Sounds of is recorded in coordination with Cambodian Living Arts and leading musicians.Wide range of Cambodian instruments and vocals, most of them sampled for the first time in detail.

The music of Cambodia is derived from a mesh of cultural traditions dating back to the ancient , India, China and the original indigenous tribes living in the area before the arrival of Indian and Chinese travelers. Cambodian Art music is highly influenced by ancient forms as well as Hindu forms. Religious dancing, many of which depict stories and ancient myths, are common in Cambodian culture.

Although being from deeply traditional and authentic roots, we were most impressed and pleasantly surprised with the usability of these sounds in contemporary context and for further sound design.

We have created responsive playable solo instruments for Kontakt, endless patterns, phrases, words and more. Vocals, strings, wind and percussion instruments are available through Kontakt as well as WAV.

We would like to thank Jaim Cleeland for having a key role as a co-producer and all musicians, technicians involved. CAMBODIAN INSTRUMENTS

Arn's Vocal Bamboo Chapei Dong veng Korng Seyma Vocal Skor Percussion Snaig Khmer KONTAKT INSTRUMENTS +12 Playable Dynamic Solo Instruments +Vocals, Winds, Strings & Percussion +Pattern & Phrase Composer Tools +Multiple Articulations or Multi Layers for Select Instruments +Total 18 Instruments *See Midi Demos on Product Page *Kontakt Full Version 5.7.3 is needed CREDITS

Seyma & Arn : Vocals Savang: Khim Sinat: Tro Khmer, Skor, Snaig, Korng Vathanak: Samnang: Chapei

Recordings made by Deyka

Co- Produced by Jaime Cleeland

KSP: Katerina Mantzari

*questions > [email protected]