The COROMANDEL and Others
THE STORY OF THE 'COROMANDEL' IN PARTICULAR, 1834 3 MASTED SAILING SHIP. The COROMANDEL and others. In particular I have searched information regarding the 'Coromandel' ship, which, in 1836 was commissioned by the South Australian Company to transport emigrants to the new colony of South Australia and its soon to be established capital city of Adelaide. I have listed in these pages all details found, including a number of passengers. I have ascertained most who sailed in her, (but I certainly may have missed and/or misspelled some names). The ship sailed from St. Katherine's dock, London in 1836 arriving and disembarking the majority of her passengers at Holdfast Bay, Glenelg on January 17th 1837. Her journey was longer than planned as Captain William Chesser, her Master called in at Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa and rested his many sick passengers back to good health with fresh fruit, vegetables and good water. Upon his return to Britain later in the year, he was called to task for the extended journey & brought before the Colonial office & the South Australian Company for interrogation. I have not, with any positive proof satisfied myself as to our "Coromandel's " final resting place, because the name was in popular use as a ship's name, and others so named have confused many people of her true journeys & destiny. She was definitely 662 tons, she was definitely built in 1834 in Quebec by George Black & Sons and she was a barque with sails set as 'ship' meaning all were squaremasted. There was a Coromandel ship that foundered in New Zealand, but I have not seen the description nor sketches of that ship.
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