T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND GAZETTE RSTABLISRED I ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1R74.| (Tbc |1ress ts tin ^rtifunebean £ebcr that Ittobcs tbc Wtorlb at

V o l . 4 . — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1885. N v m b e r 4 6 .

name the poorer a hotel’s accommodations, man. Meantime the crowd hnd swelled to stood before me, the typical gondolier of the to the quay in front of the hotel nnd waited for — BUY Y O U R = LARKS ABROAD. latt us seek out something for ourselves." enormous proportions, nnd Dutch women nnd vulgar Venice. me to get out. I crawled numbly tip over the So we dispossessed ourselves of the oppress­ men of every conceivable size and smell were “ Mynheer will Hnd him goot,” the portier capstan and picked tip a paving-block. But I ive louters and struck out of the station, across ASTONISHING ADVENTURES IN pushing ami jostling ns, and (we thought) gntclonsly volunteered; “him talk mit English thought better of this, nnd put the paving- a wide square and up a thorough fare that was getting ready to throw us into a canal. Then already.” DEAR OLD AMSTERDASH. block down again. Wc had l»cen afloat three Boots, Shoes, traversed its entire length Ity a broad canal. the pale young man spoke In German, “Yah!” tho blithe boatman snid. “I talk hours. I luul seen nothing I wanted to see. On and on we went, np one street and down and asked tts wlint wc wanted. The shop- mit English already.” I gave Francesco seventy-rtve cents. Holland Lunches—Why They Have No another, all exactly alike, with queer old erow- woman had brought him along as an inter­ TltE MtAVK OONDOLIEll. “ Yon speak English, do yon ?” I said, with stepped gable Itullillngs climbing story on preter. Hats & Caps Fences—Discomfort of Philosophers So he slouched heavily down to his fairy a shade of sarcasm in my lone. —The Dreadful Adventures of Lost story into tho air nn either side, nnd Ike loud I told the pale young man that we wanted a gondola. It wns a ponderous craft, built “ Yah, mynheer,” Francesco replied. Americans—A Young Man Who smelling canal always permeating the center. hotel—that was all. It wr.s a simple desire, clumsily, with a curiously peaked bow nnd “ So you do, ’ I added, cordially ; “you speak Didn't Interpret—At the Mercy of a I think we must hare traversed something like we thought. There was nothing in it what utterly devoid of keel. In the market it might the best English nnd the most of it of any Dutch Mob—An Angel in Ear-rings— eleven miles of these streets nnd crossed nine ever, that we could detect, that warranted a How I W ent to Ride in a Gondola— have fetched two dollars if the buyer didn’t man I ever saw’. But, my friend,” I added, hundred bridges before the disagreeable sen­ mob. If lie had a hotel anywhere about him, Francesco —Deadly Character of Canal know much about boats. The oars were drawing down his head nnd whispering T. A. WENTWORTH’S. sation of being lost forced itself completely 1 said, and hail no nse for it, wc should lie W a te r. straight, unwieidly sticks with narrow blades. hoarsely in his car, “you are—if you will per­ upon onr attention. Wc were lost in the Inter­ very happy to hear from him hy return mall. A ragged hit of carpet covered the stern seat, mit me to say so—a trifle faulty in under­ minable mazes of Amsterdnsli. I delivered this address In such Hermanns fTWSMTT-WRST Lf.ttkh.] und on this I sat down, while Francesco took standing the remarks of other people. If a Sitting by tho blazing hearth, surrounded by occurred to me, nnd when I got stuck I dropped total stranger, but one who has an honest A Fall line of nil the In n little pscklng-box nigh unto the rail­ position amidships. He carefully adjusted the Inxury of home nnd embosomed in n Into English liy wny of getting along witli interest in your welfare, might l>c nBowed a road station of the Hngue, there dwelt a very the oars in tlie thole-pins, nnd holding them peaceful tranquillity that conics from content­ mere speed nnd smoothness. When I was suggestion, I would advise you to talk less New and Nobby square and very corpulent lady of the Dutch with one baqd, reached the other into his ment and case, my reader can form no ade­ done, the pale young man scmtclied his weak and listen more.” persuaalon. Bald was site, and eke her coun­ breeches pocket for some plug tobacco, having quate conception of the drcndftil horror that nnd sandy-colored whiskers In n hesitating With that I laughed in a breezy and dra­ tenance was creased with wrinklea, and of a with bis lone tooth slowly and painfully wor­ fastens upon the mind of a man who is lost In fashion nnd shook ills bend uncertainly,* matic f'isliion, pushed Francesco into the FALL and WINTER leathery hue as tanned by many auna. ried oir a piece of which, and restored the the heart of a Dutch city—a city with thous­ canal and went in to supper. Through a little window of the little packing- RESCUED S'HOM DEATH. balunce to his pocket, he hauled forth nn ands of winding strcels of exactly the same When they fished Francesco out, he was box dispensed thia good Dutch lady Bitch "Vns is der matter ?" enormous red handkerchief nnd blew his nose STYLES! appearance, nnd peopled hy n phlegmatic race quite dead. The coroner’s jury sat on him condiments aa the public might require, and Render, did you ever have anyliody yon sonorously. All this was done with prodig­ of men all dressed exactly alike and all speak­ two or three times ns hard as they could, but Just Received and for brisk Indeed the trade ahe drove in milk ami didn't know die and lenre you twu-liundrcd ious gravity nnd deliberation. Then he spat ing exactly the same unintelligible style of it didn’t do any good. They said he must chceae and dark, coarse bread nnd the hard- thousand dollars? If not, you cannot enter gracefully over the side of the boat, which sa le language. Countless were the Individuals in have swallowed a mouthful ot the water. boiled egg of commerce. When busincsa waa Into the emotions that these few English-spoken action, the wind living smartly in my direc­ huge breeches that wc hove to nnd sought to Ft'I.LKM. sharp tho Dutch Indy dealt forth the food nnd inveigle Into conversation ; numberless the lit­ words aroused in our breasts. Their author tion, I received the full benefit of, adjusted ------•-*-»------the oars afresh, took half-a-dozen labored drink with ready hnnd; when it slacked np she tle -hops we pushed our wav Into In search of was n sailor-look inn man lu a blue jacket and Cheap For Cash! strokes nnd paused. Where did I want to go? OUR COAST WATCH. fell to wearing bright fancies into a bine yarn information. Nobody could understand what wo with gold rings iu Ills ears, lie came pushing Atnsterdash lies on the banks of the Ij, an stocking, that she was concocting through the were driving nt; and though the proprietors of his way through the crowd, by the Ingenious Miss Augusta Moore, of N ew York, was a arm of the Zuyder Zee, from which a river instrumentality of a pair of enormous Iron the huge breeches In the streets, nnd the men process of sticking Ills elbows left nnd right guest at the White Head Light last month, T, A. W E N T W O R T H , nnd numerous canals make through the low- knitting needles, crooning meantime to herself nnd women behind the counters of the little into the faces of the people, and If it hadn't and being impressed by tlie bravencs'. of tho lying city. We had embarked from an outer 243 Main Street, Rockland, u sonic cradle song of her earlier life, but which shops, snid a great deal In n short space of been for the rings in Ills ears I verily helicvu coast guard in a gale, wrote the following poem quay and were in a common-place region o f being conchcd in a foreign language was time, It was Impossible for its to comprehend that wc should have lliotigh t him an angel of for the New York Journal of Commerce, aud wharves and shipping. I snid, slowly and largely difficult to gra


THANKSGIVING TOPICS. THE RAILROAD. There is no e*enpe from the conclusion that [ dlflleulty. He went to Bo*ton Saturday night, tinder the pre**ure of neee**itv the eitie* and accompanied by Dr. Banks. The Rockland Committee’s Report. —A town* owning and operating this road should Mrs. Alible Burpee received a disnatch Another Holiday Relegated to the Lim- Document of Convincing Figures. 1>e united in securing tlie proposed extension, to Wednesday stating that her son Edward was FULLER CLOAKS! boes of the Past Quiet Notes. the end that IxJtterand more satisfactory result* severely sick at hi* room at Bowdoin College. A meeting of citizen* to hear the railroad She took the first train thither to earc for him. T hw r^liy was largely « repetition o f ‘•cores may lie obtained for the road, and the great committee’* ieport wa* held in (’ity Hull list burden of taxation l»ecorrespondingly reduced. Mr. Burpee’s Illness is typhoid fever. His of other 1 btwksglving Days, though we sup- evening and was well attended. Mayor Case Until this improvement is made the cipnidtitles friends here hope for his speedy recovery. po»e thispcctilie.r holiday never comes on deck of the road are not developed nor its resources AND presided. Chairman Bryant read the follow­ CLOAKS! w ithout bruising it* iftdt fid nal features—hup* exhausted. ing report which was accepted : Your committee unhesitatingly and unani­ OLD PROB. pines* for almost every liody and sorrow for mously recommend that the city fake a tion to some. For instatn e, It i< ft day of universal Your committee to report on tin feasibility secure (lie proposed improved facilities, and and probable < >st (d an extension of tin- Knox that the co-operation of all the cities and towns Shall We Have the Pretty Little Tem­ family reunion and joy, hut it’s death on the (S Lincoln 15 K. to a m ore central location in perature Flags? COBB this city, al«n the probable benefit that would interested he earnestlv solicited. CLOAKS! inrk ey. \ mi i.i. Bit vast, Chairman. A large portion of our community have been R e v . J I. 11 an-com of the Pratt Mt •turn ini a-i rm-to the raiboad therefrom, call your at­ D. N. xn. Secretary. tention teveje attack yW malady, a kidney C. F. WOOD & Lu., be Jantely iuereased. HIUN OF JUE BIO JUU. / THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY DECEMBER 1. 1885 3

The depot shonltl eome down. Isaiah Johnson has been placed in the Inaane jB irtbs. FARWELL HALL, - ROCKLAND, FOLKS AND THINGS. What has beeomc of the High School asylum at Angnsta. BOSTON Alumni Association ? The city choirs are now actively rehearsing Pouth Hope, Nov. 2", to Mr. and Mia. Louin H. Wntia, n aon. POEMS FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. E. Mont Perry now oecnptes Ills handsome their Christmas music. St. David's Catholic W aldoboro, Nov. 24, to Mr. ami Mra. G eorge W. nnd Convenient new store. choir will sing Bauman’s Mass in C. Simmona, n daughter. Thursday and Friday, n i F n r v i.T to he settled. The front of Shepherd block has been under­ The whole nnmlicr of Interments superin­ Nn sooner hnve w e nil irot o’er going a battening operation. tended by City Undertakers Burpee for the Rlarriages. DEC. 3 . Fuller, Jr., enq , liner Store T ill: polo lover’s lamest. The city farm lias now twenty-five Inmates, The Maine state prison Is shipping a large Reuben L. Meaetvey nnd Addle V. Rkbarda, both Over to Rnth we went, number of sleighs by steamer from this city. seven of whom nre on the sick list. The farm of Roekland. Clean! Pure! Bright! Hopes high in ntr; Is In a condition to furnish a more comfnrfRble Roekland, Nov. 30, by F. R. Rowell, eaq., George Homeward we came, our hopes M. W . Movry, a former Roekland hoy, Is W. Phiblea nnd Nettle Winebenbneb, both of Drooped in dlspair. home for the unfortunate than ever before In Thomnaton. building hitn h house nt South Framingham, DON’T MISS IT! Fleree swept the winter wind, Its history. Friendship, Nov. 26, Frank Rokes of Thomnaton ( '. I< W O O D C O . Swirling the snow, Maas. and Maine Delano of Friendship. Dark rolled the Kennehee, “ E. P. lathe has just finished a very creditable Thomnaton, Nov. 25, by Jmlir- Levenanh r, Wm. Deep as our woe; W. II. Glover A Co. commence nt once to oil painting, 24x30, showing Oyster River Frank Lennon I anti Mrs. N. J. Maxcey, both of Homeward we eame, of joy Ittilld a small house for Charles Colson on Thomaston. Pond in its setting of mountains. The paint­ Thomaston, Nov. 18, by Rev. 8. L. Ilnnseotn, Almost bereft, Pacific street. Gobi was the day. Indeed, ing is enlarged from n view by Sitighi taken A ustin II. Knler and Ellen Jaekaon, both o f Thom W hen we (rot'left. naton. The weekly meeting of I’lnc Tree f . L. S. when tlie landscape was rich witli autumn Thomnaton, Nov. 21, by Rev. 8. L. Hnnaeom, j u u A lI A n n WORK TO FISH A ItltTMR FOR. Circle will be held Friday evening in Perry's foliage. Tlie point of view Is Cleveland hill, Frank W . Pierson ami Harnb A. .Maloney, both | of St. George. A North-end man elumh tip some steps. Hall, Crockett block. affording a fine sight of tlie pond's surface, the T o hang an outside window; Nov. 21, Henry D. Allen and Mary N. Sargent, The steps did break—he struck a rake The schooner Harriet Chase is advertised in town of Rockport showing beyond the moun­ both of The ma •■toil. S / X <1 Whose teeth him nently pinned, O. Pldpabur*, Nov. 25, Dr. .1. Edw in W alker o f ! anothet column to lie sold nt auction for the tain in Hie background. The sreno Is admir­ Thomnaton and Josephine Elizabeth Percy of benefit of all concerned. ably worked up nnd Is worthy of attention as Phipaht.rg. North Haven, Nov. 24, nt residence of J. T No (lull times in Rockland. Austin Poland, while chopping wood nt showing tlie picturesque source of Rockland's Coombs, by Hurrhon Beverage, esq., Elisha B. Loose hny sells for $15 nntl $lfi. new water supply. The picture will lie shown Brown nnd Mary Webater, both of North Haven. Owl's Head, Saturday, cat one of his hands Roekpor, Nov. 25, William Gardner and Annie | Now bring In your holldny advertisement. severely, losing two fingers. in Spear A May’s window next week. J. Carleton, both of Rockport. North Union, Nov. 26, George E. Rndden nf North ( K. C. Rankin is making n large addition to There were two drunks before Judge Hicks Edgeomb and Alta V. Greenleaf of North Union. his kiln-shed. yesterday. Both were sentenced to five days AMUSEMENTS. Large quantities of apples are being shipped Imprisonment. One appealed. D eath s. 1. from tills county. C. It. Aeliorn, the meat tnan, who lias The amusement senson Is on the bud. Eastern Star Assembly, K. of L„ have a Rockland, Nov. 25, Bickford N. Hemenwny, a The shooting gallery Is the principal place moved to tills city troin South Hope, occupies ball in Farwell Hall, Christmas night. native of Searainont, aged 6" years, 6 mouths. of resort of an evening. part of (lie Abel Fuller house. Rockport, Nov. 2’, Retta C. OrlllHh, aged 19 Don't fail to attend something Hint is "Better yenra, 9 months, 17 days. The discoloration noticed in the Oyster River Edwin Libby Tost, O. A. II., will elect than Gold" in Farwell Hall, this evening. Went Camden, Nov. 19, Hiimuel E. Vlnnl, nged Pond water Inst week was caused by remov­ 36 yenra, 8 monlbs, 1 day. officers next Friday night. Whitmore A Clark’s minstrels played here ing a portion of the eotfer-dnm at the pond. (‘amden, Nov. 14, Nellie, wife of Wilbur Bryant. A. L. Richardson has been making im­ Thursday night to a good house. They gave Liberty, W illiam Kuhlman. The Hub Comedy Co provements about his store. The annual meeting of the stockholders of nn excellent entertainment. ------A SSIST E D R Y ------the Knox A Lincoln railroad will tic held In PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. The household goods of C. Sumner were The Battle of Gettysburg Optogrnph Co., Farwell Hall tomorrow (Wednesday) (orcuoon «T. W. WALKER of Roxton, will visit Roeklaml shipped to Iloston Inst week. under the direction o f Major Bancroft, tlie Miss Jennie Dunn, nt eleven o'clock. during December. Address Cot itiek-Gazette Mrs. F. M. Shaw sang at the Baptist church, graphic explanntor of the celebrated cyclor- Otllee. 4048 ------SUPPORTING ------Lime casks ate worth 17 cents, while with nmn, will be in tills city soon. Thomaston, Sunday afternoon. kiln-wood it's a kind of grab game, lime man­ Volunteers arc wanted to attend the Apron LOST ! Onions arc only three cents n pound. Other On Saturday, Nov. 28, an English Pug Dog Pup, Mr. Al. S. Phillips. ufacturers getting It for what they can. The Sale and Fair ol Edwin I.lbby Relief Corps, varieties of perfumery cost more. alx month* old, color eream with dark atripe on the wood Is worth about $4 a cord. afternoon and evening, December 3 I, which Is hack, black nose and ears. curb’d tail carried on the In Ilia new Musical Farcical Comedy, Stablemen, blacksmiths nnd sleigh dealers right hide. Answers to tlie name of Major. The Unlversnllst church is now heated by next Thursday. A silk quilt nnd wax doll Ten Dollars Reward will he paid for his return. nre walling, yea, longing for snow. steam from its own holler, to tho great satis­ will lie offered for sale by ticket, in addition to W . E . V INA I.. Thomaaton, Nov. 30, 1885. 4G a t A second article on divorce is crowded out of faction of its congregation. The cellar of the aprons, fancy nrtielcs nnd many other useful The Man who l»uom this issue nnd will appear next week. church edifice is being cemented. and ornamental goods. Refreshments of Ice­ T J I” This clear, cold weather lias made a little Some of Fred Rising’s friends gave him a cream, rake, coffee, oysters, etc., will lie given ice, and the boys are mnking the most of It. house-warming Friday night nt Ills new quar­ away for money. You arc ndmltted free, lmt Quid R ides ? "W hat n great improvement to Main street is ters opposite T he Cofhikr-Gazette otficc. it is expected that your exit will cost you UWDnring the play Mr Phillips will give hi* un­ approachable imitation of the new carriage manufactory” is a frequent re­ At the request of the proprietor they stayed something. Remember it costs you nothing Give Sawyek’h D yspepsia “ W hy i,o you LAUGH?” Well, for to go in. (TltE a trial—The only known murk. until n lute hour. cure for Dyspepsia—35c a bot­ HENRY IRVING. various reasons, but at this senson it So far the season has not been a good one A dozen hoys were busily engngctl Saturday The Hub Musical Comedy Co., which play tle—A ll Drugglats have It. strikes tts I hat yon ought to laugh to for snow. Boston had n snow storm before afternoon digging n pond to he used this the popular little extravaganza of "U nnd I” PRICES 35 and 50 CENTS. think Clothing is sold so cheap at Rockland. winter fur skating purposes. They worked in Farwell Hall Thursday nnd Friday even­ Reserved Beata now on sale at Spear Sc May’s. the Boston Clothing Stoke. ings, were in Augusta the evening the II. SI. Several small boys were playing polo on the knee deep In the mud and water. Boys will The merry gentleman whose coun­ B.’s walloped tlie Granite Citys, nnd tlie Au­ High school grounds Sunday. Where were linvc amusement if they arc obliged to work tenance we exhibit above, having for it. gusta Journal has tlie following to say of the their pn rictus? heard of our immense stock and low Some festive burglar entered the Lindsey compnny and play; VESSEL AT AUCTION. A loaded limceask team passing along Mnln Every point scored was quickly caught up fiiiCES, hits been to see i t s , and it street yesterday carried away O. L. Atherton’s lions# by the backdoor Sunday night nnd and tlie laughter was almost Incpsscut. Not a CHRISTMAS:.-.:GIFTS! makes him pleasant. swinging sign. eloped with the money drawer nnd nhout $15 person stirred from their places Iwl'orh tlie final cash which It contained. The rifled drawer dropping of the curtain on the beautiful SNOW & PEARSONS’ WHARF. The new gas-light nt tho Brook, n needed was found on Jones wluirl. A valuable pipe tableaux presented by Mr. Phillips and his improvement of that dark locality, has been children. Of the performers, Mr. Phillips which it contained was thoughtfully left by the easily lends, and in Ills imitations of the The Auction Hale o f HUH. H A R R IE T C H A SE, planted in front of Fuller A Cobb's. thief. Know klew. famous actors of Ihe ilny maintains the asser­ will take place at Snow N Pearsons’ Wharf, on Capl. A. F. Ames U grading down the hill to tion made in his bchnlI Hint lie Is the equal of THURSDAY. Dec. Bel, nt 3.30 o'clock, p m., Every lady who enjoys n good cup of coll'ec when the vessel will he sold to the higheat bidder. his kiln privilege north of Crockett block, lin y in this respect. Miss Jennie Dunn, by Is invited to call at Chas. T. Spear's store her pert, coquettish ways, graceful dancing where lie contemplates building a kiln next E dmund Rile’ O v e r c o a t s tomorrow (Wednesday) nlternoon nntl evening and sweetness of her voice, made a very fav­ C. E. T t’PPER, Auetlonee spring. and receive, free of charge, a clip of that bever­ orable impression on the audience. Miss The beautiful weather of last Sunday was Maud Dixon, in the part of the diidonc, was age, made as delicious ns it is possible to make quite charming, and possessed a cultivated Lime ltock National Hunk. improved by those who enjoy walking, think­ cotfec by the best methods. Mr. Spear hopes voice. Of the remaining members of the Th • Annual Meeting o f the stockholders of the ing perhaps it was the Inst pleasant chance for the ladles will call in large numbers and ns- company. Mr. Williams as the Irish police­ Lime Roek National Bank will be held at their Ulsters Reefers some time to eotne. man made a great hit and caught the liovs with Banking Rooms in the city of Roekland, cn ccrtnin what he knows about codec making. his clog dancing. Mr. Armstrong as Itcuhcii TiHMday, Jjinnni y 1«, 1 8H0, at 2 o’clock, p. m ., The Camden & Roekland Water Co. now Cute was very acceptable and Mr. Cameron ns for the choice of a hoard of directors for the endu­ Are in great demand now, and we Captain Otis Ingraham of steamer Cam­ ing year, and for Ihe traaaetion of meh other hufi- occupies its new and handsome otllec on Lime- bridge slipped and fell while ascending the tlie dude mid Mr. Matthews as tlie colored news as may legally eome before them. are fully prepared to show one porter in liiclr respective clmractcrs proved a rock street. Fred S. Sweetland toted the big gang-flank as the lioat lay at her wharf in Per order. of tiie most complete and de­ great addition to tlie company. G. W . Behiiy, Cawhbr. safe to its new berth Friday. Boston, Tuesday night. He struck on his Tlie play for which reserved sent tickets Rockland, D ec. 1, 1885. hi sirable stocks in tlie eitv of Roekland. head and shoulders receiving a very severe Our builders und joiners say that their busi­ have sold so readily is "Better than Gold.’ I A Scents postage, and we will As we have no old goods to show, ness the past season bus been better than for- jarring, lie Is now at his home in this city Tho play will be presented in Farwell Hall A It In I mttl1 •vou ,H,K a royal, valuable, recuperating. Purser W. F. Eaton of the £1 £ sample box of goods that will put all of our slock being new, and our cightyears past, nnd that tho coming season this Tuesday evening to a crowded house. you in the way of making more promises to be equally as busy. Cambridge, who was also on the gang-plank, There arc many reasons why you should at­ money nt. once, lean anything else in America. Styles for Boys, Children and Young fell at the same time, being somewhat bruised Both Hexes of all ages can live at home und work in Men being exclusively the best de­ Big piles of boxes in front of stoic doors tend, dear triend. The play is one of the best. spare time, or all the time. Capital not required. himself. The plank was covered with snow THE) VENERABLE signs, they will be found extra desir­ proclaim the advent of Christinas goods, our Tlie actors nre among the best. All the acces­ We will start you. Immense pay sure for those and very slippery. who start at once. Htinhdn & Co., Poitland, Maine merchants, ns usual, putting in a large stock. sories of appropriate scenery and costumes will able and attractive. The new otliees of the Camden A Rockland strengthen the presentation. What more do 8ENI) TEN C l< NTS and S a n t a ; jU i * a u s Chiistmns comes on the 25th this year. Two- Cent Stamp, ami re­ There are no more perfectly Jitliny Water Co. on Litncroek street have been nieo ly you want. A good play, fine actors, pretty ceive a package of Jtili- David Rowell has in his possession two pota­ LADIES finished by the owner, John T. Berry. The stage setting and attractive costumes. We'd bon Item n ants for Has again favo<5d us with bis Generous Annual O V E R C O A TS nhown in New Eng­ toes weighing respectively 4 3-4 and 5 pounds, C ra zy W o r k , E m b r o id e r y , & c ., Jfce. 4649 Distribution, and as be i* always as front otllee, about 25 feet square, Is divided by sec you there this evening. Middlesex ItciiniHtit Co., Somerville, Mass good as bis word the public will land to-day than our new Fall and which were raised in Watsonville, Cal., and llnd it verified by calling at brought cast Ity Jumcs Linscott, Mr. Rowell’s a handsome cherry counter, topped by a The Hut) Comedy Company hi tlie very Winter Styles. son-in-law. bronzed iron railing. Here people who come funny musical comedy entitled "U nnd I" have E. L. ESTABR0OK,M. D. in to pay their water-rates will he entertained. won the adm iration of all who have seen L i’ ’ Wo have an Immense Stock of Our next foreign letter will be still further The inner portion is neatly ceiled in whitetvood them. The piece is one of those funny pro­ Physician and Surgeon. S M I T H ’S dcserlptivc of sights in Amsterdam, and tell and fitted with convenient drawers and lockers. ductions of (lie same style ns tlie "Jollities,” Ulmor Building, Cor. Main and Sea St«. those Goods. how the two Roeklaml voyageurs celebrated A big nickel indicator on the wall shows the “Bunch of Keys," "Tin Soldier" etc., that tfir Night calls answeri tl from residence, No 4 School St., opposite Post Ofllce. the Fourth of July in the quiet Dutch town of pressure of water on tlie pipes. Next this have been making such a hit. It is perfectly Music & Variety Store. Arnhcim. olliec is n prettily carpeted directors' room. In pure in tone and is given by a very line com­ Some of the enterprising Odd Fellows are tlie rear is a lurge work-room, light and airy pany. They arc to appear at Farwell Hall, A. J. ERSKINE Call and examine our talking up a public installation nnd levee for and fitted with all necessary tools. The ollieos Thursday and Friday of this week and should Fire, Life and Accident Jnnuury, having In view a new Odd Fellow are heated by a furnace nnd provided with lie seen by all lovers of fun. Tlie following INSURANCE AGENCY, CIIK liKKIMi Jc SOX'S ITIUUIIT, block some years hence. Tho Idea Is a good lavatory, etc,, and altogether it is a pretty and extracts are from notices given by the various 238 Main Street, - Itocklniid, Me. “ IIAKIWAN” I I'lUGIIT, U IT S i one nnd feasible. convenient plnee of business. Call up and Boston papers : “ In some respects Mr. Phillips (Room formerly oceupiedjhy Cobb Limo Co.) KMKIISOX VPKKUIT, The perennial artielo on the shipment of Boss Crocker will give you a drink.’ Is superior to Dixie.” “ U nnd I” wus espec­ Losses adjusted and paid at this ofllce. Agent Christmas trees to Boston and New York is ially designed to make folks laugh." "The for tho well-known Travelers’ Aeeideut Insurance BOUIIXE A; SOX'S For Fall and Winter, nnd sec how Company of Hartford. Iy3* going the rounds. Rockland’s shippers, Piper * Of tho new water. singing is excellent.” "Mr. Phillips' imita­ anil VOSE SOX'S SQUARE our prices look for Lowness. and Barrett, nre brought into notoriety in the T he Gun.—Tho season for birds ended tions of Irving and John T. Raymond lire PIANO FORTES. WE KNOW article under the name of Parkman and Bas­ yesterday.... Wilson Merrill and Parks liukcr almost perfect.” “Every musical number was R. II. BURNHAM, ------DEALER IN------Second Hand Piano Fortes $125, puR pjyppp w il l P l e a s e , sett. bagged six partridges Satarday....E. li. enthusiastically encored. “The imitations of $100, $86, $50 aiid $83. The Uanidcn Herald thinks that the best wav Ingraham and Allic .McDonald are at New­ Irving and John T. Raymond, by Mr. Phillips, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, were very clever.” * “U and 1" was evidently AIASOX A. IIA.MI.IX OHGAXS $110, Anti the PRICES prove equally as for the Roekland and Camden Indies to sejtle castle gunning, tho guests of Ed Boston.... School Books, Toys, etc. $100, $00, ami $S5. attractive as the styles. the mooted question of a location for Ihe pro­ Albert Tower shot two foxes ou Bear Iliil, designed to create fun, and in this endeavor Aim, Hfirnl.i liiit, C IK C U I.A T IN G L I lillA lC V containing all the Latest Novels. posed Uhl Ladies' Home would ho to build such Saturday. They are quite plenty....11. E. the author has evidently succeeded.’ "The XEW EX0LAX1I ORGAXS $110, $100, NO. 258 MAIN STREET. $00, $so ami $75. a home in cueh place, to he kept independent Burkuutr took somo of the hoys out hunting singing by the female nnd male quartettes is of each other. Friday, Horace captured a rabbit and part­ excellent.” Tickets ore now on sule. Smith AiiH’i'icati. Tavloi* A Faslcv's ami ------Knox & Lincoln Railroad Company. Oyer A IIiikcIis Organs, Considerable more lime has been manu­ ridge....D. C. Smith and Purks linker wound up the season yesterday witli a little shooting ABOUT ROOFING. ANNUAL MEETING. ir, irrant 0111 Instrumcn's, make easy If you’ve Boys to Clothe factured in this city the past year than the term s o f payment ami guarantee sat infant Ion. We trip. The birds can now rest until next Sep­ The Annual Meeting of the Ktookholders of the year just preceding. Notwithstanding this assure the public that we have the best stock and I,. II. I.ihhy A Co., practical roofers, with K n ox & Lincoln Railroad Company will he held at variety of Instruments to select from, that can he ItltlND THEM TO US. tember....Ernest Davis and F. W. Fuller Farwell Hall, Kocklan I, on tin- second day o f D e­ Increase in manufacture 18,000 casks less have the Bee llivc Brand, Felt and Composition found in the State. been shipped over the Knox A Lincoln Ilian went out with the dog and gun Thanksgiving Roofing, urc giving thu best of satisfaction. cember next, at 11 o ’clock A. M., for the follow ing Day, and the latter shot his first rabbit.... purposes, to wit : We have an excellent variety of tho proceeding year, and for that year there They have secured the services of ('apt. Joseph 1st. To hear and act upon the repotts of the Di­ Clough of lfeltast, an experienced roofer, and Violins, Banloi, Flutes, Clariom ts, Cornets, Fifes, Olio of our young inen saw a fox near tho rectors and (Hlleers of the Company. Drums, Aceoi'tlions, fcc., Piano Htools, Covers, was a fulling oil' of 14,000. A word to the 2d. To choose a Board of Directors. bouse of F. J. Davis, Chiekawattkic Pond, guarantee tlie best of work. Olliec 328,Mulu St. Brigg's Adjustable Piano ('hair, Mu-ic Fo­ Besides all these we always have a Bath wise men ought to be sulllelcnt. 3d. To see what action, if any, the Stockholders Sunday, and chased tho beast up over the hill, will take in relation to an extension of the road to lios, Stuuds, Books and Sheet Music. large, fresh stock of Main street from Rankin block to A. J. a some point nearer the business center of the city of hut failed to get shutsit him. DR. H. P. FAIRFIELD Roeklaml. IN OU Bird’s store is so cut up with ruts und holes T he Ciit’iiciiES.—Rev. l-'r. Harrington nt 4th. 'Jo see what action if any, the Stockholders VARIETY DEPARTMENT;^ that traveling even in broad daylight is de­ will take in regard to the building of u new ferry Autograph, Photogruph and Scrap Album s, Christ*, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, St. David’s church, Sunday morning, de­ boat. mas und Birthday Cards, Fancy Box Station* cidedly unsafe. There is no railing on the livered a very eloquent sermon on the “ Com­ 5tb. To see wliat changes, if any, shall be made cry, Diaries, Writing Desks, Pocket ami Trunks, Bags, Rubber Goods, &c. eastern side of thu road, und it is strange that For tlie mind and body of all diseased persons, in the By-Laws of the Company. Family Bibles, Poems, Portcmonnaies, munion of Saints.” The discourse was a Per order of the Directors. Pocket Knives, Work Boxes, Vu- there has Itecn nu serious accident there. I*, very logical one, the Hue of argument being lias pcrmauciitlv located in Rockland. Otllee EDMUND WILSON, Chrk. ses, Moustucbe Cups, Toilet would he far better to expend $100 to tepuir over Smith A Ludwig’s market, at the Brook, Butb, Oct. 17, 18S5. 43 Mirrors, Brushes, Dolls, strengthened by apt and striking illustrations. opposite T i l l ; Ool iilEii-ti.vzErrE otllec. [V Never before in our history the road titan to puy $1000 to mend a broken und T oys in great In thu evening the usual vesper service was Dr. Fairfield is a progressive physician of variety. have we carried a fuller nnd fresher limb. held, Fr. Harrington devoting the hour to over thirty years constant medical practice. FOR SALE. Being endowed with interior vision, lie can A liret t-ltihh double-rui mer, two heated wliite-oak stock in till our lines than this Full. Wc wislt everybody who object to breathing catechetical instruction. The vesper choir locate any disease, determine its cause, und I’ung, ncurly nlew, will hc Hold iy a bargain. ALBERT SMSTH, It is full of bad air could dispose of tlieir troubles as easily has been reorganized and will continence at prescribe for its removal. Examinations, pre­ 43 B. A. E mery, OwI’h Head. D« c. 1, lbW. as we have done in T hu Coi-iukii-Gazetti; once upon a new vesper service under the di­ scriptions anil manipulations given to cadi in­ Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains'!! editorial room by means of thu window ven­ rection of II. M. Lord. All members of the dividual, as the ease may require. It is true FOR SALE. tilator which is made and sold by the Adams & there is something grand, beautiful and sub­ A choice lot o f Turnip H ami Beets for table use. society who sing are invited to join... ..Sun­ lime for man to learn, through the inciliiim tf Leave your onileru ut R. H all’s. Westlake Mfg. Co. of Boston. The ventilator day was the first Sabbath in Advent, anil clairvoyance, in relation to life, InalHi and 43 B. A. Emery. Is a neat device of black walnut that fits across mass will he held at St. David’s church every happiness, hero and hereafter, which is justly E. S. BOWLER, cluiincd to he of Divine origin. - THE OLG RELIABLE- the bottom o l Ihe window, bringing fresh air morning until Christmas.... Prof. 11. I.. FOR SA LE. into the room, but subjecting nolatdy to a draft. ---.♦»------A story and half House witli ell ami barn and a | Chapman of Bowdoiu College preached at the "Oft expectation fails, ami most oft there mall orcliard, tlie homestead of the late Geo. K. TAXIDERMIST, They are for use in ull sorts of places, ami ate i Congregational church S u n d ay .... At a meet- where most it promises."—All's 115/1 That lovey —Il is pleasantly located on Maiu Street, in Village. For piirlleiilars apply to warranted to supply pure sir to school-rooms, I lag held Tuesday evening the Cougreguliomil Ends 115'//, 3749 J . M. Htldley, Warren, Me. 124 Main S treet, - BANGOR, ME. ehurehes, halls, bed-rooms, etc,—indeed wc society extended a cull to I). Collin Wells of Tlie most promising business enterprises might add that we have tried them for ven­ often fail, and the most attractive Investments , Andover to heeomo its pastor, no specified result in loss. A policy in tlie Union Muti ai. HOUSE LOTS FOR SALE, ST. tilating bed-chambers witli excellent results. j time being slated. Mr. Wells now lias the Lieu, however, is beyond Hie reach of panics, O N S I .E E l’E U ’S H I L L , O rders by Mail or Express will re­ We think the Invention a splendid thing or we business depression, fires, nr floods. It if safe matter under consideration. Rev. S. L. llnits- The large and dcsiruble House LoU on Sleeper’s I ceive prompt attention. 2S6 MAIN ST., ROCKLANf,’^ wouldn’t he writing this in its praise. If any­ beyond question, und will not fall to perforin Hill, on North Maiu Street and Oroudwuy, known eom of Thomaston will preach there next Sun­ ull it promises. body is Interested wc should he pleased to show uh the Amesbury Lot, urc ottered for sule on excel­ day morning, und Rev. Mr. Wells the follow- James Siukinson, Manager, Portland; IL J. lent terms, liest loc'itlou lor renideneeu in the | CASH 1’AII) FOR OWLS him the ventilator In operation at this olliec. I iilg Sabbath. Cole, District Agent, Rockland. city. 44tf L. VV. BENNER, Agent 461 C. P. WOOD a. CO., Pre” '"""


GEORGE PECK S ADVICE. Down on the Jericho Road. BABYLAND. THE HOME COMPANY. Catarrh Cured YOUR LIVER Some Sound Sense For the Benefit of n. J. Iturdrtlr. Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease, with a Roller Skating Girl. So tot, hare get yourself into trouble, Accretes (he Idle and I’ one of the most Important distressing nnd offensive symptoms. Hood’s rerk'K sun. my son? Gonen little wrong have you? Ulnae now thine eyelid* In alnmber no sweet; UNION MUTUAL organ* of the human system. .Tiund ce, In­ Out tn yon tree* the night-bird* are ealling, Sarsaparilla gives ready«rettef anil speedy dignation, Dyspepsia, Fowl Stomach, Vari­ The Sup i. in receipt of n letter from Yp’; wp"- 7™ knOW'.!l”*t Cooing and calling ere the evening’* retreat. . care, from the fart It arts through the blood, you have gone clear wrong, because there and tints reaches every part of the system. able Appetite, Sallow Coinpletion, a voting lady living in quite a large in­ Mother I* rocking her hahy to slumber, Constipation and nil the Ills tint terior city, asking for advice tltnt is sup­ it only one kind of right and one kind of Singing a lullaby sweetly nnd low; “ I suffered with catarrh fifteen years. Took Life Insurance Company, The moment* of twilight beginning to number— accompany them, are Indica­ w ro n g ; there is no n iugw u m pe ry in flood's Sarsaparilla and I am not troubled any posed to be on t.-tp in Ibis office. Site Hu*h, thee, my baby, to bnbylnnd go. tions of Liver Complaint. moral’, my hoy. And you've had such with 'catarrh, and my general health Is mueh OF M A IN E . says: "I ant eighteen years old, fairly well educated, and the only child of a a hard time getting hark that it’s made Dream thee of hahyland, O fair one sleeping, better.” I. W. I.n.i.is, Postal Clerk Chicago yon a little hitter and cynical nnd you Can*t thou not see In that far-nwnv land & St. fxiuis Itailroad. «*i had a severe case o f Liver Comp aint with w idow . I have for tile past tn o years Face* of loved one* thy watch now are keeping, O rganized In t » l * . th in k all the w orld is rather hard and habitual constipation; my nppeltte would be good indulged in toller slotting considerable, Vlalon* of glory and wonder* *o grand? “ I suffered with catarrh n or R years; tried selfish and pitiless, nnd especially severe one day and poor the next, my eyes showed evi­ for ainnseinent, and have become, ttn- many wonderful cares, inhalers, etc., spend­ on you. I don't think I ever did feel Sleep thee, my baby, and dream of the story Has linil thirty five years' • zpeHiiii-c. dence of Jaundice, and I had a tired, uncomforta­ eott’eionsly, :i first-class skater, and Of heaven nnd angel*—the homo of the blest; ing nearly one hundred dollars without benefit. ble feding; I bought one bottle of Brown’s Sar­ quite a local attraction. 1 litv e been that way, und I know more about it than Around o’er thy couch is a halo of glory, I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla, and was greatly JTS KKt'Oltll IS For God nnd his legion* are guarding thy rest. saparilla. It regulated my liver and bow els so offered a salary of a bundled dollars a yon do. I ’ v« been fu rth e r down on the Improved.” M. A. AnnF.v, Worcester, Mass. that their action i« as good as ever. My general month to travel and give exhibitions at Jericho road than you. Went down flood's Sarsaparilla Is characterized by Death hisses paid. • • $7,S»2.5I1 71 health is now good. I owe it all to tho use of country rinks, and I do not, know what there to let my beard grow. Great town HOW PEOPLE BUILD HOUSES. three peculiarities : 1st, the romblnnflon of Brown’s Sarsaparilla. for toots front way back. It's a had remedial agents; 2d, the proportion,-3d, Hie Endowments paid, • • 3,1 10.251 !»(> to do about accepting it. It is not to H o n . B. It. T h o m a s , my taste to exhibit myself, and my dear country. Never heard of hot one good process of securing tlio active medicinal 5,592.112 si Burdette hi Brooklyn Eagle. .Surrendered polieles, - Treas. Penobscot. Co., Bangor, Ale.” m other does not want me to accept. She woman iu Jericho, nnd site didn’t move qualities. The result Is a medicine of anusual in good society. But, my son, it isn't I used to know a man, speaking of strength, effecting cares hitherto unknown. D iv id e n d s,...... l,2«S,(l«2 71 says she bad rattie r w ork her bands oil' guns, who had n “ study” in his boose. “Father?’’ said a young man, working in Sar­ for me. She does not need to do that, society's fault that you got into trouble. Send for hook containing additional evidence. P A Y M E N T to You knew wtiat the Jericho road was I often heard him speak of it, in a nat­ “ Hood's Sarsaparilla tones tip my system, r o T 11. gent’s mill, 1q Brewer, Me.," “arc you going to however, because I ettn earn nearly half nf nearly ural, easy way ns a m inister or professor purifies lay blood, sharpens my appetite, and Bangor to-night?” “Yes, my son, why?” “ I want before you went down that way. You as nn,clt teaching school here. I sing in would speak. He was not a minister or seems to make me over.” ,f. P. Thompson, you to get me a bottle of Brown’s Sarsaparilla. . the choir, belong Io the church, and am knew there was a curse on the town. .Register of Heeds, Lowell, Mass. am most out and don’t want to bo wi hout it.” Tho You were safe enough in Jerusalem; a professor. He owned a line of drays “ Hood's Sarsaparilla beats all others, and considered quite gooil looking, and while and did nearly all the trucking in tin1 father, who keeps tho boarding house at tho mill, why didn’t you stay there? Don't feel Is worth Its w e ig h t In g o ld .” I. IlAltRlNOTON, 'IX IIPNIHtEII TIim s tNII 11(11.1.A Its, I know I would make as good an ap­ tow n. He was a school d irector for one 130 Bank Street, New York City. piiid policyholder* fo says his son was all run down, had no appetite, pearance on skates as many of tho girls b itte rly towards n il the w orld heenttse com pany’* existence. term. I felt a little curiosity to sen his w’orktd almut or.c-hnif tho time, and was always who travel giving exhibitions, it makes you fell among thieves and got cleaned H o o d ’s S a r sa p a r illa tired Can now (thanks to Brown’s Sarsaparilla) study, and one evening I dropped in to my heart jump up to my throat when out. It is n kind, good-natured, for­ Sold by nil drnpplsts. $1; six for $5. Made TS I’RKHKNT ASSETS t work every day, has good appetite, color hat see him. His wife said ho was in Ills OOI (17. while Its liabilitie o.ily ®ft,- I think ol going away, and mother anti giving old world if you give it a chance only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. I9 2 8 ,ft 7(1 ft<> como into his face. Ho is suro that Brown’s to lie forgiving. True, it doesn’t always study, hut she would call him. He re­ Sarsaparilla is wonderful in cases of general de­ m yself have decided to ask yo u r advice ceived mo and said. '‘Come into the IOO Doses One Dollar. T HAS THEKI rOKE A SURPLUS OF in the matter, and abide hy your decis­ look that way to a fellow in trouble, be 9MOO.OOO 0 0 aeeordloif to the Mn**neliu- bility. cause then the fellow in trouble is apt to study, and we can light our cigars.” Its M ititlar.l, ami of •7 2 ft.8 (> () OO Hy the New ion. If yon say accept, I accept. If I went. Tho study was a small dark [ yon any stay at home, 1 stay.” look at the wrong people. You found M il E. Conn, one of tho most prominent mer­ room under the staircase. It had one C a t a r r H ely’s Well, little girl, you have brought on the Jericho road say six or eight rpiIE UNION MUTUAL agnizing It’ inn- chants of Bangor, has suffered from liver troubles thieves— that is, h a lf a dozen profession­ half w indow , nnd m ust have been dark - - a r r p , cReAm balm I nudity, is the nio-t llhoralI eonipany in it* for two years. Mr. Cobb has consulted good phy­ your questions to the light place, and about fen hours of the day time. There Clennsestho Head. dealing* with its policyholders. w ill get an opinion as honest as a hun­ als and tw o amateurs who passed by on sicians, taken various remedies, but got little or ihe other side—and only one good were two or three chairs in it, a long dred dollar lawyer would give you. Allay* Iolliinuna- TS POLICY CONTRACT Is no ussistiinco until ho began tho use, of Brown’s Samaritan, nnd naturally it si ems to yon box covered with chintz that was aw­ Iniie io nil i(* ierins, and no Skating lor pleasure is a harmless tlon. Heal* Sore*. Sarsaparilla. He says it Is the best thing for Liver licit the leaven of good is utterly lost in fu lly suggestive of abandoned shoes, Ione option. Complaint that ever camo to his notice, uml freoly amusement, as far as we know , if it is tliat great mass of rascality and hypo­ and a scroll saw. That was all. I Itc*t.ore* tlieScnno TS POLICIES ARE recommends it. Io his friends. not overdone. Togo to a rink and skate crisy; hut bless you, my son. in the asked iiim if lie sawed and lie said no. Of Taste, Hvnrlng IWONTE an hour or two is good exercise, and He had this study put in, lie said, when AfterJ three years for any ept fra great, honest, living world, in the world A fim ell. A q u ick “ I was all out of fix this Spring,” said Mu. L. harmless. But when the skater gels he was actively interested in popular (lie fever, anti wants to skate in tlie fore­ that is trying to do right and trving to Relief. A~Po«ltlve O. O a k s , merchant at Garland, Me. “ I read som e education. Tho thought that a school I DISCO UN I’, hnniedhmdy the proof noon. afternoon and evening, it is very lead men to butter tilings Ilian Jericho • complotc and *ati*la«!tory, and without walling 60, of tho testimonials, bought some of Brown’s Sai- director ever felt the slightest interest in Cure. had. When a man or woman gets rol­ excursions, in the only world Hint really ‘ 90, or any number of day*. sapnriiln, took one bottle, and a:n to-day better loves and cares for just such young fel editeational matters amused me very than I have been for years. I recommend Brown’s ler skating on the brain, it is had for a T ISSUES POLICIES on nil approved lows as you, 111 the leal world of men much, hut I did not say so. aZy - f t E v r U CIlEAIII BALM Sarsaparilla abovo all medicines I have as I know small brain, and people with largo plans, and its nnd women who deal witli the young I called not long ago on a friend in n** < F.Ki V C> K hag gaino,) nn pnv1nble I it I,» be good.’’ brains never get the fever. The pro­ tho c ity . lie is a w ealthy man. so I am reputation, displacing all other preparations. A DJUSTED PREMIUM PLAN and NON. fession of school teaching is one of the man, and all tlia more gently when His particle I* applied Inlo each nostril; no pain ; agree­ FORFEITURE INVESTMENT PLAN smarting wounds are deepest, that one proud to call Iiim my friend. I have able to use. Price 59c. hy mail or at druggist*, are special features of this company and liwued hy noblest in the world. A young woman A READER I—If you have any trouble with your good Samaritan outweighs a regiment of forgotten what I called on him for; to fiend fur circular*. KLY BROTIIERH, Druggists, none other. kidneys yon can find a certain relief for it by who is an accomplished teacher is not borrow money probably. The servant Owego, N. Y. 32 debarred from any position in society. these villains who lieat you and robbed HE ADVANTAGES of till* Company are us.ng you nnd paased you by on the road to said he was in tho library nnd would see A G E, E X P E R IE N C E . STR O N G FI NA N - Site is eligible to the position of mistress me there. Tito library was very hand­ TCIAL CONDI II ON, LA HUE SURPLUS, EQUIT of tlie White House. In fact, there is a Jaricho. Nevermind the priest and the ABLE and ATTRACTIVE PLAN’S, and conset- somely furnished. Chairs nnd a sofa little sehoolnia’ntn in there now. Il Levile, my son. They were going down vative management. to Jericho, too, yon remember; tliHt’s and a sewing machine nnd one tiling CoII <»’• acini to any Agency Ofllco for a circular E lizih e th Cleveland had been a cham ­ and another. There were no books nor o f the plana. pion roller skater, do you think her big the kind of priests thny were. And one closing word, my son. Unless you are any trumpery of that sort around. My bachelor brother would have taken her Iricnd said they littered a room up so JAMES SINKINSON, "Your money refunded if it docs not do all from a rink and put her in the While stronger and smarter than tlie thieves lel down Jericho way—and I guess limy be and his wife didn't like it, so he always MANA6ER FOR M»INr «EENCIES, - PORTLAND, ME. House? No. he would have married a read his papers in the (lining room. I iwn’a Sarsaparilla is sold by al’ Druggle-ta for school ma'am first. If you can teach you are not. very few men are—why, ; <1 bottles for KM*. ARA WARREN, Pro- blushed and felt tltnt I had exposed my ANODYNE DISTIL! T IIKAIMjL'AtiI'KilH: U school, ton have no business to travel von keep off that road. Yon stay in >r. Bangor, Me. rawness, for I was such an unsophisti­ around making a show of yourself in Jerusalem and you’ll have more money Dr. F. E. Hitchcock’s Office. and less headache. cated child of nature I always somehow THE NEW REMEDY. country hams, to he adm ired as n associated a lib ra ry w ith books. n O C K L A T V D . Recommended by the I Ugliest machine hy country rink patrons. Brain A family of my acquaintance has a Medical authority, including is not an absolute neecessity in a cham ­ Sam Jones and Other Preachers. H. J. COLE. District Agent. the London Lancet. room that is a profound mystery to mu. A Po s it iv e C’i;h e i on pion skater, to judge from those who It opens off the parlor nnd is furnished itave been exhibited so far. You could St. Louis Globe-Democrat. CATARRH in blue. They call it the music room. LINIMENTF O R I3STTEFLISr-A.IL. Asthma, Huy Fever. leave yo u r brain at home, and succeed That our preachers, as a rule, are Of all tlie people I know, that family U J ^ f . . COLD IN THE HEAD just as w e ll. Leave variety actresses wanting in simplicity of diction and knows tile least music and most cordial­ -A.KTZD Theso Tabloids are in the forn out of a job to become chant pion skaters, given to over laborious ways of putting ly hates w hat it does know . There EXTEFLI>T-A-IL. U S E . “f suppositories and are appled and travel on their shape, and become things, we are obliged to confess. The ___ fl J S' direct to the nasal pussages. isn’t a musical instrument in tlie house, The Most Wonderful Family Remedy Ever Known. Price WI per box, at Drug- cusses on wheels, w hile you stay home a rt of familiar, and yet forcible, speak­ and they once discharged a groom be­ wn. gists or by Mall. ing is a hard one to lenrn and sustain; o y CURES — Diphtheria, Croup, Asthma, Bron- ALLEN COCAINE MFG. CO., 1254 Broad- with your mother anti teach school, and cause he played tlie m outh organ. But ohitis. Neuralgia, Rhoumatism, Bleoding at th# sing in the choir. If you travel as a nnd somehow it seems to be more so iu Lungs, Hoarseness, Influenza, Hacking Cough, wav. Now York. .39 they are prouder of tlieir music room Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Cholera Morbus, Dys- The Best Newspaper in America, skatist you have got to have a manager, the p u lp it than anywhere else, when ontory. Chronic Diarrhoea, Kidney Troubles, than a ll the rest o f th e ir house. Spinal Diseases, Seiatiea, Lame Back, Lameness and by far the Most Readable. and nine chances in ten he w ill spend all there is where it should bo found at its And, then, I know one of the sweet­ nnd 8oroness in Body or Limbs. Circulars free. the money you earn, and convey the best. There is a constant tendency, ap­ I. S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. Agents wanted everywhere to earn est, most gracious women in the world, B e s t ”! idea that you are his wife, or worse. He parently, toward a variety of preaching money in distributing the Sun's Pre­ who always speaks of her ‘-drawing w ill teach you to east sheep’s eyes at that is not preaching so m uch ns lec­ room." I have been in it. It is not miums. young ,hides in the audiences, and they turing and far-fetched philosophizing; quite so lig h t us a case mate, b u t (lien it The most interesting and advanta­ will annoy you at tho rinks and at your and so, when a Sam Jones comes along, is wider than some Halls. Yon have to talking in fnmilinr language and urging geous offers ever made by any News­ hotel. You will he pleased, at first, to stand up in it, because ii you sit down know that you attract attention for your every-day facts w ith easy energy, people there is no room for your knees. PARSONT paper. beauty and style, but after you have llock to his tent and pay him those trib­ A friend not long ago took me out to No Subscriber ignored or neglected. heard some stranger inquiro who you utes of interest ami applause which see Itis new “ stables.” There was only PILLS Something for all. Kill pr.iu, aootho and stimulate tho tired are, and a man with a sporting look other and abler preachers do not gain. one o f it, hut he called it “ stables.” It MAKE NEW RICH BLOOD. U3?loo, and w onderfully utroncthon weak says w ith a sneer and a laugh, "O , she It is the difference between raising a was very complete. They was of brick, Positively oure Constipation, SICK-HEADACHE, Bountiful mid Substantial Premiums in x<3. AU tho valuable medicinal virtues of | Biliousness,------and J all •’ LIVER andmm BOW EL COM-wa.- is one of these tra ve lin g ro lle r skaters,” subject above a man’s head and thrust­ and laid grained chutes to every stall, PLAINT3. BLOOD POISON, nnd Skin Diseases BUndard Gold and othorW atckos,Valuable ; i I'c?.-, combined with Burgundy Pitch you will wisli you were home w itli your ing it directly into his face. In tho one (ONE PILL A DOSE). For Female Complaints :.l Can'-U-a TJ-lsam. Applied to Backache, | water, apparatus for hoisting hay, two these Pills have no equal. If all who read this will Books, tho Bost Family Sowing Macliino mother. Your hotel hill in a month, case, he yawns and goes to sleep; in the send their address on a postal they shall recoivo known to tho trade, and nn unequaled list i.’.tiea, Zhoumaticm, Crick, Stitches, Sido- great stalls for Lite coach horses and a FREE by mail advice for which they will always be ckc, K idney Afl’ccticnu, Sore Clieot cr any of I and your costumes, w ill cost more titan other, he straightens up and heat-9 every loose box for the pony and a saddle thankful. One box Pills by mall 25 ets. in stamps. of objoots of real utility and instruction. ... various pains and wcnkncuocono common, you earn. You may tty to he as c ir ­ word. horse. I asked where his horse was? I. S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. j.tant relief iu given. Cures Dyspepsia and cumspect as you would in the choir at j ------<♦»------Ratos, by Mail, Postpaid: v l ? trov.blca v. ?.’.-*: ut internal dosing. Sold J Ho said it didn’t pay to keep horses, it home, and yet you w ill he looked upon A Uoo9c L iv e r Pile. DAILY, per Yoarl without Sunday) $6 00 7cryw?-cre, 23c. 5 f-r Cl. aiai'.cdforprlos. was more convenient and cheaper to UO ? - K7. CO., Prop’ru, Boston, Moss. as a professional, about on par with a W hat do you suppose was tho firs', hire them, and lie and his wife were so DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) 50 female elog dancer, and the more you ' MAKE HENS LAY. k in g that M cF latter did when ho sailed mortally afraid of horses anyhow tliey It is a well-known fact that most of tho Horsoand SUNDAY, per Year . . . I 00 y\VronderfuL Cattlo Powder sold in this country is worthless; FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 twist yourself around on skates, and m i l l on tlie morning after wc readied seldom drove. Still, he always wanted that Sheridan’s Condition Powder is absolutely show your build, the better you will pure and very valuable. NOTHING ON EARTH WEEKLY, per Year . . . I OO itrasshurg'f He had read in his guide a good stable, although ho never e x­ WILL MAKE HENS LAY LIKE SHERIDAN’S draw audiences. I f you are a success, CONDITION POWDER Doso, ono teaapoonful to Addrcaa, THE SE X , Now York l ily. STREitfGTHENER look that the town wus famous for “ pa’, pected to keep a horse. each pint of food. Sold everywhere, or cont by anil make skating a business, you will le foie gras.” Having not the remotes' mail for 25 cts. in stamps. Wo furnish it in 2>flb. cans, price, $1.00. By mail, $1.20. Six cans $5.00, get to like admiration, and become a dea what tliat wa«, but supposing that WHITE MAGIC. express paid. Very valuable Circulars Free. slangy traveler, a show, a circus. The t was tlie correct thing to buy it, oi 1. S. JO H N SO N St CO.. BOSTON. MASS. time will come when you will ho asked ook at it, he entered a book store and Below is given a full description of THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 tho atnttaing magic square, called BY MAIL POST-PAID. Newell's Vegetable Cough Syrup, to marry some men, but the man will niraiyzed tlie clerk hy asking for it. not he an educated man, ahusinees mail, ,Vhcn we took him aside ar.d explained “ Egyptian Zaifgeth:"— BURDOCK Blood Purifier and Liniment. or a statesman, hut he w ill he some man hat it was goose live r pie lie expressed H W W A W O II A B H The Subscriber, who has received great benefit that you have come in eontaet with in emorse, and said that if he hud known I O I S <) T 1) T T W BLOOD from the use of the ubove named medicines, after a your profession, a skater, or a bicycle W O A A A I E N I I xicklies* of two years, and after having his case t befoic nothing would have induced contortionist, or a show fellow, and if T S I) N T H I A A E "FITTERS! pronounced incurable hy seven different physluiaiis, lira to ask for it, for of ull uninteresting wishes to inform the public that he has consented you marry, you will never want to set­ ow l he deemed the goose tno most ua- O T T N T U W T 1) II to act in (he capacity of agent for these medicines during tho absence of Dr. fi. .1. Newell, who is tle down to a home life, and raise a jiterestingcst. As tho Undaunted und T I A E S F I. I N U Burdock Blood Bit t e r s KNOW THYSELF. making a tour of the Southern Sc Western States, family, and have a home, hut w ill feel uyself had partaken of tho gamy viuml E I, N J C A D T O C and who expects to he away several mouths. 'The the need o f the excitem ent o f travel and P urify ths Blood.______medicine* will he furnished at regular prices, ftOo dsewhere, and had gagged iu trying to K O II Y E O W Y P E A Great Medical Work on Manhood applause, and in a few years you w ill he KxhuuHted V itality, N ervous and Physical D ehil. and US I, or at wholesale rates to ull who eall on me {e tit down, we undertook the consump- E It W Ii I) I O 1 A E urdock lood it t e r s ily. Premature Decline In mun, Error* of Youth, or address 49 a worn-out professional, not wanted by .ion of no partially decayed goose live) LNSCTLGHEII B UKGETS B B and the untold iiiiwerie* io*uliing from indiMcrction* A.A. SKINNER, North W ashington, Me. rinks that can obtain fresh girls, and you n Strasshurg. On entering tlie plat, or exceaac*. A hook for every man, young, middle Divide a square of pasteboard into one Sound. Refreshing Sleep. aged and old. Il contain* 125 prc*criptinn* fur all will bate yourself, and wish you had a-c saw flocks of geese, a flock seldom hundred sum Her squnres, lettering them acute and chronic di*ea*c*, each one of which i* had one of your little feet cut off before lontaining more than twenty birds, as above. (It will save you trouble to invaluable. Ho found hv the author, w Iiohi* expe- Burdock Blood Bit t e r s rience for 23 yearn i* such an probably never before P U R E IT A L IA N B E E S you started out linking. Tlie advice of driven solemnly along the road hy sleepy cut the ahovo diagram and paste it to a FOR fell Io the lot o f any physiciuii. 300 pages, bound tho old man is tliat you read tliis to your o oking peasants. The unhappy goose card.) Thon ask some person to express That Tired. Weary Feeling. in beautiful French iiiindln, embossed covers, full good mother, throw your arms around —or perhaps they are happy are stuffed gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every senst— secretly in writing a wish, to he answer­ mechanical, literary and professional—than any her neck and kiss her, and say, “ Little rom morning until night, and for a fort- ed by the Zairgeth. Let him select any Sick Headache. Other work sold in this country for $2.60, or the mother, that settles it. I will teach tight or so heforo being killed are shut C e n t s-—I have been subject to Sick nmney will he refunded in every Instance. Price letter on tho Ziirgeth. This yon write only $1.00 hy mail, postpaid. Illustrative sample school, and sometime marry u man in­ ip in coops, so tliat they cannot exercise, down, and, proceeding horizontally from Headache far years, and have tried, in 6 rents, fiend now. Gold medal awarded the stead of rinkstcr or a skate sharp, and ,nd are encouraged to eat until they arc left to right, as in reading, write down vain, many advertised remedies ami sev­ author hy the National Modicul Association, to the depend upon m y head instead o f m y u a fair wny to burst with fatness. On every fifth letter from that chosen, taking eral physicians, butall to no purpose. A t President of which, the Hon. P. A. ltissill, and last I tried your B. B. Bitters— without associate olllceis of the Board the reader Is respect­ Heels for a livelihood, and a position lie lust day they are given no water,and each line consecutively until the letter much faith, 1 admit—bat today 1 can fully referred. among women.” And tho mamma will vhen they are killed their livers are ex first selected is reached, which is not This hook should ho read by the young for in- say, “ God bless m y little g ir l,” and racted from reeking masses of fat. Tlie tru ly say, that after taking the third battle, Mlruc'ion, and hy pin* alllleted for relief. It w ill again to be used. Put a little mark over 1 have not suffered from it. 1 recommend benefit all.—Z.om/oa Lancet. everybody w ill he happy. l)o you entcli pose liver after this special gastroiiomi, tho first letter you use from the top line it to a ll tny friend--; several have been There is no member of society to whom this book our meaning? raining is to distended as to weigl will not he useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, T^e Controllable B ee-Hiv When all the letters have been written, cured hy it. My little grandson was per­ •bout two pounds—fully half tho wciglr instructor or clergymun.—Arf/onaMf. ---- AND----- C begin to form tho sentence from the jum ­ manently cured of Biliousness and Sick Addiesu tin* Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. »f the healthy human liver. It is kepi ble of letters by starting with tlie letter Headache, winch were so severe as to AV. II. Parker, No. 1 Bulflueh fit rent, Boston,Muss , NEW SYSTEM OF BEE-KEEPING. may he < It is said that there will be 23 per rent, inoro mtil it is u little ‘-high," or, in plan cause convulsions. They have all ceased vho may be consulted on all discuses requiring lumber cut on the Penobscot and Kennebee that has tho mark ubove it; write the skill mid exp. riei ( ’lironit* nl chstinate dis Every one who has a Farm or Garden can Ice English, until it has begun to rot, before since lie commenced the use «f B.U.B. Beeson my plan with p iio f it . I have received o waters the coming winter than last sciison. sentence and puss it to the wisher, who je ing worked in to Strasshurg pies. J MBS. B. C. B 0 D L E , ,phj Kindred dollars profit from the salo of B ox lion must at the same tim e pass you the ’rom o n e Hive of Bees in one year. Otis Kennedy of East Jefferson went to tlie :ould never understand the appetite foi paper containing his wish. For exam­ Grange, Luzerne County, Pa. i instunee of failure. THYSELF. woods Tuesday, Nov. lltli, Io cut wood, and decaying meat, nor do 1 see why it it C I K C U L A l t S F R E E i not returning as soon us expected, bis sun ple, suppose the wish expressed to he, lot us allowable to eat over ripe eggt .“ I would like to travel in foreign coun­ went to tlie woods and found iiim dead. Tlie m il uufragrant vegetables as it is to ea' MRS. LIZZIE E. COTTON, doeior’s verdict was probably paralysis of the tries,” and the letter selected from the PARKER’S neat th a t has began to return to its elo INVESTMENTS heart. Zairgeth is “ A ” (th ird le tter from the HAIR BALSAM West Gorham, Mail neat. An artist who lived for souic It is well known that the City of St. Paul, Miime- Write for Circular. loft on tho sixth lino.) You write down tlio popular favorite for dressing I be Gardiner Water Company celebrated tbe fears in l‘aiis tolls mu tliat a castoinei I ho liair. Restoring color when oota, is assured of a rapid growth from now on. Il tliat letter and every fifth letter from it, gray, ai.«l preventing Jiandrulf. Is to-dav ti e linanelal, commercial and railroad cen­ pie. Seud 10 cents pos- opening of its works l-'riduy in a very suc­ nice entered a restaurant where lie win It cleanses tlie Fculp, slops tho tre of tin* North w est. Inv< slm eiit’ made ii: real llflT D .null y .m />■..■, u royal, cessful manner, attracting large crowds of peo­ with this result: — hair fulling, and is suro to plouso. estate, improved or unimproved, will pay ple. Work was commenced on the works iu , dining and ordered venison. Wliea i' t' -' und «l she. at Dru^hti. largely, JIIjJjI valuable sample box of goods (hat will AINTI1Y W ISH W AITA N IIA 'IT Money can be louned on the best real .stale .fcurliy ‘**- '“ *’ j,nt you iu the way of making more June last, and pipes have been laid through was brought to the table I he eiistoiuci « in bt. money iu a few days than you ever thought nossib all the principal streets of tbe city and tbe lomplaiued tliat it was too Ircsh. where As the letter “ W ” is the first ono at any hu-iness. ’Capital not required. You ei adjoining town of Farmingdale. The water it tlie waiter retired to Ihe kitchen and taken from the top line, commence tbe Robinson & Rowell, I'MilU. live at home and work in spare time only, or all the supply comes from Cubbosseeoiilu stream, and ; time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly suc­ oroduced a haunch of venison witt sentence with it and it reads thus:— a pumping slulion und reservoir, with a capacity fur ( 11(11.Lit cessful. 69 een.s to $6 easily earned every evening. worms crawling about the recently cu' That all who w ant work may test the business we of two million gallons, have been erected ! “ WAIT ANI> ATTAIN THY WISH." ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ILL’S Cholera Morbus, make this unparalleled otter: To all who are not iilanit a mile from the city, on the shores of i Slid of it. The gourmet grunted hit A. K. Spear Block, foot of Park Street, Dysentery, well satisfied we will send $1 to pay fur the trouble the stream. Hydrants have been placed along iatisfuetion at this proof of untiqiiity aar Di. Austin Church, tho foamier of the linn of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., the line fur use iu ease of lire, and Friday ol Chureli & Co., eoniiaeaeed the manufacture ml all form s.-f P a in sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all attacked the meal on his plate w itli gus REMEDY thirteen large streams were thrown into the alt- ofSodaaad Saleratus (Aria & Hammer Brand) p. k i c k ROWELL, mi I iillum niu lio n . who start at once. Don’t de(uy. A ddress St in w o n lit one time from the hydrants on Waler street, i to.— Brooklyn Eanlr i'ortlaud, Maine. 69 fifty years ago. and first introduced it into thoiihanris <>f fum illcs 'luring the lu.si Co., D display. The citizens tendered making a line Grapes keep best in a temperature family use in this country. This experience Thirty Years, and is without an < qua! IHCthe UIIILLI.7utlieers llliuandud I/IIIIVIV.Pbuildeiilera VJIuf luvIbe weeksovj.no na veeiu- I z- it-. , , ' ' of als/ve complain l, lias enabled the firm uf Church ft Co. to pro­ L. S. Robinson’s Shoe Shop is over pliiaenlury banquet al the Johnson House, w ith in a few degrees o f 10; pack in duce the best article of the kind oifered for Repairing of all kinds neatly done H. N. Keen e’s Store, at the Brook. Friday uiglit, ut which speeches were rnude. ( layers, using paper between. sale. at L. S. Robinson’s. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1885. 5

/a m t, 6;trbtn: ant> /lotoer-brtt. Geraniums kept from bloom last sum­ Lighting the Fire by Clockwork. “ I Don't W ant Relief, But Cure,” RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS. mer, by removing the flower buds, will is the exclamation of thousands suflcrlng WRITTEN FOR THF, COURIER-GAZETTE BT now lx? foil of flowers. Over watering Coriolanus Hitches, of New York, is a from catarrh. To all siieli we sny Catarrh is injurious. For fine specimens, ns can lie cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh remedv. A rWACTK'AI. FARMER ANO FLORIST. boiler-m aker. His business is a lucrative It has been done in thousands of rases; whv KNOX AND LINCOLN RAILROAD. seen from tlie room, tu rn the plants one, ami for m any years lie has enjoyed notin yours? Your danger is in delay. En­ often; to be tbe finest ns seen from tbe Fall & Winter Time Table. Farm ano I.ivf, Stock. a sort of monopoly among Ihe boiler­ close a stamp to World's Dispensary Medical street, never turn them. makers in ihe vicinity of bis workshop. Association, Bnffiln, N. Y.. for pamphlet of Commencing Monday, Oct. 12,1885. Now for tho manure crop. Tree Planting.—For kinds of undoubt­ To a natural aptitude for inventing this disease. Narrow lands for wet ground, ed hardiness there are some advantages strange contrivances lie adds the advan­ An I mportant Arrest. PV l ’ ot fences and gates in order. and no great risks in fall planting, but tage of being a thorough and skillful The arrest o( a attsplrlona rharaetrr upon when it is as late as this it should be mechanic. He has often found it dis his general appearance, movements of com­ Dry leaves make good bedding. panionship, without waiting until lie has done quickie. Some kinds like larch, agreeable to get tip ami light bis fire on roblied n traveler, tired a house, or murdered a Tiens don't pay stingy feeders. birch and beech always do best for fall a cold w inter's m orning, nnd lie bag now fellow-man, Is mi important fit tic thin of a Freight Train le ' RorkHnd nt 5.20 A. m. Due A smooth coat marks a healthy animal. planting. W itli evergreens it is differ­ invented a machine which saves bint the alirewd detective. Even more important is ii Bath at ln.15 ,\ , Fr. iuht Train le i Bnth nt 12 w. Due In Roek- Keep only ns much stock n» you can ent; plant only in tlie spring or just trouble. This consists of an ordinary the arrest of a disease which, if lint cheeked, land no i after midsummer. After several bard melal clock, which can be wound up will blight mul destroy a human life. The T he 8.1.» trnin connects for nil points on th« winter well. frequent cough, loss of appetite. general Maine ( r Irosts have occurred tlie earlier that fall nd Ronton & Maine Rnilronds, duo Let neatness adorn all parts of the and set for any hour desired. If yon languor or debility, pallid skin, nnd bodily in Bouton V .-tern D ivision nt 4.45 nnd via planting can be done the better; if leaves want your fire lighted at livo o'clock you Eastern D ivi.lon at 5.n0p. m. The 1.15 e. M. train home surroundings before winter conies nclies and pains, announce tlie approach of remain strip them off. Stake securely set tbe band nt that hour and plaen it pulmonary consumption, which is promptly connect- vin Eastern Division nnd is due in Bos­ in. ton at 9.30 p m. in windy places after tbe planting. It before tlie grate. Promptly at five arrested and permanently cured hy Dr. Freight leaving Rockland in the morning Is due Fall plowing is done nt little more Pierce’s "Golden Medical Discovery." Sold in Boston next morning, mul Freight lenving Bos­ is a capital plan to draw a small mound o’clock a spring moves nnd a short metal by druggists. than one-half the cost of spring plowing. of earth up to the tree for tbe three-fold ton in the evening i- due in Roeklnnd next p. m. roil projecting from tlie back of the clock Weak lungs, spitting of bland, consumption The Inst trips of tlv sen-on of the finturdny night Charcoal does great value when add­ purpose of steadying it. shedding away drops down. To the end of this rod is nnd kindred affections, cured without physi­ • d Monday morning train will be made Oct. 10 ed to the rations of fattening animals, wetness, and preventing mice from gnaw­ uml 12. attached a match which mbs against a cian. Address for treatise, witli two stam p s. C. A . COOMBS, Hnpt. swine, poultry, nnd cattle especially. ing away the young, tender bark. piece of sand-paper nnd ignites a strip World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. X. For calves nnd yearling eows bran and of paper fastened to tlie clock nnd con­ oat meal are the best grain food. Tlie LITERARY WORSHIP. nected with the kindling in the grate. Long tils of sickness saved tty Dr. Setli Maine Central Railroad. Tim s the lire is started while von are Arnold's Pills. Sold everywhere. 25c. POWDER object w ith these anim als should he to Commencing Oct. 12, 1RSS. keep them thrifty, without forcing. still sleeping. But a second contrivance A rlo Bates tells in 77»c Providence 3AP8ENGER trains leave Bnth nt 7.15 a. m. Absolutely Pure. is added to the clock. When tlie (ire has nnd at 11.05 n. in., (after arrival o f train leaving There ought to be time now for cut­ Jou rn a l a story illustrating the extremes Rockland at 8.15 a. m.,) connecting at Brunswick TIiIr powder never varies. A mnrvel of purity, burned long enough to heat, the room a 1 H u m p h r e y s I ting brush. Cut. close to the ground, or to which the worship of literary great­ second spring moves ami a w ild alarm | for all points; and nt 1'ortl ind with trains arriving strength and wholosomeness. More economical just a little below the surface. Then the In Boston at 5.00 p. in. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in ness lias at times gono in Boston, w h at­ rings out on the stillness of your cham­ llarual of all Diseases, Afternoon train leaves Rath 4.10 p. m., (after ar­ competition with the multitude of low test, fllzTTT new shoots that w ill start up in the spring ever may he its present state. In tlie n jF . it n t 1*11 keys, m. n. rival of train leaving Rockland 1.15 p. m.,) con­ weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold or/uin ber uml makes sleep an im possibility. can be kept down with a scythe. latter part of Mr. Emerson’s life, when HICIILY HOUND IN necting nt Rrunawick for Lewiston, Augusta, pane. Royal baking Powdkr Co., 106 'W all Thus you are awakened at any hour de­ C’b O ’r i 1 a n d < 1O L D Portland and Boston, arriving in Boston nt 9.30 p.m. Street, N. Y. A little work and calculation sheuld bis mind had failed somewhat, his sired, to find your fire burning brightly Moiled Free. Through Trains for Knox ft Lincoln R. R., leave not he allowed to stand between you and daughter came into his library one Portland at 7.10 a. rn. and at 1.25 p. in., after arrival nnd the atmosphere of jour room of tbe CUHEB. Prick. oi trains from Boston. getting tlio stables fitted up for animal morning nnd found Iiim entertaining a ilumtttnt Ions... .2 <5 right temperature. •vcr, Worm Colic...... 25 F. E. ROOTHBY, I’AYSON TUCKER, comfort during the winter. A day’s stranger, a Boston woman. As Miss ______Teething of Infante. .2 5 . A g ’t. Gen’l Manager. work witli hammer, nails, strips, straw Ellen entered, the sage looked up with llinrrhen of Children< Oct. 5. 188, 43 lly iijiitc r y . Griping. T and so on w ill soon accom plish Bights an expression of hopeless bewilderment. Scott’s Emulsion of P u re. C h olera AforbiiM, Vomiting. C o iis Iih, C'olil, Bronchitis...... WINTER ARRANGEMENT! here. “ Ellen,” lie said, "I wish von'would at­ Cod Liver Oil, with Ilyphospliltes, S'enrnlcln, Toothncho. Fnccncho...... Pasture Lots—These need mnnuring tend to this la ly ; she wants soma o f m y Palatable ns Millt, and Horne hy Delicate Ilendnclien, Sick Ileadncho, Vertigo.. .2 5 as well as any other land from which clothes.” Trained by long experience Stomachs. Blue Rill & Ellsworth S. B. Co., crops are taken. Novem ber is tho best to the vagaries of the lion-bunting Dr. J. XV. Compton nf Evansville, Ind., HOMEOPATHIC ---- ron----- female. Miss Emerson was yet rather says - “I have presrrihed Scott’s Emulsion M. 5V. Harbor, U tile llror Isle, Sedg. month to apply top dressing here. The largely. 1 liiul it very palatable ami homo I)yHpepHln, Bilious Stomach...... taken nbaek by this somewhat startling SunprcBNcd or Painful Periodo.. 1 wick, Itrooklin. Hliichill, Surry manure should be old nnd line; if fresh well by delicate stomachs, even children take Will tea, too Profuse it will not have so good an effect, be­ announcement; lint, tlie visitor proceed­ It readily, and it is very useful ns a cough uml Kllswortli. ed to a voluble explanation that she was sides. this w ill render the grass distaste­ remedy." ___ umntic Pains...... »25 ONE TIilP A WEEK! ful to the animals when next turned out. making a “ draw-in" rug, “ a poet’s rug,” If von are tired taking the large old-fashioned Fever and Ague. Chills, Malaria...... AO On and after Saturday, Nov. 28tli, 1885. made of poets’ east-off clothing. Mr. griping pills, try Carter's Little I.iver Pills and Piles, Blind or Bleoding ...... • ST E A M E R PeaSTM W in te rin g bees.— I f they are to be (’ntnrrh, Influenza, < old in tlio Head. .AO Longfellow bad given Her nn old shirt, take some comfort. A man can't stand every­ the BEST THING KNOWN ™ given tile protection of the cellar, this and “ if Mr. Emerson bad a pair of thing. One pill a dose. month should see them in tlie quarters. HENRY MORRISON, w orn-out pants— ” W hether she got tho Kearney says the Chinese must go; hut, Nervous frcbllity...... • • — 1 .<><> O. A. CROCKETT, Master. WASHING^BLEACHINU They should be disturbed as little as Urinary WcnkiiPHS.Wotting Bed— .50 trousers report anyeth not, hut surely tiefore tliev go, we wisli to Inform them and I)Incases o f the H eart, Palpitation..l.OQ "\T7TLL LEAVE ROCKLAND on nrrival of possible in the moving. Oneo in place IV Stcnmer from * Boston, every SATURDAY IN HARD OR SOFT, HOT OR COLD WATER. such ingenuity or impertinence deserved everybody else tliat Adamsons's Botanic bal­ the cover should be taken o ff the liive sam continues to win the day ill earing coughs, for the above SAVES LABOR, TIME »uInss. with small gravel and grit, broken hone’, A receive free, a costly box of goods paid. nlllietion. The relief tliat is given by Hood's Grainer, Paper Hanger, , which will help you to more mon­ Sold by all Druggists. shells and the like. Propel ly fed, and ------Sarsaparilla lias caused thousands to lie thank­ AND DEALER IN ey right away than anything else kept in a warm, well lighted and well The Benefits of the Civil War. ful for tlie great medicine. It dispels the zorkl. All, of either sex, succeed from first ventilated house d u rin g the w inter, hens causes of dyspepsia, nnd tones lip the digest­ I’he broad road to fortune opens before the ive organs. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla. s, absolutely sure. At once address Truk w ill not fail to lay well. PAINTS, OILS, DRYERS, & Co., Augusta, Maine. 50 From General Grant's account of 1I10 How is you Is your back ? If it aches put oil Orchard and Garden. Chattanooga campaign, which is pub­ a Hop Plaster. For Crick, .Stitches, Kheiinia- Varnishes, Glass, etc. W . K. SHEERER^ lished in the November Centura and is tisia, I’nias ill the Side or Hip, Chest aed Lung A G E N T FOR Burn the old rubbish. dlfileultics or soreness in any part nothing From Dyspepsia, Constipation, Dis-/ A good time to cut grafts. accompanied by explanatory maps, we equals this porous plaster for curing pain mid MATERIALS=FOR=ARTISTS take the following: "There was no time strengthening. Fresh Hops, Burgundy Pitch ordered Liver, or an impure condi-X The more fruit the better health. A Great Specialty. Boston Marias Insnrance Comp’y, kt ion of the Blood, do not take worth­ during the rebellion when I did not and Balsams combined. 25c. druggists. TENANTS HARBOR ME. 17 Trim old wood from blackberries. think, and often say, tliat tlie south was 223 MAIN ST., - - ROCKLAND. less compounds of poor drugs and/ lion. W111. A. Cromwell, General Passenger Asparagus forces w e ll for w in te r use. more to be benefited by defeat than tile Agent Lake Shore it M. S. it. II. says lie finds Pricca Low. Satisfaction Guaranteed. NOTICE. ' hegbs, but use that well-known fam-l Brown’s Sarsaparilla a famous corrective for all rp tll E Joint Standing Committee on Accounts and Ventilate the fruit cellars in mild north. Tlie latter had the poople, the ily remedy, the true “ L. F.” At-V institutions nnd the territory to make a troubles arising from the wearing life of rail­ 3 Claims of the City of Buckland, will be in ses. weather. road men. He especially recommends Brown’s o. G. M OFFITT, sion at the City Treasurer’s office, on tlie F K I I wood's Bitters, prepared from only ! great and prosperous nation. The for­ Sarsaparilla for Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Ac. DAY livening preceding the second Monday of T w enty acres havo been set to figs by Fire and Life Insurance. each mouth, for the purpose of examining claims | the purest A 'id fc '■ ’land best/ mer was burdened with an institution Brown’s Sarsaparilla will invigorate and stimu­ one man in Baker county. Florida. fg - Losses udiusti'd ut this oMce, 12 against the city. All hills must he approved by * materials JRAi JC/that cant abhorrent to all civilized people not late the kidneys and liver during Ihe cold sea­ the party contracting them, ami should be present­ By digging over ground Ibis fall many brought up under it, and one which de­ son of the year. For sale hy all druggists. 278 Union Block. Rockland,:Me. ed at said time and place, or left with tlie com­ be obtained. The success of this I mittee previous to tbe date above mentioned. weeds w ill bo put back. graded labor, kept it in ignorance and Purge out the lurking distemper that under­ Medicine is almost universal. * * *( E. IL COCHRAN. A. W. BEWALL A. D. BIRD, Manure now on rhubarb will tell on enervated tlio governing class. With mines health, mid constitutional vigor will re­ E. D. ORAVK8, A cheap and worthless imitation! turn. Those who suffer from an enfeebled and W . L. BLAC K IN G TO N . earlincss, quality and size next spring. the outside world at war witli this in­ Cochran & Sewall’s Committer on Accounts and Claimt. stitution they could not have extended disordered state of tho system, should take lo f the L.F. Atwood's Bitters is in the I AVer’s Sarsaparilla to eleanso the blood mid Cabbage.—A fte r g ro w tli has ceased their territory. The labor of the coun­ FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, ’ market; therefore be sure you buy the/ because of uold, pull and store, placing restore vitality. T uition l true article bearing the red registered! try was not skilled, nor allowed to be­ - A |J D - weeks it heads down, close together in a dry Prompt relief in sick headache, dizziness, for six days and I ■« Itrade mark “ L. F." on label and I come so. The whites could not toil livo ovonings III at spot in the garden, and covering over nausea, constipation, pain iu tlie side, etc,, Accident Insurance Agency. $20 bottle. y—, without becoming deernded, and those guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver w ith straw or leaves as high as the roots, who did were denominated 'poor white Pills. One pill a dose. 25 cents. CAPITAL KEl’KESENTKD OVER nnd on this smne soil, sheltering all with trash.’ Tlio system of labor would linvo ortlandnusinessAortland boards, it will keep until March. A There is no remedy top of the earth that NINETY MILLION DOLLARS. the klad soon exhausted the soil and left tlio possesses so much real absolute merit us John­ Losses Adjusted and Paid at this Ofllco. In (he Slate. Thorougli In- I _ struelion in UPFERING sm all stock for use d u rin g w in te r may people poor. Tho non-slaveholders son’s Anodyne Liniment. It is both for inter­ easily bo kept iu a barrel or box that is nal and external use and is worth more in a 240 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND. om’l Law would have left the country und the branebru of set on end in a d ry place, nnd which is small slaveholder must have sold out to family than a seventh sou, banked up aronnd it to its top w itli earth his more fortunate neighbors. Soon the One single box of Parsons’ Purgative Pills I A. M. AUSTIN, A COMPLETEeoimsliip, BUSINESS ook-kceping U EDUCATION. Read This Carefully. and covered with a close-fitting, double taken one a night will make more new rich PFor further iuforumtion, address, slaves would have outnumbered the O . , nMrJ MnAlmniAnl blood, and will more elleetually purify the L. A. GUAY, A.M., Portland, Maine. The following letter from a well-known wewtern cover of boards. masters, and, not being in sympathy dlRgeiM 31111 l¥l6Cll3lllC3l UBIltlSt, lady explains itself and la worthy of careful read- Packing in Barrels.—Apples may, blood in tlie system tliau <$'10 worth of any oai m a im o t amh m c lo g , with them, would have risen in their other remedy known at the present time. | M “I wish to say to the sick anti those that are fee­ witli advantage, lie pressed in packing might and exterminated them. The war ble and weak from any cause whatever, that in all very ather qaturdax even to start a bruise on tbe outside, but wns expensive to tlie south as to the All cases of weak or lame baek, backache, T. 1<. TIBBETTS tho vocabulary of medicines they will find the pears not. For pears the barrels must rheumatism, Ac., will (ind relief by wearing O E N T 11ST. PRICE M S2.8O O PER YEAR. most virtue and the greatest benefit from Parker’s north, both in blood and treasure; but one of Carter’s Smart Weed and Belladonna E Tonic. I have been an invalid for live or six years be lined with straw paper to prevent it was worth nil it cost.” Baekuehaehe Plasters. Price 25 cents. past, and given up to die by the most skilllul physi­ wood stains; choice pears should not go A First-Olasa Family Literary Periodical. cians of Kansas and Colorado, but Parker’s Tonic lets kept me alive, and raised me up alter every­ into barrels but into boxes bolding a A W alking Skeleton. Know T hyself, by reading the “ Science ot 371.. 3 3 . JVLUjJL.ETL, thing else failed. I have organic heart disease, bushel or less, and if each specimen is Life,” tlie best medical work ever published, YOUNG MEN and YOUNG WOMEN can easily combined with spinul und great nervous debility, .Mr. E. Springer, of .Meeliaaieslairg, Pa., for young and middle aged men. replenish their Libraries, through the following lib- uml have cold sinking spells with no pulse, auil the wrapped in paper, all the better. writes: “ I was ulllietcd with long fever and Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, only medicine that will bring on a reaction is Par­ abscess uii lungs, und reduced tu a walking Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Gas und Ether udiniuititcrcd. Flowers and the Law n. 10 Subscriptions, Price $25. Commission $5, and ker’s Tonic. I have never known it to fail in cur­ Skeleton. G uta free trial bottle of I)r. King's The B est Salve in tlie world for Cuts, 294 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND. ing a cold if taken ill time, ami it will relieve pain Violets ennnot stand heat. New Discovery for Consumption, which did me Bruises, Bums, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, a set of six fine books. quicker than any remedy I have ever tried. I send so much gooil tliat I bought a dollar bottle. 16 Subscriptions, Prico $37.50. Commission you this because 1 would like for others to know Amaryllis should uow be at rest. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil­ how mueh good it has done me. It is just us After using three buttles, found myself once blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and $7.50, and a set cf six very fine books. good for children. Try it ami be convinced.”— Pansies succeed in pots in a cool dry more a man, completely restored Io health, wiili positively cures Piles or no pay. It is guar­ HAHN, ROBBINS & CO., 25 Subscriptions, Price $62.50. Oommissioa MRS. 1). SHULTZ, Louisville, Kansas. P. O. place. a hearty appetite, and a gain in llesli of IS lbs. ’ anteed to give perfect .satisfaction or money re­ Call nt Wm. Kittredge's Drug Store and get a $12.50, and 2 sets of vory fino books, 0 eaoh. B o x 92. A magnolia in Attien, N. Y., blossom­ funded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by free trial bottle of this certain eure for all Lung W. U. Kittredge. Iy47 Painters, Grainers, Glaziers, ADDITIONAL PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED, Parker’s Tonic ed tw ice durin g the past season. Diseases. Large bottles 50 cents und $1,00...... AND...... JAN. 15. 18b : First largest number of subscrip­ [Prepared by i'liscox & Co., N. Y.] tions, Books worrh $20. Second largest, Books Sold by ull Druggists in large bottles ut One Dollar The feathery heads of tho wild clema­ T housands Say So. worth $15, and Third largest. Hooks worth $ 10. tis work into winter bouquets handsome­ PAPER UANGERS. Send for ! . le cony and d criptiv circular at Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes: "I once, as number of Agent , in each t-»wa must be ly- never hesitute to recommend your Electric Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Jinnttd. Hitters to my customers, they give entire sat­ O. It. TRIPP, Dutch bulbs may ho planted any time isfaction ami are rapid sellers.” Electric Hit­ When Baby was sick, wo gave her CASTGRIA, before tlio ground freezes up, and be ters are the purest and best medicine known When alio was a Child, sho cried fur CASTGRIA, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Every Other Saturday Publishing Co. C ivil -Engineer, started in pots for some weeks yet. and will positively cure Kidney und Liver When uho became Miss, she clung to CASTGRIA, Artists’ Materials,Brushes, Kuhttcrlpfion (47 DEVONSHIKK ST ROCKLAND, MAINE. Cleanliness about tlie plant stand in eoiupluints. Purify the blood ami regulate the When she had Children, she gave them CASTORU bowels. No family euu afford to he without Departinent, I BOSTON, MA' Office w ith A . J. KltdRiNE, foot of Limerock Street, the way of picking off dead leaves, w ilt­ Alabastines for Walls and Ceilings. them. They will save hundreds of dollars iu N. B. - Wc are «w n.ted in the I.itera.- jSrProinpt und cureful attention paid to tanking ed tlowers and the like helps wonderfully tSutiefuctiuu Guaranteed iu all euaca. first-class works in lurveys, plaus, working drawings and estimates, doctor’s bills every year. Sold ut 50 cents a that we are able to pr iud all other professional business. 24 for appearances. bottle by Win. 11. Kittredge. I 204 Muiu Street, . Opp. Fui wcll Uoll, ^reiuiuau. THE ROCKLAND COURLRR-GAZRTTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1885.

WARREN. THOMASTON. CAMDEN. VINALHAVEN. A landing alley Is being erceled on Commer­ The winter term of school In districts 3 and Thou. AValker has been In Boston on busi­ The malrlmoniai market Is lively. cial street. l commenced Alonday. ness. Mrs. F. E. Olllchrest spent Snnday with her The Andren Fuller bouse on Free street lias A party of married folks went to Round Cnpt. Hallowell has painted his new stable IMMENSE linsliand in Hath. Iteen sold to out-of-town parties. Pond. Saturday night, and welled the lloor to In colors. Miss Mattle Randall Is tearbing school on J. A IL C. Adams have painted their new the music of Jimmie Coombs’ fiddle. Rolicrt Hull nnd Melvin R. Stevens have Hurricane Island office on Bay View street this week. The following jurors were drawn Satnrday been drawn ns traverse jurors. Oliver I’. Watts, Bowdoln college, passed Frank M. Young recently purchased a to serve nt the December term of court: John The shoe shop Is waiting for slock nnd ninny STOCK! Thanksgiving nt home. " Watchmaker" colt of Rockland parties. Banket, E. F. Allenwood, 11. II. Arey. of the hands nre out for awhile. Misses Madge anti Myra Parker nre visiting Lily Pond has liecn cleared of the lily stalks The Hags in front ol several resiliences In The powder mills having filled all their friends ill Nr'v York City. anti pods and has commenced to freeze over. town are at half-mast In memory of Vice Pres­ orders nre dormant nt this time. O N H A N D ident Hendricks. •‘Dolly,” Hon. Edmund Wilson’s old anti re­ The I. G. O. F. nre moving in the matter Air. Stndley haa improved the looks of his spected uorse, has Iteen killed. of a new hall, their old one being too small. The lleet of miniature yachts to the number store by putting In new windows. Which I must soli to make Mrs. Martha Willey of Cushing, with her of twenty-live or thirty were out Saturday The Congregational nnd Baptist ministers Mi«* Mac T o b in , a graduate of Camden High aflernoon. room for a largo amount children, has moved to this town. school, Is teaching a successful term at Clark's exchanged pulpits Sunday morning. Miss Katie Vesper has goneon a sea voyage Island. The Union Church Sabbath School Is pre- The prnl«c service nt the Congregational now in transit. with her father In hark Levanter. pnringnn entertainment to lie given Io the poll- church Snnday evening wns well attended. Air. Bartlett of Hope is to teach onr Gram­ lie in a short time. Burnham llylcr has moved into the Post mar school commencing the first Alonday In Prof. I,. A. Barron opened a school in pen­ house, corner of Knox and ll vler streets. January. Owing to the high wind on Wednesday ami manship here Saturday evening, with tliitty- Thursday of last week, the Pioneer did not fotir scholars. Hon. A . P. Gotiltl anti J. E. Moore, esq., are B. F. Adams is adding line stock to "H ill­ make her usual trips to Rockland. in Boston attending to Paeltie Bank suits. side Farm," having recently purchased n E. M. Stahl is fitting up a hennery from an blooded inure. 11. Y . Carver will occupy one of the stores in old daguerrotype saloon. He will.have some Itev. W. A. Newcotnbe administered the rile the Odd Fellows building. of baptism to one candidate Sunday atlernoon. Flags were at half-mast generallv last week artistic fowl. FLOUR! In Ibis vicinity In honor of Yicc President The Knights of Labor have a bnll In Town A shooting match wns held nl Trowbridge’s Cnpt. Wm. C. llnrgess anil wife nre visiting Hall, also an entertainment and refreshments their daughter Mrs. II. W. Bryant, in Brock­ Hendricks, in East Waldoboro Thanksgiving Day In nt their assembly room Wednesday evening. which ninny participated. Washburn, Crosby & Co.-Pills­ ton, Mass, A party from Alt. Brattle Lodge, I. O. 0 . F., It promises to lie n big lime. The ladies of Tillson Relief Corps held a visited Appleton Lodge Friday night. They Rev. A. G. Pcttcngill has opened a singing report a pleasant time. Saturday morning ns J. W. Gray was gelling school nt the Cong’l vestry, where the young bury Best, pleasant tlvc-ecnt sociable in Grand Army Hall Into a boat in which was sealed F. M. Calder- Friday evening. II. A. AIills leaves this week for Warren Io nre eordlally invited to come nnd receive In­ Two of the very beet Spring Wheat Pntenta. wood, a gun which he held In his hand was struction, without hope of fee or reward. Mi«s Lolla anti Master Charles Me Loan of hike account ol stock at the Eastman store accidently discharged, blowing a large hole Rockland passetl Thanksgiving nt the house of preparatory to moving there. through the bottom of the boat. Fortunately There wns a race nt the rink Thursday even­ Airs. Mary Crawford. "Camden has the champion prompter" was no other damage was done. ing for a prize, Homer Burgess won the lirst, Neptune— Palace— Fores! City. C. L. McCleery of the Boston Journal ac­ the remark of a dancer at the mask lmlI Thurs­ 82; Frank Ncwhert, second, 83; William Per­ A town fair, lor Hie fall of 1880, is what we kins, third, 82; Fred Burns, fourth, 81. Some o f the beat. W inter W heat Patent. companies the governor ami council In their day evening. Sim Tyler is his nnme. should begin to agitate now. And why not ? visit to the Maine state prison. "Has your vaccination took ?” is the oft- Wc have every faellliv for carrying on such an Dudley Gould, who left here a short time Governor llobie, with Messrs Hatch, Santis, repeated question nowadays. One physician enterprise successfully. Gur mrelinnies arc ago for Chicago for employment, after view­ Fornaltl ami Smith of the executive council, is Informs us lie has vaccinated 13(1 persons tills among the best in tliclr line, our farm products ing the city, concluded that .Maine held nut ns ST. LOUIS ROLLERS. on an official visit to the state prison. They rail. aro first class, our stock is among the best, nnd good inducements nnd has returned home, go­ arc guests nt the Knox House. Carleton, Norwood A- Co. will finish the re­ the fancy work that goes to make up such ex­ ing into the employ of Edwin Smith, ns clerk. Planet, Superfine, Bridal Wreath, The latlies of the Methodist society hold their pairs on their stores this week and then occupy hibits, such as needle work, painting and, etc., Sunday Miss Snrnli Ann Anderson, who nnntinl sale of useful ami fancy articles in their iioth tliclr old quarters anil the J. A IL C. could easily be supplied by onr own pcoplo. lives alone on Ihc farm o f Hugh Anderson, Perfection, Gordon's Best and vestry, Wednesday afternoon ami evening. Adams store. We've also a good trotting park. Now let wns stricken with paralysis and by accident .Supper frotn 5.30 to 3 o’clock at 25 cents. sonic of our enterprising citizens take the mat­ one of the neighbors happened to call and Flour called S. B. N. I). Russ Wentworth, brick mason and plas­ ter In hand once nnd success will be assured terer, has just linished a lirst-dass piece of breaking in Hie dour found her proslrale. She W hich I guarantee to well a* low or lower than Attention is called to the notice of William from the start. is now quite comfortable. othcra, for the name quality of Flour. E. Vlnnl In another column, advertising the work lor Carleton, Norwood A Co., Rockport, loss of a valuable pug ting, giving a full de­ on their block. A big time nt Granite Lodge next Saturday Starrett Brothers have just completed the scription ol the animal am i reward ottered. Capt. James Pendleton of Lincolnville lias evening. The drnmu, "A Drop too Much” improvements upon tliclr henneries,and will go He Is highly prized by the family. bought the mall stage line between Bellnstinul will lie presented, besides it choico list of vocal into winter quarters with several docks of Camden from the present proprietor and took and Instrumental music. All G. T.'s should Plymouth Rocks, one ol which nre fall bloods Ship Alfred I). Snow, Cnpt. William J. attend. of'tlie celebrated Dr. Twitchcl's Fairfield strain Willey, Inis sailed from New York for San possession .Monday. of which they have a few cockerels for sale. Corn, Meal, Cracked Corn, Oats, Francisco. The captain’s wile nntl two daugh­ Bark John AI. Clerk, Cnpt. J. T. Conant, The members of the Bachelors' Clitlinre get­ ters accompany him on the voyage, ( apt. from China, is expected in New York soon ns ting desperate. Failing in their attempt to in­ Union services were held In the Cong'l Ground Oats, WheatF% ":i?’’ Willey Is one of our most reliable shipmasters, per recent advices. The captain's wife and veigle genuine bachelors they arc Inducing un­ chiirrh Thanksgiving Day. Rev. A. G. I’etlen- ami a highly respected citizen. sophisticated youths to join in their orgies. glll, the pastor, preached a well prepared nnd family nre with him. Friday, after devouring a 17-pound gobbler the practical sermon, taking Ills text from Psalm Barley, Oil M eal, Cot­ We art indebted to Ray Thompson of the The mask hall nt Megitntleook Hall Thanks­ night previous, they sent the bones picked pain­ X il l, at the close of which a vote of sympathy Richmond lire, for copies of Ills live paper. giving night was a success. Sixty-live couples fully clean, to some of the handsomest young was passed on the death of Vice President ton Seed Meal, The Boston Z’o.tf says that the busy bee works masked and took part, and 200 persons were ladles in town. An old liacli received a large Hendricks, for Ills bereaved family and the thrrr hours a tiny and loafs the rest of the lookers-on In the galleries. box in which were cold potatoes, hard Inek, an nation’s loss. Rev. J. II. Barrows •llercd a time. Not so with Thompson. He works all Alvin T. Rollins with his wife leaves next oil can, a wig, turkey bones and a note inform­ prayer of condolence. Shorts, Fine the time to make a wide awake paper—one of week for Central America, where is to lie en­ ing him nil old maid was on his trail. Since SOUTH WARREN. the best In the state of Maine. gaged at his trade. Mrs. Rollins’mother will then we have heard nothing from him hut “ Ten Feed, The llrrolil says: "S. I-’. Allen, who has live in their house and take care of their little cents." We don’t know what it means, but The winter term of school commenced here been repairing the Linckin A Austin kiln nt Mill daughter while (hey arc absent. think it bodes ill to the Bachelors Club. Alonday under the charge of A. H. Spear. Middlings, &c. River,is almost reatly to begin lime burning Geo. E. Cotincc met with n painful accident Prof. James Paul, the champion rcinsman, NORTH HAVEN. The shed and bridge to the top of the kiln have was in town a few days since. The professor Wednesday, a loaded wagon running over his been thoroughly repaired, nntl nre now in Is the only man who' ever hnndlcd the reins Miss Lillian Wotlon of Rockland is visit­ foot. =POULTRY SUPPLIES= readiness. The'repairs on the kiln are almost over forty horses successfully when nttnehed ing Miss Georgic Whaling. ztdelbcrt Bucklin jammed his foot quite bad­ completed. Mr. Allen will begin burning to the hand wagon of the circus in yc olden Packet Greyhound lay over nt Rockland ly while at work on tlie section one day last Imperial Kgg Food, largely lncrenseR egg produc­ lime very shortly.” time. frotn Tuesday till Fridny this week on ac­ week. tion, htrengtlieuK weak and drooping fowln. The nnnitnl election of officers of I’. Henry Ground Oyster Shell— Cracked Hone and Ground Whitmore A Clark’s .Minstrels gave one of count of the blow. W. K. Jordan of this place bns accepted a Meat Scraps—-AU at Bottom Prices. Tillson l’ost bikes place Saturday evening, ami their unrivalled entortainnients in Alegnntleook Cnpt. Oliver Mills, Cnpt. Merrill King and situation with the Alerlno Shoe Company of n general attendance of members Is desired. llnll Friday evening. It was well attended by otliers of Mount Desert, who have been here Mcrritnnc, .Mass. At the last meeting of the Post, on motion of Comrade Nelson o. Kales (7th Maine), it was the elite of the village. All present were satis­ smelting, returned home last week. Amasa Morse, who hns been confined to the fied as were the tnunugers with the receipts of Sunday a large English schooner, drawing house fur a short time with sickness, is able to voted that the post room be draped in mourn­ the evening. ing for the period of IS) days as a token of re­ sixteen feet of water, struck on a sunken ruck be on (lie street again. spect to the memory of our late comrade, the The concert by the Iopas Quartette of Rock­ off Birch Point ns she was coming eastward We noticed a number of boys sliding on tile lamented Gen. George B. McClellan. land nt Rockport, Tuesday evening, was well through Fox Island Thoroughfurc, but catnc lee Saturday morning for the first time this TOBACCO. attended. Those who went from here spenk in off" without damage. season. Alothcrs should have dry clothing in SOUTH THOMASTON. the hiitliest terms of the artists comprising the readiness. Boss Lump—Horse Shoe—lied Tag—Red Cross— quartette and their assistants. An effort will S W A N ’S IS L A N D . E. C., one of tlie best chewing and smoking AI. 11. Bucklin, who hits been trying fur a tohucco ever offered. Mrs. John Dean is visiting her son, Win. he made to have them give an entertainment in S. T. W hitney is quite sick. Camden ere long. long time to secure n pension, has nt last re­ Our 30 Cent Tohucco heats them all. Dean. I.oring Robbins and wife have been on a ceived Ills papers with hack pay umotrititig Chns. Graves nntl Alden Shea have gone to There is no movement in the divide of the short visit to Deer Isle. • to 91,100. Sixty-Five CHILDREN’S OVER­ “ loaves and fishes among the "hungry and Alt. Desert to work. Miss Lena Gilley from So. West Harbor Is EAST WARREN. Aliss Alami Swcetland has returned home thirsty” in Knox, Waldoor Lincoln. It il'/lion visiting Airs. E. N . Robbins. COATS, ages from 4 to 9 years, from her visit in Boston. ho known who gets the Waldoboro custom Ilcnj. Knowlton is building a cooper shop. house, but Uniirr want n than one, lint some of Our worthy postmaster lias been visiting in and F ifty CHILDREN’S SUITS, | |Mrs. Ilollls Kirkpatrick is visiting her Rockland and vicinity for the past week. The Cates boys have sold one of tliclr STANDARD them can /■•’. A'. Got a living if they don’t get it. colts. daughter, Airs. I. N. Morgan. The Belfast collcctorshlp has been so long be­ Changes in the mail department bring us ages from 4 to 11 years, Marked Mrs. Chas. Graves will spend the holidays fore the people it begins to show signs of llust. our mail nearly an hour earlier than usual. Rev. Mr. Bragg nrenehed at the hull Tuesday evening. TEAS & COFFEES. with her mother at Deer isle. Mrs. Chits. IL Ames lias gone to Montpelier, zb Good Templar Lodge has been organized Down from One to Two Dollars Singing school commenced Saturday night V t.,o n a visit.. . ..Mrs. I). II. Bisbee lias’ re- at tills plnec, called “Silver Wave.” Dana Isadora Morse Is nt home on a vacation. Oolong, Formosa, Japan and English Tens—Pure with an attendance of 30 scholars. turned from n visit to Boston and v icin ity .... She will return to Castine soon, where she has Less Than Cost, to close at once. Rio. Fancy Rio, Netherland Java, Brown Burns is W. C. been attending school. Padaug nnd Matideliliug Java and Samuel Butler is repairing the buildings Itev. Henry Jones relumed Imine Friday from Duncan MeAndlc«s nnd wife have returned This is an opportunity to buy Mocha Coffees. which he recently bought of Wm. Malcolm. Waterville, where he passed Thnnksgivmg, . from Boston and will spend the winter with William E. Watts will soon move to Rock­ Airs. AI. F. Stackpole is at Thom aston.. . . Rnel Airs. II. AI. Whitney. ville where he will work at earriitge repairing There will bo a donation for the minister at Robinson, formerly teacher of Camden High in connection with his pump business. Children's Clothing cheaper than ft^-Comc and get a cup of our Mandchllng Java his residence Wednesday evening. Dee. 2nd. Rev. Air. Fuller is holding a series of meet­ solved iiot with Cream; and also get our Prices on school, now teacher at Bath, is in tow n... .Cajit. Among the smart old men among us is A cordial invitation is extended to all. James Pendleton of Lincolnville is in town, the ings in the three districts and considerable in­ ever before in this city, at this Teas and Coffees. The dramatic entertainment passed oil’ very terest Is being manifested. Philip .Montgomery who at the age of 33 years guest of Capt. Isaac Coombs... .Mrs. Walker last May plowed quite u piece of ground alone, season o f the year. “I was horn in State of Maine,” says a stranger, plcasnnlly. Gu account of the unpleasant nnd daughter of Milltown, N. IL, relatives of Sell. Abbie M. Deering left Monday for driving Ihe oxen and holding the plow. lank and slim . weather there was not a very large crowd Rev. .Mr. Cross, n former pastor of Hie Ciiug'l Rockland. She carried lot) passengers, some A h we fellers in the restaurant was kind o’ guyin’ Wednesday night. Thursday night being fair church, arc visiting friends here....M rs. (). J. for business and others lor pleasure. WALDOBORO. him. the scuts were nearly all taken. Bowers, who has recently returned to New The village schools all closed last week. New England Clothing House. And Uncle Juke was elidin’ him another pun’kin ' The selectmen with a few of the citizens of York from a trip to South America, is expected SOUTH UNION. pie School Io district 2!) began Alonday, Miss And, a enp of Mundehling J. va, with a twinkle in So. Thumuston met in Knox Hall to draw home soon... . lio n . F . E . Richards and wife Report says that the Gay farm is about to Susan A Willett teacher. his ey e— traverse jurors for the supreme judicial court have dosed their line residence at Rockport he sold. “I was born in State of Maine—more’n forty year’ to be held In Rockland. James Harrington mid gone to Portland,••• .Mrs. Elijah Harding Allen Benner, a fifteen year old son of E. R. zbvery Brown has moved into Willard Hurt’s Benner, is displaying rather rctuarkuble talent ago— and Wm. E. Clark were drawn. who Inis been in Minneapolis, Minn., for the house. And I han’t been back in twenty—and I’m workin* oast two years with her son Frank, returned to as an artist. hack’ards slow ; UNION. her old home last week... .Cnpt. Herrick of Brown Bros, arc starting tliclr organ busi­ The All-Star Specialty Combination, which But I’ve et in every restaurant ’twixt here and San- hark Lizzie Lane Is expected home soon.... ness again. was advertised tu perform in Clark’s Hall, ty Fe, Sylvanus Fuller has lost his horse. Mr. Thomas of lloek land lots bought the Audi want to state this coffee tastes like gettin’ Jas. R. Brown, who lives on Washington Friday and Satnrday evenings, disbanded at home to me! The G. A. R. will get Into their new hall street, is to move his family to Boston. Morse farm anil moved onto It Inst week. Damariscotta, so failed to appear. Thursday evening. ROCKPORT. Sullivan Luce returned home from Georgia Saturday afternoon two women, from the “Pour us out another, daddy,” says tho foliar, Seth Luce has purchased a very handsome last week, where he bus been for the last rural district, Inadvertantly appropriated a warmin’ up, spun of matched grays. L. M. Paul is ut home for it few days. month. hand-bag containing 810 and other valuables A speakin* ’crest a saueerful, as uncle tuk his Aliss Sophia Ilcmenway bus returned from a Charles U. Yeaziu is out once more tiller n S. W. Jones nnd wife spent Thanksgiving belonging to Airs. E. Farrington Irom N. “ W hen I seed your sign out yonder,” he went on short illness. two weeks visit in West Camden. week with Airs. Jones’ sister, Mrs. A. M. Winslow and Sons’store mid u roll of ribbon to Uncle Jake— Aliss Nellie Morton is with Mrs. Lucy Albee Col. J. 1). Rust has arrived home after a Tenney, Stoneham, Muss. from C. E. mid F. A. Hovey’s nnd dodged in “ ‘Come in and git a cup of Coffee like your mother short absence. Meetings nre held nt the school-house every behind Clark’s Hall to secrete the articles, but used to make’ in her dress-making establishment. the eagle eye of the “Scotch Detective," gazing I thought of my old mother, and the Lincoln County Edwin Daniels Is now at home frotn the William Merriam killed a liogHint weighed Sunday afternoon and four evenings during farm. over 500 lbs., last week. from his office window, saw the net, which he Aligus’a hospital, but his hcultli is nut much the week, Rev’s Mr. Norcross nnd Pentecost promptly reported, and the plunder was restored And me the little khl agin, a hangin’ on her arm. improved. Mrs. J. W. Smith and daughter of Rock­ having charge. Quite a good number attend. to its owner. The culprits were discharged And she set the not a-bllin’—broke the egg an* land were in (Ills place Tlinnksgivlng. poured It in”— The postolllce is still under the auspices ol CUSHING. with a reprimand frotn Col. Hovey. And the feller kind of halted with u tremble in his A large crowd went from this place to Hie R. W. Bartlett although it has been moved into School in district No. 3 begins Dee. 7th. II. S. Weaver, A. M., of Chelsea was in chiu. J . A. Gleason's store. masquerade ball held In CuindenThanksgiving town a few days last week....M iss Nellie Hil­ night. The selectmen have made repairs on the ton of Dnmiiriseotta has been visiting Aliss And Uncle Jake he fetched the feller’s coffee hack, School began yesterday nt Round Pond dis­ Town Hall. and stood trict, Aliss Adtlie Bartlett teacher. Fred Bur­ S ell. Nellie Bowers is repaired and will soon Lillie L udw ig... .Mrs. C. K. Pbilbriek Inis been As solemn, for a minute as a' undertaker would; kett commenced school at Shepherd's Hill the he ready for sea. Cnpt. Joseph Spear will Thanksgiving Day pnssed off- quietly. At visiting friends ill town the past week___It is Then he sort o' turned und tiptoed to’rds tho kitcli- same day. command her. the service ill the morning very appropriate reported that Dr. F. E. Russell of Dainar- en door—and next, Mr. Barrows lost a horse Thursday night, All were greatly pleased with the entertain­ remarks were made by the pastor. iscotta Is to loeutc here.. . ,C. L. AlcCleery of Here comes his old wife out with him, a.rubbing having driven It to Belfast the day before. The ment given hv the Iopas Qunrtct of Rockland Rev. J. IL Bennett will give Ills lecture on the Boston Journal und Hurry Andrews of the of her specs— Lewiston Journal were in town week before And she rushes for the strunger, und site hollers horse was one owned by Fred Hurt for the last in Union Hail last Tuesday evening. "Blunders” at the Free church, Thursday eve­ ut, “It's him ! two years. William Eastman of Liberty, who was hurt ning of this week. Lecture to commence ut last..• .George E. Redman hns been quite seri­ Thunk God, we’ve met liim coinin’! Don’t you 7.30. ously ill....Dr.C. A. l’ackurd of Bath was in know your mother .I li a ? ” The latlies of the Congregational Circle held n> Hie B urgess kiln about three weeks ago, town .Saturday on a professional visit tu Mrs. u "Harvest Feast" In the church vestry recently, died at Ills home in Liberty lust week. Miss Alice Trtissell of Port Clyde has been And tlie feller, us he grubbed her says, “ You bet I lately visiting Miss Julia Davis....F. M. Rob­ Geo. G. B enner..8 .1-’. Robinson of Huston haln’t forgot”— which was nltvudcd by about ldb. A very nice William Gardner and Annie J. Carleton of spent Thanksgiving at J. K. W illett's....Aliss But wipin’ of Ills eyes, says: “Your Mundehling supper was served and about $18 realized. this place were joined in mnrriugo by Rev. inson nnd W. A. Rivers, who have spent the Java's mighty hot!” past season in Boston engaged in the paving L. M. Seuvcy returned from Frankfort, over­ C. I. .Mills Tlinnksgivlng evening. They lutd land, Wednesday. NORTH WASHINGTON. ninny valuable presents. We wish them a business, recently eume home to spend the long lied happy life. winter. Reed’s Cade) Hand held their second mask School in districts No. !l ami 1b will com­ Joint Willey of tills place was recently com­ carnival in the Waldoboro rink, Thanksgiving mence Monthly under the direction of Miss Rcttu C. Griffith, daughter of Mrs, Emma mitted to Hie insane asylum ut Augusta by evening. About forty were present in costume -:Turk’s Island Mineral Salt;- Mary Fish, a teacher td well known ability. Griffith, died Inst week a lte ra lung and severe and a good number of spectators. Among the illness. She was u young lady lliat every­ Hie selectmen of Thomaston, ho being consid­ ered insane. The selectmen of our town, visitors who skated were Aliss Nellie Hilton C. J. Trask of Windsor has recently located body loved who knew her. She will be greatly and J. P. Huteli of Damariseottu. Aliss Lillie nt Gratton's Corner ami will engage in the missed by Iter friends and relatives. however, jealous ol the honor of the town mid locksmith business. Mr. Trask comes well its citizens determined Io probe the matter to Ludwig wus very pretty as a tambourine girl. HOPE. the bottom, so that Tuesday W. B. Bradford Aliss Nellie Howard was tastily ibid in a nil BRANCH BROOK FARM recommended. dress fancifully trimmed with pop corn. Miss Rev. Air. Preble left for Boston Friday. ol the Board went In Augusta to Investigate. Spencer Turner slaughtered a last spring pig After bis arrival lie sunn learned Hint Air. Ida Flanders was dressed in one of Havener’s CHAS. T. SPEAR,'.Proprietor, las* week which tipped the scales a t317 pounds Orlando Wentworth has bought the Will Willey was all right, bad him released mid I lie prettiest costumes of purple velvet. Chns. W. und is said to be the best one raised m this Fuller tarin. next day they returned home. The writer on Young bad one of the best "darkey” make-ups vicinity this season. A. L. Barnes of Malden made his mother a seeing, the next morning, the man who was ever seen, but wus unable to unmask without Cabbage, Turnips and some very (). B. Collins lias recently rc-covcred ami short visit this week. pronounced insane ut Thomaston, was some­ snap and water. Ev. Chapman wus completely puinted Ills house whicli greatly impioves the .Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett spent last week in what surprised Io find film so culm aad self- mid neatly disguised with a big sunflower. P. nice Celery raised on this farm. , same. Rutkluml among relatives. possessed. The question of liis insunily can E. Storer bad the prettiest mule costume III the ball. The well-known bottle came in lute, but C. F. Brown, who has been in the grocery A. F. Duntou has sent in to the Rockland now be unswered lit Hie person of Hie man business here since lust spring, has returned to liliusell. who is at home again minding his own bad a new label; “ Harvey’s Best Rum ." Tlie market our champion poiker weighing, the irrepressible dmnsol, who dressed in a inuie his old stan d at Somerville. Ilis family w II, round hug, 551) lbs. business mol attending tu his work. however, remain here during the winter. costume ut Hie previous carnival, appeared ar­ POULTRY. Ned Wilder of Lowell, who is attending PORT CLYDE. ranged in a light mid airy costume of white A tine opening is ottered to anyone wishing school at Kcal’s Hill, Is spending Thanksgiv­ muslin. The alliiir wus very successful mid A few Single Birds and Trios of to engage ill the grocery trade, at this place, in ing week at his grandmother’s, Mrs. True's. Rev. G. Whitten of Palermo has assumed tne proceeds quile satisfactory. Brown Leghorns...... $5.00 to $7.00 per trio. the store recently vacutcd by C. F. Brown at Ilis father expects to join him there. the pastorate of the Second Baptist church und WyuudolVes...... 7.00 to 15.00 per trio. G ratton’s Corner. holds meeting Sunday iilleruoou at the school- LIBERTY. Plymouth Uoek Coekerlue.. $2.00 to $3.00 each. The ladies, neighbors of Mrs. Josie Gould, house here. J. K. Cleveland, commander of Cobb Post Mrs. T. S. Bowden visited friends lure re­ kindly met and papered and otherwise fixed up G. A. II., Camden, wns in town Saturday, lie cently... .Capt. James Slater made us a pleas­ her loom to make it more pleasant anil enjoya­ Airs. Allen Piiikhmu bus urrivcd.liome from a visit to Boothbuy. came to attend the funeral of Comrade Eust- ant call last week.... Amos anti L izzie Boyn­ ble through the long winter days that urc mmi. ton of Appleton were the guests of Mi. ami Nellie S k in n e r ;entei tallied friends Friday SWINE. euming. Will II. Hill bus sold his mull route from Mrs. Collins ’1 hnnksgii ing---- Mrs. Edmund evening. Berkshire Pigs for fattening $2 and $3 each. Cunningham is sick with typhoid nucumoniu. OWL'S HEAD. here to Belfast mid Belmont to Edgar Reeves. No damage was done by the high tides lit Air. Reeves has been the driver on the route Grade Chester “ “ 2 “ 3 “ Dr. Trihnu ulteuds h er... .Selden (Ivcrlocl. is S ell. Nautilus, Tolman, arrived Saturday. Ibis vicinity lust week. Grades of different breeds 1.50 und 2.00 “ at home fur the winter----- W illie L essu er is in for Ihe past seven years. Air. 11 ill| will return Yinuie Bulker of Bristol is visiting friends School closed Friday after a term of eight to Rockluud. Ohio Improved Chesters for breeding; Hour Pigs Massachusetts...... Clu ster Gratton was in town here. 8.00; bow Pigs 5.00, 0 to 8 weeks old. weeks, very satisfactorily taught by Miss ,Ella William Eastman Who fell into the lime kiln Sunday. •Sih. Mary Langdon, Emery, sailed Friday Breeding bows 20.00, 25.00 and 35.00. S. Barker of New Vineyard. lit E oikpott a shui't time ago died from the Crude Breeding block 10.00 to 15.00 each. APPLETON. morning for Fall River. Twenty-live couples were ut the dunce at elleets of Injuries •eceived there Nov. 2dlli. flic Timber Hill school will commence Alin - Also, we have got quite a number of Corn Fed Enos A1 iti hcl is very g elt. Bennett's Hull, Thanksgiving night. A highly lie was buried under th e auspices of E. 11. Ilogs, that I shall iiave to slaughter as soon as day, Beecher Putnam of Waterville, teacher. eujoyuble time is reported. Bradford Post, G. A. R., Sunday. tlie weather is eold enough—Pailies wishing Scnchcc pond Is uitirely frozen over. It' v. S. AI. Duulon will conduct religons S ell. Cyrus Chamberlain was l iken to Rock­ I WILEY'S CORNER. Home Raised Hpure Ribs, Hams, blioulders und bait Pork, for fumily use, we should be pleased lo Jutlsun Davit 8 house s ucurly liniihed out­ services at Timber Hill school-house next Sun­ land Saturday to be sold at auction. Admit II. Kallocb has painted bis bouse. lie. day nt 10 u. III. furnish them. NORTH UNION. Alexander Kallocb bus been repairing bis ‘t.’has. Graham returned re c tify from Call- Wrecked schooner Harriet Chase of .St. buildings. *lia where he has lacn fzr the It st eighteen Johns, N. 11., before rcporlcd ashore on Grind­ Relatives of G. It. Messer to the number ol stone ledge, loath'd with laths, lay ut anchor III thirteen met ut hit residence Thanksgiving Kcb. Anna A. lloulton, Gilchrcsl, arrived Saturday. fj schools in grudc district No. I began Owl s Head liarhor through the past heavy Day and passed I he day ill a pleasant iiiuitiici. w> lav, iimh i the lustrtii lion of John north-easter, in charge of Ash Point wicckers. Among the number were 11.1'.. -Messer Jr., and Edwin Killin' bus sold bis oxen lo P. AI. OlUev A Store 3(4 A Itlti Main St. luulou ami Aliss Minnie Duulon. She was full ol water. ludy, and C. S. Hager and wife, : Stndley, Thomaston, Elevator A Mill Speur’s Wlxurf. / THE ROCKLAND COURTER-GAZETTE: TU ESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1885 7

Jftnrine department. B A D LUCK . The fourth and what proved to be the last inning was quickly started, MeAnliffe tak­ FALL GOODS! The H. M. B.'a Fall Victims to the Re­ ing the rush. There is no disputing the Rrh. S. J. Ollmorp, Arcv, has gone Into doubtable Granite Citys. fact that the Rockland's outplayed their SATURDAY. NOV. 28th, winter qaaners at Tillson wharf. opponents during this goal, their attack Sell. Thomas Hix, Yeaton, went into winter About 290 admirers of the exciting game of men getting in some very clever play. A l­ quarters at Vinalhaven, tiatnnlay. polo went to Hath Wednesday to see tlie much ter three minutes excitement, during which E . W \ Sell. Srtagawa lies nt Antes’ ivhurl repairing talked of contest between onr II. M. B.'s nnd the ball had been in the Granite C ity te r­ damages received in recent collision. a the Granite Citys of Augusta. When the ritory three lourlhs of the time, llte itnll Sell. 1). 11. Ingraham, Mullen, is loading gnmo was railed at fio’elork Ihe large rink was was passetl In 1/ielte, and when next seen THE COMBINED STOCKS! lime front F. Coltb A Co. for Richmond, Va. packed witli spectators, who greeted the two GO’S Silt. Mary Brewer, Kinney, was loading it was in the Rockland cage,anil the agony lime Saturday frotn Perry Bros, for New York. teams with nineli applause when they skated was over. OF------on to the surface—the II. M. B.'s In red suits, Sell. Richmond, Stearns, is in port. She I1IAXITR CITYS I’llM IXII loads lime Irom Joseph Aldtott for New York. the Granite Citys In black. A detailed descrip­ A return game will lie played nt the rink FUR F U R S ! Sell. St. Joint of Belfast wns loading little tion of tlie game we give below, in Ihc words front I'. Coltb A Co. Jacksonville, I'la., Satur­ of the Bath tniirpi'iiilrnt'.i reporter. It seems Friday night between the II. M. B.’s anti Gran­ Undies’ Seal, Otter, Beaver, day. almost needless to seek to find reasons for los­ ite Citys. The rink will lie rrowded. Lynx. Black Hare and Sell. Yankee Maid, Pinkham , sailed Sunday, ing this game. Onr hoys had Iteen victorious SIMONTON BROS. lime-laden from !•'. Cobb A Co. for Dover, Fancy Sets. sixteen times In succession. Tliclr friends N. 11. A S U IC ID E . Cents’ Seal Caps. Cloves 4t Sell. I.sitra K. Messer, Gregory, is hound to hoped to see them lake litis game, ami tlie boys AND Weymouth, Mass., from Georgetown witli tiled hard to do so; lint though they played Mitts in all grades. coal. The Unaccountable Freak of a Promi­ as hard ns they could, Inek wns against them, nent Rockland Citizen. If you want anything in tho lino of FaW, givo un Sdi. Manitou lias finished her repairs and und litis, added to tlie splendid playing of their a < ali; w«- guitrniib e price* lower than the Mime gone to Vinalhaven to load paving for New Wednesday noon the business men along nunlity of good* cun bo bought in Boston or New York. opponents, wns too much to stand. York. By inek wc menn that the chances of the Mailt sired were shocked io learn of tlie sul­ Sell. Nautilus, Toltnnn, arrived here yester­ fide of R. N. Ilcmenway, a well known joiner day. She loads liinc from It. W. Messer lor game ran against the Rockland team. For in­ The One Price Store New York. stance, whenever the referee, from a foul or 1 and builder of litis city. Mr. Ilcmenway nnd Sch. Thomas Borden, Conary, sailed from other reason, blew Ills whistle—which wns done Sabin Lord occupied tlie old brick mill In the tills port Snnday for Staten Island, with staves nt least twenty times during Hie game—it wns rear of O, A. Safford’s store for a joiner Will be displayed at Our Store, 2 4 5 front liiiiigor. u,most Invariably tlie case that the hail nl Hint shop. Sells. A. F. Crockett, Gen. Adclhert Aitiej Wednesday noon a young son of Mr. Lord mid others are at Nuwhnrg discharging plaster moment was in proximity to tlie Augusta cage, Main Street, Rockland. from Hillsboro. whence it would have to lie spotted again nnd went to tlie shop to procure n piece of board, Sell. I). 11. Ingraham, Mullen, arrived Sat­ tlie work done all over. Again, McIntire ami ami found the door open nnd tile place appar­ urday from Saco where she discharged coal MeAnliffe Hindu no less than a dozen terrific ently untenunted. Over the shop proper is a from New York. strokes that went only a few Incites nbovethe flooring where refuse lumber is kepi. Climb­ Sell Ilertha E. Glover, Spear, arrived Satur­ goal. Now In our linnic rink tlie hall In such ing the narrow su lrs the lad pushed aside tlie day morning from Saco where she discharged boards which hail been carefully placed over cement from ltondoiit. eases would strike tlie netting and hound hack (be opening to the attic above, and began ex­ Sell. Horace It. Sturgis, Spear, snllcd from where it m u lti Ito easily handled ngnln.hutin this port Sunday, hound for Baltimore with ice the Bath rink it always went into Ihc audience ploring the dimly lighted room. In the dark­ and laths from Bangor. nnd so had to lie spotted. Tlie Ornnilc Citys est corner lie was horrified to sec tlie body of Mr. Hemcnwny banging by the neck frotn a Ihssg b o First-Class Mammoth Sleeks Sell. George Bird, Gray, sailed Friday for suffered some in these respects, hut In nine New York, lime-laden from Capt. Chits. 11. rope which had been thrown over one of tlie I’rcssey and Geo. I,. Snow. eases out of ten It wns the Rockland team (hat had to do tlie work all over again. rnfters. The frightened boy hurried down nnd Will tax to its greatest capacity, even onr large establishment, Sch. Bertha E. Glover Is loading lime from gave the alarm. Nathaniel Jones, brother-in- T H IS A G E N T White A Case lor New Yoik. Capt. Win. In litis Rath game it was the opinion of polo and wc have therefore derided that Ihe same must be reduced Hull takes command of her this trip. judges in the audience Unit the II. M. H.'s out­ law ol tlie unfortunate man, wns tlie lirst to has supplix't us with the celebrated Sell. Sower, damaged by running on the played tliclr opponents. It was a fact that they reneli the place and cut Hie body down, a large in the most rapid manner, and to accomplish this end we shall rocks in Deer island Thoroughfare, Is on the torced the llglitlng three-fourths of tlie time. crowd collecting. A doctor was quickly sum­ South Railway being thoroughly repaired. present to our customers an arary of bargains which we know These tilings could be—were, in fuel—nnd still moned, nnd a vein opened, lint (lie blood would Sell. S. M. Bird, Mcrril I, after waiting here will be unexcelled. We shall have additional help so that our Itoya lose tlie gnntc. They dhl some line not flow although tlie body was still warm. RAVEN GLOSS a week for a eretv from Boston, suiled Satur­ Tlie rope had liecn passed once around Ihc day for Bermuda with shook* from Bangor. playing nt times—there wns no doubt of this— everybody will he promptly served, but would ask our friends SHOE DRESSING, Only two schooners will lie employed this but tltey were nervous anil disheartened by tlie rafter and wns lielil In thedccenscd man's hand, to call in the morning when convenient, so as to avoid the af­ winter out of a licet of forty vessels that for­ Ill-luck such ns wc have mentioned. Chapman it I icing almost impossible lo loosen his dying which we have in stock and highly merly sailed from Welltleet, Mass., to engage grip. ternoon rush, which must certainly attend this Great Sale lit the oyster business. made some fine stops nt goal. McAuliffe took recommend. three of the Tour rushes, nnd In the numerous Mr. Ilcmenway was about Hie street during Most of our goods are very appropriate for Holiday Gifts, and Sell. John Bird arrived at Berhiee, 2(ltli the forenoon, apparently In Ids usual health October from Baltimore, with general cargo. cases of respolllng he got tlie flip every time economical purchasers will appreciate this rare opportunity to Expected to sail for Demerara Nov. lth nnd hut one. The passing between hint nnd McIn­ nnd spirits. lie wns seen going to the shop leave there the Kill for Zaza. tire was pretty nnd effective, though not so about 11 o’clock, to eonto out and then return. make selections of desirable goods at STOCK TAKING We have just opened another Big The Lighthouse Board gives notice that the good ns it would have been hail not the latter nt There was a rope lying on a bench in Hie simp, PRICES. It would be impossible in this advertisment to Line of hell buoy oil' Sheep Porcupine Island, French­ nnd It is a general theory, Hint on seeing It, tlie m an's Bay, has been removed for the winter the outset of the game got a terrible clip across give an adequate idea of the wonderful bargains that we shall season ; also the buoys in the Kennebec und the buck of the hand, that nearly prevented unfortunate man wns suddenly seized witli an Back rivers. him holding Ills stick nnd greatly interfered entirely unprctncdilatcil craze to lake Ills own offer during this COMBINED STOCK SALE, but the fol­ Men’s Stiff & Soft Hats Alexandria, Nov. 25—Sell. Will. 11. Allison, with the accuracy of itis strokes. Hartnett life, n desire no sooner fell than-carried out. lowing quotations will be found very interesting reading for from Windsor for this port, grounded at Mox- was in great form anil played tlie best game tve Mr. II. had been sick for a long time, nnd had ley's Point,) below this city on Monday night. been extremely low in spirits, though nothing those who are about to buy She is being lightered nnd Ills expected will be ever saw hint exhibit. Brown wns on hand, ns Boys' & hildrens' Hats llonted to-night. usual, with good stops nnd long lilts, und Bar­ whatever looking toward such an net as record­ Cnpt. J. B. Phillips, W. 1.. White, Cornelius ron did some excellent work. There is nobody to ed had liecn noticed in him by ills family or In all the Latest Styles. White, I,. 11. Church nnd others of Taunton, blame for (lie loss of the game. Our polo friends. Mass., have contracted with shipbuilders nt The funeral occurred Fridny afternoon from Bath for the construction ol a four-masted sell, lovers can only regret that our boys didn’t win of 2100 tons coal carrying capacity. She will the game, und hope for something better next Hie residence of E. W. Palmer on Grace street, b Rev. Mr. Kimmel of Hie Church of Immanuel Dry Goods Carpets be the largest sell, on tlie Atlantic coast. time. Eng. sell. Harriet Chase, reported ashore on The 11. M. B.’s went to Augnstn front Bath otlieiating. Decensed leaves a wife nnd three Boys’ & Ctiil Grindstone ledge last week, was towed to and played the Granite Citys two games Thanks­ children—a son, Melvin, who hns liecn in Sail In Silk Velvet, Silk Plush, Seal Plush Owl’s Head Monday of last week, and after Francisco for several years, Mrs. E . \V. Palmer the gale abated was towed here by tlie Pioneer, giving Day and evening, caelt of which tlie and Cloth—All Colors and now lays at South Railway wharf with Kcnncbcckers won in three straight goals. of this city, and Mrs. W. T. Haines of Water­ bottom badly damaged and wil’l probably he The last goal of the second game was otic hoar ville. Mr. nnd Mrs. Unities were present nt Hie 1 Lot ALL WOOL DRESS In this Great Offering of Bargains, (E7”We make a specialty of these sold at auction. Tlie Asli Point men, who funeral. picked her up while drifting, received S'100 for five minutes In playing. But tills doesn't G O O D S, 40 to 44 in. wide, in we shall include our En­ goods, and show the Largest Line in their services, their claims being settled by weaken our faith in our home team. Wc be­ Mr. Ilcmenway was born in Scarsmont, nnd solid desirable colors, and worth tire Stock of tlie city. arbitration. lieve they arc us good a team ns stands up ill lias followed the occupation of carpenter and 75c to SI.00 ; we shall oiler at the Letters front Lisbon state that the Portu­ Hie shite. It wasn't reasonable ,o believe that builder in this place for about forty years, nt uniform price of 5 8 c —This will guese government contemplates imposing n they would go on forever without meeting n one time for tlie space of ten years being in duty of $2.50 per quintal on lish caught by he one of our Greatest Attractions. A Full Line of tliclr own vessels, the same ns now imposed reverse. In Ihe Granite Citys they probably partnership with Natli’l Jones. During all this -:CLOAKS> on American and English fish. If tills is done have the hardest team to handle in Maine— lime lie has been an native figure in intinieipnl Ladies Fine Hand Sewed Boots in it will elleetually kill out the industry there. composed of old players who know tlie game politics, oil Hie republican side, and a valuable 1 Lot PLAIN. CHECK and Which is acknowledged to lie one of all widths. Dry fish are now selling there at $7.20 per man in every election. No matt in the city BROCADE SILKS at about the Finest in Ihe state. This will quintal of 128 pounds. It is estimated that nnd can play it. It is hoped they will come to Ladies French Kid Boots. 500,000 lo 700,000quintals arc used annually in Rockland next Friday evening—though ar­ wus better known. one-half their real value, to wit: enable purchasers to liny a Cloak Portugal. rangements to that effect nre not yet made— 3 3 C en ts. in December, at February Prices, Ladies and Misses Common Sense A telegram received by John Bird A Co. when an exciting game nitty he looked for— GOOD CONTRACTOR. which is an inducement never be­ Boots. yesterday stated that sell. Moses Webster, nnd we hope when they do conic that they will fore offered in any city. For spec­ llhodes, from Cuba with cargo of sugar for 1 Lot of C L O A K IN G S in lengths Misses and Childrens Spring Heel Boston was ashore on Shovclfull Shoals. A be used in the best iniiiiiicr that our audiences of 1 to 3 1-2 yds., many of them ial Low Prices please call at our A System of Pipes That Positively Boots. tug-boat and lighter have been telegraphed nre capable of. C a n 't B e B usted. store. for. A dispatch received later from tlie Bos­ very desirable at $2 to 83—We ton Tow Boat Co. stated that the vessel re­ TH E HATH OA.HK. Treasurer Maxey writes to T he CovniEtt- shall sell at the uniform price of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Kid, mained tight, with tlie wind E. N. E. and Ghaxite Citys H. M. li.'s Gaz.ette regarding our statement that the new $ 1 .2 5 per yd—This is a Most Goat and Grain Boots of all heavy sea. They would proceed to lighten Farrell Rusher McAuliffe water company in Gardiner encountered forty qualities and prices. the cargo when the gale moderated, and had Loelte Rustier McIntire Wonderful Bargain. Our “COMBINED STOCK” of no doubt lint that the vessel and cargo Iioth Day Center Hartnett defective lengths ot pipe in letting water into would lie saved. I’uticrson Half Back Barron their system, Hist on tlie contrary nut one 1 Lot Ladies’ and Misses’ ALL JERSEYS. N ew Yoke.—The following eiiarters nre re­ Woods Cover Goal Ilrotvn single break or leak of any kind Inis been W O O L H O S E at 2 5 c, worth Hathaway, Soule and Har­ ported under date of Nov. 28lh: Am. Bark Redder Goal Chapman found. Iu justice lo their contractor lie thinks St. Lucie, New York to Valparaiso, general A lte r a neat little speech requesting si 37 l-2e. cargo, lump sum ; Sell. Juiiies Boyce, from we should correct our statement. So do we. CORSETS rington’s lenee, the relereo started the tun, M cA u l­ Cay Francis in New York, sugar, $2; option We thought wc laid our information from a ------AND ------of Boston, $2 25; Sell. M. I.uella Wood, from iffe taking the ball on the rush amid Gardiner paper, lint we must he entirely at 1 Lot Ladies’ CASHMERE Baltimore to Havana, coil, $l.fi0; Hark Jose immense applause. The players a ll ap­ fault. We are sorry for the misstatement. Wc G L O V E S at 3 5 c, worth 50c. Fins HanOcwofl Goods. E . More and Sell. Alfarette Campbell, hoin peared extremely nervous, ami did not do UNDERWEAR Havana to New York or Philadelphia, sugar, themselves e riilit. The work was evenly thought Rockland's new line, witli only live Mens, Boys and Youths Calf & Bals. $1.75—chartered there; Sell. Cassie Jameson, breaks, was phenomenal. How much more so We have the Finest Assortment of Is so very large, that we must make divided, both goals being well besieged, Button & Congress in all grades. New York to Fernandina, iron, $1.60; Seh. our neighbor's on die Kennebec without any. Lottie, New York to Richmond, coal, 55 cents; Chapman making two stops ami Redder KID GLOVES to he found in room by disposing of “ Odds and Seh. W . M. Snow, from Eddyville to Boston, one. The one Redder did stop though, -- — ----- Rockland, and we call especial at­ Ends,” which in every respect will Mens, Boys and Youths cement 21 cents; Seh. Carrie I.. Hix, from was a daisy. Alter lour minutes play Far­ Several of our iluetors yesterday were dis­ tention to our 5-Button Senlloped- he as good as “ regular line” goods. Perth Amboy to Portland, coal, 95 cents and puting as ,0 which of Hie profession in the city discharge. rell did some very clever ju ggling 011 the Wrist Kid Gloves at $1.25, sold We shall offer these goods at about eastern side of the rink and finally, obtain­ had the fattest horse, ninl it wns decided that everywhere for 81.40. one-half their real value. Rubbers and Rote Boots. ing a clear rake lo r a goal, be lodged the all (heir animals were in good condition. SOME WEATHER. rubber in the Rockland netting. It was a When physicians’ horses are fat und sleek, it’s Ladies, Misses and Childrens How a Boisterous W ind and High Tide very brilliant play ami was greeted with regarded us n sign ot gencrul health in the immense applause, but it served us a Made Things Lively. community. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday damper on the spirits of the Rockland lads. Rubbers and Rubber Boots As soon us tlie excitement had subsided of last week a high wind prevailed in this vicin­ 10 Yds. Good Print for 35c. the whistle was sounded for the second try. DISSOLUTION. In all grades and at prices that can’t ity, and all the old weather prophets predict­ Farrell being Ihe lucky man this time. Tlie Pftrtncruhip heretofore existing between 5 Yds. All Linen Crash for 25c. BLANKETS be beat. ed a severe storm, whit It however failed to pat He passed to Locke who made an Arthur Slieu nnd J chmu M. Hhickington under the in an appearance as advertised. The Penobscot tirin mime o f Hlieu it Bluckingion in hereby din- 1 Yds. Cotton Flannel for 25c. uusueeesslul drive lo r a goal. Both solved by inutuul consent. Thi1 business will here- Owing to the warm weather that left here Monday night for Boston encounter­ teams were warming to their work, ufier be eoudui'ted by said Arthur Shea. 3 Yds. Extra Heavy Pant Cloth 81.10 has prevailed during tlie Eall Months, ing rough weather about midnight. The con­ Dated the 10th day o f Novem ber, A . D . 1S85. ami as each player was looking nl a silver Autuuk .Shea, we have been enabled to secure some FINE NECK WEAR! tinuance of the heavy wind and tint rough medal the play was perhaps rougher than W itn ess; J . M. Blackinoton. I Yds. Fine All Wool Flannel 81.00. J. E. llANLY. 4446 very desirable bargains in this dept. In ull the new Stripes and Fluids. water which resulted put a complete embargo it would otherwise have been. A lb ttl was 10 Yds. Indigo Prints (iOe. upon eruRof all description, and tlie Cambridge called on Patterson and M cAuliffe for too Colored Blankets as low as 30c each, which left here for Boston Friday of a week mueli activity. Ten minutes of exciting Best Feather Ticking 12 l-2c yd. ago did not make her return trip until Friday even play bad elapsed when Patterson or (ihe a pair. ol lust week, arriving here at eleven o'clock at struck lo r the enemy’s end only lo have PLUMBING! Best Brussels Carpets 81.15 yd. GLOVES & MITTS! night, the Penobscot showing up here from (lie sphere intercepted by M cAuliffe, who, Good Tapestry (!0e yd. Our great “drive” is two eases of “ Foster Hook” Kid Gloves— Boston the following illuming. by a neat shut, won the first goal for the ARTHUR SHEA, White Blankets, worth 82.25 pair, It was rumored about the streets of our city Rocklumls. The cheer that went up from Carpet Sweepers 81.00. that owing to a slight imperfection - Buck Gloves and Mitts W ednesday aflernoon that tlie Pioneer was the throats o f the admirers ol the red was which does not injure them in tiie Lined and Unlined Gloves of all deafening, reminding one ol the old time Practical Plumber. Best E xtra Super Carpets ,15 to 75c. seen lo founder oil' Gtvl’s Head und go down least, we shall oiler at the ridicu­ kinds and qualities. witli nil on hoard. Little eredenec wus placed Alameda games. A gentleman crossing W ater Closets, IJu' li Tubs, W ater Fixtures, Cotton Chain Carpets 25c. the park states that he plainly heard the lously low price of $ 1 .5 0 —Not in this story by those who know how reliable a Set up in the best maimer. yell. The exeiteuieut wus at lever heat Gil Cloths 25c. more than two pair to any one man is Capt. Creed of tlie ulleged foundered We are prepared to make contracts for thorough­ when the players went in tor the third goal, ly Plumbing any description of public or private #3"-Exi>resa Charge* Paid to any part of customer. All our higher grades steuiner. Neverlhcless the report created no M cAuliffe this time easily capturing the building iu the most artistic ami workmanlike New England, on Carpet* bought at our nt equal value. Gents Fine Hosiery! little uneasiness and when tlie old reliable hove rush. This goal proved to lie tlie hottest m anner. S tore. ill sight Friday there wus considerable rejoie- ol the game, no less than nine whistles Wo givo particular attention to securing In Merino, Cashmere, Wool and lug. Perfection in Drainage & Ventilation. sounding from different causes. Patterson Gu, “COMBINED STOCK” of Cotton. Wednesday noon tilings were exceedingly gol a bad whack on the right eyebrow,but Every kind of job promptly and satisfactorilly executed iu city or country at very reusouuble rates. ALL GRADES ! I - I ALL PRICES ! lively around tlie wharves, which in many Jack is a stayer, ami the wait wus short. W e cun refer tu work done in Itocklaud and at cases were overflowed, the uuiisuully high tide Each team was gelling in some profession­ Camden ('orrespondeuee solicited. S 31 I 13 T S TABLINGS. Call 011 us at, our place of business, und heavy north-east wind making a sort of al work, Chapman especially distinguish­ 181 .11 AIN KT , o p p o site tlio Liu


THE TRX of the universal sickness, the crops were a FARM FOR SALE. THE COURIER-GAZETTE ------A rmpreted failure. We did succeed In getting 75,90(1 T he HompAtend o f the late B. F, MAthewa, altun- EASY RIDING COUPE ! pounds of nice cotton, worth about 40 cenis a ted in Lincolnville, about onc-hnlf mile fVom Hope rltlz.cn of Warren Corner. The buildings con-l*t of a cottage house, 25 CENTS. By PO RTER St FULLER. relate* the follow- i pound. This cotton, all that we had to show for one new bnrn, 40x70 feet, with cellnr underneath* ing thrilling anec- I our season's work and suffering, we skipped by smaller burn, carrlagn h»o«e, work shop, etc., nil in good repair; large wood lot; running brook JU R E M U R I’ I I V A MODERN PAPER. dote of a j o n n g I vessel to Ixmilon. On the passage over the throngh pasture; about 400 npplc trees, also pear vessel took fire and we lost all. Some people and plum trees. For further information apply to Would Inform the public tliat lie ban two elegant man who was trav­ M r s . E m il y L. M a t h e w s , N o. 7 Camden Street, NEW COUPB8 for the trnoRportallon of people Fortieth your...... of the... .Rorkl.ntl Oetotte elling throngh the i have made fortnnes in the south, then again Rockland, Maine, or vTosK.ru BOARDMAN, near to anti from the train* and boata. Special alien- Twelfth year...... of the ... Koeklanil Courier some people have not." the premises. 35tf tlon given to partleR, ball*, eoRcerta, etc. northern part of , Ordera left at W. B. HIX At OO.*8., STORE. Maine, when that Two ilollur, * yoer In »itvnni-r-S4.5O If pahl Rt FOR SA LE. end of yenr; for «t. months; 50 cents for three portion of oar state A half breed Indian in llie Dead River re­ The subscriber offers for sale the valuable and months* trlnl trip. was hut very thinly gion lias domesticated a bull moose and uses sightly residence, situated on Middle Street Hili, Idin in bis fnrm work, lie Is a good worker with convenient outbuildings and stable, and all the J. M. BLAISDELL, M. D.. stttlcd. The young and a lively stepper. In the winter, when he land attached thereto. Tho lot is nbout .300 feet on 64 Main St., Bangor, Maine THE OUTLOOK. man In question, hltelics the moose in his sled and strikes across Middle Htreet, and 120 feet deep. The property who sought a liveli­ a pond, there Is no horse in the region that ran will be sold nt a bargain. SPECIALIST keep up with him. M rs W . 8 . TIall, “ Yon nre the magnet anil 1 have an hood by selling do­ 281f Rockland, Me. In nil Placate* of the Bowel*, Including Piles, mestic wares from Thursday forenoon Inst Wm. Dobson, while Fistula, Fissures, Ulcerations and Strictures, All armature,'' saiil he. “ Ilnw is that?” engaged on the framework of the new Episco­ Blackington. operations performed by tlie new Antiseptic house to house, was Methods, without the use of tho knife, ligature or asketl she. “ An nrm at your disposal,” pal church on Main street, Houlton, fell a dis­ cautery, giving littio or no pain to the patient. obliged to seek shel­ tance of nearly 10 feet to the floor below, Cures speedy nnd permanent. After treatment answered he. ter whore the night inlmeulously escaping even serious Injuries patients can return nt once to their homes. Pend through mining in contact with part of tho for further Information. 3962 found him, aad at frame In the descent. Cold Weather is close upon its, and King Alfonso of Spain died of con­ times “put up" In FASHIONABLE CLOTHING The Relfnst Journal says: "Bert Knowlton, the cooler the day the more one GUARANTEED sumption Wednesday. The king of very queer placea- the famons catcher of the Belfast club, has been One evening he thinks of suitable Clothing. There First Mortgage, Real Estate Spain nnd the vice-president of the offered the position of catcher on the Beacons had vainly sought of Boston, for next season. This Is a rare is no need of anybody going cold this PER CENT Loans, In sums of >200 nnd up­ United Slates die the same day, a rather wards. Prompt Payment of interest coupons, shelter nt different compliment. Dilworth, the phenomenal AT ROBINSON’S Winter, while 8nnd principal made nnd remitted to lender w ith­ striking illustration of the truth that pitcher, has lieen offered a position on the out charge. Security worth three or four times tho places and was at last obliged to take quarters Lawrence team, the champions of the Eastern amount of the loan. NO MONEY REQUIR­ death spares none, high or low. In a tavern which had a very unsavory reputa­ New England League.” ARTISTIC TAILORING ED UNTIL ALL PAPERS ARK IN THR tion, according to rumor several murders hav­ BLAfKIVGTBV INVESTOR’S HANDS, AND PROVE SAT­ Wayland Knowlton, esq., of Bcltast, who ESTABLISHMENT ISFACTORY. Send for form, circular and ref­ The Servians after a succession of ing occurred there. has been appointed to take depositions nnd erences. 4216 The young man was assigned a room and disclosures, says so far ns he knows, he Is the HODGES A KNOX, Topeka, Kansas. brilliant victories suffered n similar suc­ first person to receive such an appointment. retired, taking the precaution to take a loaded 264 Main St., under the Is selling Goods so Cheap. cession o f defeats at the hands o f K in g The law creating the appointment was made pistol Into the bed with him where he c.nlil Inst winter, and he was appointed on the rec­ Thorndike House. DR. S T A C Y , Alexander of Bulgaria. Both nations easily reach it. This done he fcltquitc safe, and ommendation of Judge Virgin.” OULD sny to tho citizens of Rockland and vicinity, that he has removed his Office to have suffered severely, nnd foreign in­ wearied with the day's jaunt fell nslcep. Bow W long lie slumbered he knew not, tint the creak­ Ho has an immense stock of 23B MAIN STREET, tervention w ill probably end the trouhlo. A large line of Woolens (over Merrill & Burpee’s,) ing of the stairs woke him, and he listened al­ PY/EMIA in all the Fashionable Where he may be consulted (free of charge,) The governor nnd council Tuesday most breathlessly as the footsteps approached upon any and all diseases. Dr. 8. hns been very Ills room. The door opened, and the tavern- Is the most virulent form of blood-poison­ Styles on hand. successful In the treatment of Chronic Diseases. commuted the death sentonce of Oscnr ing. Less speedily falnl. Inti not less cer­ Office hours from 1 to 5 P. M. Thursday, Friday keeper nnd hla wile entered stealthily, the latter tainly so, Is tho vitiation of tho blood of and Saturdays of each week. E. Blaney, tho Kittery murderer, to im­ provided with a lighted candle, which she which tho first symptoms nro Pim ples, O*A!I work of the best quantity In and KNOX COIJNTY-In Court of Probate, held nt prisonment for life, while Mrs. Barrows. shaded with her hand. As they cautiously ap­ Sties, Bolls, nnd Cutaneous Erup­ ------tions. When tho talntof Mcrofnlaglvcs point of F i t , St v l f . and M a k e . Sat- Rockland, on the third Tuesday of November,1885 B,aney’s associate in the crime, is re­ proached the bed the traveller saw that the isfaction guaranteed. Roland C. Jackson, Administrator on the estate warnlngof Ils presence by such indications, of Samuel II. Jackson, late of St. George in said prieved u n til A p ril, 1887. W h ile it man held in hla hand a wicked-luoklng knife. no time should bo lost lit using A yer’s -REEFERS- county, deceased, having presented his second and Sudden fear seized him at the sight, nnd though SaRHAI’ARII.I.a, the only perfect and reli­ final account of administration of snid estate for must be conceded that Blaney and Mrs. able medicine for the purifientiou of the allowance .* naturally cool and courageous his nerves and blood. Made in tlie latest anil handsomest OnDKltF.n, Tlint notice thereof be given, tbreo Btrrows nre far more deserving of niusclos seemed paralyzed with fear. Help­ weeks successively, In the Courier-Gatette^ printed styles, from the very best materials in Rockland. In said County, that nil persons inter­ hanging than the unfortunate W ilkin­ less, a s though hound hand and foot, unable to SCROFULA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING ested may attend nt a Probate Court to oo held nt son, yet the people of the state, whether raise the band that grasped the loaded weapon, and in every color and price. Rockland, on tlie third Tuesday of December next, Is a foul corruption in the blood Hint rots nnd show cause, if any they have, why tho snid ac­ opponents or supporters of the law es­ he lay there In terror, the perspiration stand­ out nil H ip machinery of life. Nothing count should not be allowed. U fc’3 No MAN on HOY CAN AFFORD tablishing tho death penalty, can hut feel ing in cold drops on his forehead. Death will erndiento It from the system and pre­ 4547 K. M. W O O D, Judge. A true copy—Attest:—A. A. B e a t o n , Register. seemed imminent nnd he tried by an effort of vent Its transmission to offspring hut TO GO OVERCOATLESS WHEN GAR­ relieved at th^ thought tlint for some A y er's Sarsaparilla. This prepara­ the will to break the terrible. Icnrful spell tion Is also the only one that will clcanso time the gallows and its attendant horrors which seemed to hold him helpless. The the blood of Mercurial poison and tlm MENTS A R E SO CHEAP. can he kept out o f Bight. couple reached the lied nnd the man putting taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover­ ished blood Is productive of A. J. BIRD & CO., one foot on the edge raised the other carefully Isle nu Hnut. one tho most benutiful and stood above the supposed sleeper, knife in AN/EMIA, ------D E A L E R S IN ------islands on the New England const, is hand. Oh, moment of horror and mental an­ I have everything in the shape of guish I Oh, seconds of fear-stricken retrospec­ A wretched condition Indicated by P allid mnking great strides toward publicity Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered tion when the mind looks over the past nnd Nerves, and Melancholy. Its first 666 Washington Street, Boston. -FALL AND WINTER— as n summer resort. A largo hotel with a speed that lightning cannot parallel symptoms nro Weakness, Languor, Young men and women are prepared here. In tlie is being erected there, and next spring gathers the incidents of n life into an infinitesi­ Txiss of Norvo Force, mid M ental De­ shortcut time, at the least expense, to till paying -:C-O-A-L,:- jection. Ils course, unchecked, leads the steamer Floronce, which has been mal fraction of time! A brief pause and the positions in business, Bookkeeping, penmanship, Inevitably to Insanity or death. Women arithmetic, correspondence, and shorthand aro the O L O T H I N © knife falls—not on the horrified traveller who plying between Belfast and Castine, w ill frequently suffer from it. The only medi­ specialties. W SITUATIONS ALWAYS HARD W O O D , lies trembling below, hut on n fat and particu­ cine that, while purifying tho blood, en­ 4* >!• -f1 -I- 4- -I* -(* -i- •{« be put on the routo between the island riches It with new vitality, and Invigorate* READY FOR COMPETENT STUDKNTS.jCt and Bar Harbor. The hont will touch larly julcy-nppcarlng ham which hangs from the whole system, Is Day and evening sessions. Send lor forty-fifth For Men, Youths, Boys, Children. the rafter above the lied. annual catalogue. 4548 at Swan's Island, connecting witli the The story is n true one nnd not a dream, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Flour, Groceries, Provisiois, PIlEPAItEll BY Mt. Desert, of the B. & B. line, nnd also and tho hero testifies to the juicy nature of Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Muss. w itli the Maine Central nt Bar Harbor. the hum which was the piece lie resiitance of THESE SUITS Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; EAST MAINE SEMINARY, PRESSED HAY AND STRAW, A steamboat wharf is being built on the the next morning’s incul. Six bottles for $5, BUCKSPORT. Are made by the leading houses eastern side of the islnnil which w ill lie KXTKAOltDINAKY LlllIRTEIts. Wilder Term Opens Nov. 30, 1885. from the best goods. I guarantee completed in tho spring. Two cottages ------A Rockland lady, who was born on them in style, quality and price. It Cement, Lime, Hair, &c. Full courses, Academic, Scientific nnd Classical. aro being built and tbreo more arc to be Cranberry Island, neur Mt. Desert, tells u Art and Music Departments. A Commercial Col­ is no longer necessary for a mother lobster story, which In these days of micro­ lege. Terms tho lowest possible. Address 43 to bother with making her boy’s commenced in the spring. Rev. A. F. CHASE, A. M., Prlncipnl. scopic red-eyes would lie classed among other clothes, simply to save money. At

stories of a fishy nature were not the narrator's A g e n t s w a n t e d f o r o u r c h a r m in g n e w r o o k Blackington’s a suit can be obtained, Gardiner’s new water works are now -B O Y YOUR STOYE- unqiiostioncd veracity guarantee sufficient of “ SOME NOTED PRINCES. AUTHORS perfect in fit and splendidly made, in operation, and Rockland nnd tlie Ken­ the truth of the anecdote: ANDnSTATESMEN 0F_ OUR TIME?’ at the price that used to be paid for nebec city shake hands in a congratula­ "When I was a girl the waters in the vicini­ cloth alone. ty ol Mt. Desert were ulnmst alive with lob­ By 2 0 of our best w riters—Cannon Farrar,Jas.T. tory way, while Belfast looks a little Fields, Jas. Parton, Dickens’s daughter, and others. = K O W = sters, and some of them were monsters. One Over OO fine portraits and engravings. [•* The book in glum, but threatens to follow tho good day my older brother captured the king of lob­ brimmltiff over with thoice and rare things.—[N.Y. MOTHERS, example before long. Tho Gardiner O b s e r v e r .J Intelligent young men and ladies can sters, a little distance out from the island, have permanent employment.A few General Agents Bear in mind that yon should come works were built nnd aro owned by n wanted. 45 4 speuriug him from n boat. lie got it in to THE IIPNItY BILE PUB. CO. Norwich, Ct. here for your boy’s outfit. You compnny of citizens under n charter ob­ the shore nnd carried it home. As he carried thereby save time, patience and what tained nt tlie last session o f the legisla­ it along with the lull of the fish over Ills shoul­ in hard times is of greater import­ ture. The city has contracted for fifty der, the body hanging head down, the mon­ ance—money. G.W. DRAKE ster's gigantic claws dragged on the ground hydrants at SoO a year each for twenty behind, my brother being over five leet In yenr?, nnd the company will furnish KNABE Never before made so fine an ex­ height. At his request my mother cooked It, PijaL 3vo-3?ortT E ® . water for tlie school houses, lockup and To Housekeepers amt Farmer*,—It Is im­ hibit in although the flesh of large lobsters is not ns portant the dtiilu und Hidcratiis they use should lie UNEQUALLED IN engine houses, ns w e ll as for a d rin k in g sweet anil tender as that of the smaller ones. White anil Pure In common with lilt similar sub­ THE LARGEST LINE OF The claws were broken oil' and the body ent stances used for food. In making bread with yeast, Tone. Touch, Workmanship & Durability. fountain and watering trough, free, W IIXIAM HAABE /L CO. while the rates for consumers arc said into several pieces so that It might lie cooked, use about half a teaspoonfut of Church Jk Co.'s Nos 204 and *206 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Parlor & Cooking Stoves a boiler being used for that purpose." "Arm ,N Hammer" brand Soda or Halenitiis at tlie No. 112 Fifth Avenue, New York. by the Gardiner J o u rn a l to be “ reason­ same lime, and thus make tlie bread rise better ami ------AND ------A THOMASTON MAN AT THE SOUTH, ANTED—LADIES to work for us at their able and just.” prevent it becoming sour, by correcting the natural own hollies, $7 to $1(1 per week can lie ------In these days of speculation in southern acidity of the yeast. To hi mt re obtaining inly the W quietly made. No photo, painting; no canvassing. For full particulars, please address, ut once, Cre«- -K z7V7lSrC3-ZE=S- lands the following narrative hy a pr.minent “Arm if- Hammer” brand S/da or Saleratus, buy EVER IN ROCKLAND. Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks cent A rt Co., Boston, M ass., B ox 5170. 4548 citizen of Thomaston, who resided for a year It in “pound or half pound” cartoons, which bear died very suddenly at his liotns in In­ in the south at the close of the war, may he of our name and trade-mark, as inferior goods are I have laid in a mammoth stock As this season. Some o f the best dianapolis, Wednesday night, of paralysis more than passing interest: sometimes substituted Jar the " d m d Hummer” PILES. of Fall and Winter Underwear in all styles are named be/ove: of tho heart. He was about tho city "III Jaauary, 1HGG, Captain Winchester of brand when bought in bulk, Mrs. Meservey’s Pile Halve. A Sure Cure for External Piles. grades and prices. I can give you a doing business until within Iwcnty-four the U, S. Navy and myself leased Ihe island DAI 11YMEN AND FAHMEHS. R o c k p o r t , N o v. 7tli, 1885. perfect fit and satisfy you every time St. Catherine, situated off the coast of Georgia, Should use only the "Arm & Hammer" brand for D e a r S i r : I have been a sufferer witli piles so bours of Itis death. The sad news was bad at times, tlint I couldn't walk. One Box of on price. -C O O KING RANGES:— but a short distance from the main-land. If cleaning alld keeping milk pans sweet and clean. Mrs. Meservey’s Salve cured me. E. T. PERRY immediately wired all over the countryt One Itox 2rtc, rt for «1.OO. By M all. D on’t huy N ew U nderwear ever there was a paradise on earth it was this HUG CHOLEKA. being received everywhere with ex­ island when we reached it. St. Catherine D. J. CLOUGH, - Rockport, Maine. TILL YOU HAVE INSPECTED THIS BIG GOOD LUCK, pressions of sorrow nnd respect, in most Raisers of Ilogs will find a little "Ann & Hum­ Island is fifteen miles long und three miles mer" brand Hoda or Bulcrutus, thoroughly mixed . OVERTISERS! len d for our Select List of Local STOCK. of the larger cities the bells being tolled wide. We leased it of n Mr. W alburg, the I Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell, 10 Spruce Street, NEW TARIFF, with tho animals’ food, very beneficial. low York. original resident and proprietor, who from fear Not space enough in this column and flags hung at half-mast. Thomas to enumerate all my line stock. It OXFORD, A. Hendricks was born in Mtiskinghttin of the Yankee gun-boats had taken his negroes und other property ( f) and settled in a clearing CARTER’S includes county, Ohio, Sept. 7th, sixty-seven CHAMPION. in south-western Georgia. He left a large —PARLOR STOVES:— years ago. He was educated at Hanover amount of stock such as horses, cows, pigs, SRlTTLE College, and in 1813 was adm itted to tlie etc., running at large on the island. Imme­ bar. Ho was a successful lawyer, rapid­ diately after the close of tko war the Freed­ NEW OCTAGON, ly achieving an enviabla reputation. man's Bureau had placed about 500 refugees Rubber Goods, BAY STATE, Hu was nominated for governor of In­ nu the island. A number of Walhurg's slaves had also found their way hack to the island, so diana in 18(10, hut wtis defeated. In that when we look possession there was quite a G lo v e s , NEW WELCOME, 1802 ho was chosen U. S. senator. In colony there. These negroes rail riot up nud AND “TI1E DAISY,” 1808 lie was a prom inent candidate lor down the pluce, doing little or nothing in an T ie s , president, tlie opposition of Ohio defeat­ agricultural way, busying themselves the CURE The New Squared Magic” greater portion of Ihe time in Imnliug uud Pick Iloadaclio end relievo all tho troubles Incf- ing hint and nominating Horatio Sey­ (1 it to rt I llioua fctato of tho ryntcui, ruck uu Din- Collars, Shirts, Beyond question one of the handsom­ mour. lie was aftci wards chosen gov­ slaughtering (lie slock which roamed at lurge, r.l.vBH, Nausea, Drowelncj-1, Diolrcsa lifter cr-tlug, lit a stale not much wilder, however, than that p .’ i in tho Eid'5, £2. Y/liil i their moat rucurk- est stoves ever made. It is an orna-, ernor of tlie state, serving with credit. sibloeucccua hud bccubhowu in curing And in short everything that a well of the negroes themselves. appointed Furnishing Goods House ment to any parlor. In 1870 lie was nominated vice president "The Island wus very fertile, and our venture ought to carry. on tlie democratic ticket w itli Samuel ,f. promised well. With the help of the returned Tilden, and bore tlm defeat of his party Walburg negroes, who were partially civilized, SICK CHOICE ROLLER ST. LOUIS ALL THE ABOVE STOVES Tlcadaclio, yet Carter’s Little Liver Pills aro equally witli dignity and statesmanlike philoso­ we plumed 700 acres of cotton and 300 acres of valuablo in Count ipation, curing uud preventing Are of first-class manufacture, phy. in 1884 the democrats again nomi­ corn, llow things did grow ' We gave the thia auuoyi:r'complaint, whilo they alFO correct a’1 disorder.) iff tho stomach, otimulato tho liver carry no cheap classes o f goods nated him for the vice-presidency, with negroes who helped us tbelr spare time, when uud roguluto tho bowels. Even if they only cured FLOUR! llKATHEB jUeiiETS, not at work, and u piece of land to till, so that Besides these I have Grover Cleveland at the head of the the island became an immense garden. The ticket, and elected him. He took tlie first uf July us we looked over our 1000 acres ^ 5 .0 0 Tlie only tiling that perfectly excludes Air-Tight and Common Stoves; oatli o f olliee M arch <5t.li. 1885. M r. HEAD of cotton und corn we would have refused Acho they would almort prlrcleF3 to there v. ho wind und cold. A full line. Those At all prices. Hendrick* was a man who made many thousands of dollars lor our prospective profit. ti'.i.r rfrom this distressing complaint; butfortu- wlto drive or hunt take special notice. friends by his genial, social qualities, Hut we arc all subject to disappointments. On ji.ibly tilde goodness does not end here, uudthoso BEST ROLLER PROCESS ST. LOUIS i who onto try them will And these Jtttlo pills valu­ Call and examine. KITCHEN UTENSILS, FARMING lie was a devout Episcopalian. Presi­ the eighth of July came heavy rains, heavier able hi so luuny ways that they will not be villlug than were ever known in this section before, io do without them. But utter ull sick head TOOLS, FURNITURE, ice., 4o. i dent Cleveland, although differing so and not oulv ibis, hut with the luiu cauc a widely li'oin Ins associate in regard to Call and see me. Bern ember thi eivil service reform, is said to have re­ terrible pestilence. Wo were all sick, t'upt. Or 3 Barrels for S 1 5 .0 0 . place. garded him as a dear friend ami to have Winchester, my partner, died; William Perry ACHE esteemed him highly. Tlie president oi Buckland, our overseer, tell a victim Io Hie I a t’iobnno of i-o many lives that, hero So whero wo same dicud scourge. 1, myself, narrowly es­ luuko our great boast. Our pills euro it whilo 0 .1 OLiCEIUOlOS G. W. DRAKE, pro tempore o f the senate to lill the va­ others do not. CRACKERS! cancy caused by Mr. Hendricks’ death caped. Gen. Davis Tillson of Rockluud, who Curter’u Lillie Liver Pills aro very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make n dose. 190 and 192 Main St., Rockland. w ill lie one of four men—either Edmunds, owned a plantation along Hie shore, not iar They are Btrictly vegetable und do not gripe or 4 I -2c per lb. by the Barrel. 1/iga. , Sherman or Allison, the proba­ from us, was ulso sick. Many of the negroes, purge, but by their gentlo action please all who CLOTHIER, bilities bring in fuvor of tin- lirst named who are generally regarded us proof ugaiasl use them. In vials at 26cents; five for $1. Sold j by druggists everywhere, or scut by mud. Ladies’ & Gent’s Sewed Boots Z man who lias all tlie qualifications tor all su ck troubles were taken sick and died. LAKX1UX M KpgllMK CO., J. DONAHUE & CO., the olliee. Wkut w ilk the rains uud nt glen, in consequence Nuw Tuik (juy. UUCULAMU, JUAIKU. W 215 Main St., Rockland. Shoes made at L. S. Robinson’s.