Os Lusiadas Vol 1.Pdf
127 122 869 I This Volume is for REFERENCE USE ONLY 3-36 6m P o s LUS^AD AS (THE LUSIADS) : ENGLISHED TJY RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON (EDITED BY HIS WIFE, ISABEL BURTON). LONDON : TINSLEY BROTHERS, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND, W. C, 1880. ALL K1GHTS RESERVED. VIYMAN AND SONS, PRINTERS, Ql'JLEN STREET, LINCOLN'S-INN FIKI DS, LONDON, \V C OS L U S J :iVD A S (THE LUSIADS) : ENGLISHED BV RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON (EDITED BY HIS WIFE, ISABEL BURTON). IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I. LONDON : BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. 1880. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WYMAN AND SONS, PRINTERS, 1 GUI' \ I QUEE\ STREET, LINCOLN*W-TNN-FICt DS, LONDON, W C H. I. M. DOM PEDRO DE ALCANTARA, (D. PEDRO II.) (Constitutional (Emperor, ant* ^ctprttiial JBrfcnfccr of THE BR AZ I L ; to tfjc JBltitt tatFjfcr tfjatt tfyc tfjiis Ucrstoit of n so focnt to t^ fjcatt of fftis Imperial tttost {jumble THE TRANSLATOR, 21 far tm libro & meno che niente, Sf il libj-0 fatto non ri/& la gente. GlUSTI. Place, riches, favottr, Prizes of acczdent as oft as merit. SHAKSPEARE. Qra toma a espadat agora a peima (Now ?vitft tJie sword-kilt, then with pen in CAM., Sonn. 192. JBramo assai, poco spero, nulla cJiicdo. TASSO. Tbitt ceta prouve enfin que fozwrage est plain dc grandes foautt's, puisque depuis deux cents ans ilfait Ics dtfices d?twc nation spirituals, qui doit en connditre Ics fautes. VOLTAIRE, Essai, etc. TO MY MASTER CAMOENS : se* lo mio maestro, e* I mio autore}. GREAT Pilgrim-poet of the Sea and Land ; Thou life-long sport of Fortune's ficklest will ; Doomed to all human and inhuman ill, Despite thy lover-heart, thy hero-hand : Enrolled by thy pen what maiv'ellous band Of god-like Forms thy golden pages fill ; Love, Honour, Justice, Valour, Glory thrill The Soul, obedient to thy strong command : Amid the Prophets highest sits the Bard, At once Revealer of the Heav'en and Earth, To Heav'en the guide, of Earth the noblest guard ; And, 'mid the Poets thine the peerless worth, 'Whose glorious song, thy Genius' sole reward, Bids all the Ages, Camoens ! bless thy birth.
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