Hydrochemistry Highlights Potential Management Issues for Aquifers and Springs in the Lake Blanche and Lake Callabonna Region, South

Mark Keppel1, Daniel Wohling2, Andrew Love3, and Travis Gotch1

Abstract A hydrochemistry-based study has highlighted potential management implications for selected aquifers and springs located within the Lake Blanche and Lake Callabonna region in the far north of South Australia. The interpretation of hydrochemical and environmental tracers from 14 springs and 17 water wells, as well as historically available data, were used to establish five hydrochemical-based aquifer types for the region: 1. Fractured rock crystalline basement aquifer. 2. Patchawarra Formation (Cooper Basin) aquifer. 3. J-K aquifer (Algebuckina Sandstone, Cadna-owie Formation and lateral equivalents) of the Great Artesian Basin. 4. A sandstone unit or units interpreted to occur within the Neocretaceous Rolling Downs Group, which is informally termed the ‘Rolling Downs Group sandstone (RDGS) aquifer’. 5. aquifer. Two key findings from this study have potential implications for ongoing resource management. First, artesian groundwater conditions were identified for the first time within sandstones found within the Neocretaceous confining layer (the RDGS aquifer). Although the exact stratigraphic nomenclature of this sandstone unit is not yet confirmed, groundwater sourced from this unit is currently being used for stock. Second, the RDGS aquifer may contribute to spring flow at Lake Blanche and Lake Callabonna. Similarly, the fractured rock aquifer may be a source of water for the Petermorra Springs complex. Beyond certain results from these three spring complexes, the majority of hydrochemical and environmental tracer analyses infer that the J-K aquifer is the ­primary source aquifer supporting spring flow.

Keywords: springs, South Australia, hydrochemistry, Great Artesian Basin, Cooper Basin

1 South Australian Department for Environment and Water, 81–95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia 2 Innovative Groundwater Solutions Pty Ltd., Unit 3, 7 Greenhill Road, Wayville, SA 5034, Australia 3 National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, and College of Science & Engineering, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia

Introduction ­understand the source of flow to the springs within The effective management of spring-supported the Lake Blanche and Lake Callabonna region of environments requires a clear understanding of South Australia (Harrington & Harrington, 2015). the groundwater source and system that supply There have been numerous studies characteris­ing them. The potential for petroleum hydro­carbon the groundwater sources for various Great Arte­ developments­ within the Weena Trough of sian Basin (GAB) spring complexes within South the southern Cooper Basin prompted a need to Australia (e.g. Dalla Valle, 2005; Love et al.,

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Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland Vol. 126 65 66 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

2013; Harrington & Harrington, 2015; Keppel et source and therefore provide a line of evidence for al., 2015), although there remains some uncer­ identifying the likely source of groundwater sup- tainty as to the groundwater source for some of porting spring flow. these complexes. This uncertainty has implica­ tions for water allocation and groundwater resource Materials and Methods management. Location and Physiography By extension, understanding the responses to The investigation area is approximately 600 km and impacts on spring flows from any water extrac­ north-north-east of Adelaide and covers approxi- tion associated with potential petroleum hydro- mately 15,100 km2 extending from the northern carbon developments within the southern Cooper Flinders Ranges in the south, past Lake Blanche Basin, which underlies the major aquifers of the to the southern Cooper Basin in the north, and GAB and the Lake Eyre Basin in the region, is east to Lake Callabonna (Figure 1). The area critical for planning, regulatory and management com­prises five spring complexes: Lake Blanche, purposes (Harrington & Harrington, 2015). Reedy, Petermorra, Twelve and Lake Callabonna, The objective of this study was to provide an all of which are part of the Lake Frome Springs initial description of the primary groundwater supergroup. According to Gotch (2013), a spring source for springs within the Lake Blanche and complex is a cluster of spring groups that share Lake Callabonna region based on hydrochemistry similar geomorphological settings and broad simi- data, and to determine what implications the con- larities in water chemistry, whereas a supergroup clusions may have for the ongoing management is a cluster of spring complexes. Finally, Gotch of the groundwater resource. Groundwater hydro- (2013) defines a spring group as clusters of springs chemistry and environmental tracers provide a that share similar water chemistry and source their reliable methodology to identify the groundwater water from the same fault or other structure.

Figure 1. The study area and hydrochemistry sampling sites. Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 67

The climate is generally arid, with weather Figure 2. The hydrostratigraphic nomenclature pre- ­pat­­terns dominated by persistent high-pressure sys- sented here represents a simplified version of the tems. Rainfall comes predominantly from weak stratigraphy present in the study area. A summary of winter cold fronts originating in the Southern stratigraphy for the study area is presented in Table 1, Indian Ocean, or sporadic summer monsoon rainfall which will aid the placing of the hydro­stratigraphy origi­nating in north-west and north-east Australia. discussed into a wider geological context. Rain­fall for the nearest weather station at Moomba Analytes measured during this investigation averages 170 mm/year (BoM, 2019), although this include: can vary significantly from year to year. Since • The major ions chloride (Cl–), sulphate (SO 2–), 1996, annual rainfall has varied from 43 mm/year to 4 sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), cal­cium (Ca2+), 660 mm/year. magnesium (Mg2+) and alkalinity (as HCO –). Given the arid climate, aeolian-driven erosion 3 Results were rejected if charge balances for as described by Mabbutt (1977) is important in major ions were ±5% or greater. The minor shaping the physiography of the region. The land- ions fluoride (F–), bromide (Br–) and strontium scape is predominantly flat desert consisting of (Sr2+) were also analysed. sand dunes and gibber plains. Exceptions to this • The stable isotopes of the water molecule include the northern Flinders Ranges, a mountain deuterium (δ2H), oxygen-18 (δ18O). range comprising outcropping basement rocks • The isotopic strontium ratio (87Sr/86Sr). that are Archean to in age, and silt and • Radiocarbon (14C) expressed as percent mod- clay pans associated with Lake Blanche and Lake ern carbon (pMC). Callabonna, found along the northern and eastern • Chlorine-36 (36Cl/Cl). margins of the study area (Figure 1). The largest town near the study area is Moomba, Scatter plots and a Piper diagram were used to with a population of approximately 1200, largely determine broad hydrochemical characteristics of composed of itinerant petroleum industry ­workers. the groundwater and interpret the data in relation Innamincka, located to the north of the study to important hydrochemical processes. area, has a population of 43 (ABS, 2016). Parts The stable isotopes of the water molecule, of the Pirlatapa, Wadigali, Dieri, Yawarrawarrka deuterium (δ2H) and oxygen-18 (δ18O), were com- and Adnyamathanha Aboriginal language groups pared to the local meteoric water line (LMWL) for occur within the study area. Alice Springs (Crosbie et al., 2012; IAEA, 2013) to determine the effects of evaporation or mixing Methodology on groundwater samples. The LMWL is derived Hydrochemistry and environmental tracer data from from precipitation collected from a single site or 14 springs and 17 wells were collected between 5 and set of ‘local’ sites (USGS, 2004). Groundwater that 11 June 2015, and 25 and 28 August 2015 (Keppel et has evaporated or mixed with evaporated water al., 2016; Harrington & Harrington, 2015). Where typically plots below the LMWL, along lines that possible, wells where the hydrostratigraphy of the intersect the LMWL at the location of the ­original completion interval was known were targeted for unevaporated composition of the water (Craig, sampling. Four aquifer types were targeted during 1961; USGS, 2004). The LMWL at Alice Springs the field work campaign: was favoured over Woomera (the nearest town to the investigation area where stable isotopes in pre- • Fractured rock ( crystalline) base­ cipitation have been recorded) because of a limited ment aquifer. stable isotope record at Woomera (Liu et al., 2010). • Patchawarra Formation (Cooper Basin) aquifer. Isotopic strontium (87Sr/86Sr) was used as a • Cadna-Owie Formation – Algebuckina Sand­ means of discriminating between source aqui- stone (and lateral equivalents) aquifer (referred fers on the basis that the mineralogy of each to here as the J-K aquifer). aquifer may potentially impart a unique 87Sr/86Sr • Cenozoic aquifer. signature. Analysis of 87Sr/86Sr allows groundwater These aquifers are presented in cross-section in end-members, mixing trends and the influence of 68 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch mineral precipitation or evaporation to be identified. 2009). Shand et al. (2009) state that mineral precipi- Shand et al. (2009) state that strontium is a divalent tation and concentration via evaporation should not ion that shows similar geochemical properties to modify the Sr isotope ratio in water. However, mix- calcium (Ca) and therefore readily substitutes for ing between two end-member waters with differing calcium in minerals. Shand et al. (2009) also note Sr isotopic ratios will result in a gradation of ratio that the isotopic abundance in rocks may vary due values, whereas mineral dissolution and exchange to the formation of 87Sr by the decay of naturally are likely to change the Sr isotopic ratio depending occurring rubidium-87 (87Rb). upon the isotopic composition of the reacting phase. Consequently, the mineralogy and age (to allow The most common mineral involved with respect to for the decay of 87Rb) of rocks in an aquifer are modification of Sr concentration, and by extension important controls on the variation of 87Sr and the 87Sr/86Sr signature of a water, is calcite due to the 86Sr. By extension, Shand et al. (2009) and Aberg substitution of strontium for calcium. et al. (1989) described differences in the variations Carbon-14 (radiocarbon) and chlorine-36 (36Cl/ in the ratio of 87Sr to 86Sr in groundwater as a sum Cl) are routinely used to estimate the apparent age of atmospheric inputs, mineralogy along the flow of groundwater, as long as initial conditions at the path, mineral dissolution, ion exchange characteris- time of recharge and additional sinks or sources tics and residence time. Consequently, the 87Sr/86Sr can be reasonably estimated or excluded. However, ratio is useful for identifying ground­water mixing or for this study, no apparent age or correction cal- exchange between different aquifer sources. A useful culations were applied to either the radiocarbon or means of discriminating between ­different pro- 36Cl/Cl ratio; instead, the uncorrected radiocarbon cesses, such as mixing of groundwater with multiple (as percent modern carbon, pMC) and 36Cl/Cl ratio 87Sr/86Sr signatures, evaporation, dilution, exchange results provide a relative indication of apparent or mineral precipitation, is to plot 87Sr and 86Sr data groundwater age differences between samples and against the reciprocal of Sr2+ (1/Sr) (Shand et al., identify possible mixing.

Figure 2. Interpreted cross-section through study area (A to A'), showing general stratigraphy. Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 69

Table 1. Stratigraphy of the study area (after DMITRE, 2012; Krieg et al., 1995; GA, 2015; and Fry, 2014).

Group Formation Lithology Depositional Hydrogeological Period Basin name names description environment characteristics Coonarbine Formation Eurinilla Formation Millyera Formation Willawortina Formation Sand, conglomerate, Cadelga Aeolian, alluvial, Mainly aquifer clay, gypsiferous, fluvial, lacustrine, with interbedded ferruginous Doonbara regolith overprints. confining layers. and siliceous Formation overprints. Namba Formation Etadunna Formatiom Cordillo Silcrete Eyre Formation Mount Sarah

Cenozoic Lake Eyre Sandstone

Winton Formation Shale, siltstone, Fluvial, lacustrine, Confined minor sandstone, subtidal marine, Mackunda aquifers. Formation minor coal. shoreline. Eromanga (GAB)

Oodnadatta Formation Claystone, Low-energy Confining layer. Coorikiana mudstone marine. Sandstone Sandstone units Sandstone and shale. units indicative can form aquifers Minor sindstone of higher energy Bellinger (RDGS aquifer). Sandstone and siltstone. deposition.

Cretaceous Eromanga (GAB) Rolling Downs Group Cadna-owie Formation Parabarana Sandstone Algebuckina Sandstone Aquifer. Some Fluvial, lacustrine intra-aquifer (Namur, Adori Fine- to coarse- to marginal confining layers and Hutton grained sandstone. sandstones, marine. in Cooper Basin Murta, region. Westbourne, & Birkhead formations in Cooper Basin

Cretaceous- Eromanga (GAB) region) 70 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

Group Formation Lithology Depositional Hydrogeological Period Basin name names description environment characteristics Cuddapan Red beds, Floodplain, Formation Sandstone units mudstone, siltstone, meandering and Tinchoo are aquifers. sandstone, lithic braided alluvial, Formation Others considered sandstone, fluvial and confining layers. Arrabury coal beds. lacustrine.

Triassic Cooper Nappamerri Group Formation Toolachee Formation Daralingie Formation Roseneath Shale Sandstone units Epsilon Formation Sandstone, Fluvio-deltaic, are aquifers. siltstone, coal, fluvio-glacial, Murteree Shale Others considered conglomerate. paludal, lacustrine. Patchawarra confining layers. Formation Tirrawarra Sandstone Merrimelia

Permian- Cooper Gidgealpa Group Formation

Results conductivity (EC) of approximately 4500 μS/cm Five hydrochemical-based aquifer types were iden- (Table 3). With consideration of historical results, tified. These aquifer types generally coincide with the major ion hydrochemistry of the fractured rock the four aquifers targeted at the commencement aquifer groundwater can be described as Na+ + 2+ 2+ – 2– of the study; however, the identification of a fifth (Ca + Mg ) + Cl + SO4 dominant (Figure 3). aquifer type, the RDGS aquifer, was an unexpected Of note are the high concentrations of Mg2+ 2– 2+ result. Likewise, the hydrochemical-based evalua- and, to a lesser extent, SO4 and Ca compared tion identified that Montecollina Bore (screened to other groundwater types (Figure 4A, B and C; within the J-K aquifer) had a potentially damaged Table 4). This is particularly evident when the casing which is leaking water from the RDGS ratio of these major ions against Cl– (as a proxy aquifer (Keppel et al., 2016). for overall salinity) are compared (Figure 4D, E A summary of the hydrochemical characteris- and F). Concentrations of Mg2+ (Figure 4A), Ca2+ + – tics of each aquifer type is provided in Table 2. (Figure 4B), K (Figure 5A) and HCO3 (Figure 5B) appear to be independent of overall salinity, in con- 2– Water Quality and Major Ions trast to concentrations of SO4 (Figure 4C) and Field water quality parameters are provided in Na+ (Figure 5C). Elevated Mg2+ and Ca2+ concen- Table 3, whereas Table 4 provides laboratory trations are interpreted as indicators of dolomite 2– ­analyses for major ion and trace elements. The major dissolution, whereas elevated SO4 concentrations ion and trace element analyses obtained during this are interpreted to be a result of sulphides in base- study are supplemented by additional historical ment rocks. Comparison of Na+ results with the results sourced from Radke et al. (2000), Crossey et expected seawater concentration suggests a marine al. (2013), Priestley et al. (2013), Mahara et al. (2009) aerosol source (Figure 5C). and the South Australian Government online data- The two groundwater samples collected from base Waterconnect (www.­waterconnect.sa.gov.au). the Patchawarra Formation are brackish and The groundwater sample collected from the generally more saline than the majority of other fractured rock basement aquifer within the inves- groundwater samples, with EC varying between tigation area is mildly saline, with electrical 5000 and 6000 μS/cm (Table 3). In contrast, Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 71 groundwater from the J-K aquifer is fresh to brack- from other aquifers, and are typically less than 5%. ish, with EC varying between 2000 and 6100 μS/ This contrast in proportional major ion concentra- cm (Table 3). The major ion hydrochemistry types tion between the Patchawarra Formation and J-K of the Patchawarra Formation and the J-K aquifer aquifer and other groundwater types from the area + – – + are similar and predominantly Na + HCO3 + (Cl ) of investigation is particularly evident in the Na / + – – – (Figure 3). Typically, Na constitutes >90% of the Cl and HCO3 /Cl ratios (Figure 5E; Figure 5F). proportional cation concentration, whereas the pro- Figure 5E and Figure 5F highlight a clear 1:1 rela- – + – portional concentration of HCO3 ranges between tionship between Na and HCO3 in groundwater 30% and 90%, although typically greater than 50% from the Patchawarra Formation and the J-K aqui- (Figure 3). Additionally, relative concentrations fer which is not apparent in groundwater from 2– of SO4 are very low compared to groundwater other aquifers.

Figure 3. Piper diagram displaying major ion results from the investigation area. 72 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

Table 2. Summary of hydrochemical characteristics for the investigation area.

Hydrogeological Stable isotopes of Radiocarbon and Major ions 87Sr/86Sr group water 36Cl/Cl–

Depleted compared Relatively young to Cenozoic and age indicated. Fractured rock Na+ + (Ca2+ + Mg2+) High compared RDGS aquifers. Comparable to basement + Cl– + SO 2– to other types. 4 Comparable to Cenozoic aquifer J-K aquifer. groundwater. Na+ + Cl– (+ HCO –) Relatively old 3 Depleted compared Relatively high Patchawarra Elevated K+ age indicated. to all other compared to J and Formation compared to other Comparable to groundwater types. Cenozoic aquifers. aquifer types J-K aquifer. Depleted compared to Cenozoic and Large range from Oldest ages indicated RDGS aquifers. 0.706 to 0.7195. compared to all J-K aquifer Na+ + HCO – + (Cl–) 3 Comparable to Isotopic Sr range other groundwater fractured rock very narrow. types. basement aquifer. Younger age Enriched compared indicated Low compared to J-K, Patchawarra compared to J-K to J-K, Cenozoic Formation and and Patchawarra and Patchawarra RDGS aquifer Na+ + Cl– fractured rock Formation aquifers Formation aquifers. basement aquifers. but older than Comparable to Depleted compared Cenozoic or seawater. to Cenozoic aquifers. fractured rock basement aquifer. Comparable to Youngest ages Enriched compared results found from indicated compared Cenozoic aquifer Na+ + Cl– + SO 2– to all other 4 J-K aquifer. to all other groundwater types. groundwater types.

2+ 2– + – Increases in concentration of Ca , SO4 and K Generally, F appears slightly elevated in the all appear to be independent of salinity as repre- J-K aquifer compared to most other aquifer types, sented by Cl– (Figure 4B; Figure 4C; Figure 5A), although both Bellinger Bore (10.3 mg/L) and whereas Mg2+ appears to be only mildly correlated Woolatchi Bore (9.0 mg/L) display notably ele- with salinity (Figure 4A). The ratio of Na+ to Cl– is vated concentrations compared to other samples larger than what might be expected from a source (Figure 6A; Table 4). dominated by marine aerosols when compared With respect to sources of salinity, the Br–/Cl– with a trend line for seawater (Figure 5C). ratio is generally lower than expected from a marine Of note are the high concentrations of K+ com- aerosol source, with the ratio similar to those pre- pared to Cl– concentrations in the Patchawarra sented in Herczeg et al. (1991) for the western­ GAB. Formation, and compared to groundwater from Herczeg et al. (1991) interpreted ­halite dissolution, other aquifers (Figure 5A; Table 4). Elevated K+ most likely within the recharge area, as contributing concentrations from groundwater collected either to salinity (Figure 5D). Samples from the four from or near coal deposits have been previously eastern­most wells (Fortville 3, WK2, WK3 and noted in groundwater samples collected near Lake Yandama Bore, Figure 1) have a Br–/Cl– ratio closest­ Phillipson (Keppel et al., 2015c). to the seawater dilution line. Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 73

Table 3. Field water quality parameters.

Field Field EC Temperature Unit No. Sample name Aquifer alkalinity pH (μS/cm) (°C) (mg/L) 673800024 Happy Thoughts Cenozoic 530 7.19 10086 21.5 683800013 New Lignum Bore Cenozoic 184 6.74 7381 25.1 683800048 Mosquito Well 2 Cenozoic 206 7.03 5753 24.5 693900015 Bob’s Bore Cenozoic 97 6.47 16065 24.6 673800189 BHPB C4 J-K 726 7.12 2393 42.5 683800006 Lake Crossing No. 4 RDGS 88 7.30 23300 44.1 683900003 Montecollina RDGS/J-K 157 7.48 17145 46.6 673900006 Meteor Bore J-K 808 7.56 2745 40.5 673900016 BHPB C2 J-K 711 7.04 2188 40.8 673900034 New Toonketchen J-K 616 7.47 2588 54.0 683800003 Dean’s Lookout J-K 436 7.54 4666 46.1 683800029 Woolatchi J-K 538 7.47 4721 61.6 683800046 Bellinger Bore J-K 628 7.50 2437 35.0 703900005 Fortville 3 J-K 851 7.02 6093 72.5 683900058 Klebb-1 Patchawarra 1137 6.23 5257 32.3 Formation 693900031 LeChiffre Patchawarra 920 6.34 6002 22.4 Formation 683800037 Mt Fitton OS Bore Fractured rock 419 6.91 4548 25.5 basement 673800758 Reedy Spring 19 Spring 714 7.30 1929 36.1 (ORE019) 673801051 Reedy Spring 12 Spring 1120 7.49 2093 19.7 (ORE012) 673900031 Sunday Spring 4 Spring 256 6.77 9322 21.4 (QSU004) 683800001 Public House Spring Spring 730 7.60 1909 22.2 104 (OPC104) 683800016 Mulligan Mid Spring 2 Spring 291 7.00 4223 21.1 (OMM002) 683800435 Public House Spring B Spring 699 7.81 2089 23.1 (OPC000B) 683800705 Twelve Spring 32 Spring 618 7.53 1872 21.5 (OTS032) 683800810 Mulligan Mid Spring 1 Spring 312 7.07 3773 19.8 (OMM001) 74 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

Field Field EC Temperature Unit No. Sample name Aquifer alkalinity pH (μS/cm) (°C) (mg/L) 683800833 Mulligan North Spring Spring — 7.12 6148 20.7 (OMN001) 683900049 Lake Blanche Spring 1 Spring 207 6.88 12949 19.3 (QLB001) 693800072 Lake Callabonna South Spring 392 7.49 6258 16.3 Spring 1 (ZCM001) 693800081 Lake Callabonna East Spring 118 7.18 15553 19.3 Spring 1 (ZCE001) 693800117 Lake Callabonna Mid Spring 430 7.29 5692 15.6 Spring 1 (ZCA001)

– Groundwater from the RDGS aquifer is saline aquifer groundwater, concentrations of HCO3 also compared to all other groundwater types. The EC appear to have an inverse relationship to salinity as varies between 17,000 and 23,000 μS/cm (Table 3), described by Cl– (Figure 5B), which is in contrast to and the proportional major ion hydrochemistry is other major ions that appear to increase proportion- predominantly Na++ Cl– (Figure 3; Table 4). Relative ally with increasing salinity (Figure 4; Figure 5). 2+ 2+ – concentrations of Ca + Mg (<10%) and HCO3 2– Stable Isotopes Deuterium (δ2H) and (<5%) are very low, whereas SO4 concentrations – Oxygen-18 (δ18O) are less than 20%. Low concentrations of HCO3 , in absolute terms and as a proportion of total salinity Stable isotope results are provided in Table 5. compared to other groundwater types, are particu- Notably, stable isotope ratios from the Patchawarra larly notable and have an inverse relation­ship to Formation, J-K aquifer, fractured rock basement salinity (Figure 5B). The Br–/Cl– ratio is similar to aquifer and RGDS aquifer plot close to the LMWL, the J-K aquifer and generally lower than expected indicating that there is little evaporative influence. for a marine aerosol source; however, not so low The ­stable isotopes of water from these aquifers dis- as to suggest that the primary source of salinity play a general­ trend towards enrichment, with samples is halite dissolution. Rather, mineral dissolution is from the Patchawarra Formation the most depleted, thought to at least partially contribute to the salinity and being progressively more enriched through the of the RDGS aquifer (Figure 5D). J-K aquifer, to the fractured rock basement aquifer, Groundwater from the Cenozoic aquifer is brack- to those from the RGDS aquifer (Table 5). Ratios ish to saline, with the EC varying between 5700 vary from –8.0‰ to –6.27‰ for δ18O, and between and 16,000 μS/cm (Table 3). Proportional major –48.5‰ and –42.08‰ for δ2H (Figure 6B). + – 2– ion hydrochemistry highlights a Na + Cl + SO4 In contrast, the stable isotope ratios for the dominant water type (Figure 3) which is interpreted Ceno­zoic aquifer are more enriched than samples to be predominantly derived from marine aero- from all other groundwater types. δ18O‰ ratios are sols. There appears to be a trend toward Na+ + between –5.56‰ and –4.24‰, and δ2H‰ ratios Cl– dominant major ion hydrochemistry, which is between –40.4‰ and –34.4‰ (Table 5). Stable iso- interpreted to be related to either the dissolution of tope ratios for the Cenozoic aquifer plot to the right halite or evapotranspiration based off Br–:Cl– ratios. of the LMWL on a slope indicative of an evapo- 2– Relative concentrations of SO4 vary and are typi- rative influence on the groundwater. The relative cally between 20% and 40%, whereas the relative enrichment of the stable isotope composition found – concentrations of HCO3 are typically less than in the Cenozoic aquifer compared to other ground- 2– 10%. SO4 concentrations appear to be slightly water types is interpreted to be the influence of higher than other ground­water types (Figure 4F; evapotranspiration on the composition of recharge Table 4). Additionally, and similar to the RDGS waters in the local arid environment. Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 75

2+ – 2+ – 2– – Figure 4. Scatter plots of (A) log Mg versus log Cl ; (B) log Ca versus log Cl ; (C) log SO4 versus log Cl ; 2+ – – 2+ – – 2– – – (D) log Mg /Cl versus log Cl ; (E) Ca /Cl versus Cl ; and (F) log SO4 /log Cl versus log Cl S.W. Seawater. 76 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

+ – – – + – Figure 5. Scatter plots of (A) log K versus log Cl ; (B) log HCO3 versus log Cl ; (C) log Na versus log Cl ; – – – – + – – + – (D) log Br /Cl versus log Cl ; (E) log HCO3 versus log Na ; and (F) log HCO3 /Cl versus log Na /Cl S.W. Seawater. Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 77

Figure 6. Scatter plots of (A) F– versus Cl; (B) –;δ2H versus δ18O ratios (C) 87Sr/86Sr versus 1/Sr; (D) 36Cl/Cl– × 10–15 versus Cl– (mg/L); (E) pMC (%) versus Cl– (mg/L); (F) 36Cl/Cl– × 10–15 ratios versus pMC. GMWL: global Mean Water line. LMWL: Local Mean Water Line. 78 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch Sr 9.4 4.0 2.6 4.4 8.5 3.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 1.9 (mg/L) Br 3.2 1.4 0.9 6.0 3.7 4.7 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.4 1.0 2.0 4.7 (mg/L) F 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 2.1 1.6 2.4 2.0 1.0 9.0 1.4 0.3 0.3 10.3 (mg/L) 911 611 519 386 470 621 560 562 624 597 620 549 Na

1820 1260 3100 2780 3380 2230 445 358 353 445 448 582 1070 1390 582 (mg/L) 0.9 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.9 6.6 7.7 44.7 36.1 Mg 118.0 201.0 133.0 22.0 20.2 2.3 1.1 0.4 1.8 1.2 0.8 3.3 4.0 0.8 1.0 2.0 52.0 51.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 8.6 6.0 9.7 9.0 K 11.9 11.0 11.8 3.0 20.1 19.0 17.1 14.1 4.5 14.1 5.0 15.6 4.0 8.5 5.1 22.0 71.8 71.6 38.0 37.0 (mg/L) 9.2 7.9 7.4 9.4 Ca 71.4 11.5 11.8 11.4 11.4 399.0 198.0 202.0 259.0 187.0 304.0 125.0 13.3 5.0 10.5 10.4 22.1 10.0 8.4 4.8 40.5 31.0 28.0 (mg/L) 4 89.8 SO 864.3 165.0 436.0 1941.1 405.2 1886.4 1253.8 12.5 0.4 1.0 3.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.7 0.0 1.0 4.3 1.0 1.0 0.3 10.1 6.4 438.0 (mg/L) 3 118 647 236 299 189 107 192 819 886 992 986 867 752 532 928 615 723 741 350 366 1120 1149 1139 1180 1135 1038 1387 HCO (mg/L) Cl 393 109 146 741 516 460 270 259 295 764 606 112 2426 2049 1452 4323 4362 5432 3616 183 99 181 280 315 300 1475 581 (mg/L) J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K RDGS RDGS Aquifer Cenozoic Cenozoic Cenozoic Cenozoic basement basement Formation Formation RDGS/J-K Patchawarra Patchawarra Fractured rock Fractured rock S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H H H H H Data source Name Thoughts Happy New Lignum Bore 2 Well Mosquito Bore Bob’s Bore Tank Warraninna Lake Crossing Bore No. 4 Montecollina Quartpot C4 BHP Bore Toonketchen Meteor Bore C2 BHP New Tooketchen Lookout Dean’s Petermorra Bore Bore Woolshed Woolatchi Bellinger Bore Muloowurtina 2 WK 1 WK 2 Bore Yandama Fortville 3 Klebb-1 Lechiffre A Bore A Bore Major ion and selected trace element results: (S) Data collected and ion selected during (S) trace Major results: this element (H) study; istorical data. Unit No. 673900011 673800024 683800013 683800048 693900015 683800006 683900003 673800007 673800189 673900002 673900006 673900016 673900034 683800003 683800004 683800022 683800029 683800046 693700006 693700013 693700014 693800001 703900005 683900058 693900031 673800080 673800080 Table 4. Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 79 Sr 1.8 0.5 0.7 3.3 0.4 1.3 0.4 0.4 1.2 2.3 3.1 1.1 4.2 1.7 (mg/L) Br 2.3 0.2 0.4 7.5 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.5 7.0 2.0 6.1 1.4 (mg/L) F 0.6 1.6 3.6 0.3 6.7 1.5 8.8 1.4 2.1 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.9 15.2 (mg/L) 562 526 666 781 473 865 494 497 473 783 Na 1112 513 1489 1048 7775 402 3030 442 4033 1084 4069 418 1460 2890 1590 4170 1380 (mg/L) 6.6 2.7 77.0 67.0 56.0 95.5 29.5 55.6 88.8 26.2 46.1 Mg 11.0 166.0 133.0 5.0 345.0 4.3 1.0 3.0 33.3 28.0 1.5 625.0 161.0 2.4 2.0 130.0 7.6 7.5 6.0 6.3 6.0 6.6 5.9 K 24.0 24.0 15.0 12.0 15.0 35.0 8.0 14.5 26.6 32.0 14.4 13.0 52.0 12.0 13.7 37.8 20.0 17.8 23.7 23.6 (mg/L) 6.0 11.9 11.9 11.7 Ca 97.0 87.0 16.0 16.6 67.0 27.0 94.0 60.5 48.1 74.4 115.0 11.0 116.0 128.0 100.0 179.0 15.1 55.0 13.3 399.0 165.0 231.0 1162.0 (mg/L) 4 65.7 SO 407.0 357.0 389.0 719.0 767.0 265.0 360.0 465.9 329.3 357.2 1176.2 812.0 12.0 3569.0 201.3 3.2 1218.6 5.5 13.0 242.1 24.3 21.0 3280.0 0.0 225.0 1967.5 (mg/L) 3 94 427 444 766 555 645 871 312 891 858 398 455 852 253 449 853 859 419 375 253 513 192 546 2511 1366 7147 1087 HCO (mg/L) Cl 661 599 696 891 266 199 259 759 249 1705 251 145 4535 1670 281 1288 1465 1012 6209 245 1089 2234 4264 2206 6584 1924 (mg/L) 12800 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Aquifer basement basement basement basement Fractured rock Fractured rock Fractured rock Fractured rock S S S S S S S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H H H H H H H Data source Name Bore B Bore B No. 2 Mt Fitton OS Bore Petermorra Mounds Spring Reedy Spring 19 (ORE019) Reedy Spring 275 (ORE275) Reedy Spring 12 (ORE012) Reedy Spring 19 (ORE019) Sunday Spring 4 (QSU004) Public House Spring 104 (OPC104) Public House Spring 104 (OPC104) Chimney Spring 1 (OCH001) Mulligan Mid Spring 2 (OMM002) Mulligan Spring Springs Twelve Springs Twelve Water Terrapinna Mount Fitton Spring Public House Spring B (OPC000B) Spring 32 (OTS032) Twelve Mulligan Mid Spring 1 (OMM001) Mulligan North Spring 1 (OMN001) Lake Blanche Spring 1 (QLB001) L.Callabonna South Spring 1 (ZCA001) L.Callabonna East Spring 1 (ZCE001) L.Callabonna Mid Spring 1 (ZCM001) Unit No. 693800117 673800081 673800081 673800082 683800037 673800009 673800063 673800064 673800758 673801051 673900031 683800001 683800001 683800002 683800016 683800016 683800019 683800019 683800020 683800036 683800435 683800705 683800810 683800833 683900049 693800072 693800081 80 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch –7 10 × 7.54 9.33 7.01 36.18 16.33 26.27 11.32 115.35 374.78 192.82 196.47 472.12 179.63 2.20 5.25 2.22 1.44 4.28 130.77 Cl atoms/L Cl atoms/L 36 ) error 3.9 2.9 3.8 2.9 1.5 0.7 1.2 1.3 1.6 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.0 4.0 0.9 3.2 Cl/Cl –15 36 10 × ( ) –15 5.9 7.6 6.0 10 Cl/Cl 11.9 91.1 55.5 79.8 64.4 19.5 16.9 13.2 14.5 8.4 19.7 12.6 10.5 86.6 16.6 62.5 × 36 ( 0.34 0.21 0.29 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.22 0.12 0.22 0.12 0.12 0.21 0.22 0.22 pMC error 4.59 1.63 0.68 0.59 0.65 0.27 0.77 2.65 0.89 6.49 (%) 14.5 81.69 17.15 29.94 pMC 104.09 2.02 0.42 0.55 0.34 2se 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000004 0.000003 0.000004 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000006 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 Sr 86 Sr/ 87 0.71197954 0.71126888 0.71202804 0.71370602 0.70790656 0.70574066 0.70588773 0.71444982 0.70643565 0.71939384 0.70909665 0.71219994 0.71201216 0.70991779 0.71673837 0.71806382 0.71942160 0.71001391 0.71910540

H 2 (‰) δ –37.1 –40.4 –38.4 –34.4 –40.09 –43.1 –47.5 –47.2 –48.1 –47.6 –46.2 –47.2 –48.4 –46.5 –48.8 –52.3 –47.0 –46.8 –45.9

O 18 (‰) δ –5.34 –5.55 –5.56 –4.24 –6.27 –6.66 –7.33 –7.22 –7.39 –7.31 –7.17 –7.41 –7.58 –7.24 –8.03 –8.48 –7.06 –7.26 –6.81 Sr, radiocarbonSr, and chlorine-36 results. 86 J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K J-K rock Sr/ Spring Spring RDGS Aquifer 87 Cenozoic Cenozoic Cenozoic Cenozoic basement Fractured Formation Formation RDGS/J-K Patchawarra Patchawarra Stable isotope, Name Thoughts Happy New Lignum Bore 2 Well Mosquito Bore Bob’s Lake Crossing No.4 Montecollina BHPB C4 Meteor Bore BHPB C2 New Toonketchen Lookout Dean’s Woolatchi Fortville 3 Bellinger Bore Klebb-1 LeChiffre-1 Mt Fitton OS Bore Spring 32 Twelve (OTS032) Mulligan Mid Spring 1 (OMM001) Table 5. 5. Table Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 81 –7 10 × 6.57 18.72 16.67 112.95 114.73 119.90 571.38 156.08 278.40 2.54 310.67 Cl atoms/L Cl atoms/L 36 ) error 2.7 2.4 1.7 2.9 2.9 2.2 1.2 0.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 Cl/Cl –15 36 10 × ( ) –15 10 Cl/Cl 51.7 30.3 32.1 47.8 51.2 38.5 15.4 10.3 40.4 45.0 49.5 × 36 ( 0.22 0.21 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.17 0.12 0.16 0.15 0.15 pMC error 3.47 6.12 (%) 3.11 3.11 pMC 1.52 30.92 16.48 25.97 22.93 38.88 2.15 30.01 2se 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 Sr 86 Sr/ 87 0.71174507 0.71291711 0.71182757 0.71975430 0.72195187 0.70864585 0.70694515 0.70755946 0.70703463 0.73612925 0.72031497

H 2 (‰) δ –45.6 –43.2 –44.0 –44.1 –32.1 –32.7 –44.7 –47.3 –32.8 –47.8 –45.7

O 18 (‰) δ -6.86 –6.96 –6.47 –6.81 –3.29 –3.96 –6.71 –7.16 –3.81 –7.26 –6.86 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Aquifer Name Mulligan Mid Spring 2 (OMM002) Mulligan North Spring 1 (OMN001) L. Callabonna South Spring 1 (ZCM001) L. Callabonna Mid Spring 1 (ZCA001) L. Callabonna East Spring 1 (ZCE001) Lake Blanche Spring 1 (QLB001) Reedy Spring 12 (ORE012) Reedy Spring 19 (ORE019) Sunday Spring 4 (QSU004) Public House Spring B (OPC000B) Public House Spring 104 (OPC104) 82 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

Although the results for the stable isotopes aquifer compared to the J-K aquifer, Patchawarra of water for the Cenozoic aquifer and shallow Formation and fractured rock basement aquifer; frac­tured rock basement aquifer are both likely although similar in concentration to the Cenozoic to represent localised and recent groundwater aquifer (Table 5). recharge, the difference observed between the two suggests that recharge to the fractured rock Radioisotopes: Radiocarbon and 36Cl/Cl– basement aquifer occurs preferentially through Radioisotope results are provided in Table 5. Only a fracture system and therefore has less time to one sample (Mt Fitton OS Bore) represents the radio­ become enriched via evaporation. Furthermore, the carbon and 36Cl/Cl– signatures from the fractured depleted nature of results from the J-K aquifer and rock basement aquifer. Therefore, interpretations Patchawarra Formation compared to other aqui- based on these results are limited. Mt Fitton OS fers is indicative of recharge either via different Bore has a 36Cl/Cl– ratio of 86.6 × 10–15 and radio- recharge mechanisms or under a different climatic carbon concentration of 30 pMC (Table 5) which regime. are elevated compared to groundwater from the J-K aquifer and Patchawarra Formation (Figure 6D; Isotopic Strontium Ratios (87Sr/86Sr) Figure 6E). The shallow total depth of the bore Results for isotopic strontium ratio (87Sr/86Sr) (37 m) and depth to groundwater (4.32 m) suggest analysis are provided in Table 5. 87Sr/86Sr from the that groundwater collected from this well is part fractured rock basement aquifer and Patchawarra of a localised flow path within the crystalline base- Formation are greater than 0.716, making them ment fractured rock aquifer. Although we have not the highest on average when compared with other ­corrected pMC results to derive an apparent age as groundwater types (Figure 6C). there is insufficient context to interpret a ground- The J-K aquifer is generally lower than the water flow vector to an acceptable level of certainty Patchawarra Formation and fractured rock base- to interpret recharge and discharge zone localities, ment aquifer, with all but one of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios previous work examining radiocarbon in the South between 0.706 and 0.715, the exception being from Australian portion of the GAB (Wohling et al., well BHP-C2, which had a ratio of 0.7194 (Table 5). 2013) suggests that the presence of modern carbon Importantly, the J-K aquifer Sr2+ concentration in groundwater is strongly indicative of relatively generally falls within a narrow range compared more recent recharge when compared with results to other groundwater types, varying between derived from the regionally extensive J-K aquifer 0.285 mg/L and 0.81 mg/L. However, when stron- within the general vicinity of the study area. tium concentrations are presented as a reciprocal The uncorrected radiocarbon and 36Cl/Cl– (1/Sr), the results between 1.3 (Dean’s Lookout) and ­ratio results from the Patchawarra Formation 3.3 (New Toonketchen) are indicative of strontium and J-K aqui­­fer indicate older groundwater com­ loss via calcite precipitation. This subtle change pared to most other groundwater types (Figure 6D; in concentration is also indicated when the Ca2+/ ­Fig­­ure 6E; Table 5). All but two results have un­ Cl– ratio is compared to Cl– (Figure 4E), where corrected ­radiocarbon of <1 pMC, with the excep- an inversely proportional relationship is noted in tions (BHP-C4 and Lechiffre) still considered the J-K aquifer. As Sr2+ has similar physical and to show very old groundwater (2.02 pMC and chemical properties to calcium, these relationships 2.65 pMC, respectively) (Table 5). Likewise, 36Cl/ suggest Sr2+ and Ca2+ loss via mineral precipitation Cl– ­ratios of ­between 7.6 × 10–15 (New Toonketchen with increasing salinity. Bore) and 19.7 × 10–15 (Bellinger Bore) are con­ 87Sr/86Sr ratios from the RDGS aquifer are low sidered to represent old groundwater. These results (<0.706) compared to samples from the J-K aqui- support the assertion obtained from major ion, fer (Table 5), Cenozoic aquifer and Patchawarra ­stable isotopes of water and 87Sr/86Sr results that Formation, and are slightly lower or similar to the ground­water type from these two aquifers is the modern seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio (Figure 6C). simi­lar, albeit based on a limited sample size. Additionally, Sr2+ concentrations ranging between The radiocarbon and 36Cl/Cl– ratios from the 3.6 and 8.5 mg/L are generally higher in the RDGS RDGS aquifer are represented by one well (Lake Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 83

Crossing No. 4), and therefore interpretations based than the J-K aquifer is the primary source. In the on these results are limited. The radiocarbon and case of Mt Fitton Spring and Petermorra Mound 36Cl/Cl– ratios are 17.2 pMC and 19.5 × 10-15 36Cl/ Spring in the Petermorra Springs complex, Na+ + – 2+ 2+ – 2– Cl , respectively (Table 5). These results are not (Ca + Mg ) + Cl + SO4 dominant water type directly comparable with the range of uncorrected is most closely comparable to the fractured rock apparent groundwater ages from other aquifers. basement aquifer (Figure 3). Given the location of Groundwater in the Cenozoic aquifer exhibits a these springs at the margin of the GAB and near the wide age distribution as defined by the uncorrected Northern Flinders Ranges, a fractured rock crys- radiocarbon and 36Cl/Cl– results (Figure 6D; Fig­ talline basement aquifer source seems plausible. ure 6E). Results for 36Cl/Cl– varied between 55.5 Further, the very high 87Sr/86Sr ratios from Public × 10–15 (New Lignum) and 91.1 × 10–15 (Happy House Springs B (OPC00B) within the Petermorra Thoughts), and radiocarbon varied between 4.6 pMC Springs complex is most comparable to results from (Bob’s Bore) and 104.1 pMC (Happy Thoughts) crystalline basement fractured rock aquifer ground- (Table 5). This may reflect the occurrence of a num- water and therefore suggestive of a non-J-K aquifer ber of localised groundwater recharge zones to the source as well (Figure 6C). Cenozoic aquifer across the investigation area. We The proportional major ion concentrations for the note that Mosquito Well 2 and Happy Thoughts, Lake Callabonna Springs complex, Reedy Springs which provided groundwater with the youngest 275 (ORE0275) and Terrapinna Waters are com­ apparent ages, are located close to ephemeral creeks, parable to Mt Fitton Spring and Petermorra Mound suggesting that the surface drainage across the inves- Spring (Figure 3). Despite this simi­larity, the thick- tigation area may be providing at least one potential ness of basinal sedimentary rocks is approximately source of recharge to the Cenozoic aquifers. 1000 m at these locations; the source aquifer could potentially be either the Cenozoic aquifer, the RDGS Hydrochemistry of Springs aquifer or possibly the J-K aquifer. However, there is When analysed in comparison to the well data, currently no evidence to suggest that the Cenozoic the spring data suggest that many springs within aquifer is artesian in this region, and therefore it is the study area are likely to have multiple or mixed unlikely to be a primary source aquifer for springs. aquifer sources; it appears that only some of the In contrast, artesian conditions are known to occur springs can be linked to a single aquifer source. within Neocretaceous aquifers, including the RDGS The hydrochemistry of spring water samples aquifer. from the Twelve Spring complex compares conclu- Radiocarbon and 36Cl/Cl– results were found to sively with the J-K aquifer, whereas the Reedy and be important for discriminating between J-K aqui- Petermorra Springs complex display a predomi- fer and non-J-K aquifer sources. Many samples nant contribution from the J-K aquifer. The major from the aforementioned springs contain elevated ion concentrations of these spring waters can be radiocarbon and 36Cl/Cl– ratios, which strongly + – – described as Na + HCO3 + (Cl ) and are there­fore contrast with results from the J-K aquifer, which similar to the J-K aquifer (Figure 3). Elevated F– in are typically very low. 36Cl/Cl– ratios from springs spring water samples from Public House Springs were consistently elevated, with ratios greater than in the Petermorra Springs complex (OPC000B 30 × 10–15 obtained from the Lake Callabonna and OPC104), Twelve Springs 32 (OTS032) and Springs complex, Lake Blanche Springs complex Reedy Springs 12 (ORE012) is most likely related and Petermorra Springs complex. Exceptions to to a primary source of water, being the J-K aquifer this include Twelve Springs, Reedy Springs 12 (Figure 6A; Table 4). (ORE012) and Reedy Springs 19 (ORE019) (36Cl/ In contrast, the hydrochemistry of spring water Cl– <17 × 10–15) (Figure 6D; Table 5). Radiocarbon from the Lake Blanche Springs complex, Reedy results from springs in the Lake Callabonna Springs Springs 275 (ORE0275), Petermorra Mound Spring complex, Reedy Spring 12 (ORE012) and Sunday and Mt Fitton Spring (Petermorra Springs complex), Springs 4 (QSU004, Lake Blanche complex) are Terrapinna Waters Spring and the Lake Callabonna greater than 20 pMC (Table 5). Exceptions to this Springs complex indicates that an aquifer other include Twelve Springs 32 (OTS032), Mulligan 84 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch

Mid Springs 1 (OMM001, Lake Callabonna com- aquifer along the western margin of the GAB is + – 2+ plex), Lake Blanche Spring 1 (QLB001), Reedy predominantly Na + Cl + SO4 (Priestley et al., Springs 19 (ORE019) and Public House Springs 2013). Herczeg et al. (1991) used mass-balance and group (Petermorra Springs complex), which all had equilibrium hydrochemistry models to describe radiocarbon <7 pMC (Figure 6E; Table 5). the likely water–rock interactions responsible for 36 – + – A comparison of radiocarbon and Cl/Cl ratios the predominance of Na + HCO3 hydro­chemistry displays a broad correlation, suggesting that the in J-K aquifer groundwater: (a) dissolution of overall trends in uncorrected apparent groundwater Na-bearing minerals (e.g. plagioclase and ortho- age between the aquifer types as described above are clase); (b) cation exchange that releases Na+ for reliable (Figure 6F). However, important differences Ca2+–Mg2+; and (c) conversion of Na-smectite to in uncorrected apparent ground­water age using kaolinite. In particular, the incongruent dissolution 36 – + – radiocarbon­ and Cl/Cl ratios were found from of albite will release both Na and HCO3 at a ratio Public House Springs B (OPC00B) in the Peter­ of 1:1, which is the same ratio displayed from J-K morra Springs complex, Reedy Spring 12 (ORE012), aquifer groundwater in Figure 5E and Figure 5F. Mulligan Springs Mid 1 (OMM001) and Lake Edmunds and Smedley (2013) indicate that F– is Blanche Spring 1 (QLB001) (Table 5; Figure 6D; more stable in solution if Ca2+ is low, because of

Figure 6E; Figure 6F). In the case of Public House the relative insolubility of fluorite (CaF2) and the Springs B (OPC00B), Mulligan Springs Mid 1 affinity of Ca2+ to react with F– at temperatures (OMM001) and Lake Blanche Spring 1 (QLB001), typically found in groundwater. Therefore, in keep- 36Cl/Cl– ratios suggest a younger groundwater age ing with the findings of Herczeg et al. (1991), ion compared to the J-K aquifer, whereas radio­carbon exchange or mineral precipitation that results in suggests a reasonable comparison to the J-K aqui- at least the partial removal of Ca2+ from solution fer. The opposite is true of the Reedy Springs 12 might be responsible for relatively elevated F– in (ORE012) dataset, which suggests a younger ground- J-K aquifer groundwater. water age compared to the J-K aquifer, and reason­ able comparison using the 36Cl/Cl– ratios in isolation. Rolling Downs Group Sandstone Aquifer These differences may have one of a number of A major finding of this study was the identification causes, including: of artesian groundwater from a relatively shallow Cretaceous sandstone aquifer found within the con- • The source of water to these particular springs fining layer sequences of the Rolling Downs Group may be from several aquifers. (Table 1; Figure 2), and that this RDGS aquifer is • Suckow et al. (2020) recently suggested that potentially a source aquifer for the Lake Blanche and double porosity within an aquifer, and the Lake Callabonna Spring complexes. An ­analysis of different diffusion rates from the tighter pore hydrochemistry indicates that there are two artesian space component this may impart to radio- aquifers within the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) isotopes within the same groundwater, may at this location (Figure 2). The deepest is the J-K be used to explain different apparent ground- aquifer, whereas the ­second is a shallower, thin water ages from multiple tracers. (up to 37 m) sand unit that Keppel et al. (2016) and • Sample contamination can also not be ruled Sheard & Cockshell (1992) suggested may be the out. Coorikiana Sandstone (Table 1). However, recent work by Alley & Hore (2017) suggests that this Discussion unit may be the newly named Bellinger Sandstone Major Ion and F-hydrochemistry of the (Table 1). J-K Aquifer A small number of historical groundwater + – – Na + HCO3 + (Cl ) dominant groundwater from ­samples, as well as samples from Lake Crossing the J-K aquifer was described by Habermehl No. 4 collected during this study, are notably dif­ (1980), Herczeg et al. (1991) and Priestley et al. ferent from samples from wells completed within (2013) as being predominantly sourced from the the J-K aquifer. Wells from which these samples eastern portion of the GAB. In contrast, the J-K were collected were determined to be completed in Hydrochemistry of Aquifers and Springs in Far Northern South Australia 85 the RDGS aquifer based upon a review of litho- Callabonna and Lake Blanche Spring complexes, logical logging and comparison with logging from is not consistent with the J-K aquifer being the sole nearby wells (Keppel et al., 2016). Furthermore, source aquifer, but rather, significant groundwater although Montecollina Bore is ostensibly com- con­tributions are very likely from other aquifers. pleted within the J-K aquifer, both historical and Further, within the first collection, individual current hydrochemistry results suggest an RDGS spring vents at both the Petermorra and Reedy aquifer source. Additionally, monitoring and bore Spring complexes suggest a minor contribution repair records indicate that not only was significant from other aquifers. A summary of likely ground- groundwater encountered within this shallow sand- water sources for the various spring complexes is stone unit, but it was highly likely that the aquifer provided in Table 6. leaked groundwater into this well. This is evidenced Although the hydrochemical differences between by its history of corrosion, maintenance issues and the J-K aquifer and the Patchawarra Formation are structural condition before decommissioning in small, no spring system could be definitively linked 2019, as well as complementary historical salinity to the Patchawarra Formation using hydro­chemistry records (Keppel et al., 2016). when the location of the springs was compared to the extent of the Cooper Basin. Youngs (1971) Hydrochemistry of Springs and Relationship and Altmann & Gordon (2004) noted that ground­ to Groundwater Types water from the J-K aquifer and Cooper Basin strata Although the majority of spring water samples can intermix if confining layers between the two can be compared favourably to the J-K aquifer, aquifers have been removed via erosion before the a number of spring waters indicate other ground­ deposition of GAB () sedimentary water types as the primary source. Springs within sequences. That being said, springs that have the the investigation area may åbe divided into two most similar hydrochemical profile to groundwater broad collections based on hydrochemistry. The from the Patchawarra Formation include Twelve first collection, which primarily comprises Twelve, Springs and Petermorra Springs, which are located Reedy and Petermorra Springs complexes, are approximately 40 km south of the southern margin most comparable to the J-K aquifer. The second of the Cooper Basin and are therefore supplied by collection, which primarily comprises the Lake the J-K aquifer.

Table 6. Summary of possible sources of spring water based on hydrochemistry.

Spring complex Possible supplying aquifer Lake Blanche RDGS aquifer/Cenozoic Reedy J-K aquifer (and RDGS/Cenozoic) Petermorra J-K aquifer (and crystalline basement fractured rock aquifer) Twelve J-K aquifer Lake Callabonna (Mulligan Group) Cenozoic, RDGS aquifer and J-K aquifer (?) (mix) Lake Callabonna (Callabonna Group) Cenozoic, RDGS aquifer and J-K aquifer (?) (mix)

Implications for Management economic significance. Although reasonably salty The identification of the RDGS aquifer in the in the well sampled (Table 2), the RDGS aquifer is region has important ramifications for understand- likely to have economic significance as a number of ing the hydrogeology of the GAB south of the artesian pastoral bores are screened within it, with Cooper Basin. The discovery of a second distinct at least one (Lake Crossing No. 4) in ­apparent active artesian aquifer within the Mesozoic strata of the use. At the forefront of these technical and manage­ GAB raises technical and management considera­ ment considerations are those concerning the tions related to their potential environmental and origin, volume and hydrodynamics of groundwater 86 Mark Keppel, Daniel Wohling, Andrew Love, and Travis Gotch within the RDGS aquifer and the interconnectivity first step towards understanding the relationship with the underlying J-K ­aquifer. Given the previous between springs and source aquifers, and high- misidentification, there are also implications for lighting potential management issues. previous interpretations and understanding of the hydrodynamics of the J-K aquifer. Finally, given the Acknowledgements prevalence of ecologically sensitive spring environ- The authors are grateful to a number of people with- ments, as well as established pastoral and petroleum out whom this paper could not have been successful. industries in the region, management and regula- In particular, we thank the Deri and Adnyamathanha tion of groundwater affecting development requires peoples and acknowledge the Pirlatapa people on a refocus from predominantly a single aquifer to whose traditional country we undertook this ­survey. potentially multiple aquifers. We also thank the people and community of the It should be noted that although the work pre- South Australian Outback Region, especially the sented here has been able to identify the potential Brooks family (Murnpeowie), the Sheehan ­family primary source aquifer for springs, further work (Moolawatana), the Ogilvie family (Lindon) and is necessary to quantify both the environmental the Hallet family (Mt Freeling) for allowing us to importance and the economic significance of these access sites on their properties. Thanks also to Ellen resources. For instance, hydrochemical model- Krahnert, Glenn and Nikki Harrington of Innovative ling, such as a mixing model, is a necessary next Groundwater Solutions for assistance and collab­ step to identify the potential for, and to quantify, oration during the project. Funding for this project mixing between different groundwater sources. has been provided by the Australian Government Ideally, nested piezometers designed to assess the through the South Australian Department for hydraulics and connectivity of multiple aquifers Environment and Water. Finally, the authors would are required. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates very much like to thank the reviewers and editors that a regional-scale hydrochemistry survey using of this manustript. Their donations of time, patience a variety of analytes is a simple and valuable and attention to detail were very much appreciated.

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Author Profiles Dr Mark Keppel is a Senior Hydrogeologist at the South Australian Department for Environment and Water. He completed his PhD, entitled The geology and hydrochemistry of calcareous mound spring wetland environments in the Lake Eyre South region, Great Artesian Basin, South Australia, in 2013. Mr Daniel Wohling is a Senior Hydrogeologist for Innovative Groundwater Solutions. Prior to this role, he worked as a Senior Hydrogeologist for the South Australian Department for Environment and Water. Daniel was a key contributor to the Australian Government-funded project Allocating Water and Maintaining Springs in the Great Artesian Basin, South Australia and the Northern Territory, as well as the follow-up series of DEW-led, cross-government, multidisciplinary projects known collectively as the Lake Eyre Basin Water Knowledge Project. Associate Professor Andy Love is a researcher at the National Centre for Groundwater Research & Training, Flinders University, South Australia. Andy has been researching the hydrogeology of the GAB for many years and was Lead Researcher for the Australian Government-funded project Allocating Water and Maintaining Springs in the Great Artesian Basin, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Mr Travis Gotch is currently the District Ranger, Outback Region, South Australian Department for Environment and Water. Travis’s knowledge of springs in the Far North of South Australia is un­­ paralleled, having researched their biota and managed their wellbeing for many years. Travis was a key contributor to the Australian Government-funded project Allocating Water and Maintaining Springs in the Great Artesian Basin, South Australia and the Northern Territory, as well as the follow-up series of DEW-led, cross-government, multidisciplinary projects known collectively as the Lake Eyre Basin Water Knowledge Project.