0 j Foxman IP

f> Read the Herald Read the Herald For Local News For Local News' Ken ing Summit for 9$ Years Serving Smnmiit tor Si I c«r*

«uuf Summit Record

Kftt*fe4 as , a Nattar at U* H»*»tfta» THURSDAY, MAY •, lfS4 at swmntt, t| tlw Art •» Mutki, MSI. $4 A YEAR 10 «EMS A Honors Three YMCA Lists Public Council Submits New Rules for [25-Year Men at Forum on Fifth lAnnual Dinner RemovalofTopsoilWithinCity M,ore than fifty persons'-attended Amendment Uses t»' Annual dinner of the Policy i • . • ••• • ' / ' ' •'•:•' "WJwt .ii.a'l A, dj anci: t. \ Common Council Tuesday night dropped a contm- 3-rn'Volent Aesoeiation, Local 58, auu n Y.MCA Corn- u> e on the local force find given j protested regulations. The new ordinance was given ap- innniiy Forum org.tr..zt d by proval by the Summit Iteai Estate Board and local iiver life membership cards. loral associations Pisoi'i Affairs "—~~~~^ —/. builder.?, chief objectors pf ying the life membership Kducalion Oomrnittt.- Moii.lty *ie- .ordinance. at the ceremonies held at ning. Ma) 21 at i {. pi HI UJC YMCA -The IU.-'.V ordm..in4-i- p^mtt-tf th* Inn' were Lieutenant Hirbt'it, Kiinim, 1'K. t> rt'-.id'nt and Springfield -transportation •'-! top***! into S&m- •,vd McOrath, Patrolman 'Joseph fr-aturc editor of the JS'PW Vorkj Hrlf from othrr rHii.nicipah-.iei »iwi' sherry and Patrolman Philip F; World-Telegram. wi'.S bt the mod- allows t^inovaiof ;t<|(psoiJ !rska o&« : isidell. erator. fUcHard G. Moser, another Cross May Merge lot -t^ .another' «'ithlTV'~«"., sir?--*._ Vincent Burgher, vice president prominent Summit resident and a mviied or developed -by one' 'ptt%*tm. C'iba, Pharmaceutical Product.!. formor chief couawl for the K«- However,' like its firHe-ffiwr. -. «nd * sliver life ntf-mbpr. m::id<* fativer Committee, and Hogcr Bald- With Local Unit under, the (".«"*•' ft"'i i* -» teefwary f f»re.-K>nUtion8, Mr. Burgher !.• E. Roupp win of the American Civil I,iber- Plaas for. the ; ftiorser ft* (he to. .obtain » p«Tn;:t ti r»S".*-vt foil • : I from thp city or t-s*aTO?hf? 1-M' •' f irnvr Summit councilman. ties Union, will be the principal Sprinfffield and Summit c'liipters (distant frtlm the pnjsnal •l-'XMtx^ speakers. of the American Rpa Cross w ere T:i * speech to the group )IP e it •-•<], Mof the j»oil. 'HIP permit I--?4$ US Ford Foundation revealed tht? we*;k .b> an announce- f department for its "efficiency Participation in. the forum Is land -will h^ is.i-iH cnlv eit*r~* jnpo& -vai Ihe .«. i' nvf department at Sum- taining their views. The YAtCAJ local chapter w til iinni?d:ate;\ ex- tend its service to''about. 10,000 .vacant Sands within th« ri*:y aff i'-p-- rrs-ntcd with A I'BA pa«U jtresi- mit Ui^ii School, win ho nn leave '•• committed presents this new rdu-1 .:soil for oAit-of-to'.rn' S'liiding -a>?/i . additional per.'Km.i and u,;l havp l"ts b-idge. . of atone nrxt jcor. Ik !>«<• brrn cntional activity to the community! .developing-- U'5F. Cirancii f#aiHI- in the hope thdt tiie opinions of a toUS of approximate'.) 3 TOW : ..Mi;-or • Pcrc ival E. Blutid . and awarded a full fellowship by the ;thst largp-scalc removal 'rl of Ed ; iohlrr« of silver ' life cards, ad'-' - '" ""' " ' " inajor interest might be construe- RETIRING EDUCATOR HONORED-Sliss Sarah E. drop of Franklin School, are Mra. G, ^ivarta l^ow, .1i . The Summit chapter now t*evvcs a hazard in the form o; pilsv»n4 t the communities of New Provi- liessed the group briefly. iicnti'on of the Ford Foundation. (Lively expressed. Cadoo, retiring as principal of Franklin School after ftoss Tuttlc, members of the! Board |>f Education; steep huiil-;, lo lWn whejr they obtain > M«* '» " *"MCA *" ; meeting held Monday evening at Lincoln School. A of schools. Details of the reception will be found, • • • . * "ccrnin^ two such haiard?;- OSMP"«M|-"' >>-,<{ former detective, -Nicholas, . . i . " activities mi that, of proviusnspeciag l program arranged by the PTA was presented. on Page 13. tPhoto'.by Chell Frantzen Flan Appears Acceptable Broad street, another .oa BceSimaa ;Mv.o. their bet .trained young men and fOpponuniti08'for local citizens to Above, left to right, standing before a painted baek- Summit Red Cross official* «n- road, - A'*,o -attending were represent*---womeji. He will then visit those (exchange different points of view mitlcd that they, had been ap- Bids for bonds srrsoactiEX t» i-• ••! from the police department.1! svhools to learn why their gradu- .rather than to project the a^soci- proached unofficially by Spring- $725,01)0 wiU b>> received as »e-al«l tion lnto a .proposal.* at the May 3! rnewtinf^ !»f Mountainside, West Odd, Spring-' ales we in demand. From this > sp<"«f>c position; field on the, merger plan and that Council announced. The fuawii »?# Madison! -Morristown. Dover . ,, ; Under the chairmanship of Mere- First National Lists Plans YWCA Revving it appears to be acceptable to Sum- pxp€rier)i p hp hnpe to blin to mit. Final permission for siuh a for the construction of tfee Was.|!- mi Xr.v- Providence., ... 'dith N'. Stiles, Jr. the Forum t:oni- ington School addition utii aicciion harge o£ arrangement* W lhe >ou[h of •*"«*»»»»• » broad nuttee plans to hold a series of! : move mtLst he granted by the na- For New $300,000 Building Summer Diiy • Uona! organization ;six of the Sttiumit-ilUibarn joint' William Gaffnry, Pa- knowledge of the opportunities such events a.* are warranted in: Springfield, it j» «a,sd, i» in ; sewer. Joseph Puschctto a,nd; which he ahead in the .scientific ! 1954-1955 but would like to gaugcj I The 'Warranty Paving O- ef Edward Karpenski. Mr. f^j^ I the interest of citlscr.s before that' of a new $300,000 j Vater Co, on Bcechwood road and Camn Pro; ram favor of disbanding, its orgamza- Ing buildir.g which, 'whrn .<,«".: > "Summit was awarded thf t&atraet'- irjher served as toastmastcr. |. C'aine Here In lf)K» I time to guide in planning the fall j ! temr.inecl there until i&ll when a , ikern amd relinquishing it? charter n pletcd will befonc of •1i*'&.o,~ ••j*hree-.ve*t Icflse at $900 per year, After a lajxse of |0 year*, the j beaau5c of a difficulty in obtaining ;for the .grarling. pavir.g.-ao-il carV- PBA President Hugh Lee wei-i x4Mr_. „Roup p 1,.„_ b(ipn -r.jlftjrmAn * 4 winter program. . j , i«$T of Butler parkvra.j-. VVwtaaty the motScm it? U»;s sren w-.^revalrti w«# ;arrai>ge' children be- :bidders were Jack P.-wtare k SCMJK The bnnlt. accord'n2 to T>e;in H. i chased for 65,000 «nd later that 1 lied for several ><•«?«• and many Fund Has similar pasirion* m the RascKe Q Morgan, %villi«tn ' LumpMn; Mr, tween the ages of fi 'e nnd nine. ^of Union, $21,157.35 and Map?« Travis, president, will construct • year it waa remodeled. Sprmjjficld volunteers have, re- IliKh Sfhool niv\ in the Dtmo anci before taken over by the ' ease of rain. It will operate Mon- : Summit chapter. degree* from BucknHl Univer- : Mrs Mabel MnKim Uscar Dcipk Forrst avenue, on the site of the ! bank hnuscd a grocery ^torc, the •day? through Frirtq from 9 to. In the event the mt:Rcr w com- sity and has done graduate work .Caf , Weers. A.*scmblviv*an William bank",s present parking lot. i Po-.'t OITiee and at. one time the In Sinqle Week U:l5.a.in. Girls froiji-five through , pleled if is expectod that th*< Sum- Athenaeum to HoM %t Flutters end Cornell. He was R Vanderbilt. Robert R. Cowan. ! chflr e ot thp 1 11 The building located at 11 Maplp | offices of the telephone exchange. • mit chapter will !>•"* reorganized to Things look a bit rosier this week' " " P' ^ ' labora- and Lawrence C Burr, aduil prp- nine years will be accepted and tor of Vnion Junior strec-t and occupied at present, by The property at 11 Maple fftr<*et • (include a vice ihfl-.raian from >>r Summit kids who hope to re- >' College from jgram accrclarv. Persons int* Election and Final W. & R. White gift «>hop and By- street was formerly the Mansion j boys five through 6 ven. I Springfie:d «.•» we!! as a board camp vacations this summer »<»26-4?. He is also n physics ex- ;i n lhls prograni should s'ci in -trak R:al ^tate-Agency, will be 1 amin5r lor Boards. House, a hotel, and was located ! Activities, under supervision, will member. At present th^ branches t'.rfuigh the Summit Herald-Fami-; ''with the adult program seo'rciiir.v a; drmol:-?hed to nmkc room for the upon the -.?ite of the pre-ent bank : include craft work, [nusic, dancing .: in the local chapter, such aj New Meeting of Season v Service Asaoeifttion Camp Fund.' T!ie award includes his annual the VMCA" for additional nuor •lew bank building. A row of building. When the building was The Athenaeum of S-./rrrsr.i »i'I Within a week's timr. the Fund: salary of Sfi.OOO for the coining '< mation. Saragr.9 at the rear of the building nnd games suited ttj the age level, i Providence and others, are repre- put up the old hotel was moved to, sented by vice chairmen *nd boird hold its ar.nua.l mccJing fcr thf inp?d from $34.20 to $30S.6l] year in addition to all traveling will a!--o be taken down. Short tripes and dr matics will be I 5 its present location. In addition to members. : transaction of biisir.t.-- . e->xt:on «f |«'if- de by the Universal Sunshine: thonsimd under consider;\tioh for • In conjunction kith the day (Continued on Pagf I7,i First Bapti.H Church ai ?:15 pir,... .ivenuc will be landscaped. Access The plan* of First Kationa.1 for - "ii ty. awrtrdf." wljii'H come from the i camp, flrrnngemen hnve '; been j Board mrnibeM of 1J34 irlM» to a o:vmU{»r psrking area than it»j new building were received • terms expire are A. J. B-artfe??1<^- ad-' Survey of City's made for a series c M'rt welcome was a 114 tl eon-' foundations fund "for . the now provided anrj- to ^i^x^in"" with enthu? iism in local real es- s swimming raew, C- R. Dooley and. Mrs. C. W. :'<-;bution made by elglit members: vftncrtnciU of ediu-ntion." windows will be from from De- tate circles for it is believed that i to be held at the YMCA Date Set for • Sater. • of Hen 7 of Cub Scout Pack 162 of j Hsu Intensive Itinerary Recreation Services Forot avenue with the exit be- the new building will considerably i>ool for the girls in| the eight-nine Officers » iuv1 u-m» r ^p'.re RT*» ^H.vton Schools. The boys brought! Mr. Rcup.p ham fln intensive ing on Maple street. enhance ami open up.for develop- bracket. Rev. David K Bnrr.• A .siudy of leisure time programs'} Enrollment in 1 i the.r gift last Friday and told; ,cinornry nnd during September. .,..,, To Be Air-Coiiditioned {Continued on page 6) for nutll Fry Eric M. North in M. '. C. W. - | i - H.raM it uas for Summit <-hil-j October and November will make «nd faciMUCv. foral. a^c group.. In. addition tfi the drivc-in ar- Satrr. vi< e-|'p:.-«i len : H=T.rr R are •ivailob'e in •Sunmiit will br j mngenient. the building will hive The program WH|» designed bv dr^n "who aren't as lucky ns vL'-it^ to a Scianton eoai minr-. the V-teen Com ml ter in the be- Kindergarten TwomMy, «-XT?trxr;.' an i Ronaidi Ofr- " Corning Gl»¥5 Works. Rivtmin made by the ljeague -of Women •- several othrr feature including Anderson, trcn-^iircr fljr-coniiitioning, t-hjldrcn's play- lirrf that there .if nfc4 for • Registration of a'! children who Cubs '.vere Paul Petraccoro. Kodak Cr>.. Ansco Film Co, Ni- Voters during tlio torn nig niositlis.! Springfield Ave. "Our lfj>: r '-in h i.« '2**!? ass room, powder roonw for botli cus- planned activity di 'ring the sum- ..will enter kindergarten on Sep- Stranad. Bill pohne-. Sandy j a?mra Power A- Light Co.. Cornell ' mer for children (between the«e unii^iialiy f ne ore. c#c.a«'d Dr. c The atudv was approved at tlic ] tomer*? and finployecs. and n fully tember 9, will be held by Summit yr. Craig Nefus, Curtis Rislry. llnivcr.'ity «nd the "University e,f ages. Mrs. Arthu : Barinvell ii*...« w-rek. "The annual luncheon mwljng; held j etjtnpp«:d kitchen nnd recreation ; D. Hf»l! nf elementary «chooL» Slay IS and '"n Ziegenhagen «nd, Teddy Sta- Rochester. Business Site ; Berkeley Heights i| chairman of j under the direction 0* % room for the s'^aft*. 19 from 3 to i:?,0 p.HI each day. '-kl. A!i are members of Den V In the following three month, Monday at the Hotel Suburban.] the committcf. j The kindergarten teneher will I Young, program chairman, •The interior will carry out the 11 such gue»l.» «• "f Pack 182. he. will visit Xew England priv.Ue Thf League also approved « bud-1 of $10 piiw A meet the rwirrnt* n* this tin»c. colonial theme and trie plans pro- The enrollment fi le.«. the (*>n»nt-c *n lh» spurt 4n cbntributions l«i en- «ud secondary schoolp, M.I.T.. get for the comiujt-yrar of $2,610. i vide for (trratly increased i'bby Changes Hands i2 registration ine! idc milk dur- : Superintendent rt.obrrt«* v.S. but we must reluctantly j W'eitiiv?hmre MnnufncHirin Co.. , writer Qml f.:or.cv.;?4 s Elected vice prc«>iclents were j space, additional teller.?' windows The snip of one of Summit'« injr the morning. rafti supplied ] Reed earnestly requests this e«r',y remind rcadem that considerably; (Jchrral Electric Co:, Frnnlt.in , registration RS it. will fftcilitatr I Want. «m.i the Di'.bltn Theaiir* m Mrs. It B Ha^ Mr* Whkitey T. j ar.d exj>\ndrd nnd other extras. F|or R one week !a full prodm-l'fwi of tii* draaa* is needed to •duplicate the| rnstitute. Lederele U\boratorie.«t ' fee i,i the opening r»! School' in Sfptem- Kcb»ey and Mrs. Frederick Knit. ties. Safe deposit vaults wiH be Building, located nt '131-437 Sprins- period ,fi phi-* the $2 i Shadow *r,d S'jbot^rtf-r. Wp *nt!- i"-f»Kram of l«!tt mimmer when 5l| »nd Swiirthmoie Collegn. registration. Enr o|l 1 m ent , her by giving sciiooi authorities nn Mrs. »;. H,, WaiiHirr *,vas c!rel'(d located ' in'-the bnsoment and the ficld avenue toGarlcton W. Pier-')ri [clpatc a* grtnt \f%r i?s tflM-WSS. ">y» Riid girl* wprp «ent ti f*m|wi ln Mareh, April, May owl June clerical oiltcc-'on" the second f !<•(>•. June 1. I opportunity to estimate more ac- secretary «ml Mrs. J ,I« roint' K.^p- j *»f 19 Berk man rood by Arthur !, «m-^tt«r? *• two-weok pericxl* as a result | he will b-. «t the Tennessee • \'al- Elevator service will be provided of 7t Mountain a\t>itue wns There is an.nddit onal charge f curately the kindergarten needy- of "'«. $l,9W,0l given to the Fund | ley Authority, \l S. Atomic Ion re-elected treasurer ; l Regulation.* of the Board of for all floor**. i thi.« week. The three-story swimming and met cai ! •" Fund has no retetve and; Energy Commi-v^pn, DuPonfs New Director* Nainrd ' ' Education require that a child tre». "Mis.* Ruth Dnp<-r ' \\ ."il Ktflrt Work Soon brick (huildin# hoiisej* PiCrson'.*. 1* required. B-ithing 5, caps and • <:h expends all donations rn-1 pin *tic pftint. IJfthlehem j must be five years of age <»n or Otiwr member f.' *hv B-niA aw n New direvtow to serve tAo-year'i Mr Travis ;>aid thftt it is expect- Inc. hou^evvare and hnrdware towels mu t be p svidrd by the ly f«r enmp vacation,*. It has Steel Co., Standard Oil of N. J., ehildron. The «wi , *x»fore November 30. 1S»S4 to enter Mr*. George Brown, r" I. Pilm*r, Steven* tmtitute of Technology,: ivmm and thrir fl^'K"'"''"^ «rr. .• ed .that construction work will store, and Carroll'* Drpnrtment imins; cl«M«es and F. D. administrative expenses. will be held Mond : kindergarten In September. By Columbia .School of Knginecrins. \ Mrf! » mrvnt Corp. of SI. LouUi, Mo., ale in well received tin. fiimmrr. it is frunk Tuli-n-r.-) ." Una lloapital. and' John U Nelson, jirth certiftcate The iRtter Is « thfi folln«- ive; Mrs t'harlos Biii>li, legi#'a- j Hit afchitrc'ui father of .1. Mortimer'Nelson of 7 the hope of the eonmittee to OIKe necessary prerequtalte to refeia- * painter, was »rrv*t> y t« the 19M j tion «iul nrtioii. »n«i Mis. Victor \ The prt.Vent bank building, again provide « tin; tamp pfl;t 1 charged -with ssealmg A^JOUI %¥H HilUide avenue, the building wms 4 tration. State taw requires thfkt Fund. . | AutomaHc Shift Blamtd Samupl. government operation. j wb,ieh w,i« first, occupied b.v FinH called the "Hillarj- Building" «nd of the regular YW A progwrn, '] the child prcscntiS trttflcatc of worth' of palnhng nwtffi*!* frons nm.v b* *ent to National in I!»U, hn» been placed For Car's Loss of Control Directors n<»i«f while tlrivtng m bl» «uc, Summit ll«>rnld,, ti Bnnh Unfmnilinrity with ftii «ut«nialif sHHl.stant to the prcaidt'iit; M'r*. t». Agency of Maple street. name Rnd date of eonntrui'tion re» Findley, Mm. R. Sims. Mra »a tjocust dr.vv bv ' If there is any (^uostion in All contribution* will he traiisniis.slon on n CHI wan said lo K. Palmct.r, luwpitnlity; Mm. J. Fir*»t National w«s (hail end in maiiw today. Percy post. Jr., r of Summit; JDetectivt John B B*>r«" "' luunvlfdBed In Th* HPrnltl «n* May, 1S9T, by a grotip of citluiw Mr«. Ronald Smith of New Provi- ', which school dtatrkt a child re- Reloa*tii In S%» bad Tu have been the rouse of n wild ilaah W. ('i)«g.»n, nitancr, Mrs A. W, The flrM tenant v,m « h.ay nnd '"•>* f>therwt«« tt&Utl by tl»e tiotliberi;. huiletln; Mrs, II. VV, headed by William Z. Lamed, H deuce, and Mrs*, t H Fmnken- sddes. parent* «re' asked to c«ll will be given 11 hwttng by around Pine Ridge diiie Inst grain dfftier and shortly ftfter the the superintendent » offlcr. S tirrcrif, po. pfent « not • •pp«t3tim*w!y U Mifk of IU-1W* Ridge drive. As ft teitlH nf !hr at- Clt>»rit t«»>;-'T#4f!llU«»nft^ I Patrolman Richard chiidnhit it- the entire b.illdmn «*«» $50 ' «er* tMct in UlltWim on thtf Urn- : cldent about twenty homt*» were to tvttfri' Raymond .). Parks, n. of Mhny of Summit> building trade I rtt Turnpike «d|k<#tit w €'»««# I ' y•••Ml li*l§§ '$30M1 He urged Uagufr ifl| ? wilhotit electrlr power for «bt>ut 1 ndopt K !hree*t*>p rtroRMm too Mount Tabor, charging' him with unknv*, jtiich ti* catp<:'iiterA. ;.umb- Civic Group E tcts ! Broeh O»untry O^.'' i rfcklewi driving The ilmsi- br. { Th«^ t*nd «»'irt ft* i'rMfcd for. thf «r» hour. , t !Nifejrtmtii« bold th«'ir meet- The \\r*\ Sum m t'lvu 2.000 Visit Shrin. PoiliC i«hl (Michi-I .itepped tt*i 'thf for •niiiftf.lon «'lth'"*tiy'' "wrt* g«n on Moi rls i»v inn> a r on ne! tAf< Injjn on the third floor of the build- tion litst week rlei te Jf, Mian 2,000,|*t»onn alftid- Una lnsl<"«d of the bi«kt «wl nwiwible itrotrani-to.frt ien. nurti. Monday, parku waa'l Ing nnd at oiie timr the HOVA! " (.'l(trlt '••' die annual t»ligrlm*|

r«Kniuttlon« tO a r»r «*n<

ii^pt &e»ns&

*-•** t » - ^ a. C*MK

H t,-; SUMMIT LUMBER CO Jtaj -» - A fMptftdahU Smtrm

He* ffazdumfie L ffkint fa ;•-«•„ T mm f ."owr: Lumber <»d •5 SPRINGFIELD AVE -SUMMIT- PHONE SUMMIT frOfOO MMM OF * rHI lAtW SMBTWIM. SCREENS, SCREEN DOORS WilUAMS f AIM? ftO&UCTS FO1 TMf LAST 2S TIAJLS: Pood Fin and " ., - . . , . -' jtf^Btffl. " ' '* _ - -' Combination Doors \SHERWIN-WILUAMS PAINTS far ZSStmtf St. . "•* At Scout Bazaar Drj*ra«r*: »* C:» • -a* AS MUCH AS Mi/re Reservations *sx 40% OFF C&mptel* iMluxe MOTHERS! DAY m-SL 'JS I p JS- •

SALE! ; -.'. i» t?i N S*rr*4 1 r. S»e Nm-N the Twa wittiUtest Skid Pretedai! asc '<&-/• or. if ss scft at jo^w sffootj-ses* *ir«? All fOUR c^ your&nK fi«tert CWMrm k* fret,, (AMI *e ys- ?55S» s» t *: .a ?rt aC *J» SnCIAL HLQWANCiS ON rAKTEKKT QftS • Excellent Wedding and Party FaeUitiet

U. S. ROYAL MASTER i %tf*m Cmtp Mew Molds Wliare T**s Weve# H«ld iafore 2 Weeks jaae 21-ja% 2 f 3© 3*.» $ CONDOR ' 4-WHKL m, SAFtTY" ALXOWANCB cara, RESTAURANT

pot Yoyi oio'mm s «»€ 34 -Hie HUSKS Noffhneld Aitt Uv. MS37 Of COMDOION

re, 'w-rac "J^soj 11 OTTO SCHMIDT, JR., sr* aumm 30t BROAD ST. SU. 6-1665 SUMMrT. N. J. I c?* 2 7 cf u

Oaa Drowa for Jsry Duty eisemica;^ to c«r. THGUCHT5 ON CHOOSING ••it*, iht&t :«-o tub- :»£g- la v;r* ef tuj. M«? »>o May :i Th* €r«5r-,^ ^J AN EXECUTOR »m« £7 Ktrcldl -*. H*-=r? tsf J. JS

1 • - • • ' /

The reasoning fl?af sends a man fo a lawyer, phytlcmn, or ercfcrieet • Mm'tmg iutn him to The Summit Trust Company lor professional worfc of a talnfliyre. , ' ^ -•• , . ,

; - _ . It, ,..-.••• • '. .''•;• ' • Sliipptog A lew ©I th« qtf»sfioiif that come to mm4 wltan selecting an •axaevtor att; • • - - , . ' • . • .

1 h ht expertenceo ? ' <«•

Doei he have sufficient time to perform his duties watt? UMi ALLffB Will lie always-ba available, end never too b«ty?

WjM ^e live to administer the estate? - The fifiaf lest of efficiency is rawlls—the most comment mmuim EXPRESS COMPANY^ U rtia oua who serves *n4 conserves the interests placed in his charae^;

| '< SUMMIT For years we have mttit a buiiness of servb^ as executor and J *> frwtae. Wa theft be alad to discuss *ny estate plant co«rideiftia% w^i tw and your kwyit, with no ©Wife**.**! on y»at part.

/ . 717 Mtiii


i * i ESTABLISHED 1S9I ./.„. < • .mi i U.

, * !»,,.,™J ' „' '"-*•• SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 6, Graders *© Entertain Parents •t*t*d, 90% of nteuisges by pijj[OOR« from pianea going at h\gb «peed*. | Tiiey._a4»o oaa be released in *ufr- School* fifth gradera 16 Events listed Exploits of were suocesafiilljr delivered v fotjr-cour»e dinner. Charade* In World Ww II, this rewrd ier o temperature* and quickly in their parents tonight j»tid singing arc planned for the - also marking Mother's remainder of the occasion, Inereeted to M%. adapt t|hemaelve« to the ri^of* of is Sunday. The dinner For Field Day at Wartime Pigeons Originally it we* thought th*-. such condition*. ti'ed in the school cafe Sero Man to Manage pigeona could i^ot be safeljj re- The average life of a homing Franklin School Told to Old Guard leased from planes without pro- pigeon » 12 yeara although one, • pupils of Mrs. Shirley New Paint Store Otto Meyer (retired) tective device*. Now, however known as '"Hie Kaiser" lived £$*. as have decorated the A 16-event program of game* this William Conover of New provi- technical adviser for pigeon breed- safe-guard fe considered obs) over 32 years. springtime theme with and ta'c's has been arranged for oktt- dence ha* b«rn appointed manager ing and training' at Fort Mon- and unnecessary and bird* ar The "orchid"' was presented by Rower*, birds and bushes. the animal Franklin School Field e re- tnouth; was speaker #tt the Old ifiU)i-d from high altitude! und iterpieces for the table* of the new Slu'rwln-'WUliaros paint Guard meeting Tuesday at the ' A. E. Petne... provided by classroom Day which will be held Saturday, store which open* tomorrow on May 15, at 1 p. m. at the school. YMCA and hi# subject waa' "Pige- Irs. Winthrop Leiiz and Springfield avenue, Summit, in the oiitin the Signal Oorpe" Irew Benggie. A rose, will Featured again wil! be the ckub H« wa>s introduced by J. M. Fire Danger Worse In Home; fto each mother in donor Murphy. Store building. . . between parents and children in ning day. The &ti>r« wil] carry a complete Buchanan, program chairman for softball. May. ' Me Lyons will say Grace line of all Sherwin-Willi&rns pro- The speaker stated that tiie Clean-Up Lessens Hazards ich the children' wiU serve The program include* a potato s ducts end" Imperial wallpaper. relay race for first and aeV&nd pigton is one of the oldest means grade boys and girl»; a forty-ya.rd of .communication having been dash for third traders; chair re- asc-d 3,000 years B.C. mid aba In lay for third gradera; forty-yard most wars since, although it -warn dash for fourth graders; noae-and- not until early in th« 1800'g that lip relay for fourth graders; fifty- the "homing" pigeon was developed iol your F/Vr/ffF Home- I yard da*sh for fifth graders; grape- in Belgium. fruit relay for fifth'graders; sixty- In I $M th* pigeon was recognised yard, dash* for sixth graders: soup. &» of military value, in Germany. at Low Cost! relay for sixth graders; mother- It waa not ••approved by the U.S. daughter baseball and father-son War Department until World War How you can *ir condition every roam in your home bastllv fnlianrrd by ll'fi tddition ol, Dacron and wool — in the one, original, unbeatable blond: 55% FLO 111 KOTE »|tirf» and waMning, lopped .»-.-••• cliee»« •ndl #me

htm paint. Thafi wh? you can keep your walk ^ Dr|#f Jn nMt^lni twice as porous—more comfortable by far. Nlalce your selection NOW lovely with WWW Kcrra for ymm and ysusjGet ^ n—mimrnmi S2S NtrthlLId A«., WMt Omni*, IL 1 Irom out outstanding group of suits of Milli||cea's Visa Tropical, They ih« kit word & truly wwJwbln, i* r** w«iu «m4 c«Nhiftf «««r «**• -won't be hmtm long!

9conomk4 wiU pateto, today, 4 ^^ *••' _, ^ __. , Hart ,SolmUmr &, Murt Too, $11M Ull I CITY Cnmlil SUtlw, Htm Irnmg Suit* of Wm TrorHoiil $SQ3Q PAINT & WALLPAPER Co. ummui McELGUNK'S Shop for Men SPRINGFIELD AVI. and MAPLE ST. SUMMIT m f«r iwA wtm tir DUPONT PAINTS for IVERY PURPOSE, AIR CONDITIONKt> m^mfm, THE SUMMIT HEIALS. THURSDAY. MAY i, t?S4 iiuichwn Christian Scitnce Church SIn«! Annual May Ttmpl Temple Sinai ,*f »a*t The Methodic Church of th* TrJ-JCon»iaunity Suaiaik, R Jewi*b *** m Springfield Ata, k R J.mey WelU «ub j 17 Kent PtM« Bivd Churvhta. ajt./tfce Mtthodist Worataipmg at C5oca«»uaity Churc* Elects Officers R«v, J«M# B U»#» SpriiSffieldf and VV*ldroB Av*uuag Uon» was held on tht l" *"* CHURCH DIRECTORY Church: for reservation* eaU real spiritual «tatu* as Temple Siiwi. Reform Jewish «**. Hubert HAmm Babbi MorriMW D. BUI April 28 at the ©f the pfffect Imag? and lifcenaai- of Congregation serving the Sununit — >:40 a.m.. Church Cantor Leonard Poller «#nt, MUM Today — 1 p.»., Fellowship God, not subject to *m or other arra. th# wwk announced the out- MaObwn. Fund m,j!> The Power of the Gospel tchool for primary, junior, junior- ;oni-h«>o »t Centra! Church: 4:30 weakneaa, will be empiiaaitd at •com* of the annual eUcUottv Of- Long Hill Chapel far Modern living"' . high, and tenloc-bigh: Adult class .Tomorrow- .8:30 p.m.. Sabbath road* in ord«r to Chatham lowtwhtp P m., Junior High Girls' Choir; Christian Science «erviee« Sttn- eve atrvicw »nd aernron, "Jew. ficers and trustee* for the coming the Wells C Wesley Boy*' Choir; 7 p. m , Chap- at Borough H«U: 11 a. m.. Church year are a* follow*; LeR«t C b Jewish Community Center school for tht nursery and kin- day. Hebrew, l*r*eH, The American Jew fund, el Choir: » p. in., VoiCt cla*i; 8:30 The lea » o n - nermen entitled and hi* Relationship with Israel." Maurice'Mayer. pre«id«rit; Fred I 67 -hnxt FUee 8»ule*»rd dergarten; Worship and sermon, tho«e pr«*; ffOn, p. in.. L'hanoel Choir--, "Adam and Fallen M*n" include* Sunday - 10 a m ,* Reii Master and Dr. Morton Kaplon, vert-ltra. Charles W %mnt I R»bbi A*r»n "Rcdljcovery of the Home''; Child" vie* presidenta; Lewi* l«yon, tr«a*« «choo! for children and adult*; JJ Tomorrow—S p. mVoic* class; the following p*s*f«s from the School at VMCA.. ;' Mrs. Henry- W

• • • ..._... care group; 5:30 p.m. Church urer; Mr* Max 3. Saapiro, cor* ».».-, Worship with ipccial music 1:30 p m., Motet Choir, , King Jam*| Vertton of the Bible: John 8. MeBride, Un. membership ctasa in pariah house: re*poadinf secretary; and Mr». by a "mother* ^uartet" in honw i Todklv - S30 p.m.', Sunday — 9:15 ..*-»•. Churefc "And Grod *aid, Let us ru«k« man Summit Gospel Hall Kn'fBt and .Mr* 8;3O p.m.. Junior-high box cuppat. Alfred Radin, recording.*«cretary. D of Jfother* Day; Sermon, "Making ; Board m*etingv' • ..... ' , ichool orcheitr*; 9;4& t oi,., in"our Image, after our- liken«*» Summit 4**n»# nleh and Urn. 1 M»ndty~-8 p.In.. Board of Tru»- a Success of Life* ; «:30 pm. , Tomorrow .9 pai, Sabtt&Ui «V§ Church ichCHs!: A*uH ela*» mc«t« .'•.'. go Ood created man in his Wslnnt §»r€«t Trustees for ,,two yt.-an». I*adoct •ton. in M«M*nie Hall: 11 a na.. Junior n>e"tt its ptrith hou»«. . . Crm$, H«w»id Kr»p«. Joseph lit- Junior young peoplw wetting; T Satu<-cl«y- — 9 pru . Spring dance. ,. .loHn .' t^rmAii *n4 Mrs Abraham Bloom* p'ffi., Pre-mrice pnay*r meeting;. Su'-nday — 19 • ra., -Sunday »cbao!. crtat«4 M th*w." (G»neais l:3< T 30 p m,. Gotpe! hynin-fing at mr- »Kl«S«rtri*ontd by the man, Sh^l ion* Bllowitch, S«m Gor- .school ' . •' ' Th following election will l» ture, 4 p. m, Juns«r High Fellow- Wednesday—3 M p m , Junior Communists, wi• for the third annual spring dinner ofr them are p.m., Luther HJ-L**«u*. Tomorrow — 8 &• ro, Morning mar>y-be wade righteous." i5;10). meeting and devotiona (or high School; 11 a.m., Worship and ser- dance to be held May 25 at f p.m. such thai, off mon, ("Building Our Home"; a, the Oedar Hiiki ^Country Club, th« record, Today--To a. in., Holy tommun- school ttudenta in Fellowship The Community Church :on; 4 p.m.. Boys' choirs; 5 p.m., Room; 8:30 p.m., First presenta- ChurclV-hour nursery; 1 P m,. near Livingston, we "I I confide » Initarian Our Complete Home Building Services Girls' cfiosr tion of the drama workshop,, Youth *>Ilowfihip. that we can Springfield and Wttldron A>euu4-» take them all Tomorrow — 1 p in., Calvary i Sunday—9:30 and 11 a. m., Wor- Tuesday,'8 pin.- WSCS nionilUy STheological Seminary with an ad- will triable you to build a 1 n stride. To Service. Chapter ship and sermon., ;The Families .., ! meeting at church. iv«BC«d degree, in education from tell the' truth, Saturday—4 '*'. m,. Young peo- of H^ftvcn and of Earth"; Church Tomorrow- 6:30 pin.. IM-hick ! . New York University. Better Home at Lower Cosf. if pr«8ficd, we ple's confirmation class. , school at both hours; 6:15 p.m.,supper In Community House for :Oakes Memorial Church t He was honored with the degree 1 would admit Sunday—8 a.m., Holy cornmun- Westminster Fellowship Choir re- church' school -farhillew, Methodbt jof Doctor of Divinity'by MacMur- -. i that life U jon; 10 a>m.,'Choir rehearsal; 1} hearsal; 7 p, rn.. Wentminster Fel- Sunday— 9:30 am., Cliurch 120 Morri* Avenue i ray College. Dr. Walter* aerved on pretty good- a m.. Church" school; Confirmation lowship meeting; program in school; 11 arn., Nursery and play Bev, Philip S, W*tter», Jr. jth#'C«rumittce which prepared the end sermon by Bishop Stark; $?30 group*; Morning service, "The priient edition of the MethodiDt You'll have a charge of Citizenship. Commia-, ' Today—1 p. m..,-,May'.Fel'iowship p. m., Lent«rn presentation serv- Superior Sex;'' 6:30 p.rn;, Liberal Hymnal and on the Commission on sion; David Williams, chairman; luricheon at Central Presbyterian whole lot leaa to gnp« U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. ice at Trinity Cathedral; 7 - p. ra.,' Religious Youth joint supper and ; Worship of the former Federal once you equip your hits* 7:30 p. rn., Clipper Club at the Church; 3:15 p.m.. Girl Scouts; Young people's fellowship. meeting with Temple Sinai young 1 Council of Churches which now i» new aiding. Let ui tiv> j-, 700 SPRINGHELD AVB4UE, IBtKOfY HHGHTS, N. J. manse"; Talent scout and hobby 8 p.m.. Choir rehearsal.. ra Monday—7:30 p. m.,- Boy Scouts; people; Rabbi Morrison Bial will | part of National Council of-the eatimatg. We carry alt *h>. night; 8:15 p. m.. Central Club. Tomorrow — 7:30 p. m.. Tom 6:15 p.m., Auction committee. - speak on "Teen-age Problems." jCnurclit's of Christ. proof and weather-prof r Monday — 10 a. m., Monday Thumb w,pdding. • Tuesday—9 a. rn., Diocesan con- '"'Tuesday—7 p.m., Men's Club din- ! He Is * former me-mber of the rials, Including aahestcs. c, morning sewing group; B p.m., Sunday?— 9:45 a.m, Church vention at Trinity Cathedral ner meeting in Community House; i Newark Conference having st-rved and aluminum.. Subcrtih Sunday school council meeting. Harrison S. Williams Jr., sixth di«- school: 11 a. m.. Worship and ser- Wednesday — 10 &. m.. Church ! in Port Jervis, Madiaon and PkJn- modeling Co, Phone SJJ-. s trict congressman, guest speaker; World Service Committee. Tuesday—12:30 p.m., Women'a mon by guest preacher Dr. Philip i fit-Id. Association prayer service In ganc- topic, "The Way to Full Employ- S. Watters of New York; Cburch- Presbyterian Church tuary; 1 p. m., Association's lunch- ment." time nursery. New Providence eon with speaker, F. Bruce Mor- Monday—6:30 p. m.. Dinner and Rev. Richard A, Brrati gan, Presbyterian University paa- First Baptist Church annual meeting of WSCS: Elec- tor at Princeton; 2:45 p.m., Cher- New EngUnd^at Springfield Ave. tion of officers: Selection of Cir- Today—5:15 p.m., QMireh choir ub Choir rehearsal; 3:30 p. m., cles. ^ . reheersal. Junior choir rehearsal; 4:15 p.m., Tomorrow—I p.m.. Friday Guild Tuesday—7:30 p. m Boy Scouta meets at the home of Mrs. R. M. ARE YOU A Tomorrow—12:30 p.m., Second Westminster Girl Choir. parents' night Snodgra«s, 32 Hobart avenue. Saturday—9 a.m., Junior High Diamond Hill Community Fellowship trip ,to United Nationa. First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday— 9:30 a.m., Church Today—8 p. m., Senior choir. achool—primary through adult Tomorrow—4 p. m.. Junior choir: CIGARETTE SMOKER? 292 Springfield Avenue Summit, New Jtney clas»ts; 11 a.m.. Toddkrw, nursery, 8 p. m.-, M«ntal health film, "Pref- Our Funeral Home at 309 Springfield Avenue A Branch'of The Mother Church, The First Church of ChrUI kindergarten and creative activity ace to ijf<>," at church; Discus- Lung cancer, during the next twelve'month*, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts groups; Worship arid sermon by sion led by Dr. A. J. Stadeck. Sunday Services at 11 A. W. Sunday School 11 A. W. Rev. Claude V. Roebuck; 3:30 p.m.. Sunday — 9:45 a.m.T Church will kill nearly thirty thousand people, and tht BURROUGHS & KOHR Wednesday Testimonial Meeting; at 8:15 P. M. Senior High Fellowship picnic; S school; it a. m. Worship and ser- rate is rising with terrifying speed. Statistics show FCXEBAL DIRECTORS p.m., Junior High Fellowship. mon, '•Restoration from the Calico Family": 7:30 p.m., Senior youth |ftstAltStfg cancer rose in twenty years from among Smcetttort to Christian Science Reading Poom Fountain Baptist Church fellowship. Rev. Leon C. Iliddick the lowest to the highest in deaths caused by E. P. BURROUGHS & SON OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 340 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Sunday — .9:30 a.m., Church Friends Meeting cancer, in keeping with the increase in cigarette Established 1520 Tomorrow — Annual theater Open daily 10:00 to 4:30 except Sundays and holidays; also school; 11 a.m., Worship and ser- party of the social c!ub. smoking. 309 Springfield Avenue • Summit 6-0259 Friday evenings 7:30 to 9:30 and after the Wednefdaj m««t- mon, "Christian Motherhood." ing; Literature on Christian Science may be read, borrowed M

mm «!,«•»« •••mi IMI t r\ la 8:30 p. RI, In W.srfitW Stnlor Hl4tt Sch»ol ..«»„, but in Uii «Mt- DwHon Hd., WftffM^ ter of cWg««, whidi «re Pint Church of Christ, v vm\ f citntlst, of W«»rtl«ld, N. J. at rekionablo at m$ wifl Cordially Invite* You find fttttrv* System li»wrene« Vmt Are invUeii to Attend OF $tmwnt NK JtK'Stf Serving th§ Summit and Paaaaic Valley Area Gospel Meeting MAIN omci •IRKIUY HEIOHTS Sponsored by Sfrttf S9.ii 372 Sprlnqfltld t TM Au«mbly «f Ged B«rli»Uy HalqMi. N. J. HILO AT THI Y.W.C.A. SUMMIT SUNDAYS 7J0 P.M. V»M Will Daniel Muec!, P«it<»r J \ > MAY A. I ormer Far East s»d Uut devotions tod Mrs. J. A. , of juridical translator which ea- Ur. vuit to Calvwy Episcopal Church Thi« group, the 100th aartivsv *vidwn will lead a prayer gerv-' title? her to tmns'at^ official doc- State* »u A gradual «tudy uchol- pTt- Sunday to preach at the 11 a.m. i'c «t 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. sary claea, i» the largest in t'e ument*. She was organist of: the «rahip given try the Board of theological school in Brarii. | Calvary Church Sunday K Resident to Ho«te«st* for the luncheon will be service and to administer the Apos- parish history. The ciaas win e Central Presbyterian Church in Foreign Missions of the PrcsbyU-J Rt. Rev. Lua.nadjutor of the DIOCOM of j "»»« Rite of Confirmation to the presented to Bishop St«rk h V:e Mia« Triboullicr hold/tbe title continue her mu^cel studies. "("'^ of ?* I Newark, will m&Jte hi* fin* official i clos« of adulta and young rector, Rev. Elmer F. Franc's. One of Mother"* Best Friends

: ON «i?MM,rr AVKNIJK "Birds Eye" Snacks now SELLebrating their

PLANTERS OI Cocktail PEANUTS ea" 35'

Tfiecbcofate treat NO-CAL ALL FLAVORS FRiil F. Bruce 'NO DEPOSIT Balloons, Buttons and F Bruee Morgan, Presbyterian Ginger Ale Lollipops with Birds t>.;vfcr*Hy p&sttfr at Princeton, ..-AlU be:«U!f«t speaker »t a lunch- Uox. ^Cl* Eye Purchases While 2 bottles dm& .f,->;\' mwtihg'.of the'Women's As-i ..v-wation of Central, Presbyterian i Case of 24 .... $3.25 ;•:. 100 dozen They Last. t fvj.rch on Tuesday at i p.m. in • I itt parish' house. • . . • i Family Size BOLLER'S no deposit Birds Eye Products Mr. Morgan will speak on "The | Package Birds Eye French *rt-4rch and Its Student. Genera- \ Beverages Visit Kings for details! \ Two foreign students. Miss Pol- j 2 botflej ;y3KnaTribottJlier from Guatemala , Case of 12 ...... $2.45 a-J John Faustjuf from Brazil, Always Genuine Spring Finest Quality *;;: preflent ft short musical pro- j CAMPFIRE gram. ; ' . ' ! Fresh Mr Sfdrgan, e graduate of t Princeton Theolosical Seminary, | Marshmallows raw Is studyfng there for •his doc- torate. He formerly served in box OO Hong Konf as protestant consul- ur.i on cooperatives to the JBrit- SWIFFS ith oiSce of Colonial Develop* Tender, meaty, jujcy-^-brimming with rotnt and Welfare. He also' nerved Peanut Butter ir: Qiicngic«l. Thailand, a.i pro- all the delicate flavor of genuine f.ssor of N«^«r Testament and r:a?:tiea! Theology at McGilvary spring lamb. It's the delicious, Sintinary. • £-33' dependable lamb you've learned to Recently he was appointed gen- PETER PAUL expect at KINGS. t-ra! secretary of the. Student Vol- Birds Eye un:«r Movement for Christian MOUNDS Enjoy Lamb This Week-end Mrs. Richard C. Alkenhcad will " 25* LONG Armour Star Hip or Shoulde Leon toneless 10 OZ. CAN ISLAND Pork DIAMONDS Skinless Stewing Keep plenty on hand. 3 Ducklings Chops PURCHASED The favorite Oven Ready Franks Beef TELEVISION SNACK PROM of young and old. ESTATES 10 55° 49° J9' LB. 59 •MR Solid Pock RScR FreshCELL, OTende • r WJersey All Green CHICKEN Chicken Broth bont'd c 12Va ox. COB Asparagus j9 con Birds Eye Cut jumbo bunch NEWARK- SUMMIT SWIFTS FINEST SHORTENING Firm and Fresh - l-!b. cello Swiftning 73 Carrots bags 25c 3 Ib. can Farm Fresh, Crisp SWIFTS BEEF SWIFTS BEEF Boston Lettuce large head 10c Sandwich Steaks Hamburgers Florida Seedless Thin Skin GOLDEN RIPE 13 ox. 11 ox. Bananas con can 45' Ibs 59' Grapefruit 4 29c 2 25e All Meat — No Waste SWIFTS ALL PORK Hard Heads—New K)R YOUI 20-pag* booklet containing It Birds Eye Chicken or Ib. rtcipti from Chiquilo Banana Swift's Prem Sausages 5c thai O'« »»w, nova! and deli- JERSEY'S BEST Cabbage tiout. Youf« for th* atking. KCMATION VALUE! 12 ox. 10 ox. can 51' Ritz Kings N. J. Grade "4" Beardsley Ready fo Fry BEEF PIES VALLEY VIEW CODFISH 4% «H 59' WHITE ROSE Open Thursday and Friday Till 9 Pi4. $WMVt$«> OAY CAM^ rOU CMIU Thm Whtt !>«*•« ih« Trick # 100, *• COFFEE - " Springfield DRtP $ Ave. new. PERC fASYTOOfTTOI SI LEX can 1.09 Summit INSTANT COFFEE. 2 n. ... 41c 4 ci. . • • 1-21 HM! PARKINft rOOUE SURE IT'S HUH AT KINGS fatraac* OR Summit Av«. Nut BABY FOODS V»- N, I. Karo Syrup Vanilla Extract to m* him M»Mfl»W 27 Kinds 20 Kinds Nr STRAINED JUNIOR 24 ot. 23* lVi n. 31' 35 OAKITE ^WESSON •mm 5 - 49c 6 *- 89c Where Mr. Joe Saves You Dough 1 Tk*&*** Ti;fSupport McCarthy, «3; In-drive, « vice-president of And*r- Herbert L. Cbapnuu* 0* 12 erflse Social Security benefits, 3»- •on & Cairns, Inc.. New York City •*'.. -T Motors come in all sue* and in constantly avenue died Tuesday (April 2T> advertising •«*»<#, r*«»tly. eelt- changing snoods. They wear housecoats, eve- a long br&ted M* tenth anniversary with Send SUMMIl BRAID jning iovvns and gingham dresses all with an Bank Building the firm. I equal charni and grace. They are lovable and Mr chapman was born in Cans- ^Continued from pafe 1) A usually worried; sweetly sympathetic .but Mas*., and Attended puMta mt nt the EH-Fercst avenue action t AKO OF THANKS *"**>*-*»«£ arilv Kfrfcnn NDCC2SlOnS*lV $C*t • Till I* vcOUS of the business »r«*. Lumberman* M.w the Iiwurane* Co. will shortly put up Summit |mnu.D( MtprwaslRl • my sl»c«« and, at times, even indignant. ]Standard Oil Co. St» n«w office building on the old hvArtfelt i*a».nk* to mjf relftti*«i ••'»- They are usually the first to arise and the ! 'Mr. Chapman'is survived by hks Betchwood Hotel property and the meads lor their word* tl»% Church ui s>am good taste of an artist, the patience of job and johristian of Albany, N. Y. Mapk #treet and opposite the new fett. N, t lunenU 'director Joseph To Camp J., it. BOD« of Pl*i»fl«*W. K J the wisdom of Solomon. [ Funeral service, were conducts Lumberman*' offl.ee., i* afe» on the ' Beicned *U». ' market at present. Two WB«k* at m . , _r lL :, lat the Fountain Baptist Church on ramp for *n undfr(uiv. Generally speaking, mothers perform their ;Frj-d ttflase l pastorbyReV , ,an ^d Revc., JohnRid-! llcgt-d Summit ln»y or ^H tasks bettegovernmentr than father, tos chilandd contributtraining ean mord toe jCarringtoiC- pastor of Wallace ro»U about #15. Vf.ur rou- to good go tribuUnti for » l«it of thb •urn will help The Siuntult hl°h ideals than their male partners. W« may Herald-Family S«-nir* A*. jfleW Attention! The Summit HtraU call them traditionally the distaff side of kO(.iation Ckntp Fund (ixm I humanity'but we might better call them the larol C. Itwd '. - • ,. • 22 lank Strt* In its ftfth year) provide front Thmridef* .!«•* r idealistic side. " CarolC Reed,. 12-year-old It'is still they who maintain the standards (All rontributi«lil U. Ik* •*««•«" ter of Mr. and Mr* Pcndennis W» vs>«»tlon for a Wai rhlld. even though, by and large, they bear little Reed of *3 Colt road, died sud- G. I. Mortgage Money likeness to Mr. Whistlers famed Study in denly at Fair View School, Ftoh- Black and Gray. kill, N. Y, May 1. George L. Kobbe Available in Volume. George L. Kobbe of 319 Summit He's got evctytfaiog Something Sew Always Happens avenue'died of a heart attack on Saturday (May 1> at Myrtle Terms Up To-30 Years There's never a dull moment in this world Beach; NC\ where he WM vaca- of ours. Something is always happening to tioning with hi* wife.. He was TS. but money like a Nightmare Mr. Kobbe was senior partner watdung the jke «P P«QPle.a808- Not too long ago it was . Consult / - Millions of Americans are In the New York law firm at umoiar7s :- ! sea monsters, then came an epidemic of fly-. Kobbe, Thstrher Jt Frederick of rthy-Army battle as 61 Broadway. A native New York- • frorti Washington. * It' is^rhaps the j in^saucers and now it's mysteriously disin- er, ;he w«is. graduated from Har- M \RGARETTE\ & COMPANY, ISC. t circm growing out of the congres-j tegrating windshields. From .widely sep^- \4rd University in 1903 and en- 276 rlobart Street, Perth Amboy, New Hncj investtxatiye process ever presented, ; rated points, through the nation perplexed tered Qjlumbia University Law School' the. following year. After Hillcrat 2-0900 ^ topping even the roadshow of Senator car owner* are reporting their windshields

graduation Mr. Kobbe entered the » • ' «•'•••. fjuyer a few yeari ago. '. _- • either shattered tif pocked as though some- law flrrri of Cadwalder, Wicker- one had been taking shot* at them with an As the nation watches the McCarthy- shara & Taft, 14 W'all street re- Mortgage Loan Correspondent For air rifle. > ' maining there until 1921, when'he Army proceedings we are sure there must be Possibly there is something new being became "a partner in the firm of HOWARD SAVINGS INSTITUTION hundreds of thousands who are disgusted and Roogevclt. Kobbe ft Thatchet at ' NEWARK* N.J. , are pinching themselves to find out if they added to windshield glass that makes it fragile 44 Wall street. The firm wan later and temperamental, perhaps canny manufac* changed to its present name. are really awake or just having a nightmare. The New Jersey Bank That beadi hi Mortgage lending To many it is simply incredible that such an turers have devised a'method whereby the Besides his wife, Mrs. Helen exhibition can fee teen and heard. To the life span of a windshield is limited to a matter Stanka Kobbe, he leaves three j of months. Perhaps the glass succumbs to sisters, Mrs. Peter E. Famura, perceptive citizen*—and there are many of Mrs. Kobbe Rand «nd Mrs. them—the hearings have all the aspects of ghostly assaults by little men from other Bridgham Curtis. He was a broth- a phantasy. planets hauled here by invisible space ships er of the late Walter Kobbe. that aim vapor rays at unsuspecting motorists. Funeral services were held yes- Reasons for,classifying these proceedings And there is always radioactive dust wafted terday at 12 o'clock in the Frank as a bad dream are very strong. Here in all in from the Pacific, E; Campbell, "The Funeral its power and what should be its glory is Church," Madison avenue at 81st the vast governmental machinery of the great- But sober' scientists claim that the glass street, New York. breaking is about 10 per cent structural and , est government on earth brought virtually to Mr*. George A. Williams a standstill to fight out what had become a 90 per cent hysteria. You know — there are Funeral service* for Mrs. Clara personal quarrel between a United States Sen- always people wanting to get in on the act. S. Williams of 4 3untset drive, who died last Wednesday at Overlook ator and the Secretary of the Army over the Suppose you were a little chap named Homer • i •.»» ;•» •>,» mr>r<» \ Mope and nobody ever gave you atumble Hospital, were held Friday at 2 6 p.m. at the Burroughs A Kohr treatment giveBn a single pnvate in the more > * r r • ^ • „ Funeral Home, 309 Springfield ave- * Little Boscoe has a winnjngpectonality, big floppy tha' n millioMIn. an .d a .,,half, 5_enliste1;.t.dj m-menn ;H„ Ith tnee ; and youJ r wife gav«»e yo/ u a roug*>h time. If nue. Rev. David K. Barnwell, P.D., ou wer ears and a keen, cold nose. He lives in a big house, is t n. TT^U-J c»a»M *' >' * such a person you could have a of the First Bapttet Church offici- great army of the Un ted States. ] brief moment of glory by telling the boys at ated. Burial was at Fair Mount loved by everyone and » free from wony and strife. With the international station so unccr-1 ^ .. ^ ^ *, ^ ^ Cemetery, Chatham. o{fice You k nJ h lira. WilUema, the widow of But because Boscoe b penniless, he is absolutely tain that no one knows from day to day what Myrtlet(> ^ movies and r t on Broad George A. Williams, was bom in helpless. He must always depend on others. the next hour may bnng. the top men of the , stree t a rQund Q swooshed in {ront Elisabeth 69 years ago. Sh« ha* ,• Because WE must take care of BOSCOE as well Armthe nation'y stop sthei securityr importan. Thet ywor takke mtim behale off otof ji shklQf thd c collapsedcar and &%: th e same ^ wJnd_ been a resident here for the last answer question after question about efforts forty ye«ra. as OURSELVES, we must regularly save money. Or to secure preferential treatment for one very Such people are more to be pitied than Survivors include a «on, Freder- p censured but they are with us. They are the ick G. William* of Summit; a «Ls- WE could be helpless, too. unimportant Army private, formerly a vol- ones who come up with authentic data on ter, Mrs. Augusta Piper of Silver unteer worker of the McCarthy Committee Spring, Ud., and two granddaugh- Founded in 1914 the sea monster, seen while sunning at the ters. and a youth who was once called a "pest" by shore, and they are the ones that give graphic the Senator himself. details on the flying saucer that landed out With matter* «o grave as the possibility of near the golf club and momentarily disgorged Job Future Top HILL CITY SAVINGS direct involvement in the -Chinawar asd a crew of elf-like creatures garbed in green. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION the urgent need for sound decisions on th< The pitted windshield phase, we think, Worry of County future of nuclear weapons, adult citizens will be with us for quite some time and as SUMMIT • NEW PROVIDENCE spend precious time sorting out the welter summer heat gets to work on parked cars Voters, Poll Shows ROBERT D.BROUGH NEW JERSEY of charge* and counter-charges pertaining to the reports will sharply increase and will be Unemployment is "the most Im- a cropped photograph. more and more linked with space phenomena portant problem facing our na- In our opinion it is nauseating to have the or atomic disturbances. tion «t this time" according to the Secretary of the Army, an Under Secretary over 2,300 Union County voters *-021t who responded to a poll by Con- of State, an assortment of generals of the Current Comments gressman Harrison A. Williams Army and eight Senators settle down to de- (D-«th District, N. J.). This con- vote themselves indefinitely to the inquiry. It Crime Among the Juvenile* cern with U. 3. domestic economy is tragic to see the whole machinery of gov- (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) polled several hundred voters i more than the next most import- ernment stalled while what is little more The most distressing aspect of the FBI's ant issue for Union County vo? than a personal quarrel between two govern report on crime in this country is the sharp ters, that of "threat of war with 1 ment officialg is being fought out. rise in the number of arrests of persons Russia. ' Concern with "McCarthylsm" Is Democracy ii not at its noblest wijere Mc- under 18. , Carthy is involved. the third,most important problem Arrests of young people last year increased to Congressman Williams' con stituenls with 287 p'ersoryi ex- 7.9 per cent, a statistic thtt becomes a matter They Deserve the Tribute pneaslng their dlwleasuro over of deep concern when it is compared with the the Senator's activities arid meth Sunday is Mother's Day. During the next rise in adult arrests. They were up t mere oda; 43 person* Indicated that sup- lew days devoted tons, daughters and hut- port for Senator McCarthy wan bands will be planning pleasant surprises and 1.9 per cent. What is more, says the FBI, the most Important problem "every other person arrested for burglary was Congressman Williams pointed selecting appropriate gifts in honor of mem. out In this reference that his ques- It is only right that mothers be given a under 18 and one out of three was not yet 16." tionnaire was sent out about th« brief moment of glory and a day of tribute for In automobile theft cases, half of those arrested time of the Senator's first da«h with Secretary of Army, Robert when you pause to consider them at a class, wire juveniles. T. Stevens, a resident of South The they really art pretty exceptional persons. As Miisouri's Senator Thomas C. Hen- plalnfleid. Mothers mutt pity many parts. She must be Two hundred eighty-two New 1 guardian angel with a halo covered by a dust nings, Jr. correctly pointed out not long ago, Jerseyltes viewed tax Inequities RIGHT COMBINATION cap . . . 1 faithful servant whose employers children are not born delinquent. It is the de- and high personal income a* one of the most Important na- are constantly cutting her salary and demand- linquent family, the delinquent community tional IprobloriM whereat 20!J voted Here «t FJnt Nalloruil, you'll alwayt find ing that she work over-time. and the delinquent society, he stid, which for « balanced budget, National ihU proven romltlnatimi' of banking ben«fil#i She must mike the family laws and then breeds a delinquent child. defense was the problem concern- Ing 257 residents and problems of A com fit fie variety of financial itrvictt leaser concern wer» "high coat of living," "Juvtnlle delinquency," and Io fit your pttnonttl and butlttr$» 'need for Increased Social .Secur- The YMCA Community Forum ity btiwritft* Sound, exptrienrnl atltic* and a$*t$tanc0 Therit was n «h«rp lncr«aie In in tatting your ftnnnpal prohhmi. PRESENTS A DISCUSSION ON "national dtferat" and; "control of iiomle «««rgy* rwponses from A genuine ffanir* to nmh§ wvry vhtt h*t* the** people poJfed after th« re- «i plemmit nnd Mpful for ymt «i pmtlbh* cent Hydrogen Bomb blAsti ac- • • • r "WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT cording to the Congressman,

The tabulation of responses |jt ', ,''•(• this U \\%f banking nomliiMtion tliai** «• follows: h,, I, ! with ihottMindt of our prctrnt eu*tomrrt. UntmploymiJit, W3; Threat of W« ilnewly (ml il H««!«1 with y«n. FIFTH AMENDMENT COMMUNISTS?" w»r with RUMI«, |i«; Ant| Mc- Carthy, m: Tag fill*!, 2W: •> MONDAY EVENING 8:00 o'Clock MAY 24,1954 dtfftlMt, |st; •r* #>ja»,v4 ««*•>»«* <»*•» •». '»- 90 t YMCA AUDITORIUM AND TRUST COMPANY

••',:}•:•>. OF SUMMIT MOOtftATOR:

Mr. fflRtert KMmn, H, IT. fit*

Mr. Eog«r , of the AiS 0M1 yisirtier Union. ADMISSION Pill' THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. MAY 4. IfS* , Mr. WUUMdi, and •qutre feet of *f*e* apnMd over Oit InOuenct; LofU, Bteas Thia some Badger; Gardner, On* fff of. Grirlty; Croas, K*d for Anita; Leeming, with New PiainfieW Kroll, store manager, wm p^^e. three selling floor*. - House; Hood, I»ve Is a Bridge. the FugiUve Nurse; Eberhart, Man Journey Back. Bead-. , Spate m ribbon - cutting om Over 120 merchandise depart- Many New Books Hm-WUMm Miasta*. Jurenila and Teen-age moniea to ma.tk the official ments are represented in the Westerns ' • Baldwin, Judy; Rosborough, The Adirondack range ol moun- Bamberger Unit Foley, Garden Flower« in Oolor; tains, in New York *tate. cover an opening at 9;45 a.m., ^^ whlch PlaiiifMd wore to make it a com- Brand, Gambler; Hopkins, Crown Don't You Cry for Me; Burt, Added to Shelves J«coby, Wtet's New in Bridget; area of 12,000 square mile*. th« stor« will reomin opea uikU plete' department »tt»re. According Hmer, Se*ea Te&ti in Tibet; Rides High; Ekton, Stage Koad to Young Jed Soilth, Western Boy; on Monday 8:30 p.m. for customer shopping. to Mr. William* the suburban L**vitt, Chip on Grandmas Denver; Austin, Orcte M Trigg*»; Weil, Betsy ROM, Girl of Old Phil- The two *tory end lower levd unit '"is a miniature of the huge At Public Library Shoulder; Kirabrough, Forty Plus HardJn, Brandon's ; Leigh- adelphia; Wagoner, Louisa Al- Bttrobtrfer & Co. will p building u, located et the inter- Newark store, carrying virtually ton, Law Man; Tuttie, Thunder- New Provident* — Nunwrctu and Fancy Fret; ftcott'a Standard eott. Girl of Old Boston; Steeie, new Ptelnfleld department sections of £&»* Front «tr«et and every line and providing every Wxd Range; Field, Ride for Trin- Franci* ' Marion, Young Swamp RUBBER STAMPS 1 B*W book* l& *ev«raj cateforlf** Pottage Stump Album, imi World for buainasa ©9 Monday,' service of th« per*nt store/ idad* Field,- Dig the Spurs Deep; Fox; Dudley, Linda Goes to the Roosevelt avgnue in'PUinfidd. have betn added to the *h«lv« «rf Almanac and Book of FacU, 1*M; CALL SUMMIT 6-7197 M ,y 10,* John CLMQtttimj, Bam- Construction of the modern m- The n#w store will provide 87 Rogers, Angel Unaware; Me»ny. Evan*, Outlaw's Code; Sumatr, Hospital; Sharp, Who Are You? president, tMM announced. the New Provideno Public Ubwtry Boss of Broken Spur. loftial red-brick More ' w«* begun customer service* including a EtaseiMU'i Greatett Pitchers; Wil- Payne, Piebald Prlnce«; Greene, For Ont Day Same* ' Mayor Oarlyie W. within th« laat" f*w w««kt. In- Science Fiction LitUe Hone Bua; Norling, Pogo's early In 1«£. lt.-eooulMjlS.000. beauty salon, photo portrait cluded in the Utt art popular fic- ton, Perennials for Every Gar- studio, persona! whopping, bridal den; Free, AH About African" Wtalton. Soai of tht Oa*»n Deep; Truck Ride; Cornell, petty Cor- tion, non-fiction and books for Lorsgctreth, Tiaae; Flight; Hunter, nell'* Glamour Guid« for Teeiw; TWIU. MARKING DEVICES service, th«&tre ticket brokerage,' children. .. \ Violet*; Lamb, Charlemagne. re-Btaiirajit and community audi- find the.Feathered Serpent; Nor- Hurd, Nino and Hl« Thh; Duvoi- 382 ftrood %K Ummti, H, I torium. The auditorium vriil be The complete list i» u follows: ton, ed,, gpace pioneer*;. Clement, sin, Baxter Treat; Hall, Orchids OL.DSIVIOBIL.E made available without charge to Bmlth, Afternoon to .Kill; Cu*h- , PlainfteJd area civic etid com- Davis, Newcomer; Hammond- man, F»t&} Step; Outatle, Pocket' munity groups. It can accom- Inne*. Naked Land; Sorewen, ruil of Ryt; Albrartd, Niffetinar*' date up to 100 person*. Many Heaven*; . Abbott, Inheri- In Coperh«een; Sheridan, Waiki- j THE CAR $ tors; EiLvbcrg, Mid Watch; Hay#«, ki Widow; Rhode. Ca»* of th* \ The building in : air-conditioned Desperate Houns; Kerr, Under Forty Thieves; Grub«r, Lone-! "Beware the Jubberwock, my son! OF TOMORROW throughout end cmtomer* are carried between floors by two ...HERE TODAY The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! banks of motorgtalrs that can -•••-> --• • - . . , ..- • • transport up to 5,000 person* per 10* "•8" 2-D*or hour. A parking lot located direct- Mother's Day Beware the jubjub bird, and shun Sedan 4*l'nmn4 . ly behind the store has a capacity locally; slot* and of 600 eara per Any. It i* macadam The fruminous Bander snatch!" fcM extra. .surfaced and to illuminated for Special loaded with lookt! Packed with night yae. Several hundred) persons will Fresh From Our "It seems rather hard to understand," told Alice, powtrl S«e and drive the new staff the Bamberger stom which 1954 "Rocjitt" Oldsmobile— will open daily »t 9:45 and close "Not realty," he replied. at 5:3O p.m. except Thursday when CARNATIONS */)• vo/vt buy of t/i© yearl the' storo will remain open to 9 p.m. and until 6 p.m. on Satur- Your prka d.pends upon chok» of day. •. mo^el end body ityt«, optional ««iulp- FtOR THE BEST IN-HI-FI AND RECORDS m«nt and aads the nation in peanuta, AT THE SUMMIT UNE Op«n wetermcloiui, pecftna and pimen- Until • toa. THE SHERWfN- PAINT SERVICE CENTER Opening in SUMMIT




HELLO FOLKS rolls lovely painted designs OB yoir Come in now during our Grand Opening, and get SuperKem-Tone Walls! acquainted. I'm looking forward to seeing many of It's Like magic! With a special my friends and to making LIMITED QUANTITY new roller and new sensational many new ones. Bring your Applikay you can roll lovely painting problems along. shimmering designs on your We'll be glad to welcome fredily painted Super KMEK 6RTS FOR EVERYOM you. Tone walk. SHERWINf. WILLIAMS NEWEST PAINT SERVICE CENTER DURING ©RAND OPENING DAYS Bill Conover DEM0N5THA 353 Springfield Avc, Summit Branch Manager Sav0 money on thm GRAND OPENING SPECIALS! *w«y & Saturday. May 7 & 8




•••II |1 ' ^1 ^» '• ^M—«fc^n « » • - . r. - men tad women who could not throughout Hue United Sut«i w otherwise go to college. T&ei* grown from 11,000 to OTUOO ^ „ ten Local Pru Employees charge of the office, and eight of Negro College money i* equipping laboratories their agtnts- Andrew C Enwrj. Investment Fund p«*t few ye&xt. • Attend Florida Meeting I»at:.t! N Vu-ardtse G'crge J with greatly n«ea\. Anthony Fund Drive at Named Honor P, IVlta Sort n A. Nelson, Frark llr. Morgan *&id taat in the re- •>{ tlu L'u.on I.'i.-tru-t of the n Talk at Rotary At Nrt i#i School A Sai-janiond and U nry B taalnftig days of" the campaign tt P ln&uraiut O. have ar- 1 rived at Ho.lywood-by thi-Ste, Fla. Clay 3rd Halfway Mark will only be possible for th« te«m Pvt. Theodore G, t'otd jr S,tr a .'netting of Uw company's cx- A number nf company of!;:.als Club on Monday for the United workt-ri to,r.e*cii5 km>wn frltnda of Mr, And Jta, T. G. Kurd iru-l.iduig Cirro! M Shani.*. its Uaurel avenu«, was nam*^ jjr " r.'i*.vi3. "ProidfjUfc Club." This i* pM.r:-- F.-:- , ^ ti'p topic j Ng Ooll«ge cwnpaifn hav« and past contributors. «n organization composed of out-president will addros tfv- ;;rov)p. reached the halfway, mark to- persons wishing to contribute fradiate of thc'QM ivirt«-,^jj. course at the C Jitarwiing ajrent.* siaff managers •*::•: H tvm',. & Co.. ward the local goal of ..$2,000, It should makt checks payable to and manager* in the company'* wood Bt arli Hate'.. wap announced jester day by. | the'-United Negro College Fund, School, Fort Lee. Ve Stanley O. Morgan, io-chainiian. Inc. and send them to Mrs. Amxy A graduate of Tin- Sjn:m.t i-onting'-nt .ri.ludt.'S Korean Vet Home In a report to U-an» workers,Mr. Kuval&utn, treasurer, W Division School,'' Votd atti-n-l.^i Artnur \V. Bond and Lmr.ani J. Morgan- mlA, "Progrt'^ss this ywir avenue. College' before enterinjr S^l Sdir.'w ! ' G:.-olJ ui "-' ot : •-* 1 . staff managers in 1 compares favorably with the oo'rr: The number of contributors Knd a. , iv.i rn.-fiitly arr;vid responding period of-last year but , orlgir.atrJ :r. ? .*:a"d ynUJi ego. on :,nif.it.ii irom Korea'where he m>&ny.pa*t contributors and other Ornamental Iron Word rrJ», J lit* E-vg«)>"d and started ipn.L 15 months with the 3rd In- interested persons b«n-f >'»t to. be g tot txtrr pw rf *n liC'v,, *:ct* wb:r.h time tt ,

; : Owif.i?l« Pfltrhes Interior Stitr f**** fantry 1 iMsjin, t'th Fuld Artistry. se«n." . ' •'•.••••• -••• Wtoupht Iron, [irate and Aluminutu h-.« itt^ivn "-bv-Ipafs* and bound* For Full PartUuUrt Call The Airgcitnt. whose wife and a s: s^acjlar growth Its work-j S| Lawrence MacGrrgor, State parrnts live at the Summit ad- tJNCF chairman, brought a bri«f THIECONOMY NICK ESPOSITO - :pg* «re ur.^ior .J undST -~ WiHiam J. tation and two Battle Stars. rr. son - of Mr^ and Mrs. E. V. Atlanta, on<> of the participating ; I MO fertile protection" of the In- ;O'H-ara, at • 71 Canoe Brook ivdcrrr of 41 , Edgewood road, colleges. ''If supporters of the •parkway, national flo'd sales'amn-. ha." compk'Sed 1»» basic training United Negro College Fund could --'•'Tisf jspecker pointed, out' that I «gf.r. f&r the' Gold Seal di- V8 ••tit Fort Dis and teen assigned to see'Miat their contributions'"are Moy we soy t'h«? funj wa* adaptable for estate vision «. of . CcwJtfo-fum - Nairn I Company.'30th Regiment, of th« accomplishing in helping Negro purjJos«s. tor-whereas' u«dk»r' old Inc., has bfpn appointed, general Ninth' Infantry Division. A .gradu- youth they would be greatly heart- law li foriws had to' be made out sal*-^ tnanager, it WAS announced OF OUR TIME ate of.. Summit'High School "and ti> mi'lt an estate under the muthi« a week by Anthony D. Eastman, eh&i,"-.he said, "their gifts ar« Thank You •But-km-i). University, he .was fftt- tual'fxind on'y one form was neo vie*' prcriffc-nt, marketing;'' Mr. providing -scholarships for young 11111M111M11111 • II111 f 1111111111 f 111 mer-'y t in the Boston district. He our staff, and added to our equipment: now we o-M Druchkr/East" Orangp; ' ^d held ft- esuccfssion of IU-!d-/jsa!ea Opens Membership : 1 n can once again respectfully solicit your assignment. '.VL5on and Rupert R. I^wis, jobs until 191-4. & A has since pro- RUNNING 4TTE|MS TO'SUIT TOURSELF Newark; -Ch Arks' T. Hassard, grossed -steadily in sales manage- May We Remind Toil Union ;,,*Art;"ir Williarn's. Rose'Ile •nient. In hij.new capacity he will Campaign TOBUW> Park; A^ron Price .find A- M- Fal-be a member of the company'* Community. Concerts Associa- I PIUS We offer cone, V.Vstf:>'id: 'Preston A. Bur-•Management Commltte'e. Mr. tion will launch its annual driveJ roughs ar.1 Robert NkhoLs, -Mad- O'Hara will continue to direct the for« r.cw members Monday night GENEROUS Trode-ln ALLOWANCES A TYPING SERVICE—SaleimfcrvY Reports, Specifica- field selling activities ofGo'.d Seal l?ozi: Ro^vrf. D-'lsney, guest of at a-dinner meeting at the Fort" selling personnel ass well aa to de- The BEST Dodge ded ANYWHERE • tions, Legal Briefi, Medical Reporh, etc. Gtor~c M, Dv!:iney: A. F. Caprio, nightly Club. 5ruv5t cf Samuel- B. MrFarlane;. velop Geld S*a! sales policies. TOP Service After Your Pyrchose ^ A STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE—Private dictating on Mrs Ethe! Atwood, representa- Cera!:! F Cow.in, guest of Haddon tive of fhe nationwide Commu- i IMMEDIATE-DeKvery, Lcirge SelecHon our modern machinei at your convenience with flawless H. S^-i'-h. ' and accurate transcription. • • Summit Wdmcm Picked nity Concerts Service, will address Choice 6 or Y8 Engine v the group of Association officers You »avc more money For Grand Jury Duty } find volunteers. Mrs. Atwood will mid you have a wid- A DAILY PICK UP AND DELIVERY Among the tw

E. L PITTERIR Congressman to Address Men's Club 12-14 BeecJiwood fioed Harrbson S. Williams, Jr., United Summit States Representative from the sixth district, will addreea Com- ; munity Church's Men'n Club on "4 Servicm tat ] Saturday at 8 p.m., In Commu- tTbuFn , {HDMttc jposm U pUao* t&M !•«« trim N?t€tomer% to nity House. His topic will be won the Faahioa An«

•.^, THt SUMMIT HKHAtft THURSDAY, 4>4Ay State Issues New Visttifa Nun. At Orthopedic • UMMIT FEDERAL BAVINQS Warning About MY AND LOAN AMOCIATION Auto Liability Law Car* Workshop will redeem thi$ certificate. <• Mm, Wilhebnina g. Lyiuan, «UrT Mot,or Vehicle Director WlUlwa nune with the Vkiting Nurse A»- t fey crediting ife<> sum ©/ J. Denrdfen ftfaip cautioned New •oclfttion1 of Summit s,n4 Viclaity, icrmy Itowted driyera between i# attending K workshop for public II and 21 yaw th*t when driving ONE DOLLAR m New York State they roust htaith worktra nX New Jersey Or- ctrry evidence of proper insur- t hopm«dic Ho&pttAl In Orange, geft- o« any neu*$min$$ account of $W or more ance in" accordance with Empire &iorus *re conducted one day a State law Th# New York wguJ»- week'lof *ix weeks, starting April ARTHUB T, UAILEV. tior» c^ilx lor -M0.O0D'$20,000 lia- ft. ' bility and 18,000 property damaf* di»el#r*»pIr«»July 10,19541 * The pur pete of tht workshop b The inturanct policy will bt to provide tpeatilized up-to-date Tt^ognixed *M' well a* the identi- training pertaining particularly to fication card issued by the tar the problem! of detecting, observ- •ur&nc* company ^xcept that if ing, and treating orthopaedic con- To §how you how eosy and pleasant it is to the Identification card i* present- dition*. Included will be considera- tion «nd care of gtntral ortho- wv*. of Summit federal Savings . „',' ed, It must bear t&e policy num- o«r «nd expiration date. of tb« paedic conditions relating to c«re- policy. • brwl paksy, polio, plaster, and re- habililation work, wl|hi reference New "York does rjot recognise not only to their effect on the indi- driver licenses issued b,v other Local Man Heads vidual patient, but the effects.of HIRE IS lu* Op** « state* to persona under 18 year* such disability on the community. ««eum oi $10 m of gg(«, hence a 17-yea.r-«ld New fcrftfy licensed operator' who State Unit of In making thi» announcement, NOW witfc Hiii certjIUott Mrs Samuel ..A. Smith, Jr., chair- $1.00 and w»ft odd »1.O0 drives a motor vehicle in that state dots BO illegally. " man of the nurclng &ervice# cojn- EXTRA h> ycmr ot&ewnt si Phone Pioneers jniltee of the Vleiting Nurse fjab- ASA GIFT! URoy (1. Baum of 29 ci*tlon, s«id, "The att*ndanc'e of ro*d, h%M been elected president Mns. layman at this Workshop of the H. G. McCully chapter, Tel? in line with our pojiey to keep ephone Plontfcrs dt Aniei'le*. our VWtlng Nur«e» informed, o/ Cerflficoft may b# used to optn an eccouni for Assistant vice president iti New current progre&B in the field of jtublie health nursing. In this way yourself or for child, niece, nephew or anyone Jerft-y Boll Ttippbohe Company's nubile rflations department, Baum we are assured thet the residents elie. A wonderful gift for graduation, wedding, has been an employee of the Bell of our community-are continuing to receive nursing care according birthday, etc. System for the last 26 years. He was the McCully chapter's senior to the most recent methods." vice president 1953-M. OfFER EXPIRES JULY 10, 1954 Active _in boy scout'and parent- Son Is Beneficiary teacher work in Summit, Baum Charles A. Otto, Jr., aurroga.te', Savings Insured up to $10,000 hai BldeH Red Cross and United Courthouse, Elizabeth ha* received Campaign drives. ^ an application for-probate of th« T Liberal Dividends Paid Twice Yearly The If. a. McCully chapter L» will of" Clara S- Williams, A son. the state brench of the Telephone Frederick G: Wlllia-ma . of 16 Folks may disagree -about house- colors, but there'* no ACCOUNTS MAY M ADDED TO IN ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME Pioneers, a nattontil orgartliatton Meadowbrook court, i* named ex- tr^iirwnt *he»f it oomes to qiMtttty^-ybu call on t)utcH consisting of more than 170,600 ecutor and"' beneficiary of the Boy! Famous Dutch Boy House Paint gives every home telephone employees who have 21 residuary, estate. Mrs. William* a new. handsome future... years of self -renewing charm years, or more of service. Th« died April 2& CHARTIRID AND purpose, of the Pioneer organiza- and protection. Crioose either Bright White or warm SUPERVISED IT tion la to provide friendly ftsflocia- ready-mixed tinti-you're sure of top value when your UNITED STATIS tlon for the veteran employee* house paint carries the Dutch Boy label GOVfRNMIMT HEADS CLANS — Gordon K. of the telephone industry, both CESSPOOL J of 244 Oak Ridge avenue, active and retired. •SUMMIT SOLDUT wu ficcted prfsident of hia'class CLEANING Aectnt your hornet attractive feature* with crisp Dutch »AVINO* INSTITUTION" Navy Man Promoted at Paftmouth College. With elec- Building - Repairing Boy Sash .COMFORT!..'. IN YOUR IN YOUR IN YOUR OFFICE STORE The Outstanding . Winkler CENTRAL £=> ami ROOM JUR CONDITIONERS

WATER NOW you CAN CONNECTIONS DIAL THE WEATHER! ••••Mnimm !••»•••••••• •••••••••••••••

FOt All-YEAR COMFORT I FREE SURVEYS MADE WATER IN YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Juit turn the dials of the riNKLta Air Conditioner for NOOBUGATrONS )• WMthvr you wtnt. In tight digtrmt w*ft, the WtNKLIl Fbone Summir 6-0029 CONSUMPTION brings comfort to any room of •your home. Quickty installed iimiiiiiii •mmnnnti in practically »ny type win4ow. Come In For A Demonstration! . MANUFACTURED IY COOLING

STEWART-WARNER CORP. TOWERS DO1S All THIS! TMIMOI Cooli • Cool* anil Vtntl* HENS-MILLER CO Co«dili«min« Ur.ll * ih* 050 WINKLER 38 RUSSELL PLACE SUMMIT - Phone SU. 6 - 0029 - ***** » «-' All CONBITIONIRS THE SUMMIT HEUALD. THURSDAY, MAY ft, ttS4 •t tha ••«• aioa JxUeve that tfca SUM alow at th« di*poaal of ®m State Board continue two Other aiwurert are parapbraaed *hou:d provid* for tht Increased <* E*«*tte»- The youtba State Chamber from the report, unieu otiierwi** -Spens. A, No "More Kme «id fof Q™*****^ ncemmni that tta 209 Hobart. av.e-.aue, Ptt g^^ noted- €f m *Hilh «tree.t, aa4 John u . Given Facts on • • • .cKooi. i. r^mm «t tws um* ^ j o^^j^,, mky t K m PoiJcy » Constant! n« Village. Q. What are the etMsatiiU fea- bat it *\miM i* s«Pl^»ent«d by r«comiaene gasoline tax ta product won firsfirstt place the imm.' delivered Its Seventh Report, en- 1 A. The T«x Policy Commission** tak. v e^ry Mack in local ftacal M mMltionMl $u mimQa aft?ulU. .y«»r«. Ta« U sponsored ^ titled "PiiMle School Financing..{program is designed to guarantee rettilremeak.- j }y; ,2> & 4ou*>iiiig of the tax >a|« the i In ;New* Jerwy," to ttse Governor ] thai ajt least $200 a year will be Q, Will Ui»' new. program cost lob bu«ine*a t»rpomtto»!i to pro- cfat|ott. and the Legislature, TUii report j»jent to educate every child in more than Heir Jersey's present j duce an additional S3 miiiion an- u "recommend* revision, of'the #y»- • the public school system:, The S|at« aid program? ',.'•'. j « *J'y: *nd <8J an incre*«e in the tem whereby New Jarsey provide Commfculon recognised that lome ' A:'"^es, The new projraw will • t*xea levied ors' bettor* "at the Honored lor Service iimncial.4atUUr.ee to Iocs! school local school districts were mow require.about ttS roilHOT of addi- ] race. track* to product tn. addi- tiOB ! By RtsistefSftx Corp. dlitrlcti and ea^l* for an increaae .ablq tbao others to provide .this tkmal, Statt 'aid in' 1*5*-.SS and ) * «* miUion «hnyally.-tS'OTE: Charles E. Conover'of J3s of JJ8 million'. \n State «choo! aid standard o.f education. The Com- can ,h« expected to ' increase by | Tentative policy decision by the N i land. avenue wu honor**; The following \um , r>«-en prepared mission, ''therefore, 'recommended another |3 million in &m,W due j «* Jersey Legislature, would 'by the Research "Department of Together j cl*a*>xe thb tax program, to raise jweek by the Kesiatoflex a formula which will distribute t h r enro m Bti> JJi ta# New Jersey Stare Chamber of *-itl?B fexistins. g "monej* w nappropriaten:rH;;;dd' jI "th^ e" ^ addltioM~ ^tios«. Il tau«x onr wrporanon---««•••»*'«•••. tion of • Bt'lleviUe for 15 je-tra of .State aid according: to /the ftajt t0 m n!on And )Jinit the tax ^service. Mr. Conover ii *al»-s maan- Commerce in an "effort to provide by New Jersey thk would giM a million and resources of the individual school 'ager.-The -Employees Servt.-<. 0^5 a' brief-non-technical resume, of toUl achool kid program 'of slight on race tracks *" district*. .Those district* Uhieh million.) • • dinner wu h#id in N't*-,( ..the major recommendations of j are ..least able to support -'• their ly. over ^8 million. The- exact tli* Tax-Policy Commission. : j schools will get the' mow ai j smaller amounts. . increase! or decceasea and as lo- cal tax resources increase or de- pating- "in '-Plngry School's annual unsuitable for crop*, the \\\ Q Will every school district ian.tslandf produce only half 1 creaae. , -•«••.• ' \. coin exhibit sponsored by the Coin receive •,some .money from tbe^ Club. Tht» exhibit, now on display meat they need. State .under thi* plan,? ,Q. If the new - program 1* A. Yes. Every gchooJ-district will adopted, how much nicm*y will receive State aid of at least $50 the State provide for the average per pupil enrolled. students <2>m{)efitai2Upatree Q. Must the school district do A- If ^ut into effect Immediate- ly, ..the n«w p.rograni will provide I anything to qualify" for'State aid : : 7 1 under this program? " ' av«ragV" -JBtat»'•''aid'. of t'SO'Jj '• per' ' Rosa, Bern ice Aacolese, Dorothy Devefeu*. Mary A. Yes. The school district must moll SCHOOL DAXOERS-Memberg of the raod- pupil enrolled. (Source: N J. Edu- Pecca* EHse Qulntard, Rona Palikoff, Chris Heyer cation Aasociation.) • * »pend et least $200 per pupil (in- ern dance group of Summit High School H'ho will and Judy Linn.- The group is under the direction Q.'.Will ev*€ry school district re- eluding State aid) and must levy a app€ar tomorrow-night in the annual spring concert; 1of Sally Lawson jBears and consists of 22 -girls who ceive the Bum of $S0.52 per p*upll • KITCHEN CABLVETS tax for achool Ti.hmrM> the cowboy, dance. Left to right are Amy will present a aeries of thre« dances. from thii program, •, ^ •" • CQ&NfCES • BOOK CAKES iDurye*;- Patricia Difnne, Lot*. Lundberg. Barbara A. No. A« pointed out In* a • FORMICA SINK TOPS Q. Why ii this hew State school ' ' ' ' previous question, the amount of • CUSTOM MADE SCREENS aid program needed? district*. • • • '• district to the value of property large increase in - school papula- aid will vary with the ability of • STORM WINDOWS A. New Jersey's present school in every other school district tion .which k expected i the fu- Q. How does the Tax Policy a loca] district to aupport an aid program Is cumbersome, dis- These figures will be used to make ture. • . .•--,•".. Cotamtmion's program e4ucati0naV program. CTrfjt-rlchest tributes Suite money in, ah' un- sure -that State aid is fairly dis- MADISON the local districts ability fair manner, and is not sufficient Q. How will-the proposal sim- to fi- tributed. They will not affect local -districts^"iri'*ihe State will reee-lve* 4 aid of about t^*P«r pupil --esv in amount to adequately recognise plify "the diiStributioxi of State nance education? assessing' practices or" local tax CABINET CO* rates. rolled. In some of the poorer dls- the difficulties which local dis- school aid? A. Funds to support local pub- 100 KINGS RD. MA. 4-2733 tricts face in providing for the lic education come principally averaged nearly 99,00$ annually trictj, the amount of State aid A. It reduces the number of dif- from tax*-**levied on property and —this was 22,000, a year more ba- will be as -high as $1S>5 per pupil. ferent programs n§w.in existence The following tabulation thowa on certain types of business. The bies than wrre born during the to one ba«!c distribution formula the average amount of aid received Tax Polity program determines 1941-45 period and about 40,000 plus additional aid for transpor- by the various, counties. There the local district's ability to pay a year more than during the pre- tation, for handicapped children, i?, of course, considerable varia- * for education on the basis,,of the war dee&dc.*T.he number of births Someone and for evening vocational school*. tion among* the individual school true value of its taxable property la still increasing. There were "TIRE PRICES.'. Q. Why is the proposed method 105.000 '• births in, 19*1 and 110,000 districts within each county. dear live and the amount of money which ; a fairer way of distributing aid Q, How ^o we know that there • . ". ' • Per Pupil is collected from the non-property '• Aid ' are at rock bottom during tha big Safe than the present method? taxes on business in relation to will be an* Increase In future en- ^ CALL ^5* A. Examination of existing State rollments in the^public schools? Proposed the number of children to be edu- • County $79.33 Jqday and Tomorrow/ during our \ aid lawa indicates that less than cated. Since all municipalities A. On the basis of the steadily Atlantic # LONG one-half of the aid now distrib- value property differently, the increasing birth rate in N«w Jer- JBergen uted is even purported to be ba«€d Tax Policy Commission would aa-- sey. Between 1W6 and 1950 the Burlington 97.95 30% oiUot 30 toys Sili on need. Furthermore, the one sign the responsibility of .deter- number of live birth* In the State Camden 100.55 In 19*2. Theae higher birth ratea S10.»5 existing formula which is pre- mining true and equalised valua- Cape 'May 84.4$ I DISTANCETO sumably based on local ability to inevitably mean higher school en- 5 tions to the State Department of Cumberland 12662 pay assumes that the assessed rollments In the future. (Source: the Treasury. 682S JOHN L DIETCHE MOTORS. INC. valuation* of property are a true New Jers#y p*partnfteht ' ot Gloucester I18.l» MIAMI indication of. a school district's Q. Wilt this proposed equaliza- Health^ "'-'<•>•-*'' ' ' . •• . Hudson 80-82 Franklin Hoe* Summit 6-7976 wealth. This is-an erroneous as- tion of aseeasments ' change the Q. Doea the increase in children Huntcrdon \ sumption an proven, by figures assessed value of an individual mean a proportionate increase in Mercer *1a'4S compiled by the Tax Policy Com- taxpayer's home? school costs? Middlesex mission, which show that assess- A. No. The equalization of M- A. No. "If »chool administration Monmouth 1, ttotien-to-itation, _ ments average less than 10% of sesmnenta proposed under this and .school finance* are properly Morris pfl*r 6 Pit and ell day Sunday true value in come districts and program \wUl merely relate this coordinated a substantial portion Ocean over Wk^ol true value In other value of property In each school of the predicted increased enroll- Pasaaic . ment can be absorbed without a . Salem proportionate increase in achool Somerset ' operating costs." Sussex Q. Doea the Tax Policy CommJa- Union l$oiihMom and Buyers am Proving it'!/ Warren Bendquarter* for (Source: New Uon Association) ..... Nationally Af-pfw»f no*»l«, wfctAl Th« mafn rtmmn why Fortf ism definitely tfie buyer** are sold than any competitive majce. »>urn»f to tnm h»«t r»qt«trftn«ou ot .fdttf Mum tn4i *ur••"u>* choke it limply that: IrMt* "* euw Mrtie* e«t* As for performance. Ford's advantage hert is best M Ford i*, wilhont doubt, the Worth understood by personal experience. Your Ford Dealer i«sn«aitfiiM»R, ear-Amerie*'* best buy on a will gladly make a '54 Ford available far a personal »»• Winner ifUP* tJwr* rrankeaw Aratntnit, -Test Drive .. . and we believe one Test Drive will m, IJWWI «t s»# ••»« «*• basis! tti» W»Bhl*r tun

•B«fcJ(«H» M^mL^^^^^^p^^^L ,) 1 > k ^, t : =3(Nfc. «t|sW-l ad otoi' ;th» HM^.- t-Wock V4: fi ywr bc»t buy! UP TO 10 MONTHS TO MYI STEPHENS MILLER CO. Mow when you bwj U,.W&rthJI£0m when you sett it t> 6002' ON MOTORS, INC Ills MUM Summit, N. A ^m^mlSmBffWi THE SUMMIT HHtMO. THUK5DAY, WAY 6, !«54 'minority ol twethiiml and lament- comply *nd thai the total chm»e Hew Providence Borough Playen' Group Men State as petent pracUUJficr* , • out not be - computed until" tb« i Itt urgitsg the cous-uifti*)- to check job iff competed. Dem Candidate I «w - the rtt^btHy of -'movinf .eats- 1. Avoid tb^ a»w »rh«i« To Beet Hew mate is »uijatajiUaliy touer tigfot i Questioned i tioti on the ,;u* »*tiPB»te rmpioyt-4 bL» competition. - ; j thc -- 3., , Be mitt you teeure a Berkeley Heights Officers Sunday of vrntft-m narni- ty of j protection to cover toss and • Berfeetey . Heights—The .Annual (or 'age. Bi«Ui»i «f Stoay Hill Fi*y*tt ftas be* n made by ' co-opcr*t« intelligently in the take* p)*e* Sunday May I, tt I through a technicality it ^W 4. Read the contract training of the child."' p.m. at the home of Glenn Gi»- j#cte4 by the Oounty Bo&fd of Mgning and aiMltntwM Hew PTA President *oa, 97 Ue*<:h mv'enm, Berkeley ev«ry p :n what yo\ir obl)g»tk>n» are. •This object," m\4 Mr . Best, ; ig 'si. L:\tty belot*. Height*. Mc«-#nd tbre« other* received 5. O«»ldaiy with,t.r*U»M*- »ernu to me to offer-tomttiuug A flate of officer* for the com- j Ibe ne«d for * tr.oroijgr es Closer ptr»onaf that we can alt. work penKxmtic write-in vote each c«l mover." ing y«ar will b« pre*#nt«. jsjat ui wnnh art nominating jcommittee headed by thai in order to accept M< a a* Stone Mountain is a tpattiyt paicnb ttid the 'school :§y«tein, ttit- (.^Aatin'i a Stewart B&ekman assisted by nornint-'c he would require *t dome of musrovih; graniU la School-Home Link that parent* may .learn how .the g the contract Height* - Vtta B*«. Thorns* Weaver ami Sam Church. two write-in votes; Georgta, «nd i« *<*t be tbc •chool work* and that the •ehool domination* also will, be made "Thr iu*:ouitr *atui . - ? elected .president of the Ho«evcr, at nee he it the only e« sn the world rf x : m*y havr ,nn rfWiiyt mearu of from the floor, due of. the"foor; to »ifnify his ac- -.f !»•»*' e*!HTT*!e of w mover parent T«»*1h«r Association of letting thu parent*'know what it - R»btrt Power*, players' presi- ceptance, it ia txpectcd he will b« i* rot hice rionilafe. designated by .either v-f fivfl.'from retiring pr«ndcnt Mr*. Leonda* l'«ttfr»nn • tire from the door-to-door ticket cam- tht Union 'i'bunty Defnfrcratic thai muM. he '»Sttctfd f«i» th«: Monday fvpiiHig, paign now in profr»*i» by apeciaj c»i*omer on inUrtUkte atupmenla' president, prewnttd the new B Cosnttiiifr'-or the Berkeley Height* i to a furtherance I f'ftt horn, purchased for the Co- l«»ms for the play "Over Twenty- Derawrafu' Corniaittee. Th«rc rouiit' b«' based won :t% tariff t > parent teacher program, lumbia School Banrt, to Mr. Both- On«" to b# given May 31 and 22 nn r«iHper.at ic candidate* j »ch*d«S« AdjiuMMfrtd by ^th* n thterAtU OoowBerce CoSmiiSion, particular emph««i» on th« well. Superintendent of Schools. at 9:30 p, in. «t Columbia School, in the Primary Election tx"£oi ifteai.Biovei on isouriy rates, th Object" aa stated In the [-To-Mr.Kii*cren, Chairman of the Berkeley H«ifh.Ui, Tickets for tf Mea' receives his. party* des- thl» production have be«n reduced f»irl>; st*TuiardijK' i«>ii-r«. but it muM Sfhcff. have announced the mice-' ngaged in s, door-to-dodr Driving ation of part in making the. new' school tioii# for th* pfst th^t produc- wearing: Stony Hill Plajws' badges, are potRible. On behalf of the PTAf icket campaign far the play which will bl g j vfen May 21 and 22" at REMODELING 'tion»: "the Male AniiiiiuP' will be • ^'ew Morris & Essex Mrs. Patterson then presented the given in November; "Arsenic- and ;30 pin, at Columbia School', Berkeley Heights Providence residents w&rt Ened a past president's pin to Mr. Dally. Wtal of $153 in Union last. vr*e,k ""Uft.»ati!»fa«;iory t % P i 11 ? n .;• p s ., '[TrteCo. . Old Lace' in February; and should be.-reporu^j'to tbe Ciiambtr. Mrs. DaVid Kuehn, historian, •'•'Yfars Ajjo,'1 next May. after pleading guilty to char'gea of illegal driving-. • / ' - . tfl Ooraroerc*,'" fpi-.phamijf-r'^ccr*".-. read-the chronicle of the year* Casting for "Th« Male Animal" Huitf Brothers 1 events; in which membership Boro Garden Club \ Joseph Delmonlr, Jr at. -$8 Third mry -Mid. "«o that w* u iU hav« • SPRAYING is scheduled for June. A fact.ua! rrcord of euMoraer es- reached att «i! tlmp high of 6-10. C'irtus Coming [(Street W*LS fined $103 for frperatirtjr • PRUNING -* .,* Innovations of the year were th< Mrs. Fronces Robinson I arar'whilf hi* license was revoked p.eri«(Ke and lfcu«'4jw ab!«? to Hi- To Hold Plant and (and Joseph Vakrio of '1*5 South stst tbow * no rbri-k. on the reiia- purchase 0? an »ddre»sograph D!*t Here April 25 Heie June IS • REMOVAL nitehiu* and the mailing of bul- street wws fined $50 (o>/permittinsg biltty-of firraj befoiejwgnsng with Berkeley Height*—Mrs, Frances Berkeley Helfht*—That spring • FEEDING letins heretofore s*nt home, by. Dciroonte ^o.drive the^r. v, .,. - them. Tha" ut p*riitu*riy uuis M. Rel>in»on . died hare Sunday Food Sale May 15 infitituton which make*.old hearts students; the beginning of a card Both men ,w«re anrcate^ "April when It is dlacovexe*) tfcAt a-iaover • NEW PLANTING (April 35). Shf-woa 95. % young, he Circua, is BcbWdilfcd for. 7 fi'e on membership, listirig skilU New Providriice — MemUkr* of IS at Uni«3n. ; * y is #vading rcgu!«.tjon«-" ' . MM. Roibinaon h»d made h*«r a rnati|re and night'appearance '" J..V.7'."!. ...' - and transplanting y and hobbies of members which the New Providence Garden- Club Mr. Crane <}uoUd rules j-ecom- Tour Choice ftf . .•... home with a daughter, Mr». D. here oniJune 13 at the Mt, Ccfrmd Coviry Work • Cabling- ' hiight. become resource* for FTA will hold « plant and foo4 sale Business Name Fikd F, McClur* of 734-Park avenue, S«>cie.tyii fire display grounds on mended by the''National Better Tolly covered bj ail w rHfttH school activities. Among Mny ir> from 10 a. to. to 4 p.m. at" 'Berkeley -Helehik --— A businesa FORMICA or LINOLEUM Plainfl«id: She w«« a,-native of the Presbyterian . Church. The Springfjfld avenue. Busln«5» Burma u;th -which the tjpes of insurnnAe the. highlights of the year she cited Brooklyn. name certiflcftlf was filed-last week the honoring of two teachers' for profits of the''*ale will go-toward The ||Hunt Brot'hrrji fuil-scale with Henry G. NuWon, county clerk local. -Chamber u> affiimteti- ivhich Funrral K^TVKCH were .con- n ? > Free L stint at es Cheerfully WORK DONE twrnty-fivp y*«r«'^wrviee Jn ttot several projects.' •T « most im-, i« being sponsored ' by by the Amoco Body Shop.' ronsumera ahe»uld\'fo!!o'A ia demd- ducteii at 10:30 a.m. April 27 -In portant one is war services, which jjn .Legion Post No. 356.np'ss premises are at Lone ing on a mover: They are: Given m .«y«tc-m; the significant cont.rib.u- ..-''• •* - * ,th? Robrrt D. Brouph Funeral ITSTOM MAD* (JABI lion to th> merttnjr of Irade.rsmp includes donating wreaths and Tickets! will *be priced the. same drive.and SprinRfirld evenue. The Hbm'p, 533. Springfield avenue. 1. Be sure you understand tliat and FURNITURE need* of the iponsored Scout «e- flowers to Lyona Hospitaiacveral for Ixjth 'performances; $l.for operator will be Charles Itnblmbo, Madison 6-2608 Summit., by Rev. H. K. Pike, pastor an estimate u oat biEding on the tivities; and \the work of the times « year as well a» working adults {and SO cents for children 420 Springfield avenue. of St. Stephen1! Epiicopal Church, health and mental hygiene com- with the veterans in both green- under |2 years of age. The tickets Plalnftcld1. Burial wan in Cypreas KARL BINDER mittee in exploring the need for house and field. Ako, the group will bejuold in advance by Legion Hills Om«tery. Brooklyn. and mechanics of providing psy- has helped to develop the Blue members at the Berkeley Phar- so r#rn Avenue , "Mrs. Robinfion also Ifavca two chological service* to the school Star Memorial Highway fn New macy. ! • Be Wary of Low sons, Jo«*ph I* Robinson of Sum- CHATHAM 4-3434 system. , Jersey.' ' •Th-e jHunt Brothers circus is niH and C. H Robi.n»6n of Au- .Locally, the club has encouraged well kjiown in this area having BUY HERE AND SAVE burn, Ca|.; a aiater, Mrs. Dudley civic beauty by placing plantlng« appeared in Summit and other Bids on Moving, Marwick of White Stone. L. I.; around th<* veterans' housing and ne-arbyj towns in the paat years. SWIFTS EXTRA SELECT* eight , grandchildren and four town building?!, preparing wreaths, The [grounds are being made grcat-geandchlldrrn, and offering prizes for Chrlstmea available by Mt. Carmel Society Chamber Warns decorations. : • 'wtthoujt charge. The performances In furtheranc:-e of its community Mrt. Fannie Whiftokcr ere jilted for 2 and 8 p. m. protection program Wilharn R*e Another interest is the preser- Crane, secretary of the Summit RIB ROAST Diet at Home April 29 vation of Mettlar's Woods, the Regiiitration Dotes for area Chamber of Commerce, is- New Providence—MM. Fannlf only remaining primeval hard- sued m. warning to local residents lest V Cuts M. VVhittaicer died Thursday wood forest on the cast coast *nd Kindergarten Announced on problems connected with the •April 29) at. the home of her of great interest to scientists and moving of one's household effects daughter, Mrs. Charles H. College garden clubs. Mrs. C. II. Lambert Berkeley Meightt— Registration STRICTLY FRESH and h ialth round-up of children {.rom one, place to another. of 4fi Pineway, aftfir ; A stock of prronninls. shrubs, Crane stated. "The industry i* by annusls. .vegetables and house mittecjof PTA of Berkeley Heights nature geared to the highest er* H«- dird in 1920. as foljbws: . • Mr,i. WhittnSser was born- In plants will he available. Many standards, of trustworthiness, yet like moat industrk-ft it suffers a Turkeys Patcrson and had lived in Chat- plants h«ve been contributed from Children whose surnames begin ham before coming here two years th-c garde'ns of club', members. with iinitiats A-H, Wednesday, Others desiring to contribute May I. from.9 to 11 a. m. Children a&o. She was a member of the ITS tIMI FOR Methodist Church. pianta, may call Mrs. darene* wh'o?e intttaia are 1-Z, will r#|l»- Surviving is another 'daughter* Ad«ms, Su. 8-4329. chairman of ter 19, from 9 to 11 a. m. SPRING Mr«. Robert McKe'rchic'. of "Ha!«- planifi. Her committee includes A t R for these,- children and ARMOUR'S don: a son, Edmund F. Whittaker Mrs. C A. Fox. 51 ra.. Ckorge Hart- mothej a will be held on May 26, of Roslyn, L. I., and two jistcr*, man, Mrs. John F*. Kinzer, Mrs. at 3 rJmi . in the Berkeley.School Mr.«. Kittic R. \'anderhoff of Chat- H, W. Ferguson, Mrs. Arnold Op- for tlje purpose of getting ac- ham and Miss Lillie M. Whittaker penheimer, Mrs. A. E. Johanaon, qunintjbd with teachers and w'th of Roslyn. ^ Mrs. Elmer Docherty, Mrs. Anton the »cnool facilitiec. in mr «wi Biien pint Private func-ml services were Zeiss, and Miss Helen Armstrong. BACON fin by Schmidt Wil he'd in the Burroughs & Kohr In case of rain, the sale will be ItlTIMI YOU CAtLH>. Funeral Home, 309 Springfield held May 22. ©ley Height*—The will of Schmidt, who died April FRESH KILLED PHILA. 1 avenue, on Saturday *t l:3Q.'p. Tti,, Millliri 12111 Blue Cheese makes the meal- by Rev. Reece R. HiO, pastor of Chairman Urges Spurt been filed for probate in the New Providence Methodiat ct of Charles A. Otto, Jr., Church. Burial v.ax in Cedar In Cancer Fund Gifts ate, courthouse, Elisabeth. but DANISH BLUE Lawn Cemeter3'. Paterson. Berkeley Height* — Contribu- Couser of 136 Horseshoe tions to the annual local Berkeley s named M executor *nd Capons crowns it, perfectly! Children Ben«fif By Wil Heights Cancer Crusade were laf- kry. New Providene* — Cli«r'«8 A. ging behind receipt* for the cor- Fwm tht first drtJdous Wt«. you wpertonce a whoto Otto, Jr., wrrogate, courthouse, responding period last year, it was new woritf of food eating. Zesty, tangy, *o full of body Elisabeth, h«« received nn appli- announced, with contributions A DOLLAR reaching the half-way mark. •ft4 ch»r»cUf. ••ch toitt of Danish Wu« etpturw U» cation for probate of the will of S HARD TO COMIIY BUT A FINE USED CAR ISN'T fanny Prctot: Arrnand Pretot, a "Although the goal for this year U. S. GOVT. GRADED trua Joy of foreign food at its flnast. As a dessert, Danish son, of 21 Morehouse place I? hns been increased, we of the LET US SHOW Blu« Cheese rounds out any meal. And Its rich, aromatic named executor and co-bennflciary Committee feel that It in still low 951 Ford, fully equipped custom V-8 tudor. This Chok* or Prime flavour makes • Mlad dressing that is tastefully different with Adele TManwvn, « daughter. for this community," Mrs. John preen dandy has everything. Custom 8-tube radio, of Maplewood. ^11 ra. Pretot died Pierce, general chairman stated. fie* up a pi«« of Danish Blue this very day. One taste will r^ih air system and Pordo-matic. Better make a April !7. "We had honed to avoid a door-to- •eeline on this Custom 8 priced at only $050. convince you it is worth the few extra pennies. door campaign and we nmy sttll be «bl»> to do BO if the people who 951 Mercury four-door sport sedan. Owner wanted pgNNAIIM CMItSt AttOCIATIOM STEER ILDERNEY usually contribute will accept thi* |t- '54 Monterey so left this wonderful '51 with u». reminder to iwnd in their cheeka Jame 112 h.p. motor, rich green body finish, deluxe Biwklawn Fwrn» ,tr> Michael Niutro, tr«aaurer, cart adio and famous Mercury heater. "Safe Buy" Dairy Products of the local post office now.' guaranteed, only $1,195. v * Merrli Pitlni, N i WATCH FOR THIS AD Mcriitowo «-JMi The water power developed in California is mort than 2,500,000 John L Dietche Motors," Inc. Next Week and SAVE $1.00 horsfl [*>*'« a year. The state USED CAR DEPT. rank* high in Agricultural and HOURS: Monday to Frltt*r, 10 »in. to • p.m. vegetable production, «nd Is fs*t '••' *ntur<)»T. t ft m. to S P ni. Sunday, 10 •.in. to 1 p m OR MORE! p becoming a leading manufacturing DtOK DOWNBS, Mana«er . . . BOB MUSI, sawwtuuj imort if yoB love fin Ol UAW STEBS.T MAD1SOK S-JTM you limply "list see Only SJiMUELS Gives You Fresh Spinach ^15c • L. .1. " • ' ' r*rt* t* YN 2 Year-30,000 ifile Guarantee in Writing i KAISER £2J 1954 WILLYS Ss.%'%"^&™ Tomatoes, p^^^ 29c SEE IT NOW} SEE IT HERE! KAISER DAKRIN ^ 161 Jersey Asparagus-19c

.-<«*«• ••*» m •»,• J* SUBURBAN i» m»d§tn hmilum

«MHI' cooper In « •••• ft »• MARKET mtmmzimitt M

>•;• mm mum '«Mt IHHSBAT. MAT *, ift*



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Tar ^f '-•-i^Acir* : *r sit '"' «*."* J » &»***4 tit

it -a VC.t f XztWM.

**• u&fcfti. *a»i AKTMOWY <-..'. Jtr # ,«%*

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*•>• - '. ^ "> juts, i* 5 » * i • . ^ TIM CHIT H«E m^* •• * * t. ',-* »t Mother!

t- ..'j f • if 1*/ ' t jat' Locd W« A Living Gift! usmm PROWJCTS co. 1 Recoflmemfts: 25tti Annual Sale Of

UK • L (Print Or. SMtftMF f ;* t.r't t, Everblooming '5 SPRir^FIELD CilMM M M mil §mti K>i me LAST 25 ruuts Rose Bushes


JHkgy^|4r'2 ttBKWft' SHERWIN- i* GUARANTLED FO» AD r^ae-rtajwaac' I: co •y A--- * *^ a .i~s erf .a;. t*»; ;z%; **s 1 a

s . tour Itest rr Si'*-', t it* 2*;.t 7 •--« RUZICKAS ^PNC- / rtat Xante In ft93t*~" J'" 4*2 Main Sf. (Route 24) Chctbarn, N. J. Ui. BU1WH6 PROOUaS CO. mt aqnavox Dm it P. H.- Usit HHII To Ccmdacf Ftrf^d lit-•I'SjBfrV, IL -J» music ITS. NEW-ITS GOOD

Ttie ftiotf fefautow TP1 ? *..*-«< tyss*-*: i Mrs Frtxk A v cooking began! r>.|i.:i> cj y H--t"«srr ««£ A»»

•Ls.tJU * iz* If at !>J-^JI ft.:»>'

ST)IXir» ONX¥ Tto* Ma OFFER *?. t Expect*^ at

mt 'i&iisiLvrjei ztt+et. t»-o;l2*' fcW r* Mr :-iyir$ B^ki «.' Warranted by •o ve pis re ©sal tffk*, lisa a* ize me A NATIONAL £*• U S

tas is BIOILQUW ^St. Me. 4-13M A $25 J® r*c*wl jefac- Another First in Summit Patronize At No Extra Cost Werner Motor* Gives Local Car luym a 1ONDED NATIONAL If ANCE f OUCY m Any of Oar Inspected Business ' HI* • You got a year's SHOP on Replacement of Defective J at or Faulty Mechanical Ports i of

flMHHWtM' mmttffttttm Otttjflt VMf 99HMP WERNER MOTOR CO. M Se« th« Marks Rros.' WELCOME 4uthoHm4 ( n*M7 MMpmi AY*,. MW»wra Mf *-4»l 117 SPItlNftNILD AYI. 4*71 W-W THt SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1954 Mint; Dr. Lawrence W Rhoadei. pane tu. preiented to. KenneU* OPUm?' «f I® New PERSONALS Many Pay Tributetht new Franklin principal, *ec- doo by her a>an> frbnd* and ad- leg* or Education; llta» Alice Car- t:o|».n j Smith from Trentpn, head of the merly of Quebec, " c,eption and was presided over bj served as a master of cercrncnne£ Mr». J. Wayne Luther of Te.ll John M. Blackmar, A slate of ««*• N J. Rational Education Asso* UttWa and Mr and Mrs, Fred and introduced Mrs. Stanley ciationv and Dr. Clarence Partch, 1 " Mr. andMra. J. E, North «rf Mor- oncers was presented and accept- Mathews. in a vocal iolo with Mrs, REPAIR SERVICE dean emeritis of the School of Ed* Llewellyn^ ns avenue will fly to Dayton O., ed after which Mi. Biacknwr Welch Repain Ramon J. Cabrera at the piano utation at Rutgers Univer*ity. this week-end" to attend a high turned the chair over to the ixi- David Bannister, Susan Leach, P»#rli R 0 (j.. - Hubb* Jr. and Robert school reunion, cominf president. Burton B. Nonie Ringler, .and Kip Webster, Hobbs of 7 Coit road were recent Engraving Brown ."*i'j. •"' ••'. . foilowfd with a quartet from "Pin- [victors to the Little White HQ.U*$. Plating Mr. and Mr*. Edward B. Twoja- afore" .which used words coqi- 'Warm Springs, G , , . - 'pthe/ bMt^ri elected wer* M«, Cryitalt a bly o( Fernwood road atteaaeci a posed for the occasion by Mrs. ' ' '• .'• Donald H. Lawley, first vice P,re«- dinner given by Mr*, 'Ola Tyn« Gerald Crona, Mrs. Marshall- Immediately , Mr and Mrs. W, Scott Van Der- at the-River Club .Tuesday night Rothen »nd M«- WiUiam Snydcr. 'icck, formerly, of 3 Great, Acre preceding the benefit performance Sacco of Kent Fla^e boule- Another popular »ong with apetial CARLANS ourt. ar«.t jow living at Beiantbn, of "Ondlnc," The* benefit wa« fur vard words was sung by Gilbert Low. )our Comiwunjl? jeweler the Berkshire Farm for under- Mrs. James K. Merritt, director Tom Ludlowi Robert Snydcr. privileged boys at Caanan N V Open Frt, Eve*, 'til S f». JI, New members of the, College of Chmtian Education at Calvary Webb Van V\inkle, Jacqueline VIENNESE Mr. Twombly is a member al um. Aul, Beverly- Besrt, Joan Bonardei 4» Springfield Ave. 8U. 6-1*46 Club include Mrs. Donald Thomas Church is attending a -two day Farm's board of directors. and Karen Schoeinaker. The group CAKES 114 Twombly drive, National CoU conference at West Point, N. Y. was accompanied by • Richard w»ere ' a demonstration, of the 0O0K.ES Attending; Echo Hill Camp at AXXIVERSARy-A golden weMing anniyeraary .w»s Best pn the horn, Connie Kber- K curriculum^materials Ciinton this summer .will be icclebraud Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Brne^'Vetuichi ^..e^ hardt, bass fiddle, Donald Hugh*, PASTRIES fcpiaoopal Church will.be Flan To Dine Step'hanie Hammer, Susan Kent,. I Walnut street at a party at the Club Diaha. Union, for approximately j«f lU lett, clarinet and Calvin Low, Coll Millburn 6-0223 Kristi Gwren, Shanna Staples, Vir. •(fifty members of the family and other relatives. Married fifty years S«'*;nr saxophone. • ginia Neiman, Kathleen Hunter, to order from agg o at. Tcramo, Italyy,, Mr. Vetuschi, a well-known local home builder, ^ alll)ual junior Fortnightly A group of fathers sang a vocal Timothy Hopkins'.and Thomas on has lived here for thh e lasltt 455 years. AmonA g thosth e present at thth e partty j (.)ub biinquct was hc!d at lhe Bot. number and a parody of "Queen iiarney. » daughur, Miss Marie Vctuschi; three sona and their fanulies.j t)(, J.JJU T4VPrn( MatJison, Wcdncs- for a Day" followed. The program MELUE WEISS Mr, an A Mm, AmcllO VctUSchhi nr cwiieneviauj', JV *-, -*»II. «<>U .»« ; j^y ,» i of &henectady, N. Y.; ,Mf. and 3Jrs |-d n|• ^ The grouji wa§ fentpr. concluded vvith .faculty member* Miss Adelaide Short, daughter of .Ouido Vetuschi »f the Bronx awl Mr and Mm. Dante VrtOsc*» of -^^^ • , 24 Taylor St, Millburn MOTHER'S Mr. and'Mrs, Harold H. Short,' has immb( ri o! the mUflic «nd audience joining in « song OiM Washington School Summit. The Vctuschis received numerous congratulations from completed plans for her wed/Jing to and drama departments under the addressed to Mlas Cadoo. A $1,000 Garret. Aekerson G if ford, soy of ; friend* . '.- • • . • ,.,••• chairmanship of Mrs. Robert R DAY Mr. and Mrs,Charts Cifford of !'««•» t« tbr Mvcnth' grade final eharcd OW >n« honors . in ttic ! Schhvhting and- Mrs." Herbert •New York City. Sui»>• flir. for a. tour | ^ at Wafihmgtoi1, D.c, »•„ ' - Open, Every Vty al Uie tenth' wedding anniversary'Friday of L:tg!ar,d. Sne will visit • hrr" I .' . . » Vallr; Rd.. Watcbunf PI,. «-m:3 night with dinner and theater in ••broVicr.;- MSgr-'Jahn S. OKcii rdVl>l?" S'tcat of Mr iuid Mrg' •Ioh>r ftewYork City: "Mr, Baum is the :an.iit" his wife.' M.r». Csporaso is manager of the , Newarkcr restau- ! expected loTPturn to this country. rant, at Newark Airport, •jonae time in Junp, Rev. Jacob R. Trapp of Com? Jamra ColMgcloTnephew of Mr i>O you kltOW that rritnity Church recently was guca{ -.and >!r». A.-••' WalltJeh -of Morns SOPHISTICATED . . . STYLE I uptake rat Col by Junior Co! U s*.._ 570 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT SU. t-3000 avenue a former Summit resident^ ; N'ew London, N. H. for a morning , has bof-n awarded A scholarehip SUPREME, IN BROWN and chape! service. '•'for 'further eludy for an adv&nee!ierr condurhc to crcali^F work Including music, danc- For Mother! for her entry in the current art Lawrenv-p'of Park street, Florhani allow at the Silo, Morrb Plains', Park. 'Wcdnrsaay. Jlay 12. M^- iitg, art. and niollrhiig. V nHluralht and ornithologist Other members of the Art Asso- : Manlrv if «'^ov.trca^w.irff for tin- are on its »taff. Tlir rbil*lrrn ha»e ^o^rrnigKt neekend •OOOOO" ciation who were selected.to sho'.v camping trip*. pictures were Mary Bayne Bug-, bird, Air J. Stromsted, and M;« Sir. ar.d.Mff W, I,.'Joh''r»©a,o£.,} Lealie Crawford. Woed-and ovense have mov'fd to Vhe toielc»cn yemr old* nii*l four ds*», weekly. Rrgiatr«- their-nrw home «t 18 Oak nidge lion ma* br made lit an* time. CORSAGES Mrs. Adelaide Hecox of Country- side left recently for an 15-da\ cruise ih Caribbean ports of the Mr. *r.d Mrs. C. A^hmtad T5id"- OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY. JUNE 13th From $3.00 Netherlands West Indif." and Iti'ph of. Essex road returned-Sun- From 2:00 to 6:00 lay from a Bermuda vacation. Venezuela board the Grace Line's' " A brief program at 3:30 o'clock Santa Sofia. Mrs WCiism R. Woodward nnd 'An John S.-Tenant, 2nd. both LAGER & HURRELL Mr. and Mr*." A. J. Ratiche.s of Hr information coll Su. 6-0108 or Su. 6*5866 Manor Hill road were guests «u Tiember* of the Summit College The Inn, Buck Hil's Fail?. P3.. CLab. vv:i! be awarded blue ribbons "%>H> Jertey't Smarlrnl Shorn Shop* fer their prize winning paintings Alice Brundage Marsh: Director Ed. 1896 where they attended a YMCA aroe Isabel Anderson: Asso. Director council meeting. at the genera! state meeting of t.ne A A.U.W. on May 8 at the CoHege 426 MORRIS AVE. SUMMIT 6-1792 Summit, N. J. 183 SPRINGFIELD AVE. Mr*. Henry W. Harding and Mr«, of St. Elir^tHUi, Cnnvent Station 15 FroiiWin Place George Sawyer, Jr., will .he host- Mrs. Woodward asd Mrs. Tcrnant Save! out warehouse stock!

Frankly at tkew rock-bottom price* we wish we had 250. . . Instead of 23 refrigerators! The values are so terrific! Matter of fact, last time, we flashed WeitiBghouse across our Down reMspalKT ad pages, we had a selldnt—and before noon! So take a t p from Bam s—get down early! All, these values subject to prior sale. OH linV Ilelrrreil r«>mrn* ArrouiU. Take Btonlh^ lo pay

Spoc«-tovfr 6 cu. ft. Lift prk. 199.95 .,' • • * / 139.95 r

fomily-iixt 8 ciL Lilr pric. 254.95 159.95 8cu.ft, Itft hond door 169.95 *m.*ml* mm : M'lUKVH'J"..1. .,»..,.'.t -„.! „» «' > ,' ».*** •*, I

automatic 12cu.it. LUt Pf ict 479.1 S 339.95 ; . • i (A" i

•<*• -•!» Ev«rjr kanil "new *53 Wwtingliouit com?* lo >ou *ith $ outfit* uticontjiliotnl Itt ft'i a m A , i r •• ,' gu«r«t)tfe «nd § §.y§tr warranty'on tl« »#al«

MUSK * VOCALS Wt O#t£. **•» SmorUg Sttfi^ t^ IV Tr- M = «"- Ma AU OCCAJIONJ 36M* S***. jBrsc^KT* '«• 0t * js*S«#- DICK MEYER

•* •^.t i. .«f» a*« *• CHATHAM •*«• :-A * - t * 4tS MA SI.

*>*•* tmm IMS* *., : .v-, **•* > *«*»• **.* THE DOU. HOUSE Mil- V i *« •** • MM "is * me Namm /».. *» **%*•* *«••«# *»' -shew ail t Mrm m MU* T&zhmtal Siaff ^ftei (MMM&Plfil_& AYE For Coming Play *•: * «* i**«* its* r^fe'- Su'w*HT44?&(M -*• *x Itm

'.« * * *•»•• *.«• «•.--•* *J BAJIT as- 'T -,srK* T tf&t r Mr« F^ts fsr-i ,., „ »» *. 4 J»» *ft€ *fo 't* *!>• -t -*.-< **-.*t KUW, *".«-* t i.# * t **

/^- ft; ',• g Tt* ' 9»I^j*f. T,f*.^*^ *r^-..*f I'tAJ li. %.: til fs «: ;;i T.V?*, Mm. Ctr stj?-Sur; j O»'^*r I'TI" T'.-Xj. • 'Mr* Mi r Is it*:gt vt £.zstr Jt Mi Xtrzr* .#*.•' fit* rt.«- »- Ohio Girl Tells »« OAUJ!JUlt* VA if 1- * H-t" t v*»' r «tff •«•* ** Of Engagement fo *« n . Richard Harchol 4 ^; .Be *-r.*zi '.* 1/ w V.*r •--- trt. K*;»*fi I., V »* tM *,-•-»« «:-.*•• O. . . FOR MOTHER

i* D Daniel Green SLIPPERS X.m K, H* ? i*r i' '.'/A *".•* V. E Ballet STOCKINGS ** Madison Galleries we t tx k •-« 258 M«;» St. MA 4-2t07 tjr • HANDBAGS M '.f sy By Lennox and Capri Tut *'* 3 ; y SUMMIT ANIMAL .* *t*'t of M»y I? G GIFT CERTIFICATES **r, !T.« WELFARE LEAGUE tee. t* rot-so I'm' tb :# t,v Vs prsmt COR- *«'«•".* -H r.."»7t;KP«*)«K UILKD8Y, « . , r- v*$ ny,r.%*> < A.-.* ^-•'•' - (trr: -»«.«• *jt«ss f.'.k 'Nuffifion,Expert

;', Tfvi l.iLL.HMMIT tktftt Tr*>*. *, ] -JH % rr.f*Ufix «-* ta* ' < e-n I tata. I'H^.'A Tr,*7i4*& ««tr,j Key 53 rr.1; WITH" Oj*r rr.* H'jr.f r S xrf' *'.,') ftrtict 'ty E.:t*'s*'.h H Kirby ****** ^ 1*7 ^iiifntififtffiffififfftttiftftiiitffffffffiffiiiirfiitttniffftiftifftimitfttttfifittttttttfr - - ':nnimitintitnnniiiMiiiiiniiiie ^ Y. Mm AJ*e M is: "A

J»M Mat- cum, ^ :.*&•••>!» AB< »•«••,, *'/»- . ALtVT.

,f. tr.t


PORTRAIT W?ESSFCm r. ? fievcSfer MOTHERAND LITTLE "ME T€0'* VVeir it for parties and evtry TBT cytt tim* you v, ant you and your little IS VIXY IMPOrrANT girl to look enchanting. (Yet it'i • TIM Uf. cur? tv q'-uU litti not too fancy for her to play in atortirk an4 ws*, 'Ah*,r qvUinrm ot h*it timn car/' every day.) Wkhlace-iugartd ability. It, J* M» '/try mty an.jc f* M that a 1*',k*4*.«i';al neckline, Matlerex hugged waist ;n »tt*t«i4«s at rirfiiMt to t/y t'> and a skirt that's a puffed out

, fJIM. } Arc /«« Ww whirl. Delicious pastels in ever-crisp Everglaze / A* f ftWAIJHIftOttK 4 f tiit pettipoint cotton, Tnty'h d hurting that irwy :t no SUMMIT COMMUNITY CONCERTS INC. kttfthmn, *ittsb\* f at curl Irttm t*j»#rt wfft or „ Membership Drive •« M*Kt« crrru; AMU worn jwwf, i#f »r«»4 wriw mm- %ci.mt» tm muy mpvlf tmm May 10th • 15th HUDK it tit* t/>p Af y^H/r viu-*- ffc* or Mm Mlm u t *«wtlm fm | rimy r^t t MKMAJI «r»th Va»#- iln# or /wmHar *»#-j|vy «II or «w Mr. I, , Tr««t« JO, R «

flex 31, Summit

f CAiOUHL HAIRDHIf SIRI trimrt* will bt happy tn B^fo ^WnfflfM A**, kmte Umi umt hmw rtgM§r$4 •ttnntwlt 4'1M# PMff tkUm and ct /*1nl at f HOM0AY HAIRORflfMS

i JUMwm - 0 ittt^tiit |3.oo "ju*l (Mm L - 422 IpH^fltM Am ****tmimmmmmmmtmmmmmieci«. ".:r.bii» af the Summit Art A»- r ffl Wft mto 5;3 0 To R. P. Magrath Mr, end Mra, John A. .____ ., >n wi!j b« ©a hand to dia- each day. For the accommodation Mr. &nd Mrs, Lee J. Kennedy of o? visitors, Hotel Suburban has ar- of Mountainside, aanouBee th* en- - tfii {minting* and prints that Eaaton, P&., have announced the ranged a garden coi-ktai! hour. gagement of their daughter, luge- :-e on exhibition *t thdr lawn Specie] attention will ako be given borg, to Arthur Uhllr, Jr., ton ©f engagement of their daughter, • :'i, M.ij': IS end 16, on the•.; Magreth, aon of Mr. and Mrs. . Entrit« in the exhibition will be I Chicago. 111. x ' mothers dan] Gifts ••;.Li of the Hottl Suburban, Jo^t'ph J. Magrath of Springfield accepted at Hotd Suburban-SaW- j Kltsf Wiljianw ^^b^^raduated $, *.! B l&birt H. Multhaup and avenue- ...... d«y morning. May 15, between SM j Rhi Beta Kapj» from New Jersey :i J Bunch are co-chairmen of and 9:30 am. Th* «how te oj*n to College for Women, b a technical The prospective bride Is an from BALISH'S , xhit/it. George Cook, Broeh all local artkta, -In cast- of rain, the tut&utant at Bel! Telephone Lab- aiumna of Mount St. Joseph Acad- jl..'.i>«. .Stewart Rui*el end .exhibition will be postponed until joratorits, Inc. at Miifwy Hi!!.. Mr. emy, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, {i Rafferty eoniprbe this dta- the following kd Uhlir Is an M.S. graduate of llllnoi* and Marynaount College, Tarry- CLOCKS by Seth Thomas ,....,,. $14.t5* , ...mniittee. Members of the Institute of Technology and holds town. N, Y. She also attended the HOT TRAYS by $altorit...... 12.15 «p , •.. i, i <>mmitt€« include Mi*. a. Ph.D. from the Univemity of Graduate School of Teachers Col- H G ;s'>n, Mr* John Bunch, lege, Columbia University. 5YROCO WOOD Scon «s ...... 3.50 »p tarry U-ydcn of « Oakland Chicago. He is a member of Gam- Mr. Mrt£f&th U «n •luiunu« of ..- L JSIJC Crawford, Mri. Willkro place, a Junior at S:,?.• <\x»k, lilt*. James W. John- MiM lUthy J. Kennedy and Stevens, New York treasurer f,f hJK CIHSH «nd a mem-' •A'summer wedding i« planned. ' Bradford B«.chra<-h Mi.'- M Norria Fiik, Uhm Ruth her of thf J'«-rriling Rifk* City. . - . Gift Certificate Gift Wrapped | Drama Guild Production, I to |e Given 2 Week-ends Margaret S. Sater Married Saturday Farm and Garden FAR BROOK SCHOOL : I With the opening of "Laura" ) at the Calvary Drama Guild's To Thomas Ward, Jr. at Baptist ChurchTo Ho/d Benefit . SUMMER DAY CAMP j parish house theater' the wreek- 1 rnd of May 21 and 22 and a /show- Hiss Margefet"- Scott Sater. if lant Sale 52 Great MUls Road Short Hilli, "N. J. | ing a?aln on the following wcek- daughter of Mr. and Mr«. Chester c SUPrUES mi ©IfT SH0P ! end, May 28 and 29, the Guild )« .Well Sater of Oak Ridge avenue, The Kew Jettey..".diviaion rtf the BOYS AND GIRLS—3 to 13 Wotnen'ji National Farm and Gar- 1 B««chwood Rd. $-%UZ I undertaking to experiment with «i !w«a married oil; Saturday to . Swimming, riding, dramatics'! sports, hikes, trips, • < j now policy. Heretofore the Guild ' den Association will hold its an- FB££ DEU VEK Y presented play a lur #ix con- Thonia* Edward Ward, J,r.,,8on of nual garden f&le Tuesday, May 11, , crafta, musk, art, ovtrnighht cainping ' day.s. Tickets for theMr. and Sirs. Ward of South from 1:30 to 5 p.m.. The hom« of Mm R. S. Perry, Jr.* O>untryside COUJCTRV ENVIRONMENT , BUS TKANHPOUTATION' ptwo week-ends may he purchased \ Or«ylg'e,. -' a.t the 'M Baptist drive, preeident of.tHe division, EXPERIENCED COUNSELOftS SMAU .GROUP? ; f'om any member ot the Dranrn The ceremony was per- j Guild or, by calling Su, 6-1814. once again will be tiit setting for, MRS. WINIFRED MOORE; Director j The current production, a roys- formi'd by Rev, David K. BarnweH, this popular annual aaie, which i trry drama, offers many com- D.D. A reception was hel5 at the benefita the scholarship fund. The .SHOUT HILLS 7-3030 jr SHORT HILL 7-2585-W of staging which are be- F*ortnightly Club,' Association, under the chairman- ing met by Henry Smith and his '*TS»<» bride .was given in marriage ship of Mrs; Edmund G. von Duhn, 20th Camp Season, June 21 to August 13 construction crew which includes maintains scholarship* for girl* by her father. Mrs. Bennett'Lop], 1 Register Now Also For Fall School Term <" Arthur Hankin, John Chrlttie, who desire to , study " landscap« JarfiW Clarke and Joshua Ward. of Kensington, Conn** was 4ier tU- gardening, horticulture, animal j Nursery, Elementary, Junior High '* ' Mrs. Harold Palmer. aij$ ^jhjjr :itpa o>f. Aonor. husbandry and allied subject* at . -..,.;£ L.,.L>j < committee of htrs. Myrtle WiJldn- TMe' best .Mnah wa.* the bridp the Pennsylvania School of Horti- «on, Mrs. W. I. Delaney and Mrs. father. "Ueherfl included culture, Ambler, Pa. Gordon S>k'«»le arc/ working -on Petef G. Smith of South Orange,-. This year'a plant Mile will In- (•the furnishings and colors for the Howard F, Beir of New York, ..** clude all type* of plants, perennials setting. ' brothers-in-law of the bridegroom; and annual*), potted or in flats. Mrs. Hugh Jewett k» in charge J. L. Nevill Smythe of. Chestnut Roses, strawberry plants and of htoge properties. \ . . Hill, Pa., cousin of the bride- Mr*. Thoma* K. Ward, Jr. shrubbery will also be featured. Do You Want A Good Breakfast?- groom; Robert M. Ogden, 3rd, of Bradford Baclirach Phone ord«ra will be taken by Mrw. East Orange; G. Carleton Ray of » Robert F, Moore, Su. 6-5489. ORDER Hair Style Pelham Manor, N. Y.: and S.' Unique articles for garden work Then Give Mother A Good, Whitney Landon, 3rd, of Ohc^U'r, Sally Dearborn, and outdoor living will also - be NOW! Vt. - offered for *ale under the direc- tion of Mn. Morrk B. MacOauley, MATTRESS! Mrs. Ward Is a graduate of Kent Former Resident, chairman of marketing. Place School and of Smith College. Refreshments will be eerved. A good night's sleep reflects on Mother during her Deli'ght Her TheMonfh She is the granddaughter of Mrs. ToWedYM Man Hostesses will include Mm Wil- early morning hours. . . Start her day with a John Sater of New Bedford, Mass., smile . , . her with a mattress with ! Mr. and Mm Richard J. Dear- liam B. Plate, Mrs. Edward S. and the late Captain Sater, and of BrllJhardt. Mrs: T. A. Lau«r, Mrs. • a BEAUTIFUL BOUQUET the'late* Dr. Elmer .Burritt Bryan, | born of Dogwood Farm, Bernards- Claus B. Oatman and Mrs. Hans flowers iay it when words fail former president of Colgate and ! ville, have announced the engage- J. Meyer. Ohio Universitiee and the late Mrs. ment of their daughter, Miss Sara from to POTTED PLANT Bryan. «..«•«,»..«.•». ZEIGNER'S .Reynolds Dearborn, to Alexander for lasting beauty A freshness , Mr. Ward Is a graduate of Kent School, Kent, Conn., and Yale Unl- 0. Eedroeian, son of Mr. and Mr«. LAMPS— • a LOVELY CORSAGE vereity. He ifi the grandson of the Oscar Bcdrosian of Haverhill, GARDEN \o wear with special pride on her day! Large selection of table, boudoir, late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward bridge, etc. f- Ward of Preston, England, and of Dearborn wa» graduated AMD SUMMIT 6-1077-1424 the late Mr. and Mra. J. L. NeA-ill from Wilson College, Chambers- Priced from 5.95 tip Smythe.of Chestnut Hill, Paj Mr. burg, Penn, with an A.B, degree Ward Is a member of the Sons of in "Eriglish. .- PLANT Lamp picfvrtd f.fS SUMMIT HILLS FLORIST; Inc. the Revolution, Society of Colonial The prospective bridegroom is en Warn, and Yale Club of New York. nlutnnus of Springfield ,College, HOSTESS TABLES— 3 Beechwood Rood Summit He served three years in the Army Springfield, Maes., where h

Christian Dior's very special nylons (J Women's and Debs' perfect gift for Her Day 60 GAUGE NATIONALLY-ADVERTISED 15 DENIER A Mother's Day gift-with i charming French Newest,., C«f Parisirnne Hosiery for iceem! Give her three pairs of luxurious Dior your pri»tli*»t petticoati S/toed stockings and, with Mr. Dior's compliments, to twirl about. Frivolous, mmtomhh and fwhiori' t lovely white nylon carnation! For i truly fight they aiuture you of 33% to 50% off elegant gift—for mothers young in spirit— prettier looking tegt. • Surplus Stock* «f Lftadins Manwfaclurcrt And, there's nothing «o § Tht fttani N«m« it $tamp*4 on lv»ry Mr choose Dior stockings in the rkwest, loveliest mill btemm they're flxtd pnc», 9.95 «ur pr\f 6.90 shades. They'll love thett—and thtif KLh fixndpr/c*, 1295 our prks tSQ forevtr-freih boutonnicrel H v'tM^'r..**. rHiW'Al flxtdptm, 14,95,f .our prle« 1*90 inn t, IB 95. owrprle* 10.90, AAAA N» C fit* SPITZER'S 51-15 Jpr. 4.tl PEGGY ABBOTT FOOTWEAR oO-is Ipr. IIS TtOUSSIAUX SHOP MIU1URN SUMMIT ,. .1 pr, Ml Open Friday Nttt til 9 F.\t, # A.M. to lo l»lt» It fHE SUMMIT HijtAlp, THljiSpAY, M^Y », i»S4 New Ways to Keep Glass Gleaming Mayor Cites Area v«a««,S for two junior (le-parum W"b«u tiie family lit* down fy in w«r» w«ttr. A !•• en »cbS at a tea held AH member churchts , t* tuUd i**x werne tjurta mmte a 3ay, or whtn irop o.' nmntoni* or b'uting la Role in Chemical Chureb. The to provide woluntwr* to eoss* in fer * fettiv* o th| nn$« will help bring out the st*ff in teaching, r« s glawwar-t m aa uidi«per.**ble part ; *choo: S* «pon«ar«Ki by ttoe SutnmU cnaiUi, uiuatv:, rtcreatioti j Huur. Do not ut« amrnoBt* o* I i\>anvil ot ., of heuwitaM equipuifut It ienda c«u#tic wfmhinc powders on goid. Week Observance porution. Mre. Edward W Did you say . . . . ! Tnl* >t-»r the l*e«u:y,, grac.c *nd convenient to pktlnum or river ard gun m diricior. Mr*. U,,:j,, "I'll build when the I «;'! bt h-rid at CVntr*] Church J th« dih'lnf taWt. A hometaaktr Drying im- U tuautarit dirtntor. I ,,,, ,.'a 1 j from 9 a m. to noon, June 29 to time bright? : can, ty foHofeinf a f«w slttptt mg to do volunteer *i,fk TiJ«re *r# {wo tchowi of K !«. WT,K Mt-tk longer than ... , Well, the time jo's and don't'f. care for her gis,a*- M drying f'a*sa»8rt. One hold* cunt act Mr*. Ely """"* e*«% to add years to its that rla«e* «hould b« dried tmtn«- , throughout' th* t States Pic-atnt ai tii* iu» v.."« p is - kinder£srtfttf. on* primary and f i'mely with * lint-frc« towel Th« M*y IT 10. 22 I'hilsp Walter*, Jr., Jttl j,.' ,, • The ft'Mhing of g.a*»war«? re- Other bold* th«t. thoroughly U Of j HuhU. Mi** Mary Kmn,* M^j I roll. Mr». J«imt* K. Mvr:.;'\,[ * ^uires iimpte, ordinary care. . ft Hnsed in wgrm water. vr to f Long Hill to 6» j Kly, Mi*. F-inivr Rinj..,- ^ * Hill be safer if 4 rubber met or Ju!', K '•;.'-! disiitowft ia put in tht bottom «f Rasl j>oli*hi«g with a cken dr> . sre&. Mjy-pr P«--'en-a! BUind Represented af Chicago n Lumber w$ other materials M-a J^hfl J '"• -• the duhpsn and on tht drain--{ tew*! wll] m»k(! g»*»e as ao and Mrj». L*rov O board. Rubbtr taucet tips are an are plentiful again; thfre is Use a «oft bru«h to j many Io<-«? *f«f !d»uti* fJy to Cdc«a\> thU wt«k to added protection,' Wa»h only a Atau Baich. Mars ] no expensive delay. Good . , ' • . • , or cut dtaifn* quickly *nd sffilmted JOPK Hill Chapel, few, piece*' »t * time—ont at a \Vai!«cc, i»at 1'r^1, contractors are available so YOU haVe more assurance UMiTcver .tha,t you can ) wi'h th* haro Towubtp. at the convention tim« it evta--batter—and hold of tft* nation's jof th* Ontra! tV>utui! uf tht Thouisia aiid Karol Ki'u«cnu- .and be making a wise investment. '. •. .; \. , *tem-Risr« by thf boil to avoid I SutURitt '1* cructa «iid e*f*duiri#nt containfra are** and ! s ruin and lts»tn thf chance of e«n" b* iK'ft. >>ril!iantiv-fVar b> 'Iropping tht gl«u». . ' -. a,* f which thie- !nc«i chapfi Is a p«rt. JOO*t"rtrng «?di!ii£tit citpo»:U '.vitb l>o!"fttofifg of A!r ' .if r<.«ution of a'nttuonia anJ v.«ter F ,.-t:o?J e-"g. Inc. at Murray j' lh<44 .i.'n, t"nic*kgo ptiburbin which COLD or tynthtflii or tea leaves »fMkeJ JP. Hi' C.ba P!U»rrnarf«ti-.a! I tb* now;*, id Mi VV»bbi-j'» j,ur. hot water to nt> asid nit- lotral Come in and tee? our 1954 Howe ittild-sttf jSxhitsti, preMBting the latest in thai wortdtrfu! sparkle ttictt-13 an handmade AxtHrU-;i'i ^!^sk is ' 1 in -th;# rlty and inh«r«n: quality of fir,*. hand- treated ta tiiat .t ••>••>• Fur Storage Rome Designs^Matemts and Equipment—This is & FREE Servic*. :'3t)ric# .dn.l of :|i.f .:«.••« «f 19*3 made g!*uawiry tt!ii; at Miirrey H'li. kidition B:"-y 'ir.ihwji! «t!*> VVA* « ing will dim ita brilliance. Rinse ttiri rhiin»t"3, ,1 sh«.>.i'.'J s "*. &»• "' *mal'.«r c» t:v,t c!a*.f M-f \\>bb. a 5.0 In one visit here under one roof you'll- find more sensible and helpful ideas subjected to fs'.tune or • uiesr.uai •-•u! »•' .c* 4 g:Aduatc 0/ Wneavton. frorn'biJi to <.j'.i. These than in weeks of searching elsewhere. #uch as Berkeiey Oj ,.,:—. be avoided very Cii*i.y by * Berkeley Hel#hu, Ethylene Chens- , Actu&l r*aidents of. the city of J»kcing a.^ilvcr spoon in * crystal : ki! Corp. of Summit and Hop-! Washington. I>; C,, do not vote la SUMMIT h.4606 cup or glass before pouring in 8 These ..exhibits *j$ maintained by^ug^yi^^o-optratin^ with the leading manufac- ^r» Company, I«e. end Rebels .'•'^r national or municipal *pt| liquid; The silver ..nb-.- turers to demonstrate how Better Homes are now being built-at. Cower C%it* s bompany, bot,h of Bc.\rJce!;eyj '><»-«• - • •• . ..•'. '. " ' ..••_ *•••'•• . . . ' *c* • ."••• thtf he«t qiiu-kty- It * *'*° Heighta. '' •. \ ' \

- v wisa to protect 'iiasa plates with ** • *» .• . . "••'• You will also have the opportunity of seeing our Big New Book of the Year paper doi'iea when serving ice I rjet Local on Home Building. It is intensely interesting and we thiiik it contains more crofim.. Ket-p hotcups and pl*t«s. j Mayor Bland uried that special away fironr cold metal, enamel or ! ^i th«m about a. half- SU A-0565 important factor in the st«le'« j'billion dollar* !n vmgt* each year. manufacture. . • .IP. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Widow If Btntflciary Et cry thing for Building BtlUr Hornet of Sforea Storm Application for probait of th* Open FRIDAY NIGHTS Open will of H»ro!d Q. G*d4i» has be«'n • «b&te^ 700 Springfield Avi., ItrktJey Height, M. J. 'til 9 PM. ARE 'tttS PJt. rfcfivcd In the office of .cii;»rl** A. Otto. Jr., (surrogate, courthouse. 49 Osborn Avenue, New Providence, purchased by Only A Short Diitance From Tht Center of Summit EH*«bcth,' Helen H. .Gtddis, 36 SUMMIT SHOPPING NIGHTS Robert A. Deitch'raan. Mr. Deitehman is asBociated Summit An* Chamber of Ooramere* Harvey 'drl-,^, -widow. ;• named executrix en« beneficiary. Mr. | with L. Bambergeg f & Co. This home was formerly I GedtiU died April If. a owne««T,0rdf bhvy MrMr . aaanrdi MrsUn . Gunthenun»Wr HovermanHnwrmtn . I Tht flmt night «choola in Ameri- s ca W(>rr cviUibiuh-ed about the mid* die of t>w l&th c«ntury. You re

We Wrote This Book for YOU

*THE RICHES OF NEW JERSEY ' was pub- lishcd last year. It is full of information about the agricultural products of New Jersey, If you didn't get a copy, why not You drive 235 »P FirePower V.g . . . wo*t pow«r/Ml engine on the road, and *A»tim pages record breaker at Indianapolis and Daytona Beach! You drive with PowerFlite ... mart ' send for one now? The coupon is for your automatic of all no-clutch tmnimimions. And with FuII-yme Power Steering and power 2 colon convenience. braking... surest* safest car control in automobile hiufcory! Com© fee Number One-today! Photograph \ • ••O ' , -V-" • ' ' • , /•:*.,.- '. .'.• L Thd power and IQGK of leadership are yours Tips on ma Canning • HI f% fpeezing

,;- -.1 Shopping

517 SPRINGFIELD AVE. Swfcsn BiNrtrt* «•< M0SW Mil, W * R MOTOR CO. *«..,»..» SUMMIT


I, *• THE SUMMIT WHIALB. imi".n_v 1954 P«o« 17 •MM A slate of officer* for the cotn- Red Cross i»g year has been *e!ected by the Celqnese Camera Club (Continued from page l) . nominating committee und will bo To Present Travelog »-,pporti5g ch*pter operated by |ti presented nt the annual meeting to "National PsrkJ of th# „ 'i'd of director* and volunteers. b« held May w »t the YWCA. A* will be visited on Tuesday, May it, 4itlona! nominations may be made > FICKKS, DIRECTORS NAMED at 8:15 JJ, us. when the ( from th# floor. Camera Club present* it* second Nominee* for officers are Carle- annual travelog in t.h« auditorium on W, Pierson, chairman; Leo *t the laboratory. The show will DUMONT O'Crady, Mr#. R. L. Hopkins Mrs. start with the rocky splendors Warren Barling of New Provi- of the Grand Canyon, Bryee, Zlon MAID UNION'S dence; Mrs.' H. G. Luca* of Berke- and Yoicmite and will progress Television Service l«F Hejjfftti and Mrs. A. R, Roy through the Grand Tetons and of Paisttlc Township, vice chair- Yellowstone to the mountainous TEN YEAR SALES Sine* 1940 men; Mrs. F. W. Schumann, secre- beauty of "Glacier and Jasper Na- tary; A. Clifford Bernard, treasurer tional Parka in the Canadian PtOGRESS B«tt equipped Duniont and Mrs. J, Franklin Perry, assist- Rockies. In addition, there wllltx tdtescrvlca dt«p in ant trei«ir«r. views of Mount Rainier, Mount 1944-1953 tbli art*. Our •pvchtity Kushmore, the Badlands, and _ repairing and t^rvk- Nominations for board members Crater Lake. Ing of Dumont tettvl- to "serve three-year terms are Mrs. Th slideds araee in coler and were Irvln Recce of Berkeley HeighU, taken by. various members of the Mr*. George .Smith of Millington, dub including Dr. John Adapts of j Prank J, Kerrigan, Mrs. Edmund Summit and Dr. Walter. Paist of —34 hr. SERVICE- Von Duhn and Mrs. D. K. Bouton. Berkeley Heights. Commentary George Brodlcy ia nominated to will be given by Dr. Adams, Dr. Daidone fill a one-year tmexpired terny on Puist and Dr. Ruth Walker of the board. New providence. It was announced that the All Electric speaker for the annual meeting Saturday Morning tall will,, be William Wright, a Red Classes Prove Popular 862 So. Orange Ave. Gross field director utatione'd at Nine teaira have been enrolled l*\>rt Dis, who will speak ,-oh his to datf in the Board of Recrea- H. J. experiences in Japan and Korc,». tion's Saturday morning baseball school, it was announced thU 3-8U0 The oitiei of Jacksonville. Tam- week. Groups meet each Satur- pa and Miami, Florida, err leading day «t Franklin School, Memorial part* of foreign trade. Fldd and Edteon Field .from 9 ^3^ a. m. to 12 nopn. '•' Additional enrollments are be- ing received from boys nine years old'or older. Instruction.!* given in fundamentals of the game a* f Short Cuf — 3 to 5 lbs. Quick — Economical well aa in team play. Beltsville White Smked Tongues Cube Steaks Jefferson PTA Been Officers . Officers of, the Jeffprson parent* MIDGET • .Teacher Association were elected* mm? at annual meeting held this week. Fancy Sliced Swift's Premium — Skinless They are: Robert Teel, presi- dent; Mrs, Mario Buonopane, vice Lamb Liver Frankfurters Are You Planning To president; Mrs. William Vierlirig, secretary; Mrn, Michael Ponzlo, treasurer; Mrs. John Wright, par- 33 DO-IT-YOURSELF? ent director; Miss Gloria Gould, TURKEYS 59 teacher director. -SwMs Premhm Coli Cift- Regular Dressed-5 to 9 lbs. Ready-b-Cook-4 to 7 lbs. If BO, be sure to see our Home Building and Gifts wore presented to J. Bind- Qukk -fioien Speclo/fy ley Hoff, principal, who is leaving Vacuum Packed to Stay Fresh Remodeling EXHIBITS for Latest Ideas and to assume duties at Washington Swift's Premium Loin Helpful Information. ' School, Miss Mae Chrlstensen, Bologna who is leaving to become reading r Steaks t~»*% counselor of the Summit School Pickle and ib. ^ • • n t ib. i U. S. BUILDING PROOUQS CO. System, and William, Vierllng, re- -Seafood Features— tiring president. Pimento Loaf AU Klndi of BulWIng Mat«ri»Is The student choir and orchestra Plain Loaf Ample 700 Springfield Avenue Telephone under the direction of Miss Mar- Shrimp Su. 6-3355 /jaret Thorpe and Roy Fulmer 40 forking B«ridey Heights, N. J. Olive Loaf 50 Pink-Meated entertained. U, S. Choice and Packers' Top Brands Large Ib. Yoir 6oz Regular Style Teddy's — Prt-co«kcd Chsiet pkg 7-DAY CRUISES One of the first 25 Short Cut Cod Fillets -59^ questions after any RIBS OF BEEF 53 to NASSAU in the Bahamas fire- ^^iiiiHiffntiitiiiirititfiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiitftiiiiiiifffiitiiittiiiiuiiiitiiiiitfHiiuMtiitii iinritiiMiniitiiiiiiittiHiiniiiiifiitiiiiitiiitfiuitutiiHittiiiiitxiittrftrtTifiTiiiTiutiiiEf itt^ •|45 up—2 full days in Nassau! SAVE from N.w York EVERY FRIDAY at 9 P.M. on Valuable M HM IDEAL SHIP for a Spring Croiu Premium Items Swanson's — T. Y. iA NASSAU wirti GRAND UNION'S . Stokely No.303 TURKEY DINNER "GOLDEN TAPE PLAN" PEACHES Sliced sr Halves 2 cans 39 largest Lido deck afloat—2 outdoor pool* FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 S GrapFreshpaek Juice ( Tm aMiHonal Sm r"^ Trartl Agent WAS IT INSURED? See the display in our store - "4 ««. cans ! No.303 INCUS NASSAU LINI Ask our manager for details Jol n/ r 4 1i Llbby'» ' MOW UMI, Omitnl Ag* Why not be sure that HONEY POD PEAS 2 cans W • r | Asparagus Cuts 35< your property is prop* Sunshine = Doranrt erly and adequately | Stokely Stokely i Potato Puffs insured. No.303 i Dole Krispy Crackers 1 Apricots Corn 2 cans 33/ I Pineapple Chunks Call this Agency I Stokely Slokely Make Your Reservations thru 1 To-day. Ilbpkg 25^ No.303 Barllett | flaw Q11he Moiff A. (Applesauce cant Pears 2 cans PAULSEN Holmes Agency Miller's | Nancy Lynn TRAVEL BUREAU | Tomato Catsup 19' Dill Strips REALTORS - INSURERS Nigh Life Beer N 03 1 Vanilla-Strawberry Twirl Serving Summit and Vicinity I Sliced Beets 2 c°i 31/ Corn can SUMMIT 6-7108 • 0208 For 56 Yean - Van Camp's 7 Betcfcwood Rood. Summit 45 Maple Si. Summit 6-1342 6^1.23 N 2 1 Ice Cream la Licensed Sterei Onty With Perk or * i Hint Club BAKED BEANS Vegetarian Styla 2 ° 29 pinl y

Pf» Nutrition 2lb Nabisco IfMiflrful Taste Ripe Red Beauties — For Slicing pkg cello, Lorna Doone carton Stortbrisd 5'ioz. Dog Food pkg. TOMATOES taaze Mellow and Sweet, Instant Puddings diver's Bananas Prepackaged By Katun Orange Marmalade Crisp — Fuli-flovortd Home Grown 13^ FOR Pascal Celery Fresh Spinach HUDSON Peek of flavor Home Grewn Wilts Onions > *«»««. Pineapple Scallions GillneHen —Columblo Riv*» i floveui Salmi MieMg Mlirts Home Grown ______i'- Flovom Rhubarb 1 Brass Seed New.'Menthof Iced MENNEN FOAM SHAVE Tour Besf Coffee Buys.' Nancy Lynn Quicker Than Brushless- SAVE 10' A POUND Fruit and Nut Twist Closer BsaUthw M On All Grand Union Coffees Coffee Cake 'Im ShlniRfl BrigKt with Regular Special SHOE SHINE KIT Mild and Mallow 3» HOW Early Morn 1. CNmb«r, Buffw mi Shin* C!«tfc tfrk!«nt lib. Itg-SStVaiM NOW 39/ Superb Never Aorowax *•••• Freshpak bag 1.05 feurr/i CeOkieS rumtlrtttle *""'• lib O«t Monte TOOTH PASTE Full Bodied ts Grand Union bag 1.07 Seedless Raisins «•** •• DtlreH, MUhlgM, Cof<«» Priett Effecrlv* ihrough Sohirdoy, May 8th Ory Beef n^».^J IF ( mt4 boil hum and Product pric-i «fftctlvt Miraclf of Mildness threugh Saturdoy. May 8th,

• ••("•>•*; line Cheer Ajax Cleanser Fab

Th« J»fc hnii fln Inntant Action Engine with Mtd. %\m\ HornWlike p*irfornian<»-«ma?,ing roadability Wi r»n**i« HUDSON JET from eichwive "atepdown" doiign riiggnd J___21' MonoWIt body-«ndfr«mo* -FUght-Liiw Styling' Itrax - 33/ FAMILY CLUB SIDAN ^ wnnrt ink^rk)r« greateconomy. Se© this big buy! ' lYwhmuk. PiMittUil. mmmillt f>mu **'"** *'t>ww ""****: flLL GRAND UNION SUPER MARKETS OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 If DEFOREST AVENUE It THE SUMMIT HE»ALD, THURSDAY, MAY *, !»§* IMQAL ABYEKTBEMEKT mem. Amwammamstf UM.AJL ULQAL AO A>. tu* w f«w« tu * point 3d jiiinuttf f ; wtmuta OBDWUIC* Trait w tzcv J) 8k>ust 8S t tit South 88 (!©»»#«• 30 mi nut as or 34 EJi. ..Us EM'S !U« If fri-t to 1 l'-jki U 12 tttt to t palm ".1 U westerly »Wt lice of Bl AX ORDIKAMCI to BfcfUiit* «cc« CV.J srt ',# 42 :••«( ta b i ii («i South 3 <$«>«"«•# W m'.iiu'.t* r Wwt •«.*» -«8* 4-fr. MM dj lll i h ,J ,• » f 1 M» re- 4 'ueA %•> *r" tht. ^ I j « tht O) tv.»* *.aimf :n tie C 'v <•>' Sum- n r t n »*,e •«!• lilt i .t.*i Sf-w Jt ->*y, from lit* ',dj*|t* >{ Mid ordfr,' .<* thej >tl ti.e Cl i 1 In IISI Uw ipmi Urtwtrct oolt, J- n - £!• * n.Ke ja.'lc J. t. , Jet. i&*4 W Irtil be *la"i#f&r btrred' from proft«rut- BE II OBDAlNgO B¥ t!,: I lift W i ._- j.rr j ( h.* Sn4 tng or l ' TOM Px»jsc».MIm (Ialia l« lam© 1 w wtnRtaat Uw»-« bwidicap THF i"0*O4O\ rot M IL i»l> THE u*<$ to n»e*r i .' f BIftlNN'ISO »- a :, .; T -'I the b CITS of Sf-MJIir IV THL Lul'MT l Me .MsuvpoHuui, U.e a f i ' •,«t.JIAj COO- » 1* biu dftt».tr» *I»J *uc.*cE Si*t« c< A-il-'.c* * or p- i foil of WWik Brocun fl M Ipfs. r tis * T? .34 fm i»t»{erl¥ ftom th» »«!UM Ave , •• i * is* »!'**. ft- Ui /'* I ft!.' The IfctrtqwliUn, flnrt of thaeh»« •ten Mt » :1M if »fc>-frr!* f-'.ae U*i* ^i' tb« a" t C :i..\Tt W >MtiMtia>OT. wiU we 1U ir U* ... .'.J R »d Jroi» Mid p^:nt of r.-1*, AJ UtoSMHM an #..5 a:.:;. » " " ' 1 ttt>g--ee t'.e C«» C.t c' t'.» Crv it I <• f upon 1 ,1 l rf fcn ti 4 • n j-» fr n. / "" ,r JWJTlft • sLiJig^ Hi1 " *! r,«&| i*Hh th# s(>frft •%- BUSINESS DIRECTORY .., :*-• C.'j it fa aii.nJt in U.< C>. v .T.ir J; n!s c.n- ?* fi> w.th tf.e CI*i C.t.-i If Sum- RAPrD REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES a? ti.e f»,etr.s« is .* fn :*£. of to d <• ;.:^ar lint* acJ j>. ;Oi- -;• w xa .'<.*- t.ug frutr. *i(ca rtn '.- i-'r«*< frwa moHr.« w «*- GEORGE'S STEPHENS•• MILLER CO. STEPH&S - MILLER CO. t.it Cm of c c»«k e»i»*.%^ « .: !r*m ti.c pr«»:lM». cr Complete Lin* of FUEL OH, SWEET-KLEEN for to pr-' :K» AL, p*r#oft Ja AUCTION ROOMS PLUMBING-HEAJIHG until *ucn it.ap his m •»_ .|et ^^jj-uctia-n ,; i BUILDING MATERIALS Meterc.. ci*y „; ,>. p,-0',iOCKET CF-Slt-53 15 Industrial PL SUwealt F.-bt bAt.uf.-, uid Ui*a Aas-vclit'.on of 13 Summit Ave. 81MGW1T 9-m* W lemht Avt, tr.is ora.Ltr.c« gh&li be Ti'.ta J^r & JmprLsonmenImprisonment fur*** term" U4 «»dt«*- • Carpet Cleaning • Fuel Ott • SUMMIT «-mi si'. e-m l jwrricwi of ' nin/«tjr days. Jr.jf. thirtr '3C> days, or both, ia the1 tortwuiaa, &zi Catl B. Qray, Jr.. u- *ct;on i.'..In the irmorai of »Qil. ftlBcr«!or. oJ:r.fr Municipal M&gl&trste.. •Adaiinis:ra'.cr cf V>t*.Tias Affairs. • Auto Body • r th» CIWR«T or pefeoa to wbam tuch = etc, K»:r:ttrf5. Eastern Fuel Company liquore • P'Trnit l« KfaJi'cd,' • hail .conduct bi» eff«rt immediaUtlr »^** • puftllerttoa BEDROSIAN'S oj>*r4itiGriS &o t^v&t ihefft fth*ll b* Eto Summit Auto Radiator FUEL oa. Attractive Values in New Hampshire House I.- Harrj C. K»tf*. CHjr CUr& of th* & Body Repair Shop 24 Hour Delivery ABE'S LIQUOR STORE ahd so .tn»t the are* »hall !>• proptrly CHy of Summit, do hereby e*nliv'tlist WILLIAMS OIlU>-MATIO LIQUORS l tout TiiMd lvw:*a off, cleared ol debris. »pd the foregoing Ordir.RnM mts tatto- CIVIL ACTION KKECOTION' - Ton John Fako, Prop. RUGS t to- conform with the contour duced for flrtR r*»din«' *t » 'I*-""'"- SALE OF .MORTGAGED PREMISES Oil Burners WINES-BEER Luncheon*—.12 to 2 p.m. y «rfef!t« M by the By rtrtue a: in»- *botr<«tated writ Expert Body & Fender Work and lines memeeting g off tthbe Commaroas Council Sales A Servlea At Popular Priw* Dinnera — 5;30 to 8:30 p.m, di.lj CHy on Tuesdfcy errenlrigeng. %l»ii 4,, !»*, , wtd of execution to me fl!r*et»d 1 iba.ll Radiator Repairing Prompt Delivery Service Sunday Dinners SectioS n 5. Th* ©wn«r or pwsoa to tha.h 1 said OrUT 6-S055 Hl'nunit 6-44W "From 12 to 7 p.m. ra! of *ot!, *h»li n layer •v*nJSif. May :8, 195*. at the City Hill, iwo o'clock i!i trie atsercoon of said Auto Dealers SUmmU ft-15IS of iwrabl* »oll to a depth .-©I three tt 8:3ft-o'clock tD S.T.i at •which time i dsv, Storing ^U be 1 ffor r*ten- »nd pines any person who may i*i ALL that tra-t or parcei of taniJ, Re-Fitting . j situate, ly'.r.? »nd b*lag in the Bor- DILLON MOTORS Inc. on the premist*. »nd sh»il be Intereeted. th*r«ia will be giTea a.n Re-Laying McNAMARA pl »tr the pren>!*«* *hen the opportunJtjr to b« he»rd cosicrrniag ough o? Nsw ProvldtR.ee. in the Coun- Authorised Sales it Service OW Mill Inn Towne House rest of the soil ft»» 6*«B remo?fd, tr of t'stoa «»d State-of New J*ts*y- FUNERAL SERVICE »uch GTttlaar.««. BE1KG kaown and d«;sm»teOT, N. *. A. A. MrNuniara G. K. Ippolito WINES * Dinners • Oockt«lt Lotwje Section 6. In the removal of *o'.l, City Clerk. Ten-n-e, Section Si, made br John J. 7 Summit Ave. SUMMIT <-lMf the owner or person who obtains such May * \ K#nta.' Clrij . Eogineer,- dated- De- Jirrct Phone: Sl'mmit 6-0500 Prompt •CM»iitet«Jj' Air Coodtilonf*"' permit shall m&k* iue of only »uch cember 11. :M8 and filed ?n the Cnion County .R«m«'«' O.'fice on Feb- 4i P«k II ,Morrl!i(ow» jKrtet* for transportation aa are destg- CITY Or St'MMII Rtptln - FaxU - Acc«wrle« • Interior Decorators • cm nated for tta« purp«e by lh* City ruary 13. 1943 M Map 3S327-A which Coal KKW IBRSBT prfmiMea RJ» ico-re particularly .de- 1 SSI Morris Ave. gUMMTT 6-4200 Ko«d iIOrrirt«wn scribed ag Sollsysrs; . S^otloa 7. Before MiT P*rmlt for 1 NOTICE or nnooo BOND SALE • Luncheonettes • coll rf-snoT-U ahall be lieutd. the appll- BEAJLED .PROPOSAL wlU be re- BEGINNING at, a point us tbt EASTERN L H. NOLTE GO. cftSiT shall 111* with the City «. per-C«IT«K1 by 'the Common Council of euterl; aii* lint of Lmngaton Ate- WERNER MOTOR CO. Uember of lonr.ince bond in form Mid with iurety j nu*. therein dttast Ki t»et northerly OLD MILL INN the City of Summit. In the County front *he northerly tide line of Orant PAUL, L. WERNER, Prop. FUEL COMPANY American imKitutc of Decorator* SUMMIT SWEET SHOPPE •ccept-abi* to th« City of Summit in of Union, N*w Jersey, ai. the City Kali. Favorite topping •n amount to b« determined after Summit. K*wr Jer««y on "MAT 18. 19H. A*eaue. if botb IJnrt ,-arert s-K'.fndefl Cfary*le» - Plymouth O-alet HIGH QUALITY COALS Collaboration With Architect Butiness Luncheons report by tb* City Englnew M to 13 form an lr.ttrswt;-on. raarjing (h> Route US. 2^ until «:30 o'clock P. M. »t which time thence tl) Sarth 0 degre^ 2S rrJK-at** > For Prompt Deliveries Complete Interior D«eign & n«cessities Md requirements In the they will be publicly opened Mid »n- Sales—Service Homemade lee Cream Bet B«n»«r*nrtile & Mn isndi-rtaklair. which bond shall be nour\ceil^ tar the pu;ch*»* of »i)e E«t aJoag aa!d aaaterlj slit lint of Wfr GUARANTEED call SUMMIT 6-0004 Furnlahing* and conditioned that the work of aoll re- following bood* of the City: USED CARS moval «hall comply with thu ordin- I3S-289 Broad Street SunimH Av««, SO. ance ar.d •hall b« don« ID proper $225,000 Joint Sewer Bond*, matur- Modern Body & Palat »*»»» Sealte»t Ice Cream Morriatown Rd, irar.RT la accordance with the grade* ing iwithout option Ot prior redemp- HEALTH FOOD CENTRE 317 Sprtuplleld Are. SU. 6-4U9 tn plnti KM >4 (Uloai. »nd contour llnta approrwl br the tion} In the prlBcipal Knount ol Coal • Irwuranco Ml Springfield Av«. 110,000 on Juae 1 In each of the 491 Springfield Am. Summit --years 1053 to 1964, both lnclusit*. SUMMIT 6-4M* Roofers |J5,!>0O on June 1 In each of the CITY AUTO TOP $ A V E $ re*r» 19«$ to 1968. both lsclutlTt. STEPHENS - MILLER CO. «nd (10,000 oa Jun« 1 Ir. etch ol HEADQUARTERS FOR Joseph J. Baran, Prop. If you own well-maintained Mason Contractor* th« year* 1970 to 1974, both Inclu- • Auto Beat Covert BLUE CXJAL property you need not pay the LARRY MAY sive. LOW CALORIE FOODS • Top Service KOPPERS OOKE - FUEL OIL imurance lo&sea of th« ir- City Mason Contractor ROOFtNO COLD 1500.000 School Bond*, maturing responsible and carc'ojs3. SIDING — GUTTERS (without tfnloo of prior redemp- HIGH PROTEIN FOODS • Auto Glass BUILDrNQ MATERIALS Guy Soccodato, Prop. tion) la the principal amount of Installed While-U-Wait Call Allen Butler (insurance New Construction & Alteration* LEADERS f30,00O on Just 1 In each of the SALT FREE FOODS 38 ROSMU PI. SUMMIT «-O02t «aU SUMMIT fr5«j ye&r* IMS to 1&59. both Inclusive. 502 Moms Ave. SUMMIT 6-4491 exchwlvely) for ratea end In- Phone: SUmmU 9-0411 Fur Storage »2!,000 on June 1 tn «*eh of the formation. 19 Morri* €t. Summit rear S3 -IJapJo Str<-rt y«*r» ISflO to 1969, both inclusive, DIABETIC FOODS Corsets •L&d 130,000 cm June I In each of the • Auto Seat Covers • years 1970 to 19T4, botn lociustre. FRESH ROASTED NUTS PERSONALIZED 8«rvlc« Stations t 8»ld bo» you can trust WHIATON'S JOHNS-MANVILLE ;or. Rroad. Ash wood & Morrin Aw. TIXACO SERVICE • Buffer & Egqj HOME INSULATION Wallpaper & Paint Co, • Staiionrry • ROAD SERVICE DfiWered Freih from Only Approved Contractor vmvom Bolae, will hold its «aaual spring iuoeb- d*ught«r of Mr. wul Mrt Fw4 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Final plans have been made for eon at 12:30 p.m., May $ at the Hit, AM Q. of |» NtpriiUUte of tl Asfcweed avtnue, Oeorge Boitej 21 Glen O«k» ave- the opportunity sale to be con- gock Spriii| Country Club, W€#t junior'. $,% .N«wiu ft" W»e wnior prom at If UNION rU-ACI nue, wm» recently named chef of ducted May 11, J2, 1$, 14 arwl 15 Orange. A tea tot prospective stu- «f i'hi ligm« «*tr»-eurxieukr or- at the old Lincoln S«taol building dents and their parents'-will fol- in Th* QI&M Menafeiie, by »ttnui, iM «ltu t SUMMIT eeaewt by Summit <3is«ptter, Hadnasah, low *it 3 p.m. Miss Carol Burgess Tcaneaie* 'William*, the annual to the Yftfc' V«NlW»lf I*f«tt th* «pm to j'uinojfe *nd daring aeuior inn>fi4rt*4 in nwdkra the committee announo«d thia of Centenary will j»l»y the piftiw* Norim Ttwatrtt Guild production station rtaff, " " , _ • week. and the Qotones,. a Ccntewry *«4 M«jr 1t* i. TW «*rir win j* Win Items to be oflfcrcd for.^l© In- lingfifg group, will perform tm- WATV, M#w4rk, on Jtfae Hiah, «he ia der the direction of Dr. Edgat Jeias Thtm Ihtmpit clude* yard gtxxJs, white elephants, ark ttellege of Eufi »wrtnf will china, silver »nd crystal;--' Pro- Smith. • He H. 6f thi» city, Cb*rlottt Oonr&d k» Kmr Le*4ia, H. H, will BeU national iwnorary hm wtjr JO nt «»t 'mfom recently «l«;te4 wice- HotsJ, D-CRAB It's MOTHPROOF t« stow** of They «r« Ralph BIuut*cWI of M riculif orgftnU*tion open to Aid* Vwiar Ptay . '• a soccer pin; Row of Martha VVadarworth, daughter IDS New EngUiBd avenue, who will j •Wfd % ta# «efeg»l Si* wiU'bt it of Mr, and Mrs, Vhnx\m Wads- be presented •varsity »oc«er let- cwap Imn Jtan* a«- through worth; M piffe Ridge drive, tool? ter, *nd Anthony lft»a<»tt« ef m itRLOU MOTHWOOF P«rt In the production of four *cenes frotn Henrik Ihet-n's "Ghosts," whkh wag presented «t ff D. Rytysoa, MO Spring Vasaar College, Poughkeopsie, fl*M >vtaut, New Providence te N. Y^ Friday,-April 30. Mi*s W&ds^ TERMITES l»*e» K«SC4 to the worth, m, senior, who u majoring Haw I Ushwaity. !n drtuna, also is president of th« are flying again. Watdi PfailtMbeis, PLANT MARKET WOiK DON! for "Sw&nna" of "Hir- • Andromeda* ing Ants" which com* A. WtmJ«* id m To Enter Katharine 201 MAIN STREET • Ground Ck»ver Pt*rnf«' ptH with U with Spring, ahed tkeir Mis* Dknne Reubl<>, daughter • Kwk Garden Plant* of Mr. and Mr*, G. H-wrold Reufcle, winga, then (^appear. MADISON 6-0895 ocfc Qty,ii*t&»twd«y (May of. 65 West End itvunie, ia en- These wood destroying rolled in the onc.-year course at insects cause much dam- Katharine GiW*? School* Mont- age to propcarty. ^#14- POTTED ROSE Hearty clair, and begins her work Sep- ings not protected duiv BUSHES AZALEAS tw^bcr St. Him Keuble will be ing construction tMiually fi»aQatcd from Summit lligh require it later. II. T. Boie Bntlics Bed-Pink-White A lasting Gift School in" June. Flotibuutlai Tea Rot«* Joins phi K*Pi>a I*»l We Specialize Exda. Kenneth G. Holdcn>^pn of Mr. sively in protection AH In Pot* And RHODODENDRONS and Mr* Kenneth J. HoW«n of 7 of property against Excellent Quality Hed-Pink-Purple Woodland avenue, has just Bc*n^ for Mother's Day initiated into the Rhode Island TERMITES and Alpha chapter of Phi Kappa Psi otner Wood De»- fraternity at'Brown University. troyingr-lnsccts, wing SCOTT LAWN CARE PRODUCTS HoJden, a graduate of. Summit dependable engineering High School, Is a candidate for FORBES « Bachelor of Science degree .in methods. We KM^ not Also at Valley Street and MOibaro JMrcaoa in Maplewood. Chemistry,, simple extenninatorj. BOTH LOCATIONS OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 In Lauwl Chain . Every job is supervised ROSES Miaa Carolyn Dif fendorf, daugh- by an experienced, SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER INCLUDING SUNDAYS ter at Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. technically trained, li- Dicfcndorf of 81 Essex road, a junior at Connecticut College for censed engineer. IN POTS Women and a psychology major, haa been selected to take part in ,We are a New ^ the Laurel Train in June. organization, employing Come anc( see them. New Jersey residents, Heads Brown Radio Station and we have'served New The beat varieties, Theodore Wehe, son of Mr. and Jersey property owners each thoroughly root- Mrs. Herman G. Wehe of 15 Beek- successfully since 1933, man road, was recently elected Our reputation in this ed in & TjrfWncti pot, station manager of \VBRU, the field is unsurpassed. student radio station, at Brown fully alive, In leaf University. A junior at Brown Thousands of references and a candidate for the degree of are available in New Jer- and all ready to go. Bachelor of Arta, he i» a gradu- sey—not in some distant All are 2-year-old No. ate of Summit High School and state. Our work is transferred to Brown after two GUARANTEED FOR 5 1 grade and grown years at M.I.T. This semester he LAST 3 DAYS MAY 6-7-8 is serving es advertising manager YEARS without addi- specially for us by the for the WBRU organization. tional charge — a one- year guarantee is worth- Tt ' leading quality rose Joins Alpha Delta Phi less. A resident of Summit was re- Inspection and Advice grower. cently initiated into Alpha Delta Phi fraternity at Brown Univer- For Information or Free sity. Ho is Peter R. VanLeight, . . . CALL Easily planted without 8et~beck and remdy son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. VanLeight of 85 Woodland evc- to beautify your garden. Them fare the finest nue, A member of the freshman class, he b a graduate of the TERMITE ro#«t ever offered and greatly superior to dor- plngry School and is a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. mant rose$. Com* and &• them. ] Made Lifetime Officer CONTROL s Richard Traynor. son of Mr. and Pad/ Cover Set Ventilated Tables "t^ AU Pot Groivn, aUm and ready to go. !Mr». Robert M. Traynor of Cres- icent avenue, has been named a BUREAU A Stars 4-Sfar Feature Sturdy Steel CcmsJruction \ "* $1.95 fa $2-f5 \ Uifetime president of the senior Reg. 2.95 Now Only... $4.44 class at Francis Xavier University, 2 Locust StaMt Now Only $2.64 For ironing oa«e! Perforofvdl «feel top Nova Scotia. He will graduate ROSELLE PARK. N. J. with whits «nant«l (inliK Pou'livo lo.dt May 2«. Save 51c Tsleptants: Pti Ironing |abl«t tnuoly ep h» 15*54 Hat~qrown Anneal Rower, Elected to Honor Society In. Fiannol top-pod; waffte-w»avo un- Gcdvanlzed Mis» Dorothy Leonard, daughter CHeshmt 5-1492 dsr-pad. Htov« cpftjn cover. A boy! vegetable plants BOW ready. of Mrs. Charlotte Leonard of Spring •r ; Aluminum Ittg. ZS9 Hill Gardens apartments, a lenjor EUiab«Hi 2-27M at Syracuse University, was recent Cub* Tray Ceoli HOIIMW, Ofrk**, Apartment*, Small $1.17 Sart 60c l«atproef and See Our Selection ef nnt rMlttonti Top Forbes Garden Centers Two l«v*n rdtaM and bflcfc haridk* Homart Coolers NURSERY STOCK lc» grid •ottry. for Hum Marrf* Twrapfce at MMm Avt., Mflbam Sfoln rMhlonl cki- miath. REG. 59,95 FLOWERING SHRURS ttmrf9 firtnh. »fjf Mvtral «xtra now. e With Automatic PfcceeMI. M43Q EVERGREENS e Quiet 1/6-H.P. Motor RHODODENDRON ami SAVE 2.00 en twit* 10, HMW (WWpoaity S-03751 LAUREL fto


to N'llit Catting Rods R*$. t.n HUMUS, FIAT MOSS $2.66 $11.44 th&tpm «-*. low Prlctd Solid Clou Rod Pricm That ,Are Reamnahk Barm M9e ;" !«*• 2.S1 §§nt§fm $4.4f :: 1 wattr #9** $f-L ...'.•.. fl.tt 'With fhtel, d.p.nd.bU "Z.r»- All ihtn fcelwrti f«r Mp*l9w (»»ft«. Ctl" Iftttilniien. 1tUck porc»!«ln SOUTH MOUNTAIN NURSERIES Will fteit bind*, nyten *lrwJln»«, Itntr mil ftftllthta •lumlnutn tup arlrf, i«rk gtla, ring taklnf nwl melt, U PfM Mlllbum Avt. anil Vam Hal R4, MUUMMTI COMMONWEALTH •#• 4 mmwm k • ta if t*ft WATERCa Bhop Diaiy U«tt| •)!• •1 SHE SUMMIT HER Alfr THURSDAY. MAY 4, tfS4 Pege Balteek sJagi** *h*Jrply to eta MMRV vSfOMQ • Bruct WIIk«aw» w«lke«i. and Werner, Chariine ffirfa Schoo: . City Errors Ryan followed with as infield • ow Uheir Tennis s*aaon ,a^ ^ hit Willie M&llory knocked ;ia ' Give Caldwell Bullock on * sacrifice outfield tly, ! SHI Deadlocked with Tim YVUkei knocking is « | High Sclwet S-t. Th* uutcbti 2, pair with * tremendous double to In Men's League a the W(*t Er.d 14-4 Victory Hilitoppeis wti left field • ] $y*nm.r High S. ho'*! was soundly The W«rn#r,Mo:sr Company re- ^nglej pl«y ,,* Caidwell took advaiHe** of Ajjt walloped by Caldnt.l High School corded.* very tiraeiy cle&n «wee|» ttraon and Paul H ''"-•'n*n^, jkat'-Tharalay afternoon «Jt the •loppy fielding by Sumniit but also over Palvwiiiag tot -Wedr.aKltjF i excellent doubles s p!:y t,t B', Cbi|f * a.amond the score benefit ef fifteen *M?JHH^-i "Bw**n ~ H 'tttopppr "~errwi |.Coit. who with ihc in.,i,-|, t, /'' chiefs'scored In tb* first on i with C*h»r!iise'« r 1M, oande through bi <•«>$ handed thf game t» the < ~ • Regional High Cvlet* «i:o scored four earned Tom Wilke'* arror; ad

~<.w)n aga net no dt feats. • ' • Summit Mifb Srtseol r>ia«Hd out m the th'rd .'' .Th#h#' ' lleague hm but erne, week,re- .their: track opettW ' I«J* Inc., Summit publihc r.i. s;agt( f. am* def^Mave ability by, AB R H AS n H maining in league competition. afternoon mtW'imrM ReH, pott Easter t*akion *how mi E R'>"iip bf-'ftgr hflpfu! to thp C*rucf.s. _ i • j Roawas w * 3 3 with all three ©f the top /'uhs In on behalf ot her husband, the team sponsor; Greta g .to & ittrooK B*IPOK»I tmm grmm for. the ¥Tk of .-'rh«!^ !- ! o 0 KraKnci', 2i» * 2 3" {CHAMPS ACXISPf IWIWlf-Mimbers of the De- K'T] **I .fip e!:*\pd ba* the. ::, ! .: Cox.rf ' * ectnt«nt](»n for the «rbampkmsn:p Hake, league president; Girtny Bertholf and Eclna Tl-M score. Top pmst itk Brilevftie last we<-k, r t- 2 laute Sweet bawling team accept the trophy Cr, i£ s;crnetl to thjive OR tais Ryan Hi .4 . '.' 2 MerrlgiTi, p 4 2 3 Finneran, team captain: The award took place laat for "'the • B r trophy. Werner had- the benefit «f presented l>y the Girfa' City League for the winning la addition to Wai it\ TP^p of h'jV.np w *h Ma",ary T. > o nuitv-- ro 4." 1 v 0 -,0 gooii bowUng by s'l five men. with team. Left to right are Mary Coombs, Charlotte week at the Chi Am Chateau, Route 22. scoring twenty tear> points, patronf, iMMDas ' 'jikonVd fi fi. -a > tak.rg o\ r in "DP »I\ h '< i1 O:Sk'.!£deri. Jb 3 2 3 • - • (Frauntteri photo) 0 0 Al ..Swick's 593 serf**, featured by Leonard, Mra. Oscar Dennia. vtho received the trophy winnmg th# ikuh** the hirs N*w York *B4 Phikdt-l; h:a. 1 •Corn if. <" 3 : •! Balsfce c -4. a'fine opening gam* of 2SD end a T -? or.lv bright MH>: of th- day 0 O'Slatttry.cf J' hurdle* and the bc^asl iaaijp,: •,!» f"r Summit •*«» in fttV^tcond in- 'O'ShM, rf fl 1! • • • closing gam« of 226. with Sedgie finkhed second iff the hi& jump. I* >t •., p rolled the top game-. or.-* o it Bu'oek i McGiffin Sets Record Charlinfr'i eame through with Cuts Methodist Summtt. -ttaa* — -1* * Ch*rUne*s «5 ,31 SisUy C Maclj»od, wi.kw, j j tip ba'.l t*> Tim Wllkes close wiraJH- the firac two.games, Jjuxy't Sport Shop 63li New Jersey age group Swimming M0-y»nl-4«h — R*«s- o Jfis-hasi'on's Sport Shop '39 ., *3 l 2. ViebJB*B.. Si 2Sit, 3. W-atchung 'place, U mun, ,:1 rK»fa- a* for xui' . 'tonrl o it and ; In Javelin Throw j but dropped the last game by a Championships tha Saturday eve- Roof* Men'* S.'sop SO'i faU Urn* —2*. 'aid benefit-iaiy.- Mr, r*tir«"i tnc M-IP by fyrting A former Summit High School j good margin a« A!) five men had a Csbi • . 4»'- 54' Lead to One Game ning at th« Orange YMCA. Thu «4&-r*rtJ-rua Summit 5S 864 died April 4. rather low awjring g-ame,J Kawan PulT«rtzln|t . Al i X -Eaton, Refjaeai- S&scpt, G a^sia at *i c%CTI for , ton College javelin throw record j had a 562«er;c« for -Rbofa. with Top Tea Boxltr*—Infllvlrtn*! SL John's Lutheran cut the competitive awimtalng for the -.Summit, 3.' SMrjtsr. ftv«- g tonthr«e run : at Scheneotady last Saturday, ] Paul and Rejiiolds -" contribut'ng league teed of th« Methodists to 3 Fa lo 42 189 Sunomit Association in many tinat J r rally in tnp fourth John- 1 when Paul McGiffin, competing in with 523 and .33$ series respectively. A.sWfirk : ' 10! 188 one full game in the Summit Inter- One I"*??! POCONO CRI "Ken Johluton's _ awept ft*! three S. PhlulppL . . m 183 years, the main purpose of this ~S~\ Nc«M Pioet, Pi. ; his first co'.legiate track meet, W MafQuctXion ••• Ri • '• 183 Church Bowling League by win- Hlllo. SiiiMtttt, 1. Toail»4 SuassiK * *oud€tful v»t«. ! established a^new college record garner from laat.'p.toice T.-ost's-Bake H. T*y!ar • ' 9* 18t ning all three games from the activity ia to expose the b©y» to IJO-y&rd otgb burtfUw « utif al •:-».. NEW tARGE OUTDOOR n JUr« Ht*or« 3 Moder of 184\ fe*t. U'i ir.ihes I^ast Shop m Johnny Vohnsu'ka f"ei B. TuthlM , j- 'l • ';81 First Lutheran's laet'Friday night outside competition. spring, as a senior at Sumtnit High a 595 serif*. Taylor 'a 5&3 and KaJ* and coif SWIM POOL j' Drttrtsh .'..«« 'RO at the YMCA lan'ea. The Methodist William Wikberg, Boys' Aquatic bot*l. All Sports. l.skf $•'«». p School, McG'-ffin « t a new jave- lensee a 533. bowlers came through with two out Oolf. Movl<-« B.-.-:i! it. : * '' . 4"i 180 Instructor, will accompany the MJ !o 175. DAY CAMP f- BOYS&GIRIS lin record for S.H-S., for the Sab- The tcp th ree"|jazse. seiios was Results nf April 28 of thr«! wins over the Jewish Com- group to Orange, as well «j Rob- Or»*e», Summit urban .Conference, and betam* bowled by .Werner* with'a 2?06 , Ren Johnston 0ptmJra*31 • tmtilMmr • UMMMI^ tVs t9S 189('2n—595-. Tay'nr munity Center, while the Ookes ert Wfcati Physical'- "DWjctqr. Group IU State as the ' CARTERET SCHOOL with Voiinoutka rolling the topam 172 211-53,": Koby!*-? r-T 158, Memorial pinmen won two from Each of the boys competing is & — 42 rt. 3 track season ended. ssriea with & ^5 pintail Kawan IBS—434: nulsl'303. lf«. 177—543: K*ii Diecvis — L W»Uer, i^nspi* 191. JW. l"l-~533; Total Plna— the Presbyterians. In other YMCA registered athlete. The fol- Summit;. S2S" 857, 950—2141 lowing boys will BWtm in the tfcac* — *»"' tt*t. matches, the Baptists won two Jf»Te!ln 1- I. t. t. REIDMB SUSSES events listed: Fred Staudef and Susomls. I Wi^So'd* 1M. 177. V from the Combined Churchmen, Utra, R*ftoa*i, 3. W*g» •«rn»ft do not need (j ;15" -,70 • 17ft—482: C.nrt 530. 1S8. 14!— Ellis Feibush (100 yard freestyle tasee 1— 145- feet. T ia*S-«.- : with one of these,wins a roll off q gUtMl from union M7 Donlo'174 1M. 180—435: Tro«t 1M. for 13 and 14 year old boys) James Broad Jump — I. HSartafccrs ;S»' '57—443. Total Plna—839. 84", .tE9 of a tie game. Al Prow rolled the % -OlttCO. SttmiSlt, .BW«T3. B w dintet.' Coin* i* Co Blades and Tom Burke (109 yard dlataac*' —' Jft-tect. .1 3'* 5E-J!i -I472.., high game of the week, with a 217, And: find out why. N« breastatroke for 13 and 16 year old Pole- *m|ti — S. C\*?sl«fc, E n«> I"1? 'W. nn— S17 and the top series with 570. Bob navttX, RtfSasiilL *. T boys)—with a fifth member of Schroder and Gr**« :5S 157. 17«—*S9-. Bont?moo 183. 19S,Engleman followed with a 212 and of • tt!«tim». cars feel like NEW. .. 189—557; Hunt 139. Wr 174—515: D»'*- the "Y" team, Tom Prior, attend- B«l«!« — 19 f«e» * fi rich 591, 163. 1M—520. Total PJris~84*, I Hletf Jump — 'I. Us'*: Saar.BEi a 545 afrits. •, ing, but not competing. Hsrtttoon, S«fJ»tt«l COHMUNITr OPTICUMS 879, 875—2398. Summit lnUr-Church Helg&S — 5 fwt. 8 Bowling League i!4t E. 3BtSE" ST.-FL. MS11 K.nr»!i 15V ISO. r<7-5«2- H Standing! Rita th«atr«-KllMkftk 'W 129 IBS-SOO- S Gf^diJ 1M 158,'Team W L State taxes raUect*d'*F :Sll-49.y: Paul 173. 179. .171— S23'\Rev. MothadUt 48 27 authorities of fb* dtffrreist •FREErARKING- r»ld« 159. 218. 181—538. Total Pins— Boro Bowlers St. John's LuthKtn *7 28 totalled t6.8aJ,O®J0O la tb« fiscal KO. 844, 949—2611. Jewish Community . 40 3$ SS Jeffernon Avenue Protect NEW er tarrt** B&ptist ' *) 35 Oss» 19? ?8?, '173—5W' Tims 119,- First Lutheran 39 36 Get Awards •Hft 175—554: O'lbarr 1«S W. 194— Presbyterian • 37 38 JW9; f.illB '.54. 35«. 1W—578: P«trctwti O&kes Memorial 31 *< HI, It3. 13S—451. Total Pins-832. M0. Combined Churchmen 18 57 S4S—26J0. At Banquet Top Ten Bowlers — Individual Averages Burser 1». 1SS. 205—54S- W^ilgT* Name A**. The New Providenc* Bowling \ 6fi J47, !4fl 146—433: Peterson 169, 179. 187 Ted Judaon l^eague held their annual bowling —515: Coombs 154. 183. lWv—497: Bfhre Vic Peterson 172 151 2!1 199—56!. Total Pins—731. 899. Bob Kngleman 171 banquet last Thursday night at i Al Prow rr&ck Nelson 163 \ Keller's Grove, with the ch4nil>lo«- 191 PhlllJppl J35. 1««. 214—58": P-ftyh-r- Norm Albers . ship trophy going to Felbrway One. Ven Totten W. «er 183. 302 170—555: Monts 170. 201, 158 , the second place trophy going to 17R—547; SwlcX 2KI. 147. 2?f—593: MWJO Bub 8.=Umon S»m Ee«$Jer "TO 158 |J55 it M, with the Firemen ©nd th« i 172 190. 169—531. Total Pins—947, 904. 157 *55—2809. Loane (Junior Order presented the third • 3rwl$h C«mmnislty. 111 159. ?ni—573: Su!"- f 121.' 138, 11&--M0; R i ind foutth place trophies resp«c- 155. 305. m—48S: TM!»7 144. 157 ;4f 162, 132-r44S; K«saJ«r 157. 1«5 14T14T~ I lively. 71, 1,*«. 147—H"6: T-r- *?9- PoHkoff loE>le>... pve yew ibe lasting beauty «nd protection St. Jotin*« tqthctan award was presented to Fellsway ; RISLONE Prow 217, 163. t*>-570; W Town only Ktyshstm quality con offer. KZYSTONE .., Point One, and the high single game go- \ Yoa an actually /*ei the smooth, new power AK-IK" 4 p • S3 t81 Hi-474; V. TotWn 181. 145. 182* as Rialone absorts power-robbing gam and For Loop Title «Ml_470; Qraber 169. 1J7. 191-487; Al- ing to Harry's Easo. The high in- j bera 117, 1M, 158-441. sludge, frees sticking valve*, restore! lost The Methodists retaliwi their Mfthwllst dividual three games aeries went j compression and power. league lead In the Summit Intrr- Mack^n 203. 143. 138—488; Salmon to John Vastola of Fdlsrway One j Rislon* provides instant lubrication in new 137. 114, 170-4J1; B^deman 169. 212.and the high single game going to LE engines — extra protection for "break-in" at Church Bowling League hy defeat- iiMS: totine 167. 1M. 155-48T. Me Jr. 153. 11«. 117-3M. Tony Ciocci of M Sk M. The m(^ j normal driving speeds. , ing th© Baptiata in two gam«M !«.st Central Prwl»r**rt»'« improved bowler was Mike AIlo-c- For better, tmoolher car performance, use Friday night at the Summit YMCA 127. 150. 174-451: Wat«oh 1?6. RtsSone in your motor oiL ! 13 156-395: M«7« "«• 15S- 181-495; co with & 9.4 increase over his last lanes. St. John's remained In thf Shlnn. Jr. 125, 156. 184-445; Judaon year's average. The perfect' *t- 174. 184. 194—552. championship fight by winning two Combined Churchmen tcntfancc trophy went to Jehn games from the Presbyterians. The Koel 12?. 13J. 131—390; Stewurt 123. Vastola of Fe!L*way One, with the 135131-389; B. Ldaeteter 101, 138, 131- First Lutheran howlers swept ell 370- B. hsasmUft 85, 143, 106-338; Lewta highest total pins trophy going to auaranreed three games from the Oakea Memo- tl, 130, W8—349. Emle Berknrmn of Junior Order. - Vlrft Lutheran Trophies were also awarded to mow* it to yountifl Add Ridone «o rial team, with the Jewish Com- V. Nctoon 140, 154. 180—474; AW 172, HOT PATCH your motor 0$ — driv« 10 nsdat. If munity Center also winning three 171. 183—506; W. Petereon 188. 151,126— each member of the first and sec- 4«; V. Petewon 134, 157, 154-465; ond plaoe teams. TUBE you ccan'f fosl frwJt,n«w power kiyour from the Combined Churchmen. Mulcahy 142.130, 102—374. REPAIRS car — yaw p# mr MMT fcoc&f Dick Loane rolled the high game of the week with a fine 238 and a. three fjame series of 554. Dick Shinn. iflflllil ! Jr. followed with a 231 and a 487 ftiipiisc BvY of the Year! aeries. THE WORLD'S FIRST REALLY QUIET Intfr-CJinrch Bowling M OUTBOARD MOTOR ., MM SvfntTdb* Standlnr* 'Team 59 Ml Rt. John's Lutheran Packard Johnson JtwUJa Cooian. Center 41 1W 37 8 40 38 47 try 31 mm* mmgmm power with' o 90 No ont can T«t» Tea Bewlert- IS CLIPPER Ave. 176 fie m 173 •ISLONE-KARBOUT n 171 Al w lust* **A 44 * 75 AXim* 78 bow top «1wr» Hit tomd el tht motor. V Totum 71 motw-with oM its'"W1 Prltm $1.85 Sttm K» 73 119 7» 190 to you in A» 73 1M Dtlhrtrtd sis* &9t wMt outboatd uMrs 1 SAVF 45c J«, 111, tsa-413; ITS, 1«8. 13l~4tO: KMMH** WM, 153, Igfl— HI Sfuntnit to «tf s«t ftft warn motor iodayl SJ»: M. 0k)!*lMrtn Vm, V\% tM—469: H. 2641 119, ««, 12»—3«4.

Ohl»ll<*n> 199. 1«4—335; Curtln '«. tn-^m-. Xlnclw 137. MS. 11«™ ¥»", imu ISfl. 100, J0*~439; •». Pom M m« HI, M1-4TJ, OBSOLITES Pttm 141, 119. 148—OT9: B*cVm»n SUMMIT %m, I*. 197^497', Dt B»w JM.'lffT, lit Bill* Ante ftonlo* —Ml; MotMl*, 1W. 148—401; " EVf RY OUTBOARD W1 Mtorrlt Avenue m, sir, «*-§si: , «t, John't tath«r»n PREVIOUSLY tllllf _ ,,, . Corcttran's M\nnUr\ fnm m. m, i«o—»i*: w. Tott#n kve, ft' ' SB. ItJ, in—9M>; V, Toj^n SN, !M, »• Mot

q«, 16Vb.p. engines and every advanced power feature MMbffH «WMf«OL.fiStn«Mi-thfaKtf«M KlMIin, 144 93 35S; B t«Mt«t«r 131, Ifft, 14* 49»; t. i4MWi«1«r J31i j(tt txtfi n 1H ISI, »«—470; Ahl i«, tH. !4MMM; W Pftersoit 18*. 194, Ilf* • mm to fef ihi 19H JPactc«rd (llpptr 5p#rl»l club n, lw SUMMIT HARDWARE M: ttvtmhf m, 1*1, 117-4*7; Roflf Wit and lotil ««».« .ny. Optloiiil aqtiltnUMt, tfldndl4 «Wie »*!« lit, ISI, IS&--41I •Mewttt «lr«, Mktt, Pikm »ty r.ry Hlglxiy |n nwrhy communi- The T*nM.tM R|v*»r, 411 ldhi!h SPORT & TOY SHOP P««|h of ie*ar«, 1# «p«nnftd oy Worth America'! failwuv bridft JiDes Gomun, Inc. SUMMIT PACKARD 317 SnUNftffAB AVt. SUMMIT Ht)df* It* §1 M4 d«fft«t ivsrth 2tl MOAD ST., SUMMIT l«Utud«, ,. . r ill. 4.3344 |H| MAY 4, Plans Being Completed thenki to the patron* for their though tat* conUUmtion* in tUU. From Charleston, & C, to Ssa contributions. being received, Tbose who have Diego, California, it dUtanc*. ot flt»t atate is the U. S. to For Calvary Auction ThMttf contribution* totaled not yet donated *rt urged to do [2.152 nailw u the ehortMt Arbor Day, when- cbser >0 TO Representative* of thi so- aero** the United , Santa 18ft. of Calvary Cburch Commute* mmmZmn are; Mrs. meet ^ond&y fct 1:1* pM, *t G. H. Pauisen. chairman, MM. Lu- thf pariah noutt bo compift* pluw eiw OoltS«r» Mr*. RJchsrt Corby, HOME ALTERATIONS IW the "Trwaair* and AjBtlqut" Jr., Mr*. R D. Hall, Jr., Un. Hwt- to be hdd M&y 14 w T p.m. n€»s Kaupt, Mrs. Robert A. Potter. FROM ATTIC TO CELLAR NEW JERSEY Mri, lUiu, g'Mn, *nd Mlw Mar- at UJK pb^rkh hou«e, jorte William*. • Attit €o«v«nl«nf Article* ro*y be left *t the purlith • (*ttrsg« ~ Dormers QMYmn house through next W&dne»xpre«s*d ap- , To Your liking tenimnt*. May your problem b* forge *>r MANA9M preciation to Jaeit Sraoltn, raan- tmmll. HASCO JALOUSIE ENCLOSURES agtr of the Strand Tfcett«r, far FRKB ESTIMATES permitting the group to iOllHt In PAUL J. CALL YOUR LOCAL DIAUNt AND SAVI 1 •73—26^000 the theftter during an #lght-da> PETTINICCHIO period last Month. - 4-1104-M The committee also A. E. SMALL SU 6-3963

1950—301,000 1930—I4«JOOO 1973—521,000 1*75—3M,O»

1950—117,000 1950—119,001 197S—201,500 im—mjsm'

CRAFTSMEN 1950—327^)00 1975—431,500 PILLSBURY AngelCakeMix: 49£ MEATS GrodlidttS FrOHI Newport. R, I. HO h&a returned to t Mr*. John &• Conint of AthWood duty aboard the USS Lcnawc* is j *vt» before retarding to bis DELMOMT E € lavd Justle* School' ~~" SiU p DA^# 39* Turkey Dinner Brownies ^ CANDY DEPABTMEMT OPEN PPN. » A.M. to 18:10 P.M. — SAT. » AM. to 8 P.M. ni t m h Uw Legs or Rumps Veal „ 49c Vanilla Wafers K^T Luden Peanuts *:;: 8^ 19c Combination Doors—Clear W. P. - Alum. Wire E 0M l Cookies ? " *•••'»•• "* Hershey Miniatures ^29c .2* 7"x6 9"—$13.50 1 9"x6' 9"—$13.95 Lemon Drops i*,? , . 17c f kt VEGETABLES 3- r'x6 9"—$14.50 IT'S NATIONAL BABY WEEK Fruit Slices JS. "\T 29c BEECB-NtT, CCBBEK-8 CLATPS FRESH GBEEN NEW IEBSEY ScraM Doors—Cl««r W. P. - Afum. Wire ilr M Charms Sour Balls *'£ 25c M Baby Foods " * 5*^ 49c 2' 7"x6' 9 —S8.l0 T 9"x6' 9"—18.75 BEECH-NUT. GSBBM't CLAPPS Jelly Drops SffW 19c 3- |» 6« 9"—$9.00 LA CHOY FEATURES ASPARAGUS X Jr. roods 6 j,^,' 89c Ixim Iwgfl spears! Tender, Orwa! Bushed from Heart iHWy fWWl! SCRIENS—Wood; Aluminum? Tention Bean Sprouts »\^I 14c 4 (Reanonably Meed) Orange Juice W1 Chop Soey niJS?* "£ 33c Serve with Louella Butter r^.65* «-*% 6/ «k 3 SHErtRock y .... .; »* f«. f .m% Banana Flakes KANANA Noodles--CM^ISI 2'.", 31c SlltLVING 1 * ltW.'PlM . *n> it' .1*** Castile Soap Soy Sauce ttffSL 10c CEILING TILE •* *« < Tomatoes Stlratel ••« 25c CLEANING NEE0S Escarole 4 Chicory MAR5HALL-CASSIDY LUMBER Pie Crust Mix 10c Potatoes Flwiir 5 ^ 2S« INT At Ttw QratYr't Dairy C«wtor Dif Hand Cleanser X 21c Vi4l«y RMri. Srirllng Mllllnqtoii 7-0»7I PANTBY NEEDS Dif difcaV 2 »k(li29c • Hf »•!! W^IMr'-tl'»" ipfTgff^"'*M ">" • • HI ••i"n t^^^^^^^^^^ !• I*— • ai am - i —7" - ^*-gi ' ' *«. tKru Btrteltji Httftiti to»t»nit« M Chow Mein ,. OlC r lOrieni BKODOKANT «• *9C FROSTED FOOD SALE Kraft Oil Palmolive Soap 3&&, 35c w Laddie Boy «m Palmolive Soap 3S:|ta 25c Laddie Boy Laundry SoapOOT*^"3 ***-25c Birdseye Beansss Calo Cat Food V17I U-M. Q|L» t?H*«t- '79- Eye Appea Bread Crumbs lifC JC nu FMksfa w» Ps«k«f« I«C Birdseye Corn

MuenHtf r Cheefie n 45c Cream Cheese sSSTm ANDERSEN - filuc Cheese ». 67c (Jruyere raprvMi ctt«p*. IH tk. phi. "**• Cottage 'mNMts ORIVI IN PARKIN© mMM- ? Bread • MI mm Milk tt MORRIS AVI. Nt«r SprNfltW Aft. SUMMIT, N. A dm SKIVING SUMMIT.MILLBURN4H0RT HILLS-SPRINSFIILD AtlA 49-51 Mapk St Sunntt Springfield Ave. and South SU Hew ftwtfiKB. THf SUMMIT HIRAtO, THURSDAY MAT k, tfS4 ?«#•** WtNISHfD IWMISi FO* SAU SttVICES OFFERED Rentals Rentals Rentals Wanted »—*AI.VTING—OKCOBUTINO Iahs4Jwm*, to real; J »—sUSCsXLAMCOl)* WtNISHED HOUSf TO»|Bf[ loom* For last AFARTMINT WANTfD [CLASSIFIED •J D UcCHAT f»toS^^s»Is*lMsW~ EssUsatas FurBaJstd * Sovtb tor*** — June IS-Sepn. I.' Qraeiom OENT1JB14AN — large, well furnished 4 ROOM ucfurnlshad apwinftent. 2 cow MANURE, Mu2t*, &o ptl*. JlUISuxo vlclnitr, ! Enriches soli So «tr»w; ideal tor raeat, Summit «»««. 4 btHtoosm, 2 ttattw. Adult* room, prt*s.tt bath, J closet*. Mew ; preferred. $*». Su. ^ traB*por»tlo>Q. Su. «-«027 ft I near trao*swt»tio& to Hewark, flower b«4», gardens, trees, Uvu s$ !&.'£, JAMES, decorat- 344, MUiburu Iteui. i delivered. 0c. 2-48B8 f ia$, Uv«r:or txtartot p-BB, ADVERTISING 4 ROOM sjMurtnMiat, wttAin walktnc i ACME top *oil. Su 6-4530. taasedlatt Orasg* 2-05M. SUMMER HOMES F0R RENT L MINIMUM CHARGE 10 WORDS $1.00 or *; private batb- O*- Q~~Wh*n I nt in 6t-rvjn. | Jil LABGB summer, cot.taite. sbor* of alrabls , Pwkiug. 8u. 6-0008. memt or private hem*. Bu'. told that tb# only pi-r^j.* } ; Cash H ith Order ' SWISS Glir.t Pitilt*. Beautiful as- t&terlor dtcorating. S*'m*wood LaJie, N. J. 6 room*. Ex. SMS. At »o s4ditidttal charge your tU»sifienc-<3 color*. Pick your own. 27 Ai.ii- fuuy (iveo. 8uupmKja-«i47->L PO>CPORTAJBi« furiilshed room. Bust- name &g bene/iciaries (,)r the community Bewtpaper* listed teelow: I wood At'e. Summit 6-1WT ness woman or couple. Mouaekeep- COOTUK. no «hUdrea» ao ,.. 3 or %% roaow; Summit at ir_wi«rere indemnity w^t,\.f i CAMERA, coupled 35 nun f/2,8; u»- •—yXcffiON'RENTAL lag.. ^U, 6-3075 Summit Herald Millburn • Short Hills , itecoraU&g, 4£ SdUps-t A**.. Box 6S, Surrunlt ^*£f^:______children, patmtM, brorhVr, Or ' MiUburo 6-1300 ] used; ako uoiqus wlcle-aujcle Couuj ' New 1 nwrn buugslow at Orrle-y Beach. gummit 6-6300 j lena. Reasoiiable. Su, 6-03*8, town. "iSGS~&c55oi"~"t5Siiw and wife, ao tera. If I apply for tfu-' uJ *** I Fully Juin^hed and conveoleat, to Summit 6-02S4-&. children, want 3 or 4 roam u&fur- rffl Springfield $m : SCBMIDT LAMDWSKK, p»il»Uag beia-ii. * 100'per week.. nWied ».p*runtat toy July lor 15. Injurance availabSe f(>r % * JCLAR1N ST b . flat (Notuet)*-wood -• ti ltiM j hardly u»ed. Ktichen *ink' — double F slagie and douWe Write full jswtteuiMS Harry iWn, vctemrm, will the same f^ukM*** . Notice of erron in eopj nmt b« fifen after fUft Insertion. Typo- t draltiboard." cwing faucet, kpray at- SPENCER M. MABEN, roewns, #7 lift. ?4 Wrer R4. SU. «- SUtsTtaobw"-"-" ~—— » * on beneflciari«»f Bppjy? v ' t0Bl * graphical error* not the fault of the advertiser will fc» adjusted bt •j tjachmtnt. Chatham 4-3*97. • • PA1KTER—Faper ttaaiw, iciertot d Realtor WW i *ns tree insertion. . 1 exterior work S«**®aa&l« Fred A—No. For the.'GJ t<-n- i- '• I GOLF Club*. *rt of 4 Isdy ^ H ^ .B. Fieper, 1 Sprt&gfl,rid'Af*au«.-8oiiii(> 23 8etti.*<»d Kd • Summit, N. J. TKE E0OU.D All Copy Must Be Submitted by 5 P. M. Tutitfay ;. matched wood* Su. 6-1239. field. UUlburn 6-flg$4-J. — 1I61-W ATTRACTIVE- single room. 'Farting HELP WANTED WEMALI -M»,c«, you may name RTABUE »ingi# room; tttar cen- IfUi to ssiUt in eountw work «t Mher legnl entity, influ't.-rjz' W viMmsTmMM~ Quality *o/» at of Juae. EwwonaMe. Short Hul» 7- • ter. Call after'5:». MA Walaut St., Pe»rton« Cltantrs, 12 M»l& 8t, Hill- i HMi*«Ah Opportuuity Sale! Boa Ffc&nc»ujt«, -8t*t«. The restrict ionis on ". U| S, coofcJ, butlers, cooJui-~ftr«t SCOTT'S Employment Agency, 431 I — O!d Uncoin Seharf «— Summit, fejaJMlSX b ,1oer general maid*, cooking, etc. Essex St., MUlburn. for g»oa house May II. 12 13. 14.. 15 fi'ciericji apply only to the.ffte.! permanent Sleep in. For help or em- . workers, cook*, day workers UiUb FURNISHED room fiO. light house- oSrisa for CoektalirlAUhtf. Apply 6-0917. Yard gaod*, remnanu, white eiepuants, VETERAN ':desU«s p«ltttto|; & UNFURNISHED ATT. FOR RENT keepSDj; avali«J»Je. 2nd floor (near in person, Hotel SuUurUsn. Sil service Indemnity, hioyme'nt phone Ne^mirk'c' Agency, -tlnc. S&slde a. vutiior vc«k. Horrlst-own 4-3«9». chin*. *i:»er and fj #l»tlon ) Call after 6 or Sunday, 2S 8-5164-M. j-K€X)M aputment, unfuroiched coa- Q-J wnf awarded „ VA s>eMloa fr-Kie^t locitioa. Buain^s couple Walnut Si.. Summit. "RETABIES.' stenographers, clerk*, FOR SALE i the middle >f they , iyplsu.' genera] office, light steno, • SaJe of dlKontlnued HERMAN SCHMIDT, paUitlu j ft ad dee- •o.nl>:.' 'Refereocss required' SO. «- AVAILABIrated Cohv«&l«&tl celling set by lavt, „;«,-/"! EARf N MONEY '•- do typing home — antiques,real estste, 'etc. Leading . Short-HUU. N. J. 32.-A—riANO TUNtSG piete!jr r«4«cc>rated, Cohv«&l«&tl oftown."8u 6-8549-M. ^uU or 6pwe time. P'.un supplied free. loc&trd to wan»j»rtjitioa and sJhop " count irtcomt for thi- ^,; the fctate. 1286 Springfield Ave., Ir- PIAKO and bench, V'.otor c&blaet ping. Su. 6-1774. after'6 p.m. 8u Attraotiv» J»rg« r«ont 0te»4y work: Agt •»»er 50 preferred. A typewriter Is eseft-ntlal. Your favor- viihgton. 3 to-8 p.m. ESse* 3-1753 PIANO THO0BU58t CaB C. Vtfttx, 3 day*, 4:30 am, to 1 pin. Ap*|>iy '• y«ar or'only thut : ^ lie make supplied without down psj- phonograph aitd records; Circassian oisco techJilsiiss amf &tts£&#r. M __S.43/64300 Hh garage. Coii^eniea't loc*Uoo. v P lu of walnut bureau with beveled mirror., Ulllburn Arc. South OraaJW S-2»li. .* 6*(146-W. •' ' • ' * year durJnjr which fw 'i,', fesent balance like rent. E»rn and b$x coufh. porch bed, hwnmock, CHATHAM* } rooms and batft ap*rt- CHATHAM CANEmE CORP M •feay . Investigate — no obligation ANTIQUE bric-s-bri\Phone ittda mesit, availk&le Juiy 15. Business PBINOFTiaj) — Boottt for rent. Cen- Jiorrtetown Typewriter Exchange, 10 or Saturday Short Hill* 7~23«4. hlrd cage, ch^t ot drawers. Phone SIA—TYFCWsUVKftS ter o-f town. 0u*ines« people, if 111- VA'«'pension rolls? ; evming» only, SIX. 8-J633. couple; no children or peta. 45 min li« suiwnit Aje, ' ' jBouth St. optK»lte_WooH»on.h'»: ] A—AUCTION* ws Jf. V. Bos. $V_Bununit * bum 6-aooa-w. .. A—Youmujt include y()Ur ]r, SAU5: Kitchen > tfcblee. work tablet. SltESLADY full time for department SUMMIT Summit. • FL.EA8AKT, comfep*rtmerit Store, 230 Main Bt., TYPEWRITER SERVICE ^ Couple or single person; no pets. Su. References. Short WU» 1jM Chatham 4-3613. ___ May 8th. Herbert • Van Pelt. Auc and household art idee. *125 Raivo- for children Or &*rt-tinie tu>u»pwotk pension for only pa ( tioneet. furniture, antiques, bicycle* vl» Sunlamp, |?S. SU. «-7»34. • - Serttce of S-2S3", '• ' rE 0 All Office SUchiCfB * year. bric-a-brac, rte. BXTB-LET 3H room apartment. 2nd K|Nf ExVKRl£NCt."D jardener and h»ndy- ••;••••' CLERK 2—BICYCLES REPAIRS — SJ floor: Conveuient. Phone after S p.nu g»ra«e for rent. 25 Cd£*r Bt. twm wants tias's work, SU «-$937 STOP in and aee our T.V. Special* on Su. S-1434: • . -'.. Fir maUrooro duties and PBX swlteh- RENTALS — SUPP1 8u. 'g-954I.. ' O bfcard relief. H 8. graduate: no eiperl- SOY'S 3d" blcyde, |13, 8u. (S- Hoo? model* and uoed machine* this Av«., BususoH 5 BOOMS, third floor. Adults. Call 9363, •week. I 3.-CAB garage; o?erh«*d ioam. Call FOR SAU ' efcw necessary.- 5 day*. Employee bens- SUMMIT 6-1874 after .5: JO. 22-A Walnut St. after S p tn. 7 Kd^ar Bt. Su OEMS ZA—BOATS SINGER BBW1NO UAOtflNB CO. MIS i AIR REDUCTION CO,, Inc. OOTBOAHD motor "Martin 60" i 3S7 Springfield Are. Summit 4 INDUSTRIAL SPACE OAK dlninr room table and S chalra; ifurrayHill Butomlt 6-670O horsepower. Excellent con» Laekawanna Pluet. for twelve, other odd piece*. Very S3Ot ..'••.. OK. Dishwasbtr, Simmons Bcautyrest 5>range 3-M18. Millburn 6-rl003. Houra, 10-12. 2-«. ' reasonable. Short Hills 7-3848. FURNITURE REPAIRS double box aprlrss and mattreta, ROSE MARIE STENOGRAPHER, .9 to 5, 5-day week, Rentals Wanted Hollrwood he*dtowd. Reasonable. THE ROBIN- Hood Shop. 3 Taywr SOFA, dark red Chippendale, coffee Custom VT FURNISHED ROOMS For RMI Chatham 4-OSM. L ipieasint surroundings; good oppor- fitreet. Millburn, *eii« ua«! cloth table, Uavt»« waahing machine. Call APARTMENT WANTED AKN a.n°H -HOWARO'KEU tunity for experienced person, liberal Ing of better quality for e»ery mem- Short Hill* 7-2304-J, Ouarauteed. SINGLE or double room, prints bath. ESTATES of Home & Oarden furoUh- •salary. CSall Millburn 6-47&4. ber of the fanally. Hour* 10 to i . Free Esuauii Gentleman, t Psjrmlej Place. 8am- GARAGE apartment, gardener'! cottage ing*. Sllrerware, Oriental rugs, fire- Closed ail day Wednesday. MlUb FEKCE. 4 ft. picket, I« ft., u»ed. g Budget P!aa' IX mtt. of roomy flat wanted for mother and place a«cessorlM, etc Madiaon Oal- FERNANDO LAMAS condition, bargain. Short H11U 7- lerlea, 230 . UsJa Bt., Madison. TYPIST 8-41M.. 3342 after 8 p m. SINQIJE or double room, central loca- adult daughter. Christian, Highly a* «*» inn.cn • MI C0it>*i SUMMIT tion. Call aiter 5, Su. 6-6377-J. responsible. Will do own decorating. INSTRUMSNTfl »»"i • •» SlSjrf-- •» S—PLRNITUBK Phone Short Hills 7-493«. mowert, on« with motor, W0. UPHOLSTERING CO. TVRXTT HUX INN Experienced; Knowledge, of Gen- Estate of Andrew Whltw one without motor; 110. Millburn 6- 9i&Sle and double rooms, at tract 1 rely 3 or 4 BOOMS for wdrking couple with On* Spinet Piano. SEIEOED SHORTS .'• erftl Office Work. Pleasant Work- With addition* of attrerware, oriental 0339-M.' V 24 FRANKLIN PLACE decorated. Convenient locfcttoa, well behaved 8 year Old child. Sum- M»nufa«urer Oeorg* 8t«ck, England rugs, fireplace accessories, house and ParklBZ' s&ace Su, M mit 8-7140. CSsJIJ td 1 ym. eu. WW* ing Conditions. - garden furnishings, post lamps, etc. LAITJTORT tub. white, »tand, faticeta, SUMMIT Oallerla, 250 Mala St. M lid. Lawrunower. Reaaooahle. South Sanur.it 6-4K8-W Phone MUlburn 6-5S03. 6-290T. Orange 3-3380. . SOFA bed, Lawion type; new. Corereg SMALL upright piano, kitchen cabinet, PERSONAL KTJRSBS" aide; hospital experience. in antique white plastic leather, (330 •eml- sutomiitte washing machine. Witling to work where needed In . 8u. 6-3069. Excc'Jfnt condition. Bununlt «- WAMED 8S64-M MOTHER will take car* of cttlMrta nursing home. Chatham 4-0899. PHILADELPHIA Chippendale dining whl'e you enjoy your summer Taca- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LBASAttT woman, with knowledge of room table and *ltfeboard — tbout 10—MUSIC CNSTRCKKKTl tion. References, eipertenc*. 8a. «- house plants, to help In our girt ahop I860, Su. 6-0126, 6043 evenings. l-SUMMIT i-suMimr 2A-SHORT for -a few weeks. Peter Hendenwn, MO VINO! Dining room suite, table FtKE selection of spinets and grand NEW Stmapfi & Walter Co., Morris Turn- gUae top, extension leaf pada, tide piano*. DO WE (Eat, 1899) 333 Broad LOST pike, MUttwrn, bo&rd Klft&s top, china cabinet, 8 St. Summit «-74W. Open 9 to », It Sparkles RANCHES uuvrtpus. usrma NO. 1388 Let's Go! COLONIAU«5 chairs, slip coyera, complete w^nut 3ELMER Paris trumpet In food condi- PASSBOOK No. 7343. Return to Sum- bedroom, twin mahogany beda *nd mit Truss Co., Summit. SWJIT LBVH.a tion, value new. $300: quick *a!e, »150, Here's a charming, fieaming white Bterythinf »bout thU three bedroom - . IM.BiO TO $6i) 000 YOUNG WOMAN chest, maple bed and chest, odd Oood cast and aocesaorlea. Phone Su. two bath Colonial bouse sparkles tram chairs and desk. South Orange 2- NEW PROVIDENCE Colonial with slats roof. In Franklin «-4J30-R evenings or Sunday. CAMBO pin. rtclnJiy Ha:el SuburbsB. School »r**. Otilr 1* yeait old; on the cw» that has been given it. GEORGE A. ALLSOPP $ 8094. Apr. 21. Reward. Pan wood 2-7353. "Exclusive Homes" MtlHnirr, t.\m For g«isrsl clerical woifc. beautiful lot 1*2x150. i b«droona». J DISK, hi»bog&ny kneehoJe, good condi- 11—DOGS * FETS offers till* attractive 4TOOSW j tile btths on secontf floor; powd«r s room with BOW wtndjw, open Old Short Hill* Bd,. corner o! tan tion. |J0. »>6hadyride Are. Su. 6- BLUE purse; Friday on Summit Are. wfch oil air heat and carpoit. Well room, breakfast room, screened poreb porch, full sued dlnlngroom. kitchen, OPEN FRIDAY 7-9; KI.MMY l-i Full ear part time.'. BASSETT-Beagle, male, 6 months, near A. & P. Jtader may keep money latratorjf and LAROE TV room on the 1824. wormed and Inoculated, 120. South landscaped »nd :<*« tbaa five on first floor, beside* usual rooms. Bec- 3--A BERKELEY return purse and contest*. MU1- Old. Priced at 112,590, rtatloa room in basement, Complet* first floor. Th« three bedKWHi* «ndj Good Mlary and opportunity far GtTSTAV Sttckley'a Crafttmaa Furni- Orange 5-fi057. 7-0T74-R. insula|ion, storm sMh and weather two t»th* fi\u generous closets art advancement. ture, all for half price. Settle, dealt, stripping. Taxea only MSI. Prlcnl right on the second, BREEZE SWEPT DREAM™", lamp table, nest of tables, arm- SERVICES OFFERED I*ADY"S yellow gold Gruea »t #34,J<» YOU MUST SK& TK18 Apply tn person chair, rocker, desk lamp, etc. Phone with black cord band. Reward. Call SEE ANY SUMMIT •koeated on one of Sununlfs finest ovwlooklng scenic val>-, 3 l\~. • ^i- evenings only, STJ. 6-2633. HOUSE TOttATI BULLDOZING Su. «-8509. OBRIG, REALTOR street* time to schools. Priced to sell. rooms, center hall eu;:,i' • " -;iar FIRST NATIONAL BANK OS2 shoe, eonlOTan. rlcsoH? Short REALTOR Appointment onlj through *wis.clxfls throu^FSout, h . •-• *i»!wt UNPAINTED FURNltURE HOtTRLT rates.' Cle&rtnf, cellars. sr»d- 31 Usple St. BU. S-043S; Su. 8-JSS* in modern kitchen, fvti; ;> • •.•*•; lnjj. Bu. 8-3040-W. KUls Village, eprtogfleld. CCl M1U- two' car garage, many • •*•• r :.-•*•• I A TRUST COMPANY burn «-2!4S. built fe&'urea. Owner n:. : ^e^ Is Sale on . X3—CAKFENTOUI BOARD MEMBERS Stafford Agency Hardwood Stools PARAKEET,, blue. ne»r j BISOO. , ; pr« of SUMMIT . All allies. FRED BTENQCL Road aad Reeve Circle. South Orange Home Loans 40 B**e*3WOOd Bo»a SCmtnit 6-97*0 Ctrpentry repairs, aitenatteat, eablnets 3-1323. The Richlaad Company Su, &-7010 %rm, and 8ILM ftUmmlt 6-4M1 WALTER KOSTER DARR MILLS CO. bars, formica tops, recreation The Stafford Agency 97SO PS*RtT of food real •ata-'.s "o-jyg" are Pembrook K i j 31 Summit Ave. summit add!!!on*. VMonrUle 3-9633. BANK BOOK No. 8138. Return to Pintt Robert H. Bt*ele 0057 listed in these columns and ,>:*ntv of COZY, COTTAGE End of National Bank Of Springfield. Richard T. Btromengei *01« mori«at# money to ftrumc* your home Summit 6-0182 T. 1. BICKKL, carpenter * nuuoo. purchase is available *,%:. vmmtT Alterations and cabinets. Summit «• Alfred S. Anderson MOO Offered to Close an I^tat.- Secretaries COMBINATION mahogany cabinet with fOOHO Btitier Agency • 8352 5 rooms, including pint-panelled den; Proximlry to- (own rr, tr< • - door* for 1«" TV, radio, record Bystrak Bros. 7080 FIRST NATIONAL BANK "jtic and span in and out, .TJUEM 9140. rambling home desir*t • - - OARPENTRT work. rooAitg and aiding. DOOS - CATS — 8e* SummH Anbna! Joseph T. Ch\frch 0417 Mseme-nt. Owner moving out of r player*. 39V wide, 43" high. 24% town. Make offer. den, sun porch, dlniti,-' ' l2nme«U»t« opening* for competent «ee- deep. 160.00. Millburn 6-148J-M. Also alterations. Free estimates fifta. Welfare i^eagtM ootte* Social paga Edmondson <& Handwofk 720O AND TRUST COMPANY bath, 3 lane glassed-in »•> •• ' reurl&l help. Openln«a range from tTNilll 2-7533 after 3 p.n. Surnmlt Herald- If fottr do* ta * Ola^ebrook-SSie-panl Agencj «*6S0 roof?w, large closewi; ' i F0SNmniE moved. One piece or load. Holmes Agency 9800 of SUMMIT, N, J. W. A. McNamara exBeutlT* gecretsrlal position to b»- Erentnga, weekends. B. Oalrln. Tele- *6- Frewillng w«««; m&ny beneflu. Ideal MAPLE chert, alngle bed. totlO fibre We PAT CASH Tut r Clarence D. Long & Boa 5386 MORTGAGE LOANS RENT or BUY *oreml ont&tiL'dlnes: p-! ' ' < " • «*orttn« condition*. nig. Miliburn 8-18S3-M. Estimates given on alteration* and antlqui* sUTer. book*. Spencer M. Ms*«n 1900 new work. All Moos ot mason work. oatnticss. works of art, ats. tion. Contact May R \\ > ». • •v. Walte* A, McNamara 3880 4-twdroom, - 3-bath - 1940 Colonial - I-eb*R0n, N. J.. 67-R OT M ,-"!*• in person ANTIQUE Hepplewhite aecretary and Summit 8-0533 or Madison 4-1174- OEOROrtS AtKHTOn ROOlfB James R. Morrts Agency 5424 buffet, 18th Century grandfather*! 1174. C 80UMTT AVKmm 1 Brajton area - near ail schools sod Mountain, WMtmore & Johnson 1404 0X. & W, M50 month or 133,500. —L OFFICE clock and bedroom furniture. Chat- Tel Bummlt «>0M« Elwood M. Obri« O43S GOOD, n BIG! 5-CHATHAM CIBA PHARMACEUTICAL ham 4-0811, We w«I bwj your ante eoatstBTts THE RICHLAND CO. 7—TUBS "BOUSE with delightful »p. • • * " RNKAK at my bom* or la WB PAT Mfben casb prtces for may- Set 6a an a.-,« EXPERIENCED woman; general house- ALMOST new Admiral electric range, Z8A—LANOSCAFK OAB0KNWO hare outgrown. Located in excellent boat, canoe, three bedn-x>:a' *•»'•'•• work and child care. Su. 8-0106-J. 2-oven, with barbecue attachment 3100. ! usually good in size and location at OBRIG, REALTOR neighborhood near Summit with con- j price of H8.70O. venient bua transportation to schools kitchen, large llflr>K r*nn •«:(?•«'• EXPERIENCED salesgirls for dress •125: also 9.3 eu. ft. A*tmlral refrig- 80BTIRBAM TRES SBRV'ICB BOT'S tricycle; age 4-J ye*r». So. «- 2! Maple St. Bu. 8-0433; Su. B-5868 screened porch, detachfd Nnr»''!'w «hpp. The &nart Shop, Summit * erator, >100. 417 MorrU A?e.. Sum- Trees Trimmer and Remd 3153. and D. U «s W. Priced sit 118,000. 1 r ;:r mit. Apt. 33. Summit 6.2011-N. HOLMES AGENCY, Realtor styl* log cabin iruettt hoi"" °f - " Seely's; MorrUtown. Morr1»town 4- STEIKWAT or other good ptano muted MOUNTAIN, WHITMORE Prtfilte and rwttricted smsU cc>:nmur.::'_r 47J0. WASHING machine. Eagy Splndry 1- Short HUls tianOscapinf Co. for sestleman. State maker, price, Established 1B96 BEAUTIFITL C0IX>NIAL & JOHNSON, Realtors dub. Price RELIABLE woman to care for child yr old. Good condition. Bu, 8-9324-W TOPSOIL *Ze. Box 62. Summit Herald. Summit. 43 Miple Street summit t*9m CUSTOM BUILT 1948. I week days. Exchange room ana 85 Summit Avenue Summit 6-1404 Skyline Acres, R.D; *, Nf«-.?R. New Lawns ft Permanent Driveways (No Te'ephoi;ei_ board, good home. Chatham 4-TS93-B. D.M. 107 Deluxe Frigidaire refrigerator, USED CARS FOR SALE OWNER TRANSFERRED Nearly an acre: landscaped. 33 foot evening* or weekend. 10.7 cu. ft. self defrewter-ana built- SHORT HILLS 7-3185 ON A SILVER PLATTER Hiring room, large fireplace, picture Crater lMk», (natural) Wa'.pwlt.-T- Sante J. Searcia Built on contract for present owner window, dlnlog room, new pine pan* ship in the Blue Ridge Mmiat*£. WOMAN for general henuewprk and in freeeer. 2Vi year* old .. 1200 UA.TD8OAPtNO UATEBXALS — tcnseO. eUed TV, room and kitchen, powder- cooklnt. Live in. Short HU1« t-5507 USED KelTinator refrigerator, all por- "Priced to Sell" This deacribM this immacuiat* S-room who muirt mote immediately to Pitts- Su««e* County within a 3f« «•"» humus, bwlglum blocks. Also llasosi Cape Cod cottage on a beautifully burgh. Entrance hall, spacious living room'and laundry. Second floor, 4 fine known •* Skyline Acres, Clit!> TU" celain. Excellent condition, 9 cu bedrooms, a baths. Urge closets, full ft-. - 4100 work. Call Appolito's. MUUIbors •> landscaped lot in Ot£S OAKS. To te* room with Colonial rtrepla«e. dining New Canadian White Ced.ir '.?•' « WANTED MALE this tailor-made garden bursting out room, well arranged kitchen- with attic, insulated. Blat# roof, full base- unuiual p»nor«m.i from llflKjt - mi. ^^ 1948 Plymouth- ,, »S ment, new efficient O.B, oil furnace, EASTERN FUEL CO. tANBSOAPZ: OARDENXR. t*lta ear*. 1949 Chevrolet 143 in spring glory will make you want to dlnett* KpAce, and tiled laTatory, sll on •leotrlc kitchen. Price Ki.iso TAXI driver. Lackawanna Taxi. Bum- 1943 Chrrsler 195 own and enjoy this prize. Only 139,300, 1st floor; 3 excetlaht bedrooms (2 twin- ping-pong t*M«, all garden tools, Unfinished cattagt. Uvuifj: K mi t 8-noo. Repair and put In new lawn*. Trim power mower, metal wheel barrow, 2 1 233 Broad St. 80. 6-0004 and transplant shrubs. Also put in 1IH7 Erase* S5 For inspection call slie) and 3 colored tile baths on 2nd; living room, fireplice, electr'. ' '«"f JANITOR — part time — approximate- attached J-car garage with ieparat« car garage. Toting bearing fruit tree*, Urge porch. evwchanslDi? j!.\r,o' new settings. Remove and. cut down Dodie ttm&tt . Open Xvea. 1-9 pm. wonderful home for growing family; ly 20 hours per week, welton V. any sise tree. Fair prices. Fret esti- 308 Broad St. BummH. Su. 8-1685 R. T. STROMENGER oreThe«d doors and asphalt driveway. lot 150x300. Price *5.5M ^ Johnaon Engineering Co., Inc., 95 2-BtTRNBR Florence Oil Heater, : In beautiful setting on large level lot !"ranklin School district. Etceflent con- 1 :r yeara old, «as. Double bed and match- mate* given. Call BOW. Uulburn 9- 193J STCTDEBAKER Stsrli«3)t coup* dition, horn tsxas, M98. Priced for Four room c©tt»g<», larse ** ' 'i> Summit A»e,, Summit, N. 3, 4226-R. Realtor in fine neighborhood of modern honics. quires repairs' snd improyem'T.^ » ing dre«ger, with spring and inner with Boyal Master wfjlt* wall ttres. Secluded sereenjwj porch o»«r!ooking qutek sale, $34,800. Rmson. fumllr irt BTBONO boy, 16 or over, for general apring ma-Ureai, »«. SU. 8-1943-J. »~MABOM COHTBUCTOK*. Vullr equipped 1 SPECIAL 8A.LE 332 Springfield AT*. BummH 6-4024 grown. Inspect by appointment only. Ideal for one wlm Li !'« >' open fields and wood* in rear. A*fcln* creatire, work after school and week-end*. PRICE $m$. SW.MOjOffen*. invited. Bt BXTTW TO Owriw. Summit S-0498 - Bummlt 4- •epain Apply in person. MAYTAO waaher; perfect condition. mxmoujt smnsL wmn-4m.tnmim Dodge Dealer Open Eves. 7-9 p.m. SEE THW BBPORB DBCIDINO ON A 5615. ,• Three room fottnge. .reoultf* FORBES OARDEN CENTER Summit 6-B531-J. JOS Brosd St. Summit^ Bu. 9-ltSSS and lmprotement*. I3.S00 Stone, brick, stdswaiks. AH type HOMTB. WIKOAND MorrU Turnpike near Millburn Are., concrete work. Summit S-331M-J 1A-OUT OP BTATB MUtburn 1951 fOBD 78. ruUy~equipped~M«)rt EXCEPTIONAL Skyline Aerwi, R.D. ? NVW BIG ALTERATION POLICARP1O BROTBKR8, |«neral b« lienn. to appreciate !ir.ms.culate m.«. '• '^ ,\ PAVING it Driveways, parkins lots, ^3_ _^__1_ Su. #-0481 Of sor broker. WOOD THi ORAIfOM stid n cellar; KM hot water, aliiinisi'i'" ^ LAHOE doubl» door fMgidaire. KxeeT lawns. All work guaranteed. Lowest Other •Mburbun renlrtentlal enmrnttnt- 1 MPLOYMfNT WANTID _Jentjondit!on jCheap. 8u. 6-0945, Ht/DSON 1950 BroujshMn Ktmtmnf i. Om how*. 7 room*, 3 baths, no* com, «•• t«"m#mit Burn, vnim tad IM- i In price. Free estimates cheerfully Car is perfect throi«rhotit. A re«J plated, renrty to* sale; another, « rooms, laundry ind eurtiioa tfoa* •» OAS and oil range. Oost~ovwM5M given. James loSaplo. Summit «-80W. clean, one-owwsr ear. Pull price 1*»». FOR VALUE 3 imths, re«4y mon, tor infwwatton, wanna JOBS-BECK-SCHMHtf my home. Summit 6-31M. Perfect condition. For «rT5. One A.A.A. Anything, Anywhere, Anytime, Dodgt Deftiwr Open Sim 7-9 p m. wil owner, Su, »-Wl0, or any Realtor #Ji»fle and om d»ue!# bed. h*wa our*, hous« cleantne, wash j»8Bd St. Summit Bu. 90O This new eight room fmm« mn4 ROBRRT B Dm COMTANf COMPANYY FAMILY Ironing and curtain* don* at able. PWlonrllls a-3783-J. POWTIAC r Station wj p horn* Wi, truly aatoundittf. O ... my home. Summit •9tW wills, ceiling*, windows, cieau eelltrs. «. .».«. UtAMTOIW 9PBSD ^i#en"wi*hfrr6ood^ Top sot! for sale. Call Bob Smith, hydrsmatle, It tit M, ttc, kitchen with two o*»n rung* iM Ha* Ml tnnimro at» Mliiburn-thim SBCRBTARrAl, work done tn my bom*. Uvtngston 678. for quick sale, 11.500. Short Point dishwasher. Bedrooms wHh nltil- ~,_»^ wrnthttrh giajt Picked up and delivered, Chatham ^Pour years old. «48. Mlllhum «- Hills J7M ing elosvt doors.'J't bathii, srt*U shower, STOP HOUSE HUNTING «W»5J PKKMAMKNT driveways, ro*4««yg, flrtpluT*. ttmhog««iy p*n#il*d studio Belgium block curbing. Frw %»ti- ntudr. t«fK« scrt*fl»d powto with flig- Wt know where the? art so drop m OVER $;o6o36o ^^^ anytime and we'll jtlMly ihww ymt th# Worth of homejiiold iiuc« 4snu«ri 1 bt t. Madtfton «-04U or Madison »*ont d*«*. Asphalt tl|# b»«tmtnt floor, W FAMTI,y laundry and eurtotrto done. str ff»nflltlon#d h«t, tw< hamm now for Ml* in th# summit u ...TATtOHi'-JIOIiBS fOUKB" Wck up - delHrer. OHioH»lUe J-1S17 tsrvia drlfewny, 3't *rn . . »r»». Ranch, »plit lovrt or C rn tnit Avenue Owner, Kttfnmit t»9nl rt avatUMe. WA id outdoor. Mudtson t- C»!M. from t9e\ f F Oncand* from lrvg«tot) 8-1094; Hoffman, Ot>if»VBR«iiTJONAi. CI*Irm»ri or Frank H. 4»o; Dotted 8wk», from «te; Taf/rt*. 9-2J1S-J. I fig by German wri, !«ff« M 1 etMorlMt from B*tM, D»a ftlt«r HroKl «f«M (Marksct: tsh* 1 3bh Cap*- CodCd l»h 1 EASILY 'PINANCRI.) " on Botany, Ktertxtt Qu«drl*«. O»i#y A lio Vofj want an obedient do«? Friunk ninth f' t>ff1. MuHnunn B#!(llnt-Gortfl#Ht Impart nl w*-*! llrln« •"•»* tratM YOU to il taflds^oped jrurd Tm this g«n Mf s BMttl l II H1 rtl on u> Htitttrlfik, and trained rtoft* (iTon hy Frunti CHATHAM TOWNSHIP ^ CHATHAM TO and May 17th. * V) p m Oi«| Kviv«rs«n HOLMRB AOKNCV, Mod** ftojraim Pattern B#r»i«« l^odsfl*, F?*, er)(f*^*n. Av^n^ie, wprif^ji- nn 0Kfmuf !,->• ot) n of A T*"^ *r#»t»f» w 19 PM. Hund** to • ft*ld, N ^ Knr*>ll HOW. ijnujjinn^ts "7'MOW* «>*"MUt" (h! >,*iyM NOT JUST ANOTHER DRIVE OUT TO "ROLLING MOrrlstoWB 4-1710 Bhort MDU 1-im«, M»rU>ji Pliil YAKD aoom, ISIMK .1-3444, Ko'llh Or*n#» 3 OVA. > July 1st to !)*«• 1. 191$ On* fsmUf r IIQUBK--AIIOMB Akl»rtie» Milk Aim on Itoufr II, Soutftgat* R«tal« RANCH AND SPLIT UVIL HOMES tntmnc* nn Littleton rd (Hoiit* VAVXririii 'rnlldVsrVs nilrM * Wotild* 3 r.«r sttMrh«Hi «*r*««, ««« IMM! Whora tlitr* is Roli^vfnient rtt «t»«fgn ooMrtrrinx.. Mj nRAtiv rtm Wi) Ho H3 bus •too 100 f»*» *«»y you Ilks m fn awav for w> w*eks, IMwtsl WJO. R*fw»n<"*s r^'Mrwl and «rf*ng*m*ru (Writer hall f'n|onf«l Morns "" A month, and Iwvs ymir <*hUdr*n fiftfitnt •"!' Swift*; % »«4n*»na, (ttn, with ftpM?* Firm finor with tiltr* $26,800 to $1S OOO " ,, with m« to rout t\tmi»i D«st of MOUNTAIN, WHITMORE 3 tMlns. sumrftw and winter sir rM> ; BUTLESR AOBJNCY tU iO ting II td h M ft— t | ffiUjr, •u ftunmu 14m iumnui if*. tivft. tlgHI -ifefw***:^ THE SUMMtT HEftAlO. THUftSOAV u.v . lm etufhter, bora April 2t To Mr tad Mm H*ary Cott «f Mm. A W FuMer, lbs. C irths of Or#f|o©A To Mr. and Mrs. William •| t> Mr. *fed M» P*ul FUsgtra of IS Elm pl»ct, a too, 1mm Aptfl T. BadBnr, lit*, ftvmen W. U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. U. __u-j driv«, New PwvbiwBea, GWlhter, born April n. Mm F. A. Itoliyer, Mra „ ii. born April 20. • To Mr. and MM. Alfre* Kim- To Mr. «uid Mrs. G««*t Kl- Le*t«r. Mrt R Pautl MitcheU. i« urn, JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. Mr, &n4 Mr». Joseph V»durro Wxmgh of lift Morris avenu*, * Uijg of to O»Iu drivt. Ntw Pfwr. ! Middle ivtaue, a daughter, daughter, born April 23. , Urt 'Emory C |rn April 20. born April 11. To Mr. *nd Mm. Henry Poiiak Mr* OM«« E. J. Sawyer. Mr. •»n. born April 25. of Cb#rnwood road, New Pro*t- CMftc* Open Duly . a .son, barn April 21. To Mr. and Mi>. Koger Mot- of diuce. a son. born April 11. W A. ML t« I* IP. M, Mr. *nd Mr*. Robert WH- 2 Codditigtoii Circle. New Provi- To Mr. and Mm. Loui* Dry pal- Electrically Lnw o! 851 Springfield avenue, a 'uence, a MJH, born (her of S3 Canoe Brook parkway. son. born April W. Controlled To Mr. and Mr*. Norman Mftj^sf ON MOTHERS DAY of 43 IJnioa avenwe, New Prorl* dence, a daughter, born April IS, Luxury Kitchens >i,u In Irv « To Mr, «n4 Mr» John H«dg»n» Thii tvhibil i# available for VALLEY INNreal Itulian- iiinruoit of 28 William ttrttt, a son, bora »our in*[H*ction daily 9 A.M. lo April U. • 4i30 P.M. excel* Saturday ami. VALLEY ROAD STIRLING, N. . To Mr, and MM. E4w*rd Hmm KWIOU — IA.SAGNA — MAP — alto from 9 to 12 on *SPA<;iOTTl of 3* Pine Grove road, Berkeley and 7 to 9 Thuif.da* ,„> ai;'|r —'CHICKEN tn You are rordialtv intiled to >i-lt Ft LL COtRSK DINNERS HERVED DAILY April 15. this Exhibit and brine a» many We (Inter to To Mr. »nd Mrs, Henry MeCW- of tour friend* •» you like. Partie* — Ha,,<,uft, — Weddin$t< Etr. ri».n of 19 Midland terrace, * daughter, born April 15. You will aim -lm*e the oppor- CLOSED MONDAYS MILLINGTON 7-0499 To Mr and Mrs. Domimck Deli* tunity of i«*iiij| «rar«th«r Howe of 151 Plainfield avenue, Berkeley Building Exhibits featuring the Heights, a daughter, born .April 11 V>itt«a 11 Englin* Utrtt in Home Designa, Material* To Mr, and Mrs. Wiliard Geddia «i!h a Cireat Cut' and Equipment for Building of 506 Morris avenue, a son, bora »»1, AM' Better Homn «t Lower Co«i. April IS. In with in tkf« Exhibit* To Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius K«M- find, morm temible anX' bprgen of 968 Central aycrtue. New hpf Heat than in ueek$ of NOW OPEN DAILY Provident*, a mn, born Aprs! IS. RKO PROCTOR'S searching ettmehttre. To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lava of 15 Vista lane, New Providence, »' »on, born April 17. NOW fairyland Kiddie Park To Mr. and Mm- Raymond 2ell- nor of &49 Springfield avenue, 'm Rout* 22 Springfield daughter, born April IT, US. BUILDING PRODUaS CO .WALTDISNEY'S '* \' (Next to Howard Johnson) Fortnightly Unit Ends ' 'THE \ Everything for Home Iluildina, Modernizing & Remodeling Seaion With Breakfast TdepJiOflt The final meeting of the ice- 700 SPRINGFIELD AVE. BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N. J. son of th« American home de- LI VIHG Summit 6-3355 EXCITING RIDES partment of the Fortnightly Club. Only A Short Distanre^Fpam The Center of Summit the traditional May breakfast. • BOAT RIDE •AUTO RIDE •WHIP will be held at the clubhouse May 14 at 10 a. m. Works accomplished • AEROPLANE • MERRY-GO-ROUND in thn ceramlca, millinery and tray painting claascsi will be on da- play at this time. Mrs. Russell *\V. King wilt be "This Ad Good for 2 Free Rides" in charge of decorations for the day aseisted by . MM. •• Albert J. Mrs. Modern says: MON.-FRI, SAT.-SUN, & HOL. Bartholomew. Miss Katherirse P. 1 KM, - 9:30 P.M. 11 A.M. • 9:30 P.M. Bennett and Mra, Sherwood Slaight. Mrs. G. Merrill Brown FREE PARKING is to be In charge of the break- fast, assisted by Mrs. R. H. Froh- SPECIAL FULL COURSE flCMMMM FIRST AND FINEST IN NEW JERSEY MOTHER'S DAY DINNER * EASTERN * i.5O SERVED FROM 12 MOON IN THEATRE Specid Ch.ldrens Dinner .... . ST.75 UNION MORRIS PLAINS

Iwl*j — "THE WIU> NORTH" Now Thru stturdsy AUn 1 arid Shelkr Winter! m. - Sat. . M»y J-l "SASKATCHEWAN' Ttth. ri*rlc GaMt Gen» Tlrrneji »l*o, "rORBIODEN", Tony Curlli "NEVKIl UEI ME GO" plui Trch, riatarctte, Sport Reel Sun.-Moa, and C*rt»on Bit* IUJ worth Jose rerrer Sun. - Tnei. Mxy 9-10-11 "MISS SAME THOMPSON" WHKN WKT" Tech.. »1so, 'SKY COftlMANDO'* Trch. MARCH" with Man Duryca-Franrc* GiUord FREE PLAYGROUNDS Oickatel Sim THEATRE RpniNGFietn «VB. Private Dining Rooms For Banquet* And Parties STRAND Summit 6-3900 Music on fh« HWWMM* Organ Dolly TODAY Hint SAT. MAY A-8H1 ROUTE 29 SPRINOFIELO, N. J. Phone MMbm M43f - 4441 JtRRY >

/ f r / w For AUTOMATIC

MONEY FROM HOME ELECTRIC •«?.L«r .- XTov MJiYn<^lmcwit,lwitanelecbric your dinner Into the oven, set controls, tad RANGES X helps keep your kitchen apie and at Since there's no f lam«, there's no soot. forget it You return to find tha whalt meal 19* CWVITWi fWM Kitchen walls, ceilings, even curtains stay cooked—exactly. mjim? wctl^js ym •ICHAIBIIIIMII • GENERAL ELECTRIC fresh and new-looking longer. Bottoms of wanted it _~ "^ • __ RANDOLPH SCOTT utensils never scorch. Never need scouring. T electricity prepares a complete meal for a • FRIGIDAIRE But that's just ons advantage. Electric cooking is also much cooler. Heat from sur- hungry fimily of tmt* And food teittt ttV tcr. Vegetables eook with kn watir. Mtatf II ONK H/IV flM.V! face units goes directly into food. The oven •1 <*1 9JW««(**. is completely insulated on all six BU$$. Your baste in their mn delidous juices. See your kitchen sttysdlgrees cooler. JCP&L ReddyKilowatt Itetter toda^.'

WmmHiitory'9 Great Event*~-

«*i»i ttm ALL ELECTRIC... EUZAfflTH TAYUMt .jf 233 HOAB STitlf SUMMIT A-0OO4 VIlTMtMl FPW Parking

ZSBSi m THI SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1M4 son Q. Woodward. oria tract con- from Oatema aveau*. Carpenter, daughter, is named ad- deed* and mortage* for the coua- J tanhold. Tommy Tfc»m« *»<* »i*tio» of T6 f«et along Snydtr Mr. and Mr* Joaepb A Becker Mr. and Mm Robert w j Laafuc Tha" competition will b ministratrix of tha $15,000 estate. ty of Union: Y1ICA Urry Proudfoot. ,, avenut, near land* of Ruth May ! followed by.,an ir.Xormal receptior May E, Woodward, executrix, t© to Mr. and Mrs .ChriftM.& Jen- to Mr. andl Mra. fUm»;d c. Mr. Doyle died April 10. Riviere.; and one tract in the I it the YMCA, with the winning *on, property known «» *0 Clinton Property in Saydcr »v«:-.i Ruth May Riviere. 75 feet in Sny- •outheasUfly airfeline of Snyder Ttet Baaaic.t YMCV mer.» vol- Scooters of tlie 'V U»*ue re- Doyle Estate Is $1 §,000 der avenue. avenue. ;«ct from Springfield a-r^ Application for tetter* of ad- avenue, 125 feet from landa now or «ej\i.')g individual trophic* in rec- DEEDS May E. Woodward, executrix, to late of Peterson. Joseph Palowbo and ©th«»# to a w4 N. Holding Cor?. nairJitration on the estate of Ed- ognition of their league ettort* New Providence—Tine following Minnie H Retd, property in tht Mr and Mr*. Leonard -X Pat-«nd Mr*. Rootrt \\\ ^>Vt tb* »txtrt in * thiee ward C Doyl« has &een filed with ,11 c ana M ra. Roeee K. Serritril* Tne following men vui; be award deeds for real Mtatt transaction* northwesterly «de ol Snyder, ave- terion lot* tt to 10, ra*P No. 1.erty to Harding dn»«, natch. The Summit team g Charles A- Otto, Jr.,. surrogate, in the borough hay* teen recorded nue. • . - Ui Mr. and M» David P. Wiener, ed trophiei" tonight — Herb Wei- property of Berkeley Height* from Saydw selected from U»« top p!*jr*-= courthouse, Elisabeth. Aline • D- in the ofSee of tim^ Mr. and Mr* A Riviere to Addi* T>rop*rty in Viata kmt, 7S.6S tmt " D B* 3y

•.. -*ri

*Jk* '*" * If You Like Bargains Don't Miss AsCs "SUPER-RIGHT MEATS Customers*' Corner ^ C/»mfemoUon TAaf Caw'rB* Beat Fresh Broiling and Frying M wm EGGS E*erv *hoppiag «laf, over »ii nulliott people jkop at A4P NOW.. He»<•*• l**ir tbsi a ftir tgi! to »a\rmonfv on their family food budget^ Ready-U-Cook-Tip Grade Oily Ib.ftii^ Te"«-ven- proud*of that proof that folki favor AJcF» CHICKENS Wildm«n - Larft •artaa law prices . . . but were just as proud of .the'fine, quality ef our tpoA u *e axe of our thriflf prices. For price «ith- Brown & White 53 out quality meant nothing Iff the tombinatioH pf low pricet end high quality that builds A&F$ great values! Boneless Chuck SuiNylHtflk Frisk Srtii k m tartM • And ii't tie f-ombination that makei it ponrible for u§ ill. ttan to piernntee every iingle item you mar buy at A&P! You're POT ROAST 49 White Leghorn 55 pleated . .. or you get ytntr money back without question' Come »ee . . • come save ... at A&P! Sirloin Steaks Sliced Bacon CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT If You like Bargains Don't Miss A&P Food Store* Porterhouse Steaks Pork Sausage 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Top Round Roast or Steak Beef Liver Sp^ci.lly »»l«et»d A&P's FRUITS and VEGETABLES! RIrtu rti Oik* mi RI 9» it. I Beef Kidneys For* pipinj hot »Uw If You Lika Bargains Don't Miss lB.Hm.afe.pti. Qlla* tkl Frankfurters Yellow Bananas A &P't BAKERY VALUES! 111119 •! p b10i Chuck Steak *»»•" Ready-fo-Cook Poultry Golden, lipe Hi. 2 "•• 25« Top Sirloin Roast or Steak — nit iit»t Ib. Heart Cake § 1 h Rl L*rq« lit* Ovan-r«*d/ Fresh Pineapple Ib. Ducks _ In S»H-S«rvie» M»«t 0«p«rtm«nh Ft am Wwitrn farm* l t Turkeys 'il'rim ^u —»«•« Fresh Peas Shoulder Lamb Chops ^ - - Fresh Broccoli Fint Quality Seafood layer Cake Boneless Veal Roast »5S* •m» s|;et55* Now Green Cabbage Sautktrn f*rast ib i * Eaglith Miffiai POrk CliOBS Hip«r«d«h«.uld»r«wh Taut, Friai Scalleas ...... "79*Yellow Onions laaiak Nrt HIM Rlag "*39* Loin Pork Chops ^««* • -U.S.No. I Ftiai Flamiar FilM .... . -75*Now Potatoes "*" "A" tltt BMltt Smoked Bool Tengws Florida Oranges Vtltnei* If You like Bargains Don't Miss Fresh Carrots If You Like Bargains Don't Miss A&P'$ "GROCERY VALUES! A&P's DAIRY VALUES! Washed Spinach .fttmmti l8et- 2*. Ched-O-BH - r 21 Cucumbers Flofid* . Colo Slaw «•(!• baa Grapefruit Sections ^u2"z 27c Danish Blue Cheeu 17i Mild Cheddar Cheese Salad Mil 1 Muenster Cheese Tomato Juice - 3 '-- 23c 2 35 Sliced Swiss Cheese A.P** OWN l Cream Choose *«<<•"*« PURE VEGETABLE SpagheHi £C 2 r23c Crabapple Jelly Mild Cheddar Cheese Muenster Choose «•»««« SHORTENING I Nntlcy Margarine 2^45c Premium Crackers Bold'-.Rich WhHa Hsui. »• Evaporated Milk Unconditionally fuar- Utty's FraH OatUail Heavy Cream cent. J5« Our Own Tea Bags antetd to bt «|«tl » Fnatinifaadrat Borders Hill — quality to tay of the NMMBII Ganiks Atpf.ncr^*% SS< Dry Milk Solids leading brand* ol ttert a laiiiiw ^pnwiit *ninf. It's diftatiblt1 Crlspo Fig Bars if You Like Bargains Don't Miss I SWnf Beans Set how much you wva A4P'$ FROZEN FOOD VALUES! Sparkle Pudding ***>** t Himinrgw* . ... ";:& Borden's Niooolate Syrup Limn Beans 10 w. SireW - "- l^jli1 BomFlriios •*-** Chopped Broccoli WilMi'i ClwpH BHI .. ;:-';W Kello^s Rice Krispies Broccoli Spent *•**• dexo Star*ii Tm FWh .<*-»-* Post's Sugar Crisps . . I 1" «• Bruuel Sprouts IIP T Uncle Ben's Rice flNMNI BOSRS lirJ««y«- 10 «. The All-Purpose Shortening for Hri Bonilloi Calm 3;;22£ < Brape-NutFlakep s Wa^ed Beans CAKES, FRIES and PERFECT MS ChMtliti Syrap **, 3'1~II' 2 '^ 15* Panaa'i amaaaia Cut 6oldon Cora Orange Juice 2 '" 15« Comfy Treafs Oanari haf Had —•• '..:»»• KaxaK a MataMtll PaliPli* ^ Una »w Ml Cod Fillet Suchard Chocolate Souares Mttra UBBY'S FAMOUS Chocolate Thin Mints Reynolds Wrap COLD SEAL Gum Brops Corned Btef MIVs •If. Pure Aluminum Fell Hash Class Wax Candy Ban 1 Gin I 2@45c »£347c 49 Rhelngold Boor Ufa, For vftiir pirn ic grill, wrap and ««ok in Nutrition*, juicy, tmity 1 M«i»y rich, flavor-rich the way you Ilk* it. M«k« mirrora twaja sparkie with Kent OlfareHee . . . . , . jteyfiftM'i Wftj>, fti ptrfeet food mrip. **'##**,"• iSS t&fl* *sr ^1S§ WfcHoRwoToorf . • , • • . i\J«« IwySoop ^M*^^ ir^W1 Detergent

JS&BB Alakaa White Rose Tea Bags •141 ?;••*•• AP •dull filiMMr m mm * fi*mm ****** •HTw wpajaiaiaiajB #* IPWWHaiBp iipajpilwi aWipWPBp WWUN WOA0 ST. mi MOIRIS AVI