Geology and mineral resources of the

Ahmad M and Munson TJ (compilers)

Northern Territory Geological Survey Special Publication 5

Chapter 41:

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Munson TJ, 2013. Chapter 41: Eromanga Basin: in Ahmad M and Munson TJ (compilers). ‘Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory’. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Special Publication 5.

Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of its information. The Northern Territory of gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication, or that it is suitable for your intended use. You should not rely upon information in this publication for the purpose of making any serious business or investment decisions without obtaining independent and/or professional advice in relation to your particular situation. The Northern Territory of Australia disclaims any liability or responsibility or duty of care towards any person for loss or damage caused by any use of, or reliance on the information contained in this publication. Eromanga Basin Current as of May 2012 Chapter 41: EROMANGA BASIN TJ Munson

INTRODUCTION geology and regolith). However, the southwestern margins of the basin are exposed in SA and the northeastern part of The ௘±" Warburton Basin, the basin in central Qld is also exposed and has been eroding ± 3edirNa Basin and ± since the Late . The surface elevation of the basin Cretaceous Eromanga Basin are three stacNed basins in is highest over central Qld, where it is ca 300 m above present- the southeastern corner of the Northern Territory that also day sea-level, but elevations decrease towards the southwest extend over areas of adjoining , to below present-day sea level (Waschbusch et al 2009). and (Figure 41.1). The Eromanga, Surat The stratigraphic nomenclature of the Eromanga Basin and Carpentaria basins together form the bulN of the Great is complex and has evolved over a century. Units of the Australian Basin1 (Green 1997, Draper 2002b) of central same lithology and in the same stratigraphic position have and northeastern Australia. Other interconnected eastern been given different names in different parts of the basin. Australian basins (eg Clarence-Moreton, Nambour and The stratigraphic succession in the Northern Territory is Laura basins) could also be considered to be a part of this summarised in Table 41.1 and a correlation chart that includes vast depositional system. The Northern Territory part of successions from other portions of the Great Australian the Eromanga Basin contains about 2300 m of Jurassic to Basin is presented in Figure 41.2. The Jurassic succession is Cretaceous strata overlying 3rotero]oic (Aileron 3rovince mainly terrestrial and comprises Àuviatile Tuart] sandstone and Musgrave 3rovince), 3alaeo]oic (AmadeusWarburton interbedded with carbonaceous . The and Georgina basins, ,rindina 3rovince) and 3ermian±Triassic succession is largely marine, whereas late Early Cretaceous (3edirNa Basin) successions. Elsewhere, the Eromanga strata were deposited in a regressive sea. The early Late Basin also overlies the Bowen, Cooper, Galilee, ArcNaringa Cretaceous part of the Eromanga Basin succession was laid and older basins, and crystalline basement rocNs. Most of down in a mix of environments, including shallow marine, the succession is in the subsurface and in the NT is largely paralic, lacustrine, paludal and Àuviatile. overlain by Ceno]oic and 5ecent sedimentary rocNs of the Numerous studies have been published on the Eromanga LaNe Eyre Basin and other sur¿cial deposits (see Basin, of which some of the more signi¿cant include Whitehouse (1955), Day (1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969), 1 These basins were originally de¿ned by Mott (1952) as portions Vine and Day (1965), Vine et al (1967), Senior et al (1969, of the , a term best restricted to hydrogeology as portions of the artesian system are within sedimentary rocNs of 1978), Casey (1970), Exon and Senior (1976), Haig and other basins (eg Bowen, Galilee basins). Barnbaum 1978, Burger and Senior (1979), Habermehl

133° 135° 137° 139 ° Aileron Province Georgina 23° Basin Ngalia Irindina Basin Province Warumpi Province Alice Springs

Aileron NT Amadeus QLD Province (Warburton Basin) Basin Pedirka 25° Basin

(Pedirka ? Basin) NT QLD SA SA Musgrave (Warburton Figure 41.1. 5egional geological Province setting of Eromanga Basin. NT Basin) geological regions slightly modi¿ed 27° from NTGS 1:2.5M geological regions GIS dataset. Queensland geological Officer regions simpli¿ed and slightly modi¿ed Basin (Arckaringa () from Denaro and Dhnaram (2009) and Basin) Geoscience Australia (GA) Geological 5egions National Geoscience Dataset. Mesozoic–Cenozoic Basins (under cover): SA geological regions simpli¿ed and Neoproterozoic– (Pedirka Basin); Carpentaria Palaeozoic Basin slightly modi¿ed from Department for (Amadeus Basin) Euroka Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Palaeo–Mesoproterozoic Arch 5esources and Energy (DMIT5E), orogens (Warburton Basin); Eromanga Basin (other – as labelled) South Australia 5esources Information EROMANGA BASIN Nebine Geoserver (SA5IG: http://www. Road Ridge Location of Figure 40.941.9 Surat and from GA Rail Basin Geological 5egions National Geoscience State boundary Dataset. Ceno]oic covering strata (eg 02125 50 km Alice Locality LaNe Eyre Basin) not shown. Springs

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:1 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin

(1980, 1986), papers in Moore and Mount (1982), Burger Eromanga Basin in that area (Gray et al 2002). Elsewhere, it (1986), papers in GravestocN et al (1986), John and Almond unconformably overlies earlier 3alaeo]oic sedimentary and (1987), papers in O’Neil (1989), Questa (1990), Green et al metasedimentary basement rocNs. In the western Eromanga (1991, 1992), Krieg et al (1995), Draper (2002a, b), Gray Basin in the NT and northern SA, the 3oolowanna Formation et al (2002), Gray and Draper (2002), McKellar (2002), intertongues with and is conformably overlain by the Ambrose et al (2002, 2007), Ambrose (2006), Cotton et al AlgebucNina Sandstone. To the east on the Birdsville TracN (2006), Waschbusch et al (2009) and Ambrose and Heugh 5idge, it is conformably overlain by the , (2010, 2011). The distribution of outcrops in the NT portion which is a lateral eTuivalent of the lower AlgebucNina of the basin is shown in Figure 41.3. Sandstone, and in the Cooper Basin area further to the east, it intertongues with and is conformably overlain by JURASSIC–EARLY CRETACEOUS the Hutton Sandstone (Krieg et al 1995, Gray et al 2002). The 3oolowanna Formation is a lateral eTuivalent of the In the NT portion of the Eromanga Basin, the Jurassic and 3recipice Sandstone and overlying older part of the Early Cretaceous succession is divided of the northeastern Eromanga Basin and into two units (Figure 41.2, Table 41.1), the 3oolowanna (McKellar 2002). The main depocentre for the formation )ormation and AlgebucNina Sandstone. is the 3oolowanna Trough, where it reaches a maximum thicNness of 206 m in drillhole 3oolowanna-1 in SA (Krieg Poolowanna Formation et al 1995). ThicN sections are also present to the east and The entirely subsurface 3oolowanna )ormation (Moore northeast of the trough in southwestern Qld, where the 1986b µ3oolowanna beds’ of Wiltshire 1978) is the basal formation reaches a thicNness of 165 m in drillhole DIO unit in the Eromanga Basin succession in the NT in the Curalle-1 (Gray et al 2002). In the NT, the 3oolowanna 3oolowanna, Madigan and Eringa troughs. However, it Formation reaches maximum thicNnesses of 205 m in thins to the west and is absent along the western ÀanNs of Thomas-1 (Wiltshire 1982) and 193 m in 3oeppels Corner-1 the latter two depocentres, where it is overlapped by the (Arco Australia 1985), but it thins to the north and west to AlgebucNina Sandstone (Figure 41.4). The 3oolowanna be 109.4 m thicN in Colson-1 (Beach 3etroleum 1979), 39 m )ormation unconformably overlies 3ermian and Triassic in Simpson-1 (Central 3etroleum 2009a) and less than 10 m sedimentary rocNs of the 3edirNa Basin in the NT and in Blamore-1 (Central 3etroleum 2008, Figure 41.5). SA and the Cooper Basin in SA and Qld. In the Cooper An informal two-fold division of the 3oolowanna Basin, it also unconformably overlies the Late Triassic Formation is recognised in Qld, where a lower interval Cuddapan Formation, which is the lowermost unit of the of medium to very coarse sandstone, grading in places to

Unit, max thickness Lithology Depositional environment Stratigraphic relationship Cretaceous MANUKA SUBGROUP Winton Formation Claystone, siltstone and mudstone with Fluviatile to paludal to Conformable on MacNunda Formation. 620 m interbedded sandstone and minor coal lacustrine. 3aralic, estuarine, Unconformable beneath Ceno]oic sediments, seams. deltaic and Àuviatile near base. including those of LaNe Eyre Basin. Labile lithic sandstone, siltstone Shallow marine and paralic. Conformable on Allaru Mudstone. 144 m and mudstone, lesser mud-clast intraformational conglomerate. WILGUNYA SUBGROUP Allaru Mudstone 3artly pyritic mudstone with Shallow marine. Conformable on or 306 m calcareous siltstone interbeds, cone- . in-cone , minor sandstone and limestone. Toolebuc Formation Mudstone with thin layers of siltstone, Shallow marine. Conformable on Wallumbilla Formation. 65 m subordinate labile sandstone, limestone, marl and conglomerate. Wallumbilla Formation Mudstone and siltstone, minor thin Shallow marine, nearshore to Conformable on Cadna-owie Formation; 237 m interbeds of ¿ne sandstone and marginal marine, minor non- unconformabledisconformable on limestone. marine. AlgebucNina Sandstone in west. UNGROUPED Cadna-owie Formation Sandstone, siltstone, silty mudstone Lacustrine to restrictedmarginal Conformable on AlgebucNina Sandstone. 81 m and mudstone, minor claystone. marine, minor Àuviatile and subtidal shallow marine. Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Algebuckina Sandstone Quart]ic sandstone, with granule Fluviatile. Disconformableunconformable on 757 m and pebble layers, minor shale and 3oolowanna Formation or basement rocNs. siltstone. Poolowanna Formation Sandstone, siltstone and coaly shale, Fluviatile and lacustrine. Unconformable on 3ermian and Triassic 205 m arranged in two upward-¿ning cycles. rocNs of 3edirNa Basin or basement rocNs. Thin discontinuous coal seams. Table 41.1. Summary of Jurassic±Cretaceous stratigraphic succession of NT portion of Eromanga Basin.

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:2 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin granule conglomerate, is overlain by an aerially extensive siltstone (Ambrose et al 2007, Ambrose and Heugh 2010). interval of mudstone, siltstone and lesser sandstone and Sandstone is planar cross-bedded, hori]ontally bedded and coal arranged in ¿ning-upward cycles (Almond 1983, ripple cross-laminated; siltstone and shale are laminated Green 1997). These represent cyclical Àuviatile±lacustrine and massive; and coal seams are usually thin (<0.5 m sedimentation (Gray et al 2002), with the ¿ner upper thicN) and discontinuous (Krieg et al 1995). The lower interval marNing a rise in the base level of erosion that has parts of these two cyclic successions are interpreted to been correlated with a global rise in sea level (3assmore and have been deposited under Àuviatile conditions, whereas Burger 1986, Gray et al 2002). An informal twofold division overlying ¿ner-grained strata were laid down in overbanN is also recognised in the NT and northern SA, where the environments related to progressive ponding of drainage formation is typically arranged in two transgressive, lines. This was followed by lacustrine conditions at the top upward-¿ning Àuviatile-lacustrine cycles. Each of these of each cycle (Ambrose and Heugh 2010). These two cycles is 50௘±100 m in thicNness and consists of interbedded are regionally extensive and progressively onlap the basin sheet-liNe sandstone that ¿nes upwards to coaly shale and margins and local palaeo-highs, where the upper cycle


90 90 Mount Howie Sst Mbr Late (in part) Cenomanian Winton Fm Winton Formation APK7 Mackunda Fm Winton Fm 100 Mackunda Fm 100 ? ? Mackunda Fm APK6 Allaru Mdst Allaru Mdst Allaru Mudstone Oodnadatta APK52 Formation APK5 Toolebuc Toolebuc Formation Toolebuc Formation APK51 Coorikiana Sst Formation 110 Coreena Member 110 APK4 Wallumbilla Wallumbilla Formation Formation APK32

Aptian Doncaster Member Fm Wallumbilla 120 APK3 ('Rumbalara Shale') 120

Early Sbgr Wilgunya unassigned (in part) (in APK31

CRETACEOUS Mount Anna Sst Mbr APK22 Wyandra Sandstone Member Cadna-owie Cadna-owie 130 Cadna-owie Formation 130 APK2 Formation Formation APK21 Hauterivian 'uppermost Westbourne Fm' ? Murta Fm Hooray Sst Valanginian APK12 Murta Formation ? 140 McKinlay 140 APK1 ? Berriasian Mbr APK11 Namur Sst upper Namur Sst Westbourne ? ? Tithonian APJ622 Fm ? 150 APJ6 APJ621 lower Westbourne Fm 150 APJ61 Adori Sst Namur Sst Late Kimmeridgian ? Adori Sandstone ? Algebuckina Sst Birkhead Oxfordian APJ5 ('De Souza Sst') 160 Fm 160

(in part) ?

MESOZOIC Callovian Birkhead Formation APJ43 ? Bathonian APJ4 APJ42 Sst Algebuckina Middle APJ41 Hutton 170 170 Sst Hutton Sandstone APJ332 Aalenian APJ

JURASSIC 33 APJ3 APJ331 ? 180 APJ32 Poolowanna Evergreen Fm 180 APJ31 Poolowanna Poolowanna Formation ? Formation Formation Precipice Early APT APJ222 Sandstone 22 APJ221 ? ? ? APJ2 ? 190 APJ21 190 Sinemurian APJ1

APT522 Hettangian APT 200 52 ? ? 200 Rhaetian APT521 Cuddapan Cuddapan APT 5 ? ? Formation Fm (upper) ? ? APT 51 210 Norian 210

Late APT42 (in part) (in

TRIASSIC APT4 ? 220 (in part) Cuddapan 220 Carnian APT41 Fm (lower) (in part) ?

230 230

Figure 41.2. Simpli¿ed Late Triassic±Cretaceous stratigraphic correlation chart for Eromanga, Carpentaria and northern Surat basins in Qld, SA and NT. Timescale after Gradstein et al (2004). Stratigraphic succession for northeastern Eromanga Basin derived from Draper (2002a) and unpublished stratigraphic chart Nindly supplied by J McKellar (Geological Survey of Queensland). Stratigraphic succession for SA slightly modi¿ed from Krieg et al (1995). 3alynostratigraphic ]ones after 3rice et al (1985), Filatoff and 3rice (1988) and 3rice (1997). 3osition of palynostratigraphic ]ones against timescale derived from Geoscience Australia’s Timescale project (see Monteil 2006) and J McKellar (in litt 2012).

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:3 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin

(cycle 2) overlaps cycle 1. Cycle 2 appears to be generally outliers of the Eromanga Basin, mapped as Hooray sandier than the eTuivalent upper interval in the northeast Sandstone by Mond and Harrison in Senior et al (1978), and east of the basin, which suggests a more proximal but subseTuently described as undifferentiated Jurassic± depositional environment. The 3oolowanna Formation is Cretaceous by Kruse et al (2002), may be AlgebucNina assigned (Draper 2002a, Figure 41.2) to the Early Jurassic Sandstone at least in part (see Undifferentiated below). (3liensbachian±Toarcian) A3J221±A3J331 palynoÀoral Exposures of the AlgebucNina Sandstone in the NT ]ones of 3rice (1997). consists mostly of mesas and buttes, or ledges on the ÀanNs of mesas beneath exposures of Early Cretaceous Algebuckina Sandstone rocNs. The formation extends in the subsurface from The AlgebucNina Sandstone (Wopfner et al 1970) is widely these areas into the Eringa, Madigan and 3oolowanna distributed along the western portion of the Eromanga troughs. The AlgebucNina Sandstone is considered to be Basin in the NT and SA. The upper parts of this thicN unit laterally eTuivalent to a thicN succession in the eastern and are exposed along the western margins of the basin in SA northeastern portions of the basin, in the Cooper Basin area and the NT, mostly in southeastern KULGE5A1, eastern and in Qld, consisting of the Hutton Sandstone, BirNhead FINKE and southeastern 5ODINGA; Figure 41.3, Formation, Adori Sandstone, Westbourne Formation, where it was described under the local name µDe Sou]a Namur Sandstone and Murta Formation (Nugent Sandstone’ (Wells 1969, Edgoose et al 1993), and in 1969, Figure 41.2). The formation is disconformable southeastern ILLOGWA C5EEK, where it was described unconformable on the 3oolowanna Formation, with basal as Hooray Sandstone (Shaw and Freeman 1985). In massive sandstone beds locally eroding deeply into coaly southern TOBE5MO5E< and northern HA< 5IVE5, shale capping cycle 2 at the top of the underlying unit (Ambrose et al 2007, Ambrose and Heugh 2010). It is also 1 Names of 1:250 000 mapsheets are in capital letters, eg unconformable on other pre-Meso]oic units, including KULGE5A. 3ermian±Triassic strata of the 3edirNa Basin along the

133°30' 135°00' 136°30' 138°00' NAPPERBY ALCOOTA HUCKITTA TOBERMOREY

Ngalia Stuart Highway Aileron Province Georgina Basin Basin


Warumpi Province Aileron Province Alice Springs


Amadeus Basin

Pedirka Basin

Rumbalara Ochre Mine (Yellow Queen and 25° Yellow King) KULGERA FINKE McDILLS SIMPSON DESERT SOUTH

Lasseter Hwy

Mount Etingambra Umbeara area (opal) 0150 00 km (Mn) Musgrave Province 26° late Early–Late Cretaceous Mesozoic–Cenozoic Winton Formation Neoproterozoic–Palaeozoic Early Cretaceous Palaeo–Mesoproterozoic orogens unassigned Wilgunya Subgroup (mapped as Rumbalara Shale / Bulldog Shale) road Jurassic–Cretaceous rail undifferentiated

FINKE 250k mapsheet late Early Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Algebuckina Sandstone (mapped as Alice Springs locality De Souza Sandstone / Hooray Sandstone) Figure 41.3. Simpli¿ed geology of Eromanga Basin in Northern Territory, derived from GA 1:1M geology and NTGS 1:2.5M geological regions GIS datasets. Unit names are as originally mapped with current interpretation included (see text). Mineral occurrences other than coal are also shown, from NTGS MODAT database.

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:4 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin western ÀanNs of the Madigan and Eringa troughs and Figure 41.5). The eTuivalent succession in the Cooper on the western margins of the basin. The formation is Basin area (Hutton Sandstone±Murta Formation) reaches conformably overlain and in places overlapped by the a maximum thicNness of about 850 m (Krieg et al 1995). Early Cretaceous Cadna-owie Formation (Krieg et al The AlgebucNina Sandstone is a thicN succession of 1995), except in FINKE, where the eTuivalent µDe Sou]a ¿ne- to coarse-grained, Tuart]ic continental sandstone, Sandstone’ is overlain, apparently disconformably, by with granule and pebble layers. Minor lenses of shale and Early Cretaceous rocNs assigned to the µBulldog Shale"’ siltstone are locally present and shale intraclasts are common (Wells 1969, Edgoose et al 2002). However, it is possible in coarser beds. Sedimentary structures include large- and that rocNs eTuivalent to the Cadna-owie Formation, which medium-scale tabular-planar or trough cross-beds (Krieg is yet to be identi¿ed in this area, may be present within et al 1995, Ambrose and Heugh 2010). Near the basin margins this interval. In the main depocentre in the 3oolowanna in SA, a twofold subdivision of the formation into a lower, Trough, the AlgebucNina Sandstone reaches a maximum Naolinitic poorly sorted interval and an upper clean and well thicNness of 757 m in 3oolowanna-1 (Moore 1986b). In sorted interval, separated by an erosional unconformity is the southeast of the NT, the formation is 581 m thicN in recognised (Wopfner et al 1970). This subdivision does not Colson-1 (Beach 3etroleum 1979), 620 m in Thomas-1 appear to be present in more central portions of the basin (Wiltshire 1982) and 598.3 m in 3oeppels Corner-1 (Krieg et al 1995). Macrofossils recorded from exposures of (Arco Australia 1985), but it thins to the north and west the formation along the margins of the basin include leaves, to be 458.4 m thicN in Simpson-1 (Central 3etroleum stems, reproductive structures and pieces of wood up to 4 m 2009a), 254.2 m in McDills-1 (Amerada 3etroleum long of ferns, cycads, bennettites, seed ferns and conifers 1965), 282.7 m in Blamore-1 (Central 3etroleum 2008) (Harris 1962, Hopgood 1987). 3alynoÀoras indicate that the and 198 m in CBM 93-002, which is located towards the formation ranges in age from late Early Jurassic (Toarcian) western margins of the basin (Central 3etroleum 2011a, to Early Cretaceous (Berriasian; 3rice 1978, Moore 1986b),

Axis of EringaErinEringgaggg TroughTrougg Southern Madigan Trough Northern Poolowanna Trough Thomas-1 A metres (SL) McDills-1McDil Colson-1 B ’ -100 Cadna-owie Fm Cenozoic TooToolebucleb Fm AllaruAllAllaru Mudstone uucc FFmm wie F A Fm lge WallumbillaWWallumbilla Fm Winton Fm buc -500 kina ToolebucTooole Fm Sst ? Poolowanna Fm ? ? WallumbillaWallumumbilla FmFm Allaru Mudstone -1000 Walkandi Fm Cadna-owiena--o-owowie FmFm Algebuckina Sst

Fault Dalhousie- -1500 McDills T T Algebuckina Sst i P Ridge i rr ur r a ni F r w m a a Basin Eromanga r w Purni Fm ra Ss a -2000 t e r Poolowannaanna Fm quiv nt r C ale a ro w s n C s t P t n Border oin r e t Fm o e l w quiva Trend n -2500 P oint Fm Fault Peera Peeraa Fm WalkandiWaWalkkandi FmFm -3000 Early Palaeozoic Early Palaeozoic 0 100 km Figure 41.4. Schematic west±east structural cross-section across 3edirNa and Eromanga basins (modi¿ed from Ambrose et al 2002) with additional data from Amerada 3etroleum (1965), Beach 3etroleum (1979) and Wiltshire (1982). 3osition of section shown in Figure 41.5.

133° 135° 137° Irindina Georgina Province Basin Warumpi Province Aileron Province Alice Springs 24° Eromanga Basin Amadeus (Warburton Basin) Basin SHEL28095-1 NT

SHEL27109-2 QLD SHEL27109-1 CBM93-004 CBM93-003 25° Pedirka CBM107-002 CBM93-001 Basin CBM107-001 Hale River-1 Eromanga Basin Blamore-1 Beachcomber-1 CBM93-002 Simpson-1 A McDills-1 Poeppels Corner-1 ? (Pedirka Thomas-1 Basin) Colson-1 B NT Ettingimbra-1 QLD 26° Musgrave Province SA SA

Mesozoic- Neoproterozoic- Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic Cenozoic Palaeozoic basins orogens Basins (under cover): (Amadeus Basin) (Pedirka Basin); (Warburton Basin);

McDills-1 Alice Figure 41.5. Location of drillholes Road Rail State boundary Drillhole Springs Locality within the NT portion of the Eromanga 0200 km Basin.

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:5 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin but a slightly younger Valanginian age was indicated in Wopfner et al (1970) de¿ned the Neales 5iver Group in Krieg et al (1995). the southwest of the basin to embrace the entire succession The absence of marine fauna and the presence of a from the Cadna-owie Formation to the Winton Formation, more-or-less unidirectional cross-strati¿cation indicate including the Marree Subgroup. However, this group eTuates a Àuviatile origin for the AlgebucNina Sandstone. There to the same interval as the previously de¿ned 5olling have been a number of differing interpretations of the Downs Group, except for inclusion in it of the underlying environment of deposition. Wopfner et al (1970) suggested Cadna-owie Formation (which is presently excluded from that the setting was a senile and deeply weathered the latter group). Furthermore, the MacNunda and Winton landscape with low-gradient rivers, episodic sheet Àooding formations were already included within the 5olling Downs and an arid to seasonally arid climate, which was followed Group, so the concept of the Neales 5iver Group was Àawed by wetter conditions with stronger more uniform Àow from the outset and the name has not been widely used. In and lacustrine bar as well as Àuviatile deposition. Moore order to reconcile the group-level Cretaceous nomenclature (1986b) interpreted a braided Àuviatile environment for the of the basin, WM Cowley (Convenor, SA Stratigraphy formation with possible development of alluvial facies near Subcommission, in litt 2012) has proposed a number of cratonic source areas in SA and the NT. Wiltshire (1989) recommendations that are followed herein: interpreted an environment that ranged from a mixed aeolian and receding scarp setting in the hinterland to x The name µNeales 5iver Group’ is abandoned, and the Tuart] sand-dominated lacustrine, and Krieg et al (1991) name 5olling Downs Group is applied to the succession interpreted a wet, cool to temperate conifer-forested setting in the southwestern Eromanga Basin from top Cadna- with marNed seasonal snow melt causing variable river Àow. owie Formation to top Winton Formation. x The name Marree Subgroup is retained for the interval Undifferentiated Bulldog Shale to Oodnadatta Formation, but is included Outliers of Eromanga Basin strata in southern within the 5olling Downs Group. TOBE5MO5E< and northern HA< 5IVE5 (Figure 41.3) x The name ManuNa Subgroup is adopted for use were originally described as Tarlton Formation, Longsight throughout the basin to encompass the MacNunda and Sandstone or Hooray Sandstone (Smith 1963, 1965, Mond Winton formations. and Harrison in Senior et al 1978), but were remapped (in x The Cadna-owie Formation, which is a transitional Tobermorey) as undifferentiated Jurassic±Cretaceous by terrestrial to marine unit that is generally conformable Kruse et al (2002). The outliers consist of mesa-forming between the Àuviatile succession below and the marine planar to cross-bedded, medium±coarse sandstone, and succession above, remains ungrouped pending a better minor mudstone, siltstone and conglomerate (Smith 1963, determination of its af¿nities. Kruse et al 2002). These rocNs are most liNely to be eTuivalents of the AlgebucNina Sandstone and possibly the The nomenclature of formation-level units from the Cadna-owie Formation, rather than the overlying, generally interval between the Cadna-owie and MacNunda formations ¿ner-grained Wilgunya Subgroup. (Marree and Wilgunya subgroups) is also complicated and dif¿cult to reconcile. The presence or absence of the CRETACEOUS CooriNiana Sandstone and Toolebuc Formation determines which of the subgroup-level nomenclatures has been The Cretaceous succession of the Eromanga Basin has applied to successions within the basin (Questa 1990). The been established independently in the southwestern and two formations generally occur in different parts of the northeastern portions of this large depositional area, basin, but in areas where they are both present, they have resulting in a complex nomenclature that is confusing and been shown to be at different stratigraphic levels (Krieg dif¿cult to correlate (Figure 41.2). In the northeast of the et al 1995, Figure 41.6). Overlying and underlying units basin, the Cretaceous succession above the widespread therefore cannot be directly correlated; the Wallumbilla Cadna-owie Formation (Wopfner et al 1970) is included Formation is eTuivalent to the Bulldog Shale, CooriNiana within the 5olling Downs Group (Whitehouse 1955), which Sandstone and lower part of the Oodnadatta Formation, comprises the Wilgunya Subgroup (Casey 1959, Australian whereas the Toolebuc Formation and Allaru Mudstone are Water 5esources Council 1975) and overlying ManuNa eTuivalent to the middle and upper part of the Oodnadatta Subgroup (Vine et al 1967). The Wilgunya Subgroup Formation. The nomenclature becomes complicated in areas includes, in ascending stratigraphic order, the Wallumbilla where the CooriNiana Sandstone and Toolebuc Formation Formation (Vine et al 1967), Toolebuc Formation (Casey are both present, and also in areas where these formations 1959) and Allaru Mudstone (Vine and Day 1965, Vine et al are either absent or poorly de¿ned; in these areas, the ¿ne- 1967). The ManuNa Subgroup comprises the MacNunda grained units of the Marree and Wilgunya subgroups are Formation (Vine and Day 1965) and overlying Winton dif¿cult to distinguish from one another (Questa 1990). Formation (Whitehouse 1955), both of which are recognised In the NT, the nomenclature is particularly confusing over most parts of the basin. In the southwest of the basin, and poorly de¿ned. Questa (1990) noted that the Toolebuc the Marree Subgroup (Forbes 1966, Thomson 1980) is Formation, which distinguishes the Qld succession, was eTuivalent to the Wilgunya Subgroup and, in ascending generally absent over most of the NT portion of the basin stratigraphic order, comprises the Bulldog Shale (Freytag except in the far southeast, where it had been described 1966), CooriNiana Sandstone (Thomson 1980, Moore and from a few drillholes. As a result of this perception, the SA 3itt 1982) and Oodnadatta Formation (Freytag 1966). nomenclature (Bulldog ShaleOodnadatta Formation) has

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:6 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin been generally used to describe the succession in the NT owie Formation contains the Àuviatile±deltaic Mount Anna part of the basin. Notably, the CooriNiana Sandstone, which Sandstone Member (Wopfner et al 1970) and Àuviatile±tidal serves to de¿ne the succession in SA, has not been recognised Trinity Well Sandstone Member (Forbes 1966) near the top in the NT, although it is possibly present in the subsurface of the formation in SA, and the transitional ("beach setting) in southerly areas near the SA border. 5ecent drilling by Wyandra Sandstone Member (Senior et al 1975), which and mineral explorers has now established that occupies a similar stratigraphic position at the top of the unit the Toolebuc Formation is much more widespread than in Qld. The formation is conformable on the AlgebucNina previously recognised, and it is present in drillholes across Sandstone in the west and southwest of the basin, although the NT portion of the basin, including the Eringa Trough an erosional contact can be present (Krieg et al 1995), and and areas further to the west (Ambrose and Heugh 2011, on the Murta Formation and Hooray Sandstone in the east Figure 41.6). The Wilgunya Subgroup nomenclature is and northeast of the basin. A shale at the base of the Cadna- therefore more applicable to the NT than that of the Marree owie Formation in the west of the basin, commonly referred Subgroup, and the names Wallumbilla FormationAllaru to as uppermost ‘Murta Formation’1 shale by petroleum Mudstone are more appropriate to describe the succession, explorers (eg Ambrose and Heugh 2010), was referred to as ¿rst suggested by Moore (1986a). This nomenclature is the basal Cadna-owie Formation by Gray et al (2002). The followed herein (Figure 41.2, Table 41.1). formation is conformably overlain by the Bulldog Shale in the southwest of the basin and by the laterally eTuivalent Ungrouped Wallumbilla Formation, in areas to the north and east (Figure 41.4). Over most of the basin, the unit is generally Cadna-owie Formation 60௘±90 m thicN; it is only 10௘±20 m thicN where it is exposed The Cadna-owie Formation (Wopfner et al 1970; eTuivalent along the southwestern basin margin (Moore and 3itt 1985) to ‘Transition beds’ of Whitehouse 1955) is a thin, mainly and it reaches a maximum of !100 m thicN in the Cooper ¿ne-grained unit that represents a transition from terrestrial Basin area. In general, the formation thins towards the to marine depositional environments during a widespread ÀanNs of the basin and across many prominent structural Early Cretaceous transgression. The formation extends highs (Questa 1990). In the Northern Territory, the unit is throughout the Eromanga Basin, mostly in the subsurface thicNest towards the central parts of the basin in the east except for exposures along the southwestern margin of the and south, and thins towards the ÀanNs of the basin in the basin in SA. It is possibly eTuivalent to the upper part of the northwest; it is 81 m thicN in 3oeppels Corner-1 (Arco locally named ‘De Sou]a Sandstone’, which outcrops in the Australia 1985), 59.5 m in Thomas-1 (Wiltshire 1982), western part of the basin in the NT, mostly in KULGE5A 1 Murta Formation and underlying Namur Sandstone in the and FINKE (Wells 1969, Edgoose et al 1993), although Cooper Basin are eTuivalent to the upper AlgebucNina Sandstone the unit is yet to be recognised in these areas. The Cadna- in the 3oolowanna Trough (Krieg et al 1995).

a 135° 136° 30’ 138°139°30’ 141° 142°30’ 144° 24° Aileron Province ? Amadeus Basin ? Pedirka CBM93-004 CBM93-003 NT 25° Basin ? QLD CBM93-001 Hale River-1 CBM107-001 Blamore-1 Beachcomber-1 Simpson-1 Poeppels Corner-1 Ettingimbra-1 Thomas-1 Birdsville ? Colson-1 QLD 26° NT SA SA



28° ?

QLD NSW 29° 0100 km Figure 41.6. (a) Geographical extent of 30° CooriNiana and Toolebuc formations in SA, NT and southwestern Qld, based on Toolebuc Formation drillhole information. Distribution in b SA QLD SA after Krieg et al (1995, ¿gure 9.20). Coorikiana Sandstone Mackunda Formation Distribution in NT drillholes after Eromanga Basin and Cenozoic Allaru Mudstone Ambrose and Heugh (2011). Distribution Oodnadatta in Qld simpli¿ed after Gray et al (2002, Palaeozoic basin Marree Formation Toolebuc Formation ¿gure 72). (b) Schematic cross-section Subgroup Proterozoic orogen showing stratigraphic relationships Coorikiana Sandstone drillhole with Wallumbilla Formation between units from interval between Toolebuc Formation Birdsville Bulldog Shale Cadna-owie and MacNunda formations. locality Not to scale (derived from Krieg et al 1995, ¿gure 9.20). State border Cadna-owie Formation

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:7 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin

42.1 m in Colson-1 (‘Transition Beds’; Beach 3etroleum throughout the Eromanga Basin. It has been subdivided into 1979), 82 m in McDills-1 (‘Transition Beds’; Amerada the Marree and laterally eTuivalent Wilgunya subgroups 3etroleum 1965), 35.6 m in Simpson-1 (including 20.6 m (Casey 1959, Forbes 1966, Australian Water 5esources identi¿ed as ‘Murta Member’; Central 3etroleum 2009a), Council 1975, Thomson 1980), which are overlain by the 35.3 m in Blamore-1 (including 30.3 m identi¿ed as ‘Murta widespread ManuNa Subgroup (Vine et al 1967, Table 41.1). Member’; Central 3etroleum 2008) and 23 m in CBM 93-02 Isopach maps showing the principal depocentres of the (Central 3etroleum 2011a, Figure 41.5). group in southwestern Qld and northeastern SA are The Cadna-owie Formation consists predominantly presented in Figure 41.7. of thinly to thicNly interbedded sandstone, siltstone, silty mudstone and mudstone, and minor claystone, typically Wilgunya Subgroup with parallel bedding and upward-coarsening intervals. 3ebbly layers, diamictites and coarse breccia layers occur Wallumbilla Formation locally, and large rounded dropstones, up to boulder si]e, The Wallumbilla Formation (Vine et al 1967) is widespread are widely distributed around the basin margin in SA (Krieg in Qld, northeastern SA, northwestern NSW and the et al 1995). Sandstone is lithic to Tuart]ic and sublabile, and southeastern area of the NT, in the Eromanga, Carpentaria is generally very ¿ne- to ¿ne-grained, although laterally and Surat basins. It is laterally eTuivalent to the Bulldog extensive or locally developed medium- to very coarse- Shale, CooriNiana Sandstone and lower part of the grained sandstone interbeds also occur (Gray et al 2002, Oodnadatta Formation in SA, and the ¿ne-grained units Krieg et al 1995). Some sandstone, particularly towards the within this succession are lithologically very similar to, and top of the unit, may be carbonate cemented. Finer-grained not easily distinguished from the Wallumbilla Formation. beds may be laminated or occasionally cross-laminated, The name ‘Bulldog Shale’ has been previously used to and coarser beds are sometimes trough cross-bedded at describe the formation in the NT (eg Questa 1990, Ambrose small to medium scales. Other sedimentary structures and Heugh 2010), but this name is inappropriate due to the present within the formation include dewatering structures, widespread occurrence in NT drillholes across the basin ripple and hummocNy cross-strata, tidal-bundle successions (Ambrose and Heugh 2011, Figure 41.6) of the Toolebuc and minor bioturbation (Krieg et al 1995). An informal Formation, which de¿nes the top of the Wallumbilla twofold division of the formation is recognised in many Formation in Qld and NSW. In the western part of the basin, parts of the basin, particularly in the east and northeast the local name ‘5umbalara Shale’ (Wells 1969) has been (John 1985, Questa 1990, Gray et al 2002), although only used for ¿ne-grained exposures at a similar stratigraphic a single coarsening-upward interval has been described level that, in southern FINKE, were subseTuently assigned from central parts of the basin (Moore and 3itt 1984, 1985, to the Bulldog Shale" by Edgoose et al (2002, Figure 41.3). Krieg et al 1995). The lower interval consists of upward- The CooriNiana Sandstone, which de¿nes the SA coarsening silty mudstone, mudstone and very ¿ne to ¿ne nomenclature, and Toolebuc Formation are both apparently sandstone, whereas the upper interval, which includes the absent in this area, so the true af¿nities of these exposures named sandstone members, consists of ¿ne- to medium- are unclear and the succession might therefore represent any grained thicNly bedded sandstone and minor siltstone. or all of the ¿ne-grained units from the interval above the The Cadna-owie Formation contains low-diversity AlgebucNina Sandstone. These rocNs form a belt of outcrops microplanNton (dinocyst and spinose- and non-spinose- extending from southeastern FINKE, through northwestern acritarch) assemblages at various levels, suggesting McDILLS to southern HALE 5IVE5 and are here referred depositional conditions ranging from fresh- to bracNish- to as unassigned Wilgunya Subgroup. The Wallumbilla water lacustrine to restrictedmarginal marine, with the Formation is eTuivalent to the former ‘5oma Formation’ marine inÀuence increasing upsection (Gray et al 2002 and lower part of the overlying former ‘Tambo Formation’ and references therein). In areas around the basin margins, of Whitehouse (1955) of the northern Surat Basin, and the subtidal to peritidal to Àuviatile facies are indicative of name ‘5oma Formation’ has sometimes also been used for an irregularly advancing, possibly oscillating shoreline the Wallumbilla Formation in the NT (eg Beach 3etroleum with extended intervals of stillstand (Krieg et al 1995). In 1979). Both of these names were abandoned following a deeper parts of the basin, Moore and 3itt (1985) interpreted revision by Vine et al (1967), which adopted the current lacustrine, followed by paralic, then shoreface and beach Surat Basin nomenclature. environments for the formation. FraNes and Francis (1988) In the NT, the Wallumbilla Formation is conformable, interpreted a very seasonal climate at the time of deposition, generally with a sharp boundary, on the Cadna-owie with winters cold enough to allow rivers and basin shorelines Formation, except in FINKE, where the Cadna- to free]e; these cold conditions resulted in the formation of owie Formation has not been recognised and the periglacial features within the formation, such as dropstones ‘5umbalara Shale’ was described by Wells (1969) as and diamictite. The palynoÀora has been assigned to the upper being unconformabledisconformable on the ‘De Sou]a A3K12 to A3K31 Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphic Sandstone’ (now AlgebucNina Sandstone; Edgoose et al ]ones (late Valanginian±early , Figure 41.2). 2002). The formation is conformably overlain by the Toolebuc Formation (Alexander et al 2006), or where this Rolling Downs Group is absent, is conformably overlain by the Allaru Mudstone (Gray et al 2002). The Wallumbilla Formation is mostly The 5olling Downs Group (Whitehouse 1955) is a thicN subsurface in the NT, except for areas in the western part (up to about 1700 m) sedimentary succession that extends of the basin, where the formation or a probably eTuivalent

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:8 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin unit is exposed as mesas, buttes or low rounded duricrusted thins to the north and northwest from ca 237 m thicN in hills (Wells 1969, Edgoose et al 2002). The formation is 200 Thomas-1 (Wiltshire 1982) and 220 m in Colson-1 (‘5oma to !350 m thicN in the Eromanga Basin in Qld and up to Formation’: Beach 3etroleum 1979) to 143 m in Simpson-1 maximum of 375 m thicN in a depocentre to the south, where (Central 3etroleum 2009a) and 125 m in Blamore-1 in the it overlies 3ermian rocNs of the Cooper Basin (Gray et al Madigan Trough area (Central 3etroleum 2008). To the west 2002, Figure 41.7). In the Northern Territory, the formation of the Eringa Trough, a thinner succession described as

a 135° 137° 139° 141° 143° Base Winton Formation to top 600 Canda-owie Formation isopachs; interval 50 m 25° Cooper Basin (under cover) 400

Pedirka Basin (under cover) 450

PoT = southern Poolowanna Trough; PaT = Patchawarra Trough; 500 NaT = Nappermerri Trough; WiT = Windorah Trough WiT NT QLD 550 SA

800 PoT 600 750 0 70

100 0 700 700 15 650


250 27° 650 Birdsville Track Ridge 300 350 400 600 PaT

150 Oodnadatta NaT 750 Mulloorina Ridge 800 100


50 0 450

50 QLD 29° NSW 0 0 0100200 km

b 135° 137° 139° 141° 143° 600 Surface to base Winton Formation isopachs; interval 50 m 25° Cooper Basin (under cover) 900

Pedirka Basin (under cover) 1050

1 050 PoT = southern Poolowanna Trough; PaT = Patchawarra Trough; 450 NaT = Nappermerri Trough; WiT = Windorah Trough WiT NT QLD SA 900

600 150 300 450 PoT 900 900 750 750 Birdsville Track Ridge 27° 60 750 0 PaT 750 300

1050 600 Oodnadatta 900 NaT 750 Mulloorina Ridge 450 1050




0100200 km

Figure 41.7. Isopach maps for northeastern SA and southwestern Qld, showing (a) interval from top Cadna-owie Formation to base Winton Formation, and (b) interval from base Winton Formation to surface (redrawn after Moore and 3itt 1985, ¿gures 10, 12). Note that principal depocentres for Eromanga Basin overlie those of 3ermian±Triassic 3edirNa and Cooper basins (labelled).

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:9 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin

‘Mackunda Formation/Bulldog Shale’ is about 93 m thick contiguous Carpentaria Basin in northern Australia. In in CBM 93-002 (Central Petroleum 2011a). A thickness of the NT, it was previously considered to be restricted to the ca 275 m has been estimated for the ‘Rumbalara Shale’ in subsurface in the far southeast, but has since been shown southern FINKE (Wells 1969). to be widespread in drillholes across the NT portion of the A number of members are recognised within the basin (Ambrose and Heugh 2011, Figure 41.6). In SA, the Wallumbilla Formation in the east and north of the basin unit extends no further south than the Moomba–Oodnadatta in Qld (Doncaster, Coreena, Jones Valley and Ranmoor area (Krieg et al 1995). The thickness of the formation is members), and a thin coarse-grained interval occurs at the generally in the range 20௘–45 m, with a maximum thickness base of the equivalent Bulldog Shale in the south of the of 65 m recorded in drillholes Poeppels Corner-1 in the basin in SA. However, none of these units is recognised in southeastern NT and Teedeeldee-1 in southwestern Qld (Arco the central portions of the basin, where Gray et al (2002) Australia 1985, Gray et al 2002). In the NT, the formation divided the Wallumbilla Formation into informal lower and thins to the north and northwest towards the margins of the upper units. The lower unit typically consists of a 30 m-thick basin, to less than 15 m in drillhole CBM 107-001 (Ambrose interval of mudstone and limestone overlain by interbedded and Heugh 2011). The Toolebuc Formation is conformable and laminated mudstone, sandstone and sandy mudstone. between the Wallumbilla Formation and Allaru Mudstone, The very ¿ne-grained sandstone increases up-section and has a very distinct and strong gamma signature that and carbonaceous material and shell fragments occur enables it to be readily distinguished from these formations throughout. The upper unit typically consists of a lower in wireline logs (Senior et al 1975, Ozimic 1986, Gray interval of laminated and thinly bedded mudstone, siltstone et al 2002). and sandy mudstone, and subordinate sandstone, that is The Toolebuc Formation is a ¿ne-grained unit consisting overlain by an interval of sandstone with some interbedded predominantly of mudstone with thin layers of siltstone siltstone and mudstone. Carbonaceous material occurs and subordinate labile sandstone, limestone, marl and throughout, but shell fragments and marine macrofossils are conglomerate (Moore et al 1986, Questa 1990, Krieg et al restricted to the lower ¿ner-grained part of the upper unit 1995, Gray et al 2002). The mudstone is dark grey to black, (Gray et al 2002). In the NT, this informal subdivision is not poorly to well laminated, commonly clayey or silty, and recognised and the formation has typically been described may be carbonaceous, calcareous and/or pyritic. It typically as a relatively homogenous unit of mudstone and siltstone has a high total organic content (TOC) generally in the (Questa 1990), with minor thin interbeds of ¿ne sandstone range 9௘–20, although ranging up to 35 in some areas and limestone. In these areas, the formation is calcareous in (Henderson 2004, Ambrose and Heugh 2011), making this part, may contain glauconite, and shell fragments that are unit an attractive oil shale exploration target. The organic common in places. In southern FINKE, the ¿ner lithologies matter has been derived mainly from planktonic algae and of the probably equivalent unit in this area have been cyanobacterial mats (Sherwood and Cook 1986, Glikson and silici¿ed to porcellanite in places (Wells 1969, Edgoose Taylor 1986). Limestone is more common in northerly parts et al 2002). The Wallumbilla Formation and correlative of the basin (Senior et al 1975) and is nodular or coquinitic, Bulldog Shale both contain diverse assemblages, or occurs as calcitic laminae interbedded in mudstone. including bivalve molluscs, gastropods, ammonites, Where limestone is absent, the formation can be dif¿cult belemnites, scaphopods, brachiopods, crinoids, bryozoans, to distinguish from under- and overlying ¿ne-grained units a poriferan, foraminifera, radiolarians, ostracods, diatoms, (Questa 1990). The Toolebuc Formation contains a diverse ¿sh fragments, insects, marine , fragments, Early Cretaceous fossil assemblage of bivalves, ammonites, including large pieces of fossil wood, dinoÀagellates, belemnites and vertebrates, including numerous species acritarchs, and spores and pollen (Moore and Pitt 1985 and of , bony ¿sh, rare , pterodactyloids and references therein, Krieg et al 1995 and references therein, marine reptiles, less common plant remains, including rare McKenzie 1999, Gray et al 2002, Kear 2003, Oosting 2004, coali¿ed wood in some areas, and spore-pollen assemblages Jell 2004, Jell et al 2011). PalynoÀoras have been assigned (Haig 1979, Sha¿k 1985, Moore and Pitt 1985 and references to the APK31–APK5 Early Cretaceous palynostratigraphic therein, Krieg et al 1995 and references therein, Henderson zones (early Aptian–late Albian; Price et al 1985, Filatoff and Kennedy 2002, Gray et al 2002 and references therein, and Price 1988, Price 1997, Figure 41.2). The environment Kear 2003, Henderson 2004, Oosting 2004, Kellner et al of deposition is interpreted to have included marine, 2010, Rich et al 2010). Palynomorphs are indicative of the nearshore to marginal marine, and occasionally terrestrial late Albian APK5.2 and APK6 palynostratigraphic zones settings (Gray et al 2002). Krieg et al (1995) noted the (of Price et al 1985, Filatoff and Price 1988, Price 1997, presence of glendonite nodules and dropstones in the Figure 41.2). The formation was deposited under wholly Bulldog Shale, particularly towards the base of this unit and marine conditions in an epeiric sea at the peak of an Early towards the margins of the basin in SA; these are indicative Cretaceous transgression. The abundance of organic matter, of a seasonal, relatively cold climate, at least during the lack of bioturbation and general absence of diverse benthic earlier stages of deposition of this unit. faunas indicates dysoxic to anoxic benthic conditions, and the regular lamination of mudstone indicates deposition in Toolebuc Formation relatively quiet, strati¿ed water, probably with a permanent The sheet-like Toolebuc Formation (Casey 1959) is halocline below a layer of fresher water (Krieg et al 1995, widespread across the central, eastern and northern Gray et al 2002). The coquinitic limestone layers commonly Eromanga Basin, in Qld, northeastern SA, northwestern consist of the bivalves and Aucellina, which NSW and the southeastern NT, and also extends into the are interpreted to have been relatively tolerant of low

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:10 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin oxygen levels (Ozimic 1986, Henderson 2004). Henderson siltstone, cone-in-cone limestone and minor very ¿ne- interpreted the interlayering of coquina and organic-rich grained sandstone and concretionary limestone (Moore and shale to be due to the alternation of suitable and unsuitable Pitt 1985, Questa 1990, Gray et al 2002). The correlative conditions for bivalve communities. This was attributed to Oodnadatta Formation in SA was described by Krieg an autocyclic process, whereby the sea-Àoor accumulation et al (1995) as consisting of claystone and siltstone with of shelly debris progressively isolated bivalve communities interbeds of ¿ne-grained sandstone, calcareous and from trophic support, causing their periodic demise. ferruginous , and cone-in-cone limestone. The two formations contain a rich late Early Cretaceous Allaru Mudstone fossil assemblage of ammonites, bivalves, dominated by The Allaru Mudstone (Vine and Day 1965, Vine et al 1967) Inoceramus and Aucellina, a scleractinian coral, teuthid is widely distributed in Qld, northeastern SA, northwestern squids, vertebrates, including turtles, ¿sh, , and NSW and southeastern NT, in the central, eastern and marine and terrestrial reptiles, and microfossils, including northern Eromanga Basin, and also extends into the spore-pollen assemblages, dinocysts- and spinose-acritarch Carpentaria Basin in northern Australia. It is laterally assemblages (Moore and Pitt 1985 and references therein, equivalent to the middle and upper parts of the Oodnadatta Wade 1993, Krieg et al 1995 and references therein, Molnar Formation in the southern and southwestern Eromanga 1996, Henderson and Kennedy 2002, Gray et al 2002 and Basin in SA, and these ¿ne-grained units are virtually references therein, Thulborn and Turner 2003, Kear 2003, indistinguishable lithologically (Moore and Pitt 1985). The Jell et al 2011, Molnar 2011). PalynoÀoras are indicative name ‘Oodnadatta Formation’ has been previously used to of the APK6 palynostratigraphic zone (of Price et al 1985, describe the formation in the NT (eg Questa 1990, Ambrose Filatoff and Price 1988, Price 1997, Figure 41.2), although and Heugh 2010), but this name is inappropriate due to the the basal part of unit APK7 may be represented in some widespread occurrence in drillholes across the NT portion areas and it is possible that the base of the formation may of the basin (Ambrose and Heugh 2011, Figure 41.6) of the extend into unit APK52 (Gray et al 2002). These zones Toolebuc Formation, which de¿nes the base of the Allaru indicate a late Albian–"early Cenomanian age for the Mudstone in Qld and NSW. The Allaru Mudstone, along formation. The depositional environment is interpreted to with the underlying Toolebuc Formation and overlying have been quiet-water shallow marine from the abundant Mackunda Formation, are also equivalent to the upper part marine fauna, including well preserved whole shells, and of the former ‘Tambo Formation’ of Whitehouse (1955) of from the uniform, mudstone-dominated lithology (Gray the northern Surat Basin, and the name ‘Tambo Formation’ et al 2002). has sometimes also been used for the Allaru Mudstone in the NT (eg Beach Petroleum 1979). The name ‘Tambo Manuka Subgroup Formation’ was abandoned following a revision by Vine et al (1967), which adopted the current Surat Basin nomenclature. Mackunda Formation The Allaru Mudstone conformably overlies the Toolebuc The Mackunda Formation (Vine and Day 1965) is widely Formation or, where it is absent, the Wallumbilla Formation, distributed across the central and southern Eromanga and is conformably overlain by the Mackunda Formation Basin in Qld, SA and the NT, but is recognised neither (Gray et al 2002). However, Questa (1990) noted that the in the southeastern parts of the basin in NSW, nor succession between the Toolebuc and Winton formations in the northernmost parts of the basin in Qld. The is not easily differentiated into distinct formations in the formation conformably overlies the Allaru Mudstone and Northern Territory part of the Eromanga Basin, as the Oodnadatta Formation, and is conformably overlain by lithologies of the Oodnadatta Formation/Allaru Mudstone the Winton Formation (Krieg et al 1995, Gray et al 2002). and Mackunda Formation are very similar. The boundaries It is distinguished from these units by having a higher between these units are therefore often determined from proportion of sandstone and by its distinctive signature their gamma signatures in wireline logs (Senior et al 1975, in wireline logs, being also further differentiated Ozimic 1986, Gray et al 2002), rather than from a distinctive from the Winton Formation by its marine depositional lithological change. The Allaru Mudstone is generally environment and lack of coal (Moore and Pitt 1985, 200௘–300 m thick over most of its area of distribution, but it Gray et al 2002). In southwestern Qld, the formation reaches a maximum thickness of 350௘–400 m in a northeast- averages 74 to >100 m in thickness, with a maximum trending depocentre, up to 100 km wide, to the north of the of 120 to >150 m in areas overlying –Triassic northern Permian zero edge of the underlying Cooper Basin rocks of the northern Cooper Basin (Gray et al 2002). (Gray et al 2002). This depocentre is further to the north In the southwestern Eromanga Basin in SA, the average than that of the underlying Wallumbilla Formation, which thickness of the formation is about 100 m (Moore and generally overlies the Permian succession of this basin. Pitt 1985). The formation is not well described from The Allaru Mudstone is an entirely subsurface unit in the the NT, where it occurs entirely in the subsurface, and NT, where signi¿cant thicknesses in the range 200௘–300 m it has not been clearly differentiated from underlying have been recorded in a number of drillholes; this includes units in many drillholes. However, it reaches thicknesses 303 m in Poeppels Corner-1 (Arco Australia 1985), 306 m of 144 m in Simpson-1 (Central Petroleum 2009a) and in Simpson-1 (Central Petroleum 2009a) and 200 m in 120 m in Blamore-1 (Central Petroleum 2008), where it Blamore-1 (Central Petroleum 2008). overlies Permian–Triassic rocks of the Pedirka Basin. The Allaru Mudstone consists mostly of blue-grey In most areas of the basin, the Mackunda Formation mudstone, in part pyritic, with thin interbeds of calcareous c o n s i s t s of t h i n l y i n t e r b e d d e d l a b i le l it h ic s a n d s t o n e , s i lt s t o n e

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:11 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin and mudstone, and lesser mud-clast intraformational 1995, Gray et al 2002, Figure 41.7). An elongate northeast- conglomerate (Moore and Pitt 1985, Gray et al 2002). The trending depocentre overlies the Permian–Triassic Cooper sandstone is laminated and very ¿ne- to ¿ne-grained, and Basin and extends for about 500 km from northeastern SA has an argillaceous and calcareous matrix. Carbonaceous into Qld. The formation is generally 400௘–1000 m thick in partings are common. Siltstone and mudstone are this region and it attains its maximum thickness of about laminated, calcite-cemented in part, and contain numerous 1200 m in the centre of the Patchawarra Trough in the plant remains. Fragments of marine shells, including the southwest of this depocentre in SA. A smaller depocentre, bivalve Inoceramus, and cone-in-cone limestone occur where the formation is >900 m thick, is in the southern throughout the unit, and lode casts, calcite-¿lled fractures, Poolowanna Trough in northern SA, just south of the disturbed bedding and minor nodular pyrite have also been NT–Qld border. The formation thins markedly away from reported (Gray et al 2002). The formation contains a diverse these principal areas of deposition. In the NT, the Winton fossil assemblage of bivalves, belemnites, scaphopods, Formation reaches a maximum thickness of ca 620 m in gastropods, rare ammonites and vertebrates, including drillholes Poeppels Corner-1 and Thomas-1 (Wiltshire common marine turtles, ¿sh, teeth, a , rare 1982, Arco Australia 1985), but it thins to the north and pterosaurs and marine reptiles, and microfossils, including northwest to be 444 m thick in Simpson-1, 370 m thick in benthonic foraminifera, and spore-pollen, spinose-acritarch Blamore-1 (Central Petroleum 2008, 2009a) and 178 m thick and dinocyst assemblages (Bartholomai and Molnar 1981, in CBM 93-02, near the western margins of the basin. The Moore and Pitt 1985 and references therein, Krieg et al 1995 formation is widespread in outcrop and shallow subcrop and references therein, Henderson and Kennedy 2002, Gray throughout much of southwestern Qld, but mostly occurs et al 2002 and references therein, Kear 2003). Occasional in the subsurface elsewhere. In the NT, the formation is Àuviatile/lacustrine algae have also been noted (Dettmann poorly exposed in western SIMPSON DESERT NORTH as and Jones 1985). Spore-pollen assemblages are consistent highly weathered outcrops around dry lakes (Mond 1974), with (Gray et al 2002) the late Albian–early Cenomanian and in southwestern MCDILLS (Figure 41.3). The Winton APK6 and APK7 palynostratigraphic zones (of Price et al Formation is conformable and transitional on the Mackunda 1985, Filatoff and Price 1988, Price 1997, Figure 41.2). In Formation and the boundary between these lithologically the NT, the Mackunda Formation appears to be dominated similar units is often dif¿cult to distinguish. However, it by shale with lesser interbedded sandstone, and it is more can usually be picked from wireline logs and the Winton dif¿cult to distinguish the unit from the underlying Allaru Formation can also be distinguished by the presence of Mudstone than it is in other par ts of the basin. The succession coal seams, which are absent in the Mackunda Formation between the Toolebuc and Winton formations occurring in (Gray et al 2002). In some successions where coal seams drillholes in this region was described by Questa (1990) as are lacking and these two formations are therefore more comprising carbonaceous, pyritic, silty shale with traces of dif¿cult to differentiate, the superseded name Blanchewater fossil fragments and Inoceramus prisms, common siltstone Formation (Forbes 1966) was used in the past for the beds, minor sandstone, rare argillaceous limestone and combined undifferentiated interval (Moore and Pitt 1985). occasional calcareous stringers. The Winton Formation is unconformably overlain by The abundance of sandstone and presence of marine Cenozoic sediments, including those of the Basin macrofossils and benthonic foraminifera indicate that (see Cenozoic geology and regolith). the Mackunda Formation was probably deposited in In the Queensland portion of the Eromanga Basin, shallow marine and paralic environments. The presence of the Winton Formation consists of interbedded sandstone, intraformational mud-clast conglomerate and the paucity of sandy siltstone, siltstone, mudstone and coal with minor planktonic organisms suggest shallowing and restriction of intraformational conglomerate (Gray et al 2002). The well the sea (Exon and Senior 1976, Krieg et al 1995, Gray et al sorted, very ¿ne- to ¿ne-grained labile lithic sandstone is 2002), and very ¿ne to medium-grained sandstones near laminated to thinly bedded and has an argillaceous, partly the margins of the basin in SA are interpreted as probable calcareous matrix. It contains common plant fragments, shoreface sand bodies (Krieg et al 1995). Alternating ¿nely disseminated carbonaceous material and coali¿ed shoreface sand, subtidal sand and mud, and marine wood fragments. Finer lithologies are carbonaceous and mudstone in this part of the basin reveal that several cycles contain interlaminated coaly material and rootlets. Coal is of regression and transgression occurred during deposition generally interbedded with carbonaceous mudstone. In the of the unit. These regressive-transgressive cycles are central and southern portions of the basin in SA and the superimposed on a general falling trend in sea level at the NT, the formation is apparently ¿ner grained and consists time of deposition, and the formation therefore represents of claystone, siltstone and mudstone, with interbedded very a transition from the underlying fully marine succession ¿ne- to ¿ne- to occasionally medium-grained sandstone and (Oodnadatta Formation/Allaru Mudstone) to the overlying minor coal seams (Moore and Pitt 1985, Questa 1990, Krieg freshwater Winton Formation (Krieg et al 1995). et al 1995). Plant fragments and fossil wood are present within the succession. Finer lithologies were described Winton Formation as being massive in the NT (Questa 1990) and laminated The Winton Formation (Whitehouse 1955) forms the upper to medium bedded in SA (Krieg et al 1995). Sandstone is part of the Rolling Downs Group and is the uppermost quartzic and lithic, with a silica and calcite cement (Questa unit of the Eromanga Basin. The formation is widespread 1990), and has varying amounts of carbonaceous material throughout much of the basin in SA, NT, NSW and Qld, and and clay intraclasts. It contains a signi¿cant proportion it forms thick sections in two major depocentres (Krieg et al of feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals, indicating

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:12 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin derivation from a volcanic source. Sedimentary structures compression (=hou 1993). Gallagher and Lambeck (1989) listed by Krieg et al (1995) include small-scale (ripple) suggested that subsidence was driven by thermal decay cross-beds, lamination, penecontemporaneous slump of the lithosphere and that an increase in the subsidence structures, microfaults and bioturbation. The Winton rate in the Early Cretaceous was due to sediment inÀux Formation contains an abundant micro- and macroÀora greater than that predicted to ¿ll the accommodation (Gray et al 2002 and references therein, Dettmann et al space produced by thermal decay. This sediment inÀux 2009 and references therein, McLoughlin et al 2010), was largely volcanigenic and has been related to increased and a macrofauna that includes freshwater bivalves, ¿sh, volcanic activity associated with the development of a lung¿sh, reptiles, insects, dinosaurs and dinosaur ichnites contemporaneous volcanic arc (Whitsunday Volcanic (Moore and Pitt 1985 and references therein, Krieg et al Province) to the east of the present-day Qld coastline 1995 and references therein, Coombs and Molnar 1981, (Veevers 1984, Moore et al 1986, Bryan et al 1997, Korsch Dettmann et al 1992, Hocknull 1997, Kemp 1997, Jell 2004, et al 1998). The easternmost parts of Australia experienced Hocknull et al 2009, Salisbury et al 2007, Romilio and continental extension in a backarc setting from this Salisbury 2011, Molnar 2011). PalynoÀoras are indicative time until the Late Cretaceous, when seaÀoor spreading (Gray et al 2002) of the late Albian–early Cenomanian commenced in the southern Tasman Sea. Waschbusch et al APK6 and APK7 palynostratigraphic zones (of Price et al (2009) proposed that tectonic subsidence in the Eromanga 1985, Filatoff and Price 1988, Price 1997, Figure 41.2). and Surat basins had at least three components: (1) sea-level The fossil assemblages indicate a mostly low-energy, non- changes; (2) long-wavelength tilting due to subduction- marine setting for the bulk of the Winton Formation, and related corner-Àow in the mantle (as per Mitrovica et al the various rock types, including coal, and sedimentary 1989); and (3) ‘intracratonic’ subsidence, possibly due to structures indicate an environment of deposition ranging mantle downwelling, or avalanche, events (as per Pysklywec from Àuviatile to paludal to lacustrine (Moore and Pitt and Mitrovica 1997), which is a more passive mechanism 1985, Gray et al 2002). Towards the base of the formation, that occurs when a continent passes over sinking detached a more heterogeneous environment of deposition has been lithospheric slabs in the mantle (Russell and Gurnis 1994), interpreted, ranging from paralic, estuarine and deltaic to or the dynamic topography of a mantle plume is removed. In Àuviatile (Questa 1990, Fielding 1992). the western Eromanga Basin in the NT and SA, Waschbusch et al (2009) suggested that intracratonic subsidence might be STRUCTURE AND TECTONIC HISTORY due to remnant thermal subsidence over the Cooper Basin, or to a mantle-downwelling event beneath the continental The structural fabric of the Eromanga Basin was largely interior, or possibly to the removal of a mantle plume. In inherited from pre-existing terranes and the basin has an the Late Cretaceous, subsidence ceased in the Surat and overall broad synclinal structure that mirrors the underlying Eromanga basins as a result of tectonic-plate realignment Permian–Triassic basins. The overall structural grain trends and cessation of subduction, or a jump in the subduction north-northeast, although some signi¿cant northwesterly zone well to the east of Australia (Waschbusch et al 2009). structures are also present throughout the basin (Krieg Rebound of the lithosphere after the cessation of subduction et al 1995, Gray et al 2002). In the central and western resulted in both basins becoming inverted, with subsequent Eromanga Basin, the main depocentres broadly coincide denudation of about 1௘–2 km (Raza et al 2009). with underlying Triassic depocentres of the Pedirka and Questa (1990) noted that the inception and subsequent Cooper basins (Figure 41.7), which in the NT, are separated growth of structural features in the western Eromanga or segmented by a number of northeast- to north-trending, Basin have been in response to plate-margin behaviour, anticlinal basement ridges (trends), including the prominent but because of the large distances from plate margins, the Birdsville Track Ridge between the Cooper and Pedirka transmitted stresses were relatively weak. Post-Triassic basins. These and other basement features are shown in deformation, except for that of the Cenozoic, has therefore 3HGLUND%DVLQ¿JXUH and are described in more detail been relatively small scale. Most structures in the region in that chapter. The principal depocentre in the NT, which are related to episodes of basement fault reactivation in extends into northernmost SA, is the Poolowanna Trough the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic (Carne and Alexander (Figure 41.4); it accumulated a thick Early Jurassic to early 1997, Gray et al 2002, Ambrose and Heugh 2010), although Late Cretaceous succession. A regional basin tilt to the some new features were also formed at these times. Several southeast was maintained during deposition of Eromanga signi¿cant episodes of Cenozoic structuring were the Basin strata (Ambrose et al 2002). result of east–west compressional tectonism in response to Models to explain the origin and subsidence history the rotational stress applied to the Australian Plate by its of the Eromanga and Surat basins were summarised in oblique convergence with the Paci¿c Plate (Questa 1990). Krieg et al (1995) and Waschbusch et al (2009). Both This included Oligocene uplift and folding, post-Miocene basins formed on a generally stable craton and were tilting and folding, and further structural rejuvenation generally Àuviatile in nature until the Early Cretaceous. during the Pleistocene to Recent (Ambrose et al 2002). Middleton (1980) considered that the initial subsidence and subsequent development of the Eromanga Basin MINERAL RESOURCES resulted from deep crustal metamorphism, followed by increased subsidence in the mid-Cretaceous due to thermal The few known mineral occurrences in the NT portion contraction of the lithosphere. Initial subsidence may have of the Eromanga Basin are shown in Figure 41.3. The been accompanied by igneous underplating and coeval mineral prospectivity of this part of the basin is yet to

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:13 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin be assessed in any detail. The basin has attracted some Ochre exploration interest for its sandstone-hosted uranium potential, particularly in SA, although no systematic Yellow ochre was mined for use as a paint pigment between exploration for uranium has been undertaken in the NT 1939 and 1951 at the Rumbalara Ochre Mine (includes portion of the basin. Ochre was mined at the Rumbalara the Yellow Queen and Yellow King mines) near Mount De Ochre Mine in northeastern FINKE in the mid-1900s Souza in northeastern FINKE on the western margins of and minor coal, manganese and opal occurrences have the Eromanga Basin (Sullivan and Öpik 1951, Figures 41.3, also been recorded. The petroleum potential of the basin 41.8). The ochre forms a tabular stratiform ore body at the is better studied and the southwestern part of the basin base of the ‘Rumbalara Shale’ (Bulldog Shale/Wallumbilla in southwestern Qld and northeastern SA, along with the Formation), which unconformably overlies the ‘De Souza underlying Cooper Basin, forms the best known and most Sandstone’ (Algebuckina Sandstone). Ochre deposits are signi¿cant onshore petroleum province in Australia. The exposed on the Àanks of isolated mesas and chains of Eromanga Basin is predominantly oil bearing with minor mesas of ‘Rumbalara Shale’ that are capped by Cenozoic gas, whereas the Cooper Basin is mostly gas prone with silcrete. At the Rumbalara mines, the ochre forms a tabular a substantial light liquid component (Gray and Draper stratiform bed from ca 0.5 to 1.2 m thick (average 0.75 m) 2002). that contains pebbles and boulders of sandstone similar to the a Darwin


Barneys Alice Hill Springs A +

Mount De Souza

Quaternary Sand

Sand dune Miocene Siliceous laterite Early Cretaceous unassigned Wilgunya Subgroup ('Rumbalara Shale') Magnetic Ochre bed North Late Early Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Algebuckina Sandstone ('De Souza Sandstone') Boundary of historical Mineral Lease 10H Ephemeral creek 0 1000 m Fault b Miocene Siliceous laterite Early Cretaceous Ferruginous sandstone White kaolinic rock with some hard bands of porcellanite Relatively hard sandstone bed A B unassigned Subgroup Wilgunya Soft white kaolinic rock with ('Rumbalara Shale') some hard bands of porcellanite Ochre bed Late Early Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Hard limonite Sandstone and conglomerate Algebuckina Sst Sst Algebuckina ('De Sst') Souza

Figure 41.8. Rumbalara Ochre Mine. (a) Geological map of area surrounding mine and (b) schematic cross-section through mine deposit (redrawn after Sullivan and Öpik 1951). Rumbalara Mine area incorporates Yellow King and Yellow Queen mines, but these were not distinguished in original map.

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:14 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin underlying Algebuckina Sandstone. It is underlain by a thin or ‘Sandstone’ precious opal deposits”, but no further (30௘–45 cm-thick) layer of limonite and is overlain by a much exploration was undertaken. thicker (ca 11.5 m-thick) layer of soft white kaolinitic rock, apparently formed by leaching, that contains hard bands of Petroleum porcellanite and poorly preserved pelecypods and radiolaria. Sullivan and Öpik (1951) considered the ochre to have been Stacked basins in the southeastern corner of the NT and formed as a sedimentary iron ore, probably as a bacterial adjacent areas are prospective for both conventional and sediment. High-quality ochre is porous, bright golden- unconventional petroleum at a number of stratigraphic yellow and consists of 45௘–55 Fe2O3, kaolin and minor levels. Possible plays in this region are associated with amounts of quartz and muscovite. Total recorded production fractured basement rocks (Central Petroleum 2011b), early from the Rumbalara mines was 7875 tons (ca 8000 t) and and mid Palaeozoic rocks of the Warburton Basin, Permian Sullivan and Öpik estimated possible remaining reserves and Triassic rocks of the Pedirka Basin, and Mesozoic rocks to be 25 000௘–30 000 tons (ca 25 400௘–30 500 t) if the ochre of the Eromanga Basin. These basins have structures and layer maintains its thickness through the mesa hosting the depocentres in common and petroleum systems are not mines. A chain of ochre-bearing mesas extends for over necessarily con¿ned to any one basin succession. 30 km in the Rumbalara area, suggesting that total reserves The Eromanga Basin contains elements of the Murta could be considerably greater, but the quality of the ochre in petroleum supersystem of Bradshaw (1993) and Draper these other deposits is not known. (2000) and is a signi¿cant oil/gas producer in both Qld and SA. Hydrocarbons reservoired in the basin have also been Coal derived from source rocks associated with the underlying Permian–Triassic Gondwanan supersystem. Minor thin uneconomic coal seams have been reported from The petroleum prospectivity of the Eromanga Basin the Jurassic Poolowanna and Cretaceous Winton formations has been discussed in numerous publications, the more in the western and southwestern parts of the basin (Moore signi¿cant of which include Moore (1986a, b), Pitt 1986, and Pitt 1985, Questa 1990, Krieg et al 1995, Ambrose et al Questa (1990), Alexander et al (1996), Michaelsen and 2007, Ambrose and Heugh 2010). Poolowanna Formation McKirdy (1996a, b), Carne and Alexander (1997), Gray and coal seams are rarely more than 0.5 m thick and are often Draper (2002), Ambrose et al (2002, 2007), Cotton et al discontinuous. The coal is black, dull and shaly (Questa (2006), Ambrose (2006), Central Petroleum (2009b), Radke 1990). Winton Formation coal is poorly described in the NT (2009) and Ambrose and Heugh (2010, 2011). portion of the basin, but was described by Gray et al (2002) as being brown to black and interbedded with carbonaceous Conventional petroleum mudstone in the central and northern parts of the basin in Qld. Thin coal seams are more common in the lower part of The NT potion of the Eromanga Basin has only been sparsely the formation in these areas. explored for conventional petroleum, although there is good potential for commercial accumulations. The succession Manganese has been penetrated by 18 drillholes (Figure 41.5) and there is about 3500 line km of modern seismic data over a A zone of manganese enrichment occurs within the relatively large prospective area of 70 000 km2 (Ambrose Algebuckina Sandstone at Umbeara in southwestern FINKE et al 2002). So far, only non-commercial conventional (Edgoose et al 2002, Figure 41.3). It forms a brecciated hydrocarbon accumulations have been found in this area, vein, 800 m long and 100 m wide, that has a pyrolusite in basal Jurassic sandstones of the basin. Of particular cement. There is no de¿nitive evidence to indicate whether signi¿cance is a breached oil pool in a subtle Jurassic this occurrence is due to surface enrichment, but it seems structure probably formed by drape and compaction that most likely to be secondary, perhaps a fault in¿lling. was intersected in drillhole Poolowanna-1 in SA, and the presence of residual oil columns in drillholes Colson-1 and Opal Blamore-1 (Ambrose et al 2002, 2007, Ambrose and Heugh 2010). These are indicative of hydrocarbon migration to An area in the vicinity of and to the north of Mount pre-Cenozoic structures in the region. Etingambra in southern McDILLS (Figure 41.3) was brieÀy prospected for opal in the early 1990s (Ward 1992a, b), after Source rocks precious opal was rumoured to have been recovered from a Source rocks of the western Eromanga Basin have been borrow pit in the area. Samples of Cretaceous ‘Rumbalara discussed in a number of publications including Moore Shale’ (Bulldog Shale/Wallumbilla Formation), described (1986), Questa (1990), Carne and Alexander (1997), Ambrose by Ward (1992a, b) as consisting of deeply weathered et al (2002, 2007), Radke (2009) and Ambrose and Heugh labile sandstone and claystone, were considered to be (2011). The two best source rocks in this part of the basin are similar to lithologies encountered in opal-bearing areas of the Poolowanna and Toolebuc formations. The Poolowanna Queensland and New South Wales. Samples of ironstone Formation has con¿rmed oil source rocks, particularly also found in the area resembled the “Ironstone Boulders of exinite-rich (sporinite, cutinite) shaly coal facies near the southwest Queensland”. These contained ‘patch’ opal, but top of cycle 1 and to a lesser extent, cycle 2 (Ambrose no traces of precious or noble opal. Ward considered the et al 2007). TOCs are up to 15 and reÀect common coal area to be “quite favourable for the occurrence of ‘Boulder’ seams and abundant dispersed organic matter present

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:15 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin in intraformational shale (Ambrose et al 2002). Questa (a) the Poolowanna Formation, where lacustrine shale at (1990) noted that Mid-Poolowanna Formation sandstone the top of cycle 1 might form a regional seal to underlying in Poolowanna-1 was oil saturated, the source most likely braided Àuviatile sandstone reservoirs; (b) the Algebuckina being intraformational coal and dispersed organic matter Sandstone, where reservoirs in the uppermost sandstone in ¿ne-grained clastic rocks. The Toolebuc Formation is a units might be sealed by thin silty shale of the basal rich oil/gas source rock that in the western Eromanga Basin Cadna-owie Formation (‘Murta Member’); and (c) Cadna- sometimes has minor, probably biogenic gas shows, with a owie Formation shoreline sandstone reservoirs sealed by minor component of heavy hydrocarbon molecules. In the ubiquitous shale of the Wallumbilla Formation (Ambrose eastern Eromanga Basin, TOCs in the range 9௘–20 have and Heugh 2010); these shoreline sandstone reservoirs form been recorded from this formation (Ambrose and Heugh more signi¿cant regional targets where the basal Cadna- 2011) and the unit has been described as an oil shale in the owie Formation shale is thin or absent. Ambrose and Heugh northern basin (Gray and Draper 2002). However, Boreham noted that all three seals have regional extent in the western and Powell (1987) indicated that in a general sense, the unit Eromanga Basin and that the latter two reservoir/seal probably should be regarded as an immature petroleum con¿gurations are common to both the Pedirka Basin and source rock. Cooper Basin areas. Other Eromanga Basin rocks have subordinate source- The Poolowanna Formation contains the deepest rock potential, as discussed in Questa (1990). Although reservoir units in the Eromanga Basin succession, up to it is predominantly a coarse-grained interval, Questa 2226 m in the Poolowanna Trough. Porosity averages considered the Algebuckina Sandstone to have signi¿cant 13, with deeper samples showing the lowest average source potential. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values as porosities due to the formation of quartz overgrowths, high as 10 have been reported from samples of the unit, whereas permeability is in the range 0.001௘–3674 md (Carne with vitrinite the dominant maceral and exinite comprising and Alexander 1997). The Algebuckina Sandstone has up to 30 of organic content. The Wallumbilla Formation/ good to excellent porosity and permeability, and forms Bulldog Shale interval was not considered by Questa to be a major artesian aquifer (Krieg 1985). In Blamore-1, a signi¿cant hydrocarbon source in the western Eromanga the Algebuckina Sandstone contained a 15 m residual Basin, but elsewhere in the basin, the formation has fair to oil column beneath a basal Cadna-owie Formation seal occasionally excellent source intervals with mixed marine (Ambrose and Heugh 2010). The Cadna-owie Formation and terrigenous exinitic and vitrinitic organic matter forms the uppermost potential reservoir in the basin, below (Kantsler et al 1986). Similarly, the Cadna-owie Formation the regional seal of the Early Cretaceous marine succession. was assessed by Questa as having some source potential for Carne and Alexander (1997) commented that the formation both oil and gas, with a locally high exinite content (eg up is generally poorly permeable in SA and not considered to 35 of organic content in Colson-1). Ambrose and Heugh to be a potential reservoir unit, but Questa (1990) and (2010) reported that thin silty shale of the basal Cadna-owie Ambrose and Heugh (2010) noted that excellent porosities Formation (commonly referred to by petroleum geologists and permeabilities are present within the uppermost part of as ‘Murta Member’) may be the source rock for residual the unit in the NT. oil recorded in the underlying Algebuckina Sandstone. However, Questa (1990) commented that the Cadna-owie Thermal maturity Formation generally appears to contain predominantly Based on vitrinite reÀectance values and spore colouration poor-quality, gas-prone type III (vitrinite) kerogen. Low (Thermal Alteration Indices), Questa (1990) reported that Hydrogen Indices suggest the presence of inertinite-rich Middle–Late Jurassic and Cretaceous successions of the and/or oxidised organic matter. western Eromanga Basin in the NT are predominantly See Pedirka Basin for a brief discussion of underlying, immature to marginally mature for effective oil generation fair to good Permian–Triassic source rocks (Purni and expulsion (Ro <0.7). However, the Early Jurassic Formation, Peera Peera Formation) that might have supplied Poolowanna Formation has reached the main oil generative hydrocarbons to reservoirs in the western Eromanga Basin window, with a peak maturity of 0.9 Ro in the Poolowanna succession. Trough. Elsewhere in the region, the Poolowanna Formation is marginally mature (Michaelsen and McKirdy, 1996a, b). Reservoirs and seals The Toolebuc Formation is not known to be thermally Potential reservoirs in the Eromanga Basin are mainly mature for oil/gas generation anywhere in the NT and in the lower part of the succession below thick Early hence sparse weak gas shows reported from the formation Cretaceous marine strata, which constitute a widespread are probably biogenic in origin (Ambrose and Heugh 2011). regional seal, commencing with the Wallumbilla The thermal maturity of underlying Permian–Triassic Formation. The Eromanga Basin typically has vertically source rocks that may have supplied hydrocarbons to stacked hydrocarbon pools, and about 50 of the known Eromanga Basin reservoirs in the NT is discussed in ¿elds in Qld and SA contain more than one pool (Gray and Pedirka Basin. Draper 2002). This indicates that seals in the lower half of the succession are not wholly effective due to limited areal Prospectivity extent and variations in thickness and shale mineralogy The stacked Warburton, Pedirka and Eromanga basins (Carne and Alexander 1997). In the western part of the in the southeastern NT have an abundance of organically basin in the NT, where the succession overlies the Pedirka rich source rocks, porous and permeable reservoirs with Basin, the best potential reservoir/seal couplets occur in: effective vertical seals at a number of levels, and closed

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:16 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin anticlinal structures. Late Palaeozoic Pedirka Basin and Early Cretaceous or earlier times from the Permian Purni Mesozoic Eromanga Basin rocks remain the primary Formation and older source rocks (Questa 1990, Ambrose exploration targets. At least one unnamed petroleum system and Heugh 2010, see Pedirka Basin). is present in the Eromanga Basin, which incorporates rocks Figure 41.9 shows the known distribution of Jurassic of the Early Jurassic Poolowanna Formation, and there are a prospects and leads and Poolowanna Formation source number of possible reservoir/seal con¿gurations. kitchens in the Eromanga Basin in the NT. Possible traps Most exploration activity in the Eromanga Basin has include numerous four-way dip closures, combination targeted strata overlying the Cooper Basin, on the basis that structural-stratigraphic plays on the Àanks of reactivated Eromanga reservoirs may have been charged as a result of basement highs involving onlap of sandstone reservoirs, vertical migration from Permian source rocks (Heath et al hangingwall fault plays, eg on the southern, fault-bounded 1989). However, Michaelsen and McKirdy (1989, 1996a, b) margin of the Hale River High, and pinchout plays towards concluded that there has been little appreciable migration the basin margins (Ambrose et al 2002, Ambrose and from Permian source rocks into Eromanga Basin reservoirs Heugh 2010). Many of the more signi¿cant prospects and in the southern Cooper Basin region and that many of the leads mirror those of the underlying Pedirka Basin and oils reservoired in the Eromanga Basin in that area were these and are discussed in that chapter. generated in situ. Long-distance lateral migration towards The major risk for the preservation of early-formed oil the basin margin has also been proposed in the southwestern pools is the breaching of traps by the reactivation of faults Eromanga Basin in SA (McKirdy and Willink 1988), but in the Cenozoic. Oil-bearing structures may survive mild in the western portion of the basin in the NT, relatively reactivation, but those displaying catastrophic Cenozoic short migration pathways are more likely in the absence faulting are largely non-prospective (Ambrose and Heugh of gas displacement of early-reservoired oil (Ambrose and 2010). Heugh 2010, Figure 41.9). Most hydrocarbon generation is believed to have occurred as a result of sediment loading Unconventional petroleum by the Winton Formation, either at the time of deposition of this unit in the Late Cretaceous (Ambrose and Heugh Ambrose and Heugh (2011) reported on the unconventional 2010), or afterwards in the Cenozoic (Questa 1990). In potential of Mesozoic rocks in the western Eromanga both cases, pre-Cenozoic structural and stratigraphic Basin. The two most prospective intervals are the Toolebuc traps in the basin might have been effective trapping Formation and overlying basal Allaru Mudstone (referred to mechanisms prior to any signi¿cant oil migration, and as Oodnadatta Formation by Ambrose and Heugh). Boreham structures that formed during the Cenozoic are therefore and Powell (1987) indicated that the Toolebuc Formation less favourable prospects (Carne and Alexander 1997, should generally be regarded as an immature petroleum Ambrose and Heugh 2010). It is also possible that some oil source rock, but the unit is considered to be an oil shale in may have been generated in major depocentres during the the northeastern part of the basin in Qld, with “excellent

136°30' Hector Trend

Allitra Prospect Permian Base Poolowanna Fm HALE RIVER (Ro <0.65) Pellinor Fault Zone HIGH Base Poolowanna Fm 25° (Ro >0.65) Base Poolowanna Fm (Ro >0.9) Hector Fault Surprise Structural lead near base Hallows Trend Prospect Poolowanna Fm Hale River-1 MADIGAN Limit Poolowanna Fm Cycle 1 Camelot Fault Hooray TROUGH Limit Triassic/Poolowanna Fm Prospect TROUGH Simpson Prospect normal fault

COLSON thrust fault SHELF McDills-1 anticlinal trend

Thomas-1 ERINGA Bejah synclinal trend ProspectNORTHERN POOLOWANNA drillhole Colson-1 TROUGH NT 26° migration pathway SA


Glen Joyce-1 050 km

Poolowanna-1 Mokari-1 Macumba-1 SOUTHERN Dalhousie-McDills Ridge Purni Fault Border Trend POOLOWANNA Killumi-1 TROUGH Figure 41.9. Distribution of Jurassic prospects and leads, and thermal maturity (isoreÀectance contours) of Poolowanna Formation (modi¿ed from Ambrose et al 2002). Location of map shown in Figure 41.1.

Geology and mineral resources of the Northern Territory 41:17 Special publication 5 Eromanga Basin potential” to generate hydrocarbon liquids and a source rock Arco Australia, 1985. Well completion report, Poeppels component that has generated gas (Exoma Energy Ltd, ASX Corner No 1, OP-184, Northern Territory, Australia, Announcement 27 February 2012). Exoma is investigating February, 1985. Arco Australia Ltd. Northern Territory the unconventional petroleum potential of the formation Geological Survey, Open File Petroleum Report in this part of the basin, with an exploration program that PR1985-0029. may include laboratory studies, lateral drilling and staged Australian Water Resources Council, 1975. Groundwater fracture stimulation. In the western part of the basin in the resources of Australia. Australian Government NT, the Toolebuc Formation has yielded probably biogenic Publishing Service, Canberra. gas and is also prospective for unconventional petroleum Bartholomai A and Molnar RA, 1981. , a (Ambrose and Heugh 2011), although it has yet to be new iguanodontid (Ornthischia: ) dinosaur investigated in detail. The overlying basal Allaru Mudstone from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland. Memoirs of contains a 40 m-thick gross interval of tight, very ¿ne- to the Queensland Museum 20, 319௘–349. ¿ne-grained glauconitic sandstone that appear to be gas Beach Petroleum, 1979. Colson No. 1 Final well report, charged, probably from underlying Toolebuc Formation incorporating results of all analyses and laboratory source rocks. This gas play appears to be structural formed studies. 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