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VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 33 and THE ALTO SOLO LOWELL, MICHIGAN, JAN. 15. 1925 » POULTRY SCHOOL NEWS OF THE 31 0W0SS0, GD. DETENTION n HERE FEB. 17-18 HOME CHURCHES HAVEN COME HOSPITAL Capital $25,000 Plans are under way for a two- MKTHODIST (TILUCH DRUG day poultry school in Lowell Tues- 1 Fri«la\, .l:imiar\ l(i. the Kuodian FOUMEKS BOYS AND LATTER'S POSITION MA) BE SCBMfT- day and \\ednesday, Feb. 17 and IS. elas- will hold its afleriioon nieel- STORE Surplus&Undivided Profits $20,000 (ilRLS IN BASKET BALL CON- Tlie place of the meeting will he $1000,00 COl NTY Bl lLDINC PRO-' inji in the (ihurch house. M^ht re- TEST HERE FRIDAY definitely announced latei. Speak- TEi: TO KEN I VOTERS. freshiiicnis will be served. I''r'ida\ evening, a! 7:30, Division The lli^h school basket hall tossers ers for the meeting will be J. A. A speeinl eonnnittee iippolnled l)\ Total Resources over $650,000 Hannah, extension poultryman from No. I ol the (ireene circle will en- came thru with another victory last the Kent comity board of supervis- lerlain the ineinheis and friends of I week, when they took East Grand M. A. C., and Dr. 11. A. Slafseth. ors lo invesliy.ite and report mi the bacteriologist specializin.i? in poultry that circle in the Church house. Maplds into camp by trouncinu the need of ;i new th-tentioii lios|)it:il vy i-: ujiii* Nun t(i know us. TiiM iif-x- rj work. Mr. Hannah will discuss Come expcctin^ lo havr ,111 rnio.s- The year 1924, so recently closed, has visitors 25-5. Playing with an almost Tuesday will present to the Im.mi poultry housing and feeding, culling, ahlc evening. all Dnip Sh.r —hs o rtMl-ldowiifd [\ entire substitute team, the locals resolution reei)mniemling tliit the been one of success and achievement, it care and management of the day old Siinda\ services: orirMiijx.Mi Kid wbn-c inviiiljfi - \\:!l (!ci t surprised the fans with their floor (|Uestioii of liuilding ;i new »|eleiition Klillli. a. in.. Morning worship. being one of the best years that the bank ami team work. Maxon ami Kiel chick and mature chick. Dr. Staf- hospilnl :il a e<)st ol >llin.il(Ml be pre- th^ir utmost in ve vou and to uml-,'' seth will discuss general poultry Sernion theme. "Divine Mnltipliea- worked the hall down the lloor with sented lo the voters of the eoiml> tlmr .scrvi'-c b^ttfr t-vvrv ilu v. has ever had since its organization in sanitation, diseases ot the mature lion." speed ami short passes; but during at the next election. fowl and ot the day-old chick. 12:1.")11 . (•.hurch school, ('.hisses for 1907. the first half were unable to locate This recommendation \\:is arrived One of the requirements in order a" the hoop. Wingeier, playing for the at last iii^lil :il a meeting of the VOl" know our .stocks aiv c .ni| b-rt'. to have the school in Lowell is that (>:(l(l, !>. m., Fpworth League. Miss Its resources and deposits are steadily lirst time in several weeks, was a special committee. Hie Imildinj^ com- * ii'oo'i-) arofr^sh. r iUj \v 1'n our forty people must agree to attend Irma Muck will lead this service. A star guard, stopping the visitors' mittee and the hoard of control of 1 growing. Its reputation as a STRONG, both days. A detail profram will be splendid inleres! is shown lis our sincert-Br nflorts to [dfisf v.m, ourh ;-- plays well up the floor ami with the the hospitiil building. (Charles .Mul- - printed in a short time. >01111^ jieople in this service. I'htn iupBs ndations shoulfi -nt ;• 1 : • u -! i u SAFE and CONSERVATIVE banking in- aid of Schwab prevented the city der, presidenl of tilt- spi-cial commit- These schools are beint! held all 10 i ome. lads from scoring a field goal. Dur- tee, presided and James C. Ouinlan pleahan' ihMhnjjs stitution is beyond repute. over Michigan this year and arc 7:110. |i. 111., I'.veninj,' worship. I'lan ing the second half, the forwards acted as secretary. proving very popular. I" allend this service ol fellowship Kot their eyes on the basket and In a short address. Mr. Mulder This is the lirst of four meetings and devotion. Hrin.n \our friends Since 1918 this bank has been a member ranfc their score up from all posi- pointed out the need for a new I/-NOW your 1! v. 1:! Hi- is to be put on in Kent county. The with \oii. I he service lasts foi* one ! of the Federal Reserve Banking System, tions. structure and snhmiltcd plans fo: •V. ibid! JiH I .'ilHIl meetings at Lowell are being arrang- hour. I he radio sermon nia> he The faculty ball mussers wm* de- such a slim lure as could he erected heller than what you can hear in thus giving to its depositors STATE AND feated by a church elub from Ionia ed through the local Ag.-ll. K. as- if the people will approve the ap- this seivice; but >011 will lose the FEDERAL SUPERNISION. in a close and interesting game, bv a sociation of the hi^h school in co- priation of >|()().I)U(». operation with K. K. Vining, county .elloNVship of friends, tin warmlh of 11-10 score. "'1 here can he little douht in the auricultural a^ent. the ilinospliere of the service and On Saturday night, the local girls mind of an\one who knows the sit- In order to assure such meetings .111 opporlunilv of makin.y the cliurch 4% and Safety for Your Deposits. journeyed to Muskegon and gave the uation at the delenlion hospilal thai "Sawdust (lily" lassies a real game, he sure to telephone or write It. .1. • nviiin^ lo others. There is always the need of a new slrncture is press- inleres: in numbers. losing by a one-point margin, score MacVean, superintendent of schools, in.n." said Mr. Mulder. "11 is made Lowell, stating that you will atlend Wednesdav evening al 7 illll, I he 12-11 in favor of the larger school. (juale, holh in size and as In f.icili provided weather conditions and mid wt ek devolional service pre- D. G. LOOK Lowell was leading from the very lies lo properk carrv on the work unavoidable factors do nol prevent. ceeded b\ .su|)per in tin dining room. start until the final innute wheii It is also a lire trap and mils! he re City State Bank of Lowell, Mich. 1 bursda\ al!erno(jn at :i:l.'t. (!lul- Muskegon staged a rally and came placed as soon as possible." t One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores, 'h en s meeting for bi.»\s and jirls up through wth a field goal, and then Bt'TLER WILL ADDRESS KENT Member of the Federal Reserve The plans which were viewed h> to t \\ e 1 \ e > 1 ill's of am . At .'»:l,'i, by clever passing out-played the lo- WOMEN'S CLUBS the commillee menihers. while leu religion's educalioii lur bo\s from cals with the final whistle. The Kent County Federation of lative, i cpresenl ahoul what Hie iiww 1 Banking System. iWelve lo sixteen. Ciniii upen fol- Frida> night of this week, Jan. 1(», Women's clubs will meet in the Park building ccwnmitlee feels Hie eounl\ Congregational church in (iraml lowing Die slud\. our hi^h school teams meet the needs in llie wa\ of a dcnleiilion Tlmrsda.s evening al 7p, m,. Owosso boys and (iraml Haven girls Itapids Thursday, Jan. If!!. I.. A. hospilal. 1 JtaSaBBt-;•.•..-Al*- o&iA. Noiin^ Penple's service in cbar^c ol on the local floor in what is con- lUitler, superintendent of the (iraml The new structure, as planned Itapids schools, will address the fed- paslur. Ail uiuiiM pruple are -I- sidered, by the local school otllcials, would he three stories hijdi and 1m i F } ) 3 eration, Mrs. Ulanclie Itose of the conic In ibis .service. & as the two •bluest ami hardest' games llrcprool and modern in everv wa>, l.lo\'111. \'i\(iii. I'i^lnr. ol the season. Owosso comes with Kent County Anti-Tnherculosis so- 11 would he aide to house 10 pa- a bi« reputation, having defeated •iely, and Mrs. Danner of Muir, pres- tients and haw everything that is WHY? ( (IN(.|{K(;.\II(JNAI. Ionia fast week JW-.'I. not allowing iih'iii of the Ionia connl> federation, necessan for i hospital of the type. will als(» he on Hie program. The Tbe newl> urbanized VounK IN-o pay « bin price for bewiny Machines, when you can 1 .<• nd Ionia to gi t a single field goal. With (Irand llapids Herald. pie s societ> is fairh under was every man on squad eligible to com- neetiiiK will start at l:l,'> p. in. : I he pro^ran; .yiven last Sunda\ evi save money. My experience in the pant forty yeari r ttie OLD AO E plete this week. Coach Edgington is nin^ was exeellenl. 1 here was a better grades of machines, qualifies me to give >•«> ten' >•«•» • It . , expecting a real battle. The (iraml CHASE FURN. CO. onsiderable increasi- Haven girls defeated our countv RELIEF CORPS in atlendaiuv will pay you to investigate before lni>iru;. /.i r the lii'^l meelin^, \oUll.. I'cm- champions last year by a fair si/.el 121 COMPORT LEAVES LOWELL ;»le. don't forget \ nii • ••ers li e. score and. so far as* we can learn, ELECT OFFICERS Minda\ servicis; Authorized Dealer for have the same team intact a^ain this Morning wnsliip at l(i:."ili. year. After holding Muskegon In White Rotary Ruby Wlmt i« bettor, when on the down hill Bide of life than an At a called meetili ol the W. (ibiircb m biiiil d II; la such a close score. Coach Evans ami A special meeting ol' the Women's New Ideal tv. Ho;;;v; easy chair l».v tin* home liresule with pooil IiooWk inaifazineB itelief Corps was ci^lled .Saturday (ihase l-nniitnie conipan> Lowell Chrislian l!ii(U'avor S '('icl\, 1 ,'1 girls feel as though lhe> are due foi slock I ii »ldi I'v at Hie ('. i 1 > Stale haul- I'lracbin^ service al 7 o'cbi. k, and paperfi? lU'julin;.' isn mijJit.v aid in UIVh pleiit-me, but a victory Friday night. I'repara- iflernoon at which time the fullusv- and other high grade makes. ng ollicers were installed by Mrs. Momlas evening, an arraniiemenl \lid week service Tliursda\ even- to enji))' it free from cyr straifi one neeilfl fions are being made to lake care of was in.idi with Mr. Chase whertd)> • 1 in. Supper al IhIIoWimI b\ a a record crowd ami jo of Hie best Metcher, who was chosen as install- iia! ollicer: those pi csi ul and so voting are t' levolional ser\ ice. seats will be put on reserve at 2')C receive .1) cents on the dollar ol Hand No. ."! will serve ,1 business xtra. .'resident, Letlie Knee. R. D- STOCKING Properly Fitted Glasses •ienior vice president, l.sdi.-i ('.huhh. Iheir stock and those not present aien\ luncheon in Hie churcli dln- will have the option of a like sellle- iiy ro»>:ii Fl'ldax belween lli> hours SCHOOL NOTES innior vice president. Ksther New- Thin in whw we come in with ample e(|iiipiD«ut an l experi- combe. men! or accepting Mr. Chase's pro .1 ll::tu and I o'clock. The first home debide between ence for your lil. We have plca^fd othern for many Secretary, Sarah Pletcher. posilii-n of pa.Miien! in full on tin Lowell Hijjh and /eeland High will secured deferred pa\mei;ls. ( HI UCH OF THE NA/.AUKNK yearn, (live us a i rial. S.-rviee and price both riyht. rreasurer. Minnie Hawk. he held in the lli^h school audi- r.haplain. Martha Mullen. The l:ic|nr\ huildin.u llius a^ain Corner \Vashin«lon and Avery sis, torium Monday. Jan. lit. at T;30. p. IJonductor. Helen Aver*. becomes a\ lilahle to its iwners Sunday school at 10. a. m. m. Lowell will uphold the negative Iluard. Leah Slaal. The Lowell Hoard of Trade, for in Preaching al II. a. m.. and 7 A. D. OLIVKH on the (|iieslion "Itesolved: That the i'ress correspondent, Messa Hatch. duslrial purposes; and it is lo ht 111. I nited Stales should grant immedi- OI'TnMKTKIST. \ssislant conductor, Hatlie Walker, ' hoped lli.il some relia ^oiii^ con I'rayer merlin^ WVdnesdiis even- ate and complete independence to lolor bearer. No. I, (!«»ra fallen! cern will avail itself of the c\c u^i al 7:l.i. p. ni Hie Philippine Islands." The per- Fo\: No. 'J, Frances Carter; No. i lent t.ppnriimilv foi a immu l,\er\one is cordialls invited. For Many Years sonnel of the team is as follows: .Marietta Savles; No. I. (irr facluriiiM hnsiness under favorahli liev, I'.lmer liuek, Pastor, Hoy Holland. Lucille Visser ami Hawk. i circunislanci's, all'ordinM eiiip!o\ James Marsh. Avail yourselves o I menl for iiunu'roiis willing worki-rs SIAFMII DAY ADVKNTIST Hie chance of being informed on om A CORRECTION, D,\ ilie worship il 11. a. m. of the chance of being informed oi A Friend of Many People Hem in Heche's Market Adver- ,MKS I KKI) DKMSd.N DEAD Sahhillli s, lio(»l at la. a. m. one of our great national problems tisement in 'file Lowell Ledger Mrs. I;red Denison, living south o Ilivulai Sabbath Salurda\ ) ser of Januar\ S, PJ25 Lowell, di. d Tnesd.r, ev«*ning. Jan ices ire held in the Woodman ball ANNOUNCEMENT ) I.HS. KX'f MA FANCY (iltKI.N JA 111. alter i sescral weeks' ill lies- All are welcome. The residents of Lowell and vicin- PAN TliA 117C from cancer. She is survived h> hei That is what this bank has beer., T: 1 ffieebe Ujarket ity are cordially invited to visit ami should hav, read Imshaml and one sm. .hihn, hes dc inspect the C. and T. OiIkus lim ner I LB. EXTRA FANCY CREEN JA relalivi-s in New York. Funeral LOWELL BANKS is what it will continue to lie. now being demonstrated in the Itici PAN TEA r»7c services were held from St. Man '• CASH AND CARRY linildiiiK opposite Poslollice. Sold on church this Thiirs«la\ morning al ELECT OFFICERS a money back guarantee. Easy pay- Patronize our advertisers. 1) o'clock. You have found here .1 safe place i iiienfs if desired. No cost to inspect. your funds during the past years mnv / r ,, Vou are welcome. p.'IM 1 he Lowell Stale bank held il iimial stockholders meelin^ I'm and in the years to come enter this ! ar k Lily White Flour Special $1.29 l.i> and Hie following ollicci s ,1: KENT DELEGATION lii'cclors Aen eleeled tor Ihi mMi with the assurance that thi? institution is This Flour is worth $1.60 11;^ \ ear; C. 11, Hnnciiiian, presiib 11'. FARES VERY WEU I. \. I'cckhain. v ice piv- idciil. 1». ( your friend and true to the tru -t y ' icl $tratid £b?air« Program Malice, ca-bier. Thesi wilb 1 I in it. lb niiell, .1. P. I reeimm. C \, 1" 3 cans Beans 25c Lansing. Jan, H.—Kent county's Hid I.. I>. McQliecli n 1.1 k 1' up 111' 5 lbs. Pure Buckwheat. 30c delegation in the house, whic h stood lb ard • 1 1 )ireebM s smiarelv behind Speaker Fred |j. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 16 and 17 5 lbs. Pancake Flour... 30c ells in his 11^111 for election fared \l lb • iiniai d riecliiu lit tin slock- well in the coiiiinittee assigmncnts loidei's nf Cil\ Mali bank, hi Id 1 Shredded Wheat 11c - Lowell State Bank announced today. "BOY OF MINE" i uesda>, tin f-llowjn^ named men 2 Post Toasties 25c Dexter (i. Look, serving his sec- ,',eii ebclcd ibreclors: .bibn \. Ar 1 Pet Milk, large 9c ond term, was given a place on the A big theme—told with rare artistry by la, I, .lobn s. Ilurpin. n. I. ('.on Lowell, Mich, important ways and means commit- BOOTH TARKINGTON li a. II irr\ 1m\ . I . \\ lllm an. D. 3/2 Butter Crackers .... 49c tee and public heallh coiiiinittee. ,1. I.o iL, I 1,1 an.pkin, l! \'anD\ke % 4 Grape Fruit. 2Sc Look is one of the two members of -and he wrote it vitpuL-iiilly for the «creen with ml II I.. W. ekes. (Illleers ideeb'd: |{, VailDvke, pres- the wa\s and means committe who Ben Alexander, Henry Walthall, Irene Rich drew a second committee assign- idenl D. (1, 1 00k and Win. T. ('.mi- ment. and Rockllife FelloweR, lo 11. mci piesideids; llarrx Da>. C.asliier. and II ,1 1 mdi bardl SATURDAY Itepreseiifative Ate Dykstra (»l THE YEAR'S GREATEST HUMAN DRAMA, .WSTiWETfV,..-: "?» RnsaUBU'VJBAtt 10 lbs. Sugar ONLY 67c (Iraml Itapids also fared well, He >islanl cashiei. is chairman of city corporations and Few pictures bring gerudm* luarH—few picturc.s touch thf inner I ll's will \ e the bank Ihe sa ne a memher of the committees on ed- heart-—few pivtureti really portray actiiid life—hut of all thono that ncn In ^ ivern ils consi rvjdiM poli- ucation Northern Slate Normal and do, none come cloier or touch you more than "Boy of Mine." Proud- \ lo;- P.I'J'i as il has had for several dfcirropticious of religious and benevolent societies. scars, liuis wiving lo l.owell ind ly wa call it the greateiit drama of real lif« thu yearn hove yet «»ven ui. 1 Itepresentative Harold Smedley <111 rounding lerrilor) one I the Strong Instant 10 bars got on Hie conservation eoinniitlee The Manucenient. sfroiiKt si banks in \liclii«aii. Postum judiciary. Traverse Cll\ state hos Saturday Matinee, 10 and 15c. EveniriK 15 and 25c- •«» 4, J'* . mm Cheese Rub No More pital and Pontiac state hospital . ^Miniuiniiii'ri ^ K Large William Delloer is placed on citv CONSUMERS SEEK corporations, Industriaf School for fW*"; "l Itoys, labor and transportation. Sunday, Jan 18 BIG STOCK ISSUE ' K ' •> 5 ,7 41c 42c William J. Thomas is placed on y?< ~Tr -11, • ^ the important apportionment eoin- BUCK JONES in \ome niitlee and on the taxation commit- l.ansillK. •l-"i. II 1 lis Associaled tee.- -(iraml Itapids Press. i'ressl A In arin^ oil Ihe pelilioil of ^ •%! 4,1 Pork Steak 18c Ihe Consminrs Power Co lor per "CUPIDS' FIREMAN" nission lo issue *'.Mil KM KKI in pre Pork Chops 23c v UTERARYCLUB by Richard Harding Davi« .erred sjock and 1,11(1(1,11(111 111 bonds, 'I'll* ••rt.'ii|1 < In, i nil v , , ALSO THE QO QITTCRS iilor\ ser\cd bs the companx, was Home-made Lard 22c held heloii tile puldic utilities Ci> n The modem tendencleN in monument biiildin .-a. t" » r-i ij Hamburger 2 lbs. for 25c At the meeting of the Lowell Lit- Admiiiion 15c and 25c uissi'in 1 uesdav. Anions Ihe pro iieM and simplicity of detail. I.et os quole pri. <• do op-t .-ri,*. . n Fresh Sausage 20c erary club at the home of Mrs. Win. posed t Xpclldilui es listed W 1 I 1 and tablrlt. Our experience defu-h eompi iiiion . mh i. .. Vice President, Mrs, Win. Hall, (•MOM- .'O lice. See,, Mrs, TlnHiias Watson. lalimi in (iraml Hapids. M.'i.iHMi foe We will sell you whole Fresh Hams, Cor, Sec., Mrs, Win. Harlinan. "UNSEEN HANDS" lln Lowell planl. (iraml Hapids KnaaaoaRi Treasurer, Mrs, N. E. Horgerson. Press. whole Fresh Shoulders, Side Pork, Critic, Mrs, J. M. Iliitcliinson, A Special 6-Reel Comedy. Parliamentarian, Mrs, It. M. Shivel. Also A Two-Reel Comedy >(•1 If INniMi: r\\ Vi Beef—everything you want in Custodian, Mrs. M. C. (ireene, No. 1 Mrs. L, E. Mathews, chalnnan of Admiiiion 15c and 28c N0111 incoai, la\ for Hie year llllil Hie day, had prepared the following is less. 111 proportion fo your income. large pieces—and the price is right. program: Ibaii was Ihi las for P.I'Jll, A rah Victrola selection, "Eleanor." leduclioii, however, is nol Ihe oill> \V A \ T KDI Sirs, D. (i. Look and Mrs, M. C. Thursday, Jan. 22 beiiclll aflordi'd b> the revenue ad (ireene gave very iiileresliim lalkk of P.l'jf. Increase ill the I'SellipHon on their siiinmer trips.' ' HARRY CAREY in lor married persons, a 2.'» per cent Saranac Creamery Batter 43c Victrola selection, "Out of the reduelion on "earm-d income." and Beans, Potatoes and Clovei Seed Dusk to You." oilier chaii«es in reveinie lenisla The dnh adjourned to meet with Hon are of inmiedi.de inlcivsl li the Clover Leaf club Tuesday. Jan. "THE NIGHT HAWK" e\ir\ laspaxi'i'. JW, mI Hie home of Mrs, Orlo Yeiter. A Grtat Story of the Goldtn We»t. The rexcmie act ol 1021 reouires lhal iclurus he tiled h> e\er\ single Blue Jay. Zeigler and Hard Coal NOTICF TO MEAT LLL'YEKS. Also A Two-Reel Oomody. person w hose net income for I IL' f Ilie meat market stand, corner of was »f.iioii or more, or whose woks All itizes Main street mid Lafayette ave„ re- Admltflon 15c and 25c. income was <1,(1(1(1 or more, and h\ cently vaciilrd. comes into m> pos- everv married couple whose aMKi'e- session amiin February first and will Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Caught Cold Yet? wale net income was »2.a«l(» or more, be reoiH-ned oji i>r alnrnt Febriiar> or whose a^ureude yross iiicoinc ft hv Slaal ft Miller, with the latter Coming—Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23-24 was s'MHMl or more, f.asf \ear re- Milk Maker Dairy Feed in elmriie. M turns were retiuiivd of married Mr, Merrill Miller in experienced "THE FIGHTING COWARD. I( you haven't you probably will. . Almost couples whose ajjureKafe lie! iilfome in Hie meal hiiftineft* UML Hie new was or more, fliishand and Full line of Poultry Mashes and everyone haa more or less of that sort of thing Hrm will apprecinle your palronaae. wife, livinu fojiefluT, iiia> inefndi- Clmwfe Slaal. lathis eliiuate. UV sell the ailvsrtlnMl the inctinu- of eacfi in a single loliil Scratch Grain mucb lefiirn, or each max file a M'pai'iife kind of eoM reinedie*, but we rsrommend FOOD HAI.R return sfioxviiiK the ineoine of each The Womaii'» Missionarv sorielv "llobson's laxative Cold Tablets/' Take Net income is ^ross ineoine less Save money by buying your common of I he M, E, church will hold u food eei'fain specified ivdtlcfions for hllS' the** as soon as you fe*l a cold coming and sale at the store of Warner ft .VOLL START 192S RIGHT mess e\|ieiises, fosM-s, had ifrhls, Saturday, Jun, 17, lM>giniiing ul 2 northern grown Alfalfa Seed, new crop, you will be able to stand It off nine times In nViiuilr f p3;( coiifrihilliUlls, ete. ReMlve !• be a saver instead of a spender. Each month re- Ihe period for filiiiM returns is at $15,50 per buthel. ii*n. l or that cough take "White Pine and from .fanuarv I lo March la. 1 CHRIHTIAN HCIKNCR Tar." solva to put a Utile aalde. Do it the food Building S Loan Way, The refill 11, aeeompanied hv at leaist Sunday services are held Ml 11 Veucan eava irtn $2.0$ to |S,00 every month and never miss it, one fonrlfi of lax due, nnisf he filetl o'clock over Hie l^owell Slele hank. Leta ell try. Let us eaplaln our easy Mvlng plan lo you. with the eoflecfor of internal reven I Suhjed of the lesion-sermon fur tie for Ihe district in xxhieh ttie tax- 1 C. H. Runciman Elevator JMiimiry IN is "Life." W t XK( J AR & HARTMAN" pax i-r has his feKal residence or has ! Phones 1S2 and 34. Everyone cordlallv invited. D. S. SIMON LcweU BUF.& Loan Am'd. SHUTF.N his prioeiiial |iiaee of linsiness. ' Mead the Advertisemenls. PiitroaiM our idvtrUatrt: THE LOWELL LEDGER and THE ALTO SOLO THE LOWELL LEDGER and THE ALTO SOLO

IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Women to Be Heads of Their Families and "I will certainly remember it,*' HOW TO KEEP Marriage to Be Eliminated Mary promised. "Twelve months afro I went to live goSbSLlfeast Foam at Sokar," Elsa Francks began. "It Is WELL By CLARENCE DARROW, Chicago Lawyer. The Mystery Road StmdaySchoo! a miserable place, but I went there to lie near my friend Ivan Krossneys. The Lord of Thunder Gate Society'eventually will work out a system whereby women will be DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN By the governor of the fortress. In that 1 T the heat Is of their families and the practice of marriage will be eliminated. hurts, though, and I dare say she will Editor of "HEALTH" Lesson fortress was confined a man whom Ihcicdl Dutch It is only preachers and religions which say the family is the foundation get over It." your brother went to Itussia to res- tmrnd (By UKV I'. H. KIT/.WA'l'Kll. IVU.. Dena E. Phillips Oppenheim pioccss By SIDNEY HERSCHEL SMALL ue;. Hi.'j. WfitUMii .NewH|>apcr Union.) of (hit Kvenlnn Sohoiil. Mooily llible In- of society. "Gerald Is a fool." Ids father de- cue. lie came to me In ask me to tl'.ltUU' iif '•hl.-iiK... > Ovpyrltfbt by Little, Brown A Co. clared. "Marrying in one's own class help him bribe tbe governor. That rich, smooth WHY SOME GERMS ARE (Cr). li'LT.. W.-m. rn Ni*WN|m|)or t'nlnnd What is a family? Whether children of the same mother have the is well enough In an ordinary way. was in the month of October last year. INVISIBLE CHAPTER VI—Continued delicious (Copyright by The Bobbo-MerrOI Co.) same father is not an important matter, so'long as they are of the right Bu Uictor Rousseau but—well, there isn't another woman He was a very different person then, Lesson for January 18 kind of fathers. Heredity and environment make the child, and the latter like Myrtile In the world. Gerald Is and 1 thought that I liked him very n^llK British Association for the Ad- There are moments when revelation an ass not to realize It Instead ef much." is most important, to my mind. Mating is no less right because words are ^ vancement of Science met this year THE LAST SUPPER Is selMliuminatlve. This was one of going to Itussia, risking bis life and The woman sipped ber champagne. CHAPTER XVItl—Continued. arms. "My . . . my head swims protesting fright. Unmindful? Un- lu Toronto, Canada. This is one of said by a preacher. In time children will come to be looked upon as them. Myrtile, gazing almost in ter- liberty for the sake of this Hussia.: Tbe warmth of Hie room, and Hie —22— . . . " And he must kiss her again. healing, rather. the few times when this dignified hotly LESSON' TKXT—Lake 22:7-3n. at hla wrist But Lancaster bad al- "Well, you see. Miss Wentworth ror Into the face of her benefactress, girl. I don't like Kusslans—never did. wine, bail moistened tier face. A little Every girl should learn how to make GOLDKN TKXT—"Tills Is My body assets, rather than liabilities. "1 mn .suddfUt'd hyvonil fXprosslon They stood another moment so. "I promised you proof. Yon should of Knglish scientific men has met on ready plunged the syringe Into tlie means weu," he said slowly, "but she knew that she wns haled, and, wilb You are a person of common sense. streak of rouge had spread upon her which Is kIveil for you: this do In re- Certainly birth control should be a part of woman's knowledge, but -ARE YOU A WITCHI" an extraordinary insigbt, slie knew that I annoy you, ilwir Mr. Williams, Then, together, they entered the room. ask for proof." Ills hand flicked light lids side of tlie Atlantic. Tlie presi- meinbnince of Me."—Luke 21!:l!>. fluid, and he was upon hla feet doesn't realize conditions. You see," Mary. If you say Myrtile must go. go left cheek. There were black lines good bread; it should be the starting why. She saw tlie crumpled up tele- and shall make ohcisnnffs to ihf ly against Williams' cheek. "Take a dent, Sir David Bruce, K. 0. B., F. B. PH1MAHV TOPIC—The Lord's Sup- as a solution of crime it could be used only as a temporary and local STNOPSIB. — Nurses la the Be tried tc free bla hand, he fought he added, turning to Joan but not she must, but I'd much rather Herald under ber eyes. Her voice, however, point in her home cookery training* of juy liousc tluit all .shall be well with CHAPTER XIX good look at your proof, Kay. it was S., took for his presidential address, per. Soutliern hospital at Avonmouth furiously, but Joan succeeded In meeting her eyes, "one has to taper graph form; she guessed at every- came to his senses ami married her." was stronger. I NT K UM K DIA TK AND SENIOR remedy. Probably the practice would eliminate some causes of crime, as you. I have hrought the word thai a sad affair, wasn't It? You tried to the Important and practical subject, are aneered by the Insolent knocking the bottle from his grasp. off very slowly In a desperate case thing which had lain unspoken be- "Men are rather dlllicuit in tiiat "He offered a great deal of money TOIMC—The MvantnR of the Commu- it is the poor that have the large families, and it is poverty that is one treatment aooorded them by Dr. Mr. Sanderson tloslros. Is It permit- Sanderson was stli! deep In his help me, didn't you?" Hand against "Tlie Prevention of Disease." nion Service. It fell upon the table. Lancaster like mine. I'm very far gone, and tween them. She closed the door way," Mary rejoined, a little bitterly. and I agreed to help. I sent for Ivan John Lancaster, head of the ln- firmly behind her, came across to Send for free hooklet ted that 1 xo tt) K'^'t It?" chair, his face away from the door. cheek, harder. "You were a h—1 of Uf all the instruments which the VOUNt; PEOPLR AND ADfl.T TOPIC "f the causes of crime. etitutlon. Mid there Is a general lighted It, and suddenly darted toward heroic measures are useless." and, altbougb lie made dliliculties, he He had not moved since Wells had a friend, you were!" —Communion With JehUti Christ. Lady Mary's chuir, fell on her knees Sanderson nodded wearily. "What- mind and ingenuity of man has de- feeling of unrest. Into which the deak. Joan caught him. He flung "That's right Now tell her to go," Chapter VII was eas.\ to persuade. It was all ar- "The Art of Baking Bread" ever you have from my boy I must left. Williams cupped a light for Ida He stopped, breathless, nnd released veloped, the microscope, he said, Is the Joan Wentworth. probationary her across the room. He had got the said Myer.;. nnd struggled with ber sobs. I. The Passover Prepared (vr. 7-13.) ranged. The prisoner—No. '?!), we •ee." cigarette, was absorbed momentarily, the other's collar, glaring at him. most Important. With It, In the last Nowadays a Girl Makes No Secret of the Fact aarse. Is drawn. Doctor k*®" "I knowl 1 know!" she cried. "I eaater Is performing a dlfflcult drawer open when she grappled with "Yes, Miss Wentworth, I really don't The butler made Ids announcement called him—walked out of the fortress so that Ail>ertn first saw the quiet "Uncle Sandy . . . stop them ."0 years, tlie cause of almost ail dis- 1. Tlie Disciples' Inquiry (vv. 7-0). am very miserable!" Northwestern Yeast Co. With a how, Wells opened the door She Is Helping Nature operation, for which he hae won him again. believe that ^ on can do any good here," to his mistress a little doubtfully. In your brother's clothes ind with his opening of the door, first saw the man . . . this Is no place . . ." Al- eases emisod by minute living things They Inquired of Jesus as to where Mary looked at her coldly and crit- •RAOt MARR which led Into the hall, bowed again. fame. Joan, with other nurses. He struck at her with his right said Lancaster obediently. "It wns a "There is a person here, your lady- American passport. Vour brother 1730 North Ashland Ave. Mas will) the black kimono over ids arm. berta found her voice at last. they should prepare for the Passover. Is In attendance. She le upeet ically. Al; the natural impulses of her The room broke Into a babel of has been discovered. But there are a mistake. You shall be paid a full was to lake his place for twenty-four Chicago, III. Radio'Reproduction They no douht were anxious to be of through no fault of her own. and hand, beating her about the wrists, but ship, wiio desires to see you." The Instant of horrified recognition Sanderson's face was a picture; In- number of common and destructive dis- By MRS. THOMAS WHIPPEN, in Baltimore Sun. month's salary. Ask Mr. Myers to heart seemed dried up. Kven her sound the Instant that the door closed makes a trivial blunder at a orlt- she would not let go. She would never "What sort of a person?" Lady- hours. Then he was to leave tbe Gives the Beit That's in Your Set— was unendurable. More awful because finitely prim, extraordinarily wise; he eases which are undoubted}^' caused service to lllui. 1 pride refused to come to her aid. The behind Wells: It was as If he hud Ical moment. The patient dies leave go. not though he struck ber In make out your check." Mary inquired. prison In the funeral coach of an- An eiapiy title . oines high, but many blinked from below his shaggy brows by germs which have never been seen 2. The Master's Strange Directions It seems to me our young folks today are more honest than those who truth lay naked between Hie two. held them all bound by his person- of what It stood for. and Doctor Lancaster accuses the face. He tossed her this way and "She can drive back with Doctor other prisoner who had died. a silly Am.-ricati heiress feels that she Tone • Quality. but made no motion as If to speak or by the human eye. This Is not because (vv. 10-PJ). They were to go into Ihe her of clumsiness. She le sus- "1 wits a fool not to realize what The butler coughed. Stop Child's Cough ality, his detached air, his calmness. It was Hob. It-was-it-was-it-was 1 lived when I was a young lady. Take the matter of make-up, for instance. that, but she never unclasped her hold. Jenkins now." suggested Myers "This was seven months ago." Mary must ba'.e It. Interrupt. they do not exist hut probably be- city where they would meet a man pended, the action meaning the bringing you here meanf," she snld. "A woman, your ladyship. She Clarity of Now Alberta and Williams realized Bob had been . . . that robe, the In those days the belles of the time put coloring on their checks, darkened and of her hope of a career as At last he dropped Into his chair ex- "She can drive back with Doctor faltered. Williams wished that he might step cause they are so small that not even bearlnu a pitcher of water. He as- "It is too late now. Here is the tele- struck me as being some sort of a Quick-To-day reproduction. how insecure was the rock upon which darker skin ... he had been the a nurso. Without relatives or hausted and covered his face with his Jenkins," agreed Lancaster, and Joan Tbe'woman wiped her lips, shivered Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin away . . . farther from Hob. Dim- sured them that they would then be their eyebrows ami often added a touch of ruby to their lips. But they gram. Christojdier is elected." foreigner. She assured me tbat her their mansion was bull ied, how proof!-liipiinese. Kayama. She would never tlie most powerful microscope Is strong j||P frlendA. and desperate, Joan, saw the secretary's pale face blaze at Ihe sight of the color upon her Wlien led, piugh ami iwhing. by hot TV-fiw- it bis n. rV.inr* In <• •. !ni> shown a large upper room furnished. hands. business was urgent. 1 have shown Sensitivity to signals. from this Japanese would hrln« It ^ "M- t" explain things to Sander- ly, he heard Alberta's "It's Bob! Bob! enough lo make them visible. Inilu-j would not dream of letting their suitors know they did this! For all Kg? urged by her landlady, goee to Myrtile brushed It away. Il was a handkerehief. closed her eye.s for a Jnlo er. up or sc:r..-thins «; • •UK, Doctor Idincaster's office to aak "Twelva minutes more." said Joan with triumph. her Into the morning room." baliis of I'ucicur: Soap and ti.'a h.'S of j.-t r:.'ht afl. r ih. t < :: \ .nr down upon their heads. There wus son. Not after what the Japanese, . . . don't let him hurt Kay, please" enza. measles and scarlet fever have j 3. The Obedience of the Disciples thing of no arcount. moment and reeovered herself. Hanmmizer that they ever confessed otherwise, their cheeks were natural roses, their nlm to overlook her blunder and triumphantly, looking at her watch. "And you might gel me a few more M ('uti' ura < liiitii..•:>!. A1 >i i: t'. use (hili'.'.-'. .'.'o u. u to ta e v. • aa-y no doubt as to what Sandersnn would ; 'ia' Mob I) had said. And she had and so he, also, must speak. all the peculiarities of germ diseases,! (v. 13). They did not stop to ques- j I care nofl.lng for Christopher and Mary rose to her feet at once, < oi..'h j. , Al y •• K. np'n adjustment reinstHte her. She overhears a Then she realized that all through bottles from the storeroom," whis- "That seven moiillis." site said de- now and then of that ox<\n - i'e ent- "It was . . . Alberta, Bob. yet, so far, no germs have been found . tion Ihe sanity of the command but lips like the cherry itself, and their skin milk-white, although they had violent Hitercatlon between Doc- | you know if," she declared passlonate- "A foreigner?relgm " she repealed, with m^raMy. "1 see! I ll. e - v. n l:a a;—a n.-i« cal-: u-i.io:, : f . ami do if the Japanese made good his ''l'" <'"• Never reinstate her- pered Lancaster to Myers. "I'm very ed dusting powder, fmii-m-a um. I ;i • ti ne-'li ino yajo ' -r eh jr. s 11 Listen! She made me . . . made tor Lnncuster and other men ehe the struggle there hod been a hammer- 1 Ample volume. promise. Why had the Orientnl said '' ' Never: She had no thought of w hich are, beyond doubt, tlie causes i like true disciples obeyed, .lesas, be- carefully seen to that a few minutes earlier with a swan's dowi- puff and j ly. "I do lot care whether be Is suddenly ariiused Interest. 'Terhaps i vl..,rSi an(] year like a lifetime I.* *! thro l and pr-.-..•• • 11 • cold does not nee. Joan Is struck by ing at the door. She got up. "Who shaky. 1 must hnve enough on hand one of the indispen-a! < from i • • fl - • •t.irh i: v. . .. . -m. those things? What was it to hlru?*^'"""'"* "t,w- Never! The sicken- me ... it was her plan . . . of these diseases. Smallpox Is per-; cause lie is omniscient, knew Just | elected or n>t. Nothing about him she has news from Lord Donibey." I In hell! Listen. I l'o on w ith my ini r a very line grade of powder. the favorable change in the ap* Is II?" she called. in case I In the night You Toilet Trio.- Advert is. • • Only SO tents al al! siorc-s. A mischief maker. - futility of that word made her she wanted ..." haps the most typical germ disease | how the matter would turn out. pearance and demeanor of the I makes any difference to me, or ever Nevertheless, when she entered the stor;-. Your brother entered the "Miss Wc: tworth, unlock the door, understand my needs, Myers," he con- For litt.'tature send "The vellow thing;" Alberta shrilled cn,p ,,,e '"ore dosiernte . . .an- "By the Thunder God, who saw me known, yet no one has ever been able j II. The Passover Eaten (vv. 14-1*). Hut nowadays a girl makes no secret of the fact that she is helping doctor, ruoalllng that at tlmee In will." little room where Elsa Francks was fortress as arnn uetl. cl.;.hired his (,, >r please," came tbe frightened voice of tinued, with a catch of self-pity in bis ll the man behind the . u 1- a ra , your name to the al her uncle He look no notice of her,; h< moment of this silence and she' through this thing," Wells said so to Und lis cause. Fool-and-mouth ills- j 1. By Whom (v. 14)? Those who nature along bv applying rouge to her cheeks and a lip-stiek to her smile. the hospital he has been gentle Myrtile was speaking tbe truth. To waiting. It scarcely seemed likely i clothes with No. L".'. who walkeii out tnamifacturer. and thoughtful and at others su- Mrs. Fraser. voice. mt ilie rabbit'.- left hind l • I loesn and she turned, vixen-like, upon Kl- herself mad. ! gently that Williams felt safer, "you ease among animals Is clearly due to [ sat down to this last Passover feast ! Mary If seemed nmiizlng, but she that news of so fastidious a person as j of the place ami came, without ihrnht. |,r 1 feel, of eourse, so much make-up is a pity, because it spoils the nat- percilious nnd bullying. He telle "In a few minutes,** said Joan. Joan did not hesitate a moment. ten, who sat apart from the rest, | proof," Hob said very evenly I «> " dirty swine, Kay I Vou—you—" some germ, yet no one kflows what were the Master and the Twelve her ho can do nothing for her at knew that It was the irulh. tier brother en ill d come from such a to Loudcin. Vour hrc:h.T '.mis in Multiple Electric "Miss Wentworth. what are you She slipped belween the two men and trembling more through excitement »'Is Japanese voice. ; (Kamlnarl slipped a thunderbolt to it Is. Apostles. urally pretty skin of a girl. And then, too, perhaps I'm just an old-fash- the hospital, but offers her a po- "It Is only a fancy which Christo- source. Her doubts, however, were spend ihat niJi! In thr fnrires^ 1 sition in a nursing Institution In doing to Doctor Lancaster?" ran to the storeroom. With a mut- Products Co., Inc. than fear. Sanderson's head did not lift, ne; WcUs* right hand.) "You hound!" And The generally accepted and prob ioned grandniother, but I can't feel that it is quite the ladylike thing foi pher has for me," Myrtile went on. soon set at rest. 1 Krossneys came down to me. WV were s 1 2. His Wortls Unto Them (vv. the country, telling* her she can tered oath Myers ran after her. The "You—you—" Alberta gasped for j was far away, he saw his Hob In that I hanc; became a tight fist, drove able explanation of this strange situa- "I am taking care of him." "It will pnss—oh, 1 am sure that If "Are you Lord Dombey's sister?" I both excited, it w.- a great sum of 3C5 Ogden Street 15-18). t sice sweet girl to be attending to her personal appearance in publia be of "groat assistance" to him. girl was Just in time to slam the door words. Her case whs desperate. If the ! strange land, so unutterably alone. : against \\ illlams Jaw. Once. lion is that the germs responsible for | A man named My era demands "Mr. Myers says you will kill him. Willi pass! Deep down In his heart I fhe woman asked bluntly, without : money wbieh we laid IK ••n paid and Newark, New Jersey (1) "1 have desired to eat this pass- in bis face and lean against It Inside, uncanny devil dlil have proof. Every- i Williams raised his head. The Kamluiirl admired, "ihat these diseases are not only loo small she tell bl in what the doctor had He has got to have his morphine; know that there is aiiotber feeling." offering to move from tier chair. i life in iiussla is a ImrriMe burden Atlas products over with you before I suiter." How America's First Law Schod bracing her foot against a plank and thing would come out. Panic surged match burned against the nail of his j w'a* " ,llli:ll,-v !'I,UV- ) !•< be seen by the microscope but are j said to her. She denlee him the you can't stop a man abruptly like Her anguish was apparent. There "I am," Lady Mary acknowledged i We drank a great deal f wine. The arc guaranteed. 1 anxious lie was to show them tire The first law school in America was Information, and he covertly using the whole weight of her body. in? ' her throat, the seconds that she; linger, charred, and went out. A SanderMTi spoKe first, also so small that they will pass freely w RB1NE threatens her. At the Institu- that. Mr. Myers understands him—** was something almost unearthly In at once. "Have you brought news more we drank, the mure ipiam snme , ,,I meaning of the passion through which owned In I'liiiadelphia in 17JH). was speechless seemod an hour, her ghost! it must be a ghost. Some trick ' l• '" lake him away. Alberta, be tliroiigh the finest tiller made, ami so | "Mr. Myers can come In In fifteen She heard Myers breathe heavily as the sorrow which shone out of her He was to go; also He craved their tion, which is owned by Doctor of him?" Ivan became. He resented having t. fi'-'iciie dove to her palate. As words ef the Japanese. He had heard that ,0 where Wllllaius ca ii in't be "strained out." cultivated i Lancaster, Joan finds Myers. He minutes," said Joan. All the tihlle he tried to force bis entrance. He eyes. Mary's heart began to fall her. human sympathy as He passed Reduces Bvsal Bdarge* "I have brought him home," was part wilii so large a share et the returned to her. she becatrie more com- , they could produce phantoms . . . sl)rllwl,,(,' llzi"'>l llke upon the rug. pn. and examined as can the larger ami tells her he is the secretary. She she spoke she had never tak-m her dashed himself madly against It, but | Her fingers rested on Hie fop of the I stents. Thickened, Swollea instinctively dislikes and fears the unexpected reply. money to me. We tpmrreled. Once "r tecllng his head needlessly from a more ireiierally known germs. 'brough this trying ordeal. 1 Joan knew that she would die rather other girl's head. A gleam of coming posed, and becmnlng cottiposed, bitter- no ... It was real. His face wav- Tissaes» Carbs, Pilled him. The only patient at the eyes from Lancaster's face. "You?" Lady Mary exclaimed. twice we made It up. Then Ivan's second blow. "Vou wanted him. You (2) "1 will not any more eat there- Sure Relief i & than yield. ly vltrlidlc. There was nothing that ered between surprise and qulck-com- An Invisible germ cannot be studied, i Inatitute is a Mrs. Dana, de- Lancaster was suffering acutely. kindness shone mistily In her eyes. The woman laughed coarsely. anger tlared out ai: n In the end. must have wanted him pretty badly. of. until It be fulfilled In the kingdom Teadons Sereaess frea he could liave. A letter from Hob, lug fear. He was unable to sneak, or Ties means that until a nerm is made' I Braises er Straias; ttopa mented but harmlees. Joan le The sweat streamed down his face^ "Open that door I" shrieked Myers, "It wasn't your fault," she said. Jrfc