Students Have Three Choices for Purchasing Albums at ND-SMC by Diane Wuson Ger, a Middle Man Is Involved
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• Students have three choices for purchasing albums at ND-SMC by Diane WUson ger, a middle man is involved. He anywhere from 10 to almost SO News Editor inventories record selections every percent of total sales go to Notre two weeks, while new records are Dame students, according to mana Editor's note: TbJs is the first in a ordered every week. gers in record stores. Most stores two-pari series that wiU examine Moran continued that "the Book reported that student sales account student record purchasing options. store does know what they are for approximately 20-30 percent of Today's installment deals with doing in the record business." He total record sales. present alternatives avaUable to added that records that do not sell Flanner Records is the third and students wbo wish to boy records. well are not left on the shelves. He final alternative for students. It is a declined to comment on the smal student run operation that is Approximately 90 percent of the number of albums that the Book based soley on selling records, Notre Dame community buys at store sells and the amount of profit George Molitor, who runs Flanner least one album every year, accord it makes from record sales. Records, stated. The average price ing to Bill Roche, Student Union All of the profit that the Book is $5.29, Molitor continued. Last director. At present, these stu store makes goes into the Univer year the operation sold approxi dents have three alternatives avail sity General Fund, stated Fr. mately 2000 albums and made "a able to them, and-according to the Michael Heppan, University comp less than reasonable profit," he Student Union-each of those alter troller. This fund is used for the added. natives present a number of pro ongoing operations of the Univer This is the last year of operation blems. sity. for Flanner Records. According to The alternatives open to students Prices at off-campus establish Molitor, he was told last spring by who wish to buy albums include ments are not as high as at the Bro. John Benish that the Univer patronizingthe ND Hammes Book Bookstore, Roche noted. They sity would not allow his operaton to store, off campus record shops, or range from $3.99 to $6.98 in the continue after this year. Aefcording independantly run Flanner record stores he checked. to Molitor, Benish gave no reasons Records. While students may go off for the action. Records in the book store cost campus to purchase records at The fact that Flanner Records from $5.33 to $9. 73, according to a savings, Roche pointed out that exists, Roche pointed out, and has Student Union survey. There are this is a major inconvenience. been profitable, is a good indica problems with service, selection "First of all, many students do tion that students need some other and the quality of product, Roche not have a way to get off campus;' type of record-selling institution. observed. Roche said. "Those that do, rarely ''If the existing alternatives were One of the reasons that the want to get off to go shopping. satisfactory, then Flanner Records Bookstore records are so expen They usually get off for social would not have been able to stay in sive, Roche explained, is that they functions, but they do not have the business," he-concluded. use a "middle man." This time to get off just to buy a record. HPC discusses the next "middle man" receives a cut of the Any saving they might make are Tomorrow's article deals with a record sale, and the Bookstore adds eaten up by the money they have to Student Union proposal for an step on parietal issue a markup to generate their own spend on gas. · on-campos, student ron record by Dan letcher Paul Callahan, An Tostal chair profit. According to Bro. Conan In checking --some off-campus business, which will be presented Staff Reporter man, addressed the HPC regarding Moran, Hammes Bookstore mana- record centers it was found that to the Board of Trustees. staff positions which are available Student Body President (SBP) for the event. He stated that there Andy McKenna told the Hall were six day chairman positions Presidents Council (HPC) that he open. "I would like to see hall prefers to see the parietals propos presidents ftll all of these posi al, passed by the Campus Life tions," Callahan added. Council (CLC) Monday night, not HPC chairman Chuck DelGrande presented before the Board of added, "Last year more than half Trustees on Thursday for a vote. of the HPC members were directly Other business covered in the involved with An Tostal, and I think meeting included An Tostal posi this is a major reason for it.s tions, an evaluation of HPC accom success." plishments and an idea to resurface Tom Pasce, Flanner Hall presi the floor in Stepan center. dent, announced that he and McKenna stated that he had Flanner' s assistant rector Pete originally hoped to present the Greco were looking into the possi- parietals proposal on Thursday for pilities of having the Stepan Center expediency's sake. However, he floor resurfaced to make it more • now hopes to see the proposal sent adequate for athletic events. Pasce through the regular procedures asked for HPC backing and added which the CLC outlined on Monday that his idea is only in the early night. planning stages. - The regular procedure involves DelGrande asked that the HPC sending a proposal to Vice Presi me11:1bers review what they have dent for Student Affairs Fr. John done so far. He said that he is Van Wolvlear who will then make a happy with the initiative that the decision on the proposal. If the HPC has shown concerning such proposal is vetoed, the CLC can topics as the review of directive appeal the decision as far up as policy, social space, dorm over University President Fr. Theordore crowding and parietals. Hesburgh. The Rockne trophy was awarded According to McKenna, the in to Dillon Hall for the first time in tegrity of the system should be the history of the award. Walsh upheld.'' Going through the and Pangborn halls each received prescribed channels ''establishes a an honorabel mention. dialogue between administrators Next week's HPC meeting will and the CLC,'' McKenna noted. take place at 6:30p.m. Tuesday. Generally decorated in modern posters and photos, the Art Print sale in Lafortune is giving students something totally different for their rooms. A wide selection of prints is being offered for sale. Photo b Ken McAlpine] Tom Browne is selected as new director of Ombudsman Service by Mark Perry the best of our ability. The Browne replaces Tom Lux, who Staff Reporter Ombudsman will also be handling resigned as director last week. "I the rider books which will replace wanted to take some time for job The steering committee of the the rider board, and hopefully will interviews, work with the Notre Ombudsman Service at Notre be more fruitful than the old board Dame Accounting Association, and Dame announced yesterday that in finding rides and riders for enjoy a carefree senior year,'' Lux Tom Browne, a science-preprofes students." · explained. sional major, has been selected as "To improve relations with the "Browne has a very good con- the new director of Ombudsman. community,'' Browne continued, cept of what the organization is "My job will be to insure that the "we hope to run a series of articles about and where it should be organization runs smoothly and to in The Observer and a story in going," Lux added. improve our relations with the Scholastic on the history of Browne also announced most of community,'' said Browne, a junior Ombudsman and our plans for the his division heads for this year: Joe from Plymouth, Michigan. The ._ future." Kaczmarek, Program Coordinator; new director outlined some prelim "We will also be surveying one Tom Hamel, Personnel; Janet inary goals to help improve out of every twenty students and Libert, Internal Affairs; Gina Ombudsman service to the com administrators on their views of Giovannini, Special Projects and munity. "We hope to continue Ombudsman," Browne continued. Services; Dan Darnley, Community improvement of the phone ser "We will be asking them what they Relations; Bill McSorley, Informa vice," Browne said. Also, strong think the function of Ombudsman tion; Sharon Henne, Finance; and emphasis will be placed on the should be, if they think that Jeff Hawk, Special Works and continued effective running of the Ombudsman is necessary at Notre Actions Team (SWAn. complaint agency, an integral part Dame, and what the organization Browne started in Ombudsman of Ombudsman. has done for them personally." during his freshman year, helping "We are willing to listen to any Browne said that the survey should with the phone service. Last year and all complaints and suggestions be out at the beginning of the · he was appointed head of SWAT, concerning university life which second semester at the latest, and and helped with various campus No, G.race Hall President Jim O'Hare is not sleeping, he is merely students have to offer,'' Browne that his organization ''would ap- activities, including the Mardi Gras checkmg over the agenda for last nights' HPC meeting [Photo by said. "We will respond to them to preciate a strong return." [coatJaued oa page S] Ken McAlpine] r------.. --~---- --- ~ [ 2 the observer VVednesday, Ck1ober11, 1978 I rNews Briefs ____......, Dillon receives ---------------------------l Rockne Trophy I tennis e cotnet I 1:::=:::::::::::::::::======:::::::::::::::=======:::::::::::::::====~ World Hall President's Council (HPC) r--------------------------~ Chairman Chuck DelGrande an 1on sale now: I Cease -fire remains intact nounced that Dillon Hall has won the Rockne Trophy for the period Wilson's best tennis balls BEIRUT, Lebanon [AP] - An hour-long shootout between Syrian· ending Sept.