Avoraga Dally Circniatlen r * r Iks Maotk sf flsptSMksr, IM I The Weather 6 ,S 8 0 Faroesst * 1 0 .8 . Wpatasr Bat me I . Msmbsr * f Aadit . . Fair, alighUy wsm sv tsalglil; . Bo m m a< OrealsIleM Tuesday,* larresslBg rioadlMss, 1..’ warmer, followed by n la *$. slgat. ^^onctioalBr - —A City o f Village Charm

V O L . L X ln N d . 11 (ClaaaMkd A4^M3iri«g Oe Fsfe It ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,1, 1941 g (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

Seeks Haste Fire Sweeps Through Firestone Plant-

On Passage^ Nazis Report 350,000

Of Aid Bill

iRooaev^t Calla Con- Prisoners Are Tal^n;

\. greaaional Leaders to

Conference on New

Lend - Lease Measure. Reds Launch Attacks

Bulletin! I Nazi Advance Slowed Wsablagtoe, Oct. l|.^;i>v— Report New Naai Spear­ PreaMeat Roosevelt urged Dowrn in Diriflction of Nazis Deny

eeeyresaloasi leaders today to head Has Smashed ■peed eaaetaieat of the $5,- Vyazma; Counter At­ Through Lines 140 9t5Ae0,0ee lead-leaM) dypro- Making Any tacks Started at Sev­ priatloa mad received saeor- Miles Northwest o f aaee that Um Mil Weald reach eral Points; Resistance the Seaate Soot- early aext Moscow; Air Force In* Declared to Be Grow­ Peace Bids week. Seaate Majority Leod- ■r Barkley (Ky.) reported ttat ressantly Pounds Re­ ing; Fresh Troops Be­ tiH Appropriatteas Coaiiait- Removal of Churchill. treating Russians; No toe would begla beoringa to- ing Rushed to Battle. Bierrew sod flahih them wfth- I ■ ’ L' Eden and Their Collab­ More Fresh Troops^ la a few days. Moscow, Oct. 13.— (JP)— orators Described as Waahlngton, Oct. 13.—wP) — Russian front line dispatches Berlin. Oct. 13.— (/P)— One of War Aims I President Roosevelt sought today reported that the German ! Adolf Hitler’s headquarters today that the. (Ooatlaaed oa Page Eight) advance wa.s slowed down to- < _ — announced -Removal of ■ nurffber of Russian prisoners day in the direction of Vyaz- I ’’ ------ma, the major battleground!^ Churchiii, taken on the Bryansk-Vyaz- of the big Nazi offensive Anthony Eden : ma front before Moscow had

jHope to End against Moscow, and that So- i risen to more than 350,000,

Viet counter-attacks had been ' day m one of Germany.’ w i r " ™ dispatches re­ launched against the invaders a t ; Answering foreign rumors of ' that a new Nazi spear* Row Curbing P®tols. The Germans still Gerihai) peace • feelers, these ' had-smashed through Rua- j were moving eastward, a dia- sources aaid: ’*1*" lines J40 miles northwest at f»nd tatex corporation plant at Fall River, Maas, In a Bre that destroyed five large huildinge ; "'wspaper Pravda "Tlie Fuehrqr was stated that a the Soviet capital. The number Tank Output i HemM )‘n u” ** ' " “ mate of the damage was unavailable but the* Fall RIv m said, hut their pace was stated to ■ ______Soviet priaoners "growa stesdliy,”

belU for machine I have been reduced In the past! (Continued On Pnge Eight) said a special headquarters an­

' few days and the Red Army’s re- nouncement. I Federal Conciliation Re­ .*)latance was declared 'to be grow- 100 .Miles from Moaeow ■ ing. ports Progress After The advancing Germans, ** Ik e lagalls Sklpboildlag yards Solemnly Tells Congress In the recapture of a town near ' K u s S ia ilS B r it lf lit U I IJ n the esrUer stages of tpe war when wklek kas 8100,1)00,000 la coa- British Bombers Make Estimated Loss o f $13.- Nazi Bombers Bryansk. n ® " German thrusts were retarded by' tiwcts for SI akipa for the United States Cannot Bryansk itself, atrategic rail wave after wave of Russian rein­ 000,000 as Fire Rav­ Broad Series of Raids ; KCSCrvcs tO Front; Of- U. S. MdrItlaM Ceaaaalaaloa Turn and Walk Away junction 210 milea southwest of! * forcements. aad fear aeWayere for tka On Industrial Reich; fensive May Be Halted ... ages Huge Stores of Moscow, was abandoned yeater- Military commentstofa said that Navy. Waiter S. l^swry, Jr-. Raid Moscow; the double battle of Rryanak and From Conquest Danger day by the Riiaslana. Ere Moscow Reached. hariaii i aauater ef tke Bell- Nuenberg Is Target. Vyazma was probably the great­ Latex, Crude Rubber. . A **cond Russian counter-attack araadnfa Ualoa (A F L ) aaM est encirclement acUon in mill- tke warfcniaa rafaaed te eater Bulletin! Bomb Britain was launched north ot Orel, which London, Oct. 13.—)—The (ter- ^ _____ London, Oct. 13.— (/P)— Ury history and that it probably tke yards tkia aasrhlac k*- Bulletin! the German took a week ago. la/Ckislel W a a o i ^ . _ I Wnahington, Oct. 13.— Bomber crews who Ikst night man offensive in Russia'has slowed i would be a long Ume befora it w u caose ef aa “attempt by tka FaS aivm’,.Mass.. Oct. IE exceeded or duplicated becauea -i-Secwtsrieo Hull and Stim- IVIanchester and Hull At- Nuernberg, setting of csmpaay ta idart aa ladepea- —(AVrWklle the raias mt the "nowhere else U there at' present dmt mdea.*’ aon Joined today iii urging *quipp*d reguUr troop* who al- ; torro days, an o .rlikely to be in the near future SlS,S00«O0S S re.ia The r ii « - the Nazi party’s annual cort- ■teae Rabbcr Oniapaay pfawt Coiuircfls not only to repeal tacked; Admit Brit- ready have been under fire but authoriUtfVe source said today! He such a vast massing of soldiers.” j _ . greases, “saw roofs cave In, said the Russians were bringinr up ettll amoulderod today, l ^ e r I the prohibition against arm­ ■tece have been .rested. These ex­ Speak of “Military Landalid*” By Tho Associated Press n a id s o n T h r e e factory buildings collapse, perienced fighters were declared to ' reserves to the front. - Federal and state m edial^ S. Flresteae. presISeat of tbe ing merchant American’ships * ‘ntia source said . "very severe Authorised military rourcos^ '’ompaay, aaaoaaced plana Sections o f Germativ. flamen pour ffom windows be fighting ronfldentiy now and in commenUng on the oftensiv* fighting continued in the assault I hoped to aettle today a unioa juris­ for a resumpUea * f work oa but to permit them to enter and skeletons of burned-out good apirite. All wore warm win­ north of the Sea of Azov apok* of ter uniform* with long gray great­ directed toward Moscow. dictional dispute which threatenii defeaeo prodiwte by tomorrow combat zones in the interest buildings standing out a "military landslide" which would Berlin. Oct. 13—oP) —Striking coats and fur hate, tbe dlapatcbea It is “ quite on the o4rds,“ he to stop producUon ef Army by aroralag. Ia a joiat statemeat, of ezpeditiAg delivery of lend- against the blaze,” the. A ir MinU- "lead to other great developments at both the east and west of their from the front reported. *88ed, that the German drive both mlllterily and pqliUcally.'' tying up tbs output of Tbe Spicer Slreatoa* sad J. Edward lease gotids. W ar Secretary try announced today. Tbe raid might be stopped 70 or 80 milea Tralaer^ Vloo prealdeat aad far-flung air- war front, German Maintain Numqrieal Superiority The Geusnan. Air Force, it was Manufacturing Company in Toledo, Stimson. who followed Secre­ was part of a broad aeries of at­ abort of Moscow because of Jhe produrtioa managor of tho bomlMrs raided Moscow and "ef- . The Germans also were aaid to insisted, is seeing to it that tho Ohio, which makes 70 cent of tacks oh Industrial Germany, wear and tear*on tanks and other "Ruasiana can. not retreat into Flrcotoae eatorpriaeo, reveal­ tary of State Hull to the wit- fecUvely bombed "'the English in- north and south. In which a force have rushed’ reinforcemente to the mechanized vehiplea and (he "lim­ I the tank trsinsmlaeiona in this front to malatalB their numerical those vast spaces whereof for­ ed that balldlnga aad machin­ nesa chair before the House diistrial center of Manchester and of 300 bombers took part In what it of human endurance” bn both I country. \ ery devoted to maanfactare superiority. sides. eign countries speak so much." Foreign Affairs Committee, the port of Hull last night, the informed sourcea said waa an ef­ Launching the new offensive I James J. SplUance, Federal Con- ef defeaae prodaeta, with the high command declared today. . fort to relieve the pressure on After the original surprise aa- Trying Lealngrod I dilator, said after more than 10 recommended immediate re­ from the Valdat hills region to* raeepitoa ef leak-proof gaao- It said 26 Britisfi planes were Russia. aault with which the Germans Declarinsf the Germans appar­ hours of confsrencea with union Mae taaka, were aabarmed In peal of the ban on arming opened the offensive agalnat Mo*- destroyed qvei Germany, the chan­ Destroy 1$ Naal Plaiie* ently wept trying to starve >ut (Coatteued Oe Page Tea) and. Company representatives at the blate. merchant ships. nel region and North Africa. cow by thrusting a w e^ e in the Lenlngrod, be asserted that the I Detroit yesterday that progress The German* .acknowledged in a follow-up sweep over north­ Russian flank, the central sector Nazis Probably had withdrawh

had been made afid that there were Fall River, Mam., Oct 18.—

British raids' on’^ northvresteim, ern France today, the R.A.F. waa appeared to be growing more "'•"p ow er and guns from the Len­ Indlcationa a aetUement would be Washington, Oct. 13.^— (/pf ■aid authoritatively to have de­ ■table. \ l western and southern Germany ingrad f font . t o help in terrific on- j rsachsd when conversations were —A great factory for defense Socretary Hull, urging stroyed 18 German plahea while and aaid their defenses brought “Diapite great loaoea.” aaid jb t* on other fronts. Irasumed toda.v. was crippled severely today.'after prompt revision of the neu­ down 13 British bombers. losing 10,o f its own. Pravda, "our troops are fighting I An inter-unioh dispute brought He added there were no Indica- Flashes! a furious and explosive fire which trality act to permit the arm­ "High explosive and incendiary Nuernberg, main objective of steadfasUy.” lons the Ruuian* were bringing Ifi®*** toe dtuatioB. Members of the night raiders because of Its (Late Bullettes et tha (P) Wire) ravaged huge storfa of govern­ bombs were dropped a't a number All reports Indicated the Ri reserves from the Far East. [CIO's United Automobile Workers ing of merchantmen, solemn- of places,” -the high command many war induatrieo. waa lighted liana and the Germans were ment rubber and equipment for In the. southern aoctor, where aaid In its report on the Britlah by huge fires so fierce they singed Rolling Slock Sougkt (Osui the armed forces at an estimated (ConUaoed On Page Two) some unofficial (Jerman reports Oa Page Bight) raids on Germany. "There were the bomber wings, the Air Mlnis- (Coatiaoed On Page Te have claimed Taganrog, this source Waahtegtoa, Oct. l|.— .,(>>—Brit­ lots of .118,000,000. tiy said. lah authoritiee. as OPM apokeaeMUi dead and injured among the civil said it was possible motorized Firemen from SO-odd Masaachu- "A number of targets'in western ■ aid toitey, have made a requeaS population. A t various places forces bad reached that point 45 ■etts and Rhode Isl:md cities and northwestern' Germany alao under the teod-leaec program ter a fought more than eight hours to buildings were destroyed or dam-- milea frbm Roatov-on-Don but de­ IStrike Votes Rails Offer aged.” ^ ^ were attacked.” the .A ir Ministry Gise to Sh large aroodet ot railroad rails oofi curb the bIsM, which fed on high­ _____ tons wks sunk came from Sections of the London Negotiate for ■ BoOst of gas masks,- barrage balloons Counter Offer Todajr to •off Great Tarmbuth. ■> - For R uU^ on Violent Caaplaa Hea oa which Ra«*ta haa and cartridge belts could be re. Treasury Babnre press today after a call by Lord coesMcraMe port tacllltic*. The Oeymana said their fighter* Beaverbrook for Rritiah-American Pay Rates. ■umed early hOxt week ia mills Fact - Finding Boaird. shot down six Britlah planes and Overthivw of U. S. which e a c s ^ the Sames.’ Washington. Oct7 J8.—(ifpv—Tb* production of 36,000 tanka. News Dealcni Strike patrol boats shot down two tn poaiUon of the Treaauiy, Oct. 10: A blunt itatement by the tabloid Btrtfo|4, Oct I8 .-4 i 5—Nego- 1,000 Ea ^ o ym Left Idte Chicago, Oct. 13—(P>—Railroad the channal region. New Vork, Oct. IS.—•A-^-Newe- R^mlpte, $16,256,264.26:. ex- W a ^ ih ^ n , .Oct. 13.—(P>—The Dally Sketch aaid that '’the sooner DatiOBs for pay Increases today About 1,00(1 at 3,000 employes management eubmitted a wage in­ • They said long r a ^ batteriea Supre^ Court agreed today to popera were bard ta get te many pendttures. $75,483,427.96; net bal­ Americana are it) with the Rua- ■ecttoaa of the elly today aa a re­ ere M n g ca^ed , oa by union crease counter offer today to review UUgation which would (Cmitteued On Pag* Eight) ance, $1,769,617,9^87; customs sult * f a aewe dealeni’ atfUto I JoprosentaUvas of two groups * of ProeidcaVJlooaevelt'a fact finding (Cqatteued Oa Page Eight) recelpU fop mohth, $12,064,{I34A8. open the way for a etraigbtout (Coatinned Oa.Pa|b Two) [long distance drivers. Each effort board tevehtlgaUBg a dispute be­ agateat eight afteraoea aad'aMfO- ruling on whether the Communist 4 ■ ------[was backed by a strike vote. tween the natlMi'a major carriers party ad<-ocatea violent overthrow r lag papers. Joseph Maoieilo, p r ^ and 1,380,000 organized employea. Meat o f Local 23J71, News Dealer# I J^>cal 671 of the truck drivers of tte United States government. jt^on, AFl., voted Sunday to give Fire Explodes. D ea^ b ^ .aa a plan of emer­ The ^tribunal granted an appeal lederol Ualoa (A F L I. clataeed gency compensation resembling the Food Prices about J.660 qf the city's 3.166 H- [Its nOgotiatlng committee power Thinks Women Spon, Will by William Sebneiderman, stefe [to call a strike when and If this Canadian war emergency bonu* cenaed sew* dealers as ouimkeia Oil, Naphtha plan, tbe propbeal was baaed on a aecretary of the Oommuaiat party and eald the strike waa fifi per caot [move aqemod-advisable. for California and a native of Ceiling Seen I Some 170 bus drivers emplcwsd formula relating ctaangM in the Be, Making Plane Repairs Ruaalil. ' effective. On arost dowatewn and Index of living coeta to the trend some mMtowa ataada, aaly FM aafi ■by the New Ikigisnd Trsnqwrta- He aought a review, of a deci­ enrollsd In Spreads to Adjoining te railroad gross revenuea, * The Breirkljra Eagle were aa eola. Six Per Cent Incrsess sion by the Federal District Court with both of whieh theoalea eoM M I Hartford and Providence locals at Stanley' ahould know Distributors Earned of Lumber Yard; TdS The* initial effect would be an. At Sen Francisco canceHteg , hta had aa amleoMe agreeencat. la ■ the Amalgamated Association of Men can find a let of exquaM to averythteg a sTOman would en­ American - ciUsenship on ‘ ‘ the Stabilisatibn to Come IStTMt Railway s ^ Motor carrier estimated six per cent increase on keep women nway from aijtplanee. maay other, parts o f tho rity. haw- ' Damage Noar $60,000 earatege up to $30 a week or $65 counter te learning to be a me- ground that membership in the ever, all paper* war* aa aole oa ■ Employes have voUd to strike if but Mrs. Dale Stanley, llcenaed chanic. By Official bt OPM. oe aeBU-monthly payrolls, effective mechanic, thinke women soon will Oommuniat party. had been con­ uaaal. ■ their demands for a pay increaac Nov. 1, and amounting to approxi­ She waa an office worker when cealed. • • • I Is not met . Vnkni, Oct 1*.—(JV^A be repairing ne w ell' as - flying ■he met her husband, now auper- jo a j ^ f t r o ax^idad mor* than mately $8,004,000 a year. them. - ; - , . • AUcglaaee PHaolpel laeue Chicago, O ct 18.—(\i - Douglas Pamela la Lowell HooplthT Fife DiscriariaalloB Otargea ” Tha raiM would apply to ail em-. tetendent ot. maintenknee for Whether Communist member­ C.^ Mackeachie. dircctor\ , 0# pur­ Low«U, Maao,^ OcL. I t - ut) . In conaeqtkm with ths truck •O.tHH) galhNia or oil and naphtha Mra. Stanley beUeVea she ia tha Southwest Airways, Inc. He then te nine atorag* tanka today and. ployea, a apokeaman explained. But ship prevented allegiance to tha chases for the Office of Produc Five-yeor-oM Paasala TI-Tlng eontroversy, ths Sva mam- qaly woman, now licensed, by tha operated airptene repair eiiopa at apreadteg to an adjoining lumbar only oa their first $30 a week or Civilian Aeronautics Administra­ United' Rtetee government waa tion Management, warned foo< worth exoM iMMoe tnitej ai ei of a negotiating ooaunlttee $88 a half mooth. An employe the old Central and Dyeer air­ the principal laaue. dlatributmx today thai aeost hoaa* from N*rtlt Ooownr, cauiMd total damage tafcu- tion aa an mirplane mechanic. port* in Los Angelea. at wb ***• “wildcat” •anilog aaore than $30 a week Hila woe one of more than 350 prices for their products N. a., wheie aha Apaat A woah a thmiy eatimatedtet briween $50,. "We have ao many------good------women1 "I * couHicould aoo so many things In «. Veacli I****** have fliod ebargsp of dis- 000 aad 480,000. would not have the increase per- cases acted upon today at the first the point of a “fair and1 just I a hospital after her reecaa to lotelnatlon against four trucking pilota, ’ Mr*. Stanley aaid. "I (kHft j Die shiop that a woman could te aa etartod ta The Ia eentage applied to the exeeas over. ■easlon of the nety term devoted turn” they would have to be woods whet* fhe had haeo. MM » IcoamsalsB, it was leamsd today. $30. ■a* why we can't have good wom-'weU aa a man. ao I started help- to transacting busteeaa. Theae WUxed' \ week. Her pareato kreoght her to pU Company plant and. w i ^ a an------airplane------mecbanlca." . . ta|.” ------Mrs. Stanley related, - I Ik s chatgss w en Sled with the few mlnutea burning fuel had te- The proposal waa presented by were among the controveralea that' MacKeachle,' speaking at\ tbe tke LeweU Oeaeral ketpital, w h w Department and the r . C. Gurley, vice president of the Mrs. Stanley, amaU and blonde, iuat, worked te apurte at the oka will reiaate for farther tree* nltod yards of Tha Duncan Lum­ proved to her own aatiafaction and tegiimlng, theq I becanM aq to- accumulated during the four- annual convention of tbe Nal I^Uonal Labor Relatim Board. ber Company, which surrounds the Santa Fa aad chairman-of the Chr- ■apiitb summer reoeaa. al Association of Food, t fer fteet kite. ;«fiered it I ^ J a m n DePaMla. Ctarcace H- riere’ Bxeeutlve Committee.' ' to that of the CAA that a woman tereatod that 1 handled a regular fieeriag ' oil plant on thr*a sidaa. can handle the job. She obtained job.” Among other 'actions, the court aaid that OPM and tbe Offica 4oewh r. Rogen, Joeeph Witnaaaes aaid a "lake ” of burn, It would become effective Nov. granted a Justice Department pe­ Price Administration abon tritlaa. IM. De Carlo and Howard Kraut- L 1841, continue throuffb Dee. 31. her Ueenae te Angelee Sept. Peeaed Mrrkaalre' ExamteaUan teg oU apread the biaac to tha 19,1938. She also haa a private pi­ A fter more than two yeare a t tition for a review of a dedaicn form a Defense Advteory'fjoi luaher pitea. 1943, and provide for four quar- teSdteg that the Federal anti- toe to help the food Meet Safegooid leelliallege TkaAv* BMU e(MBpIata*d that aa t^jr, i^ustmente If aecaaaary oa lot's lIcenM. practical' experience Mm peaaad Rlitto Weteteif ~ Ia additioa, eoal te aaotbar jrard Intereelad te Trateteg Coaree# the CAA; examination t a t meekaa- racketeering act does not apply to industry aaeet the problema ot, th«lr a S lM te tlm waa act afire aad two antotedbOw 1 May 1, and Aug-1 and Nov. maaMMte of a labor unioa alidad ■entad by the defense prograim Oct. U —<#)—Aomi r atrik* they have bean Because she beUevee there aoon ice. She' eentinaed working in bar parked nearby caught fire and to have required owners of trucks Prieaa mi “Law lovel” moet devete'eU He eairglee to 1 from •mployment by Fal- Rreaent baste rates or payteMdST "Win be a shortage of men meeban-- huteaind'a shop until they moved fOoee, Dot rios were daatroyad: ' - here last June. entering New York caty from out­ He eqnceded that when the pro­ U b m Wooatar Eg- ^ .HftheiTad as a fioor below Ica, Mrs. Stanley te tetereated te every effart to Ckarksd After Twa Haaro ride the state W hire a . union gram began food prices were at a. -■__? "Women ahould be eapecteUy A'Cooa^ldateil Motor U b m . , ------1 go, rr ftertteg opuraes for women. a m Two houra after the bteae start­ member to drive and unload the **«very6M W Ilow* level,”Imowal *• butW..A~ said 6 thatWm»' ItIA. •^■B of the treote of liv te g ____ . t o proflcieat te work on alrpteMta- at Syotam. ed firemen apparently had cheeked "There . aren’t be time train track. pHvate eoterpetee, No teamatiteta atriln at the railroad revenuea, Gurley aaid. all o t tbe men needqd,” i m said. etrumenta and the fuaelage," abo waa the duty of food dlatrtbuton ow eil ef The Hal its spread. . ■aid. *They alao could haaSteaMBt Ihte waa tbo first caa* involv­ to do all ta their power to, keep trtvw f waa ■gpeeto4. Kago- flroawa said two 16,000 galkm A colling also would be fixed of ‘The qualifleationa fc r women He* 6( act ifiota thsn 15 • p*r cent, te- w ont be too severe. They would motor repaira without help;” , ing obnstractlon of the anti-rock- prieee from eptrallng. ' Ad . _»?.* P8F teatoMo Uvo aka, two 7,000 gmllea uaka, ■tearing net to reach the tribunaL 9 9*6ffTMo ateMww macteat Auguat ttboi 29*“ ®fi the finit « » 6 weak ef •864 at least s.high aehool adute- ' Wamen naadnr- have any faar Be. .eold there were two major Pm ------* h ^ 8.000 g^Ien taaka aad two that aviatlen maehanlea te n dtety Actteg 190a ether outstanding ri qillato which h# mode of tho ' A .tofr tradso• heardfeaard lapr*.ronr*- 13,o(K9,000 galloo tanka containing fw l Uon. the akUlty te ua* tools and n i « a M te I M (.1^ . . a Gurley aaid tM plan was devised have an tetercat te avtetiofi. Joh,. McB. Stanley aaid. rntifrovereiaa. tho court: wholeogle food iaduotry: "A manicure testa just about as Agroed to a paoa on declrioas . “F l^ -^ v o ld speentetive buy- j (, ^6n Fhgo (< ‘Tlw re la no need fdr'unuausl Iw i^ jrtela a plaaa Ob PM f Vieok' PhrScal atreaath.*^ .. .anythihg-’i On »6a> . t) SPECIALS! the flrst witness before the House Jorlty.” Adams street waa struck by an I Weapons Being Made. <3amden, 8. C.. Oct. 13.—(/>)— the San Diego plant to demon­ Stllf another Idea waa contrib­ with 14,006 thrown Into, the p t ^ formed the American Red Cross —Kentucky’s most puzzllnx slay-, New Raven, Oct 13:—<*>— Foreign Affairs (Committee on pro- Closer Vote Seen. automobile on Center street about I K^ldlera of the First Army return­ strate changes BritUh pilots Frank Lynch and John J. Sullivan uted by The Sunemy dironlcle in ent giant offensive. the Arm y .will need an additional 50 feet west of New street at g:3fll ing, that of Golf SU r Marion Mlley wants In the patrol bombers. 4,600 reeer ve nuraee this year. poasd repeal of the prohlMUoa Mia forecast went unchallenged Waahington, Oct. 13.—UP)— W ar ed today to their Intensive training were honored by New Haven lodge an article suggeating a ^ In t supply chieftain did not even by Republican opponents of Saturday night and taken to the and her mother, appeared solved They include: SH IR TS 10c BrlUah-Anrietican guarantee of say how many tanks the Ruasiana Oen. Magee told the Red Ooae, against arming American mer­ Department officlala reported to­ maneuvers after a week-end of 25. B. P. O. B;., of which they are revision, but they expressed belief Manchester Memorial hospital lii today with the confession of Tom A gasoline gauge showing members, on their recent election Ruaala’a Fat* Eaatem frontier requested, but ha did aay the Brit- which maintains the official re­ chant ships, the whlta-halrcd ssc- Holloran’s ambulance in i day that mass production was now leave during which many of the Imperial gallons — different 15% Discount On AD thst the«vrote might be much clos­ C. Penney that he participated In to high office in the Elks. againat Japaneae attack to releaae mh and American delegations in serve of Army and Navy nurses, retary of sUte declared the Oer- ous condition, which may pr under way In a aubsUnttal num­ from the American , gallons: Family Bundles. that nearly 0,000 nurses are now mian govemmont “is today and er than McCormack expected. the holdup-ahootlng In the Mlleys 358,000 men In Lieut. Gen. Hugh Lynch, state auditor, waa chos­ nearly a half million Red Army Moscow had promised “all that at Actual work on the Issue mean­ to be fatal. ber of the plants that make Up the' A. Drum's command were enter­ arrangement of the Instrument troopa there. present we can give. on duty with the Army. Additional has been throughout the course of Lexington, Ky., apartment Sept. en president of The Connecticut while got.under way as the House According to the report of Serjl new $1,750,(NX),000 atring of gov- 28. tained by the cities, towns, snd panel for British gadgets, and State Elks Association at Um sum­ The help-Ruaaia-norw campaign Omis Prnmlaed Sevlet nurses will be needed to provide thin wrar sinking defenseless ves­ geant John McQIlnn, who Inveotif a windshield cleaner. Foreign Affairs Committee open­ amment-owned munltiona fac­ The 32-year-o1d ex-convlct from Individual citizens of the Caro- mer convention and Sullivan was waa ^ven a booat by S. Amery, "Guns wo have promised too,” adequate nursing facilities with sels" of this and other, countries ed hearinga on the single question gated, Mrs. Mozzer vaoa tories. llnas. the growing armed forces. “either without warning or with­ l/exington said In a signed state­ named district deputy for Crninee* aecretary of atate for India, who he went on, "a few - big guns, of repealing the neutrality act’s weat On Center street on The heat wave, with tempera­ aald In a apeecb: I t was pointed out the Army out making provision for the safe, Present production, it was said, ment that he and Robert H. An­ tlcut west by Grand Exalted Rul­ NEW SYSTEM UUNDRY plenty of good guns and plenty of Section 6 which forbids the arm­ south side Of the streL When covera virtually every major cate­ tures running Into the nineties, er John 8. McClelland of Allan* derson. L«utovllle night club opera- Brett in London . Try Our SOperier Dry Clenntaix Senico! ”Mmt Take Every Rlak” ammunition, materiala, . cop­ Nurse Corps anticipates thst 40 ty of their crews." ing of merchantmen. had passed New atreet and per cent ot Reeerve nurses who gory of ammunition and has be­ t6r, shot the women in a scuffle which made the flrst week of field ta, Ga., at the grand lodge con* TeLSISS "W e miiat take every risk to per, lead. sine, tin, cobalt, brass, Campaign Unprecedeated The start of the hearings foiuid directly In front of the Sea vention last July. S3 Harrimm Street Off Eut Ctoter Street help Ruaala. . . . It la up to ua and bed accepted one year's assign­ gun to include some of the weapone when they resisted the robbery exercises luipleasant to the troops rubber, ailk, jute wool, pho^borus, He d ecla i^ the Nasi military Democrats and Republicans In Coal Company’s office, the rep that would be required In a full clad In winter clothing, appeared On Inspection ment will request discharge at the awyjilns was engaged In a cam. says, "she staggered off the aid attempt. - Some 500 guests, including rep­ diamonds, ahrilae and a long Uat angry disagreement ovfr proce­ dress war. broken, with cooler days and resentatives of many Elka’ lodges of other products.” ‘ expiration of their 13 months' |Ci|n of conquest "unprecedented dure. The committee majority, in­ walk onto tho highway" In front Penney’s statement was given a e r v lc s .^ a result, 4,144 Reserve The antiounced objective of the Assistant District Attorney Hen- crisper nights in prospect. throughout the state, were present The Soviet Union, Beaverbrook In the annals of hlstery.” tent on disposing of the legisla­ of a car being driven east on O n l ne)v plants la to develop the p a Maj. Gen. (Charles F. Thompson's nuraee oVer the authorised quoU ter atreet by Mrs. Bertha Lep dricka Brown yesterday In th* London. Oct. \3 —IJP— Maj. St the testimonial banquet and added, must be enabled to enter In addition to removing ^ s tion In two d a ^ decided that wit­ ductlve capacity to fill the battle First Corps, composed of the 8th, dance Saturday night. \ a spring campaign with adeqimte must be enrolled to balance the nesses would be permitted to dis­ of 34 Dudley street. presence of Sheriff Ernest TTiortip- Gen. George H. Brett, chief of the number of retiring nurses. The limitation on the arming of met- needs of 4,000,(X)0 troopa. son and Chief of Police A. B. Price 9th and 30th Dlrtslona, will oper­ Lynch waa presented a fitted war supplies of every kjnd. Brit­ chant ships, Hull told the commit, cuss only Section 0 snd that noth­ Mrs. Mozzer wzs knocked ate for the first time as a unit. United States Army Air Corps, total number o f nurses needed and waa about three feet Five Ptonto Start Work Robert P. Fstterdoa of Lexington. traveling bag, and Sullivan a mo­ RE-UPHOLSTER ain even “will forego food from tee be personally favored “repeal ing might be said regarding other Jeffrey Lynn and Kaoren Verne occupy the romantic leads In Ranged along e line west of the arrived here from the Middle East tion picture camera by their fel­ comes to 10,408, the south curb when Sergeant: In the paat three weeks five new Anderson Denies Conapllcity abroad” if the ships are needed or modiflcation” of section two of sections or the entire law Itself. the thrilling Warner hit ’’Underground” featured at the New Cir­ ^ ta w b a river. It will face an today on an Ihapection of the Eu­ low Elks. GUnn arrived. He called ao on plants have itarted turning out It led to Immediate ai;reat of cle theater 'Tuesday and Wednesday. The companion film is an to get thenv to Ruaala, he asserted. Armgr B sqiS iM iifls the act which prohibits American Term Procedure “ Outrageous” ’’enemy" of the same strength, ropean war front. Judge John R. Thlm wSs toast* Tour 3*Piece Living Room Siiito lance and Mrs. MooMr waa reR.. such material aa rifle and machine Anderson in Louiaville op a mur­ extremely hilarious Comedy "Klsset for Breakfa.st" sUrring Dennis He admitted that the Red To becomi a Regular Army merchantmen from entering com' augmented by a cavalry regiment, Accompanied by Brig. Geri. master at the banquet. Speaker* Republicans termed such pro­ ed to the hospital. Hsr conditio gun, ammunition, shells for In­ Five Violent der charge. He denied complicity. Morgan and Shirley Ross. A variety of shorts completeta the MacDonald’s 7-Point Feaiure Armies today are In “dire peril” nurse, the applicant must be be­ bat zones. which will line up near the Broad Ralph Royce. air attache at the U. included Mayor John W. Murphy but declared their 'morale un­ cedure “outrageous" and "shock­ appeared to be good when she fir fantry motors, and high explosive A Lexington newspaper carrier, the Wll. tween 32 and SO years of age, Hull said Hitler was “ seeking ing.” 'They pleaded In vain 'for river to the west. S. embassy. Brett paid a courtesy of New Haven, State Police Cm - 1. Strip your furniture to the broken. unmarried and a citizen of tbo entered, but later there was TN T for boiqbs, ahetls and tor­ Homer Cramer, gave police a de­ desperately to control the high longer hearings, a broadening of change. )\’hen Sergeant McOlii pedoes. State Deaths To Dirtde Into Two Foreea call on ranking officers of the R. mlsaioner Edward J. Hickey, For­ frame From the long-range point of United States. She must meet the scription and license number of a mer State Treasurer Joseph' Tal­ the s c o ^ of the teatlmohy and a returned to the hospital .to eecur sedan he saw the night of the alay. The Second CJorps, commanded A. F. 2. Rebuilt—with new aprlnga and $ Q 4 . 5 0 view,, he declared Britain must physical requlremenu for Army The latest to reach the- produc­ bot, David F.' (B ig Dave) n tzger- Discuaslng the propoaed repeal few more deja for preparation of further Infomtation as to tha Ing. Sheriff Thompson said by. Maj. Gen. Uoyd R. Fredenhall, Informed quarters said It was fllUng added mobilize a super tank army for nurses and must be a graduate of tion atoge was the Lake City ord- ald. Editor James L. McGovern o f Easy o f the ahlp arming ban, Hull said their opposition case. Th en was tent of her Injuries hk woe Three Due to Auto (Tramer’s tip played an Important will divide Into two forces, with uncertain whether Brett would re­ 8. Re-Co\«r with Homeapun "the day when our defensive oper­ an accredited high school, a school naneq plant at Independence, Mo., Methyl Group Found The Bridgeport Tlmea-Star, Dr. ations are abandoned in favor of It wraa not called for under Inter­ corridor talk among the members formed that she had K brokOn 'which the War Department ac­ part In the case. the 28th and 29th Divisions con­ turn to the Middle East or the 4. Rcflnlnn the woodwork Payments o f nursing of approved standards, national law and asoerted that even thst some Repubileam committee­ Crashes; Others Train fronting each other In the Wades- Henry Benoit, Judge of probate at 6. Saglesa-Proof Conatructlon attack.” Therefore, the minister arm between the wrist and thd cepted Saturday, four months Detectives arrested Penney United SUtes. but that he prob­ and also be s registered nurse. when It was enacted there never men might absent themselves elbow, a broken left leg below the boro. N. C.. vicinity. Putnam, and the ^ v . Jolm B. A f­ a. Free eatlmatee and deliveries asserted. Britain and' the United To becoine s Reserve nurse, the ahead o f its scheduled completion Mishap and Suicide. 'Thursday night on a hunch, found ably would remain In Lmdon for fleck. paator of SL Mary's church. We Carry Our Owh Acconnta . bad been "any thought” of this from the hearings in protest. knee and a broken pelvis te le . a I the sedan he was driving was one The Sixth Corps will also engage a short time. 7. Easy terma States should turn out tanks on applicant must be between 31 and Secretary of State Hull was the dale. It iq one of six in the middle - «r Necessary to Survive New Haven. a program "vaster than any yet country abandoning lU fuU rights that time the police officer wai( west whidh are to turn out small reported stolen from Anderson In In simulated battle in tile area Better Covera Priced Proportionately Low. 40 years of age, unmarried, a citi­ of self-defense In the event of any first witness to be called. Secre­ told the condition of the won south of Plnehurst, N. C. laid down" or even contemplated,. zen of the United SUtea. and arms cartridges in astronomical By The Associated Press Louisville and reported the arrest Have Our Repreoentative Call A t Your Home, or threat to this continent. tary of W ar Stimson, Secntsry of waa serious. This morning at quantities. to Kentucky officials. Maj. O n . Karl Truesdell. the Urges Amoricao Particlpatloa. physically fit. Shs must be a high the Navy Knox, Admiral Harold Three automobile crashes, one VTSTTOVR THIRD FLOOR 8HOWlU)OM The Dally Sketch, in calling for Impoesible To Defend Salves hospital there waa no change To date, hovvever, only a few 'fitatemeiHs made by Tommy Itiust Be Already P r e * “ n** <^oga whose pancreases bad commander, will send the 26lh FACTS, not fiction, should be Remrianta and Dlacontlnued Patterns At a Saving. school graduate and a graduate of R. Stark, chief of. Naval opera- ported In her condition. of them on the midget racing j • c< j w* been removed. The pancreaa Is the Division of hto corps against the immediate American participation an approved school of nursing con­ The ban, the secretary declared, plants have reached a maximum LunZfq^, a friend of Penney’a. your guide "makes it Impossible for American tlotui, and Chairman Emoiy S. Mrs. Lepper was not held track in Thompson, a train mis­ r o r m e o i n 1* o o d ; C,x* source of InsuUn. 44th Division, regularly a part of in. the war. said "the Idea this ti­ nected with a hospital giving a production peak. Many are still and Bud Tomlinson, both 28 and ships to defend themselves on the Land of the Maritime Commission police. hap and a suicide took five Uvei is ts O n l v in F s »w P n i n . '*'***" insulin, these the Second Oirps, but temporarily a piano. A s i MacDonald Upholstery €o. tanic struggle can be won with­ three years' course in basic nurs­ were to follow him. building and there are some for from Lexington, proved another v / n iy i n jogs developed liver trouble. Ex­ out any shedding of American high seas from lawless forces seek­ in Connecticut during the week­ ISIS rew ^ m - attached to the Sixth. ing subjects. The hospital must McCormack, field marshal of vvhlch no contracts have yet been prime factor In breaking the case. (American Indnstrlal Bldg.) Room S02A blood may be dismissed by every ing world domination.” end. pounds. ' cess .fat infiltrated their livers. The 44th is expected to return nave had a dally average of at the administration drive to have Ooio’ To The Rodeo let although Congress has provid­ They said Penney had approach­ ' yj 983 MAIN STREEH HARTFORD CALL 2-4127 American aa insane. . . . As the secretary completed the ed the funds. The dead: Tony Wlllmain, 37. of ed them and suggested they parti­ But when Professor Best fed the to the Second after the arrival of "A t the risk of appearing un­ least 50 patients and must have the resolution approved and sent Milwaukee; Ernest H. Nordlirij;, animals raw pancreaa, ttae liver the First Division at Its base near had separate departments. A Re­ reading o f his formal statement, to the Senate by Saturday at the Fargo, Okla.— (JP) —I f Oeor Another Gear Needed cipate In the robbery a week before By Howard W. Blakeslee grateful, we must tell the Ameri- the committee went Into executive Jr., 33. of Scandale, N. Y.; Mrs. trouble did not appear, or waa Candor. N. C. With advance ele­ serve nurse goes on active duty al. latest, told the Houm when It ad­ Davison's buffalo appears in Possibly another year, by the the slaying. Their statements said Chicago, Oct, IS— OP) — A new canA it is our view that one declar­ session but not until Chairman Nellie Gallagher, 56, of New Brit­ they refused. ^ cured. ments on hand, the division to most Immediately after she is journed Friday until tomorrow: Elks rodeo now—It'll be In aandi estimate of Under-secretary Rob' ation of total war at this Juncture bloom (D -N Y) and Representative ain; Thomas Kettledon, 6, of concept ln> nutrition has come to Chemical Curing Trouble scheduled to complete Its move­ sworn In as r.n Arm y nurse and It seems to me that all the wichea ert P. Patterson, will be needed Shell o f Same Caliber By America againat Germany Vorys (R-Ohlo) had a brief row. Hartford; Hugo Oroth, 43, of Thompson said a .32 caliber ex­ light at (Cornell University Medical Examination of the pancreaa re­ ment from Fort Devens. Mass., be­ i would accomplish more for victory remains on duty for at least a members know their views one The 1.400 pound specimen eatop'j to complete the preparatiofis to Hartford. vealed that it contained some fore the end of the week. Over the attempts of Bloom to ed fro:n a corral, snorted ploded shell found In the sedan was College. ! than the delli-erj o f 3,000 Ameri­ year, unless vUschsrged sooner. sole meet every foreseeable wartime Killed aa 12.000 Watch choline, and that this chemical gavel him into sUencs. Vorys said quqstion involved in the resololu- town, butting over automobiles i need of the Army and at the same the same caliber as the bullets A chemical combination of hy­ can tanks every month to Russia Duties of aa A rm y nurse are hs wanted It unSsratood that the Wlllman, national midget car which killed the famous 27-year- was curing ttae liver trouble. I and ourselves can possibly hope much the .ame as those In s civil­ tlon." wrecking tiungs In general. time to supply demands made on dirt track champion, waa killed drogen and carbon, known as tbe Sends News of Own “ Death” exclusion of the press from the _ Citizens shot him dead. old golf star and Mrs. Mlley. methyl iroup, has been fouml nec- The second step in this pioneer t ' to do . . .” ian hospital. Initial pay is 1850 Seea Vote of Oonfldenoe the "arsenal of the democracies. before the eyes of 12,000 specta­ questloiUng period was .“not by When confronted with all this easary In the diet. trail took place at the Unlveraity With the First Arm y Corps on Tuesday and Wednesday I The Daily Mirror commented: a year plus maintenance. The unanimous consent.” But Representative Vorys (R., Contracts for the recently-com­ tors, including his wife, during a of Michigan. There Prof. Henry By the end of August. 1841. OC'4 pleted plants were let last (all, Information. Penney admitted the If the methyl Is not present, the Maneuvers (A*)— Imaginary deaths 1 "What Will be the answer of the salary Increases with length of Neither Representaive Fish (R- Ohio) argued that the vote on the race at the 'Thompson track yes­ shootings and related this story, C. Eckstein found that methionine ; government to demands echoing service and the pay for nine cording to information fi .. when Congress voted Initial funds terday. Competing for a $5,000 animal body cannot survive. Even become quite commonplace during N Y ), the ranking minority mem­ single question of repealing the Washington. 82.3 per cent of th( Thompson told reporters. also would prevent these fatty I throughout the "country in favor years of ser\ice Is $1,500 s year arms prohibition "will be regarded to create, almost from scratch, an prize in a 100-lap race, he suf­ to save Its own life, the animal to livers. mock warfare, but a radio mes­ ber, nor Representative Tlnkham field artillery in active aervlo arms industry at least comparable Penney and Anderson entered unable to synthesize this methyl. sage to 34th Infantry Headquar- of immediate action to aid Rus- plus maintenance. TTie new Army (R-51ass) w’ere present when the as a vote of confidence In the en­ fered a compotmd fracture of the the swank country club apartment The third discovery, whfoh dis­ throughout the United States am to those of warring European na­ skull when the rear end of his It must be already pre-formed In ttys excited considerable atten­ sla ? The time Is past even for nurse receives the grade of Nurse bearings started and members of tire neutrality act the night of Slept. 28. turned off closed the role of the methyl group, its posaeaaions will havre been m tions. Other plants have been car apparently locked and the the food. tion. It was; "Command car and I vigor of expression. It is vigor of with the relsUvs rank of Second their office staffs said both mem­ “ It will be a question of a vpte all the tights, found a cloiMd door came In Cornell's Medical College Ueutenan*. torlzed. 'started since that first wave and vehicle crashed Into a guard raiK Fiirthennore the pre-formed jeep wiped out. killing eight 1 I action that is wanted." bers were absenting themselves of confidence on the shooting war, on the second floor and beard some­ In New York cjty. Prof. DuVig- The Daily Herald declared: ! still others are contemplated. Nordling was killed last night methyl that can be used by the was one of the eight.” from the proceedings In protest past present and future." Altogether 67 government-own­ one inside snoring. They returned neaud and aasoclatea found that earanceSale I "The government must realize by | Apparently voicing tho views of when his car collided with an­ body exist only In a few com­ against the action of the majority toslheir car and obtained guns. the methionine waa not directly now that its inability to pro%ldc ' ed plants have bMn started for other near the Nepaug State for­ pounds, despite the fact that the The grafting of tomato and Rnilri Offer in restricting the Inquiry to two some of bis colleagviea, Vorys said the Ordnance Department, n for '*We went back in 'the club curing the liver trouble. Drop in snd ICC (he atw W tium CB SH NlTm a diversion (by opening a sOoond that the Mouse should be ^ven a est in New Hartford, ploughed up methyl group Is one of the com­ potato plants has, produced a new All Merchandise is from Our Regular Stock— Marked Down for days of almost completely closed the Chemical Warfare Service, an embankment and overturned. house;\ Penney said In his state­ monest of all chemicals, and that Making Own CboUoe Their Misrt dtsiga, fuU rich ioiic. sad compact land front against Germany) has ses.vlons. chance to determine whether the I N P E R S O N ment. “and went to the kitchen The animals were splitting__ starchleas vegetable called the Quick Clearance b itterly disappointed public opin- and four bomber assembly plants His parents and the driver and a it occurs in thousands of com­ "topatOe.” sire w ill delight hm. Fsowos for the AIKUONTIO Bonus Plan One of Fish’s secretaries said repealer was "part of a move to re­ for the A ir Corps. War Depart­ passenger in the other car were where Anderson picked up some­ pounds. within their tlsaues—the methyl ' ion.” peal the entire law.” thing, and then we went back up­ group off the methionine and Using 60UNOINC BOAOD sad other advanced (* m ~ ~ * j the congressman had wanted to ment officials report that the en­ not hurt. State Police Sergt. Most Familiar Source call "about 30 witnesses, promi­ There have been strong Indica­ GENE&GLENN tire program has been carried out George Remer said the driver of stairs. It to make their own choline. This BUY NOW I Wants Salary for Work (ConUaned from Page One) nent people from all over the tions that If the House voted "When we got back up the stairs The most familiar source of the home-made choline was identical, In WItk thus far within a fraction of one the other car, Emil Bona of Tor- group, of methyl alcohol (wood al­ KEMP'S, INC. countr}'," but decided against It overwhelmingly to repeal Section per cent of echedule. rlngton, wma not arrested. Anderson used something to knock structure and effects with Ih e Chicago —(4>) — Seven-year-old and aubmitted because'Che carriers when It appeared they would have 6. administration forces in the the panel out of thq door. Ander­ cohol.) An odd pact la that the choline used In Toronto to cure rarnltaw aad Mnsle — Plaao Toalag BUY FOR XMAS! decided unanimouily that the em­ JAKE AND LENA Third la Actual Production. Mrs. Gallagher died In Bristol methyl group in thto alcohol to Bobby Davey told Police Sergt. only about five minutes' apiece for Senate would attempt to broaden Of the key ordnance plants, son reached inside then"and opened the livers. ployes’ wage Increase demands la a Big hospital last night three hours precisely the same aa the metbyl u fn t u Iil.ilit I I t ” W I Klll/IK PI’ $2-00 $4-00 Fred Kocshler that be was dis­ their testimony. the repealer to scrap those pro vi­ about a third are in actual pro­ after she w'as injured in a three- the dopr and I went Imo the room TTile means, In simple termia, that couraged because he never got were "ruinous” and the railroads Theory To Avoid Danger rions of the law which prohibit with him. necessary tb life. Ukdwlae the although the body cannot S3mthe- 7 tt Btala Street TeL 5880 "can not grant them, or any con­ 2 Hour Stage Show duction. The Radford, Va„ pow­ car colllalon in WolootL Police Maocheeter pall for finding, lost children In Hull said the theory of the neu­ the movement of United States der planL which started operat­ Hit On Chin \ methyl la identicM In the diet size the methyl group. It can take Super-Sale Values! siderable portion of them, and ex­ CommiZsioner Fred Megin of Wol­ group and In all the thousands of • * * * VALUES! his neigbborho^ and suggested trality legislation waa that by act­ ships to belligerent ports or TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 ing last month at full capacity, cott said the car in which she was •There was a bunch of scr^mlng the methyl off from choline, betaine that he should be given a salary pect to survive as self sustaining ing within the act’s limitations, through combat zonks. 8:15 P. M. was alone credited with a smoke- and scuffling before 1 got In ^ as other compounds which the body is or methionine and use it for Fine .wooU, velvete^B^* business Institutions." passenger was driven by Fran­ unable to use. These w o n'd e r f u I for bis wdric. He recommended the United States could keep away But Democratic leaders, while SOUTH METHODIST leas powder output several times cis Mullen, 33, of Waterbury, who. soon aa I got In the room some­ making many other compounds crepes in new Fall col­ that for every lost child he,found SO Per Cent Demanded from danger. greater than the entire country thing hit me on the chin. I got. It appears thst the methyl can which are necessary to health. The five operating brotherhoods expressing belief that they have CHURCH with another passenger, suffered dresses sold as high as ho would be paid "5 cents a kid "But danger has come to us— the votes for both repealers In produced on the eve of the Euro­ minor hurts. knocked dowm and when I got up useful In diet only when at- The body depends on some of the ors. Values to $12.98. or an Ice cream- soda." Koehler demanded a flat 30 per cent In­ has been thrust upon us—and our PARISH HOUSE pean war. and started through the hall some­ tqched to certain sulphur and ni­ methyl groups and on sulphur to crease and the non-operating the House, have said that only one .. Trapped on Railroad Trestle S7.98. Sizes 10-44. Sizes 9-41. told Bobby that only his lack of problem now,” he continued, "Is step should be taken at a time. Aospieea Stoaley Oronp. ' Tha Army's munitions picture one grabbed me by the neck. I hit trogen compounds. Only three detoxify many substances that brotherhoods asked a boost of from on a railroad trestle experience dlsquallOed him for the not that of avoiding it but of d^ Admlssloa 50c, lac. Tax. to date, taking only major plants near the Capitol avenue underpass the person with the gun In my hand such have been found to occur u’ould otherwise be poiaonoua. It proposed role of Ju\’enile officer. 30 to 34 cents an hour In their basic fending ourselves against a hos­ and It went off. Then the shooting naturally so far. pa.v. / Ticketa At into accovint, was thus outlined; In Hartford, the Kettledon boy to possible that the action of some tile movement seriously threaten­ TN T and other high explosives was injured fatally Saturday started. I don’t know how many drugs depends on the body's sup­ CUTS The carriers’ proposal Contem­ KEM P’S. INC. More Peculiar Thaa I ’ltomlna ing us and the entire western W ARD E. KRAUSE plants—Five built or building, night when a peoaenger train times I, shot or how many times These facta place the methyl ply of the methyl group. plated a "composite Index” using hemisphere. Or Call 5484 or 8401 a n d AMM SC, MANCHf S n a INSTBUCTOIt two In operation. struck him. Hia three young broth­ Anderson shot.” group in a class as rare add even HiKB'SQUiCK the number of points of rise or de­ "The blunt truth le that the Ammonia— Six already built or A fter the shooting, Penney sold, CLARINET — TROMBONE ers, taking a short cut home from more peculiar than. vitamins, BLOUSES cline In the cost of living Index snd world is steadily being dragged contracted for, but only that at the movies, lay flat on the road­ he and Anderson went into a bed­ SWEATERS one-half the number of points rise enzymes and those minerals Cromwell Man BURNS downward and backward by the A.ND BA.XOPHO.NE X Muscle Shoala, Ala., in partial bed and escaped Injury. Thomas room and saw a woman, apparent­ O ETTLING aJI details in advance of need or decline In groto railroad reve­ mightiest movement of conquest operation. taown to be essential for life. The dlshfml brsM is ths Ain — Studio: 87 Walnal Street died foqr hours later in a hospltiU. ly Mrs. Mlley, sitting on the aide Heretofore the methyl been nues. The living cost Index of the ever attempted In all history. SmoU anna ammunition — Six Oroth was found dead Saturday of ttae bed and -asked her about tbe Dies in Utica Ike body’) "Define Use" leevet ^ creates a feeling of. security and guar­ U. S. Department'of Labor Bureau Telepkone SIM ^ TUESDAY I regarded aa a somewhat insignifi­ TOMOHT Armed and militant predatory projected, one producing, two In hia room In Hartford and Dr. money. ' She told them It wraa In a cant group. en eety reed fer deedly feme to antees appropriateness of service in every de- 25c and SPORTSWEAR of Labor SUttstics and the Inter­ forces are marching acroos can- AND others to aten in a few weeks. drawrer. They found a paper sack enter. A » e l Wedinedicieeclieet Perry T. Hbugh, medical Exam­ $ 1.00 Tryl pmgsssVa-tnHioL It(I)shrinlcs WED. "The three substances containing fwoUm membranes, (3) s o o ^ Irrits- state Commerce Commission "A c ­ tlnents and Invading the seas, CIRCLE* Smokelqai powder— Four built iner, sold h^.bad committed sui­ and a . x l ^ sack containing $130. Crorawtll, Oct, 18.— (P)—Word h the beet lecend-fne lefefuerd taiL Wise families prefey a frank discussion count No. 501,’’ giving gross reve­ it In useful form are choline, an tion, (3) rdleves transient msal con> leaving desolation In their wake. If. two producing, cide by atraflgtlng himaelf with a They took the money and fle^ woe received here today of the efeint mejor derelepmenty ^rom with^Mr. Quish. This plac*^ them under no nues o f the Class 1 railroads com­ "With them rides a policy of _8^^^jANTgHpWI loading — Ten, of which alkaloid found In egg yolk, ooy 79c •estion... And bringigRaf IROVEN PICTUR belt fastened to hia bed Otma Hurled Into River death Sunday In Utica, N. Y.. of •niner ciitf end bum. beans, futtyi and numerous other er breathing comfort, m s w i i < S bined. would be u s^ In the formu­ frlghHuIness. plllafe, murder and mOy started operation, Tbe guna were tied to a cloth Andrew cnark Smith, 62. a dlvl- obligation, but provides them with complete You'U UksTtI FoUow la. calculated cruelty which fills all theatre ■ Hortford ir bo* loading— Four, one animal and vegetable tiasuea'; be- Reg. $1.00 to $2.98 SKIRTS riSH N. 1 bag and hurled into the Ohio river slonal foreman for th# State High­ Stech yeur medicine cebinet boo, information. dlrccdont in folder. V A f f M H M i The Joint base from w’hlch the civilized mankind with horror and I), another nearly ready. I near Shelbyville, Penney relayed. teln, a related compotmd; and way Deportment who was strick­ rise or fall in points would be indignation.” STARTS TO M O H T A T U P. M. I— INHIII HIM leous, including plants Whitou Library methionine, on amino arid, one of from OUT wpfly of first eid Heim. He sold Anderson .drove him home en while oil a vacation automobile Burst, bruitst end cutt from us- measured would be the June 16. Plan nf Conqneat Unnsnal OCT. It TO 18—1 WEEK ONLY! for manufacture o f 37 millimeter end two days after the slayings the building blocks of proteins trip to Niagara .Foils. dees isiliiimenli AeJd receies 1937, Labor Department Index and Hull said that the Nazi plan of LATE SHOWS ONLY AT 11 P. M. luno, armor plate, tonka, 155 told him, Penney, to take the car found in casein o f milk and other 'I ^ Lists New Books foods. Smith, a ahad fisherman, was ti>e June 30. 1837. groaa ravenuea conquest was so unusual and un- millimeter cannon, ahell forgings, because "it woe hot.” known locally as a riverman and, isunediete medleel .ettesties fo report It wraa In 1937 that tha prseedented that many people in FOOD SALE sulphuric acid and toluol---ten, of Tw o men and a women picked ^ Oiacovery Described with John FToaer o f thto town, eveid tbe dtsfer sf tetenw. BAGS 79c Jewelry 25c last increase was granted railroad the peatfe-lovlng United States which fivre'ore in production. H A LE ’S STORE up by Penney on bis journey from The discovery oK the - methyl bad recovered the bodies o f many R eg. $1.00 employes. "do not st all perceive the danger Among the new booke at the group's astonishing role in these Reg. $1.59 - $2.00 taka-kaatoi'toitoa-o^aaoBBafii Whlfon ifemortol Library that the Kentucky to Florida and tbence to drowning- vlctima frona ttae Con­ 'AMBULA/KB TUESDAY AT 9 A.M. Based On Llvtiig Costs /amp i’ to this cottoUy that . this move- PLU81 Texas, were exonerated of any subsUnces was desbribed to tho etit portends. reodinr public might like to know necticut river. , Group C, Center Church Gurley said the Initial six per “KliSES FOR EBEAKPAST* | port In the Mlley cose. Officers Federation of American Borietiea cent eatlmate wraa based oh an ”Th£s fadurs to realize and com­ [FallB From Auto, about; include the following in fic­ He leaves -hto widow, who was ACCESSORIES Federation.-'^ Deoals Morgok.— Sklrlty R « tion: oold the woman hod been told some for Experimental Biology by Prof. with him at ttae time o f his deetta, DAY- NIGHT 4340 assumption that thsrs wraa on In­ prehend the vsatness of the plan Of the particidoirs e i tbe robbery­ Vincent Du Vi^eaud, of OoriieU’s fVHARI HANKIES crease o f 4.2 paints In the coat ot and the savagely of Its vmllmlted Has Head Injury W. W. Chambeilalii', Leaf Qold and tw o daughters. Philip Glbbo, Amoxlng Summer slaying and "was talking her head Medical Oellege. a n MAIN ST. living index and an InereaM o f objectives.” hs went on. "has been, ^U S ! SELECTED SROBTBI I Off.” Tha beglitnlng o f the relotitei- ^gfoAM*NCHWTta..cottw. 15.1 points.In the revenue index. and still la ,. the greateat alngle Helen Moclnnea. Above Suoplctoh Britain GLOVES 49c 8 fo r $ 1 . 0 0 Mary O’Hara, My Friend Flicks Tbe Kentucky ofllcUto^eald they ahlp between choline and mettalo^- The celling waa risceaqary, hs source of peril to thoae free peo­ would remain here.a.'day ter eo be­ nlno woe In Toronto, where Prof. ples who are yet unconquered and NOW: “PUDOIN UEAir Thomaa E. Donnoher, Clerk of Vincent Staeean, Bird ot ttae Wild ' Londoti, O ct 18.—(* )—Col. J. L. Reg. $1.00 All Linen. HAVE YOU said, because “ it Is iihpotolUe to 1Town court o f Moncheater, to fore returning with Penney. (Tbarles H. Best, co-dlscolrerer of torscast the futurs trend of events who BtUI possess and enjoy their 10ANOS OF SONORA” eifoess; Arthur Train, Mr. Tutt nktoton, (Canada’s defense minis­ [WeSrolMsdmMresrl pricelese inatitutlooa.” I it tha Windham County hokpital Cornea Home; Virginia Woolf, Be Not a t all anxious to return waa Insulin with ttae (ate Sir Frederick ter. arrived today In Great BrlUin HEARD? In these troublesome and unsettled ilo WUUmontic aa a result of a Lunsford, who sold: Bantitig, waa giving inaiiiin to rterTe OssS f — We>J times.” Tbs aacreUiy said tha (Sennaa tween the Acts. by trq^AUontic oliplone. Former Washday I peculiar accident In Andover Non-FlcUon: Richard Aldington, ',*How yould you feel If a man Gurley said that under, tha-plan govemment’s submarine and air­ who lived serosa the street from Smart jo m g craft attacks on merchant ahlp- I Saturday night. Mr. Donnoher wan cx>mp.. Viking Book of Poetry: A. each rise or one point in the eem- I returiting to Moncheater frobi WU- jrou, and whom you hod known motlMrB.t6-be posits Index would equal a payroll ping were intended to “intimidate M. (^eaveland. No Life for a L ^ ; Slave Now Does have long M t thie country Into weakening or th * WctMfB That Can’ll B«i lUmontic with Joseph L ’HMreux of M. A. Davey, Elveryday Occupa- nearly all- your life, and you bad A NYLONS cost o f $15,834,000. 1618 Center atreet after vioiting to be the one tp cause hto arrest? ■ duty b o i^ to tione; A. G. Donahue, ,ToUy-Ho! abandoning the legitimate defeneee FIRST fHOWINO RORULF^RRICIt I rtlativee - and friends of Mr. a r r a y them, of the bemUphare by retreating Yankee in a Spitfire; WfUlom Free­ *Tve known Tom Penney a long Her Laundry ^aelvea hi WU- Beg PnrdonI iL’Heqrenx. They were riding In man, Hear! Heorl; Moiworot time. I know hto wife and their f HOSIERY from the sees. I the L'Haureux automobile. In ooifi- chUd. Hto brothera'gnd hto tolfe’s A L L T E I ^ roae Maternity Ne Diettnetten Mode ortfl- TOMORROW FOR 5 ’ DAYS Leech, Reveille In Washington; F a a h i o n a. Falls City, Neb.— (K)— Farmer I ing Into Andover tha Soor' ot the Mrs. p . T. Lutes, Country ScLool- foster motber, what or* they go­ The Easy W ay,* a e $1.69 *Tn defiance of the loem of the ■ automobile on the elda that Mr. ing to think? ' ' L. Pure Silk! Reg. $1.00 T h ey keep Ray/Louoks couldn’t figure It out eea and the reoognloed rigbta of ma’om; Eugene Lyons, Red De­ bliaaed event- when hs rsosivsd calls from twro Donnoher waa sitting oponed and cade; N. T. Herald Tribune Home “Hoar am I going to face them ? SPECIAL SALE oU naUono; the Hitler government ■ be fell out of the cor onto the I wtoh I didn’t have to go bock to era la e k ln t sbsiHfs who dsmandsd that bs has presumed to declare on paper Institute, America’s Housekeeping thair baat fer stum that auto.” rood He euetalned n cut on the Book; Lewis RlccL Action Sta­ Lexington.” that great areoa o t the oeaoa ore hock of the head. He waa isirsi. to IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS montha and The only cor hs bad. he Insisted, I tions!; Porter Sargent, Oettinr to be closed, end that ao ahipa may IWllUmantlc to tha hoepltol'and It HouseiBoaU $1.49 HATS montha. was his own. But he was wrong. enter tboea areas for any purpooe US Into War, Lelond StoweT^No SHETLANDS 2*PLY WORSTEDS By mlstaks he hsd driven another ■ later developed that ha hod a leg Other Rood to Freedom: A. .A.’ Auto Misses Boy Get free of the wash tubs, scrub boards, hand- except at peril o t being euak,’’ be Injury. He'wlU be a patient at the Reg. 11.98 - man’s auto bom's from Sabstha, Don’t . BeUtye It TWEEDS AND OTHER FINE FABRICS ODDS ’N ENDS 2Sc and 79c sold. “This p'ronountoment to- hospital for a few days. wrecking soaps, beauty w reekinf atcam and worii Kas. discriminate ainldng mdkea no dio- Why Should TouT; O. C VolUont, Falling in Street tiacUon between armed and un­ Aateca o f Meotico; Tommy Wodel- "“" SUITABLE FOR ton. M y Father Woe a (3ulet Mon* ...do your laundry the easy way! Send it to " ' PHf^ities 88c ’ Socks 14c WILROSE One of. America's “ fost tribes,” armed veaaela, nor doea the actual WUliora August CorUcm, 8, of pnetfee of the Oenaon gavem- diggers to Give O ork Wtoeler, Indiana o f the Unit­ IHIESS SHOP tha Red Bones in Loiilalans, a n ed States. 104 Spruce atreet eacaped vrith N w Model! It’s easy, it’s thrifty, H*a eScIcnt. m mixture o f French. Spanish and meat moke aay ouch dlstinetion. cuts on bott knees and a SKI Mala Streat Since veoMls are thus sunk wheth­ SUITS - - TOPCOATS ‘ Retol SkerMaa BUg. American, and still s p M on un: Roosevelt Report bump on hto Mrs-bead. when he Your clothes come back, swset smeOinf and freahs - InteUMbls patois that Is mostly er ormsd o r unarmed it Is mani­ fell, in front o f on auttenebOa on *S d o w Suits' fest that k greater degree of aof e* Jessel Expects . Cotton Pajamas *n Sprues otreet-jteoterday aftoniocn AND OVERCOATS qMtIcasly clean as a anowllaka. Call up fo r ds- ty would bo hsd by arming them. at 13:06. A ear waa belngdriven * Winter Coat* Nightgowns 49c • r tir r Moreover. Germany eorrlea her I Oct. la — (P>—TOe Unlt- |M Btatae embooey oanouaced to- To Be Father Soon south on Spruce street by A om aa taib .. .there’s s serriee for every need! Values To $1.M policy o t frlghtfnlnees. aopedally J. Lombardo, ot MS Main street Regular $45 la tho Atlaatle, for o u t s ^ o t Idoy tM t John D. Btggere,'Amer^ *FaD Coata I jcka Isoae-tond representative in at a rather Mow rate at speed.-Aa theos paper areas. the cor neared *1 Spruce atreet the OPEN ”Wa are eonfrooted sritb a para­ ■ Britain, hod departed for Ushon Phitodelphla. O ct 18—(PyrrOeor- And $50 Valde* Dresses 79c .. thy piqae en route to Woehlngtoa little fellow ran qut from behind a ; o 24 HOURS mount problem, and we anist be gie JeaeeL the 48-ysojwrid “ mama’s cor that was parked on tbe eosH Bizes 7*10. . ■ to report to.Breeldent Rocoevrit ^ VAiuteville ayt stsze New Model Laundry Chfldren’s Items guided by a controlling ptladple. Mde o f the street directly Into tbe ^ 0 0 to Values 11.39. RAN G E la IM OoBm Lata... I-; I t was sold Biggers Intended expects to be a paps any hour *1 From the TiM problem Is to ait up aa owlft- T t I V M e M )>ath ot the aotomobUe. The child IhxaM Orpotallta ly aa poosfble ttae meet effeettre ■ A w a t a I ■ ■ i « a g g « i ^ that the U. R pnt into Qow and odmlta>*T am r a n g nuts A N D F U E L ■aNia'Oa, tHa idhto’ O w Prieoa foe Tkta Attnedw i baty l *8»tag Hhta hctlon a plan which he with a new show sad oU." I 'eU OB he tnached the rood and S S t a ^ '* * ■ * * ” ^*®**** PHONE 8 0 7 i fitatas o t sett-defeaae. The priaei- Mr. I ^ b o r d o was ohla to torn Teny Robes 50c S M 00. t i k gpOsa t ie la that the (tret duty o f oa In* M A T . StSo, V . 8. T ta 40. Tktal 40e 1?°*’ oiithorittM fonnulated Hto o t IS montha, the 17* SVBi * * 0, C. R Tax go. Total SSe Ito eoppdflhta-AatoHcan and Brit-. ■uddonly to Uto right agd prevaot* $ 5 * 0 0 depeodtalt aatten le to sefeguerd year-old fornwr ohowglrl LoU As*- M ^ cor from filtUng t|M hoy os ite esraeecurity. CkOdna 17c A t AB TMmo. production efforts. drewo. wont to a Lo« A u tto s hoo- DIAL 8500 I » woe uneertotn whether Btg- he lay in the otyeet The Uttle fel- ▼UawtolltJI Blouses 25c O*0B, A k it a Oridl «t8R ^^mterdoy for n ^ t 5l5 low).wss pfoked up end **»>*■« to |ff*ro would return or whether thei the stork and^ira «raa ($nrgto on «lh the •M CM VAM T r e n r gRBUEWTEP AT An BiMl I m ^ port o f hia task—which hs*' hto h ^ n to Dr. H ow^ Boyd SISI fUrthor roWrioB o t ou t i a fine set o f Phlladelpkia tenter­ attwded him. Officer R a ym o^ taglzlatfoii Is iBipera- Itotategrate Anierican and BlttMi- hook* oBd a new baby of hto. own Keller’s Men’s Wear AT BMOAl^ST. iarim r ENDS. RANDOLPH SCOTT hi “BELLE STARR” laHOrta And Mlmlnate • overtopping OrMta tevesUgated. what was at. Ufvely required. tO O A Y i PLUS.. .”BLONiira! IN Xftrwrrve


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCU'BSTER, CONN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1941 Towfi Treated *‘Have-Been” Selectmen \ . -■ GEFIYB Cherry, 69, credited with rehabili- same date. With a aorm.al expe/'t- Plan to.Fight Uting the Methodist. Publishing Payments Good ancy In payments of large ac­ Band and water were ors To Air Show ' (Chromium Symbolizes House in Singapore; and autlw^ Japanese Test News From counts which come in during the ✓ ______Victims ' o f Douhle-X Chicago.—Dr. George H. Rydm, last few days of about 812.500 were staged. In some districts »f Tokyo there were lines of .women / . Price Ceilings 67, Delaware state archivist end On Fire Taxes there should be no doubt that more Squadron of Bombers . Quast-reliable qufirteni today,, clear—either, "out of the running head of the History Department at than 90 per cent will be collected Raid Defenses hauling bucketa toward Imaginary • Troubles of Turkey toe University of De)awan slnee flames. ham, ,M***.. • natlv* of Tolland, reported that toe big buglea of th* i or “w i out of town.” when .the period end* Wednesday various measurements, locations Over Here Saturday in Farm State Congressmen 1922. night. ' Street Lights *ExMsgslsbafi of windows and doors and so on. Conn;, died at to* home of her araybesi^ «id to* Young Squirt. | jMfdebt Toronto.—Pet*r“ Sandlford, 60, Collector Hunt Expects Rockville Ellington cousin in Woreeater, Mean, Tliuia- Bolton War Maneuvers. lost in the war, but In toe latter Tuesday night from 7 to 9 and Blackouts Are Enforced During toe blackouts last n l^ t This latter building la now owned bowling teama have turned out to ' — - Metal Essential in Arm­ To Oppose Clamping professor of educational psychol­ Outside Tokyo street lights were Jointly ^ the town and city and day afternoon, October 9th. The The Issue bad been welched. part of the, 1920s came to s secret Busy Time as Last Pay­ Wednesday all day until 9 in the O. F. b X Mr*. Oyd* Mare^n be a cou;iple of. tinhorntin Interlopers. { ogy and dirqefor of educational re­ • Everywhere Except in extinguished but trains, buses muI liMrta H. CHapWMM a special meeting la to be held funeral was held at the Watson One of the largest air shows ever TTi# winning Graybeards, done ament Steel; Needed agreement wlto England. On Rigid Controls. evening are the only times left In TeL 4BS-S, Roekvllle 4969 SpeclflemlJly, it is asaerted that j out of their Inheritance, picked uf search ofM>e College of Education, ment Days Approach. which to pay at the fire house on street cars ran with shrouded M. AaMnllto soon at which time the town will funeral parlors In Milford, Maa*., seen in this section was displayed On Good Term* With Red* University of Toronto. Tokyo During Night. tola morning at 11 a. m. and toe David Oismbers, head mug of the their whiskers and prepared By Germany; England Ataturk' composed toe differ-- School street. During the day on lights. be asked to turn over ns share to Washington, Oct. 13—(IP)—Dub­ This afternoon Premier ' Pr|iiM Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Morse of burial was In tlM Tolland North Bolton Orange conferred the late Saturday afternoon when Squirts, and Wells Strickland, mark off the debt. cnccs that had led to the Greek- Oillector George W. C. Hunt of Tuesday payments may be made the city and the ijueatlon as to chief wump of the Bearda, have Would Block Supply. Tokyo, Oct. 13.— — Nation­ Fumimaro Konoys was r e iv e d Iq the sale of the building will be cemetery. several squadrons of multl-englned Then, suddenly this week it wa 'Purklsh war. He waa on good bing Treasury Secretary Morgen- Do Job Hard Way the South Manchester Fire Dls-. at 21 West street as usual. Jobs Hill were given a house first and second degrees on a large made s double deal wl)lch has left trict expects a busy time for the wide air raid defense testa were audience by Emperor HlroMto, but ir EydueHigh decided. bombers crosseo toe town from toe learned that there had been a aelH terms with the Soviet although thau agriculture’s “Public Ehcnw Since October 1 collections Inaugurated last night with black­ warming at their new home Sun­ class of candidates on Friday east, participating in the War De­ a lot of toe members of both ■I out. By'Mary Ann Bodine he ruthlessly put down Commun­ remaining three day* that taxes the purpose of hla visit t ^ t b s No. 1”, Senator Bankhead ,fD- Oakland, Calif.—UP) — Theae against old books has boon 888.20 outs enforced everywhere In the palace waa not disclosed. day evening. Guests were present evening at to* CommuiUty Hall. partment’s air raid maneuvers. teams out In toe rainy cold. I It develops that Dave Chamber New York, Oct. 13.—uls Pag- cohorts out of the bargain. Bankhead, who/has sponsored a mere punch of a key would have better than H6 per cent and 83.- cause of the shortage of male l»r- trol. money. Games, music were enjoy­ gioU, CUrence Shedd, Robert Field at Windsor Locks. There those not up in local sports, toe To Charge It to Chambers ^ did not Alifsnfttjkalienate rZArtYianvGermany. opened them. 352.60 more than last year on the flux being .attributed largely ta most of the NeyT Deal farm law* bera caused by the draft Throughout the nation buckets of j. , , . Rockville Oct. 21-22 to S7VI2, WilUmantlc Division ed and refreshments were served Uhedd, Donald Shedd and Paul v/ere 64 planes In one group, and Beards team Is composed of once- ---Since Chambers has personally Chromium Is essential In arma [ Since Inonu succeeded to the and appropriations’ in recent years. expanding defense work. presidency, he has carefully fol­ li Study Procedure. The adjourned Town Meeting The Dramatic Club of the Enis- Shedd. about 30 in another. upon-s-Ume Selectmen and toe undertaken to pay off the debts ot ment. steel. Germany needs It. In Columbia Justice court Sat­ will be held tomorrow .evening at worth High achool under the direc­ Eailngton Orange Degree Team The first squadron appeared fly­ Squirts are those now watering tbe Graybeards, the Young England needs It much less, but lowed suit. He has watched Tur­ urday afternoon William Gilbert. 8 o’clock in Ellington Town HalL tion of Miss Esther Mohr, an­ presented a fine orUl which was ing high in the direction of Buck- th* trail* that lead to to* pi^bllc Squirts are planning to attend England also wants to cut off Ger­ key’s exports to Germany grow Rockville, Oct. H.—The evalua­ 25, of Manchester was fined 826 The board of assesors of toe nounces that the play which will verjr weU received. Members of toe land at 2:46 and v. itbln ten min­ trough. next Rotary dinner In a body and many’s supply. until in 1938 the Nazis took 50 tion of the Rockville High school and costa on a charge of reckless town of Ellington will hold ses­ be presented toe tatter part of team were: Master, Mildred Dlm- utes the entire group passed Man­ 'The _ present revelation, how­ charge toe btl. to the chairman of| England, therefore, made a deal per cent of her tobacco, cotton, sions at the following places to November .'wrill be ’’Dictator Dad,” ock; Overseeh/ Betty Peterson; chester and were flying in big with Turkey for all her chromium. orange and fig crops. A clover conducted by the state is set for driving by Trial Justice Donald B. ever, have nothing to do with toe the Board of Selectmen. statesman, he expected that HI Woodward. The accused was In­ receive written or printed tax lists by Anne Weatherly. ITie cast of Lady Assistant Steward, LllUan clrclesi over Hartford at an esti­ current challenge. More than that, there Is the Germany, however, has Just ar-- October 21 and 22. Twenty-seven properly signed and sworn to of characters is as follows; William PeUrson; Assistant Steward, Mar- mated height of 8,000 feet. ranged with Turkey to get half leris need of these agricultui^l volved In an accident last month They connect with last year’s chance that the Graybeards will commodities would lead him to visiting principals, superintend­ when a car he was driving hit a all taxable property owned by Higgins, Peter Fambam; Lucy ceUa MacVarlah; Gato Keeper, iva her chromium beginning In 1943.^ Wells Laura Fambam; Nancy Pot- events. appear for breakfast aa well deal gently wlto Turkey. / ents and teachers Including one stone wall at Holmes’ comer. Gil­ them on the first day of October Sloan; Steward, Louise Wood; for dinner, for they hear thatj Bley Be Tremendously Important 1941. Those falling to make a list win, Julia Famham; Robert Skin­ Played for Dinner 'Thus. If the war lasts four years, In the present war Tui'kcy has or two professors from colleges, bert has been receiving medical Lecturer, Doris Hamilton; Chap­ Last year both present and Chambers, In behalf of We^d titee to dome to your house*, on or before November 1 will be ner, Richard Famham; Hazel Nie- that may be tremendously Impor­ been allowed to p la v /i dual role irtl come here for two days. T^ey treatment since the time of the lain, Ruth Abom; Ceres, Stephama Swedish Fete past Selectmen formed teama Squirts, has taken up tola year’s will be entertained at lunch each charged 10 per cent additional ac­ derwerfer. Aunt Asbury; Charlie Schlude; Pomona, Anne Ha toe- tant. If the war enchi sooner, Eng­ because neither E n gird nor Ger­ .; ml.s'Lawfence| rect route to the Near East, in­ school teachers busy holding Chwoanec, als.6 of Columbia, were avenue, October 18, Ellington Noreen Madden, Gwen Marahall; carnation. The timing and forma­ —has almost satisfied her two bel­ Town Hall, Wednesday October Clinton Whltehouse, Mr. Watson. Over 300 at the Eman­ toe backwatering so peculiar to Converse. Numbered among to* ligerent customers, and meantime sured by control of Iran. Both meetings one afternoon a week tnarried Saturday morning at the tions of toe drUl were very well Russia and Britain would like to 22, Thursday October *23. Friday Committees have been appointed worked out and toe final forma­ the losers began. winners last year he has by elcc^ abe Is collecting from both, each since school started. They evalu ^rsonage by the Rev. Ralph uel Church for Smor­ tion become a loser and It looks. i control the Dardanelles, but they Rowland. A reception for Im­ October 24, Saturday October 26, to help with toe advising aspects tion of P. of H. was a suitable Conveniently they forget abo\it paying anxiously so a* to keep .ate the school themselves first anc Monday October 27, Tuesday Octo­ paying off. Reminded of toe debt If when his erstwhile gang finally learned the folly of an attempt then these evaluations are cot- mediate relatives followed St the of toe Dramatic Club production closing for the driU. . gasbord on Saturday. Turkey In line -which. at present ber 28. Wednesday October 29, other than action and isclude to< hanging over them, they “were eats chicken he will eat crow. It means well-balanced on a tight­ to take control of that fortified |i( rected by the visitors. The/flnai home of the bride's parents. The During toe degrees other mem­ zone In the last war. Thursday October 30, Friday following; Costumes; Margaret bers of toe Ehlington Grange in­ too busy." Then they were “out would have been better If he had rope report will be several m oi^ s in bride and groom were attended by October' 31, and Saturday Novem­ Over 300 attended toe Inviting, No Reason To Exert Pressure Mrs. Evelyn Trahan and Harry Ahem, Rita Grant, Audrey Arm­ cluding: Ida Bancroft, Mary of town” as the duns grew suffer. stuck to his bowling and had kept With England, Turkey has cominig. / ber 1. delicious Swedish ' Smorgasbord out of polltica. Hitler, too, has no ImmedI Chowanec, brother and slater of strong, Edith Wilson; stage ana Hatoeway, Mollie Hale, Jean Then they were—memory Isn't too I non-aggression friendship reason to exert pressure on CommlUe«a Mc^t There will be a meeting of the properties, James Callahan, Chaun- served last Saturday evening by eluded last June. the groom. After a Wedding trip Ladles of toe town In the Elling Arens, Edna Schulde, Beatrice Mc- toe Women’s Missionary society at kara. If British troops enter toe The Community Hervice com­ the newly wed couple will live in cey Stoughton, William Cooper, Convllle, Mrs. Preusse, Evelyn Recently Turkey signed a new mittee of the An)P)—Mrs. belligerent over the other no doubt Ship in Port First. cotton and other majo> .crops by will be served at the close of the 472, Stafford to get the most artistic effects, the The sokllt'ra were enroiite ] inspired much of her pre.sent-day annual banquet of toe Frijendshlp Willington meeting is being held in Ellington Henry G. Schultz, 399 Park 'ave­ North Carolina wlto additional! recent public utterances. ' business session. Class of Ellington Congregational or Saturday, O ct 25 for the pur­ dishes being arranged with careful I caution. i “No Farm Authority^ Card Party attention to color and kind of food nue, New York, reported to the supplies for the army maneuvei Britain Lost Chance Washington. Oct. 13.—(>P)— The Miss :^llda Jane Hansen, daugh­ church to be held In toe church Mias Jennie H. Church pose of conferring toe fifth de­ now being- held In the' Carollnss. Navy indicated today that it in­ "Anyone would think he was *1110 second In the series of whist ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hah social rooms Friday evening No­ gree on a class of candidates. with colorful linens and pottery Hartford poUce today toe theft of There waa a period, following secretary of agriculture Instead'Of parties sponsored by Damon Tem­ or copperware. candles, etc. help­ ] tlje Balkan wars, when the Ger- tended to see the captured Nazi sen of Weat\8taf|ord, and Theo­ vember 7. Time to be announced. All Bolton-Grangers wishing to a small airplane bag containing radio expedition ship safe in a the Treasury,” Bapkhead said; j ple, No. 4, P*ythlan Slaters, will be Frank Vonasek entertained take the fifth degree should get in ing to sot off toe appetizing scene. clothing and Jewelry estimated at ] man* loudly complained that Tur- dore Carl Baihleri, son of Mr. the E. D. pinochle club Thursday United States port before disclos­ "He seems to spehd all his time held this evening In Foresters touch with Ullian Hutchinson of The table la laden with from fif­ least 820,000 In value. . ] key had been stricken with ”An- trying to advise on farm matters. Hall. The regular meeting will night. Prizes were won by Mrs. teen to /fifty varietie.