Lorsorlng Protests Against
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DECEMBER 16, 1977 50 CENTS VOLUME41/NUMBER 47 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Coal miners are on strike, and the outcome of their battle will affect all working people. The coal industry openly provoked this strike threatening to destroy . the United Mine Workers unless An editorial the union accepts the mine owners' demands for a "sta ble" work force. Among the biggest owners of the U.S. coal industry are the utilities and the oil and steel corporations. These are some of the richest corpora tions in the world, all justly Continued on page 3 Students back ' lorsorlng Razalaadar protests VS.IOP against 'miara'coo 'Bakke' Gutierrez debates -Pages 16-17 Nude I Castillo on deportations National Student Coalition Against Racism actively -PAGE 7 participated in fall actions called by National Coalition to Overturn the Bakke Decision. In Brief THIS EARL BUTZ AWARD: "I am against mixed marriages. It - Grigorenko told an airport news conference that he would goes against my nature," Alaska Lieut. Gov. Lowell Tho not discuss politics during his visit so there could be no ·mas, Jr., told the Alaska Black Caucus November 23. The reason to deny him the right to return home. WEEK'S Black Caucus and the Alaska Federation of Natives have The Kremlin rulers have made a common practice of called for Thomas's resignation. allowing dissidents to travel abroad and then revoking their MILITANT Gov. Jay Hammond, though, has a different idea. He Soviet citizenship. declared, "I'll not try to climb to reelection on ladder rungs A Leninist and lifelong communist, Grigorenko began to 5 Cleve. teachers: 'No comprised of Lowell's bones or those of any other who publicly criticize the Stalinist regime in the early 1960s. The pay, no work' makes an honest but politically foolish error." Soviet bureaucrats responded by stripping of his rank of Ironically, Thomas had been invited to address the Black major-general, kicking him out of the Communist Party, 6 Costa Rican Caucus to clarify earlier remarks he made criticizing the and twice imprisoning him in mental hospitals for "refor activists released Carter administration's support of an arms embargo on mist ideas." South Africa. Thomas had said he believed Carter could be 7 Gutierrez debates "working more quietly to accomplish things in South Castillo on deportations Africa." 'NO EVIDENCE' TO PROVE BURCHETT SMEAR: A 8 Women of State Department spokesperson· said November 23 that the oppressed nationalities government had "no evidence" that Guardian correspond ent Wilfred Burchett had ever tortured or "brainwashed" 15 Nuke foes win Five arrested in Chile The Chilean police announced November 29 the arrest of American prisoners of war in Vietnam or Korea. Burchett, free speech fight five persons, alleging that they are members of the Trotsky an Australian national, is currently on a speaking tour in 20 Is Angola on ist group Liga Comunista (Communist League). the United States. He has been the target of a smear road to socialism? According to a report in the December 4 issue of the campaign by the New York Post, the Hearst press, and the Santiago daily El Mercurio, those arrested were identified John Birch Society. They have also accused him of being a 28 Free the P.R. as Carlos Arturo Altamirano Corder (23), Hector Victor Soviet secret police agent. Nationalists Gomez Orellana (27), Jose Gabriel Cea Munoz (24), Mario The State Department noted that Burchett had won a libel Roberto Godoy Jara (26), and Rosa Ester Fuentes Polanco 29 Nazis arrested in suit against an Australian publication that accused him of (27). Minneapolis attack being an agent of the Soviet secret police. According to El Mercurio, they are being charged with holding "regular meetings of a subversive character," in U.S. REPS SEEK WILMINGTON TEN PARDON: Six vi.olation of the "State Internal Security Act." The police congressmen have asked North Carolina Gov. James Hunt also claim to have found a large quantity of political to pardon the Wilmington Ten. The nine Black men and one literature in the possession of the five detainees. white woman, all civil rights activists, were sentenced to Further charges may be in the offing, for El Mercurio, long prison terms in 1972 for an arson attack they didn't In Brief 2 summarizing the police report, added that the Liga Comu commit. The nine Blacks are still in jail. The phony nature 10 In Our Opinion nista is a "powerful organization that appears to be receiv of the charges against them were exposed at a hearing last Letters ing a financial subsidy from abroad." spring, but the North Carolina courts have refused to act. It is urgent that letters and telegrams of protest be sent 11 National Picket Line immediately to the Chilean government, demanding the Capitalism in Crisis release of the five. These may be addressed to Gen. Augusto FBI FINGERED JEWS FOR NAZIS: Up to at least 1940, Pinochet, Government House, Santiago, Chile. 12 The Great Society the FBI identified fugitive U.S. citizens who were Jews to Capitalism Fouls Things Up the Nazi police agency Interpol. (Interpol was founded as a PICKET ISRAELI CONSULATE: The Palestine Human American Way of Life private agency and was taken over by the Nazis in 1938.) Rights Campaign will picket the Israeli consulate in New FBI documents released under the Freedom of Informa 14 As I See It York City December 15 at 5:30p.m. to demand freedom for tion Act described suspects as "Jews," "Jewish type," and Taysir al-Aruri. Al-Aruri is a Palestinian political prisoner 18 Steel Notes "Jewish race." No other religions were mentioned. in Israel. He has been in prison since April 23, 1974. The U.S. government affiliated with Interpol at about the 22 In Review Some time in December, the Israeli government is sche same time the Nazis took it over. FBI Director J. Edgar duled to decide whether to free him or imprison him for Hoover remained in contact with the agency until only a WORLD OUTLOOK another six months. few days before Pearl Harbor. 23 Argentine workers win The Israeli consulate is at 800 Second Avenue, between big wage increase Forty-second and Forty-third streets. 'THANKSGIVING FOR LIFE': Militant correspondent For more information,' contact Sheila Ryan at (212) 850- 25 World News Notes Kathleen Denny reports from Milwaukee that more than 5296. forty people braved a blizzard November 25 to picket an 26 Bermuda regime anti-abortion youth conference called "Thanksgiving for calls in troops GRIGORENKO ARRIVES IN U.S.: Leading Soviet Life." The featured speaker at the weekend conference was 27 Books banned dissident Pyotr Grigorenko arrived in New York November Rep. Henry Hyde, author of a congressional measure in German witch-hunt 30. The former Soviet general, seventy years old, is here for cutting off federal funds for poor women. seeking abortions. an operation. Because of his advanced years, he said, he In an attempt to cover up its antiwoman program, the wanted to have the operation near his son, who lives in New conference held workshops on such subjects as. world York. The Soviet government granted Grigorenko a six poverty, military aggression, and genocide. month visa. -Arnold Weissberg THE MILITANT I VOLUME 41/NUMBER 47 DECEMBER 16, 1977 CLOSING NEWS DATE-DEC. 7 A holiday gift idea for you. •• Editor MARY-ALICE WATERS Remember your friends this year with a subscription to the 'Militant.' 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United Mine Workers on strike Continued from front page During all the haggling in Washing fund would still have faced difficulties prices will increase because of miners' hated for their profit-gouging and ton over the energy plan, not one because of increasing health care costs wages. inhumanity. Democratic or Republican voice has and miscalculations in the fund's But most of all, they try to divide The coal miners are targets in the warned of the dangers that the drive budget.