Avoraga Dally Circniatlen r * r Iks Maotk sf flsptSMksr, IM I The Weather Faroesst * 1 0 .8 . Wpatasr Bat me 6 ,S 8 0 I . Msmbsr * f Aadit . Fair, alighUy wsm sv tsalglil; . Bo m m a< OrealsIleM Tuesday,* larresslBg rioadlMss, 1..’ warmer, followed by n la *$. slgat. ^^onctioalBr - —A City o f Village Charm V O L . L X ln N d . 11 (ClaaaMkd A4^M3iri«g Oe Fsfe It ) g MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,1, 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Seeks Haste Fire Sweeps Through Firestone Plant- On Passage^ Nazis Report 350,000 Of Aid Bill iRooaev^t Calla Con- Prisoners Are Tal^n; \. greaaional Leaders to Conference on New Lend - Lease Measure. Reds Launch Attacks Bulletin! I Nazi Advance Slowed Wsablagtoe, Oct. l|.^;i>v— Report New Naai Spear­ PreaMeat Roosevelt urged Dowrn in Diriflction of Nazis Deny eeeyresaloasi leaders today to head Has Smashed ■peed eaaetaieat of the $5,- Vyazma; Counter At­ Through Lines 140 9t5Ae0,0ee lead-leaM) dypro- Making Any tacks Started at Sev­ priatloa mad received saeor- Miles Northwest o f aaee that Um Mil Weald reach eral Points; Resistance the Seaate Soot- early aext Peace Bids Moscow; Air Force In* Declared to Be Grow­ week. Seaate Majority Leod- ■r Barkley (Ky.) reported ttat ressantly Pounds Re­ ing; Fresh Troops Be­ tiH Appropriatteas Coaiiait- Removal of Churchill. treating Russians; No toe would begla beoringa to- ing Rushed to Battle. Bierrew sod flahih them wfth- I ■ ’ L' Eden and Their Collab­ More Fresh Troops^ la a few days. Moscow, Oct. 13.— (JP)— orators Described as Waahlngton, Oct. 13.—wP) — Russian front line dispatches Berlin. Oct. 13.— (/P)— One of War Aims I President Roosevelt sought today reported that the German ! Adolf Hitler’s headquarters advance wa.s slowed down to- < _ — announced today that the. (Ooatlaaed oa Page Eight) day in the direction of Vyaz- -Removal of ■ nurffber of Russian prisoners I ’’ --- -------------------- - ma, the major battleground!^ Churchiii, taken on the Bryansk-Vyaz- of the big Nazi offensive Anthony Eden : ma front before Moscow had jHope to End against Moscow, and that So- i risen to more than 350,000, Viet counter-attacks had been ' day m one of Germany.’ w i r " ™ dispatches re­ Row Curbing launched against the invaders a t ; Answering foreign rumors of ' that a new Nazi spear* P®tols. The Germans still Gerihai) peace • feelers, these ' had-smashed through Rua- j were moving eastward, a dia- sources aaid: ’*1*" lines J40 miles northwest at f»nd tatex corporation plant at Fall River, Maas, In a Bre that destroyed five large huildinge ; "'wspaper Pravda "Tlie Fuehrqr was stated that a the Soviet capital. The number Tank Output i HemM )‘n u” ** ' " “ mate of the damage was unavailable but the* Fall RIv m said, hut their pace was stated to ■ _____ _ Soviet priaoners "growa stesdliy,” belU for machine I have been reduced In the past! (Continued On Pnge Eight) said a special headquarters an­ ' few days and the Red Army’s re- nouncement. I Federal Conciliation Re­ .*)latance was declared 'to be grow- 100 .Miles from Moaeow ■ ing. ports Progress After The advancing Germans, **<d to I Russian reinforcements were German Drive be leas than 100 mllea from Moo- 10 Hours of Parleys Blaze Cripples being rushed steadily lnto_ the | oow on the weat and southwest. Try to Ease Pressure on Reds; battlclipes, late dispatches aaid. j On Union Dispute. "■*re sided by the German A ir OIgnatle Struggle Rage* l Force which incessantly pounded Against Reds Big Fall River A gigantic struggle raged about' toe retreating Red Army forces, Bulletin! ^Vyazma, 125 miles from Moscow, dispatches from the front said. Hull Advocates Neutrality Shift j raaoagoula. Mlae., Oct. IS— while the Rusalans pushed coun- i Seen Slowed German reports said that Rus-' Rubber Plant ■ia no longer has freih troops to A strike lavolvlag 3,800 ter-attacka elsewher*. One of [ ______ rush into the gaps, in contrast to worksaea today eleaed dowa theae was said to haye resulted ; _ , Ik e lagalls Sklpboildlag yards — - > the esrUer stages of tpe war when Solemnly Tells Congress In the recapture of a town near ' K u s S ia ilS B r it lf lit U I IJ n wklek kas 8100,1)00,000 la coa- British Bombers Make Estimated Loss o f $13.- Nazi Bombers Bryansk. n ® " German thrusts were retarded by' tiwcts for SI akipa for the United States Cannot Broad Series of Raids Bryansk itself, atrategic rail; KCSCrvcs tO Front; Of- wave after wave of Russian rein­ U. S. MdrItlaM Ceaaaalaaloa 000,000 as Fire Rav­ forcements. Turn and Walk Away junction 210 milea southwest of! * aad fear aeWayere for tka On Industrial Reich; fensive May Be Halted ... ages Huge Stores of Moscow, was abandoned yeater- Military commentstofa said that Navy. Waiter S. l^swry, Jr-. Raid Moscow; the double battle of Rryanak and From Conquest Danger day by the Riiaslana. Ere Moscow Reached. hariaii i aauater ef tke Bell- Nuenberg Is Target. Vyazma was probably the great­ Latex, Crude Rubber. A **cond Russian counter-attack araadnfa Ualoa (A F L ) aaM est encirclement acUon in mill- tke warfcniaa rafaaed te eater Bulletin! Bomb Britain was launched north ot Orel, which London, Oct. 13.—<g>)—The (ter- ^ _____ London, Oct. 13.— (/P)— Ury history and that it probably tke yards tkia aasrhlac k*- Bulletin! the German took a week ago. la/Ckislel W a a o i ^ . _ I Wnahington, Oct. 13.— Bomber crews who Ikst night man offensive in Russia'has slowed i would be a long Ume befora it w u caose ef aa “attempt by tka FaS aivm’,.Mass.. Oct. IE exceeded or duplicated becauea -i-Secwtsrieo Hull and Stim- IVIanchester and Hull At- Nuernberg, setting of csmpaay ta idart aa ladepea- —(AVrWklle the raias mt the "nowhere else U there at' present dmt mdea.*’ aon Joined today iii urging *quipp*d reguUr troop* who al- ; torro days, an o .rlikely to be in the near future SlS,S00«O0S S re.ia The r ii « - the Nazi party’s annual cort- ■teae Rabbcr Oniapaay pfawt j Coiuircfls not only to repeal tacked; Admit Brit- ready have been under fire but authoriUtfVe source said today! He such a vast massing of soldiers.” _ . greases, “saw roofs cave In, said the Russians were bringinr up ettll amoulderod today, l ^ e r I the prohibition against arm­ ■tece have been .rested. These ex­ Speak of “Military Landalid*” By Tho Associated Press n a id s o n T h r e e factory buildings collapse, perienced fighters were declared to ' reserves to the front. - Federal and state m edial^ S. Flresteae. presISeat of tbe ing merchant American’ships * ‘ntia source said . "very severe Authorised military rourcos^ '’ompaay, aaaoaaced plana Sections o f Germativ. flamen pour ffom windows be fighting ronfldentiy now and in commenUng on the oftensiv* fighting continued in the assault I hoped to aettle today a unioa juris­ for a resumpUea * f work oa but to permit them to enter and skeletons of burned-out good apirite. All wore warm win­ north of the Sea of Azov apok* of ter uniform* with long gray great­ directed toward Moscow. dictional dispute which threatenii defeaeo prodiwte by tomorrow combat zones in the interest buildings standing out a "military landslide" which would Berlin. Oct. 13—oP) —Striking coats and fur hate, tbe dlapatcbea It is “ quite on the o4rds,“ he to stop producUon ef Army by aroralag. Ia a joiat statemeat, of ezpeditiAg delivery of lend- against the blaze,” the. A ir MinU- "lead to other great developments at both the east and west of their from the front reported. *88ed, that the German drive both mlllterily and pqliUcally.'' tying up tbs output of Tbe Spicer Slreatoa* sad J. Edward lease gotids. W ar Secretary try announced today. Tbe raid might be stopped 70 or 80 milea Tralaer^ Vloo prealdeat aad far-flung air- war front, German Maintain Numqrieal Superiority The Geusnan. Air Force, it was Manufacturing Company in Toledo, Stimson. who followed Secre­ was part of a broad aeries of at­ abort of Moscow because of Jhe produrtioa managor of tho bomlMrs raided Moscow and "ef- . The Germans also were aaid to insisted, is seeing to it that tho Ohio, which makes 70 cent of tacks oh Industrial Germany, wear and tear*on tanks and other "Ruasiana can. not retreat into Flrcotoae eatorpriaeo, reveal­ tary of State Hull to the wit- fecUvely bombed "'the English in- north and south. In which a force have rushed’ reinforcemente to the mechanized vehiplea and (he "lim­ I the tank trsinsmlaeiona in this front to malatalB their numerical those vast spaces whereof for­ ed that balldlnga aad machin­ nesa chair before the House diistrial center of Manchester and of 300 bombers took part In what it of human endurance” bn both I country. \ ery devoted to maanfactare superiority. sides. eign countries speak so much." Foreign Affairs Committee, the port of Hull last night, the informed sourcea said waa an ef­ Launching the new offensive I James J. SplUance, Federal Con- ef defeaae prodaeta, with the high command declared today. fort to relieve the pressure on After the original surprise aa- Trying Lealngrod I recommended immediate re­ from the Valdat hills region to* dilator, said after more than 10 raeepitoa ef leak-proof gaao- It said 26 Britisfi planes were Russia. aault with which the Germans Declarinsf the Germans appar­ hours of confsrencea with union Mae taaka, were aabarmed In peal of the ban on arming destroyed qvei Germany, the chan­ opened the offensive agalnat Mo*- ently wept trying to starve >ut and.
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