0 j Foxman IP f> Read the Herald Read the Herald For Local News For Local News' Ken ing Summit for 9$ Years Serving Smnmiit tor Si I c«r* «uuf Summit Record Kftt*fe4 as , a Nattar at U* H»*»tfta» THURSDAY, MAY •, lfS4 at swmntt, t| tlw Art •» Mutki, MSI. $4 A YEAR 10 «EMS A Honors Three YMCA Lists Public Council Submits New Rules for [25-Year Men at Forum on Fifth lAnnual Dinner RemovalofTopsoilWithinCity M,ore than fifty persons'-attended Amendment Uses t»' Annual dinner of the Policy i • . • ••• • ' / ' ' •'•:•' "WJwt .ii.a'l A, dj anci: t. \ Common Council Tuesday night dropped a contm- 3-rn'Volent Aesoeiation, Local 58, auu n<Jiiif nt toii.ns^rtistt " vti! •iday night during which three 4 Iversial ordinance pertaining to soil removal and iniircKiitted the lop.i for di.-oiis-ir ii »i the j another which is essentially the same but eliminates certain it were honored' for 25 years of initial »t-.«iion of iih> Y.MCA Corn- u> e on the local force find given j protested regulations. The new ordinance was given ap- innniiy Forum org.tr..zt d by proval by the Summit Iteai Estate Board and local iiver life membership cards. loral associations Pisoi'i Affairs "—~~~~^ —/. builder.?, chief objectors pf ying the life membership Kducalion Oomrnittt.- Moii.lty *ie- .ordinance. at the ceremonies held at ning. Ma) 21 at i {. pi HI UJC YMCA -The IU.-'.V ordm..in4-i- p^mtt-tf th* Inn' were Lieutenant Hirbt'it, Kiinim, 1'K. t> rt'-.id'nt and Springfield -transportation •'-! top***! into S&m- •,vd McOrath, Patrolman 'Joseph fr-aturc editor of the JS'PW Vorkj Hrlf from othrr rHii.nicipah-.iei »iwi' sherry and Patrolman Philip F; World-Telegram. wi'.S bt the mod- allows t^inovaiof ;t<|(psoiJ !rska o&« : isidell. erator. fUcHard G. Moser, another Cross May Merge lot -t^ .another' «'ithlTV'~«"., sir?--*._ Vincent Burgher, vice president prominent Summit resident and a mviied or developed -by one' 'ptt%*tm. C'iba, Pharmaceutical Product.!. formor chief couawl for the K«- However,' like its firHe-ffiwr. -. «nd * sliver life ntf-mbpr. m::id<* fativer Committee, and Hogcr Bald- With Local Unit under, the (".«"*•' ft"'i i* -» teefwary f f»re.-K>nUtion8, Mr. Burgher !.• E. Roupp win of the American Civil I,iber- Plaas for. the ; ftiorser ft* (he to. .obtain » p«Tn;:t ti r»S".*-vt foil • : I from thp city or t-s*aTO?hf? 1-M' •' f irnvr Summit councilman. ties Union, will be the principal Sprinfffield and Summit c'liipters (distant frtlm the pnjsnal •l-'XMtx^ speakers. of the American Rpa Cross w ere T:i * speech to the group )IP e it •-•<], Mof the j»oil. 'HIP permit I--?4$ US Ford Foundation revealed tht? we*;k .b> an announce- f department for its "efficiency Participation in. the forum Is land -will h^ is.i-iH cnlv eit*r~* jn<i courtesy.'* .. • . open to all residents and organ- ment by the Springfield unit that 'contour map of the ls.rv-J iavo»v«^4 it is holding ft general inr-eiing on" !. rutfnantMcGrath was riani'-H' Study Grant Given ization* interested in toe field of Us filed at the City Ckrk's -dffsrt l pitrolma.n in June, 1023. lie M-V.V '•public Affairs, th<* constitution., and; Friday. Jyjpc i. io \ute oirth«- nier- 'nnd iipprovr-il hy th<? CUj'.Engtflwr. 1 (better government. Following Miej ger propo.~-.il *• on de.-»k duty, Sherry joined tii" lie^t«lpiit» I'Vared ArcjdMnt* J niajor presentations, discussion of If the pf<>po&<il ,.s «iloptcd- b.\ nrrp. in June, IS*.'*, and Trind<-i' Science Teacher The restrict ion." wrre p's<"«rd ypea " n April, 192$. Both men are on the problem will be thrown,open to' I both the Springh^kl «n<i Sumni.: chapter* it w:!! mean that thf ;-;ho rrinoval of iop*-m* b'-'aa.!? r»f nrkinp meter duty, Leonard E. Tcoupp, chairman of thp audience as a meai^'of asc-r-j ft growing practice ol • 4?tviis.ifi$ • r^.trol-min Francis K"ll> -vai Ihe .«. i' nvf department at Sum- taining their views. The YAtCAJ local chapter w til iinni?d:ate;\ ex- tend its service to''about. 10,000 .vacant Sands within th« ri*:y aff i'-p-- rrs-ntcd with A I'BA pa«U jtresi- mit Ui^ii School, win ho nn leave '•• committed presents this new rdu-1 .:soil for oAit-of-to'.rn' S'liiding -a>?/i . additional per.'Km.i and u,;l havp l"ts b-idge. of atone nrxt jcor. Ik !>«<• brrn cntional activity to the community! .developing-- U'5F. Cirancii f#aiHI- in the hope thdt tiie opinions of a toUS of approximate'.) 3 TOW : ..Mi;-or • Pcrc ival E. Blutid . and awarded a full fellowship by the ;thst largp-scalc removal 'r<?iiM wt»t ''rr-holder Ernest S, Hu-kok, al-*o • the total community on subjects of persons within its «rca. ,only' scar th<? ci:y- but a!s» cieai* 1 1 f r U C Advaiuxmrl>l of Ed ; iohlrr« of silver ' life cards, ad'-' - '" ""' " ' " inajor interest might be construe- RETIRING EDUCATOR HONORED-Sliss Sarah E. drop of Franklin School, are Mra. G, ^ivarta l^ow, .1i . The Summit chapter now t*evvcs a hazard in the form o; pilsv»n4 t the communities of New Provi- liessed the group briefly. iicnti'on of the Ford Foundation. (Lively expressed. Cadoo, retiring as principal of Franklin School after ftoss Tuttlc, members of the! Board |>f Education; steep huiil-;<i by whicis childwtt* 'A.nong the, guests were former Mr. Roupp will visit many indus- !. IIn announcinannouncingg this community,^ years of teaching, 25 of wh|ch were spent as head Miss Cadoo, Leonard E.- Best, presjden of the Board ! denc.e. Berkeley Hcighu »ntl Pat-- ' might be injured saic-Tc'.vn»hip which int-Iudcs-G!!- }"n;-r chief. Michael J, Finneraa trinl plants and research labora- service the coivuvult-'e pomtea bat; of Franklin, was guest of honor'at;* testimonial of Education, and .Roberts v.S. Reed, uperintendenM v t Iles^ients Have coi.ripla;ne4 «»a- . a r0 f ihe :n ch r ^'""; ;""-"'";iett6 Stirling «nd MiSlington: Vmcr lieutenant, John J. Cannon, torif>, lo lWn whejr they obtain > M«* '» " *"MCA *" ; meeting held Monday evening at Lincoln School. A of schools. Details of the reception will be found, • • • . * "ccrnin^ two such haiard?;- OSMP"«M|-"' >>-,<{ former detective, -Nicholas, . i . " activities mi that, of proviusnspeciag l program arranged by the PTA was presented. on Page 13. tPhoto'.by Chell Frantzen Flan Appears Acceptable Broad street, another .oa BceSimaa ;Mv.o. their bet .trained young men and fOpponuniti08'for local citizens to Above, left to right, standing before a painted baek- Summit Red Cross official* «n- road, - A'*,o -attending were represent*---womeji. He will then visit those (exchange different points of view mitlcd that they, had been ap- Bids for bonds srrsoactiEX t» i-• ••! from the police department.1! svhools to learn why their gradu- .rather than to project the a^soci- proached unofficially by Spring- $725,01)0 wiU b>> received as »e-al«l tion lnto a .proposal.* at the May 3! rnewtinf^ !»f Mountainside, West Odd, Spring-' ales we in demand. From this > sp<"«f>c position; field on the, merger plan and that Council announced. The fuawii »?# Madison! -Morristown. Dover . ,, ; Under the chairmanship of Mere- First National Lists Plans YWCA Revving it appears to be acceptable to Sum- pxp€rier)i p hp hnpe to blin to mit. Final permission for siuh a for the construction of tfee Was.|!- mi Xr.v- Providence., ... 'dith N'. Stiles, Jr. the Forum t:oni- ington School addition utii aicciion harge o£ arrangement* W lhe >ou[h of •*"«*»»»»• » broad nuttee plans to hold a series of! : move mtLst he granted by the na- For New $300,000 Building Summer Diiy • Uona! organization ;six of the Sttiumit-ilUibarn joint' William Gaffnry, Pa- knowledge of the opportunities such events a.* are warranted in: Springfield, it j» «a,sd, i» in ; sewer. Joseph Puschctto a,nd; which he ahead in the .scientific ! 1954-1955 but would like to gaugcj I The 'Warranty Paving O- ef Edward Karpenski. Mr. f^j^ I the interest of citlscr.s before that' of a new $300,000 j Vater Co, on Bcechwood road and Camn Pro; ram favor of disbanding, its orgamza- Ing buildir.g which, 'whrn .<,«".: > "Summit was awarded thf t&atraet'- irjher served as toastmastcr. |. C'aine Here In lf)K» I time to guide in planning the fall j ! temr.inecl there until i&ll when a , ikern amd relinquishing it? charter n pletcd will befonc of •1i*'&.o,~ ••j*hree-.ve*t Icflse at $900 per year, After a lajxse of |0 year*, the j beaau5c of a difficulty in obtaining ;for the .grarling. pavir.g.-ao-il carV- PBA President Hugh Lee wei-i x4Mr_. „Roup p 1,.„_ b(ipn -r.jlftjrmAn * 4 winter program. j , i«$T of Butler parkvra.j-. VVwtaaty the motScm it? U»;s sren w-.^revalrti w«# ;arrai>ge<l tor a portion of the Summit YWCA will operate a day ' aufiicicnt volunteers lo carry out In addition to Mr. 5tiie.«, other: tbi* week hy ihc .first National ', present banking building. In May, I was low bidder with $2d.r3«.l3. TUe of the science department here camp scheduled for July 19 : 1 committee members participating' Bank * Tm,t Cn. [ its program. • next two lowest- among' the right.
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