The Great Moravian territory of Nitra. Cultural manifestations, territorial scope and the ethnic and social-political identity of its population Tomáš König Mgr. Tomáš König, PhD. Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology Gondova 2 814 99 Bratislava Slovakia e-mail:
[email protected] Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2017, 5:2:9-28 The Great Moravian territory of Nitra. Cultural manifestations, territorial scope and the ethnic and social- political identity of its population The main objective of the article is to determine the territorial scope of the Great Moravian territory of Nitra based on an analysis of archaeological sources. Specific cultural manifestations identified in the focal area of the Danube lowland delimit the studied territory from the settlement of adjacent regions of Slovakia and from the central settled territory in the Morava River basin. An interpretation of the results, supported by a comparison with written sources and linguistic data a new view of the social-political identity of the Nitra population. Key words: Great Moravia, territory of Nitra, inhumation rite, Christianisation, social-political identity The territory of Nitra as a distinct administrative unit of the Great Moravian Empire is a widely accepted historical phenomenon. Based primarily on information from written sources, it has become the subject of further research. Although the development of archaeological research over the past century produced a relatively large number of new sources, they have not been widely utilised thus far to address basic questions such as the territorial scope, the particularities of cultural manifestations or the ethnic and social-political identity of its population.