H'.' THURSDAY, N O V B M B K l 9, 19BT I^AQE tWBNTY-FOUR ^mur^pslpr Svi^nitts Herald The Weather .-V P arity olMiajr Aonlglit Low ta Tickets for a supper tonight The ftiks Club will sponsor iia n r t e t p r 409. Tomoctoir otooRy. at St Mary's Eplscci>al Church a seafood night ftaturlng clanui Rawlins Urged Hiring About Town have been sold out. 'Hie sup­ served in a variety of ways to­ HOLIDAY In mltf per is sponsored by Girl Scout morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Maneheat0f^A City of VUU^fo Charm TIm Southern New England Of Director for HRC Gtefiter of the InpUtute of In- Troop 10 of St. Mary's Church. club. The event Is open to mem­ 1 bers, their families and their Dr. Sedrtck J. Rawlins on he could "oolrelate acttvltlM, FAIR VOL. LX;XXVIL NO. 85 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 «n PNto M) PRICE SEVEN CEWtl temal Audi ton will meet Tuea- The Rev. Tolly Williamson, day at Tobacco Valley Inn, friends. yiisaday. when he declined re­ form ulate educational pro­ chaplain at Manchester Memor­ grams, and act as sn Om­ SAT., MOV. IBHi WliulKkr. A pre-meeting sem inar ial Hospital, will qpeak at an The annual Holiday Bosaar appointment to* the Human Re- 10 A M . - 8l80 F.M. wOl be held from 4:«0 to 5:S0 budsman for Msndtester." open meeting of the North Meth­ will be held tomorrow from 10 lattons Commission, urged that An onsbudsmsn is a person in Baked G o o ^ ChiHren’s Booth, Deeomi Coffee p.m. before a social hour, din­ odist Men's Club Monday night a town or dty or state or coun­ ner and the speaker of the eve­ a.m. to 6 p.m. at Center Con­ body, with the e^roval' of the a t 8. gregational Church. ParMng Board of DlrMtors, to hire an try to whom people complain Shop, Boutique. ^.■s.sMees ning who will be O. Arthur executive director. and ot whom pe< ^ ask tor lA- Black, president of the HMuca- will be available at the east and tm n ity oovemaht omirgh Craft TelcYises Moon Photos The Ladies of St. James are west entrances. The HRC, at its last two veatlgatlona of inddentk and slt- tlcmal Systems Associates of reminded to bring a Christmas meetings, has been exploring uattoos. He is a type 6t trouble- West Hartford. gift for the mission children to The American Legion will the need of a paid director. The ehooter and private Investiga­ the meeting on Monday at 8 have a Veterans Day Dance to­ subject will come up again at tor, who honors the anhhymlty The newly organised Sea Scout p.m. In St. James's School Hall. morrow at the post home for the HRC's next meeting and a of the complainant. Ship 2202 will meet Monday at members and guests. Dubai do's formal vote on a recommenda­ The term and Idea, ombuds­ — — — — ^ J 7:80 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 80 Members and friends of B’- Orchestra will play for dancing tion will be taken. man, originated in the Scandi- com sQ UP After Making Soft-Landing Woodland St., Glastonbury. nal B'rlth who wish to donate from 9 p.m. to 12:80 a.m. A buf­ An Informal poll of the nine nvlan countries, where It has OONNEOTIOUT'8 LARGEST INDOOR ANTIQUE Membenhlp is open to boys 14 to the annual Thanksgiving can­ fet will be served. All Vietnam members of the HRC reveal proved successful and accept- years or older living in the ned goods drive for needy fam­ veterans Interested In attend­ that the vote will be close, and Ible to the public. The Idea PASADENA, CeUf. (AP) — Blackledge Scouting District. ilies may leave their dona- ing the event will be guests of that It can go either way. spread to other countries and Surveyor 6 tdevlaed ptotiirea of Those wishing further Informa­ Oon a t the Parkade Bakery at Francis 'Lekry, post command- An Informal poll of the nine- has caught on In several, espe­ a very tugged area of the moon tion may call Bernard J. Terry, the Manchester Shopping Park­ Guest Speaker member Board of Directors, on cially In New Zealand. today attor a Iqehy aoft-landlng 14 Concord St., Glastonbury. ade by Nov. 18. the other hand, shows clsu'- A bill ;Was introduced In- the FLEA MARKET that climaxed a day of apace A bingo scheduled for The Rev. Dewey O. Huston cut opposition to approj^kmig last two sessions of the Connec­ 15th EDITION Bucoeoaes to r the United Stataa. Wednesday, Nov. 18 at St. will be guest speaker Friday at funds for a director and, pos­ ticut Assembly, calling for the WEST HARTFORD ARMORY, 8Si FARMINGTON AVE. The three-legged opooeoratt Bridget School auditorium, 7:80 p.m. at Calvary Church, sibly, a staff. appointment of an ombudsman touched down at 8:01 p,m. BST Dr. Rawlins, in recommend­ tor this state. However, the bill WEST HARTFORD, CONN. 'nuiraday Juot houia after a oap- sponsored by St Bridget Rosary 647 E. Middle Tpke. He Is a Society and men of the parish, ing the executive director, said died in committee, both times. SATURDAY ft SUNDAY, NOVEMDER 1 ^ ft l*th ■ule like the one' expected to has been postponed untU Mon­ newly approved Assemblies of Hours: Saturday 1# A.M. to 1# P-M. carry three Apollo aatrenauta to day, Nov. 20 at 7:80 p.m. at the God missionary to Nigeria, West Sunday 1 P.M. to e P.M. the moon m>laabed Into the Pa- same location. Tickets will be Africa. A fellowship supper will oUlo, ending a auoceaaful teat of This «iiniUng show wUl feature 80 responMble D ^eis a 86-atory-tall Saturn 8 rocket. sold at the door. begin at 6:80 p.m. In the church from New E n ^d and New P.A.C Interesting Items In country style, Including luTOture, cumo, Surveyor Program Manager In a Monday story about a fellowship hall. ^ass, copper, brass, primitives, mlrron, lamps, Benjamin MUwitkky told newa- house trailer fire at Connecticut During the special missionary stamps, guns, old tole ft wooden ware, books, Irw pieces. men the double aucoeas waa "a CHILDERS Motor Lodge, the Inference service, custumes and color Jewelry, trinkets, bric-a-brac and hundreds of oniers loo major atep toward landing men could be drawn that Woodbury slides will be featured. The event numerous to list. UP on the moon" in I860. It givea Trick Glasses? Nope. Just the ceilinx lights reflected in the glasses of one un­ the United Statea wide flexlbUl- RESTAURANT Jamieson, the owner, was spray Is open to the public. • Food Rar Open Throughout The Show • gun painting when the fire identified member of the United Kingdom’s delegation, right, during Secur- ty In chooolng a landing aite, he The Rev. and Mrs. Huston will aald. and DAIRY BAR started. Jamieson was not In be teaching In one of the Assem­ BINGO Admission 90c (AU Singles) . Uy (^uncil debate on the Middle EJast at the United Nations last night. the trailer at the time. Within an hour after landing, 280 Hartford Rd., Manchester blies of God Bible Institutes. EVERY MONDAY-8 ?JM. But with this ad, 2 admissions tor |1.80 V M>POTCntly on a alight dope. They will also be engaged in 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE WILLIAM P. SPEAR—Director Surveyor 6 began oenAng exed- Hours: 6:00 A.M. - 7:80 P.M. general missionary work during - P. A. C. BALLROOM * BUddletown 848-1688 lent pteturea of the roughaat ter­ their first term of service. The rain yet photographed In the SPECIAL WINDOW SHADES Hustons have two children. Beefed Up Secret Service moon-ocoutlng program. One THURS., F R l. ft SAT. ahowad a cUff-Uhe prominence Nov. 8—Nov. 10—Nov. 11 GrMn, Whit*, Ecru on the horlaon a mile away. Oth- OUR DEUOIOUS era pictured narrow depreodona HOT ROAST BEEF Washabte Facing Todays Challenge nearby which aoientlata oaid CASCADE FINISH they could not Immediately ex- SANDWICH By HARRY KBLLY Johnson’*—or hla <qH>o- For the Secret Service body- plaln. , ON HARD ROLL 9fC Mode to Order ApMdiried Preo9 Writer nent’a—ablUty to campaign In guanla the anUthesla o< aecurlty MUwltaky aald good fortune HOT BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAE with Your Rollers ’ WiWlINOTON (AP) — Four the usual (^>en. hand-ahaUng ia presidential e^qwaure— played a part in the oucoeeaful AND COFFEE Q (V FULL LINE OF CUSTOM yean attar a bigger Se- atyle In 1968, mumming Johnaon motorcadea, crowda, well- landing—on a auiface ao rugged ALL F O R ............................ eret Service with a more effl- aeeka re-election, trumpeted achedules. Surveyor 6 waa given only a VENETIAN BUNDS dent look facta the challenge of A veteran Congreaa member If the service la oonoemed 80-80 chance prior to launch protecting a President cam- familiar with problems of aecu- about poadble aeourity pitfalls Tueeday from Cape Kenne^, ASTRO-SONIC STEREO Fla. E. A. JOHNSON palgnlng in an atmosphere of rtty as well as of poUtloking, on the 1968 campaign trail. It war and pfoteot demonotratlona. summed It up this way: doeon’t do ita worrying In Aa It iqqx'oached the target PAINT GO. But several politicians ques- ‘‘Presidents and presidential public. But while it officially area In MOdU—Central Bay— almoot dead center on the lunar 7SS k U n Sh, XeL 649-4801 ticned about the subject oay candidates are politicians, and ahruga off such problem* aa they don't foresee that security pdlticlana want to rub elbows port of the job, It la acutdy *»raaking rockeU fired problems will restrict Preddent with the masses, and no one will aware of the hasards.
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