watt’s Ranch Phase II, which also has $700,000 the entire project to be delayed a cou - Market. budgeted to complete the curbs and ple of weeks, Meeker Town “There is still a lot of little work to sidewalks on the north side of Market Administrator Scott Meszaros said be done, but I think it should be done Street to 11th Street, will likely be Friday.