The Finnish CONNECTION the Saimaa Canal a Great Lakes Maritime Research Tour to the Baltic Sea Finds Many Shared Interests

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The Finnish CONNECTION the Saimaa Canal a Great Lakes Maritime Research Tour to the Baltic Sea Finds Many Shared Interests The Finnish CONNECTION The Saimaa Canal A Great Lakes maritime research tour to the Baltic Sea finds many shared interests The Great Lakes delegation to Finland included (from left) Stacey Carlson, Research Assistant, and Richard Stewart, Co-Director of the Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute; James Frost, Senior Consultant with Halifax-based CPCS Transcom; Adolf Ojard, Executive Director of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority; Craig Middlebrook, Deputy he Great Lakes and the Baltic Sea have Administrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation; and Dave Knight, Special Projects Manager a strong – and multi-dimensional - for the Great Lakes Commission. Tmaritime kinship.Both water bodies represent vital marine trade routes that helped define their respective regional economies and cultures. Both play strate - gic geopolitical roles on their respective con - tinents. The two share many physical similarities such as relative size, climate, hy - drography and topography. And both share a number of pressing environmental issues including ballast-borne invasive species, the threat of toxic spills, non-point source pol - lution and nutrient loading. Even the salinity difference is not as pro - nounced as many might think; while the Baltic is technically “brackish,” its salinity is much lower than ocean water and in some reaches with heavy tributary inflow Applied Sciences in Kotka, Finland, initially Centre of Finland and Kymenlaakson Uni - the water is almost as fresh as the Lakes. began sharing information in June of 2007 versity. Thus it was only natural that when two on project work Rytkönen has done in - Over a five-day period, the six-member maritime researchers met in 2007, one from volving vessel tracking and automated iden - Great Lakes delegation travelled from its the Baltic nation of Finland and the other tification system (AIS) technology. The base in Helsinki east to the Finnish ports of from the Great Lakes, they found much to dialogue brought Rytkönen to the U.S. Vuosaari and Kotka, and to the Saimaa talk about. It was a conversation that has twice over the past year for presentations Canal near the Russian border; west to the since led to a growing number of collabo - to the GLMRI Advisory Board, and at the port of Turku; and south across the Baltic rative efforts, including a recent week-long 2008 Marine Community Day conference to the Estonian port of Tallinn. In addition tour of Finnish maritime facilities by a Great in Cleveland, and eventually led to the con - to vessel tracking, other topics explored in - Lakes delegation. cept of an organized visit to Finland. Reci - cluded container feeder lines; icebreaking “This is a partnership we have developed procally, Steward has travelled to Finland design and technology; ballast water man - and hope to continue to develop, involving twice, including the Great Lakes tour, when agement; port design and operations; canal student, professor and researcher exchange he took the opportunity to make a presen - and lock operations; and shipbuilding. programs, and joint research programs,” tation to Kymenlaakson maritime students Maritime traffic in the Baltic can involve said Prof. Richard Stewart, co-director of and professors on U.S. maritime education the movements of some 2,000 ships at any the Great Lakes Maritime Research Insti - and research, and the state of Great Lakes given moment, many in concentrated choke tute (GLMRI) at the Universities of Wis - shipping. points and heavily travelled shipping lanes. consin-Superior and Minnesota-Duluth. Vessel tracking/AIS was just one of the The Finnish Maritime Administration – re - Stewart and Prof. Jorma Rytkönen, re - interest areas explored during the “Tour of sponsible for some 10,000 miles of navi - search director of maritime and port oper - Finland’s Maritime Community” sponsored gation channels - thus implemented in ations for the Kymenlaakson University of by GLMRI, the VTT Technical Research 2004 a sophisticated new Vessel Traffic Ser - 20 INTERNATIONAL Below top: The novel “oblique hull” design by AKER tering northeast Atlantic waters or the Baltic Arctic uses azimuthing thrusters to break ice going sideways. Below bottom: Azipod thrusters used in Sea. Finnish icebreaker design. While touring the greater port of Helsin - ki, the Great Lakes delegation saw some fa - miliar sights, such as towering piles of coal What’s creating the aside a electrical generating plant, and some most buzz in icebreaking decidedly unfamiliar ones like stacks of con - tainers, multiple cruise and ferry terminals, technology today? and an entire fleet of icebreakers, each of which would dwarf the marquee icebreak - According to Wilkman, ing vessel on the Lakes, the U.S. Coast Guard’s Mackinaw. azipod thrusters and Finland’s proficiency in icebreaking is broad and pride-filled, as befits a maritime vessels that break ice country located entirely above the 60th par - allel. Nowhere is that proficiency more ev - most effectively going ident than at the AKER Arctic Research Center in a newly developed port complex backwards, or even in the eastern Helsinki suburb of Vuosaari. Under the AKER corporate umbrella since sideways. only 2005, the Center’s roots go back over half a century to 1954 when it was part of vice (VTS) Center and Gulf of Finland Re - lowest total since 1999 when 488 dis - the storied Finnish firm Wärtsilä and de - porting System (GOFREP) not unlike the charges were recorded from 4,883 hours livered its first icebreaker, VOIMA. AIS technology currently used in the Great of aerial surveillance. The Center has since been involved in Lakes/Seaway system. Monika Stankiewicz, manager of HEL - arctic navigation projects for over 100 While the Great Lakes do not have the COM’s maritime office, attributed much of clients in 20 countries. It has run over 400 same volume of traffic, Lakes mariners face the credit for the improvement to the new hull test series and designed 60 percent of many of the same navigational hazards - ice, AIS capability, saying, “The comparison of all the world’s icebreakers, including the shoaling, inclement weather and restricted the time before we had AIS to today is like U.S. icebreaker/oil tanker Manhattan, the channels – for which tracking systems like the difference between the Middle Ages and first commercial ship to transit the North - VTS and GOFREP can reduce risk, and en - the modern world. Ships used to think they west Passage in 1969. It was also involved hance environmental safeguards. could go anywhere with impunity but that with the Great Lakes Winter Navigation “Initially our tracking system was based is no longer the case.” Demonstration Program in the 1970s, solely on improving maritime safety,” said There has been interest among some which its current sales and marketing man - Olli Holm, VTS manager at the Finnish Great Lakes states in the use of AIS tech - ager Göran Wilkman recalls working on Maritime Administration. “But we have seen nology for monitoring ballast operations on personally. increasing emphasis on environmental pro - the Lakes for better control of ballast-borne AKER was consulted on the recent de - tection, as well.” invasive species, but this application is not sign and construction of the USCG’s Great Ship traffic on the Baltic has grown ex - yet a priority for HELCOM. Lakes icebreaker Mackinaw commissioned plosively over the past three years – by some “We do not have requirements for bal - in 2006. Said Wilkman of that project, “It 64 percent - driven primarily by increased last discharge reporting in place for the was a real challenge because the Coast oil shipments from the Gulf of Finland. A Baltic,” said Stankiewicz, “We cannot make Guard wanted to include so many func - total of 3,628 outbound oil-laden tankers such requirements without IMO (Interna - tionalities in the beginning, and then kept were recorded in 2007, up from 1,436 in tional Maritime Organization) involvement, adding more.” 2003. But, thanks to new tools like the VTS, and if they are not globally enforced.” AKER Arctic’s view of the world is per - GOFREP and a Baltic-wide AIS developed HELCOM’s ballast policy is closely fectly captured by the wall-sized map in its in 2005 by the Helsinki Commission (HEL - aligned with the IMO’s Ballast Water Man - conference room: it depicts the globe look - COM), oil spills from accidents and illicit agement Convention, which the nine HEL - ing straight down from the North Pole. It vessel discharges have steadily gone down. COM states have agreed to ratify by 2010, is indicative of the burgeoning international HELCOM, formally the Baltic Marine or 2013 at the latest. HELCOM is also join - interest in arctic resources that in only its Environment Protection Commission, is ing an initiative developed by the OSPAR third year, the AKER-sponsored Arctic Pas - comprised of the nine countries surround - Commission, a 15-country European coali - sion Seminar in March attracted some 1,800 ing the Baltic Sea, plus the European Com - tion for environmental protection of the participants. munity. According to data from HELCOM northeast Atlantic, under which all vessels The centerpiece of its new laboratory fa - member states, 236 oil spills were detect - transiting the Atlantic or coming from the cility at Vuosaari is a 229-foot long, 24-foot ed in 2006 during 5,128 hours of surveil - coast of West Africa voluntarily carry out wide, 6.4-foot deep model ice testing basin, lance flights over the Baltic, the second an open ocean ballast exchange before en - the only such privately-owned facility in GREAT LAKES /SEA WAY REVIEW October-December, 2008 21 INTERNATIONAL the world, which is capable of testing scale tion on a 620-acre greenfield site started in facility is designed to handle up to 12 mil - model hulls, propulsion units and other 2003 and the port was scheduled to open lion metric tons a year, including 450,000 arctic maritime structures in realistic ice for business in November.
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