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PAGE TWO THE YPSILANTI DAILY PRESS, YPSILANTI. MICH., TUESDAY. NOV. 10. 1942 COUNCIL MEMBERS I EASTERN STAR U. S. Military Leaders in North Africa STEEL PROCESS " TOLD ACTIVITIES NAMES OFFICERS * 'NI EXPLAINED FOR OF GIRL SCOUTS FORUM MEMBERS New officers for Ypsilanti Chap- % ter number 119 Order of Eastern Girl Scout Council members heard The process of making steel plate 1 Star were elected, two petitions Interesting reports on Girl Scout that Is used a great deal for war for membership were granted, and ,’^H iBHI activities at the November council ¦ I needs, was explained in detail for reports of Grand Chapter meetings m I meeting Monday afternoon at memhers of the Forum Club and Our Service Men Charles McKenny Hall. Mrs. T were given at the meeting of the 1 rhapier, Monday evening in the guests Monday evening at Dearborn McDermott, chairman of the vi , Inn. The speaker, J. Champion from Technician Sergl. Harold L. Ter- F. L. Hagan, 2 N. Normal St., was tory Masonic Temple lodge room by » fund, said that the project, magmas the metallurgy of the rall has been transferred from C*mp one of the draftees inducted The new officers are Mrs Hay department which will cl" 1 Steel Company, Claiborne, La., Dix, N. Detroit draft board. Saturday Burrell, worthy matron; Charles Great I-akes told of to Fort J. • * • featured by a the processing of the steel, large • • • Ypstlanti High Freeman, worthy patron. Mrs. Wil- Lelnlnger. having the School ,\t this quantities of which are used for Pfc. Oen R. Green, now stationed Edward G. after time ail stamps will be turned in liam Lowe associate matron; Mr*. finished his primary flight training Hubert Holloway, conductress: Mrs. ships and steel tanks. The scrap' at Cochran Field, has been promot- Mrs. James Ken eval rejn .<lon ; at the Rankin Aeronautical Acad- William Hayes, associate conduct- that has been coming In rapidly tlie ed to the rank of Corporal. His the Institute for Council member pas: months la St, emy at Tulane. has been sent to ress; Mrs. Otis Lee, secretary; two being put to home Is at 20 S. Lincoln in Ann Arbor in October. Mrs. that has Basic Flying School at Chico, Cali- Mrs. Harry Faulkner, treasurer Del. good use. The amount been Clarence Loesell told of the training In encouraging, he fornia. egate year turned is very • • • course for Girl Scout workers In to Grand Chapter neat is Min human Seamans, alternates. said, and the work of the school Lansing. Oct. 29. when Mrs. Flossy children from all over Michigan, York News Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bone. 203>4 FVlner, Mrs. Kerch*'al and Miss Mrs. Charles Barnard and Mr* Lee. If Maple S., have received word that Delegates the County Association has been very helpful. Members Mildred Crawford had a part In the to reminded of their son, Charles, who l» stationed are the first four officers; alter- were the large amount BIRTHDAY program. collected by the Ypsilanti school CLUB ENTERTAINED at the Naval Training Station at At the loaders' meeting in the nates, Mrs Bert Hubbard. Mrs. F BY MRS. FLOYD GANONG Newport. Rhode Island, has been F Darragh, Holloway children. evening, it was announced that Mrs. Hubert York. Mich., Nov. 10—Mrs. Floyd advanced to the rating of Petty \. After enjoying the delicious Mrs, Don Stadler will lead the - ink- and Mrs E. Susterka. Ganong entertained her Birthday Officer, Third Class The dinner committee for the chicken dinner served to 22 mem- Club her home Friday evening. ing at the Girl Scout Sing, to close and eight guests in the dining at the Coumy Association meeting last LIETT. OUT. DWIGHT BRIO. IT. »I \J. GEN. GECRGE bers There were 13 members present. Victory Drive. Nov. IS. The GEN. .TAMES D. PATTON room, the party adjourned to the dates for month reported a balance of s4l .GS. EISENHOWER Pedro was played and prizes were fat collection were set for DOOLITTLE Commander C. 8. force* In lounge for the Instructive talk by 30, Dec 1 and 2 The leaders i Reports on the Grand Chapter were (lilef of Allied Northwest Africa Commander S. North won by Mrs. Harry Hamlin and Loyal to Vichy Nov. given U. Africa Morocco Mr. Champion. The speaker was In- are to report to council the by tile delegates, Mrs. Bur- forces air force* i Mrs. Clayton Lohr. the rell, associate troduced by A G. Erickson, host. baked the ? umber of stamps turned ;n. conductress, who Mrs. Harlau Holcomb told of the general and dec- Preceding the talk. Carl I.lnde- birthday Mrs. Ganong re- The December meeting of the theme gren cake and orations. and Mrs. Lee, who report- favored with three songs, a | ceived a gift from the club. leaders and council will te in Cen- barracks ballad Kipling; a negro tral School cafeteria R ed on the business psrt. Mrs. Sea- by with Mrs mans, spiritual. “Johnny Fit the Battle of C. Scrivens and .Miss Marie Arret worthy matron, acted as MANDEVILLE-RODENBAUGH grand Jericho,” and a war song composed MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED la charge of the supp- guardian, and reported on jiKv' 0 at the time of the first World War, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. llodenbaugh tha Installation Mrs. Raul Burrell " “The Americans (Vime Mrs At- the marriage their son, Plan Party was special grand guardian and re. announce of pored on amusing incidents. wood McAndrew played his piano Paul K„ to Miss Harriet Mande- At the meeting of Ypsilanti Lodge accompaniment. number 1.00.F eve- Annual chapter reports were giv- ¦ - I I -»• I jk-. ville, Jackson, Mich. 54S Monday The guests were Mr and Mrs. marriage place Oct. 20 ning in Odd Fellow en by Mrs. Seamans. Mrs. Ray Bur- 7 The took Hall, it was an- W W. F. Waidner, D. L. Quirk and Antioch, Radenbaugh nounced by Frank Alien, noble rell. Mrs. Lee. secretary; Mr*. in Calif. Mr. Harry Faulkner, treasurer. mm Mrs. McAndrew from here, and is in the medical corps at Camp grand, that the annual Thanksgiv- Otis of I-ee. worthy patron. Mr. Lee of the 1 friends Mr. -Erickson's from Stoneman, Pittsburg, Calif. ing party will be at Odd Fellow- RsT Jym .‘r'l Ecorse. Hall. Nov. 19. auditing committee reported that the chapter books are in perfect or- Granye Mests der. TO KEEP WORKING Saline Grange held their Novem- Make Boutonnieres meeting Mrs. Faulkner, chairman of the ber at the Mooreville Y’ork At a special meeting of the Auxil- Detroit, Mich., Nov. 10—IN'S —All Hall, with a of social committee for the year, re- jpßlkx Wednesday evening iary. Veterans Foreign Wars at iHr m employes of the Ford Motor Com large attendance. A short ported a at busi- Veterans Hall. Monday evening, the balance of $B9l in the pi Day treasury, and pany will observe Armistice ness meeting was held. A card member*, made up boutonnieres of that refreshments ( ¦ .Jr by continuing cider have been seven regular to produce the weap- game was played and sweet ten cent and quarter dollar defense served at Insuring by the meetings. A history of the ons which are eventual and doughnuts were served stamps which they will sel! on the local victory for the United Nations, the committee. street*. Armistice Day. Mrs Ivele chapter, compiled by Mrs. Sea mans, presented company said today. chap- " Grubb, chairman cfl the committee, was to the Bhu Reception ter. She stated part Wedding will be assisted by Mrs. Bari Sug- that of this wedding reception was held history is included in the history OVER CEILING PRICE A gitt. Mrs Helen Atkinson. Mrs. Clif- Saturday evening at the Moore- ford Gates, Mrs. John Granger and of the Grand Chapter, which is now- and Mrs. in book Lansing, Mich.. Nay. 10—INS ville York Hail for Mr. Mrs. Bert Luts will sell bonds on form. the for F. Eicholtz, Milan. A Mrs. Ray Burrell, chairman, re- MAJ. GF-N. CHARLES W. Rr.AR ADMIRAL 11. K. HEWITT MAJ. GEN. LLOYD Finding state's contract Raymond GEN. MAXIMEWEYGAND that day in the booth at the corner printing was federal celling social evening was enjoyed and Africa Washington ported that plans for the Christmas RYDER C. S. North Africa naval com- IREDENDALL above French North ex-proconsul of N. St. and W. Mich- prices for similar work, members of refreshments were served. The fair to be and Commander . 8. force* Algiers mander forces at Oran igan Ave. Nov- 30 Dec. 1 are IT.l T In Commander U. 8. the today ap- honored couple received many gifts. under way. The dinner. In connec- board of auditors pealed to the office of Price Ad- tion with the fair, is to be on the Mrs. Cora Rankin. Grand Rapids, ministration for a solution. Leslie Sanford Killed is visiting M r s Leah Knowles night of December 1. OFFICERS RENAMED son Donald Rural Lee Sidney Sanford and Events •Mr. and Mrs Erwin Wamhark. Mrs. read resolutions on the received of the ac- Mrs. Aug. 2, BY WAR VETERANS of Social Events word Monday Saglna w. spent the week end at the death of Ida Avery, Calendar death of their grandson 1942. Sea Force Chief cidental Frank Moore home. and nephew. Leslie Sanford Royal TODAY was officers for the Mr and Mrs. Harry Forbes and Another star added to the All of the 1942 Oak. He waa the son of Mr. and West London service flag for TODAY ¦ daughter Betty. Dearborn, spent John Teabo It, ! United Spanish War Veterans were Mrs. Arthur Sanford and was 17 OBctal Board oi the London son of Mrs.