
THURSDAY, N O V B M B K l 9, 19BT I^AQE tWBNTY-FOUR ^mur^pslpr Svi^nitts Herald The Weather .-V P arity olMiajr Aonlglit Low ta Tickets for a supper tonight The ftiks Club will sponsor iia n r t e t p r 409. Tomoctoir otooRy. at St Mary's Eplscci>al Church a seafood night ftaturlng clanui Rawlins Urged Hiring About Town have been sold out. 'Hie sup­ served in a variety of ways to­ HOLIDAY In mltf per is sponsored by Girl Scout morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Maneheat0f^A City of VUU^fo Charm TIm Southern New England Of Director for HRC Gtefiter of the InpUtute of In- Troop 10 of St. Mary's Church. club. The event Is open to mem­ 1 bers, their families and their Dr. Sedrtck J. Rawlins on he could "oolrelate acttvltlM, FAIR VOL. LX;XXVIL NO. 85 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 «n PNto M) PRICE SEVEN CEWtl temal Audi ton will meet Tuea- The Rev. Tolly Williamson, day at Tobacco Valley Inn, friends. yiisaday. when he declined re­ form ulate educational pro­ chaplain at Manchester Memor­ grams, and act as sn Om­ SAT., MOV. IBHi WliulKkr. A pre-meeting sem inar ial Hospital, will qpeak at an The annual Holiday Bosaar appointment to* the Human Re- 10 A M . - 8l80 F.M. wOl be held from 4:«0 to 5:S0 budsman for Msndtester." open meeting of the North Meth­ will be held tomorrow from 10 lattons Commission, urged that An onsbudsmsn is a person in Baked G o o ^ ChiHren’s Booth, Deeomi Coffee p.m. before a social hour, din­ odist Men's Club Monday night a town or dty or state or coun­ ner and the speaker of the eve­ a.m. to 6 p.m. at Center Con­ body, with the e^roval' of the a t 8. gregational Church. ParMng Board of DlrMtors, to hire an try to whom people complain Shop, Boutique. ^.■s.sMees ning who will be O. Arthur executive director. and ot whom pe< ^ ask tor lA- Black, president of the HMuca- will be available at the east and tm n ity oovemaht omirgh Craft TelcYises Moon Photos The Ladies of St. James are west entrances. The HRC, at its last two veatlgatlona of inddentk and slt- tlcmal Systems Associates of reminded to bring a Christmas meetings, has been exploring uattoos. He is a type 6t trouble- West Hartford. gift for the mission children to The American Legion will the need of a paid director. The ehooter and private Investiga­ the meeting on Monday at 8 have a Veterans Day Dance to­ subject will come up again at tor, who honors the anhhymlty The newly organised Sea Scout p.m. In St. James's School Hall. morrow at the post home for the HRC's next meeting and a of the complainant. Ship 2202 will meet Monday at members and guests. Dubai do's formal vote on a recommenda­ The term and Idea, ombuds­ — — — — ^ J 7:80 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 80 Members and friends of B’- Orchestra will play for dancing tion will be taken. man, originated in the Scandi- com sQ UP After Making Soft-Landing Woodland St., Glastonbury. nal B'rlth who wish to donate from 9 p.m. to 12:80 a.m. A buf­ An Informal poll of the nine nvlan countries, where It has OONNEOTIOUT'8 LARGEST INDOOR ANTIQUE Membenhlp is open to boys 14 to the annual Thanksgiving can­ fet will be served. All Vietnam members of the HRC reveal proved successful and accept- years or older living in the ned goods drive for needy fam­ veterans Interested In attend­ that the vote will be close, and Ible to the public. The Idea PASADENA, CeUf. (AP) — Blackledge Scouting District. ilies may leave their dona- ing the event will be guests of that It can go either way. spread to other countries and Surveyor 6 tdevlaed ptotiirea of Those wishing further Informa­ Oon a t the Parkade Bakery at Francis 'Lekry, post command- An Informal poll of the nine- has caught on In several, espe­ a very tugged area of the moon tion may call Bernard J. Terry, the Manchester Shopping Park­ Guest Speaker member Board of Directors, on cially In New Zealand. today attor a Iqehy aoft-landlng 14 Concord St., Glastonbury. ade by Nov. 18. the other hand, shows clsu'- A bill ;Was introduced In- the FLEA MARKET that climaxed a day of apace A bingo scheduled for The Rev. Dewey O. Huston cut opposition to approj^kmig last two sessions of the Connec­ 15th EDITION Bucoeoaes to r the United Stataa. Wednesday, Nov. 18 at St. will be guest speaker Friday at funds for a director and, pos­ ticut Assembly, calling for the WEST HARTFORD ARMORY, 8Si FARMINGTON AVE. The three-legged opooeoratt Bridget School auditorium, 7:80 p.m. at Calvary Church, sibly, a staff. appointment of an ombudsman touched down at 8:01 p,m. BST Dr. Rawlins, in recommend­ tor this state. However, the bill WEST HARTFORD, CONN. 'nuiraday Juot houia after a oap- sponsored by St Bridget Rosary 647 E. Middle Tpke. He Is a Society and men of the parish, ing the executive director, said died in committee, both times. SATURDAY ft SUNDAY, NOVEMDER 1 ^ ft l*th ■ule like the one' expected to has been postponed untU Mon­ newly approved Assemblies of Hours: Saturday 1# A.M. to 1# P-M. carry three Apollo aatrenauta to day, Nov. 20 at 7:80 p.m. at the God missionary to Nigeria, West Sunday 1 P.M. to e P.M. the moon m>laabed Into the Pa- same location. Tickets will be Africa. A fellowship supper will oUlo, ending a auoceaaful teat of This «iiniUng show wUl feature 80 responMble D ^eis a 86-atory-tall Saturn 8 rocket. sold at the door. begin at 6:80 p.m. In the church from New E n ^d and New P.A.C Interesting Items In country style, Including luTOture, cumo, Surveyor Program Manager In a Monday story about a fellowship hall. ^ass, copper, brass, primitives, mlrron, lamps, Benjamin MUwitkky told newa- house trailer fire at Connecticut During the special missionary stamps, guns, old tole ft wooden ware, books, Irw pieces. men the double aucoeas waa "a CHILDERS Motor Lodge, the Inference service, custumes and color Jewelry, trinkets, bric-a-brac and hundreds of oniers loo major atep toward landing men could be drawn that Woodbury slides will be featured. The event numerous to list. UP on the moon" in I860. It givea Trick Glasses? Nope. Just the ceilinx lights reflected in the glasses of one un­ the United Statea wide flexlbUl- RESTAURANT Jamieson, the owner, was spray Is open to the public. • Food Rar Open Throughout The Show • gun painting when the fire identified member of the United Kingdom’s delegation, right, during Secur- ty In chooolng a landing aite, he The Rev. and Mrs. Huston will aald. and DAIRY BAR started. Jamieson was not In be teaching In one of the Assem­ BINGO Admission 90c (AU Singles) . Uy (^uncil debate on the Middle EJast at the United Nations last night. the trailer at the time. Within an hour after landing, 280 Hartford Rd., Manchester blies of God Bible Institutes. EVERY MONDAY-8 ?JM. But with this ad, 2 admissions tor |1.80 V M>POTCntly on a alight dope. They will also be engaged in 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE WILLIAM P. SPEAR—Director Surveyor 6 began oenAng exed- Hours: 6:00 A.M. - 7:80 P.M. general missionary work during - P. A. C. BALLROOM * BUddletown 848-1688 lent pteturea of the roughaat ter­ their first term of service. The rain yet photographed In the SPECIAL WINDOW SHADES Hustons have two children. Beefed Up Secret Service moon-ocoutlng program. One THURS., F R l. ft SAT. ahowad a cUff-Uhe prominence Nov. 8—Nov. 10—Nov. 11 GrMn, Whit*, Ecru on the horlaon a mile away. Oth- OUR DEUOIOUS era pictured narrow depreodona HOT ROAST BEEF Washabte Facing Todays Challenge nearby which aoientlata oaid CASCADE FINISH they could not Immediately ex- SANDWICH By HARRY KBLLY Johnson’*—or hla o- For the Secret Service body- plaln. , ON HARD ROLL 9fC Mode to Order ApMdiried Preo9 Writer nent’a—ablUty to campaign In guanla the anUthesla o< aecurlty MUwltaky aald good fortune HOT BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAE with Your Rollers ’ WiWlINOTON (AP) — Four the usual (^>en. hand-ahaUng ia presidential e^qwaure— played a part in the oucoeeaful AND COFFEE Q (V FULL LINE OF CUSTOM yean attar a bigger Se- atyle In 1968, mumming Johnaon motorcadea, crowda, well- landing—on a auiface ao rugged ALL F O R ...... eret Service with a more effl- aeeka re-election, trumpeted achedules. Surveyor 6 waa given only a VENETIAN BUNDS dent look facta the challenge of A veteran Congreaa member If the service la oonoemed 80-80 chance prior to launch protecting a President cam- familiar with problems of aecu- about poadble aeourity pitfalls Tueeday from Cape Kenne^, ASTRO-SONIC STEREO Fla. E. A. JOHNSON palgnlng in an atmosphere of rtty as well as of poUtloking, on the 1968 campaign trail. It war and pfoteot demonotratlona. summed It up this way: doeon’t do ita worrying In Aa It iqqx'oached the target PAINT GO. But several politicians ques- ‘‘Presidents and presidential public. But while it officially area In MOdU—Central Bay— almoot dead center on the lunar 7SS k U n Sh, XeL 649-4801 ticned about the subject oay candidates are politicians, and ahruga off such problem* aa they don't foresee that security pdlticlana want to rub elbows port of the job, It la acutdy *»raaking rockeU fired problems will restrict Preddent with the masses, and no one will aware of the hasards. about 60 mUee above thelaur------be able to stop them, even If the xnd It is better manned and face, slowed 'ita Secret Service woidd like to.” equipped___ than It waa Nov. 22, tSta^"mSeirp*r^hour*^U u m J ohnson's V ete^ Day tour 1955 whanwhen Preddent John F.F, S u T S ll mi CARPET and Screen Star this weekend wlU be hla flwt Jet Kennedy was UUed by a sniper FLOOR COVERING awing around the country dnee as ho rode In an open llmoudno * TEMPLE'S Awake After the 1966 oongresdonal election, m a Dallas motonid^ In 808 MAIN STREDT (AOROee FROM BOURNE BUIOK) MANCHESTER The schedule limits him to the n has STB sj^ial agents com- i*bomtory^ Mllwltsky said. "Wo ‘Near Death^ ^ v e security of mlUtary PJ^ with 880 in l^To get a oS .(AP nsMex) ONE OF THE LARGEST MAGEE CARPET STOCKS IN THE AREA. Long dark emtera dominate this picture of of picture several hundred yards from the apace- Some ohaervers believe the buUdh^window*. It makea use 5vf**tour***eq^MritiU * * d te ? * ^ c n ^ camera. Picture made looking south, about ALSO ONE OF THE LARGEST ARMSTRONG FLOOR COVERING SE­ ; HOLLYWOOD (AP) —Acade- falriy limited domestic travd of helicopters. The preddenttol .^r manned land Moon taken today by America’s Burveyor 6. The my Award winning actress Jon- by a Preddent who has in the limousine Is taiUot-pi^. manned land- general accaie ia a lai^w crater, with horiaon a t to^ three hours after spacecraft landing. LECTIONS IN NEW ENGLAND. — ------' ' :------nsos^ today and waa reported ^crowds reflects security con- ---- has tottma — ^ SUw*M*dU are*hadnav- liaison with the fRI, the OIA er been photographed at cloee • ...... 1 dmnonstra. ^ ^ ^ rahga. gurveycra 2 and 4, atmad In Separate Battles was found "naar death" ia the tions, as weU as the pressure of forcemont agencies, creating a Padfle surf hy dierUTs depu- state business, at that regldn, failed In tbair FIX-UP FOR FALL routine chaimel tor s vastly in­ mlosloaB, glvUg rfoe to aarty ties. For example, during a diort creased flow of IntelUgenee. foam that an aven-humbar jinx A spokesman for Mt. Sinai visit to New York City Thursday And It is making more use of might endanger Surveyor 6. HoBidtal said the shy, beautful night, antiwar denumetratora Troops Fight Dug~in North Viet scientific devel<^ments. It has Wa've broken the jinx,” ICl- actress was "coming around ahouted out as his motorcade installed a computer. wltsky aald, "and we now have SAIGON (AP) — U.8. Marines In the. Mekong______Delta, _ the Viet . hour* ■ - ______of— A fighting^ ____ d .s a __ __under the blls- W 1 8 s In 6 mtholr 4ta^6«a m u ^ tnmka 4«Nts«Wat mMsl 9 SAVE 20% to 50% - very nksriy.” "She’s much Im- passed them: "Johnson, murd- The most imptofslve gain is four successes In six shots." a iS li^ y infantrymen Oong sank a U.B. Navy rivar pa- tering counterattack of heUcop- era to celebrate the ISSod an- proved and her doctor says she ererl Johnson, murdererl" In the field of„ preventive ,______securi- Surveyors 1, 8 and 5, which .Tiiiv.i with dug-ln . North Vietnamese TiriniiniiiwTT trol boat with ______recolUess ___ rifle___ ter «gunshlps____ ^ firing______rock^, ar- nlvoTaary cf the Marine Oceps. ON FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS - LINOLEUM - TH.E la ddng fine, the spokesman There waa heavy security both ty—the flndliig of troublemakers landed in.otlMr equatorial re- flro 97 miles south of Saigon, tillory and tactical fighter- in South Vietnam got a stmllar ■dd. , ataf the til® airport airrwhwf and onrt the IllA Ameri- AmArl. glons, sent------more«.• than-----WJIW 84,(X)0 pto- w”*. wltiUn five miles of sacb . . other . One U.8. sirfdler--«.ai------waaImmarlwkor kiUed and or bombers,alAttfl An mfflUt leaving South 27 dead on MlsB Jones, found unconscious cana Hotel, where he qpoke. (Bee Page Mlae) three Navy men were wounded the battlefield U.S. headquar- President Nguyen CSo Ky was and not breathing late Thursday hires from which setentiata de- Thilraday south of Da Nang. termined those areas were safe. The two battles, one a mara­ In the attack Thursday; one ten said. ■dieduled to award medals to a night, may have fallen 100 feet Although known to be much Viet Oong also was reported Two scout dogs were killed In number of Marines In ceremo- Crom the side of a Malibu cliff, thon of 26 hours along the coast­ Special Offer rougher. Sinus MedU Is being al lowlands In the northernmost killed. the attack and 21 wounded. nles at Da Nang and nearby deputies old. eiqdored to give astronauts a lot Corps area, left 14 Ameri­ In the coastal lowlands fight­ Communist casualties. If any, Quang Trl City, but was forced Bgt. Eldon Loken said be wider choice of landing altea. were not known. to cancel the trip because of pUUed the actress from tiie surf. cans dead and 108 wounded, ing, U.8. M arines pushing CERAMIC The oeventh and final Burvey- U.S. headquarten' repotted. through a cluster of bea^y for- Communist gunners lobbed 81 rain and winds from Typhoon She waa clad In slacks and a oe, due to be launched In Jami- Thirty-five North Vietnamese ttfted North Vletaamaas vHlogas rounds of artillery and mortar Freda, whlA struck ^ oentr^^ TILE CATHROOM Uousa, ha said. were reported slain, many of In a valley 27 miles south of Da firs into ike fonrard Marine part of the country eiily today. " 8b* wasn't breathing," he (See Page FoortoM) base at Con Thlen, two miles The northeast monsoons cut said. "But when I turned her them by mosolve bombardment Nang clashed fiercely for 26 Installed—up to 100 sq. ft. Crom U.B. artillery faottoal houn with tough Communist south ot the dsmlUtsrlaed sons, heavily Into U.8. air strikes Material and labor. over to pump water .from her, I fighter-bomben and hellcig performance and/ari/>tg reliability! • ^ David O. SeUnlok, reportedly NEW HAVEN (AP) — About nam. Five miles to the south, troops FT. BENNING, Oa. (AP) — son's first In a two-day tour to DIAL had called her penonal physi­ 4B0 memben of the Yale UM- cian and said she was about to U.B. pilote flew a total of 168 of the 1st Air Cavalry Division President Johnson flew to this greet men of all the armed ventty (acuity have aigned a missions against the North oiiuand the -.u.4th Infantry Division gpra,wung "home of the Infan- forces both ashore and afloat, take some pills. "petition tor peace” that oaBs Thursday, tiielr largest number M3-6662 Spokesm^ at Mt. Sinai said backed Ity armorM persoimel ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the na- on this Vetorant* Day weriiond. NO OBLIGATION Charming Colonial on President Johnson to halt In weeks, but the northeast the exact cause of her Injuries carriers lost 10 dead and« 46 w tlmi’e hopes and Hranmadream* dsnsnddepend The President, was accompa­ m odel 3 6 0 4 Your choice bombing of North Vtetaam “un- numsoons blanketed the Honol- woundM under a heaity attack ^ brlngfog unity to the Viet­ OUT OF TOWN had not immediately been deter­ nied on the fUgh( from Washliig- oondttlonaXy and at oooa." Haiphoog heartland area. Most from Communist mortars, re- where our ton by Defense Seeretary Rob- CALL CXkLLEiCT mined. nam battleground Johnaon was urged In the peti­ ot the U.B. raids were against coUless rifles, machine gun* beliefs and future are at test. ert B. McNamara. Members of of eight fine The hospital said she was un­ tion to bring an "end to des­ taigets west and south of the aiul small arms. conscious about six hours. The Georgia' stop was John- the Joint Cblrts of Staff are ex­ OPEN DAILY truction and this nightmare North Vletnamose capital. The enemy withdrew after tlx pected to join tite tour at lator SherlfTa deputies, soon after war” through negotiattons with FORMICA COUNTER TOPS they were alerted of the report slope. El^PERTLY amf REASONABLY INSTALLED 9 -6 furniture Hanoi and the Nation! Ubera^ Johnson, speaking to Army Ae had taken pills, spotted her tion Front. 78 Oolois to Chooeo From sports car at the top of a ditf. men and famlUea at Pt. Ban­ THURS. - FRl. 9-9 The petition appeared In ning's Doughboy Stadium, em­ styles They said her footyrints wound Thursday's edition of the Yale phasised the unity-In-war down a l , 00(Vtoot-long path to Charles Bickford Dally News, the undergraduate Only Two Purchases ' theme. within about 100 feet of the surf. hmhipaper. The signers repre­ Peace In Vietnam, he said, TUB ENCLOSURE Miss Jones, 48, was bom Phy- sented about on-(our1h of the "wlU come mmre quickly when 9x12 Far Eastern Contemporary • Astro-Sonic St6reo re-creates music flawlessly • with maghificent Us Isley in Tulsa, Okla. She 2,000 faculty the enemy of freedom finds no m odel 638 tonal dimensioi;i, and fidelity from • records • exciting Stereo FM e married the late actor Robert 78 Prices High in Moscow Store crack In our courage—^and no Plain or Walker in 1989 and they had two Th* Vietnam conflict, it split In our resolve—and no sn- beautiful drift-free and noise-free Monaural FM • as well as selective eons, Robert Jr, and Michael. W ith Swan LINOLEUM la "pulverising’' the entipe Viet­ By RHEA STEWART in America would be $10; the tog said '■ouragement to prolong this She dlv«»«ed Walker In 1948 nam oultuie and is "oontraty "20 rublee." I saw shoes for 10 rubles AM Radio e All models offer • two high-efficiency 12" Bass Woofers and married Belsnlck in 1949. Dies in Los Angeles Special to The Herald var in the riiortnees of bur pa- to the bast Interests of the UMt- that would be about $8 at home, 14 ence or the riiarpnass of our • two 1^000 cycle Exponential Treble Horns with the equivalent acous­ They had one daughter, Mary MOSCX)W — My shopping in RussU RUGS Jennifer, in 1984. HOLLTW(X>D (AP) — Actor the hard-fisted ranrii owner on ed Btates." blouses (or 9 rublss. 'onguee.” tical efficiency of 20 cone speakers • undistorted music power output Oiarles Bickford, who idayed "The Iflighilan.” Recently aotor has left me with exactly two purchases. It waa the same whqn I stepped Into Although he said "the enemy In 1906, Mlsa Jones waa voted John Mclntire—who moved Into (1 ) a aniBll carved hairpin of bone and by some 18 million movie goers rugged he-man roles on the Tra in Teats Slftted a smaller shop p«*<''ad to 1*40; “Oluny Brown," 1946; M son R e ^ 42, ^ d a u g h t e r , ^^o o M to r. U.B. Navy boocer, a dog for the time beiiig. cost about IS in sn Amsrlciu basement. push harder than othars, although more take special Interast to Watoiitog No Interict S Inc. "Madame Bovary," 1948; M. No funeral plans have v»„a,vllle performer. Broad- PoUce said the animal soq^it The tog said “9 rublss’’ and a rttU* Is seasonod travMers told m* that push- tough Ranger tralntog. He bGGn niMM. wEy s__ te r to oinonuL tequastod that no otiiers be ol- somewhat mors than a dollar. For an "Ruby Oeatiy,” 19IQ; “Beat the (Bee Page Three) watched R a ^ r oandtdatos tosa I.c «99 VALUE $ 95 R««. $42.95 No Down Payment OPEN TONIGHT TO 9 DwvU," 1908; "Man In the Gray The rod-haired Bickford, after Ooco ' hJT iSTtato ^ a dispute ordinary rayon tailored robe a fair price * each other around In saiwdust Flannel Suit,” 1906; and "Tend­ more than 100 film credUa, waa pcssIMy spots some dIsHngulrii- Good Selectton of Colors Up To 3 Ynors To Pay enjoying sueeese in television as 59 130 CEN11R S1REET FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 er la the Night," 1662. (Bee Page a t i


These Include mainly people Show Thnee— FH., fiUt; Events in over 68 with chronic iMnesata. Sheinwold on Bridge MANCHESTER Varied Courses But the health aervlca said "W tloiiy Oae^ DRIVE-IN Only Two Purchases thara waa no raaaon to change a ACCURATE nnXXNO “CstBelloo'’ ...... 6 tl)| Offered at MCC TV-Radio Tonight Capital predlctian last July that eub- REVEALS TOO MUCH West dealer ROUTES 6 A 44A ^ SA.A& etanUal numbera o f flu cases East-West vulnerable 646-6006 ^ "Geofvy GiiF* ...... | 1 6 :9 f Five widely varied evening could be expected during the By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORTH courses are being offered this JFK Airplane DUplay Accurate bidding at the wrong fall by the new and growing De- 1667-68 season, especially In the ♦ Q6 Prices High in M oscow Store V isio n By B U X U S tfS a S WASHINOTON (AP) — "TTie eastern United Statee. time may tell the ofiponents too C) J72 MOROY CAT ■^autment of Continuing Biduca- Caroline,'’ the Kennedy (Unlly mudi. If the hand "belongs’’ O « 7 2 lA U LO U .(. (Oontinuad from Paga Ona) portatlon and promotion had bean paid. tlon at Manchester Community 6:00 ( S) Movie (Bi) Dissenters Veterans Day, November 11th, has changed In meaning OWL College. ( 64M B ) Mike Douzlaut ( 8) TwUlcht Zone alti>Une which John P. Kennedy Capital PealMtoa to the opponents you are better 4 , A I 1086 iV -ia Hard all ovar Baotam Europ*. Ih I did see an American lady buy a Per­ (10) F e n r Maaon 7:115 (30) Neiwsreel and symbol. Once known as Armistice Day In (xmimemora- The President has proclaimed sian lamb hat tor $18, a good bargain They go by the diverse titles, (18) Hlaterajr FaUroi (40) N eva (O off passing than telling them WEST EAST I^psa Redgmve M t e O Y > Uon of cessation of World War 1, the day Is celebrated now used in his 1960 presidential Nov. 26 aa Thankagivlng and of­ fwet of ana araa a crowd waa waiting and I wondered how it would impress "Fun with Poods,” '"The (80) Tain (or Today 7:80 .------8-12)WHd.— d. WUd West (C) to honor present and ex-sarvlce men. Ironically, perhaps tUs all about your strength and dis­ A K9743 4 102 |K) aniiterojerii' Nelghbor- (40) Wizard• t o campalfn, has been assured a fered a prayer thht wladom and tribution. . AIMS Batea P^ttenUy whDa aa official parmittad only the Ruaslana vdw paid $50 tor simlltf Modernization of China," "Dra­ change Is for the best, because the hopes that brought on <0 KQ834 <7 1063 permanant place in history. It perserveranee will lead the na­ Opening lead — King of 6 few paraom to antor a t a ttana. lh a hats. Vodka and caviar were tor sale, ma Seminar," "Machine Short­ (10) CUnfaat (Ito^rl^^ovle (C). Armistice Day In the beginning, have for the most part, been 0 4 O 11063 (40) IttoUtonea (Bt) World Press Review unfulfilled. We see this clearly aa our military men Stc will be exhibited in the National tion "to both peace and JusUce, hearts. CKOaa'of thte aagannaz to buy waa a but I did not know the price of caviar hand^’’ and "Semiiuur in the Po­ S;80 (40) Peter Jenninza (C) 8:00 ( 8) TVota Uovle (C) « 43 KQ52 (18) Jporta World 8:80 ( 6 .1 » Ckmier P y1e(C ) stationed around the world trying to defend the unfulfilled Air and Space Museum to be In the family of nations and in When today’s hand was play­ at my local supermarket, and would tential of Computers In Small (18) BoltacrlpUon T V SOUTH New Raaiarl aaleetlon of winter coate, both mw'a (20) Ttiealer hopes of Armistice Day. constructed on the Washlnfton our beloved bomeland." ed recently In the Team Selec­ not have dreamed of carrying home a Business.” m ) What-a N«wT (34) (iraative Feison > AJ8S jfw Ttea Soaisyl and wom«D'6. (40) Hondo (C) Mall by the Smithsonian Institu­ tion Tournament In Atlantic heavy bottle of vodka. Established last year, the 8:00 (_9 64040) Nerws, SporU, (303030) Star Trek (C> Veterans Day is a time to honor the miUlona of men Capital Quote 9 A9 Of couraa, I told myaelf, winter is Weather (O tion. City, N.J., West’s overcaJl of The enamel work at the Dollar Store department opened with two 9:00 ( 8-lB) Hovie and women who served, and are serving our coimtiy. Nothing ‘“niey never wanted to do an­ 0 AKQ95 coining on, and people need warm (dO) Summer (31) NET Playhouee Until its new quarters are two diamonds was the Michaels was beautiful, but a demi-tasse cup courses and only 15 students. (18) lUerv OrifUn 9:30 (303B30) Adckteaital (FamUy SHOULD ALSO be a time for lutlfled prayer for peace with ything, but thla year they say ♦ 97 oente, regudleoe of the price. But in (BO) Bportm complete, the blue apd white, Cue Bid, showing length and with eaucar cost $20, and so did a single This fall, the five courses are we can say can add to the honor they deserve. Veterans Day they can’t do it because of Viet­ South the aitverware department among (01) ^ v e l Thne (R) Guns of WIU Sonnett honor for all people throughout the world. . . IS-pasaenger Oonvalr 240 will be West North East wine glass. Figuring these as tourist attended by 45 from eight area (40) Neva; Oomhol (C) nam. That is Just pure bunk. strength In both major suits. knlvea and torim that oartainly were no stored at a Smithsonian preser­ East's original pass should have Pan Pan Pan 1 0 prices, I tried to find something similar communities. (80) UoHiile's Navy (U)) News m d Actuality (C) They were against progress be­ 2 (3 2 NT heceeaity, there wac anothar crowd of 6:15 (90) Bold Venture 10:00 ( 8-40)' John Davidson at WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL HOME vation In Sliver Hill, Md. warned West to stay out of the 2 0 Pan in G.UJJ., and did buy for 2^ rubles a The director of continuing ed­ 6:80 (M) What's NewT (R) Notre Dame (O The plane, named tor the late fore Vietnam. They are against Pan 3 NT All Pan ucation is John W. James, as­ ( 8-13) CronkRe (C/ (40300330)' HlUltiley-Brbik- progress now. And they’ll be auction alto^ttier. — salt cellar that seamed eimUar In qual­ |lp3230) Huntley-Brinkley ley we, who was ap­ ( i) Peter JemlnBe (C) 10:30 (18) Suiwcriptlnn TV in Vietnam U a dim the queen and another heart to pointed to head the department 6:46 (30) News, Sports 11:00 ( 66403830^ Neiwe, family. J-x Instead of J-x-x of hearts. M iM high, much of the work was band-made, seemed to imderstand English, shook 7:00 (fiO30-«) News. Sporte Sports, Weather (C) memory.”—President Johnson dummy’s Jack. If South then this year. (30) Richard Diamond Loa Angeles expert Paul­ I had no beats of comparison, and her head when I asked about other (12) IVuith or Oonsequencee “Splendid! A modem'gothic tale of in a New York speech attacking failed to guess the diamond po- i> He said the program "haa the (C) 111:05 ( 3) Friday SpeeVaetdar « Picket,in Swamp sen won the first trick wldi the betfdea, L«ntn and Man are not my enaunel Items, so perhaps the winegiass- ( 3) Death Valley Days (C) 14:80 (40303330) TonMt (C) opponents of his domestic poli­ siUoD, he would go down at pcak Up Sports Bayers! snake, the picket was told to tricks. The rest was easy. George Hanriltoa In A Benefit tinuing Education department 5:30 Harry Reasoner Both Gas and reward for its return. If West hod passed throuah- "JACK OF DIAMONDS” MANCHESTER SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION that I priced in a DoUar Shop waa a of Stalin’s daughter Svetlana that In 5:86 Speak Up Sports "go back to the motel and get might offer to satisfy the needs 5:00 News Spokesmen at thla missile test out. South would have started 6 BItIs Presler velvet bolero edged in gold embroidery. this restaurant her alcoholic brother Electric Models some sleep.” “DOCBLB TBODBLE” of civic, cultural, business or 6:15 SpeeJc Ito Hartford RANGE ^ s ^ l N E M A 1 NOW SHOWING center said Thursday the pack­ Ms play with a club finesse. Booua Hit NOVEMBER 12, 1967 ----- »«— , It^ was 27 ruMea, or about the same was led astray by drinking companions. 6:45 Lowell Thomas Available At age was carried aloft by an at­ ■ONE SFT TOO MANY” MANCHE8TER HIGH SCHOOL ^AILEY AUDirOBIUM pHce I would expect to find in a chic Well, at least he picked a good place professlonEd groups. b:56 PliU RIzsuto Big. Saving! Back would come a heart to Most of the courses meet one 7:00 The World TooUht Flu Epidemic Not Seen mospheric research rocket Nov. m m aBcizaiii Adult Donation gl-M StadentDoaatlon American store after customs, trans- to go bad In. 7:30 Alexander Kendrick WA8HINOTON (AP) — No 2. The rocket was recovered but — Hcketa may be obtained at the box office ' ! evening each week for two 7:36 Speak tto Hartford .,s . .. I hours. Meeting times are fre­ 7:15 Prm k (Afford FUEL OIL “SATISFYINO THE PUBLIC SINCE 1911!” nationwide flu epidemic Is ex­ the intsruments, which were to 8:00 News ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ it A quently adjusted to satisfy the pected this winter, the Public descend by parachute, appar­ GASOLINE Health Service says. ently were carried away by PIANO'S RESTAURANT students’ schedules. Hie health service also winds, spokesmen said. The department participates stressed that there la no signifi­ The Army says the * ROUTE 6 and 44A ‘JutTVotDotcf^ Hamden Crash in Title I of the Higher Educa­ Lie e n r drub cant shortage of antiflu vaccine 18-lnch-long package Is partially tion Act of 1965 and special PARKADE B A N TLY OIL FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Kills Two Girls state programs. and that only "high risk" per­ encloeed in a metal case and Is LUNCHEONS OPEN DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER sons need to be vaccinated. not hazardous. I Tdevision’s Tlying Nim’ OPEN 6 DAYS—THURS. NIGHTS till 9 0| | p p gY TUBS, thru FRI. HAMDEN (AP) — A two-car CUTBACK MEETTNO :45 A M. to 10 P.M. t a s m ^ Do n t M is s T h em ! I collision on Dtxwell Avenue took NEW HAVEN (AP)—Federal * 1 SIRLO IN PIT* ^Gefeng Flak from Qiiirches the life of two 18-year-old girls officials and representatives of DINNERS from Milford late Thursday the New Haven community sure *87 W ««t Middle Tptae. OPIBN DAILY NEW YORK AP) — An odd younger viewers’’ and that it night. to confer here Nov. 4 concern­ Maodieeter PJI. TONIGHT and religloualy garbed newcom­ shows them that "today’s nuns The ' victims, the only occu- ing the effect on this region of a ROOMS FOR BANQUETS AND WEDDINGS are ‘with it.’ that they’re not pauits of a small foreign car, er to the American' scene, tela- future cutback in defense spend­ Shows Bads Sun. DANCING SAT. NIGHT TO GOOD MUSIC AT hiding out in a garret." were Dorothy Raez and Kathryn ing. Open 6 Days Every Week — Thurs. and Fri. Nights Open till 9:00 1 IB. PORTERHOUSE vlsion’s "Tlie Blylng Nun,f’ is ’‘Jock Of Dtamonds" 8-9:15 In the United Presbyterian Harker. Both died shortly after The purpose of the meeting. Sat 1:80-5:18-9K)0 gatfiag‘twine flak from church weekly, Presbyterian Life, as­ the collision of their car with an­ Rep. Robert N. Giaimo, D-Coim. Complete Home Furnishings Since 1899! STEAK "DouMe Trouble” 7:45 observation poirts. But they sociate editor Janet Harbison other auto when they attempted said Thursday, is “to evaluate HOUSE OF to turn left off Dlxwell Avenue, B a k ed Potato. Texas Toast, JLQ Sat 5:15-7:00 donft expect it^to bring her notes that the riiow is about the resources — capital, labor Tossed Green Salad. AeU T V CatttoUcs, but that "in this ecu­ p(dlce said. and management — which are MOM pr«Mnlt iono DOLLS THE MANCHESTER COMMUNITY PLAYERS down. menical age, we all fly or fall The two passengers of the sec­ available in our area, and to t O O i a r ^ also tome support together.’’ ond car were reported In fair assess the flexibility of these DON’T FOHOET OUR I among tdiurchly ground forces. condition at St. Rafael’s Hospi­ Get Yoor Home Ready WEIGHHT WATCHERS 8PEOIA1S | Present And she comments: "Sister resources in adapting to any re­ COLORSCOPE NEW YORK CITY'S NEWEST , But It’s heairUy aoootaipaoled Bertrilie files chiefly tor fun and tal in New Haven. quired economic adjustment.” ( with the ack-a^. bet^uise riia can’t help it She They are Sheryl Llnet, 19, of The discussion will be of a Hit Nunher 1 — 7:00 RECORDING SENSATION ^ LVNOIIEON SPECIAL "Heaven he^ her If rile ever roller skates, too. This light­ West Hartford, and John Bot- general nature, Giaiimo said, “ PSYCHO CIRCUS" lands.ii^tliM) dioceae/’ oonriudea sto, 24, of Ardmore, Pa., who dealing with a possible overall for the Holidays ■MOMpr— nti II hearted approach.to a life de­ ROAST REEF SANDWICH Bonus Hit Shown last BAREFOOT a stoiym t^ Lqpg Triand Qztti- voted to faith is probably a good attends college in New Haven. reduction in defense spending “Riot On Sunset Strip” THE WATERPROOF .'0 —VEL. 849-1151 DOG SEEN CAUSE OF CRASH IN THE PARK (BfAKINO THEIR ONLY CONNECTICUT APPBARANC*> .iM tor. ------jejune antios.’ ’ NoverthelWNi, “A fUppcrty-Jlt of a mm,’’ sold she says, the aerial nun protia- BATAVIA, Ohio (AP) — A OHAROE YOUR FAMILY-SIZE 7-PIECE DINETTES! smadl brown and vriilte beagle Is Himimrtel uraocftw 1 1 1 ™ ----- ^PLUS---- ^ one. "Ridloulous ^boha'riior," My w ill survive for q.uite a A Comedy in 3 Acts said another. "It’e tor the while. Oondon notes that the was Hated as the cause o f a Come To Our Wed. $60,000 damage suit filed in PRESCRIPTION Baigain Slatlnee birds.’ ’ flying facnitty "enables Sirier SHART m ORATIVE DESIGN OR WOOD GRAIN PLASTIC TOPS! S pectef lAll Seaite 50o Evenings a t 8:80 PJH. "The Nykel Bog" A “travesty of a reUgloas or­ Bertrilie—a eort of ccclosiaatl- Clermont County (tommon Mats. Thura., Sat A Sun. by Pleas Court Thursday. aialiai V Of der,” writes trievislao reviewer cal Miss F lxit-^ get around to GJlrllDL V DIaiwmde” S:00 PJH. Chris Oondon in file Nattonal trouble spots with an ease Su­ James L. Cooper, Chiclnnatl, Sun. Eve. 8:60 - 8:80 Don’t miss this special show at George tonlglitl said in the suit that he was per­ Ylllli^Mte/ 8:55 NEIL SIM O N CattKHlc Reporter. perman itiiabt envy." wviwniv nvfv Read Herald Advertisements " 7:00 Sat From 1:80 Children at all thnee 91.M 4 manently injured Aug. 13 adien REGULAR ADMISSION But in the oathoUo R^teter of But he says the result to a V uaUow caricature of the "new he swerved to avoid hitting the Ttenver,' doe' Roefiiele puts iq> a dog and his motorcycle ran off a AT defonse, saying: "Each flight of nun’’ and adds: "Tlito convent Friday and Saurday, November 17 and 18,1967 Coming Safurday and these nuns cenvoy nothing country road. The suit named as fancy is riib in humor, oenU- defendants Louis and Ida Goede PINE PNARMACY £ ment agrt .human truth-. The gnm. of the reality of the Churdt or a r ------8i00 PsM_____ -t,------ffio reUgihua Ufa. Religion and of Gien Este, described as the 664 Center St. 649-6814 a oral flirif and Ughteartodoess of beagle’s owners. THE BLUE BEATS" 2G the se.tes, ahowever,------eMlIIwill not pre- WIUM piety are only tor show in this Whiton Memorial Auditorium, 85 N. Main St. ^ vent viewers from' awareness of series, the shadow and not the i substance. And there to no ex­ $6.00 IMibnthly THUTREEAST « deopar message.** O pression of morality or ethics to Donations—$1.50 per person - The subject of the crosriire is lend the nuns any real integrity MMW Km i M M IK • l4t-S4U Sister B srtm ie, whose Ught- at aU." SILK CITY PAGKAOE STORE Tickefts may be obtained from any member of the weiglit, wlda-wlnged heaqplece 7 Pc. Modern Chrome Dinette! and a good broeae regiflorily sot BACK FROM WOODS ACRES OP FREE, FREE FARKINO-.I.UXURT AT ITS BEST! r jjm —te"g in at ourrent Thuie- FORBIERLY *01 NORTH MAIN ST., IS^OW All Seats Reserved Manchester Community Players, or at the door. ' MONTGOMERY^ Ala. (AP) — Smart Gold fleck two tone decorative design, **^4ay w qhlng teloirislon series on r i u M f u ii Sue Thornton, 8, back safely mar-resistant top, ih your choice, of colors. The UPROARIOUS! BAWDY AND HILARIOUS! EE,. «ss 166117 lI M M W U m , Triw An^oan BroadcasUng Oo. . .. with herjparenti todayto after an 36x48x60" table has attractive tapered double OPEN for BUSINESS Mon. thru FrL 7:00-9:15 ||P^0wWOlVe eight-hour Jaunt Into the woods S a t - Sun. I n t e r n ‘fg gimmick, but it’s an chrome legs. BeautifuV and comfortable, the *:00-4:15-6:85-8:55 EdQtu— ginunlok," says accompanied by her dog. In ttielr easy care plastic covered chairs come ih two o It was the barking of the dog [e«B. RelUy Jr„ executive tone designer patterns, color coordinated With Thursday night which alerted the table. Ready for the needs of an active o f the Nattonal OattioUc three state troopers to her NEW LOCATION of We've Beautified |br Radio and Trievlsian, family at a sale pripw you can readily afford o whereabouts after a party of 84 OAKLAND STREET—MANCHESTER ich liv e s tecbnloal advice on military personnel, civilian vol­ . . . only 168.88 Our Inside To Give and ecdosiasticad accura- unteers and law entorcement of­ ’ ‘v m A c iK s r Q for fhe .hories. • • • o ficers, numbering 160 to 200 tbe-flnt prime time com- men, had searched for the child. MIHC iRoninufi You The Besf 'iftereiai tetovision show tor The thhee troi^rs found the' NRnNsmntiu I which the agency has been PAULINE wants to thank aU her old cuatomenB and rmouenoNV wimuioM O SirprisiRily Diffirmtil * daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Otto riimoucnm ' Atmosphere To * asked for giddanoe stawe U.8. Thornton dozing In a thicket In wdoome all new cuatomera. BraithtiMRi New Productions, Ltvisli CottiMos, ^ • T- bishopa estabUsbed it in 1965 to heavy woods north of Montgo­ * heb» togrove religious program- O Unfoifottiblo Music, and tho Inerediblo Mifie Seroou. • mery. o ^ Satisfy Yours 3* * 2 log and act aa a liaison between tUirlHi Ottf m4 Marlt JiHMkifMI IMUIM W4 Catky ttotki Ttemy Ute • g, the Ohnrrii and Indodry. [Q a ES El Treat yourself .. . and treat her . . . to elegant dining. Our Ml-llir6NtFraltlitrMWwHnillUyClMacliCimM«M6M|MjM| « w TIm airtiome character in re- tlHcVMWNliIhrUriCNpcrtMCMNeitariirrwMtTrMtte! Ii • * Ugloua fitu p is poettayed b y ao- supeib menu wQ! deUgtit you, with the added touch of lovely NMtU^iM«rWiCM«ai|l(kiMyltirtceN|Cirilypl’IMh|8fiij|Marti*.,. • * tress Sally FMd, tormerty star * of the tatovlskm show. “CHdT atmofvhere. We feel you deserve the very best! EASTERN STATES COLISEUM ' • t et” An American novlco nun in WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASS, n h * s a PuMto Rican convent, her no­ te rial gift rspeatodiy gets her into THE HOME OF GIANT GRINDERS OPENS WED., NOV. 22 5 comic situations. , Reilly says i it has aigiaal tar "a lot of STEAKS AND CHOPS ONLY 19 NIGHTS A 8 MATINEES ' ' # a^ says it has appeal tor iat ct NEED-A-TRUCK? SERVED IN THE Nov. 22-2S-24-27-28-29-30, Dec. 1—8 PM. • C.].’s GIANT GRINDERS Sat., Nov. 25 and Dee. 2—1:30 P.BL 5:3d P.ML 9 . 1 19M W R IT S >/a-T0N STAKE BODY 878 BROAD STREET T E L 8464tt88 - 646-S686 Sun., Nov. 26 and Dec. 3— ; • I 1:30 PM. and 5:30 P.M. {• STARTS FRIDAY AT 4 F.M. Heire it is and ready to go. 6 cytinder engine, standard shift. Excellent body Beautiful enough for a dining room! This Walnut BEEFEATER TAVERN PBiCBS: A ‘ S finish mar-resistant plastic top makes this an outstand­ and cab, even a radio. Priced rig'ht, too! ing family dinette. Table is supported by graceful INTIMATH.Y TUCKED AWAY DOWNSTAIRS t - ’I Special Phta Special ALL SEATS RESERVED tapered and bracketed legs. Comfortable backs and Fri., Sat, Am., Nov. If - H - It boxed seats with smart sun burst embosed design ih LARGE PIZZA Open Wed, fo Saf, fhru Jan, 1 two tone brown and tan. Washable plastic. Both chairs and table feature self-leveling ferrules. This exciting BW.l2.26ai ^^5 FOR YOUR USTENINQ ENJOYMENT WE FEATURE FRL and SAT. NIGHT G r in d e r s dinette set is a fantastic buy at only 168.88 . . . hurry! ANY TWO ITEMS TICKETS’W IU BE, SOLD Have You Tried Keith’s PASTRAMI THE FRANKIE-LYNN TRIO IN "One Stop Shopping?" MEATBALL SMALL PIZZA MANCHESTER 1 3 S 5 l( COOKED SALAMI AT • We’U (tome To Tour Home Reg. 81.15 MARLOW'S To Advise You! tKoiih /"itritiitin e We Have Terms To Please r :." PLAIN-^CHOVIES TOMORROW Everyone! M usmuxm—MOiaKAELLA _ AM ERICAN III") M A I N ST AA A N C H E S r E R ONIONS—PEPPER 9:80 AM . to StSO PM. • AU Purchases Inspected ‘ e d u c a t io n w e e k Before DeUvery! 8 9 . HAMBUBO-^BPPBBONI ONE DAT ONLY y De Cormier Motor 5oles. Inc. Opposite the Bonnet Junior High School on Lower (South End) Main Street FUU GIANT SIZE SAtJSAOB-SALAMI NO PHONE ORDERS ^ a ALL Financing Is Done a NOVEMBER ^ 1 1 286 BROAD ST. •48-4166 MANCHESTER By Kaith’sl * <■ C VEY'S . ... For Friendly Service Phone 648-4169 . . . 11.0 0 *45 EAST CENTER r m ijr O f Opeai teaUght till 9A9 P.M. SfAGHem AND SAUCE—^ Yen Con Eat e e t e , PAUL DODGE i* ★ AMPLE PARKING FRONT OF STORE, OR IN LOT NEXT TO OUR STORE ★ TEL 643-1415 . PONTtAO, toe. fiaiJ. YOUR ORDER IN FOB QUICKER SERVICE 967-979 Mkto St. . 4 ■ ‘ "•••••aaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaat**' ■fAN Canm SVENIMO h e r a l d . MANCRBRERf CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 F A O in V B Hm^ worn UAHCBBaTER EVENING HEEALD. MANCHEBTEH, CONN., FBTOAt, NOVEMBER 10, 1967

biggest sale event of the year!.. last two days...Friday and Saturday!

TITHr“R“^...... a w«uat#*aesjr SPICIAL! 'laotba* l rtMra,_h •voioad. SPECIAL! aofc. mink* iw h o i 8tM ; • O ifb ha LteHatw Ubi f^L! \ o « 4 L'Matqrofj ’ 110«M ‘-•j- •o<*Ws' w ool /5»* s< I.***' , QMIf ^ k t Wi , fits SkfM «yte» knee seeks loo^ -a* < for * m fl > S 4 2 for $ i ,***rjfc * . valoM to 990 99® $9 " ■ ^ 1 6 /*9* ««C i| ratn]ar|2 ^ taupe or beige f JK # 'e v , *> . * V ll ' e t y /Qf. •assorted i X ^ fratnl OOfei- Colors i two cao- * one Bize fits aH k *'**’*• < ^ .lU i E funt ’^L •aaeorted cdtora rC tk* '* grans. M ..... But, antin In s>m' ^ 1 0 thay do not boaHMa to ,i— ~ Jtuaaia that fmal vocal prodact 'pdnt^ out time and again, fcala befoaa Um. . of aivaiy modam k M ot w^****: Oicra an not amragh major sHia* *Wt downt bat Mto Oa In fMtet la tha rioe *®“ ■HJ#'- «»l* fKoMl _ .. . •Th* todinteal nooolo hi MofiWal of tons and a tlMi tdcaa tm in* tipMM „ „ smq>. Sot ia n-v------t- -:.■. - ., ------aadappiwradbitfonpaUi* swfol m dsadady.'iU s is do BM beattM* to tM Omt __ „ . at tod as^tg/ .'Sadd 'i beinci 1,0f emy modttn kbpd «t vaail jafladj^ 'H' sad cs&M. intsrvtews, yon an t*«(* otb »rto hi Montt*al ,o f tonn and « )





u- S..

s « r l


f{ 'U ''ll

• »• r n .

N n/y SALB 4 \ SALB fisherman knits SALB SALB SALB dressy ceK hondtags SALB $ 9 9 4 SALB SALE! SALB SALB nnd * ‘ • wash *n wear ilp wool slocks bonded orlon shift oimpartad hand knit $094 legtilartll ^ ^ 7/8 suede cool fm eiis maker skMs jumpier 'n top famous name cools flannel'n brush gowns fff T*_ ( ^ 4 o bone eokred in M, L $ 4 9 4 vahaw to 912 • leether U i ^ assorted styles $ 1 9 ® ^ 92s areal value! e black or brown rsfUlmr9W $ 7 9 4 a tramendkNis value! vahMsto 96 elan plold klHs Rush right down to BUBfTON'S FA­ valuM t o 113 $38 MOUS WOMEN'S DAY SALES . . . The k'Mfnmi dress that Btars for marketing TSiiu to the coat you need for rain w y Ih e grmrtart coot... the greatmt value . . . as vwfl as every casual occaedon. Choone devie lecrther boot 914 AhtfM>., . Pile linad dacron *n cotton in and scoop up these tremendous alack Tbe jumper . . . the all important Here^ the sale of sale for the newest, Just 92.94 buys you the foeUt bargaia in sleep­ . . Our ubtrimmed % length aopiile $ 1 0 ® ^ Here's your onoe-aryear opportunity to natural or navy, fflses 6-16 or 8-18. Save ■svinga. Checks! Solids! Side sips! yours from brown, gold, red, beige, green smartest look in coats by a famous maker. wear in town . . . they wash like a dream— idode 9"*y Wong, with smart Mit aides o aaiortsJ clan piakla $ g M stock up on skirts by famous Boston kwks for girts . . . in ever p

It's fun to shop Burton's or In dio Porkodo . . . whom It's so oemy to pork and eborgol

\ i, w n i m m x MANCHESfl'ER EVENING HERA1J>. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 MANCHBSHER BVENmO HERALD. MANUUEBTRR. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVE[MBEE -tO, 1967 The Spook and I Picasso the Sculptor Bgr TOM TPEDB agreed to conduct an hour-long ^ __ experiment In the ‘afflicted” IfBA Staff Oerreepindent room. Is Now on Exhibit ■ALT LAKB CTIT—(NBA)— Before entering, darlln waa houae Is small and aged. a aheet of Infrared Pola- By M lU IS A. RBOTH •n»e plaster Is flaking and the film by a University of % AP AitaBAtar NEW YORK (AP) — Pablo eaves drip with spider weavings. Utah Instructor who remained AO long fingers of foliage scrape radioman throughout V\, Pleasso, sodptor, far less mmacingly a g ^ t some of the ^,0 test. A doien others also known than Ploaaao, painter, is higher windows. witnessed the episode. bstaig given a huge rstrospee- Mrs. Fays Cook lives here. Carlin’s film was factory tlve exhibit at., the Museum of Mhdem Art. The result la a new And so, she says, does “that.^n,|.apped In thick layers of pa- look at the vereatlUty of Uila damed ghost.” par. b had been presealed and acknowledged geniue. Mrs. Cook Isn't spoofing about never opened. The radioman's There are 204 sculptures and the spook. She claims her house task, of course, was to get ocnstructions, covering more is haunted by It previous owner, some ghostly communication Ulan eo years, and about M per a man hrho died in bed 2S years on the packaged fUnp. cent of them are from Plcaaeo’e ago. "I was,” says Carlin, "very own collection. Biere are 82 According to legend, the pre- skeptical.” ceramics from Uie lS40e to vlous owner succumbed In an- The skepticism, however, isaoe, a majority loaned by Pic­ guish. A murder had been com- was shortlived. Inside the room asso. There are 16 drawings and cltted In the neighborhood at the he had a number of strange, cdlagea related to hla sculpture, time and the man was personal- sensations, one being an over­ VETERAN’S hitw from his personal cache. ly connected with both the vie- whelming odor of bay rum, al- Another 82 prints are from the tlm and the slayer. thoush e subsequent search museum’s coUecUona. “It must have really shook failed to uncover any source, This exhibit Is an outgrowth him,” says Mrs. Cook. When he finally emerged of the Picasso exhibition In In fact. It did more than that, fponi the attic, the radioman Paris last year, celebrating the The man was so bothered by It opened his package of film In *DAY* artist’s 88th birthday. For that all that one evening he climbed (he presence of hIs compan- show Picasso loaned the bulk of Into an atUc bedroom, laid tons. The film was exposed hie own sculpture odleotlon. THE SPANISH WOMAN down, feU asleep and was never the Imprint of a single, .Then theu... sculptures were heard from again. . .that Is, un- ghaklly written word: “Oan- Shown at the Tate OaUery In were brightly painted, as hla til recently. ger.” i London. Now they have reached key example “Glass of Ab- "He started moving around «B-a the truth,” says Carlin, Amerioa, In a show selected by' slnth,’’ a three-dimensional bit a short While aigo,” explains ogg help m e" Girls’ Warmly Uiwd Sir Rdand Penrose, head of the of cubism, Ulustrates. Mrs. Cook. “At first I could hear ..j realise I can’t prove that Bonded Wool Proportloiied London Institute of Oontempora- Hie next interest In raulpture MOiTvl 1 ry Art. It wlU be on dl^lay came around 1930, when he ex- things In the attic. Then once darned ghost is really here," through Jan. 1. Simultaneously perlmented with Iron and wlrU In awhile I felt somebody or s^ys Mrs. Cook, “but on the Mattel’s 17 Inch WINTER (N)ATS Trieot Shirts the Museum of Modem Art has figures, and a few years later something touch me when I was „ther hand, nobody can prove Skills iNit Slacks when he modeled a series of all alone. published Penroee’B “The Sculp­ he really Isn’t.” Many with S n ^ Hoods King’B Low Price ture of Picasso,” a well-Ulue- huge heads that Influenced the “Then one night he came works of many other sculptors, right out in the open. I was In trated compendium. 81 FIRMg SELL MOST OAS As Penrose points out, “It Is but these were not prime peri­ bed and I saw his eyes here NEW YORK -Four-fifths of ods hla work. In this very room. It's true. 1 “BABY’S HUNGRY” (UMcult to find an explanation ot the gasoline sold in toe United for the considerable difference Picasso’s post-war interest in could see his eyes very plain­ “found obJecU” la fairly well ly . . . looking right at me in States Is marketed by 21. com­ In attitude that Pioasao has to­ panies. 3.99. wards his sculpture and paint­ known, and of course the show the dark.” 1.66 4 contains several examples of Since then, the ghost has been Skirts of 100% wool, slacks of ings. 80% wool, 10% nylon. 12 glorious 100% nylon, the miracle fiber, the “Since his youth he has re­ these playful transformations, a regidu' terror. riirii as the bull constructed He moves around the house at colon! 8 to le abort, 10 to 18 aver­ shirt that needs no Ironing. Blue, garded painting as the moat ob- age, 12 to 20 tan. white, beige and green. ' vloua and legitimate, ot hie re­ from a saddle and handletMirs of will, Mrs. Cook says. Some­ a bicycle. times he bumps a hanging lamp K enn er sources, and with certain Im­ portant exoeptiona he has al­ Now In this show there is a and it wiggles in his wake. 11.88 record of his latest interest, SomeUmes he slams a door or ways been willing to part with "Give a Show" hla paintings. peUnted sheet metal Images, moves a chair or lets out a created from folded paper moer. Gray, spruce email bronzes—and there are Sizes A-B. examples dating back to 1901. ''The result combines the two- ing hallucinations and I tried m en, Uack, tan, oUvs. Bises 80- dimensional significance the to figure out natuihl causes for It’s no secret. An Ariens Sno- There are some Interesting Thro costs lots more than a examples ot constructions relat­ drawing, the three-dimensional everything. planes ot the bent eheets, end “But I don’t try to figure it snow shovel. It should. It does ed to hlz ouMst period, with fa­ much more. For one thing, a miliar themes—the guitar the treiua>erent apace between out any more. Too many 2-stage Ariens cuts through the fiat surfacea.” " ^ things happen in this house. 1 among them. And often they after-blizzard drifts quickly, de­ Several styles for big *n HtUe girte! Choose from orion acryhc fake have no doubt that It’s really pendably. Takes on any type being haunted.” . snow — clears it ' easily. An “furs,” suedes, cotton corduroys and noveWy weaves. AH with waxm Mrs. Cook Is not ahme in her Ariens Sno-Thro gives you a Gilbert Marx Colonial WtadiaiidWciw quHtra or pile Hzdngs. AH llie popular color, sizes 4 to 6x and 7 to 14. opinion. Dozens of the curious feeimg of power—a way of put­ Prison in Atahama have inspected her premises ting Old Man Wtoter to his Erector and several have confirmed place. All Ariens Sno-Thros Fishioi Bns have 4 forward speeds, power D o ll H ouse No Motors, No BattoriesI her suspicions. reverse, directional discharge Consfruction Set Teaches a Trade Some examples; chute. The Ezee-Start 4 hp, 5 King’n Low Price By p m BBNNim Draper trains younger prison­ Olenda Christtmson, a house­ hp, 6 hp and 7 hp engtoes are, 5 .9 7 "Galloping Mustang" Season's Newest 8PEIONB1R, Ala. (AP) — ers—their average age is 98—ak wife vdio explores the super­ winterized for dependable get- 2 .9 9 welders, barbers, servtoe atar natural, says she has experienc­ Marvin, a three-time loser, U up-and-go performance. NEW! out of pelzoD and earns |T00 a tion attendants and roedianlea ed “tremendous blasts of cold COCK-OUT DIFFERENTIAL! Completely furnished, attractively de- Style electrical appUanoe repairmen, air” In the attic deathroom, Standard on Models 10M-6D, Build and rebuild any of 8 different slg^M an steiA doll house on,49’’i ^ ” 1 2 .9 7 month—honeetly. 10M-7D. Available for Models cars and trucks . . . bulldozer, ex­ metal base. 8 rooms, plastic acces­ Marvel the 28-lnch gaUoplng ride 'em mustang Johnny, a Jutacy togh srimol brloklayera and sign palnton. even though outside tempera­ 1.00 dropout booted out of the Navy Many of the courses are taught lOM-e and lOM-S. Why don’t cavator, road roller, mobile crane, sories includes operatiiiig front door, gives little cowboys or girls a wUd yet safe White and PasW shades figure- tures were over 90 degrees. ride, keeps going as long as the .rider does. with an undealrahle dlseharge, through programmed matorial Anotb^ believer, a self-hyp- you, too, get a lift out of life dump truck. Over 100 pieces, many pordi tracery, set of outdoor furni­ flattering styles In sizes A 82 to with a new 1968 Ariens Sno- cvuig parts. ture. Complete with removable saddle and spurs. 86, B 82 to 88, C 84 to 40, D 84 a convicted forger and embes- devrioped here, noUc /Student, Insists he has Thro. communicated with a deceased to 44. sler, cwna a part Inteieet In a oouraes in pereonal social ad- “Uncle Mhrvln” who warned ALL MODELS IN STOCK barber toep end attends coUege justment and Work relaticos are 4-8-a-7 H.P. > UVW' -1-f - In hie spare time. an Important part of the .sao- him and others to “get the hdl COMPLETE PARTS DEPT. out” of the atUc bedroom and Dwight tried to boU up a loan gram. Mrs. Seay calls these the house Itself. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. company with a toy ptitol, hut the things that beto them ad­ A third young man entered 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. GiiV Nykn QuUtod the eticktqii went sour and bo vance in a Job.” toe house a month ago and Im­ Fri. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. went to tile penitentiary. Now', The effeotivoMss cf the train­ Sat. 8 A.M. to 12 Noon K e n n e r's EASY BAKE he’s asslBtank manager tar a mediately began screaming that 16.00 ing is reflected by the fast flht he saw "my dead grandmoto- / Reversible Jackets CaUfomla laundn^. a barber shop and a garage er.” He lost control, had to_|)e' The three men (only the have each hired six graduates forcibly quieted, and broke L&M names are falM) are products ot the course. down In tears. Siaes 8 to 6x •3 .9 9 of a pilot project in prisoner EQUIPMENT OORP. OVEN education being conducted at Draper’s 88 staff workers do But toe most talked-about in­ ROUTE 88, VERNON, CONN. Very special group of our not abandon the parolee aftra he cident in Mrs. Cook’s house oc­ 878-7M9 Draper Oorrecttonal Orator best seffing styles including here. It has Just oriebrated Its Is released. T)iey watrii his curred recently when a local In Manchester Call Enterprise 4 Sine 7 to 14 •4 .9 9 ‘progress carefully and hrip him radio personality, Tom Carlin, 1948 Comidete with PSns, Chesterfields, casuals and third anniversary. “We donft have the easy ones get necessary peyriilatric or Utensils, Mixes! At nihi KIng’B Low Price dressy coats. Heningbones, medical care—even an opera­ iaminated diagonial curls, to work with,” says Mrs. Donna Snop Action Marx fjghtw isfat.tt. yst wsrm. OissrfulChssrfu Seay, a program dlreotor in tion. Sl-tcD ^ priBUpriks that rsveras to inteiiined and pile lined. Draper’s Vocationat-Hducatlon- The D n q ^ project la stiU «,i.»«iiiiig solid odors. Snug, st- Brown. Mack, green, blue or Btora. toys and housSbdd ttom.. al Demonstration Fzojoet. growing. Mrs. Beay saai* plaas H ockey tacbedim w string hoods, elastic gold. Petite sizes 6 to 18, Sturdy flbsr board with wood grain sue under way for oenlers In flnlsb. SSklSHxU'’. Prisoners with the beri by Tudor Train Se t w rists. Juniors 7 to .15, misses 8 records are sent to a minimum Alabama’s m si^ cities where First sign to 18. security priaoa D r^ r keeps trained counselors would he 9,99 K with 34 Pc. Villagie available at any hour to help ex- those more likely to cause tiou- TqpQualilif o f S gOOd . % Ue. oons make the often iwlnfid ad­ 8 .9 9 - 20 Gfllk|n Gahanlxed Oifly sex offenders ate baned justment to aoolety. Little cooks can bake cakes, cookies, pies, I GirW Cotton Ftamdi from the training program. USED CARS biscuits, candy, pizzas and more! Operates on 1.47 Mrs. Seay says that’s “Just a u sed cara Powered by 25 watt Tnnsfomier precaution, but they realty nood R efu g ee R o l h F u U Jtut 2 ordinary light bulbs (not Included), Barrel ami Caver Action-packed, realletic hockey game Complete electric train set! 27x88%” Gewis & hjanas more pqyriilatrlo help than we UNITED NA’nONB, N. Y. — safety-designed with enclosed oven and cool- with 2 teanuMf 6 snap-action payers, layout, S-unlt freight train, put- King’s Low Price can provide.” Even before the Arah-lraaoU plus movable goal tenders, built-m together cardboard village. 28 watt, The project has hetoed 271 scoring device. 118 volt, 60 cycle transformer. King’s Low Price m s Corduroy war In June there were L8 nail- M ' Inmates leant a trade. Prison Uon rffugeea on the rolls of gates have opened for 229 of tlie the United Nations ReUet and NEWPORT 4'-DH SEDAN ♦ DART GT 2-DR HARDTOP graduates and 2T per cent D o n i p c r Works Agency, which was cre­ 1967 CHRYSLBl 1967 DART G.T. have come back. Most of them ated to help Paleatizlaai Ml Newport. RAH, auto trans., 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto, are caught In what Mw. Seay homeless after the IMS W deart A aUfU My U VMV A nlUlan peMemt calls tedmleal violations, such power steering. conflict. power brakes. power steering. . Jacket as exoeaalve drinking and fail­ FW altafee«MAfa wlmyAdfftaraW Aili Cosy cotton flannel floral a ^ ure to rej^oct for work. Only IS Kenner's New B K BURGER c** Durable rust resistant galvanised G1UBA8T 8TA1NS polka dot prints. Dainty stod barrd with side handles ohd per cent have been returned for 1967 BARRACUDA 1965 DART ' bon, smoShig trims.^ snug fltttng Ud. otiier crimes. Stains made by coffee with nanny gowns tailored or fsnoy Before the Draper program cream, etc., need a dry-clean­ 4-Dr. Sedan. Libw mileage, (dyles. 81m s 4 to 14. 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-«. au- begata about 70 per cent of Ala­ ing aolution to remove grease. etA. trans. tnmattc trana., $4KQR $1295 GRILL t. bama’s ex-ooni were eventually Place garment over a blotter of power ateeiring- Btaww 8.99 returned to prison. Mrs. Sea^ toweling, apply cleaning edlTent says the national rate Is about and wprii from underside ot gar­ 1965 CHRYSLER 1962 DODOE Cotton corduroy shell with 00 per cent, although the ex- m ent Caution ; Fumes of sol­ New YV)rker 4-Dr. Bcdhn. 9-Paea. Sta. Wlsgtm SCQC Bofi^ perta don’t agree on an exact vents are toxlo, so use only FuUy equipiped. $6QQK V-S, auto, trana. sPww wvom quUtod tiniziff. Regular c<^ar, np front Loaen, bronze figure. In ventilated room. 1963 VALIANT ' 1965 PLYMOUTH Bafdiroy Shirts or taupe^ sizea S, M, XL. Sba. Wavon- A-cyO-. SOAK 91b . Wagon. V-8, RAH, Kenner's New 8.99 Kenner's easy ^now auto, trana ^ 0 9 9 power ateerlng. n m II KhiglB Low Price 1967 DODGE II I Movie Projector « 6 . Dart 270 4-Dr. Sedan. RAH, Sp iro gro p h Now youngsteta can cook enjoy auto, trans., $M fU S 1966 DART “cab-out’’ favories at home! power steering. u 9 9 9 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto. 4 .2 7 Bays' and Men's Loafers OrlUa. with one ordinary light 1965 DODGE ateerinst M995 2 .4 8 Famous Eaay-Show movie projector g-Or. Hardtop Coronet 600. bulb (not included). Complete chUdren can operate tbsmadvss wClb-' V-S, bucket asata, vinyl Fascinating and simple way to draw out help. Just snap in cartridge, turn 1.00 roof, oonsDte, power atoer- 1964 FORD a million marvelous patterns me- with 12 mixes for pancakes, handle . . . DO threading. Oom^sts Oalaxle 800 4-Dr. Hardtop. of 1M% ootton log, auto, trana *1695 chanloaUy. Ideal for any age, easy syrup, hamburg A hot dog Suns with a movlss of TV favorites, over Bcuff-raalst1.88 uppers In ooedo I V ^ R A H , auto. a,000 framMlfW hours of sntartaln- .i^pwinroy matsrisl. Warm i and creative. Inoludes 'everything gomjortable for wintw wsw. 7 to U. you need. and much more. mant. “ CHORCHES MOTORS, Inc. 4r. CHRYSLERS ^ DODGES 0 OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER

1 • y ' ^ J

______4— -X XJL ?. ,1* r' jJ' T ■m KANOHlSm B EVENINO HERALD. HANCHBBTB^ CONK.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1M7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 One< to pnsiitoo that It to Otis Vernon A A A A A A. .a k A A A A A A A R A R_ _ A. wMoh baa tneplnd ItMMii Vernon What wa don’t know, of ooartb. to whUh StiniittQ ip»r«Ui ------By C L A Y R. PO LLAN ------ooean Rustoa ptana to o p m irtli Ito School Board Will Receive eatrler, the Attantto or A m Pietfe «r Vow Daily AdMIy Gukh Alco Corp. Seeks Variance T 7 WD; Aeearding to tha Stan, the Arotio, and wbat amall ooestiine Y o u r G a U e r y To xlevelop message for Saturday, Alco Development Corpora­ R t. 80, n ea r Dobeon A v e . In a country with no air toroo ft mlitot oon- Curriculum Report Monday S » 7-2M 1 9-2M4-47I read words corresponding to rxmbers tion of Meriden, will ask at a commercial zone. atder a suitable destination. of your Zodioc birth sigrx Bridge Besotia public hearing Nov. 31 at 7:80 935 MAIN STREET - AT WATKINS Rasults In a duplicate bridge Agabist the current Amtriosa satis­ ******** *«*»«*»* o* Conner AM. 21 1 PMPI* 3l>Through 61 Vital p.m. at the Administration game held Wednesday at the PiM M nd JBv«rr X rm tu g Bsocvt tenU yi faction with ths carrier, as wed off MAY 21 2 Luck 32 And 62 Your TELEPHONE 643-5171 •Hi BoUaajr*. FoM o S a T ix 3 Tod^t 33A 63 End Building for a variance in con­ Lottie FUk Building, Henry Vietnam, and is against ttis appstsnt 64 or K g h H i i r ; Catm.. • « B e c o n d O t m M a il *"• ?»ara Mbnd^ cuit> or on the porch. 4 Lev* ' 34 Situation Park are: North-SouQs, Mr. and Russian conversion to tiis caitlsr. ws STOwrp 3SAchi«wd 6SA 12-708M6M./ nection with the Redevelopment “S/’ .. Rockvme Hospital Notes 6And 36Trav*l 66 It'll SAeiTTAtNJS Mrs. Bernard G. 8 t^ fliet; ffijisCRIFTIO N RATES would oppose a lajrman’s guess that The committee, originally the Vlslttag hours are 19tS9 to 8 p ro ject. MAY 22 7Moy 37 Thoroughly 67 Official Mrs. David SomervlUe and Mra. IS’ proud to nyafcie to Advance textbook oommlttee with Albert p.m. In aU areas exoeot ma- BOwck 38SuipkiarM 68 Brought NOV.23 ^ The developers and the Re­ tions which construct w iijins ^ f JUNE 22 39 Through 69 Lock Eugene F. 'netney second and Smith a* Chairman, was chaig- ^ t y w hereby ^ 9B« DEC 22 development Agency are ask­ ^uaSm'\y^'^\y/.y.'.'.'.'. % » pleassnt w e against small ncn-alrdstos 10 Your 40Lort 42 Things 72 To parking and density tor housing war are aaUng. eventaaOir. t e a togpr 13 Finonckil 43 Sesniry 73 Luckily Also, East-West, Oaxl H. Ber- M B K B I S O F high school. Glelch, Ellington Ave.; Albert 74Pe^e THE iSBOOAlSBD PBB8B , JUNE 23 14 Much 44 B« DEC 23 for the elderly. linger and Herbert Dunn, fln t; n » AaeoH atedSw h exchartvalr aaliUed war in which carrlera may havs to dM i It Joined with the adminiatra- Michaud, Village St; Mary ISOf 450vtr ' 75 Drink (JULY 23 16 Happy 46 EspKiolly 76 Pick JAN. 20 '^ e housing project, proposed M n . Richard Cochran, Glen to die taw of rnubHoanoti of mtwt d i> - wltii oppoefaig air torses caaiylBg Bh- tive staff and department heads Jamaltus, Coventry; JuUa Mar- ladptiia taadtoJ «> It or not odtervrtM credit­ 17 Con 47 Worry 77 Your for the renewid area will be White, second and and Mra. \14-17-21-33 ISOut 48 Generous 78Lobors J-10-1J-34M' ed In thle paper and alM> ttoe loaal im h b pOb- clear bombe. When that luqipens, a lot at the high school end formed mer, Upper Butcher Rd.; Mary­ 137-46-57 b u ilt b y the d evelo p er and then C . W . Clve/Uo, th lril. JOHN F. J 4 i^ 7 5 19Swk 49 Your 79 Glomoraus I M e d h e re . of things, Including itot only oanisis. the CnzTlcnlum Study Council. ann Tinkham, Nye St.; Alvina AH rfHiU Of pepoMloation of apadal dH- uo 20 Brtng 50 Of 80 You sold to the state. The giunea are Qionsored by patchea Inrefn are aiao iiaeiMtel. Asslatant superintendent of Squires, Snlpalc Lake Rd.; Mil­ 21 Bo 51 You 81 The but civillMtion ItseM, are likely to bs JULY 24 JAN. 21 . At the same public hearing 77-32-42(0 will be heard. Dominic Peralll ana oilier jeadhia m atter tn Tlw xanoiiaateT B/68-72-81-8t 26Cocra 56 To 86 Oppose 5 6 6 3 - 7 3 ^ ^ to the public. Dvanlec Herald. were held at the Sykes school Manchester; Linda Zutter, El­ w d Gulf Oil Corp. sure seeking VKOO 27 Potiont 57 Taxes 87 Cleverness N o P a rk in g COMMEMORATIVE DECANTER . c a fe te ria . lington; John Johnson, Laurel 2BOf SBUvely 88 Surface permission for a limited repidr- J\dl aervloe client of N. E. A. Service. Inc. A Sabstitutd For Credit Cteds? AUG. 24 FEa 20l "N o parking" signs have been *V FldMabera Repnam atlvea — The J'uUui St. 29 Out 59 ExperlerK* 89 Up er’s license tor a 8T8®oUne sta­ "TDas Margaret Hart, head of 1 SEPT. 22 30 Importone* 60 Something 90 Nature J4aA.2I ' posted on the eEMt side of High Mathrara Special A foicy — Hew Toili, a i- Down in the Bronx, police undercover Births Wednesday: A son to tion. The stetion is located at In honor of our asaaffinated president, a oaH>. Hetnorlt and Seaton. the commercial department. 3-12^29/< St. by the Vernon Police De- ^ G o o d f § ) Adverse © N c 'u 't f i’ the intorsectlon of Route 88 and men have Jwt broken up a credit card acted aa seoretaiy o t the coun- Jf*’’ Tinkham, piurtment. The area includes handsome decanter with the Kennedy pro­ MEMHIigt AU Prr BDRBAU OF COtCDUA- C en ter R d. T IO N a ______ling in which the we of stolen credH oil. Smith will make the final ^ daughter to Mr. and that between M cL seui and HEim- file has been created in a limited edition. cards to send fletitlow bills to the credit presentation of the suggesticHis ®®®*Y® Gifford, Campbell Lou is L a P a n te smd Sal Y e tz Dteplay adverttelnc houra: m ond Sts. Once the limited edition has been cast, the Prr Monday — I pjn. cud companies had been put m a prof­ brought forth by the Cuirlculiun su'e seeking exception for a non- The decision to post the area For TUeaday — I p.m. » council. permitted use of a building lo­ ■was maOe by the local Traffic mold will be destroyed. So this historic de­ Ftor Wedneaday — 1 p.m. Monday. itable profeaelonal basis. Blsewlwre, The Herald’s Vernon Bureau Beefed Up Secret Service For Thunaday — I p.m. Tlieaday. The recommendations wUl cated at 50 Ward St. The appli­ Autiiorlty headed by deputy po­ canter is destined to become a collector's statistics on the loss of cards, and the is at 88 Park St., teL 875-8188 For IVtday — 1 pjn. Wedneaday. oomdst of some 18 new offer­ cants want to use the building lice chief Edmund Dwyer. For Saturday — i p.m. Ttauraday. w e of cards lost or stolen Itor one de­ or 818-2711. Newt Items may be item. Your G ift Gallery has just 96 of these dtaalfied deadliie — 5 p.m day M ore ings and changes in the pro­ Facing Today’s Challenge for a food catering business in No enforcement - action has ptddtnutton. 6 p m n tiM y tor Saturday gree of fraud or another, continue to gram of studies at Rockville maUed to P.O. Box 827, Rook- decanters and to be sure of yours, order and Monday pidillnalinp. include a harsh word muttered a residential zone. been teken yet In order to give mount. »g h School. vU le. (Continued from Page One) in a bfu*; someone trying to get Cora E. Deprey of 2 Mlnter- these using the area an oppor­ tonight. The price is only $5 for this rare F Y ld a y , N ovem b er 10 There la no reason to judge, however, Miss Lucille Kuhnty, the sci­ EUid potentifd Euwasslns before a neighbor in trouble; an im­ burn Court is seeking special tunity to secure other pteces piece. that this development of some slight ence coordinator for the entire they can strike. plied threat in a letter to an extension for sales of new EUid to park. Enforcement win, Imperfection in our system of com­ school system, has presented a Ellington In its assassinatom postmor­ agency gr the 'White House it­ used EUticIes at the same however, start Monday. We Come Apart At The Seains merce and exchange represents any­ plan for group study of the sci­ tem, the Warren Commission self; a direct threat. address in an industrial zone. ence curriculum during the was Icily critical of the lack of thing beyond the control and cure of a On the average there is said The appeEd ot Jorma Nurmi MAN, 109, FEELS TIRED ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★'A’ The war in Vietnam—or the issue of sum m er. communicatons between the civilisation as ingenious as ours. Voting Set to be one direct threat a day. w ill Edso be hesurd. This EUiks DENVER, Goto. (AP) — Fred President Johnson’s letulership in that lAss Kuhidy’s plan would Secret Service and other federal These cases are classed under Surely, if the emergency deepens, we tor special exception for an auto D. GlU was 100 years old today. war—was beln^ voted on directly and involve the middle school and local ag;encteB. preventive investigation. As a repEdr shop Euid used CEur deEd- Asked how It feels, he replied: indirectly last Tuesday. can Invent some medium of exchange (Vernon Center Junior High) On Garage Although reports on Lee Harv­ measure of the increased activi­ Read Herald Advertisements which carries its own value with it and er’s license on the south side of “ T ire d .’ ’ '' In San Francisco, the vote on the Is­ .Grades 8, 7 arid 8. Miss Kuhnly For the third time, Ellington ey Oswald were in files of the ty, the Secret Service closed BOO which completes the transaction, with­ sue was direct, in the form of a refer­ win be iH'eaent at the board voters will go to a town meet­ FBL the CIA, the State Depart­ such cases in 1968. In fiscal endum, but a referendum worded so out any tedious bookkeeping involved, meeting Monday night to' an­ ing to take action on a proposed ment and the Office of Naval In­ 1907, it handled 14,500. the moment it passes from one hand to Ptnu«ra|Siqd By Joeafih Batomki swer any questions. telligence, the Secret Service At the center is the computer foolishly no responsible critic of the WOMAN WALKING, WENTWORTH-BY-THE-SEA town gEuage. The meeting will another. Since such a proposed medium Parents and intereeted citi­ be Tuesday at 8 p.m. .at the has nothing on him. the service leased a year ago war could have felt free to vote for It. zens EU« EklsD invlTed Monday Before the assassination, the Find w hich ■will be in fu ll opera­ of exchange would represent value In it­ T ow n H all. Elsewhere, the Vietnam lasue was less night to attend the board meet- service had about 100 names in tion in January. It has revolu­ self, people would no longer leave it ly­ The voters wiU be asked to 985 MAIN STREET - TEL. 648-6171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6:80 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAY directly involved, but indications are { ing which wlH be held in the its "trip file’’—persons consid­ tionized protective security. MUSIC STORES: 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER - 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD (522-7201) ing around so caretossly It could be approve an appropriation of that H had a decisive influence. ^Herald Sykeo School cafeteria at 7:80. ,«o.000 to the Selectmen tor the ered to be sufficient threat to be I f the P resid en t plEuis a trip to WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVK3B - 142 EAST CENTER STREET - TEL. 840-7195 The San Francisco referendum ques­ stolen, and since people couldn’t use It If , H ie cafeteria is in the new coet of construction and furnish- checked out 'when a presidential CSilcago for example, the com­ tion read as follows; they didn’t have it sudi a medium Inside Report Yesterdays Open Font] • section of the school and those g f the garage. trip Is planned. Now the file has puter will within momenta spew "Declaration of policyt Shall it be the might work woftders for the sc^ency of < attendtog will be given lui op­ The first meeting, held last 1,800 nam es. out a report on persons in the portunity to tour this addition. Ths doesn’t mean that many (Chicago area who might be of policy of the people of the city and many personal economies and the peace 25 Years Ago Spring, turned down a proposal of many a mind. There can and will, if Rowland Evans Jr. and Robnrt D. Novak It Includes sevend new class­ tor the erection of a combined *®®*'® people are becoming concern in protecting the Presi­ county of San Francisco that there be Joseph A. Prentice,, detective EMlacatton W eek many years and many w ill stay there la demonstrated need, be an Im­ rooms, a library ajoA th e c a fe ­ g a ra g e and O v ll D efense facU- t**” * * " ^ t^e President, only dent. THURSDAYS an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal sergeant In the Manchester Po­ To the Editor, on only because they are "dedi­ teria . that the service is getting more Theae people will be checked provement successor to the credit card. WASHINGTON—Amid the de­ ’This coalition of back-scratch­ ity. They sigreed to the garage of United States troops from Vietnam lice Depaurtment, la named dep­ This is American Education cated." How can we eiqiect to infommton from fedenU, stete out. Those of serious concern to ------J ------Driving Oautioa Urged but were against the added cost so that the Vietnamese people can set­ bris of the current House debate ing interests succeeded last year uty chief of the d^artment, a Week. Our American Educa­ hold these good people when FRIDAYS Poilco Chief George A. Trapp <>* tl>® CD portion, even though Euid local figencles as well as the service will be put imder O F MAN'C HESTER on the poverty program, aid tor in transferring the entire slum tional System is the greatest th ey can be m aking |1,0(X) a tle their own problems?" new office created by the poUce yesterday uigsd kxsal drivers was partially re-imbursable from citizens. surveUtence or peihaps brought Morality And Vietnam struggling Negro businessmen small business program from year more in a neaiby com­ This kind of unconditional withdraw­ commissioners. system for mass education yet The information and tips in for questioning until the Pres­ in the big city slums is likely to the anti-poverty agency—the Of­ devised. On it we, as a nation, munity? We don’t shspe up very imd pedestrtens to exercise ceui- ***® state, al from Vietnam could easily prove to Anyone who does not utterly damn Richard Cobb, son of Mr. and tion in the months ahead. He ^ a second meeting was range the full spectnun. They ident leaves. be stom p^ to death by the mus­ fice of Economic Opportunity pin our hopes for an educated well here either. the Americana In Vietnam risks look­ Mrs. Lau:y Obbb of 224 Hillstown said Inelefnent weather and In- h®W and voters approved con- be, In the opinion of most observers. cular small business lobby. (OBO)—to the SBA. populace and a secure future. I How good are our daaarooms ing like a latter-day Blimp. Anyone who Rd. to be commissUmed a sec­ creased hours of darkness In the structlon of the garage «ily. Just as much o f a d isa ster as w e fa ce Ihat lobby is a rare combina­ The results were oalomltous. ond lieutenant in the U.S. Caval­ urge every parent, citizen, and and facilities? No outside play­ challenges audi well-WTltten wpartM as flail and .winter oeui lecul to dan- ®tds were sent out and when from our present commitment to eter­ tion of trained lobbyists, crafty SBA quickly announced its In­ ry. taxpayer to take advantage of ground equipment, overorowded holiday guests gerous traffic conditions. opened were judged to be too nal escalation of the war Oiere. Mary McCartity’s takes a double risk. tention of ckMlng down all tiie American Education Week to classes, use of undmlzed bureaucrats, and senior mem­ ’Trapp wanied that children Plans were revised and Her articles In the "Observer” last small buolneaB development cen­ learn of the programs being rooms, antique plumUng fkolli- The total vote against this pnqiosltion bers of Congress who can and 10 Years Ago and elderly citizens are the most - these will be presented at Tues- Jumping-Jacks summer attracted much notice and ap­ ters that had been estabkehed carried on In our school sys­ tles are samples. We don’t fair w as 182,400, w h ile 70,682 voted fo r it. do get things done. Since mid- vuhieiable to pedestrian Injuries ^ y ’® meeOnig along with the proval. Now they have come out as as part of the poverty program, This date was a Sunday: The tem. As a parent, show an in­ very well In this category. It is a fortunate thing, for the nation’s October, it has been operating and deaths. Although Vernon raquest for the appropriation, a book ("Vietnam’’—Weldenfleld and ’nus wotdd mean, for example, Herald did not puldlsh. terest in your child’s education; How good are the teaching lead little feet policy, for the ear of Hanoi, that the with Immense success to strip has heui no pedestrian fatalities '^® plans wUl most llke- o n lu x u rio u s Nicolson, 18s). ’Ihey are easy to read— a Harlem shopkeeper having to as a citizen, develop an under­ materials and tools for learn­ referendum was not approved. from the poverty bill a special thls year, he said, the total of *y ® prefab building. It and Just as misleading as they were bp- take himself and his shoebox of the poverty bill, agreed in standing of the Impact of edu­ ing? When over 99 per oeoC of in the program of loans and technical pedestrian deaths to the state consist of the origlnal- But it would be an idiocy for the ad­ fore. That teirlUe things have happen­ full of recelptB on the subway cation of our youth on the fu­ requests in one category alone assistance tor slum entrepre­ advance to an amendment sen­ was 78 as of Nov. 1. ^y Planned seven bays. Three of ministration at Washington not to real­ ed in Vietnam is trw . Diait the United all the way down to the SBA ture of our country; as a tax­ are turned down even Uyough neurs. tencing the shun business pro­ ■He urged 'parents to instruct bays will be heated to en- right direction. ize that, if such an irresponsible propo­ States made an appalling mistake in office In Wall Street to apply gram to strangidatton inside payer, learn how your tax dol­ reviewed and approved on two What makes this so Impor­ chlldren in the rules fOi* safe able the town crews to work on sition can obtain that large a vote, the committing its troops there may sdso for a loan. the SBA. lars are being spent. levels, some problems exist. tant is that Negro ownership of ■vralklnig and to supervise their the equipment in the winter be true. That “the country Is no small Sen . Jacob Javlts of New For a time it appeared the Let’s celebrate American Ed­ When dally teachers are doing sentiment among Americans for a more p la y fu ti-v lty s o th e y ■will n o t be months. LEVEL-REST slum businesses is becoming York, senior Republican on the that at the present rate of destruction only opposition to the small ucation Week now, and let’s be­ without proper tools to r taach- The fEiclUty wlU be construct­ sensible approach must be tremendous. even more Important than job Senate Labor Committee, forced exposed to traffic hai»rds. He there will be no {dace left for the Vlet- business lobby in the House was come involved with the future Ing and are limited In materials ed on lEuid purchEised b y the In the opinion of the Northern Cali­ creation as the economic Issue SBA to suspend its order clos­ also warned drivers to drive at cong to hide" is a hypertxde containing 8-year-oId fresh man Republi­ of our educational system by with which to teach and stu­ town, near the firehouse on fornia chairman of the Democratic of the slums. For Instance, a ing down the centers. But In ■more reason able speeds in u ihan at least three false assumptions. And can Rep. William Steiger of year-long participation in the dents are restricted In their M ain St. State Central Committee, a change of new slogan In Heurlem Is: "W e the uncertainty their number and residential areas so that to conclude that the one and only Wisconsin. But after meeting PTA and other organizations learning activities we find the one word in the proposition woidd have had full employment on the dwindled by about 20. dedicated to the education and school products are something they may he aible to stop in an BEDDIN "m oral" course 1s for the Americana to late last Monday (Nov. 0) with CXIBNER BONFIRES plantations, too.” Tet, In the (Jonraquentiy, when this year's welfare of our children. less then they could have been. o n e rg e o c y . produced a "yes" vote which would get out Immediately is to adopt the mor­ officials of several slum busi­ SCHENE<3TADY, N.Y. (AP) malaise of the Great Society poverty bill came before the Eugene R. Montany, How successful are the young­ ' Legion Paper Drive have been overwhelming. That would ality of the Belgtona in leaving the Con­ ness development centers, more The______American____ _Legion pogt — Police here swe hunting a pe- by Holman-Baker today, the White House seems Labor Committee, Javlts put President Manches­ sters tor whom the school sys- have been "systematic withdrawal" In­ go to chaos and civil war. senior House Republicans joined wrii ^ ik it Tte'inonthiy scrap Nodical and paper pyromanlac. utterly oblivious ot this Impor­ through an amendment trans­ Steiger’s cause. ter Council of Parent- stem exists? If here we have stead of "Immediate." The last chapter of the book Is new. paper drive Simday ibeginning at Bundles of magazines and news- tant question. ferring the slum businesB pro­ Although unlikely to beat the Teacher Associations failed, where Is our weakness Aside from the Sam Framcisco refer­ Called "Sedutions,” it answers the re­ 9 am . Commander Robert But- P®P®™ }«<* ®n street comers In A special program ot helping gram from SBA to the more small busfnesa lobby in the and how can we prevent furth­ endum, the war was obviously admost tore to Mias McCarthy’s newspaper ler noted, however, that the Le- rarly morning hours were slum entrepreneurs was put in­ socially conscious Economic De­ House, these Republicans may er failure? These young people articles, "W ell, what should you do?" "How Good?’’ glon can no longer take card- ^®und destroyed by fire on sev­ everywhere in the voting, being blotted to President Johnson’s original velopment Agency (EDA), have a chance in the eventual of today will be running the eral occuions recently. out entirely only in those situations Here she unfolds the absolutist argu­ poverty bill in 1904. It grew rap­ which would view loan applica­ Senate-House conference. But To The Editor, world for us tomorrow. What where the other great nation-divider of ment that a total withdrawal at once is idly with establishment of some tions with less strict a bank­ lf|ii8 sympt6matlc of the mad­ "How Good Are Your was good enough for me Is not Schools?” this year’s American our times, the raclad issue, warn domi­ the only way. She scorns tiM solutions 00 big city offices where slum er’s eye than SBA’ ness In Washington today that good enough for them. They offered by other critics of American It was then that the small- Education Week’s theme gives nant. businessmen could get help and neither the White House nc»' the have so much more to learn, buslnees lobby reaUfy got us all an opportunity to re­ policy-Arthur Sdilesinger’a pursuit of apply for loaiu. OEO but a handful of Republi­ there are better ways to learn Fresh Cut T w o piece The first Republican to be elected cranked up for action. The Na­ evaluate our educational plant Our experts fit infants’ fert as perfeefly as it negotiatiow while tapering off the This quickly aroused ,ln the can Oongreaemen are left to and there is so much more that O ovem or o f Kentucky in 20 yea rs caun- tional Federation of Indepen­ and system, A few questions bombing. Os(Mge Kenman’e enclave small-business lobby fears that defend a small but Important I want them to be able to do can be done in Jamping Jacks. These are the outfits palgned heavily in criticism of the war dent Business with headquaurters relative to this theme are per­ strategy, Soiator Fulbright's eight-point the more Federal money poured element of Lynhm Johnson's fo r a ll o t us. shoes that make Infiiies^ first steps easkr. Prim e in Vietnam, openly appeaUlng for the programme, and others. "None ot these In Saut Mateo, Cadif. — key tinent to Manchester. S in cerely, Into Negro slums, the less the Great Society Uueprint. FLOWERS leathers and imlined construction give infants’ T w in or votes of those who were "’Tired Of The pei^le really oppoaes the war," she pressure group for smalt busi­ How good are the school build­ Kenneth O. Skinner, white Main Street merchants ings and grounds? We hear Potted Ptattts and W a r." says. On the oootrtary: Moat of them ness—fired telegrams amd let­ P resid en t feet comfortable, gentle support. Full sizes would receive. Moreover, the albout poor heating systems, And in New Jersey, where legislative are looking for ways to end the war ters all over Capitol HIU. With TO FOOL A SILKWORM Manchester Education Foneial Designs Main Street merchants have SBA officials calling signals be­ TOKYO (AP) — The Agricul- lack of classrooms, broken win­ elections tumied into a Republican land­ without handing over the people of Viet­ Association K IN O S IZ E steadfast allies in both the bu­ hind the scenes, members and ture-Foreatiy Ministry Is exper­ dows, leaking roofs, Inadequate Flowers For AH slide, Senator Clifford Case gave this nam to V ietoon g ru le. I t la a univen|Da reaucracy and Congress for rea­ staff members of the Congres­ imenting with pills to substitute space for physical education, li­ Bake Sale Success ( > V W 6 ' anadysls; myth among "liberals’’ that tite Viet­ sons that are not entirely un­ sional Small Business Commit­ for mulberry leaves as food for brary work and new programs, To the Editor, Occaskxis oong are harmless nationalists who Sleeping comfort for everyone from standard size "Over all, I think the greatest single selfish . tees lobbied their colleagues. silkw orm s. and many more. We ore not In Once again the people of Man­ would be welcomed by all the Vietna­ bedding up to great big let-you-sprawl King Size factor in'the election was the deep-seat­ The 14-year-old Small Busi­ The Oongres^nad Record was The ministry says It has been the best of condition. chester have demonstrated their mese If the Americana were not there . , . atDu^ret pricesi Holman-Baker . . . a leading ed dissatisfaction with the Johnson Ad­ ness Administration (SB A), spattered with speeches of pro­ experimenting for one year and How good are the teachers genetoaity to and cooperation —a myth that distorts a complex real­ D ^ L supplier to one of the country’s largest nationwide ministration in its hamdling of the war cherishing its independsnt ex­ test. the results appear prmnlslng. and other staff? W e’ve lost some with tte Instructors of the Hand­ ity. Within a single Vietnamese family istence, Is always jealous ot any of our best to the community STORES OF FASHIOH m ^ l chains ... designed Lw ei Rest Innerspnng in Vietnam.” The Administration hau react­ The pills contain powdered mul­ icapped by contributing to the McCONVILLE there are often children fighting on r> other Federal agency. Protect­ ed not at all. Sargent Shrtver’s berry leaves, pul'verized soy­ college and to other towns who Mattresses with 264-coil Bakerflex units (in the 78 X 80 in. Three But it is, of course, no news that the succeea of the Moblte Bake Sale poslte sides, and, while peace must be ing SBA are members of the OEO never has been much in­ bean, glucose, (Mganlc acid, pay more. We’ve not been aUe held on Saturday, Oct. 28. The full size) that support you in a cwrect orthopedic GREENHOUSES AND FLORIST (DAL, Shoes, Mnacheatw Parleade) Pieces King Size war in Vletnaun ham been making Lyn­ what people want above ell, the fight­ House and Senate Small Busi­ terested In Negro ownership of yeast and minerals. to hire some very excellent can­ profit from this project wlH 991 WOODBBlDaE STREET TEL. position. Yet the cotton felt upholstery, all of Outfits, complete don Johnson an unpopulau* P resid en t, o r ing would not stop If the Americans ness Committees, which can slum bustnesses amd hauness- The ministry says the pills didates because other commun­ greatly assist us in aldtaig the which is quilted to the durable striped ticking, no news that ciiticism of him ham be­ were simply to withdraw. Nor, unhap­ justify their existence (and their Ing the profit motive to the anti­ would be safe agalnat destruc­ ities have more to offer. We had p h ysica lly euid m en tally handi­ cuddles the curves of your body for conforming tion by typhoons, frost or attractions which h^Ve kept come so extreme people will resort to pily, la It sensible to iMtoept at face patronage) only as long as SBA poverty. program. Rep. Ctrl capped children. luxury. almost amy kind of tactic to express it. value NI.F offers of "free" elections— remains an Independent agency. Perkins of Kentucky, manager drought. teachers In Manchester for .We wish to thank all who On this very election day, there warn an for, in the absence of outeide policing, baked, bought, and helped lu The 80-coil wire-tied boxsprings are built on unofficial public opinion- poll which m i^er end abduction would have free in various ways. Special grat­ Select Used Cor Values From Paul Dodge PwiticK sturdy boxspring frames and upholstered with caune out showing that there were now rein. itude la extended to the Ooncor- cotton. FuU or twin size outfits $99 for two pieces. dla Lutheran Church for allow­ six Republican presidential possibilities Pruldent Johnson was wrong to send ischetti Individual mattresses or boxsprings $49.60 each ing us to use Kaiser Hall as Amertoan troppe to Vietnam. He was piece. Guaranteed for 10 years! —even Including Rlchamd Nixon—who' our headquarters. atill more gravely wrong to allow free could, at the moment, UcOc LBJ. ’Itie na­ The I.O.H. deeidy appredatee use of alt power, with napalm and high tion Itself grows irrational in Us reac­ tin the fact that "You knew we tion to Its own liTatlonal leadeiehlp. We explosive, In 1905-00. (Since then It is were coming and you baked come apjrt at the seams. We need, des­ supposed to have been stopped near (or bought) a cake." populated areoe in the South — though perately,, a Vietnam policy and a lead­ Yours truly, Choice of mletakee still happen and are Immedi­ ership which can have a chamoo, of Ooraile Belllore a te ly publiclaed bj^ the A m erican s Chairman of the knitting us together agadn. / themselves.) President Johnson was I.O .H . MofaUe B ake Innerspring wrong, too, not to give Hanoi and the Bale NLF time to react to the peace feelers Across What Ocean? In February. The caae agalnat him is or foam heavy. It does not follow, however, that One ham to be somewhat dUturhed toy A Tlioiiaht for the news that Russia, after all thesO American pcdlcy in Vletnilm la wholly Immoral or that today It has no chance Sponsored by the M aaeiw tir latex years, is flnailly going In for the con­ CkNUd] o t G burebM struction of am aircraft carrier—a piece of suooess. In the delta and the coastal valleys-the popidoua areas — control of naval equipment once, Immediately has been extended. Something like a "Christ did not condemn, and 1967 GRAND PRIX HARDTOP COUPE outfits a fte r W orld W a r n and the^ daw n o f the \u normal life Is being rebuilt In many His Church knows Him when atomic age, considered almost obsolete. towns and vUlagea. Security is better. It ceases to ctmdemn the AntomaMe. TUrqnolMk Mode cordova top, power ateethig, Rusala has been doing tome re-think­ Rice, fruit, and vegetable# from the pie who must struggle for power brakes, power wfeiAows, tilt stewing wheel, mag dignity as humans.” $ove ■ '* I ing, we suppose, on the basis of ^ t farms are reaching markets again. '67 Grand Prix - - -S o 'la ld in d e1 eeervloed r v h here. Immocalate throngtooot. How many times have I heard For the smoothest Sfeeping of all, choose a Level B r its h n ^ Amerloan experience whldi has restor­ Roads and canids have been reopened. ’64 GUMS as. Power stoeri^, "Why don’t the poor or the Ne­ ’SS TEM PEST WAGON. (Jharcoal Uue, R est foam m attress outfit. . . for only $99 in twin Teachers ere back in many schools. Al­ brakes, windows, seat, rear ipeoker.' Q U IS N ed the aircraft carrier to its preseat eo- groes do for themselves?*’ And auto, PS., V-8. ror- ?u^- n m ♦795 though not tree from the fear of sudden or full siizesi *^ e 4-inch American-made pincore 5 IZ E teem in this ooimtiy. then I have heard at the first ’64 BONNBVIUJE S-DE. HABOTOP, ’ attack, people in many areas are lees 2 to diooee from. FuU power. Blue wfth Mue MU E O C latex rubber mattresses last practically im tel^te- If you want b> wage a war agadnst a sign ot Black Power >q(gwilaa- ’•S PONTIAO OATAUNA. ______likely now to find their homes becom- interior. Grey with Mack interior. ^ U 9 w 9 ly, are hygienkally clean, and n


» f- < > r > . •■■ r V • - .


H w UB unemployment oom- penaation claims filed In Kbn- cheatt): last week were 9 mere than tiled a week ago and 17 PRE^ VETERAN’S DAY SALE! more than flled during the cor­ d c lo r responding period last year, but still 116 below the figure of C a ld o r two years ago, according tc a report by the State Labor De­ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY partment. The two-year comparison in IVoti?. . . You can Charge all Your Purchases the totals shows that Manches­ mmmmm ter unemployment figures do ?iow . , . You Can Charge All Your Purchases SKI VALUES! Schaner listerine not follow the pattern for the • :‘.T' country as a whole. Battery CMILO.IN. Loa^nges A U.S. Labor Department re­ O'ange 9ia*o» port released Tuesday, tiiows Charger the nation’s Jobless rate at the USTERINE highest point in two years. Nen^s & Strong yet Manchester’s unemployment compensation payments have Lightweight! 9.97 fluctuated in the weekly reports A eem te dial ammeter issued over the past year. Ladies dtowa exact rate of chargi. Antematic ctrentt breaker, FREE! Your choice of Regular, Statewide claims went up 410 4 amp. ootpot #A8611 Lemon Mist or Orange. last week to a 16,462 total. Dur­ SUchm Board ing the corresponding week last Will Never Same m above w6h with Pnrehaae year, the statewide total was • amp. aaipat #BM U. 11,502. Rust! 12.99 Kleenex Bridgeport led the state last week with 2,362 claims and was Box of 200 followed by New Haven with Genuine Leather Matador 2,146, Hartford with 1,624, ana Waterbury with 1,662. [Deluxe Slip-on Q btXM Manchester retahtsd its I6th Imported Boots O let spot among the state’s 20 of­ Headrest Battery Operated Transistorized'movement fices. Ckr Top Ski Rack Oer Rag. lew M m 1.99 30c size box — Whitt k assorted colors. Today In History 4.97 General Electric General Electric Famous Seth Thomas By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 15.88 14.88 Tampered aprhig ateel cou- Decorator Wall Clock Curad Today Is Friday, Nov. 10, the Speed laced double boot, sealed and molded soles. atruetton permlta headreat Slicing Knife Hair Dryer 314th day of 1967. There are 61 Ouchless Sizes 5-13. I to clamp on any aeat and with a Free* 4.98 Slicing Board in Compact Carrying Case Fenamty M r T ra M at 19.9S N.- days left in the year. ■tay there; Adjnata 4 waya; Bandage Today’s Highlight In History j up—down— forward—back. Oor Rag. Low Frki 11A7 On thU date i$t 1433, the lead­ 9 .8 8 I Aaaorted colon. #MHAS3. er of the Protestant Reforma­ Laminated construction, Kids Snow and Ski Boots tion, Martin Luther, was boyn. plastic base, steel edges, Aluminum construction, suction cups protect roof. On This Date and safety bindings. As­ 9.70 .46 All rubber construction, well insulated I Anti Whiplash In 1674, the Dutch stm- sorted lengths. Holds six pairs of skis. Fits all sedans and compact # « 4 8.70 and water-proof. Sizes 1-9. 9.70 Beautifully grained walnut finish case. rendered New Netherlands to cars. #88. Headrest Handsome decorative panel is a combina­ Bonus Box. 75 Band­ the English. 4.88 i Electric slicing doea better )bb on meats, Large bouffant bonnet fits easily over large ages 79c size. I poultry, vegetables, fish breads, etc. SUcea tion of brass tipped ebony mesh and wal­ In 1776, the U.S. Marine Oer Rag. Law M m 3.99 roDen; fast, comfortable drying; S heat nut veneer weave. Brass dial ring, brown Oorpe was authorized by the ! thick or thin — all you do is g i ^ it *Adt aelecttons idus “ cool” ; stores neatly la i derk for details on Free 11” z 14” compact caae. #HDdB. numerals, black hands. 20” high, 9V4” OonUnental Congress sitting in wide, IVi” deep. #2131.______Deluxe FtiUadelphla. i laminated hardwood slicing board.______In 1017, 41 women from 16 3.27 Baby Bath states were arrested for picket­ ing the White House for the Economy a1lp-nn hendrrat. right to vote. Self Initalllng, no tools or SWINGER OWNERS In 1918, at the end of World ■crewa required. Adjuata 4 wavs. Am rted colon. Get Set for Thanksgiving Colors 2.29 War I, Kaiser Wilhelm H crossed from Belgium into Hol­ #EDBS1 land and asked for asylum. Trade Up To a Full Size 43-quart captdty — In 1062, Mrs. Eleanor Roose­ Large soap dish. At- velt was burled beside her hus­ Windshield •ortM coum band at Hyde Parte, N.Y, Polaroid Ten Years Ago Protector 18 Quart ; D ie World Bank said it would ,.J consider helping to finance the Oer Reg. law M m M Color Pack Camera Diaperette Aswan High Dam if Egypt set­ tled its dispute with the Suez Check these extra features you don’t have PaR Canal Co. in your present Swinger Camera. Oer Rag. Five Yean Ago Bool Tree Spnish Wine Bag Hand Wanner Hot Seat Kenner Easy Bake Oven 11.99 7.97 Imam Ahmed of Yemen ap­ 1.63 peared before a group of for­ • Big X iV4 pictures Oer Rag. Sdf locking cover — eign correspemdents at an un- Suzy Homemaker Oven I8.1S 10.47 Keeps windshield free of • Color pictures tn only 60 sec. Locking deodorixar dtseJosed location' to disprove ice, snow, ends scrapnlg. rsfiorts he had been MUed dur­ Our Rag. lew Ftta an cars and tracks. Wtfl — Ciqwetty for 40 Priea 2.97 • Simple ‘drop-in’ film pack Remco digterg,______ing a revolt. Klaatic bo«A instSDatioii. Oer Rag. 1.88 1 .9 9 1 .2 8 o FuUy automatic exposure Tricky Tommy Turtle 1S.7* 7.77 Locks boots firmly in place, prevents Genuine sheepskin, 1 pint capacity, latex Hours of comfortable heat with just one Comfortable, warm cushion, L „..... warping, easy to carry. #SB1. lined, sanitary. IQeal for skiers, campers filling, safe and easy to use. and easy to carry for hunting, Ice-fi D i s s t o n Topper Toy - ^ and outdoor enthusiasts. #620. ing, stadiums, and park use. Model #210 29.97 with Swinger Trade* Oar Rag. ; I r. Ijf Lawn Rake 11.39 7.77 11 1 Johmy Astro ^ ” • ‘ I.... Oor Rag. Low M m 1A9 Model#220 49.87 with Swinger Trade* .,1. • . m.I Remco ...... I. .1 Men’s Men’s Sizes Girls’ Reversible Nodel#230 69.87 with Svringer Trade* Baby Crawl-Along •S.JT 10.87 Welsh Deluxe 7 to 12 1.59 Parkas Nodel#250 109.87 with Swinger Trade* | Backbone spring takes Doll Carriage k M g ra-N. Cemp. Volte 10.91 1 With Flash V CHUW W strain off steel tines. Oer Rag. Uw M m 9.77 Smootti hardwood handle •Swinger must be in operating condition with no denta or cracks. Here’s The for easier sweeping. #D-18 8.97 w. Ctely SO per shre, no rain- Polaroid Camera Girls in Our Stores 6.97 First Place AU chrome steel body coach — | Printed quilted nylon reverses U F R ID A Y , NOV. 10, 1967 6to9 P.M. to solid quilted nylon or ludii/^ white enamel body with navy aide decoration — body 34” To Look Orion* Acrylic pUe. Attached SATURDAY, NOV. 11,1967,10 A.M. to 4 P.M. hoods with long hair trim — Gearance on Bamboo Rakes!| long, 13” wide. — tubular Squibb yitamin Sale! Fo r Your knit or elastic cuffs. Have your free c(dor portrait taken and given to yon in only chrome qpring suspenaion — 7” Sizes 3 to 8x...... '. 7.97 60 ae««d s. chrome wheels aiia hub caps — navy hood. ______Tear Choice Of 2 Great Buys in H^length Jac­ An-Exlra 25% OFF ■f Second Car! kets. (a ) 2i>ly nylon, double quilt reversible. Dacron* poly­ Girls’ Thermal Osr Uw, Uw M eet it str prasMi Stock Vigran* Multi-Vitamins 66 FORD ester insulated heavyweight 2 Bottles of 100 Q'aleixle 600 2-Dr. Hardtop. with smart collar, conceded Imported From Italy Knit Slacks 18** O ur R ^ . 1.69 Now 1.2 6 I Vigran* M Vitamins 6c Minerals V-8, Sharp! M 6 9 5 hood, zip-pockets, (b ) Nylon ox- tor, orlon pile lined, snap front, Cemp. Volte 5.00 24** Our Reg. Il9 Now 1.64 2 Bottles of 90 new cadet collar, zip pockets. Vigran* Chewable Multi-Vita- 63 OHEVROLCT Black, Chili, Slate, Navy. S-M- Apres Ski Boots 30** O ur Reg. 2.69 Now 1 .9 9 2-Dr. Sedan. 6-cyl., CR A E mhu L-XL. 3 .9 7 .w. 2 Bottles of 90 auto, trons. Not an aizea in aD stores, no ralnchedks. Man's sizas 7 to 12 Women's sizes 5 to 10 Keq> cozy warm for aU wear 64 VW SEDAN Special Purchase! or cold weather. Water repel­ Green S H O E ) lent, boxer waist, self stirrups, Radio ^ 1 IV O assorted colors. Cemp. 64 CO M ET Sizes 3 to 6 x ...... 3.47 Ski Pants Velee :C 2-Dr. Sedan EOOC V-8, radio. ^O V w 10.95 8 .9 7 = 7.97 Girl’s > Girls’ Shgker Knit Ski Hat Vinyl Gloves 65 VOLKSWAGEN Warm wool fleece lined Apres Ski boots featuring Valaa 2-iDoioir. Bluev blBclo vinyl, water resistant suede and glove leather uppers. Skid- “Ti!**1.27^ 50c radtob outoldb ’ C fM y E 14.97 proof soles. Popular tasseUed ski hat in Wsrm fleece back — leattier , aaaorted colors. / ^lodkj_AssOTtedMCdore. Wool/Nylon In tobacco glove and brown 67 CADILLAC Stratch Ftodtiwood 4-Dioor Sedan. grained leathers, brown suede. 19.97 DANISH A ir oondMtontog, .. C H A M Boys’ Nylon Quilt all power. . Save 40% on this fine quality DESIGN ''group with all deluxe features, Women’s imitation 25% OFF on Caldor’s Low 67 C O U G A R with makers label. Choice colors. natural shade seal­ From one of the world’s leading watch makers! 2-I>r. Handtop. Gold, C A JM A Sld Parkas 18/8 Heavy Gauge Stainless black; top, radio. Sizes 30-43. skin plug with black suede, toden Prices on Feather Flower 60 T4IRD suede. Serving Accessories Arrangements Ootw. Coupe. Blue with 6.99 bkuck top, nuko, g e n g Mens’, Ladies’ 17 or 21 Jewel Watches V-8, auto, trons. Men’s Ski Sweaters Dacron* Polyester fiU, Orion* Acrylic Our Reg. Sals pile lined, mandarin collar witb nylon #101 Butter Dish with Glassliner Oor tag. Uw Mas lt.fS # F . 1019 Aaaorted Color Bowls S.89 4.tt M V W S » A N Wonderful quality, 100% hi-bulk orlona, zipper hood. Sizes 8-18. Black or navy. crewneck with striking Norw ^an motif Black #112 jSugar & Creamer with Tray ASK CLERK ABOUT LIFETIME GUARANTEE # F lOOlCD Assorted Color Bowla 5.89 4.39 Law mUeegie. *1495 in white and colors. S-M-L-XL. # F 1024 Assorted Color Bowls 5.89 4.39 8.97 #1 1 3 Gravy Boat with Ladle 65 VOLKSWAGEN Regulation Ski Pants Don’t miss this great opportunity to buy a fine quality watch for # F 1008 Assorted Color Bowls 6.89 S.16 Sta. Wlagco. Radio, M gjy e Our Rsf. Uw 4J9 to 5.4* yourself or as a f^ft at a very low p ^ e . Buv now before the holldavs, # F 1010 WaU Basket 8.49 0.16 Groen^Whiite. Men’s Genuine while the selection of styles jmd features Is wide . . . calendars, water­ 12.99 9.74 ' Deluxe Ski Nylon Quilt ^ # F 1002 Cast Brass Base “Stfiin Eriksen” proofs, self-winding, dress watches and others. S.16 61 C h e v r o l e t " T ow Coat Ski Caps ‘TJ?'" 11.97 14.77 # F 1001 6.89 4-Or. Sedan. P.S., E E A E Ski Support Socks Brilliant Coloring — Aasoied baaaa. auto., radio. *«U9 22.97 53% worsted-wool, 48% stretch nylon. 3 .8 8 Pr, Zipper pockets, black only. Sizes 8-30. 62 VW CONV. CPE. 33’’length In 2-ply 2.95 1.29 BtaCk, Riadto, R R A g nylon, double’ quilt,' Super warmth and Wonderful for all out­ Women’s Sixes wfeMmnBa dacron Insulated with full support. 8S% door sports. All 5 to 10 * f ■ * - 2-way zipper. Slate wool/15% nylon In colors. OrionSki Bands 69c W^r Navy. S-M-L-XL. 13-13 stretch. virgin Orion* acrylic. All one size in _WhlteJk_coloij^_^^^ navy, wfai^, red, Mi^CHESTER — U45 TOL l AND IT^PIK E SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY TED 1, Uue, etc. i N DPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT. TRDDON We raterva the right to limit quantitiat. EXIT 93. WILBUR CROSS PARKW AY TAXAXXFTVlIXa) MANCHESTER - 1145 TOLLAND TURNPIKE 'N SALE; THURS. FRI. SAT. ■iMte 88 fToahuid Tpke. PliOBB e«IMI886 Wa Ratarva Tha Right To Limit Quantitias EXH 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY V OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT

I BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER M), ^967 PAGE CANVAS ond ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Judges Ote Covenlry SonUfa V m dsw Nation Pauses Tomorrow CombiiMtiofi Windows and Doors New Teacher Group Se^s Jay Rubinow Door Oaaoples. RoU-sp Awnings. UDME FOR THE H O U D A Y r B»«ovef«d. Take Deers Tou)n Zoning Board Grants T o O b s e r v e - Veterans Day Aiperlor O^urt Jw l(« Jay E. Vote on Bargaining Rights ^ Ralitaow of Manchootor win be ----- rn^mmma IThJimwulaa Kaa !#■ witl Iwwwii* JaloMle Units. Waterprooflng Oompoaid Bor Tents, Tu)o Petitions^ Denies Two By IBB A8S00UTBD PBB88 craft carrier Bnterprlae after haa aanoimced A newly-formed teachers or- determine the reprsoentatlve and Canvas. We Do Rescreenlng of Almiilnuui seroeM. ■Hie nariott wUl pauae Safur- hU awlnf weft today. the ArUncton ____ » - CMef ganlsation, afflliated with the body ^ ‘‘prtmyy * te ^ ’ Heavy Duty Zippers. Ttm lontog Board o t Appeals On Dean’s Annual Christmas Fair day to obaerre Veteram Day, In the m ondi« Johnaon wUl to prataft Defenae Departaneot aervice aa gnated two pftttteiM and denied Mtes Mary Kuteea ot Sottlh ■ oommemoratiiB the courage vUrtt the North laland Naral Air peatricthm on buriala of voter. judge of ♦»“the State Clrouit Court. Americmi F«derotlo|r, of T e ^ - w _ , era. has petitioned the Connect!- teachers will be voong. not ao> two at a recent public hoartiM. haa bean named to and rt*^*'**^ ot thoae who Station at San Diego then in- ana there. The UmltaOlone were Ha has been a Superior Court ^ Education mlnistratoes. The cost is bonw MANCHESTER AWNING CO. The board also Oloetod Robert ,**“ Aimhurft Ool. have earved in the United Statea apect Air Eoroe baaea in Kanaaa impoaed becnuaa of the dwln- Judce ainee July l and tor a referendum vote to deter- «»y «»• United Methodist Churoh armed Ibroea. and VirglnU before wlndlnr tq;> dUng number of grave altea EOT. 194S — 1S6 W. CENTER STREET — QBHaMi. Brian Bd., Wapping m **?*’ ^^^bWoodstook. aa the atate’a Probate O"*'* mine if it can be the sole rep- Its "haiwwaw GHHlgaa minmiDili " * h> Fred J. Oaraole, ROUTE 44A—BOLTON ! While cltiaena participate in at the Torktown, Va., Ooaat avadlahle there. adminiatrator. aoiemn c«em ony and flag- Ouard baae. Parade offlciala in aeveral clb resenUUve of teachers in nego- **y ^ *** *"** ■dward Hkyeaa to the poet jPdnelpal c< the 8oudi YRndnr sriMOl board. PettUom granted inmhtdwi ® *h Sehool, Bteter Marie U n B - decked paradea, Prealdent Johnaon will be accompaidad lea predicted record turnoutv of “ O b th. mmin uM “ Oommunlcatton” Sooght Johnson will complete Me two- by Secretary of Defenae Robert mardiere thin year and little Spokesmen for t^ ^ The federaUon said u\>pes foNow th# SUN for LIFE that ot Joeeph A. BtewakL Jr., *»8htear of Amiluirft, mted (hiy iiwpection tour of defense S. McNamara. Deputy Secre- Rock, Aric., wIH bold Its flrft toeyprofernotto^nm^i^ ^ commiftl. 0-0 Bdward R. Kuefan, Baq., 988 KUleea’s aefatovomaat ao SATURDAY, HOY. IIUi {« timed to coincide with tary of Defense Paul Nttae wlU Veterans Day parade In more Mother’s job—^must still be dijuc. Farmtagton Avo., Weft Hart- wHactivo of the fine prepare- 10 A.M.. 4 PJH. 5 the observance. apeak at the tradttlonai ceremo- than a decade. m, election of oMcen to tte taxpayers Ironcerntog the TTie love and understanding of a ford, tor a varianoe to aDow * • ™oUved durtog hor' P Several peace demonstrations nJes at Artlngton National Oem- Little Rock parade ooordlna- gj^ to ^ compleS^ of education hero mother can never be replaced; but if oonatruetion o t a dwtiUi* on a aohool yeans. WHfaout your a are also scheduled Includiiig an etery, Arlington, Va. tor John W. Hodoway said it try Federation of Tenets. The ^ and ex- she should be taken away, the family s Mt haring laoB than the requlr- and that of your taoUlty, Ihopplng, cooking, nursing, mending, ed frontage on pramiees on ** ^rould have been difBoult for • afternoon rally in New York’s The observance stems from would not be a pro-Vletnam war spt^esmen claimed that a petl- contact beitween teacher tlort caUlng tor the referendum ^ coi^uMty Is sorely teaching and planning must still be MUb BL her to reaOh and malntein tide Chicken Pie Luncheon t. Urton Square sponsored by the 1919 when President Woodrdw parade and that peroona who ob- Jono by someone, somehow. ♦ Vietnam Veterons Agaliwt the Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as Jected to U.S. poUcy could “ sUH was signed by 48 out of 48 teach- needed. Since every taxpayer The property la bounded ep- •‘* ‘>*•••10 standing.” 11:00 A.M.. 2:30 P.M. Aa well as a load of grief on Ms prindinataly north by Welter A. Mlse Kifleaa was cited at Ole 5 War and Vetereuis tor Peace in Armistice Day to remind Amer- in good conscience share In this ers at the high school alone, right to know whether heart. Dad would have a. load of worry , Vietnam. leans of the tragedies of war. In observance." The spokesmen represent «n or not hie educatianal dollar is Wash eta, and Joeeph A. Kraw- annual Honore Oonvooation of on his mind—the worry of extra blll^ aid, Jr.,eaft lqr.gamuel Stought- the college, * The President, commander in 1964 Oongress established Veter- g^jd Hodoway, "This wlH be a advisory committee represent- ^eU-spent, the Federaflon feels and maybe the worry of finding and Gmitinuoas ServingB—No Resemitions cMef of the nation’s armed ans Day to honor all American parade which says we si^poft Ing teachers. They feel that the oWgated to be more than Just paying a capable housekeeper. on ^tetate, weft by Mato 8t. MUttary Student OKed forces, will spend tonight veterans. the veterans for all the things present teacher group, Bduca- ^ whisper in community rela­ ’The money value of a mother’s time ead aouth by Daniel F. DrisooU Craig White of SO 8 t. aboard the nuclear-powered air- The Veterans of Foreign Wars they have done In the past and tion Association of Coventry, tions”. should be protected, just as father In­ and Joseph A. Kraws|d, Jr. Ttita South Wtadsor, la one of 18 ------— ------our servicemen now serving us "has probably contributed to the x starting teacher in thS sures the family’s other great asset— la w A-40 aone. , young men enroOed to tiie U.S. around the world, including general teacher apathy and re- Coventry schools this year, with his income. Auo granted was the request Army Reserve Office Tralidi« those in Vietnam.” suiting high teacher turnover a bachelor’s degree, receives Why not talk this over, the two of of C t e y ^ p . Mather and Lou- Corps who have been named to Bolton you, now, and decide to fund "mother’s iae C. Mather, o-o Bdward R. the lift of Diatiigutabed MIU- FLETCHER GLASS GOi o f Ma n c h e s t e r | Milo Newer, Detroit district rate, by falling to s ^ adequate $5,800. This figure aa wftl as working conditions for its mem- the whole salary ^ ^ u le was jeb " with life Insurance? ® * * * * ^ ^ .:: FoJrmtogton tary Btudenta at the Unlvoralty commander of the American ATS., Weft Hartford, tor a var- of Oonneottcut. Education Board to W eigh Legion, said he expected thft berahlp. bogged down in EAC school Talk It over with me. "As a result", spokesmen board negotiations frpm De­ ^ ^ I" announcto, the aeleolU **When You Think of GlasSf 649^4521 city’s parade to be the biggest cember last year until this past f;all: >IO ODELL ever "due to the Vietnam war claim, "membersMp has drop­ WUMaifa T. HandKon Jr., Think of Fletcher'’* May, when both sides finally 17 North Main 8t., West Hartford, Conn. Project G>ncem on Monday and the growing number of peo- Jnige Jay ped, contact haa been lost, and professor of mlMtary ecicnoe, went to Hartford for medlatimi. Business 681-1970—Residence 843-7800 saidatudenteIncludedmuftrank Court teacher organisation and morale were I The Board of EducaUon wli. pUcations-of fiouride and that l u S l t S ’‘ b 2 T 2 !d p r S T i r ’ ^ r S e r - l ^ - ^ e T T r : SUN LIFE a s s u r a n c e OOkff ANY OT CANADA ^ Uk’T* *" **“ »>PP«- half of their aoa- 54 McKEE STREET ' discuss Project Concern at its clinical experience hM showm orgMtoa^ns’ per- IS H L iS i^ J ^ d w ^ b i i S T S l 1" the system have no effective ^ J* demlc Ciena and the upper tMrd regular meeting Monday at 8 that the m l r n i o T l ^ mmnbero of m . ^ PoUcy ^ u g h wMch they can ta to, Bverett R. J « n l^ , at al., Trua- their ROTC claaa. I ratio determined by the teach­ teea, and weft by Anna J. Jur- ,p,m. in Room 37 of the high State Unlverotty chap- S j 'i K T i r a t s T ™ a ^ J e S ee ^educational and/or pe^------ratio determined by the teach- School Memw TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS er’s salaries. gftak This la an I acne. • school. ^ , ter of Students tor a Democratic Hartford Hilton Hotel. The din- al problems beyond the c Denied wee the petition ot Ro­ t h e followtog menus will be from $25.00 to $45.00 . The board is also ex p ect^ to ^ ^ Society to marrii in the local pa- „e r wUl be preceded by a re- of the building principal land Jones, 848 SulUvan Ave., served to the schools next week: Monday, hamburger to a roll. G&S Workshop for a temporary and condltion- Now to tlM time to bring In your screens to be repaired. | or money order should be sent The chapter was told that In Judge John J. Daly of Hart- Another serious problem fac- HMIVEST SERVICES al permit to allow the use of a *‘6h®hes, french fried potatoea, Storm window glaas replaced, , •on — a - revision- of elementary brought in between 9 a.m. the opinion of the parade com- ford, vdio succeeded Judge Ru- Ing teachers, according to non - conforming bdUdlng on sliced tomato ealod with mayon­ s', school educational specifications. volunteers mlttee their ovganization "does blnow as CMef Circuit Court spokesmen for the CFT, "Is the To Meet Monday promises at 690 Sullivan Ave. naise, fruit and cookie; BUa- lit worth and high .school, cheeee- AUTO GLASS INSTALLED • ’The board will receive the ^ h ^ ln g with the collection, not meet criteria of a patriotic Judge, ^rlU make the presenta- absence of a fair and education- Manchester Gilbert and Sul- NOVeMBER 7 - 12' — 7:30 P.M. The property la in a CX Zone. budget report through Oct. 80, Orchestra FReri organisation.” Oon speech. The chairman of the ally sound policy regarding the The board ruled that the use burger; Tuesday, froaen orange of the bUUding would not en- (elementaiy), baked ravioli _ a report from the ’Transporta- Hartford Sym- a “peace march” was dinner Is Judge Nicholas F. Ar ------f r L “ r o f- t e a — L r*------o ^ the "8 I m (SUNDAY 10:46 AJMU to 7:00 P3I.) OUSS FURNITURE TOPS ttio n Study Committee by Dm e p^ony Orehestra Young People’s planned at the University of mentano of Stafford Springs. present schools to toe nw to- « Methodist Church*^Re courage orderly growth to the ^dth meat sauce, cheese wedges, Kitcanians Take an Advance Look at Auction hems at South Methodist Church Re­ area. . buttered green beans, JeQo, • Hanson, and a report from toe Q^y^j^rts have also been sent Montam to Mtasouta by the Uni------termediate School. With the ception Hall. Spoafcer—REV. WILLIAM TAYLOR MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) .* Long Range Study Committee ^y^ student. There veralty Committee for InWU- opening only months away, Discussion wlU center artund Also denied waa the request bileed and butter; Weteeaday, Klwanlone Herman Heck (left) and Francis Della Fera stand Watkins Bros, store, and a list of the Items will appear to the FROM MELROSE, MASS. of Jftm R Bancroft, 90 Robert roast tom turkey, stuffing, gra- V by Robert Treat. four concerts: a ballet, gen t Action. Players Offer teachers are stiU unsure as to the production of "Ruddlgore,” Herald shortly before the auction. Local merchants donate PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) whether or not they' win be Dr., Wapplng, tor a variance to vy, cranberry sauce, mashed amid some of the many Items which will be auctioned off on wTalto orchestra-Hartford sym- ^ ftudents-all ve- the Workshop’s choice fof Its Songleada* and Soloist—^PAUL MULLEN the annual Klwanis Radio Auction starting Nov. 14. The Items the goods to be eold and the funds go to support various Kl­ proposed revUlons to the Health ^ oomhlnation. a puppet ^ Vietnam—nlanned a Simon Comedy transferred, the criteria to be 1967-68 presentation. allow construction cloaer to the potatoes, buttered peas. Ice WINDOW and PUTE GUSS Services PoUcy and a ^ llc y on show, ^and ^a “"baUet bsHet Into cray-cray­ used in determining transfer. Atmdltions have been sched­ FROM MONCTON, NEW HRUNSWIOK sideline than permitted on his cream cup, bread and butter; to be auctioned aro on display to the Mato 8t. window of the wanis community projects. (Herald photo by Pinto.) ’Offices of the Board. ons.” They will be hdd Nov. The Manchester Community and most importantly, the al- uled for early December, the premises. The property is In an Thursday, hambutg, macaroni lantic City, N.J., because, said ______A^ 4« A-20 Zone. uid tomato casserole, buttered The board will also take ac­ 18, Dec. 2, Jan 20 and Feb. one, ” We are tired o i the kooks Players will present NeU 81- ternatives openten to them If they dates to be announced. Spokes­ TONIGHT SERMON: AND CHRISTIANS tion on the resignation of Mrs. 24, all Saturdays, at 11 a.m. men said that there will be 17 ■fte board ruled against the wax beana, fruit, broad and but- row becasue o t the Veterans gree tonight at St Margaret runntog around and InsiOttog men’s "Barefoot to the Park” tonransfer (SPECIAL FOR YOUTH) man; Mrs. Walter R. Kaeche, - Nancy LandolpM, physical ed- at toe Bushneti Auditorium,Auditorium. lead parts to be filled. petiUon because of the effect on ter; Friday, soup, tuna flah Day holiday. Mrs. Hector A. Beaupro and Mary’s Oiurch hall, Hayes Rd., i'ucation teacher on leave Oils School Menu Theta XI fraternity at Georgia Whlton Meniorlal Audi organlxatlon that claims to re- xhe meeting Is open to all the character of the entire area sandwich, potato chips and A Chrtatinaa Workabop wlU he Mrs .diaries W. Hudson of the Wapplng. ♦» year; on toe description of du- Monday, orange Juice, turkey to run to relays 40 torlum, 86 N. Mato Street, Nov, present the Interests of teachers present and prospective Work- J . hardship was evl- pickles, sliced tomato salad with held Monday from 10:80 a.m. dent to the case. South Windsor Garden dub; The Third Degree will be ocm- •*ties and responsibilities of de- soup with noodles, applesauce, ^ Griffin, Ga., home 17 and 18, starting at 8:80 p.m. shouW have developed a pMlcy shop members. Volunteers are CHURCH OF THE HAZARENE mayoimalae, chocolate pudding to S p.m. for members of the and Mrs. Martin F. McGrath, ferred Sunday afternoon at the *1 was approved by the t « - appointments and nwi-perform- 286 MAIN STBEE7T—MANCHESTER Mrs. Herbert Clarice of the Wed- e-Forum to use school faculties, brownies; Weihx^y, ba^ ^ ^ Jenktos to had a very long and successful payers. Aa of this date, the tiv hig members are needed. Re- Wawilng Elemen- i« served wUl aU meals. A salad of South Windsor. The worioiMp iMsday Aftenxwn du b. Mancdiester Evening Herald ' ; and on a request for an execu- corned beef haeh, pickled beete, support tor U.S. forces to run on Broadway and was sub- cumbent BAG has done freshments wUl be served. Pl»t® be available Monday, will be held at the Wood Memor­ The Rev. Roeenberger Coun­ South Windsor Oorreepc^ent, I - Uve meeting to consider nom- spinach, fruit; Thmaday, n ^ - seouently made Into a movie, nothing . ------— lollowtog Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ial Library, Mato St cil, will confer the Second De­ Ann LyoM, tel. 044-8682. You Are Welcome Mrs. Earle Herrick of Bolton * of a candidate for the burg gravy, groen beans, raisin _ ^ Tan« Fonda and Robert The federation has also vole- in Colonial times the tavern D ^ ^ oonkwo. . w in the Wgh school only. coUltot ^ ^dtocoiate cMps; Friday, The city of M bn^m ery^ SJvS ed strong opposition to the pre- served also as a community Dynamic Controls, 8 Nutmeg n ooip tton tor T e ^ will demonetrate her Christmas Rdv requests a temporary and • ermmea tuna with hot biscuit, n t o r ^ foreign V^BCtico in toe system of center and courtroom. Mrs. Howard Bond arho re­ ideas. Hoeteaeee wlH tochide conditional permit to allow Mrs. F. W. Shaefer Jr., chair- parking of a trailer on Its prem- tired this year after nearly 80 plus :: . » ’“ •.csrsih-.h- x “■ ssrsrjrsr ^ ------years of teaching to the high : moulMy niMlt* «*”• 1» ** Statrtnj In tt. Pl.yer.’ ^ SSSTilth Oi, BouSrt e£ isee. This is an I Zone, tax - Katoieen oeer s ana miss nancy w^ai. of St Geotve’e Air Force Base. ducUon of "Barefoot” are Dl- A copy of the appUcation is “ brol Windsor will catlon. be honored by teachers to the 8.15-15 ; Ckjuld’s coining top to ^ Tuesday at 8 p.m. Montgomery wUl also have an anna Taylor aa Corie Bratter; on fUo to the building tospec- It said it was "the height of town system Nor. 10 ft a recep- VIC’S PIZZA WmTBWALLS ' ' ference on toe atom to CMcago, “How Ideas to Sand- "Avenue of Flags” from Ckiurt Matthew Dellomo aa her hus- folly to have teachers seek tora oCfloe. F-R-E-E! 4-PLY necgssiary j. and to approve a request from liairinx ” wUl be shown Square to the state oapltol. Blr- bsmd Paul Bratter; Mary Bon- Guild Beta Bingo tion at the high school Ubrary 16S W. BODDUB TPKB. NO nmcHAse raises for their administrators MANOHERTEB AU P in t (toolltgr — Tbeee Are Not Seconds or^BtonSMUM! ^ the school me^cM advUwr to attendance wlU have mingham, Ala., cltlxens contrib- ham as .Corle’s mother, Mrs. who, by their position, have the The Lodtee Guild of 8 t Fran- *«>“ 2 to 4 p.m I The South Windsor Education Wlahee To Aanmmoe Bring fhis od to induct a measles Immunisation ^ imtiA at uted $8,400 to buy flags wMch Banks; and Rick Gentilcore as eta of Aoriat Church will q;x>n- No Trade-In Required — PVee Moonttog! power to recommend the hiring Association honored Mrs. Bond “W®y- sawhrirti creation. All women wUl be flown along toe parade victor Velasco. Cameo roles are and firli^ of teacher personnel. sor « "Thenkeglvtog Turkey- Ita New Hours: and Mrs. Edwin W. Daris, also at 177 Hsrtfotd RA, Brownie Investiture ^ ^ church, and their gueeits, route. also played by Howard Becker In addition to this, the - admlnls-'------Snow emei^ency Money Btogo” Ifov. 18 at 8 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS WE GIVE green STAMPS ’The Inveftlture program for hwltod to attend. Oregon Gov. Tom McCall and toe telephone repair man and trators are given a strong voice at the church boll. recently letired, from the town Tkiee. and Wed. y B g ^ i n U P l i l l U l i , SisnelMater Brownie >ivnnn Troop SIS616 wasWHS held _ Calltornta Gov. Ronald Reagan sm est Brown as the delivery hi determining wMch working HlghUght of the evenix« wUl system at a reception last night 11 AJd. to 10 PM . Bnlletto Board at Schuaba Restaurant, Rt. 6. * Monday at the elementary Students of all agee, trotn------'Will ride together ^ to a parade ^ at man. conditions teachers should nego­ be tile drawing of a raffle tick­ Thurs. 11 A M . to 11 PM . tor a 3 ARM HOLE QUICK • school. Parents were tovlt- Bolton, Coventry cuitd Manriies- Albany, Ore., then go to the Tickets may be obtained from tiate with toe board of educa­ et tor a four-day trip tor two BoUetto Board ReUglon claseee at both St. Fri. and Sat MORIARTY BROTHERS \ ed and refreshments were aerv- ter are Invited to a dance to- Oregon State-Southern Oalltor- any member of the Manchester tion.” from BnuBey International Air­ 11 A M . to MMidgIrt •f'. ed. Spokesmen tor the federation is no emergency port to Bermuda. M arguet Mery’s Church and CUT DRESS PATTBIN... 316 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTBR-v643*5185 nighr from 7:80 to 11:80 spon- nla footbaU game to nearby Oor- Community Players, or at the Sod. 4 PJML to l^ M . point out that toe roferendum to 'the pubUc ta oordtaUy tnvlt- St. Francis of Aaelft Churoh 640-S700 f 'The 20 new Brownies, all aored by the YPF of St. vallls. door each evening. have been cancelled for tomor­ i (hade 2 pupils, are AnOra Oeoige’s Church, to the eburrti And the Kiowa Ton-Kon-Ko efd Inoludtag children. V V Avene, Wendy Boyd, April haM off R t 44A. Music win be Kaok Legglm Warrior Society Bergstrom, Canon Boyd, Pam- provided by The Rivals. Admto- wUl conduct an annual Veterans etat Brown,. Susan Butterfleld, Mtnni $1. Day celebration at Indian City Detose DeMartto, Lori united Methodist Oiurch wUl U.8.A. near Anadarko, Okla., with a Snowbird! Duoharme, LesUe Ferguson, hold Its Christmas fair tomor- with the toeme "I Am an Amer- “Hard to believe it’s the same man!” HUdee Fontanella, Lori Frans, row from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at lean.” The program wlU Include Premature baldness changes your appearance by 10 to Meel Doreen HlHs, Debra Howard, the church. A chicken pie hinch- war dances. Karen Jones, Cheryl Kendall, y^ll be served, for which ______15 years . . . Realistic me\aro wearing Busan Negro, Lori Belble, Ter^ reservations aro necessary. Miss Connecticut ry— Smith,a-„4M. Sandra Tomassews- 'iwn.Mm. ubrary will be closed to­ CkarLt ^ t^rt Sne, U and Darleen Toomey. morrow, Veterans Day. Books CarpGt PoHis and { ’ 0L or,u, ow-i 0L1.J Leaders of toe troop are Mrs. due will be due Monday. Spots Easily gWAASMWNorman Balch, Mrs. Ridiatd The PUIAU:public buildingUUUUU% W88IliU0commis- ThM* HtlrplKM m See her demonstrate the Betgftrom and Mrs. James Sel- vrtU meet Monday at 8 p.m Romovod M ll-iM di. Tlity ib«olMaiy 4>tKllon. W« you We. • to • toe - - town------office------oonferenoe------Inkmnt loodHooto wlH b« * and MISS CONNECTICUT invite to attend a great T- Nothing cleans carpets as hinctd, you will look miny yto" simplicity and ease of At Saturn Launch room. yoonitr, ond you will h i« m o - beautifully as Blue Lustre to fidonco In your ippionnct. Wnot Barry Sheridan, freshman at Children who collected tor any machine. Leaves beaten- con you loioT Como In lor o FREE theHAO- X’AWtlwaFlorida AABVUVUWInstitute of Tech UNICEF v^avav^awa' vnson a«wwvi,-ww«..Halloween are — -- re- down nap bright, open and Try Oo ond tlylinf conoulUllon, nology to Melbourne, watrtied minded to bring cans that have fluffy at doorway*, wall-to- or’Ull lor 0 privolo oppolntmonl. Kodak "Super 8” the launching of Saturn V yes- not been turned to to churrti wall or spots and traffic toeday ftdm a beach eight miles Sunday, or to take them to Mrs. paths. Revives colors (to up­ away. He called his parents. Dr. Rigby Graham, French Rd’ holstery, too). Blue Lustre TEDFORD*S BARBER SHOP . and Mrs. Bernard J. Sheridan, ------shampooera rent for $1. 701 MAIN STREET—TEL. 64S-AS8S InsUunatic Cameras Banl’s Paint Sivply, 646 last idght to report that he and Manohea^r Evening Her- Main S t, MonohMtMr, Conn. OPEN 8 AM . - 6 PM . some friends had camped over- Abl Bolton correspondent, Full 50’ cartridge load with­ night on the beach, and tiiat the ciemewell Young, tel. 048-8901. ground shook when toe rocket ------— out need for turnover. Elec­ FHOTO tric eye operation . . . no went up. FINALLY BEAL BIRTHDAY Student Dental Program NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — guess work; battery drive The dental program for stu- Grog Hutchings has been cele- A A . . . no winding. No film dents to the Bolton Center biating his blithday for five Friday Nov. 10th, 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. and Saturday Nov. 11th, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M, change-over! No remember­ School will begin wUh collection years and he’s finally hit on the ROOD GOOD ' ^ y ing filters! tor aB students Tuesday. Forms right date. have. . been sent ,home------with—«. ead: "You see,” explained his PUCE PUCE FACTORY DEMONSTRATIONS ^nd PROFESSIONAL tiP S BY 25 PHOTO EXPERTS chUd. Dental cleaning and sod­ mother, Mr*. H. C. Hutchings, C A R « CHEVROLET ium flourlde treatment cofts "We’ve Just been going along TO TO $8'.40, and cleaning and-exam celebrating his birthday on Nov. SnowMni digs out clean to the pavementl alone coets $1.6Q. 19. But I was going through his BUY ® USED CARS @ BUY The school heaJth department birth records the other day and reports that dental authorities found that he was bom on Nov. AGAR A GAR You (or your wild) t highly recomnutod yearly ap- 9.” VS'thaA easy to handlo. IliM o f f l ^ ^ ’68 Sates Are Oroatl And they’re bringing riie crontost aeleottcn beantUal iwed tsndes In our history! Ooiue In and nave . . . You doift iMOd ationf muucloa to iiiWo a WMorizod motor starts promptly In coldoit Airequipt 500W weather. Two^taga snow throwing system Kodachrom e Kodak GAP A nscom atic '66 CHEVROLET '66 CHVEROLET '64 CORVAIR YaitMyian SnouW rdl^ prevanta clegtfng and braakdoama. Motor ■•f Bel Air 4-Door. V-8, auto., Monsa Sport CSoupe. 6-cyl., pallad. Thsy ara am ^na^ to spa^ Is sot to eTimlnata guauwork. Thera Impala Super Sport Coupe. power steering, radio, heat­ auto., ra^o, beater, bucket touihlobofaiMwriamovalaayonyo^^Og^ art 4 Ug, husky Snowbird modalt ranging Mailer Sale Slide Projeetor Super 8 Zoom Movie Camera V-8, auto., radio, heater, er, whitewalls. seats, whitewalls. MOW Snowbird has adluatabla atH lfflfoY ih ^ thru 4. S and 6 HP. With a Snowbird In your Film Sale bucket seatip, vinyl $ g ft| | C $1995 plus carbWa studs In « « CLOCKS roof, whitewalls. no8t...who carta If it snowil Not omon PK20 (For 20 Exp. Koda- Our Rif. Low Prfco 48.9# '62 CHEVROLET ’«7 CHEVROLET traction on *I»PPW mothor. Impala Sport (k>upe. V-8, K135-20 (35mm 26 Exp.) 1 .2 4 chrome & Ektachrome FQm) 1 .2 9 '62 CHEVROLET Impala Sport Sedan. V-8, nauyors odaIly...uoirt dimb diWtR 8^ Impala 4-Door. V-8, auto., power steering-brakes, auto., power steering, radio, biRj mahii thort work of any Wnd or onoar, Lott yooi*t hoavy anowa cauaad SnoivMrtf PKS6 (For 36 Exp. Koda- r a ^ heater, heater, radio, ^ S117C heater, whitewalls. MOW Daalars to soil out oorly. Save over $15! whitewalls. biowaltiindaalyadiafa chrome tt Ektachrome Film) 2 .1 7 WANTED whitewalls. 1 is K1S5-S6 (SSimn 86 Exp.) 1 .7 9 Our Reg. Low Prioe 74.99 '65 FORD i wantit-’hidi or SN O W BIRD Seeyo«> 34.97 '65 COMET ’63 CHEVELLE r ernowwhltohattlllhdl FK59 (For Simn or Super 8 Chistom ‘600’ 4-Door. V-8, MaUbu 4-Door. 6-cyl., stand­ any dlr^lonupto 30 a oomplata Mlactkm. Tray load slide projector. Complete with Bought, Rupolrad Model ‘202’ 4-Door, 6-oyl., auto., power steering, radio, Kodachrome Film) 1 .2 9 auto., radio, heater, white- ard, radio, heater, $6BCf| fast away. heater, whitewalls. K459-KA459 (8imn Roll) 1 .5 9 Airequipt’8 moft popular 36 slide metal walls. Low MSS5 whltewalla. MabB snow ranMval a uhrtM aport-aaa your Yard-Maa^Snewbird *8lor imri tnagarina Alio accepts acceMory 100 mileage. *1458 REVERE slide droilar tray. #125. .’M PONTIAC '66 T.RIRD , hHtaot Load Cna«a wKb 6 6 6 ’<3 CHEVROLET OTO Sport Coupe. V-8, 4- Convertible. V-S, «Uto., pow­ OOVRNTRY wATARnynue w nxm A jm o er steering-brakes, windows, KA464 (Super 8) 1 .9 7 fiMh Cube Adapiv. Only 24. Impala Cionvertible. V-8, speed, radio, heater, bucket ILO. Allen * Sena Dicli’a Mower antes ft ' Grandmoriiur's overdrive, radio, S tR K seats, whltewalla. $1179 seats, radio, heater, RRU E MonMan’B IftwaOMVmr gve. aeFrtee"Uei heater, whitewalls. le U w whltewalle. PUTNAM > ' O jM m us. RABTHAuanrouD \ ■ fo lp . Oo. Automatic Thru-The-Lens Electric Eye OUR REPUTATION IS BEHIND EVERY USED CAR WE SEILt N ewest WetaMTO’e DftTCs liviip. BenAsr’B Hdwe. ft AfpL Exposure MANCHESTER Smooth Zoom Lens Colonial Clock Shop afUAFPOftP arRiNOB WPlDBOT liOOKg / ModeU /HAOTPOUP IS1R K T WenUirn Ante Aneee. see Instapt Locid Supn 8 Cartridge S T | l7 HasUerd On. * Oannl Power Rgulp. Oo. C\dd()i 1145 Tolland Turnpike •Sunday CARTER CHEVROLET Just Aim afd Shpot for Perfect llOvka 1229 Midn SL—Open EveningB till 9—Thurs. till 6—^MMiehester VMBWON ■y , .

PJMB FOimilBBN MANCRESTBR EVENiNO HliRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER lO, 1967 Section Two FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 manrliFBtpr Cu^ttino IfFroUi F R ID A Y , N O V E B IB E R 10, 1 ^ Pages IS to 2$. O b itu a i^ T o im Will Seek Rezoning Recovery < Catchy Jingle Aims roops U m 4dla|fluts mIM has For Refuse Disposal Area loiM besii baU in sMoem by Two 9’Story Towers ■fa*. JUm V. hopeful tanoen. Teeterday, Mni. AUo« V.^RMd, Tt, for- IfanchMter flmla itaaif In die oth«ra In Um area, to Industrial Hear Speech by LBJ Patrobiillil iim ftr Wnar eet To ‘Sell’ Libraries martjr of I t o d iy t a r _a^ Broad «m baiTaarii« posttkin of urine a rimUaMir envlaUa noord Brook, died last night at a Laurel Lake, In the town’s (Oentt— ig from Paga^OM) the underdog in ths IBM elsefioti tor reUleOtUg a aUden oar. By DORIS BKUIINO High-Rise Apartment a notMwnttormtne parcel for re­ If hs doeldss to sMk another BlooBOfleld convalescent hospi­ comprehensive plan, is recom­ Raymond floma told police “It's the latest, it’s the greatest, it's the li-toeny,” a ptts, engaga In bruising hand- term. His tougher language tal. fuse dUpoaal activities and, mended for open space. at 11:10 laat night that aome- caftchy jingle in -song, should be among the “t 10” to-hand combat and scale 10- seems a dlraot now Md to ganar- She Is survived by one son, consequently, w ill apfdiy to the Ttown Planner Joseph Tamsky one etola|1ila ear. A t 11:14, foot walls. ate voter backing for his polt- tunes of the coming year if members of the Connecti­ Described to TPC Hosrard Laxaon of Hartford, Town Planning Commission said last night that the whole Patrohnaa Miner reported At the stadium, Johnson ixre- cles. cut Library Association (CLA) have tiieir way. and three grandchildren. (TPC) for resonliw of greas before have been crowded since the When the question was asked on a ftveaere panel starting nones, buUdtaig heights are lim­ Mrs. Mary Blevins Armstrong, That plan, he said. Includes "M y goodness," Johnson re­ Vietnam. They are agabiet p n - by llie Board of Directors at to toe weet of Cook St. The ited to two storiea. Industrial, part commercial. an informel meeting Tueaday tunes were flrst played.’ ’ "Does Connecticut have auffl- 81, wife of Thomas Armstrong rechanneling the Hockamim marked, "Isn’t that nice?" grass ■ now. And they’ll be A portion of the records was clent Ubrary rssouroee to flU parcel takea in Bngland’a Town Planner Joseph Tamsky Kohn Bros, is not Insisting y the Hbrary to replace relocate his lumber yard to Bol­ Funeral oervlces will be Mon­ the town 7 to 10 years added area agree, leans toward re­ far more terrible war in the fu­ cordlngs toe word Ubrary waa missing pages to Ms books. room, two-bedroom and effi­ use of the area for Its refuse- tied by flesh and blood to Viet­ ture because we didn’t see this secondary treatment plant. ton and to oonstruot a roofed ciency apartments. day at 11 a.m. at St. Mary's taining the Residence AA Zone Another Item Is dteueeton of correcUy pronounced, os oppos- ^ ^a s also mentioned that Eplsoopal Church with the R ^ . disposal operation. In addition, nam. Talk does not come chtap one through.” yard there, to eltantaiate winter. Ths upper two floors might be for the residential users, and i«- the town’s retuse-dUposal prob­ ed to toe "11-berry” In toe growtog Ust o f paperhooks officiating. it gives Case Bros, the for them. The cost of duty Is too Despite the absence of fanfare snow problems encountered nM rved for luxury apartments, Stephen M. Price sonlng to Industrial the proper- lem, to include the board’s de­ rock and roll version. jjj Action non-floUon and tech- Burial w ill be In East Cemetery, assurance that its surrounding ties surrounding them cruel. The price of patriotism In advance of hla New York every time a piece of lumber hg cision on an Invitation to join Itochester was host to the was a great aid to the Friends may call at the Wat- high land w ill be graded to the ~ comes too hlg^.’’ tr^ , Johnson was greeted In ts removed from a stack. h s said that tentative plans Dennison said that he has been the North Central Refuae Dis- regional meeting which opened ^ lo a e r Ubraries and lightens lAwrance sold that high-rises klns-West Fhneral Home, 42 E. level of Laurel Lake. tm there he was flying to the sponsored by toe Manchester Women’s Club, was given by models, left to right, Mrs. Bam ings." Last night’s presotiation of ty are againet Joining. “ I*... meettaga usuaily ore featured storming trip of 1967. Before Marine Air Statioif at El Toro, Crlsplno of 261 Ferguson Rd., Mrs. Vernon Muse of 391 W. Middle Tpke., and Mrs. Andrew Atty. Janenda explained that ths tentative proposal waa to S t were held yesterday morn­ ' The fourth item on the agenda of toe Hartford Public U b r ^ . ^ , i^xjgram for a oomWnsd ing at S t George’s Elplscopal nightfall today, he also will Calif., to greet pilots back frcrni An angering pwel consUt- ,,woolatlon meeting held each Lindberg of 68 Erie S t, all membera of toe Women’s Club. FashiOM are from toe Carrlafpe toe proposal would require keep toe TPC to fe ^ e d of plans, have greeted Vietnam combat Vietnam. Is discussion of a proposal by height and density waivers by No aiqiUcatlon has been made Church In Bolton. The Rev. PoUce Chief Reardon for Im­ ed of OmriM E Funk, Slyer- ossoctotloe hoe ,, House Boutique, 18 Oak S t Mrs. Chdsplno is wearing a green, pink and blue "M ini Moos” pilots In California and observed Shucking his big jet transport toe TPC. to date and no indloatian waa DouidM E. Thetmer, pastor, of- proving the W. Middle Tpke. about 900 membera. with matching tights; Mrs. Muse is in a light gray and charcoal dresa and coat enoemble operations aboard the nuclear- there, he was to fly by helicop­ Planning, Evaluation and R e - ______The 6 «cre parcel Is in three given of when the sqiplloatlon flolated. Burial was in Zion HUl traffic flow, from Adams St. to ■ and gray fur hat, and Mrs. Lindberg wears a beige crepe jacket dress. Other models are Mrs. Craft Sends Photos powered carrier Enterprise ter to Camp Pendleton, not for search of toe Connecticut State H. John Malone,Mrs. George Ctavedon, Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. John Gerard, Mrs. Edward ■ones—^Residence A, Residence w ill be msule. Cemetery in Hartford. Main St. Bearen were Harry A. Jack- somewhere in the Pacific. away, which Is a major U brary; Jiton P. McDonald, di­ Three Treated * Burdette, Mrs. James Oerrity and Mrs. Benjamin Rouleau. Wigs and makeup wUl be from The two-day Joiumey will take The proposal includes im­ rector of Ubraries of toe Univer­ Open House at Cheney Tech son, Lawrence S. Jackson and jumplng-off point for Vietnam- proved and synchronised traffic toe Carriage House Beauty Salon. The event Is open to members and guests. Donations will Richard M. Jackson, all grand- After Soft-Landing the commander-in-chlef to bases bound Marines. sity of Connecticut; Irving Neu- In Chain Crash . be accepted at toe door. (Herald photo by Pinto.) In keeping with this y m ’a theme for American Education Week, “How Good Are Your all the armed services— lights, especiaUy at the Shop­ Stock Split Sought Schools^’ ’ Howell Cheney Technical School opened toe doors of all shops and classrooms yes­ SOM of the deceased; and Mas- (Contlnaed from Page One) Then he was to fly by helicop­ feld of toe United Aircraft Corp. Three persons were slightly do have the capability In this Including the Coast Guard—In ping Parkade and at Broad St. terday, inviting visitors to tour toe school and observe toe trade programs In actual opera­ ale Owen, Jean-Claude PelHtler coimtry to be iwe-emlnent not ter to the flight deck of the The fifth Item Is dlscuarion of library, and David E. injured yesterday noon when a turkey bingo after the meet­ Donations may be brought to ary, wiU be aimed at some four states and on the high seas. assMlate Ubraiy for public <*ato, tion. Student guides ctmdustod tours and answered questions In toe various shop areas. In and Herb CrandeU. only In space, but in a ll tecUinol- 86,000-tmi Enterprise, the larg­ a proposal to place FoUy Brook ing. Refreahments will, be toe cafeteria tomorrow from 7 mountainous region outside the Johnson’s fast-paced travels est worship in the world and a About Town this picture, Mrs. Benedict Joy of 691 Adams St. watches as her son, Ben, a jtmlor, operates a oery." underground, at an estimated tyP® mishap on Center St. near served. Mrs. Prime Ama()io is to 8 p.m. o r Sunday, beforo or By Colonial Board Apollo target zone to help scien­ were keyed to the observance veteran of two tours in waters John Jacknon. head librarian lathe to machine a part for a toolmaker’s vice. Looking on Is Robert Plntavalle, tool and «Ue AimiveiBary Mass cost of $26,000 and in conjunc­ chairman of toe committee in after Masa. tist slearn If moon highlands are Dr. Wernher Von Braun, who Saturday of Veterans Day. off North Vietnam. The Navy of Mandiester Ubraries. served - ... I The 'Pack committee of Cub ___ The directors of the Colonial Board Co. yesterday Instructor. School offlclals said the open house drew a steady flow of visitors throughout toe A memorial Mass for Chris­ tion with the oonatnicUon of the charge of the event. Tickets are similar to those on earth. coddled the Saturn 6 from idea The President got scant rest was ready to show him routine a. moderator. He took toe place ,^'^® Pack 162 will meet tonight at The North Methodist Church voted to recommend to its stockholders a three-for-two day In aU areas. Other trades taught at Howell Cheney are automotive, blueprint reading, topher T. Oaudet wiU be cele­ to steel tn seven years of work, before taking off. Without ad­ new R t 8. av.\Iahle for toe communion ff880aes Nov. 10 carrier eratlona before and of Rtohard B. MorriU, director J^®* ^ au rektof 8 ^ D ^ 7 in toe Ubrary at Bowers finnnriai oanvasB for 1968 wiu carpentry, electrical, electronics, and machine. (Herald photo by Pinto.) brated Monday at 7:45 a.m. at said, " I t was undoubtedly the vance White House announce­ I f the brook is placed under­ supper and Masa at St. James split on its common stock. The split will increase the — Americm looked at a more ac­ after dark. . of Ubraiy services of Proeasr School. St. Bartholomew Church. greatest moment of my life," ment, he flew Thursday night to ground after the highway is Ldhmpv Bkmmfl^Kl who was Travis of 21 Tuznbull Ild«t Chtureh on Thursday. The com­ be Sunday. Members are r»- reK u h ff dividends paid by 60 per cent, since sharehold- cessible mexm today with the Fidlowlng a night aboard the completed, the cost then may ^ minded to bring their piedg^ea era will new get dividends on more shares. 'Hie same His ‘‘bird,’’ the biggest thing New York City to speak before big ship, Johnson is to fly to S S i S ^ t o ^ Z ? ^ ’ ^ and Robert Quey of 73 West St. Paul F..Fortin, son of Arthur bined KofC, Ladles of Colum' natlcm’s space prospects be prohibitive. ^ luld DkughtOT Ot ispbriik to °«® toe morning worship c i^ dividend of 20 cents annually wDl be retained. strengthened and brightened by ®ver-to fly, climbed to U7-mllen some 1,000 patrons of a dinner McConneU A ir Force Base near "Organizing a Film Circuit" Fortin, 161 Bldrldge St. is home Electronics Firm Offered sponsored by on. arm of the The sixth Item Is a general was t o s ^ c of an afternoon ch«*ter Memorial HospltiU and are in charge of toe «vmt. Res aervlces. The spat la subject to stock- ^------—------• TV Set, Liquor T h ^ y ’s triu m ^ provlS with a world record satel- Wichita, Kan., Saturday, then dlscussion^ot the Jown’s. town- on a 80-day leave from Vietnam, 24 Jewish Labor Committee. AFIr -released. ■ ervaticna may be made with ---- holder approval, and a speolal fllght of the mqi>er«ocketr Sa- go to & Coast Guard station' >at 'wlde'k'liliwalk'rep^ problems, panel dtocueeton. Panetlata w ere''**® “ ®“' "■ ...... where he is serving with toe The VFW Auxiliary wlU have mesting^ has been tefttattvoly board and ajpe^lalty board. It is Spencer St. Tobacco Site Stolen at Club turn 6. ApoUo spacecraft went out a CIO President George Meany Yorictown, Va. Mrs. BUa Goldtowalte of the Quey, who was toe third driv- D to Motor Transport Btn. He Mrs. Joseph Falkowakl, 68 A l­ presently completing merger was the honored guest. estimated to coat more than $2 a Veterans Day dtafoer tomor- set for Deo. 22. lonely 11,886 mUes and sizzled The President U expected to New London County Librarian’s ®»' I" “ ” ® wUI return Wednesday for eight ton 8 f negotiations with toe Rogers 'The Town of Miancheeter re- that his company 1s being Rm nixv low on time, money Johnson, long noted for his milUon to eliminate. row at 6 p.m. at the post home. Robert Fuller, president of home into a rainy Pacific In a retum to the White House late Association; Samuel Mdod, iia- «d with failure to d r iv e « raa- months duty. Fibre Co., a producer ot shoe portedly is trying to convince squeezed out by the construc- Hour “ and public confidence, the space nonbelligerent "come let us rea­ The seventh item is cimslder- unHfata Ubrarisui for Ubraiy de- sonable distance apart. He Is Post members'wlU be guests at Ootonlal Bosurd Oo., said he could of B^were tak» ^ mooo-fllght^ tough test of its heat riileld. Saturday or sometime Sunday. ation of authorizing the hiring Elpiworth (Circle of Souto Meto- coimter board, electrical board, a New Jersey electronics com- tion otiUivlty of Rit 6 relooatlon son together" phrases, tried out vetopmsnt of ths Coimwttcut scheduled for court appearance the auxiliary. Reservations may see no reason why the proposal From dream countdown to of an arcMtect, in conjunction Adonlram Council, Royal and odlat Churrii, W8C8 w ill meet be made with Mrs. Jane Fortin, should be turned down. and other specialty fibre prod­ pony with aipproxibnntely 600 and hy the lack o f sufficient 5 5 ^ atop an untestod xwket a new, fighting style—to the ob­ Wall Street, financial hub of State Ubrary; and Mias Peggy on Nov. 27. on-the-button liftoff to splash­ with repairs to the West Side Select Masons, wUl meet tonight Monday at 3 p.m. at toe church. 88 Knighton St., or at the post special split would apply ucts. Rogers has plants in Bar employes to reiaoate here. water. vious delight of an au America, got Its name from a SdineUe, brandi Ubrarian of Police say toe Quey vehicle hit Service time Wednesday night or yes- __ down oiUy 10 mUes off target. It Rec. at 8 at the Masonic Temple, home, 608 E. Center St stockhoMen of Tooord Dec. Milla and East Poland, Maine. Tlie oompeuiy howl contacted Ih e tack of water, he said, terday m orally. The long shot worieed Uke a It’s been apparent for several mud wall which Dutch Gov. Pe­ the MUler Ubrary, Hamiym toe Travis car and this In tUm to tocUc Just eight hours and 87 And, the final Item is an ex­ Orchard St., Ellington. A dinner Howard E. Mohr of Simsbury, 2, 1987, and would be paid in The merger is expected to be the State Development Commls- comes from Case Bros, plane How entry was made could evaporatliig gloom weeks that Jemnson has been ter Stuyveoant bidlt In 1B68 to Miss Judith Upton, fUm Ubra- hit toe Lerch vehicle which had completed by Dec. 81, 1967. sion several weeks ago, inform- to divert toe flow of too Hook- minutes to prove the United deejdy concerned about public ecutive session, at the request at 6:80 wUl precede toe meet­ formerly ot Manchester, has Strickland Group of Second 1968. It is also subject to stock­ not be determined as no forcing program keep the cows In and the British of Town Manager Robert Weiss. rian of Hartford PuMlc Ubrary, stopped on Center S t to make Congregational Churrii will Two weeks ago toe company taV It that it la considering re- anum River, to Improve toe opinion polls depleting him as out. was moderator. a left turn into a driveway. ing. Past Thrice Illustrious been elected to a three-year holder approval of an increase HAllMMtK of docdoom or windows could be Uit m as^n^to ^ jead in the space race, Weiss wishes to discuss a per­ Masters wUl present toe Select term on the board of directors meet Tueaday at 8 p.m. at the in toe common aharee. The announced a 120 per cent earn- locating in OonneaUout and ask- water supply to its Bast Halt­ found,emitvi pblksenrMr* say.«nv More riuinthan death___ In their craft at Gape targest satellite cvbited Lundwon was served at the A fire hydrant at Tanner and sonnel matter, dealing with one Master and Supper ExceUent of the Connecticut Institute for home of Mrs. Periey Trombley, company proposes an in­ Inga Increase on a ssdes dip ot ing for auggestlone on a suit- fosd plant. The diverrion, the one person was involved In the K«m edy on Jan. 27. KofO Home between discus- Princeton Sts.* was damaged Kohn Bros. official sold, ,-r.Soviet Union weighed town employe; and to brief the Master degrees. The Moat Puls- toe Blind. He has been a chair­ 141 Waranoke Rti. crease from $800,000 presently 114 per cent, comparing figures able site. President Johnson SIGNS. yesterday morning when a dump oeriously effects Irrigation theft, police say. ^ weU ad- Verbal Approval Given directors on the status of an in­ ant Grand Master wUl present man of toe Manchester fund to $600,000. A reduction in toe for the flrst nine months of this The State Develapmeat Com­ The theft o f the items was vertlsed automaUc docking mis- The Interchange of books in truck driven by Exaira Hurst, mission recommended Manches­ needs for toe tobacco farm. dustrial prospect for Spencer 60-year membership cards. drive committee. He is director The educational, w ay» and par value from the present $6 year and 1966.. Fuller said toe discovered by Robert W^te of ^ is a St. (This subject Is explained pubUc Ubraries and privatdy 20, of Hartford, backed into It. of agencies, western states, means, coisservation com­ increase waa mode possible ter, among other towns, os a Vernon, an employe at the <*>6 flight riwwed America to $8.88 1-8 cents wlU be re- symptom that their moon plans For ‘Project Outdoor’ Fund more fully In another article in operated faculties was toe No damage was done to the with Connecticut General Life mittees at Junior Wbmens’ Club through Increased efflclency in likely site and contacted Town ImprbilEd oN dik* CkMUitry dito. capable of sending astroitauts to The Couples Bowling League quested: are based on a booeter capeblll- today’s Herald.) main Issue of toe morning sea- truck, which belongs to Anthony Insurance Co. He is a member win have a oombtaied woricahop plant operation, particularly^ in Mionager Robert Weiee, suggest­ Genovesi Fund A wrist watcUi in a gold case the moon and bringing them y about half that of Saturn 6. Tentative verbal approval has A $12,000 request for a plan- alon. It WHS brought out that Bottlcello of 696 HUlstown Rd., of too Newcomer’s Club wUl of toe National Assn, of Under­ Monday at 7:80 p.m. at the The split pnqxieed would af­ Colonial’s Covington, 'Tenn., ing that he take it from there. Imprint Chorg* valued at $260 and belonging home safely, The American rocket can loft been given Manchester for nlng grant to begin the project the United Aircraft Ubrary police say. meet Umlght at 9 at SUver Lane writers. homei of Mrs. & iice Stauffer of fect CUonlal Board woiranbs, plant. Fuller indicated toe Cov- Weiss has written to the (New Reaches Goal to William Norris of 444 Oen- Space officials hastened to the kind of mo(m craft that the "Project Outdoors," a $67,292 to get aniroval during woul^^ provide public Ubraries A car driven by Eugene F. Alleys, East Hartford. 59 Virginia Rd. Table deoora- which are a right to buy the ngton plant operates at 98 per Jersey company, citing toe ad­ ter a t disappeared sometime »ay the moon is several fUghto RuasiaM apparently must patdi proposal for a federal oper- However, the local school with McesMry material, "If the O’Brien, 19, of West Hartford hit tiom for a fOstilon show Tuee- company stock at a previously vantages in Mfoichester and A $25 donation from Campbell Wednesday night after he was away, but Dr. Robert C. Seed About Town S t MargareTTCircle. Daugh- S t Bridget Rosary Society wUl cent efflclency, while toe Man­ 25 Canls $1iS together in orUt. request came from the Ubrarian a car driven by Clare M. Albom a at ^y wlU be. made. The event is -e* price for a certain period chester plant operates at 90 per recommending a site o ff Spencer Council, KofC, togetiier with re­ swimming a t Manchester High "^ans, associate odmlnlrirator ational grant to cstahHah an ^ past June d®cWed to The Women’s Auxiliary of ^ ^ ^ second proposal, this well In advance," Neufldd also of RockvUle at W. Middle Tl>ke., ten of Isabella. wiU meet cent. st, on land owswd by Kohn c«nt individual donations, has Bchooi. Norris toW police he had ol NASA, called the success Manchester Memorial Hospital dav at 7'80 p.m. at toe KofC S t Bridget . . . . ^ Bros., tobacco growers. toe Vincent Genoveei Me- wtdoOT sdence education cem t^e $67,000 operational mentioned that should material and Broad St. yesterday shortly Fuller said that If merger turned the \vatch In with his "clear IndlcatlOD that our team ter at Luts Jimlor Museum’s WlU have Its regular monthly Home on Main St. There w ill be ter aU Masses at toe church. Presently toe company has Weiss", os of today, has not mortal Library Fund over its have to be copied by a median- after 6 p.m. Both cars were plans with Rogers Fibre Co. go 50 Cards 200 wallet at the desk before he ts not found waattng." $75,000 Awarded Oak Grove nature site. ______board meeting Monday at 1 leal process, tbs cost of the serv- driveable. 168,i62 shares of commmi stock received a reply to his letter. , goal of $8,000. Total donations through as planned, company went swimnilng and realized the Thursday 'mght, the television Announcement of the ap- _ p.m. at Chapman House on Ice might hs underwritten by x pickup truck with a camper, outstanding. The name of the New Jersey to dote amount to $$,028.89. next morning that he did not acout Surveyor 6 dropped genUy In Damage Suit proval was mside today by Mrs. O u lT C h oPO U SO FS Haynes St. At yesterday’s meeting, toe sales w ill Increase by a milUon company has not been revealed. The fund wlU remain open, the UAC library If the peraon driven by John E. WUlard, 44, of. and a quarter dollars. This Is have the watch. to a ^ t In the middle of the Madelyn McAwley, Lutz dlrec- A uring the material was em- i6 i Hartford Rd., and a car driv- company announced Its regular - DlsoloBure o f toe developments according to the fund commit- 100 Cards 0.50 toe sales volume of toe Maine Police yeatenlay investigated moon’s vislUe face and began Jimmie Martin Jr. of Glaston­ tor, who said verbal confirma- H o illO W 'O rk sllO P RsssrvatioM close tomorrow ployed by UAC and needed the *n by Kenneto L. Gooding, 18, quarterly dividend of 6 cents on 'was made last nie*«* at an to- tee. Donations w ill be used to company. thefta W two bicycles, both sending the space agency snap- bury, severely Injured In a traf­ tion that the program will be A for on Evening of HenUlection Information ta ^ p o rto ^ ot south Windsor, colUdsd yes- toe common stock and S7Vi formal meeting of too Town Add current txxSu to the library. taken from S t James’ school, shots of Sinus MedU, the era- fic accident at the age of 14 two Weekweday at Our Lady o f Cal­ UNIROYAL centa on the preferred stock. funded was given at a meeting Church o f Jesus Christ of ^ tortiay afternoon at Main and Planning Oommission. As beforo, aH checks Stlnct yours now from One beloi^ to Peter Ramey of tered plain vriUch Is the last of years ago In Manchester, was vary Retieat House, Farming- au1 Htaf Ka TJ. -T __ •iifuaRciS This Is payable on Dec. 16 to Thursday with federal repremm- Latter-Day Saints wlU have a sold that be felt that "Yale U St. _ James______Sts.______Minor______damage A repiresentatlve of Kohn toould be made payable to toe SO Lewis St. and the other to four potential astronaut landing awarded $76,000 by Superior tatlves at the Connecticut De- home-atorage woriuhop Botur- ton, sponsored by toe Combtned Btockholdeni of record Dec. 1. Court Gives Bus RuUng Bros, revealed tast night bis Vincent Genovesl Memorial Li- our vent ensortmont. Peter TrudeU o f 134 S. Lake- sites to be checked out. Court Judge Leo V. Gaffney CfothOlic MMhen Clrole. Those *****^ was done to both vehicles. WINTERIDE The split will not affect this NEW HAVEN (AP) — A Su­ paxtment of Education offices 9:80 a.m. to the cultural A»«drh«,bylUcbM UIi». company aoon — possibly next brary Fund end sent to St. wood Circle, a Herald newsboy. Seamttns said it proved "w e yesterday. in Hartford. DemonstratloM wlU be wishing to attend may contact payment, F W er said. perior Court judge ruled today year—may abandon toe grow- B rld ^ t Rectory, Mato St., or The youth sustained multiple tile head of toelr respective Fuller said toe purpose of the that the OomecUcut Oo. bus ing o f Shade tobacco on Its Joseph V<^ at the North Ekid E S T O w y . Attending tor Mondiester, to given in grindug and storagw of driven by Vivian McCartan of fractures March 14, 1966, when addition to Mrs. McAwley, wheat, food purchasing in quan- Mothers Circle, or Mrs. Ray­ proposed spilt and increase in line can i»oceed Saturday with Spencer S t farm, there since branch of toe Connecticut W m A R M A C Y ^ a car In which I:.! was riding, mond HOgedorn, 110 Olesswood a slx-mooto experimental plan were Ronald Scott, assistant uty, atorage sheU construction authorised shores is to broaden 1982. Bank and Trust Co. 489 HARTFORD RD. Mayor to Give Address driven by Thbmas FTnocchlaro superintendent of Schools; and and bread making. A film on St. .toe market for the stock, and tor reduced fares for persons He called it toe most produc- The Ubrary wlU be dedicated ' o f Glastonbury, slammed Into a John AUisem, director of tne church welfare plan w ill be Yale.Y^ Since Y ale Ubrary, ista Boto cl!^*i?ra dJvslwJ . SNOWtIRE to have ayallable additional over 06 during "stow” hours of tive o f a ll Its forms but said Sunday, Nov. 19, at 8:80 p.m. tree on S. Main St. METRO, a regional association ahown. The event Is open to the Membera of toe VFW Aux- however, privately funded and f ” ** shares in accordance with toe toe day. At Veterans Day Rites Taken to Manchester Memo­ of Greater Hartford schools. He public: lUaiy who wlU march In the has only a c s i ^ amount of P®“ «® company’s policy of acquisition. In a brief opinion, Judge An­ rial Hospital after the accident. helped draw up the appUcaUon py,,’ many yearn one o f the VeteraM Day csremonlea wlU space, there ara reetriotiOM P®“ «® ‘""®®*®- 4-PLY NYLON BLACKWAU Colonial is a leading manu­ thony GriUo said the plan "wiU Annual VeteraM Day cere- Following the service, the It was found Martin had receiv­ for the project. objeottves of the church has meet at toe American Legion placed on the bdp It can give facturer of ohoeboard, boxboord benefit a large segment of the CAFE BUY USCO CARS from MCMARTY BROS. ed multiple Injuries, Including monlee wrlU be held tomorrow American Legion will have open Final approval tor allocation i,ean to teach a tomlly welfare Home on Leonard St. tomorrow to people outside, tiie state. We automotive board, luggage state population” "34 YEARS OF CUSTOMER flATTSFACnON!’’ fractures of the pelvis, knee, Stamford Siddier Dies on the laym In fronf of Man- house. of funds la expected to bo forth- plan In the event o t hardshlpe at 10:16 a.m. do make our servicee avaUaMe STAMFORD (AP) — Marine and thigh. He underwent seven " VX.T. Chester Memorial Hospital. The dedication of the new coming about Jan. 26, Mrs. Mo- mi/^ privation. to students In the New Haven- Qd. Roger Robert Cautoeni, 31, 1966 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 19(7 HERCURY PABK LAME operations at the hospital In the The oelebratioM Is one of two Manchester Green F ire House Awtoy 'ia ld , but Is condittanal paH this plan Is to pro- A Photo Jamboree featuring Hamden areas.” of Stamford, has been klUed in 4>Door. Blue with black oxford roof, full 4-Door Hardtop. Red, white oxford roof, ensuing two months, and an to be held In town tomorrow, w ill also take place tomorrow upon submission by Manchester vide security fo r the Individual lions and demonstrations In answer to a question, ” How Vietnam, Continental equipment, plus fac- OuinAK radio, heater, automatic, power brakes, The other Is the dedication of at 2 p.m. at Lawton and Weaver uf Hartford Hoepltal. of clarifying supiSementary In- and make hfan self-reliant; to latest advances In photo- dosa a smaU Ubrary know wfaUdi Cauthem, a crewman in ths 6l50/7J»x13 16J9 120 tory iriatalled air oonditlonlngl power atering, whitewalls, plus “ Factory a new firriwuse. Rde. just east of Woodbrldge against FTnocchlaro formation about the project, store and use a sugiiSy of food- ic equipment wUl be held article a patron needs -from a First Marins Air Wing, had Purchase remaining on FOMOCO C M E K The VeteraM Day observance St. '*• grounded In negligence on She said^stepe to supply the stuffo to a regular diet; and t and aU day tomorrow particular journal for a parilcu- been nearing the end of hie TURKEYS W arranty!" at CaldiNT’s Manchester store. 1964 FO R D F A IR L A N E has traditionaUy been arranged ' The master of ceremonies will ®®uf®uffous he acted improperly information are underway. to store sufficient foodatutfo so g lar aarignmentT” it was tKought overaeas duty. ,Vlford waa re- 7.75x14 23JOO 221 TUUP TEES FABM \ 1965 FORD 6ALAX1E by the American Legion Post, be General Manager Robert J^***"^ ^® wheel, Burrs Comers Shopping Plasa. 4-Door. Green, automatic, e e m tut 2-Door Hardtop. Light blue, blue Interior, Ths grant would come under that the famUy will be able to out that there le a union Ust ceived that he waa hit by enemy 3-cylinder, radio, heater. but this year,^the arrangemenls Weiss and ribbon cutting cere- Martin was - represented *-■ by ■ntle m provlBloM of the Ele- feed themselvea for a period of usually avaflehle at larger U- Are as he aUghted from a bril- FRESH, NEVER FROZEN. | raidlo, heate;r, power ateertog, have been placed under the monies w ill Include Manager the Hartford law firm pf Rls- mentary and Secondary Eduoa- a year or more during periods U.8. A ir Force Sgt. David G. hraries, |v^ch would list the ooptor to pick up some wounded automatic. C.'ossl, Davis and Llnnin. FTnoc- 325x14 26JOO U8 YES, WE PULL THE TEMlONg direction of the Veterans Ooun- Welas, Mayor AgoetinelU, and tion Act. This title supplies aid af emetgenoy. NevUle, son of Mr. and Mrs. source of material fo r the pa- men.. 1966 M E R C U R Y C Y C LO N E chiaro was represented by the Eldon W. NsWUe of 183 Deep- 1964 M E R C U R Y M O N T C L A IR ofl of Manchester. Fire Chief William C. Mason. to Innovative educational pro- ______tron. Hd •dUsbttd In th6 wayittRif in 4-Door Sedan. Arctic white, radio, heater, Mayor Nathan Agoatinem, In Manchester law firm of La- wood Dr. has bedn assigned a 2-Door Hardtop. Ember-Glo, white interior, The Invocation for the dedi­ grams. The paneUsta agreed that "no Ju m 1960 and was sent to Vlet- radl, heater, 4-speed trans- ft M A C automatic, power brakes, power M E RK his dual rd e as major of the cation of FTre Station No. 8 Belle, Rothenberg and Wood- I f funds come through, as USAF Reserves tour of duty at Ubon Royal Thai 7.75x15 23J0 223 PRANK HARABURDA house. Hbrary Is completo unto ItaelT’ niun last December. ASH SWAMP ROAD GLASTONBURY, CONN. mission. steering. M P BatalUon in Mancbeeter w ill be read by the Rev. James now seems likely, “ Project Air Force Base, Thailand. w ill deliver the axMress. Bottoms of St. Mary’s Epls- PHONE 3IS-S416 1964 CHEVROLET IM PALA w. Outdoors" w ill estabUMi work­ Promote Ehnan 2-Door Hardtop. Beige, red Interior, radio, In addition to paying triubte copal Church, shops and courses in outdoor Pvt. Lonnlw M. Ray Jr., son 26J0 223 1966 MERCURY COMET No. 202 of Mr. and M n . L o ^ e M. Ray M5x15 heater. PowergUde, power e e matm to deceased vetoraM organfoa- >n»e presentation of keys to Special Permit education tor area elemenfory First L^ t Larry „ Elman,a ». Glaa- of 174 W. Middle Tpke., waa re­ 2-Door Sedan. Black, red interior, M R Q E steering. tioM and their auxiliaries have cihlef Mason wUl be by Mayor and parochial school teachers Stock Market Rallies cently promoted to Army pri­ Wfaltowalta $3-09 Extra Per Tire radio, heater, auto, transmission. been invited to take part. In- AgosUnelll. Okayed by TPC at the^ Grave Center. J? 1967 FORD 6ALAXIE chiding their cdor guaixls. q,,® Benediction wlU be de- vate pay grade E-S upon com­ Studs fTJW Extra Per Tire “ 6(Xl’’ 2-Door Hardtop. Burgundy with black AS weU as training teachers, pletion of basic combat train­ 1965 M E R C U R Y M O N T E R E Y interior, radio, beater, automatic, power; The groups wUl assemble at uvered by the Right Reverend “J^® 'I'own Planning Commls- the project would provide a Um- uavton Ohio After Profit Taking IlM I^flctt Home on Leonard Monalgnor Edward J. Reardon approved a spe- ing at Ft. DIx, N.J. 4-Door Hardtop. Stock #Lr92, radio, heat­ steering, plus "Factory Purchase remain­ St at 10:80 and ths procession of St. James Church. permit tor a subdivision of NEW YORK (AP)—The stock tag. Per Wheel er, power steering,■ power brakes, *1IK ing on FOMOCO w arrantyl" S M H B automatic. wffl move to the hospital in observaiice of VeteraM ® parcel of land Into three lots ^ T *** U«ason officer to the Connecticut Unemployed Seen Aided market raUy oosiUnued early Along with the induetrloto, FECIAL 91-25 grounds tor the ceremony. Day mall coUectloM In Man- of one acre each on Bolton Cen- school children. y ypigg af the Civil Air Fatral HARTTORD (AP)—Approval tills afternoon, wsatherlni^ some rails also advanced, giving the School districts from Ando- .nd „ advisor to tiie WHEELS AVAILABLE ------;------cheater will be suspended ex- *®*‘ applicant was BU of recommendatlona dealing pram taking. Tradtaig waf fair­ rise a weH-raumled aspect from cept for the collection boxes In Danllcow. ver,. Bolton, Columbia, Coven- tqr Composite Squadron, with providing more stele Jobs ly ootlve. the theorist’s viewpoint. try, Glastonbury, Hebron, Mart-. Ck|it. joj|^ y g p WE NEED 600D USED CARS! K ® " ■ ...... j a r ______I floe, P o io elP o a t Station, Buck- “ Puamer Joseph tarn- •Iflbattr-’WiiidBhr, ^ _ 'a real shot In fte a oomwitabie ratio of t a ' A land StaUon, and the Boltmi «k y were approved by the oom- Vernon have been Invited to the Air Force Rosuves 'seven arm” for toe state’s unem­ but not quite ao wide aa geet ringle group on the New EASY FINANOIMO IS AVAILABLE ON LOW BANK TERMS! In Memorlan Branoh. mission. They were that a sone participate and have signified years ago aftes iSmiyiog eiMta- ployed. an early 3 to l margin . York Stock Bxehsnge, bqsed on la torlnir memory of Clarence W. thelr interest. eering at MIT. He has been The recommendations, passed The Dow Jones Industrial av­ U yen «no |i—eed aeray Nov. 10. Regular coUectlons w ill be re- (Autnge and group dwelling spe- sumed on Sunday. permit must be submitted In addition to the In-eervlce assigned to the Thunday by the Hbceoutlve erage at noon w m up 0J3 at The Assootated nese average WHOLESALE TIRE CO. teacher training during the Squadron for the past two Committee on Human Rights 833.39. of 90 etocks at noon weie up .19 kave len left a beauUfUlbMuUfui memory,memory Manchester \Savlngs «» low than 80 days betore - a NIORIARTY BROTHERS edMoI year, summer graduate years and is an Instructor to and Oiqiortunlties, Include set­ Strength hi blue riipe wtaldh at 310.3 with Induetrials iq> 3A, a matpamoomw too jreot sreot to be told, Bank, 928 Main St. w ill be dos- pul>llc hearing, 357 BROAD ST^43-2444 *‘OonnecMcat*e Oldeet Unooln-Meroury, Otasel ow l Ootagor Dealer** toto u»m slK>tiho toy^ loved and sad loriloot you., you. ed tomorrow. Regular Satuiday oommlaston has been re­ coursss would be mxmepred at aeroqiaoe eduoation. He is ting up new job levels as a 'boosted the Dow InduMriala T.40 rails up 1.3 and uUUtles o ff .1. Tour aaemory arW never arovr old. 316 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER Opea Nitee tUI 3 stMuis hours w ill resume next Satur­ qultlng this for the post six the center by staff members employed at United Aircraft “training groi^’ ’ for Negro, points Thursday, even though Prloes advanced In moderate­ m em Mr. end Ifoi. QIariiice N. Lupien Puerto Rican and other minor­ only four more stocks fose than ly active tradtaig on the Ameri­ e. liiieTy F. Juul and day, Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. tq months, but It was not written from Baatem Coimectlout State Research Laboratoriee to Slaat eMr. and Mra. Hartford. M l, conUmied a featuns of trad- can Stock Bxdiange. Ilmiky 1 p.m. in any rules until now. OoHege, WUUmantio. ity-group workers. r - it- >

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHEBIEiL CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 PAGE SEVENTEEN NO DEATH BOW ANOUMH etrumento, reading material Hang-up in Motion Pii^lwes LOS ANGELES (AP) — San and typewriters In their oelto. Jaycees Still Interview Opera Drags Charles Bickford, 78 Quentin’s warden says men In He esld he has offlototsd at the prison’s death row don’t suf­ “ countless” exscuttona and ths ^Baitle of Bands^ Groups A t BushneU Is Material, Says Creima fer anguish os (hey enter the men about to die did not suffer gas chamber. tension or angutoh toi their last Tke IffKtwtiiir JayoMa an Uoo, audience i4)peal, and ap- Dies in Los Angeles HOIXTWOOD (AP) — "The tween films he engages in do- -t'b Testifying at a hearing to de­ m om ents. alfll Indmplaalm taan a f pop peannce. By JOHN ORUBER it-yoursrif hotno intrisots end Ik ru reer began in Ban Franotsoo termine the constitutionality of "It they did,” Nelson sold Aniale croupe to participate In The winner wUl have the rlcht A thoroughly cbnventfcmnl and reiU hang-up of being In motion (Oeo4|wed from Page Ooa) reeding acripte, five oC'wUdi he Ml . where he found himself penM- Caltfornia’e death penalty. War­ Thursday, ”It was not apparent llie l l i i t In the aertea o t three to compete In elimtamtlon at aue* Innocuous “Mndnma Butterfly" plotures Is trying to find tiie was heard Inst night at the had turned down In al« weeks. With LMtiaH.,Mayer, and the lees after a trip to China. Hs den Louis N. Nelson said con­ to m e. duKea the groiq> wUl aponaor ceedbig dtnoea, aet for V eb. la material. If you find the right "Acton are more .selee(|ve * ^pndueor firad mm. met two tatondoe end the manag­ demned men have a richer "In light of how eome people thia year to benefit the Man- and ApiU S. Bushndl by a emweity audience property, the time Is not avail­ now then they tisad to b^ ” '■ <1 give In, I wouldn’t er of a burleeque show, end was menu, 24-hour televtoion and are die," he said, "It to certainly cheater Sdiolaraliip .jfVMimlatlon. The flnallat choaen at the laat which had bought out the bouse Crenna reflected. ” R’s a bgil- -t-be dUc^diaad,” Blokford ra- invited to have a drink. After a permitted tb have musical In- lees cruel and leas lingering,” The flrat dance, to be heM Frl- dance will have earned the right wen in advance. The work la able. If you have all Qie time In neae now. Aoton have to P te •e hailed. >”aiid Moyer esld I would few nwnds, the manager asked day, Nov. 17 at 7:M p.m. In the to repreaent Mandieater at the one of the moot popular in the the worid, the property's not toe next year—and tfae. yaar aft­ •!ktorar pUy sgsln. The rest of Mm to Join the elww. Mancheater High Bdiool cafe- Jayoeea' annual atatewkle "Bat- opemtlc repertoire. tiierc.” er that ,i£; ‘ j the otudlae, wMtfi didn’t dare His flrat movie wss ’’Dyna­ teaia, will feature four bands tie of the Banda" held dining It seems surprising that the producUon had so Uttle lustre, Richard' Crenna speaking. "To me, thst’e whst etsrdwu 'b^eppoee, stood bshlnd Mm.” mite” produced by OecU B. Os- battling for aetectton aa the Uieaununer. Tou probably remember him as for Renats Scotto, who sang the repreeenta-sMeeUvl^, But ITl * * ”I was blacklisted bui I niille. Later, he appeared In best of the evening, phis a The state winners go on to Walter Denton, the scratchy- probaUy do eome botobs—end “Anna Christie” with Grets W. G. GLENNEY CO. title role, has been hailed far _ not because of mo- " happening” atmosphere, the national "battle," held at vo(Md a earn B ro^ ’’ wltit Eve Arden. He ford was in a ’’WMiipool,” tion of the port, and should have as any others. -JfbenlSr-HrtSLyed on, m arked dancer choaui aatfae "groovleat- scholanhlpe, a chance at a re- played the role from a ge 21 to 27 been able to cany the show sin­ "Tou can’t look boeli. l(y v^e ' Uihe, tobk 4an cf myeeU. found “GuUty of Treason,” “Riding dreaaed" teen attending. cordlng contract and national on radio and from 27 to SO on has helped me make dedstopa »gh,” “Branded,” ”Ragli« Three adidt Judges will pick recognition. gle-handed. Actually It dragged ' ibbbhle taitereets.” unmerclfuUy, and I left after television. saying, ‘Tour original insttiKta Tide,” ’’Bnopement" the top two bands competing in Groups wishing to compete A ct n. I suppose It ended some­ "I bad,” cracks Crenna, still usually ore right.’ fiasOnettlv^, , V ir ^ B lck- Thorpe—All Amertesn,” "Last next Friday's event, awardhig must be noi)-professltmalB un­ y | p c d owned s' feed business f or time before 1:00 s.m. able to affect the Walter Denton I’ve been pretty good tb mysUf. PMse,” “A Star to Bom,” a ISO first prise and $2S for sec­ der 21 years of age. ^ honoa. a dNlvsry servloe, ' Just where to lay the blame squeak for laughs, "a very de- "But I hope I never readi’ a tfMO “Prince of Ptoyen,” “Not sf s ond p lace. Interested groups should con­ '-L - 1 r.,A»d n medical exchange for le problematical. It should rest layed puberty.” "Slattery’s plateau and stay there. 1 hop^to Stranger,” “Oourt Martial ot Scoring, on a point system, tact Jack Perry or Dave Wood­ ^^J^eyeriy Hills dooton. squarely on the shoulders of Al­ Peo]^,” In its years on tele­ advance myself with each fflm BUly MltohoU.” “You Osn’t Rpn wUl be on the basts of the band’s bury, Jaycees dances co-chair­ AlHM^jgli Bickford admitted fredo SUiplgni, who conducted. vision, broke the adolescent in smne way—artisttodly or Away From It” "Mr. Oorsy,” originality, quaUiy of presenta- men. He has done reasonably weU .V- mold for him and led to meaty economically. that his ntoak-ymlir-miiMl, "The Big Country” ; and “The fhoot-faom-Qie-Up attitude often with student performances of movib roles: ramrod gunboat “Evetytiiing you do can’t UnforglVMi.” opera in the past, but this was captain In "The Sand Pebbles,” hun enemies, he never ra- A spokesman for Universal great. But you have to go ^ fr e tte d I t Neill Says Time Prevents the first time he has encoun­ compassionate heavy In “Walt feelin g you ca n m a k e 'a 100 Studios said Bickford and his tered nn artiat of International Until Dark” and Julie Andres’ cent contribution of yoor toloM. " ' IMiy® no use for people In widow, who Uvea In Beverly ^ general,” he said ciustily. repute in a leading role. husband in ’’Star!” An actor Just doliig a part for Hllto, had been separated for a ;' BiokfoM’s shinr busineaa ca­ Second Pickup of Leaves A young man, as conductors Today, Crenna looks back on the money Isn’t giving' the pro­ number of years. go, I suspect Mr. SUtplgnl was 80 mild years os an actor—ever ducer his money’s worUi.” Director of Public Works Wil­ He requested property own­ afraid of what Miss Scotto Touch of the Orient at Temple Beth Sholom since he walked across the Crenna, a pharmacist’s don ^ ’ y e r n o n A Solution to Junk Cars— Ouch! liam O'Neill said yesterday ers on streets li^ere pickups might say about him In other born In Los Angeles nbted Itet The Rev. and Mrs. Toshlmlchl Masakl o t Hartford conducted a Japanese tea ceremony yes-* street from Junior high and got One way to solve the Jimk car problem to demonstrated In sold to'steel mllto for use as scrap metal. The crusher can were already made, not to rake opera bouses, were he to do after getting his start ohiefly] In that a time factor will prevent terday for the Women’s Auxiliary of Manchester Memorial Hospital at Temple Beth Sholom. a comedy role on Radio Station Andover. The car to crushed to an unrecognisable rectangle, handle from 60 to 100 cars a day. The New England Car additional leaves into the gut­ anything to displease her In- the comedy, be had done nothing'of highway crews from making Miss Nina L. Hartin, area coordinator for foreign vlsltora to Hartford for the Women’s Serv­ KFI’s "Boy Scout Jamboree.” after all non-metal parts are removed. The waffle-shaped re- Crusher Co. to operating the machine at Ken’s Oarage on Rt. ters. He warned that the leaves slightest. ’Twice, In Act I, he ice Bureau, was narrator for the ceremony. Mr. Masakl received a B. A. degree from Do- The yean have been ”a lot of late but serious drama.' *'Town to Mark Veterans Day second leaf-pickups on Man­ sidto are ehlpp®d to Boston where the metal to shredded and 6 for several days. (Herald jdioto by Bucelvlclua) create a serious water-stoiq>age tried to pick up the tempo, only shlha University, Kyoto, Japan. After doing graduate work In theology he became assistant fun,” and in all of them he "Probably someday some­ chester streets. problem . to have it firmly retard^ by chaplain at Doshlha Clhurch. He attended Harvard University last summer and is currently missed only eight days of body will discover mO,I and ev­ Miss Scotto. W ith Tour-Division Parade He explained that the pro­ He said that It would be help­ doing graduate work at the Hartford Seminary Foundation. Mrs. Masakl majored in home school. Including the University erybody will say, ‘Gee,'T didn't 'i’ ll Coventry bustnesses In town have ibean weather, townpeoide should be gram l3 calculated on a 7-week ful if residents living adjacent So for as I unm concerned, economics and music at Doshlha College. She and her hubsand taught evenings at the world of Southern CaUfornia. know he could do comedy.’ A four-dtvtolon Veteran’s U®y W. Nix, son of Mr. and Mrs. ordered to abate pollution, pri­ reminded that all cans parked schedule on Manchester's ap­ to storm-water Inlets, blocked we failed to get Puccini or even famous Konsel Labor Mission In Kyoto, a city of about a million people and the former Cap­ Six feet one, blue-eyed and "Meanwhile, Id love to doc;a '^|>srade wlU assem ble In the Wavie Nix of Pinnsy St., El­ marily into the Mill Stream. on roads and interfering with proxim ately 400 cu rb, m iles. by leaven so placed, would re­ Butterfly; what we got was itol of Japan. (Herald fdMto by Pinto.) a non night clubber—"I’ve al­ Western, aitd there’e a vague -'d®Rtor of town Sunday at 1:80. lington; Bruco E. Maynard, son Asked what would happoi If plowing and sanding operations, Just Imagine what these would do (or your fireplace! WlU be towed away at the Barring any extreme weather move some of those leaves, to Renata Scottt, which Is fine if ways stayed on the fringes of the posslbUity of one.” ^ p.m Formatkxi wlU be on of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. May­ Selectmen to Seek Town Vote the town did not receive an that’s what you attended abate pollution order from the owners’ expense. conditions, the program wUI be prevent flooding damage. toe, swim’’-h e lives In the San Fer­ Just in case, he’s letting w ^Grove St at Btost Main and nard of 18 West Rd., and Rich­ and she definitely has some ex­ F. Huffman, Irene J. Kwlatkbw- SWRC, Boylngton replied that ^PC. BEN FRANKLIN completed the week of Dec. 4, O'Neiirs explanation of the nando Valley with hts wife Pen- brown hair grow. Already ^Brooklyn. ard L. Vslonte, 27 Charter Cadet Olmsted Realtors Induct ski, Helen ,M. Palmer, Carl A. On Sewer Feasibility Study application could still be made INMATE FREED TO SHOP leaving .no time for repeats, he one-pickup schesdule is In an­ cellent things to offer. Submis- nl and their three children. Be­ bruriies Ms coHar. Road, both of Rockville. Zinsser, and Nicholas D. Con- ' The Une of march for the pa­ to HUD. "We can, in fact, pro­ CANON CITT, Colo. (AP) — said. swer to numerous calls for re­ Blon, the dominant theme of the The four will now undergo Gets Solo Wings 11 New Members vertlno. rade, to be sponsored by the The eeleotmen last night voted Other Proposals ceed on both routes at the same Claude Johnson will be let out of ENSEMBLE He said that the program peat pickups. The Board of Di­ entire opera, is not one of these, however. President Robert W. Lappen VFW and American Legion, *'**'®*“ to go to a town meeting for Other suggestions made in the time", he said. There Is no cost the Colorado State penitentiary couldn't start earlier than It did rectors, In Septem ber, had Cadet 2nd Lt. Aaron Olmteed Induction of new members |T*Wm be' down E ast Main and dividual com bat training and INCLUDES SCREEN, FIRESET AND ANDIRONS She Is noted for her acting presented Vincent A. Bogginl, oommittee report were to ap­ InvMved In an application to next week to go shopping. because of the insufficient recommended three pickups — of Rt. 88, Ellington, received highlighted the annual meeting authorisation of a feasibility ability, something rare in oper­ with a pin and certificate of ap­ > Hhlon to Orchard, left up VU- >®*^^® ^ ply to HUD for a loan to de­ this agency. That doesn’t happen very of­ All Brass AU Black Brass and Black leaves on the ground In early two in the fall and one In the his solo wings recently at a Study for eewero for the town. atic Bingen, and at the tempos of the Manchester Board of pointment from the National In­ J in to and /returning to Central *‘®P®*'t marine velop a preliminary design for The town meeting, while not ten, in the case of a man sen­ O ctober. spring. meeting of the Manchester '^uk, ’ corps assignment. B eg. 49.60 R eg. 42.76 R eg. 47.26 chenen she had plenty of thne Realtors this week at the Man­ stitute of Real Estate Brokers Phone 649-5405 The vote oame after the select­ a community sewer system, es­ definitely scheduled, will tenced to 8 to 10 yeags fo r bur­ Oompoeito Squadron of the Civil to emote all over the place. The chester Country Club. as Its official representive for i Town and veterans' offlclale men’s formal acceptance cf a tablish a sewer oommtosion add probaUy be held in mid-Decem­ glary. Air Patrol. $24J5 $29.95 New active members are Her­ the current year within the local FOR 5 will be in the reviewing stand establish a redevelopment study ber. But the 82-year-old Johnson 1s $35.95 orchestra, which has some high­ Cadet Olmsted made his solo Book Fair Set report submitted to them three man M. FYechette and Joseph board. 4 t Esat| Maln St Immediately coordinating group to coordi­ Also attending last night’s assistant director of the prison’s ly emotional spots of Ms own, fligh t to Sky Lark a irport In weeks ago by toe sewerage L. liombardo. ' The National Association of er tM, parade, a retreat nate a .thorough study of the meeting were members of the drama workshop, wMch needs U.S. Troops Battle never got a chance to show South W indsor In a Cessna 140 At Nathan Hale study committee. what It could do. New associate members are Real Estate Boards has as Its ROY and EARLE’S emony will be held In the applioahlllty of redevelopment Industrial development commis­ some suppUes. Hto trip to being owned by the Enfirid Flying The feaatbiUty study would be for the town. It would have been laughable Stephen M. Amedy, Vivian C. main objective the education of park In tiM center of town. The Nalhan Hale School PTA under the authority of the State sion and the {banning and permitted because of the Club of which he la a member. The fourth choice In the re­ to hear the first vtoUns soar­ Charboneau, Gertrude A. Hage- Its members to serve the public R obert Butler, com m ander o f w in b old it s aiUHial book fo lr Water Resources Oommtosion zoning commission. group's success In entertaining Diig-in North Viet WlUlam Bendokas was Cadet port, the feasibility study, was First Selectman Michael Pes­ Inmates and because of Its spe­ ing tq)ward only to get choked do m, Richard C. Harmon, Eva better. FLOOR COVEMNO the Local American Legion and Monday tlvougb Wednesday In (iSWRC). It carried the strong­ Olmsted’s flight Instructor. submitted as a supplement be­ cial needs, Warden Wayne K. (Ooniliuied from Page One) flooding or serious damage, but off when 0»ey approached the Clarence Goetx, commander of the webodfa recently dedicated est recommendation out of four os said last night, that in view He Is a senior at Ellington cause, as Boylngton explained, of the approaching winter three to five Indies of rain were star’s tessitura, so that she the VFW, will be the flag bear- Mary C. Taylor Library, possible oouraes cf action sug­ Patterson said. secondary targets In the south­ High School. He Joined CAP laat 57K* COOPER STREET ’’ j the facts pertaintog to It be­ reported in coastal areas and might (Hxitlnually domlnstte the m. A selection of books designed gested by the sewerage study January. He is In charge of came known too late to be in­ ern half of the country. six to eight Inches Inland. music, with a conception that FREE ESTIMATES-^ALL WORK GUARANTEElf' ^’Escorted by pMlce crutoeni to appeal to varied retuKng group. The study would peimit cadet military training and cluded'In the regular report At Pletku, In the central high­ was generally miniature. operations In the squadron. and Connecticut State PoUce tastes will be sold at popidsr redevelopment and sewer instal­ Japanese miniature art is all The idea of a feaslbUlty study lands, a spokesman for the U.S. The Civil Air Patrol Is • the UNOLEUM FORMICA, color gudrd end police, division prices.^ lation to be undertaken simul- very fascinating, but "Madoma civilian auxiliary of the United one win bb led by Marshals Chfldren wUl be able to browse tonously In such areas Os Cov­ Is based on Public Act 67, the ORANGE HAll FIREPLACE GRATES 4th Division said there was "no Jaycees to Hear Clean Water bill, whicii author­ Butterfly’ Is Italian opera, and States Air Force. FLOORS COUNTIRS Butler w d' Goets. durlhg Bdbool liouni and make entry lake.' baste In fact" for a report re­ was conceived tor, and pro­ 85 East Center St. ises the SWRC to'-beder a town ThSv first division wlU also In­ purchases each day after sdxx^ Sewerage study committee layed by Rep. Herbert Tenser, Highway Official duced at. La Soala; a large At Summit St. to abate pollution where there clude the VFW oMors, Rock- from 2:48 to 8:80. chairman Gene Boylngton point­ •3.95 n. *10.95 D-N.Y., that 80 Americana were auditorium where mlniaturism to pollution or It con reason­ Israel Reenlkoff, chief of c x jl . Parents attendtawr open bouse ed out. In reviewing toe report, killed for lack of gas masks dur­ Coventry WEEKEND CASH'and CARRY SPECIAL CERAMIC KITCHEN i*' vlUe Hlgti School Band and the ably be assumed that such a planning State Highway Dept., is lost as it ie in the Buehnell that the feasibility study would Correction: The weekend special advertised In yesterday’s ] problem ^would arise. ing a Viet Oong poison gas at­ will speak at a meeUng of the With a relatively weak low National Guard. 9 p.m., Imn^te- move the town more quickly register, M ss Bcotta was fre­ Driver Charged Herald was In error. Our weekend specisd Is: TILE CARPETS Manchester Jaycees Monday at toward operational sewers, spe- While Coventry does not now tack at Dak To Nov. 8. Tenser quently not to be heard with any 8 p.m. In the Circuit Court MINIATURE clfloafly taking about nine have such a problem, various NNGO said the report came to him degree of certainty, and with a Following Crash Room at the Police Station. ROY STRICKLAND EARLE TEDPOR|> Proftts wUl benefit the months less .time. It would also from one of his constituents sta­ penchant for planlaslmoe in her and the ueglon colon and wUl EVERY SATURDAY MOHT ResnUcoff will speak on the involve the Windham Reg;lonal tioned at Plelku. Hie 4th Dlvl- register, the general conception A Mansfield man was arreet- FoniMriy of Roy & John include the Legton'Dnim Corps, ______future expressway in the Man­ Planning Agency, .which to cur­ sion la operating In the Dak To became monotonous. To com­ ed on three charges early this Carnations •»«*'’ $ 'V VFW, Legion and Hockanum O R A N G E H A U chester area. He Is a graduate 1.89 rently studying sewage prob­ TIm W orld's Bott area. Poison gas has never been pensate, we had her acting, but morning after being Involved y~World War'T veterans, visiting CENTER ATTRACTS DOCTOR of Tale University, a profes­ OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY lems in the ten Regional towns. reported used In Viet Nam, al­ my general feeUng was that she In a one-car accident on Rt. I Perfumos— C ologiw t sional engineer, a member of VFW and Leghm members. Gold WEST UNION, W. Vs. (AP) Boylngton also said, when though both sides have used underplayed vocally, and over­ 81 In (Coventry. "Free Gift Wrapping” Connecticut Society of Civil En­ Star Mothara, Burpee Women’s — ReskUnts of this Doddridge questioned, that the town bears tear and nauseous gas. played histrionically. gineers and a representative to R obert M . WlUey, 24, o f B as­ ReUef Oorpe, Alden Skinner Aux- County community wanted to toe cost of such a study, with Typhoon Freda curtailed Air ’The show did manage to come sett’s Brook Rd. was charged ARTHUR DRUD the Connecticut Inter-reglonal nisry, Melrose 4-H Band and attract a doctor to^ihelr town, so an estimated price tag of be­ Force attacks over South Viet­ alive briefly when Susukl with operating under the in­ planning program. Vpltura^ and 8. they chipped In and built a tween $3,000 and $10,000. nam and canceled all passenger brought In the child and up to fluence of liquor or drugs, reclCN it .. JllaUiYS Band, the $00,000 medical center. Before you buy heraRolex WOOD OAARIERS nights across the country as It the point vdiere flie cannon shot less driving and failure to drive >y and'Girl Scouts, CMb scouto They got not one but two doc- HRE LIGHTmS slammed Into the central coast is beard. Tlie duet between Su­ OOIXEGE SHOWER proper lane. ft.. and Brfm les and the Tolland to™, and a nurse In the bargain. All brass SAJIS with 80-mile winds today before sukl and Butterfly at the end of $8.95 . $10.95 CORVAIXJS, Ore. (AP) — Willey and one of his three '.vT T w irlers Will march In the third Dr. Frederica I^hnuum, a pe- Black and brass ^wsww losing its pundi as it headed Fifty Oregon State University the act was also good. possengera, M ich ael T aylor, 28, Loan som e? DiyilKHlN (flvtoion. dlatrlolan and former faculty west across the mountains and students are taking part In a This brings us to Susuld, sung of Daly Rd., Coventry were Division four wUl have the >n«inber at toe Alabama Kedt- CLOSINQ FOR WINTER Into Oambodla. shower marathon, aiming to by Rita de Carlo, >^o has been taken to Windham Memorial MW BURNSIDE AVE^ EAST HABTirOBD Nattasn Hale Ancient Fife and StfioQl, and Dr. SutoharU . ( A U.S. spokesmem said ground break the 206-hour record held heard several times in the post Hospital, WUllmantio. WlUey Drum Corps, flra departments Bhamontoutr, a native of Thai- operations, particularly along Her warm tones did much to by University of Oregon stu­ has lacerations of the chin, Get a CBT Peraonal ANNOUNCES A... ,iv ( snd auxiliary marchers and agreed to prac- the coastal areas, also were af­ humanise the production, part- dents. throat and face and Taylor a Loan... the loan with qqulpMenP and Civil Defense fected somewhat. The marathon started Tues­ icutoiiy when compared to the conouseion. HospltM authoritiee Dr* B oainonroutr cocms witii Freda dropped to a tropical day at 8 p.m. on the third floor pli^xAnt tocus of Miss Scotto Bald this morinng both are in low bank ratea. a ready-trained nune, hto wife, HNAL SALE T IN D B l Iderii^' MoUlou, senior vice riorm as Its winds diminished. of Wilson Hall, a men’s dormito­ which suited the role but be­ satisfactory condition. Anytime you T am laer. Air Force forecasters said It came monotonous. Dcommanflar of the Legion to ry. It will have to continue until Two other possengera, Mary need money E chairman of the parads oommlt- ^ TA BS would dissipate completely In a In f&ct, it was supporting FACTORY CLOSEOUT-,V; it” next Thureday to break the rec­ Chenault of Birch Bend Rd., few bouts. roles that made the pertormace ...Seeyour tec. Robert Fontaine, also of the ord. One person must be In the Cove.ntry, and GUes S. Ryder, 2^ Legion, to graves regtotratlon There were no reports yet of shower at all times. good. I have already mentioned 22, o f 6 Eastwood R d., Storrs, CBT Family Mias De Cario, but Mariano ‘ chalrmqDt He has announced Starts fires sa f^ , quicker, I were treated In the emergency Banker StHat tbq. burial plots of aU vet- Caruso was alo worthy of note room and discharged. ^ aa Goto. John Florita, vriio has 'erans 4liB . be decorated with won’t flare-up, explode, yet | WlUey Is scheduled to appear aung the role of Sharpleas here Ixnw Anfoririui Flags before the in Manchester Circuit Court 12, '/: P R I C E guaranteed to start fires. before, with no great die- Ipiaade. . j - D ec. 4. tlnotlqn. seemed to haire flesh­ ■ *Om Sooabln’ Free Travel Show Andree Peltier, 21, of Lake- ed out his conception of this "Otfl BoouMn” for all Ver- AMERICAN rols considerably. Joseph Sal­ view Dr. was arrested yester­ Juntor leaders will be tiekl ON MOST em* ITEMS M aneh^r High School Auditorium day for violation of a state traf­ vador also was believable as od' 8 a.m. at the Tal- EDUCATION WEEK t fic control signal. He Is sched­ Tomghf, Nov, 10— 7:4B P.M. the Borne, or priest. Ooagregattcnal Cburdt.i NOVEMBER 5-11 It takes a remarkable tenor uled to appear In Manchester “ happening” wlU allow OPEN SAT. 10 AJH. to 7 PM. H m i i m : to survive os Pinkerton, and I Circuit Court 12, Nov. 27. problems, complaints and \ can't say that Qaetono Bardlnl koompUiqeQts to be dtocuaeed SUNDAY 10 AJK.|to 5 P.M. ExoKc Hawaii was that remarkable. His ALL GARAGES MUST GO 4orar oodqp. All phaera of the timbre and pitch a:o all right, SJbnIor Scout sad her leader will Goloiflame pres- t o - logs Cue tom Home Design AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL but hie diction Is poor, and his S|be given ,e3qweealoo. (Narrated by Burgess Meredith) M sn d ieeter Completely installed by our treineid personnel.’' acting virtually nonexistent. Blue Print * Supply Inc. S Leaden ftom EUtngton have NUTMEC COUlim STORE The chorus died well enou|h jraiiRr been' invited to this special CLEAN, LONQf Voluoble Door Priies except for the "humml^’ 680 Hertford Rd. cBTJxtmwBsr ... or choose from our forge selection of "Do-,’* Msnclieeter, Conn. r MomborKO.1.0. Mnectlng. OomnHmento Of ROUTE 6—ANDOVER LASTING FIRE LOGS NUOEN’TH TICKETS AVAILABLE AT chorus at the end of Act n . The CAS Ceos It Yourself packages. 2 End TrsIniBg Charley Luce’s Service Sta. I Memorial Comer Store tempo was already stow, and BookvlUe Bxoh. Eat. 1405 Four area young men have SS6B B randi THAT BURN IN Simon Sargon, backstage, fol­ Dick’s SheU Service A>i««v graduated from eight BRIGHT. Ex c it in g Oerich’B Service Station Mercury Travel Ageney lowed Mr. SlUpIgnTs beat at a of raorult training at the do some comparison shopping. Monebeoter Country Club Paul Dodge Pontine respectful distance, so ^that Visit Our Gevoge Display \ s^'^Obrops Recruit Depot, COLORS! (Pro Bhop)^ I West Side Italian Kitchen things slowed down even more. iBisiid, 8. O. Comparison shop within the siufr* Rolex collection for a The scenery had been touched wstdi that win seem to be msd^ only for her. Periisps a lim ited Number of Tickets Available At The Door • ; .OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 9 A.M. fo 9 P M , Those, graduated were Den- _ _ up and looked somewhat fredi- Rolex O y ^ Fetpetual. self-winding and wstoproof*... Reg. 61.95. SPECIAL er than the last time It was on 19 to anything die’s up to. For a classic Rolex, tsstcfuUy view . ' r-. INCLUDING SUNDA.YS ^ , set with diamonds, bdd by a simple g d d mesh bracelet or *1.69 9fhiAjcw u^ As for lighting, I have only ' a dainty black suede str^ Whichever Rolex you adect, to mention that v ^ e night had € ^ | QU^ Y CLASSIC there bests a heart of pure Rolex accuracy. So accurate, fallen over the harbor of Naga­ 55 that bnfy her womanly wiles win convince you she has on Travel Agency, Inc. saki, and all was dim outside FURIOUS FURY FIREPLACE WOOD excuse for being late. Want to know more about Rolex? the "ehoji" screens, late after­ HARDTOP Adc Pauline lYlgere, Adele Sfanpaon, Rudi O ernrddi or MT 'BIAIN ST. MANCmUSnSB noon Bun poured through a wln- 19S5 RAMDUR O ASSIC "TTe-H’ I dow In the backwelll In sU the 1985 PLYMMITH ‘m ^ F U R r 2-DOOR HARDTOP BUI Blass. They eU wear Rolex. BettCT yet, stop in today Large Bundle PHONE MS-MU W dl, herVlB that one owner, lo'«e, low original mileage car everybody's al­ kplendor of an unremiMlng and meet Rolex face to face. % *1.00 t - l: "bunch" light. OK aporty here it is and IPs guteverything. Commando engine, console ways hslidng abiNit. We flold *11118 one new and it’s got barely 18,000 miles #3092—Case in 14K white or yellow gold, faceted ssK>hiie crystal, 17-Jewel movement, $145. OR it. It’s fully equipped indudiiig 287 V-8 engine, power steering, power mounted GT automatic, stihato bucket seats in pleated viny^ power Steering, #6619—Oyster Perpetual (waterproof*, self-winding) with QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL brakes, GT automatic, console mounted, reclining bucket seats, tiiyted wind­ 26-Jewel movement, sweep second hand. 14K yelliw gold power brakes, tinted windshieSd, pushbutton radio, whitewall tires. One i case, $260. In steel and 14K yellow gold, $185. local owner. white body with maroon interior. Oh yes, full Factory shield, 4 brand new whitewall tires and pushbutton radio. Black with white #4089- I4K white gold cose with two full-cut diamonds, x-PLU$ cw p o n m o if i faceted sspphiie crystal, 17-Jewel movement* $260. Air Conditioning. There’s the frostiing on the cake! . • top and Mack interior. Gorgeous. f M BURNSIDE AVI. EAST HAITI>0to!< #3271-I4K yellow gold case with matching, tapered bracelet. V MANOHESIER TW RXJm A VALUE HOeiE nlPBOVRHEinP Odt Faceted sapphire crystal, 17-JeweI movement. $275. *WhMi MM* crows md cnnul «• toUM. * $ g O A C O O The sign of W.GGLENNEY th is , \ FBOfosslanal Nd-MONIY ^-lOW RANK-tEMll^ deUet ym 0 0 1805 R O L E X \ exoelto in \ 2195 1 l« tlr PROfossIsnil TODAY AND TOMORROW -r 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Mid oapuMg C A U N O W servloe, advlee STATE ARMORY, 330 MAIN ST.,* MANCHESTER, OOfNN. . bass and produoki De Cormier Motor Soles, Inc. • f r ls a v ^ De Cormier Motor Soles. Inc. p t high grade dralora effertag A m ooneottoae o< esittqiiee for ogle. Door prisee. Rotary BROAD err. MS-4186 MANCHESTER rtimrh Bor wMh home bnhed foods. Thle od eatMleo 1 og 9 perecoe to pureheee J|1 *M BROAD sniB irr — 648^165 — MANOHBSTBR ^pkg. of 5 kwfo 386 NORTH MAIN MANCHESTER tlckete for TBo. ^ i Bay It toalght — We’re open tUI 808 , SHOP TONIGHT TILL JXYVHUQR8-8ILVB3R8MirHS SINCB 19001 TEL 649-5268 1 Spoosored by Msaobeetor Rotary Olnb 289-7178 88e 868 MAIN STRHBTr, DOWNTOWN MANOHD8TBR

,4 r -iV"

I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEST$ai. CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 mn Parley vllle; Mrs. Judith SoM a, Bast Waim, 116 FaUonor Dr.; Mks. Christian Scientist Plans Tolland Hospital Notes Harttord; Mrs. LsMle Andrew, Christine Smltfa, Bast Hamard; 47 Overlook Dr. Mrs. Bunn LaPenta, 460 Av- R IE L O IL fitibicoff Plans Hearings Vleltteg bean an 3 to 6 p.m. Hebert, Bomen; ery 8t, Wappliig; Mn, O anl Appeal to High State Coiu*t Fotge Purcha^ of Subdivision bi an amaa ezoepOag mator- Andreeen, Bkst Hartford; Butterfield and daughter, . 15A . BARNDTABLE, Maas. (AP)— not to a child who has not even “ •Ry wben tbe^ an 3d6 to 4 Oranflsld, 378 Nev- Rd., Oorentry. BM CtoL Mto. O .0j>. Oil Consumers Department An appeal to toe state Supreme reached the age of reason....If p.m. aoi 7 to 6 p.m. and pri- ^ Wapping; Ronald Also, MHr. Janice MOoroe and S4-Hoar Bonto Uy UERTB qUATBAUD end Admlnletmttaii, ttw Oouri la punned for toe man- "w .S*"' To Remedy Town Headache vate noma wben they an pvanck, 41 Cmhman Dr.; Ben- dmii^tar, Wiarehouse Point; R. ___ „ . _ tyro out of themaelvas, let them. IB a.m. to 8 p.m. Vlalton an jamin Badonk, Glaatonbury; -----Mfs. Lots Beckwith and daugh- R. Rimus HHl AbADtem RHdeoff ohoM Federal Trade Oonunlaalan, the daughter convlcUon of a Chris- ^u t they should not be allowed TIm probaUe purehaae ai the partiee, and a way out of the reqneatod no* to amoks tai pa- Augusta Beaacm, 146 Wetfa- ter, 666 W. Middle Tpke.; m - F U IL on. the UHfd aantod Oonnimer Day Dagiartmant o< AgrteilKai* end rngThhi.' U>e Univaratty of Oto Bureau of Oammerclal FUlb Uan SclenUst mother on a to noake m artyrs out of their incomplete Tolland Town sub* altuatlon for the town and real- tteoto’ roams. No m e n than g^.; Una Vlrghda Hodaon, Dorodiy Pruitt and son, 678 « 4 9 ^ 9 0 t charge that her failure to pro- children," he said, dtelaion off Old Stafford Rd. by dents of the area", tore vlalton at one time per 473 Gordtoer B t; M!nz. BnaRAne, Mbin S t; MTa. Waltraut VTrta C tam eth ^ jraetarday to an- arlea of the Daparimant eC tha vide medical aid resulted In the , Mro Sheridan’s the Aoom Oonatructlon CSo. Inc. The netdenta of the 16 homea PA***®** MIonson, Mass.; Mbs. Dorothy and daughter, 106 Oxford 8L nt e if c pikna for a cahtoaMaviel Ittaftor. - DepAtraent cf Oonanmar Pro- Tha tanner Secretary ef death of her 6-year4)ld daugh- ^ ^ of Glastonbury, may solve do not get mall delivery or Patlenta Today: 366 . ------—------^ based on religious tenets of the many pf the long-standing prob- scho(A bua transportation taeU^ Haallh, Eduoatkn and WaUu», ADMITTED TBSTBRDAT:______. A Stqwrtor Court jury In tota ^ te n o e faith which lems of residents in the 16 through the subdlvUdon. The Mrs. Jams Angelica, Thompson- IM aanalpr said he ettoaetod polntod to 'Dbe praasni “over- homes Involved and of the tow services are provided on the I* ta slait haariaga on Me prspos- UUplas of ocnaumer protacUen (tape Ood community convicted mtervenUon for The Planning and Zoning existing town roads. vllle; AUcto Arpin, 9M Main 8 t ; id adhar the atari of the .year, ragulafery fungtloaB." MTb. Dorotoy Sheridan, 80, of Frank Bausola, 188 Bldridge OotnmlsBlan granted prilimi- The road specs which wlH be idso eaBed tor tha ilonaa- Ooeaobdatliig Om aganeUa du- Harwlch Thuroday after fivo Judge Hudson told jurors the nary approval to Aoom followed by Acorn, are die re­ Bt.; Mr*. Carol Bull, 133 W. hours of dellberaUon. Btate must prove beyond rea- Main Bt., Rockville; Mrs. Cath­ ttoo of a new "Hoerver Oonuola- ttaa in one dspartmant "woidd road speclflcatlohB, subject to suit of a meeting last week Uon” to riudy plans tor iqxlat- ahwglhen Om fevenmanPa She had testified she relied on aonable doubt that Mrs. Sheri- review of profiles and maps on among Aoom, the selectman erine Campbell, 30 Peach Tree the Christian Science faith to eal. toe community or a child to used must meet State speciflca- ^len of the United Congrega- canon, overiappirg, IneOataocy Hartford; WUllam Green, 66 S. She advocated a "caah dla- Hie judge also indicated will- cooimunlcable disease or to ex- dona under the supervision of tlonal Church will be held to­ oount eqiud to the value of trad- ■ad a loaa of eflaettvaneaF’, ■Alton Bt.; M n. Theresa Haj- Ingness to report the case dl- P®®* them to death, the Board of Selectmen. morrow, weather permitting. bucM, 88 Blssell St.; John tog stamps’’/ito toe consumer RlbiooH dedarad. "Each year, toe federal gov- reetly to toe Supreme Oourt for Mrs. Sheridan has another The motion passed by a 8-1 The men will make a walk and Hewes, Btom; Frank Klskunes, who> does hot want atampa and review. ctold, Stephen, 8. In 1966, she vote with Samuel Einstein, John fill in sod around the of Broad Brook; M n. Alice want on ra&rd in favor of leg­ anmient apanda more than |l bttloo for ooniumer proteetiun But, Skinner said he also divorced her husband, Stephen Hardy and William Satmond the parking. ^Kornse, 608 Center St.; Mn. 9 islation would pwmit tola. wanted to appeal on rulings by Sheridan Sr., a Roman Ctathollc C O L O R T V In hta taut. Sen. Rlbtcoff aald mbruKeoMig aidlvlUea," he voting for the action, and Clif­ Stewardship Sunday will be Katherine LaBrle, Rt. 80, Tbl- Stqierior Ooi^ Judge Amedeo 'toes in New. Canaan, Conn. noted at the church Sunday. Hoover Oonuntaaton m em ben "yet nowbera la than ford Williams opposing. land; Marshall Lewis, RFD 1, V. Sgarzi, who denied a prevl------The Aoom Oonatructlon Co. All pledges are to be returned Manchester; Mn. Gladys Mac­ I tomtfd reprdsant "leadtag men any aingla deparimant or agen­ cy to oo-ordtnate or ndminiater CUB motion for dismissal, and MARCH ON POLICE is negotiating wth the present by then, and will be dedicated Donald, ’Thompeonvllle; Albert and women from alt walks of Superior Oourt Judge Wilfred J. ClNCilNNATT, Ohio (AP) — owners, Tolland Builders, Inc., during the service. The Rev. Michaud, 18 VlUage St., Rock- Ula and b* igg>olnted by both toeaa actlvltiee. The efiotta a n oonducted sepaimtely and In­ Paiquet, who dismissed a de- hundred Negro junior high for the purchase of the proper­ Donald Miller will speak on vUIe; Theodore Mlelczarek, 1089 the President and Oongreoa. fense attack on the validity of school pupils marched on a po- I ty, which includes a total of 65 "Praise God” at the 6:30 and 11 "I think toe job la so big toe dependently.’’ Tolland ’Tpke. The oonaumer needs more the grand jury which Indicted "®s station Thursday afternoon. lots, cf which 16 are already a.m. services. Also, M n. Jacqueline Nichol­ commlataoh should repreaent Mn. Sheridan last April, The purpose of the march— buUt. The Pilgrim Fellowship will son, 772 Pleasant Valley Rd., Your family will thrill to the toe enure oomitty," be stated. than a voice in Waatilngton, and this la toe time to gAvo It to M n. Sterud caps ICIaa HoUy Shorts, daughter of Mr.'and M n. J. Wesley Shorts of 96 Lockwood Judge Hudson had warned organiaed by teacher Roger Ttl- Acom would put in the roads meet Sunday at 7 p.m. with South Windsor; M n. Mary Os­ St, who, with a tota! of 174 hours, topped toe service given by other Pinkies capped Wednes­ agalnst religious bigotry in ^®*4 and siq>ported by offlclals in the existing section as well the Action Committee in charge, borne, 609 Adams St.; Mrs. Rlbtpoff'poWed t o ^ exten- day night. She is a sophomore at Manchester High School, has been a Pinkie six months, charging the jury of nine men ®^ Samuel Ach Junior High— as in the new section which of the program. Junior Women’s Fashion Show Linda PfansUehl, 116 St. John BIGGEST, most vivid pictures ■ive ^ M U ^ toe ana of oentnHied.centnazed," he em- phaztied. “It aeema to me that and hopes to become a pediatric nurse. Her favorite aaalgnmenta in the hospital are in pedi­ and three women, and said the to congratulate Police Capt. 'they would develop by selling The Business Committee will Models in a "Spotlight On Fashion" show Tuesday at 8 p.m. St.; James Powell, E ast Hart­ oonaumer protectloo agencies In atrics and in the Emarganey Room. (Herald photo by Pinto.) case had "many, many tmusual Thomas Dixon cm his 48rd blrth- the lots. The roads would not meeet Monday at 7:80 p.m. The ford; Sandra Bokoloskl, 28 ’Turn- a Department of Oonaumer Pro­ at Concordia Lutheran Church are, left to right, Mrs. Don|dd toe government os an example tecUon la now jintllled." _____ 1______aqwets." day. meet the present town road Confirmation Class will meet Wolff of 18 Fernwood Rd., Vernon; Mrs. George Mount of bull Rd.; M n. Shirley TaUey, . . . new evening shows • More daytime color programs than ever before of the need tor reorgantaatten. ' Diet Atty. Edmund Dints, in youngsters sang patriotic specifications, but would be at 3 p.m. Monday. 41 WaddeU Rd.; John Welch, "Oonnectlcut eatabltalied a 460 Woodbrldge St., and Lyon Marxen, daughter of Mr. and • Thrilling drama... top movies.. > spectaculars • National, "llDra fhan 66,000 federal em- Department of Oonaumer Pro­ pressed t3ieir thylce 0^ his hnal argument, said toe law songs, listened to a few brief better than those required at The Bulletin Board Mrs. Frank Marxen of Dogwood Lane, Wapping. The show 798 Main St., South Windsor. ployeea are engzged In protect­ claiUon tor the time and em ra „( jbe land must prevail when zposches and stayed around to the time the homes were built. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A regional and local sports • News and special events • Music from tection and It woifcod," he 52 Pinkies Capped The Women’s Fellowship of is sixmsored by Meuichester Junior Women’s Club, Inc. Adult ing and advancing the intereata ■aid. The depariment originat­ the PlnldM p.ve to it^hoB^tm. religious practice interferes policemen and enjoy ire- "The situation at Tolland the United Congregational fashions are from Mam’selle at the Vernon Circle Shopping son to Mr. and Mn. Robert C. jazz to symphony concerts • You’ll see them best—enjoy them of toe oonaumer", he aald, "yet Min. H. John (MaloTO, chair- it He based his case on froshments provided by the offl- Town has long been a head- church wUl hold its Annual Stanley, East Hartford; a daugh­ ed during Rlbioofra tenure as Plaza; furs are by York Strangfeld Furriers, Manchester, most in breathtaking Magnavox Color I nowhere la there iny aln|^ de- governor of toe state. i^ o fto e J i^ A tM lto r ^ the assumptton that the com- cs"- ache to the town and the select­ ’Turkey Supper tomorrow night and children’s clothes are from Youth Center, Manchester. ter to Mr. and Mn. Edmund poriment or agency to coordi­ In MMH Ceremony- hoat^ t m w ^vezK and o ^ - monweaith must protect chU- Students of the predominantly men as well as an eyesore”, Morin, Tracy Dr., Vernon; a Boto Rlblooff and Maa Fur- at 6 in the Church Social Hall. Hairstyles will be done by the Schultz Beauty Salon of Man­ nate or adminlator these activi­ naaa advocated regulattona to The largest “Pinkie” capping ceremony in the his- girls, aay^ ^ y ,b»n untU they roach the age rf Negro sdiool in the Avondale town counsel Robert King stat­ The town clerk’s office in the chester and Beauty Counselors will do the makeup for the son to Mr, and Mrs. David Mel­ ties. Tlie eftorta are conducted ed at this week’s meeting of ody, East Hartford; a son to require mandatory InopecUon of tory of Manchester Memorial Hospital was held r e i ^ ...... » similar march town hall will be closed tomor­ models. Homemade desserts and coffee will be served. Tick­ aeparately and independently". m eat packogtag and proceaalng Wednesday night when 62 girls of the Junior Auxiliary their temiues.” » "*®to« "should ^ Christmas to bring gifts to the Planning and Zoning Com- row in observance of Veterans ets will be sold at the door. (Herald photo by Buceivicius.) Mr. and Mn. Burton Jaclmon, *T propoae a Departiueat of mlMlon. - 68 Wells St.; a son to Mr. and ptanta. of the hospital (“Pinkies”) were capped by Mrs. Mary Offloero of the PlnWw, ~ »>«Uefs to herself and toe poUcemen. Day. Ckmaurner ProtecUon^ be eatab- "Factory Inapectlng of meat Sue ‘Good Roads’ Seen St. Matthew’s CTO will meet M n. Frederick GuUlory, East Ihhed at toe cabinet level aa a poultry produeta- aold to Sterud, director o f nurses, in the hospital cafeteria. noble, Oheryi Reinbom and ’The proposal presents a way are Laurie Grelka, Marilu Mai- beets, orange; ’Tuesday, toma- Hartford. ' ___ Penny Saver Pinkies were Ctarrle Burkhardt, served re­ Sunday at 7 p.m. in the Parish inlak, Susan Gordon and Patti to and rice soup or clam chow- bazlc regulatocy agency, uhnln- tat«„rtato commerce has long out of the situation. King ex­ Center. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: ^^-^iateriag a oanat^dated set of been reqtored, Rlblooff pointed part of the group and received jqg. tibby Thuraton, freehmenta after the ceremony. plained. "The town has no in­ Whitman. der, carrot sticks, toasted M n. Dorothy _Krascella,______876 Poc- shiny penny chamu from Mro. j^ency Tierney, 92; Linda ------. Tha Oceotloii C ols for Floware,' “No School" Announcements Judges included William Hoi cheese sandwich, pudding with r“ “i,,. . rols 'niomas prr basic consumer lawa.” tention or legal requirement to "No school" announcements ^ 81 ^ He proposed toe merger un- Fumeao pointed out toe John Knowlton, chairman of toe Toeoin». S6: Veoaart, NO Sm-TIRB TRUCK Think o f Tho go into the subdivision to finish becatm 'of .clerenrw7aS;‘e“ Wednesday, JJAghetU gJant R ^it^ Marte Mu^>;; iciement weatner principal Joseph with meat sauce, tossed salad, dar toe umbrella of toe propim- ,*oent anMndmenta to toe Meat (t®up. u ; BHen Whim, 131; KAtoy DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — A po- the roads itself,” he declared. Oroaikast over WTIC, 126 Oak S t, Wapping; M n. Su- od department programs pre- iMpeetton Act passed Mat Otrla capped and toeir bouro Wooley, 60. llceman, hla patrol car dtoppeA POTTillMUIIS Casello; Mrs. Mary Wells, guid- cheese cube, Vienna bread and Buckhout, RFD 4, Rock- Par khili-Joyce Former First Selectman Car- superintendent of schools Rob- ance; Mrs. Hazel Barber, math­ ^tter Jello wlth^: T ^ OuiT aently adminiatored by toe Food by toe House did not "go of service are Denise Albert, 58; Penny Baver Piiddea receiving by a flat tire, called the dla- melo Zanghi has examined the ert Bralrton ^ted today. Par- ^ Lawnnoe, Noncy Arendt, 68; Jackie Bark- aiwarda tor at least 80 bouro patdier tor help Thurwtay Reg. 64JMb-NOlW ematics Instructor, and Mrs. day, hot dog, baked beans, Glastonbury; Mn. Evangmine far enoiuih-’ proposed road construction pro- ents of pupils should listen to sauerkraut, crumb bread, T wlB oaatoHia to inrirt on er, 41; Kathy Bellefleur, 108; service are <3ndy OopiOozal, Sue night Flower Shop ^ ,»,Ud by Kb,, u.b, i. «. "!Z LeBuffe, East Hartford; Mn. Lsgal Notict Maureen Beiuohe, 118; Vivien later a fire truck applesauce bhish; Friday, Lauria Morneault, Broad Brook; mandatory Inspaetlon of slaugh­ nank Ookeler, Proprietor ' > N macaroni and cheese casserole, RWAI, RKABnO ter bourne and prooaHwg rUhV*iVk11 VT» TTAtwn rVLtniiJui HR* DBIHS JIU rOftFR^ Up« 601 BIAIN 8T„ MANdBWTER M n. a a r a DeMontigny, 14F 4.T A OOUBT o r FROBA’TE, Ooodiw Paula Haldeman. PHyl- Back on the radio, the poUce- (Next to HaMord National $ visor. celery sticks, stewed tomatoes, id a t BoUm, wtth end for Uw ptaide”, aha deetared. She la roads." The proposal would not High School Cheerieadera Garden Dr.; Angela Leoaazd, ■chedutad to taaUfy before toe Bonk) oiuuor I ’** *»ve as elected sandwich, pine- 169 Lynern St.; CUfford Fergu­ Wrkt of Andover, on die 4th day weaken the town’s position on Varsity and Junior Varsity Vovwnbw.lte?. ^ ^___ senate next WMaeaday in favor 78; Enei oilangoa, 69. 'Hare. „ "No sir. I aald tire truck!" a YES—WE DELIVER a cheerleaders at Tolland High uniforms consisting of pleated apple cupcake^__ son, Northfield Rd., Coventry; roads. King noted. cheerleaders at Tolland High ...... hi said Dimtot.'deoeased. of Mtfli leglalation...... Also EUerv Healy, Susan Phoneai 649-07D1—649-1448 The posting of a road bond School have been selected out jump*™ white tu^eneck non. Noiman J7 Freuss, Credit LeglatatloB Also, M w h i^ e 0®W. «8; San- KnoWKon, Joaine Lavie, L a u r ie ------by the construcUon company of » «eld of 26 girls, who par- “ d sneaky with wWte Mlaa Fumeaa declared herseU Mroeek NlkW Mlarololo, Linda would cover the town, in the ticliwited in the three-week gen- socks. Final decision on uni- Quatrale, telephone 876-3846. ------In favor of oalnplete Interest W,- Mary Htqrt, 66; Susan Hito yioky Parker, Joenne I forms is pending the selection Mtate tnt'tU s Oowt for aaowwnce, Witz, 66; Linda Jacobs^; ^ t- Relnhom, Nancy Richarita, event of the company’s pulling ***1 practice sessions and try­ In the interest o f your good health and good appearance this arlfeta of school colors and emblem. rate diacloaurea on revolving SWEET OIDER TULIPS out of the arrangement or going outs. , OEUDaR^: That the Utti day of credit sales and sales of lees ty JubenvlUe, 70; Patty Kelly, Laurent tJnds SL which appeared In newspapers ndtlondOy* Is reprinted by Kindergarten Aides MUSHROOM IMPORTS BOOM F O R R EN T November, 1667, a t 10:00 o’c]o& in OALS.-4fALF GALS. bankrupt. This is more than the The girls were chosen on the dw Mraopon a t the Piobate Office than 8100. 73; Carol Krause, 106; Mary Laurent, Martha Schardt, Bar- Extra Laige town has at present, he pointed basis of their general appear- Assisting mothers at the BOS’TON — Mushrooms im­ 8 M d 16 mm. Movie Pro­ ~ be and (he aame h as- These Items are not included Lupacchino, 66; Sharon Mognot- b^ia Squadrito, Lynn Taggart, KEGS — DARRELS out, ance, voice, rtiythm, spirit, abil- ’Fcdland Co-Operative Kinder­ ported into the United States jector*—*00118 or silent, also ittat Oh the altmr- dSratkn account in toe senate version of the to, 80; Patty Maher, 64; Jane Kim Todd end Kathy Wooley. Keg and Spigot Solea, 10 for Blxteen of the lota in the sub- ^ perform, jumps, cart- garten next week are Monday, in the first half of this year 88 mm. elide projeotor*. and dds court dl- credit interest rale diacloeure Mather, 60; Mary Lou MlkuIsU, jMwand Kenny, hospital ad- Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Doug­ were worth 86,796,600—48 per „ of the time and division were constructed be- wheels, splits and total per- WELDON DRUG .CO. __ lor eaU bearina be legislation already passed. ' mlntatraitor, glris. Open Eveey Weekend fore the builders went through formance. las Paul, Mrs. Lyle Chichester, cent more than in the same pe­ person* known to be tn- They are Included in toe Also, Sheila Mlsovich, 66; Me- their parents and friends on the UnW New Yean Mrs. Harvey Chambers; 767 M«in 8 t —TeL 648-S831 ~1n to appear and be Iiankruptcy. T he subdivision Varsity cheerleaders selected riod last year. by ptdsMhlna a copy house version, however, and are Unda Moore, 51; Joyce Moreau, overall look of toe "hospital was approved before the subdl- Are Florence Tantillo, Susan Wednewtoy, Mrs. Charles Cote, in 'some newspam receiving strong backW from 101; Donna Morlarty, 85; Vlr- family.’’ Mro. Janet Vernier, BOLTON vision zoning regulations went PTeld, Janice Dowty, Vicki De- Mrs. Briioe Cropper, Mrs. Bert­ oireulatim in s e M E ^ Furnea*. The house com­ glnla Moroe, 03; Oindy MicMelB, Manoheeter Memorial ffoepital into effect and are considered MAyo, Eileen Zabiltuisky, and rand Czuchra, Mrs. William mittee formulating the bill Is 51; Debbie McQuade, 52; Susan Womerfs AuxUiary president; ' Dowty, and Friday, Mrs. Rd., B sought assurance the roads in n rv '^ T on toe obtaining of the cards." PRSSCRIFTION TED TRUDON wldowert? To the traditional team the exlstliig portion of the sub­ Is Buill Info "The banks are already pull­ Tekethflb-MaaeliMier of work and worry, long branded the FEEL BETTER ARTHUR URUa 449-Mll division would be constructed All Our Giffs ing back on the unsolicited VOLKSWAGEN guilty pair, wtight hat been so LOOK SUMMER BITTERSWEET and finished first. More Factual Reasons Why..? cards, but I don’t know where alrontfy linked by Klence that diet­ LESSEN FATIGUE 8 Yearo and Dartbr. Agreement ‘Compromise’ COLONIAL tgaHlhf till 91 to start with private industry," ing. once a woman'a paatime, haa Grow Your Own! King assured him this would PURNTTURE Magna-Color TV is your best buy: ■he declared. become a male preoccupaiionl. y; ‘ a : And now comet evidence that be required and that no build­ FINISHED and ing permits will be issued untU EVADING CHABOBO it bn’t Juat the paunch, but the tag. the road bond is posted. UNFINISHED * 1. Brilliant Color— makes colors 5. Hand-crafted Furniture — MIDDLETOWN (AP) — A 38- that brings on the pallbearcrt—that OPEN * Several PZC memben ex­ Mon. to Sat. more vivid and more natural. choose from over 40 authentic, year-old man has bean charged the girdlet that give the ladies their pressed concern that the roads 9 AM. - 6 P.M. beautiful styles you’ll enjoy for with evading reepmuttbillty and girllih figures may aim be extending in the new section would not be Thunr. and Pri. — Opening Special.-— 2. Quick-On— Magnavok ^pictures misconduct .with a motor vehi­ their lives. years to come. The idea that control under buUt to the existing road specs. 9 P.M. flash-on in seconds, four times/asfer cle in the hit-and-run death Sun­ King explained the developer m one 633-7042 Genuine Rush 'it -V day of Andrew A. Antonovita, aborta, tlijitenlng the abdominal mus- than most others. 6. Lasting Satisfaction— ehridinas 60, of Middletown. Come On Over To clct end expanding the cheat, im- is not required to do as murii SEAT STOOL $2.98 from in the existing portion as he has CUSTOM Police arrested Lee W. yer- prova not merely appearance but FTNIBHINO Limited Amount 3. Chromatone-adds thrilling knowing you own the finest, most haahh iin'i exactly a new one. Long proposed, and that the - agree­ AVAILABLE i wrappings een, alao of Middletown,'Thun- OROUUS ment "is a compromise for both depth and dimension to color, ... reliable Color TV ever made. day at hla place of employment baton modern druga came on the maiket, doctora preacribed abdomi­ warmth to black and white pictures. in Rocky nil. Bond was sat at ' 10 for 7. Greater Value— only Magnavox ud ribbons i $3,600 during Hla Orcult Oourt nal bella for men with heart allmenta. Bat sew raataichf rtpeelad ta 4 4. Superior Magnavox Sound is sold directly through franchised Onr ooriy m aiqMartmce. ___ Antonovlto was the victim of toe leanHd of the Aatiricea Mad- Systems— give greater program stores such as outs—saving you bird nhoppon • • • 1 the hit-and-run incident aa he kal Aaaaetallea, taada ta ahaw 6mI realism and listening enjoyment. “ middleman” costs. walked on Main Street at about tha aaw dragi wms bt as awn ef­ F: f 1:10 a.m. Sunday. fectors ihaa dw oUleabloaii bak- ar 6m no dim coakol ibarta. Scrippa Inalltuie tcieniiau found that “ap- •a T pUeation of the belt previout 10 MAN? tU iljb exercise reduced or prevented the MANDATE Free Home Trial iWe’ve put a PKnty-Bowas eourtaoy abnormal poatexercite tnereaie. In the CORj^M amplliude of the A-wave of the appx ABDOMINAL MIXED mailing caimtar In eardiogram," juat at popularly-pre- 1983 OLDSMOBILE 98 HOLIDAY 4-DOOR HARDTOP I Phi Bates Easy Care Brogues feature uppers made 'teribed glyearyl trinitrate. SUPPORT CEMETERY with the marvelous now man-made material — Cor- TERMS 30 DAYS CASH our store whara HONCST-TMOOBiiEn rH D nN i OHLE How do control ahorta help Very luxuriously appointed car. Equipped with V-8 engine, dual-range auto­ famR, these shoes defy the elements. Snow, rain, heat or yau can wilgli and the haert? OiM famed medical writer. UNDERSHORTS BASKETS cold, this Brogue can take them all and bounce back looking '/4 D O W N P A Y I ENT wn poymont up to 3 ytors ...fbrthasarvica. wMcb add ap to a few bOioB ta toe a iM liM elastic is lighter, Easy Care Brogue...... 2 9 . ^ ~ whiter and more comfort­ ribboti, WNwtli rtnga, blltar- ■DuPont tradomark / il ///You Just pay for ■wee*. wheat, ftarioO wtro; 4 pay YARDS FABRICS-'/x PRI able. Machine washes and adao nriMber ptantab nhUodm- your postage. 1000 odgM odd jraara i* a ■ua’d Ufa.'* driei. dnm, ktnoai-oiBage-fIg toeea; Many doetort are auggeuing a SNmt Instantly. Taka 1 to oaotl' ooUeotlon. olaa taan ' i Why do we bother? So wni can maH toe locrcatlngly popular new typae 2lnchMOffyourwaisttlne. ■tuall potted pkwto. f}- and Iriiop In one swift atop e i waen'e aomrol ahoria to thtk pa- COME IN for a thrilling demonstration TODAY! tiinit, ead ftading bock and bretth- a Suppartt comfortably, WOOLENS... <2. tag ae weB aa clreuletkM beatfiia. braces up tired biek 1695 muiclai. OeoBterla Ope* D vtof Mteiia Hewa 9 AJL to • PJK The jaeei ptfabar type. Maa6iH,d "rnddHteet tool d tm r atatta tot 6 L66666 fiti|M6, Improves Woodland CHENEY OpantfflOiOOPJI. • M M leaaaane pmeedBOM el a pottura. BeM appMed ta tod MteHia lOldiM ittilli HALL OpMi SrL tin 6i00 FJE. ta aaeh a oMoair toat M data aM . only $ ^ 9 8 Gardens De Cormier M^olpr Soles. Inc. “THE Mi^VBb OF |IAIN BTItBEF’ , 168 WoodlHBd ^ WILTON’S SSr Mbelol Maoe 16B6r ' *r •s 385 STREET 648-4166 — MANOHBSTBR M l-007 MAJN BTStBBT, MANCHBBTBR •64 MAIN gTBEEIV-MANCMEMTBB \Aflk F o r F ic « Adhriob PottertoiT’^ 1771 I Mfc, 1 648-8474 1 (, BUY IT TONIGHt 4'W E‘U>B OPEN TlLLeKM) OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 0:80 TO 6:8n A'-FHONB 646-7781 * *Rgprlnted by permission of Central Feature News, inc,^ THURSDAY 6:80 TO 6:00 *130'CENTER STREET CORNER OF CHURCH


Veflon Bdltor Bedkeepw Rent Oo-*dlton SU a SlOMtMTf ‘ Space at Cape Suaan OoMberf Sporta Editor Oaty lodoin lU y I^elly c a p e KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) , / Beee-nees to busring here to 1 he igh chool orld o f T H S W A m e r i c a ’z man-to-the-moon launch area. nec Mrs. Joyce Don, Faculty Adrissr VOL. XXXI, NO. 9 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Compiled by Students of Msnchester High School Worktog under Ucensee toeued by the National Aeronautics and Space Admtototrktion, beekeep- ®r® ere praeenUy expMttog A ilS t^ r s Expression of Own Ideas Candidates nsBxiy 9,000 ooloniez of bees to- habiting the outer areaa of NAAA’.s Kennedy Spape Center. Make Mwne , ^ Chosen for Bach colony contains 60,000 to Hie Oomeotlcut lltuic Eduoe- Important for 1968 Officers summer MO.OOO bees, NASA said. tor** Aaeocletlon preaented the The. commercial beekeepers annuaUy bid against each other 1S67 AU-Oonneeticut ICuaic Fes­ Karen Bradlau Affairs Club. Dick feels he has would keep up the preeent to rant space around the man- leadership ability' as he has been senior acbtvltleo, but he feels an One phase o f oatidpation has tival at UOpnn Oct. 37. The c their opi^toatlons to AFS New and management disposal tor Wi ship of AFS, two years with some different activities and one place. This was the flrat rehears­ A busy meenber of many York to spend next smiaAer the Arm y Corps of Engineers. 8ta Sock and Buskin, three years might include the senior class al where members of the or­ school clubs end the Instructors abroad. Both Rdbln and Doag The corps helps manage the 88,- in the Ski Club (this year as taking a boat ride and with a s(dl chestra, band, and chorus met of the Handioapped (lOfl), undergone the prelimtaasy 000 acres which make up por Vice-President) and work as band on deck, and to have a together. Dave Moyer thinks that this ex- interviews and appUcatlons NASA’s mbonport here. ehe contributed several MHS announcer for three years, dance." IlflB perlence and his desire to sMve neoessary to become aemlfhial- "W e have never had any to 1 members to the orchestra and (serving as vice-president for David Colpltto the senior closB mokes him quail- fats. tw o serlea o f Judg- problems with the owners or the Roi twelve membens to the chorus. two years). Karen feels she is bees," said Cato. "They both "We need a better distribu­ field to be a class ofNcer. A ments'are passed on'quaHfloa- era: Thursday began with registra­ qualified as she has shown lead­ tion of activities. The senior member o t the Student Council, of interest In other people, have been very coeratlve. dar tion at 8:80 a.m. The rest ot ership ability in all the activi­ Occasionally, we have to move week is fine, but something (or Oerma'it Club, A F S Club, the ablUty to make and bold friend- it V the day was marked by a Urlng ties she has participated in since a oolony. Recently, a colony had seniors only. In the fall, winter, Pre-Med dttb. Current Affairs, sMps, strong but flsxlble 6 s^d half. nSf-back I A e v proms. also a member of the Ckirrent class officer. I f elected, John people need and want, which S J ve 'H'rtbes this week’s female le- J jf te^^yeari*S>m OobelUe, ’68, drove for ah ahe feels Is very valuable for a 2 glonalre, Pamela Johnson, per- „ow writer wm be onlv senior class officer. A member ^ Qer- “ ^ tl^ ^terjm be ^y qu Versatile spacemaker racks. Ph Instant start, 4-way wash, mi Pages Helpful in Library Operation sanlguard filters. No pre­ 1U| -srr’s^cTiiiurwS;------— —TST’ ... - cloudv thanked for their work matter, almost any- say, ‘I ■■ knew him when’.” 1 sorting or stiCcktog or pro- OK Did you ever find yourself bulletin boards and exhibits that shown outstanding quallUes by f o n r o ^ makes her tough! Dale, through his athletic Several tojuries late In tte year selecting ot tableware, dish­ Wl hrtp faced with a difficult research are on display In the library. their assistance wlU receive should be done to help aid AFS- _ . one thing that has In- abUlty. could go Into the pixr- weakened the team’s es, pots or pans. Push a 001 Some read new books and com­ certificates of merit at the end school spirit which has greatly P.A.C.P. t button and the dishwashing assignment and realize that you fluenced Pam’s life the most fesslonal field ot either footbaU, they were a u c c e s i^ m ml ment on them. cf their Senor year. Ellg;ibUlty Improved this year. PosBlbly f '' * to done automatically. did not know how or where to was her trip to the Virgin Is- basketbaU, or basebaU. But ask *ke opposing forward tto The Library Pages hold a for these awards is based On some kind of Inter-ctoss com­ start? SuggesUons from a L i­ laiMto last' spring. There she him what he’d' Uke to play and *me. Ob monthly meeting where they a point system. Points are given petition or some special way brary Page would prove to be realized that barriers between he’d say, "RoUer Derby.” An Next in girls' sports Is bas- 8-E Fiwt-lAMlhig S-E Automalie BulH-li 8-E Fm t Load, S-Cyd® foi learn Ubrary procedures, hold for working before school, dur­ for the class of ‘88 to show World Briefs CIDAR ClOflT UNIHO helpful. What would you do If people aren’t at aU needed, avid fan of the g^me. Dale ad- k^tball and many' girls a n Im- fix social affairs, plan book fairs ing two or three periods a week, Its sp irit” and that when people construct mires aU skaters from George patiently awaiting try-outs. Get Wm to bulW DISHWASHER IMSHWASHER MSRWWASMER wt there was not a Library Page after school until 8 :10, after urw ond protecilon of caoar 8Liid field trips. Workshops also Ih e sale o f Scmaidils wtU be- these barriers between them- Pachlcko to the "B ig Blond Paula Sanchtoi, ’68 Portable now, buUt-ln 2-Level Thoro - Wash, Ctonverts to a built-in. TT to give you CoUege Zoology or school unUl 4:00, and attendance Doug Steely lined elo*et». AromotU KiteimiAid Portable are scheduled for every X pe­ ______gin Nov. 6 in the homerooms "elves and others, they deprive Amazon,” Joan Weston, his fa- later! 2-Level Thoro- easy loading, swing- Now aerated soft-wash tw at meetings. The most points Doug Steely has been a mem- radar. '' other research books? riod. They have visited Widner of the” «uttent *OOunoU and Lot- «m*«<**lnueiuitll November 30. themselves of somthlng very vorite team being the San Fran- Wash with Soft F\Md down door, s lid in g for''delicate china and pn Library at Harvard University are given for work after school $ racks, big load capac­ $ crystal. Cherrywood $ MSHWASHER ^ Llbri^ Pages, under the di­ In aub for three years. Boys payment wUl ho gS.OO rewarding. She feels that the cisco Bay Area Bombers. W aste Dtoposer. N o and Sterling Memorial Library until 4:00 pm. hand-rinsing or scrap­ ity. No pre-rinsing or top. In copper or avo­ wftli a Solid H old .Mopio Top rection of Mrs. Evelyn Gerard, Leaders and Ski Club for one ^ BAA members and $5.00 for Islanders an content with he- On the footbaU field, he’s been $IM0. at Yale University in previous The Ubrary Pages were ing. scraping. cado. is a working service organiza­ year, Varsity Soccer team for imn-membero. Your SAA bex* tog themselves, and this to why caUed “the man with one bone^ years. The Pages are also chosen on the basis of their tion In which the first obUgaUon two'years, and Varsity Base- be pnsemted to the Soman- she wUl live there someday and 289 Joints-and he’s losing members of Nutmeg 020, the answers on appUcaUpns. They of aU members is to serve the ball for one year. He feels that rqprneniiatlvo at the eoon. Given one ctoy to her- a Joint with every game.” In student body and faculty. AU state library aaaoclaUon which thOn were Instn^cted by a li­ through hto experience with Stu- coUeotlon. ’ self, Pam would go back to aU seriousness. Dale is the most ^ / a n i u n o is sponsored by Southern Con­ brarian in their first assign­ Delivers one for the holidays the tasks performed by the dent OouncU and other clubs, he ------“ *®- totonds to a very special underrated man on Uie team. necticut State Ctollege. This or- ments until they worked with "c-'l pages are necessary for the li­ has gained the abUUy to com- Attentlofi 1067 Graduates— beach. He has done a superb Job. Dale I brary to fimcUon smoothly. gonlzaUon meets each fall and more experience-! i:agcj. J and low (o tolSifJ'"'"'"®'' munlcate with hla fellow stu- Senior siipplemente to the 1967 Where does Pam spend her emulates Johimy Unltas, who ’They charge out books, pam­ is foUowed by regional meet­ Mrs. Gerard believes that the d^ntS^and to know the peofUe Sotnanhto are now being print- time outside of school? Maybe he says, “ Probably threw a cou- phlets, and magazines; shelve ings In the spring. A workshop Library Pages are “ Indlspen- he to representing, which to Im- "Hiey wlB be In the mails you’U find her seated at a Pl® of ‘duck passes’ In hto life- returned books, and repair and Is usually held in March. Pat Bible” . She adds that besides portant for a officer. If *»y tote November. piano playing Cheq^tin. Or you process books. ’The Pages alao Sylvester, ’70, is the second vi6e helping other studepts, they are could always try the Bonanza toe basketbaU court, he take a dolly count of boqka in president of Nutmeg 020 and also helping themselves, In that elected, he should like to have Senlora with — privUeges Stoloto Pit, her preeent place takes on all tasks assiduously, clrculaUon, make out overdue Marlene D'Addario, ’70, is the they are learning to use the another Winter Carnival with who wtah to oome ito the 11- employment, or at a. Round Th* high-scoring six-footer led sUps, notify faculty members of delegate from MHS. Ubrary more efflclenUy. more actlvltlea than last year, s Three push button cycles: new material and design the Ubrary Pages who have Cathy Glaid, ’68 ctosB-sponsored trips, and a braiy the ladt period must have '>^“ ® «l»®anMa. And if you Jayvees to a Rinse and Hold for partial "Happening” type dance. a Ubrary pass. Ttiese students T®atiy ™n out of places to look t8-0 record as a sophomore, and I Here'* ■ " ''*"'ijS k e "o '®®"’ ara exDoated to be on *1i« b try the executive c<»nmlttee of *aat year broke the school re- loads. U tility and Utensil Miko Walsh the tMgIniUiig o f the period end toe Hi-League at her diurch. as he taUied 86 points be- for ppts and pans. Full Mike’s activities at MHS remoln f t o ^ hdl p m M Pa“ . tocldentaUy, was elected tore a cheering home crowd tost Cycle for normal loads, have Included three years of ______' ’ by her fdlow hl-Ieague mem- y®a>f against Maloney. BasebaU e Automatic-lift Top Rock participating to footbaU, two for extra convenience. INTIIAMIJBALS t*®** ■■ Youth of the Year of Dale’s third sport, but after e Hard maple top for all years on the wrestling team, 1906 that season’s over he takes a Does a rugged gome Cf toot- ^ ^ ^ vacation. kinds of food atton. vice-president of the Spanish Mr.' Adrian Orast # Exclusive ix>rceiaih eiugn- Club, a three-year member ot *>®B M>P0®l *0 you? o b ^ future by »«king a ooUege Athletics is not Dale’s only el finish Inside and oiit. thewew Boy’s Leaders Club, a mem- ^ relaxing _^ ,_^ to toe , pool. WUIWO VUIIJNBUIMKconsteUiM UAof AlMVtlFCiAlgebra “klU. AcademlcaUy, ------^ he excels - — Teacher her of Student CounoU, and toe Ett, CSiemtotly, English, and kto c o u r ^ being English IV. Neii; KDW-6 President of the Teen Center todiridual ton- ypenrii Uterature n. BXhu- Physic®. Trigonometry, and U.S. Since a good port of tiie aver- for this year. Mike feels quail- ****” 1.!?” '* I?®' years of coHege at Wagnar Hlstoay.-And Just to fUlent In work, KHdienAid Convertible Portable has participated to many school her along the education Une. hi tiio luoky laon whoee work FORTAHLE DISHWASHER DISHWASHER PORTABLE DISHWASHER IIOO AUTOBIA'nO DISHWA8HEB wM i Soft Food W otlw Obposor S-Level Thoro - Wash wMi 3-W oy Wenh Systwm with soft food waste e Cool-to-the-touch polypropylene fllfill drain > Big capacity, easy loading. 8 washing cycles. Easy to load and unload. Gives spotlessly iZlOUlU •— »» w ewBieaa e, Vlewl* WUMMC 1.^11 I dtoiKwer. 2 Cycles. couider to designed to reduce drain Rinse Olo, lift top rack, miq;>le wood clqan dishes without hand rinsing $ t l 7 . several drives to raise nAaxIng, the ptooe •‘he to work towanl a new toculty membera. M^. -1 •f . BARGAIN CENTBR SIM Dally Loads, Rinse and splash. top. Choice o f colors. Hold. or scraping. money for a new wrestling mat, *>e Is to toe Intramiuals pro- And vou r-»n th«t dogrew "to ■stectrical engineering. Qixx>t enjoys automo- > 'T s A fresh water by-pass fdlowa the drawing for which Mr. Early hiJ been ««««»■ It k a good way to build ^7“ ^ - ^ He’d like to go to a big schoSl ^ llT ^ ...SSA6 21^ ^ of water vdille the KltchenAld convertf’ » . 0 Plywood 4x8 Sherta « striving for a number of years yoto" body while having Am. ® ‘•‘S campus that he could share with hto students what ble to booked to the faucet. without.ucoess.” I t t o a ls o a g o o d r im e t o le a r n ^ enjoy, but he humourous- ^ u S t o ^ « - LONG EASY TERMS-UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY e The long fW and drain hoses are especial­ PriyettHtato ly treated to glide In and out of the R ay KeUy, ’68 ®»»out new sports and improve ly adds, " I ’d probably end up t h u a la ^ . “ .. .85.70 akeering, lOirxr . housing easily, Brian Rogers, ’68 cld on«. t u®® •*“ to contain a jdano string quarterback on Hto interest In cars •»~t not ^ VaI AU o f the outdoor sports and b* i^ a te d near an amuse- the freriunan to a ii as a Junior." end r i i S T c f r o ^ .’'riii '(II e KltchenAld convertibles are stable even Prtebtog PiBStor tVi Uw. 48e when fully loaded and racks are extend­ IXd you know that a wealth o f (touch footbaU. soccer, and ten- «n«»t Pai*. iX cufrent history to available for nls) ,are played every ’DModay Pam believes that ______*•*»•’ _ •*®’‘* ^ y . as he enjoys wwktog on INC. ed. “®‘“® to a nice cars at home os weU. At toe f f*t Lock Bert. Keyed ...85.18 students to the MHB sojwol U- and -Thundsy. W€ighA4raln.' ®veryone has to work for what quite town, Uke Oaklaiul. N.J. moment hto ______to dl- rt. ChooM from 3 unlqiw modob. brary. It cofnes to the. oompaot tog in the gym to also airaU- b® o ’ ^® wMto, w d she to But for the present, he re- reeled at hto 427 Chevy Im- ■ s ♦ form of a speotol news refer- shle every Tuesday and lliuni- wUUng to work toward her am- mains Puss, Snout, Bone, or pala ^ OaMort Hardware enoe service -^aots on file — w Is going to scheduled. Ray Rogers, Manchester High principal, re- uuid in Assocuted Prw tion of five top college Rams Face Central VaUey Leader Southington The Knicks, considered by be one of toe greatest. Ttie poried the kickoff waa mmoved oved ------,« ii ih, r»— gamee played fawt most observera to have more halftime is going to feature toe ahead IS minutes in order not particularly foul altuatlaoa and ™ Dartmouth acor- week (O) talent than they’ve had In many Shriners baiMl and mobile drill several vaitatlons. In ■Auanw *“* spree. Penn (2-4) holds' vlc- t m ( 8) NFU-Olante ve. unit in their great entertain­ to conflict with the start of the tories over Brown and Bucknell a year, looked something Uke a Coach Jucker cornered the vet- B ea n computer with its tape in back­ ment routine. Road Race. VUl Hadden, gen­ thla season, but last week was Indians Host to Winless Eastern, erar> NBA referees to leen (88) An#—Kansaa ’ 2 NS* i wards as they feU behind S2-22 The Neptunes, with a 10-1 rec­ eral chairman tor the Tall Ce­ crushed by Harvard 46 to 7. more about their pidloeophy In City vs. Boston to Cinciimatl after one quarter. ord, feature toe finest passing dars, sponeors of the race, said A series of ankle injuries i i i i i ’ ’calling a game” . He knew the 8:88 ( 8) NFL — Cleveland Thm, preato—every unit combinations in toe league in it would not be feasible to start have affected several Tale stars nflee on peper but weated to VB. OreenBay click^ and the Knicks had a Dan Henning, who has had sev­ the race any earlier as not to make___ certain__ about__ the__ praoti-__ including the team’s leading A m ( 8) Bperta Special East Entertains Windham at Nebo eral tries with the San Diego conflict with tbe 128-106 National .Basketball As­ cal ap^'caUm a^ aic^^^ HUl, de- 4:88 (80) AFL—Miami ve. (AP FbotaSsx) Chargers and Don Floyd, an game because all Arrange­ By BARRY COWLES mm Omokett, on tbe defeoetve They are planning on ptey^ sociation victory over the Roy­ i ------jy his time In intm^e San Diego - It has been a bad break squad, bui BMdng and John ball flafar^y “ d not b e ^ ^ ^ SKY-HIGH— Bill Russell of Boston leaps hiKh above Jim Washington o f Chi­ als. (XIICAGO BLACK HAWKS got off to a slow start outstandliqt CFL receiver for ments had been made, plus en- offensive tackle Kyle Oee. AU ( ) Oadabout Oaddla poet-game study. 8 for practice on «ie lo- sp^2d^*iSris’^S2S! cago for rebound. (Jelt teammates’ Tom Thacker and John Havlicek watch In other NBA action, Detroit in the National Hockey League race. But with toe past two years. Added - to triee distributed to 280 runners s e e are eaqwoted to iriay. edged SeatUe 119-118 in the Bobby Hull (left) and Stah Mikita in the lineup, this has been Toronto’s great In tbe East which stated the m e Penn offense for the past Wl gridirons, weatherwise SSSd trio iwrtarmlng well aU week aM ” W e ^ ^ b ^ . W . ^ ___ ^ opening half of a douUeheader their fortunes are expected to rise rapidly. flankerback, Dick Limerick, event would start at 10:80, as SpeciaHst IMade two years has besn led by quar­ that la! Hemenwav « » sporting a few changes In quick and we w L « which also featured the Knicks- »«-' - " - S J ^ X ’ , 5 r sS mSS A Utile.snow wlH do lots of seemed to have gotten faster Canada’s A1 ed, running off 10 straight points goalies — haunting the day after Crozler, 'strafed for 18 PatrlcelH, president of Broad­ NFL “ bonus” attraction follow- In at 70 Wi— ------— - - - i ,. , , . ors. u oh different things to people. Snow overnight, made most putts Balding, Spain’s Ramon Sota, to U* 32-82. They cast-Plaza, Inc. ,lng the New Tork-Chlcago ““/fr "g ^ «d , . , — <• « « >« ««<->*»■• visitors Pittsburgh Penguins, goals as the Wings lost three Against Charleston the Oaks count as he came out of the first led 88-88 after three periods and Edwards, a chronic winter straight last week, abruptly quU Ehrlich, twice voted Coimectl- Bears’ game at 2 o'clock will be plated Beaton’s punt return central Connecticut (6-0) siir- are out to upset the No. 1 team ecales at ortiy 185 pounds. Thla - k . o for a lot tougher Idowera are tuiwd up, trips to and Jose Marla Gonsales of """" ^ defei»lve unit played one of its corn. r«y o ««» go with an un­ tied him with Argentina’s Flor- shot a 73, tat his teammate said eight points to give them a 104- Red Wings’ cage and breezed first period by Bill Speer’s long ber of toe W n c staff since 1967. Tork Tankees have upped their as halfback Hal Brown scored ers start discussing the forecast “If it hadn’t been for the sure waa lonesome. But I had beat California, tat Oregon lines tWs week with Injurlee suf- butter man Is right end Hm balanced Une ^ Udoim Harriers entino Molina for low individual later, “George will be the Indi­ 80 lead. past Pittsburgh 6-1. screen shot on a plttsburg He succeeded Bob Steele as host on three long nma of 88, 76 of the Farmer’s Almanac. Again recdlgtunent of toe lesg;ue, mov­ ticket prices from two bits to State la another m att^nttrely. ^ Wethemfleld gema ThomiMan. He moves good and quickly. Q u ^ r b a A Bob Nel- score. vidual star before this thing is Detroit trailed for most of toe Los Angeles’ West Division power play. He blanked toe of w n c Radio’s “Strictly no choice. I had to try and keep and 68 yards. Brown, a sopho­ this year, the Almanac and most ing Norfolk iitto our division, four bits for all box and reserv­ In shape. For a while I didn’t The Beavers beat P u r ^ e ^ Oetrout wlU be reptaood by Bob has fine hands wh«n k comes son to a lino p^onner ^ In New England Nicklaus fired a steady 72 to over.” game, took a 119-116 and then leaders stunned Toixmto’s Ekust Penguins toe rest of the way Sports” and Channel ’s “Close- more, rolled up a new school other lew sclenttflc indlcatora this ball club would have been 8 ed seats for the 1868 American think I’d ever get back and Uer in the eeason when tbe BoU- Rug«»ii the quarterback peel- to nahWiM paseee out of the air. throws woU. Jim G r ^ to tte give Palmer the backing he spent some anxious seconds. Division front-runners 4-1 in toe while goals by Floyd Smith, Ted Up on Sports” last January and mark of 284 yards before the point to a long.siKywy winter. Balding said he believed the a read ermtender for toe Champ- League season. This is the first sometimes when I was practic­ ermakers were ranked seocoad Bryent RObertson wtil be The Indtons' spWt to W|d»er big man on the end tor the Meet on Mond!ay needed. Molina’s teammate, Joe Strawder put Detroit only other game on toe ached- Hampson, Dean Prentice, Doug day was through. Coast Guard So get out your snow shovels, altitude was. affecting him, sis ioiwhip,’’ commented Coach has been w nC Radio’s play-by- price Increase with the Tankees ing by myself I’d feel let down” . in the country and tost week jjj poslUon for injured then it bos been In some -time, vtoltora and Mike Hammond Fidel de Luca, esune in at 73. ahead 117-116 with a foul shot. ul6, snapping the Maple Leafs’ Roberts and Norm UUman lifted play announcer tor Univeralty now has a 17-game lostog streak plan your trips, sharpen your did Palmer. “I’ve never felt so Chrpenter. “It really hint toe in nine years.. .The Tanks have He also felt rather strange tiiey tied UCXA, also Na 2 at The University of Conheotlcut South Africa’s Gary Player Eddie sales then batted toe ball unbeaten string at five, toe Wings into a second ^ace and Central figurea to extend it. skies and skim , let’s hope the shaky,” said Balding. boys psychologically when toe of Connecticut basketball and been playing Bill Robinson, who when he returned home every the time. cross country team travels to carded a 69 on the strength of from toe hands of Seattle’s Bob HXlwards’ victory over toe tie with New Tork in toe Ecuti— football games for years. Central then winds up against Sim pson ’s return makes Almanac is right. v Psdmer ssUd that in the pro- league made these switches. 10 faUed as an outfielder last sea­ night. Bears Choice Over Giants Boston on Monday tor the an­ his putting. He finished with a Rule and Detroit’s Dave Bing Penguins was doubly sweet tor two poiitis behind toe Maple A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Southern Connecticut Nov. 18. Southern (3al Coach John Mc­ am tourney Wednesday the aJtl- We’re Just ix>w really getting son, at third baae In the Florida “ Tou should have been there” nual New England Cross Coun­ ------flourish, sinking a 80-foot putt picked it up. He was fouled in . toe 80-year-old Jounwyman, res- Leafs. Ehrlich is a graduate of Du- A year ago Bridgeport upended Kay about the happiest man in Monday night toe Manchester lO-footer on tude affected him so much he over it, and I think we can give Bfintar League. . .Lost for two Johnson says with a smile. try Meet. toe backcourt and made both cued from toe minora by DetiMt EkI Joyal, a former Leaf, quesne University, PittsbuFTgh, Southern Connecticut to provide Loe AngMes. Already this sea­ Ski d u b will hold Its second couldn’t drive. “But I felt much toe Neps a tough game axtd years to the Tankees is highly- “Whenever I’d get on my apart­ Connecticut, recent champion toe 18to for two birdies. foul shots for a 119-116 Piston this week to replace ahook-up scored twice end rookie goalie and former sports director of the brightest moment in Bridge­ son O.J. bos galrred 1,060 yards meeting of the year at the Man­ better today,” Palmer said. with Just a few breaks we’ll regarded shortstop Jerry Ken­ ment elevator with my sweats port’s greatest football season Packers Three-Point Pick of the Tankee Conference and Palmer and Nicklaus, who are lead. Roger Crozler. Edwards was Wayne Rutledge came up with statioiu in Laconia, N.H., and on 208 oorries. chester Country dub at 8 The 7,250-yard course de­ win it.’ ’ ney and utiUtyman Roy White and cleats on I’d get nothing evsr. Now Bridgsport (2-4) has cunently riding a 6-2 record, defeiullng toe team title they Walt Hazard then made it 119-. sriected by Pltttaurgh In the 37 saves to pace Los Angeles to New Britain. He began broad­ Also on the West Coast, o’clock .Following the business won last year in Tokyo, played mands exacting placement of Season ticket holders are re and pitcher Stan Bahnsen are but starea.” had trouMe generating an of­ goes into the meet as one of 117 with a Seattle basket, and e:q)enalon draft last spring, only its third victory over on estab- minded that toe two tickets left casting UConn games while at N fourth-ranked UCLA timed ig> meeting this year’s queen can- ...... shots, and all golfers here who ______^ now doing aix-month stints in fense. Soutiiem (4-8) became a the leading contenders. three holes In toe rain, which wlto five seconds left Bob Weiss to be cut loose before toe start Ushed NHL club. Brian Smith tor Washington as Gary Beban didats will be Introduced. Our caught Player and teammate about the greens sum^d Detroit’s inbounds pass, of the M ason. # 1 will be hoiwred for this game WHAT in New Britain and has the army. Shortstop Bobby Mur- strong team in all respects in Against Cleveland Sunday Coach Bob Kennedy sees and ^IMenMman Dale Rolfe a ^ against Norfolk aiM the follow- been . toe “voice” of UConn Short Punts completed 18 of 17 passes in a queen, you will Imow her name Harold Henning on the 18th. thein up in one word: Dlffl- cer has another year to serve In its 27-6 win over Maryland State Providence, Brown, Sprii^fi^ld, took a shot and was fouled. He The Red Wings got him in a connected for toe Kings, vriio scrimmage Thursday. The Bru- n e w — Oowboys have Mierodtth a t the kings, 2-6-1 , over the tough Monday, will represent the Man­ Plaiyer and Helming hoped to cult.” Ing week against the Montreal sports tor a total of 16 years, the army and catcher Charile When the New Tork Giants last week and probaUy will pre­ YORK (-AP) Northeastern, Holy Cross and made toe firat but missed toe trade tor goalie Hank BasMn, iww lead second-place Pitts­ Uene, 8-4-1, at Minnesota. The chester Ski dub at the Snow get ^iack in it as a teson today. Trailing the U. . and Argenti- Beavers. In addition to UConn sports, Sands has been discharged by obtained quartertmek Fran vail in the game at New Haven. ins ore 6-0-1 while the Huskiee New Orleans' upset o f the M.I.T. together with UOonn at 8 second, and the Pistons’ Dave then farmed him out to Port burgh by five points in toe West. St. Louis 81, Plttoburgh 7— Vikings’ fine rooMes are oom- Ball Daruse on Saturday, Nov. “Harold fliUshed with a 74„” na in team stsmdings as the sec- Tickets are avallaUe at the Ehrlich has described the Har- the Marines because of an ailing Tarkenton from Minnesota, they Trinity (6-0-1) meets its big­ are“ 6 “-8 . Philadel the leading teams. DeBusschere grabbed toe re ------Second-ranked Tenneeeec, 6-1, heavily favored The Cardkiato, 6-8, have Jim Ing alaqg tek. 18. The armuai dance will be Player said Thuraday, “but he ond round stsuded were Csmada, bound. ' Oaks’ ticket office, 706 Main St., vaxd-Yale Rowing Regatta and ear. dealt tbe Vikings their first and gest test B o for at Amherat Seven Huskies wlil make the meets TidaiM, 8-4, and third- phia Eagles last Sunday Bakken, the lec^fue's top scorer, AFL held at the Woolsey Hall Oom- had some impossible shots. He South Africa, and the Belgian Bing led all scorera with and at sdl Barrows ft Wallace the Insurance City and Greater * * • second draft choices for 1987 (2-8-1 ). Both teams are coming trip. John Vitale (East Haven), 89 ^Positive Sitin’ and the flu bug combined to throw a fright into the Steel- New Tork 28, Buftalo 24—The moMi at Yale University. About didn’t play that badly, more like team of Donald Swaelens and offices throughout toe state. Hartford Opens for several and their special “first” pick off lackluster outings. Amherst ranked North Carolina State, 8- the current record holder of points. Hazaiti dumped in 83 0 to knock out Jack Hand, era, 2-6 at St Louis. Bakken Bills, 8-6, have beaten the Jets, 20 local couiSes are planning years. *n T here 0, has a tou|^ opponent in Penn UConn’s home course, heads the a 71." Flory Van Donck, all at 148. and Rule 82 for Siqpersonlcs. for 1968... Sunday, Tarkenton was tied 7-7 by Tufts and Trin­ kicked a record seven field 6-2-1 , in their last four meetings. to attend ar>d reservations will Bill (Butch) van Breda Kolff Steele was sports director un­ State, which to 6-2 and to riding the regular operator of gntoup. Others are, BUI Toung Boston fell behind 68-46 at in- It reoordi were kept on the threw three touchdown passes ity outlasted Coast Guard 80-28. goals in nCne attempts in a 28- Although tbe Jets have loet run­ be accepted up to Monday rUght Yaz Wows Audience is toe new coach of toe Los An­ til his prombtion to chief an­ taping of aiddea In tte ND.A. versus his former mates but But -Amherst holds a 84-0 de­ a four-game winning streak. this weekly guessing (CromweU), Steve Flanagan termlssimi tat roared back tor Purdue, No. 6 with a 6-1 game. While Hand is re­ 14 win over the Steelera at PUts- ning back Emeraon Booser, by Erna Bams. Different THE GAME Each W eek its eighth victory in nine games geles Lakers. nouncer earlier this year. it la certain that Tom Sanders the rookies obtained with the cision over Wesleyan as a bet­ burgh on Sept. M. tiiey may get Matt SneB back. (Brooklyn), Craig McCoU (HOI- ter indication of its capability. mark, to another team with a This year’s daiue will feature as Sam Jones scored 18 points of tbe Beaton Cettica would win Giants’ ’67 draft picks, running cuperating and resting on Los Angeles 86,' PhUadelpUa 7 Housto n 14, Denver 10—The den. Mass.), Uoyd Cochrane reoognttton aa die beavleat tape back CUnton Jones, and receiv­ Wesleyan (4-2) hasn’t scored battle on Its hands. Tbe'BoUer- a 56-26-7 record, we bor­ (Blddetord, Matae), Fred Bar­ two bonds. Music will be con- in toe second half. In Impromptu Talk makere meet Minnesota, which —The erratic Eagles, upset 81- Oilers, 4-8-1, are Mill trying to ttiMKFUs from 9 to 1. Oi»e band Jones finished with 26 and player. Trainer Joe DeLourie er Bob Grim, had big days too a point in the pest two week­ rowed his play books and 24 by NOW Orieans last week, mesh their attack but should ker (Swampeoott, Masa.), and LOWELL; MASS, (f) — Bos­ toe athletic field,” he expressed Damascus F avored Saturday usea nearly four rolls of two- . . . Jones retunied a klckott 97 ends in absorbing losses to Am­ to 6-1 and unbeaten in B ig Ten John Slade (Westport). will feature the oM standards Harvard, Princeton player-coach Bill R u s m I I added miniature computer. are hurting badly with tackle JuM have enough over the Bron­ tor tiwse.of us who learned the for toe Celtics. Jerry Sloan ton Red Sox star Carl Tas- regret that toe same often is LAUREL, Md. (AP) — The despite its youth, has a strong inch anBiealve (10 yards per roB) yards for a touchdown. herst and Hamilton. Now the play. The Oopbei* have won Tb date, Ifitale has won four 21 five straight But you need more help than Bob Brown tight end Mike Dlt- cos, 1-8, at Denver. Denver has Arleberg method of skiing and and Bob Boozer each got 24 for trzemskl receives u much as not true for other types of en­ $160,000 Washington D.C. Inter- American flavor with five of toe on each cf the veterans anldea Grim set up a touchdown with Oardlifols host Williams (8-0-1 ) that In trying to figure out the lost eight straight. races. United second twice and $1,700 for speaking engage­ deavors, and instead, “ for some nine entries from seven coun­ Indiana, ranked sixth and un­ ka and defensive back Ron the other band will feature a toe Bulls. natioital will be run for toe 16to every game. This amounts to an 81-yard punt return to the which has'posted five wiiu aft­ big game of the week—Green Medved out. L.A. to 5-1-2 and San Diego 86, liOami 7— third once. Occiupying Spotlight ments, but Thursday lUght he reason more attention is paid to tries either bred in the United V beaten In seven games, faces faster brand of music for those almost four times the tape re­ New Tork Two and also gain­ er an. opening tie with Trinity. Bay vs. Cleveland—tor botit tite niUadelphla 4-4. Dolphins, 1-6, have lost six Toung has finished second, paid $200 to attend a dinner— toe negative aide of life on col­ time at Laurel Saturday with States, owned by an American quired for an average NBA ed 20 yards on one rushing at­ D’Arcy LeClair of Wesleyan, a another potential barrier to ks fourth (three tlmee), fifth who have ieaimed the new ski BOSTON (A P )—Not so many years ago. The Game Damascus, toe uncrowned king National and American lootbaS Chicago 28, New York 24—The straight. Quarterback Bob techrdque and tor some of the and won enthusiastic applause lege campuses.’’ or tracing their ancestry bock player. Hie tape weighs so tempt . . . Another rookie. Gene hard-roimlng wlngback, returns Rose Bowl droams, meetilhg (tw ice) and 16th. in New England was the annual Harvard-Yale meet- a ItlSDlirgll oliaps of American thoroughbreds, toe MlchlgMt State, whl^ to dan­ leagues Sunday. GtantA 4-4, have been hurt bad­ Oriese to improving tat the older group who have been able with on Impromptu speech on The entire audience respond­ to U.S. breeding farms. *. -t much that Sanders actually is Washington, caught a 66-yard to action after a month out with McOoU has placed in posi- a nonbaseball subject. Btrmig favorite even though he I* gerous despite its mark. Baltimore finally caught up to ly on kickoff returns. The Charg^ers, 5-1-1, reeled after a to make ‘L transition. If you ing. Occasionally,, another football game might usurp ed with hearty applause when Firat prize of $90,000 will be at lugging around the weight of an pose from Joe Kiqn> that a broken hand. 2-8 tloiui two ,three, four^ (twice), Losing Streak The event waa a 20th anniver­ never has competed in a grass Wyoming, No. 7 and - , plays Green Bay after loalng to the Bears, 8-5, have the NFL’s beet week off, have too many gui». can stay on toe dance floor from the traditional H-Y affair, but not often. he concluded. stake when, toe nine get the eoctra pair o f basketball shoes catrled to the New Tork 10 and Connecticut (8-8) at Boetoi 8 0 sixth, seventh and 12th. Flana­ sary celebration for his 1966 al­ course'race. New Meocloo, whlta has lost sev­ Packers five straight, and now ktckoff returner In Gale Sayers. Kansas City 14, Boston 16— 9 to 1 you wUl have received Today it seems that New Eng------word from Starter Eddie Blind when he runa up and down the set up Fted OOx’ 18-yard field University (2-8) meets a team gan has placed third (twice), just brfilnd Dartmouth, in toe Some deadeye shooting by ma mater, Merrimack College The 1^-mile race over toe at 3:46 p.m., EST, with national en In a row after its opening- the Browns have the same Sen Francisco 28, Wadiington The CMefs, 6-8, with Mike Gar­ all of pro-seasonpre-season conditioning land coUege football is trying cou rt..If preparation deter- goal with 10 seconds left that vdiich is actually winding up Its chance sagainst the Packers at rett rolling up yards. fourth, fifth, sixth, ninth and for “The Game” each weekend. regional rankliFgs, steps outside Coimie Hawkins and Chico in nearby North Andover, which Rec Volleyball finely-cropped turf, one ot toe televislFMi (NBC) scheduled for game victory. Okalboma, No. 8 14—The 49ers, 6-8, have loM 102 you will need. em In coaching in won the - game, 27-24 ... Ook, season. UOoim- will play two Milwaukee. It’s going to be very their toot two games while the whipped the Jets 42-18 laM week 12tb. A couple of weeks ago un- toe Yankee Coitierance to put a Vaughn snapped a three-game was______attended by __ about__ __ 180 world’s horse racing classics 8:30-4 p.m ., EST. more toughles after this against and 6-1, meets Iowa State, the NBA, Ed Jucker of the On- yubo took Ms eye off the ball close tat we don’t think the Skine, 2-4-2, haven’t won In their whUe the Patriots .8-6-1, beat Cochrane has placed sixth, Coming up Saturday wUl be beaten Dartmouth knocked Har- 6-1 mark on toe line against losing streak tor toe Pittsburgh ^mnnl and 200 friends of toe Starts Monday Royals has It made. Be- 'end missed a 19-yard attempt Rhode Island and Holy Ctross. in a Big Eight game. Rutgers at Amherst, Mass. Pipers in toe American Basket- cUege, ail of whom paid $100 s Browns are golng to make it. last five (two ties, three loases). Houston, 18-7. This one’s at Bos- seventh, ninth (three times), toe annual club “ski swap." vard from toe undefeated ranks A UCoon victory, coach John Ninth-ranked Notre Dame, 5- Class A volleyball In the Rec­ fore the Royals on their a week earlier in a 21-20 loss to Hero’s how we see the Sun­ Washli«ton probably regains ton but the Chiefs, with 94 points 1 1 th and 16th. Here is a chance for members 23-21. Then last Saturday, Yale Fifto-raitoed Holy Cross, upset ball Association. plate. first exMbition bop Juck visited Atlanta, said he thou^t as he Toner pointed out, would be the 2, travels to Pittsburgh, 1-6, and Barker has taken positions by Vlllanova, takes on a tough Hawkins, with 27 points, and Also present weire 68 seiUora, reation Depaitment’s winter 10-ranked Houston ptays Mem­ day program: linebacker Sam Huff from the in their Oast two games, are on and non-members to buy Inex- dumped Dartmouth from toe program will get off the msurk wtih the Clnclnnatt Gazdene’ prepared for Sunday's Mck: “If first time his team has won two NFL ihJury list but it won’t be the waipalh. six, seven, el^t (twice), 12 th assignment at Syracuse. Vaughn, with 22, combined for ^jioae protest three weeks ago phis State, 6-2, at night. pensive used equipment and to un-un ranks 66-15. Monday night at the East Side 'Halner Andy Hopple and tbe I miss thla one. I’ll miss it with in a row since he became head Green Bay 17, Cleveland 14-7 enough even on the homefleld.. Oakland, leading the Western and 14th. Boston College helps toe home 19 points to lead the Pipers over students were not invited some advice on putting your Harvard rebounded from Ita ___ _ toe Minnesota MuaUes at Pitts­ two dtocuBsed every oonoelvable my head down and my eyes on coach last year. It’s also the The Packera, leaders In the Minnesota 17, Detroit 7—An Division with a 7-1 record, has a Slade has placed eighth, resulted .in toe setting up of an Rec. own equipment Into servicable last-minute loss to' Dortmoutti IroM ^ burgh Tlmraday night. The Three teams have entered, problem they could tidnk -of, the ball.” first time Central Division wMh 5-M, will ninth, tenth (tw ice), and 16th. condition tor toe coming year, by whacking Penn 46-7. Now It’s while Boston Unlverai^, a ^ attend now, pay later plan for upset for the reboundtiig IT- bye this week. MusMes took a 12-polnt lead in with games scheduled every have Donny Anderson and Ben Connie Banas will run toe^ involved In The Game once appointment al-O0.’' 1967. HAND LAMINATED CCNIBI SKID trnao. A-1. No rath down. 204—608, C la ^ Nlvtoon 218, Ro­ will have a new and Improved mouth, also 6-1, flgm«o to Bridgeport is at Southern (xm- / ey down. land Smith 212, Ted BldweU 219 Capitol Dlvtolon should break Not since 1886 when no one ''This to the moat surjutolng sW slope. bounce back at Columbia, nectlcut, Williams tries to spoil HONOLULU „ (AP) _ — . Army , BINDINGS AND FINE QUALITY M C A A —061, Dick Cote 200, Jim Mto- tiie Saints' one-game winning blared record game results, not team I’v« ever seen,” said Brown Invades OorneU in anoto- things at Wesleyan, and Curry Capt. W IU ^ K Ca^nfor Jr. -ChMk Whal Ws Have To Offer- SKI POLES. ONLY ^deUU tretta 060. ^ ‘ streak at Now Orleans. DeUto since 1894 when coaches Fer- P on t “ Tou Just never iaaow Five charter members of toe er Ivy league game. hits toe road for MillereviUe received toe DistinguWied Serv EABLT BIRDS —SopHe Wel- beat the Saints, now 1-7, In the bsrt and Huddleaon led the what to expect” local club were honored at the MassachuMtts, ranked fourth. state. ice Cross, the nation’s second • Top wages paid while you kam ! highest award for bravery in LAY AWAY PLAN IS AVAILABLE! 1963 Ford Gakuie "500" ply 188, Betty Aceto 120, Vlvl petit and wltiiout Don Meredith team to an 0-4-1 record and a JOHN PONT The season started oft in last meeting. The new club pin • Exeellent opportunity for advanoementl 1 1962 Fold Galaxie "SOO" Bayer 840. In Dallas, 14-10. This time the forfeit to arch-rival Purdue, not typical Indiana football foMi- was mounted on a silver tie bar combat in a ceremony Tliursday at Schofield Barracks. 1 Convertible Oonpe. A good, clean, Convertible Oenne. Equipped with since then has an Indiana team Ion. A Kentucky runner broke and the tie bars were given to McAuUHe Slated to Speak a 40 honra per wedt guaranteed I Children's Starter Sets...... from $11.95 1 older model car priced to seU. V-S engine, aniomatfiB trancmls- begun a seasoa with such heady wanted to dtooonttnue pep ral­ away on one of the first ploys Ed Clarice, Ralph Kurts, Oscar Tbe 29-yeaixdd former Army (plus some overtime) « 1 Equipped with V-8 engine and nn- ■lon and power etoertog. Priced to success. Home games are seU- lies because they were too de­ of the game. A Hoosler de­ Kurtx, Kart Kehler and Bob football star was cited for brav­ e Clothes, pins A Oompleto line el Aceessorteel 1 tomatic trana. Bmidl monthly eeU. No eaah. outs and 12,000 stadium seats pressing. Only cheerleaders and fender caught him, then po­ Samulaoo. All theM men have At World Series Meeting ery for colling down a n^Mdm e Many extra benefits, plus pension and profit 1 payments. No cash down. THOMPSON SPEEDWAY barrage on his own position will soon be added. aecond-Stringers showed up. litely let him go — tor a TD. been active in club acUvttlea Detrcdt Tlgera’ shortstop Dick been their regular shortstop evsr shartng ptansl ^ e Come hi and See Us Soon—W ell Be WhlUn* For Ton! I OF I F)TF l>).1 THOMPSON, CONN F F< F: T I’-.HKINl. which was under attack June 10 4 Indiana has won Just one Plans tor a new and larger But Indiana struggled back over toe past 26 years and have e No traftic Jams to contend with! Big 10 champlaashlp. In 1946, stadium were being considered contributed unselfishly their McAuUffe, will be toe guest he Mt a record for Tlg- last year in South Vietnam. to win, just aa it did against When toe Viet Cong overran EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR FOR GOLD LINE CAMPERS when It was 0-0-1 over-all (tied in the latp 1960s. Protests Kansas and Iowa with 26 sec- time and experience to bring speaker at toe monthly mMt- ihortstops by hitting 24 home ' — WeWiUInterviewAnytime — Its second game) and had Ted em pted. " J t you can’t fill this on(to left The Hooeiers blew a the sport of sk to what it is ing of toe Hartford world Ser- runs, a mark which he equalled one plo^n, C ta^ter ordered NOW ON DISPLAY—IMMEDUTB DELIVERY stadium with osato,” ran Contact''Bob Forester at the i ^ Klussawskl, Pete Pihos, George 88,000 l>lg load to Michigan, then in Manchester today. IM aub at toe Hedge, in New again in 1966. SPORT Taliaferro and John Cannady as the complaint, “why build one scored In the tost minute tor a Don’t forget Monday at 8. Britain on Nov. lib In 1986, McAullffe, batting over M p ^ d h ^ y on his compa resident head crunchers. It was with 60,000?” A Hartfwd saiullot jSa^er id .800 tor too firat three months, ny’s position. SHOP »-20 triumph. year — and The napalm bombe hit the top VILLAGE a teatlmonlal to Indiana foot- Despite the eynletom, the in years p a s—> t. Indiana______would 1967 he was signed by toe Tig- was voted toe American Inague LUMBER nTZGERALD FORD, ball luck that the Rose Bead multlmllllan dollar Medium was blow a lead, and It w ctild"s^ Gridder Die* era and spent four years in the AU-Star Shortstop. McAuUffe ^ of toe trees In the c^ter of toe 977 Main St., Mancheeter contract--- ^ * wasn’t —■ signed » ■ * until — A —erected — — —^ gaiK In MAAfe I960. fWftkA The stadium blown. ^ _ mlitora before getting his firat Isbed the 1966 Mason with a .262 company’s poslUon explod­ BERKELEY, CaUf. (AP) ed above ground. The fiery na­ COMPANY 19M. WM voliqttuous and the team Wisconsin, which hadn’t wen ia-'C^-old shot at American League pitch- batting average. REX ‘'FoDand Goanty’s OklMt Ford Dsolei®' palm carried directly into tiie From 1900 to last season, Ih- very ent^rlstng. It found mad­ a game aU jfoar, was ^ the Bob Simmons, an In* At toe end of the I960 aea- Now residing in Avon. Wck player on toe Universityity of OaU- >ng ai me e represenU tho Schaefer Circle charging Communist troops and SULLIVAN AVE., SOUTH WINDSOR, CONN. Open ’niuraday and A Windsor Av«rae, RodnrlMe-^Open Bvsninis diana did not win more Ihan ly Ingenious ways to lose. Once, Indiana nine-yard Une when fornla Berkeley freshman foot­ son. bypasaed most of the Ameri- 289-9879 e After 6-643-0078 Friday Nighto ttl T TtL 643-2485 ^ 875-3869 one Big 10 game In a seaoon. It tor example, it lost when the the game ended. Tn«iun« B^owins a tour of duty with of Sporta Speakers Program . ^ ...... has iM>w won tour. It was during game was over. Washington ball team, died Tuesday after to rJ U ^ F W “»® olf-«eason in Mas- cans, forcing the enemy to with- clutched a 14-9 triumph to Its draw. this period that the coaches State scored after tiqie ran out. palpitating breast. recMvlng an injury in last Sat­ turned to Detroit in 1962 and has sachuMtls- and Connecticut ■ ■ THAT ■ ■ ■ SAVES urday’s game with Stanford. t \ ' PAGE TWBNTY-PIVl HANC&BSTBR EVBNINO HERAU), ICANCHBSTIBR. OONN^ FRIDAY, NOVEBfBER 10, 1967 MANCHESTOR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967

BUflOS BDNNf OUR B0ABIMN6 HOUSE wMli MAJOR HOOFLB THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE H «lp H d p W c t s 3S < ^ O iw E d 13 EXPERIElfOBD Biatdilne obep VA INVITEO US GVER THAT'4 A s ie ­ MAYBE ITE inapectors, 4BA8 bom per FCR /V/V9M R ? NOT MANAGER for large growing g e r LO N E- [t h e WEATHER/ YAlJfCB. it o n ; CoMTACT LEH6CS?OEMEtlRA POOH-POOHED T hES 6ME nSAay GOT A PWR- MOW SHE week, liberal b ^ lte , Conho- w ^6 ERCNAD» n 7 p e t u n i a s CLASSIFIED chain of pet ahope. Be your IME SOROS FOR A lOMO.lOSG H M t - SOUMPS LISE SHE PEJ^OMALLV »WEK1EP'EMf m atloa C orp., 800 Waot M sfti SINCV YOU LOOTS WERE EAVe S $»A0T1HAl 'THE Pa p e r ­ wslls. fireplacea, mfrutotie ter­ own boss. Good paying Job. races All concrete repairs St., Roekvme. CaU Ut. Pan­ DROPPINS You Mk&W AS THE CAPONE boy CLA\M< Knowledge of pet line helpful Reeaonably priced. e4S-0MSl dora, 8784817. An equal op­ WELL HEAR IT ALL/ATTORNEY, m o b i HE GOT ATiP TM 90RI?y- I JUST tWST U R ^ E StlLL WEMdSd 1MOSE BIPICUIOUS but not necessary. Apply Mr. 5PONEOR- FROM portunity employer. CROMWELL SIMPLY CALLED Ports of Coll ADVERTISING YOU ARE A-1, track la A-1. WSOLE idea: mMO (MOWS WHAT WM> GOGGLES, DEARIE? ^OU LOOK JU S T Klnaella, King'a Pet Shop. TD TELL MB HE WAS.0EU6HTED INE A , BA'Y.TER/ OF SARM mey HIGSr DO'SO, LIKE AM OML.’ M ER V B O P yiB WEARING King’s Department Store, CARPENTERS and carpenters c l a s s if ie d ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Oellara, attics, yards and small WITH MY ART COLLECTION/T CRIMB- trucUnc done A-1 right Call IMASSSf ru. sues T ) My SICE. Green Manor Blvd. Manchea- helpers, steady work, good WAS OUST WHAT 8 A JL t o 6 P JL > HE, FI6HTER4' .rw SJnlM Va Tremaao Trucking Serrtee toll €M%.OLP-fA6SlOSEP ter. w ages. CaU 848-2282 o r 644-8806, OlVANTBD.(, E( SAIaWiMipMt tree, 742-M8T. after 6 p.m . SAlfarlaapert TBorptlaa god of COPY CLOSING UMB FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ATTICS and cellars cleaned, WINDOW CLEANER wanted, '■^ sSX nreoaatiaa 5 PJO. DAT BETOBl! PUBUCATION SATURDAY MORNING UlfMikward traah hauled to the dump, full-time,. top wages, fringe UIrdaad ITWmiaMa PPGfflIwe (or gteterteY and Manday la 8 pjo. Friday. MHMII f Eattem light trucking, roaaomable. B48- INTERVIEWS benefits. Call 840-8884. ISOaatlaiMl 8846. ' A** ISRIvarptctia JO Hawaiian JOURNEYMAN eleotrldan, im­ Burma p fp p g f PLEASE READ YOUR AD HUBS BXPUtlT— Treee out Nov. 11 mediate steady employmaoB. MBiamiiipmt 11 marahalt SO OttmaaL H r 4 IT1rtiahtitlaad or *'W ut Ada- are taken over the buBdindloifaiotenred, txeaetop* W ilson E lectrica l C o., 840-1817. A U .Y OOP BY V. T. HAMUM Mean ITOtatroraft •kribbIb 9 A.M. — 12 Noon ,r SOBedjrafwaiar lOlfartinIKanu »LBW (UtiB) dSBaSSadrUaga coH w Iemmi. The edvertleer ihenld reed kde ed S?*F IIiaT pod. dot a tree pruhlemr WeD >OU VMWr US TBIVE Vt3U W tO X , S IN C E T tX i PUT SI KlMiCBtidi SlWIfwnm 3S Main port of n S w aaM M DAY IT APPEABS and REPOKT EBBOBS In for the worth phone eall, T4S4Wt ANOTHER PRISONER IN SUCH A HIGH VALUE ^...HOW ABOUT MRamaia mwliM Tahiti SlNavada^ neort Insertion. The Herald Is responaibte for only ONE Inoor- Several Fine Permanent EXCHANGE FOR OOP? ON THIS ALLEY OOP TtXJRSBLF? sr* n Yucatan Indiana 49 Aatarisk SSWIagUkai raet or omitted Inaertton (or any aih rii Haiuiimil and then SALES AND Serrlee on Arlene, Daytime Positions Available THAT'S RIDICULOUS.' F E U . A.. S7WH StRaila 4SDtductlaa S3 Ftnqr lajrr to the eoctant o( n -make g o ^ Ineertton. Brrora wkloh do Hahn BoUpae, Jaooboen lawn REAL ESTATE SBHanay'i.fcr SINacathra praffat~ 4S Vanturat MTObaeeoc the vntne of the adverttaemont wiU not be ooirected mowers. Also HomoUte Chain CLERKS nChfld’tta]!ta? 47 Oriantal fUtid by -make good- IneerMan. ^ANGB Ulndattalta FTT aawo and mtamatlonal Cub CLERK-TYPISTS CAREER artlela Cadet Tractors. Rental equip- TWINES ARE SSBwardraaa TYPISTS ment and diaipenlng eerrlee Rapid expansion of our * HAPPEN­ O' Biatatial FIGURERS ING’ MHaaMhrtaort A0.2711 8 7 5 - 3 1 3 6 on an tnakea. L A II Equip­ KEYPUNCH agency creates an immedi­ // I SlYalpIeon.) ment Corp., Route 88, Vernon. ate need and an exceptional SrCemala fBoekvfIte, Toll Vttn>) OPERATORS SSPriatar'a 878-7808 Manohester Exchange opportunity for experienced, half-cm —EnterpilM 1M8. MULTILITH ambitious, personable real' OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WnXJANS JiAceumulata OPERATORS estate salesmen who desire 41 BagUih xivw SHARPENINO Sorrice -Bawe TRANSCRIPTIONISTS 4SCoiar Tiwriilt Reaching Oar AdYarUsar? commission earnings of 1 NOTICE PIMJMA I T H ' BULL ONCE ITS LIKE ANY knivea, ixea ahoars, akates, SAID,*IF -you CTHER DOPC- eSIriahdaa PETE WAITS TILL 44 CUrut drink, for rotary bladea. Quick service No appointment needed. II- 10 TH' BULL I* OUT GUVS D O M T VDU LEAN ON H-Hoar Aatwariag Service R o o t Finishing 24 H«lp Hdp W onftd— $15,000 to $80,000 per year TO SNEAK IN GET A IDEA m o o AAUCH Capitol Ekiulpment Co U Main Just come to our front door C IW7 t , MIA. IfK. T.M. «»,. U t, OW. HES AN ADDICT/ 41 Organ e( St., Manchester Hours dally 3 5 35 HERE TO FIND OF M3UROWM banring PLOOR SANDING and raQiilsh- and ask for our Personnel INS OUT' SOMETHIN',& S O M E cw y . SOME DAY VOU Free to Heraid Readan 7:80-6, Thursday 7:80-8, Satur­ THAT HAS HIM ILL BURN UP WONT- USE 4IDnib Ing (spedallxing in older COOK wanted — Acadia Res­ NURSERY attendant wanted, Dept. CALL MR. LAVITT DAVY JONES BY LEFF and MeWILLIAMS BOOKS------' UNawWerld Want lafemwtloa on one. of ear nlaaolllBd edvettteementnt day 7:80-4. 848-7868. S T U O t/ THEM BOOKS floors), elaanlng, waxing taurant lOS Tolland *^980., 8-4 days a week. ApproTclmate For Confidential Interview ANO VDU'UU THEY'LL HAVE HCbariratila No anmrer *t the tetephone Oatadr dimply enll Dm We also Interview Monday- DROP THAT NICE GOINQ, GIRL. WMtIV/ YOU'VE SAVED HAFTA THINK.' SHOTS FOR II Land pareal LIGHT TRUCKING, moving floors. Painting. Paperfaangtng. M anohester. 640-0B08. houn, 9 a.m. • 12 noon. Apply .GUN... YOU YOU 5 EMT THAT HIPPII OUR LIVES, LAURie rr/ •7 Site olHavaaa No Job too amaU. John Ver- In person to manager, Parkade F riday, 8 a.m . - 8:80 p.m . FILTHY BRUTE. ON A TRIP WITHOUT u II and odd Jobe, reliable. Also NOW LET'S TAKE THAT MBagliah aeheol faUle, 6484780. Bowling Lanes, 846Mi East Mid­ USING ANY LSD / UNWASHED BUM 10 NCeatumad EDWARDS burning barrels, delivered, 88. Asylum 8 t. exit on East- The Samuel M. dO Chaaaa typa u U 844-1778. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS dle Tpke. No phone calls. West Highway (1-84) ends at dl Samm (ceaab. foot of Garden St. Parking r H ANSWERiNG SERViCE WOMEN with smaU chUdren Lavitt Agency Seem) WELDING — hardfacing, pro­ Is available In front drive­ can earn extra $8188 In their DOWN H 11 duction, cast machinery repair M o r tQ Q Q M 27 way. Ashley and Palm-Ash- We Are Interviewing spare time servicing a terri­ 643-2168 R ealtors 878-8297 injrhiA II m m 875-2519 etc. Bob's Welding Service. 'ley biises stop in front. gCeathSiuloa'. Call 649-7678. SECOND MORTGAGE - Un­ tory near home. With Avon It’s Vernon C ircle—Parkw ay E xit 98 /Nawigapar fatorpr/te and leave your measage. YooTl bear from our limited funds available for sec­ Saturday, Nov. 11 easy! Our advertising in na­ , Our employes enjoy a com­ Open 7 Days a Week In Jig time with out spending all evening at the telephone. ond mortgages, payments to tional magarines and on TV plete benefit program, plus suit your budget. Expedient 9 A.M.,— 12 Noon make possible earning up to 86 free parking and financial HewohoM Sorvicos servlca. J. D. Realty, 6484129. an hour. Don’t wait. CaU now. assistance for Job related PLUMBER and plumber’s help­ AufowieSilIdd For Sdo 4 Offorod 13-A For 'Thoee of You Who Are 289-4922. studies. AVAILABLE Second mortgage ers, top pay and benefits, year NEED CART Credit very badT m terested In Working REWEIAVINO OF bums, moth money tm homes. Confidential, MEDICAL traiucriptimilst and 'round work, experience in CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER HERALD Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ holes, rippers repaired. Win­ no bidden costs. Contact Lewis Part-Time After School secretary 'wanted for doctor’s THE CONNECTICUT service and repairs. Apply est Douglas accepts lowest dow shades made to measure, D eLoreto, 688-8806, anytim e. (rfflce In East Hartford. Ap- MUTUAL LIFE Gibbs Plumbing and Heating, WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE down, smaUest payments any­ BOX LETTERS nU slms Venettan bHads. Key< or on pUcant must be neat and ex­ INSURANCE CO. 12 Vernon A ve., RockvlU e. where. Not amaU loan finance iimuomade while WlllAW you wait. Tape re- ^ cellent typist and able to meet WHAT'S YOUR NAME, ) MY NAME IS WATTS/ ONE AtONTH company plan. Douglas Motors, corders for rent. Mariow*B, 887 •■SIIIMS O pportu n ity 28 SATURDAYS 140 GARDEN ST. MEN — part-time mornings, for K3 N 1 1 - 1 0 - 6 7 For Yoor the pubUc, modern w ell OCCUPATION...AND I ' M A N ) IN A THE NEEDLE TRW iLUAfAS 848 Main. Main St. 8494221. equipped office, hours 94:80 HARTFORD Janitorial work. Call General WHAT'S THE CHARGE? J ELECTRICIAN/ Iw TJ« ■.» U1 . . 0 . InfermatioD PHILLIPS Petroleum Co. has a During Your S ervice, 48 Oak S t 649-8884. DRY CELL y 1988 FORD G alaxle 600, 4-door m odern 8 bay service station Monday - Friday. Salary com­ Blue Chip in AU Regards AND I'M CHARGED mensurate with experience. ^ - THE HERALD wlU not hArdtop, 890 engine, automatic for lease. B-xceUent opportu­ SENIOR YEAR Since 1846 FULL-TIME custodian needed . WITH*BATTERY» / Write Herald Box R, Manches­ DlBMCTMfcKr dlscloas tha Identity transm ission, fuU pow er, ex­ nity, paid training program. at Tolland High School. Aj^ly > — , ^ any advartiMr using box ControcHii^ 14 ter Herald. ! SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL 6F cellent condition throughout, CaU 286-8770 a fter 6 p.m . or And then on a FULL-’ITME An Equal Opportunity Board o f Education o ffice . 876- t/] lattam. Readera anawar- caU 876-2874. 1-201-877-8100. w lug blind box ada who CARPENTRY — oooorete stops, basis after graduation It. WANTED — Teacher needs E m ployer 9682. floors, hatchways, ramodeUng, June 1968. W e also inter­ companion for eldqrly father NO, VOU daaira to protaet thair AMERICAN OIL CO. — has PART-TIME drivers, from 8 — Idaotlte oan foBow thla porches, garages, cloaeta, epU- view after school, Monday 6 0 R P ^ r r 1967 OLDSMOBILE, 8 duxes, available for lease trigh volume from 8 a.m. — 8:80 p.m., caU midnight. Also fuU-time driv­ ...... procadura: Ings, attics finished, rec rooms, through Friday. 649-8081 after 8 p.m . GOOD natured responsible wo­ ^ S ■* 8100. CaU 643-2681, a fter 5 p.m . location with good nelgh- ers, days, 6 paid hoUdays, ' ■> formica, ceramic. Other relat­ bortiood potential, located in Asylum St. exit on East- man "to take over” for va­ Enclnae you r rap) ed work. No Job too smaU. Dan TWO girls part-time. Apply In CMS, Blue Cross, uiSforma, va­ b ox In an enval 1980 CHEVROLET oonvertiU a, Vernon. We are seeking an cationing parents on occasion­ M oran, BuUdar. E venings 849- West Highway (1-84) ends at person. U-A Theatre East, cations. Contact Scotty, Mor- s ' ■iMraMfid to tha 848 engine, autom atic trana- aggressive sales minded indi­ foot of Garden St. Parking al long week ends this winter. 8880. Manchester Parkade. iarty B ros., 801 C enter St. Sad Manager, Mancheatar mlaskm. Good conditloR, needs vidual with some mecbanfcal is available In front d rive­ Please oaU 64M228. ______\ i ■venlng Herald, togathar 8 tires. 8800. CaU after 8 p.m . NEWTON H. SMITH A SON — aptitude. Financing and paid way. Ashley and Palm-Ash- WOMAN to babyrit one after­ FULL-TIME service station at­ w ith 8 mamo listing tha 649-1686. training for qualified ap- ley buses stop in front. tendant, referencM required, con^anfaa you do NOT Remodeling, repairing, addi­ noon each week. Oireenwood BUZZ SAWYER BY BOY CRANE pUcant. CaU Mr. Sheehan, 688- IBM C L E R K S want to aae your latter. 1968 PONTIAC C atalin a sedan, tions, reo rooms, garages, Drive area. Transportation fur­ experience not necessary, day MW, ISN'TSOMEONE S0IN6_ SO(?RY, CHRIS. WE'RE Your letter wUl be de­ maroon, automatic transmis­ porches and roofing. No Job 6888. -THE CONNECTICUT nished. OeOl 6494662. shift, laundry and uniforms ,TD HELP ME WITH THIS SAIL? SETTIHQ3'READY TO launch! j stroyed tf the advsrtlsar too smaU. 849-8144. FOr TV and appliance dis­ fumiriied, retirement jdan, THE MINIii-suB. y « sion, power steering, power MUTUAL LIFE to one jrou’va manttoned. brakes, radio and heater, new tributor. Ideal working cmi- . .. Blue Cross, CMS, many Uber- U not It wUl be handled HOMES, GARAGES, porches, Privafn Instnierioiis 32 INSURANCE CO. ditions, good salary, 6-day Htip Wonted-^-Mole 34 al benefits. Apply MOriarty tires, excellent condition. CaU rec rooms, room aMltions, In the usual maimer. MORTLOCKS Driving School. A week, vacations, exceUent Bros., 816 Center St. between ow ner 648-8162. kitchens, roofing, riding, gen­ 140 GARDEN ST. MAN FOR tire service work, famous name in driver edu­ benefits. 8 4 p.m . ' j eral repair work. Financing HARTFORD good pay, aU benefits, must 1962 FORD Goluxie 800-8 cylin ­ cation. Teen-age and adult be steady worker, experience der, automatic, power steer­ available. No down payment. driver education courses. Blue Chip In All Regards Lost and Fonnd 1 RADIO & APPLIANCE helpful but not essential. Ap­ ing, radio, heater, snow tires, E conom y BoUders, In o. 848- Phone 649-7898 or 876-4911. Since 1846 FOUND — black, tank, and 6168. DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. ply Nldioto-Manohester Hie low mileage, excellent condi­ 96 Leggett St., East Hartford white male mongrel, short In o., 296 B road St., M anehes- Septic Tanks tion. one ow ner, $780. CaU 648- ADDITIONS, remodeling, gar­ An Equal Opportunity 628-8681 legs. Vernon Dog W arden, 875- Schoote (Old ClassM 33 ter. AND 6668. ages, reo rooms, bakbrooms E m ployer 7984. tiled, kttdMns xumodeled, ce­ An Equal Opportunity CARPENTER — experienced, 1986 CHEVROLET Im pala, 2- E m ployer n>u«l Swim door, white, V-S, automatic ment work, cellar floors, pat­ steady work, top wages. Call WANTED — Stenographer, ex­ LOST — beagle, male, Vemon, transmtoritm, vinyl top. CaU ois, rooOng. CaU Lroo Cels- TRACTOR TRAILER after 6:80, R.E. lOUer, BuUd- Machine ClaamI r-x.,1-/^ 11.10 ceUent shorthand and typing Arbuckle came up with an interesting thourtt this Oot 28, CaU 6494668. Reward. 872-6681 a fter 6 . synskl. BuUdtr. M »4in. COUNTER GIRL — part-time, er, 849-1421. Septic Tanks, D ry W Wells, ens, O'fltAL morning! Maybe it would be easier to put skills required. 80-88 hour evening shift. Apply Bess the pine BUHJ3INO — remodeling, car­ SCHOOL Sewer Lines Installed—Oel- where there AREN’T any troublesf LOST—Passbook No. 11220 Sav­ 1986 CHEVROLET — 2-door, 8 week, salaried position. Reply Eaton Donuts, 160 Center St. lar Waterproofing Done. V MICKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD ings Bank of Manchester. Ap- cylinder, automatic, excrilent pentry of aU Undo, smaU Jobs Box M, Manchester Herald. Now approved for Veteran pUcation made for payment. condition. B est o ffe r. CaU 848- serviced. CaU Tom Corbitt, SECRETARY and Girt Friday. HELLO, SHERIFF FINN.' training. New England Varied duties, assist sales and Want to work In a clean McKINMEY BROS. p e r f e c t ! 9121. 648-0066. PARENTS’ HOME plant and help us keep it WOULD you BE KIND ENOUGH , ..... JUST LOST—Passbook No. 98484 Sav­ Tractor TraUer has heavy technical executives, Interest­ llS Pearl St — 64$-5SI8 THE WILLETB BY WALT WBITERBERG WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ cleanT TO TALK WITH THE PRESS? / SURE' p e r f e c t ! ings Bank of Manchester. Ap- 1961 CHEVROLET convertible, demands from the trucking SERVICE INSTITUTE ing work, no stenographic, Sewerage Dtsposal Co. 7 WELL,THERE'S THkG HUGE r* • AND THEN THERE'S 'Sn 'SI pUcation made for payment. modeling specialist. Additions, Industry for trained drivers. Apply tor the V4 automatic, power steering, smaU growing research firm. PLANT 'MA55 o f c o l d A\RC0/V\1NG THIS WARM STATIONARY ^ GET TO THE POINT---- CaU after 6 p.m. 6494888. rec rooms, dormers, porches, Act now, fuU or part-time. Parents' Home Service In­ May be part-time to suit. LOST—Passbook No. E8460 Sav­ HOUSEKEEPER’S JOB POWN FRO/W CANADA, FRONT EXTENDIK)<=t WHAT'S THE PRECIPITATION caMnets, formica, buUt-ins, CaU 247-1868 o r w rite stitute wiU appoint two Write P. O. Box 282, Manches­ ings Bonk of Mwebester. Ap­ which is now open. We ^ E E ? FROM THE GULF TO PROBABILITY P bathroom s, kitchens. 849-8440. B ox 288, Som ers, Conn. women, neat appearing with ter, Conn. will pay $2.47 per hoiif on plication made tor payment. THE GREAT LAKEGeao 1980 PONTIAC Catalina, 2-door, car to work locaUy, 4-day the day shift to a man 1160. CaU a fte r 4:80, 048-2698. n r LOST—Passbook No. 88410 Sav­ Spocid Sarvieos 15 week. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m . de­ who is interested In work­ WANTED livering gift to new mothers RN and LPN, fuU or part- ing for a Company which ings Bank of Manchester. Ap- 1986 PONTIAC — 2 plus 2, 421 Clean, Late Model SNOW plowing — Driveways, and explaining Parents’ tim e, V em on Haven, 876-2077. offers steady year-’round pUcation made tor payment. cubic Inch engine, 4 speed, W o M f a d work and exewent fringe blue. E xcellen t condition. 848- lots, sidewalks. Reasoiudile chUd care and health serv­ LOST—Passbook No. 90448 Sav­ 35 ices. Permanent position. KITCHEN AIDE 7 a.m. - 2 benefits. Applications ac­ USED CARS 2082. rates. CaU 848-4688. cepted dally. Interviews ings Bank of Manchester. Ap­ p.m. Monday through Friday. Top PrioM Paid RN o r LPN , 11-7 Shift, fuU or Names and addresses fur­ scheduled Tuesdays. plication made tor payment. nished. No canvassing. Sales Vem on Haven, 876-2077. For All Makea! partitlme, room and board Rooflng and experience helpful but not A PPLY TO COMET—1988, 2 door, 8 cylln- furnished, 6494619. COUNTER GIRLS wanted tor necessary. Average earn­ CARTER CHEVROUn der. $426. CaU 848-1226. Chhnnoys 16-A evetdng shift 7 p.m. to mid­ ROGERS CORP. BY ROLS1DN JONES and FRANK RIDOEWAY ings, $62.60 - 78.60 weekly. MUl * Oakland Streets C O .. INC. MR. ABERNATHY SACRIFICE — Buy now, enjoy ROOFING - Spedallxing re­ night, average 8 to 4 nights RLBCmOLUX vacuum clean­ RN OR LPN , 8-7 p.m . or 7-11 Write Box G, Manchester Manchester 3 v'-.rfi IWI t. MIA Uc.T*I. IH-IM->^ 0»- ^nring. i961 Galaxle Sunllner pairing roots ot aU kinds, non per week. Please apply Mister 1229 Main St. BEST TRICK; IM l //VD ers, sales and service, bonded p jn . ObU 8494619. Herald. State your jdione or Tel. M ss Banister, convertible, power steering and roofs, gutte; work, ohlmnsys Donut, 266 West Middle Tpke. 1-774-0686 Phone 649-5238 TAUGHT HIM II representative. Alfred AmeU. number tor local interview; brakes, r a ^ , $876. CaU after deonsd and repaired, 80 years' EUCPBRIBNOED sales person. MORTY MEBKLB BY DICK CAVALU 847-1719 o r 6484918. 2 p .m ., 649-8209. experience. EVeo estimates. A pply In person. M arlow ’ s, 887 SNACK bar waitresses need­ VtooF! CaU Howley 848-6881. 844- M ain St. ed, no experience necessary, 1962 CHRYSLER — Newsport, L I T G A V S IN T H IG B O O tC T H A T I'LL B E T HIS MOTHBZ LOVES Fononols 8 8 8 8 . approximately 20 hours per ' TH e 0EEM le THE LEAST LOVBP 4-door, autom atic. CaU 848- SALESLADIES — wanted at week. Apply In person to man­ O F A L L , H A T E Q RIDE WANTED to Constitution 7804. Pilgrim Mills, miut have pre­ ager, Parkade Bowling Lanes, FIREPLACE Plaxa Hartford, from Vemon in o r v , vious experience in selling. JOURNEYMiUI ELEGTRiaAN Rl Ey MAN AND BeAeTAULCB, 1988 CHEVROLET — 827, 2- 848^ West Mddle Tpke., No St Must arrive 9-9:16, leave Apply to manager, Hartford door hardtop, 4-speed, Muncle Ortssmaliiim 19 Phone calls. ExceUent employment opportunity for a man who I 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Rd., Manchester. VtoOF! with Hurst Unicage, crane cam, WOOD I Job security with a progressive company offering exceUent! Thursday, Friday, Saturday. ALTERATIONS on aU clotMng, new clutcl)^ Prow tors. CaU 644- benm eflts. CaU 8494864. slpper repairs, etc. Reasonable PART-TIMB w(»nan required 8888. prices. 6484741. for receptionist and light of­ LARGE 9 ^ j R a te R a n ge: $8.24 ir hour—48.48 per bour (with a chanoe 5 SODA delivered to your door. fice work, 1 ■ 8:80 p.m; No Roofing BUNDLES to advance to hl| If rates based on Job performance.) ko $1.78 per case. CaU Manches­ Saturdays, Submit resume and PIOIA Gutters—Repairs Must have trade school education with at least 6 years’ Tiios 6 M o v Ii m —T n i d d n g — quaUflcattons to P . O. B ox 222, m ter Bottling, 6484928 between ALUMINUM SIDING Industrial experience or equivalent. PRISCULA'S POP BY AL VERMEER 4 4 . ' Auto AceossorlM— 20 Manchester. "AU Work Guaranteed!’ W. 8. Qlonney Go. 386 N. Main St. Benefits Include: 8 paid hoUdays, major medical insuruoe, (300DYEAR Suburbanite 644-8750 W H E N \ WANTED ride or car pool from MANCBBaTER DeUvoty-rUght DINING ROOM hostess want­ 188% paid premium, generous vacation and pension plans. ./C ’ A N D TH A T Manchester area to WaUlng- 5:80x18 brand new, on trueking and paokags dsUvsry. ed, experience desired but not .STILL GOES.'/ IW, w WtA b», m !.» tord — M eriden area. CaU 876- $12. 6494110. ReMgerators, washsrs and necessary. Elthw 2 or 4 nights Applications accepted dally Interviews scheduled Tueedsjrs 2874. stove moving spoelalty. Fold­ a week. Apply Cavey's Restau­ ing (dudrs for rent M847B8. rant, 48 East Center St. Ask Apply to - m CAPTAIN EASY WANTED — Reliable person to for Mr. Dante. Q- BY LBSUBJIURNBR drive car to Florida abotit Nov. M o ^ Hooms 6-A MALE HELP WANTED WOT'STMAT ABOUT MB PECOVIN'J.. PINO WA» OKAY. SP0KT. 16. Gas and oil furnished, Ref- 'R 08ERS CORF. X ’ HOUSE traUer, excel­ 21 VOU CRBBPS AWWy SO CCAKI - .^ K IP P H V ! W B IT$ NO SKIN erencos. 647-1208. 88 8 FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME a OAKLAND STREETS, MANCHESTER 5PRINS pATS-s wi)ieR^ ARE LOW OF FJ6H IN THe f£fc nelghbortwod group. Spoelal timates. CsU Rtohaid Martin, OARAGE tor rent $7. month­ 849-0286. KeLEASE OUR LirTLe V^USHROOM/ ^ m tea tof November ridee. Cov- ly, 77 Oak S t , 848-9801. ern, woll-hoatod and lighted garage. Excel­ m tfy iUiBng Stables, 742-TMO TIM E FOR JOSEPH P. Lewie euetom MU6HROOM sftsr 2.80 Monday thitnigb Fri­ Motoreyeloa— painting, Interior and exterior ImmwHtite cosh paid for SALES and STOCK lent pay, according to experience. Extensive TOBeOEBN day. Opsn oU day weskends 11 p^perbanging, woUpaper re­ LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON and hoUdiQna Rieydos moved, WaUpapOr books on re­ dean |Me modal can . All POSITIONS OPEN fringe benefit program. A 1987 TRIUM PH TB880, green quest FnUy Insured. SVee as- iwirsa, models wanted. AatooMbRat For Sda 4 and white, 4,A0 mUee. Muri timstes. CaU 849 9888. Benefits: Flexible hours, Blue Croos and Blue Contact: Mr. Maiorca aeU, $878, o r beet offe r. 742- Shidd, emdoye purchase discounts, pleasant work­ 1180 THUNDERBIRD, Sdoor, INTERIOR and oxterior point­ Barlow Motor Soles 7194. ing and piqjartiig. OaU FtaU ing cimditrons. green and white, good condi­ D e C i ^ i e r Denonoourt, 74S417I. R t 83, RockviOe, Conn. tion, $700 or best otfer. CaU loBiaass SarvkoB APPLY IN PERSON AT T04181. SATISFACTION guaranteed! L. Motor Scries, Inc. 1 OfforaW 13 P k m 875-2538 1984 CHEVROLET Bel Air sta­ PSUetler, painting. Interior and TOP VALUE REDEKPTION CENTER MS BROAD »r<-^IU-4ie»—MANOBDMfme exterior, papering and p^)or < s > tion wagon, V-8, poworgUds, WnXIAMS Trea Sorvioe, q)0o- Open 9-9 Doily U4B TOLLAND TPKE.—MANCHlESTSa power atsesing end brakes, sx- i»u«itiy In tree and shrub care. rem oval. F id ly tawured. OaU erilant condition. 8484888. 64$-8104. 64840tt or S4848M. (V/ I V I , P40B TWKNTY-SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 PAGE TWENTT-SEVBN

Heasos For SOte 71 SttiMflom W onH d 81 Room* W ifliovt Board 59 H o m s o s For Sdte 72 HoosiM For Sate 72 For Sbte 72 Hoosos For Sate 77 Housos For Sate 72 Suburban For Sdo 7B Suburbon For Sate 78 Suborbon For Sate 75 Wontofl— Iloalltfa|o77 MANCHESTBOt — U(1 to OM F d i b oI d 3 8 For Boot 64 SINOLB 4% rooms down, 2 up, ELEVEN rooms, 4 room SEWtNO MACHINE -8ln(et ROOM for rent, men only, re- apart- -C o lo n ia l 7 COVENTRY Lake area. Spot­ large lot, well landscaped. 648- minute maintenance on this T> —RoeMigo of- EIGHT ROOM brsnd new four ^BOWERS School VERNON — pibstlge area. Cus­ EAST HARTFORD — very nice LISTINGS NEBDOD, sB grtet MOTHER WOULJ> Uko to oar* automatic iiic-saf hr cabinet, farencea preferred, free park- STORE FOR RufiT, Main 8 t„ room R aised R anch, 2 fUB S tols outstanding Ranch In bedroom Colonial. Ahuniittm rooms, extra larlarge Uvlng room, tom built 7 room split level. 9room Ranch, 8 bedrooms, for­ less 4H room home, paneled ranges. OaU us tor a qnfadi «F 9t CLASSIFIED Iny. CaU a fter 4:S0, 6«S-3NS. 0074. \ for children tor worMnf par* button holaa, ambrcldara, hama Manebsotar in State niaatre bathrooms, buUt-ln oven, n a g i MtceUent condition, nertled aldbig, immediate occupancy, formal dining room, 8 or 4 Garage, bullt-ins, one half acre mal dining room, city water, living room with fireplace, we alao buy housss tor m M. enta, have referencea. 61S-Mfe7. etc. Lika naw condition. Orly- bonding, reasonable rent. For SIX ROOM RanclT breeseway, 860 fron tte^ , |M,900. HuUdiina am ong tr«M hom es o f fill- Brtflore Agency, 6484121. bedroom e, garage, 828,800. treed lot. Only $31,900. A vail­ taxes $280. a year. Good value kitchen with dining area, 2 Hayes Agency, 84S4181. NBWLT FURNISHED room, and dishwasher, flre|dacad liv­ Agency, Realtors, 8494834. inally ovar $S00. balance nos*. biformatlon please call theatre 2-car garage, paneled recrea- ing room. FamUy room, S-«ar er quaUty. Three bedrooms, Phllbrick Agency Realtora, 849 able Immediately. Pasek Read- at $18,200. M eyer A gency, 649 acres, on ly $10,600. W olverton W ItX. care tor children In m y |B4. Take over paymenta of adjolnlny bath, private en­ NEW LISTING, 7 room Garri­ m anager at 448-7832. Uenroom, large treed lot, $22,- garage. AU on a 110x189 wvB MANCHESTER — Vernon Une, large dining room, buUt-lns, 6847. tors, 2897470, 743-8248. • 0609. Agency, Realtora, 649281$. ADVERTISING lioenaed home for worklnB SIO. m onthly. B33-047A trance, parklny. M6-7703. son Colonial, 2% bctilis, 2 car _____ 000. Hutchins Ageney, Realtors landscsqied lo t $25,600. Wflivvr- 8^ room Ranch, baths, plenty of oloeets. VA baths. 2- mothera. Vicinity Cf Lake STORE FOR RBNT~.l down garage, one acre treed lot. Two MANCHESTER — 8 room stone VERNON — Six room oversiz­ COVENTRY South jSt — 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS CLEAN PLEASANT room for M9-0824. ton Agency, Realtors, 849-881$, large flreplaced thing room, ear garage. CaU now to Inspect VERNON — Owner transferred INVITATION dtraet, Vernon. M6-9658. SINfHOR automatic ily say aeW' town Maiudiestar, State Thea­ fireplace*, wall to waU, alum­ Colonial. Double garage, 2 fire- ed CajM, high scenic location room Ranch with heated at­ yentlemen, call 6M-14M aAer hutlt-lns, aluminum wtndosrs. this niosly landscaped home, wants action on this beautiful 8 AJL ta 6 PJL Iny machine, axcallant oondi tre Bldg, inquire Manager, inum siding, a custom home places. Deadend street, city with view, walk-out basement tached 2-car garage,, modern $ p.m . $18,900 — 8-bedroom O tp e, CaU now. H ayes A gency, 648- $87,900. Paul W . Dougan, R eal­ Cape. Four romne down, one TO BID tlon, monoyrama, hanu, but' a u te Theatre, 648-7882. on a deadend street. Ask for Only $17,200. CaU now. H ayes kitchen 'with buiU-lns, 8 or 4 dormers, alr-oonditionorr a iii o m . tor. 8494685. utlUties. Only $22,500. Pasek, flnlahed up. ExceUent condi­ BUILDINO AND/OR 4 1 tonholea, fancy dealyna, etc. t o RNISHED room tor yM or RIolc Merritt, Belflore Agency, R ealtors, 2897476, 743-8248. Agency, 6484181. , bedrooms, additional 8 build­ COPY CLOSmO TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Orlylnally over $SOO. Our price BEAUTT salon for sale, doing HOMEFINDERS and clean. Hutchins Agaoeg. tion throughout. High wooded STRUCTTURB TO BE buatneaa women. Kitcben prl- Realtors, 8494834. MANCHESTER KANGHESTER —$14,600. Six 648-8111. lot, plenty of prl'vaoy. Asking ing lots Included In p rice of B VM. DAY BEFORB PDBUOATION OROOMlNa ALL breeda. Har­ now, |M. or pay |B. monthly. good tmslneBs. Owner has oth­ MANCHESTER — 8 room home VERNON REMOVED Vlleyee. Parklny o tt th e a treet room Cape, centraUy located, $18,600. T . J . C rock ett R eal­ $16,600. F .' M. O aal A gency, mony Hill. H.O. Chaae, Habron Can 022-OSS1, dealer. er interests. Write Box E, Man­ FOR THE FAMILY MAN— OLD AND RARE, 8 room*, cir­ near high school, baths, 4 Sealed bids tor the removal Deadltee for Sittardaj Mid Monday la B pjn. BMday. Can 044-8288. SIX ROOM oversized Cape, * SNUG AND COZY Verplanck School area, Leon­ UNBEUEVABLE tor, 0491877. 648-2883; Gay B lair, 7424921; R d ., BCtton, 64S-B4ST. chester Herald. If you are tired of looking ca 1702. Authentic and original, bedrooms, garage. Ideal for of the following bulkHng and/or O.E. REFRIGERATOR and fuU baths, trees, large le i, ard Ageney, Realtors, 8484489. GaU Green, 742-7092. CLEAN comfortable rooma tor at inflated prices, check No need to worry about the 4 flreiSaces, 2 hatha, two acre large famUy. |19,900. PhUbrick Two famUy 6Hx6^. Four structure as more fully describ­ OEIRMAN Shepherd pupplea, 6 atove, $80. both, eaay to re­ TW O N E W remodeled offices $28,000. PhUbriok A gaaeg, VERNON — custom 4 bedroom reliable yentlemen. Alao, one this down-to-earth housing "howling winter’s wind," as lot, more land avaUaMe. Brt- A g o ic y , R ealtors, 649-6487. bedrooms each. ExceUent Rd. — ed in Form No. CON 119B wUI weeke old, |90. No papera. MS- m ove from yaraye. CaU 872- on Main St. with carpet, panel­ R ealtors, 849-0847. 21 STEEP HOLLOW LANE DIAL 643-2711 and 2 room office. Inquire value. A 7 room Cape with you toast your toes tai front flore Agency, 6484121. condition, recently renovat­ on large be received by the Staile High­ 0042. 8524. . ling and new ceramic tUe lava­ room, double garSe, ’lots of Scranton ICotel and Cablne, 180 4 bedrooms, ceramic tiled d u t c h c o l o n i a l — 4 beo* of the lovely fireplace in 9 R oom s MANCHESTER — 6 room home ed. City utiUties, minutes treed lot, newly modernized way Commissioner, at 69 New- tory. Can bq used single or to­ VISIT US Sunday afternoon at In exceUent condition, central­ trees, low 80’s. Hayes Agency, FOR SALE — EnyUeh Setter, BLBCITUC RANGE, 40", 1880 Tolland Turnpike. bath, large lot, paint-free rooms, one fuU bath, * halt this custom built 5 room 2 FuU baths from parkway. Circum­ Kitchen, basement, artesian fleld Avenue, Hartford, Con­ Conrimwd From Procodtim P a q 9 gether. A pproxim ately 800 Forest Hill*. Make your ptans ly located, hsmdy to bus and 0484181. aluminum slke. M anchester. FREE — 2 male puppies, WAREHOUSE on Main St. 800 CONTEMPORARY Ranch, $ M anchester 649-6808 formed dining room, level lot, provided by the State Highway speu^ cash and make a sub­ and clean 44 flat. ExceUent os one parcel. CaU John H. Cape, 2 - car garage, 1% PRODUCTS 8 w eeks old. T el. MB-8719. FORMICA kitchen table with LOOKXNO FOR anytUny in square feet, $80. CaU 84S-9878. rooms, large wooded lot la O ccupancy M arch 1, 1988 quiet neighborhood. $18,900. Department, which may be #e« stantial profit LARGE FAMILYT We’ve got income, $180. each apartmant. Lappen, Inc., 6494261. ANDOVER — new custom buUt 4 chairs, studio hlde-a-bcd; odd real es'tate rentals —apart­ executive neighborhood, $4S,- baths. Treed lot. Only M eyer A gency, 648-0809. cured at 69 N ew fleld A venue, 180 Adam s St. Just the right home for you. OWNER 6491047 Ask for Joe Lomtiardo, Belflore oversized Ranch, kitchen buUt- $14,800. ments, homes, multiple dweU- BRIGHT m odem ofQ ce, 440 900. PhUbrick A gen cy, R ea l­ MANCHESTER — thinking of Hartford, Connecticut The tele-, Manchester, Conn. FOR THE HANDY MAN— Nine large rooms within walk­ AgM icy, 848-6121. lns, ceramic tile baths, high BOLTON Center — 8 room STOCK CLERKS ’ Inys, no fees. CaU J D. Real square feet, exceUent location. tors, 049-0847. buUdlng a hom e In the spring? phone number Is 2494211, ex­ specimens, pedigree assures This 4 bedroom home has a ing d is ta l to ^erythlng, per­ tree shaded lot. 2-car garage, Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 1% baths, Has Immediate Openings E state, 648-0129. $90 p er m onth. CaU 848-8896. MANCHESTER — Dream BRAND NEW four bedroom''Oo- Choice comer lot with many PASEK tension 322, 282 o r 288. For Record Dept, of TV A superior field of diow dogs. DINING ROOM set, 8 pieces. ' fuU basem ent w here the MANCHESTER — West side manent elding, aluminum $22,900. Louis D lm ock R ealty, . large living room with beamed storms and screens. Large, home. Five room Ranch situat­ lonlal now geing up In pres­ trees and a beautiful view. Wa­ A CERTIFIED CHECK, Appliance Distributor. Ideal Only 3 left for placement. 643- table 6 chairs and buffet. WE HAVE customers waiting 1,000-8,000 SQUARE fe e t prim e handy man oan keep aU of near bus and shopping, wlU 6499828. REALTORS celling and fireplace, 2-car at­ Days ed on a high 90x200 lot, center tige AA sone area. FuHy alr- ter and sew er on site.. CaU working conditions. Good 9749. H eater, gas, 'wlQi chrom e pipe for the rental of your apart­ Indtutrial space, new building his equipment Has a 2-car buUd Ranch or Cape. Char- smalL and medium size bed­ 2897476 742-8248 tached garage, nice view, a BANK CASHIER’S CHECK, INSPECTORS—Experienced In rooms galore. And only a mod- entrance to a, flreplaced Uvlng oondMoned 2H bathe, 2 car ga­ ow ner, 1-888-4614. VERNON — 60 HUlcrest Dr. — salary. B day week. Vaca­ - r r r ------:------:— with thermostate ccmtrol, used ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ in Vernon, minutes from park­ garage too. Features mod­ Bon R eal E state, 848-0888. tranquil setting. Mid 20’s BANK T R E A S U RE R’S Aircraft Parts eot $2S,000. W olverton A gency, room with waU to waU carpet, rage. Arte tor C arl ZInm er. Brt- 7% room dormered Cape, fire­ tion. Excellent benefits. AKC - Black mlnature poodle, <>ne season. M94KX)9. tate. 648-0129. way. Suitable for manufactur­ ern kitchen with dishwash­ NORTH Coventry—3 acres of Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649 CHHX3K, DRAWN upon a female, 7 months. Has shots ______Realtm , 8492818. formal dining room, 3 huge flore Agency, 6484121. place, buUt-lns, aluminum ing o r w arehouse. CaU 872-0828, er and gas range. baths. MANCHESTER — BW room land, exceUent location over­ VERNON — Colonial charm is 4685. STATE BANK A TRUST COM- Nights and wormed. Good with chil- BEDROOM set, living room set, COLONIAL Manor — 4% room bedroonu, breeseway and at­ combinations, acre lot, city days. ExceUent location Just off Ranch, treed lot, deadend SEVERAL new hopiee a few looking river, 360’ road front­ found in this artistically decor­ ------PANY or a NA-nONAL BANK TURRET LATHE Operators RADIO & APPLIAN CE dren, CaU 648-9270. refrigerator, electric stove, duplex, private patio and cel­ OVBR8IZBD I BRICK Cape, tached garage, $31,600. Wolver­ 'Water, many extras, low 20's. Main Street. street privacy, rec room, minutes into Vernon, Ranches, age, $8,000. F.M. Oaal Agency, ated 8 room home, which ------located In the STATE OF OON- DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. washing machine, rugs. CaU lar, appliances and utlUtles. FOR RENT on Mai nSt. Lowly large rooms, 2 fuU baths, fln- ton Agency, Realtors, 6492818. B y original owner, 876-4882. HARDINGE CHUCKER AKC tiny toy {MxxUes, Cham­ walk-out basement. OiUy $17^ OotoiSala, SpUU, Oapee, city 848-3882; G ay B lair, 7424921; features 4 bedroom s, 2 baths, WrintaH BnnI Estatrt 77 NECnCUT, or a UB. POST 90 Leggett St., East Hartford 648-2084. AvaUable Immediately, $180, J. store or otfice approximately Iriied recreation room, on WCHltOO KOai EStOTO // ORDER, to Operators pion blood line, excellent dis­ 900. H ayes A gen cy, 8(6-0181. ATntACnVE — rambling Capa water, 2% baths; large lota. Gall Green, 742-7092. ANDOVER — clean 6 room carpeting, dlshwasheit, dis­ 528-8081 D . R eal E stote, 848-0129. 600 square feet. Call up about JARVIS REALTY CO. beautifully landscaped lot, $38,- position, choice of colors. CaU Cod, 7 romns, famUy Utrtien, Brtieve It or not, under $26,- Cape, central vacuum system, posal, recreation room with SELLING YOUR HOME? For the order of TREASURER, AU Benefits thU. Be sure. CaU M9-9880. LAKEWOOD Circle N.—large 600. PhUbrick Agency, Real­ An Equal Opportunity 870-0994. REALTOR MLS INSURORS buUt-lns, famUy room, two 000. Ask for Joe Lombardo, Bel­ garage, beautiful large treed bar. Ask Audrey Schaefer for prompt courteous service tlftt STATE OF CONNBCTnCUT In An Equal Opportunity PHIUX) Washer, 7 years old, NEW ONE bedroom apartment custom buUt Garrison Colonial, tors, 0498847. E m ployer baths, garage, acre, trees, $38,- flore Agency, 6484121. lot. Leonard Agency, Realtors, details 876-4841. Only $23,900. gets results, call Louis Dlmock an amount not less than. Em ployer $30. M9-0872 between 4-6 p.m. available. Appliances, heat, 843-1121 8 rooms, laundry, 2-car gar­ Suburban For Solo 75 AKC toy poodles, 9 weeks. H o u s m For Rant 65 MANCHB6TER — sxeoutlve 900. Hutchins A gency, 8494824. 648-0489. R . J. F la gg Oo. 876-0774. Realty, 6490828. $106.00 o r 10% o f th e base bid, age. porch. CaU 289-9821 o r 649- MAJESTIC Colonial on Eart FULL-TIME mechanic, days. DRAFTSMAN — Minimum 3 shoto, one champagne, Uiree FOUR poster pineapple mahog- neighborhood. Garrison Colon- ______GLASTONBURY Custom - whichever Is greater, must ac­ SIX ROOM HOUSE complete­ 8590. ' years experience. Call for ap­ white, champion blood Unes. any bed, chest, box spring and ial, 7 rooms, large famUy >^<^8T E R — new 6 room Center St. Nine rooms, five flreplaced Ranch, 2-car gar­ company each Proposal, uidess ■' Inquire Holiday Lemes, 39 M3-0267. ly furnished, heat included, Ranch, under cmistrucUon, pointment, 87B-8S17. Oontroma- 649-9173. mattress, platform rocker and DUPLEX — 8-8, new knotty MANCHESTER ^ Large 7 room with fireplace, huge mod- bedrooms, 2% baths. Private age, wooded acre lot with pan­ the Bidder shall have on fUe Spencer St. $220. per month. Phllbrick Bowers School area, city utiU- Ucs Con>„ 200 W. Main St., two Naugahyde chairs. CaU MODERN 4 room first floor pine cabinets buUt-ln range, room brick home, 2 baths, new em ldtchen, screened porch, 2- lot. Ask for Mr. Zinsser. Bel­ oramic view. Leonard Agency, with the Highway Department, A gen cy, e49-t(M7. ^ ties, bus Une. CaU Leon CU»- OIL BURNER service man, RockvUle, Conn. M9-9116. apartment, heat, hot water, dishwasher, carpeting, new custom kitchen, carpeting car garage, wooded lot, $34,- flore Agency, 6484121. R ealtors, 648-0469. a sufficient Annual Bond for synskl, BuUder, 6494291. year ’round work, top pay and Artietes For Sate 45 electric range, refrigerator. throughout large beautifully 900. PhUbrick Agency, Real­ TWO or three piece living room baths, new furnaces, 2-car ga­ b r a n d n e w Raised Ranch In SOUTH WINDSOR — immacu- ^Prcqwsal, (reference para­ benefits. Apply Gibbs Heating Country location , $180. Adults. landscaped lot. Leonard tors, 8494847. PROCESSED GRAVEL tor set, 840. or $60. A lso m ahog­ Suburixiii For Rant 66 rage. Hutchins Agency, Real­ MANCHESTER — two famUy, Manchester. Immediate occu­ late 7-room hom e built 1006, graph (2) of Proposal Form Service, 12 Vernon A v e „ R ock­ No pets. 843-7068, after 1 p.m . A gency, R ealtors, 640-0409. driveways and parking areas any. dresser with mirror, $26. tors, 849-0824. THREE-FAMILY, aluminum recently constructed, sepiuate pancy. BuUiler’B cloeeout, truly CON 1140). ville. l r a d io VERNON ideal 8-room heated finished rec room, 2- TV (S at our screening plant or de- Call M9-4717, 876-3806. siding, 2-car garage, con­ heating systems, basement a good opportunity. ABk for It Is understood the depoelt MANCHESTER — exceUent lo­ apartment, for working couple, MANCHESTER — 2-fam lly, 0-5, MANCHESTER — 8 room car heated garage, aluminum Uvered. George H. Grifflng, venient location , ov er $800. garage, centraUy located. CaU Mr. Zlnoeer, Belfloro Agency, JANITORS — piut-tlme eve­ cation, 8 rooms, stove, refri­ stove, refrigerator, freezer. down on Summer St. ExceUent Ranch with tree shaded lawn Biding, swimming pool, large will be forfeited In the event nings. CaU 643-4483, 3-6 p.m . TECHNICIANS In c., A ndover, 742-7886. gerator, heat. Adults, $120. per monthly Income. Gerard Agen­ 6490400. •496121. treed lot with brook, many ex­ the successful Bidder falls to A n H q n t s 5 6 848-0311. condition with separate utili­ in the Buckley School area, 8 only. m onth. CaU 648-0810. ties, baseboard heat, alumi­ cy, Realtors, 8490688, 6484868. tras. For further information execute the Contract. The Bid­ For wholesale distributor of TAKE soU away the Blue Lus __ ottv anMmiaa ------bedrooms, living room com­ $21,000 buys this beautiful 2Mi BRAND NEW R aised R anch ROCKVILLE — attractive num storm's and screens. Rent- caU R.F. Dlmock Oo. 0496246. der's name shall cq>pear on the RCA Victor products. Full or carpets and up- b u x —amiyies, njxtnUOUS duplex, 4^ rooms, plete with waU to waU. c a r p e t HANCHEBTER — two famUy year old Raised Ranch, just east of Manchester, 2 % ______room apartment, stove, re­ free living for the owner occu­ face of the check. vicior proQue m o holstery. Rent electric sham- steins, stelnq furniture,furnUure, pewto^pewter, toad-lead­ sound reduction grarage and home com]^etely 4-4, clean, second floor fuUy teth*. lM»e lot, good ccndl- baths, 2 car garage, 8 twlnslied SOUTH Coventry — on Route part-time. Top hourly rate. Ehc- frigerator and heat, adults on­ pier. Yesterday’s price of $24,- pooer, $1. Paul’s Paint and er ““ lamps, art glass, primlUves. ' walls, hood, range, refrigera­ encased In aluminiun siding. furnished, including aU furni­ tlMj. Mitten Agency, Realtors, bedrooms. Ready tor oclan for Christmas brlc-a-brao, clocks, frames, 1% baths, 2-car garage. Mar­ ett, Realtor, 6491677. 000. PhUbrick A gen cy R eal- NEW USTTNO. B eautiful 6 Three bedrooms, % acre that the contract entered Ipto 843-1921 a fter 6:80. ^ gift- Yale Typewriter Service, glassware. We buy estates. Vll- ion E . R obertson, R ealtor, 643- tors, 0496487. room Roneb-Ospe nertled on a treed lot and swimming pursuant to this advertisemant WE HAVE openings on our ECHO MACHINE Co., Inc. 65 Buick LoSabra $7,90^ — 4 ROOM RANCH, 649-4968. P eddler, A uctioneer, 420 6963. 4-Dr. Sedan. Auto., PS., PB. treed lot at a high elevation pool. Many extras. Close to will be awarded to the euc- third shift In our Heat Treat- _ a , Biisinass Froporty buUt-ins, waU-wall carpeting, MANCHESTER — New 4-bed- in Manchester, 1% baths, 2 Ing Department Apply In per- MANCHESTER 648-70i7 ------~ ' • Lake St, Bdtoin. 640-8247. FOUR ROOM apartment, 71 and Air' Conditioning. schools. City utiUties. Easy ceeaful roqxxulble bidder wtth- For 70 Wa n t a h o m e that's inter­ attached garage, approxi- room Ortonial, flreidaee, built- car garage, completely new country ll'vlng close to the son K lock Com pany, 1272 T ol­ BuiMing M otoriab 47 WANTED — pair of women’s Starkweather St. CaU 648-8490. out discrtmlnation on the esting? CaU us on this 7^ m ately $1,600 down. $60.00 in . fuu bath. 2 h a lf baths, kitchen, stove, refrigerator, city. Exceptional offer at land '^ke., Manchester. skis and poles In good condi­ 481 MAIN ST. — fo r sale o r ground of race, color or na­ ------WANTED — part-time cutter HARDWOOD plywoods, veneers NICE SECOND FLOOR, 4 room rent, next to Post Oftice land room hom e with 4 bed]Kx>ms. BOURNE BUICK montfaly Including taxeB. Mlt- garage, % acre wooded lot, waU to waU In several rooms, $18,900. M r. Lewis, 046-6806. tion. 648-1078. ten Agency, Realtors, 0484980. Bush MU Rd.. $27,960. Hol- tional origin. grinder, must be experienced. and associated items for wood­ rent, aU conveniences, close and buUdlng, Ideal for used Much more Including lots of "The House of (ttrtnrasher, dlQMeal drapes Customer SatistaoUoii" NOTE; The contractor Is re­ For work days, momlng^s or working lobbyist' and orafts- WANTED —Executive desk, in to hlaln Street business sec­ c a r lot, e tc. 648-2426, 9 4 . closet space. Bowers School ------' — oom be, R ealtors, 844-1286. wtU all stay, aluminum siding, 0M-4S71 W quired as part of ids contract afternoons. Emco Corp., Rol­ good condition. 649-3329 .a fte r tion. Adults —No pets. Write and only $18,600. W olverton This one you’ve got to see! PRINTING men. Wood Product Special­ BARROWS and WALLACE Oo Over 300 bid price to supply suitable ma­ lon, 8494258. ties, so Bartholomew Ave., 3. Box U, Herald. COMMERCIAL- Industrial at A g;ency,' R ealtors, 649-2813. Uniqud Slyling Brtflore Agency, 6484121. Manchester Green, approx­ terial aooeptabla to tha Engl- Modem Air-Conditioned Plant H artford, 248-8273. Amusing Kittens Manchester Parkade WANTED — Pool~or bUllard FOUR ROOMS, first floor. imately 10,000 square feet, .SEVEN ROOM Oape, baths, neer to complete tiie back fill Has Openings For; Manchester 8494806 table slate top. CaU 649-8087 stove, Immediate occupancy, producing $800 per month in­ fUH shed dormer front gable ______of the cellar bole Immediately Warehouseman Diamonds— Wcrtchoft— after 0 p.m. $100 monthly. No lease. Helen come. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, dormer, waU to waU. Ask for COVENTRY —4-room Ranrti, iqnn removing the building Stock Cutter P alm er, 849-3877. 843-1077. Rtok Merritt, Belflore Agency, copper plumbing, oU air beat, from ite foundation. Tha top For TV 4 AppUance Distribu­ Jowolry 48 2,500 SQUARE FEET OF 8 4 9 8 m . fuU basement, H.OOO down, In Your Favor! two feet of fill (brtew adjacent tor. ForKvllft ex^rience deslr- Rooms WUhoat Board 59 MANCHESTER CENTER — In- Famishod MANUFAOTURING SFAOE principal, interest and taxes ground level) ahall contain no able. Idea. w oT £^rc:^d=: vestment parcel including a DOTCH O olonisl, 18 room s, In- $91.62 monthly. Cham twrs stone larger than fl've Incbea In Equal Opportunity Employer Ing. Prompt service. Up to $20 THE THOMPSON House —Cot Apartmonts 63-A buslnees and 8> apartm ents. E x­ Good salary. 0 day week. Vaca­ rtuOng 4 rooma In-law apart­ Realty, Reailtors, MLS, 049 its greatest diameter. Top eoU on your old watch In trade, tage St. centrally located, large __ ceUent Incom e. $47,000. PhU­ tions, excellent benefits. AVAILABLE JAN. 1st ment, unique authentic New 2826. or loam wlU not be considered dosed Mondays. F.B. Bray, pleasantly furnished rooms, TWO room furnished apart- b rick A gency R ealtors, 849- Hundreds of people throughout the area will tell parking. CaU 849-2808 for over- ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, AT lu HARTFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER Biigland motiff. This property suitable material. If the con­ BURROUGHS CORP. 787 M ain St., State Theatre 0347. ANDOVER —No. 841. Two- RADIO & APPLIAN CE night and permanent guest hot water, private bath. Apply tn ^ must be seen. Give us a you that when you want to sell your home in the tractor falls to back fill the cel­ BuUdlng. bedroom Ranch, large kitchen, Business Forms and rates. M ariow’ s 867 M ain St. ADLER and DOBKIN half-hour of your time —you lar bole ait the time the building DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. fireplace, fuU basemeitt,' 2 m - 96 Leggett St., E ast H artford may decide to stay murti, minimum time for the maximum price, get in touch Is removed it will be necessary Supplies Group ^ Land For Sate 71 cloeed porches, one-car ga­ 028-8081 Futi and Food 49-A FURNISHED room for rent, NICELY furnished 8 room du- Phone 649-0448 murti longer. Belflore Agency, for him to prot^t the pubUo by rage, situated on 8 ausres, <-long ROUTE 80, TOLLAND, CONN. conveniently located, one min­ plex apartment; desirable LAND FOR SALE. Merrow Rd. 8 4 9 6 m . with Hayes! W e have a huge list of over 300 quali­ erecting a temjxuMury fen ce to FIREPLACE wood, clean, $10. frontage. O U y $10,600. R . J. An Equal Opportunity ute from Main St. Light house­ neighborhood, on bus Une. 848- ToUand. Several acres. CaU the satisfaction of tha Bbgi- E m ployer a pick-up load. Phone 232- keeping, w om an only. CaU 649- OUR SALES an at an aU time F la g g Oo. 743-7141, 7490685. 6840. 870-9101. fied buyers— so it's a safe bet we'll quickly find near; payment tor the weettan 0000. 0241 betw een 9 4 . ^ Ugh. We senunUe day and DISHWASHER wanted, Friday —rrr~—;------r — z ~ TWO-ROOM furnished, heated ’ Ught to oaostanUy rej^iBoe our VESINON — 88 Sunny View Dr. and rem oval o f this fen ce ahaH and Saturday nlghU. Apply FURNISHED light how^eep- apartment for steady working •oM llBtingB; w l t b ^ to n fU e o r 6 room _Ranch, . 8 bedrooms, . 2 the right buyer fot you! Everything's in your favor, be considered as included In ' - school 2 or 8 hours a day. - Cavey's Restaurant, 40 East Ing room for rent, mlddleaged couple. No children, no pets. fuU ceramic tile baths, 2-car toe contract bid price. The gen­ aU day Saturday, doing work horn bloiriag. How suoceasful Center St. lady only. CaU 848-8088. CaU 648-6901, o r 040-7103. (XXOR garage, 2 flreplaceB, one in including the fact that it doesn't cost a penny more f eral contours of the siuround- around apartm ent house. CaU Dairy Products SO w«T Oount and con^pan our reoration room, picturesque Ing ground shall not be changed MASON helper wanted. Own 028-4870. Kitchen STAAHMONS Urtlngs! Brtflore Agency, 849 APPLES- haU bushel^ $1.60 and FURNISHED room, view . Owner asking $84,600. to get the best! without specific written permis­ tnnspmrtation. $2.00 per hour. OoUege Businoss LoeaMoRS - o m . up. Maolntosb, McGowan, D e-' privileges, garage CaU 8792026. sion by the Engineer.’ M anchester area. OaU 1- graduate, m ale. CaU 849-2164. Iclous, Baldwin, Cortland, For Rant 64 12 MOTIFS 8BVBN ROOM BpUt with 2-car NOTE: In addition to the In­ T494U0. Holp Wanind Mow or Ftmote 37 LARGE CLEAN furnlslied room MODERN store, heated, 20’x70’, garage,

I t I t )■

\ I •f ■ :

FRIDAY, NOVEadBBR 10, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT jffimurtr^stpr Cupitteg Ijeralii War The Wash Faded 'The Weather OeMsr la 1M7 The Rea. Kmneth Steere of Occaskmal rain tonight Low About Town Center Congregational Church iraiie’a Bid for Parking in 40e. Tefaorrow rain in mom- will conduct a service Sunday 15,544 lEtimtttg llFraUi Q roop IMS ot tlM PoUdi Na- at 8:15 a.m. over WINF. The lag. » g h 68 to W. ttoMl AHIuic« trlB itMat Am- program la sponsored by the Before ZBA Again Nov. 20 Maneheeter^A City of Village Charm Aijr aS 1 p.m. at tha White BSa> Manchester Council of gla H bB. 77 North 8t C h u rch es.. A rapeat of a variance re­ •tead of to the rear, aa regula- VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 86 (FOl)RTBEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN.,"SA'njRDAY, NOVEBIBER 11, 1967 (dassifled Advertising on Page 11) PRICE SEVEN CBM n tlona raqulre. DISCOUNTS! quest by the owners of wmie’s 8. T J. Crockett, permlaalon HOlatown Oranfa will aponaor Connecticut Nurses Associa­ ■teak House, turned down to erect a free-atandlng, ground a phbUe IConte Cario whlat at tion, District I, will meet llfon- M arch U, 1886, heads the seven- sign at 244 Main S t, In Bustnesa the Orance Hall, S17 IBll St., day at 7:S0 p.m. at the Church ttem agenda of the Zoning 2ao» n. The odvertlalng sign Organiaed De»k» Tuoaday at p.m. RafraahmanU of the Good Shepherd. 155 Wyl- 8 Board of Appeals (ZBA), when would be closer td the street line arlll be aerved and prises will lys St., Hartford. PKNN8 AUKBN, N .J. it meets Nov. 20. The session than regulaUoiis permit (AP)—It didn’t take owner be awarded. DISCOUNTS! Buckley School PTA will meet w m be a t 8 p.m. In the Mlmiei- 4. George Irwin, permission Horst Beats long to puU open Toikring LB J Calls for Unity M onday at 8 p.m. in the school pal Building Heamg Room. to convert a one-family dwelling a draww at Us MelUta, fric., A atory hour sponsored by the auditorium. Mrs. Catherine im iarn A. Olekslnkl and Wal­ to two-famUy at 56 Durant Bt, plant hare and find what he Manchester Junior Women’s Johns, teacher of physical edu­ lace J. Parolak, the owners of In Residence B. The proposed was looklag tor. aub and the Mary caieney Ub- cation at Buckley, Bowers and Willie’s, again are asiUng per­ change would provide less floor TTiaPs because the bust- raiy will be held Tuesday from Lincoln schools, will speak. Re­ mission to convert into a park­ area In each iq>artmant than nsssman from Mlnden, Ger­ 10 to 10:45 a.m . fo r 4 and 5- freshments will be served after ing lot the premises at 86 W. regulations require. DISCOUNTS! many, has ordered that all year olds. Miss Marion Jesse- the meeting. Center St, In Residence Zone 6. Frederick C. Annulll, per­ 26 drawers ot any ottlcs desk To Get Victory in Viet W ar man, children's Ubrarian, will A. mission to erect a free-standing, ON In his 11 plants around the be assisted by Mrs. William The Manchester Garden Club The variance request was op­ ground Sign at 690-8M Hartford world be Identioal. ABOARD U.SB. EN- Bryce and Mrs. Eugene Tost will meet Monday at 8 p.m . at posed by W. Center St prop­ Rd. The advertising sign woUld MCC Speaker erty ow ners at the 1088 hear­ "Organisation Is my hob­ TERPMSE (AP)—Pr«8i- as storytellers. Helpers are Mrs. Center Congregational Church. be closer to the street line than by,” he explained on a re­ dent Jf^iwon, to'uring Thomu Kelleher, Mrs. Carl Dr. Douglas Smith, 407 iVood- ing. regulations permit. What was the psychedelic or In another repeat request Nov. cent tour here. many of the nation’s mili­ Oustafson, Mrs. Yolanda Carroll bridge St. a member of the Ihe firm produces choco­ "turned on" experience during 20, the State Highway Depart­ tary bases, has called tor and Mrs. James BJorkland. The chamber BeautlflcaUon Com VALUE RATED late, cigars, coffee filter pa­ ment will seek a variance for subject will be Thanksgiving. Jo­ mlttee will speak on "Antl-llt- the time of Moses, Socrates, national unity to win Gie the property of Gerald Smith pers and ootfee-makars in seph R. Tamsky, town planning ter." Members are reminded to Xerox Copy Sendee Vietnam war. He says the Jesus—and how has It been re­ at 21 Overland St., In Residence 'addition to fine-ground cof­ director, will speak to the moth­ bring small articles pertaining United States must walk a corded in the literature of West­ Zone B . ,. fee. ers' group. to gardening or flower arrang­ tightrope between sur­ ern civilisation? The state 1s asking permlsslan Blneprint and Supply, feie. ing for a silent auction. Mrs. to diminish the lot area below 890 Hartford R d„ HiMiohestier USED CARS render and “World War Dr. Richard A. Underwood of The Manchester Area Alum­ George M. Johnson is general minimum requirements, in con­ in.” nae a u b o f PI Beta Phi wUl chairman for the program. the Hartford Theological Sem- junction with plans for R t 6 R ookvm e B xciM iig elk ifc 148B AT Stock Decline The President left the White meet Monday at 7:80 p.m. at inairy faculty will explore this relocation. House Friday morning, flow to the home of Mrs. Charles Pa- Polish Women's Alliance The request was denied at a F t Banning, Oa., JetM across rakllas, Olmsted Manor Dr., Group 618 w ill m eet Sunday at subject when he addresses a the country to visit with Ma­ Manchester Community College September ZBA hearing. Smith May Have Hit Somers. 1 p.m . at 77 North St. did not oppose the variance then rinas and warn to sleep after convocation Thuiaday at 6 p.m . viewing naval exercises on an at Bailey Auditorium, Manches­ and has requested since that it Please Note Support Base be reconsidered. aircraft carrier anchored off ter High School. \ MANCHESTER San Diego, Calif. The other five variance re­ NEW YORK (AP) — WoU The public Is invited to attend quests to be aired and consider­ PINE PHARMACY street could heave a sigh of re- Although met by large and ep- the convocation, being sponsor­ I . Charley Has Anofhar Old Truck Kathy! ed Nov. 20 are from: Uef this weekend because a thusiastlc crowds, the Preal- ed by the college's Department 1. Thomas Felice, permission 664 Cantor St. six-week decline had reached dent’a words and mood were COOLER FRESH: Mac, Red, Golden Delicious, McGowan, of Student Activities. Admission to erect an addition to his dwell­ some kind of bottom—whether grave and somber as he viewed Baldwins, Cortlands and Russett Apples. Also: Bose and is free. OLDSMOBILE training exercises, decorated ing at 8 Whitney Rd., In Resi­ 649-9814 temporary or not remained to Sbeldon Fenrs. Dr. Underwood, an associate dence A. The addition wotdd be be seen. Vietnam veterans and talked ot professor of philosophy of re­ closer to the rear line than It a Participating A w eek ago pessim ists alxMmd- the tesHng of the nation’s NATIVE: Splnadi, Beet Greens, Salad Bowl, Scallions, "hopes and beliefs" on the anvil Ip. V*8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. literature. ' Yen during heavy fighting between elements of Workers. But the general atmos­ rines celebrate the 192nd anni­ • Also Conwlete Line of SBALTEST Dairy Prodnote • The speaker has lectured on the divisitm and an entrenched North Vietnamese phere remained much the same. versary of the founding of their religion and philosophy at Up- MANCHESTER Holiday Phone: 84S-882S No solution had appeared for service—first at El Toro Marine eala College, Drew University, battalion. An enemy machine gun nest was a few 1966 OLDSMOBILE . . . .*2495 yards away. (AP Photofax) the Income surtax dilemma. Station where his plane landed Stephens College and Trinity 4r Weddings, Stage and Turkeys Jetsbor 88 2-Door Bsrdtop. V-S, automatic, power steering, power brakea Tlfe Britiah had boosted their and later at Camp Pendelton, M College. He holds a Ph.D. de­ Olntw bank rate to 6% per cent from miles south. gree from Drew, where he also For Cooks Who PEPO■ ■■il PRODUCEP ★ Open Dates fo r 6 per cent. Long-term U.S. Thousands ot Marines and earned B.D. and S.T.M. degrees. OirMinaa Know An About Treastuy bonds had sunk to their families, gathered on the gyg OAKLAND 8IBBBT, BIANOHEBTER # MS-OM . . . He earned his B.A. at DePauw TurkeyB end 1966 OLDSMOBILE .*2495 VC Apparently Free their lowest levels on record. poet parade ground, cheered as University. D ynam ic 88 4-Door Sedan. V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. AU of this speUed high interest the President cut an anniversa­ Eepedony For rates and monetary contusion, ry cake and told them the only the main factors which have Those Who Don’t reason tor U.S. Involvement in Three U.S. Soldiers been blamed tor the decline In Vietnam Is to help that small First be sure to get fresh •tockR. 1966 FO R D ...... *2395 PHNOM PENH, Cambodia was being rrieased in solidarity nation defend Itself from ag­ President Lyndon Johnson, wearing a flight jacket deck of the Carrier Enterprise off the Southern 1967 crop turkeyB . . . Yet, the stock market did Gttloxle 500 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakea (AP) — The Vlpt Ooag “symbol- wlUi the peoples movement in gressors, and baseball-type cap, watches with keen interest California coast. (AP Photofax) (thftfs aU we sdl at and Air Conditioned. IcaUy” turned over three cap- the United States, raUy. ITie Dow Jones Industrial av- "You and 1 know," be told as fly'ri’s take-off tiieir jet fighters from the flight Pinehurst). tured U.S. sergeants to an “WhUe I was a prisoner, the them, "that it is harder and American antiwar activist to- conduct that I malxdalned emge this week advanced 5.19 toughw to aSk for andaehlsva a Wo wM foeduro 1967 •toy, and a U.S. doeumeUt mid haipril tbs dsriste of the Hw prints to aU-SL lb s Aasbototod faH pock of freoon 1966 B U I C K ...... *2895 Press average of 60 stocks rosnalsad and limited victory. t the men had been through. Omn- tionM Libemtton Front - Oaq poul4. surronfler—or start ESectra 225 Custom Sedan 4^Door. V- , automatic, power stewing and I 8 galnril 1:1 at no.S. r SATURDAY ONLY O w n Roody PREMf* munlst bmlnwasUng programs. ‘T wpnt to thank them tor the Wortd War in —shd do either Fierce Fighting Reported brakes, factory air conditioning. niey gave an apparently me- derision to release me and tor 171000 w ere v ery m odest ad­ UM BUTTERBALLS and vances on average, but at least without murii help." moilaed statement of Uianks to allowing me to return home to The only Ixqie for honor, free­ they were not declines. The ver­ Orado A Land of the Viet Cong and to Tcrni Hoy­ my famlUy and my country: I dom and true peace, he said, dict of a higher market, how­ Lokos Turfcoys storting 1966 OLDSMOBILE . . . .*2395 den, who said he represented a want to thank aleo Mr. Hayden Uea to tha “hard and true Paratroopers, North Viet Clash peace committee led by Dr. and his committee tor the work ever, was somewhat muddled V CutUuM 2 -D oor H ardtop. V -8, automatic, power steering and brakes, ooursa between surrender and BAIGON (AP) — U.S. para­ Monday. Thoy wiH bo Martin Luther King, folk singer they have done to get us home.’' over by the fact that of 1,614 The new fighting raised to 508 rsfleots the same enemy deter- a Viet Oong political official as factory air oondltloatng. annIhUathm." Tills course, he troopers and dug-ln North Vlet- the number of North Viet­ displayM in frozo Jeon Baes and Dr. Benjamin Pitaer toHowed the same tor- issues traded this week on the mliiatloa that cost the Viet Oong saying in Cambodia: “Our loss- said, "la the one we must luunese troops clashed fiercely namese troope reported killed in Spook. rnida, reriting name, roidc and New York Stock Exchange, 800 about 900 dead in efforts to seise es are not importanL Wliat waa foM COSO In chock out s te e r." today in a battle that left 18 the nine days of fighting and PRICE! But Hayden said after the 'cer­ serial number. He ^qieored feU and 665 rose. O f the ad- Loc Nlnh last week. important at Loo Nkili was^that oislo. Como in and so- Earlier, in Ft. Banning, John­ A m ericans and 98 Communist pushed the number of Ameri­ In elgld days of fighting we demonatiuted w« have the 1966 OLDSMOBILE . . . .*2495 emonies that the prisoners were (See Page Five) son noting 1,200 families of men troops dead in the ninth daf of cans killed to 67, by U.S. count. around Dak To, U.S. ofOcers albUty to attack, to gain the Inl- loct your bird . . . D elta 88 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. not In his custody. He said they (Bee Page Thlrteea) V serving in Vietnam live in the fighting near Dak To in the cen­ In addition, headquarters re­ said, 460 Onnmunlat aoldlera tiative when we want to,'" were taken away in a car, but Wo oro taking ordors area, declared that for them tral highlands. ported, 271 U.S. troops have have been kffled. They Ustod At Dak Tto the North Vtot- for GOLDEN HAR­ he would not say where. and other families of Ameriesns TTie U.S. Omnmand repewted been wounded. The American 100% W OOL Asked if the men were free, caeuslties among the 4th Dlvl- namese eiqiooed their troope to in Vietnam, the war Is no aea- gg paratroopers, from the U.S. casualties are from both the VEST FRSSH CON­ 1966 OLDSMOBILE . . . .*1995 H aydm sa id : “ I beUerve s o ." shm and ITSrd Alrboms Brigade a gunablp hellccpter to draw the MansHeld Predicts demlc question. It Is not a tofilo m rd Airborne Brigade, aUo 17Srd Airborne Brigade and the as 49 ktltod and 175 wounded tor dwpper into range of hidden NECTICUT TURKEYS. F-85 Deliuce 4-Door Sedan. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. "They are in the process of tor cocktail partiea, office argu- were wounded In the day-long U.S. 4th Infantry Dlvlalon, the same period. gunners, who shot it down. going home," he said. He added ments or debate from the com- engagement. 4 which now have about 6,000 m en Associated Press correspond- Tliree U.B. crewmen were 1» be would see them later-ln the tort of distant sidelines.’’ In the area. day. Oommunists ambushed a U.S. ent Peter Arnett, noting that Jured. FOOD STAMP ..... Dramatic LBJ Bills "These Americans do not live armored convoy in the same The ambush of the convoy November hae always been the U.S. intelllgenee eetimatoe 1966 MERCURY .*1595 Hie U.S. document concern­ on the stdelines. Their lives are Comet 2-Door Hardtop. Standard, 6 cylinder, radio and heater, whlteWaUs. sector and killed five Army en­ came as other American GIs war’s bloodiest month, repoito that two or more fifll regiments WORSTED ing brainwashing was released tied by flesh and blood to Viet­ probed a hill near Dak T o, 270 gineers and wounded seven In a that fighting at the Unh on the southern day the second sesslm of the cising their civil rights. and two other companies moved Away from combat there Counsel O K’s e automatic, fully eqidppeA him . 6 8 peofde are tidnldiig.’’ MOSCOW—I shall always wonder If a me in beer, filling my glass when it was son of Seaside, CaUf. toUy 16,066-16,901 for the largely a new "Uve front” may be charcoals, blues, sizes 36 to 46 in shorts, regulars simply wonderrm Porter* The Viet Oong announoed last Manrilrid said the curreiti knoadedge of the Russian language The pacifist, Tom Hayden, ;M|!! empty from their own bottle, and fi­ ceremonial mayoral post. developing in the central high­ *1! houM with large tender* Friday that the American* session of Oongros* probably sold he believed th^y were free iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililililii i and longs. Spruce up your Fall wardrobe and SAVE! would have given' me much more close- nally inquiring how old I am. Town Clerk Robert J. GalUvan lands. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM would be returned to their faml- will adjourn at mid-December (At this low price, there'll be a slight altaration loins only lb. neee adth tha Ruastan people. Somehow the killing of Kennedy ;was and that they were pin the'^ proc­ said the recount of the 120 But they do not think the me- Lean Pork to roast, whols Uee In a gesture of solidarity —probaUy without acUig' on the One difference between the Russians mentioned, and I said Kennedy was ess of going home." Hayden my

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