Asian Stereotypes? Have the Kind of Dignity and City

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Asian Stereotypes? Have the Kind of Dignity and City •• •• aCl lC Cl lzen National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Newsstand: 25¢ (60e postpaid) ISSN: 0030-85791 Whole No. 2,3721 Vol. 102 No.2 \ 941 E. 3rd St. #200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (21 '3) 626-6936 Friday, January 17,1 986 522nd vet relates JACL Redress Director resigns wartime exploits by Robert Shimabukuro the recent JACL Redress and JACL-LEC infighting. by Robert Shimabukuro SAN FRANCISCO-Issuing a JACL Vice-President of Gen­ statement, "Seven and a half LOS ANGELES-Cl.arence Matsu­ eral Operations Yosh Nakashima, years is enough and it's time to whose responsibilities include mura, speaking on behalf of the move on," JACL Redress Direc­ 522nd Field Artillery, and Eric personneL said ofthe resignation, tor John Tateishi armounced his 'Tm very unhappy with the fact Saul, curator of the MilitaIy His­ resignation effective Jan 15. ' "I tory Museum at the Presidio in that it had to come to this, but it really don't have any plans," he wasn't a total surprise. I was ex­ San Francisco, gave a brief his­ said ''1 just want to rest a while tol}' ofNisei veterans' accomplish­ pecting it after the September and consider options, maybe in board meeting. rm disappointed ments in Europe and the Pacific the private sector." during WW2 at the Simon Wies­ but under the circumstances, I PhoIo by Bob Shimabukuro Although Tateishi refused fur­ hope it works out for the best for enthal Center Holocaust Muse­ ther comment on reasons for his umJan 12. Clarence Matsumura, speaking at Simon Wiesenthal Holocaust Center on all concerned." Jan, 12, points out movements of 522nd Field Artillery in Europe during 'WW2. resignation, close associates Executive Director Ron Waka­ Matsumura related the experi­ have mown of Tateishi's disen­ ences in Gennany of the 522nd bayashi added, "I and the rest of such veterans as Sens. Dan Inouye tween the Hawaiian and main­ chantment with his position and Field Artillery Battalion, which the staff wish him the best in his and Spark Matsunaga land Nisei which were resolved . uncertain status, especially after Continued 00 Nert Page was among the first Allied troops He explained the Japanese after the "buddhaheads" (lIawaii­ to reach the Dachau concentra~ terms gaman, ¢ri, kodomo rw t;a,. an Nisei) visited a relocation tion camp in April 1944 (see Nov. me ni, and shikata ga rwi to the camp and came away with a bet­ Hawaiian reparations bill proposed 22 pc). Matsumura told of the ter understanding of "kotonk' , mixed emotions involved in stay­ group, relating those terms and (mainland Nisei) attitudes. ing and helping the just-liber­ Nisei attitudes to Hebrew and compensate Native Hawaiians Confucian thought A showing of Loni Ding's HONOLULU-Native Hawaiians ated prisoners while under or­ would receive reparations of for their losses.' Saul related a story by Inouye award-winning film ''Nisei Sol­ ders to continue advancing in $100 million a year for 10 years The second component 15 the outlining the early conflicts be- dier" closed the evening. order to ''find the [camp] guards' from the federal government un­ ''Native Hawaiian Claims Act' It as well as Hitler's headquarters der legislation being proposed authorizes payment to the Office and ''to capture as much territory by Hawaii s congressional dele­ of Hawaiian Affairs of$1 billion as we could before the Russians gation, reports the Office of over a 10-year period to do the got there" Matsui defends bilingual education Hawaiian Affairs' publication, following for Native Hawaiians: In an emotionally charged , Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA (1) Promote economic develop­ speech, Matsumura asked for WASHINGTON-A Reagan Ad­ instruction Coupled with new The billion-dollar reparation ment and self.sufficiency; (2) pI"(}­ any infonnation from survivors ministration proposal to limit rules that require local school bill is part of a package designed mote social welfare' (3) provide about how many were actually non-English instruction in public districts to find more local fund­ to implement the recommenda­ educational programs; (4) pro­ helped by the 522nd He added schools could have '~devastating ing for bilingual education, Ben­ tions contained in VoL 2 of the vide health programs' (5) provide that the 522nd was among the effects on the integration of non­ nett's proposal could increase Native Hawaiians Study Com­ _programs that promote cultural first to reach many POW camps, English- peaking children in the possibility of school districts mission preservation; (6) provide job recently abandoned by tleeing American society," Rep. Robert cutting back on bilingual educa­ The reparations portion of the training and employment place­ guards, with French, Bulgarian Matsui (D{;ali£) said Dec. ro. tion, Matsui said. package is divided into two com­ ment; (l) acquire and develop and Russian prisoners. Secretary of Education William "The administration's pro­ ponents. The fu t is a joint reso­ land and natural resources for Saul presented a historical Bennett has proposed changes in posal would be a dramatic set­ lution calling for federal recogni­ their benefit overview of WW2 Nisei exploits, federal bilingual laws that would back for many minority and im­ tion of the moral and legal obli­ Other portiens of the package relying on anecdotes about the allow local school district ad­ migrant children who need biling­ gation azising from the participa­ address the federal obligation to Nisei. He quoted stories from ministrators to limit non-English ual education to enable them to tion of the U.S. in the overthrow return ceded lands to the State make a smooth transition into of the Hawaiian monarchy. ofHa\vaii. The ceded lands legi - our society," said Matsui. "Biling­ The justification reads, in part: lation attempts to facilitate the ual education is a life preserver "As a re ult of Wljustifiable and return of outstanding ceded 'Day of Remembrance' proclaimed for many of these kids, and in profound involvement by the lands by amending the standard many cases it can mean the dif­ American Go rnment in the and procedW'e5 by which uch SACRAMENTO-Califomia Gov. from their family and friend , ference between segregation . overthrow of the Hawaiian mon­ returns are made. A commission George Deukmejian issued a suffered severe emotional and fi­ and integration. ' archy, the nati residents of would be established to review proclamation Jan 6 designating nancial trauma during this dark The new regulations would Hawaii 10 t their elf-<letelmina­ all e.xisting federal ceded lands Feb. 19, 1986 as a Day of Remem­ chapter ofAmerican history; and not have an immediate effect in tion. The U.S, Congre hall in Hawaii and t.o make appropli- therefore make 'tution to Continued aD Page a brance. It reads: ''Whereas, it is important that California, which has its own law ''Whereas, in the wake of the the internment of Japanese requiring that bilingual instruc­ attack on Pearl Harbor, a cloud Americans during WW2 be re­ tion be offered to those who need of suspicion fell upon all Ameri­ membered to ensure that Amer­ it However, the tate law expires cans of Japanese ancestry; and ican citizens will never again be in 1007 and must be renewed this refused their personal liberties year. Matsui fears that Bennett' ''Whereas, this fear of sabotage proposal could undercut efforts and espionage led to the issuance while residing in their own coun­ try; to preserve California's bilingual of Executive Order No. 9066 on education program Feb. 19, 1942, which resulted in "Now, therefore, I ... do here­ the evacuation and internment "Bilingual education help by proclaim Feb. 19, 1986 as A students learn faster than they of 112,(XX) American citizens of Day of Remembrance: Japanese Japanese ancestry; and would if they had to regres to a American Evacuation and en­ learning rate commen urate to a ''Whereas, thousands of native courage all Californians to re­ rudimentary control of the lang­ born and naturalized American flect upon this tragic action taken uage," said MatstJi 'In the long citizens were forced to sell their against American citizens." run. those who attain a higher possessions, fanns and business­ (The reference to ''naturalized education 1 vel will b the one es and relocate to bleak camps American citizens" is inaccurate; who are less likely to require gov­ surrounded by barbed wire; and the Issei, classified as pennanent ernment support That's what ''Whereas, these American cit­ residents, were not permitted to makes education cost­ DRAGON PART II?-{From Victor Wong. Kurt and izens' and residents, separated ,become citizens until after WW2.) effective." Dun co-star In the upcoming film "Big Trouble in utt1e China" (story on p. 2). ellow e weeka ectvence notice to report i 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN I Friday, January 17,1986 No. 2.372 your address change with label on front: If you are moving, lowed Asian American actors to New Address: ____________________ 'Uttle China': More Asian Stereotypes? have the kind of dignity and City. State. Zip ___________________ input into their roles that has Effective date: ________________ never been allowed before." by J.K. Yamamoto March Fong Eu wrote to!nh Cen­ eThank you for using this form. It saves PC 30 cents in fees. tury Fox executives Nov. Z"/, urg­ According to Kwan, the fIlm Some Asian Americans who will bring Chinese culture to the Pacific Citizen, 941 E. Third St., Room 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 condemned last year's "Year of ing them ''to take whatever steps EXPIRATION NanCE-If the last four digits on the top row of your label reads 1285, the are necessary, in consultation general public, prove that Asian OO-<iay grace period ends with the last issue in Februruy.
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