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• IIOTICH TO SUBSCRABBRS 6UBSCR1BBB8 PLRABE NOTICE A blut mark around this notice ibowt that the This pap«r wil! itop at once if paid to date arl fluhscrlption is due and should be paid at once. IF so ordered by the subtcriber. Not forced on any yon wish the paper stopped, notify the publiiher m one who quits square, ftegular 10-puffe edition unmediately. Otherwise it will be continued in* (2.00 per year, or H-page locai edition TI .'IO P* r definitely. Kindly observe and ureatly oblige the year, in advance. Please observe and oblige 11-• m publisher. publiiher VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 33 and THE ALTO SOLO LOWELL, MICHIGAN, JAN. 15. 1925 » POULTRY SCHOOL NEWS OF THE 31 0W0SS0, GD. DETENTION n HERE FEB. 17-18 HOME CHURCHES HAVEN COME HOSPITAL Capital $25,000 Plans are under way for a two- MKTHODIST (TILUCH DRUG day poultry school in Lowell Tues- 1 Fri«la\, .l:imiar\ l(i. the Kuodian FOUMEKS BOYS AND LATTER'S POSITION MA) BE SCBMfT- day and \\ednesday, Feb. 17 and IS. elas- will hold its afleriioon nieel- STORE Surplus&Undivided Profits $20,000 (ilRLS IN BASKET BALL CON- Tlie place of the meeting will he $1000,00 COl NTY Bl lLDINC PRO-' inji in the (ihurch house. M^ht re- TEST HERE FRIDAY definitely announced latei. Speak- TEi: TO KEN I VOTERS. freshiiicnis will be served. I''r'ida\ evening, a! 7:30, Division The lli^h school basket hall tossers ers for the meeting will be J. A. A speeinl eonnnittee iippolnled l)\ Total Resources over $650,000 Hannah, extension poultryman from No. I ol the (ireene circle will en- came thru with another victory last the Kent comity board of supervis- lerlain the ineinheis and friends of I week, when they took East Grand M. A. C., and Dr. 11. A. Slafseth. ors lo invesliy.ite and report mi the bacteriologist specializin.i? in poultry that circle in the Church house. Maplds into camp by trouncinu the need of ;i new th-tentioii lios|)it:il vy i-: ujiii* Nun t(i know us. TiiM iif-x- rj work. Mr. Hannah will discuss Come expcctin^ lo havr ,111 rnio.s- The year 1924, so recently closed, has visitors 25-5. Playing with an almost Tuesday will present to the Im.mi poultry housing and feeding, culling, ahlc evening. all Dnip Sh.r —hs o rtMl-ldowiifd [\ entire substitute team, the locals resolution reei)mniemling tliit the been one of success and achievement, it care and management of the day old Siinda\ services: orirMiijx.Mi Kid wbn-c inviiiljfi - \\:!l (!ci t surprised the fans with their floor (|Uestioii of liuilding ;i new »|eleiition Klillli. a. in.. Morning worship. being one of the best years that the bank ami team work. Maxon ami Kiel chick and mature chick. Dr. Staf- hospilnl :il a e<)st ol >llin.il(Ml be pre- th^ir utmost in ve vou and to uml-,'' seth will discuss general poultry Sernion theme. "Divine Mnltipliea- worked the hall down the lloor with sented lo the voters of the eoiml> tlmr .scrvi'-c b^ttfr t-vvrv ilu v. has ever had since its organization in sanitation, diseases ot the mature lion." speed ami short passes; but during at the next election. fowl and ot the day-old chick. 12:1.")11 . (•.hurch school, ('.hisses for 1907. the first half were unable to locate This recommendation \\:is arrived One of the requirements in order a" the hoop. Wingeier, playing for the at last iii^lil :il a meeting of the VOl" know our .stocks aiv c .ni| b-rt'. to have the school in Lowell is that (>:(l(l, !>. m., Fpworth League. Miss Its resources and deposits are steadily lirst time in several weeks, was a special committee. Hie Imildinj^ com- * ii'oo'i-) arofr^sh. r iUj \v 1'n our forty people must agree to attend Irma Muck will lead this service. A star guard, stopping the visitors' mittee and the hoard of control of 1 growing. Its reputation as a STRONG, both days. A detail profram will be splendid inleres! is shown lis our sincert-Br nflorts to [dfisf v.m, ourh ;-- plays well up the floor ami with the the hospitiil building. (Charles .Mul- - printed in a short time. >01111^ jieople in this service. I'htn iupBs ndations shoulfi -nt ;• 1 : • u -! i u SAFE and CONSERVATIVE banking in- aid of Schwab prevented the city der, presidenl of tilt- spi-cial commit- These schools are beint! held all 10 i ome. lads from scoring a field goal. Dur- tee, presided and James C. Ouinlan pleahan' ihMhnjjs stitution is beyond repute. over Michigan this year and arc 7:110. |i. 111., I'.veninj,' worship. I'lan ing the second half, the forwards acted as secretary. proving very popular. I" allend this service ol fellowship Kot their eyes on the basket and In a short address. Mr. Mulder This is the lirst of four meetings and devotion. Hrin.n \our friends Since 1918 this bank has been a member ranfc their score up from all posi- pointed out the need for a new I/-NOW your 1! v. 1:! Hi- is to be put on in Kent county. The with \oii. I he service lasts foi* one ! of the Federal Reserve Banking System, tions. structure and snhmiltcd plans fo: •V. ibid! JiH I .'ilHIl meetings at Lowell are being arrang- hour. I he radio sermon nia> he The faculty ball mussers wm* de- such a slim lure as could he erected heller than what you can hear in thus giving to its depositors STATE AND feated by a church elub from Ionia ed through the local Ag.-ll. K. as- if the people will approve the ap- this seivice; but >011 will lose the FEDERAL SUPERNISION. in a close and interesting game, bv a sociation of the hi^h school in co- priation of >|()().I)U(». operation with K. K. Vining, county .elloNVship of friends, tin warmlh of 11-10 score. "'1 here can he little douht in the auricultural a^ent. the ilinospliere of the service and On Saturday night, the local girls mind of an\one who knows the sit- In order to assure such meetings .111 opporlunilv of makin.y the cliurch 4% and Safety for Your Deposits. journeyed to Muskegon and gave the uation at the delenlion hospilal thai "Sawdust (lily" lassies a real game, he sure to telephone or write It. .1. • nviiin^ lo others. There is always the need of a new slrncture is press- inleres: in numbers. losing by a one-point margin, score MacVean, superintendent of schools, in.n." said Mr. Mulder. "11 is made Lowell, stating that you will atlend Wednesdav evening al 7 illll, I he 12-11 in favor of the larger school. (juale, holh in size and as In f.icili provided weather conditions and mid wt ek devolional service pre- D. G. LOOK Lowell was leading from the very lies lo properk carrv on the work unavoidable factors do nol prevent. ceeded b\ .su|)per in tin dining room. start until the final innute wheii It is also a lire trap and mils! he re City State Bank of Lowell, Mich. 1 bursda\ al!erno(jn at :i:l.'t. (!lul- Muskegon staged a rally and came placed as soon as possible." t One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores, 'h en s meeting for bi.»\s and jirls up through wth a field goal, and then Bt'TLER WILL ADDRESS KENT Member of the Federal Reserve The plans which were viewed h> to t \\ e 1 \ e > 1 ill's of am . At .'»:l,'i, by clever passing out-played the lo- WOMEN'S CLUBS the commillee menihers. while leu religion's educalioii lur bo\s from cals with the final whistle. The Kent County Federation of lative, i cpresenl ahoul what Hie iiww 1 Banking System. iWelve lo sixteen. Ciniii upen fol- Frida> night of this week, Jan. 1(», Women's clubs will meet in the Park building ccwnmitlee feels Hie eounl\ Congregational church in (iraml lowing Die slud\. our hi^h school teams meet the needs in llie wa\ of a dcnleiilion Tlmrsda.s evening al 7p, m,. Owosso boys and (iraml Haven girls Itapids Thursday, Jan. If!!. I.. A. hospilal. 1 JtaSaBBt-;•.•..-Al*- o&iA. Noiin^ Penple's service in cbar^c ol on the local floor in what is con- lUitler, superintendent of the (iraml The new structure, as planned Itapids schools, will address the fed- paslur. Ail uiuiiM pruple are -I- sidered, by the local school otllcials, would he three stories hijdi and 1m i F } ) 3 eration, Mrs. Ulanclie Itose of the conic In ibis .service. & as the two •bluest ami hardest' games llrcprool and modern in everv wa>, l.lo\'111. \'i\(iii. I'i^lnr. ol the season. Owosso comes with Kent County Anti-Tnherculosis so- 11 would he aide to house 10 pa- a bi« reputation, having defeated •iely, and Mrs. Danner of Muir, pres- tients and haw everything that is WHY? ( (IN(.|{K(;.\II(JNAI. Ionia fast week JW-.'I. not allowing iih'iii of the Ionia connl> federation, necessan for i hospital of the type. will als(» he on Hie program. The Tbe newl> urbanized VounK IN-o pay « bin price for bewiny Machines, when you can 1 .<• nd Ionia to gi t a single field goal. With (Irand llapids Herald. pie s societ> is fairh under was every man on squad eligible to com- neetiiiK will start at l:l,'> p.