ARM BOF Jay Kruemcke Sr. Product Manager, HPC, ARM, POWER
[email protected] @mr_sles SUSE and the High Performance Computing Ecosystem Partnerships with HPE, Arm, Cavium, Cray, Intel, Microsoft, Dell, Qualcomm, SUSE Linux and others with the HPC Module for Supported HPC packages OpenHPC Community Half of the Top 100 systems are running SUSE Linux* At 13.8%, SUSE Linux is the leader in paid Linux on the Top 500 * Includes CLE which is based on SLES, CentOS has ~18%, RHEL has ~5% 11/26/17 SUSE Linux Enterprise for HPC on ARM 2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server ARM Roadmap* Offering commercial Linux support for ARM AArch64 since November 2016 SLES 12 for ARM (SP2) SLES 12 for ARM (SP3) SLES 15 •Initial commercial release AArch64 •Second SUSE release for AArch64 •Beta1 now available (X86, ARM, •SoC: Cavium, Xilinx, AMD, others •Additional SoC enablement Power, system z) •Focus on solution enablement •Expand to early adopters •Bi-modal: traditional and CaaSP •Kernel 4.4 •Kernel 4.4 •Simplified management •Toolchain gcc 6.2.1 •Toolchain gcc 6.2.1 -> gcc 7 •Kernel 4.12 •Toolchain gcc 7+ SUSE Enterprise Storage 5 •Ceph software defined storage •X86 and ARM SLES 12 HPC Module SLES 12 HPC Module SLES 12 HPC Module •Supported HPC packages •New packages mpich, munge, •Additional HPC packages •Subset of OpenHPC mv`apich2, numpy, hdf5, papi, •Candidates: adios, metis, ocr, •Initially includes 13 packages openblas, openmpi, netcdf, R, scalasc, spack, scipy, slurm, pdsh, hwloc, etc. SCALapack, … trinilos, …. 2017 2018 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 *All statements