Nazis Report 350000 Prisoners Are Tal^N
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Avoraga Dally Circniatlen r * r Iks Maotk sf flsptSMksr, IM I The Weather Faroesst * 1 0 .8 . Wpatasr Bat me 6 ,S 8 0 I . Msmbsr * f Aadit . Fair, alighUy wsm sv tsalglil; . Bo m m a< OrealsIleM Tuesday,* larresslBg rioadlMss, 1..’ warmer, followed by n la *$. slgat. ^^onctioalBr - —A City o f Village Charm V O L . L X ln N d . 11 (ClaaaMkd A4^M3iri«g Oe Fsfe It ) g MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,1, 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Seeks Haste Fire Sweeps Through Firestone Plant- On Passage^ Nazis Report 350,000 Of Aid Bill iRooaev^t Calla Con- Prisoners Are Tal^n; \. greaaional Leaders to Conference on New Lend - Lease Measure. Reds Launch Attacks Bulletin! I Nazi Advance Slowed Wsablagtoe, Oct. l|.^;i>v— Report New Naai Spear PreaMeat Roosevelt urged Dowrn in Diriflction of Nazis Deny eeeyresaloasi leaders today to head Has Smashed ■peed eaaetaieat of the $5,- Vyazma; Counter At Through Lines 140 9t5Ae0,0ee lead-leaM) dypro- Making Any tacks Started at Sev priatloa mad received saeor- Miles Northwest o f aaee that Um Mil Weald reach eral Points; Resistance the Seaate Soot- early aext Peace Bids Moscow; Air Force In* Declared to Be Grow week. Seaate Majority Leod- ■r Barkley (Ky.) reported ttat ressantly Pounds Re ing; Fresh Troops Be tiH Appropriatteas Coaiiait- Removal of Churchill. treating Russians; No toe would begla beoringa to- ing Rushed to Battle. Bierrew sod flahih them wfth- I ■ ’ L' Eden and Their Collab More Fresh Troops^ la a few days. Moscow, Oct. 13.— (JP)— orators Described as Waahlngton, Oct. 13.—wP) — Russian front line dispatches Berlin. Oct. 13.— (/P)— One of War Aims I President Roosevelt sought today reported that the German ! Adolf Hitler’s headquarters advance wa.s slowed down to- < _ — announced today that the. (Ooatlaaed oa Page Eight) day in the direction of Vyaz- -Removal of ■ nurffber of Russian prisoners I ’’ --- -------------------- - ma, the major battleground!^ Churchiii, taken on the Bryansk-Vyaz- of the big Nazi offensive Anthony Eden : ma front before Moscow had jHope to End against Moscow, and that So- i risen to more than 350,000, Viet counter-attacks had been ' day m one of Germany.’ w i r " ™ dispatches re Row Curbing launched against the invaders a t ; Answering foreign rumors of ' that a new Nazi spear* P®tols. The Germans still Gerihai) peace • feelers, these ' had-smashed through Rua- j were moving eastward, a dia- sources aaid: ’*1*" lines J40 miles northwest at f»nd tatex corporation plant at Fall River, Maas, In a Bre that destroyed five large huildinge ; "'wspaper Pravda "Tlie Fuehrqr was stated that a the Soviet capital. The number Tank Output i HemM )‘n u” ** ' " “ mate of the damage was unavailable but the* Fall RIv m said, hut their pace was stated to ■ _____ _ Soviet priaoners "growa stesdliy,” belU for machine I have been reduced In the past! (Continued On Pnge Eight) said a special headquarters an ' few days and the Red Army’s re- nouncement. I Federal Conciliation Re .*)latance was declared 'to be grow- 100 .Miles from Moaeow ■ ing. ports Progress After The advancing Germans, **<d to I Russian reinforcements were German Drive be leas than 100 mllea from Moo- 10 Hours of Parleys Blaze Cripples being rushed steadily lnto_ the | oow on the weat and southwest. Try to Ease Pressure on Reds; battlclipes, late dispatches aaid. j On Union Dispute. "■*re sided by the German A ir OIgnatle Struggle Rage* l Force which incessantly pounded Against Reds Big Fall River A gigantic struggle raged about' toe retreating Red Army forces, Bulletin! ^Vyazma, 125 miles from Moscow, dispatches from the front said. Hull Advocates Neutrality Shift j raaoagoula. Mlae., Oct. IS— while the Rusalans pushed coun- i Seen Slowed German reports said that Rus-' Rubber Plant ■ia no longer has freih troops to A strike lavolvlag 3,800 ter-attacka elsewher*. One of [ ______ rush into the gaps, in contrast to worksaea today eleaed dowa theae was said to haye resulted ; _ , Ik e lagalls Sklpboildlag yards — - > the esrUer stages of tpe war when Solemnly Tells Congress In the recapture of a town near ' K u s S ia ilS B r it lf lit U I IJ n wklek kas 8100,1)00,000 la coa- British Bombers Make Estimated Loss o f $13.- Nazi Bombers Bryansk. n ® " German thrusts were retarded by' tiwcts for SI akipa for the United States Cannot Broad Series of Raids Bryansk itself, atrategic rail; KCSCrvcs tO Front; Of- wave after wave of Russian rein U. S. MdrItlaM Ceaaaalaaloa 000,000 as Fire Rav forcements. Turn and Walk Away junction 210 milea southwest of! * aad fear aeWayere for tka On Industrial Reich; fensive May Be Halted ... ages Huge Stores of Moscow, was abandoned yeater- Military commentstofa said that Navy. Waiter S. l^swry, Jr-. Raid Moscow; the double battle of Rryanak and From Conquest Danger day by the Riiaslana. Ere Moscow Reached. hariaii i aauater ef tke Bell- Nuenberg Is Target. Vyazma was probably the great Latex, Crude Rubber. A **cond Russian counter-attack araadnfa Ualoa (A F L ) aaM est encirclement acUon in mill- tke warfcniaa rafaaed te eater Bulletin! Bomb Britain was launched north ot Orel, which London, Oct. 13.—<g>)—The (ter- ^ _____ London, Oct. 13.— (/P)— Ury history and that it probably tke yards tkia aasrhlac k*- Bulletin! the German took a week ago. la/Ckislel W a a o i ^ . _ I Wnahington, Oct. 13.— Bomber crews who Ikst night man offensive in Russia'has slowed i would be a long Ume befora it w u caose ef aa “attempt by tka FaS aivm’,.Mass.. Oct. IE exceeded or duplicated becauea -i-Secwtsrieo Hull and Stim- IVIanchester and Hull At- Nuernberg, setting of csmpaay ta idart aa ladepea- —(AVrWklle the raias mt the "nowhere else U there at' present dmt mdea.*’ aon Joined today iii urging *quipp*d reguUr troop* who al- ; torro days, an o .rlikely to be in the near future SlS,S00«O0S S re.ia The r ii « - the Nazi party’s annual cort- ■teae Rabbcr Oniapaay pfawt j Coiuircfls not only to repeal tacked; Admit Brit- ready have been under fire but authoriUtfVe source said today! He such a vast massing of soldiers.” _ . greases, “saw roofs cave In, said the Russians were bringinr up ettll amoulderod today, l ^ e r I the prohibition against arm ■tece have been .rested. These ex Speak of “Military Landalid*” By Tho Associated Press n a id s o n T h r e e factory buildings collapse, perienced fighters were declared to ' reserves to the front. - Federal and state m edial^ S. Flresteae. presISeat of tbe ing merchant American’ships * ‘ntia source said . "very severe Authorised military rourcos^ '’ompaay, aaaoaaced plana Sections o f Germativ. flamen pour ffom windows be fighting ronfldentiy now and in commenUng on the oftensiv* fighting continued in the assault I hoped to aettle today a unioa juris for a resumpUea * f work oa but to permit them to enter and skeletons of burned-out good apirite. All wore warm win north of the Sea of Azov apok* of ter uniform* with long gray great directed toward Moscow. dictional dispute which threatenii defeaeo prodiwte by tomorrow combat zones in the interest buildings standing out a "military landslide" which would Berlin. Oct. 13—oP) —Striking coats and fur hate, tbe dlapatcbea It is “ quite on the o4rds,“ he to stop producUon ef Army by aroralag. Ia a joiat statemeat, of ezpeditiAg delivery of lend- against the blaze,” the. A ir MinU- "lead to other great developments at both the east and west of their from the front reported. *88ed, that the German drive both mlllterily and pqliUcally.'' tying up tbs output of Tbe Spicer Slreatoa* sad J. Edward lease gotids. W ar Secretary try announced today. Tbe raid might be stopped 70 or 80 milea Tralaer^ Vloo prealdeat aad far-flung air- war front, German Maintain Numqrieal Superiority The Geusnan. Air Force, it was Manufacturing Company in Toledo, Stimson. who followed Secre was part of a broad aeries of at abort of Moscow because of Jhe produrtioa managor of tho bomlMrs raided Moscow and "ef- . The Germans also were aaid to insisted, is seeing to it that tho Ohio, which makes 70 cent of tacks oh Industrial Germany, wear and tear*on tanks and other "Ruasiana can. not retreat into Flrcotoae eatorpriaeo, reveal tary of State Hull to the wit- fecUvely bombed "'the English in- north and south. In which a force have rushed’ reinforcemente to the mechanized vehiplea and (he "lim I the tank trsinsmlaeiona in this front to malatalB their numerical those vast spaces whereof for ed that balldlnga aad machin nesa chair before the House diistrial center of Manchester and of 300 bombers took part In what it of human endurance” bn both I country. \ ery devoted to maanfactare superiority. sides. eign countries speak so much." Foreign Affairs Committee, the port of Hull last night, the informed sourcea said waa an ef Launching the new offensive I James J. SplUance, Federal Con- ef defeaae prodaeta, with the high command declared today. fort to relieve the pressure on After the original surprise aa- Trying Lealngrod I recommended immediate re from the Valdat hills region to* dilator, said after more than 10 raeepitoa ef leak-proof gaao- It said 26 Britisfi planes were Russia. aault with which the Germans Declarinsf the Germans appar hours of confsrencea with union Mae taaka, were aabarmed In peal of the ban on arming destroyed qvei Germany, the chan opened the offensive agalnat Mo*- ently wept trying to starve >ut and.