'Aucjtio Niw-Ru'i- I -- Ward Now with Launls Locked Ictween Within
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THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 191?. OTTAWA FREE TRADE!? JOURNAL. j The Wrong Diagnose, j When cup John u'Shen up pen red In a DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS It is often necessary to suffer in the cause of all police court to answer t the charge of being drunk and assaulting the police UACIOUijA an otrier declared that the man bad ' been (iU:ui.stcd from the uruiy with y.cwM ( boy l Mcwev fow v M VIOLIN , ,. That tr ,1 S ll 0lV cOme'hY IS C?ETTlNC' Iirii milny. "TOO cooo -- No." O'Shea iTctostcil; "it wasn't V - OK AMY- - ttiat in Mii that 1 vui ..iiifcria from. It was vaiicosio veins." VuutU'a Com-i'Uitii'- L - Ik. I . 1 I , " W I C7.L uMB.. I II f "V II'' I f I - , --v-i .. " o L Professional Cards M. N. ARMSTRONG, Attorney at lax, 210211 Moloney nidg., Ottawa. Illinois. Telephones: S75-- 3I2-Y- . "JUST AN ORtl Otlke, Hesiilence, NARY PAY" AT TrtP. HO Wii; U. W. BREWER, CR VAN UDON. Attorney and counsellor at law and THE VlOUN solicitor in chancery. Will PRACTICE. prattle law in the several courts and in the federal courts. Special atten- tion given to ull real estate easel of La Salle and adjoining counting, including drainage questions. like 'liio.-t- aiiiU-- be if lt couldn't evid'i nceil fier agitation. Rising, she worse. 3. F. LINCOLN, jerked a beaded chain that depended til Lorelei had ni'Vt-- r heard her room-unit- e from the center lamp, and the room Attorney at lav, ofilce. La SL. speak with sui'li feeling nor In Salle' was flooded with mellow light; then Classified Adverfising west of sin-- :l strain. Hut I. this seemed quite court bouse. she drew out the table drawer at her uuoou.'eiotis of her little liiirst of elo guest's elbow, ami with diking li m is ; quence, Mie u.ts sealed, for- - DR. W. S. BLUE, selected a small box trom the confu- - tiMMNttimMmMtKMNHeMlMMIftIH 'AUCjTIO niw-ru'i- i -- ward now with launls locked Ictween within. Londei Aiiyen wniems wiu oe 01 0111 WANTK!) Two waitresses at once. Specialist eye, car, nose and throat. v slon recoiled at the ciduiim not exeeeding live lines, one I.' ." one Apply at the College Inn. mill! - r I sight of a revolver bidden among the tinie. rt'iils; three limes, ceiils: Third Koor Central Life Building. week. '.'I eetils. Kach line over live, 10 disorder. per 'Phones: Offlco lulS-W- . lies., Main H2. cents week additional. MAX u'ANTKD- To take care of gas- "Goodness! I hope it isn't loaded," All advertisements in this clumn must BILCDCE oline engine; ;,iuc,le man preferred. the latter exclaimed. "Your story gives be paid in advance. M'DOUGALL & CHAPMAN, me creeps .V:.i:.tss W. ii, cue of thh; othee. the and ttiat thing seems Attorneys at law, National Uank Uldg, to lit In." WAN TKI Stenographer desires ex- Ottawa, 111. loaded, all ri-- I keep It for For Rent "It'i tra work i hone X..VW or rail ut 2b) Moloney liuilding. W. H. JAMIESON, S. B., M. D., protection. I don't know why X told KOIv UIIXT Two nice rooms furnish- you all this," she half apologized to - A Physician and Surgeon: 'phone office, " ' ,y y?''' V to WAXTI'.'D compeleM girl for gen ed for light house keeping. Gas Or-tic- BEX Lorcit I. has upset me, as ul- ; 222 W., residence, Main C43. e BEMirBlHKi! "It it oral houaework no washing. Mrs, any table, deep loiiiiii: chair, a writ- cook with. Inquire at this ohice. ways does." A. .1. O'tleuor, 4315 ( ongrcss street. in Armory block. Professional doine-crovvne- read- ing desk, and a "How did you up ami Here we have the tale of i ever ,row calls in city or country will receivt I ing in nip. educate yourself?" FOIt RHXT Fight room flat, nil mod- WANTK!) TO lil'Y- - For a client, a young woman who Is thrust by "My study," I.ilas laughed, shortly. ern conveniences. Inquire Dr. Bur- faithful retention. Ottawa, 111. "1 hardly knows I liUed out when I farm of 2U'J to Hid acres; must be her and lazy family Into 1 nedy "That's where Improve my mind rows 7 S began t) get something to eat, and I either or miles north of Ottawa, a world of human vultures to not. The books fire deadly. Now come: JAMES J. CONWAY, developed a good figure. Finally I got with first quality of soil and good im- win a fortune with her personal I f itchy Koo must have dinner ready. HKN'T A six room house. Mod law, office, a I Foil provements. Address J. O. Harris & Attorney and counselor at Charms. But she surprises them M to be model. was quick to learn, .n. His name isn't HUchy Koo. hut it em conveniences, 'I'lione Arm- lh"7-W- . and when rich dames came in I al Son, phone rooms 40S and 407 Molono Bldg alt with her fine traits of char- sounds like It, and he's 'the cutest strong, Molorcy Bid;. good-lookin- V watched them. I became Ottawa, Illinois. acter. Her struggles and con- little thing; got the cutest little MM i w;i WAN'TKD--Labore- rs, li'Je per hour, by sox too, althoiich not so pretty as 1 am stant danger are frightening, swing.'" She moved down the ha!!, tho Ilerrick Clay Mfg. Co. now, for 1 put or WILLIAM I. HIBB8, but she brings help and happi- humming the chorus of the senseless couldn't the time money on It. Then 1 to For Sale ness to men and women who popular song from which Hhe had (ame New MKX WANTKI) - For both inside and Attorney at law, office west of court York. The. rest isn't a pretty story." need it much. This Is a ctory ipioted. outwide work. Steady work and house. 'Phone, Main 161. 11 GOODS FOil SALK - Mr.;. Mar- with strong pulse. Everywhere was the same evidence Miss Lynn made this declaration Alii good pay. Apply in person at the -- tin, of Flgin, will he at 114 Jefferson of good taste in decoration and luxury r irA calmly as she busied herself wbh the Chicago iietort and Fire Brick Co.. glass her had fetched. She street, aft moons of thia week, or LADIES, HEAD THIS: of equipment, hut a suspicion had en- servant if phone 21I'.-- 8YNOPSIS. tered Lorelei's mind, and she avoided dissolved a portion of the powder she OLD FALSH TEETH WANTED Magnetic Healer treatments given by comment, llilciiy Koo was cook, but had taken-fro- the box in the spoon, Don't matter if broken. 1 pay one one of your own sex for those tired FOil SA LP. --Owner offers two nood and house-boy- , and In view of Miss: then carefully transferred tiie liquid :o ten dollars per set. Send by part-e- l CHAPTKIt Knight, defeated ler mar-kot- out nerves. Headache, Rheumatism pe.arl-an- improved farms (dose to good for political off! In his town, decides to Lynn's disorderly habits it was evi-- l Into the cap of a gold foun- post and receive check by return mail. fam- of ami all nervous troubles. Prices venture New York in onl'T that the tain pen. Inserting he open end' of black soil; will send pictures L. HOo? ily fortunes might heneiit by the expected dent that lie had all he could do to Mazer, S. 5th St., I'hiladelphia, reasonable. ELLA WESTCOTT. 828 building.: on request. Frank Keilly, i of his charming UauKhter, Lorelei. mis-- 1 the receptacle into first one, then the I'a. riss keep the place presentable.. His La 3 o'clock II-- n in- New Hampton, Iowa, Salle street, after CHAPTEK A critic tress ate without appetite and in a other nostril, she inhaled the con- terview Lorelei Knlglit, now Btaije beau- 'phone, CC6-K.- , Ottawa, Illinois. ty with KerBtnan'B Kevue, for a special hypercritical mood that took no ae-- j tents. article. Her coln-huntl- mother outlines the attempts to "What are you doing?" asked Lore- FOH SALK A bargain eight room Lorelei's ambitions, but SluKson, the press count of wasteful Miscellaneous pa- - 2 large T. W. BURROWS, M. D., agent, later adds his information. plaso her. Quite regardless of the "I Wss an Imaginative Kid," She Con- lei curiously. cottage witli improvements; CHAPTER elel attends Million- tient little Jap, she found fault with j tinued. "Something to quiet my nerves. T lots. I'ricA ?2,b00 If sold at once. SEND YOUR luce, scrim and muslin Physician and Surgeon, ofilce, at resi- aire Hammon's gorgeous entertainment wasj Inquire Die Douglaa street, or phono She meets Alerkle, a wealthy dyspeptic, him savagely, bo that Lorelei wonder wbv I told you all this?" She curtains to be laundered early. dence, 810 Columbus street. Office j j her knees: her eyes were in j 398-X- . Mio sems fond of often painfully embarrassed. brilliant eyed her nest speculatively, then Washed by hand, dried in tho open hours, 1 to 3 p. m. CHAPTER IV-H- ob Wharton breaks in- -' "So you like my home, do you':" she the gathering dusk. Her memories Mir tigged. Well, since we're to be All goo;la to the ball tn a novel way una wins air. handled carefully. ai' queried, 'lifter it tihie. steined to affect her with a kind of no! ghhors, thousand dollars from IiIh father.