Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-04-03

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-04-03 WEATHER 'Imaginary 1.00 : Cooler Invalid' 1.00 Cloudy GR£ATI .50 Weekend: Rain oman Review Page 2 .60 and ells People of Iowa CUV £sUlbllSbCd in ll1ti8 ve l!ents a l!opy I\IISOCl8lecl Preas Leased WlJ'6 aDO WlrepbOtn' mterDaUon Leased Iowa CIty. Iowa. Friday. AprIl 1959 lit. " h UDited PreSS \I Ware - 3. aily e, •• I ower, ' .. ' r ~ Ike Warning S~n~t~ ' Com~ittee Approves High Berlin On Agreements $20000 Loveless Salary ' Flights Risk With Russia ' DES MOIN:S 1.4'1 - The Senate salary increases for heads of oth- Employment Security Commis· Collision: Reds Appropriations Committee Thurs· er state departments but the com- sion - $92.100. increase of $3.900. • ._ day approved a $20,000 annual mittee did not get that Car down Board of Control - $467.100. Herter: U.S. Progress salary for Gov. Herschel Loveless in the askings which are being Executive Council - $511,000. Challenge EHorts Faster Than Russia as work began on the giant de- considered department by depart- Geological Survey - $164,000, in- To Keep Free Access Partmental appropriations bill. ment. crease of $11,700. WASHINGTON (.ft - The United States pledged ThurMay to usc The governor now makes $i3,500 Committee Chairman X. '1' . Pren· In other action, the commltt•• BERLIN (II - The Soviet Un- ils full array of aircraft and mis­ a ~ear plus a $4.000 annual ex· tis <R-Mount Ayr) said work on votod out for Sonoto po_go billl ion Thursday challenged Ameri· sle power to defend its Atlantic pense account. The new salary the budget will continue Friday. to: . Can determination to maintain wO\lld not include the expense ac· Following or. among itoms op· Appropriate $432.500 for improve· Pact allies if it should become count. 'prov.d Thursday with tho figl/res ments, repairs and other work on free air access to Berlin. necessary. It mode thl. pledg•• hortly If. boill9 tho some as in the gov.r· the state capitol grounds and state It warned any now hieh-.ltI· The committee voted down an tor Prosldent Eisenhow.r hod nor's budg.t unless oth.rwise in- office buUdings: appropriate $71,­ fflghts "'rough the B.rfln attempt to pay the chief execu· tv. coutlon.d ...1. country'. Norlh dlcot.d. 500 to the State Printing Board for tlve $22,500. .Ir corridors would rltk cellliion Atl.ntlc Poet AlII.. .,.Inat Among tho itoms .pprov.d by printing, binding and other ex- D epa rtmental appropriations wi'" SoYI.t flghtors. "substitutlng lIIullons for rool. the committM Thursday: penses; $388.750 to the Iowa Na· Ity' In lookIng tonlion·rotIucln, comprise one of the major Items Agriculture Department, $617,. tional Guard for repairs, replace· A Soviet Embassy spokesman in in the record $170 million a year East Berlin Insisted the dispute agrMmonh with RUllla. 600 a year - ~29,OOO less than tec· ments of equipment and the Speaking on behalf of the U.S. budget proposed by Loveless for ommended by the governor. guard's share in the Army con­ over Western air access routes to this Communist-enclrcled city Is Government, acting Secretary of the biennium beginning July 1. Attorney General's oCfice. $112,· struction program: $246.800 to the strictly a matter oC night safety. State Christian Herter also told The committee also approved 350 a year, increase of $12.750. State Safety Department Cor radio these pay raiscs for other atate But U.S. officials said it involves the 15-nation Atlantic Pact Coun­ State Auditor's office, $290,000 a equipment, two radio stations, and cil that the Unitel States is now officials: year. increase of $13,200. other communications facilities. the principle of Western rights in Berlln, now threatened by Mos­ making faster progress than Rus· Attorney general, from $9,500 to Iowa Blind Commission - $102,- A measure to set up a market- sia in developing missiles. $11,000; state auditor, {rom $8.500 000. almost double what the gov- ing division within the Agriculture cow's diplomatic offensive on Ger· many. Her t e r described American to $10,000; state comptroller, from ernor recommended. Department was held in commit­ military might at a closed-door reo $11,000 to 12,000; three members Commerce Commission - $232,- tee when it could nOb receive Specifically at issue is whether the Soviets have a right to put view of Soviet threats against Ber· of the Commerce Commission, 000. enough votcs to send it out to the lin and Germany. from $7,300 to 8.500. State Comptroller - $182,000. floor. a 10,OOO-foot altitude ceiling on the three Western air corridors, each He stressed the need for the al­ The proposed budget includes running about 100 miles from West lies to stand firm while oCCerlng Germany to Berlin. Three Soviet to negotiate diICerences with Rus­ fighters l>uzzed an unarmed Am­ sia. Recommend Ie School erican transport above feet TRY I NG TO PR EVE NT mor, damago to SUI camp )s, throe SU I .tudents fired small arms Thursday Despite the mounting tensions 20,000 'No.One Got last Friday as it flew through one In on .tt.mpt to ~hase the caufO of tho domag., a hippopotamus, back up the Iowa Riv.r to tho Coral· over Berlin. Herter predicted the of the corridors. viII. r.servoir. Til. slu'-...., :s, members of II 4So.IIrong huntill9 party organiled to track down and kill crisis would be settled without Boundary Changes The United States backcd down the hippo, luccoodod in forcing the hippo back in tho relOrvoir after h. cam. downstream and damaged shooting. on Ii plan to send through a sec­ univlrsity buildings. Th. stud.nts are trying to hold the hippo at tho r ...rvoir until mol" powerful . Herter spoke out a few hours af· ~ystericall By MARLENE JORGENSEN follow the Ralston Creek branch ter Mr. Eisenhower addressed the ond test Oight Wednesday, possi· ~Ipon. arriv•. From I.ft: Bob Auaborg.r, A2, J.ff.rson; Terry Loesch.n, A3, Spencer, and Barry Staff Writ.r at Rochester Avcnue, extended opening meeting of the pact coun­ bly because of stern Sovlct .,.arn­ Zoch.rl., A2, Doa Moines. -Doily Iowan Photo by Jury Smilh south to Parsons Street, southeast ings. But a high-altitude CI30 Her· tries. I~> Derailment The School Study Council racom· on William White Boulevard, culcs transport, was at an air base R.coiling hi. days a •• soldl.r, mended changes in Iowa City across to Seventh Avenue, and then somewhere In West Germany sland­ Mr. EiSlnl!ow.r appealed for "'~ ATKINS (.., - Ninety-six pas· school sub· district boundaries Collow Muscatine Avenue south­ ing ready to try again when Wash· * * * frH peopl. to display cour.,., II . ' sengers, jolted from their sleep Thursday night which would ai- .ward. ington gives the green light. De,bate Wednesday sacriflc. and perseveronc. whil. when the Milwaukee Railroad's R• .,.alW. Informants .ald tho Hippo Eludes th.ir gov.rnm.nts search can­ leviate crowded conditions at Her- 2. The northern boundary line fully for jUlt solution. to curr.nt I ,.'., Arrow was derailed early Thurs· big _141 fly c~o .. bert Hoover and Horace Mann for LongCj:llow School would extend !'r.n.,.,... East-West de.dlocks. U, . ~ day ~ near Cedar Rapids, were ""'In II ......, .. ...,.,.,. .... Schools. frorn the Intersecfion of Jefferson On Reapp~r.tionment 'We must be prepared, during t to ~ j' praiSed as ha real good bunch." American ,.m .. n thero.", Amer· "No one got hysterical," said The changes were recommended and Dodge Streets east to Clapp oHlclols hov. lAid tho pianos SUI Hunters the years ahead," Mr. Eisenhower DES MOINES IA'I - Debate by the House Reapportionment Com· said "to live in a world in which Raymond Olson of Adrian, Mich., Street, north to Rochester Avenue, would dlll'OtlM'd tho 5o¥iot oltl· the Iowa House on legislative reo from reports to the Council by the mittee were opposed to the Stuart tension and bickering betwccn free wllose wiCe was one of the 11 and eastward on Highway 1. tude limit if MCeSHry. apportionment probably will open Enrollment Committee and Nor- plan because there is a possibility nations and the Soviets will be persons hospitalized. "Everyone But a Soviet spokesman, Benja· next Wednesday, Rep. A. C. Han· man Green, administrative assis· . 3. The present boundaries of Ulat some counties might wind up On Campus daily experlcnces." stayed calm, aDd that·s probably min Sutulov, told newsmen the son (R·lnwoodl said Thursday. without a representative. why nobody was killed." tant. Green submitted his report Henry Sabin, Roosevelt. Lincoln, By HIRAM H. HIRAM Herter's rcmarks at the closed Soviet Union would stand firm on H • n lon, chairman of tho He said the committee was try· to the School Board March 10. and Mark Twain sub·distrlcts Fr.. Lane. Writer doo!; session that followed Mr. Olson said he also was in a its 10,000-(oot ceiling - far too low House R.opportlonment Com· ing to work out an amendment to train wreck near Rock Rapids, The plan recommended by the would remain unchanged. for the turboprop Hercules trans­ Eisenhower's talk were relayed to ml"", .old the group would correct this defect. A hippopotamus spotted in the newsmen by Ass.t. Secretary of Iowa, 50 years ago. Council would move about 55 pup­ 4. AU children in West Lucas ports to operate efficiently. mMt Monday to fix tho 'XlCt 'I'he Shaff plan caUs for a House Coralville reservoir this week got Statc Andrcw H. Berding. AU of the six cars on the train ils in the area oC Parsons Street Township would be assigned to time.
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    '"M- Avaraft Dally Nat Praaa Run fbvUMWwk.UaM ThaWaidlMr Augton n . 1N8 ' I «t o. •. w e i^ ■ » ■ V< Redrick Straughan, assistant ways do his best to Uvs up to the ■ A benefit taa will bo i m n kt Sunset Rebekah Lodge wlli hoip 11,466 ivy raia lu tInnSMali Johnnycake Inn, Ivoryton, for U special meeting tomorrow eve­ chfef of the S o u th Manches­ high gosl they had set for him. mjgliL 'tA m la apper ilM MibiItTowii ning at 7, In Odd Fellows Hall, and ter Fire pepartmenU resumed Diana Honored He wss presented s gift of a- M— bar «r Uto Audit flood relief, from 3 to 4 pjik to­ f •,' .' > day.- snawefa morrow, Odmiaaion to whicn. will' members are asked to donate his duties today after a two week brief case and a wrist watch ^ Clearance , j BerMH •( d reilu tto u lug, eMMr la aftortMM, ,-IUjni6na M. Cam, *on of iti. be canned food or clean clothing. clothing and canned goods. A sum vacation which he and Mrs. By I-A Group Frank Diana, cbaif'mBn of the din­ H aneh^tU r-j-A City o f Vi/Uago Charm A M Cam, 8 Charter Oak 8t., u of money will afso be voted for Straughan spent in Laicerne-in- ner. 2S% Off m Ell DM if Rh o i F iiiilttn TOcalvtM baaic tratnlnf at Port A daughter, SuMn Ann, their flood relief. Clothing must be in Maine. Miss Ella Gray of East Other speakers lntrodup4d by Holden, Maine, returned with thfm Som* oBo-of-o-Wiid; som* eomploto soH V0L.LXXnr,N0.281 Kwnc, Ky4 aa a member of the 3rd thii^'Child, waa bom Saturday at good .
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