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From: "Thomas Skeggs" Date: Sun, July 13, 2003 9:47 am To: [email protected] Subject: Philadelphia Photo

Hello Mark --

In my old collection of papers, I found a British article called "The Physics of a Flying Saucer" by Ted Roach, an Australian Engineer. (The pictures do not appear in his book). In this article was a brief paragraph on the Philadelphia Experiment. It included 2 photos. The caption reads “The USS Eldridge and the prototype machinery used in the infamous Philadelphia Experiment". There are no credits to these pictures. The article appeared in the now defunct Alien Encounters magazine, September 1997. I don’t know if the pictures are genuine. The description in Chica Bruce’s book [SS: see doc pdf URL ] tends to match up with the photographs. (I attached one photo in JPEG format. I can send the other if you want a copy.)

Last week, I ordered some books including The Philadelphia Experiment Murder which you pointed out. Plus I ordered Montauk Revisited and the Pyramids of Montauk. And they arrived today (July 10). I was taken aback by some of the claims made by Preston Nichols. I see what you really mean when he goes off on a tangent. I thought his first book was but too unbelievable. I have only flicked through them. The remote-viewing data points to a scheme where children were being used in the program, and it relates to the strange and disturbing dreams. Nichols points this out in his book. But I think he's off- the-mark with his blue-eyed blonde-haired kiddies and the Aryan connection. The teenager that I "saw" had brown hair. There was a lab in New York state which was trying to expand the psychic potential of children. It closed down in 1978 following an arson attack.

I also read some of The Philadelphia Experiment Murder on the technology used in that test. It's similar to Montauk. The difference is the Philadelphia Experiment used an AC rotating magnetic field with low-voltage high-currant coils. The Montauk Project used a UHF microwave system linked to a 3-coil antenna array to produce rotating magnetic fields that are sensitive to conscious thoughts (like intent). In the Philadelphia Experiment system, the people go wherever the ship goes -- back-and-forth in space and time. The Montauk system works on the principle that a psychic can mentally direct where objects go within the influence of the magnetic field. The purpose is to produce a stable connection between 2 different sets of space-time coordinates. (But this also depends on the stability of psychic’s mind).

In an e-mail I sent you, I stated that the Montauk Delta-T Antenna may act like a electronic orgone accumulator [StealthSkater note: see ] I have been doing some new research that may show that the entire Montauk system may have acted as a "resonant circuit", which is a type of reactive circuit capable of resonance. A series resonant circuit uses a resistor, inductor, and a capacitor arranged in series. Resonance occurs in such a circuit when the impedance is the minimum and the currant amplitude is the maximum. I have found the equations for such circuits. And I think I can make up a small prototype based on RV data and the research I have done recently.

1 In the Pyramids of Montauk on page 78, there is a photo of a church. I don’t know if the teenager I "saw" was at this church. I only saw the interior, not the exterior. Something terrible happened and the teenager sought sanctuary within the church. There is also a chapel on the Montauk AFB. Dreams are considered to be the soul product of the unconscious mind and are only experienced by the individual. But I think some dreams can be altered in some way to "project a message". In that way, people can share the same dream. It's commonly used in remote-influencing where you can actually induce someone to have nightmares. You can send a message like "stay away" or "help me". The trick of dealing with remote-influenced dreams is to look at it rationally and not jump to conclusions too quickly.

Since 2001, I have been having strange dreams about a "syndicate" headed by a professor of modern history, a French-African missionary, and 2 university students. (There are other members too.) They had sent up a tented camp in the Sahara desert. And they recruit people with special skills to carry a series of tasks to help people. The last dreams were in the beginning of April when a man informed me of something to do with travel between June 15-21. I cannot recall of it. Another involved southern Iraq when the war was on. I saw something in the Philadelphia Experiment Murder on pages 142-143 regarding a strange cult called the Ong's Hat. So I ordered a copy of Ong's Hat by Joseph Matheny. So far, I'm really pleased that I cannot find any connection between the Ong's Hat or the dreams regarding the "syndicate" I keep dreaming of. It's all very strange stuff. I have tried to give up doing research into time travel but I always seem to end-up doing some more work on the subject. [StealthSkater note: Joe Matheny has promoted the legend of the Incunabula. Some say that these "renegade physicists" did exist but not in the Ong's hat commune where quantum-based "Eggs" were able to travel to parallel universes. Consult doc pdf URL ]

I'm actually in the early stages of booking a 5-day trip to New York. It's still uncertain at the moment. There are some problems I need to sort out on my end. I have always wanted to go there and I think it will a once-in-a-lifetime experience due the very high costs involved.

All the best Tom


From: Tom Skeggs To: [email protected] Date: Sun, July 18, 2004 6:40 am Subject: re: and yet ANOTHER twist on the Betty & Barney Hill story

Hello Mark --

The physical evidence of alien races visiting Earth is extremely rare. The so-called "Aliens" appear to be "biophysical" [i.e., non-physical] entities. And communication with these so-called alien races maybe akin to "channeling" like in Project Preserve Destiny. If actual contact is taking place, I don't believe it's a face-to-face contact but more like psychic communication like in the stories of the "Cult of the Nine". (The technique dates back centuries with Oracles and sages who could communicate with the gods when in an altered state). Their non-physical existence explains why finding physical evidence is like trying to find Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction". [StealthSkater note: read more of Project Preserve Destiny at doc pdf URL ]

The UFO witnessed by UNITEL's Maurer and Miller may be been a high-definition hologram. This could explain why it was transparent. And they believe that it uses lasers as part of its propulsion system. It may be a form of propulsion where it projects an image of itself ahead of itself to a distance location. This may involve superposition where an image is projected to a distance location. But how you get the physical mass to the distance location is another matter (pardon the pun). The use of quantum tunneling is one method. And for a few seconds, the object will be a superposition and occupy both locations at the same time. To me, the projected image and the object generating the image exchange places. To a person seeing it, it's difficult to tell if the object is actually physically real or a holographic copy of a physical object. [StealthSkater note: for more on the UNITEL 1981 Oregon sighting, go to doc pdf URL . Tom's description sounds like teleportation to me. Perhaps something akin to Philip Taylor Kramer's attempt to harness unstable gravitation waves => doc pdf URL ]

Also most alien abductions appear to occur when the witness enters into an altered state of consciousness. Many may be unaware that they are doing it. The physical injuries may be a manifestation of what they encounter when in an altered state.

On the legendary "Dulce Wars", I remote-viewed Dulce. And there is an underground base there. But when I remote-viewed the base, it was very quiet with little activity. So it may be it was "moth- balled". British remote-viewer Tim Rifat suggests that when he remote-viewed the base, they were conducting experiments using intra-dimensional or extra-dimensional doorways. This allowed biophysical entities to gain entry to the base. And they became trapped. My idea is that the biophysical entities took over some of the Dulce base personnel as an attempt to re-open the doorway. Just like in the short TV series "Taken" when a group of doctors performed an operation on abductee, and the soldiers started to act strangely and started shooting each other. The rest is now unproven legend and folklore -- just like Montauk.

On crashed alien space vehicles, there may be fragments locked away in vaults somewhere. Canadian scientist Stanton T. Friedman may be making a valid point. They may know how such craft work. The drawback is the methods of manufacture. How to replicate the technology using present technology is the hardest obstacle to overcome.


-- Tom

From: Tom Skeggs To: [email protected] Date: Sat, July 24, 2004 1:57 pm Subject: re: don't let the mainstreamers discourage you!

Hello Mark --

… … … … … …

When I first read the articles in Nexus on the "Wingmakers", I was really taken with it. I carried copies around with me and read them during breaks at work. Then I realized it's like reading a good novel that you can't put down. Novels are mainly a work of fiction.

The same is with Montauk. My interest has been on-and-off for years. But when you do your own research, the Montauk story does not really match up with the outside world. Yet I still believe something happened there. One odd thing happened during my field trip last year to Montauk. I only believed it was about 3 miles from the town -- no more than 5 miles. In fact, it was about 9 miles and I walked it in 1 hour and 40 minutes. The place has energy -- real strong biophysical energy. Stronger than Stonehenge. I see why the native Americans choose this site as a burial or sacred site.

… … … … … … -- Tom

From: "Tom Skeggs" To: [email protected] Date: Sat, November 6, 2004 12:16 pm Subject: USAF consciousness teleportation

Hello Mark --

Did you read this in the "Teleportation Physics Study" by Eric W Davis?

“Psychics Uri Geller (1975) and Ray Stanford (1974) claimed to have been teleported on several occasions. Most claimed instances of human teleportation of the body from one place to another have been unwitnessed. There are also a small number of credible reports of individuals who reported being teleported to/from UFOs during a UFO close encounter which were scientifically investigated (Vallee, 1988, 1990, 1997). But there are a larger number of such reports that are anecdotal whereby the witness data tends to be unreliable".

This is like the work that I did between Sept 2001 to March 2002 on experimental teleportation with my mini-transmitters. It may be viewed by the general consensus as being "unreliable" as there were no

4 other independent witnesses to events. This work would be described in the study as 'p-teleportation' where remote-viewers project the bioelectric field to a distance location.

The field is a product of the emission of photons. The photons usually have a very low amplitude making them invisible to the naked eye. (see "A Model For Biophotons" by Matti Pitkänen at [StealthSkater note: also archived at doc pdf URL ] Some like Pitkänen and Popp believe that the emission of biophotons is quantum coherent. I believe that subjecting the human body to EM radiation of a specific frequency and modulated amplitude may cause the emission of more quantum coherent photons with a higher amplitude. This means the field could become visible to observers at a distance location. Like projecting a 3-D hologram of your original self to a distance location. [SS: Tom's 'Star Chamber' proposal uses this logic and more can be of it at doc pdf URL ]

One of the key governing principles maybe the superposition principle where the biophotonic field exists in a superposition until an observation is made [SS: i.e., "collapsing the wave function"]. This explains why I try to cut myself off from the World and conduct tests in total isolation.

One distant location that I ended up at by accident was some studio in Santa Monica where it all seemed very real to me at the time back in March 2002. Another location was outside an observatory on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I sent a letter in July-August 2003 to the boss of the studio. But I never received a reply. Yet the purpose behind this is what I nicknamed as "pinging". I send out a letter or email, then use some empathic ability and RV to gauge the response.


Must go now. Tom

Subject: Update on Montauk,Pine Gap, Stargates. From: "Tom Skeggs" Date: Tue, December 28, 2004 11:56 am To: [email protected]

Hello Mark --

Sorry for delay. Was away for Christmas. I hope you had a good Christmas. > >Did you ever hear anymore from that "Bluestone" guy? The one who wanted you to RV for him. He said something about a new energy source that was at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma. He also told me the rumored "stargate" in Iraq was a hoax, and that the only story along those lines that he leaned toward was a reported one in Tibet. > I don't recall hearing from Bluestone himself. I just got a blank e-mail entitled "Lets be Friends" from a friend of his in New York in 2003. I think his name was "Hoffman". He may have worked for some foundation in Eastside.

5 Strangely, I think of Oklahoma City during the time I first heard of him when I was releasing material on Plattsburgh AFB and Montauk AFS. I kept getting repeated [RV] images of a 1950s-1960s red-brick warehouse. (I think it was being re-built.) Latter in March 2004, I discovered that the USAF has a storage facility at Oklahoma City (Oklahoma Air Logistics Center [1]). This center is located at Tinker AFB and is operated by Air Material Command (AMC [2]). This may be one of the places besides Plattsburgh AFB that machinery was taken when Montauk Radar station was decommissioned some after 1984. Tinker AFB is also home to a squadron or so of transport aircraft belonging to Air Mobility Command.

I also think something "funny" was going on in Ohio in August 2003. The state of Ohio is home to Wright Patterson AFB where the AMC has its HQ. And it has a long history relating to UFO wreckage. For example, "Operation Moondust" and the infamous "Blue Room". I also found out recently that Ohio is home to some major aerospace contractors. (I was going to submit a proposal for funding to a research center calling for such proposals on VTOL aircraft, based in Ohio last March-June).

I did some RV work on Montauk. What I get is that the caretaking crew at Montauk did not do its job properly. Looking at air photos of other Sage radar sites and reading reports from people visiting other sites, the caretaking crews stripped the radar sites bare of all equipment, materials, and paperwork. This did not happen at Montauk. The caretaking crew spent most of the time in one of the mess or club houses drinking and playing cards. One caretaker was knocking his kids and wife about and was a heavy drinker. Another was selling materials from the base to unofficial sources. I later discovered in one of the Sky Books that a friend of the authors was arrested and charged for selling property. I saw a white lorry and money changing hands.

The Air Force to be taking a real interest again in 1992-93 following publication of the first Montauk book. I recall "seeing" a senior American Air Force officer visiting the radar site (in a RV session), and he was absolutely furious at the state of the radar site. He was also demanding answers from his juniors and ordered them to investigate what was going on.

I also think the caretaking crew were like big kids, and they were screwing around with the radar equipment. And they got far more than they bargained for. This may explain why most of the experiment were not dismantled right away and left in situ until the mid 1990s.

They may even had unofficial support in the form that other officials were aware of what was going at the radar station, but turned a blind eye until things got out-of-hand. One name keeps popping up over-and-over again is 'Anderson'.

Preston Nichols names one of the caretakers as 'Anderson' but suggests it's a false name. Later it transpires that Nichols and Peter Moon close friends with Dr. David Anderson, who was president of the Time Travel Research Center (TTRC). (The Sky Books website was hosted on TTRC website). Anderson claims to have worked at Edwards AFB, CA and was in the USAF during the 1980s. Anderson set up the Time Travel Research Association in Smithtown, Long Island in the late 1990s where he was conducting research into using time warp fields in medical applications.

In November 2001, the TTRC closed down. Rumors spread on the Internet forums stated that the TTRC was co-owned by Anderson's wife and they had got a divorced. He later founded the World Genesis Foundation with funding from UNESCO. It claimed to be helping gifted teenagers in Eastern Europe.

6 Edwards AFB is known as the Air Force Flight Test Center and is under control of the Air Material Command. Sometimes I think that Anderson was not a scientist but an Air Force radar technician. He may have been based at Montauk and could be the source of most of the time-travel stories as they all originate from the New York-Long Island area. And it seems a coincidence that most of the stories such as the Wingmakers, Ong's Hat-Pine Gap [3], and the Montauk and Brookhaven connection all originate from the New York-Long Island area.

Regarding the young man I kept "seeing" starting fires at the Montauk base, I think he was a son of one of the families living in a small house by the Montauk highway who was moved from one psychiatric hospital to another where he escaped. I know he went south, crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, and went passed a park. He also stayed at a friends place near-or-in Chinatown. And then I think he fled America and went to Canada.

I think he lives there to this day. I also "get" that he moves between Canada and the UK a lot. This is the same man who as a teenager took refuge in a church following the incident at Montauk. This is the confusing part. The church is in the town of Montauk some 9 miles from the radar station. Yet I sensed that he was found at the radar station in a somewhat confused and dazed state where police took him into custody and later to a hospital. During my trip to New York, I tried to pick up on his trail to see if I could identity any locations. And there is a psychiatric hospital overlooking the East River. ------footnotes:

[1] There are Air Logistics Centers at Wright Patterson AFB,OH; Ogden, Hill AFB, UT; and Warner Robins, Robins AFB, GA. Materials may have been transported by transport to Plattsburgh AFB. And one air base, I think, is called Hanscom. This base houses an Air Force electronic systems division. I also recently discovered that the radar console that appeared in The Montauk Files by K.B . Located in the FPS-35 radar, this radar console is now on public display in a museum in upstate New York or Canada.

[2] Air Material Command operates research labs at Kirkland AFB, NM where a scientist conducted experiments into the effects of microwaves on the human body at Kirkland AFB. The AMC also operates the Rome Lab in upstate New York.

[3] I think this is the place [Pine Gap, New Jersey] where I kept "seeing" (in RV) the pine trees last year. A pine forest. I kept seeing a red barn-like building next to a bend in a road surrounded by long grass. The road bends around to the right. And the building is close to some broad-leaf trees like oak trees. This road leads to some type of military enclosure close to a pine forest. The enclosure is overgrown with long grass. The site has aerials and shallow mounds. The road is blocked by a steel chain link gate. I also recall warning signs. And I saw yellow lines painted on the road turning around passing the building. You will cross a river over a bridge made of steel guiders. The bridge was rusty. And the river was slow moving but seems fairly wide. The banks slope down to the river. And there are tall reeds on both banks.

I detected or sensed very little activity at this site. It's a very quite and peaceful place. So I cannot confirm that Pine Gap was an active time travel research site.

> >Recently came across an India site that was predicting something along the anti-gravity line was going to happen somewhere over there in 2012.

7 > I think that military and political planners around the World have penciled in a 2012 AD date for some reason. Some suggest it's the date of the End of the World like in the Mayan prophecies. Now I'm not a fan of such End-of-the-World, revolution, civil war stories. But I have noticed that some British and American advanced weapon systems are due to enter full operational service by 2012. I think it's the F-22 Raptor and Joint Strike Fighter. Plus some other armed UAV's and anti-satellite weapons. Others suggest a major change in human thinking and awareness. Also I read 2012 is a date for the discovery of Zero-Point Energy. And even the discovery of time-travel is actually possible and made public in 2012. But I'm not going to hold my breath. > > You mentioned mainstream physicists like Jack Sarfatti and their claims that ESP or PSI events are not proven as they have not seem any valid mathematical model. I also believed that Science is founded on experimentation and not based purely on taking mathematics as hard factual evidence to prove a theory. They may point out that Einstein formulated concise math papers on Special and General Relativity. But what proved Einstein's theories correct was not pure mathematics. It was experimentation. > When other scientists did experiments to prove or disprove his theories -- for example, during a solar eclipse, you can see a large body can bend light. You made a valid point that some scientists give up to early when they cannot get the math right.

As for Sarfatti, I no longer get e-mails from his forum. But I'm still a fan of his. It's just that I needed to totally cut myself off from the World for month-or-two. Leaving the workshop and running away was a serious blow, and I took it as the end of the FTA. But I think that now the only option open to me is to finish the building of the FTA.

Some people think my research into Montauk is a little nuts and simply ruins any chance I have of being taken seriously regarding my work on the FTA. But I noticed that you quoted Edison.

Edison believed he had little people living inside his head. And Tesla stated he was in radio contact with aliens living on Mars. So I think inventors are just prone to having more moments of "madness" than the average person.

On ancient relic-like Stargates or star chambers, etc. After some RV searching, I sensed nothing in Iraq prior to or after the Iraq war. I sensed no unique biophysical signature identifying such a device was active or been active within the last year. That story may be a hoax, but it hasn't stopped groups from searching for such relics.

There may be a Tibetan Monastery located in an isolated region of Tibet on top of a hill or mountain. (I cannot recall its actual location). I first "visited" it in 2001-2002. It's not a "device" but the location on which the monastery is built. (Like the Montauk radar site is built on a geological/biophysical crossroads!). Standing outside the monastery, you cannot see any roads, electricity pylons, telegraph poles, railway lines, or villages. No signs of human habitation. It's a wonderful place. But I don't know if this is the place that Bluestone mentions.

The Chinese have destroyed many monasteries over the years. And this monastery has been saved due to its remoteness and isolation. The monks take all the supplies up a narrow pathway to the monastery on mules or donkeys. There are no roads leading to it. The only way to get there is on foot

8 or horseback. Or trans-bilocate (i.e., remote-viewing)! The monks speak very little English and generally leave you alone to explore. They don't like chit-chat nor people asking unnecessary questions.

To me, it's more of a retreat then a "hyper-dimensional stargate doorway". So I don't think this is the place that Bluestone was talking about. I encountered other Westerners there. It was the mysterious African man "Janus" who introduced me to this remote Tibetan Monastery.

Off-topic, on the December 23, I did some basic Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) searching. I got an image of a man standing alone in a foggy graveyard. The man was wearing a gray suit. The second strong ERV image was a man standing on a stage surrounded by people. He was wearing a suit and had dark hair. I did pick up "He tells stories...". I think he was going on about the true meaning of Christmas. Does this ring any [church] bells with you?!

Oh , must go now. I hope this helps answer some of your questions.

-- Tom

From: "Tom Skeggs" To: [email protected] Date: Wed, December 29, 2004 11:51 am Subject: Corrections to last e-mail

Tinker AFB updat -- FireFox Down

I "looked" again at this AFB plus its surrounding area last night. I'm getting images of a modern hanger-like building. It has short walls made of large concrete blocks with the upper part of the walls made of corrugated steel, plus a steel roof painted a pale yellow color. There are wooden crates inside on pallets. I "saw" a small forklift truck moving around. I sense that most of the crates contain broken aircraft parts. A day after later I got more RV data which may relate to this aircraft. Men in woodland camo uniforms looking at papers relating to stored parts of a trainer aircraft. (I think it may be a T-38 trainer.) I think this is the only papers matching the search made on a computer at the time.

Mr. Bluestone may be searching for data on a crashed unidentified vehicle which some claim is not indigenous to this Planet. It's associated with a or cavern in the desert. His contacts believe its "energy source" is still active and causing strange effects.

I also sense that Bluestone knows the answers before asking the questions. But does he know that AFOSI knows who his contacts are? Not all of his contacts are Air Force!

Dark Matter

An energy source like a generator using dark matter. It's strange. Its dark matter does not physically exist in this Universe. It's shielded and sealed inside a vessel and emits energy outside the vessel (so many fractions of a wavelength from the surface of the vessel -- i.e., one-quarter wavelength). Like in the Walker papers. The energy emitted is 'dark' and results in producing a repulsive gravitational field. (Something to do with negative energy densities). Think of the vessel or container as an 'Ark'. One

9 recurring image I get over again is of an hourglass-shaped device. It rotates and glows with a blue-white light.

Its shape may originally have been like cylinder. But gravity may distort the image I'm getting, making it look like an hour-glass. There are rotors and maybe crystals. But it's difficult to see details clearly cause of the light. Such a device does not move though space-time. The device causes space- time to move -- to hold up around it like in Einstein's theory that gravity is curved space. It was also difficult to pinpoint this device's actual location. It gets moved around a lot.

Some non-indigenous (i.e., alien) technology is totally different. Its omni-technical. It serves more than one purpose. For example. we have generators, motors, batteries, etc. Separate items. This non- indigenous tech is combined into fewer components. So you have an omni-motor generator energy storage device all in one package. This may explain why such devices are so difficult to reproduce because we think along singular lines. Its designers think in more than 3 dimensions at once. And they suggest that because something is not "material" or "physical", the effects can still be real! "Omni- tech" means you can pack more into a smaller space. And better the chances of the overall vehicle acting as singular quantum-like entity. [StealthSkater note: Probably unrelated, but I can't help think that this mysterious energy device reminds me of that movie "Strange Science" where a high-schooler broke into an Air Force junkyard to search for something for his science project. It's uncanny how many of these stories wind up as Hollywood movies. Almost too much of a coincidence unless paranoia is getting the best of me …]

That's all for now. Have a Happy New Year. Tom

From: "Tom Skeggs" To: [email protected] Date: Sat, January 8, 2005 1:09 pm Subject: Montauk Revisited-some unpublished details.

Just last week I was thinking about Montauk again. Sometimes I try at night to do some RV work but I get nothing. But last week, I got more from Montauk. Maybe it was due to one of my "windows of opportunity dating" that started around Dec. 23.

The Batteries (The "Beast" & "Boys" )

10 This was to re-examine some photos that I took during my field trip in 2003. I noticed the levels between the top of the or batteries from the front and the side. It appears the side entrance is located higher than on the side. This may suggest there is more than one level. Compare the photos that I have attached. The side entrance looks closer to the top of the bunker than the front. Yet I recall walking down hill to reach the side entrance. There is evidence of landscaping around the front of the , and this has raised the ground level. (The old may have one main floor level. But RV+ERV does suggest a number of floor levels).

During RV sessions, I found stairways inside leading downwards. Some may be now bricked up. And I also reported to you in early 2003 before my field trip that there were signs of flooding. You can see water around the base of the blocked up side entrance. The dark patch.

During my visit, I attempted to do a little on-site RV work to see if I could tune in and get any stronger data. By the side entrance, I got an image of a large Army truck backing up towards the entrance. It was a big truck. It had about 4 wheels at the rear and 2 at the front. A soldier jumped out wearing dark-green poncho and talked to another soldier standing just inside the entrance way. He was wearing a pale green uniform and a green metal helmet with white lines or markings on it. I think he had a white belt on. (Green&White uniform? May have been Military police.) It was very overcast and pouring rain. The driver of the truck was complaining about the weather. And then he jumped back into the truck and backed it into the side entrance. I think they were unloading ammo for the big guns. This session may date circa 1940s.

I have ruled out the "Beast" bunker was the center for any time-travel experiments. The "feel" that I get from it was it last saw active duty in the 1940s-1950s. I reached this conclusion from the above RV data by the main entrance and by a RV session by the front. That RV data was quiet and mute. Aand the last activity was a long time ago dating back to the 1940s-1950s.

Yet in another RV session, I saw a group of soldiers running fast towards the "Beast" bunker. They looked like something out of a Vietnam movie. They wore green uniforms, pale-brown flak jackets, and steel green helmets. They were mainly armed with M16 rifles. I think one was armed with a pump- action shotgun. They took up firing positions near the side entrance and trained their weapons on the entrance. There was a lot of shouting. I don't know if this was a real security alert or was an exercise. But it looked rushed. They had their flak jackets undone and the chinstraps unfastened, suggesting that they put them on quick and grabbed some weapons. From the uniforms and weapons, this incident may have occurred anytime between the late 1960s to the early 1980s.

In his Montauk Files book, K.B. Wells points out a pile of unusual rocks on the beach at King's Point (page.49). I first pointed out that these rocks could have been mined out of the one of the

11 magazines. I saw these briefly during my field trip, and I sense that these rocks may be cover up outflows for storm drains from the old Camp Hero and radar station. They may also have been dumped to prevent coastal erosion. The drains run inland and there may be a junction which connects the 2 batteries -- the "Beast" bunker with the "Boys" bunker.

These were designed to keep the interior of the casemates dry. In The Montauk Files, he shows a photo of a cover being filled in with concrete and sealing up drains from within the casemates and the main outflows on the beach. This is done to bar access to the casemates and to flood the interiors. Why flood them? It would corrode the reinforced steel work in the batteries concrete. Over time, the concrete will crack and fracture causing the battery roofs to collapse. They decided to let Nature destroy the bunkers slowly.

The Underground Works This storm drain connecting the 2 casemates may be mistaken for a train . I have picked up this tunnel during RV sessions before, but I have always viewed it as a large diameter storm drain. Legend has it that an underground rail tunnel runs all the way into Montauk to the Fisher Tower and on to the Montauk lighthouse. Some claim it was originally built to transport ammo for the large guns from Montauk. But RV data that I got there suggests that all the ammo (shells) traveled by road to the casemates at Camp Hero. The tunnel is about 6-8 ft in diameter, which quite large for a drain. The tunnel that I saw using RV is not dead straight but has a number of bends in it. I'm not convinced that this storm drain or tunnel runs all the way into Montauk town to the Fisher Tower. It's a good 8-9 miles. On the underground works at Montauk, this all I getting. Just some large water, sewage, drains. I have had no RV data which points to a large underground-city size base. A broader RV search only revives a large semi-underground bomb or ammo dump close to the northern shoreline Northeast of Montauk. That may be connected with an old World War II U.S. Navy harbor or submarine pens.

The folktales of underground remind me of the folk tales of the lost tribe of the Anasazi in New Mexico. There has been a official survey of a number of ancient roads or trackways at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. Some folktales suggest these trackways allowed the Anasazi to move from place to place unseen or mark the location of underground tunnels. Historians and archeologists suggest that some of these trackways may also acted as spirit paths where spirits of the dead would travel along the straight paths unseen. Here a folk tale may exist in Montauk where stories of underground tunnels may be a distance tale or memory of spirit paths connecting up various ancient sites around Montauk town with ancient sites in and around Montauk Point.

Building 22 & 23 When I remote-view, I instruct to search a location. I get repeatedly drawn to a particular spot where I keep seeing the same image over-and-over again. Last year, I kept getting a clear image of a square block-like building. I keep getting that this is Building 22 or 23. Looking at it, it looks nothing special. The Canadian man (who was the troubled teenager that I told you about previously) has something to do with it. It is a strong connection. But I'm uncertain as to the connection between this building and the rest of the site. It may provide access to the storm drain connecting up the 2 batteries. The building is by a road T-junction leading to the administrative and domestic area of the base, along by a road leading from the radar station. This building was surrounded by trees and lies back from the road on the Northern side.


Pyramids [Mounds] at Montauk Looking at the photo of the so-called pyramids remind me of prehistoric burial mounds commonly found in Britain and Northern Europe. (These prehistoric mounds date back from the early Stone Age 4000 BC to Viking burial mounds 6th-11th AD Century). One place in the UK which bears a comparison is Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, England (not far, incidentally, from RAF Woodbridge). Sutton Hoo is a 6th Saxon-Early Viking Ship burial site. Sutton Hoo consists of a number of larger earthen mounds built on a hillside. [StealthSkater note: RAF Woodbridge/Bentwaters and the nearby Rendlesham Forest is where UFOs intruded upon in 1980. The so-called "British Roswell" is archived at doc pdf URL ]

In the 3rd book on Montauk, the author claims that no one knows where the Pyramids are. What I "get" is that these ancient mounds may be located on the Southwestern corner of Oyster Pond near a part that juts out into the pond just North of the Montauk Park Highway and Northwest of the Montauk Radar Site. These mounds lie due East from the native Indian cemetery. The author said that he met a man who visited a burial site in a field when he was a child. This may be near the old cemetery. The mounds may get their shape from natural coastal erosion or they may be result of man-made structure. I "sense" a medieval date -- circa 11th-16th Century.

I also sense that the shoreline has changed since 1911 and it may make pinpointing the actual location just a little bit harder. I'm aware of the area this photo is taken in. But pinpointing down to within 10-ft would be tricky. I sense that it's underwater or closer to the water's edge. (Also in the photo in Pyramids of Montauk, page 47. If I look behind to the left of the man's head-where the top of the mound meets the horizon, to the light there is a faint outline of a possible tall thin building with a square base which looks like the old lighthouse. To the right of the mound is a white line. This may be fore shoreline of the pond. Below the white line is a dark line which may be the surface of the pond. It bends around towards the base of the large mound, outlining a head jutting out into the pond. So the mound is located next to a lake or pond with unrestricted views of the lighthouse in circa 1911).

I have recently been looking at some online topological maps of the Montauk Point. I have found another possible candidate for the location of the pond. It's just North of Camp Hero known as the Money Pond. Looking at air photos, this Money Pond now looks like it has silted up quite a bit or drained. And may have been a lot larger back in the early 20th Century than it is today. I generally feel that this site is North of Camp Hero. If I would put money of the mounds being found near a pond, I would put it on the Money Pond.

a) Large [Burial] Mounds at Oyster Pond. Southwestern Corner. b) Mounds not far from Indian cemetery. c) Had unrestricted view of lighthouse from Mounds. d) Near flat still water. e) North of Camp Hero.

Mounds At Marietta, Ohio.

Some may be unaware that there are a number of well-documented sites in North America containing earthworks. I also came across references to other sites within North America which contain the remains of flattened mounds or truncated pyramids like those at Marietta in Eastern Ohio. The area contains two mounds or pyramids, plus a cemetery and a ceremonial known as the Sacra Via. These

13 earthworks are believed to have been built by the Adena or Hopewell people. The modern town of Marietta sits on top of this Native American site, and some of the various earthworks are still visible to this day including parts of the old Sacra Via.

Another site of interest is the Serpent Mound also in Ohio, southeast of Cincinnati. The mound is comprises of a serpentine earthwork some 1,348-ft (411m) long and may have been built about 2,000 years ago. The Serpent Mound actually sites on top a unusual geological feature of high intensive faulting. This feature is known as 'cryptovolcanic'. Geologists are uncertain if this area is the result of a meteoric impact or a lost volcano.

(For more information see: P.165-179, Lines on the Landscape: Leys and Other Linear Enigmas by Nigel Pennick and Paul Devereux. 1989. For more on the Serpent Mound see. P.214, Places of Power by Paul Devereux. 1990).

Montauk Ceremonial Site

Studying the area and the various other reports of native American earthworks, the area between Montauk town and Montauk Point may consist of ceremonial site consisting of ponds, earthen mounds, cemeteries, and may also include lost ceremonial or ritual roads. Local folklore suggests that the present day Montauk Manor sites on top of another Indian cemetery. And near by is old large standing stone known as the 'Council Rock'. Its original location is unknown. Nichols notes in his first book about the unusual behavior exhibited by the local wildlife around Montauk where wild deer would enter the town. And the changes in mood maybe the result in changes in the Earth's geomagnetic field. There are numerous reports of animals exhibiting strange behavior prior to an earthquake. And the Montauk area maybe located on a lost geological 'cryptovolcanic' feature consisting of a number of tectonic fault lines.

I stated in an earlier e-mail that the Montauk radar site is built on a geological/biophysical crossroads. A unknown cryptovolcanic feature which has been marked by a native American Indian ceremonial site, could identify the strange phenomena connected with this place. There has been a number of semi- scientific studies into various prehistoric sites (such as the Dragon and Merlin Projects in the UK). Such sites are located close to geological fault lines. And there are numerous reports of strange lights, UFOs, apparitions, feelings of dread or terror, electrical equipment failing or even poltergeist activity. All these effects maybe the result of localized teutonic activity causing disturbances in the Earth's geomagnetic fields. Poltergeist activity may be a result in teutonic activity effecting gravity in. [StealthSkater note: Geologist Dr. Bruce Cornet has painstakingly indexed lat/long sites in New York that corresponded to such UFO etc. activity. See => doc pdf URL ]

According to a map on page 185 of Earth Lights Revelation, Montauk was the epicenter of a medium intensity earthquake and in the area of water between Montauk Long Island and Connecticut. Also, Moon and Nichols point out the Montauk project came to an end in August 1983.

Looking at other data, there was a reported estimate of 5,000 UFO sightings being reported between 1982 and 1985 in the New York area such as the Hudson valley where fault lines are known to exist. So the area may have been experiencing teutonic activity between this period.

There is the work of Michael A. Persinger from the Laurentian University in Canada who has carried out a series of experiments into the effects of electric and magnetic fields on the human mind, focusing on a part of the brain known as the temporal lobe. Persinger believes that transient geophysical

14 fields are produced in areas close to tectonic stress which can effect the temporal lobe region of the brain, and effect human perception. K.B Wells wrote in his book of seeing an Indian spirit guide during his dreams when doing research for his book and visiting the site. A contact of yours stated feeling totally drained of energy. When I visited the old radar site in 2003, I sensed or felt I had a lot of energy.

● There may have been a native American ceremonial site between Montauk Town and Montauk Point. ● There maybe a lost 'cryptovolcanic' feature close to Montauk Point. Or a of number a techonic fault lines. ● Transient geophysical fields caused by techonic stressing could effect human perception. ● Poltergeist activity maybe a result in teutonic activity effecting gravity in highly localised areas.

Montauk Church & Old Montauk Highway. I walked past Montauk Church on my way to the radar station during my field trip in 2003. The church has a very English appearance to it. Especially the bell tower. Yet the main part has a simple- plain design in keeping with early Quaker traditional designs. I did not see inside, so I was unable to tell if this is the church the troubled teenager took sanctuary in following the fires at the Montauk radar site. In the UK, most of the older churches are usually built on pagan sites. Some used the building materials from the pagan temples to build the new Christian churches with. This church especially tower may have been continued by early English settlers who built the church from an unknown Indian site. But I have a sneaking feeling that the church may be newer than 17th Century with some parts maybe late 19th to early 20th Century or restored in this time period.

I noticed how "English" some of the countryside looks in the Montauk area. Some parts could be mistaken for the English countryside. Especially along the old Montauk Highway when it branches off the Montauk Parkway Highway near the base. I showed a photo to some people. Some asked why I went all that way when I can see scenery like that only 10 minutes from my house. This area may have attracted early settlers as the terrain of the countryside on some parts of Long Island seems to closely resemble the English landscape.

Radar & Ops Building. I did some RV sessions last year. I kept getting some repeated RV data of a small group of men who seemed to be running the radar equipment. There were no persons present who were wearing uniforms. They were all wearing civilian cloths. They were spending a lot of time in the ops block just messing around with the equipment or drinking in one of the old mess buildings. (The interior was like a bar.) These men appear to have been in the 30s age group. These may have been members of the caretaking group, but I'm unable identify these men.

Their actions suggest an unofficial experiment. In the first Montauk book by Preston Nichols, he suggests that they were using mainly off-the-shelf radio equipment which was later wired into the existing equipment. What I get from RV is that it centers around the old SAGE radar gear. I have never seen anything which resembles a supercomputer at Montauk. Nor particle accelerators. Nichols suggested it was a multi-billion dollar research effort. Yet what I got from the RV data does not seem like a multi-billion dollar experiment to me. It had only a handful of personnel. And no armed security detachment or a command staff like senior military officers.

I also pointed out what a poor job the caretaking crew did at removing the equipment, materials, etc.unlike at other SAGE radar sites which were stripped bare of all usable materials and equipment.

15 K.B Wells was even finding equipment still in place right up until the mid 1990s. Sometimes the time- travel stories may have been cooked up during one of their drinking sessions to cover up the failure to de-commission the radar station properly. I also saw during RV that money was changing hands and tracks were coming-and-going. Later I discovered that a man was charged for stealing materials from the site.

I also stated that during one RV session, the radar site experienced a power blackout and they seem to be trying to get the power back on. I recall one stating "If we don't get the power back on, we have no control". That conflicts with their story that they were trying their best to cut the power. I saw a man at a large control panel -- maybe in the power station. He was switching the circuit breakers on, but something kept shorting out and caused the circuit breakers to trip and close shut. This man had a walkie-talkie and a torch and was puzzled as to why he could not get the power back on. I also saw another man racing around the radar site in an old-fashioned army-style jeep with a canvas roof. He was driving around the base quite fast at night when he spotted some movement and believed that someone else was on the base. He was using the walkie-talkie to find the location of the others. (The person creeping around the radar site could have been the troubled teenager "Canadian man".)

Another RV session revealed the following creepy images. One man walked into the ops block carrying metal boxes. In the boxes were old Smith & Wesson revolvers and old Colt 45 automatic pistols. Another time, they all looked surprised when a phone started to ring inside the ops block. It had a strange ring tone. Like it would give 3 long rings then stop … then another 3 long rings. The men looked at each other … then looked at the phone.

This is what I mean when I said it appeared that they got more than they bargained for. Their screwing-around lead to series of unexplained events which I think others have been trying to reproduce ever since. I think the troubled teenager was mildly telekinetic. But their screwing-around enhanced his abilities combined with being abused by his father. Coming to terms with such an ability and controlling it can be very difficult.

During another RV session, I saw the troubled teenager run to his room when his mother and father were having a fight. He lay on the bed, and the light fitting hanging from the ceiling started to rock back-and-forth. This led me to believe he was telekinetic but was unable to control it properly. Sometimes telekinetic ability can manifest as poltergeist activity. And it can be very difficult to come to terms with such an ability when you discover you have one. Many report that they think they going mad. And this troubled teenager may have experienced this and it lead him to start the fires in the mess building. This then led to his detention in hospitals in Long Island and New York.

Yet what I described happened at Montauk actually runs parallel with what Nichols claims. An experiment is set up and all goes well. Then it all ends with a supernatural manifestation of dark forces which destroys buildings on the base and brings the whole show to a sudden and dramatic end. What Nichols claims in his book may be an embellishment to enhance the story to sell books and rake in the cash. Yet my RV data tends to point towards a dark family secret which persists to this day as to what really happened Montauk.

More to follow at a later date. All for Now Tom


From: "Tom Skeggs" To: [email protected] Date: Sun, January 9, 2005 11:29 am Subject: Some Answers

Hello Mark

Here are some further hypotheses from my Remote-Viewing sessions.

Following the publication of the first book The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, an angry Air Force officer (maybe a colonel) went to visit the radar site. I think this colonel was ordered to visit the site by a 4-star general who blew a gasket in his office on hearing the news. During his visit to the radar site, the colonel was so angry that he mainly concealed his anger with silence as other Air Force personnel were talking to him. He ordered his juniors to mount an investigation as to why the base has not been properly decommissioned. I also "sense" that reports reached the Air Force following an investigation carried out by a law enforcement agency following the illegal sale of materials from the radar site.

Yet the book caused alarm bells to ring in Washington. The senior Air Force officer was connected with air defense as the old radar site came under his area of command. I also "sense" some junior officers from Rome ATC joined the investigation. I believe this Air Force investigation lead to the interview of (Preston) Nichols by Air Force personnel at the Montauk (Fisher) tower. Air Force personnel also questioned the care-taking crew but remained tight-lipped and hinted at working in cooperation with other agencies. The Air Force made inquiries, but they were all holding their hands up claiming that they had nothing to do with it. So the Air Force terminated its investigation. The report may suggest that there is no physical evidence to support the claims made in the book -- i.e., that the radar station was being used by a civilian agency who were carrying out experiments in the mind-control or time-travel, but no agency would own up to it.

a) I sense no presence of a large energy signature (e.g., a particle accelerator) as ever being present at the radar site. b) I believe that this base was not decommissioned properly by the caretaking crew who spent time playing with the equipment or drinking beer in one of the club houses or bars on the base. c) Men screwing around with radar equipment instead of decommissioning the site. d) Men got more than they bargained for (see above). e) A troubled teenage boy seems to be focus of the events at the base. f) Troubled teenager started fires on radar station. g) There was a power cut. h) There appears to be telekinetic or poltergeist activity -- phones ringing, heavy doors slamming shut, etc. i) Time-travel story was may be a cover to explain why radar station was not properly decommissioned by caretaking crew. j) In the 1990s, an angry senior Air Force officer ordered his juniors to investigate the failure of the decommissioning of the Montauk radar site.

Other Alternate sites.

17 A number of alternative sites may have been selected after 1984 to try and recreate what happened at Montauk.

1. Upstate New York close to the Canada. 2. Ohio may have been alternative location after finding info on cryptovolcanic features. 3. Arizona desert. The company that built the FPS-35 (SAGE) radar system also built an experimental radar tower at a remote site in the Arizona desert.

Strange Data When I think about the overall Montauk radar site, I keep getting a repeated abstract image of a sheet of glass being stuck hard with a hammer. The glass breaks into hundreds of bits. This is what I feel. It's like the landscape has been smashed into hundreds of bits, yet the parts keep going backwards and form back into the sheet of glass again. But the glass keeps reflecting different images. No two are alike. It feels as something has caused a major disruption to the area sometime ago. But now it feels a lot clearer and peaceful.

That's what I felt during my field trip. So this may explain why some people who worked on the Montauk project are talking about "altered time-lines" and "parallel worlds". But I sense it's more to do with altered states than altered time-lines. This abstract image of a shattered sheet of glass may also be an abstract symbol of a cryptovolcanic feature -- an area of where there are highly localized distorted geomagnetic and gravitational fields caused by fault lines.

From a RV point of view, it's very different to tell what happened as there seems to be some conflicting RV data running concurrently. What may be going on in this landscape is that people are projecting events on to the landscape. These then become "embedded" and picked up by others. This is known as "Telepathic Image Overlay" to remote-viewers. This reinforces their beliefs that what they believe in becomes real as it's relayed to then by other people sensitive enough to pick up the subtle messages embedded into the landscape. (Recall the Stone-tape theory).

One important note here. During 2003, I had a number of realistic E(xtended)RV sessions which proved traumatic as it is was like I was living situations through the eyes of a troubled teenager who lived nearby to the radar base. Yet I still remained aware of who I was. I feel some people may have experienced the same but are mistaken. They are convinced that they are the people that they experienced during RV sessions or dreaming.

From: "Tom Skeggs" To: [email protected] Date: Mon, January 17, 2005 11:14 am Subject: FTA & Montauk

Hello Mark --

I will look at the attached doc this weekend coming. Hope to check it then.


Telepathic Image Overlay.

It may be used as a means to fool some remote-viewers. But I did read somewhere that you usually get the "sense" that something is wrong with the data you're getting. It doesn't seem right. Like what I got from Montauk. A smashed image.

"Front Loading"

It is useful in some cases. It's like "priming". Using a photo can prepare one to RV. But one drawback is using photos to "front load" can lead to confusing data as you will remote-view the place at the time the photo was taken. For example, I believe some of the Montauk RV data dates from around 1990s as I had seen black&white photos. When I visited the site, it was far more overgrown than the RV data that I was getting.

Montauk Notes on location connections

I kept thinking about my repeated connection with Montauk and why I keep being drawn to this location. And some others like Paris and New York plus a location near where I live. I was watching a supernatural drama on British TV called "Sea of Souls". In it was a case where a man disappeared from his up floor flat. A researched discovered the flat lay close to a ley line.

I keep an open mind on ley lines. But most of the places lie Montauk are connected with ley lines. I live next to the Pilgrims Way (an old trackway leading to Canterbury). And the local place where I experienced missing time over a year ago is located close by the Pilgrims Way and has an old spring. Some years ago, I saw a ley line map of the UK and there appears to be number of ley lines in my locality. On seeing that program, I recalled my trips to Paris. Every visit I have made, I have gone to Notra Dame. Outside is a plague known as 'Zero Point' where all distances are measured from in France. And reading a book some years ago, I recall there maybe a ley line or ley line junction near Notra Dame.

Leys lines seem to have a strong connection with underground springs, rivers, or wells. At Montauk I stated about sewage pipes or storm drain pipes. To me, these pipes have a large diameter. Too large, and I couldn't work out why. The Camp Hero site may located on springs and these large underground storm drains may have been built to drain the land so they could build on it.

Also in the "Sea of Souls" story, the man who disappeared was having dreams about his grandfather who was a fighter pilot. And one of the researchers in the TV drama mentioned "ley dreamers". If you sleep on a ley line, you can experience the dreams of others who are on other ley lines. The "Sea of Souls" drama is fiction.

But it's close to what I experienced in 2003 when I witnessed that troubled teenager at Montauk. Ley dreamers is something that I will try and look up to see if that program was based on any fact.

Well that's all for now. Tom

19 From: "Tom Skeggs" To: [email protected] Date: Sat, February 12, 2005 2:08 pm Subject: Shambala & Tsaparang

Hello Mark

I included a photo (Tsaparang.jpg). It's of a ancient city in Tibet.


The that monastery I mentioned that was in Tibet. I think I have found out where it is. This place is known as the lost capital city of Tsaparang of the Tibet kingdom of Gu-ge. This monastery lies in mountains of Southwestern Tibet. This city was founded in a steep valley in the remote mountains in the 9th Century and was built as a refuge as the country was gripped by civil war. Some of the buildings are believed to predate Buddhism by an older religion known as "Bon Po". Yet this lost city has become the source of many legends. And it was from this city that sages and priests visited other kingdoms and introduced Buddhism to India.

It was in ancient Buddhist texts which spoke of an remote paradise high in the mountains on the far side of the Himalayas known as the "Shambala". In the 1930s, expeditions returning from Tibet published photos of this lost city. They caused a lot of excitement. In 1933, writer James Hilton wrote a novel called "the Lost Horizon". It was about a group of Westerners whose airplane crashed into the remote mountains of Tibet. There the survivors of the plane crash were led to safety by a band of mysterious people who took them to a unknown city. That city was called "Shangri-La".

To the East of the city lies a sacred landscape consisting of the Kailash mountain and the lake of Manasarovar. Here according to the Hindu Trantra known as the "Great Circle of Time", the Mount

20 Kailash is located at the Center of the World, the axis Mundi. And the lake is -- according to legend -- a gateway to subterranean world.

One interesting fact about this region is that any explorer trying to reach this old city could only travel to it during certain times of the year. The trip involves taking a perilous journey along mountain passes which are usually blocked by snow for up to 5 months of the year. This may have inspired the legend of Shangri-La being visible every few years.

The above photo is from a recently published book called In Search of Myths & Legends by English Historian Michael Wood. The book accompanies a documentary series on BBC TV. In this documentary, it showed the King’s palace and the view from his balcony located high on top the citadel near the temple. It showed a mountain landscape without roads, railways, power or phone lines. Just like what I wrote previously. This is the place.

One regret is that I did not write down all the details of this location prior to this program being broadcast. But the site is a bit confusing as I did not know if the building was 'red' or 'white'. During my different ERV sessions, I kept getting different information on the exterior color of the temple. In fact, there are 2 temples on top of the hilltop citadel -- one 'red' and one 'white'.

Other legends have stated that the priests of Shambala developed superior meditation skills which could allow them to bilocate to different places. Or even materialize or dematerialize. Or communicate with the dead.


One disturbing issue has arisen for me is if "Janus" is a real person. For the last few months, I dismissed this figure as a product of my imagination -- an African man in his late 40s who would normally wear white robes and carry a long stick or staff. With dark marks or patches on his face. And he talks a lot about sharing dreams. Where people can share the same dream as when you do in Extended Remote Viewing (ERV), you are in a semi-conscious or semi-trance like state where sometimes your dreams develop lucidity. And you can exchange information.

Another episode of this documentary was on the legendary Queen of Sheba. An English historian visited Jerusalem where he met a number of African priests on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, who belonged to a Christian Church. The priests sat crossed legged on the floor wearing white robes and some had long sticks or staffs. These priests belonged to a church with a large following in Eastern Africa such as Ethiopia, Somalia, and the Sudan. The priests belonged to the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Here is another connection as Janus has a real fondness for the Coptic Gospels like the Gospel of St Thomas which provided the inspiration for the film "Stigmata".

I also believed that Janus was fluent in French. I recently discovered that some African countries where once under the control of France. And Janus may have originally come from Djibouti -- a small country next to the Red Sea sandwiched between The Sudan and Ethiopia. Its official language is French.

One revelation is that I may have briefly met Janus well over a year ago. I was having a coffee along the seafront in a nearby town when I noticed a smartly dressed African man wearing a black suit and tie who was sitting on a bench looking at me. A few minutes later, I walked along the seafront

21 when he stood up and walked across in front of me. As I walked passed him, he turned around quickly and said "hello". I just said "hello" and continued walking. He replied by giving a short "hmmm". I continued walking along the seafront and I kept thinking to myself that I had seen him before somewhere. I stopped and turned around, but he had gone. This smart African man had dark patches on his face. And when I walked passed him, I noticed he was smartly dressed but was unshaven. And the name "Janus" is not his real name. It's just a nickname.

All the best. Tom

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