WINTER 2018-2019


Balthasar Moretus and the Passion of Publishing In the seventeenth century, Balthasar Moretus I was master of the Plantin Press. The Baroque era was in full sway and proved highly influential on developments in the world of books. Balthasar succeeded in getting leading artists to work on his book designs. This included collaborating with Peter Paul Rubens on more than twenty projects. Even today, publishers still play the role of director in terms of book innovation, and the relationship between publisher and artist remains as important now as it was in the past. Balthasar Moretus and the Passion of Publishing introduces the reader to fascinating publishing projects that make us look at books in a new light. We learn how both publisher and artist are constantly reinventing the book together. Expo: 28/09/2018 - 06/01/2019, Museum Plantin Moretus, (Baroque Book Design)


[BE] BAI Hardback,260x210 mm, Eng. ed., 88 p, Dec. 2018, € 22,50 ISBN: 9789085867708 (E)


Balthasar Moretus en de passie van het uitgeven In de zeventiende eeuw staat Balthasar I Moretus aan het hoofd van de Plantijnse drukkerij. De barok bloeit volop en dat heeft een grote invloed op hoe het boek evolueert. Balthasar betrekt vooraanstaande kunstenaars bij zijn boekontwerpen. Zo werkt hij voor meer dan twintig projecten met Peter Paul Rubens samen. Ook vandaag spelen uitgevers nog steeds de rol van regisseur in de vernieuwing van het boek, en ook nu is de relatie tussen uitgever en kunstenaars daarbij van belang. Balthasar Moretus en de passie van het uitgeven laat je kennismaken met boeiende uitgeversprojecten waardoor je op een andere manier naar het boek gaat kijken. Je ontdekt hoe uitgever en kunstenaar samen het boek steeds weer heruitvinden. Expo: 28/09/2018 - 06/01/2019, Museum Plantin Moretus, Antwerp (Baroque Book Design)


[BE] BAI Hardback,260x210 mm, NL ed., 88 p, Dec. 2018, € 22,50 ISBN: 9789085867692 (NL)

I03 - ART HISTORY Parmentiers Dierengids van het Museum aan de Stroom Een expo met zo'n driehonderd dierlijke objecten uit de collectie van het MAS. De meesten zijn nog nooit getoond. Dit is 'Parmentiers' dierengids' met leuke anekdotes en verhalen over de objecten in de expo.


[BE] BAI Author(s): Jan Parmentier Paperback,190x120 mm, NL ed., 160 p, Dec. 2018, € 45,00 ISBN: 9789085867876 (NL)


Meesterwerken - Chefs d'oeuvres van de Kon. Museum voor Midden Africa, Tervuren Het AfricaMuseum dat nu haar deuren heropent, behoort tot de drukst bezochte musea van België en herbergt uitzonderlijke collecties uit Centraal-Afrika. Zo beschikt het onder andere over 's werelds rijkste en meest befaamde verzameling etnografische voorwerpen uit Centraal-Afrika The Making of Kon. Museum voor Midden Africa, Tervuren Bezoekersgids - Guide Visiteur Kon. Museum voor Midden Africa, Tervuren

Meesterwerken The Making of Guide ,260x215 mm, NL ed., 160 p, ,260x215 mm, German ed., 176 p, ,220x170 mm, NL ed., 160 p, Dec. 2018, € 45,00 Dec. 2018, € 45,00 Dec. 2018, € 45,00 ISBN: 9789085867753 (NL) ISBN: 9789085867821 (G) ISBN: 9789085867838 (NL)

ISBN 9789085867777 (F) ISBN 9789085867807 (E) ISBN: 9789085867845 (E) ISBN 9789085867814 (F) ISBN 9789085867760 (E) ISBN: 9789085867852 (F) ISBN 9789085867791 ISBN 9789085867784 (G) ISBN: 9789085867869 (G) A Finger in the Pie A Bruegel Mystery How do you sell Bruegel to children? How can you make them look twice at his ? It's like serving them broccoli. Give it to them straight and few will clean their plate. But they're likely to spoon it up, if you mash it with a good story. A Finger in the Pie begins with a bombshell. In Bruegel's The Peasant Wedding a plate of pie goes missing from the large tray two men carry around. Nobody knows the perpetrator is a boy who can get into Bruegel's works. His adventures bring the paintings back to life, like films that E have stood still for centuries and now simply move on. A Finger in the Pie is a beautifully illustrated book with full-page pictures of [BE] BAI some of Bruegel's most famous paintings. Children are certain to look at those Author(s): Luc Verreth pictures more than once while reading. Why, they may even want to go to the Paperback,250x180 mm, Eng. ed., 80 p, museum to see the very paintings themselves. Dec. 2018, € 18,50 ISBN: 9789085867722 (E)


Een Vinger in de Pap een Bruegelmysterie Hoe krijg je de jeugd warm voor Bruegel? De meeste kinderen lusten geen pap van schilderkunst. Misschien lukt het wel als je een aantal van Bruegels bekendste doeken verwerkt in een meeslepend verhaal. Misschien worden dan met de pap ook de schilderijen naar binnen gelepeld. Een vinger in de pap begint met wereldschokkend nieuws. In Bruegels schilderij De boerenbruiloft is een bord verdwenen van het grote dienblad waarmee twee mannen pap NL ronddragen. Niemand weet dat de dader een jongen is die in de schilderijen van Bruegel kan komen. Zijn avonturen daar brengen de doeken weer tot [BE] BAI leven, als films die eeuwen hebben stilgestaan en plots verderlopen. Een Author(s): Luc Verreth vinger in de pap is een rijkelijk geïllustreerd boek met grote kleurenprenten van Bruegels schilderijen. Wedden dat kinderen bij het lezen meer dan eens Paperback,250x180 mm, NL ed., 80 p, naar die prenten zullen kijken? Wie weet krijgen ze wel zin om naar het Dec. 2018, € 18,50 museum te gaan om de schilderijen in het echt te zien. ISBN: 9789085867715 (NL)


Fernand Khnopff. Catalogue Raisonné des Estampes Oeuvrecatalogus van de Prenten - Catalogue Raisonné of the Prints Naar aanleiding van de retrospectieve Fernand Khnopff, le maître de l'énigme in Museum Petit Palais in Parijs van 11 december 2018 tot 19 maart 2019 [BE] Pandora publiceert Pandora Publishers de eerste oeuvrecatalogus van de prenten en de gehoogde platinadrukken. (1858-1921) was een Author(s): Xavier Tricot Fernand Khnopff veelzijdige Belgische kunstenaar die verschillende kunsttechnieken perfect Hardback, 297x245 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed. beheerste. 224 p, throughout col.ill., Dec. 2018, € 49,95 ISBN: 9789053254554 (E/ F/ NL) Fernand Khnopff (Belgique, 1858) était un artiste aux talents multiples et maîtrisant parfaitement diverses techniques artistiques. Contrairement à son contemporain et collègue James Ensor, Khnopff n'était pas un graveur né. Il estimait toutefois l'art de la gravure à sa juste valeur. Il fallut un certain temps avant que son œuvre graphique ne soit analysée et étudiée. Ses pointes sèches sont peu nombreuses mais d'une qualité exceptionnelle. Expo: 11/12/2018 - 17/03/2019, Petit Palais, Paris I03 - 19th CENTURY ART ()

Eugeen van Mieghem en de emigranten van de Red Star Line In 1872 reisde Clement Griscom, een jonge ondernemer uit Philadelphia, naar Antwerpen om er de Belgische vennootschap Société Anonyme deNavigation Belge-Américaine (kortweg sanba ) op te richten. Tijdens een periode van NL ongeveer 60 jaar, tussen 1873 en 1934, vervoerde de rederij onder de merknaam Red Star Line om en bij twee miljoen emigranten naar de Nieuwe [BE] Pandora Wereld. Eugeen Van Mieghem (1875-1930) was een belang rijke getuige niet Author(s): Erwin Joos alleen van die massale volksverhuizing, maar tegelijk van zijn tijd en omgeving, de wereldhaven waarin hij opgroeide en leefde. Zijn uitzonderlijke Hardback, x mm, NL ed. tekeningen, pastels en schilderijen van gelukzoekers kregen pas 50 jaar na zijn 224 p, throughout col.ill., Dec. 2018, € 29,95 dood opnieuw enige aandacht. Door talrijke publicaties en exposities in de ISBN: 9789053254547 (NL) Verenigde Staten en Europa werd Van Mieghem een icoon en een internationaal bekende vertolker van de Europese migratie tijdens het begin van de 20ste eeuw.

I04 - MODERN ART - 20th C (Belgium) Mercatorfonds

Lekker & Typisch Vlaanderen Fier op Producten van Eigen Bodem Dit boek plaatst de traditionele erkende streekproducten extra in de kijker. Door VLAM zijn er momenteel 225 Vlaamse streekproducten erkent. Dit NL aantal groeit jaarlijks. Het label STREEKPRODUCT.BE werd in het leven geroepen om traditionele streekproducten te herkennen en te erkennen. Zo [BE] Pandora kan de consument de streekproducten makkelijk herkennen en kan zich goed Author(s): Freddy Michiels informeren, voor de producent is de erkenning een beloning en kan hij zo zijn product extra in de kijker zetten. Paperback with flaps, 266x212 mm, NL ed. 259 p, throughout col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 24,95 En trois ans de temps, la collection de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique ISBN: 9789053254523 (NL) s'enrichira de plus de 150 œuvres de formats modestes, qui laissent entrevoir les recherches spirituelles et expérimentales de l'artiste. Ce catalogue inventaire raconte l'histoire de cette collection unique de Spilliaert et réunit également plusieurs exemples de gravures/lithographies remarquables et d'illustrations originales. II01 - COOKERY

Fernand Khnopff (1858-1921) Le maître de l'énigme Artiste rare, le maître du Symbolisme belge n’a pas bénéficié de rétrospective à Paris depuis près de quarante ans. L’exposition rassemblera une centaine de pièces emblématiques de l’esthétique complexe de Fernand Khnopff, peintre, dessinateur, graveur, sculpteur et metteur en scène de son oeuvre. L’artiste joue avec les thèmes, du portrait aux souvenirs oniriques, du fantasme au nu, et invite à la rêverie et à une réflexion sur l’identité. Les oeuvres majeures de Khnopff seront mises en regard avec celles d’artistes de son temps, de Gustave Moreau à Klimt et Von Stuck, permettant de le replacer dans le contexte de l’Europe fin-de-siècle. Expo: 11/12/2018 - 17/3/2019, Petit Palais, Paris F

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Author(s): Michel Draguet Hardback, 270x240 mm, French ed. 224 p, 200 col.ill., Dec. 2018, € 49,95 ISBN: 9789462302464 (F)

I03 - 19th CENTURY ART (Belgium) Snoeck Publishers

De dames van de barok Les Dames du Baroque Vrouwelijke schilders in het Italië van de 16de en 17de eeuw Vrouwelijke kunstenaars in het Venetië, Rome, Napels en Bologna van de 16de en 17de eeuw delen een onmiskenbare verwantschap, die binnen de esthetiek van de barok een bijzondere plaats inneemt. Ze waren dochters, NL/F zussen, echtgenotes van bekende kunstenaars maar ook kloosterzusters en hun werken vertonen een conceptuele en vormelijke continuïteit binnen de [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) diversiteit van de toen gangbare stijlen. Met gedurfde ingrepen en knappe Paperback, 240x210 mm, NL/ Fr ed. expressieve vondsten omzeilden ze de heersende regels en gebruiken. 272 p, 250 col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 35,00 Femmes peintres dans l'Italie du XVIème et XVIIème siècle. ISBN: 9789461615022 (NL/ F) Une exploration du rôle déterminant joué par des femmes dans la pratique de la peinture de 1580 à 1680, entre Renaissance et Baroque. Dans la rhétorique de cet art, dans l'Italie de la Contre-Réforme, de Venise à Rome, à Florence, Naples et Bologne, l'observation de la peinture des femmes et leurs manières offrent une certaine unité dans l'esprit de composition dont il conviendra de dégager les marques au sein de l'esthétique baroque. Expo: 20/10/2018 - 20/01/2019, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent I01 - OLD MASTERS

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) Author(s): Caroline Alida, Koen Peeters Hardback, 270x270 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed. Hearing songs in the pine trees. 128 p, 100 col. & bw ill, Sjamanen van Oost-Siberië Dec. 2018, € 40,00 Intimistische portretten van genezers/zieners/bemiddelaars uit Oost-Siberië, ISBN: 9789461615213 (E/ F/ NL) de bakermat van het sjamanisme. Lang onderdrukt oa in het Sovjet tijdperk, is het sjamanisme er nu aan een sterke revival toe. Fotografe Caroline Alida toont een intrigerende samenhang tussen portretten en natuur beelden.

Eerder publiceerde Caroline Alida het boek met portretten van Afrikaanse sjamanen uit Niger: Bori/guérisseurs de l'âme/healers of the soul.

Met een bijdrage van Koen Peeters, schrijver en antropoloog, en gevierd auteur van o.a. Duizend Heuvels en de Mensengenezer. I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV is een open ziekenhuis waar elke patiënt terecht kan voor basiszorg tot zeer gespecialiseerde zorg. Het ziekenhuis investeert doelbewust om in een aantal medische domeinen top- en referentiezorg te bieden. Dit kan enkel door aandacht te besteden aan de professionele ontwikkeling van de zorgverstrekkers. Op basis van interviews met een twintigtal artsen-diensthoofden boek brengt een niet limitatief NL overzicht van de verschillende diensten van het ziekenhuis, rijk geïllustreerd met foto's van Cedric Verhelst. In de teksten wordt gefocust op de eigenheid [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) van het ziekenhuis met ruime aandacht voor de subspecialisaties. Sint-Jan Author(s): Dirk De Moor en Cedric Verhelst Brugge is een van de oudste ziekenhuizen ter wereld. In het boek is dan ook Hardback,280x240 mm, NL ed., 240 p, ruime aandacht voor de historiek van het ziekenhuis en voor het (medische) Dec. 2018, € 45,00 erfgoed. ISBN: 9789461614841 (NL)


Het Sint-Pietersstation en de ontwikkeling van de zuidkant van Gent Toen in 1837 de eerste trein het Gentse Zuidstation binnenreed, droomden de Gentenaren al van een station aan de zuidkant van de stad, 'buiten de Kortrijksepoort'. Het was echter wachten tot 1881 voordat aan het Parkplein het eerste station Gent-Sint-Pieters werd opgetrokken. In 1899 besliste de NL minister van Spoorwegen om het station uit te breiden. De Wereldtentoonstelling van 1913 bracht de plannen voor dit eerste 'Project [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) Gent-Sint-Pieters' in een stroomversnelling. Op een plek waar alleen meersen Author(s): Georges Rogge & Denis Pieters en een paar boerderijen te vinden waren, verrees een gloednieuw station, Hardback, 280x240 mm, NL ed. omgeven door een grote stadswijk met brede boulevards die ronkende 176 p, 320 col. & bw ill, koninklijke namen kregen. Het nieuwe station werd de spil in de ontwikkeling Nov. 2018, € 32,00 van de hele zuidkant van Gent. Met meer dan tweehonderd unieke foto's en kaarten en tientallen ISBN: 9789461615091 (NL) krantenartikelen uit die tijd brengen de auteurs de sfeer van toen tot leven en nemen ze u mee op een boeiende reis door de evolutie van de mobiliteit en stedenbouw in Gent. II16 - HERITAGE NL/F

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) Author(s): Georges Buschini Hardback, 290x240 mm, NL/ Fr ed. 148 p, 100 col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 24,00 ISBN: 9789461614889 (NL/ F) Georges Buschini. Borinage Photographies Plusieures années, Georges Buschini a parcouru le Borinage, rencontres avec des gens qui vivent dans cette région industrielle insolite. De ces passages en Borinage née une série que le travail à la chambre argentique rend exceptionnelle.


Fotofever 2018 Paris FOTOFEVER foire internationale de photographie contemporaine

Créée par Cécile Schall pour encourager le public à collectionner la photographie et soutenir les artistes de leur vivant, fotofever revient au Carrousel du Louvre pour sa 7ème édition à Paris. WorldTour Depuis sa création en 2011, fotofever embarque amateurs, collectionneurs, artistes, galeristes et autres professionnels de l'art dans un tour du monde de la création photographique pour en faire découvrir toutes les facettes. StartToCollect En seulement 6 ans, le programme START TO COLLECT de fotofever est devenu la référence de l'initiation à la collection de photographie. Il facilite la découverte de nouveaux talents et l'accès au marché. YoungTalents Dans son rôle de tremplin et en collaboration avec le laboratoire Dahinden, fotofever lance le YOUNG TALENTS FOTOFEVER PRIZE pour révéler chaque E/F année de nouveaux jeunes talents de la photographie pas encore représentés par une galerie. [BE] Snoeck Publishers () Hardback,210x160 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 224 p, Carrousel du Louve, Paris Nov. 2018, € 20,00 ISBN: 9789461615145 (E/ F)

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Tijdsbeeld V.A.I.

From the Ivory Tower 200 Years of Ghent University FROM THE IVORY TOWER. 200 YEARS OF GHENT UNIVERSITY tells the story of Ghent University and its societal impact, from its foundation in 1817 to the present day. From the very beginning, the university was closely involved in major social issues through its professors, students and former students, who sometimes played a leading role. In eleven thematic chapters ranging from E pluralism and democratisation to gender and sexuality, the environment and biotechnology, historian Gita Deneckere outlines two hundred years of [BE] Tijdsbeeld history. Each chapter ends with a point of contention for the future. In Author(s): Gita Deneckere. Design: Gert addition to archival and other sources, the author also obtained information Dooreman from interviews with privileged witnesses. Their personal stories combine Hardback, 250x200 mm, Eng. ed. with the 'big history' to provide a monumental synthesis. The author does not 256 p, throughout col. & bw ill, avoid controversy. She makes clear why the university is important, for Oct. 2018, € 39,90 everyone. This jubilee book is thus an example of how scholarship and societal engagement go hand in hand under the motto 'Dare to Think'. ISBN: 9789490880194 (E)

II16 - HERITAGE ISBN 9789490880170 (NL)

A House for the Mind Dom Hans van der Laan In 1977, the Benedictine monk and architect Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991) published his manifesto Architectonic Space, Fifteen Lessons on the Disposition of the Human Habitat. Seeking out to capture the essence of spatial experience as a foundation for architecture, he developed a design methodology through his own proportional system of the 'Plastic Number'. Around that same period, Dom van der Laan built Roosenberg Abbey in Waasmunster for the Marian Sisters of St.-Francis. And while his theories remain fairly abstract, this building demonstrates the concrete use of E proportion, materiality and light in relation to perception and movement in [BE] VAi space. Moreover, this building is designed to guide the inhabitant into contemplation, intensity and stillness. Author(s): Caroline Voet. Photography: Friederike von Rauch, Jeroen Verrecht This manual is an introduction to Dom van der Laan's design methodology, as Paperback,265x175 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, he applied it to Roosenberg Abbey. Original are combined with Dec. 2018 -R/P, € 24,50 explanatory diagrams, complemented by nine original letters from the ISBN: 9789492567031 (E) architect to the Sisters as well as a series of photographs by Friederike von Rauch, to offer an in-depth reading of this building on different levels. REPRINT. Expo: 13/10/2017 - 14/1/2018, DeSingel, Antwerpen II03 - ARCHITECTURE Vision Rasa ism WIT

Gerard Verdijk The Mountain of Einstein E Even though Gerard Verdijk (1934 - 2005) passed away at the beginning of this century, many still remember him as a striking and versatile artist. From [BE] Vision midway the 20th century until the beginning of the 21st century he was active Author(s): Josephine Sloet within a wide area of the visual arts. He was a poetic and philosophical man Hardback,300x300 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, that manifested his creativity through a wide range of materials and Nov. 2018, € 99,00 techniques. He was a curious man, eager to learn, who travelled through Europe, Turkey, The Middle-East, North-America, Africa and Japan to get ISBN: 9789079881567 (E) acquainted with other cultures. He cannot be placed within one art-historical movement. The ever-changing world around him influenced his style and the use of his materials. When generalised his works can be placed in a few style periods: Abstract/Informal, Zero/Pop-Art, Fluor/ Perspex and Zen/Haiku. In all these periods spaciousness, movement and repetition are recognisable elements. Expo: 23/11/2018 - 31/01/2019, KYAS ART SALON, Amsterdam


Kunstogen Samen met kinderen beeldende kunst beleven "Dat wij kunst voor grote mensen aan kinderen en jongeren presenteren, is de normaalste zaak van de wereld: Je moet niets verkleuteren. Kinderen weten écht wel wat van het leven" Kinderen verstaan de kunst om kunst te verstaan. Dit toegankelijke kijk- en leesboek geeft impulsen aan ieder die met kinderen het avontuur van kunst beleven wil aangaan. NL Aan de hand van uitdagende vragen, kritische reflecties en sprekende voorbeelden en foto's ontsluiert Kunstogen de specifieke werkwijze van Rasa, [BE] [wit] i.s.m. ... een organisatie die kinderen laat kennismaken met hedendaagse kunst. Author(s): Gerd Dierckx. Photographie: Karin Dit bijzondere boek laat ook hen aan het woord en nodigt uit om samen met Borghouts, Carine Demeter, Willy hen kunst anders te benaderen: met open ogen, kunstogen. Wtterwulghe, Renée Jopp Hardback, 240x165 mm, NL ed. 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 19,50 ISBN: 9789082765915 (NL)

I03 - ART HISTORY CFC-Éditions

De liens et d’exils Un livre et une exposition Du 15 novembre 2018 au 3 février 2019 se tiendra à la fondation Boghossian / Villa Empain l'exposition De liens et d'exils. La problématique de l'exil est au coeur de l'histoire de la famille Boghossian, dont la Fondation éponyme a pour vocation de rapprocher les peuples par le biais de la culture.

[BE] CFC-Éditions La problématique de l'exil est au coeur de l'histoire de la famille Boghossian, Author(s): Sous la direction de Nadia Sabri dont la Fondation éponyme a pour vocation de rapprocher les peuples par le biais de la culture. En cette période où se multiplient les appels à ériger des Hardback,250x180 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 143 murs entre les pays, et où des migrants traversent quotidiennement les p, frontières au péril de leur vie, il a semblé important d'explorer cette Nov. 2018, € 25,00 thématique du lien et de l'exil. ISBN: 9782875720399 (E/ F/ NL) Zainab Andalibe, Randa Maroufi, Hassan Darsi Hanane El Farissi, Abdessamad El Montassir et Wiame Had Expo: 15/11/18 - 03/02/19, Boghossian Fondation & Moussem Nomadisch Kunstencentrum, I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

t MER. Paper Kunsthalle

MUSEUM III .2.4 - Raoul De Keyser in Print Een catalogus van de zeefdrukken, lithografieën, linosneden en etsen The formal and thematic evolution of the paintings by Belgian artist Raoul De Keyser (1930-2012) is mirrored in some fifty graphic prints he made throughout his career. Apart from a comprehensive essay on the silkscreens, lithographs, linocuts, and etchings, this book also includes a catalogue raisonné of De Keyser's graphic prints.This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Raoul De Keyser in Print' at the Cultural Centre E/NL Strombeek in Grimbergen during the fall of 2018.

[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle De vormelijke en thematische evolutie die de Belgische kunstenaar Raoul De Author(s): Steven Jacobs, Wouter De Keyser (1930-2012) in zijn schilderkunst doormaakte, wordt weerspiegeld in Vleeschouwer een vijftigtal grafische drukwerken die hij in de loop van zijn carrière heeft Paperback,279x216 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 64 p, gerealiseerd. Naast een uitgebreid essay over de zeefdrukken, lithografieën, Nov. 2018, € 24,00 linosneden en etsen van de kunstenaar bevat dit boek ook een catalogue raisonné van het grafische drukwerk van De Keyser. Deze uitgave is ISBN: 9789493045071 (E/ NL) gepubliceerd ter gelegenheid van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in het Cultuurcentrum Strombeek in Grimbergen in het najaar van 2018. Expo: 24/10/2018 - 23/12/2018, Cultuurcentrum Strombeek, Grimbergen I04b- POST-WAR ART (Belgium)

Play A Tribute to the Homo Ludens PLAY is een eigenwijs stadsfestival, dat van 23 juni tot 11 november 2018 het kloppende hart van Kortrijk inpalmt met hedendaagse kunstwerken. Op diverse binnen- en buitenlocaties in de stad kun je je onderdompelen in de unieke wereld van internationale beeldende kunst. Tijdens PLAY dient de stad NL niet enkel als canvas, maar wordt tegelijk onze relatie met 'spelen' beetje per [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle beetje ontleed. Hoe beïnvloedt spelen ons sociaal gedrag? Hoe weerspiegelt 'het spel' de evolutie van onze maatschappij? Hoe belangrijk is spelen voor Author(s): Patrick Ronse, Hilde Teerlinck, Luk onze motorische en cognitieve ontwikkeling? Lambrecht, Rutger Bregman Paperback,265x195 mm, NL ed., 160 p, Sept. 2018, € 24,00 ISBN: 9789492321985 (NL)

I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART (Belgium) MER. Paper Kunsthalle

Axel Vervoordt Wonderkamer I - Room of Wonders I NL - E DIVA will be inviting renowned designers and curators for a contemporary interpretation of the Wunderkammer, a chamber exhibiting a collection of art [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle and curiosities, objects from every corner of the globe. The Wunderkammer Author(s): Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy stems from Antwerp's illustrious past, for until the middle of the seventeenth Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Miki century the city led the way in the production and distribution of art and Paperback,250x190 mm, NL ed., 96 p, luxury goods. Silverware, jewellery, precious stones and exotic curiosities like Nov. 2018, € 19,90 coconuts, shells and coral were highly sought-after. Axel Vervoordt, after his famous series of biennal exhibitions at the Palazzo Fortuny in Venice, will take ISBN: 9789493045033 (NL) the lead. The catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Axel Vervoordt, Wonderkamer 1' at the new Diamond Museum Antwerp is the 2nd issue of an affordable series of DIVA 'magazines', opening and sharing the [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle reclused world of luxury arts and crafts. Axel Vervoordt (°1947, Antwerp, Author(s): Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy Belgium) has earned renown as a collector, antiquarian, interior designer and, Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Mik most recently, curator. Counting among his clientele royalty, rock stars, financiers, tech tycoons and artists, he is one of the world's foremost Paperback,250x190 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, Nov. tastemakers. 2018, € 19,90 ISBN: 9789493045040 (E) Expo: 19/10/2018 - 28/04/2019, DIVA Diamantmuseum, Antwerpen i

Time Regained A Warburg Atlas for Early Music E This publication is a kind of workbook or manual. It is not a music history, nor is it a technical, musicological book. It is rather a book about materials – [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle musical materials and their relation to other artistic materials. It is not a book Author(s): Björn Schmelzer & Margarida for professionals or specialists but for those who like to explore the capacities Garcia and possibilities of artistic materials. However, it never talks about them in a Hardback,270x215 mm, Eng. ed., 528 p, technical way. This book is instead about love and desire for old repertoires, Oct. 2018, € 65,00 and especially for polyphony, attempting to retrace its shape: the initial desire that makes one want to perform this music. ISBN: 9789493045002 (E) Transit Gallery Museum M

Arne Bastien Terrain vague nr. 2 NL Deze hybride tussen catalogus en artist book is ontstaan vanuit een [BE] Transit Gallery schetsboek, de originele sequentie werd uiteengehaald en opnieuw Author(s): Arne Bastien samengevoegd. Aangevuld met schilderijen en tekeningen biedt deze hernieuwde sequentie een ruimtelijke ervaring. Paperback, 297x210 mm, NL ed. This hybrid between catalog and artist book arose from a sketchbook. The 112 p, 97 col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 15,00 original sequence of pages has been torn apart and resequenced to form a ISBN: 9789081240772 (NL) spatial experience and is supplemented with paintings and drawings.

Expo: 11/11/2018 - 16/12/2018, Galerie Transit, Mechelen I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART (Belgium)

Vasco Araújo NOTEBOOK – La Morte del Desiderio Het oeuvre van Vasco Araújo (°1975, Lissabon) is geworteld in literatuur en filosofie. De kunstenaar wil op een kritische manier de kijk van ‘de ander’ blootleggen, maar ook de ambiguïteit van relaties, de broosheid van systemen en de manier waarop we onze eigen werkelijkheid vormgeven. Hiervoor gebruikt hij een combinatie van verschillende media. Araújo ontwikkelt zijn beeldtaal door middel van onderzoek naar [BE] Museum M. gedragscodes die reflecteren over de relatie tussen de mens en de wereld. Hij Author(s): Text and Image : Vasco Araújo. Text zet daarvoor verschillende media in, zoals sculptuur, installatie, video, after poems by Kavafis and Al Berto fotografie en performance. De rol van het lichaam, de stem, gebaren, taal en Paperback, 198x135 mm, Eng./ NL/ Port. ed sociale normen worden door zijn poëzie herzien. Die poëzie verrijkt hij met 176 p, 82 col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 15,00 invloeden uit de opera, de etiquette, dans, het modernisme of de mythologie. ISBN: 9789898902337 (E/ NL/ PT) Expo: 28/9/2018 - 17/3/2019, M-Museum Leuven / Sistema Solar Crl (Documenta)

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Sh-op Éditions

La bonne Adresse - Bruxelles Pierre et René Ce guide propose un portrait gourmand de Bruxelles. Il présente les meilleurs restaurants, bars et tavernes, ainsi que les chef(fe)s les plus importants de la capitale. Au niveau de l'esprit, ce livre est à prendre comme une histoire de copains, d'amateurs de bonne chère, d'épicuriens qui aiment se retrouver autour de belles tables. Il offre une découverte de la ville par les plaisirs de la table, tant l'assiette que le verre. Le livre se divise en trois chapitres: Boire: l'histoire de Bruxelles et la bière, la particularité du lambic, bière typiquement bruxelloise, et l'émergence de jeunes brasseries artisanales dans la ville. Le chapitre les meilleurs stams cafés et tavernes bruxelloises, les meilleures adresses en cavistes, bars à vins, bars à café et salons de thé. Manger: la cuisine belge et bruxelloise, les spécialités ? Qui fait de vraies frites à Bruxelles ? Où manger un steak frites ? Un moules frites ? Qu'est-ce qu'un stoemp ? Les nouvelles tables, les étoilés intéressants, les chefs auteurs, les cantines, les snacks et les promesses, Les meilleures adresses liées à la cuisine étrangère. Une pizza à Bruxelles ? La trattoria la plus authentique ? Où F manger un couscous ? Une paella ? Un bolo ? Trouver: les meilleures boulangeries, boucheries, traiteurs et épiceries fines, [BE] Sh-op Editions les nouveaux marchés dans la ville, prônant l'artisanal, le bio et le local, les Author(s): Auteurs: Pierre Marcolini et René jardins se créant dans la ville et dans sa périphérie, l'ensemble des marchés de Sépul. Photographies. Cici Olsson. Mise en Bruxelles page. Lucille Killmayer / Dessins Matilde Gony Maison Marcolini - Sh-op Éditions ,x mm, French ed., 220 p, Dec. 2018, € 24,00 ISBN: 9782930974033 (F)


Chez Léon, une friture bruxelloise depuis 1893 Chez Léon... een opmerkelijke plek in hartje Brussel, Rue des Bouchers. Een unieke en authentieke sfeer. Jarenlange habitués en eendagsbezoekers ontdekken er de klassiekers van de Brusselse, Belgische en Brabantse keuken. NL - F Elke dag staan zijn bekende mosselrecepten, Gentse waterzooi met kip, américain préparé die in de zaal zelf wordt bereid, stoemp zoals ze nergens [BE] Sh-op Editions anders wordt gemaakt, tomate crevettes, biefstuk "Père Léon", paling in't Hardback,260x224 mm, NL ed., 380 p, groen of sliptongetjes op Oostendse wijze op het menu. Oct. 2018, € 32,00 Outre des anecdotes et les parcours de certains membres de la famille, ISBN: 9782930974026 (NL) l'ouvrage offre au lecteur les recettes spécifiques de fabrication des plats qui ont faitla réputation de cette institution vieille de 125 ans. ISBN 9782930974019 (F) Chaque jour le menu affiche ses recettes réputées de moules, un waterzooï de volaille à la gantoise, un filet américain préparé en salle, le stoemp comme on ne le fait nulle part ailleurs, la tomate crevettes, le filet de boeuf Père Léon, l'anguille au vert ou la sole à l'Ostendaise.

II01 - COOKERY Stichting Kunstboek

Paris Revisited Henk van Cauwenbergh Les Brasseries de Paris, het eerste volume uit de spraakmakende stedenreeks van Henk van Cauwenbergh is reeds geruime tijd uitgeput. Hoog tijd dus om een nieuw boek te wijden aan die creatieve en frivole lichtstad die hem zo nauw aan het hart ligt. In deze Paris Revisited brengt hij een actueel beeld van E/F de sfeer die Parijs vandaag en morgen uitademt. Les Brasseries de Paris, le premier volume qui est paru dans la collection à [BE] Stichting Kunstboek grand succès dans laquelle Henk van Cauwenbergh recueille des impressions Hardback, 440x310 mm, Eng./Fr. ed. photographiques des plus belles villes en Europe, est épuisé depuis plusieurs 200 p, 120 col. & bw ill, années. Il était donc grand temps de consacrer un nouvel ouvrage à cette ville Nov. 2018, € 115,00 créative et frivole qui lui est tellement chère. ISBN: 9789058566096 (E/ F)

Durbuy. Une histoire d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain Een verhaal van ondernemen en beleven Durbuy, in het hart van de Belgische Ardennen, roept bij zowat ieder van ons dezelfde iconische beelden op: een romantisch ogend kasteel bovenop een rotspartij, een gezellig middeleeuws stadje met pittoreske straatjes en NL/F eeuwenoude huizen, het imposante Hotel Restaurant Le Sanglier des Ardennes met een onwrikbare gastronomische reputatie… Omgeven door [BE] Stichting Kunstboek heuvels en bossen lijkt het 'kleinste stadje ter wereld' tegen alles bestand en Author(s): Marc Coucke, Michaël De Moor. het is alsof de tijd er heeft stilgestaan. Henk van Cauwenbergh (photography) Hardback, 330x245 mm, NL/ Fr ed. Durbuy, in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes, is said to be the smallest village 288 p, 200 col. & bw ill, of Belgium, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in charm. It boasts a lovely Nov. 2018, € 115,00 quaint town centre with picturesque streets and old-worldly houses, there's the grand Hotel Restaurant Le Sanglier des Ardennes, celebrated for its ISBN: 9789058566072 (NL/ F) fantastic food, the iconic castle on top of the rock… Surrounded by forests and nature, Durbuy is a quiet place as well, an ideal getaway from the daily hustle and bustle. Stories uit de Stal Veeartsen vertellen over vroeger Het boerenleven en de veeartsenij boeien Katrien Vervaele al sinds haar prille jeugd. Jaren later zou ze haar toenmalige partner bijstaan in een veeartsenpraktijk in Luxemburg, maar ook nu nog maakt ze graag een praatje met de boeren en veehouders uit de buurt. Over hoe het vroeger ging en hoe de dingen allemaal veranderd zijn. Precies die verhalen hebben haar ertoe NL aangezet om twaalf veeartsen op rust op te zoeken die tussen pakweg 1950 en 1990 actief waren. Allen hadden de specialisatie 'grote huisdieren' en [BE] Stichting Kunstboek waren bevoorrechte getuigen van de snelle ontwikkelingen binnen het vak in Author(s): Katrien Vervaele de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw. In de jaren '50 begon men keizersnedes Paperback with flaps, 240x170 mm, NL ed. uit te voeren. Later kwam een steeds uitgebreider gamma medicijnen op de 160 p, 12 col. & bw ill, markt. Hormonen werden toegediend. Boeren werden professioneler, namen Oct. 2018, € 19,95 niet langer hun toevlucht tot gespecialiseerde heiligen, probeerden steeds minder zelf dingen uit en riepen sneller de hulp van de veearts in. Maar ook ISBN: 9789058566157 (NL) de organisatie van de praktijk veranderde in die tijd ingrijpend. Deze vétérinaires, paardemeesters en veeartsen vertellen honderduit, rijgen de II16 - HERITAGE anekdotes aan elkaar, nu eens schrijnend, dan weer onverwacht grappig.

Art on Campus Build and connect In the past decades, the University of Antwerp has brought together a unique collection of visual art of Belgian and international origin and style. With great care, these works of art are given a specific, selected and discussed place in E and around the buildings on the various university campuses. Students, professors, research and supporting staff are thus connected to fragments [BE] Stichting Kunstboek from the collection in their daily work environment. The percentage rule for Author(s): Georges Goffin (ed.) & Jesse art integration is also consistently applied to newly constructed buildings. Willems (photos) Recently, a scaled history of Belgian art since 1950 has been added, spanning Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed. over a hundred museum 'rooms' to scale 1/7. This book deals thematically 108 p, 82 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 29,95 and visually with the many interactions between architecture, visual art, residents and passers-by. Sophisticated and subtle photography underlines ISBN: 9789058566140 (E) the many possible connections that come about, live, evolve. The width and depth of Art on Campus is presented by means of about forty spatial situations.

II16 - HERITAGE Bio(dynamische) en natuurlijke wijnen Wijnliefhebbers - en zijn we dat niet allemaal? - zien vaak door de bomen het bos niet meer. Biologisch is in de keuken en bij de meeste mensen thuis al lang geen onbekende meer, eerder een must, maar de wijnen lijken in ons aankoopgedrag wat achterop te hinken. Biowijn, dat is toch troebele wijn die niet zo fris ruikt? In sommige restaurants kiezen jonge sommeliers inderdaad al eens voor heel bizarre wijnen met een niet meteen appetijtelijke neus, maar er zijn heus wel heerlijke ontdekkingen te doen!

While organic food seems to have won over our hearts as far as fruit and NL vegetables go, wine seems to be lagging behind in our healthy purchasing behaviour. Jasper Van Papeghem, First Sommelier of Belgium, wants to get rid [BE] Stichting Kunstboek - Food of prejudices and writes down a number of (bio) critical reflections on the Author(s): Jasper Van Papeghem matter. He elaborates on the differences between the different farming Hardback, 270x200 mm, NL ed. methods - organic, biodynamic and natural - and makes a selection of tasty 160 p, 100 col. & bw ill, organic (and biodynamic) wines. Nov. 2018, € 24,95 ISBN: 9789058566102 (NL)


Van aardappel tot friet De aardappel, een voedingsproduct dat zo vertrouwd is en dat vele generaties lang zo goed als dagelijks op het bord kwam, kent een boeiende geschiedenis. Dit unieke naslagwerk brengt het verhaal van deze eeuwenoude plant, die we bijna een exotisch kunnen noemen, een vreemde knol die in het begin met een zeker wantrouwen werd bekeken en later tot voedsel voor miljoenen zou NL uitgroeien. Eeuwenlang overleefde de aardappel ziekten, mutaties, wijzigden de teeltmethodes en zorgde de patat voor welstand en zelfs voor honger. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek - Food Daarrond hebben de auteurs bijzondere feiten en wonderlijke verhalen Author(s): Eddie Cooremans, André Delcart verzameld. Vanzelfsprekend wordt in dit boek ook uitvoerig stilgestaan bij Hardback, 260x210 mm, NL ed. onze nationale trots: de Belgische friet met de zo typische saus- en 288 p, 120 col. & bw ill, snackcultuur. Belgian Fries zijn sinds jaar en dag een snelle hap of een Nov. 2018, € 35,00 volwaardige maaltijd voor jong en oud, rijk en arm, die steeds vaker naar een culinair niveau wordt getild. Het frietkot kent een heerlijke geschiedenis en ISBN: 9789058566089 (NL) werd in 2017 erkend als immaterieel Belgisch erfgoed. Gezellig met vrienden een frietje steken is zonder meer streetfood cultuur avant la lettre!

II16 - HERITAGE The World of Colour According to Per Benjamin In de afgelopen tien jaar ontwikkelde de Zweedse bloemsierkunstnaar Per Benjamin zijn eigen kleurtheorie voor floristen. The World of Color according to Per Benjamin is een educatief, onderhoudend en inspirerend boek waarin E Per Benjamin zijn kleurtheorie uitvoerig uit de doeken doet, zowel in theorie als in praktijk. Naast een inleidende uiteenzetting wordt de theorie [BE] Stichting Kunstboek - Green geïllustreerd in een aantrekkelijke hands-on stijl met prachtige foto's en Author(s): Per Benjamin & Helén Pe verder visueel toegelicht met handige kleurschema's. De foto's zijn een mix (fotografie) van studiowerk, schikkingen voor buiten en indrukwekkende stukken gemaakt voor de aankleding van evenementen zoals de uitreiking van de Nobelprijzen. Hardback, 330x245 mm, Eng. ed. Alles samen vormen ze de perfecte illustratie bij de onuitputtelijke 160 p, 120 col. & bw ill, mogelijkheden met kleur en geven ze de florist een perfecte handleiding om Aug. 2018, € 59,90 gemakkelijk een harmonieus palet samen te stellen. ISBN: 9789058565952 (E)


Botanical Metamorphosis Hideyuki Niwa De Japanse floral designer Hideyuki Niwa is ondertussen al aan zijn tweede monografie toe en zoekt in zijn werk de geheime schoonheid van bloemen en planten te ontsluieren. Hij wil daarbij vooral het soort schoonheid blootleggen dat vaak onopgemerkt blijft. Botanical Metamorphosis is het proces dat E originele natuurlijke vormen ontleedt en ze reconstrueert tot een nieuw [BE] Stichting Kunstboek - Green design dat bepaalde eigenschappen van die vormen vergroot en op die manier een nieuw soort schoonheid creëert. Het resultaat is een inspirerende Author(s): Hideyuki Niwa & Kiyokazu verzameling van feilloos uitgevoerde, zuivere en elegante creaties. Nakajima (photos) Zinnenprikkelend en hartverwarmend. Hardback, 330x245 mm, Eng. ed. 96 p, 65 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 39,90 ISBN: 9789058566065 (E)

II02b - FLORAL ART & FLOWERARRANGING International Floral Art 2018-2019 With 304 pages of the most striking floral arrangements, the International Floral Art 2018/2019 is another exceptional tribute to the wonders of floral art. An absolute favourite of many, the International Floral Art series has E become an essential resource, reflecting the diverse and everevolving floral art scene. Over 200 international artists, both up-and-coming as [BE] Stichting Kunstboek - Green well-established designers, sent in their best designs. It accounts for the Hardback, 290x240 mm, Eng. ed. extraordinary diversity and the refreshing mix of arrangements. 288 p, 250 col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 59,90 Contemporary floral design thrills, amazes and delights. It can raise questions, confuse and overwhelm and at the same time it inspires and motivates. The ISBN: 9789058565914 (E) International Floral Art series is testimony to the fantastic things that can be achieved with flowers. It is a state of the art of floral design, showcasing endless possibilities, introducing new materials and unconventional techniques and above all celebrating creativity, innovation and fresh ideas.


Techniques for Floral Beauty Tomas De Bruyne Trendsetter, globetrotter, ondernemer, influencer, estheet... Tomas De Bruyne is zonder meer één van de meest getalenteerde bloemsierkunstenaars. Dit is het boek waar collega's, studenten en fans reikhalzend naar uitgekeken hebben. Techniques and mechanics for floral beauty geeft ons een caleidoscopische kijk in de interne keuken van de E designer. Het toont Tomas van zijn meest persoonlijke kant en vertelt wat hem motiveert, intrigeert, inspireert en passioneert, hoe hij keuzes maakt en [BE] Stichting Kunstboek - Green zichzelf telkens blijft heruitvinden. Techniques and mechanics for floral beauty Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed. is een prachtig portret in de vorm van een kleurrijk koffietafelboek vol 224 p, 250 col. & bw ill, sublieme schoonheid en tegelijkertijd een handboek met 50 harmonieuze en Oct. 2018, € 45,00 stijlvolle stukken. Niet minder dan 150 verschillende florale technieken komen ISBN: 9789058565983 (E) aan bod. Gouden tips van de meester zelf en insider tricks geven het boek de allure van een persoonlijke masterclass. Een must-have voor elke bloemliefhebber.


Cordelia 15 - Cordelia tot op het bot Ilah NL Na tweeëntwintig jaar is het zover: Cordelia heeft een hond. [BE] Oogachtend Kuifje beveelt Bobbie, Bollie babbelt met Billie, Charlie Brown mijmert met Paperback, 260x200 mm, NL ed. Snoopy 64 p, throughout col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 14,95 en nu heeft Cordelia dus Kitsu. Of hij heeft haar, dat is niet helemaal duidelijk. ISBN: 9789492672100 (NL) Kitsu is geen Terriër, geen Cocker, geen Beagle maar een Japanse Shiba, want Cordelia houdt van het land waar de zon rijst. En rijst naar sushi smaakt.

II12 - COMICS (Belgium)

Het amusement Brecht Evens Drie twintigers. De exuberante, paradijselijke grootstad ligt aan hun voeten. Maar Rodolphe zit opgesloten in zijn hoofd, Jona wordt ingehaald door zijn kwalijke reputatie en Victoria wordt beteugeld door een cordon bezorgde vrienden. In deze pulserende mozaïek kruisen ze elkaar, in taxi, restaurant en discotheek, één zwoele zomernacht lang. NL Boekvoorstelling: 27/09/2018, Vooruit, Gent [BE] Oogachtend Hardback, x mm, NL ed. 336 p, throughout col.ill., Sept. 2018, € 35,00 ISBN: 9789492672094 (NL)

II12 - GRAPHIC NOVELS (Belgium) Er wonen nog mensen - NL Tekenen van leven in Doel [BE] Oogachtend Jeroen Janssen Hardback, 291x248 mm, NL ed. Jeroen Olyslaegers over Doel: Ik vind je werk zeer schoon en Doel, zoals het is 208 p, throughout col.ill., May 2018, € 34,00 met al dat verleden, al dat verval en tegelijk die koppigheid die er heerst door ISBN: 9789492672087 (NL) jou indringend getekend. Doel staat al zo lang op de land van de vergetelheid, geschonden door plannen die naargeestige spoken bleken en is nu een groot decor geworden van... ja, wat? Het is nauwelijks onder woorden te brengen, het moet getekend worden, net zoals jij het nu doet.


Tobias Schalken Eldorado Tien jaar na Eiland (5 delen) is Eldorado de comeback van Tobias Schalken. Apocalyptische kortverhalen wisselen af met fijngevoelige coming-of-age kronieken en vrij werk. Internationale klasse van een van Nederlands meest getalenteerde NL stripmakers.

[BE] Oogachtend Hardback,x mm, NL ed., 168 p, May 2018, € 38,95 ISBN: 9789492672049 (NL)


Inge Braeckman Onder de olijfbomen van Lesbos De Verenigde Naties hebben 20 juni uitgeroepen tot Internationale Dag van de Vluchteling. Wereldwijd is er dan aandacht voor het lot van vluchtelingen. S.M.A.K. heeft een bijzonder avondprogramma.

In mei 2018 verbleef dichter Inge Braeckman een week als vrijwilliger in verschillende Griekse opvangkampen voor asielzoekers. Deze reis mondde uit in een nieuwe serie gedichten. Braeckman presenteert deze bundel in S.M.A.K.


[BE] S.M.A.K., Gent Paperback,265x175 mm, NL ed., 60 p, June 2018, € 20,00 ISBN: 9789075679526 (NL)


Crafts Today's Anthology for Tomorrow's Crafts This exceptional anthology, which proposes a panorama of the evolution of crafts from 1945 to the present day, brings together a selection of over 70 texts from five continents. These texts are chosen and commented on by Chloé Braustein-Kriegel, a design specialist and critic, and Fabien Petiot, an art historian and designer.

This new research is a genuine theoretical and practical tool for specialists and amateurs alike throughout the world. Calling on a huge network of experts, writers, critics, academics, journalists and artists, whose articles have been published in reviews such as Crafts Magazine, The Journal of Modern Art and The Journal of Design History, the authors present a diversity of viewpoints that permit the reader to go into depth on all the aspects of this multiform subject: the relationship between crafts and the many creation fields such as design and architecture, and the place of know-how in today's society. This anthology also makes it possible to place these contemporary questions in a E historical perspective.

[F] Norma Editions A selection of authors: Charlotte Benton, Andrea Branzi, Alberto Cavalli, Garth Author(s): Fabien Petiot, Chloé Clark, Edmund Wim Delvoye, De Waal, Marie Douglas, Enzo Mari Stefano Braunstein-Kriegel Micelli, Louise Schouwenberg, Patricia Woods. Hardback,210x140 mm, Eng. ed., 434 p, Nov. 2018, € 65,00 ISBN: 9782376660071 (E)


As It Was Frank Habicht's Sixties Frank Habicht’s iconic black-and-white photographs reflect the spirit of the Swinging Sixties in London. After the conservative post-war years followed a period of upheaval, with the younger generation dreaming of an unconstrained life, one full of free love, peace, and harmony. On the streets of the British capital, Habicht (*1938, Hamburg) began photographing the profound social and political changes that occurred in Great Britain in the sixties.

Habicht, who has lived in New Zealand since 1981, has produced photographs for magazines and newspapers such as the The Guardian, Die Welt, Camera Magazine, and Twen. His photographs were recently exhibited at the Barbican in London. He has made portraits of music and film greats such as Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, Jane Birkin, Christopher Lee, and Vanessa Redgrave. E This opulent book is a unique collection of the swinging, groovy, hippie, and psychedelic Sixties in London. It offers an eye-opening contribution to the [G] Hatje Cantz history of a country that is currently undergoing yet more social Author(s): Florian Habicht (Ed.) transformation. Hardback,330x280 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, Nov. 2018, € 50,00 ISBN: 9783775744904 (E)


Jean-Luc Mylayne L'automne du paradis - The Autumn of Paradise Jean-Luc Mylayne (born in 1946) has spent his life projecting himself into the world to photograph “the bird” in rural settings where he invests weeks, sometimes months, to achieve the composition he seeks. The Fondation Arles presents an ensemble of thirty-nine works, created between 1979 and 2008, organized into nine chapters according to their relationship to light and to location, and playing from the start on the gradual invasion of the azure blue sky. Printed as a single original, each photograph is silent about the place it was taken, but in stating its dates, underlines the length of time needed to gain access to the other that is the bird. The bird is not the photograph’s only object: it is the pretext and the witness.


[G] Hatje Cantz Author(s): Bice Curiger (Ed) Paperback with flaps, 320x240 mm, Eng./Fr. ed. 128 p, 100 col. & bw ill, Nov. 2018, € 30,00 ISBN: 9783775745222 (E/ F)

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Gestalten

Petits Espaces - Grand Standing DESIGN D'INTÉRIEUR POUR HABITATS COMPACTS Surfaces limitées, possibilités infinies. Petits Espaces Grand Standing montre comment tirer le maximum de ses m² et transformer un petit appartement en merveille de design. F Les villes se densifient, le prix du mètre carré explose et nos logements deviennent plus petits. Architectes, designers et habitants rivalisent [G] Gestalten Verlag d’inventivité et d’ingéniosité pour élaborer de nouvelles conceptions de Hardback, 260x210 mm, French ed. l’espace et faire rimer petit avec chaleureux, confortable, surprenant et 256 p, throughout col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 39,90 fonctionnel. Où ranger les vélos, les valises ou les draps ? Comment placer le bureau, le lit ou le canapé ? Peut-on réaliser son rêve de baignoire dans un 22 ISBN: 9783899558944 (F) m² ? Quels espaces de jeux pour les enfants dans un habitat réduit ? Petits Espaces Grand Standing explore des idées de design et propose de ISBN 9783899556988 (E) multiples solutions pour aménager un petit appartement.


Hideouts Grand Vacations in Tiny Getaways The way we travel has changed. We no longer want a generic, one-size-fits-all vacation: We want to explore on our own terms and immerse ourselves in local culture. Simply witnessing nature is no longer enough--we want to live in E it. A fusion of glamour and camping, Cabinette will guide you to experience the most awe-inspiring locales around the world. Across the globe, you'll find [G] Gestalten Verlag incredible destinations, each offering their own unique advantages. You can Hardback,300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, wake up in a yurt on a mountain top, reside in the forest canopy in a Nov. 2018 -R/P, € 39,90 treehouse, or take in incredible panoramic views in an eco-lodge--and that's ISBN: 9783899556551 (E) just to name a few. Explore the most amazing glamping destinations in our new title Cabinette. Reprint

II08 - TRAVEL - STYLE & INTERIOR Hartmann Books

Robert Adams Hope is a risk that must be run The challenge when planning this concise publication was what to add to the impressive list of publications on Robert Adams. The carefully selected pictures published in this booklet come from the rare street photographs Adams took of urban and suburban Americans in the 70’s, at the time living near Denver, Colorado. The feeling of fateful helplessness when seeing smoke rise over the nearby nuclear weapons plant caused Adams to portray his fellow citizens in their daily routines as a metaphor about the value of life in [G] Hartmann Books the shadow of existential catastrophe. Author(s): Text by Joshua Chuang Robert Adams, born 1937, became a photographer in the mid-1960s. He is Paperback, 210x148 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed. part of the New Topographics movement and published more than forty 44 p, 21 bw ill., books, most of them focusing on the american landscape. He lives and works July 2018, € 16,00 in northwest Oregon. ISBN: 9783960700166 (E/ F/ NL)


Peter Bialobrzeski Die zweite Heimat Five years ago Peter Bialobrzeski began working on his “Second Heimat” project (following the “Heimat” of 2005). Switching his navigation system to “avoid Autobahn,” he traveled through Germany in search of answers to his questions: How and where do Germans live? How do most citizens experience German reality? His journeys brought him to small and medium-sized towns, larger cities, and suburbs and city centers. His magnificently captured and [G] Hartmann Books beautifully composed pictures, together with the text by Henning Sußebach Author(s): Text by Henning Sußebach about places, non-places, and memories of the German concept of home, make a great book about Germany, the country, and its soul that is hard for Hardback, 280x230 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed. foreigners to comprehend. 148 p, 78 col. & bw ill, „More than thirty years after Stephen Shore´s publication Uncommon Places, July 2018, € 45,00 I decide to take a trip through Germany on the eve of the twenty-fifth ISBN: 9783960700142 (E/ G) anniversary of reunification. I try to describe and fathom the country´s social terrain..... Like Walker Evans, I´m interested in formulating photographically what the present day might look like once it is past. And to quote yet another role model: I want to see what the country where I´ve lived for fifty years looks like in my photographs.“ [Peter Bialobrzeski] I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Anne Collier Photographic Anne Collier (b. 1970) lives and works in New York. In her work she uses and processes found photographs, edits them and this way reaches a reflected history of the photographic medium. She fit mainly interested in pictures that can be characterised by a very emotional visual language: eyes, clouds, waves [G] Hartmann Books as well as photographs of outright romanticised sexism. By photographing posters, album covers, photo magazines, book pages and film stills, the artist Author(s): Edited by Stefan Gronert, Nadine questions the significance of pictures that shape our everyday lives and Wietlisbach illustrate desires. By addressing the theme of taking photographs itself and Paperback, 304x228 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed. reproducing existing photos, she creates distance to the motifs, filtering out 64 p, 42 col. & bw ill, emotions and thus providing an inducement to reflect on the depiction. Her Nov. 2018, € 20,00 exceedingly analytical perspective foregoes sentimentality or pathos. As such, ISBN: 9783960700302 (E/ G) the viewer – whether male or female – is challenged to take a stance. Expo: 19/09/2018 - 06/01/2019 // 23/02/2019 - 26/05/2019, Sprengel Museum, Hannover // Fotomuseum, Winterthur I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Paul Duke No Ruined Stone “No Ruined Stone” by Scottish photographer Paul Duke offers a timely and far-reaching insight into a fractured and deprived housing estate in Edinburgh. Returning to Muirhouse — the backdrop to Irvine Welsh’s novel “Trainspotting“ — Duke’s documentary and poetical photographs lead us through the estate he grew up in. Although circumspect questions of social inequity are raised in the book the underlying narrative is about fighting spirit, [G] Hartmann Books dignity and hope of the residents living there today. Author(s): Text by Martin Barnes Paperback with flaps, 300x230 mm, Eng./ Paul Duke was born and educated in Edinburgh. He gained a Master of Arts Germ. ed. degree with distinction from the Royal College of Art in 1989. As well as 112 p, 65 duotone ill., exhibiting in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery he has shown in the May 2018, € 34,00 Scottish Parliament and was included in the National Galleries of Scotland landmark exhibition “Light from the Dark Room” in 1995. “No Ruined Stone” ISBN: 9783960700173 (E/ G) is his second publication after “At Sea”, published in 2013. The text is written by Martin Barnes, senior curator of photography, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Arwed Messmer Berlin 1966 – 1970 Fifty years after 1968: The student protests seen from the perspective of the Berlin police force. Over the past decade Arwed Messmer has been working [G] Hartmann Books with photographic documents from public archives, using them as the visual Author(s): Texts by Florian Ebner, Annett basis of his artistic work. In the Police Historical Collection in Berlin he Gröschner, Uta Grundman and Arwed examined the holdings of images taken by the police within the scope of their Messmer usual documentation during the student protests of the 1960s. These images, which are published here for the first time, show a different view of the Hardback, 215x194 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed. historical events than the press images that dominate our visual memory to 800 p, 450 col. & bw ill, this day. For this project Arwed Messmer digitized over one thousand Nov. 2018, € 45,00 black-and-white negatives, editing them in a sequential narrative structure ISBN: 9783960700210 (E/ G) that breaches the boundary between photography and film.


Balder Olrik Blind Spots Blind Spots" is a study of our auto-perception. It's an investigation of what we see when we see - and what we unconsciously choose not to see. The one question we instantly ask our self, when exposed to a new environment is: "Where am I?" But as soon as we know the context of the perceived, we immediate loose interest. Balder Olrik is inspired by Nobel laureate, Daniel Kahneman's model for the perceptual systems of the brain. He disrupts our viewing habits, for example by removing context-specific elements from the image, to make the familiar, unfamiliar and make us look at our environment more consciously. This is the first book on Olriks photographic work. After an early career as a painter in the 80's, Olrik became a part of the pioneering community around digital media, and the uprising internet in the 90's, where his main focus was behavioural science. In1998 he stoped his artistic career, solely focusing on the digital projects. In the 2014 he switched back to work as an artist, mainly focused on the photographic media, were he combines his E artistic skills with the knowledge of human more

[G] Hartmann Books Hardback, 330x260 mm, Eng. ed. 112 p, 69 duotone ill., Nov. 2018, € 38,00 ISBN: 9783960700289 (E)

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Hirmer Verlag

Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europe Facsimilie with Paperback What a shock it must have been for the Utrecht painters Hendrick ter Brugghen, Gerard van Honthorst and Dirck van Baburen when they first encountered the breathtaking and unconventional paintings of Caravaggio in Rome. This volume shows impressively how t he young artists individually explored this role model and thereby developed their own individual style. In around 1600 Rome was the centre of the world. Attracted by Caravaggio’s spectacular success, young artists from all over Europe converged on the bus tling metropolis. The up - and - coming painters studied the same works, discussed matters with each other and used Caravaggio’s style to develop their own individual pictorial language. Tracing the careers of the three most important Utrecht Caravaggists, the authors describe the atmosphere of this artistic mood of renewal. Only in a comparison with their European fellow - artists does it become evident how strongly the Dutch tradition with its love E of merciless realism influenced the creative work of the Utrecht painters. [G] Hirmer Verlag Author(s): Bernd Ebert Paperback, 0x0 mm, Eng. ed. 300 p, 270 col.ill., Jan. 2019, € 55,50 ISBN: 9783777431338 (E)


Utrecht, Caravaggio en Europa What a shock it must have been for the Utrecht painters Hendrick ter Brugghen, Gerard van Honthorst and Dirck van Baburen when they first encountered the breathtaking and unconventional paintings of Caravaggio in Rome. This volume shows impressively how t he young artists individually NL explored this role model and thereby developed their own individual style. In around 1600 Rome was the centre of the world. Attracted by Caravaggio’s [G] Hirmer Verlag spectacular success, young artists from all over Europe converged on the bus Author(s): Hg. Bernd Ebert, Liesbeth M. tling metropolis. The up - and - coming painters studied the same works, Helmus discussed matters with each other and used Caravaggio’s style to develop Paperback, 280x240 mm, NL ed. their own individual pictorial language. Tracing the careers of the three most 300 p, 270 col.ill., Dec. 2018, € 49,90 important Utrecht Caravaggists, the authors describe the atmosphere of this ISBN: 9783777431833 (NL) artistic mood of renewal. Only in a comparison with their European fellow - artists does it become evident how strongly the Dutch tradition with its love of merciless realism influenced the creative work of the Utrecht painters. Expo: 15/12/2018 – 24/3/2019, Centraal Museum, Utrecht and 17/4/2019 - 21/7/2019, Alte Pinakothek, München I01 - OLD MASTERS Walther Koenig Verlag

Pattern and Decoration Ornament as Promise The publication undertakes a comprehensive reappraisal of a hitherto nearly overlooked US-American art movement: Pattern and Decoration (1975 -1985). By reclaiming color, variation of forms as well as sensuality, artists such as Valerie Jaudon, Robert Kushner and Miriam Schapiro radically distinguished themselves from the predominant Minimal Art and Concept Art at that time. Pattern and Decoration questioned not only traditional notions of art, but also addressed broader political and social issues like the position of women or ethnic minorities in the global art scene. Expo: 21/09/2018 - 13/01/2019, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen


[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ed.: Manuela Ammer, Esther Boehle Paperback,270x220 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, Sept. 2018, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960984009 (E)


Congo Stars "Congo Stars" does not attempt to trace the historic development or even deliver a definition of what popular painting in the Congo is. It is in fact much more about the dimension of fiction in the writing of its history. Processes of nation building, facets of social order or the realities of everyday life are the major themes of popular art in the Congo. Painters see themselves as reporters or chroniclers of the everyday. They tell stories and thus offer an alternative historiography, confronting the traditional colonial narrative. "Congo Stars" places these popular painters alongside artists who work with installations and conceptually with photo and film, while often tackle the same themes.

[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Paperback,300x220 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 208 p, Dec. 2018, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960984344 (E/ G)

I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART Katharina Grosse Wunderbild The book provides an analysis of Grosse's epic-in-scale, immersive installation "Wunderbild" that marks a groundbreaking moment in the artist's career. For the Trade Fair Palace in Prague, Grosse has elaborated a vast painterly installation which radically redefines painting as a performative and architectural medium and responds to the gallery's industrial space of the E 1920s functionalist style. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Adam Budak Paperback,310x230 mm, Eng. ed., 168 p, Dec. 2018, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960984351 (E)


Kerry James Marshall Inside Out Marshall gave an important speech at Museum Ludwig on receiving the Wolfgang Hahn Prize in 2014, which is now being published as a book. Marshall is as much a painters' painter as an astute social critic and incredible authority on art history. In the text he talks about his life, about his interest in Afro-American culture, about social injustice, race relations, power dynamics and ultimately calls for the black subject, so long ignored in art history, to finally be represented-in reaction to the fact that beauty has been synonymous with being white through almost all of art history.

[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ed.: Carla Cugini Hardback,232x165 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 92 p, Oct. 2018, € 14,80 ISBN: 9783960983941 (E/ G)

I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART Oscar Munoz Hasselblad Award 2018 This book presents a selection of Oscar Munoz's rich and multifaceted body of work, in which he has consistently explored the fundamental characteristics of photographic imagery. The passing of time, the whims of history, and the disintegration of the image constitute the core of Munoz's art, which calls into question the reliability of the photographic medium. His sculptural installations unite the light-sensitive characteristics of photography and moving image with elements such as water, charcoal, , or projections. He ingeniously devises experimental strategies that evoke the transience of the image and its transfiguration in time and space. Munoz's work is imbued with an otherworldly quality and offers a metaphor for the human condition.


[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Hardback, 300x250 mm, Eng. ed. 180 p, 95 col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960984153 (E)


Jorinde Voigt Shift Jorinde Voigt has developed a complex vocabulary of lines, diagrams, symbols and handwritten notes, which can be used to represent abstract phenomena such as space, time, the earth's rotation or speed and with which she creates a parallel world with its own rules and realities in her drawings. Her work stands out through its diverse materiality, in which feathers, copper or gold leaf are employed alongside the classic tools of drawing such as pencil, graphite, Indian ink or pastels. This is also the case in her long-term project Song of the Earth, a monumental drawing cycle set out in eight compositions, which is inspired by Gustav Mahler's symphonic song cycle Das Lied von der Erde (1908-09) and crosses genres by bringing together visual art and music, visual and acoustic experiences. By providing playing instructions and timing notation, these drawings also serve as scores for its performance by contemporary music ensembles.

[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ellen Seifermann Hardback,340x250 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 544 p, Oct. 2018, € 60,00 ISBN: 9783960981466 (E/ G)

I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART Franz West Notes. Writings 1975 - 2011 Franz West has been writing texts, notes, remarks and aphorisms non-stop since 1977. He attaches these texts to his sculptures, continuing the sculptural expression linguistically without illustrating or explaining. In places the titles, epithets and texts can raise awareness of the sculpture's form, in others they can drive the viewer mad or fascinate like the cryptograms of a lingual alchemist. Texts accompany Franz West's complete oeuvre. Thus far more than 200 have been created and they are published here in their entirety for the first time in a newly edited form, as facsimiles and in transcriptions.


[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ed.: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Ines Turian Paperback,225x150 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, Nov. 2018, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960981251 (E)


2G No. 77: Arrhov Frick 2G # 77 Working with a diversity of projects, their ambition is to develop clear proposals based on a deep understanding of the specific social and economic contexts. Their projects reduce architecture to its fundamentals often with an emphasize on function, basic materials and structural economy. Many of their projects support flexible infrastructures that are capable of future iterations and uses, encouraging sustainability and longevity in the building industry. 2G


[G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Juhani Pallasmaa Paperback, 0x0 mm, Eng. ed. 160 p, 108 col.ill., Jan. 2019, € 39,95 ISBN: 9783960983507 (E)


Bellini - Mantegna Giovanni Bellini, ‘one of the great Italian poets’ in the words of Roberto E Longhi, and Andrea Mantegna, he who ‘sculpted [the image] alive and real in his painting’ in the sonnet by Ulisse degli Aleotti, were two giants in the [IT] Silvana history of Western art – extremely distant in character, certainly, yet Author(s): Brigit Blass-Simmen, Neville connected by deep family ties. Nicolosia – Jacopo Bellini’s daughter and thus Rowley, Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa half-sister to Giovanni – married Mantegna in 1453. This marriage Paperback with flaps, 260x240 mm, Eng. ed. engendered one of the most fascinating pictorial dialogues of the 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill, Quattrocento, as they both developed the motif of The Presentation of Jesus Oct. 2018, € 28,00 at the Temple. A pair of works exhibited side-by-side for the very first time, half a millennium after they were painted. An extraordinary event narrated ISBN: 9788836639557 (E) down to the last detail in this volume, through a riveting analysis of the paintings themselves and of the relationship between the two artists.


Légendes des pays du Nord Catalogue d'exposition, cet ouvrage est destiné à prolonger l'enchantement des contes de Noël finlandais. Il est également pensé comme un beau livre de F contes, illustré par les aquarelles originales dévoilées dans l'exposition. L'histoire de l'illustration finlandaise sera présentée par Päivi Ahdeoja, [IT] Silvana responsable des expositions au musée des Beaux- Arts de Tuusula, tandis que Laura Gutman, commissaire de l'exposition, s'interrogera sur sa place dans le Author(s): Laura Gutman contexte européen du début du XXe siècle. L'artiste-scénographe Alexander Hardback, 300x245 mm, French ed. Reichstein, créateur d'une installation à hauteur d'enfant au sein de 280 p, 150 col. & bw ill, l'exposition, exprimera sa perception de l'univers de Rudolf Koivu. Traduits Nov. 2018, € 35,00 pour la première fois en français, les contes finlandais seront illustrés par les ISBN: 9788836640065 (F) oeuvres originales de Rudolf Koivu et de Martta Wendelin, tandis que la mythologie finlandaise du Kalevala sera évoquée en regard des illustrations d'Akseli Gallen-Kallela et de Joseph Alanen. Le somptueux manoir Art Nouveau de Suur- Merijoki permettra d'envisager le dessin d'architecte comme un autre aspect de l'illustration. Expo: 24/11/2018 - 17/02/2018, Palais Lumière, Evian I03 - ART HISTORY Syria Matters For more than seven years, Syria has been undergoing one of the worst human tragedies worldwide. This once proud and splendid country, with its fabled cities of Damascus and Aleppo, has been largely destroyed and great parts of its population have been forced to leave, which has led to one of the E major refugee migrations of recent history. Syria Matters explores five periods of Syria's history, illuminating its key role [IT] Silvana in the artistic and intellectual history of the world. It is a journey through time Author(s): Edited by Rania Abdellatif, Julia and space featuring immersive and innovative digital renderings of key sites Gonnella, Kay Kohlmeyer by the French company ICONEM and showcasing over 120 objects including Paperback with flaps, 300x235 mm, Eng. ed. some of MIA's greatest collection highlights such as the famous Cavour vase 256 p, 200 col. & bw ill, as well as significant national and international loans from Istanbul, St. April 2018, € 45,00 Petersburg, Berlin, London and Paris. Visitors will leave with a deep understanding and connection to Syria and an appreciation of how the ISBN: 9788836641222 (E) continuing destruction affects us all. Expo: 23/11/2018 - 30/04/2019, MIA, Doha I03 - ART HISTORY

Tomber sur un Os (Catalogue) Quand les archéologues font parler les morts Deux ouvrages accompagnent l'exposition présentée au musée ARCHÉA de fin novembre 2018 à mai 2019 : un catalogue scientifique ainsi qu'un album de l'exposition. L'exposition interrogera notre rapport à la mort à travers F l'archéologie et l'archéo-anthropologie et présentera des vestiges de différentes époques issus du territoire du Pays de France (au Nord-Est de [IT] Silvana l'Île-de-France) et de ses alentours. Plutôt qu'une approche chronologique du Paperback with flaps, 280x220 mm, French sujet, les deux ouvrages aborderont de façon thématique les grandes ed. questions soulevées par l'archéologie funéraire en s'appuyant sur des sites 160 p, 150 col. & bw ill, emblématiques, comme la nécropole gallo-romaine de la ZAC du Parc à Dec. 2018, € 15,00 Louvres ou l'église Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul de Gonesse. Qu'est-ce qu'une sépulture ? Quelles méthodes scientifiques permettent d'étudier les vestiges ISBN: 9788836640126 (F) humains ? Quelles informations peut-on en attendre mais également quelles questions éthiques sont soulevées ? Expo: 23/11/2018 - Mai 2019, Musée ARCHÉA, Louvres I06 - ARCHAEOLOGY Nage Libre. Céramistes belges Après l'exposition Une certaine idée de la céramique belge (2015), le World Crafts Council - Belgique Francophone de Mons et La Piscine entament une nouvelle collaboration. Cette fois-ci, les artistes membres du WCC-BF plongent dans les collections permanentes du musée roubaisien et s'en imprègnent pour créer leurs propres pièces. Ensemble, les oeuvres de la collection permanente et une sélection de celles des artistes belges élargissent le champ de la création par un dialogue fertile et inspiré. F Expo: 20/10/2018 - 20/01/2019, La Piscine – musée d’art et d’industrie André Diligent, Roubaix - World Crafts Council-Belgique [IT] Silvana Author(s): Sous la direction de Sylvette Botella-Gaudichon Paperback with flaps, 205x150 mm, French ed. 120 p, 110 col. & bw ill, Nov. 2018, € 15,00 ISBN: 9788836640140 (F) I09 - DECORATIVE ARTS - Belgium

Paolo Pellegrin This volume presents a survey of the collected works of Paolo Pellegrin (1964), one of the most important photographers on the international scene. It was edited by Germano Celant and is the result of extensive work on the photographer's archive. The publication is a collection of over a thousand images, sequenced chronologically by decade so as to retrace Pellegrin's creative and documentary journey. He has been a Magnum member since 2005 and was the winner of ten World Press Photo Awards as well as numerous others such as the Leica Medal of Excellence, the Olivier Rebbot E Award, the Hansel-Mieth-Preis, the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award and, in 2006, the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography. Meanwhile he [IT] Silvana was exploring themes in his work more profoundly as his reporter's point of Author(s): Edited by Germano Celant view intertwined with the visual intensity of his artistic side. His shots often Hardback, 266x203 mm, Eng. ed. originate in contexts and scenarios where the limits of the existence of both 742 p, 1500 col. & bw ill, nature and the human being become a threshold where drama passes Dec. 2018, € 190,00 through hope and the desire to live verges on death. His greys, his blacks, his shadows and diagonals, transcend time and space, while his figures and ISBN: 9788836640485 (E) natural landscapes become a testimony of the forces of existence in all the possible conditions of survival and life. Expo: 07/11/2018 - 17/03/2019, MAXXI, Rome I20 - PHOTOJOURNALISM Horst P. Horst The name Horst P. Horst is synonymous with timeless elegance and sensual sophistication. A leading artist at Vogue magazine for six decades, he was an international figure able to chronicle the interwoven worlds of art, design, performance. The photographs here exhibited are testament to Horst's virtuoso talent, to his mastery of light, form and space. [IT] Silvana Author(s): Edited by Paci contemporary gallery Hardback, 280x230 mm, Eng./Fr./It. ed 96 p, 50 col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 24,00 ISBN: 9788836640478 (E/ F/ IT)


Design History Handbook This book, dedicated to the history of design from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, is committed to drawing guidelines for the development of this discipline, offering a synthetic vision of the subject and, at the same time, highlighting elements for future investigations. If it's true that the history of artefacts and objects has always accompanied that of man, punctuated by turns occurring with the acquisition of technological innovations, it is in the mid-nineteenth century that we can retrace historically the professional figure of the designer, thus marking the birth of modern and contemporary design. The subject is branched and composite, embracing many disciplines: in addition to the field of furniture - which often exemplifies the broadest lines of design research in an excellent way - other sectors are considered here, from technical objects to graphics, from fashion to car design. A E particular attention is reserved to the influence of the art world, with all its array of thought references that has constantly permeated the birth of design [IT] Silvana projects. Along with the synchronic story following the thread of time, is Author(s): Domitilla Dardi and Vanni Pasca presented a diachronic approach in which - through in-depth boxes - the story Flexi (Pb luxe), 240x170 mm, Eng. ed. of a single type, a material or a concept detaches from its era to create 296 p, 300 col. & bw ill, relationships with similar phenomena of other periods. The volume is Oct. 2018, € 34,00 complete with a large iconographic kit, images with long captions elaborating on each story and offering a possibility of independent reading. ISBN: 9788836641321 (E)

II05 - DESIGN Gio Ponti Archi-Designer Regarded as one of the most influential architects and designers of the twentieth century, Gio Ponti (1891-1979) was a prolific creator, as much interested in industrial production as in handicrafts, whom has revolutionized post-war architecture while opening up the prospects for a new way of life. This book covers his entire career from 1921 to 1978, highlighting the many E aspects of his work, from architecture to industrial design. from furniture to lighting, from the creation of magazines to its foray into the fields of glass, [IT] Silvana ceramics and goldsmithery. More than 500 pieces trace this multidisciplinary Hardback,320x245 mm, Eng. ed., 312 p, journey through architecture, furniture, installations for private homes or Oct. 2018, € 55,00 public buildings (universities, cathedrals), displaying the creative world of this legendary figure of the Italian scene, whose generosity and enthusiasm have ISBN: 9788836641253 (E) stimulated his contemporaries and still inspire new generations of designers and architects. Expo: 19/10/2018 - 10/02/2019, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris


Scarves Timeless Elegance The scarf is one of the oldest clothing accessories ever created. Since the dawn of human civilization, it has been able to conquer a leading role in fashion and costumes of all times providing comfort, warmth and elegance all over the world. Multicultural accessory par excellence, the scarf is universally widespread and used in all cultures. Wrapped around the neck, worn on the head or on the shoulders, there are thousands of ways to wear it, because every culture has adapted this extraordinary and versatile accessory to its habits and lifestyles. In this book the role of the scarf as a universal and [IT] Silvana multicultural object emerges from the essays of the three authors, Cinzia Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng./ It. ed. Capalbo, Giovanni Conti and Stefano Generali, who have reconstructed from 232 p, 200 col. & bw ill, different perspectives and points of view the evolution of an accessory that Oct. 2018, € 45,00 has won a prominent role in the costumes and fashion of all time. Through the direct narration of the protagonists and experts in the sector, the book ISBN: 9788836641260 (E/ IT) analyzes the Italian production system and the distinctive elements that have made it a model appreciated all over the world, paying particular attention to the Italian culture of know-how, a synonym of high quality and refinement of the product. The intertwining of tradition and innovation, of oriental and western cultural elements finds a perfect synthesis in an accessory that, thanks to its ability to constantly reinvent itself following the evolution of society, represents nowadays the perfect symbol of timeless elegance.

II06 - FASHION The 5th Element Motorcycle - Adventure - Iceland An Icelandic proverb states, "Iceland is a land that does not tolerate idiots." Iceland obliges everyone that decides to venture into discovering it to think. It is a journey through pristine and wild places, where there is no room for [IT] Silvana carelessness and errors. Every decision must be taken with extreme care, Author(s): Photos by Marco Campelli nothing must be left to chance. For this reason, an adventure-travel necessity like the BMW GS was chosen for a trip that went beyond a simple Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng./ It. ed. geographical destination. Iceland is in some respects the most extreme 160 p, 100 col. & bw ill, country on Earth; it set the stage for an adventure where the R 1200 GS Rallye Nov. 2018, € 30,00 and the G 310 GS were not only the perfect travel companions, but in turn ISBN: 9788836640621 (E/ IT) also protagonists. Letting the GS race through the Icelandic trails was an experience of the pure and absolute pleasure of motorbike travel.


Flora #85 Gift wrapping paper book PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN (R) papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

[NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap Paperback,345x250 mm, E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed, 16 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460090974 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH)


Baroque #86 Gift wrapping paper book PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN (R) papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

[NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap Paperback,345x250 mm, E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed, 16 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460090981 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH)

II09 - PRACTICAL BOOKS Chinese Art #84 Gift wrapping paper book PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN (R) papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

[NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap Paperback,345x250 mm, E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed, 16 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460090967 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH)


Art Nouveau #87 Gift wrapping paper book PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN (R) papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

[NL] Pepin Press - Gift Wrap Paperback,345x250 mm, E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed, 16 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460090998 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH) DL Envelopes - Art Deco PEPIN DL envelopes are companion titles to PEPIN Writing Paper Pads; per pack 25 envelopes of one design printed on 120 grams premium ivory paper. 6 titles available: Chinese Art, Op Art, Floral Engravings, Art Deco, William Morris and Historical Maps.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,220x110 mm, No text, 25 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460093630 (-)

DL Envelopes - Chinese Art PEPIN DL envelopes are companion titles to PEPIN Writing Paper Pads; per pack 25 envelopes of one design printed on 120 grams premium ivory paper. 6 titles available: Chinese Art, Op Art, Floral Engravings, Art Deco, William Morris and Historical Maps.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,220x110 mm, No text, 25 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460093609 (-)

DL Envelopes - Floral Engravings PEPIN DL envelopes are companion titles to PEPIN Writing Paper Pads; per pack 25 envelopes of one design printed on 120 grams premium ivory paper. 6 titles available: Chinese Art, Op Art, Floral Engravings, Art Deco, William Morris and Historical Maps.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,220x110 mm, No text, 25 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460093623 (-) DL Envelopes - Historical Maps PEPIN DL envelopes are companion titles to PEPIN Writing Paper Pads; per pack 25 envelopes of one design printed on 120 grams premium ivory paper. 6 titles available: Chinese Art, Op Art, Floral Engravings, Art Deco, William Morris and Historical Maps.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,220x110 mm, No text, 25 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460093654 (-)

DL Envelopes - Op Art PEPIN DL envelopes are companion titles to PEPIN Writing Paper Pads; per pack 25 envelopes of one design printed on 120 grams premium ivory paper. 6 titles available: Chinese Art, Op Art, Floral Engravings, Art Deco, William Morris and Historical Maps.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,220x110 mm, No text, 25 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460093616 (-)

DL Envelopes - William Morris PEPIN DL envelopes are companion titles to PEPIN Writing Paper Pads; per pack 25 envelopes of one design printed on 120 grams premium ivory paper. 6 titles available: Chinese Art, Op Art, Floral Engravings, Art Deco, William Morris and Historical Maps.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,220x110 mm, No text, 25 p, Sept. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460093647 (-) Letter writing Set - Indian Block Prints Luxury box with fine paper sheets, matching envelopes and assorted stickers 10 sheets (A5) of 4 different designs, total of 40 sheets 40 envelopes with 2 different designs 50 assorted stickers and labels Sheets, envelopes and stickers can be used in combination or independently.

[NL] Pepin Press Boxed,170x230 mm, No text, 40 p, Sept. 2018, € 19,95 ISBN: 9789460094835 (-)

Letter writing Set - Art Forms in Nature Luxury box with fine paper sheets, matching envelopes and assorted stickers 10 sheets (A5) of 4 different designs, total of 40 sheets 40 envelopes with 2 different designs 50 assorted stickers and labels Sheets, envelopes and stickers can be used in combination or independently. [NL] Pepin Press Boxed,170x230 mm, No text, 40 p, Sept. 2018, € 19,95 ISBN: 9789460094828 (-) Note Pads A5 - Chinese Art PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460093302 (-)

Note Pads A5 - Floral Engravings PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460093326 (-)

Note Pads A5 - Art Deco PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460093333 (-) Note Pads A5 - Historical Maps PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460093357 (-)

Note Pads A5 - Op Art PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460093319 (-)

Note Pads A5 - William Morris PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460093340 (-) Writing Paper Pads A4 - Chinese Art PEPIN Writing Paper Pads (A4) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,297x210 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 17,50 ISBN: 9789460093005 (-)

Writing Paper Pads A4 - Floral Engravings PEPIN Writing Paper Pads (A4) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,297x210 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 17,50 ISBN: 9789460093029 (-)

Writing Paper Pads A4 - Art Deco PEPIN Writing Paper Pads (A4) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,297x210 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 17,50 ISBN: 9789460093036 (-) Writing Paper Pads A4 - Historical Maps PEPIN Writing Paper Pads (A4) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,297x210 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 17,50 ISBN: 9789460093050 (-)

Writing Paper Pads A4 - Op Art PEPIN Writing Paper Pads (A4) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,297x210 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 17,50 ISBN: 9789460093012 (-)

Writing Paper Pads A4 - William Morris PEPIN Writing Paper Pads (A4) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25.

[NL] Pepin Press Pad,297x210 mm, No text, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 17,50 ISBN: 9789460093043 (-) Labels & Stickers: Historical Maps Our Label & Sticker Books each contain 32 sheets of high-quality sticker paper with a total of about 250 labels, stickers and strips of sticker tape per volume. The stylish designs come in various shapes and sizes and allow you to label, decorate and seal your envelopes, packages and many other items. The sticker paper is uncoated and easy to write on with pen, pencil or felt marker


[NL] Pepin Press Paperback,241x172 mm, Eng. ed., 32 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460094255 (E)

Labels & Stickers: Flora Our Label & Sticker Books each contain 32 sheets of high-quality sticker paper with a total of about 250 labels, stickers and strips of sticker tape per volume. The stylish designs come in various shapes and sizes and allow you to label, decorate and seal your envelopes, packages and many other items. The sticker paper is uncoated and easy to write on with pen, pencil or felt marker


[NL] Pepin Press Paperback,241x172 mm, Eng. ed., 32 p, Sept. 2018, € 9,95 ISBN: 9789460094262 (E) Gemeentemuseum Den Haag - V& A Museum

Haagse Chic Steltman, 100 jaar sieraden & zilver In 2017 viert de Haagse juwelier Steltman zijn 100-jarig bestaan. Het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag belicht 100 jaar vakmanschap in sieraden en zilver, terwijl dit boek nog dieper ingaat op achtergrond en geschiedenis. Het boek toont artistieke juwelen van Steltman Juwelier van 1917 tot nu. Schitterend gesneden jade uit de roaring twenties, sieraden met lotusmotieven, fantasierijke en sierlijke dierfiguren uit de jaren '50, en modern werk uit de latere periodes. Aan bod komt ook zilver voor prachtig gedekte tafels of voor een fraai interieur. Tot de topstukken behoort het theeservies dat door Steltman in 1925 werd ingezonden voor de beroemde Exposition internationale des Arts décoratifs et industriels modernes te Parijs. Daar werd het bekroond met een bronzen medaille. Deze publicatie bevat schitterende foto's van de juwelen, verfijnde ontwerptekeningen, foto's die het ambacht illustreren en de geschiedenis van Steltman in beeld brengen. NL Hierbij komt ook het interieur van Steltman Juwelier aan bod aan de Plaats in Den Haag, met moderne ontwerpen van Hildo Krop en Gerrit Rietveld. Maar [NL] Waanders & De Kunst bovenal vormen de schittering van de juwelen en het zilver een oogstrelend Author(s): Marit Eisses geheel. Paperback with flaps, 260x220 mm, NL ed. Expo: 04/11/2017 - 18/02/2017, Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag 128 p, 100 col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 24,95 ISBN: 9789462622241 (NL)


Photography and the 1851 Great Exhibition This is the first comprehensive study of the diverse role and impact of photography at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London, drawing together two decades of research to create a broader understanding of the step-change in image making and distribution represented by The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations - the genesis of the V&A. While the Great Exhibition has received a variety of detailed examinations, its role in exhibiting and furthering the cause and exploitation of photography and its impact on illustration has been largely underappreciated. More broadly, 1851 saw a massive change in information management: in the creation and dissemination of visually based graphic information characterized by images of the building, its contents and their display that collectively constituted the Great Exhibition. Photography played a critical role in this quantum leap. Expo: published to accompany the opening of the V&A Photography Centre E in Oct.18, V&A Museum, London

[UK] V&A Museum Author(s): Anthony Hamber with a foreword by Tristram Hunt Hardback,304x222 mm, Eng. ed., 656 p, Sept. 2018, € 94,50 ISBN: 9781851779833 (E)

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY - POLITICS Thames & Hudson

Patterson Houses of Aotearoa In Maori culture, architecture is approached as a construction of beliefs: a building must emulate and amplify personalities, hopes and aspirations, becoming the physical expression of those who inhabit it. These ideas and others are the inspirations behind the house projects of New Zealand architect Andrew Patterson, who has been designing houses and civic projects in the country for over thirty years and was awarded the New Zealand Institute of Architects 2017 Gold Medal.

E This book showcases seventeen of Patterson’s recent houses, in some of the most dramatic locations in New Zealand, from stunning seascape retreats to [UK] Thames & Hudson hillside cabins. Each house reveals how Patterson’s architecture responds to Author(s): Andrew Patterson the region’s breathtaking landscapes to tell the story of the country’s cultural history and to create a sense of place and belonging. This fully illustrated, Hardback, 260x300 mm, Eng. ed. large-format overview is interspersed with thematic sections that present 252 p, 300 col. & bw ill, Patterson’s key influences and the culture and lifestyles of New Zealand more Nov. 2018, € 67,50 broadly, particularly Maori language, history and mythology. ISBN: 9780500022191 (E)


Making it Up: Photographic Fictions V&A Photography Library Series The V&A Photography Library is a new series of accessible, introductory volumes to the key themes, works, objects and individuals in photography, illustrated with unprecedented access to the V&A’s photography collection, the oldest held by a public museum and one of the largest and finest in the world, now expanded with acquisitions from the Royal Photographic Society collection.

Written by Marta Weiss, Assistant Curator of Photographs at the V&A, and publishing to coincide with the launch of the V&A’s new Photography Centre in autumn 2018, Making it Up shows how, throughout its history, photography has been used to depict fiction as well as fact. With c. 100 photographs supported by extended commentaries and an introduction of about 1,500 words, Making It Up illustrates that, though we often recognize the staged, constructed or the tableau as a feature of contemporary art E photography, this way of working is almost as old as the practice itself.

[UK] Thames & Hudson - V&A Presenting work from the earliest through to the most contemporary of Author(s): Marta Weiss photographers, Making It Up puts paid to the fallacy that ‘the camera never lies’, proving that quite the opposite may be true. Remarkable in themselves, Hardback, 250x195 mm, Eng. ed. these photographic fictions, whether created by early practitioners such as 192 p, 100 col. & bw ill, Lewis Carroll or Roger Fenton, internationally renowned artists such as Cindy Sept. 2018, € 35,00 Sherman and Jeff Wall, or contemporary figures such as Hannah Starkey and ISBN: 9780500480373 (E) Bridget Smith, find new and intriguing relevance in our so-called ‘post-truth’ age.

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY Flammarion Hirmer

Robert Doisneau: Music With camera in hand, master photographer Robert Doisneau crisscrossed Paris to capture intimate moments with star musicians such as Eartha Kitt in a jazz club, Django Reinhardt at home, and Yehudi Menuhin backstage, or with locals at a neighborhood dance or jamming together in a brass band. He was commissioned for portraits of Georges Brassens, Juliette Gréco, Charles Aznavour, or Claude François, and he immortalized a new generation of musicians in the 1980s including Rita Mitsouko, Les Négresses Vertes, Pierre Schaeffer, and Pierre Boulez. Doisneau’s lifelong friend Maurice Baquet with his cello formed a photogenic duo on impromptu outings that gave rise to iconic images. Doisneau’s passion for the energy and joy inherent in the music world comes alive on the page in images that cover the musical spectrum, from classical and jazz to be-bop to the roots of modern rap and alternative rock.


[F] Flammarion (Eng) Author(s): Robert Doisneau, Clémentine Deroudille Hardback,248x190 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Nov. 2018, € 41,95 ISBN: 9782080203748 (E)


Harald Sohlberg: Infinite Landscapes Majestic and magical landscapes, the soft beauty of fields of flowers, the raw cold of winter: the works of Harald Sohlberg combine a Romantic perception of nature with a contemporary pictorial language akin to Symbolism. This volume assembles some 60 paintings, in addition to a number of drawings, prints and photographs by the artist and grants insight into his conceptual world through his correspondence. In particular the mountain world surrounding Rondane National Park provided Harald Sohlberg (1869 - 1935) with inexhaustible inspiration for countless studies and watercolours which were later incorporated into his landscape pictures. This volume places one of his most famous works, Winter Night in the Mountains, in a new context and casts light on less well-known aspects of Sohlberg 's oeuvre, which also includes street scenes, for example. One characteristic of his works that is particularly attractive is the lack of people in E them - not least because their traces always appear present. This reveals a [G] Hirmer critical attitude to the modern age and at the same time allows the viewer to become immersed in his or her own stories. Author(s): Nationalmuseet for Konst Oslo Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p, Nov. 2018, € 44,50 ISBN: 9783777430881 (E)

I03 - 19th CENTURY ART Skira

Ver Sacrum The Vienna Secession Art Magazine 1898-1903 This book gathers the covers of Ver Sacrum, the official magazine of the Vienna Secession, which ran from 1898 to 1903. Published for the 120th anniversary of this historic magazine, it reproduces all 120 regular issues--plus some special, limited-edition covers--in 1:1 scale, alongside a selection of block prints, lithographs and copper engravings.

Ver Sacrum (meaning "Sacred Spring" in Latin) was conceived by Gustav Klimt, Max Kurzweil and Ludwig Hevesi. During its six years of activity, 471 original drawings were made specifically for the magazine, along with 55 lithographs and copper engravings and 216 block prints, by artists such as Gustav Klimt, E Egon Schiele, Koloman Moser, Otto Wagner, Max Fabiani, Joseph Maria Olbrich and Josef Hoffmann. Writers such as Rainer Maria Rilke, Hugo von [IT] Skira Hofmannsthal, Maurice Maeterlinck, Knut Hamsun, Otto Julius Bierbaum, Author(s): Valerio Terraroli Richard Dehmel, Ricarda Huch, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer and Arno Holz were Hardback,324x286 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, published in its pages. Oct. 2018, € 67,50 Ver Sacrum reveals the tremendous originality of the Jugendstil language, a ISBN: 9788857238760 (E) cornerstone of modernity that elaborated new forms of design, illustration and print/editorial composition.

I04 - MODERN ART - 20th C Whitechapel Gallery

Mark Dion Theatre of the Natural World Accompanying his first major UK exhibition in a decade, this unique publication focuses on five works by the American conceptual artist Mark Dion. Since the late 1980s Dion (b. 1961, Massachusetts) has been delving into the tropes and research methods of scientists, explorers, museum curators and archaeologists. He has created a body of work that playfully presents art as scientific enquiry or field work, questioning how knowledge is gathered, classified and displayed. E Five installations will be displayed at Whitechapel Gallery: a scholar’s study [UK] Whitechapel Gallery (T & H) invites us to unravel intricate drawings and models; the Bureau for the Centre Author(s): Iwona Blazwick of the Study for Surrealism and its Legacy displays the strange magic of Hardback,260x215 mm, Eng. ed., 244 p, obsolete things; the muddy banks of the Thames have also yielded their Feb. 2018, € 48,95 treasures for poetic display in a gigantic cabinet; while a Dickensian Curiosity Shop tempts us with the bizarre aura of American bric-a-brac. Each immersive ISBN: 9780854882632 (E) environment is also a habitat, evoking the characters that observe, conserve or exploit the natural world.

The catalogue features new short essays on each of the exhibited works, an interview between the artist and Iwona Blazwick and a reprint of a short story by National Book Award for Fiction winner Andrea Barrett. I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Elmgreen and Dragset This is how we bite our tongue Since 1995, artists Michael Elmgreen (b. 1961, Copenhagen) and Ingar Dragset (b. 1969, Trondheim) have been producing a body of work at the intersection of art, design and architecture, drawing on subjects as diverse as social politics, personal relationships and institutional critique. In their installations and sculptures they consistently interrogate ideas around public and private space and individual and collective identity, reconfiguring the everyday with subversive wit and tongue-in-cheek melancholy. Amongst their best-known works are Prada Marfa (2005), a full scale replica of a Prada Boutique in the Texan desert; Powerless Structures, Fig. 101 (2012), a giant bronze boy on a rocking horse created for The Fourth Plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square; and Death of a Collector (2009) for the Venice Biennale, featuring a life size swimming pool complete with a besuited floating body. In this, their first major UK exhibition, they will transform the galleries; E creating a brand new, large-scale installation designed specifically for this exhibition space, and constructing a series of shrine-like tableaux featuring [UK] Whitechapel Gallery (T & H) their hyper-realistic figures. The catalogue will journey through the exhibition, featuring new writing on each work. Author(s): Laura Smith Paperback,292x248 mm, Eng. ed., 184 p, Expo: Fall 2018, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London Oct. 2018, € 35,00 ISBN: 9780854882656 (E)

I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART Delius Klasing (ACC)

Beetle Love A tribute to the Volkswagen Beetle, the most-loved car in the world Glorious photographs throughout Beetle Love endures. It's global and conquers every generation. And this love is classless. Never mind if used as a taxi on a daily basis, as a company car owned by a craft brewery in Ecuador, as a show piece in Great Britain or as a family heirloom in Indonesia: Beetle Love introduces them all. Convertibles and limousines, from red to rusty, from purple to polished. And it's always the story that their owners lost their hearts to the Beetle. And rightly so! Hardly any other car arouses more emotions around the world.

All covered in this book, more than 20 stories, 208 pages, a wonderful and unique picture and story book. Text in English and German.

[UK] Delius Klasing (ACC) Author(s): Thorsten Elbrigmann Hardback,297x297 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 208 p, Oct. 2018, € 49,90 ISBN: 9783667113900 (E/ G)


Cars & Curves A Tribute to 70 Years of Porsche 70 years of passion. 70 years, in which the enthusiasm for sporty driving, advanced technology and sensual design has created something very special. Is it a coincidence that more than 70 percent of all Porsche cars ever built are still on the road today? There can only be one answer when you gather E together the highlights from seven decades of sports car construction - not in a well-tempered museum, but in the places for which they were created: road [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC and track. What if you had to get a 918 Spyder to Germany via the Author(s): Stefan Bogner, Ben Winter snowbound passes of northern Italy? What would it be like to rerun the legendary record-breaking lap of the Nordschleife in Stefan Bellof's 956? Can Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p, you bring a 906 to the Porsche Rennsport Reunion in Laguna Seca under your May 2018, € 49,90 own steam? This may sound like a shimmering daydream, but it turns into a ISBN: 9783667112934 (E) tribute to 70 years of brand history, captured in unparalleled images. Text in English and German. Delius Klasing Verlag

II07C - SPORTS & LEISURE Monaco Books (ACC)

Dream Routes of the World The Most Beautiful Destinations on Earth Australia, Asia, Africa, America and Europe - every continent is crossed by countless spectacular routes leading through unique natural landscapes to magnificent cultural treasures and cities brimming with life. Dream Routes of the World presents the most beautiful journeys on earth, from the North Cape Route in Norway to the Garden Route in South Africa, from Central Asia's legendary Silk Road to Australia's Stuart Highway, and from the Alaska Highway in North America to the Inca Road in South America. The world's most exciting destinations are illustrated with lavish colour photography, and the sights and exact route of each journey are described in full detail. The book concludes with a section comprising city maps and information on weather, the best times to travel, and local traffic regulations. This beautiful book serves as both a practical reference and inspirational travel guide, making it a wonderful addition to any traveller's bookshelf. Monaco Books E

[UK] Monaco Books (ACC) Paperback,271x168 mm, Eng. ed., 400 p, Oct. 2018, € 35,50 ISBN: 9783955047061 (E)


Hair An Illustrated History Bobs, beards, blondes and beyond, Hair takes us on a lavishly illustrated journey into the world of this remarkable substance and our complicated and fascinating relationship with it.

Taking the key things we do to it in turn, this book captures its importance in the past and into the present: to individuals and society, for health and hygiene, in social and political challenge, in creating ideals of masculinity and womanliness, in being a vehicle for gossip, secrets and sex.

Using art, film, personal diaries, newspapers, texts and images, Susan J. Vincent unearths the stories we have told about hair and why they are important. From ginger jibes in the seventeenth century to bobbed-hair suicides in the 1920s, from hippies to Roundheads, from bearded women to smooth metrosexuals, Hair shows the significance of the stuff we nurture, E remove, style and tend. You will never take it for granted again.

[UK] Bloomsbury Academic Author(s): Susan J. Vincent Paperback, 246x189 mm, Eng. ed. 256 p, 153 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 28,95 ISBN: 9780857851710 (E)

II06 - FASHION Bloomsbury

René Magritte Selected Writings Available for the first time in an English translation, this selection gives non-Francophone readers the chance to encounter the many incarnations of renowned Belgian painter René Magritte – the artist, the man, the aspiring noirist, the fire-breathing theorist – in his own words. Through whimsical personal letters, biting apologia, appreciations of fellow artists, pugnacious interviews, farcical film scripts, prose poems, manifestos and much more, a new Magritte emerges: part Surrealist, part literalist, part celebrity, part rascal.

While this book is bound to appeal to admirers of Magritte’s art and those who are curious about his personal life, there is also much to delight all readers interested in the history and theory of art, philosophy and politics, as well as lovers of creativity and the inner workings of a probing, inquisitive mind unrestricted by genre, medium or fashion. E

[UK] Alma Books Author(s): Translated by Jo Levy & Edited by Kathleen Rooney and Eric Plattner Paperback,214x134 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, Dec. 2018, € 12,95 ISBN: 9781846884498 (E)


Forts An Illustrated History of Building for Defence Ever since humans began to live together in settlements they have felt the need to organise some kind of defence against potentially hostile neighbours. Many of the earliest city states were built as walled towns, and during the medieval era, stone castles were built both as symbols of the defenders' strength and as protection against potential attack. The advent of cannon prompted fortifications to become lower, denser and more complex, and the forts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries could appear like snowflakes in their complexity and beautiful geometry. Without forts, the history of America could have taken a very different course, pirates could have sailed the seas unchecked, and Britain itself could have been successfully invaded. E This book explains the history of human fortifications, and is beautifully illustrated using photographs, plans, drawings and maps to explain why they [UK] Osprey (Bloomsbury) were built, their various functions and their immense historical legacy in Author(s): Jeremy Black laying the foundations of empire. Hardback, 280x280 mm, Eng. ed. 224 p, throughout col.ill., Sept. 2018, € 37,95 ISBN: 9781472827630 (E)

I12 - HISTORY The Art of Animal Anatomy All life is here, dissected and depicted Have you ever wondered what beats beneath an animal's skin? Well, you wouldn't be the first one. The study of comparative anatomy has led to some of the most striking images ever created. For two and a half thousand years, the animal body has been picked apart to drive arguments in natural philosophy, to reinforce dogma, to remind us of death, to horrify, educate, and enthral. This book recounts the intertwined intellectual and artistic journeys of comparative anatomy from antiquity to the present day. Rather than offering an exhaustive listing, it focuses on the distinctive artistic flavors of five great phases of anatomical endeavour. Horses opened like books, the leer of a shark's eye, the humming loom of the brain-all life is here, dissected, and depicted. Lyrically written and accompanied by captivating illustrations from history's animal anatomists, this is the ideal read for designers, art lovers and scientists alike.


[UK] Bloomsbury Author(s): David Bainbridge Paperback, 245x173 mm, Eng. ed. 256 p, throughout col. & bw ill, Oct. 2018, € 31,50 ISBN: 9781912217359 (E)


The Circus A Visual History This beautiful book charts the development of the circus as an art form around the world, from antiquity to the present day. Using over 200 circus related artworks from the French National Librarys private collections, celebrated cultural historian Pascal Jacob tells the story of travelling entertainers and their art and trade. From nomadic animal tamers of the Dark Ages to European jugglers and acrobats of the 1800s, from the use of the circus as Soviet propaganda to the 20th-century Chinese performance art renaissance, this is an exhaustive history with a uniquely international scope. Jacob draws on both rare and famous artworks, including prints dating from the 13th century, and paintings by Picasso and Doré. In doing so he E demonstrates the circus to be a visual and physical masterpiece, constantly moving and evolving, and just as exciting an experience for audiences now as [UK] Bloomsbury it was 1,000 years ago. Author(s): Pascal Jacob Hardback,297x216 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, Aug. 2018, € 37,95 ISBN: 9781350043107 (E)

I05c - POPULAR CULTURE The Little Book of Bad Moods Be Your Worst Self Be your worst self with The Little Book of Bad Moods, a cathartic activity book for adults. Finally, you can have a proper moan about the alarm clocks, traffic, computers, cold/hot weather, global events and people that plague you each and every day.


[UK] Bloomsbury Author(s): Lotta Sonninen & Piia Aho Paperback,210x150 mm, Eng. ed., 112 p, Nov. 2018, € 7,95 ISBN: 9781526609892 (E)


In Their Own Words, Volume 2 More Letters from History Letters, postcards, notes and telegraphs from the great and the good, the notorious and the downright wicked, shine a spotlight on a range of historical events and movements providing an immediate link to the immediate and much more distant past. The book includes letters from: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lucien Freud, Barbara Hepworth, Nelson Mandela, Caitlin Thomas, Mary Whitehouse, Gandhi, George Washington among many others. Subjects covered include suffragette disturbances, obscene publications, relations between international leaders, child emigration including the Kindertransport. The book features 55 letters, each with a 600-word essay, and a 3000 word introduction. There are 150 images in the book: 55 of the letters themselves, and a further 95 supplementary images.


[UK] Bloomsbury Hardback,263x213 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p, Sept. 2018, € 31,50 ISBN: 9781844865222 (E)

I12 - CULTURAL HISTORY The New Silk Roads The Present and Future of the World When The Silk Roads was published in 2015, it became an instant classic. A major reassessment of world history, it compelled us to look at the past from a different perspective. The New Silk Roads brings this story up to date, addressing the present and future of a world that is changing dramatically. Following the Silk Roads eastwards, from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, The New Silk Roads provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. In an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads since 2015, where ties have been strengthened and mutual cooperation established. With brilliant insight, Peter Frankopan takes a fresh look at the network of relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the Silk Roads today, assessing the global reverberations of these continual shifts in the centre of power - all too often absent from headlines in the West. This important - and ultimately hopeful - book asks us to reread who we are and E where we are in the world, illuminating the themes on which all our lives and livelihoods depend. [UK] Bloomsbury Author(s): Peter Frankopan Trade Pb,210x150 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p, Nov. 2018, € 16,50 ISBN: 9781526608062 (E)


Bohemian Rhapsody The Official Book of the Movie Bohemian Rhapsody will look at all aspects of the making of the Queen biopic and the story of Freddie Mercury and Queen. The author has full access to key cast and crew members who recount how Freddie Mercury (and Queen's) story was brought to life. See how 1970s London, Live Aid and many other pivotal moments and places in the history of the band were recreated for the film, with then-and-now imagery highlighting how carefully the people, events, music and costumes were recreated for this hotly anticipated movie.


[UK] Carlton Author(s): Owen Williams Paperback,280x230 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, Oct. 2018, € 25,00 ISBN: 9781787391888 (E)


Art The Definitive Visual Guide Discover the history of art movements from classical Greek art to the Italian Renaissance, the Pre-Raphaelites, and the masters of with a brand new edition of this classic bestseller. Truly comprehensive in scope, Art shows you masterpieces from over 700 artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, and Van Gogh. An invaluable reference book for any art lover, it showcases the works; everything from Italian baroque painting and African art to contemporary art history.

Discover key facts about the most prominent artistic movements, including their origins and influences, and follow a timeline of the most famous works. Be inspired by the detail of each subject matter and methods each artist used to create their masterpieces, and explore centuries, cultures, and countries on the ultimate artistic journey across time. Created in collaboration with E Bridgeman, the biggest art library in the world, Art: The Definitive Visual Guide is a must-have for your bookshelf. [UK] Dorling Kindersley Hardback,301x252 mm, Eng. ed., 612 p, Sept. 2018, € 41,50 ISBN: 9780241257104 (E)


Ballet The Definitive Illustrated Story This visual guide to ballet history goes beyond other ballet books, with evocative photography that captures famous ballet dancers and key ballet stories, written with ballet legend Viviana Durante as Editorial Consultant.

Discover more than 70 of the most famous ballet dances, from The Nutcracker and Swan Lake to The Rite of Spring. Learn the stories behind renowned companies such as The Royal Ballet and the Bolshoi Ballet. Explore the lives and achievements of ballet dancers across the centuries, such as Margot Fonteyn, Carlos Acosta, and Darcey Bussell, and meet composers and choreographers, from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to Matthew Bourne.

From its origins at court and the first national ballet companies, to the contemporary scene and extraordinary venues that stage the production, this E ballet book covers an impressive history of ballet and provides an invaluable overview of the subject. Filled with rarely seen photographs covering all the [UK] Dorling Kindersley key figures, pieces, and performances, and compelling facts about each dance Author(s): DK - the sources they draw from, their production history, and their reception Hardback,301x252 mm, Eng. ed., 360 p, over time - Ballet: The Definitive Illustrated Story is an essential gift for all Sept. 2018, € 34,50 ballet enthusiasts. ISBN: 9780241302316 (E)

I05 - MULTIMEDIA ART Writers Their Lives and Works From Shakespeare and Jane Austen to Gabriel García Márquez and Toni Morrison, delve into more than 100 biographies of the world's greatest writers.

Introduced with a stunning portrait of each featured novelist, playwright, or poet, biographical entries trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired each individual and influenced their work, revealing insights into the larger-than-life characters, plots, and evocative settings that they created.

E Lavishly illustrated with photographs and paintings of writers' homes, studies, and personal artefacts - along with pages from original manuscripts, first [UK] Dorling Kindersley editions, and their correspondence - this book introduces the key ideas, Author(s): DK themes, and literary techniques of each writer, revealing the imaginations and Hardback,255x213 mm, Eng. ed., 360 p, personalities behind some of the world's greatest novels, short stories, Sept. 2018, € 27,95 poems, and plays. With a foreword introduction by James Naughtie, and covering an eclectic range of authors from the Middle Ages to the present ISBN: 9780241301944 (E) day, Writers provides a compelling glimpse of the lives and loves of each great writer.


The Classical Music Book Big Ideas Simply Explained From Mozart to Mendelssohn, this comprehensive guide to classical music history and classical music biography is the perfect latest addition to the bestselling Big Ideas series. Easy to understand and clear to follow, this history of classical music explores and explains music theory and the impact of seminal pieces, while also providing fascinating stories about the lives of crucial composers and performers.

Including an insightful foreword by Katie Derham, The Classical Music Book analyses over 90 works by famous composers. From Thomas Tallis in the early period to baroque masters like Bach and Handel, to the classical genius of Beethoven and Wagner and beyond to the modern day, The Classical Music Book explores the key ideas underpinning the world's greatest classical compositions and musical traditions, and defines their importance to the E musical canon, placing them into their wider social, cultural, and historical context. [UK] Dorling Kindersley Author(s): DK The unique approach to the subject makes this book the perfect classical Hardback,233x192 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, music guide for everyone. Regardless of whether you are relatively new to the Sept. 2018, € 25,00 subject and want to learn or if you are a classical music aficionado, there is plenty to discover in The Classical Music Book. ISBN: 9780241301975 (E)

II15 - MUSIC Adventures of Tintin Complete Paperback Slipcase Complete set of 23 original Tintin albums in paperback presented in a slipcas to concide with the 90th anniversary of Tintin. This beautifully designed box set contains every single one of Tintin's adventures from Tintin in the Land of the Soviets to the last, unfinished adventure Tintin and Alph Art. With over 1,500 pages of classic comics stories, this is the ultimate gift for any Tintin fan. This box set collects the complete adventures of Tintin for the first time in English. 23 volume set


[UK] Egmont Publishers Paperback in box, 295x185 mm, Eng. ed. p, throughout col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 175,00 ISBN: 9781405294577 (E)


ELEPHANT N° 36 (Autumn 2018) All Or Nothing - The New Luxury Established in late 2009, Elephant is a quarterly magazine on contemporary art and visual culture. Edited by Marc Valli, Elephant features up-to-the-minute visual material, fresh faces and original voices, covering and uncovering new trends and talent in contemporary visual culture. E

[UK] Elephant Magazine Paperback, 280x220 mm, Eng. ed. 208 p, throughout col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 12,00 ISBN: 016848 (E)

II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN Faber & Faber

Vladimir Putin Life Coach What can the rise and reign of this century's most feared politician teach us about life, work and love? Rob Sears shows how the machinations that enabled Putin to dominate the Kremlin and undermine the United States of America could also help you take control of your mundane life. How would you like to ruin your enemies by sharing compromising material about that E time they didn't wash their hands? Or annex territory by claiming the stationery cupboard at work as your personal empire? Fancy hacking [UK] Canongate (Faber) democracy at the parent-teacher association to ensure you're a shoo-in for Author(s): Rob Sears social secretary? Or serving up a cold dish called revenge in a high street Hardback,214x135 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, restaurant? Filled with stories from Putin's extraordinary time in power, and Sept. 2018, € 14,50 ideas and illustrations to help you emulate him on a small scale, Vladimir Putin: Life Coach is the ultimate guide to releasing the pseudo-elected, judo ISBN: 9781786894694 (E) black belt, 5D chess-playing autocrat inside each and every one of us.


Milkman Anna Burns Milkman is extraordinary. I've been reading passages aloud for the pleasure of hearing it. It's frightening, hilarious, wily and joyous all at the same time. - Lisa McInerney, author of The Glorious Heresies In this unnamed city, to be interesting is dangerous. Middle sister, our protagonist, is busy attempting to keep her mother from discovering her maybe-boyfriend and to keep everyone in the dark about her encounter with Milkman. But when first brother-in-law sniffs out her struggle, and rumours start to swell, middle sister becomes 'interesting'. The last thing she ever wanted to be. To be interesting is to be noticed and to be noticed is dangerous. Milkman is a tale of gossip and hearsay, silence and deliberate deafness. It is the story of inaction with enormous consequences. Winner of The Man Booker Prize 2018 !


[UK] Faber & Faber Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 368 p, Nov. 2018-R/P, € 11,50 ISBN: 9780571338757 (E)

II11c - LITERARY FICTION (Literature) Cat Poems By the World's Greatest Poets Across the ages, cats have provided their adopted humans with companionship, affection, mystery, and innumerable metaphors. Cats raise a mirror up to their beholders; cats endlessly captivate and hypnotise, frustrate and delight. To poets, in particular, these enigmatic creatures are the most delightful and beguiling of muses, as they purr, prowl, hunt, play, meow, and nap, often oblivious to their so-called masters. Cat Poems offers a litter of odes to our beloved felines by some of the greatest poets of all time.


[UK] Faber & Faber Paperback,178x111 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, Oct. 2018, € 11,50 ISBN: 9781788161732 (E)


The Beastie Boys Book Formed as a New York City hardcore band in 1981, Beastie Boys struck an unlikely path to global hip hop superstardom. Here is their story, told for the first time in the words of the band. Adam "AD-ROCK" Horovitz and Michael "Mike D" Diamond offer revealing and very funny accounts of their transition from teenage punks to budding rappers; their early collaboration with Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin; the almost impossible-to-fathom overnight success of their debut studio album Licensed to Ill; that album's messy fallout; their break with Def Jam, move to Los Angeles, and rebirth as musicians and social activists, with the genre-defying masterpiece Paul's Boutique. For more than twenty years, this band has had a wide-ranging and lasting influence on popular culture. With a style as distinctive and eclectic as a Beastie Boys album, Beastie Boys Book upends the typical music memoir. Alongside the band narrative you will find rare photos, original illustrations, a cookbook by chef Roy Choi, a graphic novel, a map of Beastie Boys' New York, mixtape playlists, pieces by guest contributors, and many more surprises.


[UK] Faber & Faber Author(s): Michael Diamond & Adam Horovitz Hardback,245x172 mm, Eng. ed., 592 p, Nov. 2018, € 35,50 ISBN: 9780571308040 (E)

II15 - MUSIC Hardie Grant - Quadrille

Kate Bush How to Be Invisible Selected and arranged by the author, with an expansive introduction by the novelist, David Mitchell, How To Be Invisible presents the lyrics of Kate Bush for the first time in a beautiful cloth-bound Faber edition.


[UK] Faber & Faber Hardback,224x145 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, Nov. 2018, € 21,50 ISBN: 9780571350940 (E)


Less is More 101 Ways to Simplify Your Life Less Is More is a collection of inspirational messages and advice that encourages the reader to enjoy life more by living a little more simply. Trying to do it all, be it all and have it all is exhausting - and all too often, people find themselves asking `what was it all for?' The sad conclusion for so many is that the things they pushed themselves to do and have were never that important. Less Is More shows the reader how to find more time and energy to enjoy the things that really do matter. It invites the reader to make small, simple changes in the way they live, like learning to say no and embracing silence: changes that will simplify their life and leave them feeling relaxed and happy, instead of stressed and overwhelmed.


[UK] Hardie Grant Author(s): Domonique Bertolucci Hardback,175x124 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Sept. 2018, € 10,00 ISBN: 9781743793909 (E)

II10 - GIFTS Fartology The Extraordinary Science Behind the Humble Fart What is a fart? Do all creatures fart? Why do farts smell? Why do we find them so embarrassing ... and so darned funny?! Broadcaster and obsessive fartologist Stefan Gates tackles these pressing issues in Fartology, the first ever book to take a comprehensive, scientific look at the body's extraordinary methane-making abilities. Stefan looks at the journey from food to fart; the weird science behind intestinal gas; the sounds, smells and all things in between. With farty recipes, musings on the greatest farters in history, farts in literature, and fart euphemisms, Fartology offers mind-blowing, trouser-exploding fun for all the family.


[UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant) Author(s): Stefan Gates Hardback, 185x130 mm, Eng. ed. 144 p, throughout col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 12,50 ISBN: 9781849499682 (E)


Botanical Inks Plant-to-Print Dyes, Techniques and Projects Learn how to transform foraged wild plants, plants, garden produce and recycled food into dyes and inks with Botanical Inks. The book shows you how to extract environmentally sustainable colour from the landscape and use it to create natural dyes for textiles, clothing, paper and other materials. Botanical Inks covers dyeing and surface application techniques, including bundle dyeing, Shibori tie-dyeing, hapazome, indigo sugar vat dyeing, wood-block printing, screen printing and more. And it also shows you how to turn your new inks, dyes and technique knowledge into wonderful projects, from a simple bundle-dyed a scarf to a block-printed tote bag. E The process of turning plants into print can help you reconnect with nature, find a creative outlet and develop a mindful sense of presence. It also [UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant) promotes an awareness of sustainable practices and how to reduce our Paperback,245x203 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, impact on the planet. May 2018, € 0,00 ISBN: 9781787131569 (E)


Theatre of the World The Maps That Made History Beautifully illustrated and rich in detail, Theatre of the World reignites our curiosity with the world both ancient and modern. Before you could just put finger to phone to scroll Google Maps, in advance of the era of digital mapping and globes, maps were being constructed from the ideas and questions of pioneering individuals. From visionary geographers to heroic explorers, from the mysterious symbols of the Stone Age to the familiar navigation of Google Earth, Thomas Reinertsen Berg examines the fascinating concepts of science and worldview, of art and technology, power and ambitions, practical needs and distant dreams of the unknown.


[UK] Hodder (Hachette) Author(s): Thomas Reinertsen Berg Hardback,242x182 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, Sept. 2018, € 35,50 ISBN: 9781473688629 (E)


Bohemian Rhapsody The Definitive Biography of Freddie Mercury This is the definitive biography of Freddie Mercury, written by award-winning rock journalist Lesley-Ann Jones, who toured widely with Queen and formed lasting friendships with the band. Now, having secured access to the remaining band members and those who were closest to Freddie from childhood to death, Lesley-Ann has written the most in-depth account of one of music's best loved and most complex figures. Meticulously researched, sympathetic, unsensationalised, the book focuses on the period in the 1980s when Queen began to fragment, before their Live Aid performance put them back in the frame. In her journey to understand the man behind the legend, Lesley-Ann Jones has travelled from London to Zanzibar to India.

Packed with exclusive interviews and told with the invaluable perspective that the twenty years since Mercury's death presents, Bohemian Rhapsody is the most up-to-date portrait of a legendary man. E

[UK] Hodder (Hachette) Author(s): Lesley-Ann Jones Paperback,198x131 mm, Eng. ed., 416 p, Nov. 2018 -R/P, € 13,95 ISBN: 9781444733693 (E)

II15 - MUSIC Harper Collins - MacMillan

Glasshouse Greenhouse Haarkon's world tour of amazing botanical spaces Greenhouses have universal appeal, fusing together cultures and countries under one glass roof. In their new book, photographers India Hobson and Magnus Edmondson take you on a worldwide journey through their favourite botanical spaces. The Haarkon Greenhouse Tour began as a self-initiated adventure in Oxford's botanical gardens four years ago. Since then, Magnus E and India have visited countless locations in the UK, Europe, America, Asia and beyond in search of dream greenhouses, capturing dramatic palm houses, [UK] Harper Collins UK tropical hothouses and private potting sheds along the way. Divided into seven thematic chapters - History, Specimen, Community, Research, Pleasure, Author(s): India Hobson & Magnus Hobbyist and Architecture - the featured greenhouses are depicted via a Edmondson series of photo-essays that draw out the style, plant collections and character Hardback,235x193 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, of each space. The final chapter, #Haarkon House, shows us how to bring the Oct. 2018, € 31,50 greenhouse aesthetic home with advice on selecting, styling and caring for ISBN: 9781911595694 (E) plants.


[UK] MacMillan - Collector's Library Collector’s Library In Shelf Solution DISPLAY,x mm, No text, p, , € 0,00 Holds 18 books, with 6 visible facings ISBN: 9781509840663 (-) All the greats of world literature, and many titles feature their original illustrations. From Jane Austen to Charles Dickens, from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to F. Scott Fitzgerald, we have fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories and children's books all beautifully produced and competitively priced. In a practical pocket size, real cloth hardcover binding, with a ribbon marker and gilt edges. for booksellers only II11a - CLASSICS (Literature) Octopus

Perpetual Disappointments Diary Nick Asbury Ground yourself with a weekly demotivational proverb ('If ignorance is bliss, why are you so sad?', 'Crappe diem') and reminders of Notable Deaths. Travel the world with Useful Phrases translated into four languages ('A table for one, please', 'I have destroyed my hire car'). And save time with templates for Apology and Passive-Aggressive Notes.


[UK] Pan (MacMillan) Paperback,212x130 mm, Eng. ed., 173 p, Nov. 2017, € 14,20 ISBN: 9780752266541 (E)


1001 Ideas that Changed the Way We Think Drawing on a wide spectrum of topics-including politics, cosmology, the arts, philosophy and religious beliefs, 1001 Ideas That Changed the Way We Think traces the exponential growth of human knowledge across the centuries. Ranging from the ancient wisdom of Confucius and Plato to the cutting-edge theories taking shape in the twenty-first century, this book offers a wealth of stimulation and amusement for any reader with a lively and curious mind. This richly informative and entertaining book provides a wide variety of answers to those eternal questions: How was the universe created and what is the place of humans within it? How should a person live? And how can we build a just society? But 1001 Ideas That Changed the Way We Think also includes a host of speculations that are remarkable for their sheer weirdness-from the concept of the transmigration of souls to parallel universes and the paradoxes of time travel (what happens if you travel back in time and kill your own grandfather?). Readers will discover how the Greek E philosopher Zeno 'proved' a flying arrow never moves and the mathematical proof of the existence of life in other galaxies. The inspiring ideas explored [UK] Cassell (octopus) range from Gandhi's theory of civil disobedience to Mary Wollstonecraft's Paperback with flaps, 210x160 mm, Eng. ed. groundbreaking advocacy of women's rights. A wide variety of cultural 960 p, 800 col.ill., Sept. 2018, € 25,50 movements are also covered, including Neoclassicism, Surrealism and Postmodernism. ISBN: 9781788400886 (E)

I14 - REFERENCE & SCIENCE 1001 Quotations To Inspire You Before You Die From the bestselling 1001 series, comes a collection of 1001 quotations from numerous brilliant minds of the Ancient World through to the present day. With quotes from everyone including Marcus Aurelius, Sun Tzu, Shakespeare and Nietzsche through to Ellen DeGeneres, Nelson Mandela, Mark Zuckerberg and Monty Python's Flying Circus, there is an immense range of ideas, witticisms and musings to ponder.


[UK] Cassell (octopus) Author(s): Robert Arp Paperback,210x160 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p, Sept. 2018, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781788400923 (E)


1001 Photographs You Must See Before You Die From the oldest surviving photograph from 1826, to Trump's election win in 2016, this is a chronological tour through the greatest images ever captured, and an all-inclusive guide to the art of photography. Featuring photographs from around the world and by myriad different photographers, readers can discover all the big names, from Henri Cartier-Bresson to Annie Leibovitz, Ansel Adams to Helmut Newton, and many more besides.

Whether you are already a photography buff looking to widen your scope of knowledge, or a photography newbie looking for a concise yet comprehensive guide to the most iconic photographs of all time, this book is for you.


[UK] Cassell (octopus) Author(s): Paul Lowe & Fred Ritchin Paperback,211x162 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p, Oct. 2018, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781788400947 (E)

I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY 1001 Whiskies You Must Try Before You Die 1001 Whiskies You Must Try Before You Die takes you on a fascinating global whisky tour - from Scotland and Ireland through North America, Japan, India, and the rest of the world, providing insight into the 1001 best and most exciting whiskies ever made. Fully updated for 2017, this is an invaluable resource for whisky afficionados everywhere This comprehensive and throughly-researched guide explores the traditional tipple's incredible diversity, introduces you to the host of often new, and sometimes rare finds, and is sure to enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of the drink in all its forms. A unique and inspirational guide to the mouthwatering world of whisky. New edition


[UK] Cassell (octopus) Author(s): Dominic Roskrow Paperback, 210x160 mm, Eng. ed. 960 p, 800 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781788400909 (E)


1001 Road Trips Drive Before You Die The wide-ranging, carefully chosen featured road trips vary in length and severity, from an epic tour on Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way to a short blast around Monaco's famous F1 street circuit. The hand-picked drives cover mountain passes, coastal highways, motorsport circuits and trips inspired by music, film and literature. Must-see stop-offs and detours along the journey's route are included. Every page provides a wealth of information to assist in planning a drive, including overall distance, start and finish points, and links to specially commissioned digital route maps.


[UK] Cassell (octopus) Author(s): Darryl Sleath Paperback,210x160 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p, Sept. 2018, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781788400930 (E)

II08 - TRAVEL - CARS Michael Jackson: All the Songs The Story Behind Every Track This is the full story of every single song that Michael Jackson recorded and released during his long and remarkable solo career. With fascinating stories and detailed information on every track - as well as key early songs with The Jackson Five and his legendary dance moves and videos - All the Songs is the complete unofficial history of one of the greatest musical legacies of all time.

Arranged chronologically by album, expert authors Lecocq and Allard explore the details behind early hits such as ABC and I Want You Back, to solo masterpieces such as Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough, Billie Jean, Beat It, Smooth Criminal, Black or White, This Is It and more - including outtakes, duets and rare tracks. Explore the magic behind the King of Pop's music with this in-depth, captivating book.


[UK] Cassell (octopus) Author(s): François Allard & Richard Lecocq Hardback,270x210 mm, Eng. ed., 592 p, Oct. 2018, € 56,50 ISBN: 9781788400572 (E)


Bound 15 Beautiful Bookbinding Projects In this accessible collection of creative projects, Rachel Hazell shares exciting paper crafting techniques to develop your bookbinding skills. After explaining the tools and materials needed, Rachel takes you through each project with step-by-step instructions. Different techniques for cutting and folding are demonstrated, and, once you are happy with the various techniques, you will then begin to bind your own books with stitches such as ladder, dash and E chain. Projects include The Slit Book, A Concertina with Pockets and The Three-Hole Pamphlet Stitch, which can then be developed further to create [UK] Kyle Books (Octopus) unique and personal handmade notebooks, books and keepsakes that are not only fun and satisfying to make, but also make wonderful gifts. So whether Author(s): Rachel Hazell you have already tried your hand at bookbinding or are a complete beginner, Paperback,232x188 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, Rachel's knowledge and passion will inspire you to explore the many Sept. 2018, € 23,95 possibilities of bookart. ISBN: 9780857835079 (E)

II09 - PRACTICAL BOOKS Drawing & Seeing Create your own sketchbook 'This is a book about keeping your own sketchbook, a drawn diary of your daily life and what strikes you. The pages are for you to fill, make a mess, take risks, try things out, to be fearless and to be curious, but most of all to look and to respond to what you see.'

No one, Clara believes, can tell you how to draw. Instead you can learn by practising and discarding preconceived ideas. Clara uses artists who inspire her, to demonstrate how everyone's approach is unique and features images of her favourite drawings and sketchbooks, to spark your creativity.

Chapters focus on the different media of Graphite, Charcoal, Coloured Crayons, Ink and Mixed Media and offer tips such as where to start on the page and how to best use your materials.

With space for 30 days of drawing, to be done in whichever order you'd like, E Drawing & Seeing will allow you to keep your own sketchbook, a drawn diary of your daily life - and to see how not only your drawing transforms, but also [UK] Kyle Books (Octopus) the way you see your surroundings. Author(s): Clara Drummond Paperback,229x165 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, Aug. 2018, € 21,50 ISBN: 9780857834430 (E)


Textiles of Japan From rugged Japanese firemen's ceremonial robes and austere rural work-wear to colorful, delicately-patterned cotton kimonos, this lavishly illustrated volume explores Japan's rich tradition of textiles. Textiles are an eloquent form of cultural expression and of great importance in the daily life of a people, as well as in their rituals and ceremonies. The traditional clothing and fabrics featured in this book were made and used in the islands of the Japanese archipelago between the late 18th and the mid 20th century. The Thomas Murray collection featured in this book includes daily dress, work-wear, and festival garb and follows the Arts and Crafts philosophy of the Mingei Movement, which saw that modernization would leave behind traditional art forms such as the hand-made textiles used by country people, farmers, and fisherman. It presents subtly patterned cotton fabrics, often indigo dyed from the main islands of Honshu and Kyushu, along with garments of the more remote islands: the graphic bark cloth, nettle fiber, and fish skin robes of the aboriginal Ainu in Hokkaido and Sakhalin to the north, and the brilliantly colored cotton kimonos of Okinawa to the far south. E Numerous examples of these fabrics, photographed in exquisite detail, offer insight into Japan's complex textile history as well as inspiration for today's [UK] Prestel designers and artists. This volume explores the range and artistry of the country's tradition of fiber arts and is an essential resource for anyone Author(s): Thomas Murray captivated by the Japanese aesthetic. Hardback, 340x255 mm, Eng. ed. 520 p, 500 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 86,00 ISBN: 9783791385204 (E)


Beyond the Map Unruly enclaves, ghostly places, emerging lands and our search for new utopias Geography is getting stranger. Out there, fleets of new islands are under construction and micro-nations are struggling into the light. As new borders and boundaries ebb and flow with increasing speed, it feels as if our old maps are being discarded, redrawn or torn up.


[UK] Aurum (Quarto) Author(s): Alastair Bonnett Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p, July 2018, € 12,60 ISBN: 9781781318034 (E)

II08 - TRAVEL Quarto

Trekking Beyond Walk the world's epic trails Trekking Beyond takes you on a journey through the snow-capped peaks of the world’s mountains, the sandy dunes of our deserts and along the impressive coastal paths in a beautiful celebration of our world’s most impressive, challenging and beautiful treks.


[UK] White Lion (Quarto) Hardback,290x247 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Oct. 2018, € 31,50 ISBN: 9781781316962 (E)


Atlas of the Unexpected Haphazard discoveries, chance places and unimaginable destinations In 45 beautiful, unique maps and with evocative photography, Atlas of the Unexpected is a journey to far-off lands, obscure discoveries and unimaginable locations.

From the fortuitous discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls by a stray goat, to the wonderfully bizarre beginnings that led to the aptly named Just Enough Room Island and even the royal romance that led shipwrecked lovers to discover Madeira, Travis Elborough takes you on a voyage to some of the world’s most E wondrous, improbable and – most of all – unexpected of places.

[UK] White Lion (Quarto) Hardback,259x185 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Sept. 2018, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781781317167 (E)

II08 - TRAVEL Random House

London Uncovered (New Edition) More than Sixty Unusual Places to Explore This unique London guidebook opens the doors to more than sixty of the capital's most intriguing places, all visitable but not widely known. From museums of the unusual, places of worship, palaces of entertainment to some of the most historic and ornate shops, houses and hostelries in the city, take a trip through the capital's hidden treasure and discover a picture of a London which is strange, gaudy, grand and inventive. Describing the history and the character of each place, the book uncovers a wealth of stories about an endlessly fascinating world city with its own unique character. This fresh edition for 2018 includes over a dozen new locations, including the Dennis E Severs House, Les Ambassadeurs Casino and Sir John Soane's Museum.

[UK] White Lion (Quarto) Author(s): Mark Daly & Peter Dazeley Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p, Oct. 2018, € 44,50 ISBN: 9780711239982 (E)


Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down The Official Behind-The-Scenes Companion The official behind-the-scenes companion guide to the first two seasons of Stranger Things and beyond, brought to life with exclusive photos and stunning concept art. Stranger things have happened... When the first season of Stranger Things debuted on Netflix in the summer of 2016, the show struck a nerve with millions of viewers worldwide and received broad critical acclaim. The series has gone on to win six Emmy Awards, but its success was driven more than anything by word of mouth, resonating across generations. Viewers feel personal connections to the characters. Now fans can immerse themselves in the world?or worlds?of Hawkins, Indiana, like never before.


[UK] Random House - Century Author(s): Gina McIntyre Hardback,262x190 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Oct. 2018, € 35,50 ISBN: 9781780899602 (E)

II11d - MOVIE-TIE-IN Penguin - Titan Books

Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald: Movie Magic The eagerly awaited sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them will transport fans once again to the wizarding world. Written by J.K. Rowling and directed by David Yates, the film follows the adventures of Magizoologist Newt Scamander, played by Academy Award-winner Eddie Redmayne. Packed with captivating facts and incredible images from the making of the film, this book features kid-friendly behind-the-scenes profiles on the characters, magical locations, beasts, and artifacts seen on-screen. This interactive volume will also come filled with bonus inserts-from maps and posters reproducing props from the film to lift-the-flaps and stickers. This book is the ultimate guide for any fan of J.K. Rowling!


[UK] Penguin UK Author(s): J.K. Rowling Hardback,276x229 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, Nov. 2018, € 27,95 ISBN: 9780241367018 (E)


Harry Potter: Page to Screen Updated Edition Harry Potter Page to Screen: Revised and Expanded now has more pages devoted to the legacy of the Harry Potter films. In addition to the complete history of all eight Harry Potter films, the book now explores the theme parks. With 1200 photographs, sketches, and diagrams, the book provides unbridled access to every aspect of the film-making process. It tells the stories behind each individual film and covers the design and technology behind all the astounding effects. Harry Potter Page to Screen: Revised and Expanded will start from the very beginning, describing how the book was optioned, the casting of Harry, Ron and Hermione, and the assembling of a creative team with the vision to tackle E a world we had previously seen only in our imaginations. Interviews, quotes, and stories from the directors, producers, screenwriters, and actors discuss [UK] Titan Books the making of all eight films at length, including the last film, film number 8, Author(s): Bob McCabe Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. Daniel Radcliffe and his personal narrative from set to set is used as Hardback,324x235 mm, Eng. ed., 540 p, the life line that connects all aspects of this memoir, giving structure to the Nov. 2018, € 62,50 many voices of the Harry Potter family who orate this tale. ISBN: 9781789090703 (E)

II11c - CINEMA Chronicle - Galison


[US] Chronicle Books Author(s): Didier Ghez, foreword by Eric and They Drew as They Pleased Vol. 4 Susan McKinsey Goldberg The Hidden Art of Disney's Mid-Century Era (1950s Hardback,298x238 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Aug. 2018, € 43,95 & 1960) ISBN: 9781452163857 (E) The 1950s and 1960s at The Walt Disney Studios marked unprecedented stylistic directions brought on by the mid-century modern and graphic sensibilities of a new wave of artists. This volume explores the contributions of these heroes with special emphasis on the art of Lee Blair, Mary Blair, Tom Oreb, John Dunn, and Walt Peregoy. It includes never-before-seen images from Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and Sleeping Beauty and discusses Disney's first forays into television, commercials, space, and science projects?even the development of theme parks. Drawing on interviews and revealing hundreds of rediscovered images that inspired Disney's films during one of its most prolific eras, this volume captures the rich stories of the artists who brought the characters to life and helped shape the future of animation. II11c - ANIMATION

Hello, Love! How do animals show their love? By touching trunks, beaks, and noses! Toddlers will delight in adorable pairs of fish, ducklings, elephants, and monkeys as they splash, swim, dance, and swing, all while showing affection. Author-illustrator Taro Miura brings a playfulness and verve to this love-affirming board book, which culminates in the ultimate celebration of love: a child embraced by loving parents. - 3 years


[US] Chronicle Kids Author(s): Taro Miura Hardback,152x152 mm, Eng. ed., 22 p, Nov. 2018, € 7,60 ISBN: 9781452170879 (E)

II18 - CHILDREN'S BOOKS E [US] Galison / Lacroix Birds Sinfonia Author(s): Christian Lacroix 250 Piece 2-Sided Puzzle Boxed,508x508 mm, Eng. ed., 250 p, Sept. 2018, € 38,50 2 Sided puzzle 250 piece puzzle Birds image with spot UV and hot-stamp on side 1 ISBN: 9780735356481 (E) Kimono image with spot UV on side 2 2 piece box with spot UV and printed interiors


Berkley Bestiary Animal Portraits Matching Game A great activity while socializing around the coffee table, the Berkley Bestiary Animal Portraits Memory Game from Galison belongs next to your favorite art books. Put your brain to the test by matching pairs of the quirky yet sophisticated animal portraits by Ryan Berkley of Berkley Illustration, along with humorous biographies of each animal by Lucy Berkley. Galison


[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery Boxed,190x121 mm, Eng. ed., 20 p, June 2018, € 21,60 ISBN: 9780735355477 (E)

II29 - TOYS & GAMES Succulent Garden 2-Sided 500 Piece Puzzle Bring on the cacti with this 500 piece 2-sided puzzle from Galison, featuring photographs by the talented Edyta Szyszlo.


[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery Author(s): Galison Boxed,286x210 mm, Eng. ed., 500 p, June 2018, € 16,80 ISBN: 9780735355309 (E)


Cat Nap Book Box Puzzle Puzzles: Book Stack Book Box Bookshelf Book Box Puzzle

[US] Gibbs Smith - Gifts [US] Gibbs Smith - Gifts [US] Gibbs Smith - Gifts Other Merchandise,270x194 mm, Other Merchandise,270x194 mm, Other Merchandise,270x194 mm, 1000 p, 1000 p, Sept. 2018, € 19,50 1000 p, Sept. 2018, € 19,50 Sept. 2018, € 19,50 ISBN: 9781423650676 (E) ISBN: 9781423650669 (E) ISBN: 9781423650683 (E) Harper Collins US - Potter Style

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life "In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people. For decades, we've been told that positive thinking isthe key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let's be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Mason doesn't sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is--a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is his antidote to the coddling, let's-all-feel-good mindset that has infected modern society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up. Manson makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limited--"not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault." Manson advises E us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop runningand avoiding and start [US] Collins US confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, Author(s): Mark Manson honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek. There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones Paperback,x mm, Eng. ed., p, really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what Nov. 2018 -R/P, € 17,95 you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. A ISBN: 9780062641540 (E) much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertainingstories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives"- I14 - NON-FICTION

Daniel Libeskind Edge of Order A stunning tour of the work of internationally known architect Daniel Libeskind and an investigation of a master artist's creative process. Daniel Libeskind is one of the foremost architects of our time, a self-proclaimed rebel celebrated for innovative, site-conscious designs, including the Jewish Museum Berlin and New York's World Trade Center Redevelopment. He has also emerged as one of architecture's most visible E public ambassadors. In Edge of Order, Libeskind opens the door to his unique creative process, guiding us through a selection of his projects never before [US] Potter Style (RH US) collected--both built and unrealized, major commissions and unexpected favorites--and revealing how he arrived at their designs through text and a Author(s): Daniel Libeskind rich array of visuals, including drawings, plans, and photographs. With a Hardback,305x254 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, voracious appetite for culture and history, and an encyclopedic memory, Nov. 2018, € 80,00 Libeskind draws on everything from Greek mythology to Emily Dickinson to ISBN: 9780451497352 (E) the Marx Brothers to explain the way he thinks about buildings and cities. Far more than a monograph, Edge of Order is both an essential document of Libeskind's remarkable career and an intimate portrait of an artist that will encourage creative people in any field to discover new points of inspiration. II03 - ARCHITECTURE My Reading Journal A Notebook and Diary for Book Lovers This beautifully designed flexi-bind journal with cream-colored paper is perfect for keeping by the bedside or toting along to book club meetings. Dated and lined pages allow you to use the journal however you wish, and reading lists in the back offer dozens of esteemed award winners and notable novels to add to your queue.

Use this beautiful journal to log all the details about a book you love or to capture your daily thoughts. Then, when you're looking for your next great read, flip to the back of the journal for plenty of ideas: winners of the Man Booker Prize, New York Times Notable Books, the National Book Foundation's 5 Under 35, and more.


[US] Potter Style (RH US) Author(s): Potter Hardback,158x109 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, Aug. 2018, € 14,80 ISBN: 9781524763619 (E)


Contact High A visual history of Hip-Hop An inside look at the work of hip-hop photographers told through their most intimate diaries--their contact sheets.

Featuring rare outtakes from over 100 photoshoots alongside interviews and E essays from industry legends, Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop takes readers on a chronological journey from old-school to alternative hip-hop and [US] Potter Style (RH US) from analog to digital photography. The ultimate companion for music and photography enthusiasts, Contact High is the definitive history of hip-hop's Author(s): Vikki Tobak early days, celebrating the artists that shaped the iconic album covers, t-shirts Hardback,330x254 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, and posters beloved by hip-hop fans today. Oct. 2018, € 45,50 ISBN: 9780525573883 (E)

II15 - MUSIC Ten Speed Press - Artisan

Unladylike A field guide to smashing the patriarchy and claiming your space A funny, fact-driven, and illustrated field guide to how to live a feminist life in today's world, from the hosts of the hit Unladylike podcast. This fully intersectional, fully unapologetic, and fully radical field guide examines what happens when women break the rules, why and how the patriarchy is alive and well, and how fierce modern women can smash it. Funny, fact-driven, and full of wisdom from herstory, Unladylike is a feminist life guide for the modern era, examining the issues women of all ages and backgrounds deal with on a daily basis and offering kickass advice for how to deal with it all, from dating, sex, and friendship to rape culture, the wage gap, and intersectionality. Fully illustrated with art and infographics, authors and hosts of the hit Unladylike podcast Cristen Conger and Caroline Ervin handle E both the political and personal implications of modern feminism with wit, sass, knowledge, and delightful feminist rage. Unladylike is an indispensable [US] Ten Speed Press guide for how to be a woke modern woman who's ready to raise hell. Author(s): Cristen Conger Hardback,236x197 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, Oct. 2018, € 27,50 ISBN: 9780399580451 (E)


Let's Eat France! There’s never been a book about food like Let’s Eat France! A book that feels literally larger than life, it is a feast for food lovers and Francophiles, combining the completist virtues of an encyclopedia and the obsessive visual pleasures of infographics with an enthusiast’s unbridled joy.

Here are classic recipes, including how to make a pot-au-feu, eight essential composed salads, pâté en croûte, blanquette de veau, choucroute, and the best ratatouille. Profiles of French food icons like Colette and Curnonsky, Brillat-Savarin and Bocuse, the Troigros dynasty and Victor Hugo. A region-by-region index of each area’s famed cheeses, charcuterie, and E recipes. Poster-size guides to the breads of France, the wines of France, the oysters of France—even the frites of France. You’ll meet endive, the belle of [US] Artisan (Workman) the north; discover the croissant timeline; understand the art of tartare; find a Author(s): François-Régis Gaudry chart of wine bottle sizes, from the tiny split to the Nebuchadnezzar (the equivalent of 20 standard bottles); and follow the family tree of French Hardback,333x251 mm, Eng. ed., 432 p, sauces. Oct. 2018, € 50,95 ISBN: 9781579658762 (E) Adding to the overall delight of the book is the random arrangement of its content (a tutorial on mayonnaise is next to a list of places where Balzac ate), making each page a found treasure. It’s a book you’ll open anywhere—and never want to close. II01 - COOKERY Noma Guide to Fermentation Foundations of Flavor At noma--four times named the world's best restaurant--every dish includes some form of fermentation, whether it's a bright hit of vinegar, a deeply savory miso, an electrifying drop of garum, or the sweet intensity of black garlic. Fermentation is one of the foundations behind noma's extraordinary flavour profiles. Now René Redzepi, chef and co-owner of noma, and David Zilber, the chef who runs the restaurant's acclaimed fermentation lab, share never-before-revealed techniques to creating noma's extensive pantry of E ferments. And they do so with a book conceived specifically to share their [US] Artisan (Workman) knowledge and techniques with home cooks. With more than 750 full-colour photographs, most of them step-by-step how-tos, and with every recipe Author(s): Rene Redzepi & David Zilber approachably written and meticulously tested, The Noma Guide to Hardback, 260x197 mm, Eng. ed. Fermentation takes readers far beyond the typical kimchi and sauerkraut to 440 p, 750 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 42,50 include koji, kombuchas, shoyus, misos, lacto-ferments, vinegars, garums, and ISBN: 9781579657185 (E) black fruits and vegetables.


E 1000 Books to Read Before You Die [US] Workman The book to raise all books-a celebration of the reading life through an Author(s): James Mustich unexpected and compelling compendium of a thousand great books to get Hardback,238x165 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p, lost in. The ultimate book for book lovers: the 1,000 must-read books across Sept. 2018, € 37,95 genres and eras, each accompanied by a thought-provoking short essay on ISBN: 9781523504459 (E) why the book is so essential.

II11f - GENERAL FICTION The Eye How the World’s Most Influential Creative Directors Develop Their Vision They're often behind the scenes, letting their work take centre stage. But now Nathan Williams, founder and editor in chief of Kinfolk magazine and author of The Kinfolk Table, The Kinfolk Home, and The Kinfolk Entrepreneur - with over 250,000 copies in print combined - brings 80 of the most iconic and E influential creative directors into the spotlight. In The Eye, we meet fashion designers like Dries van Noten and Kris Van Assche. Directors like Spike Jonze [US] Artisan (Workman) and Melina Matsoukas. Tastemakers like Grace Coddington and Linda Rodin. Author(s): Nathan Williams We learn about the books they read, the mentors who guided them, their individual techniques for achieving success. We learn how they developed Hardback, 300x224 mm, Eng. ed. their eye - and how they've used it to communicate visual ideas that have 448 p, 200 col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 49,50 captured generations and will shape the future. As an entrepreneur whose ISBN: 9781579658397 (E) own work is defined by its specific and instantly recognizable aesthetic, Nathan Williams has a unique vision of contemporary culture that will make this an invaluable book for art directors, designers, photographers, stylists, and any creative professionals seeking inspiration and advice. II06 - FASHION

Modern Wedding Creating a Celebration That Looks and Feels Like You The secret to planning a deeply personal and meaningful wedding has nothing to do with budget. It’s about creating a celebration that reflects a couple’s core values. Translating those values is the work of Modern Wedding, an information-filled guide with hundreds of creative ideas and beautiful, inspiring photographs for readers to look at and say, “This feels like us.”

The book unpacks every element of a wedding—stationery, attire, seating plans, flowers and tablescapes, food and drink, gifts—with examples that will appeal to couples who care about how things are made but are not overly influenced by trends. The emphasis is on natural surroundings, seasonal flowers and food, modern dresses, minimalist ceremony structures, and naked cakes. Photographs of real weddings—“case studies” like a destination fete in Tuscany, a house party in Brooklyn, and a New Agey revel in Kauai—show how all the pieces can come together into a unique and E expressive whole. Extensive practical information and resources give readers access to all the help they need for their own unique celebration. [US] Artisan (Workman) Author(s): Kelsey McKinnon Hardback, 279x203 mm, Eng. ed. 368 p, 400 col.ill., Dec. 2018, € 43,95 ISBN: 9781579657758 (E)

II07 - LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR Kinfolk Kinfolk - Volume 29 Print Kinfolk is a slow lifestyle magazine that explores ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with their friends and family. It is the place to discover new things to cook, make and do. The growing international community is generous when it comes to sharing ideas for small gatherings and living a grounded, balanced lifestyle that is about connecting and making conversation.

Kinfolk is a slow lifestyle magazine that explores ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with their friends and family. It is the place to discover new things to cook, make and do.


[US] Simon & Schuster Paperback, 279x215 mm, Eng. ed. 176 p, throughout col.ill., Oct. 2018, € 18,00 ISBN: 9781941815335 (E)


Kinfolk - Volume 30 Good hospitality Kinfolk is a slow lifestyle magazine that explores ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with their friends and family. It is the place to discover new things to cook, make and do. The growing international community is generous when it comes to sharing ideas for small gatherings and living a grounded, balanced lifestyle that is about connecting and making conversation.

Kinfolk is a slow lifestyle magazine that explores ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with their friends and family. It is the place to discover new things to cook, make and do.


[US] Simon & Schuster Paperback, 279x215 mm, Eng. ed. 192 p, throughout col.ill., Nov. 2018, € 18,00 ISBN: 9781941815342 (E)

II07b - LIFESTYLE - BETTER LIVING Who to contact? EXHIBITIONS INTERNATIONAL Representation and Distribution of Art & Illustrated Books

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