j The Wrong Diagnose,

j When cup John u'Shen up pen red In a DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS It is often necessary to suffer in the cause of all police court to answer t the charge of being drunk and assaulting the police UACIOUijA an otrier declared that the man bad ' been (iU:ui.stcd from the uruiy with y.cwM ( boy l Mcwev fow v M VIOLIN , ,. That tr ,1 S ll 0lV cOme'hY IS C?ETTlNC' Iirii milny. "TOO cooo -- No." O'Shea iTctostcil; "it wasn't V - OK AMY- - ttiat in Mii that 1 vui ..iiifcria from. It was vaiicosio veins." VuutU'a Com-i'Uitii'- L - Ik. I . 1 I , " W I C7.L uMB.. I II f "V II'' I f I - , --v-i .. . " o L Professional Cards M. N. ARMSTRONG, Attorney at lax, 210211 Moloney nidg., Ottawa. Illinois. Telephones: S75-- 3I2-Y- . "JUST AN ORtl Otlke, Hesiilence, NARY PAY" AT TrtP. HO Wii; U. W. BREWER, CR VAN UDON. Attorney and counsellor at law and THE VlOUN solicitor in chancery. Will PRACTICE. prattle law in the several courts and in the federal courts. Special atten- tion given to ull real estate easel of La Salle and adjoining counting, including drainage questions. like 'liio.-t- aiiiU-- be if lt couldn't evid'i nceil fier agitation. Rising, she worse. 3. F. LINCOLN, jerked a beaded chain that depended til Lorelei had ni'Vt-- r heard her room-unit- e from the center lamp, and the room Attorney at lav, ofilce. La SL. speak with sui'li feeling nor In Salle' was flooded with mellow light; then Classified Adverfising west of sin-- :l strain. Hut I. this seemed quite court bouse. she drew out the table drawer at her uuoou.'eiotis of her little liiirst of elo guest's elbow, ami with diking li m is ; quence, Mie u.ts sealed, for- - DR. W. S. BLUE, selected a small box trom the confu- - tiMMNttimMmMtKMNHeMlMMIftIH 'AUCjTIO niw-ru'i- i -- ward now with launls locked Ictween within. Londei Aiiyen wniems wiu oe 01 0111 WANTK!) Two waitresses at once. Specialist eye, car, nose and throat. v slon recoiled at the ciduiim not exeeeding live lines, one I.' ." one Apply at the College Inn. mill! - r I sight of a revolver bidden among the tinie. rt'iils; three limes, ceiils: Third Koor Central Life Building. week. '.'I eetils. Kach line over live, 10 disorder. per 'Phones: Offlco lulS-W- . lies., Main H2. cents week additional. MAX u'ANTKD- To take care of gas- "Goodness! I hope it isn't loaded," All advertisements in this clumn must BILCDCE oline engine; ;,iuc,le man preferred. the latter exclaimed. "Your story gives be paid in advance. M'DOUGALL & CHAPMAN, me creeps .V:.i:.tss W. ii, cue of thh; othee. the and ttiat thing seems Attorneys at law, National Uank Uldg, to lit In." WAN TKI Stenographer desires ex- Ottawa, 111. loaded, all ri-- I keep It for For Rent "It'i tra work i hone X..VW or rail ut 2b) Moloney liuilding. W. H. JAMIESON, S. B., M. D., protection. I don't know why X told KOIv UIIXT Two nice rooms furnish- you all this," she half apologized to - A Physician and Surgeon: 'phone office, " ' ,y y?''' V to WAXTI'.'D compeleM girl for gen ed for light house keeping. Gas Or-tic- BEX Lorcit I. has upset me, as ul- ; 222 W., residence, Main C43. e BEMirBlHKi! "It it oral houaework no washing. Mrs, any table, deep loiiiiii: chair, a writ- cook with. Inquire at this ohice. ways does." A. .1. O'tleuor, 4315 ( ongrcss street. in Armory block. Professional doine-crovvne- read- ing desk, and a "How did you up ami Here we have the tale of i ever ,row calls in city or country will receivt I ing in nip. educate yourself?" FOIt RHXT Fight room flat, nil mod- WANTK!) TO lil'Y- - For a client, a young woman who Is thrust by "My study," I.ilas laughed, shortly. ern conveniences. Inquire Dr. Bur- faithful retention. Ottawa, 111. "1 hardly knows I liUed out when I farm of 2U'J to Hid acres; must be her and lazy family Into 1 nedy "That's where Improve my mind rows 7 S began t) get something to eat, and I either or miles north of Ottawa, a world of human vultures to not. The books fire deadly. Now come: JAMES J. CONWAY, developed a good figure. Finally I got with first quality of soil and good im- win a fortune with her personal I f itchy Koo must have dinner ready. HKN'T A six room house. Mod law, office, a I Foil provements. Address J. O. Harris & Attorney and counselor at Charms. But she surprises them M to be model. was quick to learn, .n. His name isn't HUchy Koo. hut it em conveniences, 'I'lione Arm- lh"7-W- . and when rich dames came in I al Son, phone rooms 40S and 407 Molono Bldg alt with her fine traits of char- sounds like It, and he's 'the cutest strong, Molorcy Bid;. good-lookin- V watched them. I became Ottawa, Illinois. acter. Her struggles and con- little thing; got the cutest little MM i w;i WAN'TKD--Labore- rs, li'Je per hour, by sox too, althoiich not so pretty as 1 am stant danger are frightening, swing.'" She moved down the ha!!, tho Ilerrick Clay Mfg. Co. now, for 1 put or WILLIAM I. HIBB8, but she brings help and happi- humming the chorus of the senseless couldn't the time money on It. Then 1 to For Sale ness to men and women who popular song from which Hhe had (ame New MKX WANTKI) - For both inside and Attorney at law, office west of court York. The. rest isn't a pretty story." need it much. This Is a ctory ipioted. outwide work. Steady work and house. 'Phone, Main 161. 11 GOODS FOil SALK - Mr.;. Mar- with strong pulse. Everywhere was the same evidence Miss Lynn made this declaration Alii good pay. Apply in person at the -- tin, of Flgin, will he at 114 Jefferson of good taste in decoration and luxury r irA calmly as she busied herself wbh the Chicago iietort and Fire Brick Co.. glass her had fetched. She street, aft moons of thia week, or LADIES, HEAD THIS: of equipment, hut a suspicion had en- servant if phone 21I'.-- 8YNOPSIS. tered Lorelei's mind, and she avoided dissolved a portion of the powder she OLD FALSH TEETH WANTED Magnetic Healer treatments given by comment, llilciiy Koo was cook, but had taken-fro- the box in the spoon, Don't matter if broken. 1 pay one one of your own sex for those tired FOil SA LP. --Owner offers two nood and house-boy- , and In view of Miss: then carefully transferred tiie liquid :o ten dollars per set. Send by part-e- l CHAPTKIt Knight, defeated ler mar-kot- out nerves. Headache, Rheumatism pe.arl-an- improved farms (dose to good for political off! In his town, decides to Lynn's disorderly habits it was evi-- l Into the cap of a gold foun- post and receive check by return mail. fam- of ami all nervous troubles. Prices venture New York in onl'T that the tain pen. Inserting he open end' of black soil; will send pictures L. HOo? ily fortunes might heneiit by the expected dent that lie had all he could do to Mazer, S. 5th St., I'hiladelphia, reasonable. ELLA WESTCOTT. 828 building.: on request. Frank Keilly, i of his charming UauKhter, Lorelei. mis-- 1 the receptacle into first one, then the I'a. riss keep the place presentable.. His La 3 o'clock II-- n in- New Hampton, Iowa, Salle street, after CHAPTEK A critic tress ate without appetite and in a other nostril, she inhaled the con- terview Lorelei Knlglit, now Btaije beau- 'phone, CC6-K.- , Ottawa, Illinois. ty with KerBtnan'B Kevue, for a special hypercritical mood that took no ae-- j tents. article. Her coln-huntl- mother outlines the attempts to "What are you doing?" asked Lore- FOH SALK A bargain eight room Lorelei's ambitions, but SluKson, the press count of wasteful Miscellaneous pa- - 2 large T. W. BURROWS, M. D., agent, later adds his information. plaso her. Quite regardless of the "I Wss an Imaginative Kid," She Con- lei curiously. cottage witli improvements; CHAPTER elel attends Million- tient little Jap, she found fault with j tinued. "Something to quiet my nerves. T lots. I'ricA ?2,b00 If sold at once. SEND YOUR luce, scrim and muslin Physician and Surgeon, ofilce, at resi- aire Hammon's gorgeous entertainment wasj Inquire Die Douglaa street, or phono She meets Alerkle, a wealthy dyspeptic, him savagely, bo that Lorelei wonder wbv I told you all this?" She curtains to be laundered early. dence, 810 Columbus street. Office j j her knees: her eyes were in j 398-X- . . Mio sems fond of often painfully embarrassed. brilliant eyed her nest speculatively, then Washed by hand, dried in tho open hours, 1 to 3 p. m. CHAPTER IV-H- ob Wharton breaks in- -' "So you like my home, do you':" she the gathering dusk. Her memories Mir tigged. Well, since we're to be All goo;la to the ball tn a novel way una wins air. handled carefully. ai' queried, 'lifter it tihie. steined to affect her with a kind of no! ghhors, thousand dollars from IiIh father. Merkle we must be friends, and FOR SALE OR RENT A strictly Lace ctirlains, full length and width DOCTOR CARTER. be. af-- horror, yet hold .Tar-nn- d asks Lorelei to his detective in an "I've never seen one so beautiful." to her fascinated and the iyV. no harm dune. Now that modern eight-roo- houso on Illinois a') per intoxicated Hob cents pair; narrow and short, fair wliich he fears. The to demand expression. I Osteopathic physician, 402 Molon- Wharton Insults Lorelei and then Jumps I.iias nodded. "Ilitchy sleeps out, vis are engaged, lie's awfully avenue. Also three furnished rooms, to cents per pair. Muslin and scrim " "1 was an imaginative kid, ' she I ey LTdg., Ottawa, III. Of- in the fountain. j and that leaves mo the whole place. particular about the company keep, well located. For further particulars curtain.!, 35 cents per pair, Fancy 'Phone: V-- JIm ills- Knight's doings - continued. a of our people, HSn-R- 367-K- CHAPTER Jarvls fiur'shed it, even to the books, "It's trait but he likes you. How different they call on or address Wm. Jamison, 720 and a Fpecialty. Woik fice, residence, . gust Lorelei and aroiiBe her suspicion. I 1 like well, like their distrust of au- 111. tier drtsslnx room partner looms as a an I'm studying to be a lady." Again act when they're in earnest! He even La Salle street, Ottawa, guaranteed. Call ICIS-- for particul-- a central figure in the blackmail scheme sin- - hmj:!)c(! mockingly. "I make a thority and their fear of law. Father wants me to quit work now, but I Itammon. Mrs. Croft, the dresser, rs. DR. J. J. MORiARTY, against 1 worked in the Bessemer plant, like any tells what she heard. Kn!T at refiling, hut so long as talk like the excitement it's better than huiikie, and tTie women used to bring wrist-watc- Osteopathic Physician. Hours: 9 to CHAPTER elel meets Merkle to about Napoleon he never thinks to waiting." Sim glanced at her Wanted FOR SECIiKT SERVICE WORK and proposed trap for Ham-rno- n. I the men's lunches to them. 12 2 5 p. 7 8 warn him of the i,r.estion ;:u. know that French gink Mother and drew herself together. "Our 3S9-- a. m.; to m.; to p. m. They go for a long auto rido in collecting evidence, call phone wasn't strong, ami that duty fell to me. 215-R.- the night. baok ward." time is up, dear; we must get back WANT ED Girl for bookkoi ping and or address Hox 73. Ottawa, 111. 'Phones, office, Main ; resi- 1 the biggest In show-shop.- VH-T- he "1 hail a something to "It was one of mills " 8S2-X- . CHAPTF.R auto is wrecked; wish hobby to the ulHce work, Apply in vvn hand-car- e dence, Moloney Uldg., Otta- Merkle and Lorelei are forced to walk to IVmisylvania, nnd its tonnage was Interest me. something to live for," writing. XYZ, Froo Tri'iier- - PIAXO AND PIANO Tuning wa, Illinois, the Chateau. Arriving, they meet Jim always heavy because the superin- (TO HE CON'TIXl'DM.) FLAYER Knight and suspicious companions who said Lorelei, lamely. Journal. and repairing. All work guaranteed. suddf nly. Mammon appears from tendent was a slave driver. He was leave "Yes. It .dyes yon something to CO 1 and tells of being tricked in com-pun- y August Jehly, Norria street. within nbor.t when one of those men who are born without with Lilas I.ynn. , think you're alone. It Tho Gauuherie of Solcbera. 2 Z ln- - WANTED - or furnished rooms for Phone VIIT-Lor- elel n soul or feelings, and he no OTTAWA PEORIA CHAPTER goes shopping hi dps yen Listand things." For the bad lilg'.it CHICAGO, & dan- Soldiers when marching ut light house keeping by June first. ,and meets Mile. Uemorest, notorious Lila.s feel- terest in anything except rails and tb'st time showed a trace of through open country Invariably 'i cer, who takes her home to tea. Lorelei plates. ;.:t. Address II. M. this ollke. DR. E. A. KELLY, OTTAWA, ILL. the daneer is not what is said ing in I'.er voice; sdio dropped her chin ri;. 1.1. RAILWAY learns that Into toward tin? left, not to t'i 1125 Columbus St. Phone 225-Y- . of her. "One day I took my stand just out- - into her pnhu and, leaning upon the :?ol-- i TX to This is flu; experience cf an oid 75c CHAPTER T.lias Lynn confesses side the plant. a big WANT! Men for general fai t ury Silver fills to $1. Pond, frowns, I (amnion. table, as if a vision. Her Ilesscmer It was Lorelei her Intentions as to stand at iller. who thinks the teiidc:i.-- i; due $5 Gobi $5 to $S. 15 mother prepare to shell of steid girders and corrngaled work, till (Icpartmenls. ,1. 'or- crowns Plates to Jim Knight nnd.his dark eyes were somber, her brows to two cause.: First as the rill-- D force nioncv from Merkle, using; Lorelei's Iron, and the sub' where we were was Ut Co. $10. All work guaranteed first class. a weapon. were lowercl ami drawn together. in right it iialurall;,-follow- ride with him as utrrlod tic hand Ofliee hours S a. m. to 7:30 p. m. j X-I- open. Father saw me ami waved his CHAPTER im takes Lord"! to sup- 'r!:o iipslii'd Informality of the meal, that, the weapon nnn must !a per to avoid I'loh Wharton, who, however, faultfinding the host- hand he always waved at me then MEN TO LEARN HARliER TRADE appears at their table. Ho the constant of kept free, ;.nd In case of pressure. unexpe-'tcdl- I saw superintendent coming Tornado Insurance. (Effective M A) 1917.) ess, it a Lore- the In-Fi- Prepare for lighter work, pay, pours out his apologies to Lorelei ami tells made something of trial, when hi clos" formation, the ic belter tier her brother arranged ti e meet- lei was not was through a big, square-face- man more jobs. Few weeks' completes. The destruction of so many homes that saves drunken Mirrv when it over five rule is to cut tip the left elbow ing for money. Lorelei the whom everybody feared. Vlier"ver r.l Mattoon and Charleston and oiliirj EAST30UND. from Jim and his gang. mid Lilas took her to link at the va- nip! say, oli to the lei t. Day or evening, Nearly three years Wharton lie went the bunkies (lanced; ho could cities in Illinois, be a warning cant Mat. (.ml. tiie sold tdi ps oil" with saved. See how. Catalogue, mailed should Easthonnd cars for Marseilles, Sen- put life into a dead man's limbs, that, as to what, might happen "This is too erainl for me," I.e.. MKs Moore's apartment offered n hi;-- left l'o t. nnd, although it may lie free. MOI.I.ER UARIiER COLLL'dE. here. To! eca, Morris, Minooka, Rockdale, Ju- man. It was because of great protect relel ol wide contrast to the one they had just their I.;:rd to prove, (here Is si glil 1(15 8- Fifth Ave., Chicago. yourself aa.ninst linanelal Iom, liet, 111., leave Ottawa station in jectel. rdways a ,, fear of him nnd his furious urging that why not secure a Policy?: :.-- "Oh, otTer your own price for Ger tiiitiod, being very smail and very ilevial'n ii to the left, even whei a Tornado A. M. 5:15, 7:50, 8:50, 9:50, something happened." U.IHMI year:: It modestly furnished; but it: was on the to-di- , insurance for three erf '1(1:511, 11:5'). tie's flat you like it. They're crazy battalion is l larckkig in da;.dig WANTED-High- est paid Lllas had begun her recital slowly, prices for your you tloor, convenient to both eleva-- ! i residence will cost but ?l.''G.' P. M. 12:50, 1:50, 2:D0, 3:50, 4:50, for tenants. It's cheaper than ho jseoomi vvurd a tixt d point or any other old feather beds and castoff cloth- without apparent object, but once into! for live 170, War-- ! If you want to save money." tor and stulrwny, It boasted a piano, of .supi ll't,- - I, !i Chronicle. or Ko years. Call 6:05, fi:50, 7:5a, 9:50, all: 00. it she seemed unable to stop; now. ing. Address II. Kaplan, Ottawa, ill. Lorelei was surprised to find li,,i nnd the superintendent allowed his and nor ic Hesa Agency. Sundays and holidays only, although words came haltingly, It friend's quarters not only richly but prospective tenant to name her own her a Mom's. plain Her !, terms. She descended relief, feel-- ; was that she had worked herself lavishly furnished. The decorations with A woman prominent: as a HO..':hit Hopplr.css. into a sort of hysteria in which she Worrying WESTBOUND. were harmonious and- - bespoke a reck- ing that she had made not a bad bar- -' was l.h,' Walrus of Alsskd. gave little heed to her hearer. It was1 worker in city to en The bishop of Maiiclie: er, speaking West bound cars for Starved Rock, less disregard of cost. 'A Huffy Jap- gain. new girl day. She tl a meeting West- The Alaska walrus aie enormous. characteristic of her that she could the tiler visiu at at Church House. I'tica, La Salle, Peru, Spring Valley, anese spaniel She stated, as she sank Into Lllas' The iiverage one is as big as an ox, with protruding eyes and vis-- an employment agency which makes minster, said the secret of happiness big library chair, "1 feel quite Inde- so excite herself by the power of ! and it often weighs than-- Ion. Ladd, Del'ue, Bureau and Princeton distorted visage capered deliriously at a tq:e l.iltv i i liiiti!!i:: p!a r coiin- - was to Im vp it sufficient multitude of inure uall.ation as to be completely trans-- ! leave Ottawa station in its mistress' feet. pendent at last. The rent is ridicu- try houaeni.'ihls and dcased A walrus was recently killed by some was tnt!h worries. A. M. I can do my cooking." ported. whalers near Point Harrow, whose 1,5:20. c5:50, b6:50, c8:05, But the objects that intrigue,! the lous, and own with one frtmi the country. The msjui who had only one worry, a "Something went wrong overhead;, bend weighed eighty pounds, and skin, bS:5o, cl'J;, 50, cl0::!5, vinltr most strongly were several "Don't make fool of yourself. You "Why did you leave yetir last plat n blind that would not bp pulled up nnyhow, the converter dumped too including flippers, .500 pounds. That P. el2:50, ill:5(), b2:50, paintings. They were of n kind she can do as well as I've done. You have asked the woman. straight by the servant or a coal s ut- soon, Men were working directly tin-- 1 bud a girth feet, c:!:5t), 1)4:5(1, ('5:51), bC:S0, c7:50, had seldom seen, and lu the the looks." "I didn't have no place," ile the bottom of which was iiiways animal of fourteen afternoon I last 1 I'm not engaged to dernenth, father among the rest. and its weight was over !(,(( K pounds. bS:5o, dj ri(. f : 00. light one stood out with particularly "Hut a multimi- the girl, "lit cause 1 nin't hud coming out. found his way to f':e llionaire." saw him go down under a stream of The skin was from half an Inch tc b Ladd and intermediate points. startling" effect. It was a dusky no last pi; t c to leave, ni'.d I'm still lunatic as;, li.i.i, but the ma;i who had liquid inches In thickness, blub- c seems queer, when I think of it," steel" l three and the Princeton and intermediate there was a stream, a meadow "It working at ii. la lug for m. s.df ili.if no time f dwell up-il- his worries mused, is Lorelei's horrified exclamation went ber weighed !"W pounds. points. edge, trees just growing black- against I.iias ".larvls one of the I've been workit,::. nnd Fin sure n cm. use he to (:o from one to voice fni In unnoticed; Lilas' was shrill. 1 d Prim cton Ladd Intermediate n dying sunset, a herd of cattle com- richest men New York, and he made good servant, and can recommend other urn! again and round and and "Yes. He was blotted out. right e Air In tho Lungs. points. ing out of the west. Before this pic- his money out of the steel business myseif to you, ma'am.- "- Exchange. round like ii squirrel In a cage could my eyes. In an Instant. In the In one minute, in n of rest, the De ture Lorelei paused, staring with wide the business into which I was bora. be a period ly happy man. London state e Pue, Liuhl and intermediate to snnp your finger, he nvernge man takes Into Ids lungs about eyes of wonder. TIavo you ever been through a mill'," time it takes Correct. Mail. points. others were gone, changed j easy find it cubic Inches of air. in walking f Lllas flung her hut carelessly Into a "No." nnd the "It's to out what time RS La Salle and intermediate points. .1. ,,. f ... .. fl, , irt .. wonderful, terrible. I can smell into smoke, Into ahsoluti nothingness, Is," said n married man. "If the ball he needs ! cubic Inches; in climb- cmnr, lit n cigaretteii. iroui a iiuany "It's Saobab Trees, SOUTHBOUND. unjmdy 10, ' 1 10.11 the hot slag, the scorching cinders, the There was no insurance, and clock suys and the drawing room lb!', I Mild )( ing, cubit: inches; in riding at a humidor, then turned with the spaniel The ret! il'iinl; to Southbound cars for McKinley to this day. Some nights I took the blame, Another Jew family,1 clock says o ."(), and tiie dining room A trot, "01," cubic Inches, and in longdis- In her arms and, beholding her guest smoke, thai or iisoiiin .died the 111., l ;().", Park, Grand Ridge and Streator, it few more widowed and clock says and my watch sa; ' tance running, hl7.7 wake up screaming, It's so vivid. I fatherless baobali I: , a h'i'ivo o. A The cubic Inches. with rapt, upturned face, remarked, leave Ottawa si ut ion in see glare ot the furnaces, the belch- foreigners, among that army, meant i;lo, and un wife's little dinky wat' li n.,"e mci imes more (ban with n laugh; the trunks si thlri.v A M. 5:5(1, fi;,'iil, 10:50. says (1, lt,'n (! o'c 01' k "- S:50, ing Haines, the showers of sparks from nothing. I've never forgotten that day, in our huiiso.- in din meter and the t i'pc lie'. a ; Enigmatical. "Looks like the real thing, doesn't it?" fed P. M. 12:5!', l;5o, 2:50, "3:50, 4:50, white-ho- nor the figure of shouting, swonr-ln- g Exchange. Is wonderful so (dean and the converters, the streams of t that more tit m feet high. The trie "Illutlly certainly speeded sumo In "OhIt's Bos-- ; 5:50, (1:50, 7:50, 8:50, 9:50, 11:33. man who came through the I cool nnd quiet! I've seen cattle In Vale metal, and they seem to pour over strictly ropical, but. grows In the ex hi; new automobile before the cops got semer mill crying for more speed, Dad Gets Back. Sunday and holidays only. thnt looked just like those, when I me. I have the same dream nlwnys; tremo south of Florida. him. The machine attracted lots of more speed, more speed. "So you are going to marry u chorus Always buy tickets ami save money. In grass." I've had It ever since the night after attention," went barefoot the girl, hey?" Ms my father was killed." fuppose I was too little to make "Yes, I noticed a great many persons "Some Purohinnn painted It 'It FARES TO ILL. vengeance, 1 "Now, don't, kick up n fuss, dad. Two CHICAGO, mime's on the corner. He's dead now, "You told mo be was killed In a steel nny foolish vows of for "The convict who wn.t eii:.;ineeriii;: were struck by Ameri- nnn live us cheaply ns one." $1.50 Week-En- d Excursions I believe. It used to hang in some mill." was only it ragged mite of a child ail est iq e lor tils companions Was can. I "I'll give you a chance to prove flint. every Saturday and Sunday, also on museum I forget where, I like pic- "Yes, before my eyes. I saw It." nniong a horde of slaves, but when really pel .dug a public service," I Not fl cent Increase of allowance do Day, Fourth of July'aud tures of women best, hilt" She LtbiB Bhtiddered. "I was n little girl grew older often dreamed of having! "How 'hi ytai make that out';" Almost Unforgivabla. Decoration you get." Louisville Courier Journal. Day $1 .50. shrugged and left the sentence unfin- na, but I've never forgotten, We thnt man In my power, and making "Wasn't lc trying to bring about n "I nskod Arthur how old he thought Labor ished. "There's a dandy In my bed- him suffer. Who wouldwho could I'ne cry of the males'.''' laltliiiore I was. and be guessed rigid the very Every Day Fares. were poor, nil dreadfully poor, like the have imagined I'd ever be living Pcrsoverance. A i i i' room, nlthongh It didn't cost half nil that in. a . first time." Round Trip $1.75. Way-$1.- 00. Jews )h, rersovrrnnco Is One yes; didn't you kuovv I'm on money wrung the men more prevailing you London , much as that barnyard thing. The from labor of "Have made up yet?" Round trip ticket:-- limited to ten a Jew?" likp my father, and be in a position to' than violence, mid ninny things which St my Stories. frame's a foot wide nnd covered with A Sort Job days via Jollet, lib, Chicago & Jollet "Then 'Lllas Lynn'?" meet that man on an equal footing? I en ii not be overcome when they are to-- solid gold." First 1 ob, have at ist of Electric. Ry. "Stage naine. it's really Lllj' never did not in my wildest moments', Eetjier yield themselves up when taken "I had no Idea you lived like this." n Job I think I would like. Second Reduced to Nothing. We 1 by it Hit. were l'ollsh. was nnd yet here I am and tiny of little Boy-W- hiit Dad-T- iie Lorelei through n pair of the -- id "slag." papa? peered dragged Hobo Snd tthal is it? IT rsl Hobo tip, along wllh the other work- reckoning gets closer all tho time." n Iron will QUICK DELIVERY OF FREICHT French doors and into n perfectly ap Lineman in a wi ad telegraph , residuum of mail's aft- men's children, In the soot mid grime To know how lo wait l the great rs Low Rates. pointed Jlhrnry, with n masjdye muling Hhe ended wlthnn nbrupfiipss thnt pnny. New York er going through the inutrliuonhil of tlnj IVimsvlviuihi mills. "Hell must ocret of Hiieecss, Do Maiidro. Tonics. WELLS FARGO EXPRESS.