T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND GAZETTE RSTABLISRED I ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1R74.| (Tbc |1ress ts tin ^rtifunebean £ebcr that Ittobcs tbc Wtorlb at <Ttoo Dollars a $ear ITWII DOI.I.AItS A VKAIt IN AhVANCK. ISINtll.E COI-IF.H PKICK FIVE CENTS. V o l . 4 . — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1885. N v m b e r 4 6 . name the poorer a hotel’s accommodations, man. Meantime the crowd hnd swelled to stood before me, the typical gondolier of the to the quay in front of the hotel nnd waited for — BUY Y O U R = LARKS ABROAD. latt us seek out something for ourselves." enormous proportions, nnd Dutch women nnd vulgar Venice. me to get out. I crawled numbly tip over the So we dispossessed ourselves of the oppress­ men of every conceivable size and smell were “ Mynheer will Hnd him goot,” the portier capstan and picked tip a paving-block. But I ive louters and struck out of the station, across ASTONISHING ADVENTURES IN pushing ami jostling ns, and (we thought) gntclonsly volunteered; “him talk mit English thought better of this, nnd put the paving- a wide square and up a thorough fare that was getting ready to throw us into a canal. Then already.” DEAR OLD AMSTERDASH. block down again. Wc had l»cen afloat three Boots, Shoes, traversed its entire length Ity a broad canal. the pale young man spoke In German, “Yah!” tho blithe boatman snid. “I talk hours. I luul seen nothing I wanted to see. On and on we went, np one street and down and asked tts wlint wc wanted. The shop- mit English already.” I gave Francesco seventy-rtve cents. Holland Lunches—Why They Have No another, all exactly alike, with queer old erow- woman had brought him along as an inter­ TltE MtAVK OONDOLIEll. “ Yon speak English, do yon ?” I said, with stepped gable Itullillngs climbing story on preter. Hats & Caps Fences—Discomfort of Philosophers So he slouched heavily down to his fairy a shade of sarcasm in my lone. —The Dreadful Adventures of Lost story into tho air nn either side, nnd Ike loud I told the pale young man that we wanted a gondola. It wns a ponderous craft, built “ Yah, mynheer,” Francesco replied. Americans—A Young Man Who smelling canal always permeating the center. hotel—that was all. It wr.s a simple desire, clumsily, with a curiously peaked bow nnd “ So you do, ’ I added, cordially ; “you speak Didn't Interpret—At the Mercy of a I think we must hare traversed something like we thought. There was nothing in it what utterly devoid of keel. In the market it might the best English nnd the most of it of any Dutch Mob—An Angel in Ear-rings— eleven miles of these streets nnd crossed nine ever, that we could detect, that warranted a How I W ent to Ride in a Gondola— have fetched two dollars if the buyer didn’t man I ever saw’. But, my friend,” I added, hundred bridges before the disagreeable sen­ mob. If lie had a hotel anywhere about him, Francesco —Deadly Character of Canal know much about boats. The oars were drawing down his head nnd whispering T. A. WENTWORTH’S. sation of being lost forced itself completely 1 said, and hail no nse for it, wc should lie W a te r. straight, unwieidly sticks with narrow blades. hoarsely in his car, “you are—if you will per­ upon onr attention. Wc were lost in the Inter­ very happy to hear from him hy return mall. A ragged hit of carpet covered the stern seat, mit me to say so—a trifle faulty in under­ minable mazes of Amsterdnsli. I delivered this address In such Hermanns fTWSMTT-WRST Lf.ttkh.] und on this I sat down, while Francesco took standing the remarks of other people. If a Sitting by tho blazing hearth, surrounded by occurred to me, nnd when I got stuck I dropped total stranger, but one who has an honest A Fall line of nil the In n little pscklng-box nigh unto the rail­ position amidships. He carefully adjusted the Inxury of home nnd embosomed in n Into English liy wny of getting along witli interest in your welfare, might l>c nBowed a road station of the Hngue, there dwelt a very the oars in tlie thole-pins, nnd holding them peaceful tranquillity that conics from content­ mere speed nnd smoothness. When I was suggestion, I would advise you to talk less New and Nobby square and very corpulent lady of the Dutch with one baqd, reached the other into his ment and case, my reader can form no ade­ done, the pale young man scmtclied his weak and listen more.” persuaalon. Bald was site, and eke her coun­ breeches pocket for some plug tobacco, having quate conception of the drcndftil horror that nnd sandy-colored whiskers In n hesitating With that I laughed in a breezy and dra­ tenance was creased with wrinklea, and of a with bis lone tooth slowly and painfully wor­ fastens upon the mind of a man who is lost In fashion nnd shook ills bend uncertainly,* matic f'isliion, pushed Francesco into the FALL and WINTER leathery hue as tanned by many auna. ried oir a piece of which, and restored the the heart of a Dutch city—a city with thous­ canal and went in to supper. Through a little window of the little packing- RESCUED S'HOM DEATH. balunce to his pocket, he hauled forth nn ands of winding strcels of exactly the same When they fished Francesco out, he was box dispensed thia good Dutch lady Bitch "Vns is der matter ?" enormous red handkerchief nnd blew his nose STYLES! appearance, nnd peopled hy n phlegmatic race quite dead. The coroner’s jury sat on him condiments aa the public might require, and Render, did you ever have anyliody yon sonorously. All this was done with prodig­ of men all dressed exactly alike and all speak­ two or three times ns hard as they could, but Just Received and for brisk Indeed the trade ahe drove in milk ami didn't know die and lenre you twu-liundrcd ious gravity nnd deliberation. Then he spat ing exactly the same unintelligible style of it didn’t do any good. They said he must chceae and dark, coarse bread nnd the hard- thousand dollars? If not, you cannot enter gracefully over the side of the boat, which sa le language. Countless were the Individuals in have swallowed a mouthful ot the water. boiled egg of commerce. When busincsa waa Into the emotions that these few English-spoken action, the wind living smartly in my direc­ huge breeches that wc hove to nnd sought to Ft'I.LKM. sharp tho Dutch Indy dealt forth the food nnd inveigle Into conversation ; numberless the lit­ words aroused in our breasts. Their author tion, I received the full benefit of, adjusted ------------ •-*-»------------ the oars afresh, took half-a-dozen labored drink with ready hnnd; when it slacked np she tle -hops we pushed our wav Into In search of was n sailor-look inn man lu a blue jacket and Cheap For Cash! strokes nnd paused. Where did I want to go? OUR COAST WATCH. fell to wearing bright fancies into a bine yarn information. Nobody could understand what wo with gold rings iu Ills ears, lie came pushing Atnsterdash lies on the banks of the Ij, an stocking, that she was concocting through the were driving nt; and though the proprietors of his way through the crowd, by the Ingenious Miss Augusta Moore, of N ew York, was a arm of the Zuyder Zee, from which a river instrumentality of a pair of enormous Iron the huge breeches In the streets, nnd the men process of sticking Ills elbows left nnd right guest at the White Head Light last month, T, A. W E N T W O R T H , nnd numerous canals make through the low- knitting needles, crooning meantime to herself nnd women behind the counters of the little into the faces of the people, and If it hadn't and being impressed by tlie bravencs'. of tho lying city. We had embarked from an outer 243 Main Street, Rockland, u sonic cradle song of her earlier life, but which shops, snid a great deal In n short space of been for the rings in Ills ears I verily helicvu coast guard in a gale, wrote the following poem quay and were in a common-place region o f being conchcd in a foreign language was time, It was Impossible for its to comprehend that wc should have lliotigh t him an angel of for the New York Journal of Commerce, aud wharves and shipping. I snid, slowly and largely difficult to gra<p the meaning ot. Here wlint they mennt by It. rescue, dropped opportunely from the very dedicated it to the coast guards of White Head distinctly: paused tho Judge nnd I, while waiting for our It was, If my readers will graciously permit cloud9 for our especial benefit. Station: “ 1 want you to row me up into the canals of TIIK LII’E SAVEIIS. train, and partook of a light nnd refreshing me the waggery, all Dutch to us. lie told us he was a pilot, a Dutchman with the old part of the city. I want to see the old lunch of mneadatnized eggs nnd cheese, with This funny little thing ojenrred to me 09 we a knowledge of the English tongue.
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