
1 ■T h e T i n n e t , . T WKJ

: T w in Falls, Idaho,hQ/92nd year. N o. 18282______Tuesday, J 50 ccnts

'G o o d m oiRNING r ■ G j h i n a t ^akes cnal dfagon danea.______j _ - ...... - — ------T1-The brief ceremony,-seen-woworld- — reminder of-its shnshrunken-roleon-'—ormoredxl personnel carriers.------; — up search" for apparentEtht'drbwriing' victim. Page Bl. . ^ S l im PIICKINGS = =— Susppect held S p o r t s Too little, too late;Mik.like 'lyson \ - m told Holyfield and thehe world H j| inthleft of Monday he was sony.y. Page D1

Ahead and out: Pete: SaSampras victiiim’s car advances, while Mpnicnica Seles bqws.out at Wimbledo]don Monday. Page D1 :stigators

Pace-setters: MarinersersKen queststiohmanin ' i l l ^iriffey Jr. and custoody in Boise Lodri^eztop' By Kent McCleJleary iLM-Star Tlmaa-News wrlt(rllor______J °am anninnounce- ' t w i n f aT.T.*^ u - A man being held in lent. Page D1 ! is being questioned in con- th last week’s death of a H ansen 1, Twin Falls County investi-3-

O p i n i o n J close to the Twin Faljs , New start! Welfare ref(reform offers :partment investigation says ' at least as much oppof}ottuni^as------a B Iquesdoned in Boise is sus- • risk for the poor, to dl ^ ^ s editorial p ected iving been in possession of a says. ■ • Page A6 c ar ow ned byly 1G ene H art^ «g, 48, H ansen.1. T w in 11s County Chief Deputy:y Grant Loebs said M onday^

C o m m u n i t y V I c U mn remembered -,A2 ^ — HoiHello again: DUnUWUB. A. man’s that a man bebeing detained in Boise, on a search for his Salvation;on Army worker Martin Babayan fllltI t a box with food but the pantrleiI aiea etarting to ehow too many beibere ihelvei a t demandi Increase.“• grand theft dcharge, is being questionedid ' __ .______Ionlong-lost______T , ______in connectionin ■w ith H artivig’s d e ath . brother 'alls County She'fiff^s“ comes to an J[ \ i n S " ~ n a t Lt. Dan Hall said deputiesjs • J u m B ^"ofwelf;F a f^ fa n i xL_/LJ got leads ovver( the weekend, and fol-1- end. ■JL , low ed th e m to a suspect. Page C l « ■ Hortwig's bodyb« was found lying in an’m ‘ 1 yr-^ alfalfa field1 southeasts of Hansen Juneic_ ------______2 3 ,a n d his.dd e f arh 'vas n ““M o n e y dthrefoi>rm; oth(lerdema a a d s m ...... - tlgators sayly.' Deputies W ednesdayly released a deslescription’wfji man, possibly Gone for now: InflationIon pulls a — ^------1 named Chris,:s, saying they wanted to talks: : Marcanto'nio families' goalss 1have been realized

Savwtooth pay^-to-play- 1 plaan takes effffect today —S e c t i o n - b y - sSEG e TieN --^^ iton Kennedy passes and S2 daily possespi - ond continue! asas tra il conditions im prove, ■ Tlmai-NewIbwi correipondenf______whether a shrinking> \U.S. Forest "Our hikinghih right now-is just notit :SectionA . Pep;arA a bby...... 7 ~ Service staff can moaitoitor the expert- that good,"d," N elson said. • On top5 of0: tlio weather, n dearth of ■ \^eather...... 2 PeopleDple...... ;...B , KEiarCHUM - A “poy-’to-play" planin ment. ’ . fo rth oj SSawtooth i National Rccreation,n But enforcement wonjn't be heavy* money orfor maintenance poses prob- Nation...... 3-5 A r e a onand .the Sawtooth Nationalb1 handed, SNRA ranger PaPaul Ries said. lems in thethe SNRA and the KdtchumIt Opinion...... 6 SectI t’fl'Kotchum Ranger Districtct "The first year is goingng to be really district. ''‘lone jsr;;into gear, today, and inftialb1 low-key," Ries’said. '‘It’.st’.s going to be Pat Wor^orth sold 31 passes at thee World...... ;7 CommTimunl!y.,..l-2 co u n ts> indicateIn many people are pay-y. a lot like winter skiers wwho spot poo- Ketchum1 districtdl M onday a n d fieldedd ! complaint. But admittedly, West...... 9 Legal>0| noticesr ...3 ' inBlhofe5 fee. pie without passes and,d say,•‘Hey, I only.one c( U u n m Mxit/TW TtMiuMM id — donltsce.apass.’".______. ______,sh e w asn’t!I't solid tin g public opinion, ics went-on-salo Monday,-and . i>. Vlilting the Sawtooth Notionallal Forest Ifom California,------i;;::------'C» Fsired,.-SS^ 7 /Sre " sold at SNRA and Kctchumm Roma Nelson, visitorir ■center mtln- “Most didn'tdii say, and I dion’t"asK" ' lid. cousin* Draw Moyer and Mathithew Scarano comptiro walking " S e c t i o n B .tllstrictt hhi e a d q u a n e rs. . oger at SNRA headquanuiers, said she Worth said, ly sellin g pass- . S h e alsoIso said the plan has fallenn sticks w hll^uilngA dam i Quidilch Trail north of Ketchum.'TheI ' Magic Valle/-,.1-3- Sectl unclear whether people willill r w as busy all day M onday 'StlonD lue to purchase the S5 annualq1 ea, and expccts the brisk5 k b usiness to PIODSO p|( set^SAWTOO^^,PogeA22 boys will walk for free, elnceI b(both are under 6 yeors of ago. Obituaries...... 2 SportsD rts...... 1 4 West...... 4*5 ' Moneyn s y ...... 5-7 ■ J - V 1 Idaho...... 6 Mutualtualfunds...7.. m initiativ/e efforts Movies...... ,.6 ■ Comic;Tiles...... 8 ush to beaiatdeadlinle producces 8 Gen ■Thfl AmocIi p u t before v o te rs in1 thetl last general elec- the:h e S e n a te E ducation Commhte'r ijlltiBtiv?:iv» 9 h a d b e tin f ile d b e fo re^.the tJi the requirement th:that school districts. If that happens, the questjonon ^w o u ld b e In th e la s t eleileftion to 6 percent of. thee ' Paul Robsrts of Filet d e a d linine/o e they could be circulatented ■ negotiate w th "localal educational organi- , putlUT on th e b ^ o t for th e N6vemimber, b 1998, ' registered voi'oters. That would make it eneral election.------— ------e a sie r to g e t ininitiatives b e fo re voters.-^------' . Bold a wheelchair by usii the'Dld laws.------•------—-—------— :to t i o n s '|'« r J 'b c h ailf l l - .o f i p r o f e s s io n Q l— gen< two latu t proposals had a familiiniliar employees. If enactic te d , th e i n i t i a t i v e ' TlT h e o th e r initiatives: • Three teri:rm limit im'tiatives. A termn ' ThoTlmea-NewaMatotiketplace. look to•th th e m . ■ would allow district!cts to negotiate with • One sponsored by T^vin FallsFal podia- limit proposal,al, w hich is b e in g ch alle n g edd - ...... A nothether initiative to ban certain ^ e s te a c h e r unions only if th e y so d e sh ^ d . tristrist Peter Rickards on radiatiortion hoz?u-ds in the courts, wasv the only ballot issue to:o — C all-733-09I 9 3 X o f bearr hihunting was filed with-the seer«5cre- T h at idea w as introduced tn in the 1995 ■ fronrom b u ried n u d e ar^ v a ste . • \\in approval1 fromf; voters last November.r. ------^ , tary o f; ststate’s office. That proposalI wiwas legislative session butbi never got out of' • An initiative to move, finaiinancing fo r I t w on by a 266:6G.118-210,448 count.

------t :.—»• ■t K ' / i '■ '

^ .A.,'. I « « > t ^ --A-2 Tlm evNm .TwlnF#!li.lIII. Idaho Tuttdiy. July L 19S 7 TP ,

' -W e a t h eFL r ' - ' ■ — =

® F orecastt Sourte: Nailonal Weflt^ef SerAx«s_ A c r o s s TH EELATION ^ ______Tunday, Ju lj 1 AccuWtiito* fuftttu fut ill L«ili)iimtconJiiion$ind high tempmtuftii 2 _ M a g i c V a l le y Storm';ny weather bringss rainr to wide secrio:ons:of nation ^ Partly cloudy today and CMAOA f wd tonight with a slight chance of The Associated Prus ___ ^ eastward into West ViiITu-^a and Virginia duringg tth h e ' showers. Highs in thclowiw 70s,7 W est ^vinds around 15 mpnph. ------night, vrith a possibilityity of more heavy rain, < Tonight partly cloudy with-awit slight chdnce of showct Jiunderstorms iflooded streetsts aand He^vy showers andd ithunderstonnljika. developclo p e d - 1 Lows in the mid 40j, WednesdayWci panly-cloudy withX a Heavy rain from thu J c£ Q . ly in weste'rn Pennsylvania,.ia, as rapidly during the aft0n. )«SX LOW SllQUtPS RAIH T.sraius nuOf-CS SHOW KC; suwri pr.aouor aovor gjn HumiQity at noon; 56 p ■alt Lake City 92 70 r Pocatello 87 42 ..... ^ 0 ^ 0 Tonight pan ly cloudy. LowLows SO to 55. W ednesday mostlStly Sonon Francisco 70 • 59 • ...... : Salmon 57 45 ,10 .10 Baromeler ot noon: 29.'9( sunny. A slight chance of showerss and thunderstorms i Soo.oaitlc 68 51 ...... Sianlcy 49 35 ' „ w. Pollen count: 75 (pIno), modnoder. th e afternoon. Highs in theh e rmid 70s. SpopoKnne 73 49 ate. Molds: 869 (smuts, ______Was/asfilngtori 86 69 .. ;52_ ,..... H ig h s & l,QWS o ' .....■ grass), low, ' N orthern Nevada M osdy sunny today. Wes:iVest wind 10 to 20 m ph. Highs5 770 Idaho: High, 87 degrees at Pocatello. Low, 35 degrees:es ca t Stanley. to 75. Tonight mostly clear.clea Lows near 40. Wednesdaday Nation: Higli, 109 a t CasaGas Grande, A rit Low, 31 at GGrand m Canj-on, Arii. ; S k TOVVIXJH ------p a rd y d o u d y w ith nsfightch t chance of shoiven and thtmdeiJe r-...... - . . . . ------...... R•9:19 p.m. - storms along the idaho bordiorder, Breezy, H ighs 70 to 75. • & ' 9 Sunrise lomorrcorrow 6:05 a.m. Northern Utah F o r m o r e inNFORiVlATION = For•or currcnt road condition»,'cillJ ^ : thehesc numbers; Boise, 37M028: : - .Lunar phase::: LastL; quoncr, Ju n e 27; new, Julyuly Sunny and cooler today.lay. Higlis mid 70s, Toniglit cle;u Tuno to tho National WcW eather Service radio band attV VI H F-FM 162.4 or 162,55 • Sh<;hos!ione. 88&-226C; PocatoUo, 233- ‘ 4; first ------e fits -u n d e c - th c -f o n n c A id tP •“ Pyp-gpnn'nn~nn*jnrrpngn-iTT Tjnirn ~~ pynfenigcs:abouc75:people:each Dple able to • - .iiart^ng nao3"called c him several .hesai'dsai d...... - - . - - %vas a gatKmng of people , - - Families with' DeDepehdent a few foodd boxesb going out,” menenl on .Mondays anda n d :reedwith- weeks ago. Glen ent e H a m « g w as b o m in Tw in .■ Tccitc The Apostles’ Crgi 'P C h ild ren program , G ibson said,i. , W edednesday. And it’s the sameim e service pro- He said his mother was really ’ Falls,1s andi raised in the Clover . .out reading from the sen “P eo p le ju s t didn’t close cli (their The numbeiber of people fed at stoojiy at tlie St.^dw ards Catholiclolic u ^ u n d e d in dow n, a n d ask«isked me to give her a area.a. DeanI Hamsng said he and : pram, people of faith groi cases) in the last twowo weeks," noon each weekdaywt rose to 65. Chui y i n call. This is the kind of person he his olderold' brother attended Clover lurch kitchen for the needy in ; th e church. Brown said. “Wc cour)unseled at from 40 peopEople within the last Twitvin Foils, coordinator Lloydoy d h a faith, was. He was5 ihthinking about her," Trinitynity Lutheran School throligh - Hartwifi had such .£ ' face-to-face interview:Bws f o r th e m onth. UCI:Clair said. That kitchen feedsje d s j. ' B e n e d ix sa idid. . “His mother was theeige ig h th grad e. • friends and family said. . ■ p ast ye ar.” “Fm havingin g a lo t say th e y h a d betvvt\veen 75 to 1.00 p e o p le e a dli i on ;rin g w as' a v e ry im p o rtaa n n t t to him ." Hle e graduatedg from Filer High : But Monday’s gatherin Families who left voluntarilyvo lost their fooc!ood stamps and they Monondays, WediWsdays anda n d had a wonderful Schoolool in -1967, attended the ! memorial sem ce only.’. Hart^vig’sH H a r tw ig h; 'j cited several reasons, BrownBr said. are being evictedevi from houses Fridiidays. eleased to singing vbicilice, BcnCdix said. Colleglege of Southern Idaho and ' body had not been rele Some people did notI iiaveii their and becausee theytl can’t meet bills ThThe Helping Hands Missionn in al services ‘‘When he carcame to church, you Conconcordia College, and was the family, and burial s " . children immunized,d, another ■ they have. MyM; food bank right Burlirley has been handing outo u t u rd a y said k n e w it. H is voicevo reaUy carried," emploployed at the Twin Falls ■won't b e held u ntil Saturd requirement to maintan ta in b e n e - now is very lowlov ,” G ibson said. mor<3re food baskets and feedinglin g tim’s broth- he said. CounRinty Fairgrounds at the time Dean ^iamvig, the \nctim' fits, or they didn’t com;a m p lete th e “W e h a ve seen si an increase in mort}re people in its soup kitchenh e n ? Coroner’s ' Hartwig ha^had a reputation of of hislis dd eath . I er. Twin Falls County C< n ecessary contract. • people needin•ding all types of ser- sinciice mid-March, but director:to r ey released frequently beibeing in trouble, but ------: officc officials said they i _ - Others said the benefilefit amount vices,” Yardlirdley said. Many are Mikeike Nbc says he can’t trace tlie mblcmaker, Benedix Tim<'imcs-Ncws staff writer Kent : Hnrtwig’s body to hisliis family 'ras"'' n trouh they Vould be receivinving was so' working peoplople. “But it just isn’t inaca'case specifically back to wel- said. “If youu evere sat down and McClccCleary can be readied at 733- : M onday afternoon. small they would gi'give it up enough to paypaj food, transporta- fare:re reform . ithout hav- talked to him,m, heI \vas veiy gentle , 0931,1, Ext.E 238. ;. “It's tough today, withi because of the two-jeara r 1lim it. tion, re n t a ni)d d c h ild care.”' MtMany say they just can’t findfin d “A lot of people said,lid, 'I would . Yardley’s's agencya has a food work)rk. "■— ratlier notuse'lrupnow,ow,"•'Brown— panti^burlrtlrofteirrefers'faral: ------AliAlthouglrthenuniberofcascs2SCS— “ V : -CoMEcnoN=' . S u s p e c t _ said. “Irw artheTr choicoice, We do lies to otherer jprograms for rent hass decreased,< the region’sJ 35 3 5 * know a high n u m b e r ththat a cam e in a n d u tility assi.issistance. case5e ^vorkers still h a v e h a n d s full TWI■WIN F A L L S - M o rg a n .n said, *We fp u n d a jo b or-we o are - - “We are on a tight budget and withth other public assistance, such:uch ■ ;ConlInuod from A l' ' ' - ...... ‘ihvestigati.onm ]Bureau was taking McCarCanhy, a plaintiff in a lawsuit “ moving’.”, 1 it’s causingg somes< drain on our as foodfc stamps, medical aid, or ; ; Hartwig’s 1965 Chevrolet Ch over investigtJgation of Harnvig's filedd oover the death of Cambria ? The community hass respondedn food pantry,"y," Yardley said. But progiDgrams for tho aged, blind andim d • jlm pala was found WedWednesday, death ore wrosTong, Hall said. The Camel•nell in a fire la st D ecem ber, is w ith jo b s, sh e ad d ed . ““Our 0 econo- the communiu n ity h a s r e s p o n d e d . disal::abled, Brow n said. •' ! abandoned in the Boisese ffoothills. ' sheriffs depart)artment is continuing • CamelTieil’s sister. McCarthy’s gen­ I IDetcctivcsiiave said the person to investigatete tht e cose, h e sai^. d e r avsevas misidentified in-o story ; ;w h o k ille'd H a rtw ig might mi{ also ------:------in Monvlonda/s edition of Tltc Times- ; 'h a v e ta k e n his car. T x m e s 'N mws s staff writer Kent News,vs. ■ ,: " Sawtoott:h ; ! R e p o rts.b y a Boise radiiadio sta tio n Mcdcary can.in be.rcachcd at.733z___ The'he Timcs-Ncws regrits the. • ; t h a i th e I d a h o CiCrim inal • 0931, E x t. 238.^8. error.Dr. —"Continued from A l ■ Ries“ ana"Sa'KetchunTIlangcr dosirsing p a rts ^ f th e forest. victim to misinform!mation. A Kurt Nelsonn fieldedfi heavy criti- AnVn estimated 1.25 million peo-)CO- ■ Seattle man called andid said: he’d , -cism when:n the plan 'was pie v : j Reading the MMoney section pays. A'jAppearing every day InI TheT> Tlmes-News. , j ! visit the 800,000-acro SNRARA J h e a r t passes co st S300,3. a n n o u n c e dd iin March, then eachdi year, yet budgets continuelu e revised in latelate April to the cur- to bebe slashed. Sunday $5,00 perT wweek, daily only $4,00 . . r - f n l J re n t p rice s, wwhich h offer discounts ' rhe Th budget for the SNRAi is I Circularion ly only $3.00 per week. . L ! = * a M to seniors. S1.88 million. 1 In 199G, the budget Ty Ronsdell, circulation dl ed in all above rales, A Don'tm'l forgotfi to buy your lolto ifckols for SATURDAY. JUNE 2a NUMIEUMBERS - Policing permitspe is another wass S2.1; million. In 1992, theS Circuliitian phone lines,nes are opefi- S15-00 el’Brge wllwill be levied for all tomorrow [, night’s drawirjgs! "TOiBl concern. Postiristing signs on trails is budgdget was.S3.5 million. A visi*isi- betw een 7 ntid 10 a.m.. only.on If .you returreddiecki. ■ R .1^ difficult fd^shrshrunken staffs. tors’s’ center at Redfish Lake has ■ Jo not rcceive your paperper by 7 a,m„ ’ 4 3 T h e ‘ex p eirimental rin fee plan is been 10 Powofballjacfpol Isan osllmalodod • 1 21 31 34 ^ en closed, ,duc to o lack: ofo f calliho number for your ai ising a b o u t $1 m illion. cosh.'Ji.' irarco: Maillnfoima■ n a tio n j q ivo ■ POWEHOALL NOMDEBicn 49 - aimed at raisin • ' Burloy-Rupert. Mllllont Tho'winnorwouldfocoivc — When the Conslongress approved the On : Paul-O ukley,...... , , . 677-4042 The Time»-New»w>(UPS631-0S0)i«pub. ( « )n the Ketchum district, bud-ud- S400.000 oach year for tho SATUROAV; JUNE 25 MJMIOUSERS ■ plnn, it slipulojulated 85 percent of get c Filer-Roeersoa.HallliterT .326-5375. Ilihed daily at 132 Third S i, W,.jTwin : cuts have virtually ellminat-lat- next twenty yoorsl • ; . T.vin Falls' •, Fall*. IJaho. 8330S301, by Masic Vitlley i ' tlieTnoney-raisraised-be u ^ where ed trailm maintenance this year.•.A A • and ocher arcfts ...... , . . .733-0931 fjewjpopcr* Inc. PeriodlcaUPet paid el Twin • . . i t w as collectedsod.-'.. - ...... _ ...local:al user group, Bigwoodlo d , ' ‘ . Falliby'nieTlme**he»*New». om dal eitysBd ThOFho Trl-Wost all cash jacJtpol Is on' ■ 5 19 24 27 ^ 32 __ Critics sayy ttth e fe e , w h ile nomi* B ackckcountry Trails, raisedic d . ' : . Subscripdon races^ - . county newspaperr pcpunuant to Scetlon, 6C- ,oslimatodS250.00l . n a l, is a doub:lu b lc ta x t s in c e th e y 536,C3,000 to hire o thrco*personson 108 of ihe Idaho Code.CotraU. per week: Sunday only, 52.002.00 Per week; 'legal noileei will b^publi^hcd.b^t ...... ^ ~d^iTroutfItteriters and other smaD An pon solos, butlhofe aro ALWAYS ^ d officials maintain centf^ \ Msil tubscripiioni muii be paid plesjc send change of ^ businessescoulrould be stung. Idahtiho isn’t the only place grap* ! and an; avaltabte only where ?.0,Do*548,Twinfalli. Uiousahds of wfnnors from oach w - xiie Forest I ; noimainUincd,Maiinla:-AlMAll Idaho niiei; lomi to, i-.u, ist Service defended - plingng w itli dw indling b u d g e ts am n d .er-week.,dally_l‘J»>’ofi33.iy.------______;___ drawn3winn. You only have to match two1 partial,solution,to incre • daily.snd.Suadiiy.i-l.aQ-per.v ______ih o p la n a s A l reased use., YeUowstone andind ■ only,S3.iO per week; SundayJay only $2.50 coprt*9iynghtem r , i^umbors lo win a prize, - 2 5 7 27 31^' -V shrinkmg budjudgets which could Gladider national parks are also■Iso • lies: dally and u*oisV*n.rN • per week. Out of tioic ralei: J i^S) '4 cSo ff!?«■ 1 a t*S' gvA 'iSii i» result in slashashing services and . lodkiiking tOAvards v o lu n te ers.

______!___ 1______L_

A V . I •V " ‘ I# , ■

■ 1 /' Tusidar.Ju>r 1,1997 Tl Twin Fallt, Idaho ^■33

N a t i o n ^ U.S. sisinks deepesr in d e b t Clinto:)n stakees out t£:ax-cut ]positiol"X A WASHINGTOTON (AP) — The real est‘State, stocks and bonds — • United States sanksan deeper as the and thehe $3.72 trillion Americans W ASHINGTON (AP) — 1 Dn’s desk by early next who chairs the leadershipup meet- world’s biggest: dde eb to r last y ear as ow nedJ inL overseas a sso L t. •— ■— down-mariccrs in 'th c taxX debate,-—di [ for the largesr padoigc of—- -ings of House Republicansansi said' - foreign investo'stdrs gobbled up" ...... ATwuiDui ah'ciglilirof ilio'inCTeiisc"" “ . President Clinton o(fer£dr£d over- iifcr..': •/ j iefinlSyears. • that Clinton “has take.n1 a giant record amounts;s oo f T reasury se ai- c an bc e attributed ; to ndjiLstments tures to Republicans onn c; c a p ita l j f'. h e sa m e tim e h e spoke opti- ste p to our ta x cut plan.” ritics and corporalsrnte bonds. in ctirreren c y NtduOs. BecaiL^c o f the gains cuts and other keyey iissues . ■; misticall)ally, Clinton criticized the Strikingly, it fell to the‘c Iy°use In its annual1 looklo at America’s strongeijer dollar, U.S, assets abroad ..M onday. jssional plans, “They do an Democrats to wonder pulpublicly international balancebal sheet, the werewcwortli less. At the same time, he vovvowed to ' quate job oftipening the about Clinton’s intentions,s, ““Presi- Commerce Depdepartment said But mostn of die change reflect- , resist GOP proposals h e saiisaid pro- to college. They direct far ' dent Clinton planted a nagfl: for Monday that thethe United State's ed thatIt the deficit in the broadest vide “ too little relief to th1C e nmiddle ttle relief to the middle protecting middle-income2 taxpay-ti net debtor positisition rose 27 per- measurure of trade, the current _ , class.” They include tiny:-bomb ers today,”'Democratic: L e a d e r c e n t toS871 biUioiUioru' acc o unt. n t climbed to S148 billion in . “I don’t want to startt ta lk in g ,ts that threaten explode Dick Gephardt, R-Mo,, sailsaid m a jhe net debtor)tor position is the 1996,.Tl,Tlie dollars /Vmericaas paid ; about^veto now,” Clintonin saids. in W r '. leficit. They do’hot do !itaicment. “Democrats hop'lope^at siioiifall between:cn the $4.59 trilliori forei^i^crs-forimported cars, oil . . an appeai'ancc On thee W\ h ite ;h to keep our economy flagW ill rem a in M u r c l tt isIS once foreigners owne('ned at the end of and othither products were in turn ' House lawn. “I want to cnc ra ft an ’’ h e said. tliis budget d e b a te is over," 19% in U.S. assetsw;ts — corporations, u se d .0to buy1 U.S, investm ents. ' ^ . a g re e m e n t... th a t c an be ^vritlenw ^ ^ the politically pivotal issue Both the House and SSi e n a te . into law a n d can b e passede d wi ith a k K f l c fairness,” he said, “A rook- bills provide for a rcducti bipartisan majority of both;ith sid e s" I A M lice officer or a starting the' capital gains tax fromn 228 per- of Congress. • ’r, a firefighter or a nurse cent to 20 percent for mi In revising his o^m ta x( cutcu pit>- w ho e amams i 522,000 deserve a child and upper-income taxpa[ p a y e rs . ■posal, Clinton embracedI thtb e con- edit,” said the president. Until now, Clinton has shish u n n e d ’ cept of a tax-deferred ssa a v in g s Robert«rtB»bln “ T h ey' nrare some of our hardest- such a cut. Under his re 9 QuiICHE : a cc o u n t fo r e d u ca tio n exp<:xpenses, p ressedd workingw people. They are plan, Clinton proposed an i ■ agreed lo support greater ; taxes now, and I will.fight sion of 30 percent in thee ccapital ss- ter relief America" that RRt ep u b lican s ro d e paying ta; “A Nfii» (/etitruttonI ^Nei/tMxirJuxjJ Bulifry'’ from estate taxes and signedled off on to power in thele 1994 elections, to,givee themth the same tax relief gains taxes, which are levie vied on MOniTUCXYlUnUUtnrilMi a reduction in capital gainslins taxes Clinton idsoembnibraced th e ZCkent- t h a t oother th Americans would profits from stocks or otherh er hold- • — all key elements of the mea- per-pack hike inin diet cigarette tax receive.”e.” ings held lo n g er than one: yye e a r .. t- ■, sures that cleared tlie Housouse a n d contained in thee SenateS bill. In rccply, p l the House’s top tax Senate last week. Key differ/ferenccs Final negouarioirions are expccted writer., RRe ep. Biii /Vrcher o f Texas, remain w th RepublicansIS ono the to begin in eame:•nest next week as defendeided the measure passed details in all diosc areas, howlowevcr. the House and SenateSc attempt to under his direction and said, “I •Clinton also s^veetened1 hishi. ow n reconcile their twobillstwc — andthe welcomene the participation of the' propo-sal fo r a SSOO-per-childfiild cred- \V hite House’s wissvishes. R epublican W h ite: House” H( as final compro- '..it, a proposal that gained:d promp iicongressional1 leaders.hopeIc to. ..miseefforfforts begin...... nence in the “Contractict With have the final1 compromisec on And1 R(Rep. Bill Paxon, R-N.Y., I Clinton iraising mmillions for>r party with nig]^ht on Brcoadway e\‘vent BOSTON (AP) — W henn aa' polit- crats ate baby ggrc ree n salad, chick- • A latc-nighc lati Plaza Hotel din- ic al p a rty is S14.4 m illionn in debt . en roulades andnd fruit tarts at a ncr xvithith Clinton,i Goldberg and a and hounded by allegatioitions of luncheon thatat cost S500 to rangeof of entertainers, including scandal, it takes more thantian fried 525,000 pwr plate.te, musicianIan Wjmton Marsalis, actor i 7 g g f U n ugrll i tJj ] chicken and peas to woe,voo big- Speaking benesneath one of six Andy Garcia,G q actress Lauren m oney donors. crystal chandelierliers in'the Copley Bacall,. actressac Glen Close, model Ildlo, Broadwy! Plaza Hotel’s onij■mate forum room, • Christietie Brinkley and actress Dedicating most of hisis dday to Clinton mockecced pundits who Julia Robilobens. The filet of salmon Slock R4632 Stock #.4345 pacing ihe'hat.PreadentIt C linton d e c la re d his part;arty and presiden- teriyakiiki and, salad mach.e with " r - ^ sto p p e d in Boston to claiipp a quick cy d e ad in 1995.5. ‘‘You ‘ were riglit roastedd shiitakesi muslirooms cost $1 million Monday beforeirc flying1 and they wereWTong," h e told h is SSiOOOI a pop.p SK'' ■ ..to New .York, where DemO'mocratic audicnce.in ann unusuallyn short The nightni, on Broadway was fat cats were guests at a recep-r 11-minute speech,ch, expectedted to raise S2.5 million for lion, a musical play andd a star- While the Bostoston event was a the finarnancially strapped party, .5tudded presidential d in nlet. e h typical fund-raise:iser, the president With contributorscon reluctant to - • The ag^essive effort sigsignaled had bigger plansIS forf Npw Y ork. g iv e mnoney o r that settles debts, a new drive by the Demo(m o c ra tic D e m o c ra ts had ha< three events party officialsoffi insisted that only N ational C om m ittee a n d1 it:its titu- from w hich to cho:hoose; 15 perciircent of the donations lar head, Clinton, to develoelop ere- • A late-afteriernoon reception would paypaj old bill.s. ativ o m e th o d s for raising; ca:cash. • with Vice Preside:dent A1 Gore, frash The partypa expected to pay at 1997HARlEYi883 SPORTSTER I 1997 HAR]^ ] ^ 1 2 0 0 _ “W e’re.looking for waways to from a morningng fund-raiser in least^35,'535,000 toward the price of , bringTnore people into diehe ;party. New Jersey. Thee pricep tag; 51,000. f ly in g; the t l president and his to interest people in gcgetting • • A special productionpr of “A entourafiragc from W ashington. involved in politics, espeispecially • Funny Thing HappenedHa on the Normally,illy, the party defers much attracting people who) mmaybe Way to the For■orum,” starring of the tabtal by scheduling public j[SLo^ haven’t been involvedd iiin the Whoopi Goldberg,:rg. Tickets ranged appearamranees in fund-raising cities pa st," p a r ^ spokesw om ann M elissa fro m S125 to S25,'25,000, though the and billirilling taxpayers. But aides . Bonneysaid. Democrats noted:d thatt 120 went to said Clini:Linton only had time to More than 500 Bostonn £Demo- chanty. raise casha s h M onday. 1996 HAR^ L E Y W 3rd woman allege DYNA s ® ' i m i s i mm = H A S C A L C L sexual misconducu c t LOWRIEDER ■ ■ lA R R CSSERIES _____±!y.A iniyjiorL£Q n Stock #466555______^ ^[CDHrORS^=^= W ASHINGTON (AP) —- A A N a v y petty officer tearfully toldId a.hear-a ONLYir ^ ing Monday her life hasla s b e e n • 2-CoiOJ PiiNt made miserable since she she w e n t • Auto Tm Key __ ^public with allegations oof f sexuals « UliGE PlSFUY _ '— harassmenragalnsrAnnjrm y Sgr;— M aj. G ene M cKinney. “P eople I thought I knew:w, , I1 don’t ■ know,” she told an Armyy hearinhi g ^ H I N E i l = called to determine wwhi h e t h e r ' . M cKinney, tlie Arm y’s to p er R R IPIAIN PAPER I . man, should be court-martiS d . .SXMA^^N “People are judging me.” The third woman toD t(testify ( "a s io w ~as...z z f about alleged sexual miscoisconduct V tvntontowfiict V by McKinney, Petty Offici■ficer 1st CTHfflJJHJP ■ Class Johnna Vinson saidi shshe m e t PHP ■; h im a t □. c o n fe re n c e o n h e a lth h ^ benefits in Denver last Augiugust. ' In another developmen) c n t, th e ! presiding officer at the;h e F o r t • M cNair hearing, Col. R< PPLIES • SOLUTIONS . Jarvis said he would look in : MACHIH£ SALES • SERVICE • SUPPL ■ f f SyiEHLY SMAZAL'S OFFICE APPLIAILIANCE COMPANY) possibility of calling McKit lL.._«,l.S0..>..T.Inf.llt.T33-2e»7.H»n:lnn: W«ii-Frl» 8:38 -5:30______originaLaccuser_baclciQ.ito .a fU V Q „ . U Y^^ffK^ACHIN^Al^ d u ty to force h e r to testify.y. j H E S u t i E L ast CChanGe.....iBenjamtlin Moorre M ail InI R ebatite an d V^olco's

, 'D\>iscountt P ain t S<»ale Endss This Sut O\n Thle s e -IS aviin g s Best Paintit. . , EXT]rERiOR PAINTS I ;Besl>t Advice™ IN T E RlO l R PA irNTS -MOORLIFE ^ MOORGAR \L L SATIN AQUA GLO .P.RICE....:$IS.95 J H |C m SAIXPRICE...,,$I4.39/M SALE PRICE...... $H A SALE PR IC E ...,, Si9,9S ' LESSMAIWN •; ■ w LESSMAII^IN ' s V lessm a im n REBATE...... $5,00 m l REBATE...... $5. . s « o V J H I TINTS / W REBATE...-:...... $5,00 ..LESSVOLCO'S . - !M LESSVOLCO'5 - - . Discour . I g f e . I DISCOUNT. B DISCOUfn~...... S2.50 • A’Stroke-O f ^'■-YOUPAY~ {giPUCAI. ' ^ ONLY,.,. I^iraicAL , AnZR REHATES...... • " ATTER REBATES ' ...... , AFTER REBATES ' ...... a h ‘ AFTER REDATE& ' ~

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M Tlm«»Hewi, UlaFal(iFallt. Idaho Tundsy, July 1.1997!7

N a t i o n•J ■ ■ ;

• Interm et SITnut sere2cners ^ e e p o)ut the ]innoce;nt, too) ^ W A S H IN G T O NN ((A P ) —: C y h e r c o p s be spoti}' at blocking explicitt mmaterial, But the Inteitemet changes fast. Cyber_ , mation on “pluiking duducks” because _ weakenins the protection. “Tiffan:f a n y ’s- have ihcir computcri:lerized h:mds full tryijig although altl a lot of ptople cdnside:ider them ' Patrol, one oftf the most popular cyber- “duck" is'specifically allo'illo'wed. Blit dohV 'Arhhteueur "Models” and the "SirSn r s e x — to find out who’s nauilaugiity and nice on the b bet elter Uiaii nothing. ccnsors, addsIs 500 sites a week to itsI . try “good luck charms”’ or anything else Channel'el" show ed th e ir b a re %varcss wwl hen In tern e t. So does the government. Iiin a r e p o r t ‘‘C yberN O T" lilist of some 20,000 forbid- ending in “uck." th e k ejyword y guard was switchede d o< ff. Counties, for e.\ai;.\ample, like to pitch being bei released today, the admini:linistration den addresses. • Toys: A minefield•Id for parents', Parentscs can also edit th e keyw ords, th d r attrn ctio n s onn th e W eb. But if tliey’re takes tak a hands-off approach:h to the . "It’s a movinjing target,” said Susan Get- bccause graphic descriptioiJtions of adult sex- - ’ Sexsc Education: Parents can choostloose to ' n;aned Essex, Mi3dleidlesex or Sussex, hyper- Internet, Ini< favoring industry self-rc(^regulation - good, director)r of m arketing for Micro- ual toys can be seen alonilongside child toy allow infinformation on sex educationn wwl hile sensiiivc smut ccnsoitisors sec only.tlic s-e-x and anc teclmical aids such as thcMJ pnprogram-s. systems Softwairare Inc.. de v elo p e r o f Cyber sites. For example, safety‘ety tips from the blockingi^g indecent m aterial. But usinging tht a t a n d d e cla re th e m forbiddenfori: zones. But li aside from their slibrtcom:ominga at PacroL National Safe Kids Campaiipaign were imme- Option,, thetJ Planned Parenthood Cond!ondom „ Tlie sa m e fa te awaiw aits those w ho w an t to siojSlopping pom , th e program.^ h aive v e ;another And somcumimes innocents g e t cau g h t inI diately followed by a listilistiiig for a hard- Guide,, amonga many other safe sexa sites,si - get information onn tlthe Net about almost problem; pro 17ie more they catchJ snsmut, the the cross hairs, core site, which was acces;cessed w t h a feiv . still w asIS 1blocked...... any s«bjco w ih aI “u“uck” ending. At least more mo they shrink the world ofif irinnocent Here'satouriu-using C yber Patrol: clicks despite having theiho full screening • Ilea!caltk A lot of material is allowediwed on one popiiljir cybercenc e n w r ked K|gaS£ : ' U.S. troops were •beingbe sent to ------^ 2 - Africa so the coimientries there S a u sa gg i e ...... could bc-iiiincd-uo-UOI to re ly so . - • A . ■o- [RsrsvSSe ■ - -- - much on others to respond to ■ ■ crises on thecontinen:ient. »a v-^------^1 , • Britain and Fruncenee are cooper- * 3 1 1 ; C’ ating. Dinger said,1, a n d th e pro- 24 oz Packag•go 24 OI P a c k a g e - ject ivas endorsed at the Summit P o lish V of. the Eight in1 DI e n v e r b y B a sq u e *, Canada, Germany,y, IItaly, Japan SAUSAGE a n d R ussia, as w ell.I. CHORIZC:o Financing it coulduld be a prob- _ , Lay-A-Away N ow For lem . ) $ 0 9 9 > : Sen. Mitch McCon'onnell, R-Ky., CChristinas! l the chairman off t the Senate ^ * 3 1 ? »; appropriations subiubcommittee |H H I0 ■ " ' that controls foreignign aid spend- R o T i ing, has cut all SIS15 million the 24 oz Packagigo ' , 224 oz Package . Clinton administratioiition sought for |B S U ]||| ; 1998. |M Old FashiCloned S m o k e d ■■ But the House versionver of the S A U S A G E g >, foreign aid bill in(includes the j i f FRANK W $ 0 5 9 'r $ ^ 5 9 p w e a w e a Igj u M i m EEU I

FREE 12 LB WIEINERSI r iP I T H A M ■ ^ " P B llFF BOLOGNA, I’g Super Bee ;'f Kahuna’s BEEF OR >'S BOLOGNNAORSALAMI fs Revenge:e ' M WIENERS « S < 9 \ w hOLE o : i K / □ B c r ' ^ . / \ r - i / (a S9-99^ Assortment FRANKS / lMUSBRAnC» value) with thee $ 0 9 9 >9 purchasese of i f c e a H b I lb k g Super Be3 ee Assortmenent!* > L B B A C CO N l [ F Ml E S H L I N K F a ■ M|A t J |S A G E Buy On«18, G et O n e F I g u a n a M a n Poptlts TNT K in g K o n g i $; 0 9 9 1 6 9 I Z Mlr lb I ATTHiESEPARlmClPATHINGIOCAm N S : W ILLIAM S FOO00 TOWN- TWINN FALLS IPERSONS ID A-IKIMBERLY I G ro u n d Bloom B Flowerses WILLIAMSJ f 000 TOWN-Fh■ILER iLYNWOOD ID A-1TWIN FALLS Pack ^ PAULS FOO,aOTOWN-JEROI m E KLIEGLSIGAt-B U H L ^ iFREE SWENMA,m - TWIN FALLlL S WOODH RIVERI VALLEY MAJARKET-BELLEVUE IE ? r«EE Kahu/ia-j R««H|c wllh Ihtpuxruit or Super Dia A«onm»nl, local oitJInancei SWENSENSMVIARKET- TWIN fFALLS S/AIMERLY’S FOOD T0\WN-WENDELL pioliJtill Ihl ul* and U l ol SWENSONS.; FOOD TOWN-PPAULj ...... SSTOKES THRIFTWifAY-BURLEY - lAlirirtrroikirednalV^PP'Oved. ' ‘ Oi;yOnF,(iflOnertre9ppltM ' SWENSONS FIFOOD T O W N - WUPERT I JOHN’S BESTWA)\Y-BURLEY ...... I I C.nii v.ilur i/]oih wTi’.' ol oi ■ 19 Tiuafu>Uti;'Pop-iij'nfr end...... mn( Kon'i only. SW ENSONSFiFOODTOWN-SmURLEY B S B m a r k e t RUPERT —DAWSMARKET WAL*MARTVT _ SIESTA MOTEL~ ------D o w s mHRIFTWAY^DUHiHL — . ^ .■: r-HANSEN-^— - ^isnivtnsiKOR.*WRi.rJRI.EV. 6?5S.8tlOAOWAV»WHL . COOK’S FOL\O D TO W N -GOODlDING HEYBYBURNFOOBCENl\TER-HEYBURN~- P L A iW St t VACANT LOT FRED M'EYER -----:------6S5AIR9^0»MI«.-H0M■HOME------f?H6r6r*I&*H«J£RMAN------fOS-filUHAKK-TWIH FAILS- - — TEHR Y ’S BlESTWM^JEROl l IM E P i mERSSHOPPmCEHIITER-RICHFIELD1 w ftU A MIS S MARKET WlLLlAtAMS MARKET PricesBS ElfBcllw July; 1-Julyly7; ,1 S 9 7 . IIIGHWArjOJFAKIFAinAVL«(IUn . C47FIUAA£ftAVtHU£-TWWFAUS ■ L _

tI Tuesd^, July 1.1997 Tim8>^flws, Tl Twin Falls. Idaho A-5,-5

______f ______a f i g n f z - -N ' - Albii^^ t b o y ccotts insstallatiol>nofHcongKo))ng legisslature HONG KONG (AP) — 1Mixing,- Kong shortly J the troops were . _ had no reason to suspectt OQ iin a of - a u th o rity of British-ruled'Hong Brii call itt a; night, striding inio ihee — —-symbolisimvith-adoscof-o frc a liiy , : a f t e r th e mid-” i r ■...... — -T ior b e in g s e n t—- -■jilnviiL^ij^'as willing toog g iv e t h e ...... Kong trade offia[fices in the United ' 'dam pj tnight ninvell bcforenhe-e - • Secretary of Stntc Mad(a d el e i n e night handover. : . for internal coiinti^' m e benefit of th ec doubt.di S tate s to th e Cbii'binese. secondid c erem o n y go t u n d e r way.!. . A lb rig h t boy co ttcd tlicQ installa- ir ’ She suggest- \ security. They “It’s a concern, I think,It, 1but we Albriglit was5 among aj 4,000 dele- She vaswa joined in her dissent byy tion o f Hong Kong’s newrt- CChinese- ed that the Qii- ^ . are“onlyas>-m-- don’t know th a t they intend:nd in vio- giites, indudingg 400 4( foreigners pre- Brhislih Prinie.M inistcrTony Blairr appointed legislaturer MiMonday, nese move ^ bol" of Cliinese late the agreenient,'’ Clintonton said. sent for tlie handiindover ceremony, a and For•oreign Minister Hnbin Cook, but she did send a loweiwer-level seemed heavy- sovereignty, “Tiicy may be concernedled about meticulously orch)rdiestiaied extrav-a- Earlirlier, Albright told ABC’s official JO the,ceremony. handed, but . ■ Q ian As-as report- the disruption, disorder. We’llW< ju st ' ganza p re c e ded e dby a sumptuous “Goodd M I orning A m erica" ihai shee Albriglit’s diplomatic: rcrcproadh Chinese For- -— 'cd to have told ■ have to see what happens.:v>. Bui W(i ■ baiujuel and colorQlorful firt^vorks. bollcvciI’Cd it was Imponant for thee ' . was lemgercd by the realieality that eign Minister Albriglit. M il monitor it very closely.''ly.'- • A fterw ard , all-were all- invited to U.S.10 to se n d “a v c o ’ strong jxiliti-i- the United States still has strong Qian Qichen In Washing- In an executive order■ rcreleased the s^vearing inin ofc the legislature cal meslessage” th a t th e only lugiti-i- e conom ic tie s to th e islandin d — a n d a s s u re d h e r *0^1 President during a fund-raisingg ttrip to and of othergoveovemment officials. matelegiiature. le in tJie U.S. liciv, • to China. Monday that'5 MHolnlnuAtbrltM Bill111 ClClinton ^ . C linton said he Boston, Clinton transferrerred the But Albrightt decidedd( instead to was thehe popularly e lt-a c d one. At the stroke of midnigInight, 1S6 ^...... years of British rule ovei)v er H o n g Kong came to an end1 wiwifh tho. , . ► return of sovereignty to C h in a. F o r C hina a n d most of the largely Chinese population here,■e, itI was a, ; joyous, long-a^vaited momciment. But ^ the transition turnedI AlbrightA1 in to a prcKlemocracy dissidssident. •; /\side from the demise ofo H ong 1 Kong’s elected legislature,'c. A lbright I ; . raised concerns about China’s h iu ded- ; : sion to dispatch 4,000 troopoops along , - ! with armored vehicless totc Hong I^T i Mircollisision 1 H il. cause: £lai overload? : ; Tho .Associated Prest______...... The three men aboard'd MN ir m ay ^5--' have caused last ;vcek's's collisionc S H nd^p by acddcntally stuffing’ loolo- mudi -:; garbage into the cargo) ship-sh th a t ■ slammed into the spacecc station,! * i space officials said Monday,day. IMM] j Russian fliglit controllrollers a re , testing ilic still-orbiting carcargo ship • ; . to sec if that, indeed, is; ^vhat^vli ha p . • I ' pened. ; • “ U ntil tiiey finisli theirir testing...tc I - " '] •SamsiisunglS" Color TV's : • we’re not going to gett anythingar j_. ! W p P J i^ O Q ^ ' specific,” said Frank Culb'ulbertson, I ■ R e gg.$179. . NOV)w I Q u I director of NASA’s shutiiiuttle-Mir I ' -; program. He describedI thetin possi- I ’^ 1 ' * ^ . bility of overloading.as; “a p o tc n - .. ^ _____ : • , tia l fa a o r in all of tliis.” ^ *RCA4i 4-Head VCR w/Reini TIjc t^vt) Russians and oneom Amcr- ' R e gg. . $199 NO\l ican had filled die Progressress supply ? *149 -; ship with space^tation trairash before - I -; ' setting it loose last week.<. TlieT acd- _ ; • dent — the worst space;e collisionc -. ever — occurred the next« d d a y d u r . •GEWIyVhitelS" : : ing a praciicc redocking: of thei sup- *: ply ship ordered by’ Russia’sR ^ II® * T v /vVCR ( Combos I; MissibnControl. R e gg.$399 . ■ NOl !; Commander Vasily TTsi sib liy cv . '2 7 9I was guiding the supplpply ship - ; toward its port by remoten eco i m ro l, I . • -as planned, when it startedted coming ^ •GEIS19" TV/VCR Comb ; ; in too fast. The 7-ton sliiplip banged into the.Spektr bboratoiy)iy mI odule R e gg. . $449 NOl I ; a n d punctured its aluminunn um hulL ■ V I v l ' '' ? *299I :• If the ship was heavieiv ie r th a n ; • (^ected, tlie number of tlirut ster r.-v - .^^feKitchi;henaid30''Slide-lr ;: firings would have been:e n w ro n g * ; a n d c a u s e d a lo ss o f control, ci , ‘^B I Y/"'H V 'il Glassss Top Range i On^ I ■ . Culbertson said. Reg.g. $179 NOl C ulbertson said it’s diffiilifficult for ^ ^699r ------a c re w -to know how-mluch-is-too ucl ------p — -X------• ; m ucli w hen it comeS to) loadinglo; a ------I ship in orbit. "Everything do n e ^ ^ • K i t c l:henald30''8lide-l i i •" ; on estimates and on tlie: dircctionsdii ^ I ; from th e ground,” he noted.ited. Dnop-ip-in Range ■ • MIT’s cosm onauts usuallyally do not : : try to redock tlie Progres:ress ships; : «499 R a gg.$1099 .------NOl)W ------L ; t thc vessels’simply arc ; ! plunge through the atmoimospbere" I't •» I /M M pS- ' : and bum up, as tliis one \vill\vil soon. iltenaidSO" Ruilt-ln ~ : - Anotlier Progress shipip isi to be ::; launclied to Mir on Satuixharday fn)m 1 ^ 1 r#IV II Oven (itjiiai) 1 Only I ~ i. Kazakstan. It will containain equip- R e gg.$899 . NOl I “ ; ment for a repair spacew;ew alk a n d fi^449 ’ : will be docked using thehe reliablei T; automatic method. : As early as July 11,, TsTsibliyev henaldSuperliaDishiiiiai ‘ and cosmonaut AlexanderiderLazut- ' '■-// 'fi/y.'Top olthBllne. Last year's I : kin will attem pt to ventureire intoi die ; : niptured, sealed-off Spektr:ktrm c^.ulc_ .• / I M lei. Porcelain lnlerlor,Whisp6rQiiie - ; 10 reconnect cables to solarolar batter- 1 * ■ . . H v ' R e g . $;899 8 9 NOl -; ies inside, thereby restorin]iring much I I of the power lost in thee collision.cc 7w ; • They also will install a newne\ hatch ,| ;! on Spektr that will bo allowalio eleC' - « ^ *7 Pieiiece Living Room Gpi^ oup sA ^ H I) ; tridty to travel from th e! moduleme to . t Includiludes Sofa & Malching Lovesea •-; the n st of tlie space station.ion. 2Endlnd Tables, IColfee Table, 2 Lai I ; It b e a difficult, riskyskyjob. _^ FRIa 1 )9 9I <• * W Mm ieceRedroom Sets Includfludes Headboard, Dresser, . HMI Mirror,ror, Chest FR(„ '3 9 9 I ■ S I' Ip iece Dinette Sets Includtludes Table & 4 Chairs FRO»'Z 9I)I ^ A ' J B -•Reclinliners by LA-Z-BOY FRO~*199i.

■ SPECIAL FINiFINANCING AVAILABLE Store For Details f K otooOGS I " * ■ 0 0 ! — 7 - ^ c ^ | | | — )-Csca!ii'Gola!iLeinona(ade! 3fop*1^0 CONVENIENT 1 “B ates LQC_A11,0NS • rvmrtun fv»N • Ami/uicts • tuaiONics • CAirno • riooK covtaNO at BUBIJEY a SUPEBlBSTOHELOCffriOHSS EY^.^ KEyCIUMjfSW^yMllY «GOODING ELY^YJJE^DA CloSra^o^ontot iA i^iL X L a "«7s-n33'faj’ “ "776-2l’:S '^ ’ 93 7J4-7?76 • 289^3 28' 7M^U6 □ = < z l m E X P BrfSSDEUVERY E l • f'/lN STOrORE d FINANCiKQ • 9 0 D A Y5SAME S . AS CASH. O.A.C. ' g p i o MO ■ M aua^nz Editor. Clark Page A-6 ■ T ucsdiday, July 1, 1997 m: The Timcs-Ncws:\vs ‘'E d it o rRIAL Todday, life wi/ill change^ I. / « iiY c o s r a c i.W VYUOT\C - I YcSiU ecipients 0 ^ ^ - “ forr welfare re .P l f f W C & J I The lare ne^vspapjaper columnist M ike- - MoMost started with far less ttha h a n liic m : Royko once obsemin'ed that nature, un- S27979 a month in ma.ximum assi'issista n c e like government, di(diooses not to indem- thatat the law-now perm its foro r I' d a h o m q ^ \ x \ nify bad choices. • w elfa:lfare dients, and most had1 nothingnt . That’s the troubUible with the’welfare lole?lean upon but dieir wits. state, at least as AmAmericans have come BuiBut they discovered supportt ssy y s te m s to know it. A libis■is -■ teen pregnancy, in their th churches, theiufam ilieH ies a n d drug abuse and a cculture of despon- theirsir neighborhoods. More impcnportant- '' dency, to name a, fewfc - have supplant- Jy, theythi found strength in themsenselves. : ed ambition. J Trhat’s h : the real formula forr e n d in g \Vlien life is a no-f10-fault axerdse, com- welfr;lfare as wc know it. The.cyi.cycle of ^ placency becomess a viable lifes^le op- malaidaise has to be broken, replac)!a ce d by tion. Self-confidencijnce and-imagination oppoip o rtu n ity . are irrelevant w hen2n }y o u r n e x t p aycheck Opiopportunity, as Adam Smith,th point* boars no relatjonsfinship to eiclier your eel otout, can be terrifying. Butr iit' t ’s a ls o •• \s illin g n e s s o r y o uirability r al toeamit. thei eiengine for the greatest econoa n o m y in s I j g g Starting today, all of that \rtll begin humam an history. to c h a n g e . M^lany ai of the folk who becameneAmer-. / IS^H W elfare reform laws,lav passed last year icans,ns over th'e'past 200 years \vwei e re th e ------by Congress and signedsij by ilie presi- equi\uivalent of-welfare recipier)ients in - - - - dent, go into effect,2ct, transfdrming the theirjir native lands, living on theh e fI r i n g e institution from a safetysal net to a transi- of ununequal societies that lackee k e d th e tio n to w o rk . c a ppacity a i to match aspirations . S ■■ For many public-lic-assistance recipi- needseds. ents, that’s a sink-orc-or-s\Wm p ro p o sitio n . BJut u t once here, most of thetr, e m - o r W e lf a r e Nsill r e q uure ire hard work to get their;ir children - became enthushusiastic '------and to keep, and it will end after two capitaliialists, able to leverage today y e a rs . b a ckd-Ie es goes beyoiyond politic.^ id e o lo ^ a n d xenoleno- • business attire. Cliinese wwo om en, w h o ' phobia memasquerading as nationalism,n ,-n ’11 ie - tliis counirj’...... o f thth e e ir lives. life and govcmniim e n t based o n th e r u le of - • law th a t is reshajla p in g th e w orld in a w ay once rivaled Soviet womenlen in their drab- informaticition age ivill op en th e freedomom ------th a t w ill ev en tuually a indude China, ness, now dress stj’Iishlyi'i ususe m ak eu p ' door to increasingim n u m b e rs of Cliineseese Former Britishish P rim e M in ister M ar- ,, ' • a n d w ea r sh o n s and mini-slli-skins. w ho wills-1 see, as E a s te rn E u ro p ea n s and g a re t T h a tc h e r busilyb told all w ho w ould Com m uiiism is a deadI ideology,idi im- RussiansIS did,c th a t th e ir gov e rn m e n tcnot not • listen of her'opti:nim ism th a t H o n g K ong posed by a n o lig ard iic cliqiliq u e th a tn o only liedJ tto them , b u t h a d any tlu n g but 1F h e lm ie^ j -N ew s h a s le ss to fe a r• frorhfi Cliina than China lo n g er believes (if it ev eririd)intheprin- i die bestir; in te rests o f its d tiz e n s a t liean2an...... PubllihBf Ty RarRan»d6ll...... Circulationndlfoctor dl: iias to f e a r f r o mn Hong : Kong. China, she cip les of M arx, L enin andid NM ao bu t u sed Tlie conoming conflicts with China will cratk Walworth...... Managing aflltbt Potei'tei York...... »J»^ertijlngdIrg director believes, is h o t: onlyo; biting off more than diem as paths to personalal powp er. Tliis b e aboutIt rnudear proliferation and its ,• m a k es th em no less dangerigerous than true sharing of w ea p o n s a n d te d in o lo g y with*wid ; Theirhe mombere of tho editorial boardi arand wrlto[s of editorials it can chew, but:It also m ore th a n it can di- gest. In S e a d off lookingIi a t d ie p assing of b elievers, b u t it does free:e u p th e W est nations urunfriendly to the United Statesates • are StophEBphen Harteon, Claris Walworth, Steviteve Crump and Gregory Hahn. . - Hong Kojig into0 thei Chinese Communist from figliting th e next centientuiy’s battles and its iminterests. But that will not bee thtin e dom ain, T h a tdh ie e r se e s th e tran sirio n of solely on ideological grounclunds. T h e reaso n only aren::na of competition, Tlie Unitedted econom ic a n d l.nterl.nt political freed o m • com m unism w ill b e defeate;a ted in C hina, as States ofif JA m erica c o n tin u e s to lift itsts ______p assing in to th e ,.-ery bou’els of B eijing. It it w as in R ussia, is th a t comrommunism has lamp of frfreedom b e sid e th e golden door.dooi . —L e t t eERS------m ay ta k e a whileUe, sh e says, b u t lib e ra u o n alw ays ignored th e de p thh ofol th e hu m an A s for Hoilong K ong, th e la m p h a s no tt bbet e e n ; w ill ev en tu a lly’ comci e. sp irit, w hich y e arn s to brearea th e fre e a n d exunguisl:islied. It now shines in a dark•k ; Deregulation won’tin’t lower bills ' 12. 12- T h e y 're u se d to b e in g c a teeredto- re Indeed, this is no t o u r fa th e r’s Cliina, w ill n o t be stifle d for long.ig. place, wlu;here it w ill illu m in a te a p a th:h othot -' erally and figuratively. Ever>*\vhere you)u go, especially inside Ronald Reagan was riglit^ it w hen h e said ers will iminevitably follow. T h e m o re I th in kc ababout electricity 11. They own at least three setsetsof southern Cliina,;a, you see sa te llite dishes, th a t com m unism ivould one3ne day e n d u p on ------deregulation, the wonvorse it gets. I don’t ’ th e ash heap of history. Itt mm; ay ta k e a litd e Cal T!wiionjo5 ts a L o J/lri^ c te Tirncs If clubs and four tenriis rackets.m s. c o m p u ters a n d1 tid ie In te rn e t. T h e M ao trust these big compa:ipanies to care aboirf longer widi C hina berau.sese ofa its size, bu t coliirmtist. 10. Hot tub sales have skyrocket:k e te d ' ja c k e ts of less thanth a generation ago !sf. a n y th in g e .\cc p i thlis is >y e a r’s profits. ice their arrival hero. ______Some of'ourpoliticiticians are no better. 9.-T!iey-belie\'e-s«telHte7di8hes-e s ------■ ' — They kowtow to thec ooi n e s w ith m oney , ould come in a variety of decoralorative —L j E T ^B&R— ] — and rarely give a iiooilOot a b o u t doing Item s. riglit by everyday peopeople. P“''e ! complacency that existed in ; 8. They’re keenly aware of wheriiere liie Workers, ilnIte lh and be heard fo r th e ir p a n in cre atinig g ggoods, se r- th a t th e o I’ve been readingg ala b o u t th e super vices and wealth. th e pastt wV ill b e re p la c e d b y activismsm asa ; ipa Valley is. I r e c e n tly h a^d d the opportunity to look p o w e r su m m it S e n . CCi ra ig is backing. I w o rk d aily in a n in dlustry u sr that de- more peo]:o p le jo in \v ith th e ir p e e rs aand n d ; 7. Many of them are pressing; forfoi hill- aj an editorial o I’ll bet anything thee bigb co rporations ^ , opinion from the June m a n d s p e'rform ance a n d pip ro d u ctio n in realize thatthi a united voice will be heathe ard .' fe_o r d i na n c e e a s e nion ts~m Blainlainc I f^Jirnes-JVemS'ULtliaureflectcd.axather_____ ------are-footing the-bill-for-for it-rT}5ey’iH>e------^ « e j - ' .•order to s e e a p o sitiv e flowlo w o f in c o m e to G ood waga g e s fu e l c o n s u m e r spending;ng; )unty. ,sed tone regarding the selling deregulation.n dotvnd the line and negatively biase keep thecompanies we: wwo o rk fo r a liv e a d eq u ate te fam ily h e a lth c o v e ra g e iss aa G. Their bicyclc costs nl5re thaninn your recent IdahoAFVFL-CIO Convention that ■ se llin g o u t Ihc littlee peoplep( quick as ‘ a n d a b le to p ro v id e o the r w\ o rk op p o rtu - necessityty and adequately funded retirre tire -; r.. was held in Burlirley . I also sa w a re- c a n be. nities. We organize our inind d u stry in or- m e n t pro{rogram s a r e ju s t re w a rd fo r ththe e ; S. If it’s n o t o rg an ic , cholesterol-rol-free, sponse letter froTom the president of the E v e r y se n io r citizenzen and small irriga- _ der to provide stability notn o t o n ly fo r our- contributiutions w e h a v e m a d e a s w eI tu rn r [•free and/or made from wliole Central Labor Council tion pumper ought to be against this. fat-fr le V Magic Valley Ce selv es b u t o u r em p lo y ersrs asa w ell. o v e r thi e wv o rk fo rce to th o se w ho follovillow. i □ins, they’re probably'not intereleresttel. that touched upiipon many of the objects plan. Tliere is no way^ay o u re le c tric bills e^am Lasdy, I take exceptionon ito th e sta te - “ L abor createscr all wealth.” 4. Dilatory and Self-indulgenttisthcP is and principles0! of th e o rg a n iz a tio n to will go do\vn. We’ree alalready the lowest- ^ ment that Idahoans have•e a b a n d o n e d DON WATTERSW namme e of the law firm they have; on re- w h ic h I b e lo n g’-The - International in the country. old-fashioned unioni.sm-I-I would say Shelleyey (\vorklng in tlie Magic Valle'a lle y )' H ere in my area,, lotlots o f p eople a rc ta miner. e ------" Brotherhood ofl)f E le c tric a lW o rk e rs . worried about this..M Mi o st o f us can’t 3.'1з. Their blond hair really isn’t.’t. , I c o n sid e r tliata t tiiese p r in d p le s w ere handle even a stnallII increaseir in our • 2.;2. A lot of them are disheartenei;ned no originally statedid to ^ v e dire c tio n to monthly bills. S a tatanic i sect's currently operate! hhe e re . th o se w ho w ouldlid b u ild d ie la b o r m ove- Setting in touuch MILDRED nOWAH/A R D 'AAnd n the No. 1 way for idcntifyinFying a . m e n t tlia t brouglight so m u d i to m e a n d Califiilifomian in the Wood River VVal alley: m y fam ily a n d ccr o u n tless o th e rs as w ell; If W ont to make your feelingsigs Iknown to your Twin Falls,, ID1C 83301 H a n se n e s s ? Hero’s how: 734-6780;; faxfi 734-3905 « 1.11. Tiiey’re constantly looking: fofor r I c an b e so boldd ias to borrow from thb rcprosefttatfvos In Congress rk in g m e ters, O pin io n columin n by R o b e rt R e n o o n Ju n e How to spot those S en. Dlik Kwnpth'ipthome O In WashlnTlnglon: se Californians PY-fh J to a g re e th a t th is co u n try , (This satire is one of a series ththa a t w ill 1 9 ,1 w o u ld lik e ti □ In Twin Fans, call orwrtto:rtte: 3 1 3 Hart Seiaenoto Office Building H e r e n o w a re 20 nnew c ways for identi- aone;'pear occasionally as space andnd 1libel is seeing die lonjingest a n d m o st sta b le eco- fying a CalifornianI in the Wood River . Orrletto Sinclair, state assist.sistanl Washington.m.D.C. 2 0 5 1 0 its allow.) ho m ic e.\*pansionon of d ie post-W orld W ar 106 • (202)224-2:-2752 V alleys 4 0 1 Secofld St. N., Suite 1 0 lOlINPLUNrZE Ilerj, At thesanam c urtie w e c o n tin u e to MnEalls.JD 83301 * . 20iTheyeithcrowhiwh a'Suburbnn or K etchim i se e a n in e q u a lltjity o fin c o m e th a t is now S(^251^fax 7330414 Q T o so n dI ajan (HTiall letter, you ne,ed a com-on> Blazer-and can’t panparallel park ’em ' sta rtin g to g e t th c a tte n tio n o f u s “ work- puter, tolopl}phon6 m odem and m ost likely worth a damn. iseph’ set new standard Ing sd ffs " a ll oveverthecounoy...... ■ □ in W iah tn g to n :...... T ic o d to be o ta subscritM rto an on^ino infor-,k - ' 19. Tliey keep lookiio k in g fo r K ctchum ’s t M a n y w o rk e;rs rs have started to take 3 0 4 Russotl Building . mation sorvifrvlce such a s C om pusen«. Tho10 O'o- on and off ramps. OpOpen letter to the cast and crewrewof- advantage of thi:his infoiTnadon age by Washington, D.C. 20510) . malloddnmtsssls: . . ■ o se p h ” : • • 18. They’ve had chacharges ponding “Jose , lo o k in g a t w here;re the wcalth is accumu- (202) 2246142 lany_CTBlg®cOCTOig.senato.gpv' against them or haveVC 1been acquitted in All All I c a n say is ^vowl W h at a sh o Sofus latingbyuseof.,jf.the Internet. At the ad- . Ylu’ve ou’' .set a new standard for'all c □ To send on o ^ n il letter,r. ytyou need a com- Rep. MIko CrBpo th e p a s t fiv e y e ars. ‘If’css wiv'v.pay\Nywatch.com (which is' 17. They’re probobl;ably well-versed in' Thanlank you for all the work you'puput mto bfought to us by th e A FL-CIO ), w e can puter. telephone modem andfine m ost llkoly □ In Twin Falls,Fa call o r write: ; need to bo a subscriber lo a • bankruptcy proceedin:dings. thec production.p , ,, se e w h a t w o rk:ing in lo n g e r ho u rs, rwo- to an online Infer- Unda l^onls.'is,field reprosentaUve maUon son/ico such os Corn:ornpuservo. Tho o- 6 2 3 Bluo LaJ • 16. They’d feel mortlore at “liome” if R Rol o b in .an d D en n is, th a n k yo u1 forfoi all income householiolds, working extra'jobs Lakes Blvd. N. A irp o rt accom m o- y ou u haveh given the Magic Valley a mail address Is: ' Twin Falls, ID 83301 H ailey’s Friedman Aii ' a n d b e in g m o rere p ro d u ctiv e n a s b ro u g h t p e d a lly JU M P Co. A s y o u e x it 'I dIfK_kompthomo®kempthorrhomo.senato.gov 734-7219;; faxft 734-7244 dated wide bodies. e sp e t to th o se a t th eI tot( p o f th e la d d e r. T h is is 15. N either their nainannies nor garden- Fallsills sta g e le ft a n d rig lit, w e w ill r 111 m iss th e v e ry re a so nn that unions tu-e as nee- Craig • ataW B shlrtilngton: ' • - ers have authentic do(documentation. you.lи. M y b e st w ish e s fo r su c ce ss in Son. Lorry Cral s m y o u r e s s a ry no w a s whenwl they were first □ in Twin Falls, coll or wrto:rto : . 4 3 7 CannonanSuiidlng 14. Have at least oom n e d o c to r a n d nvo n ew w roi le s elsew h e re . ' fonhed-'toletvt workers provide them- MIko Matthews, regional diredirector . . Washington,n. DrC. 2 0 5 1 5 lawyers in the family.ily. MARKS.KOFFERm . s e lv e s a vo ic e aand r a place at the table 1 292 Addison Ave.E. (202) 22&€:■5531 13. They’re oftenI seiseen hiking^iking President, Prc JUM P Co. 1997 to help determirlin e w h a t th e y o re d u e in all-black attire. — . .TTw w in FnUs

Doonesbury FlashbacksFli By Garry Trudeauu Mallard FlllrIlmore ' By Bruce TinslEnsley;

CfPlOVHAVtMY >55, Bunriiy\s iCUBU:i.7A J C M r . • iNFAcr.ioNu r life . .______laafifim Jtuxs — HADllMBTD IW sunyivs ■ Ip~ irtvivte - • ' — — m i r r a . mxx>h'u .—------MDT0607} m o w i c a z ■ I JI - ■mivf :uiTm/T-: • r WHfri y ^ F R i f l3 « VJOBteJ? / I A>W' ViSHOOPfVU.... ^ — . i£ve&. ^ /


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■ ^ 1 ■ .----;-----_

Tmday, July 1 ,199Ziz TVnerNiwt, Twin Ftlls, Idaho A-7 , ; * o World - Tiger blamedb for 50 ddeaths in Nepalal-. = = = KATMANDNDU, Nepal (AP) - ' Baiaitadi’s chief officer, _____ A tiger blamQmed for killing 50 Saththneshwor Devkota, saidl i d people, mosnost of them chil- Mon)nday he has ordered hish is I T ■ d r e n , h a s been b e sentenced to menin-to shoot the tiger becausejs e ; t o i m t o I I I d e a th . h e 'was convinced it had'a d ' 'hina’s 0 show^ its stu . T h e tig e:r r has h been'hunting turnrned into a habitual man- ' h u m a n s inin the district of eateiler. legislature. Hong Konge democratsd Baitadi, 330J30 miles west of - Moklost of the victims have been:en - Gan they ruleile as ~ ||j ||j ||| • see that as the beginningng of a slide Katmandu,I, o v e r th e la s t fiv e fa rmm workers and small chil-lil- into authoritarianism. m o n th s. • d renin tending cattle herds. well as the BiBrits? Relax, Say China's sup;upporters in H ong Kong; th e dv-il li i ^ ^ r t i e s cur- : HONG KONG e forf foreign trouble- domsts anda disbanding the elected> of criticism will be perceive 1 as repressive. That willO st be th e leg- o f f i c e , p lease e a s call, our Customer __ th e h ^ d s of China criticsas ir promised Service Dec)epartment at 733-0931. Albania’s beDeleaguered presidentp mayly step down 1 C o h g r ^ and add Hong”Kos u it wiU b e m i long list of disputes0 all I candi- T h a n k yo u l TIRANA, Albania (A?) — Gunfire brok■oke o u t a s n e w s o f o th e riT sshots-ringing out in defi-J W ashington and Bdjing.■pponenis. L _ — — Bowing to voters’ wishiishes and Berisha's teleilevised announce- ance. T he big test is likely to b • international pressure, Presidenr''Pri ment raced acrccross th e c o u n try — BerisIjrisha’s resignation has been islative d e ctio n Tung has ] r a Sali Berisha conceded3 Monday' \vith some shot:lots celebrating the a long-;n^-standing demand of the ;vithin a year. TuAg insists free, fair, and open to a that his party had lost theconfi-'thi opposition Socialist Sc party’s politicitical opposition and the bl dence of tlie Albanian peo|jeopleand . apparent vict(ctory in Sunday’s rebelsels who control much of dates, induding China opp( suggested h e w ould ste p3 down.dc parliamentaryiry elections, and Albaniain ia ’s south. e says... ir.^ ' k i c ' k i i rTTTT.TTTTI ■M M iM M ltM lilil h Tank truck!:hitbytramin1 Mexico 1^^ k ' 3 ^ Arnie Ifi MEXICO CITY (AP)^ P) ~ r A th e Televisa teleiilevisionnetv^-ork. nT V ll If) tanker truck loaded withth naturali The inju'reded included three gas collided with a trainn Monday,^ policemen workirking a t th e sc cn c of . . injuring at least five peofeoplc and . the accidentt inii Ecatepec, the - shooting a nrcball over an easterni Formato 21 radicidio statwn reported. W SB S suburb of Mexico Qty. The heavily pojpopulated area is a M CQ ^ T he truck, which rcporteiirtedlywas mile east of thee Mexico^ City line. W m l ^ tping to outnm the train,un, caught There were^ apparendyaj no pas- IjjljB B f fire and burned for seververal min- sengers on trailrain, bound for the n S Q n utes before exploding, accordingact Gulf coast port■t ofo Veracruz, at the P JB H i to footage of th e a c d d c nIt t aireda by timeoftheexplo: * t t P Ik b<

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■ ) , I • .j

s T c T E A RAN F i i . . ... i @ p ? t h l S I t h f o3ugh i Sunday

' ■ ^ , - MflISSES I AND BETTER B Save 5 0 % sterling Sliverr& j Summer Jewelry. Sale 5.00- - .HOME SPORTSWEEAR 100.00, rtg. 10,00-200.00. A greaieai selection of earrings, recki.sces. ibracelets, rings and bo«ed Jewelry. F,Fashion Jewelry, • > " ■■■" ■ fi / * “ Save 40% Handbaji. S.I.;ie 22.BO-52.0O, reg, 3B.O0B8.O0. ------^ £ - Save 255% . A great selection of summer hardbaIbagi and mlnlbags. Handbags. Save 50% ( BeachB Towels & i Better Shorts i& T e te s ^ INTIMATEE APPAREL Sunjmm er Tablecloths ■ S alie le 21.00-29^25,: reg. 28.00-39.159.00. Elasllc-v/alst, SaveI 4 0 % select Imlmale,le Apparel, Sale 3.00-19.20, 'S ■ Sale 1.75-25 -2 0 .0 0 , reg 3.50-40.00. Entire ' S-pockiocket or pleated sliorts in denimIm washes, colors and rej. ' 5.00-32,00. Choose from an anassortment of panties, brjs and re slock > sic cotton. ' ible linens. •' Im Better Sportswear■ear. ■ • < Imported and made In USA. Save 3 0 % select Maldenfoiiform* Bras. Saif 15.40-17.50, £Bath Shop, Tabfe Linens. reg. 22.00-25.00. Choose from coiloilton, average and full figure styles. ^^^^CicludtUitu, litullci, RUB-1 Llurtn, Cllr'r' <(lebi «-d Wjtnic -—;Oras & Shap.ewear.

S a v e Ac\n n Additional 30% Aireadi!adr Reduced Better S HIDES C i L ; • .Sportswear.,ear. Now 14.69-46.19, orig, 2n.oo;0090 C00. then 20.99-65,99,. , ...... /• ...___3.49-Bath-Mamlanchester.Towels by Fleldcreil'.oriOrig.a.OO^Sofl ------i- ■ . Orlghti cindId softsc fluid fabrics in lackcts, ll.lrl5, panis,p.V blouses .md - ^2 Palrifor * 3 5 Women'sj'S Sandal$r0ri'gT2S.00”-3 9 ^ O ^ asalr, lr. and absorbent 100%% cccotton towels In assorted styles. Dlscorcontinued styles. '] Si«Si«S 4-16,'S-m-l. (Reiter Sports,-.e.lr. ChooseC from great summer sandalsS byb Espni, Unlisted and Jennifer lOOS cotton. Handd tovtowel, now 2.49, orlg. 6.00. V^ashclotlt,th, now 1,49, Moore. Women's Shoes. ■' orlg, 4,00, Bath Shop.:op. 5ii«ner> .Jrin b, Iitrt. l.i.^.lr3 W ilstk cr >; ■■ ■ Save 40'10% Selected Better Casual Colicollectlons, ------^ '.r- Sale 14.40^60-46.80, reg. 24.00-70.00. Jackets, paf.ls,pat: sliirts, skirts anti *Save 5 0 % Original Prices■ WWomen's Shoes. Now 19.00-42.00,JO, 9.99-39.99 Cl(!Clearance Sheet Sets. Reg. 19.99-69.1)9,99,Twin, full, ] w«- Beiitrrr SfSp0rls.vcar. orlj. 38.00-04.00, then 29.99-64.9999. Choose from a collection of dressss queen, king. Choose: froifrom Marte> 200-thrtad court lOO*;!'m Ccotton sheet -ji . and casual styles fr^m Nine West*,.Calico, C. 9 4 Co. and more. sets or 180-thrcad countcour 50s cottcn/50^i polyester printsilsby S a v e 3J0% 0 ^ Selected Better Sportswear.;ar.S,iIe 26.60-02.60, Women's Shoes. Sprlngmaid and Marte>srtet. Bedding. v/; rt5.36.00-lll)-110.OO. Jaciiets. parts, iHru, blouses.ies.s.'.e.sters.i.drrore ^ ■ in man, (,«ficIbrics^nd colors. Sizcs •5-14, S.m-I. DettBetter Sports.scar, ■ *29.99-39..99 Mtn's canvasas Shoes.& Siindals. Reg. 39.00- 79.99 Any Sizi> ize Ivy Bed-ln-A-Bag. Reg. 119.99.99-129,99, 65.00. Entire stock from Bass* andd TThornton Bay. Men's Shoes. , 100-thread count, 50%jOS cottofi^SO^i polyester comforter, sham(s),sh; bed I f f l ^ S a v e 2i5*40% 5 - Misses Sfioris & Tees.5. SaleS, 8.40-21.00, ■ skirl, flat and fittedI she'sheets, and easels). Twin, full, queen, king.kin Bedding. I rt8..14.00-26.1-26.00. Misses sljes $.fn-l-»l. 6-J6. 100100^ cotton, ' coilon/poiytiltyesier blends. Imponed and maae in USA,US. Misses Sportsvsear. MEN'S S PC0 RTS WEAR. Save 50% discoIscontlnued Down Comforters. Saleie 112.50-1 ^ :! 225.00. reg. 226.00-45D-450.CO. All h.sve 100% down.proof CO ' & D R E SSSWEAR In a variety of weights.Its. IImported and m.ide In USA. Down Si t'\ S a v e am n iAdditional 40% a midy j Reduced i'il . Sag Harbor. I lOr. Now B.99-20.99. Orig. 20.QD-!0.00J.OO.ll;cnl-J.9')-3-1.'J9. . y ' '• LlghlvrtighlIt loilong-sieeve and short-sleeve Jackets,:s, tecs,tc and pants. V , Save 25% EntE n tire S t o c k * Regular-Prlce Fi SI:csG-18,I. ItnItnponed. PolyeJ'tr/rayon. Misses SpiSp=ris,-,ear. □ Casual China.Sale?.;e 7.50-375.00, reg 10.00-500.00. Chooicose from place i Save 220-33% y settings and all openn sicstock pieces from Derby, MIkasa, Uno'noi, Norltake, \I '' H and^ore. Chln.v •£.£!«:.CM«Cjir.r,Cr"»«. ^ Save 30°/10% Innovation Sporl. Sale 9.00-23D-23,00, reg. 14,00-34.00. ^Men’s Active T-!-Shirts & Shorts i Shirts, v«|j,IS, p;pants, skirts aiid tecs from'our c.ciuselusive CQiiection. Misses Sale 10.05-38.40, reg; 15.0000-48.00. From Adidas*, Flla*,I I Save 30-50%'/o Crystal( Stemware, Barware & GiGKtware. ■ ■ J a Sale 5.00-84.00, reg,g. 1110,00-120.00. A wide assortment of < ■IV; Jil«6-l6andand }-m.i, petiie'siw 4p.i6p. I00’..coi.coitpn, cotton/polyester • Reebok* and Russell*. A hihuge selection of colors and blerds-Missessses SportSAcjf, Petite Piacc: H Stemware, barware, decanters,decJ serveware, frames, lighting, va styles. Imported and madeJe in USA. Men's Activewear, M more. Crystal, E>cludrsIM CCtllfry CryStJi. ' SelKlltn vi>l i ■ A VV- i ' ■ I r ~ Isj' Save 20-41» 0 % Save 40%.Knlis&Wovens,S, Sale 15.6^21.60, reg. 26.00------99.99 i< Entire Stock IVlMisses 36,00. Knit and woven jliort-ileeve.ipisport shirts from Natural Issue, ■ Club Room', and Grtenllne In a wide'e aassortmen of styles, colors' ] Breadmanan 2-lb. Breadmaalter . H :GS aniand fabrications. Sizes s-m-!->l-xxl, IirImported. 1005'. cotton and I . Coordinate! i Reg.'i49.99.12-hL2-hour programmable timer, 100 different1 ' ceitorv'polyester blends. Men's Sp8rts«ts«ear. ' ’ V , Sale, reg. 24.,00-7fl.00.). ChooseC from a large I bread settings,5 ,11 , V (i and 2-lb. loaf sizes, fruitu lt& n u t •5; selectionlion of Alfreti Ounner®, Koret*, Ji .Jantzen* and more. SiSave 10-50% Orljlnal Prie.Ices Panls.^Now 19.00-54.99, 1 add-ln beet;leeper, keep warm/cool down cycli j y / ■ Mis:Vlisscs sizes e -1 8 . Imported andnd madei In USA. oriiorlg. 38,00-70,00, then 29.99-70,00,I. CChoose frd’m Dockers’, Slates”, ^ M o dlei el! TR 550B. Five-Star Kitchen, j ■ _ Misses Sportswear. s.i.:t tr>mi,n,i,v*'rer.tcr,. Sivarie* and Savlle Row', Pleated or• piplain fronts with Cuffed or plain _ y eateotioms, 10014 cotton, p0l)tster/wfl0l,3I,polyester/rayon, I poplin. Men's Pants./ i ’,' S:Save 2 5 - 4 0 % Dockers* Wall'alkshorts. Sale 21.60-27.00, Save 50% Orlglrriginal Prices Discontinued Luggageige. ; reg, 36-00. Choose from wrinkle freee htwill, canvas, weathered gabardine •Now 29.99-160.00,, orlg..60.00-320.00-Orli A wide assortment;nt of famous ' DRESSES & S5 U I T S 1"and fine line twill styles In a great assorsortment of colors. Men's WaiVshorts.y makers Including Samscimsonlte, Atlantic, Delsey, Clao, Heritageige business ■i i cases arid more.^uggagggage. Asunr'U''i »riti ey iicn. LMitd 19 m 30%-Womcn'SrMlise4-&-PetUe-C J___ ^------l i — S a v e J O le-Oresses:------inttfPtlKfTJrtKirtrpjirpjpa;rr' i'V, SlJC» 2p-12p,12p, P6l,esier/ra,on oienils. Suits. Men’s> Suits . ' I . . \ Orlj, 350.b0-475.00, then 21219.99'34q .99. Ohoose from W 0 M E N ’ S W 0 R L D c ------selected Kasper, AlfanI, Oscarlarde la Rtinta, Evan-Plcone ' § i& PETITE PLLACE i and mo're,'Importedd !and niade tn USA. ^ j i Men's Tailored Clothinling. Siltello'ivirlHfy itort. i'J • 9.99 WorrVomen'sTees 4 Shorls- Orig. h .90-JO-34.00.j Enllre Stock of ■ • ' casu.li shorts,oris, plus basic .i/id fasiilon tees. lOO^ii^i coiion.< Womers’s sizes i > • l«-3i, 16«-2-iw-24w. Women’s World. V i ^ Ad ii . j 3. 9.99 Ptm’elite Tees & Shorts. Orig. io.oo-2q.c dditional 29.00, then 12,99-19,99. . , - I V.'. .Your favoriterite Icolors and styles in sizes , -Ip•ip-16[). Petlie Place. • Save 4 0 % Drtii Shirts. Sail\ 17.40-23.70.1 reg. 29-00-39,50. j AjsiAssorted fashion dress shirts frbm Vanin Heusen*, Savlle Row and more, S- Save 30=30% Petite Korel* "American Dream". Dri S.ilf 28.00-. • '''''Wrlnkle-lrte coiton'poiyester blends or JOOH cotton In long and short 3(0% Off •i;.' 32.20, reg.^O>. ' Jumpers, vcsts, camp1 shirts.fttidshi more In sizes ■ sleeve stylet. Imported. Men's Furnlshir.hings, SriKllon .mil by 6p-16p,p-5-m•s.(n.|. Imporied and maile Iti USA. Pein=etite Place. ' S a ■ Non! tirllr.uf 5 Save 2 5 % Sllk Neckwear. Salelale lB.75-26.25, reg, 2S-00-35100, ClioClioose from contemporary zind IffltJIlIilltlonal styles and colors. ]00^ii sllk,: Cleearance, MerMen's Furnishings, T H E C U B E E TIGER. SHOP Fas < ' 1 Save 30^J0% Junior Swimwear. Sale 33.60-.60-46.20, reg, 40,00- 2 J shlons 8& ■ 66.00. Sl;es■es s- m.|, 3-13, The Cube. S«ircuon'.iu,vi 2 1 , 9 9 - 2 6 . 9 9 B ad g e Otnlm1 Jeans.Ji Reg, 24,99-29,99, Choose -. ... frum rclaied fit, loose fit, carpenter andind wide leg styles In stonewashed flnlshesVlOOS coiton.'TlBer'siiop. -- i 14;99-2‘)•24.99 Junior Sliorls &’ Stiorlallsalls, Reg-24.00-40.00, ' Aeccessone !S : Denim one)I iwiiiwill slioris and ihorlails from .1 greateat selection■ of your eX . : f.ivorlleniakerakers. Sizes »-m.| .md 3-13. lo o n coitt:otton. The Cube, Save 3 0 % Famous-Maker Shohorts. Sate 15.40-35.00, reg. 22.00-50-00, Choose from corduro:iroy, elastlc-walst plaid and twill ., ' i shorts from Union Gay”, Oulksllver and y ■ 2/$i5 Juniorj»„ Toes. Reg, 12.99 c.uli. Choose)se fromI .1 gre.st selection ndmore. lOOli cotton and A\l ready cottorv^poljit> Cr >t>'r. ______^ ______of fashion andand b;islc styles In .isibrted colca ^idnd Jtriiics.s Sizes i-in-l, ,, lOOS cotton.'ton. The Cube. KIDSWI/ORLD A.CCESSORIEIES R!educed c ■ . SaSave 3 0 % Chlldren*s Swimweeiiear. Sale 8.40-25.20, reg, 12.00- 36.036.00. Choose from a flreat selection 01ol bright prints and colorblock styles for boys 4-20 and jlrU 4-16. KidsIdsworld. Selection vjrl» by ilort. 51iO-65% '■ ' ■ ' i Save 50%/o Sa'Save 5 0 % Denim Shorts. Salele 7,49-8.99,: reg, 14,99-17.99. • ' . • I Clas'Classic Denim washes by Badge*. 2-4T,T,gWi‘l-l6 i and 7-14, and c : ^ Sunglasses' •. boys 4-20,100% cotton/imported. ticiudcs Home DepDepts., Men's t. Soys {ollectlons and1 Shoes.SI ^ ' ' S3Sale 12.50fl5.00, reg. Z5.00-:0-30,00. I Assorted plastic and metal frames. (ra ' •Sultnrilnbll In DSMtitwn' JtltHi. tlwuwif,iltr, BtlUtut SsMUT, AiihiwsM Mill, '.- ■ . . , trtiiCit'ill Mill, Ddllrqhtffl, Soulhcinin; SciTlccMill.Titomi, M JoulSHItl Mill, Olympli, Fashion Accessories.. YAklml, Kdun'KWI. CsluffiBla CoiCfC.SpekurK,r«,MartfiTewi, VUlty RInr Mill.'Silim. D(Miil>w\Dslt«i«BolMTc»T» Squirt. ' ■ ■ .-;1■1 ;

n Ii .• - ' — 1 9 . H ; H | U h [b i : M a n I Q N i i 1

1” ' H H ' : 'II ■ MAGIC WVALLEY MALL, TWIN fF/ a l l s '- 736-6820 • TOL-DLL FREE IN IDAHO-1-1-800-286-4802 '• STOl’ORE HOURS: MON.-FR.^RL 10-9. SAT. 10-7, SU^m . 1 1 - 6 : Stni on Jobe WeeksB aftera] job ' I n s i d e cuts, some Simploj:>loc layoff O bituaries...... B2 victims stay on job.ob. •M ovies...... B6 DoarAbby..'...... B7 P ^ B 3 M a (GIC V a iLLE , City lufiror. Kfi-in ILxi. 23-i234 The Timcs-Ncwsws y T uesday,y, July 1, 1997 Scctioni fB i

A r o uUND . T r THEVA]^lLey IP o lio; e s t G )p sejarch fo rh)o d y ^ K aren E. N alw inek------County seeKsIs temporary oyK ...... -Aftcr-12-hoiourrof searching the-—5“■■Sh'erifrs'DepartmCnt saidid tthere’s real- the back-ol•of a person’s torso and rightighE [mdi-Nawi writer______Snake River b'by boat, plane and jet ly 1 nothing else that carcan be done. arm. The legs,Ic head and left arm were'e re replacement forft coroner „ sk is, r e s c u e woi/orkers from Cassia and Officers ( will continue to0 hlook for the submergeded, but he said he could see BURLEY - Unless they hear;ar some- Minidoka couninties came up with no body 1 only when time permi;rmits. the right armai was dark brown in color,lor, nyiN FALLS - T\nnin FallsP County com- [ling new, M ini-Cassia officiacials are body and not on3ne clue, The search was conduiducted after and that heh thought the person wasivas missioncrs must find an interim coroner 8“'“iving up efforts to find a deadad bodyt a So without memore evfdence or a miss- .Twin ,1 Falls resident Don1 SaSalisbury, 52, Hispanic, after Gene Turley requjquested a leave of isherman spotted Sundayy fromfi a ing person’s rreport, Capt. Randy told t authorities that whilelie 1he was fish- “I was gegetting a bite at the time and. ock. White of the abscnce from the post. le Minidoka County ing i from the dock, he sawiw iin the river . . Please see BODY, Page:e B3 Turley accepted a six-r;ix-month temporary position with a coroner’s’s officeol in Wisconsin,. said county Republicana CentralC Committee --D e a t h OFc A SCHOOL-:-/ ■ " Chainnan Gary Grin^lafi:laff, and his last day “ Ne^‘wdrug on duty was Monday. CommissionersCo will |H review applications bcginn.in n in g 10 a jn . today. - B B S Turley was offered1 theth position while attending training severaliral months ago, and » testting law ' the job will allow him to furtheri his knowl- edge of the coroner’ler’s duties, said Conunission Chairman MarVlarvin H em plem an. Hempleman said commiimissioners will have .es effect to appoint an intc^m cororjre n e r because of the t takt - len^ofTurl^sstHy.IfTtITurleyis gone more------— By Jennifersr Sandmann— ^------th a n 20 daj-s, it is considendered leave, but if he is gone more than 90 dayslays, a n interim coro- n e r m u st be appointed, he s he said. ' T \\1 N FA'AIJ^S - A now law goes into A replacement doesn’tn’t h1 av e to b e found effect joda;lay establishing state guide-cle- unless T urley w ere to resigi^ g n , G rindstaff said. for dIrug m and alcohol testing in thoiho Turley’s return could de^nd e ^ upon whether 5 e '2 Y w orkplace. Tw in F a lls C ounty commissn issioners a re iv illi^ * It spellsIs out consequences for'o r to make the position fulfull-time. Commis* employeess whoi test'positive for drugsIRS sioners last year again mamade Turley’s job a o r p an -tim e position. 1 at work: the most severe;re Turley had scheduled onan announcementa last termination without unem- j ' ployment b week, but canceled it. CommissionersCor have benefits. The employer can opt for disisciplinary action such as three or four applicationsins for: the S15,S00-a- h siif suspensioio n — year position already. Hemplmpleman said. without pay rehabilita[“a! 'It's a fm t assisting'■> Searchers unsuciiccessfuily ^ III - tion with fol fa u lt to employees, ^’Ea low-up test comb pond for mimissing man fei .. ■ ing, or otheler Ikxausethey birak m e a s u r e s TWIN F/U.LS - Diverssrs searched unsuc- A n e m p lo■y! y employment rules. A1 cessfully Sunday for aI BuhlBi man missing since Thursday, and sherheriffs.department ^ " 'positk-e test means, r e f u s e t< officials ore a sl^ g for help:d p fm d in g th c man. . • N..'i hire ara n Twin. Falls County Sherheriffs Department "You lufce broken : ?■ a p p I i c a n reports say Gary DavidI Heise,Hi 35, \«is last • > w h o te ss t; ts niy mles, a n d seen Thursday afternoon,►on. Sheriff s police positive. dogs tracked lo the ed(edge o f a pond n e ar , .V-. thenion' you lurce his home at 1852 E. 4400400 N., but a diver > r; *rhe Idah<■ho , . ' . searched the pond SundayJay and did not find Private Emm - Ik'eti tennmatea. any trace of H eise, th e rc'p p o o i rts said. Ployer Alcoco- H eise is describe^ as 5 feetfe 10 inches, 180 I h o i a nn c d Minonrxojwus/7k.n^iw« D r u g - F r c ( pounds, witli brown eyess andar straight brown ce • -D aw n1 imolltlon crews start pulvetUIng the old Honson High School bulldlnding Monday afternoon while resid collar-lengtli hair, andd isi: usually clean- isldonts llko Jessica Relchel, Ashliishloy Relchel, W o r k p l a c t \ shaven, the report said. He ;vas last seen at ke Nelson, iorad Relchel and Timn MillerMl watch with an occasional'si 'Ooh,‘ and 'Aah.' Act, passeie d Bushman,I, his home, wearing red plaidpla pajamas, slip- T • by the Legi fis human rcsourccsS pers, a n d a coat, th e report)rt sdci.s I — Heise’s home had no0 ee' v id e n c e th a t h e JL_ directorir >V tried to leave, tht; reportsts said.& Anyone with Hansen Vwatches landmai] Lrkcrumlible' m e a n t t(to information on Heise’s whereaboutswhi should _ , h e l p a r call the sh e riffs departmlent ent a t 735-1911. ' ByJ®'' Jennifer Sandmann to continue th e nesicxt several days. srsaid. “We couldn’t see itit bbeing torn employer esiestablish sound te stin g polic>-., ■ Tlmos-no»-Now8 writer______“I hope th e y blcblow the heck out it,” he dow dt n. It’s too good o f a buildiniding.” It does nott rrequire companies to estab-S:- said. Sdiool Superintendent Den;)ennis Coiiltcr lish polides.:s. Twin Falls Countjity iifts HAHANSEN - Four generations off HansenHi Teresa Reidid2l and her children, who said sa voters a pproved a S2.4\ mimillion bond Dawn Busushman, director of humana n gh School students stared upI aat t th e ir vrill b e am ong tliele f in t to atte n d d ie new issue is: to build a single-story7 jijunior higli resources forfo the Idaho Association of Snake River boatiating ban Sambling brick sdioolhouse on Mom-londay. school, had been;n sta n d in g by fo r m ore a ar n d higli school. Rem odelingigtheoldhi^i il Commercee and Ihdustry, said somene W ord^thodemolitiOn spread qi Twin Falls'County ------I q u id d y ____ ihanjL.weekjQ_w rc-Uian-build_____m e m b o r s -w-wero-dissacisfied-witli-the- roughout Hansen, a tora of abou Sheriffs Office Monday/'reallowed re boating bout 850 Contractors h a d dd( elayed vrark w hile dicy ing in a new one. effectivene;less of their policies. Somene ople. T h e c n m d i of wood a n d con on the Snake River from1 theth Milner Dam to P“ P‘ concrete secured the gy:jymnasium, which is, “It was a great building,g, butI it was companies> stills had to pay unemploy-)y- ■ the U pper Salmon Falls,11s, e x c c p t fo r th e der a wrecking block could be3e heard1 attadied to the oldo!i liigli school, a n d the* ' tim tit e to m ove on to som ethingngmoreprac- i ment benefijfits to fired employees whoho stre td i from Tw in Falls to0 ShoshoneSI Falls. a^s:ross town. new school b u ilt ncnext 10 it. tical tic and accessible,” C oulter3rsaid. s; appealed to0 1labor review bo ard s.' The sheriffs office closeioscd the river June People sn a p p ed picttu’es a n d children chil “It’s pan of liististory today. That’s why ■ Tlie new school will be rcatready for stu- That pron>mpted lACI to sponsor theiie 14 becausp of high water.er. On< June 15, the 1 u p a n d dowTi th e stre e t in sew ararch of ^ve a re h e re , so thatth. 30 to 40 years from dents dc in the fall. Administrati:rative offices bill. Its legigislative sponsors includedi.“d cable with buoys across the river that warns . j “b ^ t view. now, they can sayly tht^ were hero on tlie are ar yet to be built. In the meaneantime, staff Rep. Mark; Stubbs,S R-Twin Falls. boaters away from the pullluil of tlie Sho^one Hansen built the three-story schcxhool in day the school wavas to m dow n,” R e id ic l will wi be scattered tlu'ouglioutthtthe building Testing positivep in itself was nutot . Falls broke free. The cablejle has1 not yet been y s27. ll. Nearly every resident old1 enoughen said, in temporary offices. legally defifined as “misconduct” - replaced, m aking th e areaa hazardous.hj 'o jxhave a ' a'high school diploma attemended Moving die old.d junior liij^ sdiool last Christina Dickard has tauglitiglitmadiand grounds forfo refusing payment o of f ■- Meanwhile the Bureau of 1Redamation con- schoolool th e re . !c w as th e tallest buildililding in week generated e>exdtement in town, too, science sc ac Han.sen high for 17 years, unemployny'ment benefits - if an tinues to c u t back flows in1 thithe Snake River. 'ora,\Ti, ex cep t fo r agricultural s tiu.aiu-es. a iu she said. It stoodd inaxt to the brick higli Moving Mi from die outdated buildingbui to a e m p lo y e r could ci not prove driigs or Tlie bureau reported the foUowing flows ForFormer School Board memberer Cecil( sdiool. new school is a welcome change,ch; she alcohol inhihibited job perform ance,e, , Monday: ■ Stan{inger, 68, graduated from HansenHa: Chad Urie, a IE1990 H an sen g ra d , did said. sa: Tlie old building w as hotlot inii th e sum- B u sh m a n saisaid. That was left up to tho-lio . , Pali^des Dam: 23,6822 cfscf inflow, 24,011 .Highgh School in 1947. He plans to0 savesi a not want to see thetl junior high school m m< e r and cold in d ie ivinter. review boarcirds, cfs outflow was to be cutLit byt an additional brickck from th e old building. , d e m olished. So didemolition contractors G alen Stim pson, who h as lauglittau indus- Idaho’s nelew law include.s guidelineses 1,000 cfs M onday. “‘It It brings back memories of the fun C.L Stutzman E\cxcavating Inc. gave Urie trial tri ans and tcdinology at die school for for an emplployer to follow, buc morere American Falls Dam:; 27,73027 cfs inflow, . youu hhad as a ^de-schooler,” Stan'gerSta the 2,500 square-1e-foot buildingi Uric, a 25 25 years, h a d sim ilar feelings:' specificallyZ clarifies( lhac an employee:e 32,930 outflow was to be! cutcu by 4,000 cfs to said.d. ’“No;'? it’s lim e to m ove forward." ard mechanic and carpirpenter, moved it across “It holds a lot of memories,;es, altliougli I fired becausiiise of a positive test cannotot about 29,000 cfs Monday. SStudent tu M ike Nelson, 13, saidlid heI is town to convertt intoii apartment build- don’t do know if I’m going to shedshe a lot of collect uninemployment benefits,s. , Minidoka Dam: 29,940 cfs outflow was cut exdtedied to begin classes in die newnv build-fc ings. It sits next totc an Assembly of God te tc; ars over it,’'h e siiid. B u sh m an saicaid, by about 3,000 cfs Monday.y . ing.w:w hich will double a s a junior liigliiigli a n d . C hurdi, a n a tlie r convenedco schooliiouse. ------“ I t 's a b30Ut o assigning fault toto . M ilner Dam : 21,586 cfs outflowout was expect- highsh school. H e and friends \^'atchc(died the "It’s just alwayays been there. Every- • • Jennifer ^ Sandmann can be rreached at ed to be cut by about 3,0000 cfscf Monday. startrt cof the demolition, which is exp(ixpeaed body I know wentIt to school there,” Urie 733-0931. 7J Ext. 241. Please see TESTING, Page B333 - Meeting to focus5 0on former ^ Jerome leacider seeks la rec director's bikelepatlirole ]ity releas(ses new bDudget J awmaker’s • JEROME - A Wednesday■day m e ed n g a t th e By JohlohnRuprecht new w e lls - o n e SOIw u d i of to;vh arid tvvo in r •Jerome County Courthouse)U S ^^11 focus pri- Tlmc»»B»Wew» writer______the so u th e ast p a rtrt o( f town. - help ' with d(developmei;ntplan m arily on form er Jero m e RecreationR e Distria ■ The city also wiw^nts to reduce traffic p By Mori< Holm Brollier coni Direaor Mike Pepper’s rolerele in the develop- TW]■WIN FA L L S - T h e c ity u n v/e e ileil d a delays on B lu e La!Lakes Boulevard Nonh, infirmed that Prescott andd lliorson spen ir m ent of a bicycle p a th betwiitween Jerome and biwdad strategic plan for next year’sar’s S22 Addison Avenue2 IEast, Pole Line Road E!!Tlmes-News writer______- int no county money on their K trip, Twin Falls. milliozlion budget ac Monday’s-City CouncilCoi and Washington StStreet. Tlie cornerstone JEROME - Jerome ' 'The meeting will be lieldleld at 5:30 pjn. in hieetiic tin g ofof this plan would be le County, • Brollier sai(aid Prescott informed his fel-rl- Commissioner Roy Prescott the courthouse basement confercncecon room. Theh e c o n s o lid a tio n o f u:.:; • —l expanding Washington ott declined' low commiss:ssioners about the trip, butIt again on Monday to detail a1 planhesayspi: tliat he did nt . .Current recreation distr[strict director Eli twoI ururban renewal areas, »c« S treet to four la n es from • not discuss the details of thele will spur major developmentent near the Washington n Roberts said Monday that1C a $260,000 grant discus.nis5,ion o f p u rch a sin g 'nm t* thtJieprojectsre Filer Avenue north to • 1 meetings. interchange of Interstate from 'the Idaho Parks1 andar Rccreation farhtiinland near the air- h r o b i Falls Avenue. ate 84 and Prescott ha;la s hinced for som e tim e th au t -oposingnextycarjhe^ ^ Highn-ay 93, confirming only Department has been sccuricured for the bike ' portaX and the reappoint* ^ ^ The city next year J" ily that he is a major planin was in the works’for theIC trying to gee Idaho’s congressiessional 3ele- interdiange a IS ' ' path, so it must be deddcdk1 ifI Pepper should . pentIt 0 much publicity will diroww ‘‘In ord er to p u t diis diing! to^togedier. it’s th e p la n off t r Construction on the pathith h a s n o t s ta n e d • ed MoiVlondays m e e tin g . 'rvative. W eflm k^'e're ■ including a S3.3 mil- track. - going to h av e to go ih ro u g li sonsome legisla- He said M'Monday that the plan will11 yet, R o b e rts said. ivin Falls’ water sup- s till ii ion plan to buy Old 5° I I i n r e a s o n a b l y ^ o d dve action," he said, while; disdiscussing a . involve the cccounty as ivell as some statee . „ p ly ., ppeak-hour traffic rowne district railroad trip he and die project managnager for die an^ federal aj ays, urban renewal financialftt. shape. ’ ' y^ards a and create a agendes and private corapa-a- . ., Slioshone City CoiJouncll Crossroads Randi developmennone m ad e to nies. - p roijects je i and-new city ;reenbelt. • W asliington, D.C., on Ju n e 188 aiand 19. ‘ S p o k esm en a ployees and offices T h e c ity . is a ls o '^1 in at the Washington offices will meet today at 8 p.m. Prescott said he and Stevb key issues in tlic pro* iroposing four new full- . evb Thorson of ^n . Dirk; KempUiomeK and Seri. Larr>'y -TomCourtney, had visited to die offices off evevery mem- Craig said MeMonday that Prescon’s meet*t* SHOSHONE - Tlje Shoshoishone Qw Coundl liminaiinao" 1997-98 b u d g c L _ _ .... ime dty positions and }■“ ber of Idaho’s delegation, andand.hadm et..- ingvridithesi; senators did not show up onn wiU meet ar8'p.m . todayy ata the Shoshone • “EvEveri w itlrthe pro------' —— :;.-.'.lcity.inanagcr_sc\icveral part-time posi- . either with the representntiv • CityHall,207S.Rml-St.W.L ■ ... jectsts ■we’re proposing_i______-- . ' tioiions, and is considering , ntivea them-; - dieir records,s. - ...... - • solves o r vvit}i .high-ronkingg ststaff mem-' However,!. t[ic mcetiijgs could havee Items on the agenda incluidude department nextt year,y the numbers r eembdeling-the i city’s- ^ bore. • .'reports, claims, dog problejnlej^ final jjlat'dis- are still' si very conservative,”” City( parks and recreati been with membersm of the senators’i . ' But Prescott would not saysa; exactly staffs who ^vevere out of their officcs dur-r- ■‘cusdons, a prelim inary map,ap, annexations for Managlager Tom Courmey said. “We'e thtl in k th e d e p a rtm e n t’s CCiity Hall office d ie re ; ' J w h at w as disc u sse d d u rin g; thosethi meet- ing the congr __ »thc.school.and.oii_Grape.Si:.Strcet_lhe.W cst_____.ive!rejre still.in jgasonably 'good iinannanciaL_.-™Jrhc_cbt!ncil_pjarans^to startjlisms-sing " grcssional break this weekk ingS7-Hc-tvould-say;otilytbarja r t h c m a l n ------and’not'availiLilabirfor cbnuheiit, spokcS-5- ...... ' E sp a W ater M easurem entt District,Di setting a- • shape.' th e p re lim in a ^ bucludget/vlonday. • focu^ was a proposal to bringing develop- •' men said. . budget workshop and a Reg■legion IV oppom t- Und

______------i l TlmovNowi, Twin Fiilli,>lli, Idaho Tuesday. July 1,1997 •

M a g ic V aiALLEY

— O b iiTUARIES- ^ - O biITUARY-' For obituary roto Informatllatlon, coll 733.Q931. extensionn 22] 7 8 ■ ■ P Y crafts andI liolloral arran g in g in hor Migliguoal, CaIif.,'David of Contraliciralia. | 7 a i t c Weihodisi C h u fc h . Sho m arried Ferry,^ di diod Saturday, Juno 28, 1097, B u r l e d _ - ' F w i n F. aALUs. Ferdinand C. (Fcrdy) ScherDinsko in a BoisBoiso tiospital. ^ • free timo alterilior caring for h or homo. Wa:/asiv. Richard of.El Contro, CaiilDaiil.. I on July 21,, J9-18.5 They m oved to The10 luneralli v.nil b e hold at 1 p.m, Sho w as a Icloving and gonorous ancnd Douglas of Boiso^^.andd sisix ..I Ariz,. in 1952, and WodnojJnosday, July 2. 1997, at tho Elsie A, Davis person towarcvards family, frionds and • grairandchildren. Sho was p'rocodoiodo d I leturnod toI TvTwin Falls in-1956. She Veteranirans Memorial Hall in Glenns E lsio A. D av is, of01 C o lo ra d o n e ig h b o rss. . £She will bo groatly in1 cdeath by hor father; a slstoiistor. ■■ I worked part-lirt-lime at United Oil and Ferry. BiBurial will lollow at tho Glenn Springs, Colo., a n d lormor fon Burloy missod byy oovoryono who knew Vioiola Stake/; and ono brotherth o r, ■ I ho First National Bank; Rest I CeCemetery. Arrangements are resident, diod Fridayay. Juno 27,- . her, Rononaid N al^o. 1997, in Colorado Sprinj v;hile raisingig hr o rch iiaten . In 1971, u n d eor r 1iho direction ol Summers ...... Survivorss irinclude her husband. ' Tho Tl Tunorai will bo hold at 2 p.rn,p.rr ' ' 1 10 omploycd.Dy the Tv,m Funeral3ral Homos. McMurtrey Chapel She w as born in Port’ortland. Oro., Kenneth ol5l ColoradoC Springs; a Wer/ednosday. July 2. 1997. att thothi Falls Seniorr HighH S chool a s a sec- in Mountauntain Homo. , tho daughter .ol Royalil SSamuol a n d .son, Koith.DavDavis ol Phoenix, Ariz.; a Burlurioy First Christian C hurch. 1471 147 - i b o o k k e e p e r unlil her FibDciDter w as born Feb. 22. 1913. in Rosa May Baumoartn'rtncr Nakano daughtor. JulioJul ol Phoonix. Arlz.; OokiQkloy Avo.. with Iho flov, Laurliaurlo •• I retirement in 1993,1 Corydon'don, lo.va, ihe son ol Loo Ervin Niblett, Sho moved to BurloyI with nor mother.•. RRi osa NibiQlt of Visalia, Hart ar ollicialing. Burial will follow}w ata I ^■ 7 She lovedDd flowers, gardening, and FIotiFlora Elsio Moon McGhoo. As a her family in 1943,I, whorev she Caiil.; lourr sisteci rs. Amy fvlillor of tho10 Ploasani View Comotoryto ry . • . I .mfff.f ‘lishmg andd rher work al T.p.H.S, boy hoho > worked tho family larm until -attondod school. ShiSh o m arried H oyburn, M Mai ario F onstorm akor of Friorionds miry call ono hour bolonoloro . I vod her Dost friend - her gradualJuating Irom tho 8th grade, Kenneth Oavis on Aug.g, < 26, 1950, in Frosno, Califalif,, Lorraine Clark'of the10 lunoral on Wodr^^sday al1 thi th o ., I ■ \ '. She spent many hours FitDbcror fi had to quit school after tho Burloy. Visalia, Calif,.]lif,. a n d Mira H istod of chuhurch, Arrangomonts aro unden d e r • | er grandchildren's aciiv- deathh olol his lather to help support Sho was a mombor3r t ol tho First Salem. Oro.:3.: fivofi brothers, Carol of tho10 diroction ol thoTayno Mohuarluary ■ ' I ities. She sperpent quiet times at homo the lamlamily. He v/orked the liold, Christian Church. ShiShe onjoyod Spokano. WasA'ash,, Ja m es of Loguna inI Burloy.B , t J L j A i collecting stampssta v/ith hof grand- orchardsards and pipeline Irom Kansas • ^ daughter. morials m ay bo m a d e in Je su s Chnsi of Laiter-dcr-day Saints. - Fibber's2r's nam e at tho U.S. Bank in She mot Chris Roachach on her mis- • GlennsIS Ferry.Fi s io r in G e rm a n y a3nd n d they were , VisitalKitaiion v;ill b e held from 3 to 8 later married in the' SaltSa Lake City p.m, Tue -— Hosi3PITA LS- Tuesday. July 1. at Sum m ers LDS Temple on Juneuno 12. 1987. Funeralrai t- Homes, McMurtrey Chapel, Lono’a n d C hris liveddin ir Las Vegas \V < 'i-N -rS/ and Irom'rom 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on lor a while until Chrisiris w ent lo the • iT’ . ■* Wednesclesday, July 2, at the Veterans IV U G IC VVALLEY / REGIONAL C A SSIA REGION-N A L M E D IG \L CEN TER University of Utah in1 SaltSc Lake City ; ■' ^ Memorialorial Hall in Glenns Ferry. • M E•DICAL D l CEN TER , where he graduated:f asa<. a physical y A.A dm itted therapist in Juno blof 1995.'They S om e n a m es ar re e >o m itted a t p a tie n ts' req u est.jst. Kenna Smith of MaltaIta. m oved to Twin Falls ancand lived ihoro < ' R u p e rt until Decornber ol 1995995, when they R e le ase d R eleasedi m oved 10 Grangevillo.0. D enice M a rlen e BaiBarkcs a n d Kim berly Sherly, bothboi Elisco Analco, Joh3hn Christian and M yrtlele Lorie loved life and-Id rm et Its chal- of M urtaugh; a n d Lav)a v o n n e Jo y Bolt of Tisin F i lss . . Stillwell, all of Burley. lengeswim optimismn andar 2cst. She loved all.people and2nd CToaturps < wiihoul reservation, except exc lor spi- ders. Her favorite onimalsan woic D ean Y. Al cats, horses and dogs. Anderson S he is survived tiyy h(her husband. .. A nderson, 68, of Twin _ Chris Roach: and theIhcir-childton. Pys"!d away= Saturday. Juno * Miranda and Kado ofol ( GrangGvilio: at Saint Alphonsus ' b it u her mother. Dallaslas Olson ol Boo®nalMoa«)dicai Center in Boise. O ARY/ gMH Stovensville, Mont.; herhor lalhor. Will . 3 Dorn Sept: 20, 1928, Buhler ol Twin Falls;s; tiwo sisKts. d a h o . lo -Jo h n William ______Anoela Wilbourn olI WiW osl Jo rd an . ""■! «Anno Evans Andorsct' I . B u h l ~^[ah, and ^manda tit ■ano^ttcrTdctrrjchoonii Falls: paternal gragrandmolhor. iduating from Malad Mary Catherine Marguoriie.Buhler olal G ranncvillc; SchoolI in 19-16. Dean served IVIcDevitt maternal grandmolhcr.jr. CDodhy Davis ■'H4Ih Infantry European Irom 1950-1952. Ho Mary Catherine McDo'Devitt. 63. ol of Twin Falls: along-wg.wilti sovcfal Command Ire Buhl, died M onday Juno 3 ist member of the H B SE o30,1997.al ' uncles, aunts, cpusmstns and counl- tho Twin Falls Clinic & HosHospital. mod Slalos and Aryorican Lojjit:gion Post in Malad. fw ajcy - C h a m p i o n1 m : less Iriends in the Uniiec Sho w as born Oct. 1414, 1933, in ' ' Europe. Upon reiurniirning Irom tho service A s s o r t m e nIt t J tod work v/ith Standard t J _ _ r Scotia, Nob:; to Joseph1 anda Gladys - Her timo on this oan.larih was spo- 5 '“" occoplM Liiyhor Long, Sho and hohor husband . c io l a n d s o wa^s s sh h e e . S h e will Oil ol Colilorniania and m oved to Twin, C Q ilaa Gibson I Kump 3t his wifo of 42 years, Edna■la GibsonC Kump. 92-year-oid moved to Buhl in 1978. anand sho was ' always bo v/iih u s in1 spspiril unlil wo "’” 1 > a member of iho Peaceice Lutheran ^ 9 I m ElhDl Crane,, in 1953, a n d married Rupertrt resident, re passed away Sun- see her again. • - Church in Filer. : The fu n eral will bobe bo held al in I resided in twin Fails day. JuneJuno 29. 1997. at Iho Mmidoka - y w h en ho v /as tra n s - Memorial Sho is survived by herier husband. , V ^5v W ' )hat Hospital in Rupert, . 12:30 p.m. W cdnesdi(Sdav Ju lv 2 I*"''! 1^®'’ , " I Ronald McDovilt of BuiBuhl; a so n , V r.w A • € Monarch of ■ 1997. at the Church ol JJosijs cnrisi '"""‘I P»l'lit LakeI City a n d lived She; w w: as born Juno 19, 1905, to lis retirement in 1986, Williamim and 'Allrbd and Nellie John McDovitt of Jacksorsonvillo, Fla.; w x j ' , Iho Forest ' ol Latter-day S aints in (Grangovillo.' '" “ ra li'® four daughters. Mary/ VVinyard ol with B ishop D avid HoliHollowai con- relurnino lo3 TwinT Falls in 1987. Ormondnd GibsonC in Hydo Park, Utah, 3d gardening, was an Sho alienitlonded schools in Hyde Park Kansas. Carol Hundioy olo f 'Twin Falls, . \ \ f | d u c tin g . B urial willI follollow at'lhe Doao enjoyed Chris McDovilt of San Diego, Die Caiil,, . iry in Grango- ?»id readec, sports sp enthusiast and and Rupoluport, Sho moved lo Rupert In Prairie View Comotory and Robyn Rohr of Albi.Ibuquorqao, ville. A rrannem ents arcare undor iho '" “H '» S“ for rides through tho the year;ar 1919,l where sho had since intrycides. resided.(d. ShoS marriecj Doan Emerson N.M.; throo brothers. Josofisoph Long ol j i g • direction ol tho Nolancand-Blaokmer I’l'S ="■! Sunnyvillo, Calif,. Donaklaid Long of Bljp JL — p-fSii«wV- Funeral Homo. GrangoviliQuillo Ho w as prec(ocoded in death by his KumpI on on Oct. 27. 1923, in Burley, parents: one brother; bri one sister; his They lived live in Ruport where Ihoy Monlroso, Calif., and JinJim Long of . ^ son. Darwin CranoCr Anderson; and farmed,d. HoH preceded hor In death in Gurnoyvillo. Calif.; and eight oi{ grand- . . j y grandson, C Ch h ris to p h e r M ichael 1973. children, Sho was prcirecodod In ^ sl iE T M Anderson. Survivors Sut include his. . She; lovlovod to crochet, and made death by hor parents anaand a grand- jg wife, Ethel 01 ol Twin Falls; sons, rhany beaulifulbei quilts. Children and son, Jay. MichaCl a n dJ wile w Lynn ol Dublin, grandchjchildrorx wore grateful lo Tho funeral will bo holdold at 3 p.m, > Ohio, John andnd wile Sue ol Olympia, receive0 suchsv beautiful gifts from her. Wednesday. July 2. 19'1997, at tho £S4 Wash,, Lotandind and wilo Aniia ol Sho lovod love tho timQS when hor Poaco Lutheran Churchrch in Filor.. . Vl P i | , ™ Burial will follow 'at tho10 W^ ost End ' A m e ri Sandy, Utah,I, WilliamV of Salt Lako grandchilIchildron c a m e 'to visit. Edna lencan 6Pc.BagGrou)und 10"5Pcs. V Cem etery in Buhl,' City, a n d Darin•inandw i ifoC harisse of w a s a ggood o c mother and housokeop- ; lt ie s ______Bloomfloweirers.. . Morning Glory.. ■'Saif Lake Cily;' Cil ono' daughtor,' 'or.'Sho0 ftadhe a loving personality and ...... Memorials are suggesttested lo tho-'- Loanna Andod o rs o n H am ilton of w as fovec3ved by all who mot hor. She Poaco Lutheran Church.h. 'Tho lamily • Sacram ento.Caiil.; Ci throo'brothors..- also.lovocDvod to raise flowers and was will receive Iriends fromi 66 t o 8 p . m , . y J . William, Dan a nr d David Anderson; an oxcellc:olleni cook, Sho was a mem- today at tho Former FunotnoralChapo! : ■ InBuhL 59< sisters, Alice0 Both E W cCartin a n d Dor ol' the the LDS Church and sen/od Marilyn 'Molly"ly: Lusk; a n d his prido ifimariyc;iy capacities. and jo y > is 1_22 grandchildren,g • Sho1 ISis sun/iveds by four sons. Mac Tho luneral11 willw bo hold at t p.m, Doan (An(Anna) Kump of Idaho Falls, I B u y it. W ednesday./. July 2. 1997, at DuanO0 WilliamVt (Diano) Kump'of Parke'5 Magi'igic Valloy Funorai WoodsCrs Cross. Utah, Robert Kump of S e l l It. in Falls. Burial will lol- Rupert an Homo in T.win f t and Ferrell 2. {Eilbon) Sr. of Trade it. . low at tho Twi'win Falls Comotory. Joseph.3h. Mo,; two daughters. • ' 0 Friends may' callc< Irom 11 a.m . to Carolyn'n RFoster of Magna„Utah, and Times-N^ws C lasjisslfleds Pi^g V , l , ; _W ednesday 12:30 p .m at . W tho Roma1 (Donald)(D Grow of Fodoral • 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 : Betty J . Scherbir DlflSKe , funeral homo. • Way. WasWasfr. Sho had 12 grandchil- 1 ; J a c k inn rithe Box .6 Pc. Lazerir Cracklitig Ball . Betty J. Schorbinsko.<0. 1 67, of Twin Jvlemoriaf contributions cor may be dren ondind eight great-grandchildren: ; flails, p a sse d aw ay Juneluno 29. 1997, m a d e to th oD SSpecial' Olympics, ' Sho was'as preceded| In death by hor ■ following a short illness.;s, . 82-I6 FairviowM A' vO-BoiseID8370‘5;,. husDand.md. ono daujhtor. hor par- C om e H om e T o - She was born Nov. 1;12. 1929. i n ^ r tho Pediatric,tric Epjlopsy Society, ents, ono:jno sister ond ono brother. y 6 0 * , Buhl; to Albert-and Emit):mlly NancolQS 3IQ W. Idaho,i, Boise6i ID 83702, Sorvico/icos will bo hold at 11 a.m. .Woavor. Her familyIly 1m o v e d to T hursdayday. July 3, 1997. at tho ■ Jeromo and thon roturnetm od to Buhl in - f i r p v ns n West Slako Contor. with W\"- 1 1941. following the deathdo of hor OLLiNP'JNS F erry K S3 Loou T, Sundorland olficiat- ' lather. Betty atlondodled tho Wost e..tn • ing, Buri

M ai\ g i c V a i. l e y .

SimploiDt emploDyees conntinue G o n e w i t h-I THE WIND . to workk despitee official layoffs]

CALDWEa(AP)-Asw(s w o rk ers re q u ire m ore qjuality u a control . . B u t tthe b layoffs’ impact on the wait for Thursday’s annoin o u n c e - T hey w ill w ork3rk through A ugust, c o m mtjunity u r - given employee ment on layoffs at the J.Tl. when the 199797 potato harvest turnoverver, retirements and other Simplot Co.'s Heybum plan)lant, few yields fresh potpotatoes requiring forms; ofof job.loss - could be less, employees laid off at SimSlmplot’s more care.' ...... d a m aiging g in than originally fore- CoIdwcU potato processinging plant Some 260 workorkers arc expccted casted. I a month ago have actualljally left to get pink slipsps Thursday at the “We’lle’ll be anxious to have at ‘ tbdr.jobs. • Heyburn plant.nt. Meanwhile, in roast hal;half of the people (we laid A bout 230 hourly worker:'0 positive test result, includ- The law includes protec ite c tio n s employee wages duringdui testing limo. . Ing tho sut)stul)Stan«) Involved, for employees, said 1 By Dixie Thom as Realo tit co m p leted , ami proposes \ Mjke QTetUng must bed« dona In accor- □ TTm empio)iployoo or sppllcAnt It entl- Harrington, a Boise lawyer Tlmw-Nowscotrespondent ____ Where amand when ToSmovQ OS a landscaping and tre e ■ ^ poHcy. tied to discu:scuss and explain tho result drafted it. For instance, it a ThoJeromoCityCIty Council Will meet mainterenance consultani for the . ^allvatostcanbo wlthame SL- * J ?eff ‘' M artin, pool volunteer ; duce a positive test re stmustbeconflmwd Q'n««mpIo>ployee or sppDciuit hits « tonight’s City Council meeti;eting. coordin;inator, will give an update ; . Typically, the employer n bio method. ’ right to requ(equ est anothorylthin seven The council uill considerI

Continued from B1 hampered divingng effons. g when I saw the body I sasaid to ~“\Ve checkedd fromf where the :a s s ia e o u N iTY FAIER and p myself, ‘Am I believing)g 'what l}ody was foundnd to the Milner r m se ein g ? ’" S a lisb u ry saipm • Fairr Board Oi)fficc • Buiirley Continued from B1 . : not project anyy pr a rtic u la r, r e a - . / Kijnberly Road, 33001 E£ ast,. son” for the airpirport to use the '' . O rchard Drive-,East andid Blue1 land in the nearIT future,I but the •Fphone 678-S^9150 or 678^8-1735 r ” Lakes Boulevard South -. to crc- council a sk ed himim to research th e _ a te U rb a n R enewal A rea 4^_ ■ water supply andnd irrigation sys- - ' • Discussed purchasinging ’440 t'em potential ofof ihe area-and — S t a g e F r om t t $ 1 4 & $ 1 6 acre^ of farmland west: of the reportbacknextw.tw e ek . Magic Valley Regional Air]^port, - • Unanimousljisly reappointed . • .1G r a n d S t aa , n d $ 1 0& i $ 1 4 aithougli several council11 mein-n: Alan Horner, SueSu( Burwbll and , tv n ; gnifi they didn’t think th f nir. Scot McNcleyto> bobt a i^ of director ' ______, p o rt ne ed e d extra land. • \ Rositions at boi th e c i t y ’s —----- ^Tickets-a-aiso^vailabie~a:~ a t:— ------— “I guess I don’t.sec this; ias any- Industrial Developlopmcnt Corpora- Ronnie’s Sliooe Repair TheTl Boot'Barri. thing ijut realtors selling proprc p er- a n d U rb a n RenewalRei Agency. ty ," C oundim on Q iiis TaUdn,Jdngton ------Overlandd Ave. KimberlyI Rd. said. ■ Timcs-Ncws sta,!tajf writer John ■ D ale R icdesel, project engi)n g in e er Ruprccht can bee rcachcdfi at 733* Burley • 67!7 8 - 2 8 8 4 T w inin Falls • 733-324213 . ; ' :j', for the airporr,admltted he1C “ can- 0931.

■t-f- ’ * B4- Tta»^l*wi,TwlnF«lh,iSH. Idaho , Tt*e»dar. iutjr 1,1997 ^ fueiday. July 1,1397 Ttae^Nowi, Twin Fallj, liabo . W e s t :; :Spokkane womaian w ins $122 million W%shingtonn State Lotitto jackpot ; “ 1 ohono O’odtem Indian tribe approves”casino profit-sharing ■■ ■ • 0LYNU‘1A,IA, W ash. (Al’) — Tlie w in n e r• of • CIS Mrs, Edwards' husbjsband, Roger, bought Mrs. Mr Edwards said she woulduld continue The top LoLotto and Qulnto prizes will>itl Ariz. (AP) — The Tohono lopu^the issue on the ballot Saturday. , Tribal chairman Ed Manuel and other ’ITie measure also calls for'mnre shnrinu ; S12 million Lotto jackpdt iss a for his wife, said thehe manager of the doinfling volunteer work for the Chilehildren’s Arc, return to SI nmillion and $300,000, respec-ec- _ About 39 pcrccm of the tribe’s 7,400 reg-■ leaders warned the plan will deplete of casino profits: $30-miIIion for youth cen- "' ------^ — M-Kpc*OStS 1 3 1woman, Washington Stalelie S po k a n e L o tte ry office,e, L1 es D enison. ' a fo;oster st child organization, Denisoilisonsaid. lively, on Wedcdncsday night, ril. u ® 20,000-member istered voters cast ballots, with 1,575 vol- the tribe’s savinfis and-ieopardiztj its ^teSTSIS minionTiTFljursincM i^jnts and S r * ' ~ l ~ * ------icials said today, Nfrs. E dw ards said shishe a n d h e r h u sb a n d Roger Ro] Edwards, who is in hisis 50s,£ works A compuic;icr check showed 122 Lottoito mg m favor and 1,254 against. Turnout in agreement with the state to operate a miUion each for charity'.irid for utility bill I .lIT T ll^ in O * • , Shirley Hdvidwards, 59, picked up the firstrst . “a re p la in folks a n d noivaiv tliey’re p la in folks forr URMU grocery distributors andan( plans to tickets were! s-sold with five of the six win- tw o y e ars, d e sp ite w ^ g s i t will w ipe o u t T ohono O’od h a m elec tio n s is u. /^ 1 r A # C k t - \ •#- ^ - Tlie winnin,ning tickct wjis among five tick-dc- - th e ir tw o sons and grandndchildrcn. $400;00,000 Q ulm o draw ing. b ers a n d a r e w orth $23 each. tJieir goyeramcnt is , allowed under federal law but require pie are unemployed and most live in sub- tribe’smembcrsliip list — includini:750 in d i ^ L / I L l d I L run, said Larry Goraa, who led the dnve approval from the secretary of the Interior. standard housing. the past month. . forquarl i t e r f S "

BOISE (AP) - Wi p r o f i ts I increasing and a lot of n ew w ork H coming in, Morrison KniKnudsen Corp. H Chief Exccutivo Officfficer Robert H W a liiBiilf&S ■' ■ pjimiS8w Tinstman says things arc iSST fo r a com pany lh a t ;vasas oon th e verge B o n e le s; I ess Beel PETITE SIRLOnVnv Bee IDepenilaUeQaaDty'' |:L argeS lij:ers! o f bank ru p tc y ju s t a fewew years ago. H ' Boneless Beet RIBEYYE ''Swenmartl GRAPES ^HERRIES J S S 2 “We are very pleasciased with this H Isteak w. • trend in new workk bookings,'*,b H .STEAK T-BONE ^ STEAIIK Lean Gri■ounil BEEF I ; Tinstman said. “MK bookedbo more work during the secorcond quarter • , than we bufficd in revenrvenue and the ICIW ^ 9 3 3 Phgs.sQC outlook fo r'n ew w ork; for th e rest o f ■ p $ 4 s • the year is very encouraiu r a ^ g as evi- k « i ” 4 ? * « 'lb. I S u t Vwib. l|r 05Ii*. “f I S=S5=H. d c n ce d by w h at h as hlappened a p j eiu-ly Providence Alaska Medical Cenier . in th e th ird q u a rte r." The company Monda;.dnyr=por,od | KPSlt SISINGLfS lessBAROniOFBS iscanMayei’ ' MW CUCUMBERS oDnni^ni i poSa Snow White » “ £ e h “ n e ™ e w net income of S7.4 miilioillion, 14 cents ■ A I I I $5" 99l“ ^$'4 49 lose $ i 69 ' • per share of common. stock,sto on rev- ■ ■ - H I i K H l e t t u c e d B s SQUASH CAULIFLOWER -S ? " ? , enue of S4Z4 million forthefor sccond M w B BlEESEub I 1 RCP A S T ^I' I Lb. ^BOLOGMA t12 0z. I quarter ended May 31. That com- • pared jvith net incomele ao f 5 L 6 mil- ■ WAole J, store Cut t C A lF sO tB'BrsodWo i a J i < • . lion, 6 cents per share, o 4 fl FsDs Brand & A ^i » 70:. work at the end of the quarterqi was H ^ ------Wilhelmi.said, $3.S billion. ^ Identities of ihe victims weren't ' An operational highlifhlight of the H q u a rte r wa.s th e aw ardd to tc Wasatch ■ iJ ^ . /fw^ertr n Family I^K IIIIIIi: I X • /^^Westem^mll^ ^^Nalley'skrteV Contractors, a joint venventure that includes MK, of a S1.44 bi con- ■ jtHQT® i EPS! Rr i i u u u u I O plaSTIQ I iSiIueeze f n i l L P IC K L t^ ^ pt-'a” tract to rebuild Inter 15 H ,------^------1 • -• * i W i m l B l « W - th e sc re a rp s o f th e in ju re d . She tlirough the Salt Lake ValValley. MKLs ■ jrDiel.Caffelii^teit e e %M U / 1.11 I I FRY /« « helped skiers who witnessed the a 20 pe rc en t p a rticip a n t inir die joint H ^ ( 1(ETCHUP 0 • : ( W I ■■kll I - s V /22Q2, N accident carry sleeping bags and venture, with about $28$280 million H H E f i i I V28 Dz. Squeeze i m g R o o t Beer •Slice:. *-■ TT \ \ \ I - - J cloilnng to th e injured. sh a re of co n tra ct revenue.,ue. H ^ V_ BoHIb ' V H L ! n ! ■ “They were an preny messed Tinstman said MK rec(roccntly won ■ . Dew •Squirt. - M J m _ g up," Armstrong said. "W« were two contracts worth aboubout $77 mil- ■ V CASEOI OF 12: j i ™ ; -Z’ I I \ ' U t M m - — thankful the helicopters came — lion of highway work3rk f o r th e H UCK, 12 OZ. CANS i;; V I ' y V when they did. There were some Galifomia D epartm entnt WESSON OIL ^ " r a u t y tory in New Mexico. ' ipjE ClREAM MARGAR I RIIUE _2L it,Ier J J MK has 8,500 employeeyees at work H TWIZZLERS PASTA in 33 countries in the environmen-en\ H EGGS •. ' tal, h e av y civil constructiiiction, indiis- ■ tri^, mining, operations^ a a n d m a i f M D O ZeP tenancc, power, process a 2 / $ 3 j; ^ DORITOi ss and trans- p B e sL 2 / portatio n m arkets. Assorted # s [CANDY BARS lLlMr‘ic e H Q Q 0 S 7 9 '_ ‘ 1/2 Gallon Police arrest CASE OF 30: ^ 15 . .0 0 B ; A / n A h B S v _ im ' g'gf""’ ' l l O ' I Cpeaiam 0 Weber Cream Cr 0 Weber I $ t S ! % / ^""nsaisco ' Betty Crocker ~ Yopfalt I treacherous on the way doi™." • woman whc COOL WHIIIPI ESKIIIMO A s s t . I fruiiIT DRINK SOOUR CREAM All varieties; Regular/ Q Oz.Bag I • N e s t l e s Qj QQ O R E O S PO TATO ES Y O G U R T I School dismisses wouldn’t leasave I Asst _ Sugar Free pPIES ^ l A Y ’s _ ^ H f _ ■______president, but ------^------LAN0ERrWyon(AP>—I— a - u io !i—B G a l l o n — woman who refused to) Stayst: aw ay ■ MT9RADE from-the Mormon Wago:igon Train H / A l y s j - a ' ' anniversary reenactme P01AT0 CHIPS 9/$K |fS QQ0 Joz.' AI^Q cost is hefty ;ment left ■ 1 1 7 9 ^ ^ I T J t - _ 'HM Scalloped coeur d'ALliNE(AP)-The authorities no choice butut tot arrest H I'T?, her. l/l'jifi' Kp ■■■ ■ ■■ decision to rtlease North Idaho , Eiglnecn days after aa NNebraska B l 2% nSV — .—. * College President Bob Bennett —X Asst. S# H ^ ^rom his judge ordered an injinjunction H —-^WesteXmllyV agiiinst D aL a n eS t. Jolin,>, shesh found ■ - X . • ™||L . 1/2Gallc iierself in the custodydy of the H ( I-1 'N . A liT J M l * Fremont County Sheriffsffs Depart- HI*"*LEMONADE^ . j m m m • m ent. ■ m " ' She was scheduled'^oao appear . H / Western Family : Monday in district courttin in Casper, ■ ( 120Z. Fi 120z.Froz. # B wliere a judge had extenCASE0F24: ^ ^'1-' ■ I ^ W suing the college, Bennett colteci- event, had already spei:pent five :* Wlieat Tnins H # \ ■ y ~ W . rem a in d e r o f this y e ar's salary ami. • weeks walking with theh e w ag o n train before being ordered•ed toi keep 11b. * Triscuit H h er distance. Box St. Jo h n said sh e \vas proipromLwd a ■ t f * * * * aSEGBmCCQ Beletty Crocker FUDGE SUPI - ' . nursing position for'the dunJuration of IU D U f1C3nin Hines t » KOOL-.-AID SUH Ultra doron p "jTTIXTnTlirnilTrTilll J|||'W~ ' inlcrim president Mimilay, wk is the wagon train. It was later,lat she H LJ a b j BRO W NIE m i: Cherry, (h , 30 .said, that she learned she would ■ □ 1 .1 1 II II* D ETER -aQ oy. b l e a c h • • only b e needed for a fe\v w ce e k i ■ '0% Lemonade A I 0 1 ' ( 9 8 9 S 5 S.I-A K M ' g en t H H ’^iSave30^ 2 •/Coupon I College s'pok'eswom'; i Ermi On Friday, she violatil a te d th e MM H J I I l l M ! 5Ve 2 f ^ . « Tkop. Punch ” EATBIT^ injunction by jo in in g th e nir IfjlVliXXESA^jg ■ ■ 22-24 Oz. V G a l l o n ^ " south of Lander, Fremontnt County( ■ ^ 1-27 Oz. . 1 Cannlster ‘ Post Relegular or Marshmall -•; authorities said. iallo«r o#$c 1^^ K P SM .... ^J OQ OKIPPY JrieCallemlar Wesle":ern Family BanquiquetAsst. ALPI Coeur d’Alene p(police I ' M BREAD T O MlATOES / FWnozEN !2tLlm BITS prepare for erowiwds I ' \ ! J ^ ?gglE Z rb » ^1 |B«Sa® Pllll »H=?=S ni^^kPORi MIX 14.5050z.Can DININNERS POS ” ^ G A R ' I ______" 1_ csaffi'g ilS » |S f e ln ^ ^ _ CollcBeT,.s,ee. ■ • COEUR d’ALENE (A (A P ) - . I ST C E R E W • . Police ;vill b e ou t in forcee thisth y e a r ■ . 'Bluebeterry Morning la.Stiz. • ; to e n s u re a lc o h o l a n d fire ■ - . are n o t used on c ity pro pc crtj rty. H lU V 'Cranbc3Grry Almond 13 Oz. ' “Our primary concerne r n to H I • Bananina Nut Crunch IS.SOz. : •' make sure the families whowhc com e m . ^ 9 ! r W .GreattrGralnsieOz. *' ""'I . V W . ,25Ft.Roll ■ ; ; downtown have a safe and ■ I 1 ZrD *7®s 59^- 79^ I* r able day," Coeur d’Alenen e I • ; Capt. KenTimmons^id. “T la st I - thing we want to do is go c - f ^ Dolgaop ,' SZf4fr2f5^ |m|-||. j K 9 i , ‘^vriting a b iin d j of c itations,’' T h e c ap ta in said m ost o f thtl e t u r - I { moil stemmed from a gro . ■-i: RANCH ROLLS PICNIC CAKES ; ' “problem children" who w e re ; . drinking and shooting dan(langerous • . firew orks into crowds.- ' » w m IA ^ ^ M S S S g S S kDDliSON AfVVE. A T Wi ON Count Chocolate ifc, SAVE 500 on'anyvarietyri/-( ' • ■ ‘ ’Aufhorfao r ix e d ' ~ O N A) ^ R R APPLE I APPLE PIE Western Family _ ."lejLCa*--: ^ ■ ' y IT Pii'rincr. Do you bL'lieVi: I I r lo to r s ' ' ■ H m m S 1 l t S ( S b O I j i i r ™ I 5W Mofci At». W K Twfa fab 73>:Iraj-iMT i B a c n H H a i SM'MI i m i M i m

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. B-6 'nmevNowi, TwinI FillF*lb, Idaho Tuejday, July 1.1997

. ' ID A H O - / L a n c ei w a n t s CO3urtsto ( OfficialI praisess powe^rcomppetition1 ;

f o r c e Krelease of i BOISE (AP) — Deputy Eneilergy Secretary rates, "wewc think we still pay plentyy aiand we’re dramatic changc 'names « Ige in th e w ay pow er is provided i le d in Eliz^iiliz^ibeth M oler took th e C lintonm odm inistntion no t interes:restcd in having otir prices incnncreased for Idaho. BOISE (AI>) — idvocacy for com petition in th e e — Attorney - ^ I The Forest ; electrical indus- choice. • “1 h aven’t aslisked for electrical ^eregulatioiation, ^ .Gcn.ornI Ahm Liincuice wants the . ry into the region of Ainerica’sa’s low est pow er “ Wc woi SgL, Servicc has 'O' i: would just as soon pay our currurrent rates and I don’t knonow anyone who’s asked Yor>r it,"it, I; ffcicral courts lo forcforce the U.S. ates Monday, disputing conccn becn^iven a ratej 2ms it \rill force tlian payy moren to have the choicc of: providers,”pn said Susan Dun'ii:r>'ing to force ut how.” that multiple — vested interestsis ini deregulation have in theisum sun ; the Forest Service:e ito comply - _____ • use. “ T he pul>- Moler was the lead speakerr ati The Power , mit. with the federal Fr ummit, a daylong conferenci I-Tocdnmof J , lie has a right ice of industry i h c qq u u e s t i o n f o r u s i s n o t zi'/tc/Jue / / i e r i i v According to f ig u re s c o m p ile d by UnitCin ited Information Act. x pens iind n-gional leaders on p 'E n e r g y s c c i Ccrctar^ rc^^Icction tron(im the industry, but remaineilin ed ■ “constitute a clearlyly unwarrant-ii important ii hen the state'already has the1 Ilowest electric ------t in light of a recent adam ant that heie has m a d e no decision on deregiereg- • ■ cd invasion of persona the Forest. Service by ratesites in tlie nation. onal p riv a c j'” rev ie w of thi H e andid others' i suggested that woulc3uld assure ulation. If pushch o d , h e said ho w ould side ivithiviil . . and is barred by thithe Privacy the Generalral Accounting-Officc And, Idaho Public Utilities. CommissfonerC reliability;y o f tlie system a n d continuedk1 universalu le a m g th e state?tes to d e d d e . r Act, larsiia Smitli »vas one of the fe' that ideniifieifies a 'lack of account- * MarsI few to seriously scTrico to0 niraJn and low-income people,le...... Steven Kean;n, scnlor'tlce president forr ththi e -J Tiie attorney generneral’s brief, ability’ as a fundamentalf flaw in iiestion deregulation during d iei summs it. T here \vi was'little Siscussion of the gogovernor's Enron po^ver manarketer, discounted contentioations p r c p iiff d by D e p ujfy ty Attorney ■ Forcai Scr\-kviceprogram-s.” ShiShe called JdaJioans fiercely ly in d e p e n d e n t p rim a o ’ concerncoi — Ihc impact of derc)ereguJadon th a t coasum ers! inii the Northwest opposed deregereg- I- G e n e r a l M a ttlie u -; MMcKeown, “The essersence of the Freedom «efen^lenders of the free market, suggestingsu that on water;r rightsi and usage throughiighout the ulation. said the Privacy Act\ct prevents of Informati loiild translate into support for cc ation Act is to make shouli competition for Northwest;st where hydropower.is thele iprimary He said a recejcent public opinion survey off theth< disclosure unless it is ectricity. t is required • the federalal government more electr source of[electricity.' ell region, particularlarly in W ashington state, showeciwed under the Freeceedom of accountable But Smith, reflecting what shehe said was the During a >le to the public,” the 3 a midday break, consumer:r aactivists, • 75 percent behc'ieved competition was good. andanc > InfonnationAct- ew of those she called Idaho ______statv_Siii(I,^-la'licJioKSLScn-iccli- h (Lco n sii m crs,.___ _who_w^crc_fi:c_askcd_but.decUne(i.to.panidn id p a te J n ___ S9.pcrcenLthouDUghLiheir.already-Iow-poweiiiv e r-I;----- I’eopTo wlio”applj^fiy fo r sp e c ia l s u m m a ry conclusions coi that dis- stressressed aithougli the statelias veryve low power tlie summit.nit. again questioned the need;ed for any rateswould dcdiiJinc further. perm its and leasesjs Tie Bro^veriver'hopes tlie corps will >0 it IM 110 M .13 w hen th e S n a k e RiviRiver flowed accept rcspon;Kinsibility for repairing 9:30 over the ;u-ea. th e dikes, whiivhicii they b uilt several Officials ivcrc no t sureure if tlie two years ago, butbut he is unsure of the Fhc 10 it liines would reopen. i\nd^d it may be outcome, i^riday July 4m H j |j j ^ p | months before construitruction can “Riglit now)w the>-’re a jiroject-ori- begin ori tiie northboundmd interstate . entcd corps,'IS," Brower said, “If inncs. In the meantime,me, traffic is there’s a projiroject they approve, it . cloyging U.S. Highwayvay 91 from takes severalral years for it to be ^ Hlackfoot to Finh. funded luid workedwo on.” GEORGE “Our concern is th:that water Ycarsarethi: things congested cotm- CLOOHEY destroyed th e banks :uidjid dikes< and ty roads do notnot h a \’e. C O N f t V iHoiD SCHWARZENEGGEISER w aier is still flowingg aa< c ro ss th e It is po.ssibliible that federal flood HICOtftS JOHN county out of the riveiiver until it relief, ifappnuiroved, could b e used to CAGE CUSftCK Mfti reaches the dike att tlthe north work on thee dikesc; and banks so fttKOVICH ^ hank,” said Brent Frankank, district that water couldco be re-diverted engineer for the Id;Jio' DeportmentDe into its channc!inci, and road ci5nstm c-'" ■ oFinmsponation.'~ ' " “Until the water is divertedi Uut if all thathat fails, it will be up back to the river bedjd we' can’t to residents t a i | s to raise money for ’m ROIKR-COASTIR RIDE OFFYOURUFEr 1 ^ O open that northboundid lane.I It's clumnel repair.air. nri briiuui.nttiiiiaiicut J f l T ^ R N

NifllUVy7;00-0:z0 7 & Stray golfsiiocs: mulledi t P W P W M llllW W i f'" ■ S.1IS.1 • Sua S c R O B I ^ I 5 ^ '^ERRETT v j M j Q i S Q -7:00-9:20 J j |I‘(M : i I B N/\Ml>A(;y>)-Sowha.vhose fault is it when an errant golf sliollolliitsaveiii- h d e passing on a ne;irl)y lilghlighway? F a u lk n e r ’null's the qiicsdon posedsed toi Nampa P la n e ta r iuimf m c i S Jack Wall dty offidak after a strayy golfgo shot at l:CKJ-3:45.0:.5-n3a N am pa’s C e n te n n ial GoliGolf C ourse ■ LEMMON MATT uaick a truck pasang on IniaInterstate 84; SEEtZStHH -, ssi-sm "Lemmon fm l:0Q.J:-one w h o w 'veJiicIe is I 'l iA'M i ' r ' i -.r r Are A sm ick siiotild imm ediatelyicly v isit'the loaiM onion mo CSI funtpus National course so employees canin Iclocate tlie C-'-' 7J3S5M ot.ct. ?6ii5 tor Infcnnnlon Treasure." p jonalfian[ian laylor deuon ' scoll 16 HAS SURVIVED. (XiTsonwiiolui tlicball,s!ie5Jiesaid. I------THOIVDMAS SflW A BAIRSTOV iTHELiST . ■ . C : " , @ 0 T •to } Wi!ILDAMERIGI;a 1 I Mmm ;e a ride|B H n|Q a J U M J { K l P « m t S e / ]n th e m M S E 3 m u ■ S ta r IfVSPfPI^ Slano J b e a cm m IT Y ! I J^W jUttflB^Vj/odnosdav r joe I'liSCl (laiiiir t l Fouitn alJuly.Olacount Spocuil f c a / n r / r a t ..... ““ Adults S2.50 Kidti$l.25 r^TIM ALLEN-..W AHDRA BUUOCK C:-June 30,2 July 1l & 2 . s > f JASOltPATBIG ^ , M i*: 1(lOSBemoto, W eC4-7pji ^CLgjUNGL^ RUSH HOUR HITS i ; , Il[fihtoi E 3 THEWmiR ' U ' / t e t e / ______>tna».luVH«n Umio rn I0.15-i: JO-J 4! Sal'S«i:.»2 . ' ■ W - ^ r A i —— - d a r k ...... ^ doW.«i . UonloF<11000-1?.I0.}J0 i c k s b i - K 4:40-TCQ.9;0 ^ ^ 0 1 Undtnz AJMlys FrM W hIp WIJ i?ia-?3

Tuesday, July 1,1997 TlmevNovir*, T Twin Falli, Idaho B-7^7 F a m ily L ifIFE B u yy It! S e l lI it! Trad( I le it! Tim'es-NiNews Classifiedi ccan help you get2t it done, Call 73353-0931 to p la ce; )your classified ada today. I B ■ nd'V / wloredV' flS |«M O K EB A lli|^CUCKOO POPPERS! / i PE 1 1 . 29< i t

F R E E C O U P C f e poN'Tr^RifE'coupoN’^'T'” COUPON T™REE COUPOr^»^c«- 1*1 lB O X #f® f i F R E ELj_JaLLER_| i ^MOON “■yiSPARKLEF^ "~Regy$5.99 Ii BEES ^D 7SN CE1*]"";- u n OIWAU/na nmMm • Ed and Nancy Tyrrell with sons g i a n t ona Oavis and Robbln stand In froniront ol their ‘Nohemlan' bam In Buhl.uhl. The bam will house a fair ^ F R E IE i of locol artists beginning Julyly3. 3 FOUNTDyNi $1.15 d . 7 5 f e W ith t h is c o uipon. p c WITH ANY I ^ Only one coupc ipon I PURCHASE OF WITH THIS i BUY ® ONE f* / ■ per fam ily, } SSO^ORMORE i1 COUPON j CGET ONE r^l 3rdNehhemianC Country' ^Fair m u s t b e A y 18 years old . 1 M u s t b e I M u s t b e ! T J ! 18 years old. I 1 8 y e a r s o l d . f r e e U set to geet underr way Thilursday By Rachel Denny . . ! L Scot HoHonon, who has just ere- % m T lm e ^N m correspondent ______F a i r fiS a i C tS , a te d thle e rnew silver coin, for the ^ ^ 1 Please note:e: PhanlomI Fireworks wantsits ]you to have a fun arrd'safefe 4 th o f July, Remember...2 □ Wh«n: Thursday. 3 ...all fireworks should be usedsed only under ihe direct supepe rv isio n o f a BUHL — Artists from all egon Trail, will be selling ' responsible F*!ay,2-6 p;m. - ible aduU. Always use fireworl/orks on the driveway or grasss s y a r e a s . the Magic Valley are read;-ady fo r Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p • the third annual Nehei T W I N FFALLS y s ■ RUP • R O M E 1 * 1 h e m ia n q whero: 1 5 5 3 East •lie Wiseman makes dolls, • Country Fair that, si •a S im m s h a s han d -w o v en L ynw ooioodMall :iiRidl<^ M a ll IRidiey's l* |- Bum T hursday. s, Bob'AVagner makes dec- N . # I S. Lincoln m m ted the •MD.,AI^DSEN. ■ dards for mammograms. Thishis cm. KAYBAILEY2Y HUTCHISON. d a l law was originally auihoreto redby R-TCXAS Sen. M ikulski in 1992, butut willi DEAR SENS. MBVHKULSKl AND expire this y< ^ if it is not reneiwiHved. H U TC H IS O N : I wholeheartedlywY M am m ography is o u r m ost>st pow-p lend my support.. SSi u ch sta n d a rd s I m a g i n ei a hpttte equitjt y l o a r i erful weapon.in .the war aga:a gainst a re c ru d a l to womernon from coast to breast cancer,i)uc only if.it's.'s doned coast, : ' t h a t lets, l i you use upi p t o safely, accurately and by trailtrained Readers, it is iron•orth th e effort to ■ .■I ’'/Z personnel. We need unifcliform take pen in hand andan drop a note national standards so vvomenlen can (or postcard) to j-our)ur e le a e d repre- . ■ 1 0 0 % oo j f your hom e ee. q u i t y . be-assured tliat tlie mammogilogram sentatives in Washiishington urging ■ they get in any clinic acrossOSS th e their support o f dieleMammography H ‘ ...... ^ country, from Maryland toI TexasTe Quality Standardss ActA (MOSA). It AtU.S.Uank.\wc4nhihelp yt>M pet tlic iiioji out o f yourJurhoosc.W ith otir to M innesota, is safe, effec tivive e )and will ensure nationallal standards for home equity loam' >-oii)ii can acccM money >\)u ptonably>ly tJidn'ti know )X)u reliable, and tliat tlie resultsilts are mammograms, guanlaranteeing high- ' - iud. And ifyoii jpply nowlow, we'll jp.ve ywu W e d J d , ■ . ^ R \ , read accurately. Since 1992,^ more,m quality screenings U s for breast can- You tan m d it ' the tfiinp i-oii'n: m joI cagtrrea to get— like than 9,000 of the 10,000 manurimmog- cer, as well as peac';ace mind for . loaorcoin ami fco.JWIiat'j^.it's niorr, our lioine’ , raphy facilities nationwidee hihave those who need it appnii-ai hi JO ininuh ^ • . equity loam will givr'yuiiuti as many opuont * ■ been inspected and accreditedited by. DEAR ABBY: MyM only sister ; . -• • sjyoiihjxv ideal, ^ jx iuican e a re-carper>'our — • the fedei^ government. recently suggested;d that she stop : tlie phmir. SImpfy (al . entire Iiohm: or aj>pca\c y« ' p - ' : ■ When vve introduced the le^l e ^ a - giving ^ t s fo r spKial e d : occasions to : your practii-al aide l-800-L'S LOANS.IS. fOn«5UJjtinj?)wur loam, tion,-we sent around an liistcistoric. m ythree childreiren who have _ im. And uiilikc mow ■ ' ■ 'H e'll im lvf loan costs t “Dear Colleague” letter askingin g for • reached th e a g e off 20,2C b u t I should J and: bihkj,'wiib.oni:r oriIy'8(V>iH(VX. ofyour lidme' ' ' , # > /; ^pport It began,"We, die wonHtimcn continue to give^ HERH children f i t i on.ail tquUy loan.ans.' . eqiiicj-.WUoireriipwlCXrl(Xl?<..It*jpcrfearQr "of th e U nited S tates S a ia te , invitein\ (who o re 6 a n d &. yyc e a rs old ) gifts people who liav-cii^ lixrd,T(] in their home you; the men of the. United StatesSta until they re a c h thcage e a of 20. lonj^.or ha\T ivcei'uly’ tvfinajiced.Alio.^-ou’ll^rotablytj; ly beb alile to Jcihict . .. \-J- - • Senate, to join us AnjJ the gigood 1 am uncoritfortabkible shopping for ; «heiiitcmt.nukitiR.yoi.•our af(er-(ax iritcrcjt m e really,• low.lo You can even . . news is —: they id l Right now,ow,we gifuforherchildrehv31 while she total- e'jrri air niiltti wiili ourir U U 3 IR E C P “ home equity linelin. o f credit—ju « - hove 47-senators, Republicansns andt — tyignoresmine.-Whatlatdoyoutliink? - — ■—. ■ w 'l l lirliryuybu'libwrW c kiiQxv^’oiiTin'banliank'any'.vtjctv'yoiiT” ...... ' ■ Dem ocrats, m en a n d women, sigrsigned Pleose -rush-ycyour answer ^ plcaie. so produce likee ourc hom e e^tuicy loam aiejuitt otone w s f o f «)UiK . on to support this important le^sla-le^ because this disa(sagreement is ‘ tiuiikf for chooiini; ut, lion. A companion bill hps: beenbe affecting our rdationionship. introduced in the Ho'uses e o f -A.-APPALLEDDJ ■■■ Representatives by Congresswon:.vcuuen - . POIRTLAND.ORE. R I call J^OO-USIS L O A N S anJ jtrt cmllt appro,’alva lln 30 miniiiti — Eleanor'Holines-Nortoft.’I n rCTOTd O ------DEAR-APPAU^DE D rI nff-eo'wlth— — — y.xrx3£>.-«m,------______your si st_er-_Ypur_fr_fhildr.ea.acc______tA U - J Q M j A ‘ ^■^^^'W ithout you, tlm ^ Please encoutage your readila d ers adults. S he has given entliem gifts for ...... - ■ V V ' - - : ...... to write their representativesves or the last 20 years. YouY( should do ■ ■ ■ . sen ato rs a n d urge tliem to supp-ipport -tlie same for her chil:hildren without the Mammography. Quailaality... , demanding tit for tatat t. Bui' suggest Standards Act, that she send cardsds tojybur chil- T a r, OnilrH,10 ctffdit •on'Ovnl noplk-. in Jkvw appiicnliont; linnl kinn omvinol l>> »>it.iweci IP iiii« •■aniiTOikxi.ji.aiH.ii, av>i .«1 l> *33,000. Iloi-.l, lii.jtnoc* l> rrflur>..-a. tvxl colsin wcn.«,o< aouniuing H>" cInOiKiiKtMjiMir ol imatnii. Mut^i i»i lonncuxi..It >na nipimi JuV 31, 1CU7. O 10^ M Tlme»^owf,Tw1nFrin Falli', Idaho Tue*day.July'l,1997S97 ■j'i

■ P e o p l e ^ Be a part of yol/our community. Read’C ______/______. I'Community five days a week in The times-Ne•News.

Ofc'' ■* M

{vl t AfOffim m m i s miHfG COiOfffH;jTANKW^ J GLOR ^ sflioiffOr s n f f ^ i ^ E Rum Paul, Crown Paclfiaclflc Ltd.'s timberlands manager,'er, InapecU a Douglas fir tree boundlund for John Wagner's Port Orcha iO< BOX 30t B __ Wash., lumbflf mill. The BALU^ Tho lumber (rom tho troo Is destlnstined for the Constellation, an IS854 54 U.S. Navy warship In a Baltlm " dry dock. t GumIT 0 tEOJiu m i u ■ WUflfai/ r; H u g e )fir cut forirrestoratio on o f US5§ 1: mw CA(H m tACH IfGUUU V » r K j " miDim uasi.io pyi ’ O liWW C o n stttellation ,, an 1854^w arsh ip • ■ • ^ ym s<» r a DEUeHfly HAMILTON, WasV^ash. (A P ) — w as loadedled onto a lo^ng truck the the hull of the retired warsh 9SSACH\ $4S0Ei H S IM tACH ______^Throu^ nearly a cencentury of log- and hauleilied to Padfjc W estern ____ththe e Port-OrchardjniUisio cut i g in g a lb n g ‘~B ea r~r CrceTc,C the Tlm5ersln(I n c m P o it O rchard. a a n n c c ie n t tr e e in to pieces 6 1/2 in ungainly, 95-foot Dou,Jouglas fir sur- “You don’tdo get to see one of es t < muifMow es thick, 14 inches wide and 60 w vcd. these babia b ie s e v e ry d a y ," sa id 90 90 fe f e t long. Its top was long gongone, probably ' Russ Paul,111, Crown Pacific timber- “This is the real thing," Lind UCH $2.75 UCH lost in a windsionn.n. iA single fat lands mana.inager. ' . said. said “W e're looking at prescrvi branch curved skjTvarward. At chest Witli ringin g s about one to th e mil- this th is ship for the next 100 yea hciglit, the trunk was•as in e arly 7 1/2 lim e te r nnear e ; the "outer edge and and and o n e o f th e ^vays you do thai fee t thick. farther apaipart near the core, the by by findingI the best wood pos p f r a . ' 5I.T0 No m ore. tree mayy have1 been a couple ble.” ble. T h e tr e e tliat m adeJe rneighboring thousandI yearsy« old, just the kind To Ti locate such a tree, restoi j pltBoyl) ■' tim b er on Crow n Pacifacific Ltd. land the'Constel;telladon Foundation lias tion tior expert^ turned to Pacil seem like toothpicksks 'wqs logged been scouriluring the world to find, IVcstemV /a president John Wagni wGE S E u a m i last w ee k for a S9 mnillion ill rcstora- executive'c directori Lou Linden pvho who fo u n d w ood fo r r e s to raS ti i "s Ition y g . A T u i _tiqn of the^43-yeai’e_ar.ol_d U S S ____ , ^ d .______:______ojf.the f .t 200-year-old USS Cons OISCOUNTPRICESf 9 S I B U B Cons'tellatibn, the lastast a ll^ ves- The 17^f'6-foot sloop, a longtime aition tuti( in Boston a few years ear mitSGOODAiPAXTicmiNO J \ “I sel b u ilt by tJie Navy.y- m a g n e t fcfor visitors on the jr. er. ------OCAVONS \w r.[ SumiES lAST. 2/< A logging crew necdi»ded tAvo and Baltimoree waterfront,\ went into • Tropical Ti wood from Guyai a ha lf d a y s to cu t, trimim and split it drydock lastlas December. Work-is md and custom laminate from dom(met W i || , Sboatlt these GOtDiN DRAGON do^vn the middle withlith a custom- scheduledd forfc com pletion in 1999. dic c whitev oak also is being used^ in ..^ ^ ||yW0f/0njms for addHIonahaylngs ‘ lyoiti coupoti) m ^ r o w * ' I ^5 m ode, p o rtab le sawTniUmill. Each half To repine 'lace rotting timbers in theh e C( onstellation, lin d e n said. - 5 WABEMABT nftST,■ A \ s m P M M.A'SORTCLEAKERS 39Blu«UtejBlva.H. ^ comer, <83ll,W«ihln(jion . Divers find 81-year-oldId wreck loadec;d with cognac (T^ b r Sfijlun l j Cemjrof Mjoe V»Hey) iButiit by I i\\popper\1 by rini ChuicA ct the lUafer^) .-'J STOCKHOLM , Sw cd TACOBANOlOO vcden(AP)— schooner,r, wasi found 210 feet diviiliving c x p lo n jtio n group, predlc 275Btu«UUsDM].N. This bubbly’s been chil OQLOEH [)F1Agr chilling for 81 down carliirlier this month, the ed;d thtl e fin d could fetch hu g e sunum s JEROME Oldihi I2L 'diho Youth Rintli Tlirin Sign BUHt years. Swedish ncnews agency TT said at ai 233EitIMjln MTMSEMBUOFOOO“.1 ' ^ ' “ ' BURlfYOOifrr t Queen It an auction, adding that firia 'fnerofMdisoniLocutJ ” 2200 0verbn(iAv«. ^ 4 Swedish divers haveave located a Friday. Itt originallyo was loaded cinl 1 ini backing was needed to recocov- > S - ItrOMEttlMiln flitpirlOC1 by nrst Assembly ol God) (RunO b) Wood niTtr III Anentir at Qod >-3 sailing ship m th a hugfiuge treasure with 9,50000 gallons of cognac, er t r t h e c a r g o . T h e s i t e 'o f tli (RunbyRi)NDFAD0tS0Na2H0AVE.N.' SIINorthhUln 9 - of cognac, champagn.igne and red 5,000 bottleties of .champagne and wrecn-eck w as n o t disclosed. 8£UEVU£OV*lliVilliy Miittt 757 Wonn Mjln (Run by Btiicvi AQDH STAMPS ilta U; y Wood ‘ Rwr Isl Asttmily ol Qod) ^ wine that was sunk off the south- nearly 1,58,585 gallons of French The Tl cognac and champagn UHtoDoa’innrMT ■ e ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I I em tip of Finland in 1916 by a red wine, butI the number of wer

n i P T T n i ^ B


j M k ' ^ MINUTTES.

1 . . ■ f'd J tiiic Z 2 6 6 , Z 7 : ^00 bonus milll i i m i e s . A ll stores open unlil S8 I’.m. sue -I Uiiiieil Sm es B n cov Juue 28, 29 S tC ! 3 0 : ^ Cellular^ has ? « E D S M 7 E S 400 Ifoitus iiiiiil i i i u t e s . ' - S Q - tOsuch U a large ') '• i M coverage area, ■LESS COMMUNICATIONS Jju “ l y 1: SCO boiins mill\iuutes. Ho\you can keep in Ufltc w ay f>(oyU talL- - p M m touch no matter v n il herer • a Ct

owhere f I you are. WlRELi • 200 Ifoiius tiiiiiii u u t c s . How's lhat. for The \ . . . ■ m in i 1 celebration Ju>J u l y 3 : iOO bonus iiiliiii i i u i c s . jf freedoiui’ § ^ V Plus, free aaivav a i i o i i . ■ I

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BlJcMoot 'liWioFalliIt ■ P*eat«auDs I TWIt.F«n» 3 « W«t Judiwl 215?^efl#niJAve, " • Main.St, 1185E.17ih7ihSirool • ^ 345N5 N. Yollowitona 78M124 • 677-8309 1239PolelinoRd. 52MOQO 235-115-1000 ^thin 90.dJyt «l icwaljon. FlOJtivng ciur; n. l»i 733-8000

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. ■ - ,0 J - 7. Serving the MagicM Valley ) M N ^l U N HIT Cc Commi//m Editor. April7CnM C - 73S-0P3/. Ex/. Z88'8 8 The Timcs-NcwsW S ■ ■ , Tuesday, /.July 1,1997 Section Cc / GomiiING n " ■ E v e n•^TS ■ H ' *1116 Rupert Uoness] dubdi will be cook- - ing goodies at two food1 boothsbe opening’at 5:30 p.m. Thursday andind Friday at the M inidoka Coxmty F airgrourounds. ■ ■ rmM

•Burley's fireworkss displayd at dark Friday will be the largestjest show in years. ! . l l i f l .The flooding riv e r forced•d thtl e lau n ch site to bo moved to the CommurnunityParkacthe.-'" 7 * ^ 1 Golf Course and, for safetyety reasons, specta- I j^ H tors w ill n o tb e ailo^v’cd inIn tht e a r e a . ' ' Any merchant or individividual interested ' • . in helping the-dty exparn}and the fireworks - show in the future Is askedosl to contact D ennis P e te rso n a t th e BurleyB u Pork office. - at 678-2255. \ i \ m F ■ ‘The Minidoka CountyQty Senior Center blood pressu re a n d cxygeng e n Ic v d te sts pnv vldcd by Idaho Home Healle a lth wiU b e from 10 to 11:30 a.m. today at thei center, 702 H 11th St.

. 'The Minidoka Counlunty Historical Sodety lV (^uin, 100 E. Baseline,B will be o p e n fo r visitors from 1 to tc 5 p.m. during the July 4 weekend. Admis!mission is free.

•A Country Fair b planntmnedforlOajn,to ^ ^ I i i i i i 6 p jn . Thursday, 2 to 6 p jn . F rid a y and 10 a jn . to 6 p jn . Saturday aBtTheNehemlan's t 1 Bam, one mile south and one-half mile cast of Fair Street in BuhL:ihL F o r m ore infor- m ation, call 5434253.

- »The “Old-Fashioned AnvUAn F iring" will ~ — be-hdd-at 4 p.mrSaturda;rday-on th e 'n o rth ' si^ o f Popplewell Elemern e n ta ry School in

•Ihe "Second Blessing”ig” Indies quanet from Mid-America Biblei ColiegoO will per- form in-concert at 7 p.m.m. W ednesday at tho First Church of G ^1,131 1: E Ave. F in -Jerom e. For more informtrmadon, c ^ 324-. 2777.

• A patriotic parade byyTTie Tl F irst Boptist Preschool a n d D ay C areI summersui campers Muci txmsi/n* ^vill tr a v d dow n Je ro m e ’s ] onnolly snd hit brother, Wllllsm Conm e’s Main Street at ' JohnConr onnolly, In the wheelchair, embrace:e afteri seeing each other for thea fintfir time In more thon four decsdeisdei. After finding each other, theI brothersbi discovered they hod 10:30 ajn. Thursday. Foro r mi o re inform a- • .llvsd withi^thln lilnB mllei of each other andI woiworked elmoit acroii the street withoutwl' ever meetlns- tion, call DebbJe Joa at 324-;24-7533. . .

•A n “a fte r th e pa rades”s” comc m unity plc< I nic will begin at 1:30 p.m.i.m. F rid a y a t tho I ’ Thousand Springs Pow erf PPI la n t p a rk south Long-los)st brothers•s reunite of Wendell. ■ M. •The Bliss Ciiamber of CommerceC has o a g p i n . after 50 years of sesparation planned its aimuid July 4 Firewotks1 and Barbccue for 5 p.m. f ridadd«ya.th.BU« C ity Park . .W elxel The aunt, Ruth Connolly,Ci and unde, )nly onl; nine miles apart for a yyear and my letter," Jolfohn said. Tlmet-Nawilewi coftetpondent______■ Reynolds Connolly,y, took the tiny baby lidn't didi know it," he said. J o h n a n d his h Brirish wife, Patriciaa to their home in 1 •T h e W est M a ^ c L ak e3 RiRecreation Qub \ Los Gatos, Calif., The T plot thickens as John)hn retired Margaret Werendy Connolly, eventuollyV will begin their Fourth ofif JuJi ly celebration . JE R O.OME ^ • The search for a long-lcig.lost nursed him back to heaKh ond raised rom fror the Air Force in 1984 and went to moved to Jerc2rome where John workedi at noon Saturday at the WestWe Magic Lake brotherer ended Saturday at the TwinTw John as their son. worvork in Edgemont, Oilif. At,t ti th a t tim e , a t Volco. Resort. For more informalmation, caU 487- Falls ainlirport as John Delbert Connolmolly The older boy, Wil/illiam or Billy, was 5 ■ unkinknown to each other, thele 1brothers “Then one e< doy about a year and a' ' ------2022 OM87-3636,------______> o f J e rrome o watched his brothcther, years old at the timene and went vrith the vorked wor across the'street fromfrc each . half ago, Ga;!oil Love, who works att . *1 Williamm Z e h a n d e r C o n n o lly IH ,, stvn Main Street at 1 pjn., 0 cocd ^ad beenten v e ry iD w ith tu b e rc u lo sis!. . Tl"nie had reached his 8thh birthday.I Throughout Tl the years, thele y e a r n in g a n d h e w rotei tlthe letterthat did eventu- Sand volleyball tournament=nt«3p.m .m,d s predicted she would nott susur- “Then it was likeke a somebody had to□ find fi his older brother plaglagucd the ally get to mime,” the happy youngerr Nathan Price on stage for■nspedBlimisial a s; viyethcle birthing process and neithiither flicked a switch, thehere, was literally no Jercerome man. He thought hele wasv on o brother saidi ias he mode plans to be contact whatsoever,' perform ance from 4 to 5 pp jn m Olher events th e u n b o rn b a b y . ;r,” the Jerome man succuccess trail when he found,d out,c that, reuriited wthh 1his big brother. h av e said. indude dossic and antiqueque car displays, 5 “knew she was too weak to ha\ a lthIthough the Social Securityity agency Because ofB: Bill’s health and John car-i John Growing up in ( > karaoke music and perfomormers, arts and d thought I’d die, top,” said Jol 1 California, John, co'u:o'uldn't give him any inforformation ing for his auilunt Ruth, who is'now 92 a a f ts , food, gam es,.dunk: tajtanks and infor- connollj)lly as he relived the lifclorilong served his countryf forf 20 years in the abobout his brother, they woiwould for- years old, thee twot brothers have had to) ■ m ational d i^ la y s. o rd e a l thatthi now has a happy ending-g. ■ U .S. A ir Force, w?ard ar a letter to the addros:re'ss of his be> satisfiedd with phone calls and1 . Reservations for booth sp;spaces are being . "^emomother did die as she gave birthbin “We now find ou3ut a most amazing brotrother they had in their recirecord sys- exchanging picturesp and letters for I give thing had happened taken now.'For a booth appiipplication, spon- son. It was then dedded to gi\ ed during that time. tem.jm .‘Anxiously,-John wrotei ththe letter • about o year. yould While I was statioroned at March Air yea ing event registration form'tTO'or other infor- newbvvbom to an aunt since “it woul ears ago, but again thele search The separotation is.now ended. BillI ■ . niation, call the Gooding Ch :ter for the baby to die att HerH( Force Base from1 11974 to 1978, my end'nded in failure as no ans«tiswer was made the tripp from: California to Idaho) brother Bill had mov 4402. • Jian in the hospital.” ■oved to P a ris, C alif., receic e iv e d . ■ to.face his littlttle brother who had bt;enI that is near the base!se! We actually lived “We “V never knew what happippened to lost for almostst h1 a lf a c en tu ry . We w ant >y o u r j e p /One Ran^ newss rome’s Lc ger makees'his wa'^ly througl:htown Welxel watered when other a ' If H't mwt to you, m want to bail iwi eorregpondent______. to provide necessary w Wo are April Cmich and Jo«y BrvuT Mvork forcts.. toflOthbpacawtth The motto of Jackckson has been, “If ' nem about DME • W ith a “Hi ho silveiIver, something needs to be done, and no^dy • CommunHy iTwetbiCi- a Jerom e man jumps intoJ hihis is doing it, I figure} I should • because. j • Celebration.' w h ite F'ord o r 150 pickup and rides awaiway somebody ought to,i, andt why shouldn’t QI Social event*. ' ■ ■ . in to th ej-sunset -si after doing a good dec.deed ■ th a t som ebody b e m e.’ ’ • Individual ocMeve- — - ' for anybodjody n e ed in g h d p '. . Bom at Sl Benedic:lict’s Family Medical 9 s | >entt... ■■ . R o c ky JacksonJ resembles the Lon^one C e n te r in Je ro m e th«:he day the hospital p |H » Your kldt and ttielr ^ ■ j Jlangcr as he-spots a problem or need>d Lin opened its doors in 1952,l i Jackson is the th e commuimunity a n d th en proceeds to taketaki son o f G len an d Claribibel Jackson. He has BHW -AVeatso^topubOcIa core of theth( situation in a quiet and effj.effi been- an employee of U. S. West for 23 .. | | | photoi o( tpeclal j c ie n t mlanner, a n usually without anyoni,rone years, serving as anI installationi: techni-' events In the Ota of the ■ Tr ^ knowingit} it was done by the Jerom e nativetiva dan. The busy businenessman served as a • cccnmunJtjf that ere O ne o)f f JJa ck so n ’s s p e d a ltie s is to s1oa\ilow- jQrpme City coundlmIman and hashad a . important toourreod- |a |[ | | |H | | H H m ly d riv e hishi: '95 pickup around town imtiuntil 20-year affiliationn with' the Idaho IH . h e f in d s somebody’s s yard that needleds Motorcyde Club. Ridiiding h is 1500 H onda, ' P tete tend your twwt trim m inng. g . He jum ps out of his truckuck, , he is the last charter:er member left, he andpbotoito:' H 2 ConmunltyEdttorApill. ' grabs hisis weed-whacker\ from tho trudruck' said. , vcmldi ' ■ t irtrthe engine and proq^edsis ii to ■ Many o f th e good deedsdi Jackson does ■ TheTImftkMewi ' Lcut dowm n all the weeds and tall gras:rass have been underthehe umbrella of the- p.o.Box54a oround'thethe yard. This is dohe in secretc r e t,- . O ptim ist Club. H e has;IS served as the orga- TvrtnFaSe,Idaho83303 without notifyingnc the people inside th(the ■ • niiation’s Intomationcinol Ambassador for house. the Pacific Northwesest, and is the past JoeyBorsrt B B it do it because it needs to'be>■ be governor and iieutensnant governor. Ho ,T}ieT1me»Mewi ■ ■ done,” hlesoid.- e s ’ has been an activc.mimember and officer ' 325VaE.Rfth8tN. ■ C h u rc:hes, h e vacant business building:ings for the Jeromo Optimisnists fo r 16 years. __------and schoolDolplay yards'havebeen visitecited ■ Anyone watchingg thei onnual Rose U.MIWIWTW«m -'Ym cm aUo reach w by tu It »rr-4M3otm077 byjKismysoysterious mo:). parade can see someI ofo: Jackson’s talents ' :'8SS8. You u n ilw emaSui Itt ' ’ < T h e manlany trees along South Lincolrcoin ns a result of his posjDsitjon o n th e R o se - ' Rockycky Jaekion m e t hit we»tf<8tetJo to cleai\.Mpji«{|yjiwtii in,j#roin9,_8. ______— r ■ - W new ilm lew utei ■ ■ - ■ ■ ------“StreerlGatiEailinglnttm rTtfm raTvranSTa"— parnde-boardTjf-dlrea;cidr5."0ther occom- “ OeedOne for thi Sunday pafe It noonWadntKlty.nooi w d co m e'tc9 to people d riv ^ into Jeromeimer pUshments of Jerome’ss’s L one R a n g e r th a t t h e5 dty d swimming pool. ' During aninteitervlwv he said, 'Tm just ------D tK aw fofthelhirediypifeiin •TT'e45-yeaj'ear-old man'mOws the gross aridanc - ■ ■ ■ ore' an asset to th e cocortim u n lty I n d iid e ' . RocRocky tmd his wife Cathie oreire lOi aktRg' a n o rd in ary guy;iy,“doing wHotmy.parcms" • -•OetdSnefortheTuetdaypacaii it ound the trees, "just l»cause;e iiit his work as co be done." To assure the treei note that way ond if you . i rem a in b e au tifu l, Jack so n , withivlth’ maintain the trees olonong Main Street end anemending tho College of Southenlem Idaho - don’t leom somemething eveiy da^, you’ve h e lpI olof Lon McDonald, keeps then^em V the many hours he.hosos s p e n t w o rk in g o n 't h i iif fc a l l ...... kin d o w asted yoifour w hole day.”

."I- ••i i'. ' ' ■ '■ 1 _ * C-2 Tlrnet^swi, Twinn FallJ,Fa Idaho Tunday, July 1.19977 TF

■ G o m m uJNITY>

Grouip hono])rs ancesi5tors’ tiiiumphs = A SPECIAL VVISIT " - - . , T W IN F A L L S> - The Twin Falls [7^ Company pf tho2 DDaughters of Utah Pioneers recently^ hiheld a luncheon and l i i ^ ' installed newly electlected officers, Officers : besan ihcir nvoycanja rs of service J u n e 1.- m The purpose of' theth or^nization is to .'FI pel-petunte the nanames and achieve- m e n ts of th e m e n1, , wwomen and children • ■ who were the pionecineers. This is done by preserving landmarnarks, collccting arii-' L facts, histories, sectsecuring manuscripts, -• I'M photographs and all such data to aid in ."I perfecting a reccecord of the Utah '1 Pioneers and comi)mmemorating their 1 .\ . . ^ entrance to the SaSalt Lake Valley on <1J July24,1847. “By reviewing thetie lives1 o f the pioneers w a toach their dcsce:scendants and the dti- zens of'our countnitry lessons cf faith, ^’^1 ' M S couTBge, fortitude' arand patriotism,” said ? w • Ruth Bryson, compan;janysecretiiry. f'fij The association is :intemadonal in it’s i d — scope and is organizelized solely for histori- cal and educationalal puiposcs.] It is non­ political and’non-secisectarian. Any woman PlctiIctured are, from lefl, Shlriey Ostertiourtiowt, presldant, Dorothy Ganlner,, firstfl: Vico president, Ruth age 18 or older, off gogood character and a Brywryson, secretary treasurer, Idella WllccVllcox, reglstnir, Carol 51aven^musl(isic chairman and Mabel lineal or legally adojdopted descendant of yjgtt 'Btion, filstoTlaa Not pJctu/ed is MaxlilaiJna Chapman, u c o n d Wc« p mi;d«nL id . a n a n c e sto r w ho camim c e to U ta h before the - - completion of the railrailroad, May 10,1869, two vo groups, called cam ps, w ho meetme< once on the compipany, contact. Shirley is elig ib le fo r m e m b e r be rsh ip . a m(month, September through MajMay. D ues O ste rh o u t a t 73'734-2902 or Ruth Bryson at CMtMTI The Tivin Falls Com ^ m p a n y is made u p of a re :SIO annually. For more infoniformation 734-6388. As part of their Idaho historyly studiesst this year, Immanuel Lutheileran's fourt^graders and their ■__ teacher, Marilyn Kramer, were j pe^fwrnal.moflUni wlltylth.QovJ>hll BatL.ThfiItBolse.trip.trip. ices down Main Street at 1 pjn^ ai co-ed Sarah’ Lee, Jererret Lewis, Brent Little, Included a tour of the Old Idaholaho Penitentiary, the capital, and theth Discovery Contor. Pictured are ind volleyball tournament at 33 pjn.p: and Skyla Long,, 1 Maggie Lotz, Megan Cory, a guest, Marilyn Kramer,ler, third- and fourtfrfirade teacher;7 Dawnt Kramer, staff ^ i s t a n t of9fG0V. Qo omm/ l U N I T Y i ath an P ric e on stage fo r a sp e d al r C ial musical Lowman, Zacichary Lowman, Katie Batt;JennellSybesmaofWendiendell and Sabra Atkinson of Twin Falls.Fi Gov. Batt is s e ^ d In front.nt. ; perf(srfoiroance from 4 to 5 p jn . O therherevents Luke, Kristinana Mace, Klarysa Mace, idude dassic and antique carr displays,di Becky Magee,I, 1Barbara Marks, Vitoria EVEIi N T S ^iraoke music anrf performers,i, aai rts a n d M a rk s, K ris tinn iMarler, Chris Martinez, ______c raofts, ft food, games, dunk tanks andinfor-anc Varoniki Matiitthews, Eric M aughan. Fair begins ThursdayT a n o n al d i^ la y s. Lindsey Maugjghan, Casper McCabe, G ooding County S earch a n d RescIc^e ivill Margaret McCaEarthy, Ashley McClellan, - C Il u b P rofFILE — B U H L - A C ountryly Fair is planned for perfcaform rappelling demonstradonsDns during J e r e m y M c C;lure. lu Sierra M cCreery, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ThuFh u rsd a y , 2 to 6 p.m . thle e jafternoon. The chamber’s's seconds Brilndon McFai KMto.-.vil------'arland, Jessica McGhee, . \m Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.ni Saturday at annum ual D ucks for D ecorations duckic k race is J e n n ie M cG lochchlin. Mike McKeel, Matt The Nehemian’s Bam,m , one> m ile south a n d set f(for 3 p j n , \vidi proceeds fromm thetl sale McKeel, Stephphanie McMillen. Abby - - onc-halfmileeastofFa:FairScrecL ...... o f tthe l ducks to be used to purpurchase McNeley, Chrisris Meads. Kassi Meads, Mngic Valley’s finesnest artisans will dis- -Chri[iristmos decorations for dowiowntown Joson Mickelsslson, Kevan M ikesell,' play and sell their wa^vares. Anuques tmd Goodxxiing. Victoria Mims,5, Nikk Mindock. Catrina \ framing are featured.:d. For more infomia- ReR eservations for bo o d i spaces are being. M ueller, Davivid Muise, Stephanie . tion,caU54J42S3. takerken now. For a booth application,ion, sport- Munn, Patricrick Munning. Kody in g eevent repstration form or odieidierinfor- M urphey, Rynyan Murphey, Jeffery Anvil launch1 Iis slated ation, call the Gooding Chamber>erat934- i Myfirs, Elli Neufeldt, N Scott Nice, ' 02. Thomas Nichols,ils, S a ra N ichols. S h a n ie la BUHL - Dennis Kns iCnapp has developed Sponsors Sp of various eventss includein Nikolova, Damsnara Northcutt, Zachary an-anvil launcher andind Avill'demonstrate— Goodxxliilg Chamber of Commeix:^i, GoodingG( Ohlinger, Cryst'stal Ortiz, G rade "Ortiz, ' anvil firing during Saj Sagebrush Days this Senitnior,Citizen Center, Goodingg CountyC Angel Ortiz, CaCarl Ott,.Patricia Parks, w eek en d . M eemorial m Hospital, Gooding; CountyO Lauren Patersoi;on. Kirstie Payne, Brian .■Ihe “Old-Fashionedled Anvil Firing" will Seanarch-and Rescue, and the GoodingGo Payne, Samuel:1 :Perez, Aaron Phinney, be held at 4 p.m. Samaturday on the north Recrccreation District Christina Pieiierre, Daniela Pocol, side o f Popplew ell Elemlem enta^ School Christopher Ra^;a^dale, Brent Rathbun, According to Knapp,pp,. Anvil firing dates N Stephanie Royrymond, Monique Reed, ...... - - ...... tmTMT«vn»T»i»mm*m .. I back to the 1700s in EuE u ro p e a n d eventual- ON F o c u s Dondo Rich,, ,Ashlee Richardson, - Newly elected offlcefs for the the Gooding County Historical SkdotyIo are, from left, Sharen Kelley,ly. i ly migrated to the UnitJnitcd States. He said Whiteny . RiRichardson, Kayla . secretary treasurer; Donnaa E{Egeler, president; Floyd Thomton,f), Iboard of directors; Dick that as towns developecp e d , th e re \s-as a need Richardson, Mil.like Robison, Courtney Strickland, treasurer; Dwainiln Butler,E vice president, and Shlrle) to celebrate many occawcasions. Oftentimes, PEOPLE Rodriquez, Jo5oshua Rorcero, Alena ley Hill, board of dlrectore. Not pic-:1c- i c the to^vn ivas unable t( e to afford a bell for ______------•' R oop, J a m e s Roilousseiiu. Melissa Rovig, tured aro Don Mays and Cami:amien Wheeler, board members. th e ch u rc h o r sc h o o l ThT h e toivn blacksm ith, j , It’- ■ Jessie.Rowe, AlyssaA Ruhter, Brandi who %vas also the exph every month at the GoiGooding Public PfC I : n t s B , April Teela Sonday,ly, Amanda Sonday, roflle your cjub alos, Ernestina Avalos, J L ibrary. i B a gggett, g Sam Bagramyan,I Mila Maniiela Sose,e, Zach Sparks, April ' 77ie77m«sW^Afo« wouW Ilko to profile your indolin, Spring. Ryan Springer,S] Zach Srong, — organiratlor gramyan, Shakira Band Ducs:S5peryear. Ion. Send your Information E L S E W/l H E R E S chelle Barajas,’Rose Bielenlenberg, Kenny Steelmanan, Laura Steinm etz, • Blongyillhyh your namo..a ptioto and your.. ------L A shWee le Blakeslee, Shay Blass,5, Tesha’T Lawrence Ste;reinmetz, AJ Stone, mtertoApril.Cmlch, ' M qjor projects: Fundrai;taiscTiforon™ ss, W hitney Bond, Jessicaa Bond,B Andrew Stori,ri, Nell Stori, Sara l(y Editor, P.O. Box S4S Twin buildmg, reorganizing and i Community planspi picnic -S S Casey Stroud, Traci- 33301. rk Brewer, Melissa Brewer, KaK atcly n C s ry on museum' items and c WENDELL - An “afi‘after thd parades” Browi I Brown, Stubblefield, ^Vann Sylten, Ricky' •wn, Quentin Bro^vn, Darren Bi ' tiu ts . ■ community picnic \villill be1 held Friday at Christristoiflyir'Brown, Cassie Bryan,in. Ryan] Thandabouth, M att Thurston, Aaron the Thousand Springs;s PowerI Plant park Burncrnett, Rachel Burton, Jed ButlerBu Torres. Amancnda Towle, Brittany L soudi o f W e n d e ll S h a»vn w Bybee, Andy Cameron, HciHeather Triner, ShayTurusow, Joanna Uresti, Sponsored by the JenJerome First Church Camcmeron, Audrey Carbajal,il, Luis Brandon Vance,e, CJ Vanderpool, Bree of God, tJie pitdi-in lundm ch will featxiix: bar- C a rrbajal, b : Bianca Cardenas, DaDaniel VanLeeuven, Guillermo Vargas, becuing by tlie m e n oif f thetl churdt Eating Carejrey, W hitney Castleberry,, TsTaylor Rochel Verhagenen. Tera Warren, Megan ^ S e nJIORCALE i i:NDAR — will begin at about 13030 pjn. Eva>-one is Cazierier, Tyson Cazier, Kisty CazierCa Wasden, ChclSiIsea W asden, Ashley invited. Those attendinding arc asked to . Amarlanda Chamberlin, Hoeun1 CChan! Waters, Kryststal Waters, Mark Twin Falls SenioriorCitizfins- ( Friday bring, dieir favorite picnlic n k foods to share, ' M a xX Chapman,C Shantel Chappie,e, HHaley W hitaker, Johihn W hitaker, Stacie C e n teX r C enter do;losed for Independence Day. their o^vn table serviceice and lawn chairs. Charltirlton, Jessica Clark, Barbaraa’Clark C W hitehead, Daianielle W illetts, Eric 615 EastlanddDrive D: West]rt End Senior Citiaais' Inc All-you-can-eat watermrmelon ivill be fur- Joshh C o d y Jones, ^ both of Twin A rdylties Friday: KieCieaniff breakfast BlissatyPark. ght, Joey Ferrell, Mike Fitzgeirg erald . Falls, j attended a Police Library, Pool Room,n, sand Bargain Saturday:!B arbecue on a bu n T h e b a rb e c u e w ill be e servs* ed from 5 to 9 C r i fsten u Fitzgerald, Devin FloFlores, M f •Officer^ Standards and Center with cards, games,les, color televi- . Sunday: SSv w eet a n d so u r chicken wingsgs:_ • p jn . C ost is S3.S0 p e r m e;eal, m t h the drin k Y v e ttette-Flores, Dustin Frazier, NNal a th a n Training ^ Career Camp sion, puzzles a n d m ovies., OOpen f weekdays orbarbecuere meatballs -induded. The Old Time':ne Fiddlers provide Garciicia, Nelli Garibyan, El: in M eridian Ju n e 15-20, from 9 ajiL to 3 p.m. Monday;: I-Ham-turkey croissants withth ; entertainm ent beginrinning at 6'p.m. Gashuhumov, M arissa Goff, Jane The tiiree are membere • Today split pea'soupup ' F iro v o rk s will b e se t o ff a ' G o nizales, z a Edin Gonzalez, Irv of -the- Twin Falls Blood pressure chocks1 fromfrt 10 am . to ...... ' ...... T h e e v e n t is m a d e jxKsiossible by donaaons G onzalzalez, M ike Goodson, M ark GriiG rim e^- I C[ o u n ty .- S h e r i f r s n o o n ...... - A ctH tics 5 - ...... and proceeds from thes barbecue..bi Anyone K ristiiti Grindstaff, Laura Grindstid s ta f f, I______/ r[■ * Explorer Post 189. Alaska film presentationonatlpjn; c Today wanting to make a dona Stephenson is a W ednesday onation should call Briann ]Haggerty, Chris Hall, Joelel Hall,f TJ. Stephenson , Quilting at the c e n te r .. Charlene Stroud at 352-1J2-4293 or send the Brianin Hall, Kevin Ham ilton, SoS a r a h ,------| senior at Castleford Q uilting f r ^ 9 a m . to 2 pjn.p Wednesdajlay . • donation to Box 65, Bliss, I T h u is d ^ JS.ID83314. Hane>ley,-Cynthia Hannold, Nat!N a th a n ‘ High- School and is plan­ E x e rd sddassatlOajn. d i ; dyman, Christine H arr, SaS a r a h ning on a future in law Pinochle a t 1 p.m; Thursday' • ■ ' : • Club plans fesiistlvltles H at^(±!di, Amandti Hawkins, Am eaiHeric, H< 'M enforcement.^ He is the ' Friday Quilting aI t diei c en te r.. . ; ; son of Mary and Bill Center dosed for IndepenipendenceDay. Bingo at Ip S H O S H O N E - T h e W.West Ma^c Lake ' So"^oIra Hernandez, Jamie Hemanla n d e z , ^ Reese and grandson of M o n ^ B in^oandbi baked goods auctioa Recreation Qub has planilanned a Fourth of „ any Hill, Ashley Hill, Kii Roy and Ruth Ann , _Quildngfrom9JOajn.to:to230pjn.- - • S ato^ . July ctJebradon for Safuijfurday at the West ' 5 ° esinsky, Jessie Holt, Jeannt ^Villis of Buhl. "J hope ' E r o ra s e a t ■" Ma©c Lake Resort. H o l tt, , Nic Houser, Nicole Hov a tlO a jn . that the training I m II Ageless Senior atizensa t ' Dance fron A boat parade begins,ins.athdon,with a ' inda Hovey, Ryan Howe, Jerin om 7:30 to 11 p.m. Music bx.'X. receive at POST will 310MainStN,KicKimberiy CliffHaatSilfclTie Last Resorts. barbecue planned for•3 3 to 5 pjn. and a ■ rta, Andy Huey. Drew Juft, D help me to serve the All dmners at noon. Sugjsuggested doha- Monday crafts and Baked goodsods auction set to Jared Hulrae, Nathan Humph Hunter, Trichelle Hunter, Hui people of Twin Falls' d o n isS 2 5 0 . E x erd se ddassatlO c ajn. • - ’ bcginatSpm . J .t.m , Blown County g in the future,’’ . Wednesday; Potato bar • Limited overnight accb; :hiso_n,‘Jam es Hutchison, JosiJoseph . ’ , ■ • Eveninglurunch a t 5:30 pjn and cards. ccbm m odadons a re ' Stephenson said.'. Monday: Hamburger onn aa b u n available. For moro infon Jiison, Chelsea Irons, Ashley In form ation, 487.^ A d a m ' Bro,™ rcceiveii.3 th e aw ard fo r to p stu* - .V - . RFiler Senior Haven '2022 or 487-3535. ^ ‘ m Irwin,- Chris-Irwin-, .Damt . - . I s h anl, d , Jessie Ivie, Jeffry Jacks d e n t c ad e t fo r th eJ wv e < ^ H e Is a senior nt Thrift shop open Mondayday-Friday from • 2222 M ain St, F iler ____ n^rik - Twin Falls High Sc 9cun.to3pjn. • any Jacobsen, Devin'Johns, Dt School and is'also plan- D in n ers se:served at noon on Tuesdayy • Sumniorfest celebratedcc ison, Gary Jones, Nina Jozeo z e l i c ,, nlng on a fu tu re inn Ilaw e h fo rc m e n t. Ifc Is andThursdajlay and at 6 p.m. on Friday.-i'.' GOODING - The Goodixxiing Chamber of .. Ashleyey. Kalbfleisch, f hris Kendriid ric k , ‘ th e son of T e r ^ andn d V idcy Brown a n d th e ... •AcdvidM... . . Suggested'dt•donation is 52 for seiiiors.i, ■ — -— Commerce has pW d:thl:the-fouithtinmial- Sandi[i'Khonouta; l Shantel Kitnbrourtn ig h i------grandson of Eiiiil aniin d M ym a-Tvrdy of Biihl-^^------.Today.------/eredmeals-avnilablc'each—h^------j ~ • Summerfestcelebiadonfo1 fo r Ju ly 19, “ .K a m eeron r i King, Daniel King, LirLinda and Claude and MonaA Bro^vn .of Twin.. , C eram ics'at 1 p jn . ’ ...... '...m ealtim e.--.. ------Ihe cvcnr kicks off withvith a pancake and Kissinjinger. Holly Klinger, Johrohnhy .'Fflls. • ■ "W ^tsday Todqy: Cub

_ _ _ _ -

■ i , . ' ■ :....-...... x : ______. TooKl,r.Jofr 1,1997)7 T ln^ «w t, Twin FaDt,' Idaho0 C4»

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EGAL NOTICE I------frLEGAL NOTICEE LEGAL NOTICE ILEGAL NOTICE LEG j AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION Full time position availrailabio Experienced framers. .Mustlust for Tiro Sales andSoiService have valid drivers iiconso,ISO. j : : UNrTEO st a t e s of - sis; (3) idontify reosonabio deslgnotod jj as tho City of 7:000 P.M.P.l EARLY DEEADLINES person. Experience Ir . • AMERICA FEDERAL alternatives to bo.ad- k Jinba- MinimumofSyrs. oxper,,er., KImboriy 1997 SboI Coat Thow10 work contemplated is sic tire and auto sorjon/ice ro(s, required, 734-1998.18. -■tENEROY REGULATORY=IY dressed in tho EIS: (4) so- pProject. Tho work wll bo_dooignilignotod os ihe.Clty o l. _ _ . . heiptui. Exceiieni salary sc - -COUMISSIOH ■■ - ■ ■ licit from Iho mooting par-~" qawarded to tho onor'es^n- Kimboriborly 1997 OVERLAY |H E ige in- CONSTRUCTION • Idaho Powof Company e Times-N ews ClassSSIFIED DEP^TM ENTr VWILL bonefit packagc tlclponts all available infor- siblo q, bidder submitting tho PROJEOJECT. Tho work will , eluding commlssicslons. Sheetrockers. 2 yrs. or t : Proloct Nos. 503, 1971, M, mation, ospoclQlly quanti- \clowest accoptablo bid. Tho bo owo/dodowo lo the ono re- H AAVE l EARLY DEADLINES5 FOR TOE 4 th o f JUIPU1.Y* ' heaiih Inauranco, vivaca- mo/o oxpor. Must bo do- • 1975-014,2055,2061-004.34. flod data, on tho rosourco wwork consists generally ol cponslbnslblo bidder submitting lions, paid holidays,■s, dis- pendaWo & take pride1 in In -2726.2777-007.7 . Issuos; and (S) encourage tho following: (ho lowest low acceptable bio. counts, etc. your work. 324-0585 ovos • 2778-005-)tJaho statomonts from experts lAW idaho Standards for Tho’woi1 work consisb general- OK AUTO SYSTEMriiq —i' - ' k. ' Notlco of Intont lo Proparoire and Iho public on Issuos Public p Works Constnjction. lyofthof tho following; 152 Glue Lakes ■fgN. CONSTRUCTION ct that should t» analyzed In Section s 600, seal coating lAWW IdahoI Standards for Run D ate - D eadline 733-3333 Wantod. oxper. metal studtud Slatomont (EIS) and tho EIS, including points o( ol01 approximately 23,243.44 Publicilic-Works V Construction.' ______Larry framer & acoustical coil-eil------Condua Public Scoping^g .— vi«w.in.opposition loror In—“3 Squornyards, of CItystroots.-'Soctloi:tlon boo; patch ond Pfi/ ing irtttaHof. 206-536^15.15 Mootings ond o Silo Visitlit support of, tho stafrs pre- Romovo R all weeds ond do- ovorioyrloy ol opproximatoiy ' 'ridciy, *' July 4 - Thursdsddy;july-3, 9:00aji3 .r n . AUTOMOTIVE .(Juno 5.1997) ■ iiminary views. (j,brls from all cracks in pave- 10,919)19 squDfo yards ol ox- r- . Mechanic, able to per! Tho Fodoral Enof(;y. Roflu-JU- At tho July 18 ocoping m ont. s e a l all c ro c k s, istlnga* _ top quality work withhinlrv 1 W anted A sst, co o k at ig asphalt with hot plant o a i Ujrday, r July 5 - Tliursc , i - n Jerome Senior Contor.or. lotory Commission (Com-m- mooting In Boiso, wo will swoop s< cloan oxisting os- mix o x ■sday, July 3, 11:00J Uc .in. - Imum suporviaii osphoit and apply to ipt. mission) fs roviowlng oppli-pli- discu ss'ap p roach os to phail, p uniformly opply scheduleduiod City streets. Re- C, Personable. No smolnoMng Cali 324-5042 for an appt. collons to rollconso ondnd ovaiuating cumuialivo im- r RCON 3000 rubborized movoalre all weeds and debris O U nndoy, i July 6 - Thurscsday, July 3, 1:00 p.ip . m . . on fob. Call 208-734-71 CUSTOMER SERVICE conllnuo oporailng tho fol­'oi- pacts of the Idaho Power's emulsion ei al .4 galions.por fromn oiloi cracks In.pave- . , lowing Idaho Powof Com­m- oightroiiconsopfojocts and q( AUTOMOTIVE Rop for Property & Casual-,ai-. sq'yd- on all pavomont, lay ment,It. sweeps' cloan existing M o n nnn A '.y Ihsufanco Agency in pany hydroolocuic pfojocts:is: cumulative inipaci Issuos ond q roll 25 pouxids per asphalt,halt, unilormly opply a jnday, July 7 - Salurcjrday, July 5, 9:00 a,O.m. Radiator Journeyma Apprentice wanted. Gi Sun Valley aroa. Mini­ni- , Bliss Pfoioct assocfatod with tho eight square s( yard of '/t Inch ml- compacipacted r scrub coal. I . PfoioctNo. 1975 projocts. • n pay and bonofits. mum.2 yrs oxper, salaryiry nus w osh ed rock chip, lovolinc)iing layer of asphalt. ------is dependont on qualilica-•M- I ' Lowof Salmon FolljPfojoctoct PROCEDURES: Tho moot- o'swoop and romovo all Ovortoy 1-800-635-3456 '. . P/ojoci No. 20S 1 ^apologize for any inconvenienceir this rr ------tions. Send rosumo to:10: ings will bo rocordod by a 10050 lo rock chip three (3) to 4 5 9f 7 ’V / r ' X K ' ; w e , c . may bookkeeping Jerry Sullivan, PO Boxox ■ . ■ Upper Salmon Falls ProjectKt court reporter and ail state- fifivo(5)daysaflor oquivailivalonl ond one and CQU' . Projoct No, 2777 '• monts (or{il and written} will o\ use you an d w ish youyc the safest Julyr 4A t h Experienced Bookkekeep- 5567. Koichum. ID 83340.10. opplicaflon. - one-hall-half(lW) Inches of or/Accounts Receivaivabie ------Shoshono Falls Projoct becomo.a part ot the offi­ Tho Owner resorvos tho hot plan plant mix asphalt, holiday w eekend. Clerk, fuii-tlmo. wage wt OEUVERY . Projoct No. 2778 cial record of tho Commls- . rl{right lo waive any informal- The ( ho Owner resorvos tho DOE. Send rosumo0 1and Idaho’s largest Roni-to-to- • Thoptojoctsoroiocalodonon Sion procoodings lor tho itiities or to roject any or ail rightt toto 'waive any Informal- L _ _ tho Snako.Rtvor in Twinrln throo projocts. individuals b. I references 10: PO Box0x 93, Own looking for solf-If- Bids. iiies or to reject .any or ali Gooding, 10 63330. Fails. Eimoro. Gooding,ig, prosentlng siatomcnts at Each Bidder must deposit ' Bids, - slarter to fill fh" deliverysry . — A \ y ■ COUNTRY I and Joromo Counties.is, tho mootings will bo askod wwith his bid. security in tho Eachich E Bidder must deposit lY C O R N E R I . . . . ' CAnerAKH\Housalo.CallJ 20208-537-6697. a n d coiTipiiteri=rskills- i r ,“vsA"5';'KA; I • er both slto-spocUic ond opof’lf'95 NOW'IW' who havo vfows on tho is- donco d< ol holding a valid pariyy prproposals with ovi- f * i \ 3 Excelle:ellent HP48 GX user knowlo"'odg- for sharp poopio. Free to ^cumulfltlvo onvironmontal Idoho-Controctor's License denco t to su es or Inlorm'atlon role- Id co of holding a valid Mm able. GPS exporlorlohce iravoi CA. NY. entire U,S..S. y impoets o( tho projocts and vani to the issu o s. may 'cc'covering work to bo per- Idaho0 CContractor's License • , working condill1U1110 M& required, tmmodii ^ roasonobio altornativos, dlato demonstrating new prod-jd- submit written statomonts formed fo and shall list Sub- covorlni}ring work to be per­ opening ovaiiablo w : \_^ T l»d.w ill include an oco- W i ftl P W and benefit ) with ucto (or a Nafl Chemicalcal for Inclusion in tho public Contractors O as roqulrod by lormediod iand shall list Sub- 11 'liiriinn woii-estabiishod civil/ii on- Co, Aii training, travel & ; homic and englneoring^0 - ■ rocoid at tho meolings. In- Idaho Id Code. Contracttractors as required by U I j C J M jI I package includ nlnoering/sun/oylng fi I & ; ■ analysis. ET PAID i Z y J 'Ifm, hoiei paid. Weekly oarn- addition, wrttton scoping Doted this 27lh day ol idaho0 C7^-7060. "= " rd oS ,ran “ !: ------tact: Dietary Manager.)r. , 2055 (C.J. Strike), 2061- Tuesday, Ttj July 8, 1097 at ■ ■M ■ M m il'l r = 1 0 7 ______lagom ont CONSTRUCTION M . for Ihe consideration of tho ------team ot apartmon weekday mornings ol; : Commission in reaching its•9 004 (Lower Salmon Falls), 7;7:15 P.M. in tho council a j ; ? ' Drywall hangers needoded. Mountain View Caro Contorlor chambers ot City Hall. 132 I 1 ^ R N fl™ p < ; AGRICULTUREJRE v plex locaiod in I IhoIho Magic Call 734-7039.. . final licensing decision. 2726 (Upper ond Lower ch — 1 FERNATIVES j^op omemployee, oil Valloy. This is a0 pcpart-time 423-5591 Tho Commission staff Is Main Stroot Nonh, Kimbor- ■ LOST LO: S, FOUNir I ly, Idaho. PREGNANCYCYCmStSCEHTEB sofvicovico and repair position w hosoISO 1duties ------DRIVERS also preparing o cumuia- a s i f S i W s K IND aduil Boxor on s and equip- vary from malntenc Of, hono Falls), Allf Interested persons aro EfTESTlNG o fv o h ic le sa itenanco to ADVERTISE ARLO 0 . LOTT : fivo onnlysis of tho four ) Barton betwoon 2 & 734.7479.. ajoroverhauls, cloricol to supervpervisory. yguR ' projocts already filod along' i Intorvonors-thoso on the Inviied In' to ottond and pro- ^ !-800-371-7472 TRUCKING INC. vide input in the adoption ol li. Cali 324-5835. ■ ^______loolsroq ulriulrod. Year Wo oiler salary plu ■pj Is expanding. Havo immo-10- ; with tho (oiiowing four other>0 Commlsslon-s service list via — r ------1 round, wngooDOE. D vaca- ly w a g e plu ss'^iTn-sito or SERVICE SPECIALri • • Idaho Powor Company‘a ' lor Ihls procooding a01 rosoiuiion to omend the cq uND n d malo black catlio C . . „ ' dlaie openings for over zoning ordinance for the rfn- 1 0 0 . tion time, NompaNoi aroa. housing. Sendd ro:resumes IfJ THIS DIRECTORYRY tho road dftvors.S 30.000DO ' projocts. schoduiod lo be (partios)-oro romfniiod of '20 |. Found at SwenMan- ■ PROF!iFESStONAL. Send rosumijmo to: Mgr. to O NSITE P.OP .O .B o x ...... fllod betwoon 109B ond tho Commission’s Rules of City C‘i of KImboriy and Iho 5sints. Calltodoscribod ■ SE! annual pay, insurances,IS. area ol Impact. ni 20a-- lERVlCES 13541 SunoyloyLono.Nam- 1 7 1 7 .Twin Fal load pay and bonus. Con-in- ...... 2000:------‘ 108-734-3608. L i _ 16. 03303. 733-0931 C.J.'Stflko Project [■i roqulrlno S l o j « " o d S J"lJohnny Andrew, City Clerk ------: A & L CLE/S S S o i z J lactjim ol324-5053. • Projoct No. 2055 ' uments with the Cbmmis- FOUNDND small kitten, cor- clean horromos or offices. Uppor and Lower Maiod olon. to serve 0 copy ol tho fPUBLISH: i July 1 and 8. norofhOfHoybumiTylerSL Cali 736-4-;-4491, 733-8482. - , Praloct Proloct No. 2726 document on oach person 1997 'O’ Pioasoill3Ocall206-733-0127. whoso name appoora on ■ Hells Canyon Projoct PUBLIC NOTICE ItToosyl BANK!KRUPTCY \ : Projoct No. 1971 , - tho oinciai aorvico tisL Fur-. 'tor & AG related | h thor.itoportyorinlorcodor Notlco Is hereby glvon AwJ-Jui • Swan Falls Projoci that TREASURE VALLEY , „ . “ o S r "freo telephone ; Project No, 503 »■ files commonto or docu- T Yellow lab. female, conryisultaiion. ■ s- monts with tho Commission fSEED ? CO.. INC.. PO Box SCOPINQ; Conccmod citi-' 2 164, HOMEOALE, ID or Rd.. Buhl, Sun., 530-77600 Q00-S4Q-2166 I ■ : zena. opociai iniorost»• relating 10 tho merits ol an I. 1 ml. South of Ban- WmH.H. Mulborry ■ '• Isjuolhnlmoyolfocllhi 83628hasoptodiodiscon- S? groups, local govommonts. tinue operating as a Pro- K‘O.543-8431. 2 2 )nS ooxporionco ■ : Btato and fodoral agonclos. duco Dooier and havo ro- t,OSTr blockbli fomaie kitten, ' BANKIkruptcy I Vibos. and any other intor-^s.rrro"■iT.^‘; quested ? tho return ol Ihe c o ,n o ,, . ostod portios 0x0 Invited to . ior of Burton & 16ih, Compotltlvov6 rates on Chap- ■ Cottilicoto of.Oopositon nuriovloy, 1Friendly. 077-8387 tor7bon)iinkruptdes. Cali • • commoni on iho scopo of file-wlih tho Director of tho — ■ tho onvironmontal Issues'0 source anencv r female Rod Dobor- *J°’* St°koker ot 734-B452. y a . Ip SrTE VISIT:/h o ,OVHIHIJO Idaho Dopartmont of LOST fo; ----- i- that fthouid be analyzed In - Agriculturo. man1 by now GoK Course Energeticcworhan v wonts ' theEISandlhoctjmulallvo'I bOBlouroIThi.Blhs.Low- *»' ¥ s IT Anyone having any out- SouthIth cof KImboriy. Lost houses iror offices ( Io clean analysis. Scoping will help>• or Salmon Falls. Uppor ‘ stondlng claim against Iho on 6-27>-27. Porcupine quills InTForoa.la,Call 733-1066. ensure that all slflnlllcnnt Corlificato of Deposit for in nose.ooo.ai.U23.609a. ' Issuos roiotod to this pro- Treasure Voiloy Sood Co.. , _ _ _ E CLEANING . |osa! aro oddfossed in tho. Inc., Homodaio, Canyon l-psT:n BlackBi toto bag, wai- Wlih1 roroforences. proscripjion glasses, Call Dor)on 324-7563 ovoriookparl(lnglolai9:00 County, for agriculturo : Bliss. Lowor g nimon Foifs. commodilios. shall submit r.pV**'8 °ana moroi'RE-' — d a.m. Ploaso coll Craig RDIMTM.BSSr. LTTYHOME 0 Jonos.-fdoho Power Com- said “ daim In writing within WARDI LEANING 1. - nnnu nl 9nn.'4flR.9Q')d H twenty (20) days of (ho last ' >1 • ; A scoping mooting orfontod , ’Oyoarainsn servico. Insured publication of this Notice to: )d. Equipment & . toward ino pubMc will.be . U no Joliillo. Administrator. ^0“JO ° chockc your ad foJ ^ bonded, • hold alanlng at 7;00 p.m.- , Idaho Stoto Dopanmonl of corroctiroctnoss on Iho firsil aupplioopnprovided. 1-600- 5 r e ^ • N FOR FURTHER INFOR- 97 or 734-2225. -onToo8doy.July15.1997. 1 Agriculture, PO Box 790, ’ that it runs os ThJ 967-2097 he . ■ at tho Collogo of Southom j Boiso, ID 83701; Of said Tlmoa-loo-Nows is not rol Free A Estimate ' . Idaho, Shioids Building.n MItchnick,] FERC^OHL 5°)claim will be forever barred. »Ponslbnslblo for errors aftorl r Home or Office ' : Room 115. located at 315 |(202)219-2826.' Dated this 12th day of thattlm Lola D, Cosholi, Socrotory ' _____ I SUMMER1 (CLEANING & Foils Avonue West, Twin | Juno, 1097. = 1 Poinling3 1Insldo & Oul. , Fails, Idaho. I /s/K Akogl 4 FrooEslC.Call 543-5122 . A scoping mooting oriontod.I- PUBLISH: | July 1 and 8 , -104 I PEP E R S M A L 5 I ’ toward tho agondos will bo° • - PUBUSH:Junel7,PUl 24and . hold at 9:00 am on Thurs- | July 1,1997 .PUBlUBUC SERVICE- flowerbedstds. Twin Falls or : day, July 17.1997 ollh oI- • AOVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS • -—------Il MESSAGE Jerome collali 324-4497. > ^ • Boise Conlofon.tho Grove, ■ 'ol low ollows you to- ~ ; B50 West Front Stfoot.Bol-I- Soporato ooa’od bids will ADVERTJ3EMEMT >' If bo rocolvod by tho City of " FORBIDS corroct)Jct your aodit report i 1 ... • 00. Idaho., "Tt3 n r jf Kimberly. ID, horolnaltof Separate S sealed bids will roe. For moro infor- ■ CHILIILD CARE i t l : Tho public and Iho ogon- bo received by (ho City of "latlonon dbout0 crodit ropolr I e e a r • cios may altond either ortt knownt oa tho owner, ot tho bo =RV1CES , office of tho City Clerk of KImboriy. Kin ID, heroinattor r<9, writo 10 tho Fod- K m — ^ bothmoolir,gs. t Trado Commission, __ : . Cumulfillvo Annlj'sls of IhoB Ihok City of KImboriy, City known kno ns the owner, ot tho Jra ‘ Wndorgarton i j-H oll, 132MalnStrooiNorth, ollice olMi of tho City Clerk of Washinghington.D.C., 20580. I hu summer & ' T h e T utnes-lNews i , Iho City of KImboriy, City or callaihoNoUormlFimid th ' A scoping mooting (or Iho-I IIKImboriy, Idoho until July tho lings. 2 'Ayra. & L t 18,1887 at tho hour of Han, Han 132 Main Snoot North. ' irmatlon0 ' Contor, oponir^^t : cumulathroanoly^Wlllbo-h 0-076-7060. op’ all 733-5097. t " " | I ■ hold storting al 9:00 am on.> 11:00 h AM, Mountain doy> KImboriy, Kim Idaho until July 1-600-0^ t. light saving Umo. at w hich--18, C la s i ■; Friday. July 10. 1997. ot 1 18. 1097 al lho.hour of nuiir)vorwelahtPooplo CHILD CAIARE Will tond - s s i f ie d ' tho Boise Contor on tho timo 1 Iho proposals will bo 11:(11:00 A.M, Mountain day- dodlolosowolgt;t& n my homo. Coll 1 t ■ ^ono'd an publicly foad. llQhlight Boving time, ofwhlch am extra Income. . ■ 324-6710..I.. » » "•■Gfovo.eSO.Wost Front.• ITioU award of Contrafct will timeime the proposals will bo M a r k: t e t p la c e . Stroel. Boiso. Idaho. . )‘TKreonjiaoro(nn'ino-noxi“ II opo ■t-BOO-832^73— CHILD ARE.-Lovlno &------^ _____ — OBJECTIVES: Al tho July . 0 jponednn-pubilctyToaa;'------•• Cliy Council-Motttioff^rj.- Themo award of Contract will • ■ ronment, mother ...... ■ ~ • IB ond 17 scopino moot- T 106 I o f2 w/FToi•openings, agos ]— nfrB'D7 FERC-8iafrwiir(i)-Tt) July 22nd, 1997 at Iho City bo)o consldorod< ot tho next ■ ) Hall mooting room,' 132 City:ity Council Mo.ollng on' I S PE OC A L NOTICES ■ .2 &up.Call011208-736-4403 ...... 7 7 ^ -- 0 9 3 1 • Main Strool fJonhi Kimbor- JulyIuly 22nd, 1997 at tho City " T T T : ' r M : r x s - s .C O H O L IC S COLLEEN'S*SCLUBHOUSE I ' lhO'proposodprolocta;.(2)t H ly, Idaho, ot approximatoly Halllafi mooting room. 132 ALCi > 7:00 P.M., ■ Malr/lain Strool North, Kimbor- A NM O O N Y M q U S Prbschool/d£ydaytaro. Ages : ottompt to Wontlfy proiimi- W .733-«300 ' 210 0. Call:all 734-9948. . • nary rosourco issooo that fy Tho work contomplotodi3_J^/, ltIdaho, at approximately | ! oro not imporlani ond!do 7: ...; dolaiiod onaiy-,

.. r- C4 TkntiMowt. Twin Fsl’lt.d’ll, IIWio TuMilw, July 1,1M7

WAREHOUSE ------1 ESPRESSO CART DRIVERS HOUSEKEEPIKQ MEDICALV MtSCElICELLANE0U3 RESTAURURANT SALES - Earn S20K to Loading liquid fooi Lorgo 4 fully contained,led. ATTN: OTR ORIVEHSIS 1 tul timo day shlfi. 1 pan Bridooviaw B Eatat#* cur- AMERUERICAN STAFFINQ Taco BandidoBa is looking OUTSIDE - Ei rkors needed for Con- for counljntor help, nights, S30K as at ropresontativorO| facturer Is now ta L _ Grinder, rofrig,. 2 groupSup Class A. COL Lnlo mod'lod- timo day shift. 1 part timo ronUy noeds RN lor nigM Worker espresso maker, cashsah ' olod convonllonal with siMng ohltt. Must bo ablo Shin. Pleoso opply in per- stnjctliuctlon. Warohouso ond Responsinslblo Individuoli soiling 4 aonisenrfdnd estab- pllcalions for a po indBcoplng projects. noodonliinly opply. Call for lishodaccout:ounts. You vrlll woiohouaomarman/mixerB E 1 puBUC 5 ^ SERVICE roglsior. atorogo, ainkk & - . . woildng floors, hoppora'rs &8 to work wooKonds and son 01: 1820J3ildgoviow Land! moro. 208-780-0803, ' I- ifoolon. U lleogt A etheiIhtr holidays. Wo oiler com- BM3.. Twin Falls. Tompuy‘"0 0 businoss opi ----- Potro II. Joromo. Idaho. ^CNA’a 1 position for nights 734-645-6452 l-800-731^M P i earnings of up food. Oualifiod a) lunity or Ironchiso witJ DRIVERS & 2 positions for days. PuttingItlno The Magic Vallay 55K In 1st lovol should possessl iSg h «^ i« gening scommod. writvrltoto • D & D Trnnaportiitlonan JANITORIAL Also. 1 Bath Aid tor days. To)WorkFor11JSYow«l Wc “ 'o omont. Bonofits chanteal ability & —__ onpod an • W"> Fodo'ol Trodo C. S«rvlce» Ught lanliorial, mornings. Apply in person at —— ledlcal. dental, to lilt ot leastdMrw. 50 mission. Woshlngt. S ; ™ e ™ e s -n e w/ s Qoodlng.IO Mon.-Fri. ISyrs.orolOor, l. Bridgevlew Ettalei, MISCEIJCELLANEOUS In person ogram 4E S 0P Jonai (200)423- D.C.. 20500, or callall tho C U RR ENTLY H AkS S Rollteos Incouragod to 1828 Brldgdvlow Blvd. AVON.ON. S0-S18/hr. No door ond 4- p, r T E i J s s National Fraud Inforlorma- TH E FO LLO W IN G ------=------to doI d o o r . F u n . o o a y . Pancakeko 4 Stoak Houso. -ujnfy- , • ■ WELDER G Nood dftvors with CDL/^3L/A apply. Randy 733.0100. - Mldorlabrl- Hon Comer, l . 000-85-876- IND EPEN D EN T :ocd —. " MEDICAL loloxlrlaxlng. 1-800-676-0621. 1824 Blu}lueUkesBlvd. N. ,g^ Experienced wold r and good dfivlno lococt) d. FT awing ______48 5I0I05. homo roQulQityla,ty. LABOR CConlflod Nurse Assistants ind/sU URANT • Willing to workWOI long hours' • color noedecJ. F _____ JUNIOR ROUTE A noodod for all shifts. Ap- — ^— in, shllt, good tlnis Now oqulpmonl and gooc300d- -*Faclory-all shitis ir. lino cook. 3 days J l n o c e s ^ EARN $14,000* MOWn^THLY t w in FA L L S A R EEA A 1735 ♦Conslructton ply ot Snake RIvorRihtb. MISCEI5CELLANE0US PToxpor.l . SlO/porhr. CaH5an !>4j-&tt&o. Acquire Court Judgomt■monts bonofits. Como by nt 173! jntorholpwaritodatAIr- aw k .AApply f In person. You mu»t bo: D or *COL Drivers 820 Sprague. Buhl. ID. Ccuntoi ivol In Idaho ' u/DAurtirn ...... ; Free Info 1-088-562-01 S. Main, GoodlnQ, ID o ------pon, 1>n, Thurs. IhrouQh Sun, - Ask for;jr W w n . Oxbow • Able to travel B 0 U T E 8 3 3 - - *Wnxohou!oAori-934-4451. MEDICAL Apply3ply Hertz Rent A Car. Cato, 35: Summoremployi)loyment for cu^uod r a a o o o w100W09 ^ 137-483 H arrison St3t ------*Mothanic Jl ------oncos andIhavooccoasto ha wrangoronguofluosl ranch « Dental Assisting clossos 0;0000 a.m.< 10 1:00 p.m. ^^1 fq I S t - DRIVERS 733-7300 or 678-4040 >• oroliablocar. In Stonloy. En(Ends Sopt. piaeg your ad lodayi«y*^J 127-474 Van Biiron Sl Growing buslnoss nood: t}ogln in August al CSI. Musttust bo bondablo. PERSONNEL Enrollmoni limited. Call ■ Wo are a mojoilojor Intomotlon- 15m, Ejmor. teq.req. Call 734- quV* roipoRja, 733-OWOOTt. Commodity Drivors/Miii 5CELLANE0US OPPORTLITUNITYKNOCKSI al com panionywith49* 3079 or 774-3733737. ------' R O U TE B38 ts to PLUS Claudoen Buonnor. 733. MISCEI Haulers. Full bonoliia K . 9554, oxt 2155. , EstablisablishodTwin Falls Silk- _ yonrs in IdahiJaho 118-292 Taylor St Include: Insuronco, 401KO lK ,------scrot:roon & Embroldofv Eyo'’ Jf'ouiought about selling For yourr conndentialco >------—— Cofotorla 125 Plan, ApAp- MAItfTENANCE T iro7 Caln'a Home Intorvlcirvlowcall ■ 2 1 4 json Custodlal/mnlntononco. MEDICAL • Businuslnoss seeking 2 full furniture ply al: Rich Thompsoi ’ Full timo Assisted Living Umo■no |positions Slatting Furnlahlihinga, the oioa's KennDavla. D I eUPLOYMENTV R O U TE 842 Trucking, Inc., 23 W, 10(100 FT. commorciaVor Indus-I *■ Core Glvor needed for y\sAP Q homo lumlshlngs at (208)H 733-75457: i f y o u a r e•...... 119-201 lOlhAvo. N tilol cleaning expor. Light SAP. Exporionco pro- loading r S., Jotomo. doys shllts. Will Uain, For fortodrrod but not nocossaiy. otoio.. hash, 0 rewarding Today Iromi 10 om to6 pm MlLKERformh 3 120-291 Uncoln ------malntonanco.Mu5lbo21, 3E/M-F yoars oxpotlonc Center Is seeking a man-• IImmediote opening lor FT Got1 sorsomolhlng to soII7 Son n porsonooSlo Iho local Patletson . bor, no one ”.J„''p”S tan o HE Twin Foils, Idaho agor lo supon,nse ond co­ certified medical assistant U'oho lclow-cost way . . . wllh branch,olnlmjoln»ma- c - “ 7imes-Nows™ you a federalI job.job For free ______^______TWIN FALLS AREAlEA 733-6003 ordinate tho dopartmonis5 for clinic float position. laisinod. 733-0031. lional coicompany. If select- p oBox ^ : 548 Information oboiibout fodoral KIMBERLY 'M o n than lust a• of Englneorlno/CllnlcalI pioaso call (or Information ------" ed y olu u will ■ bo given 3 ^Ills, “ ID 03303 jobs, call Cnreorroot America . . . , a R O U TE 718 RTS weeks1 mminimum exponso Twin Falls, riao lo echoqr Enginooiinc^Housokcop-• or submit appllcailomo: ------tDonnoctwi, iia.757.3«xi912- ■T W 1100-1400 BLK. OF Sandy Schaer. Tvfin Falls &pe''iniQking onorgetlc & outgo. paid da:lassroom training SECRETARYRY ------Ing/ Security and Matori- 7TH AVE, E DRIVERS Mnnagomont. Re-• Clinic & Hospital, P.O. '^gig p o r so n for parts' and oddiddilionni on the job AgriculturalI businoss bu needs 1 Sl.OOO Weeklyy stistutling on- WANTED • Owner oporo opart. Salary 4 bonofits training.'g. Wo provide com- an oxporionconced secrotory I volcpos ot Hon IFW«? 1100-1400 BLK, O OF F ' j Qulremonts; BachelorsJ ,Box1233.TwinFalls.lda- nd^SA^Eio” THETIMES-NE - tors with or willing lo go ■ ho 83301 or call 733- ^aa^laod on expor, 643-0232 pioto companyco benolils. vHih compoteHJtor proficiency. I details. Sond £ dogroe In Business Man- 30067-ACi CURRENTLY HHAS 8THAVE.E Ihoir own outhoiiiy. 92?i, ^ agomoni or rolQted fiold;: 3700. oxt. 340. EOE. UHL IMPLEMENT CO. major m(medical, dental ond sond resumejmo to: P.O. Box i MH. Box 3300 mVm t 1100-1400 BLK. OF of gross paid ovory lw( al pension plan sec- 353 TwinI Falls, Fa ID 83301. ! Grove, FL 331323133 THE FOLLOWI ’ computor and communi- • UMBER Journeyman ond^tonc y''5.° 9THAVE.E • wooks. 11 Wostorn on< cation skills: min. onoj MEDICAL I none. Your starting ------5PRV1CE— INDEPENDEN Toxos. Excetlont rotos . I RN SAME DAY SURGERY wanteanted. Call 326-5390. income0 will; be S20,000-S SECRETARY ,• PUBUC SER ii!. - 700-800 BLK. OF Ann 1°“' oxpofiof'co rnanag. SAGE JUNIOR ROUTl For mcro Into call'eoo . I CENTER. RN needed (or pm no 0 l5t yoor dopond- Position avaHaalloblo tor somo- ! MESSAC ASH ST. • ing employees. Respon- lOR SERVICE ^nn nn°J h nood phono. 1 Log.«molo lohb placementp KIMBERLY AR 228-0004 oxt 120. sibilities: Payroll, atatrng. a (ull-llm e poslllon In vi/o1 noodno you! Wo offer 1 ability ond quaiific- ono with g( ‘R E A 8 0 0 B L K . 0 F . Samo Day Surgery and ., All promotions oro computor.. orond lillng skills, I '"‘J’S ^prx}rk to1 liil spo­ ------budgotlng, employee re­ ommlssary. exchange, " ons cannot ELM ST. .1 Recovery Room. Qualili- n,. I on merit, no sonlo- Please reply,ply with resume ' cltlc positions [DRIVERS lations and operational '0 Insurance, a monthly ^“5 ^ 0 over lotlor to: i chargoonuplror:lronttoo.For 8 0 0 B L K -, 0 F _m anagem ont, Appllca- cotions Include: piovious -nvch 0 bo occoptod. you ond covo oychock. rotiromonl and. aptoasant person------P.O. DoDox-1598...... - -(roolnformotlclotlon aboul _ConlQ f St.,W ____------WALNUT-ST,...... ------EXPERIENCED FLAT-AT- lions can‘b'o”6biainod afr -Mod/Surg orsurgtcafox^- ihor bonorits. Tho Idaho "I?,?,®J pJoymontsoi- M adison SL W 5. poiionce, BLS and ACLS :o Do nmbitlous, ea- Twin Fails,1115,10 03303 ■ avoiding ompJoy: 8 0 D B L K , o 0 T F ^ BED DRIVERS NEED­,E0- tho Human Resources ,rmy National Guard. ------I vice scams,, wrilown to the Spruco St ED 10 drivo tor Ogdon. certillcotlon. quality cus- S. BLUE LAKES don. Oopt, and must bo re- AllLSFCanilnv. ,RY ' Fodornl Trade■doCcmmis- ' , Banning Sl- Ulah basmJ company.any. ceivodbyJuly 18,1997at.1 . tomor son/lco skills. Ex- , s .“r=iiro‘: ; bo bondablo and Year-Roundid PTF Socrotaiy: | sion. Woshingliinglon, D.C.. “ It you live In Ihe Twin'win EstQbllshdd overr 20 CRMC/1501 Hiland Ave.>^ colloni benefit packaflo. ___ SS'S sing, computer 4 20580, or calljllthoNo^on- th yoars with Iho record J Submit resume to Jody prqdilODUCTION Irootosl) start work Immedl- imberly Falla area S are Inter-Uor- :ord Burley, ID 03318. You Wo oro particularly PR skllls.ro(.required. Sond ! ol Fraud Inlorma , ot no layotfs. Minimumnum may call (200)678 64203 Tremblay. Twin Falls Clin- stateito ool tho art cheoso and atoly. W 'Z Z ^oi^rolnlcrcsusle d In ested In being art Inde-nde- istod In those with 0 Minidoka Foir- | lor. 1-000 87S-7rS-7060. boing a lndepen\>ndenl p o n d a n r junior route . ot 2 yoars OTR expo-’'P®' (or lurthof Informalior. on1 Ic & Hospital, Box 1233, „hoythey processing facility. Intorosti OBoxt5l.Ru- ——' tionco roqulfod this posHion EOE. Twin Falls, ID 83303.208- ucoking ck l for responsiblo, loadorshrship ability who flro junior roiO eonler.er... carrier... 0 lor 0 genuine cn- pert. ID 83383350, Must bo PIoo$9 eonloei DItiletrlcl Please conract EastUdeUde - 733-3700. extension 344.__ dopoiopondablo and motivat- looking I (od on or boloio W • Oporato In 11 westorntom MEAT WRAPPER ed imd individutils-Long term r o o roOpportunity. f To Solos Manogor, RiRobert District Sales Uanager,I0sr, : stolos. ALBERTSON'S: PT. al ; ommltmont. No layoffs. schoduldule on Intorvlow. -’“'y R ichardson 733-13-0931 Bruee Stevens ® 7JJ- • Company contrlbutodJtod loasi, y,, ojpof. Talk io‘ MEDICAL| comn ext. 347 0931exL353orext301.301. RN or LPN. lull-time posl- txcoi;xcollont opportunity tor coll l-£1-808-202-2220. SERVICE TE- MEDICAL >ch. Somo expor.. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ • Drivor recruiting bonus.’US. 0 ujy Optomolrlc ollico In1 sltlon tor Gastroontofoio- “ ■“ . I"” c » . . f oOpportunity. i Homo son/lco loch, ☆ • Tofp/stop pay. - gy area. Tho position also ,^01^ ly Products. High prolonod.AfI. Apply In porson 1 Joromo Is sooking Doc- Sstalng S"”'' Addison Avo. E. ; ' • Hoalthlnsuranco. . lots Assistant, will Iroln, Includes on-coll rotation n. ProsolAppts. at 2362 AdC • Loto modol Poiorblli 1 tor weekends. Hours are *Doub)oubtoTlmo exp. roq. 733-0153 No phono3 cacalls, pioaso. ,— ' . Send fosumo; 201 Soulh Sundays & Holidays) caboverti. Uncoln, Joromo, 83330. variable, must bo (lexiWo. • Gel homo on an aver- SALESi . TEACHER I - Contact Barbara Connol- , 1 Christian School ■ r ago ol 7-10 days. MEDICAL loy. Twin Falls Clinic 4 romo Choow Company o ir ec TT iSALES Expanding Ch • Avofogo onnual oamlngs . P-O.B0X485 BonApotDotit Gourmet Food seeks comrjmmlltod Chris- 1 1 RN noodod to work PT. Hospital, Box 1233. Twin hers for Grodes ^ s - N m s Inoiccosa olS37,OOo., r;., must bo available for 63 Falla, ID. 83303. 733- .47W, 100S. •Sorvicel:eis l 8 yoaroldBol- 'ion teacher • Our drivers make .27-.30 Joromo. ID 83338 so baseisod In-nome gour- 2-3. Sandnd roaumo to: nn pm A 10 Pn'-G am1 3700. extension 240. ‘ J® lor Avo. East, ■ H ■ 11 cpm Avorajte wago.y shllts. Dopoodablllty a ■ (208) 324-8806 mot tooany seeks lull-timo pro- ollico.. anda: axo looking lor ‘"°n^ „ package Qltor 00 dayslavs you? )mmunicalion, 2 • Please j pay according to in & * odvancod oduca- Nursing Assistants, gram;ram director to odminis. h salosfDsporsontoselland ^,^'2.n c r Apply Tn person Mon. I rato an assisted living aervicoi» occounts for Mag- V'- C'Pcr..:r.. crcalivo wrii-.^ is ,. printed below. J,' tlonal opportunlllos? CNA'o preferred but will trato >n required. Mail ^ Wod, 2:00 to 4:00 p.n- train as needed, Wo oHor aparipartment (35 units) lor ic vailojiley Ag WeoklyTWo • 3 line m lnlm ttT n . ©1720 South 2300 Fn-!i' Eos ‘ Enjoy your work again? lo:KMVT. 1100 H * l c n c Find this. CNA classes.. on excoilom benelit pack- olderjldor and disabled adults otier excoilonlo> working , ,• Private Party Only Gooding, Idaho. AA^EOE tlonsondoprogros- en Blvd. N., Twin' ____ _ • plus mofo at Gooding ago & competitivo wagos. inn a homo-like sotting in condltloi B3301, Drug-l'oo \ n i , 3urley. Rosponsiblllllos slve cor I , FARMUBOR ' Rehob & Living Conlor. II Intorestod apply in por- • Burli Mmponsotlon pack- ;o.“^1 Equal Oppor- r U classification ] work Contact Janico Balloy at1 son 01: 640 Filor Ave. W,. incluncludo morkotlng. facility ago onemd bonofits. This lo I ; . Horse laclllly. misc. wof imodloto oponlng. tm»ly En'pa please run my ad in c I ; atS6/tr,.ovos.,423-^C3340. 934-5601. • • ...... | I Twin Folia, ; ojiorjporatlons. stafi suporw nn Imm • I i slon . and com m unity t o appipply, send rosumo TohlroUmm«»ummorworkflrs ti 1 “ :_____ — d a y s . I :o1allona. Aging oxporl- and cov;0V0r loltor to:. you'll nsod.iDd. »tari wllh an | , (P rint one• tor ISC. Including' blank spnccs.)1.) I1 enceonce a plusi Qualified ap- theET1MES-NEWS, • emplormarUuruadlndastinttd. one | civnractcr per spate pkast 1 --- ^ ----- plicanta must have ono p.{ I pllcf USE«OW)RIVER } ______year^oar ol management ex- . Twinn'^’llB?*0^301, F WARmOUSl ------1 I B m porlporlonco in a related Attn:J1: JANET GOFFIN }d company now j ...... _ i I ■ ■ soulsotting. Pleoso FAX to------hiring a driv ------1. J person. CompetitivoCor wage j sumo wilh aala/y roQulro- SALES ------— ------1I monta to: Program Diroc- Exporiononcod parts porson Pioaso applypply In person at: ! ------— — lor, (503) 252-7562, lor diOS'losel injcks noodod. PRIORIORITYONE ______^ ______l Equal Opportunity Full-tlmlime, doys. Call for 212 2NDID AVE./ WEST ------“ jJ Employer appt. 32324-3306 - Kilk. TWIN FAL:ALLS. IDAHO | ______------•------1 • I It f i t t s ad l I I I I p j Name______I NOW ^ H IR IN G > { Address ------I 5SS______' iS R E P S : I -CIty/Stal 1 - SALE! ------:------^------I ; h] e n iiE N C E N e c e s s a r:Y y I PlioneN ______I N o E x p e r ii e! 0 N um ber ______I If you are interested in i slorting o new care

A v c .S .^ TTwin Falls, Idaho » 733-5776

•( ■i ■ - ' ' ' Too»

moll 2 TWIN FALLS Ug. 2 bdrm;m; TV/IN FALLS -With hitch- RUPlJPERT C harm ing 3 TWINFALLi^LLS CHAMPION1159214-wldiJ, 1' H AG E RM AN.I.W \ J3RK TWIN FALLS. Smo .J- ito powossion. fm- $17,900. Sot;ot up In Rock FOR RENT - 2 bdrm.t 1 bdrm Appls. elect,1. hi hoat, 2 batn. Across from Per-Sf enj. 595 wklv, S225-$360 bd>n■d»m. close to school & Immedlato p , mo. all utils, pd. 733 8641, We have opening parlork. c o v o T o d d ock maculatoito 11995 Paradoof C rook Moi:on n or, 3 5 0 bath houso In exchange ox carport, no pots, $350/,350/mo. tine School. ■ All oppis. r e I a k 0 r • Tri-County Proporty' MgMgml. incl. W/O. control AC, gas r/landscaping & undor- Homos1 wlrwinner located In Grandview'Spaco«42. s( lo t toom c o re ' 0® TWIN FALLS Motel Dail^ for Newspaper ■ n ^ n a '*^0'iround sprinklers. Orivo tho prostigitstigious 1200 block . s% dowi)wnO.A.C housokeeporsI diduties on Coll 324-2734 4 hoat. S550/mo. ♦ dep. Call 737.3916.______or weekly. Reasonable Routes V 023 D Strool or can for on Mtn.V«kV«w Or. Beautiful (Alw, must;tboBpp»ovod bi 12 ocro ranch. So _ 2152 Mmbetfy.Rd 733-6620 ippolnlmont, 436-l374.‘ docorollviallvo ook window tFyparkmitranagM) history to: Blaine ion you TWIN FALLS- ( 2) now 4. •Junior Routes (in oak bosot)Oords, • 25 others Innstocklnoljrw s 1 643 N Perry's Hoi uklng $62,500. trim & oaV n homo plexos, 2 bdrm,, 2 both town) Burley and ______hardwoodood floors-Quality (AooufromCi1 Crtfy's. Jerome] , Salt Lake City, Ut i 6 0 6 j colored appllanc-- Coll Norm'm Olson ot; ! ■ tosSdSrsSi;249 per vv/AC. cari}ort. Oil appls. I MOBILEHOMES . SAVE THOUSANDS aJmond co Furnished mo? Call coiiocl aboutbout '98 including W/O, Froo faml- Heyburn area |i “ i „ w“ er Involved. Custom os includetuded. Unlquo ob- BROCK:KMANS ■ HAGERMAN Fur I OPEN HOUSES Omo ^78-4360 ‘ studio houso. S2$285 incl. RoofwOOd5,200-678-978-9611 ly membership at YMCA.A TWIN FALLS • Motor Routes L Hlomaa.oit Your Plana or scyro windowswin in living 1-600-07 Jacuzzi tub in mas------; — water. 037-91661-30 Iv- msg. . ■ • • : Noar schools a park.k. 2 bcKm. 1 bath Including BURLEY. 3 doy open OuriJurs. Wo Frame It, you room. Jaa I S5S0/mo. dop. Call>11 park rent, waier, sower a (country) Rupert •inlsh It. Construction 4 tor bath;th; >walk-out dock EDEN. 2 bodr houso. 5M Blfcti Dr. Mon. FinI; j^ToT' ^ HAZELTON 123.13 SS5Q 2 I 76 trash. $385/mo.. deposit area. JJuno 30 through Wod. Port’ormanont Financing. *fom mtisKidstor suite. 2’^ car homo on city t h a o o L - I FURNISHED APT |0 . P rd fossion ol Financing10 avnilablo. ' bedroom. I bath, ;g eves or leavo msg. Now taking,applications CALLNOWIII July Ji 2. 4:00 p.m. to 0:00 Jail Call for moro Information. g orogo. I emodoloS. I DUPLEXES caplng. Buyer ro- OAKWOOI0 0 HOMES COS. Newly romi •“ Call Stovo or Julia 677-4042 ask (or Jor- p.m. P 3 bdmi. 2 bath. 2200 C:oll o 1 Martin Homos londocapi 1-7755 Open floor plan. TWIN FALLS-1 bdrm.. »q. ft wrtwnL Choico SW ' t-80•800-3-FlNISH. celvos» 3 tmonth compli- ______733-7 EDENAptS. Utils,J. paid.pi s 265/m o.dop.P otsok.i WINDERMERE omy or Terossa or i l l l l f ------ECWOOD&EVEVANS , 575^^1, ^ j location. Ownor movlr^g —------— montary r •81 Fleetwood ; 734-1401 'P. 025- ; , Call 536-6618 Property Managomonl come by The Times iclo riiilromont contor. Must SELL YOUR HOME Falla Avoi Is ol oxtrasi 2 ' ill______■ ;- 9139 or 025-5354 ■ - 7 3 4 - 4 3 3 4 - IN 9 DAYS dosing- P T TWIN FALLS - C loan I News office in Bur- aoMI a 20a-67a-5804. No • - !■ jath. Musi bo ' JEROME-For rent ; KIMDERLY2 'room ki Froo special ropon. 000 lor li ^ bdrm.. near downtown. TWIN FALLS Mobile 2 ley. Located at 325'/j «real ostato ogonts ploaso. , ^ 12.000. Eves. ' 3 bdrm. houso■* 1? "i t I onolio, $275 plus C CALL 800-299-7454 . Ray. 733-(33-6340. or Gary. or934 8508--' acros. Loafing ^0 drm. 1« bath. 1700 sq It X L B / \ L / \ HANSEN 19 i^ploton Rd. ; TWIN FALLS* COMP/ message, 734:5782. Rd) ocro, S92.500. 536-6716 “ "i xlrm. 1V, bath. Rock houso 5outh. Sou side 'Summer Ratos* — - iving livini space on 2 lloors. REALTY n ic e park,'k. $ 1 2 .5 0 0 . , ol Rd Ownor will ^*rnHi« I tw in FALLS - Walking TWINFALl^.3 bdrm. mo- ittochod garago, 2 docks. 73; will bo ot lo- 1 6 2 bdrms. • Froo. Ci , I distance to CSI.^baVijir?, shod rock, , ------I Uta. paid S325. 734- —; 334-2303.Rom malnia/ned. 3 bdrm.. 2 wt/y. torji inyon Him ] - Fodoral Trado Commls- BUHL BU Benutllully remod- JI*!!Daih., lifoplaco 2160 sq. era. Excelxcot. neighborhood. gas noat/AC^C in park e«- ' JEROME. Cony — TWIN FALLS I nogotiablo.______Qlod - 3 bdrm. 1 both m 2 bath ' TWIN FALLS Sm nln^^it'stui 2 bdrm Townhouse. S440 slon.-Washlngton, D.C., «' lt.w/ full finished basomo- $88,900.00. ing7 QasUnc<;incJwCtdoli. ; up', small bnckyari QO I cuss sharing Ihc recep- •No Monoy Down Ownor 934-4766. ““JS72,500. Call 734-6656, | - C ItWIN FALLS AO, $400 DAIRIES , siorago sho > > - . > ' > - > spaco, newly romodolod, •Bankruptcy & Poor Ciodit I------1 — 00 Inlormation obout TWIN FALLLLS Tamarack ------______I •Summor Rales-lies* I I $450 mo. ConMct Char- ProoramsAvailnbio TWII™N FALLS. UsM Gu.,. ling limesharo and -72 I2x60O' ' incl. kitchen SHOSHONE • nnear Hwy [152 bdrms, • Froo ( • lotto Allen 01734-1754. dan3bdfin.2boiH. 1700 r „ S “° i™ '’'f'>'-Ls 1-800-454-2645 GUARANTEEDi ostato scams, write appis, swiwamp cooler, 93 S. ol town.V !5 bdrm, 3 ; 1322 N. Washingti ■, It. »>c, conditon. »lll “ 10. Call -734- I . 733-0740J .• I 3 bdrm, 2 bath Stollor Mortg'ogo 10 F odoral Trado goodcond,d, 733-8891. tjath. 5975/mo. A D S Zsocclllto, vinyl siding. 2 U" mission, WaSliIng- — ...... 2235 or 734-9079075 I ------J I 4 6oi B oiso, Idaho lire ------TWIN FALLS tioa,m b .' $499 per mo. ?? I COMMERCIAL D.C.. 20500, or call S S S C'ASH A SS5 TWIN FALLSLS • 1 201 , Appls.. Water0 1 p a i d . , . - . _ . - I I --PROPERTY . ■*■★★★★★★★*★★* JBuy the Guaranteed ’“ p Jatlonal Fraud mlor- Mobile Homos ^Sp'u^co, bohirhind Photo i S295/mo * $200>00 dop \ Yosit'struel AVOID BANKRUPTCY package and Tho {J® tlonC ontor,; . ,97601,or Newofl Shop. 3 bdrmrm. 1 both. ; 733-0732 or 733-87j -8727 I These almost now oplsis TWIN FALLS - 5000 sq. It. Homo Place. 1-800-873-976-7060.. ^.gOO.g Froo debt consolidation. ■ Times News guar- — l-97a-4380 S450 ♦ 5400D dop.di Avail. ^ ' ------: havo everything. Comono metal building. OvorhoadI r W l N FALLS-By ow ^ r ' 500 why Fawnbrook has Application with scn/ico. anleestosQllm6r- TWi iSTONE. 4GO0 ncro — • now. Call 733•33-0070 ot TWIN FALLS las d o o i. 2 2 0 h o o k -u p . 1-800-873-8207 706 Cypress Wy, 3 bdrm. ■^ 55 734-9000 - : Boot valuo in Twin.n. NNEW 2 the bost valuo In Twin10 $900/mo. Contact Dave chandiso or D ranch-20 minutes m e irports. All Falls. 1 a 2 bdrms. olso 1 bath, central olr. vaullod 1 Sun Volloy, Main ■ ------I bdrm. 2 bath, carpet Iso ot Lauren at 543 5690. CASH LOANS J300-S3000I automotivo items ceilings, lireplaco. pan- “ TWIN FALLS-V-Verydean, j appliancosincludingding W/d : ' available. Ask about oui in 7 days and real uy, 0 plus many improv- ■ I, a lawn- : movo-ln specials. TWlNFALLSWaro- Bad/No Cfodit; unsecured. try. DW. range, dbl. ga- ■Its- P" Call lor Informa- /ANTED 2 bflrm 1 bath,h, VW/D hook- I water, sanitation, a 1-800-233^3284 estate in 15 days rage/openor.roc auio spnn- : up near Porrino P( 'care provided.Id. : 2 1 4 0 ' Call734-1600nowlI houso/oflice space lor jackago. ^ , 5 ront in Twin Falls industri- o r w e will re ru n MetSwe 587,500. 734-7626 % w N ■ A Y ^ \ olomentary, AvailabloA I Elizabeth, 5550/r50/mo. ♦ I fJowopenwooVonds N EED WN& COUNTRY / - / s.. alpatk,Call734.568l. th e a d a n addition- -^^1 REALTORS • A ' l A July 7. 5425l25*dop. ' dop.FREEHEAlEALTH ■ ^ ^ > S I 0 0 -S 7 5 0 TO DA Y ? rWlN FALLS 2 bdrm.. 1 ' Rt C.-.II 733.43330oxt11^ i CLUBMEMBERiERSHIP ' ' '______al 7 days. There bath,bai nlco carpot, storm (208(208)764-2026 V / Z n ------i INCLUDED- MO — - TWIN FALLS Call 734-4333 t w in FALLS C lo .n■f' • What Size Do You Nood? Convonlent Loon Co- i s a ^ e x t r a windows,wir Call 324-3704. J K J r X TWIN FALLS-3 - Skylano I ALLOWANCE S3l Paik, 3bdrm.,21., 2 bath with , 1,1 mo. Call 733-2! ^OP' Havo 0 variety 01 sizes Uconsod by Uio Stoto ol charge for the rWIN FALLS,5-b0d.-1>.i' I . - d c , 513 I 0-20S3"'. Nopois.nosmokinthO- and loc.ntions- ■ ______Idaho______g u a ra n te e d Va! REAGES &-LOTS AA f j tip-Out. Appls.5. VW/S/Spaco ' 734.8G74 bath. 2164 sq. It.. Ig. lot. T / _ / lont Included.}. S-S475-00. ., ------______ploaso. 734-9263. Call Slovo Hnllows p a c k a g e - A d ? • no no monoy down, possible pnFW a 1 i.4Jota.w ith .lafge. -TIMP<^-PiCLASSIFIED- -JHEJ^GMT------T33:0739-; TWIN FALLS ------.-TWIH-FALLS-Cloan^y[I^_W IND.ERM EaE_ 3 0 4 I may be cancelled duplex,dui realtors welcomo;' -hon'in ) in ptimo location. Antn o'‘^ duplex On Cul-do-saisac Property Monagomoni I mVESTMENTS | S104.900 ovos. 734-8837. ■ ca„‘i25-025-51 ll.ovonings. ARTMENT TWINFALLSIOJ105 S650/mo i Laur«l Park Apt early for customer _s^ . 3 bdrm, 2 bath, closo^>0 I 7 3 4 - 4 3 3 4 convenience but 734-5538 3 bdrm. 2 bath, bat largo I 176 Maurice St.t_N„TF N, . , 07g 4 ,hAvo. E. Stovi PUBUC SERVICE TWIN FALLS riLER1 4'/,4V acres lor sale, 208-7cI OH J J J O (oncedyard. Familyioom Fr , 734-4195 MESSAGE th o c h a r g e will 3yBy ownor.i A sp lo sh Of r\ 0. Carport. | ------z ______I folrig. DW. a laundry rn »NTEDE.Executive nocds wMood stovo^C luietaro.T” i Garago w/oponor SG2512^; i 610 remain tho same. Country co in City. 1972 oq. ,2 8 i)0g.-7JJ500 b-»^5. homo ,0 lojloaso w/oplion to Elwood &, EvansEi. ; TWIN FALLS Quiet G I STOfUGE/ Don't pay (or a promlso. It's3 IIIIt, N.E. location. 3 bdrm. 2 801 ■ I Nico/cloan, 3 bdrm/'Ur^^ bam. I mo .dop. Call 7 3 4 ^ 0 bath. malm. Iroo siding. je r oME m E Nowty approved purchase.). CallC 736-1170. 734-1401 :------I WAf^EHOUSE RENTAL llloflal for companies do­ ' . ba ------' Pd utils. $650. 736-73C-3817 ] p;^lLS Clean quid largo lamily room w/insort homo0 sitos-1,siti 3. a 5 aero uiot, ing business by phone to} lax' ------1 TWIN FALLS 10 IGO. TWIN FALLS J I (irefireplace, spa & oxorclso lots. ManulacturodMon homos ■ 521‘ bdrm. 1 bath ; TWIN F A L L S, 1.,. bdrm . • security, 2 bdrm,, S3G0 promise you Q loan ond ) No pots, i deposit. No pets. CallIbo- bi STORAGE FOR RVS ask you to pay fo: li bo­ roroom, redwood dock, , ok. Groaireat location! 500 S. ■ .MANUFJFACTURED rotiig. W/D. slotstoraooshod, 1 homo. S350/mo. Nc avo--Outsido, fenced, $tO/monlhh J — ;------lorlargo detached garogo. 136 E;E: CallC 734-9405, I HOMESh C ELWOOD&E&EVANS 1073 2 n d A v0 o ,\ West, I fore 5:00 pm a loav lero they delivor. For Iteo “ •734-7216, I mossogo. 733-3069. Waretiouso spaco avaiiahio0 ln(ormation about avoid-. ^HANSEN 3 bdrm. H i bath, 100X306 to 11. loncod 101. 734-140^401 Ploaso call 200-734 T now ca/pot. oak cabinets. RV R\ parking, beautiful BERLY,FILER, ----- Call Slovo or Julia Ino ndvonco loo loon )SHONE, HOLLIS- KIMBERLY. TWIN FALLS12 2 bdrm.. IV, TWIN FALLS. 3 bebdrm 2 'TWIN FALLS Clean "'"•isti I W IN D E R M E R E scams, write to tho Feder­ llroploco. lull bsmt. Only landscaped iar yard w/auto SHOSH ird, $575/ - ' dio.$200* $ 100dop.Ci S6S.900. CalM23-5104. sprlnhlor. jp 5 1 4 9 .9 0 0 . TER.. HAZELTON.H^ Aero- homoS t1 S S S ba»..S500,OSO056 Harrison, i bath, (oncod yard, * I Property Management al Trado Commission. 3 w/ water a power Call pots 324 8752:1 mo. ♦dep. CaM_734-i^34-6210. ; 423-5670. Washington, D.C., 20500. 7 2121 Rancho Vista Or. ogos w/ o homes ~ 7 3 4 - 4 3 3 4 . HEYBURN 645 Groonbrior Coll 733-4521 $9000, S9( 1-20 acres. OAKWOtS or call tho Notional Fraud 33-7755 TWIN FALLS, S C loan, t i TWIN FALLS.M4 bebdrm 2 'tw in FALLS Duplex ^ 3 bdrm. 3 bath, all bilck, 0 near canyon, somo 733 s p a c e S ' bdtm.,2 bath,dbl.garag InlormallonContor.■ quality feotu{os.Sf34.900. jwTWIN . FALLS By owner; w/ viewslows, some w/ water • •i» T hH,m 5 Wrm. houso.3 . C Good loca- I bath. Extra sp f ; i.e00'a70-7060. W|de, 3-bdttfl., 2 gigjp to town. No I privacy-1337un Oin Avo E. : No pets/smoking, 509Ji / ; I— I Foroppt. call 670-2625. 1240 t2 sq. n .. 3 bdrm. 2 shares,os. Sunrise Custom i081, ] | f a ^ s > o r _r e | ^ 5I5 Yd.caro‘4 i • S775pormonUi.54:. 543-87 6 1 : mo. 1 yr. loaso. 543-608 PUBUC SERVICE both. Ilro place, sunken Homos. • I BUY HOUSES living liS rm. coramic tllo. SS,""; ^ I TWIN FALLS - Horso pas-5- MESSAGE. ------T 7 m X t w i n FALLS. ClC lean 3 ■ TWIN FALLS Exception )IER MOUNTAIN. 2 $41,099.■ ‘»23-6489.4! mo..51SOdop.op. 733-4791. 2 bnm, w/ac ...... Big prollts usually motmn 7 3 6 -1 1 7 0 ellelect, hoat. Ig, pailo. gar- SOLDIEP w/appls. & 1 2 bdrm. DW. rolrig, rangingo, luro, 1.5 acre. Call ovos d e n o r o a .s p r ln k lo r ncro lot Closo1 to ski aroa, p ,,n r ^ 10. Fenced , disposal, ptivolo uiil.. rm,rr 733-2900. big risk. Bolori) you do? - JEROME • By Ownor. 3 sy lied homesito. Sharp- 5 For rent or AC, 2 car garago. F business with a company, sys'tom. l125MonacoSt., elevated )rm,. 2 baih, ya'il- No pets/smi/smoklng ! w/ W/O hook-ups, AC,,C, 1 ; ac..5bdrm.1V.boih,roc. $93,500 S9 736-6522 lyroductducod to $35,000. 1. /mo. Rols. i or 2 persons, no smo"Ok- d 612 chock li out with tho Dot-If .room w/bar in (ult bsmt. 2 _ _ — TOWNIWN& COUNTRY. i42ndAvo.N. lstaiast.$750/mo. : tor Business Bureau. For • 5 dop., 734- '0<1- A(tor6pm,1, MeMon.-Fri, : Ing/pota. 5450/m on I PASTURES FOR RENT ,1 car gorogo w/room for t w TWIN FALLS Newly ro- BI message. oHdaywkngs. 734734-1050 j Ploaso coll 208-734-63G>300. iroo Information about,, shop. All under sprinklers. tni : avoiding inyoDtmorit modeled 2 bdrm homo. (20t - SAND AND I. Irg. gardon & near goll $? Roomv 2 i TWIN FALLS scams, wiito to the Fed­ $72.000. Appt--734-9059 goUTHEf■HERN CAUFORNIA. ' — ,n e e A n ; • TWIN FALLSi TWIN FALLS • Ro c5urao. Call 324-5538. — I Park. 2 bdrm, bdrm upstairs opt.3pt -00 gtndor ond lo.nder soMco,0, washer, dryor.rofrlgorator. ,w 1 FALLS. 2 building • 73^ 1 nashool. deposit. Coll DonnoJO ot Call 543-8643.______3 M I Coll 420-0476 Iv. msg, ___ ------W IN D E RR P I « R E ^ f f i S ' r orb r m o v ai 733-5202 or 733-2305. ------I lots. CaCandlorldgo Subd. Rropony Mam I CONTRACTS & S19s75iJ50 oa, 736-6702 I lanag^ont (u,nishod. Coll 73< KIMBERLY ■ 3 bd;m..^' •)640'ovo5 TWIN FALLS Lg. 1 bdri MORTICES I » iorovos.0734-2140. I ^ 7 3 4 -4 3 3 4 wkdays, 734-064f Ullws ^ROOMHATCS WANTED3j both homo. Frull irooa & ^ ------ond wkends. • upstairs apt. inlc-hoai/ul ______a appls. $300;mo .Sv »T0PD0L1J^RSS shod. 504,900. 423-4299. g TWIN FALLS.5. drnl..3 both. 3 TThli nawipapar will not hAOERKERMAN 2000'sq. It.. TOLMSE^ m a k e Aasmartmoveinju , ------jCATTLE (20) 300-600 lblb . :• • cut Into your collogou ' car gorogo. 2 flroplacos, knowingly aeeapt.any 3 y frs.old.M s nlnSt, * 3 iHj 2 tULlll Gas Setoutour luxury eparmtnt homtt todtiyl • . sQvirfoa.BotoroyouIp • 2V4 ocros. Haatod ahop. ■ shwashor, loncod ~ *. ^ TWINFAUJ MpTEL^■L 3 Holstoln helforo. $1 porlor . , " lV T n “itoli“ i ' f 585,000,000,837-6402.. Jard'&wowood SIQVO. S575 E ^ lo y t h0 o roloxM r g atm oephcro o f ou r t 8pof>dS o n o scholarship> • Butler bldg. & out bldgs. • n I82nd lb. Call 320-5307. ■ l»w.CKjfr»adw«arah»fat)y . - ♦ dop. Rorreq, l& zb ed rooi0 0 m aportmcQt homes foaturi Av°o-V 20S-733-563030 — • • scorch, do your hbmowo- CalHorappL 432-5441. jInlormaiS f thal all dwolilng* A — CAnLE-ARMOURBUY-lY^ ,„.;.ci«WiouMtM-A.kegudjiuLlaiir.pptl/Jacutii Ajj : rit; For moro Information. ■ TWINFALL3 Oulot momolo!. - INQ STATIONS--Buytng- — l~«^irtTfioT53flniITrodo-;RUPERT Country sotilna. ! iT0Bi[S%BES-|- ■‘h liffin nice neighbor- ,-.Kttntul(> epperiunliy baili. To L m h hood nearjar schools, S425 • • C tninl"ifrcondUlonliu oli A gat hta! -• S95/wk. S375/mo: ind.d. ml- slouglitor cqy^s ond bulls,s — ; Commission ot Groat viow. Cuirtom built g, c* A voulrriT telllngi In itletl unit*• ■ _ cnwavo & tetrig.736-1B■loaa -.opendally,Call324-3099.M. V•. • httpy/wmv/nc-gov. - homo,28808qftindb3mt cS . t J U K ‘.5 ,r ! ‘r , BUY,NOINO OR SELLING a per mo. 1♦ 1dop, Rol roq. • Finplact i ! orSallloMaoot 1. 5 txJrm. 3 both, lg family 080-B777. o The Toll-f.o^ mailUfnufocturod/mobllo • | bodroroom; Home lor q TWIN FALLS • Save'0 SS. CATTLE 140 Dairy Cows.vs. telephone numbof (or W homo?'no? Wo oflof finondng? loaso. S3CJ300 por month + 0 ° ^ ^ .httpt/Avww-oaJllomoo^m.Id room, oak coblnots. 2 cor h»Mgjlyp.',pd...seo- " -S S S . Clean otudlo. 5250/r0/mo, toko all or pan. 670-5300.X). • I Or coll tho National Fraudr. garogo.1 ocro lot. S119K g recn Tr«o Flnonclol dep. Rol.'>■ '«>•r • Utilities Incld. 734-54a483, ov03..678-1601.dap. •• Inlormollon Contor. 43WM57or67CMM57 1 _ .l-eOO-SBI-1904 . Barker ftea\ealtora 543-4371 | : ' ,1-800-S76-7000. .

■V •i ■ C « Tlm^«wy,TirlnFaIU,l(lA..IdAho TMKlJT.July t.1997

■ old 3 'canvas. I------^ ig CHAIN DED. R oss. 22', WILL Wll haul ton bales up to g -. 1 5 5 I MISCELU. l a n e o u s - a I i FIREHOSE.o1c CATTLE: Rog, Yonrlino eicellenl condl- approx. 79‘. Angus bulls. Call 32G-3- Call ovonings nl 208-436. 100 H milos. Call 543-6000 | A2AARS& CRAFTS [ 5lgo twoed couch, oiler. Call 208;03'-Ml-262a° ACES O N BRIDI)GE® Bobby Vyoiff •S339.plQaso loavo msp. 4264...... - _0ior 543-8795. ’ THEAi BED, mattress J CATTLE: Roo. Yoatlingig COMBINE 19098820John ^ T h10 o fN o h o m ia n 's fdHfno^‘’s lalplasllc. '------— N O R TH 07.01.A.A I Hotofofd Bulla. Coll 32G-S- Doore, 1.B43 hours, very ■ lU N T R Y F A I R swivoi roc 200-734-5423. '‘SomcWitnf? ticcdeeply hidden had ta g o o d condi:iOTi. C all I ■_ IBHIOATIOH C O U r S339 plo,-iso loavo msp. irsdayJuly3 10-6 '733-4956. ing.r" A 7 5 ' - 200.67B.2a01. M.K.in»aich. ImWiiiid <'11131 MALDONADO mobile FridaridayJulyA 2-6 recun er ¥ A 9 O' HORSE Golden Palomino iol.llki!no«.h. J — Albert EijLitcin at Stud. DocBai/LoobiodKl COMBINE, intornational. P'press, aluminum welding, -Satufd;urdayJulyS 10-6 L^bov " ♦ K 10 O' work guaranlood. Call m VFINI yslom, $800or ...... ♦ A Q J 9 5 , Call 736-5921 1^60, excolloni shape. " =INEST ARTISANS . SoldFofs Call 037-6484. - Pleaso call 200-432-5341. 431-2993 or 531-4031. Aniiquliqucs Framing B lo ck 2 HORSE & SADDLE Oldor of 16.9x30 "A-clianiondjnd lead is Ihe only WEST;t Ka s t PIPE REPAIRS Hand imos, ' S . m i . E. of Fair St. stands,,540. 734-0959 MISC. Set of I Qonllo boy moro, $1500,-0,- CULTIVATOR 8 row'Noblo PIf joh), sot of 16.9 way to bcM toclioday’s game," offered A Q J 10 3 A A 9 8 4 2 Soddlo.S400. 733-573Ci H/Linknge 8/T.loe corn wwhool linos or main Imos. ; R / R E C'L IN E R Portable hydraulic prosa. ind wheels with Ea.sL No on e disputeddi this analy- v 4 2 ¥K3- - cultivator, SI 750. Pocific P swivel, w/ oak ac- J j" m C 5 4 3 ♦ A Q 2 '• HORSE AQHA1 Syr, Dunn Slatos Equip. 543-6319 Clyde-* Sprinkler , S o o y c IH i006--o(for. j;is save the silensi\c t kibitzer. H e sa w ♦ D C golding. hoods, hools. Pipe Repair, —I— sr for 1995 or the ..., mislake, but he * 7 22 ,*843 • ■ _ newer Oodg)dgo lull sizo 'vh” m ad e th e loam sonino, super fjon- 670-7149 g ------i 5 3 ------ig. Can you find Ihe tIO.S1500.Coll D37-G&33. 42- big screen. f-twrt box PUPU. used very sa id n o th in g . SOUTH JILOING MATERIALS TV RCA 4; Its th e g am e? ^ F A X ~ r.PUMP- 10 hp Cornell irrl- , SC50. STISTORAGE SHED '‘“ 'o. S150.0 . Competitor play Uiat beats I ' A K r> HORSE Animal Counby uys gation.3 phasomolornnd gnicK:K b E u il d in g , needs wood. 8x0..».M «,532.487^ It pistol caliber . w c s t le d Ihithe spade queen-lo V QJ 10 8 7 5 - toady 10 use. SGOO/olfor. •Tosi diivo a bollor horso' 10 tom down. In Irade ' ■— ■ tm.i.,,S325. East's acf, andam East returned a ♦ J 7 Buy 2 baas Puiina Horso Call 324-7719 ,Qf bricl BED - Comptoto Coll 670-2066 I Y O U R j bricks, nil usablo ma- —:------spade, hopinging for a miracle. If . K 10 6 Food- Oat 2 FREE _ loriolial J S c le a n u p . Call "‘;>99lzt Iboard &^hoot*e°! RAILROADD J4 SWITCH W e st c o u ldi \vwin the lead and 7 0 6 324-23J-2340 Of 324-5877. w/hoodbc HORSE Arabian mare, 16 ------oxc cond:Id $200 423-4425, TIES Call (20£[208) 654-4233. s^y-jich to diumoimond.>;,orifSouthied \Julncricrable: Both ^ A D f — • ask for Biain, yrs. old. Ride or pock. TIMES CLASSIFIED I LDINGS - Shops. — ------diamond.s hitnsimsclf, East could win Dealerle r North Good mln. horso. Good 1^FERTIUZE^^ barns,ns, arenas.i All stool, d brow) moro. S1200.J, DEPAFtTMENT E lory spocials 24x30. ■ u p , ALFALFA SEED. 15 vori- lEATOGS -I REME^EMBER :re no miracles. South The bibidding: 786-23B0.______208-734-5538 :ONDmONING Thai birthdayy ocod you placed * "r olios, pasture mixos a tqxigo' loogoinTTio w on Ills .spadeide king and lost the N„rth HORSE lown seed. Dob Hamilton somo Umo a (h East South West , FEED WAGON. Harsh 502 ^ od to save thousands. Ar/FURNflNACE - Coleman T7mes-Wows7rt^7 Now Is the trump Tinesjic,:sc. Now East could ci- j * 1 A 2 ¥ Pa-SH TIM'S HORSESHOEING; haymogonUor.titr, mount, JSeed, Ploaso call 734- now 10 savo big on f,oat oum Hold Cold, lOyrs. oxp. 3587o r733 1477. f jmp/AC * extros. time to comoTie | pick up your ih cr ca.sh hiss di diamond acc or lose 3 ^ Pa-ss -1 V All pa.ss-SS ’• S13.000. Call 733-3634. lor. Call 537-6533. picturos. Sti 934-5952 ------1 (20i3) 5< il t t S , it.D»eeo.iiy.he, h e hold on a n d South "■ HAY STACKER Super ^ 7 0 8 ------T STOVE $400. odayl had an e a s y cclaim for an over- Op^nirninglcad: Spade queen HORSE TRAILER- 1040. S10.500 or bost ■ 5LU-LAM-BEAMS CoslomH0 4hofsolrailo» 34. altor 6:00 p.m. :------otior. Call 544-2227. ■ niorco • Build - Span ------— ----- SNOOKER TA E*c. cond., llko now. the defense prevail? It . jB ID W ITH T H E ACES oar Oponings. over ^ 'Q.,. I ulallon Bru;i!" “Jifk's":?: Howcanlhc 5<53-4299 days Or HAY STACKER. 1040 ■» Ouch's etc. I )0.436-3390 w as foolisli for E » t to hope for a OTOt.Ut.B • 543-C790 OV05. H A Y g r a s s . Appro*.CO Now Holland, good cond. Ton, 1st, cutting. J 00 lb. 63/4 • thick ihK X 201/2* deep x E L ^i& F U R S —------diamond leadad through dummy's ” Ploaao call 200 829..5542...... HORSE TRAILEm992 -balosrnomin,-no w eeds.------king. Given the bidding, what-cn-— N^W w 'p r .c . * “ “ " “IDRm=3,Ac-„/ ''D th holds: ;. quality, 3-horso slamH. , HAY TARPS Save your ^Make oKor. 886-7793. jod, $150. Mln try could W'est est possibly possess? A A 0 8 4 2 hay! SoporhoJvy. IGmii — Vhilo Supplies U st S75.DbH.od burnpor pull, loss than ctarilir SI 2).(H | Kko.SlOO.p). (2) stereo cab- And Kiven dum(ummy’s strong clubs. • 10.00 m is-. mu5l soo.0. totps. 15x50,5135. HAY 1997 lot culling. 55 \Volco.lnc. V K 3 ion 2 airing b o le s, no JeroiJerome, 324-0161 “ X J '0’ karat I solid gold jnnin i piocllack & 1 wood ■ w hy w ould South Soi ever lead dia- ♦ A Q 2 ‘ S7500. 536-6741 or 53G-G- 20«60, SISO. Call Larcy, I' while gold head, OKor. grass.^poll 736-2565. Twin.,nF,ll..733.5S7l ( — JJ;" 1 2071.wool(dny5. 736-2000 ot 543-2612. _0 sal.valuo 53040. L o r newer, :ad of clubs? ♦ 8 4 3 HAY,'Allalla. lop quality. l UMBEI;BER. 16’X23'TJt'.n. Has cenllnllicaiion papers. the game. East must ■: HAY TURNER. lluKorPTO 51200. Call 704- STUDEBAK th S o u th ' - HORSE TRAILER Logan 3 operalod. S1200/o(lor. ist.cutting.I 1 ton boles. ia*X2!•X29'Tjrs. 37'llat As^^iroSI AKER 1910 hone.for someimething reasonable. North Slant load with stand up 300 tons. Call 587-9131. uusses,;sos, 32' CC. Call 734- 32C9, loovlavomsg. Duggy. Robul)bullt undercar- »Vc' ------\Ve.st s handd by b a simple maneu- •'/‘f’jl' ^ LOADER Farm Hand 1140 Call 6 5 4 - 2 4 3 4 or 4 3 1 - 2 4 3 4 i ^ 8 0 7 Bods, nFroo Estimates. VACUUM Kirb\Jirby, g c ^ con- _ j,c rcfusifuses to play h is .spade lim lir e lo bid it. nt G' buckol, big balo lork, h ottochmonts , , • ^ HORSES • StonOinfl at CLOTHING Ti733-6789 . diilon with a : one. When East wins stud. ‘Tlgor Joak McCuo’0- $7,000. Call 025-5383. I -----;------;— Inel. shampcnpooor. 5200. trick on BRIDES3ESMAID DRESSES AAA rotot 717 evenings. Mis Inim p KinKing, he underieads his AQHA. boaulilul Grulto, 3 SHANKS JD1%* C0ll yts. Old, throws color: I peach-colored, brand loader, du snade ace lo,0 WV est's 10, a n d W est shanks. SOO/oa. Pocilic I V, $30 ea. 324-3413. mowing.M| MVaii).i32G.JG31 WATER SKIJHoVTXBlKE H, *i,| no 15-2, 1250 Iba. Throe^0 - Stales Equip. 543-6319 I no trouble reading Bars Impioswvo Bfoedirxj }DING GOWN ■ Now MOWERR5.JDBX05 -^ 73 " ,'^ " ’'' S y s i n l ccnlions. n l Clearly, it's HPYYnooalive.324-330t.It. STACKER Now Holland I /or worn, sizo 8. Lwaho riding mower,mo roar bag. ft lo diam onds, a n d in- - 1068; Hoston 4650 balor, I -7— 7------— time to shift U g. loaturod in Bride's 12hsp,,51150. S' JO 14-SB WHEEL CHAIl inceding an overtrick, HORSES Hoston C450 owathof, ■ nazlno, 5200. 733 0476 walk bohi3hina roar back & • jy, iike-new,:!v 20- com, to: stea d of concc trU«r<|unU»v«lo TVAfn. I'O lUalBU. . Coll Q23-4033. £ arm & log rest. E ast’s lieads-tiJs-ttp defen.se nets one .. TX r-». •Uh SASK tr irply. ; RAY HUNT CUNIC < — r - 5 5 i ------trimuJtch.Ji. $400. 324 2279. movaDIO arm >rynihl llw7,lIi«™lKriiureS>nil*c4ie.Ii>c August 2-5. 1997. T.F, 208070-1731. dovTO. i'rn AUxovlaikjns txlno abWovUt- I I ANTIQUES & 4 ------LAWN M OW lS S250. Call 201 County Fairgrounds. Colt 8 0 8 RIDING L ed rosmu. Vffi'an you »nno I ■ COLLECTIBLES | I JOMMUNICATION Craltsmarlan II. elect, start, — slaning class. your dajiinod od. b« suta » Hoisomonship class. DISHES.J&GMoaMnEn- | DEVICES . rido & mulch.mi 10 hp, 30’ A 8 011 1 8 I HYBRID W3lf olff pups. 2 FREECHERRIESi s PUMP Parmo ro-lilt pump,np, toadars undotstand your DI w/ a tow,wbar,S750llrm. Class D«es limiiod-RogistDf" meiiasofspeaitout. glishStallordshiroslorling f — INSTPUMENTS monihs, fomolo:iQles. 43%. ' You pick. 0-12 hp» electrical panel,lel, Nowl Spectators wolcome. •Ronal;sanco- edition. 8 1000 J0« rndio 15 channel 326-6671, — $100,'ca. 734 6226222 7-9pm Call 736-7273. Callcolleet.6-0om.(001)01) . h phono pad. mlko and ------• S25/day. Coll733-90195 SWATHER 8200 Hoston placo P dish sot w/son/ing LAWN MOWER. 8 ALLEN - Beaieaulilul organ. planer & bowl. Sago color, c nargor ^ g unit Included. RIDING LA id ltltfn . C all MINIATURE Plnchor. Pin 2 Organically raised Jor _____ (orlnlormaiion. . 820T00405, diosol, air, P ipporw/mulcher •Colonlor edilion (samo S500/olM/oller. Coll423 59l9. hp Snapi males w/blackI Sti& tan mark- Staera-no drugs, noloCJD 1 RADIATOR for 1930 or “ 14 It. header. 1817 hrs. *'‘'■5120000. Call 736-0743. __ ___HORSES Ro(j,'^Afa_Ci Bay ..paltorn) croam&sugac. ^ ------::------ings. tails a oar onrn_dono^ Custom Finish-324-2*•2240, ..i931.ModolA.Ford.must,lunl 7-.-Goodohaptt.-alway6- -P ■ Z; GUITAR CIassassical w/caso. Goino lo bo smai ,k . moro, foa! ot sido. Any" .stofodundorcovor.. ..set._.s $300. Call 733-3407. ■ 8 0 9 ~~ \ x — r — ...... onoconiide.SISOO. Par­ 8 1 6 ■ ■■ >0 mo, old.-SI'SIGO orbost 'o a P om eran‘^n'ian^^^i- i SONSHINE P R O,UCE ^ , Pilcod bolow othor llko DRESSER/MIRROR “ Gin- 208 654-2501. males, 2 blackirk w/whito■ MARKET. Emmott c tial hay node? C70-3053._ machines on market. Lo- , CISEEQUIPME>fr oiler. Call 20e gorbroad trim. $175; child -486 DX2-G6 DX with SVGA r—^ . markings 4 2 sol-Oiw Sack 'l03- lOaf’O 8*oo> corncoi & ROTARY MOWER 5 It. HORSES- 11 year old grayay caied in Wolls, NV. (702) drosser/mirror. J 500; night monitoi Rulh Prudan fat GUITARS Bojinnor Beg 4 ok- , S350/oa.53, 1 vegetables OponsFrFri. 10 pTO dilvon. 3 point hitch.ii:h. ■ 752-3575, loavo msg. ' milof. Powerful enough MISC. Ru 'Arab gelding, top notch stand, S20; all light oak ,0 overwhelmqJ,,, beginner. burnor.$^$200. Cordiofllide. e s . Somick'®K 1^ chocolate)late. will bo “-ni. I° Cj30 p.m. Tuo^S^- Tu Call 324-5587 enduranco/mtn [lorse. finish. Coll 734-341G. up-gra•gradablo, $500. Call $<00. Call Ca 208-733-5425. 5 P un s 2 Sot, Addison Ave: E Kontucky born and brod. SWATHER NH model 910 J n colored , (next to Burger Stop},p). SEMI GRAIN TRAILERI r . S2SOO. 733-7130 oderSj ■ for pans. Also, misc. on- I | ENTERTAINMENT CTR- °-S930______NORDICIC T R A C K .So- lails.call 678 ------Hoooor bottom nroin trail-rail- _ tlquo farm oqulprhont. ' , $300 Miniaturejro :Schnou- ^ I or or roar sell unloadingling • Antique all wood hand ^ ■■■— ■—-I quoia, hardly ha been usodI ot678-2017117 filter G pm. ^6 ,1 female, ■ 8 2 4 HORSES- Soiling 10 Aro-Q. Como a sool 536-6658 T J inlChapol $250. Ml nsk lor Gary. modo, S75.Collociors ■ 8 1 0 Excollonli 121______black.S250/Ii0 /malo& IviDEOEQUIPME ?f3. bian ncrsos. S-tOO and up. long playing records (rom I FIREWOODF pricoolni(now, 324-4615. ------If. TRACTOR'92 Kubota, ------— ORGAN YamalmahaHSn.Oxc S275/lomale. 934-5051934 M l Call 733.2323 or 733-7051 ------—- SATELLITE SYSTE _ M0580w/cab,4x4w/lront ' f sEWOOD : • will dohvor, A------—— ------1 cond.$2000.: : STORAGE SHED • Call , Ik- loador. Fully equip. 2000 u POMERANIANS.NS, AKC, 2 no’w Sony 1 8 'wilh I 324-3106. leave message. Ho r s e s - Tonnosso walk­ I HAILEY'S ANTIQUE Call32 raloly.733-S7G7 (o m a lo s. 530 IH i - ers. broko & unbroke, all'all- hr3.S27K/Oltor.e86-230t, ; , MISCFOR SALE 1300 o a , 2 toad output. 5400-1 ' MARKET. Roberta McK- ---- :----- ___ I oly walnut Baby rrwlos, 5275 ea.'3.734-5545. 7 S37-63(W TRACTORS Disk Wanted:tod: ages. Coll 88G-7000DO ------[orchor Park, Hwy. 75 . RUSSW3SIAN OLIVE-, some * . ' PIANO Lovely Mow S som e Poplar. PUBUs u e SERVICE Grand, e)>c. 0 prolor smaller Ford or-JD JD loavo msg will cat! back. Finonclng-Rnancing iHailey, Idaho, too plus Willov, c. cond.. 53995. ROTTWEILERSIS AAKC rog.. SEGA game goar-Husl OOacord, U-haul. Coll MESSAGE 736-9333. usband ,fon, ond & 0a 33 ontiquo dealers. Both IN- 5100 a ;______pupplDs, 1 malo.'ilo.Komalo. g?Vw up but kidsIs lo o point hitch, in good run- r . Rnancing - GAC. JDOORS 4 OUT with a 543-423-42?»4. There orero no "froo rides'. ------HORSES. ALLTYPESI NEW Rhino 4x4 disol troc- ‘ ______Oclojo yi 1 you do business PIANO-UQUIDmiDATIOHSALEl 677-4142. young • 6 gomes, AC\C and nlng cond. 51000-51600600 Bought, sold & trodod. groat variety oflloms. July — - — torsslortingatiuslS7,395. U fiovor know Uia valua ol wiih a company,CQ chock it 20 pianos mu.- SCHNAUZER --AKC A mln- ^ar “dapters. 5150.0. Call 423-4000 or 733-83B0.). • Call 733-6055. 4th & 5th, 9:00 to 7:00. " “J Ih Iho Betior BusI- July 15. Pi. - ★Salcsand'orRcntals* July Glh. 10:0010 6:00. isilliod una you uso II. ' out wilh 1 s. 5300. Call ______' ness-Gunluioau. For Iroo in- $350. DoiwoI-;;™; S '.. ------TRAILER (or 0-8. rooson-son- Z HORSES. AQHA moro,0 , • Rnanclng Available • j! B78.2717. . ------able. (208} 764-2426. excel, btoodllnol Gontiotio HOBBY HORSE RANCH Not N to worry II youVorTovDr' A "' " g.|.j lormaiionion about avoiding Call 670 . placed a daisltlcd ad. Wa disposition. S2900. Rodod TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. URNmJRE4CARPET| SYSTEM, 24 ^ ' Sis^ |_WANT^TO^BUY I WANTED: Full-sizo ^bOO . Soric! gelding, last horsollOl 324-5050 ■ Joromo . _ » a help you. Can 733-0331. 1 FURh w/woodon hoodboordord ilssion. Washing- •2714. BOAT:9lt..orlosswo( Hnndlos.wolll S1900. UCH/LOVESEAT. S b . ’S o “ . w/or'without bdrm. fum,:jm,: .C„ 20580, or call “ i*; __ Rnn 1 »« rowboat, w/or w/oul I ------^— ■pioasocair2'0^^73£r70flCi“!0” hiiS//SWV.noritintn.n^l'hliotso t ------BD2 — i 50, POSTiBED, queen itional Fraud Infor- ^31-1427,, 734-7854,73 eve SHIH-TZUS Re( - Almond Upright froozor: - {soophoiQSininiefnoi) I ■e. chorry wood. $350. the.Notio 33. 5300 ea. 734-0622.______733-883a73^6300fl/TylimelS- I APPUANCES size, c ionC enter. ------— malo, 2 m ales.! OSTRICH f c — 2O8-7:,8-733-2593. ovonlnj^ VOod-07° 8 1 9 678.3476. BUTTONS: unusual 01 Cfodio Acfos Osinch Farm•m TRACTORS - 2 JD. must *APPLS,, TV'S. STEREOS ------076-7060, i 81 In/hus WANTED: Tan or brovjno\in •. S36.5460 sell; 4960- 4100 hours, ** VJanlotldoadoralivol ENTERTERTAINMENT CEN- • EQUIPMENT SIAMESE & BAU K Queone Anno or Wing/ing - duQ la.wolghts, MFW, OS. winao* WWIO I iuEiUPPUES Kittens with shots, ^ • Bock chairs w/or withouthout TV Doctor - 734-9108 TER f num, 2 IOV1 & 3 & PONIES S k id s horses, S59.50D, 4555-low hr, _ ml.os s eoblnol. 3- ! ably priced. Cali;:all 536-5750 ‘*^3-5525.______matching couch In good priced light. Also PONIESiS PS, MFW, 551.500/oiler, DEEP FREEZER pioco!DCe, $900. 73G-2B00. S^.S10( QDANIF1 BUYING washers, Otyors, dn cond. 733-0030 AnylTmol ATSTtJO. Call 736-5921^ 543-6049 0:731-6049. upright. 17CU.I1..S75. ------SPRINGER SP- : uccPAT rrnnm BUFFALOLO SKULUperlect Good usod ‘ lolso Call 733-0770. ■ L O V E onwiilicops.5180. brandsholvir WATCHES, buying, Bolso ■pONY RIDES Your placece TRAILER, Chotmoc. '93. _ i~ifpta.wp= s?oid, collector paying lop dollar:ollar or mine. HORSE BOARD­ all 324-0562 squaro foot 1 0* gooson ock stock trlr, DRYER D Wosiorn Auto Quarcuardod. Rarely usodi S’d'i'wS'orH r s ^3.5429.1.9. loavo msg. a low minuto* aday dioaiockJno for Old men wrisl watches,iies. ING, training & condilion->"• 6X16, used vory littlo. olectiic, < brand now, S200. e25, i 2S Call 208-734.0779. CLOTHIN asslllod 200-389-229f UNO Racks, $25 to ao'l^ioctlori'-lons, plus twelve TREAT YOUR DO Ing, & lessons. 736-5921^ Must sool Call 543-6408, WASHER \ Konmoro, $50. ------It. Shoe racks. 535. Coll 326-5109 MATTFTTRESSES. Full s.'ze iding ondcops dor loving caro > SADDLE, 15*. Wostern.'• TRAILER, canto,'93 Travo- _ r 599. hotel returns. Call ------. andassonodled shelves; buy |n„ g,oomed*o°TLCDofl ot 1 CAMPER SHELLS.1. Vwant- 4 8 2 7 ! Exc. cond,, S350. -long, goosonock, 7X20. DRYERS/WASHERS. D 734^0!14-0881.______CONCES;iSSlON TRAILER, “ny comblmblnatlpn hoK o(( Grooming-73C733-3509 od to buy for 1900 | g A R A G E S A^ ^ 1 ‘ Call 734-3024. Bull pkg. Good shapel Buying I Konmoro, Whirl------:oil 866-2007. now priceiwhilothoylasi, wh ------T------______Rongor PU. Also 1 “ S4600/Q»or, 208-543-620^. pool. | GE, Hot Point. MATTRTTRESSES, King sizo. ______Potro:2TrtTravel Plaio 4 . .-- . ------:------1 Ford RangorPU.037- BUHL Old Ropers Buildingding SADDLES. SItvor show, Working or noli 736-4005 Hotel3tel loturns,1 S100 n set. COPIERR - - Ricoh ST-4430 208-32'024-3442 I 821 pkg, SG50. English sod- IsTEgEO/RADIlADlO/CDS CRISP Greonr* Thurs.. July 3,0 am-5I pm. TRAlLER-hoppor bottom ------J ------734-8114-6081.______w/whooeolddcort.Vory ■ ' 5, Annual PEOYard Solo.lo. ■- dio, S175. 2Qa-733-5425.'5- 20' pup& 20' spud bod. WATER w HEATER Convon------ond 5700.734-2081 d gj — i— ^ Goosobenlos. ... Unldon radio w/phono od i to gas. Only usod 3 MATTI,TT RE SSES. Ouoen 820 STEREO EQUI3UIPMENT - Coll733-9691. TRAILER 2 horse, mats, & SUPPUES I Clarion CO playplayer w/ re- — ------L_____ TWIN FALLS 2125 Sherrylorry ' 55; padC77-2105 or 431-0003 yrs. . $50 or best oKor. Coll size,te- fHotel returns. $130. cOUCH{ - - liko now, (olds I PETS & S Lnno.Tuoo 8-G & Wod«od spare, good Iloof. SUOO. 735-0281. . Call?:111734-0001. out toislnglobod, si $90, T ,,.-.,n.L i 5220/oflef. DRUM SET Coll 735.2410______kL lA N SH E P. obcon*’L^bw«olc•ooler box w/ in vory good'condiiifliiion 0-I2. Guns, oporting __ TRUCKS. (2)1975 Ford LN Wall BoiJookshelf, docoin- AUSTRAL 0 goods, power tools.'i AC. c " . • H 750 w/391 englno. hoa I live. S40/40/o((or. Gas Tank; - , “ E” ? P“PPippios.purobrod' 12* Blue ThundcjndOf spook- Coll 734-0220 ZOLLINGER RANCH ed & Rod Mono. ors Inotalled, S3 ------boby iloms, & more.24 24 ft ft . OUARTERHORSE[c 10-grain bod. SG800. e n g in e -R o b u llto,blo oor- wildornoss t;1r. oloops3 8. 8. 3^ 1 9 7 0 GMC 10 w h ool r ) n - I t - Yourself;lf I d e a s Zr-S, Will sell soparataratoiy, fcxc. ^ SALE, Sat. July12.1 pm 111200-645-2235. cond. 829-5062. I. prefer at iho Ranch. Oakloy, ID.n w/gtavol bod. Cummins A K cudtr Scnlcc Tnim Your,'„urN™.,p“|.cT 5 ^ 1^ ------454. Lnrry 736-28(>800 or TWIN FALLS 630 Hayesayes - (208)862-3402 englno. 10 spd. $12,000, M E Li\B pups. Ojif - J?!'!),;,-^ d oltatll S43-2612,^ Drive, Tuob. orily, 8-1. ' _ PIOQSOcal1200-430-8215, ' down 'S' Ea riK'SS Ih parents good a«?lfiod, 733-00 ------Nice mons/womonssIg, Ig, se I FREE giomoso momiirtima & clothing, golf oqulp., craltcralt 7 0 2 1 amily members. ^ - ~ 703~ ^ 1 - s svs & 1st shots, m 8222 2 3 mo, old kittensn s. All . lioms/supplios & misc. FARM/RANCH ch. Ploaso call I t OOLS/MACIACHINERY wormod, Call 320-61;-6014. ----- im,530.326-..29G_ 208-587-050 SUPPUES/EQ^ F A n S v i c E S 1111 im 0501. ------ABSOLUTE: AUCTIONAL FUELOILTANKNK 4 8 2 8 BALER (2)6550 Case IHC. H / / / I I f \ DOORS> 36'3 solid wood & ------n n n FOODpdi 18% Dump Trucks, ForkliftFo Rat 250 gollon plus orminus. m I MEDICAL SUPPUESJES In lino. 16x10'balos. exc. I ' i j / / / / / I - , mololslo bog - $5.00 Loador. SandlindWastlnd - 0011029^426212 ALL THRESHING, Chop- ______HOIST lor bothlub. $100..100. cond, SOOOO: 425 NH. 1 ^ I I n w cond,t 45- " o . M o ' r -'“ '‘' ‘’“a H ping. Swathing, Boling. 33-0444, after 5:30. Equip.. RailrooiIrood Equip., want to lava monay?y? Shop Ploaso call 200-543-6945.1945. 'ooodcond.$2500; , Houllng, RocfePickor, H 11 S75.733 FOOD 30% J.D.Ooier.Bir. Bobcat. dasslflod n«l for nrfvatavarwtu — SWATHEH 375 IHC 14' Randy Wooyor. 543-0886. H V/DRUMS,:3, stool oil. 55 gal- ?0 'bbagbog - 55,00 Trailers, Pickup:t la«-ii thjirs «ti p>ipi }■ w/tools.519;1995 JET Call734-3412. 630-WANTlD i5 CUSTOM grain harvostlng, ^Ic^i(!Il' liavc llie twin ticncfil' '>fitfcnmr.itl o and g.KJ MACHINE, h o r se . Pony wonti COLLECTIBIjS BELLAHUSTRACTORS^ Trucking avalloblo-. l,xiVv 'nidi's v.tiy ihcy'rc populur. ' ?°?-Amo™old?;' W/Pow^fe^od PlOOSO coll 208-432-6809, ing eillicr hik, il'i\ luiilil-il-jourMrl 1 lom, • I'podod. vory SM5.Call 200-4 BOTTLES. Jim Boom, WOWl You w on’f tjoHovo (^liid iKiicru 10 llic livi; il folii» up r. ill or ‘ i^ouro/osolthoNEW»i! "I'cn tuliIcJ m en s. Call quo to listi'Pl^socaii Pic .Can ^6-0359! )ves, [Iti J& .D FARMS C ustom Tlv: pUn iricludc.s Mcp-l>y-'tcpcp.Iirccli,msw.>l.ll il JV ____ BILIA, basoboll gloves, Tmciop S Equip Co. Jcromo- 'O U R . •- 1 934-4563 afiorTorGpm.. ( -m o to r HOME-bol nms. Comblnino.Trucko pliDlos. u;iteablc p-illcrnv, diastjiivitjiiu and □ vluippini: , - ' Between bota, pennants, progmms,orta. • Low prico3& beautiful A n ■ ' GIANT ALASJ^SKAN MALA- ~ ~■ — 20-31,It. in 0x0. t olookdoalgn,‘ Ruggod,l avallabio. 8 yra, oxpor. ■ ll« and cullini! vrhcdulc. 1. cond, pins, any & ail sports. • ______, r / \ L J ' MUTE,AKC AK puppies; I 8;M 2 3 ^ wAsland bod. 733-5:1-5293 Dave, 734-97S3, . 01 &98^1pirlolock-xJ 677-2105of431-0003. - :S CLASSIFIED booutifulmamarking, red tint- I VARIETVF . . • From loodors avail. [(.'oltllni: Adironilack Clialc pbnan TIM ES X fSjPi*® p Ia NO an oldor Qb 7 ^ . LEUA CUSTOM HAYING bloodlines, Onya. M ----- 8..SERVK abused OLD TOYS Top cash pile, m o besf ports. Iho Oosi -(No.K5 l) ..;S 8.9S DEF=PARTM ENT-- 0X5..°'°' ^VICES. . • onosplmayroflnlsl n tho - Swathing, 1 ton & 2 otrlng. - _|-AMIMCNI 434-46244 Q ask for Jenny lish It for 09 paid lor toys fromQOOO the ------solos, parts & lopairsoi- Adlmndack Quarltl (Ni., C(>J) vo can't lOOO'D-1970'o. Ploooc baling. 1 Ion olocking: 2 i ’9S - 2 0B-734-5538 8 ...... and 436-62C6201 0V03, . BUMPER Cl vicolnSoutlwmldaho^ string S 3 string slacking . ■j^urpniiccis), , , S 3 .« I FILE cabidblnots( 2).S 120/oI GOLDENJ R RETRIEVER S r S AND or 539-3399,.tts>( for Loo. Storeoriorocolver,S50. S10-. puppies, r K & n . 735-.2l4 0,li,...n VINTAGE BARBIES ANC CLOTHES. Will buyrcol- col ' ______For.Canm Pratio.S W po^ - _ _-niiiid£i.cirtlcJienils)L_l‘lci>>i:lci>>?jny'!y«Ji«'i ------rootumiimtablo.-S50-MtooJ=- -S250-(208).. jm a-6-eT>m.- PlCKUp-SHELL-PrT ry -a — ....- . • , RIvofVolIoycollMlKo■oti. STACKlNQ..bin balQS.___ rt>c.'.idJrc'% aiul llltf 'la 110 v Profera-- H eolors Invootory-fi c l i p s - < n d w / c t i c c k u>: n a r t x : .; -9 KUP * Pl0“ 0' ’'O ch"5fhlldron under bly Flboroiass. to r 733- StOWortQl 200-764-33010 HETRIEVmO lo. a om. itcLlhluicBJriiicr. ora $5(°.;n''FlrSolaco'^/ 0 match oslalos. PloosocCall'03. 733 HOBBY HORSE RANCH U-lliia Ftalurwi ‘ nim itct jptingnowcllenls 5t Stmwhorry black Ford Rangegor.NO 9606 or 733-1322 0V03. ■OJ Coil BalorUnlimllod. ,« » irrcliiJe p«>'tai:c blowor.jr. $200. Smotlln- i mis, N. 0(1 JUNK! Call 536-551 TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. Comp, covorod. 643-5368. l*.O.IIorlW3 I’rivcii ol blower. 575. Ex- 10. ' • Van Nu)J,CA 91409 am e . 5 r aige s & 1 mi, W, ------~ WATCHES, buying. Bols( 324-5858 ■ Jerome ...... „ S SI ibike, , S60. 423-0459 hOUND PLO•LOTTWiijKER , on^rrymbroRro Rd. or 3 ml, POOL COVER for i dollar orlntemel . SWATHING S STACKING ir obovo collector paying top doliachos. All seed crops, hay. oats. g r ] O r cjiU (800) 82-U> -U -B IL D ^ UKllboourbesllUM X pup. 4.mii males led, borp E. on tho 300OS. S. Frontago ground pool, 16 ft.I. dlnmo-d for old men wrlstwatchos ■ ■ htip7/WWW.rwthrifti.n>)t/hhcrM 0-324-2036 lor. 734-9753, (uapholoJlnlnlomoO. Comp covorod. 733-5839. Iftsd. 733-0031, . • i - 4/22^7,5U5100, 326-6014 R o^. 200-32 200-389-2291 . ,or733-19G3.

I i '■) . • 1 ' '■ I

- , - . .1- - 1. ■ ^ r Twidjy. July 1.1597 TirTIrne»^m. Twin Falls, Idafw 07 •

MOTOR - 9,9 HP Morcucy ' FRV BUYERSI TRAILERrR • .HO, 16 n , long FORD '88 F250. F2 Cleon, FORD'OOBronccinco. Full FORD ’94 Rangor XLT, _ FORD, F-150. XLT. 1993. '- MOTOR Older Johnson 10- .e-Exit 1&5. Wended fl1 0 0 2 OnlyS7! horto troiyng motor. Good '4t4 AT. AC. powor.)r, till,1 IQW — - FORD, Explorer Sp'Ort,, Super Cab, 351. long bod. 9-5,Mon-SoL. I AUTCJTOPARTS&* 7 CARAVAN, mis. Cnll324-05£f1525.. FO R D -96 F 250 po> j' lowing pkg Compor shell. cond.. $400. 436-3260. •Solos • SoMco * Buy ■ ACCJr rc cQ n n iF Q DODGE 87 ( power 1991. 2 dr, Excol. cond. CCESSORIES summor tripsl Classllloi] . . . tor lor pooplo sirokb. Asking S23,50i3,500 • 65K mis, $10,500, Col! oxcol. cond, $14.900,. 901 P14 PI - wim Qalor Ixir. 40 hp ‘Soli *Trodo Il’ Plo.-»5acail200-733-2G90. esTplSSJISlIonod S 2 ,0 9 5 - CC Oj I (2 0 0 ) ovoryr.l.ofol 7331.0031. W: _ pall 543-589717 Franknnor4pm733966t ^ATVSworonwc^ EvinnxTo, | runs gtool. Call CorComo soo our Quality ENGINES - 'AMOE Trailers mado by & Rebuiiihulll Gunfnnleofl 567-7423. 5*3-4284 oves-______5 SL500. Call - r ' HARLEY DAVIOSON — Thor (manulocturors ol Call' SAILBOAT-18' USYochl. Airslream), — “( f o 8 ? K 93980. ; . ■WFXESupofGIWo. 'ICK-UP. Only - ■ S10,000/oHor. 734-5910 txollor. tiller.' soils, and 4 RiRnancing availoWo. ' WE^CURYJRY, Topaz. 1964. OMC. '75 PIC ------hp h molor, this and oil oih- Call 536-2301. 65Kmis,_ 7 3 4 ^ — S3650Alrm. 736^5573. good g tor hunting, good ■rices ond cizos. CYCLONE>NE71 351.4spd., $ 4 ,2 5 0 . ,C C a II(2 0 8 ) '1-000-303-0602 Idaho condition. S300. Coll ^ OonT r pay Iho high 1 owner,lor. Bucket sools, 587-7414 '' EATING & AIR jMGlC VALLEY STAFFING HONDA, 00, 1967, 3100 733-0541 7 . '■freeway prices, $3250/oltil/oltor. 734-9446, FORD, '06 F-350 F- CREW j A C OlUsncAL U l corONDITIONING — mllQS. Now liros. Runs STARCRAFT BOATS BlBERTHARBAUOH .. q 1 Rear. $2,500 I DRY'lY W A L L ------PAINTING goodlSSOO, 326-4395 bo- y„ MOTORS :S?r 87-6689, I ------SAWSAWTOOTH SHEET C foro 1 pm or afior 6 pm. Vory tow leftl Wo'io blowing LWB.L w V ’reb'!jli?V8°4rebu It V6. 4 <.unf\/ ColU208)507 •A-rm REMODELING outUio 1997'sb - -1 1952 roplico, m 4x4. V-8. 5 s CARPENTRY SUZUK11996 Intruder. 800 TR great concond, Fiio ongino Coll 1-800-74: TRI-HULL 16- walk thru. 4 Ml Typos Construction PROFESSIONAL cc’o. ui^dor 2.0Ct0 mllos. seats. si 75 hp Chrysler mo- QOLF5LF CLUBS. Nood used : rod, $650(6500, 676-4192, • FORO,'94F:1!tiS o u - kochuasoISONRY SERVICE lutomatlc. AC, Masonryry ConsUuctionc UiqolS0o/Stjiall/lndoor/Ouido« riROORNQ & COATINGS $5000 lirm or lakd over lor. tc Intomal 16 gallon fuol goltiiolfclubs?1-l8opd,Mtn. ------PERCAB, out on onty tho best mil dot 7 pmt3.73508. it idod, $17,468, Commeraal:iai 4 Rflsidontlal Whono 733-7221,0f 326-5857 ' lanh, bulll-ln anchor. 2 . BikeMke. Coll 200-733-0770. g i3o6 ^ I P*- ’0“'’* Coll 734-3244 . CcCommnrcial. rosidunti.il. . downftogorsandCouIWns j— 7“ 743-3326. .FREEE:EEslimalos . ^ SUZUKI-91 250 4-whoelor. J JUBA GEAR. Now Oco- I SEMIEMI & HEAVY lino Koch — Buildup roots. Most minor trailer. Coll 326-4022, SCUE PntllPMFMT FORD, 94» HANGER.f H O M E IClooks ropaifOdin24 hrs 4x4, new onglno. tan kit. __— . I, onicinic Oatamax Pro divo B AM/FM casiisse llo , nice 67B-453515 735-8688 ' likonow, $3000.543-6116 ^ ompuior, now ScubaPro BEDS3 axlo'noor j V ^^ k 57.1?.666.Call; ------:ONSTRUCnON ^ tf , 9 0 4 i gi250 m 2nd slogo, Scuba- 3326 B USINESS S I ■■ . ^ 3AND & GRAVEL YAMAHA- 1093 HT160. I< w/ or w/oul 4 oxlo ; I CAMPERS/SHELLS I • pro>foMKioiststago.i ^ •-150 4X4 XLT 1 S ERVICES R \ coujiILUKSCUSTOU SIDING S950/oltof. Call 543-5370. »■ >cubaPro moak. lins. ..for ‘ . loaso or loaso ! ^0, DEUVERED . ----- ALASKAN A l 8 It. compor ; aso 677-4622. ; w/€HELL. V-8.V' AC. lilt. I ------Prole’folosslonallylnslnllcd _ noftol and many acces- ______; cruise and mo Gravel, sand & topsoit lor YAMAHA .1993 YZ80. ox- wllh v. heolof & icobox. i ■nore, SI 5.400. j ‘ twim/IN FALLS Sidin3iding & Motal RoolS- diivow.iys. poiXing lots. olc. irosl $1100. PIooso coll $. orlos, Coll Cnris days at poRD 79LTL9000diOSol.'79 L I Call 1-800-74:743-3326, 1 PLANAN ROOM Allotdablo A/; R m s y ' S600. 733-9514.______: (208208)733-2891. 6V92DOH You can taul 100. Crtvtl Stitt 208-735-7481 ntlor 6 pm. — Dolroit.13spd.444 |CHEVY,'9415150Q4X4.AC. ] jobstobldl3ld for Conorals, FroeEjoEst. - 16yts, Expor, I;NORTHWEST CO. INC CABOVER - -86 8' comp- i - rears,wel wel kid. pinicl hiich. I till ond cruis 1 Subconlrncilrnctors B. Suppli- Dennis Dor - 736-8469 ” 733-1234 YAMAHA 1975 Y2-100.W/ ,cor. oxc, condition, sloops ; ^ 9 1 0 M 989 SPISpudnik 2 f salt- I $17,460, Cpil:pll 1-000-743- ors. Bluellueprlnt copios, ui-** power band. oxc. cond., '5, '5 stovo, rotrlg. hoaior. ' TRAVEL TRAILERS unloodeJder bed, cloan. ! 3326, 734-PLA>LAN(7526). n UOME fl HEALTH ~ EXPLORER ______SHARPENING S700.53G-2396, oves. S S-2 SOO/oltor. 678-4418. ft H : roady tOto go,1 $23,500 or 1 FORD. '94 E! CARE -JO '87 Aiilonco 3.i'. oxc, irndoon on hopper Irailor. • 'XLT. Ono owner,ov aulo- P:l l |e a n SERVICE YAMAHA 1907 Big Wheel, CAMPER W SHELL 6 It, Cor- ond. Must soo 10 appro- Call 326-426-4141. malic, loodeiJed, $16,666, t . / m r 200cc.olocLstflfl.S1450. ovan. 0 all moiol. w/ boot Hn,, ----- ^------Coll 1-000-74:743-332G, W INLN D O W S t0AH('AHO HOME HEALTH ,, Jalo, S11.500. 438-59t8 AND HOSPICE’ ' JOHN'S SHARPENING ' 530-6741 or 536-2071. rack n & dbl, doors. S2200 I hqv*l . p . , 678.7760 ...1 , 1969 F600. with FORD,‘95 F-1~140 SHORT- SERVICE wookdays. new. n sacridcoSSOO, ) gallon lank end BOX’, V-6 , AC, A loaded, ROD CLEANIanswindows 734-4061734 Twin Falls ,,Complotosh.irponing. 734-1133 - ; a PA(>ACHE 17-hard sided HondaJ motor m( and pump. 513,988. Coll:all 1-600-743- SICHV■HViClNC: ■’3“-!136-5055 Minl-Cassia YAMAHA 920, low mltoj, - I 543-2273 Buhl , Carbide S stool saws Dnt trtr, exc stinpol Stovo. Good condition,com good rub' 3326 Wood Riveror-Wogic • Volley 5 Clipper shniponino-ropair, S1200orbostol(or. CAMPER SHELL 9 It. lull ! Modicore/Modicaid otria. lumaco. now tires. bcf. $3500}500. Call 733-5920 FO R D .'96 EXPLORER E: Rosldontiol-ial - Commercial • '•'O' I4t Qfocken St S Call S37-6633 sizo 9 Fiberglass. $375, ' ;1500. CaM324-12Qt. .g^ notic, loaded, Preo Est.1, - - Call Rod 01 Ccruriicruriod/UconsoaTJorxJod 9 0 . t r k /c h o .ib . ’34-J050 • 1-800-471-4050 YAMAHA'S. 1993 YZOO. _734-1133, I ords. $21,800- . 423-23-5578 Jationally Rocognirod _ AMP TRAILER. 15'. 32kGWj/. 743-3326, ------Homo Hoaltn Leaaors 1992YZ125. Bomingood CAMPERc t SHELL. Full i i s s ? 5 ? ' ■lomo Grown in Idaho S T U M P ■ cond.Rooso call 629-5542 gi 3ood cond. S800/ollot. 260K mis WINDSTAR, CLE/IE A N IN G Hom sIzo, short box while, loll ! ’loasocoll 206-324-4911. ^‘>27. 734 REMOVAL df- Good shapolS 175. I ‘l'°° IC,V-6,AC. SEPE R V IC E HOftiOME REPAIRS _ _ YAMAHA, 1900. OT125. -731-1427.-734-7864_ t ovoo. | cOLE 13 .0 8 0 ..Call for salb of Irado. Plooso __ DLEMAN 'Oe tent trailer. LOGAN 201 T&T Jpens to 22-. tlko now; $4000, 431 SCiaanlrtg-...... BENEFNEFIEL'S HOME CARE- Anywhofo! - --cail208-423-90l4r CAMPER. C# •80, Cob over. | ■ •*35-1705, FORD.'gOBRiW0NCO4X4, ' "win5g a planting, roialnlng stshampooors, central vacs. jcondlllon, SllOO/ot- WINCHESTER Wl 1300pump genlort, owning, rlow tiros, ------— 1 ,S100.Coll2&208-733-5425, ------ils . Ffoo 051, Insured. S.Solos, son/ice ond repair, Call 662-3422, 12 ' go. Traditions 50 col. AC.\C. usod vory lilllo- ^ Call Rich 733-2045 239 DuQols I black b powdor. 731-4219, $9,5>9,500, Coll 543-5377, ■ ■1007 .... .n rjvor Z town when DD&M i TRUCKS '^ o V « n lo « Coll 733-5618 BAYLINER - 17'bool — icdlc part* for ,,CONC P ONCRETE N f |_A^ANDSCAPING ------1 pAu:^LAMlNO'79 tom trailer, ^ w/oxtras. Newer motor, ^ 9 0 6 Clnrjloepa 8. Icobox & stove. ‘'"■ “1994 J 1500 Vonoc 33 •* Foundalions WALLPAPERING . r $4850:735-7461, Ctior 6, ■ HOT-TUBS>OOLS-| - 5M,^ m-c.ii67e.07i;.-- .apd..LlKE NEW. ^------* Diivoway NY'S LANDSCAPING ” tiles, $12,000, Must ^ ------—------1...... WO JODIrBTo'otC" Ron's Woll Papof BAYLINER 1090 19' I/O. fPOOL t Frooslanding w/ rqai 0 0 9 .., , , Donnia- & Homo Ropalrs. oxcollont condition, 3AD RANGER '79 2911 Bell duouo 101 illnoss. Call ■ ' . .10l 10 Trimming, Spririklars.' Installations. 15 years Iromo In oxc. cond. Inci. Moditodo down bod, sloops 5. 543-2906306 or< 543-5049, $9,000, Call 432-5500, J| Hauling & Now Lawns, O'oxporionco. /Ml work guar- iQddor. pool lillor. cloan- goo SONSIFT R U c T i o t j oniood to your solislaction. "81 y.ion,454. bln CHEVY‘7 2 ’ fJo do what you canH BAYUNER-OS open bow. •'if ing pok (vacuum cloanor . Froo Estimates! G.‘Gpl to know you specials. hoso), Locotod noof sANt\NOPiPER '97 29 It. 5lh block. 6Kml6t< r on rebuilt. HD onglno, S3: airy Constnjdlon ■ Froooslimatos. 15tl.50hp.$3700.PON. h . >1500, 423-6277 grootl Coll 73 734-3322 - Days I TOONfloot.$350. Bollovuo, B S200 or bost whovhool w/ slldoout. Load- ablo welding 34-S481 - Evenings __ (2001677-4669. CABOVER 6 ft. CBiTipor, otior. o 788-5396,345-3997, od.)d. nevor1 usod. Consider c h e v yf, 350.s ' 1975, now CHEVY '82 Suburtjon Si re- ConcioHjolo-Corrals ^ _ $650, Coll 536-2651. —~ ------trodirodo, $20,050,678-7G70. uanj N^; losol, $3950 or WotorTonksnks. Water Unos, No motlor motl how you sponi uyWEDDING:SALK Now brakos, runs built. 6.2 dies rnln Linos. • yoururdays, d clas:llle(tlilt ** 9 0 7 ‘0“’'oovo message, $1300.733-5425,513 bost olfer. CollCo 544-2227- ^ BLUEWATER, 16M0W i ------Free Estimaimates 736-1115 youru( busyb sctiadulo] Pul & S E R V IC E S prolllo ski boat. 13S hp 1 ■ MOTOR HOMES &RVS I ECURITY -77. 21 ', soli- o ODGeT f classllisslllod's llme-:avlno E, Rom. ^07. PU, CHEVY 'OO crowcrt cab, long :ont. clean, good floor it.nn ______diroetoodory ot goods and ter- w edding SHOP Morcury. O/B. $2300. AIRSTREAM Tf 1 9 82.28' Ion, 4 spood. Run$ bod. 77K Bctualod ml. llko ______733-9366, ask (or Ron, ^ lion, AC. R oos Hitch. ' S3500. 934-4764. now. $10,00000.886-7756 Qg, MSloworklofyoutodjy.- RoRents ond Sells: Wodding, molof homo, rear bath, a2oo. 324-8784. Bridosmotd/Porty Drosses twin bods, loaded with ox- BOAT TRAILER lor 16 tL '76 F-250/390 ong. CHEVY '92 /,T.ViT 271, Load- iW N & GARDEN Veils,5 Slips. Bros & Shoos boat, Excol. cond. 12* tfOS. $18,000. 934-5647. syJNDOWNER ^ t . 1006. 36' ™ am por!)or Spoclol. aulo. od. 54K mis.ils. exc. cond. AlpineI ConslrucllonCc 25%2! ON On Invitations. ith whool, booulHul kitch- ^C oxtc tires, 1111 Irir, 733-0162. ^DODGE 1973 R oo^ n ^ , 1 >xtendoblo stop . St4,200/otlorlor, 430-5700 Sumrnoirnor Is herol I-TILL4U& I 7733-8038-210 S. Main 20 tl-. low mis,, must sell. in. Iront ' room In Iho over- bum’per, n - — — — — . Now is1 thothi timo for n Lawn L Mowing — CHARQER 1979 ski boat 2 ihot. tiugo both, lub. - roarspr 6. club cob. . nowlonc'on'coordock. No No Job Too Largo WELDING wHh196lMorcury150hp For P moro Intormotlon, coll lies, Loododl , Call 7' 735-1603. onytlmo, ihower, 1 bdrm. wot bor. $2995/olfc II733-0403 OrTooSmnll ( ALUMINUM Black Max, oxc condition, ' ^C. groat condlllon. . L T m c o:oll ° 736-6234- 1-668B68065-0040 ^20 Skl pylon. $4000. Coll ^ 17500, Call 436-9449. ' FORD'76 1 [208) 677-2541 EXPLORER '71. sloops 5, S75I 84 Silvorado, p m i ------vj,Welding, aluminums stool ' 735:0657 OVOD, "Solf-COnL. S4200..0LYM- ,0? iS!°auio: ONOMY \URUS-02 5inwnoei,-i0- a c '^oxic)xtendobleslep Dsoi.w/Banks A W N & T R E E molnllno/customr welding ; CRESTUNER. 14', 15 hp ■ ' PUS P '77. trt-hull. 40 horse, ' J cond,-53100, CONCNCRETE (n tho fiold or in tho shop. S1400.736-7264. Iv-msg, ^t. 5oxcollont® condllion- bumoorsr. now n conop/. HD CARE;------, Evlnrudo molor, trailer. S i4S00, Call 934-4760. fo a fBsp p r in g s.'1 0 9 K . Coll 324-070^[04^______Free osiimotos. tish llndor. shado o^K^ OMC '69 P/U & compor, ./olfer. 700-4342. CHEVY 198535 S10 Bloior • SpecializinginglnAII.Typesof . , Coll 733-1661 or 420-0133 cover ond lllo lackots, “ ^URUSSharp119842411 S2995/olfe vork. copcroto • AmofInoflcan Maintenance' npwonglno.$5000. ''''I' — T— -— :— — 4x4. robulllilll ong. runs wing a edging, tree trim-, ^ $2999. 734-8943. [J 80 Courier. 5 spd..- gfoot. $3950. (Ing &■ removal. Mowing YARD SERVICE FbRD'72 23 lt. RV, ® ming, yard clean ups. — $7000,436-1705. jreat, looks groal. , ^ ■ -roo ost Call now ENTERPRISE, 17', 140 J J $1600.326-5471. CHEVY, '48.5. 1 Ion. 4X4, forfaslotfiotficiontsowico,- ^ ^08'°'osldentlai-commotcial. Jim 's Treo & Yard Service hp. I/O, ulr, (iBh llndor, HARVEST'78 a a s s A 27'; VIKINKING'96 2 3 '(onllrir, 3 . ^1 I .- sorvico bodody, 350, V6. • - 733-2167l67or734-4742 ) Son/or ! rafss/ - , . 7•TrooRemoval: - Topping _ trolling plolo, vinyl top. AC.a genorotor. micro, 54K woy»oy rofrlg, 2 way fumaco. = q R D1 1 19 9 9 5 R a n g e r , AT. AC. liko;o new1 $8300 ------Froojest. est Coll 200-320-4522 ' • Shrub Trimming S4500/offor. 15 hp John^ mis,.„ 440 Dodgo ♦ extras, owniwnlng, llko now cond. ’J ;4600/otfor. 543-4944 gO^OM^I3 miles, oxc. condi- 431-5434 or?r 678^( 09, F E N CE BUILDER1 — □ • Mowing • Slump Removal aon trolling motor, S8500. « 324-2405. Uovo S46( loao modol, $7950, ' - LAWN AND . tColl anyllmo. 678-3476.0f S1000/olfor.CdI324-5550 mossogo ® II not homo. — ^ VIKING lent troiiors. CqII 324-7039 or CHEVY, BlOiOJinL’tM^plfinlft Experlonoinged. All Typo’ , GARA R D E N C A R E CoIlular670-1813 646 osk for Brian.. Tahoo.Excol Work, Low Roles ------. FIBERGLASS BOAT 14'. HERITAGE diosol '84 Broncond now. A full truck load 423-4646------— • coll 208-886- 30 hp outboard, runs (; 0 chose from, Slartlng ot c q r d . nor s s ilph for frod est. BILL'SLL’S lawn SERVICE Class A. 46K mi. 25\ gon, lo cl Ranger, 1993, now ■ 736-8184 f^ov good, SltOO/oKef. Call 89 -1 0 mpn, oxc. cond. ' S3G95. S3G Nicely-oqulppod. In oxcollont . condt CHEVY-83\ 4544 onolne. Mowing. Trimming, ' Jim 733-9110. s S t6.000/otfor, 423-4229 Oon'l:n-l pay the high froowoy 57" ^ ' ^ PU. 87K mis., oroiing. Thatching, & . QGUARANTEED E N C E S ' FoniSzirtilizing, Hovo schedule pricoslll' .. I ' S ’ci,'d”Stires. S 324-2057 J ' t l ' A D S ■ HAWAIIAN Day CruIsoV, krT COMPANION 1094 33 BERT Bl HARBAUQH FORD, Rangor.Rar 1994; now ipening M-F, Vocation 23’. tandom oxlo trollor, ft. ft double olldo, W/D. gen- . MOTORS iiroa. Runs Run ooobl Excol. DODGE 79,, straight8 body, ' X"vorogo avail,^326-3133 ;3600of btiiit _ J ._ , T h e T im e s N ew s low hrs., 460 Ford w/]oc- erotor. g & morol 734-4023 oOViOWNTOWN W ENDEa cond!C Coll l =08.733.1332. IRFENCIN^ • I A' LAWN CARE ‘ guarantees to sell MALLARD-24’Floetwood __ .,. ■ 2 5 v l “Exp. a Ail Typos 01 i= il '58, 2 ton truck. ■ Z , Choln Etc . , , , morchandiso, Brohd Now. Ouolliy ol ll's wiLOILOERNESS 1982 22 ft.. w/16V^'k'Miskin M hoist bod, DODGE 922 Dokota,t V8, * ’ Wood, Cl Unk; LARSEN, 1970, 17' Trl- finost.Ouoenbod& uko ulo.,AC. groal Custoqorier BuysI M^prlals LAW U N PR O aulomotivo in 7 Iko now, S 47 6 0 . 536- Bod I In n o g o o d a h o p e l 5-2 10 Eslim^teV -you Cr _ H au l, 116 hp molor. troll- option © loaded- This woeka gI 7 7 ^ 4 t Of 0 3 6 - 2 0 7 1 . $3000/OftO/ofter-543-4576ovo3 w"*!- S’ ^K.K. 324-1338- .--F'OOE i/Gnjw/r-lVoMoiv/n' days and real Ing $3200. 734-8303 or •special was $14,995 woe — — -Call 208-734.41^0206 - ...... NowEow Equip.- Free Est, ’ V. lon.CummI- ■ ■ Any Size Lawn - estate In 15 days 734-4631. ■______now 511.995. • ------5V4toncab.'lton orTanjnthe ad an ■ I nuaranloo wo can bool WILtILOERNESS YUKON (romo. Oc >.Bpd..PW.PS. FINA Mulch ot Bag ‘ ; Good tiros, runs. Krnis.,S26,500, , ------additional 7 days, j MARIAH'96 20 ft. loaded mo high frooway prices. vory'ory nice 1967 22 fl 6lh v. ulil:jb bo ed . S900/oHor, _L_J23-6362 or 734-1224_____ ' boouUlul boat. Must soo BERT HARBAIIOH whovhool 4.Btti whool hiti^. 733-111111Mftor6;00p,m- .677-4729 or3f431-0406. > — Noodo'Mdr'^dngagoT'liwest ,------IT ie r e ls a S 3 e x tra tooppfodalo.S2i.000; ^ MOTORS - S50I=5000. call 324-3a21...... Town? Purchase. LAWN (oe for th o g u a ra n ­ N 1 993'A ton,'low OODQE,1974, jclibn, solf-emp, - ' c p Call 324-6340 DOWNTOWN p, WENDEU sl ollor. Form " mnnntnr' SPRINKLERS tee package. Ads • S36-e323______d a i i ' I fnls., nownow tlroa, ehocko,- f 'octurod homo. . .MIRR0CRAFT14',trlr. 4b ^ iry, custom m og tmck-. Coll20208-S0°-2^1- ^etrnon“^(n£^0-1814 2nd. ' - ' (nay b o c a n c e lle d —earlyJoEXUStomec ______hp.EYirirucfoJ]#ti.tini)OD. ,pPAOE-ARflOW-«0-Elo- i jrAiphwCO-stonw TroRD^SFnBnsorstnfioarflr ■ ------homo-oqui' . $760Ofolf0f.733-8610 . --gonia34'iChovy454,8-5 -- convenience but >m, sh prpiruck, rockouthubsrbs, oxc. cond-, c o^ orcio n. worronty ♦ Repalra ...... — gon.. 2 AC. mlcrowovo, TRAIiJAILER. 32',0OOBoneck S7l’o0.i.Wiirconsrdofoldof Wi ,K i^ o f { of. ,t 829-5722. 'HOMELA — th e c h a r g e will MIRROCRAFT, w/35 hp queen 0 bod, cruise, lilt. CO. w/lo.^/loodlng ramps. 16,000 4x4 pickuj 1' CENT xhh g ♦ Froo Estfrnotos ckupingoodcondl- ^ - 'adfoy'a Water Works remain tho sam e. ' Evinnjdo moior & tdr. All 5. capacily;:U8od onco, tion orrATVof.loodorfor At FORD198S.’-i.H ion 4x4. tan 208-671-677-8103 dr • Wodft SlorDO, 3 ownings, oak. lt>. c '423-4412. _ now Interior & now cover. no8 smoko, oxc cond, 10K S59(16900 - Soo 1641 Addison JD 2020120 trtictor os partial ond brown,:1, $2800. Coll 088-a18-377-6103- . S 3 .6 0 0 or tfOdb for 4 mi, f $27,500-206-324;y35', Avo,We. E. or coll 733-8888. trado. Liirry:Liin 643-2560. 733-5657. whoolor. 208-734-4848. " I M Tlmt»N«vn, Twin Falli, IdthIdtho TiMKlir. iu'y-l. 1997

FORDl908Ranoof.S2900I (CHEVY'87Undmar1(Con- 3UICK BU ■'90 LoSobfo- OEO’905i» Storm, oxc. cond,. HONDA '099 CRXC Si. black. HONDA 1684 Accuu, 53450. Or wagon, PS. AT. AT. runs 60 Royalo Broudhom,1,4- i e2Kmi,btacJ<,E)cc. condiII ,. w/ali options incl. TV, 1 condition. co Buy or lako otlor. Coll 208-704-3302. storoo. Oilalarm system . Call 733-3200. I______grool, SI 000. r 736-936-9945. . dr.. ioodod.how tiros, rpnpns 57350, Cali 730-0473 FORD 1091 Dfonco, AT, ownor. SOOOO, no Oitkor. ovorpmt.Call ov- 324-2830. atUon, 734-6703 . HYUNDAI, GUIS 0roOl.S2500.733-2610, AC.pxJwor. cfUlso. S7150,- Plooso coll 200-543-2737 — H.»0.^95.4a,,AC. .1989, 4 df, MERCURY. Topaz, Call 430-4410, 438-B505, ------C • MCHEVROLET 1981 El PS.powolowor sunroof, tiniod, HONDA'94I4CMCLX.SOO ( 5 8W.E«ol.conI 'i' aponsibie for errors oflorl : Porloct contiiUon! Towino? "J Call Clssdded. 733-0C2C. :HEVY'91 Lumina Eyro .fod .vorvory ciooh, AC. 5 HONDA •19'1990 Accord IX $4000.734-5501501 wkdnys, MERCURY- LvnxX wogon.wi iggo. Now oloroo. AC • - pkg, Cfulso, foar hoat & 1905. Much ilkoi M l tt^nHlme. 1 ;. t ------SpSport. Cruiso.now tiros, spd. $375S375a'otfor736-9180 carV groon, UNCOLN'92Cor ko wKo: 52000/oflor, Coil 733-783 olr, CD playof. & almoit £?n. Clean, rollabto,0, v, works I------ovory otnor option avail. 1 .oxccondS4BOO 678-4600 ‘ ' ‘ “ ‘ ' condition.'J- oxcol.. oil option - i i o i o 514,995. CollCo 320-0528, •or,64K m i,FCFOHD 'L'i WON. but gettinIng g old . SUBARU'84O L 4 dr,.(O'I w I 1 0 5 3 “ ^ ’ S20,tK)0. Call 734-5257„ I AUTOS FOR SALE CHi: h evY'91 Corsica. Exc. . 51200, nils., oxc. ContJ. CoJI 73^ I IMPORT* SPORTS Crown Vicioria,rin noodsm uKlor. 51 ■ COcond,,'low mis-, now oU A'a hR a n j e e d 6922 atlor 8 p.m.______I CARS I , . QMC • 1984 Jimmy 4x4> AMC,’7S . CONCORD, brt 309 Civic 4 door. Cali 438-4416, 4: brgkos. S590Q. 734-8678. A y L ; b funj groallal. 73K mllOB. • fllosol. Call 733-9319 of- Runs oroat. a stool at ----- — ------—- cnaoc a«ttll000.423-4040. UNCOLN,Townc.m cor, 1906. 1/03.518,750.678-5'B-5954, ioaihof. gold package, C Ono o( 0 kind. oxcoHonl C.1I120B-530-2119 col ' day r , s S 7 a r ~ , • QMC 1900 Jimmy, brown, ------full powor. goo EeiinflB changor. 24K mis. cS Co i 1^9 I i AC. PS, PB, CC, S4000/-. cond. $475. Call (200) — siatein iSdays h o n d a 199995 Accord LX 52500. Call 200-4^ Z S ^ o " ! MITSUBISHI -91 Sfji!;;," Ec 536.S;40 0,539.1132.2. |_^UTOjDEAL£^ ! } 507-6289. CHi:HEVY Corsica, 1990, 4 O^lati dodi Must soil. ■ ■ GSX.89Kmla,.575l clfor. Call Bronai or Oavo dr. AC, PS, crulso, AT, or rerunreii the ad an dayo, 736-6096 & ovoa... OLDSMOBILE,( 'BB CUT- 1294. MAZDA- 198595 I 626 LX. for, Ploaso coil anytime on' m «n you h»vi *ooi«tWt>o i 734-0685. • LASS CIERA. Loaded, 3.1 llior, low milos. Croat additiIditional 7 days. ------good condiiion.Ion. 51500, tor info.&oppt.(80aj800) 730- toll. pl«# a dsMinad « - mustsoll. $000. Call (200) shapol sfi' S7.400. 730-9293. ThQfOlero is a S3 extra h o n d a , Aceiceofd EX, 1990 Coil 733-2008. 1 . 4S37. oak for Konitty'nittv. VbulOiathalutraKils.^ FAX 'QMC 'gs SLE. oxlondot)J 567-7414. jfortheggaran- 2dr,5rfp(tfpd. AC, PW. ' ■ =QRD'91 Escort Wogon fao foi mod gloss. 90K MAZDA 626 '90.1K}. Low ml3. MITSUBISHI '922 MlragoMi TOYOTA 1992 4-Runno . . cab, short box. 423-6489) FORD,'82f MUSTANG. 5 0 0 package. Ads or 734-1907.______LX. Air. oulo. 03K mis., te e pi )l. cond. 58995, Sunroof, load(adod. Low Coup, loodod, low mfs, boaulilul burgundy, ox( Litor. fully ogulppod. S4300. « . Call 734 2380. mSVaybocancallod I ""’■Sf'i Z-. Y O U R ' Si,300.Call(208) ■* 1934-9000 booKSOlOO;0,' 0 s k I n g . CD chango. 57604/604/o(for. cond.. rebuilt engine • - QMC, 1991V. ton 4X4. ------early i 587-6988. ,rly for customer —------^------55600- Coll 736-’36-3760. 735-1368,______512,300, Coll Adame • • Short box, oxionflofl cot), . =ORO"91 Escort, 4 door, cOflVi:nvenience but h o n d a , Aa.rcord. 1994. LX ------Lucy. 324-7794- AD vw .-04 sciRROcco. lo a d ed ! Now MERCURY '922 MMarquo. 4 MUSTANG, Convorivortlbto, — ------ono ownor. Iota of oxlros. Nf:o socond cor. 5050. AC, AT. door: 2nd ownor . he .ug charge will — TIMES CLASSIFIED ' Call 678-59S4. car. Groot gos. 53850/ ‘„'1| M iro8. Tintod dr.. PS. PB, PwPwr, soon. '03. tod. S2.795. NISNISSAN, VW 1974 Bug. 51200 C Call (208)587-0289. bostotfor. “ C0N326-4I41, ‘“main nidi Ihe same. „maow..I . Excoi,i cond, low m is.. S82(8200. Coil PU, '80. whilo.- 56200,56 best offor- Call 737-433 DEPARTMENT • QMC. Jimmy. 1903, full, FORD,^ •87T-BIRD. Lood- I 513,500 firmirm, 736-9337, 734-5702. 4X4. Coil 078-3210.210. dayaor734-4471 ovos.s, 208-734-5538 ; • • . size; 4 whool Orivo, PW, od wilh options, only enc■ORD '95 Morcury Cougar PU, cfulao conifol. AC,' $2,000/o(for, Colt Spocioi So Edition. $14,500. - ' SSSOOrOffOf. 200-324-0020.: ^ (200)507.7423, , . Call 5 ” Cynihia, 077-6500 . FORD, ’92 T-BIRD- Aulo- Cays or 436-3057 ovos. J j ISUZU '92 Troopor 4X4 motio, V-8, AC', loadod. ___ : . V6, AC, tilt, awim casa., 57,450. Coll 1-800-743- FOF=ORD’95 Mustang, oxc. ». / / . ’now (j>os. (ow mi'3.. wor- 3326. contf. cor fiavo tosoo35Km( 'r 1/ . lanty. 514,000.543-4652'■ FORD.-88F TAURUS. Au- S12.000/oflor Si; 735-1 ISO y■P j r m V • lomailc, AC, won oquipp- — JEEP '94 Grand ChoroKooI o'd , 5 2 . 9 5 0 . C 0 I I for■ORD 1973 LTD, 4 door. Lafodo, V8, 37K mis., 1-800-743-3326. PS. PS PO, AC, powor soai. f f ^ V . loaOod. Exc. Mndit Ext. PONTIAC,'89 p GRAND SIOOO.'oKor. SU 324-3534. g ■ Wortanty avail. 734-2229. AM. A utom ftllc, AC, ----- • AMy-FM cossotto. 52.450. FOR•ORD EdOlO Bouof Explor- S g . JEEP. Chorokoo, 1Q86,■ Call 1-800-743-3320.. or, or. 1995, moonrop(, CD. fS a i . good cond.S3.950. rOLDS,'93 CIERA. Auto- changor. Ch, loathof, 23K W m W k m , . Ploaso call 200-734-2749. motic, V-G, AC, crulso- mis., oxc. cond.. 734- mm - - .- NI99AN'8a4x4t 7 7 731-1937.______>92V .W JE nA 13072 ...... *8977 ^ :sU2UKJ-92Samurol 791 CMC PICKUP 4X4 1994M\UZDA6261X A ; ' I M W V 1994 FORD AEROS ' ' , w/hord lop. oxtro snow I BEFORE YOUlUBUYA ”• 1 2 , 9 7 7 '■ itros & whools, low mi. 3053 ...... *8977 «i3087,., 1,977 #12899 ...... l ‘, GostoKof. Call 324-1123 GMCS*10JIMMY.j ^ 2, ^ 1994MAZDAB40W »■* ask for Jossio or Holon. NEW DODGEE GAR OR 793 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER . 2983 ...... •...... *8977 «i3043.,, K,977'~s13054'.;.v,v:.... 5 , 9 7 7 - r TOYOTA'07 4-Runnor. TRUCK ANYlrWHERE 4 X 4 I ^ 1994 MAZDA MP 5S700. Now motor. n 1991 9 9 MAZDA M1ATA MAZDAMPV K,977 #13608 ...... ''■''«^..'15,977 ^ V CBlt32a-3527 CALLL j #1302302 6 ...... *M77 • ‘ - 4 ' ,1010 ^ i VAN & BUSES | 800-97-DPODGE "T^Hat's C lhris Jordjlan Mazdda/Volks^j w a g e n |i t ’Whon you hiva totneUikiO to *! cell, placo 0 cla::IIIoii ad. ' { i s - i s M4B luel|tesJ^lit. H.« TWln FallsIs » 733-2954 »1-(■800-233-2954.^ I- YbuHnXothalttUesiiU.


NOWIW 8/895 19511 ^ 8 niJ\ aM\ :-te:9BIVl/IEBCUBYSA I ABLE LS I Pi i 93 CHEVY S-IOBUZEKi n f i i s l ji » W I CARLO Z-34 I SEDAN, 2 2 ,0 0 0 MILES, @ 1 ^ 9 TAHOE PKG, LOCA)CAL] ' AIR, CRUISE, CASSETTE " SBBRBI PWRW4-DRt WIN/LOCKS & DRIVER S O I OWNER, V -i, AUTO0 TTRANS, •PW R WIH/LOCKS, KEYUSS ENTRY, LEATHER INTERIOR H f l R S B S i f l SEAT,AT, AIR, CRUISE CASS. i S a l P AIR, CRUISE, CAS t {, WAS $17,995 T M | | M H w a s $ 1 7 , 9195 9 5 . w r _ ^ WAS $17,995 ^ ~ l___- w a s j l g ^^HOW 15,81 wow ^ 1 5 , 9 9 5


N O W ^ ajj^ NOW 15,91 NOW 1 5 , 9 9 5 1 1

—— I -

L___ • ' • . . j i ^ m m i - l ■’ spuu-ununm ' H t m 7 9 4 F ^ s s Avenue • Twin Falls '> 7 3 4 - 8 8 6 0 ► ' V ------■ . ■> '■ - ■ -'I--I . In side ' , ^ Leglon.actlon: Minilin ic o b a ttle d SeeIcores and stats . . . .D 2 . Vlondayni^t. ■ - ; ^ Luis Obispo Mo Mloneyoi ...... D5-7 Page D3 •Cor:o m ics...... ^D8 Sp G)RT 5 . Sports FJUor.limftliiM i / i - 733-P9J/, Ex/. 2i9

The Timcs-Ncws'S Tuesday, JJuly 1,1997. Scccion D3 M q r m ^vJGLINEc n Fyspnttakes mega1 bite 01u tofb»oxing S portsQ uotiT E ...... Tho AwclfltwlPreMA* ______Monday. “But I was bccause b( it looked as if we hadhai the mak- . T \7Q O n r’ horrified by it and I ings in of a great fi^it w th aI greatgr> ending ly o U lJn; ‘I am sorry’ In n aa sport that has always operate think the American a ax n d it c am e up sh o n o f th aIt,” t,” h e said. ' • ' th e! eced g e of legitim acy, M ike Tyson’; people should be.” Brophy thought referee:e M^ ills L a n e Tho Assoclatodlod Press______’ ; a chunk outi)f Evander Holyfi|I>|ield’s T lie p re sid e n t, how- salvaged sa what he could for• ththi e sport. If every badid game I • h a s le ft boxing staggered. ever, stopped short off “The rules and regulationsons of boxing LAS VEG/G/\S - Mike Tj-son stood alone.ne. rhis is a s p o n th a t once em braced suggesting federal were w followed." he said. “ItIt \s-asv pro p er- his entourageIge now here in sight, w atched rediduceddie sional gamblers who routinely f intervention in box- ly ly dealt w th. So from tliat standpoint,sta it In a calm,n, almost \’ulner3ble voice, he hts, a sport that has left men de: ing. - doesn’t d( ^ v e boxing a b la ckc eye."ey told the workirld and Evander Hoiyfield tliatlat d m e l s ppent e in ; ring. This is a sport that routi “I d o n ’t kn o w w h at B ruce S ilverglade, o\sTierT ool f G leason’s h e was sorry,y- ^ used- its champions, lea the federal role Gym G in Brooklyn, N.Y., wherewh Tyson That he “ji■jast snapped." ^ purgatory, I wvould o spend Mnfclihammad Ali a trembling shellriell a n d sshould be,” Clinton grew gi up, was not shocked. That hehaila d no excuses. „ B eau,au J a c k shining shoes in a hoteld lolobby. Mike Tyson. .said. “I haveh’t given ‘‘This shouldn’t be a surprrprise to any- Then he bod o c and boorishness. Thisis timt e . S o w ere a lot of»f oI th e r peo p le; /Vnything A he does shouldn’tn’t shock: any- - for diis mista;take," Tj-son said, □SL. 7 thouglugh, it m u st overcom e one of its most “I refereed 12919 'championship figlits," ' b(body. He’s a disturbed indi'idividual. It’s For 4 mininutes and 16 seconds tlie mosL. u n sceseem ly episodes. longtime offidalI Anfiur/ Mercante said. Tyson. T; It’s a historj' we liave'■e ^Wrft him . ' feared m an1 inii boxing pJeaded for forgive-i-e- U a news conference on Monlonday, “I never expcrienc:nced anjnhing like that ‘‘Don’t blam e the sport,irt. We need ness and apeipologiied for biting Hoiyfield;ld — Fom erO"JmiSlCuband i'h son apologized for his actionsons and in my life. Nothining remotely compared good, g< exciting fights. Wee ddon’t need ' on the earsrs during their WBA heavy-•7- weiglit title‘figlitSanirday fi night. Wh'ueSoxbrcbroadcasterJack a sked:ed forgiveness. “It will never happenhaj to that, ththis.” lin,” he said. “I only ask that yoiyou for- “I don’t know what {Tossessed him to It w as th e th ird heav>^v(;ig.•e i^ t figlit in On his 3Ist1st binliday, Mike Tyson, a man I . BndJioimeonsin scdngtlie team e m e as you have forgiven otherther ath- ' do*that. Even inI uultimate fighting, they the th last year to end on a1 didiscjuafifica- of intimidatirting arrogance and power, was.-as es in this sport." don’t permit that,It. H e ju s t tu rn e d in to a tion. ti Andrew Golota lostost twice to now just a mrm an adm itting he ne ed e d h dip^ p ^ stn i^^leavertheycars le r h a t m a y n o t be easy, w-ild m an .” RRiddick Bowe because of lowlow blows, the “E\’ander,r, 1 I am sony,’’ Tj-son siiid “Youou ------Eyg iven President Clinton, an admidmitted Ed Brophy, exe<m Jcthtic N hrJi \'al]c>’ act;\m ;\r . F:iUs{2X4pm. Siin I JiLs Obcvixi, Calif. .TuinFalkMatCSrTv ' (2).5p.nt . Sampras ]loves beoiing wi]ins; Sele^s unravcels, falls Tho1 AsAssociated Prew .______^ WImbliiledon at a glance Junior golf W-VIMBLEDON, Il England - P e te ------• - 'L j H brWloe*at(atwhairMSWrtxJ • GxxiinR (9-holc pb\rre :indnd under)\ Sammpras p screwed up his face ir a ' ______A Monday Btot Itfw WimSkxJcn ------^\TCtde t ^ e d expression. champlciruhipi QWeattMT-Ckciouor Bfd Moftday wa* 31.575. -QRmto-MciMen's ^ird round «fnn«fs; No. 1 Pelo • -- - KimhciK'atDuh! ' ...... n oteted. d b u t a t least it’s not boxing Jam pras is perfectly happy with b( 'San^fNo.:o! 3 Y^ifiy'KartWKov, KbJa'Borts Son Luis O i)ispol5...... : loves boring matches like his 6-1, i OecKof.No.sr9 MarMio Rio*. No. 13 Patileh Raflef Petr Korda. . Nothing . sndNo. lOPot 2romom p M onday over Byron Black. No □Wemwi’ilhlrIhW rwina urtnneu: Ho. 3 Jana Pro baseball fancyicy, nothing controversial, just j . Novoiiu. ). S AraritM Sandier Vicario, No. 9 tiilla Pete with his head hunched over ■ Qilta}5iCiilK8 M»y .No. UMary joa Fernandez, ...... nveen points, going about his businisiness. □UpMts-TNrfhlrd roOnd men's malcnes: FAcelM D c n i)it!4 ...... z:SSS; Xtkiring is beautiful for Sampras iffit it meansn m KIcleruptelNtt No. 13 Andral M«S«dev. .M ontrcaI2...... T ao n m l a „ idiiding i th e kind of lipsct that knockex k e d o u t • OTMrdroKidxd women's matenes: Sadntw Testud ...... IkKtonS womem en's No. 2 Monica Seles in an uiinexpect- n c • upMtN0.2M(Monica Sole*. HoridiS...... □sutettlwdjI day - Pou Samprei won 91 perccni • N.Y, Yankees 1 ...... jXtLmuOdO) . e d lyly texdting third-rounder againststN N o , 23 . V- orihepoliRsmrs Miten hi* nnt serve was eood. Biildmorc...... ; ...... PhiLidclphia Sandrndrine Testud of Frtince, G4, &6. »pctecntlrtlMs*eor«soL 5ele^ playing for the third straighlig h td ay . Pi[&!)iif};lV3...... aiiS cK l Day - *1 prefer hlfri of bolftfc ymi W im bledon continued to catch upu p o> n its . .. - kmo.noirooll G n d n n ;iri4 ...... jslly tsnied ebout and Just piajine my .... n-VtTCcked schedule, led 5-2 in thethethird tf. tennis. I Undd ol0 prefer not bcirg tne cenler of . Sl I-ouls’ ...... Minncsoa 1 5 ^ . 5: ^and served for the match at: 5-3.5-3 But .V . V .r ' cttorulon." PdIPeiB Sorwa*. on Ws preference lot • ac\-cLind6 ...... Hoiwon4 she2 uuncharacteristically unraveledled a fte r . j • ------^ ^ ------th e• uumpire overruled a linesman’: ^4 andc(d co st Seles a point in th at game. iph' . In BRIEF "‘I 1 5shouldn’t hav6 let it bothercr mn e as ' adx’an ce d wiwith a 7-5, 6-1, 4-6, 6-3 trium ph' ich a n d carry it w ith me,” S tiess ssa a i d 'T over Christistophe Van Garsse; No. 13 Andrei MeiEedvedev lost to 19-year oldDid G olfer nails heliole-in-1 w a3 s nm um bling to m y selfa little thhat a t; game d th e ne.xt gam e, too. All th e mma atches - G erm an Nicolas ia K iefer 6-1.6-2,6-7 (2-7).1.6- 6- n;eded Todd Woodbridge beateat at Blue Lakesis c c e lost this year I’ve been up 5 ans like it’s been a magic numb-ney-ne W all hit a hole-in- i. I n e e d to d o se out th e matches." Try a s hee (did to stay perfectly uncontro-tro- akes Country Club. one last ^vcck a t Blue L ake W imbledon is the only Grandnd S lam » H ,. ,fl|W versial, Sam|mpras did raise die eyebrow,-of of ndiepar-3.149:yard Wall a 7-iron on tl ampionship the 23-year-old Sele> d e s h a s / the All Engligland Club member beside himlirti - ISih hole. v er won. in the interv;rview room by saying the courtlUft ' The feat ivns wtnessedsed by Mike Stanlee, ;ek ‘I would love it if I could win1 it,”it, she . ^ han lush as the second week P e t C orbitt and John Mollj .•ns, i dd. ' : “Gosh. Hopefully, I have a few[ew more ' began. W imTibledon t takes pride in its lawns, ars to try it." V andanycriu th e r M 4P Centre Coujurt. “There are areas whereere schedules SagebebrushDays " Sjded women .fared better Mondiinday, as — M diere’snogr;yass. It’s like cem ent. Unless >-ouy-ou the baseline, j-ou’re not going’ to i BUHL- The Buhl Oianilamber of Commerce No.;>. 3 Jana Novotna, No: ’8 Ara play from thi Jiots go diere. It’s die middlei ofc>f ^vill hold its Sagebrush1 D:Days run and walk Sandnchez Vicario, No. 9 Mary Picrci iia\'c any she . Friday a t 8 a.m. 1. 11 Maiy Joe Fernandez each:h scoS( red __ th e court wh(;here it’s all chewed up." • _ _ N o . 1 r is ------— Tlic'riicc sJam and endscn neur'the Bulil straiga ight-set w i h i ' S u ch comimments could bring Sam pris Senior Citizens Center, 1010101 M ain S tre e t Like Lik Sampras, Boris Becker is>athre<^ a 1 1 aattention in the tabloids ~ Before Wednesday,, theth cost is S13 per timele W ’ im bledon cham pion and iss siisimilar- “Sampras: 6Says Wimbledon Stinks,"' ooj j 'intiividual and S40 forr familyfa (add S7 per lyhappy haj to keep a foiv profile. He easily< “Pistol Petete Blasts Centre Court.” It’s tlip iblicity Sampras goes to greateat person after four memberbers). R ace^lay rcgis- movC')ved dong to>vard a possible quailuarterfi- Monica Sele# reactscts after losing a point to France’ice’s Sandflne Testud during theirsir tthird-round k in d o f pub ^ lengths to avavoid. . traUon'tostisS15perindi\fidividual and S48 per ' n a1 l match n against Sampras by■^beating be ladles’ singles moleitch Mondojr a t Wimbledon. Thee NNo. 2-scedod Solos lost, 0-6,64 ' family. Ra'ce-day registr;istration begins at,7 • Britaiitain’sM a rk P etch e y G-3,6-3,6-2. S a m p ra s’ comments, among those bybV /ers, did in fact bring a reply a.m . •• • “"I I (came here not to be so muchch ini the Sampras hardlyy 1took notice df the yawn- \Vimbledon\ title iind 10th GrandGra Shun tri- . other playe; Piy Compctiiors can run diedu 10k or 5k course ne^v-si;vspaper in tJie morning, but to playpla ten- ing Centre Courtt crowd,c so different from umph. 11 he has so far avoidedd did ie periLs diat from .W im bhbledon offidals. : or ^valk tlje Sk coursc.. AwardsA\ will be pro- nis! well,” wi said Becker, \vho next factfaces No. th e roaring rrmsseses on People’s Sunday die , lihave ca.ught the likes of twotw other big "We haveje dwaj-s strived to achieve per-x j- ts,!’ se n te d i q the top threeee malei and female gMajilarceloRios. day before, and heleenjoj'ed < slipping tlirougli sen’ers. s No. 2 Gor.m Ivanisevisevic and No. 7 feet playinglg condiuons on all our courts,!’ . ‘I overall ^vinners andI theth top male and Rios, a left-hander from Chileiiile who to the fourth round;id almost u n n o d c ^ . Mark ^ Philippoussis. Sampra;iras next faces head groundndsman Eddie Seaward said. ‘1 fem ale age-oD up \sirmer..'e r..T here is-ill also be trainilins in Florida, complained againaga oh “I prefer kindI of0 being, you'{feow, not No. ^ 16 P etr Korda, \vho has wwoi orked hLsiN-ay ' am obviouslysly concerned about the condition the door-prize drawings. For‘or morei information xfondjnday that grass “is foe cmvs.”’ Still,Sti he really talked aboiiout, and just praying my back t up the rankings afterer

D-2 Tlme»J(ow». Twin Fstlj.FatU Idaho Tuetdsyjury 1.199?' /•

' S p o r i ^

Sony__: ____ _ B itee______Continued from Dl • of money and wc should be able. to hold our I am1 pproud to be living up to thele tte rm s o f m y ContinuedI fromfror D l 10to fight again,” Pataki Jaid whew hen Don King and hislis wild hair were not on c om posure a n d not do anythirthing illegal.” probai)ation.” NmvYorli'ork City Mayor Rudolph isked asl whether the state Athletih letic , • hand for this news conconference^ Neither was co- As he stood nt a lecternrn anda read from a “I^ expecte to pay the price, likelil a man,” Giuliani wwat atched th e fight wilh his Commission, Co which licensesi bo: box- • manaf’cr John Hornorne, who hasn't cxactly p re p a re d sta te m en t, Tyson'sI's rightr eye was vis- Tysoiioii said. “I expect the Nevlevada State 11-year-oldslid son, Andrew. JTS, ers should look into th e inddcnLcnL ■ heaped praise on Hoi;flolyfield lately. Tyson was ibly puffy and bandagedI fromfr( a deep gash Aihletletic Commission to hand do«lo^vn a se v e re “ I ’v e been bc( watching boxing USA ' Network boxing analy*lalyst t on h is o\vn fo r th is one inflicted when he and Holyfitlyfield butted heads penalrilty and I am here today toI saysa 1 will not 'matchcs sincesin< I was about 4 years Se;Scan O'Grady, an ex-figliier, saidsai “I have lold cver>'oir>'one a sso ciate d w ith m e • in the second round. f i ^ tti i t t .” old, and IVI've never seen anyone TyFyson should be banned fromib bo: o x - that 1 w ll not standJ forfo any more of the nast)' W earing a cream-colored.‘d suit,s Ife spoke to , ’ Theilere probably won't, be anytliibilling to fight bile someomMne’s c a r before,” he said. inpJig . and insulting commcimenis made.io Evandcr . , reporters in a room nc3tt to thot MGM Grand on Tuiruesday when the commissiosion m e e ts to ..'. “I have> to attribute th a tjo a very “The same goes for Andreid r e w ' • Holyfield and his boxiroxing te am ," Tyson s;ud. Garden where he was disqua!qualified at the end decidede whether to go ahead w th;h ac c o m p lain t disturbed1 mind.mi I think Mike TVson 3olota,” Go he said. “I think Tysofyson “ I w ill le a r n from)m this horrible mistake, of th e th ird round le-y than148 48 hours earlier. againslist the former heavy>veight chapipion.chi 'is in needd oof a great deal of help an*l-Aiiz., th e law n ^ u ire s fightersMS tito • "The fans truly deser^’cdes it most," he told lose because of the severityty cof the cut above the coi:ommission deems appropriat.iate. Under a “There’se's no question that in ■ car:arry identification cards toI pre-prc •• WACA-TV in A tlanta.'la. “ T hey a re th e ones w ho m y eye, I ju s t .snapped." n e w fefederal boxing law ti^ n g effc(ffect Tuesday, ' light of what'hat happened there, New v'cnt a suspended or medically iinfitiinfi d id n 't get to see :i full:ull show. I felt I w as going • H e apologized to ever^’onomo fromi th e boxing all othither states would have to honlonor any sus- York state:e ajand the entire industry ighters from entering the rinrini g K to knock him out anywayany but still the fans . commission to the judge who sentenced him pensioiio n o r ban a n d no t le t Tyson1 fightfij in their, of boxingg slshould take a look at uncindcr assumed names and requireluires • Lt need to see that we; as athletes get puid a lot , on his rape conviction, saying:ing she kn o w s “ th a t statc.s.•s, w h eth er he sshould ever be allowed P™iromoters to insure filte rs : f i {■'j S c o r e s ANDSTA1. .TS

1 0 1 ' Oxriiti tS-Oj*jr|-i' r< ron »m»i tn r» liAJCM Wr»stilOe Cu 1 1 . t U r a S m ^>373 IM it. '■ P BtVSEHAI.I. O w D i C*u»v«;i1i S-Oi. •“ 'J- PMtUrunlj 1 1 .: 5 O)NTHE/UR n % kwtaUiftiVcjni >3e22l ... MIM3 1 ,. 1 ------laimitow B!2ili AL standings 0.111 • 2 ' il.tf'jiMrii UI2X: u rn iic i 0 0 • Ocw " " ” 1 ..^&I^^^^nl2UlnU^n 22W3 • i ' TEITELEW|ION w c S Ki CC«'il.'« ’ « ) 1 0 J) 7»iU«t4 2I7S* D»».;*-fi2t2J S.» - 2 . 3 2 C.n7i 1971 9 OnCj>Tf«4 : ijjs 9UC-J* tae-xi? '.II 2 n.vu iisi 10 jr»-,un'.< u s HBO . lO ajn.• * '* •.. . ’lOgfKTnS; . m ijli ij^ ii; T-;:’r ■ -11 tieitTTTn 771} 12 wrsB i n113 t; ■ --ill . u^r>-r.o-.Wr r,i r u„.Ucxi ^cfn^IVicP 1CS iiiy3£ • CVSCI•octAii t-;rj A-rse^3i«JWi 15H CwJlM • 1 . .; ; , Oolf, Andenen Conwltlngjapa•Japan ESPN ' 1:30 p.m. W L Ma OB C “ '"tl c^i li 2r-w>3 U»in 11S3 nT rsS tS i *! •f'* H w A n S "* It9» j.tuilKT*; I . .; j Baseball. Giants at Mariners Orr»« ; « !J ;3l•3) _ I ; ‘ J * } ^j i ; luflasiBisswj bxu.-C«-3^ I . . rs fSR 4:30 p.m. 22 tSw'S ra CNOJI 31 W! 4 C C 0 (lOftfi* WSTWXTW PNUancn i . . p , 21& c n < n n - n 1U 731 iKti I ' I Baseball, Braves st Yankeeses TBS SJO p.m. 24»rt!».i nut; 3C : ltolU*wSrtJ!7> 7 UctMhier, ■ I • ^ c 110 A>-.n sn4 us 9 Roi • t Boxing, RoblnsorvCardona USA______7 p.m. “ J® ( c i ? ^^7-' i ^ . : 1 T i;t<2x 10 MEiecUMW ,.■) ■” .'iV.Vll 4' E-a»n;i!l .rvj-tnll.l TWFIICI c«- ; i n r i m u i j u M 17J (tnyi SciU'J l»-»CTCil (CTttiSS .H- 3- ' PQA monoy leadare iMRrt. . I . ii u m tf III CD RO Hrr».Jj*nn5 . t . UnU/tSm K0-) Cj»™^|i;i Vrr.m »-<'*aer5(i|'I BEACH Fal»P)-P«7w : ; t ■ Croras CO COI i>!e T* »-“-^»7l«i OturrA^-tjffmr. r S '■w«T«»5«»TO'«r.f»nSiAj»C>n< <2U>‘jn C n r n t>3M OiuT: Ci.^ ! Vui O, I CP.U..^n: Oxn-Jl ^ : 1;• ' 2 IC(1-Um»jc.> Cw j -.S .-5-C^«?C ® -J .•Kfro«A,-».'J ' « l J r t it i5c f« >0413 «?C*) n«i 4< i « U 717 >J5n s 3 ^ 1 T ^ .« . .l.o'TS 4S K * M P g ^ ^ >jaW7 c«.vij-itij ' 5-cc«c."(iri<(in frw j n t 1 1 1J 35 II Ra^iti-nr . i - 1 i - I ' cs-cfctt«c:i Irit, D»ifcn.-*i . . . 1 ------B lo -.;u ^ r^ l • ■ > H R tR C3C3 M — I t o ■ ijir- ' -0»?PrTr------1------S.?tl ;;rr iinrR*« . . i 49«m&M»*-»i I79W ______1 _ ____ M frtU J -. «,2jw4 - ---OtrCTTTOCn...... ni7am S - J 4 IN«I» 1 U 1 I 1-0° 1' b^kS” 14 will ------■■ Cr>«n3 6 HcuKni ' Ut o I U ] I 1 0 1 Fi-»«4p:^-«uiu!:<.rf.» Ifuj 7cn-t7o« . . I U AmCKTtf^Siteil ]7S733 r.vj fa 1 J 1 i-W-t^i«KniC£or.ini>-A;f-ira;Z l.'n.-«p»ir.. 15 J.7)S! O w ^ ^ P9-fjs««rg 9;nfio« p*-« : ; i orse iw cing ^j.v,55 , I _ ; J 3 '1 0 Cam rranm c«3<:« !3PiUtaMj»Uj 19 J77j;i■jrjj TmBiaii . . 1 =: H 5^^*go»c3L« I"’ 0 0 iiji«^tr.rt^frf«.-w Thoroughbred poll 1-) •! i 0 0 0 IS IM.4Silu LPGA money leaders t-wS'S I I « 0 0 t3&»3f»TRCki!a-J OKUieutnrji I'C'i U7iT,iiie''0 ISsSic*^^ 17 UaiiJ■' 'M ta lti» *ir«>»«U3T >';» ijiunl«r« 1! IW4S S.' CM>«n O-.-ni. fl'l^“ soia “ o’!? • 1AnMjijioK»1 0 j:iI4t y KimKUECro»Ma<>i3»» 7«.M'}WJ221-l L-«\S 4C0C UrtKI- 4 coof'O . iIFT.lUona' 15 SMI4;^ :rjTtnea 13 iststtltSJl7 ' /g . \ » Y p n K U iS4i.C«TWX 5«?.-iS 3 0 ;t C0;»'.! 21ir :3CM0.->, ■ — -J- miti ^ 1 Cv4ir 0 0 0 0 sow !•. 10 0 0 21 !5 Ullli 8 7*m«Ci>« 13 132914 n i j w i \ i 'm 'n t ; so 5 1 \TyrjH 4 i J t Bt-^c 3 000 7 L&nOtm 12 >31115 i i : 3030 1 0 0 0 A>-u 3010 2J0»;K»;«' Ij s^; S J10» f i Z 0«JJ ' s *i w J ^ .'JfMBjo.-jt H S4S445.oii. '* 7if*|JHl/« 13 12MIII > CraKrwinovrgKUi I<-Ui»T*i tawat [M-Ujcmh s s si H i5?M64f-n 15 1M24;a2« ‘ - ■ - a JM TTixwlS IUWIKviTk^iIO i’cw IC«I •• r 1 ? 0 Tcrraj? l’R-\G.^rr9[i)‘ r S r^ iS w ' .'3 WS?!! IlCwOrjfai-' tl linHl 5« * 4. K u n 1 C/, ty 2 RSK Wj-.m>j-.m2.2. • iJJ - iM M 0 e 0 J4^'t2 1 M.yiswjn II Ht5!11 “You’ro behind on polntalpoll Smlto himt Smllo hlml" I Cnw t Fk x u Ina I FnA Uialo* lo . ' 1 12 1 COr^iJJii!) B [H tt M 1. Hn Arra 1. laa I ' M H Uc-4*b»5«T '> SCSiOl IIOdUPcwi. 14 >1774.^ •' "J : !!?.’ 7To'l»i'jB I71tl U *J JIS II 3 . I 1 ' 1C 'c ;? ...... ■ — M" ...... 17 ItnK tSsM i7£ s F i s h i n g UMUi E-ir^xm\!I : t^wTcni . ■ 37lM(ja.«iru'' U " 1))5P/1,5- *21-nn » HOW iMtX IJSoaten US* 61 1 Kcrv^il** * 6 2 2 I ' J ’ liCWCVn II S!)i!7; K0U9 IJfrU'tsn u» ei en Fish movement lC9-i.-«4 9 r.f.Yi.»8 ts-ljoffl C5- U-5«>-W U-tt 'n: !« « 1 A.-T rr.r>MTi 11 nuc; is ISS'11 PNiki^jo. ■ H7»;iM7*a UfmJCotW U5A t7 t! ‘""ri ic^,{arr,9 II >1MSJ! UcUunnMnNc.im KOi^. 18 iO T-2CJA^JNj:,;tCCC, 12 B*.i30i.Yi< 521.IJ121.137 ilJ w iP ^ 5^., Jl laJ/^nto SanO^< • ^ > M R ES SO t ■ vj *SAMJm 13 >ISS9U M •SlculM.T ' 17 >iS5ri liSr^SS. 1^52M9*« 17 Birf»-!lii5« 5; £j IMi ZnxTtii 4 }fi« 7 ^ ’" J* lii,^2 is 27 UflU.'a. tl HUSH 4K22t ttClMliMn 1,-M 12 a Sm J! * I ' 0 1 ,c«c«o^ *4h.»S,w> IJ J301.T5 19A4!lll»»i« UIA Iii 10 n “” ss «Jftr5Dxs«» > W’Clrlji nSTmJirrt** 19 1141U1 20\mS^n- f( -50su NCWB C CI.H :u CU Tsm-iC.-w i ) 0 « 0 < 4 110 } 03 1 ivi Klnji-ja.-n ' 11 S1MJ7] 1&.J701-.*! , Ki 102 iLmn (>/»»»;i«i m i iC>-r-41: :i lUO ’ 3t«JrrnUn^.d II ] ts n > 1022 ' 2tT?iea UI ! 0 rj 12 Ju-a 1X2 32 WO40S. II St27HSl’,~ JKaPra ' ' 2j' 94' 9« 23tMJm US* 47 ' « ; )(.-« UCnlMKs.-! .11 . >i;7cn i 'S 4*wtsrs»>t *;•» 97 *73 U n U jv rm .IM ; I U t ■i.'-TTi-frr* (o! hucT'S^n:■d 4 111 4 i i 0 iM JtOMnt»Ar« 15 >12<1I1 I 97< 2(SM»i3l> USA 451 41 inCzM )u : 0 i 0 W»r>(fnTr J«jilCcKr»:o iCgUjJlAS1*3 f.nc-s»o TKr; i w , .•Wu 4 110 & .» OOOO' ' » U Is &j S “J ill 1 Jjto Ol* .V‘ 7 9 St,P«JCcrK« li WISMIJX ISKinnHra 17 >123« tVvrrSflgf. -I,; JSs SEsKr z n W I e I 0 tjn |0«VM 3 <1 IT CUi JT>: ( }l i<,-j . X Dr>M>mKCJ»n< tl >1237)1jj™ 7.lUf»Utf«7 1 47 < 79 27. Dvrtj D.i« U&A 42 Ca^Niii 4 120 I 441 aPWS»«anU UIA 4> I - tan f irci^o f«j(i IJ lisC7,C7 43 PmViS», • IJ itCSCSl ni «rtT -W 27 [«»i5 40 '§ <000 0 0 6«N>C 3 0 0 0 .’r^!P. 1110'OJ i7eitif«wiiji 1C3 0 0 0 o-.^?5 0 10 0 OOOO'5 Mcmp»»i II . OlWRcNrJ II J1C«.17*•*! l3SSJ1*.Tl71713 UCt^P»TI Act, Jl Jil JtCoiKraRxu tr 3r3M 6U Q « a fci itJtt-n Hm PSia.rr^ C ^ 's 4 0 10 5 1 1 1 '3 UR.uC«cnin tg UHU’ut UUCm Rmmi 17 I >71SSS2“ •15P»l«UnifS fc.1 23 (Co«»>Sl5Ucr “0 «i:»*»1Cr» tl JMIUill 4ie«t»»/fl tl ( >aj;i OOS1e» 31 n i 7 T » a I ir 7 Ryder Cup points 37LfiAn!’rad EA3 1!^ t*IS«r,UaCM:w.R)«'OnlUfnmaitm . r r . iijigtf... !!!. 1^7 esuMiSr I! jj’scj223 . 4IHrt,CW*a tJ • WIU ,j, r»tS<»r»«ei«ttlr«wMBi« 21linjinJ • ««!(>.«»;• I! tiui.r »rimiUrt«i>«!}• • IOtiL-:*JiC —)*0I♦0 0 KjraiOi’ oil 0:J 3I>-:J., WOmPbt, H 12151MW _ is WWJBl P»iUIJtAOlWtailS.rjln2»2ii M B i « 24ko:«U«>H»U^J(»oin FTvj»;»u I tifn.* S )) •( C »!■-« I [ fti in'113"t 1 0 0 0 I.vr.p 8 001 ^ M 6? c T ^ 17 I2«2n U117 YiOoTirjnS«7«*.Se«TW««i0lmf 7« > ic ( r4E>iiinu>>;> m C iv iiu jM coo E-Oi»l!i 0«:»pi tce-» - 6IPwA.-r^ IJ l2t10S •rl>g«u*il)br«iJ.r-.«lM-s US wan sHs s |j MP,ffcM r^P»^PM .(UIC(r. Jl JMC" T'-S/tP oeoc Ea.i!,p OOOl0 0 0 u^C-*i9 CNupl ;D-Oni(r) >l’l U CknMHm-crd tl I.XSU Umnoj (>•».. rB 171II tl T*8- CU|-,[^ loot PK.r‘nar|«i >r-inx:|]| 39- {JCjrraRa* 21 UCSJJt^ IPQA statistical loaders i«« 3Mtn T« , 3J«: 53, tttrrOMKWirj lAP)-£sh«»»»S« “ i i S 'I i ' ar,nA.'0(S'tf-iuc3!«iivcwTwip !C5 DC«I2) M-7IV>««^i)1)'cJ-PkJ? iJi ii< cmmkTcur>9.^r*Van«QnK 41DMr« . M iz U m oxi 0:3 tOJ CO-; ** T>ra.tfiJir»2» CctcraSUfSmantkilk.Cje XO-1 72Ur|I.«{r t4 lltJBBBB UrMtiM ’ ]• TAMYCr.1.R*YVa7=:PTir,ieir-tii m • Uul l-j«jrj >1) Il IM iCwcC *!l M3 SaRigLMM 3'1-M ” 32?*. S a Ji! C<’-UmtL:Ui Sl icui] iCS-Un*uu91019 ^ UnaOi -0 73Uitt-i>i li JIUM2 ilffiurr* I3il2!< • U to-lS .'a-l«rrit!i hfl-0«»«(;i ts- gn I M\USm ] , i K S K . « lg 3!; Cnr*hnC4raft»c«i <313001' 78R»TtP«>fj II StIICilCH Uucfj 7142 10 ftTMAiOm 71 r,lUf, . .-0 ItlSUl I.I^Uancn U92!l“ I T e n n i s , 14 fl ! 0 0 0 0 I1 Tiicriai e ^ j 4 4 I ‘ ( WUAiSanSj 15 S164 7U71] i .C7niimav7 IPaeudmswiRxen 1,^ auu> . “« • u m ATP money leaders : J; M.j » .t I 6 4 UI 14 Ucn»uEuiu«alwi‘.mMiu^^ 90mUx«l3 iliU TLVfUU CUR$-4M ! PMi> 17. DtrM Bkivn :jo< Ca»n lOSMJra i792:£ is i c i § l i tu«-MTS'' (1 I 0 0 0 . I ;. i s ' ^ i i i lm i i C^jmov/staBMUtMVtM 1lMTUjn« IMU: WKT 0 . I , I'J 0 0 0 0 0° UlmUjZM 21 Sl!5M«5 0>5rS SToftin W SNm firm, < l2UntBncU W97Us i i AC^e T 0 0 O' 4 & I ff w*irr»ef! 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; ' ’ \ Tuewlay, July 1 1997'9 7 TwlJi F a lli, ItU ho Q-:M ;

S po r t cs . Califcbmia ttearn C^ubsnip3 Royalss; Marlirns top Rled Sox CHIt:HICAG0 (AP) - Dave Clark’s founLUih in a row to rcniiiin winlessless ee-run, pinch-hit homer with ice Ju n e 3. > outs in the eighth capped a blastss Sparcans- =B-run inning as the Chicago ; Receds 4, Brewers 3 C ubsi)s b e a t th e K a n sa s C ity R oyals 8 .7 o n )M o n d a y ,. - i CINCINNATI - Joe-Qlivcr TheHme^Wewi ______Wvith ltl the Cub's trailing 7-3 in drovove in Cincinnati’s first tliroero e ^ Localcal sports 'f i c eeighth, i f M ark Grace opened ns and Bret Boone knockcd1 in R U P E R T - T h e wc« west wind ______w ithh a single against Hipolito‘0 ■ ■ i; go-ahead run with a ground-nd- scoured Wurbunon FieJd:=!d M onday, Uie n c x ltr m enc. . P ic hhardo. a r One out later, Grace . , outt asa the Reds beat Milwaukee.■c. * ■ and some visitors from t £ MiMilwaukee, the Americanran m th o w est T h e o n ly sui suspense thereafter ved to tliird on Dave Hansen’s did the same to Minico's ] Leagague's worst road team, blewlew os pitching. :r Rangers manager ible. After Ryne Sandberg taking a 15-8 American — M /jff t tw o0 leads and ultimately losto s t can L eg io n R on Siskey wonvould get tossed in th e led out, Pichardo was called'S ■ ' boM ball victory. • cause Mike Fetters (1-4) c seventh for argiirguing a call th a t took ‘ o r a balk, I allowing Grace to •4) T h e R a n g e rs fro m Si J P ; ' "'.irfy . coultjldn’t handle the weiikest linksik s 1 San Luis ^ home run awaway frem one of his re, and Scott Servais followed Obispo, Calif., hit four balballs out of , tl a n RBI single. the Reds' lineup in the seventhn th . the yard and rallied fro r innirling, (roni aM ■ shane Munoinoz hit what should ;ey Sanchez then greeted deficit to get their first i Kent M ercker (6-5) gave up [Stwinofa havcbmihiss.a second dinger o f th e " “key cy Bones (0-1) with a single, u p long road trip th a t condnui ' seveI’en hits and three runs overI’e r maesmthn season, but faifailed to touch first 1 Clark - batting for Mark^ w 3 doubleheader in Twin Fall* ven innings, and Jeff Sliawaw 'base on his honhome run trot. Minico ciotta (1-0) - hit his sccond I Dairell Cottrell and Ja< ;ched the ninth for his IGili . JackGhek appealed andad Munoz was ruled Pjjjjjch |homer of the season and P>tc> ;I h it back-to-back hom erss min th e first th of his career. Grace also .’C. { a s th e visitors jum ped to 3 ' S isk ey arguejued, to no avail, but leredforthe Cubs. r Minico rallied quickly, h rem ained on thethi fidd long enough ;ansas . City built a 7-3 lead Canordinals 2, Twins 1 ; putting up five in die bott Mttom half. to his te:team improve to 4fr9 pc*nnolind Jeff King's fifth homer ;r. LOUIS - Gary Gaetti, f. Erin Runyon and Ben Fra ;ji, F r a ^ s t a n - on th e season., in seven s e v interleague games M in,nnesota's big RUl man a ed m ih conseeufivc singiingJcs, and i Jerm aine Dye’s career-" I / *oo6Mo-iii57 - a n d J i :ade ago, drove in the winninj;ing Ryan Monciir and Joe JerJe n sen fol- h j s ''h four hits. King had a iac- 1 with a third-inning sin^ie iis lowed w ith doubles. ««. iP-Rdv r i f i cce e fly in the third and a St. Louis L beat the Twins in theh e , Two e’rrors and anothether single • tw o-rui-run homer in the seventh.1. ‘ i openi2ner of a series maichiiig 1987>87 completed tlie rally. J had an RBI single in the >rld Series opponenis. fe c o n d _ Jess Tracy added an RIRBI single .K im berly manmi fares well and and a solo homer in the Ca.ja e tti, wiio pb y e d fo rd ie Twin.sins in th e second, as the S p a n : anans built |n police*fir«fire Olympics s 'v ce n n ti th . ii I fromml981-TO, helped die Cardinidsids th a t early three-nm lead. . CALG.^RY,', AlbertaA - Kimberly __ ,, ■ ji-’’I e n di ssome interleague fnwtnition.;>n. The Rangers batted ar I around m resident Vcmohloh PIctt finished 19th Mdrillirllns 8, Red Sox 5 ; . TheCi Cu-dinals ;vere 1-5 agiiinst t!ieiie the fourth and again in the fifth to in his 100-rider i er group Monday dur- BOS'OSTON - Aided by fiveg ^ ~ V lericnn League and were•re ' take control. Cottrell starstarted the ing his first ev event of the World uneam(BA’s first double^loubouble per- the game 62-62.62. In th e overtime?__ P e ter r Ginsberg, G Irvin’s attorneyy ini his civil. a t cam p,” Jo n e s said. \ piness in Dallas.IS. form ance - 21 points:s anda 16 her free tlirowsiws in th e fin a l sec-* la wiiit su it against police ond a teleilevision s(a-- He would not comiom m e n t **C Zr^iyJ h e luis liecnc n rebounds by Lisa Lesliel i e o f th e o n d s h e lp e d secure sei the victory tion. on whether Irvinin h a d ' — ^unfairly s c r ut ii­ ­ S p a rk s (2-3). for the Cometsts \before a crowd of “I can’tcan tell you wliich way he’s's going with ’ ?T'/ informed the Cowo w b o y s nized since hislls Leslie, who had two■0 assists,a 8301atTheSun>ummit. • it,” GinsJinsberg said Monday, ''' I about his decision, a rrest and ncnxintcstest plea to a cocaine di;u^e. grabbed 13 defensive rebrebounds. Wanda Guyuyton added 14 Ginsbnsberg said Irvin’s announctic e m e n t w ill Mi..hn«i Irvin ^ " n o i'^ c c dI JiiJune 4 Both he and Jorones have acknowledged thatlat T h e 199G U.S. O lym piann alalso h a d p o in ts for thComets. e . come; beforebe training camp, whichhbeeinsJlUy 1 "''"■•"'vl that he was considcidering Irvin would like• tto be traded, but Jones has fo u r ste als a n d th ree blot>cks, c k , P e n n y T o le:r r hadV 14 points for 18. retiring becajcausc he had lost his love for foot- said that’s not poslossible because of salarj’ cap:ip Arcain, who playedd forfi the Los Angeles. Cowbiwboys owner Jerry Jones sai;aid Monday ball. He saidaid'he wasn’t-sure when hee would« restrictions.

Jordan,I, Ewing;leadN BBA free aagent list>t; both lilikely to 5stay put

7lieA8»octate ^ i t ! * because "I have much:h . durable center, are-theic hhighest profile' ‘m | b u s in c ; ■ W ilkIkens, of Orlando; C C H IC A G O 7"°“Star “" fonvard, ; / -> respcct for Rick Pitino10 p la y e rs in th e.free-ag Cnt n t imarket, whidi ■ ilBSm y Hopefully t h e vid Wesley, Todd Day j traded.to the 1^ a n d for w h at he 's goingig o p e n s fo r b u sin e ss Tuesda•sday. • . ,, . Knicks can comeme in « andi 1Rick Fox of Boston; B o sto n CcCeltics last M to try to do with thele Both are expected to ;stdy with the hoel Jordan a n d o ffe r h im w wh h a t 9 ris Dudley and Cliff “v w e e k , ■ to ld th e jn) Celtics. I have a lot oof f tcaros they have been witwith their entire he’s asking andid getf Robinson of PortT tla n d ; C h r is M il ls , . . ^ C h ica g o0 SSun-Times B /l I respect for the Lakersrs N BA c a re c rs...... d ela a l d o n e ...... Bobby Phills ancnd Dariny Ferry of tliat mans organization, too.” Jordan reportedly hadad threatened to “He’se ’S 'lik c Jordan with Chica{cago, Cleveland; LindstIsay Hunter and Joe c o n d u ct m P®" Pippen. 31, said hcyiyi retire if the Bulls didn’tn’t re-sign coach Juliuss (Erving)( with Philadelph:phia, ' Dumars of Detroit;lit; Mark Bryant, Rex ^ feel likecing put in a situation whererc - probably for about S5 milmillion, meaning Whileile Jordan, Ewing ana Homacnacck Last year, the frerec agent market pro- thinp. thii But not dishonesty. DcDpn’t disre- another teamtm is depending on me'to dolo • ■ Tordnn also will sign anoinother orie-ycar pfobabl>Wy wiU remain m th their teancams,. duced a quick buyLiying frenzy, w ith.l4 ____ spcspedt me, lie aboufit andi thtl e n c o m e ____ something■ igood for the franchiseic ^ j deal, for^^ atTfistimateda S S 'T m iin o n to th e re couI3coi be a 'lot of movementrSse- eli players signingTorT imore tTian SITjilHon smile sm‘ in my face and acHikeike notHiifg’s Ticcause tliey’;y’v e ^ v e n up so niany youITgr g ~ ------S38 million. ■ w h e rei, , if i .teams can find room undi n d e r in t h e firs t 12 ho ur rs s . ■ w wr< ro n g .”______' d ra ft picks,”” h1 e said. Ewing, intent on winr'inning his first’ thelrsalisalarycaps. T h is tim e , th e s]spending might not ” • ' N B A title , is e x p e c te d toto aska the Knicks Amon^ong th e prom inent fre e a g en ts avail-av: be so free, since menost teams have little Barkley, Bai Joe Smith, Kevin'in Garnett, wilTbeavailrlia b le . for.a, four-year contractact for between able arere Chicago’s1 Dennis Rodman, BrianBri ' room under the cacap and will try and Antonio An McDyess, Mookieic Blaylock,1 OnlyDetroroit, Cleveland, Toronto andid $ S 0 m illio n a n d S60 millio:Uion.TheKnidcs Williamims and Bill W cnnington:,N(.New - open up room foi;or next year when Jerry Je« Stackhouse, Rasheed!cd Wallace Vancouver' havoh big cap spacc avail-.i l - . - have expressed a desireoto tc keep Ewing,- Jersey’sy’s Sam ;Cafi6cll; TJtah’s B'ryiJ'ryon Pippen, Penny HHardaway, Charles' ' an

< 0 4 Tlnin^awi.TwlnFalliFalli. Idaho Tuetday, Jufy 1.1997

S p o r t s , Stev(rc. Rob)inson ]leaves ^ JoHn DDaly’s roadd to recovesry passesJ througl psychoklogy, nutritition centeis r

^ The A»iocIote experience those symsy m p - "Naiurally, we are v •e very disap- ' ^ ^ ■ :n, which Daly Daly hadlad notoriously poor eat- toms to again in front of a hhu u g e pointed in the decisicision coach . July 17-20 in ing habitsts thatl did not improve > Open 0; gallery and nationala l I TV . . Robinson has madeI to leave the' after he quitqi drinking alcohol. au av d ien c e, th e source said. ; ‘ university,” Tulsa athlithletic direc- '*|h||B| i able to with- \Vhen he! wonwc the British Open at Daly, who undervvent alcotIcohol • , lor Judy MacLecLeod said. ^ “He is not goin golf,” Dorman St. Andrewse w s - w hile h e w as so b e r rehabilitation re for the secondd timtir e I : “However, TU’s comnmmitmcnt to U JB jM things,” said Larry 1 - he subsistsisced on sugar, caffeine inin fotir years after a drinkiin k in g ;; building a nationallyly prominent,i .V lQ 9 executive for Call: RS cated for alco- and nicotinitine, consuming dough- binge. bi at the Playea y e r s ; • basketball program1 willw contin- r ' Daly’s equipment “There is no way toI, sentered Dr. nuts, soda:a aa n d c ig arettes in la rg e Championship Cl in M ^ch, left:ft thtl e ts psychology quantities5 on01 th e course. U.S. U. Open at Congressioniio n a l ■: Florida State athletiletic director play in the British 0 inter at LGE “He hasas loweredI his grams of Country Cc Club without notifyiiity in g I; Dave Hart was unavaavailable for n o t w h at’s o n h is mine c. in.O rlando.fats intake,ie, 1his caffeine consump- offidals, of: his playing partners,ers.or.. .. l-l co m m en t. H ow ever,, so'sources said The British Open, nesday and tion and hishi: nicotine,” Dorman ev cv en h is caddie. : • R obinson’s d eal i\-as for five years won in 1995, is Jul ly. s a id b y telephone te from the “It was exhaustion puree aai n d < and worth about S500.0)0,000 annual- BI Troon, Scotland. il enthusiastic Callawayly officec in Carlsbad, simple,” sii Dorman said. “In reare tro : :M y . ^ “He wants to be al Dorman said. -Calif...... ------spspect, he probably shouldd n o t Kennedy, who was w paid ■ ■ ■■ stand the rigors of go! 'ohn today a n d H e saidi DalyD. has cut back from have ha cried to play three weekse k s in : : $490,000 last year, res:resigned last AflL® ^ said. Jr. Loehr was 15 sodas a dayc to “two or tlwee” a a row.” 1 : • mondi to coacli DePaul,'aul. Kennedy L w E njl P :ed with his and has redireduced his three-pack a Daly was lo play in corporajo r a te : -was 202-131 in 111 sca.ions st at ^ -A sH J'dramatically daycigarctti'c tte h a b it in half. . outings ou Monday and July 7 b u t Florida State, makinglg fivef; NCAA ion.” Daly lost}st 32 pounds during an w wi ithdrew from bodi. ,'I appearances. anging his eat- ’Cight-weck5k stays in the Betty Ford "H e k n e w h e w as n o t re ad y ff o r ': ‘I'here may not havewc been any Daly, who was treat Iso started an Center andind looked rested when th th; a t," D orm an said, T; buyout provision with B '‘n u w holism this spring, c since Florida State legalleg; counsel Jim Loehr’s sports ] ; • A Jan S un d b e rg w as not c o n ta a c d and nutrition ccnt< : on contract provisions.\s. 1The school . . S p o rts S c ie n c e In c .Olympic i C(Committee ccloses doorsrs •: is already in the midsi Fla., last Wcdne * checked out Monday. former women’s coa •Almost a y e ar j4. f on>employee sal- gaijames,” he said. “We w n t toto says: I - Gobrecht for S380.00000 Ifor break- . “He was not realamewasextih- c |r arics. :o to all the people responsiblele fof( r itxg h e r fiv e -y e a r contiDntract after at the beginning,’’ nalignedDt orga- y All that’s left is yving us these games how tru ly ju s t o n e season. , . “But I spoke with Johitm to u fo f busi- ^ about S39 million gr;;rateful wc are for the expctcpcri- Robinson guided ththe Golden he was fine and Dr.a break-even . jk to covcr remain- cmjnce of a lifetim e." tint, ’Z Hurricane to a 46-18 recrecord and a • J, extremely pleasedunshakeable ^ ▼" ing construction Payne 1 shrugged off those} whw ho ' _____• ; pair of NCAA appcaranirances in h is~ • University off_yul$a Yt basketball coach Steve_Robjrioblnson coaches a game last »ea-K progress. John has'di ___projects and.sev^ _____coi:ontinue_ to_critici2C.Atlanta_f(ta_for _____ T; two seasons at'TulsaIso'aft'efhT ". son.TheiinlveiIverslly confirmed Monday that Robirloblnson has resigned his posl^on^ improved his nutrition eral pending law- traTansportBtion breakdowns, tech-ted K In addition to chang ; I rep la ce d T ub b y Sm ith,h, vwho is now to accept thele head1: coaching Job a t Florida Statetate. inittec for the 1 f] flI suits. Once those niclical problems, tad ^ streett veiven- at Kentucky. ^ ing habits, Daly alsoicld its final lUU I debts arc paid, doilo rs a n d a bom bing in Ccnteruii:iruiial Robinson helped RoyRoy Williams’ • finished runninncr-up to Micliigan at Robinson Rol was evpectcd to mce liwi/ a n y r e m a in in g Park P a that killed one person1 an a n d •! build a dynasty at KaniKansas before . th e NIT. w ith the ■ Seminole players befor “ S Z i 'S money will go to njured inj more than 100.' taking his first headad coaching Randell Jack-son.Ja> Corey Louis, Tuesticsday’s news conference. pic Park, the the Unitec:ted States Olympic ■■ “ O ur hu m a n ity will b e th e: leg.lega- r ; position two years agoago. For the LaMarr Greireer and point guard H Ha art conductcd a secrctiv Atianta 17-day( event Committee,je. :y cy of these games,” he saics a id . rly 11,000 ath- Billy Payn3yne, ACOG’s president “M‘While there's talk about uglu g ly r seven soasons, he asassisted at Kerry Thomjimpson return for the searclarch, not even keeping notes i; ATLANTA (-'.P )-A 1 • ' Kansas, the Jayhawks i and chief' cxexecutive officer, com- vcjsending a n d on e -te n th of o n e ppe e r- ks made two Seminolcs,, whow finished 6-10 in hiss schedulesi book on appoint a fte r th e O ly n p ic flami 'd closed the pleted a decade-longdc odyssey cei:ent of the buses that didnid n ’t Final Four appearances.:es. the ACC lastast year. Many of the ment:ents w th potential candidate: guished, Aduiita’s mal llion budget - which begargan with his seemingly anurive on time, I don’t tliink histo-histi At Florida State,2, FRobinson . players hadid lobbied1 for Florida . Univiniversity officials were-appai nizing comminec went rom private ludicrousIS idea i to bring the y ry will remember that. I wish;h w e inherits four staners frofrom a team State assistat;tant Donnie Marsh to entljnly forbidden to commcn ness M onday with a 1 led out more Olympics toto die1 American Soudi. coirould have been perfect in ever that went 20-12 lastt se a so n a n d succced Kcnnrnnedy. Mondon d a y on Robinson's hiring. budget and the un; for construc- “We wantant to remember how resespect, but it doesn’t diminis la- belief thatthele^tyj) S S315 million wonderfulj1 iti was to host these theh e joy th a t m illions felt.” ,nJ ’ won’t b e its m ^ d pro T^e Atlanta Commii Arrestingg figure: Albbuquerque officerc aims Olympic Games hel Kjct b o a rd m e e ti n g in a ore building which to be wor)rld’s top fermale bodybiDuilding cop Centennial Olympic ive centcroiece of the 17 A L B U Q U E R Q U E , N.PN.M. (AP) - 5 in \vhich' brought nearly I t ’s 6 :5 0 a .m . ac a ■nf. Icte s to th e city, Albuquerque’s West S to. The ACOG board ( bass from a rock sonjong ripples books on a S1.7 billio: through the room overT tJith e hum of r ^ ' I U I raised entirely froi the treadmills and thehe iclanks of 1 ^ — ' sources - that doled M thcweiglits. than S541 million iC-foi A woman’s well-defii tion of venues and S3 des strain as she smoothodily pulls a - Wb I barbell to her chest.. W ith e ac h • J . m 100-pound lift, Albmbuquerque. Police Department officeficer Dolores M t PM M Guriile de Duran conton d n u c s her ______L - ; - - i . quest to become the WOIworld’s best fem ale bodybuilding cop.:op. P la c et i t a unique opportunUijiUy to announce jmur nioeaiiation, changednanie, heie' Duron has been prejreparing to thaim rnm et ypufeA U.exeit:eUing. ThU tpeelal page UiU. compete in the 1997 WorIVorld Police n p a ^ by your m eu<^ iehU)h ith w ill 6« re n d b y o v e r 5 6 ,0 V.'' •" and Fire Games, runnjnning this ^& 9Bv w eek in A lb e rta . Canada.ida. ' ' ntacl your Thiitt-Nfna SaU$fl BRepn$entatteo or the Tbnet- The 37-yeor-old womann a n says she ^ S B i f . M l •' f to r t t e m y o u r tp a e e . . , took second place in theth e w om en's ■’ i f i ^ H ONLi$10S.OO,i>^cludtout lyour buduiness... t e s n 'l iv-jnt . Albuqu«r,lepolice pol officer Dolores Gurule do DuranDurt .strains to complete an to settle for a silver mt Name.i.New J Location? ■ tim e a ro u n d ..= ,c l.e do,lnEIng a workout In an Albuquerque, •N.M.,N.h gym earlier this year. The The winner wasIS “ M a rio 37-ytnr-olil lOdyhullderbod) l» competing In tho 199^’99^ World Police and Fire Qamee Gonzales.from the Los.os Angeles that concludee Friday Fi In Calgary, Alberta, Canada.a'da. ' Police Department. Sh'S h e w a s 5- foot-5, 178 1/2 pounds,js. She was teaches an aerobicsaci class at 5:15 modorition. Y our.body is a tool. Y ou’re m a n a ^ m t n t , o r u ^ huge,” Duran recalled2d i d u rin g a a.m . on Tuesdasdays and Thursdays. showiijw in g th em all tliis w ork.” ■ . photograph aeecmpi recent workout and iniin te rv ie w . D uring arecent rec workout, Duran DurD uran says sh e w as a patro l offi . ' “(As I lift weightsl I keekeep telling and LuceroI tookto turns pumping cer: forfo: four years before moving i IntiareitaHf Conta myself there’s alwaysis ssomeone iron to developlop their shoulder and -into0 oot th e r APD units, and she says n e p a r tm e n t to d a y to . elM w orking h a rd e r thlan a n me. And back muscles,es. As Duran worked “ beinging strong came in handy sever ■ I don’t w a n t (th e) feelingng iof taking o u t, s h e wor ^ 1986 a fte r serving tw o yeaye ars on th e low, growlingg noise n as slie stra in ed D^uran u r says she and Lucero Belen police force. SheJ nonow w orks ' to fin ish a scries se r of repetitions. - rcccnt:cntly started a personal-train- . as a recruiting officer,er, but had Lucero encouiouragcd her partner ing’ businessbi called Rock Hard, been on educational leaileave while . with a soft “yoiyou got it." teachi:iching others how to get - and sh e e a r n e d a m a s te r’ss did e g re e in Bec%veen «ts,sets Duran sipped cqf-;. . stayly -- strong and fit. The two organizational monagcmte m en t from fe e from a bigig mug. r nowiV iiselu an Albiwuerque gym for 4h e U niversity of Phocnbc.nbc...... “E v ery b oidy’s.got d y a vice,” she . .thesej! service, but Duran says she'd Duran says she starteirted body- said. “I won’tI’t give up my coffee likee totc own her own gym some- b uilding in th e 1990s whilirhile attend- eyery morning.ng." day, ing th e U n iv ersity o f NewJewMexico. For competietition, bodybuilders “Th'This is my life,"'she says, ■Since then, she says,, shshe's won cover their jpdiesbpd with oil. Duran .“Work'orking out and teaching aero- more than a dozen*varioirious cham- says that heirelps show each uth- - bics-is - it m a k es m e feel good. I love ■ pionships...... ____.. ____ . . Ictc ’s m uscle d( J definition. Tlie body- • helpinIping people to better them------7 “ I th in k ir*s (a s p o rt)•t) Itljat'you. builders thenn flexfl to the beat of a . selves,VQS.” ...... can do forever," Duran•an says. “I song. Duran sayssa; her song for the b h w like the way it makes5 m e fee l. 1 police and firere gam ] es will b e “Bad like the way it makes!S nmy body Boys" from thethe TV show "Cops,” . | ______w o rk .... Y ou hav e to b ee vcv e ry 'd isa- . w hich showsre re; a l officers in action GUNS " h ■ c L o i j p OTcd^AIbnqucrquc-m— " policcwrk." • th e past, lUY » SELL » TRADE Duran says she andd vworkout “I’m nervouslus every rime I go up , parm cr Kimberly Luo-uccfo lift on stage. Andid I think tlie day Fm |DAI}AHO COIN GALLERIES weights cveiy day exceptitpt Sunday, • not nervous is tthe day I quit com- 352}2 N.n Moin.TwIn Falli, Id. 63301 tn eac h day p etirig," D u raan n :saj-s. “\V hen you're 7 3 3 .0 9 » 1 and the two are in gym e - 7 3 3 - 8 5 9 3 - .'no later'than 8 a.m. DuiDuran also up on stage,, itit’s like'-emdtion in ' TIinesi-News-'

• -y • f m- ',1.

w ri''

, I n s i d e Stoclock lis tin g s ...... D6 Mutiutual funds ...... D7 r . Mo>NE^ Marlarkeis . . ' ...... ■ ' L_ ■ The Timcs-Ncws'S ■■ ■ T uesday,J J u ly I, 1997

Stoc:ks ei londiay’s tjadinn g m iked

-I Investors; b1 r a c e Market in brief 'No one expects,^ the Fed to raise June 30.1997 • interest rates. I >W(Induiirials) NYSE At'^'ouldkan for today’s’s b i g s amazingngshock.'

Fed meet; t i n g ^ -D o n HHays, director of K — investment strtrategN'at Wheat The Astoclaied Ptbm______siS& P soo AMEX First BuJutchcrSingcrof N EW Y O R K — S to c kiS s ssputtered to a • mixed finish M ondayy as'investorsz Richmond, Va. ) winced at some hints of inflationary ^I F A pressure just a day beforeb i a key • ;___ ria ls a n d h o m e fu mnishings. i. Federal Reserve meetinj ting on interest &PM I^ NASDAQ Another report onDn Monday, however, ,7 r a te policy. bolstered argumentsIts that that tho eco- ’ . The Dow Jones industustrial average v | nomic pace has eastisod enough (o keep V • -A , K M m fell 14.93 to 7,672.79 afteifter enduring a k. in fla tio n in c h e c k without w higher Fed iPO-'EoiT** s'v in g f o r .th e0 sixth s straight . * ...rates.______session. The Commerce DeDepartment-said con- ' Technology shares andnd smaller-com- sumer spending rose)se a modest 0.3 per- i J ^ H •....pany issues provided som;ome leadership NYSE Diary c e n t in M ay. T h a t: helped h soothe wor- * l 3 ...... for an afternoon reboulound, but the— i- - r n . .. ries that strong con vances; NcwhlRhj onsumer confidence-- blue-chip sector falteri|B Stocks were pressuredcd all day by a CompojIloillcvolumc: 5 6 9 ,3 2 0 ,0 0UU 0 totaled 561.58 millillion shares as of 4 n g | weak bond market, whivhere interest 1996•6 anvg. com p, vol.; 4 9 7 J1I,770i p.m., up sharply fronsm Friday's pace. . rates rose amid signs th: that economic “TSAP The Standard & Poor’sP 500-stock list growth may be acceleratiiating to a more fell 2,15 to 885.15, andai the NYSE com-’ inflationary pace after sicslowing during ing shodock,” said Don Hays, direcco!CCor p o site in d e x fe ll 0.86S6 to 462.44. H th e se co n d q u a rte r. o f i n v eestm s ent strategy at Wheal e a t B ut th e N a sd a q coi:omposite index rose I^H Even if the data raisecsed a few eye- First BuiSutcher Singer of Richmoncond. 3.92 to 1,442.07. and'theai American 9 brows, however, mostost observers . Va. Stock Exchange comc poslte^dex, remained confident ththat Federal The CoiCommerce Department reporteirted which also has a lariarge constituency of "I Reserve officials, whipvho meet on that new!w home sales rebounded a sur-sui technology shares anda'l smaller compa- , , Tuesday and Wednesday,a y , w o n ’t se e a p risin g 7.17.: percent in May after slumijm p - n y issu e s, ro se 2.50' 10tc 622.57. ^ ____ need to cool off the ecorconojny with a ing 8.1, percentp in April^A Midweswest _ Tl^ I^^s weake:cost i«ue_ was Coca- W fe boost m the ceritralTjafik’sik’sTceynending tradegrcgroup, meanwhile, reported”cd a '" Cola,'down 3 to 68.8. Fina'iiciafsharcs, rate s. sh a rp inc:ncrease in factory activity dur-dui which enjoy stronimgcr profits when Analysts also suggestedid thatt Fed offi- ing Junenc in that key manufacturinring _ interest rates don’tI’t rise, also figured H j . cials would wait to seeee Thursday’s region, prominently amonglg the Dow’s dedin- T B employment report andid next: week’s "Ther datadi portends a third-quartc>rter crs: J.P. Morgan fel'ell 2 3/8 to 104 3/8, ■^report on employment cost:osts before tak- bouncee back,’'fc said Sherry Coopeiper, and American Expre iress fell 1 3/16 to 74 j-; 'J'.' • ing any aggressive action.:in. Employment chief ecieconomist at Nesbitt Burnj r n s 1/2. • costs generally accountt fcfor two-thirds • Securititties of Chicago, noting lastlas Overseas, Tokyo’s’s Nikkei stock aver- ■ of a product’s price. week’s robustrol reading on existing homlomc age rose 0.4 percent,nt, Frankfurt’s DAX “No one expects thee FFed to raise sales. AV strongs real estate market caican index fell 0.3 percecent, and London’s istrsllan Pilmo Minister John Howaijward, loft, rocelvos o personal tourlur of the trading floor of the interest rates. It would,d Ibe an amaz- spur heav:avy demand for building matelate- FT-SE 100 fell 0.8 pei)ercent. Now'IW York Stock Exchange by Chalrmlirman Richard A. Grass'o on Monda;day.

Inflatidon puills varnishinjg act, Ibut foitr how l o n g . ? -

Tiie Aasoclated Pres»______p e rc e n tt aannual rate, having fallen fo fivo conseurco; U. S. Depanmoni ol Corrmorco the first quarter, 5.9 percenlrentvand unem- • andEurop

...... - t ...... • ...... '— ...... 1 ■ '

0-C TlrMvNowi. Twin Fall»,Illi, IdahoI Tuetday, July L 1997

M o n e y

Tax-cuUt plans ccould heljlp at-hoEme workc:ers ' Staracup phone coiimpany files)5 j ■ _ Knlgit-Rlddor N ew SctvlcoCO______Keptiblicariri cconsressioiial smiill- intoto i intrapariy opposition lasa st rise to 50 percent this: year,yc and not antitncrust suit agairinstUSWestst business agen^enda, bur pressure to week:'ek when each tried to pusiish reach 100 percent untiltil 22007.- • WASHINGTON — Fori'or the grow- compromise%u oni a final tax deal amemlendments meant to help smallall Bond, however, saidid he is com- SEATTLELE (AP) — A startup U U S W est denied it was HoddnjJdng - irjR numbers of Americerican s w h o could trim oreir elim inate som e of the biisintLsinesscs and tlie self-employed.d. m illed to pusliing up' theth effective telccommuniunications company on -corrDmpetftion. work at home, t)ie currcnrent flurry- of proposed bene-■nefit.s. I5onI5ond and Dem ocradc Sen. DIck id date. Monday filedilcd an antitrust lawsuit “We’re “' disappointed Elcctriictric congressional tiix-cuiting;ing could b e U'hai ultim;im aie- . - D u rb in . qof ‘‘2007 is great, butut A, m erican accusing regitegional “Baby Bell” U S Uglightwave seems to be more interntcr- 'vnrth some money. ly becomes;s 1 law minois'failcdI t.;v?y//. m // A A . m e n t w i get suppon forira i riglit now," he said. “Wo “V won on competitionin inii local telephone scr- wororking w ith us to provide loca!local ' hills arc re<;onciIi.'i«uuio a bushel, down from S4.222 in AIjSMwan 21 2S 25 26 29 - 27 S m 10/10no 165 1.9 38 k e t 1 by by planting the largest cropop sincc 1982, nant factorlor is relative prices.” June 199G. . PasJuro Marcti15 21 22 .21 JI .23 .22 : 5/10 10/10flO 13.8 l i 1 3J) th e L- A Agrlculturc Dcpartmcn:nt reported Indeed.:d. the June pricc for soybeajeans was Seven .states: ini the Com Belt account fofor r- iJwn . 'MarcfilS J62i J5 J5 J7 26 M l 10/10'10 16.5 1.8 3.5* Afond;inday. S8.22 perr bushel,b compared to S7.41I thtliis time 52,8 million acre;res o f c o m plantings — Illinois.lois. WMtforah MarctilO J2 JO J9 JI J9 ; 5« 7/20W 20.4 22 ; 4.4 'HieHie 70.9 m illion acres o f soyfai/beans planted last year andan S3.58 l^vo years ago. Indiana, Iowa, MiMinnesota. Nebraska. Ohio and Sprtnggniin Aprt25 .33 ,33 JI JI J4 J2 6/15 7/25M 13J 2J 4J th is sSI spring are 10 percent largrgcr than last “Evenwiwith this big acre.igc number.cr. w• c still / W isconsin — anand Ohio’s crop is 24 percent:ent S p rin g ^ Mays J3 33 Jt JI J4 J2 [ 6/25 &WW • 11.0 22 I AS ir’s and the third largest on recccord. Twenty- e x p e c t soybean .so; prices to be veryry firm," higher than inn 1996. largely because of3f a Susarbool Apnl20 .27 J6 .26 JO. 26 7/10 IdWM 7.9 1.8 3.4 ‘ ht of the 29 soybean-produdnjing states h ave CoUins saidaid. retiim to normalal w eather this year, Suprbool May10 .19 .18 .18 .19 51 .19 I 7C5 10/10'10 i£ IJ • i 3 ■ire acres planted than in 199996, with only The planlaming flexibility also showedived up in Plantings o f durumdu wheat, which is usedd to io’s soybean plantings remainit Potalo May 10 .28 .20 J6 57 JO J8 7/10 9/2020 7.J 1,9 3,6 0 '“ ",» ning the sam e. more speciccializcd oil-producing seeds:ds: canola make pasta, wei'ere estimated at 3.27 millionlion (eith Collins, chief economi* PotBo Mjy25 22 2 i 22 2S J3 1 7/20 8 « nist at USDA, plantingss doubleddi to 733,000 acres, whiwhile sun- acres, a 10 percrcent drop from 1996. Otherher PoWo Juw JO .13 .13 .14 .16 .15 aci 9^30 ributed tiic incrca.se in part to0 the ; farm law flower planlantings rose 13 perccni to 21.9 .9 1million spring wheat phplantings totaled 19.2 millionlion • ised la.si year by Congres.s ththat removed acres, Bun Junes .13 .13 .13 .15 M I M l a0505“ 20" a9 1 IJ J,'". acres, a 4 percent;nt decrease from last year. my goverilmcnt rcquircmerents on wh?t “You are B«n Jjno20 .07 .07 .06 .09 .08 6/10 9/15 sre seeing more shifting into;o altema a- Counting wint millionn acres in the 1996 cropTOP 30 2J 0.8 1.6 t o r erespond s i to the marketplaces —• and right Spring: plantingpi of com, the nation’sn's largest year. SKrtrtcoffl May20 .19 .19 .18 .IS J t .19 [705 Wl01 *2 - IJ : 2J now. s ,v, soybcan-s are in strong derIcmand world- crop and1 primarypt livestock feed, wasIS cstimat-c Tlie cotton plai[anting estimate was 14 millionlion Swceleom Juno 5 .12.12 .12 .12 .13 .13 8/05 9/1010 2J 0.8 .1.6 w ide ■ Ie. T h ey have a w ide variety,• ofc ase.% from ed at 80.2.2 millioni acres. That rcprcseijsen ts a 1 acres. 4 pcrccntt less1 th an in 1996 and 17 per-per-- -IA iyIO------' JIJ1 '5 9 29 J2 JO ' fl/15 i gp5 05 a.7 21 i'45 I cookiniking oil to printer’s ink. . percen t increase im over last year andnd is the cent below the 199519 acrcage.

Njnit Dl> L*«l CAg Corueotco» <3 ' 3 7 ii3rO-$a I«:4n, JIO 29'’4 .»<« Coi7.« i;« 72J 12; .H e ... 4S^ .M Rip(M« _ iiw * 1'’/a CoopCi ^ 2 M “kh Siiir* 44 ISH .i* RiinSU .. leiw‘ -ij-U 339H CnSlafli _ 77 .21. K>100 3 3’^ naa^ ^ JO^I .H ACNOin CenmH . 0-. PSCO Jie :s I''" MOST3ST Active iti o* w»t) Most AActivec* (»i o* ■o«i Most Activei/E(»le*«ioM) ( ACC Co. ... 30-.I CorsCioi ... HW .'h ■f IM u 2 -I','! rQU,'" 60 «'! »-2 W Cuysu -lil Kc^ AfUlC A ll <7'« -3'i Cw^ui01" ?Ttl: ii't -»« bnQ«T« IJ 17k.. &^04i 114 H'i N»m«« VollflO) L«»l Chn Nim« VallOO) Va U»l Chg Name VoKOQlg°l-U «t Chfl M Crfr.00, 1 J , Owflfl M 19',1 KmI(A 7\. »\% rw^ I S .in ns, 3J 3IU .-H IrtPjs IM4S*'* - iBr^gs 70915 O’l'* . ’Au SPDfl . 2 I9614m-uj -7/is _ tMI .V.«V.. CieTcU] .. 17 -'/■ KL-no , 23049 OOVij Intel 024961 , ^ Cr»iJSra _ »V>.4 l« noafrnOB«9 uJJtwl'*M.m« A5AIU iM (Uoi. '-H Co«Cmj /ois 01043 44V, ♦I'/: Hatkon 21201 2 O’Vm Cisco 78260!60 07'.» .i, i.W cmruin - iii^ .tu u^.nicn • Attl» IK 35> ^ ?4JnElU Ts 40215 35V» -i4 Mi,Cp 10003 V llV * ♦A'« 3Com 69410no 45 -Vj _ 3W, ^ »>( C>t>«-e«« , u7U J . Unarn’ ' ^ ■ ■ k ™ ™ E •!.»!> >i3i;.<.:ai nc'03 '.to .'sv. .1 Pop5:Co *UL.«a 10# C>tiaii I i:Co 43748 37»-w -s/w ViaoO 0430 30 , *V4 OojtCtn.' 55000iOO 14 ,V. Aown J4>,1 CrTw i7’.< •% u-x» “ m” *lv. 5, ^ ^ 11..IW.'1W. »ccuin CrrtM » ; .'.VI 4230333’!'" - V i HarvOif 0105 IVl .'/( WCl 53100.,00 381^ -w »> ICO S3*-. -H ;.:S isr» : C .ii S ' ' « “I'S s*'*® AWO aS'l .',1 C .« » 1 >-‘W ■W:*' t Cislcmn U'3 CO 37’ -W i « 71^ .»« G/uiGainers i« on wwf) G ainerER5(t2o«iK>a) GA]NERS(S2< I -V. UMvt 1 , 11. oaorp .. u44 OS Upoun A.;5rti ■ fipfl ira »•« I'. liiHSe __ Lail Chg V.Chn mrn» tList Chg %Chg Name Last*1 i^rCmn I H>«I Ij'.)x> DX - .'/« uassoi A-rjT» M DOC 1 ■ •;> ij « .r> Oykori1 ?3»'«.3",'« .188 AvtvaPel 1 » Sl'.-.M, DtC : 2'l . hS .27,8 AclTdenl 2V>V. .1 .000 _ lj>. ,n " - £J«. ... tow -H M •!'« BjiiQfi , ’5 - " ' ■P 13 .2-« .160 M.::cnr[« 3 . ’/! .20 0 Retpons 2’/4’/. . .tv* .505 U35*,i.l5i'.iH m m iAonrt _ u2]k *1H ' ^ ;r- ' •'* ..Seu'^i*^ eioOTchred 23 .3’.» .157 R05,iti :23H .3’.^ .15 2 HW.Pwi 3V'4V'4 .1 .444 Airm«i _ J4MI .3*1.3V 0«Cc<. .. 117’/«.1W UCl - S % : : ’ •’> fto,^Ov.Itl45. tS4 T.i;S0l5>15 34 .4V-« .14.6 Hatken 6On'-j .-1 .144 RetdSyss 2’,'. .33 5 Aa»rt (0-1I -}(<-3X 0»r>H ...' u50H >2'. Hacrmd siS?? - S h 'S • rvrtw « M-i-> CrnpTtK*Tt»» 37',4 .4',7 .137 Mec:a 40 .13.9 P«wooiCn 2(? ,. - a ss s . «.S5.S•w ' fjkon .06u53*»•^"^. '■ "> S : R' 'l* :S dSjuo?* 41^ H U*^"* “ !»•.. sewlcn .. J7M .:. iirl I?' M -'.'I 1 .*1W DratO _ uia^l <1>| UMlnwH iSW Losers { » o« »o«() Losers;RS(Ho«iw.i| Losers (t2c A,-im M 11>» .1'« D^UI H K S Z M Los S ' ” : S ; ' 5 I K*" - a'r’.\' M’., .1'» Ov«l 5} ^7S*-|'-I Uwfn 0 U tl Chn V.Chg Nam» Last L Chg \Chg Name Usl i.iu-v CTrMan _ ie uxmm u»>* .ii i f s " " i : 3V; -15 2 EXXA 2^ -14.3 Stratasys ■ IflVsl> -5*1 -2J3 M 3r> 33U ...t SUwCnt ,M v42 .3U . St'rmT/ 46'i -■» Hoicelel 17',. -2»4 -13 0 FronlAdi 2 .., 10’,^ .'/n Saatmiiti _ lit. -s^!sh AI^O 1« 34^ m;«-1A« 1411BV, 2'Vm -it -12,2 Cyanotc 4'Vvi« -1»» -218 CSST^n T! I3V« ts tlSaj. '• w .?*•!'* G''Dai.iil.l 7'.t -Il -3 5 CftlUThf 9V« 9 -i',» -10.9 UkiGdan 33 -20 0 abbccI ie’i1 . .I'i1'. .. iMCmsa>a _ JJl* .m SoiUei ! ' 37I h .^ vel 2J« -9 5 EmpCar AmSlo«»« o'* .'.I U ^ U lW4lM»«.'v 2^^ -V. -0,1 Ek-eTol 22 -',5 -20 0 (U^rtCn* _ i»-i’.-.-I W CodTHad . J-W -»M UMclit■ - U4a’( .2H Svngtu ., 6W .W ■ es .H u»>cn ie« 34X, .1'I* 54I41W w 4r-« CoramKTiK 2'/'. -V. .93 TtvOptH 11',1 1 -1 -C.2 PaiiuMd 2A»'* ■ -»« -19.1 *™*0S - - «nu . 1(4 SrOaiTe - -*?a ' sVsJa li JW uSSl' ... SH .I'M S]rncl>4* - }H ’-'S -l< s«»;j!»l 35'«-l'« Aa1. -H. UatnaA JO 1»r. .Ill S,*ioo»T ... 34H .W A/riMI [M«i r>c«Kl 1,531 A(hjriccd 314 Advanced 2'3M iS S ,‘ OH Cwalon >'V -U- IMrm .w Ariiim ICj £«iaf>ged ' 170 IMeftanged- 1.590 AppiSeg JMl ltV4 .Al E.«iW«a» ... u4«H.",’i MosWnI ... 17'. ladhStia _ ir.i .115 ' 2 5«»C0» X 3.-. Totaltssuotssuoj . 3,395 Tolalijsuei 761 Toial issues 5,733 ,V. Eiar . _ uJI'J 42 l,-.awvt. ... WH-CW Ta«Cor ... u»7 .tiH1H '■ AJC^O»/' XO n'V "A Cm>rCl»lC T; I«e3T, 4 so. \:iU No«H.gh«H-gh« 317 NffwHiflUj 55 NowHflhs • 1”/^ FPAUa W Mom.1» ... 1J4H - 11. Tal»Co. -\^ NMUglenn : ^-S'a'’" KjtSv 1^ ‘'/M•W Fitlplua - MOW N«eem AumSln .1.1 FogSt. ... ir<« - tWlKM - J; JCorn ... 45 ':S-V, S . “ j; ES 'J .1-.4 FOto-nl ,,uWr.."/« liMa TtUnCin _ 1J1. .IH A.^0» u 40'i .1',. £cCm ; s . £ .4 , Oonil IM si;. 5- U-We«k YTO J2.wk MJ'" , - ‘ i? TlanlM ,„ 3ll« .IH Hflh_____Low Name______Usi .Chg Ch^ %i .!•« FoitaSn - I) '.IMl tl4iI»Cm tiH . A.r^.l M 57'5 -jr. 11 St».T.nCo 103 JI » ••.. ^'I'fln J:s?ch : “jir,*i?^. 2',, Fiwom ... JJW .lu iwiat 11ld « W W - “ ’••'V*••W A.w irorow J . euiicm n "* -a'^ *j«* )!t&? i IJmS'’ ’ SV.-.’A. TtantSp _ 1K«.| IWW ai5 Wl .1 16 ■'a gi.s ,js;»400 5.10231 DowJoMS lf«u;ln,-ilj 7,072.70 -1433 -.13 .11.10.99 .'3301 DOUinli _ JJ ,]•< .j-.« Futlo>\9r -uJiWMW IlM) 1.57 1,922.92 DowJoneiTraatpcnal«>n>n 2,71361 -18 02 -69 .21.20 30 . 22.49 UEtea ■ M,! .2 Trtacp _ u1»r. .til DOCAOSnIt?. 3i'7.»» rptOo li SBiA»m ^ ^ ie r « .« , {43^ .U OakTKli - “JJ? T«1nlabn _ u}4 tlH.IH ; ' D.'ufj fiicwvOt» ' Ul)i* jv! 1*^’ 320 20332 Dow Jones Uliboj ?20.79 .1.19 . 53 -;-247 .2,78 DUCWI. 1. UM '■**jn OrmtafK - ir . 4>t OccuSya “ M .tU IJ'C' - M'l •'»' D»-J J IP »"« -W r»-rOlM J 5u!.!ti* « 45'. -} ieJOO-703- 32655 NVSECompo'.^la 402.44 -.60 -.19 .i: • .. “ 5t *35 ^ UcttDcp 17? W>-.liv.1 , CuCme., 3:,. .U m q,, .1760 .2705 Oiin ,., «s:> .W.W Oadronu ... i»l} OcM ” 21',H4H» IJSOW'’ ...MW na.-ri)n. r««i^ « 032 50004 Amexindflx ' G2257 .2,50 ..■10 .1.0,70 .7,42 DncOHe M K H -M Qa«tn ,, 4. .I'M Ocwvllnn MV. Ia* U5CSM ... u32H .IH , 0 05 1.000.44 NaidjqCompoilo .I|ti Otaonlea _ IIH .JH Omqx*tI I 16\. USfia^N J7 JSH.tW $S?S ■ 'I v r 'T 1''«5tll!5 1.442.07 .392 . 27 ♦ .1' 11.70 .20.43 g iX l' - ^ ‘.It. ','2 CknaLTc .. .'M Orada . . ll«v.Ami i « JC .V, 6.«C«I- JO I?'-. 90J09209 coiea ssPMo • - 085.14 . ,,-2.10 -24 .11. 10.49 .3000 -W ... J9 .U OiTaCbn.. ■- i9w ." ^ [S'S*" z T s i l ) : ' U-Qou :(Mt 7JI, J , ;iCk!, ItIM^B5'» UrajnCftn^.M UW «1>., 1>. ouCPp« JOO ie".» .«» 358510 51 2M02 ni/:seH2000 390 37 .3 04 . 03.331 .13 33 Ooo«>) ... U'.» „, ,., Oawni ,. 27*< .Vi OthB* M U3IH .1 UuaSlp ... 2j:. .1 l.'JI H’., rCK/VUO u iHHUncr .uJOOn.I'.-i B,'I84S1451 0,093 34 w;ijlue5000 0,39057 -2 09 -03 .10 .11 65 .2595 Owni - SW OOcotS) unUn ".-H-iH OJMd, ,. sn, J . o.iwio ::: “Ttil'lJS u ^ n lii -V. . (ij’ioa Id jr« D:acx0( .ir. 40’^« Clanai’a I9S .« 1W Tjx!^ wu.4Hr"^ irtfiVatia 4i.iw .. ?6>« r«ffc■ ISOle '*tr2 -'1 iSSI' IM a»« .1 •w . 7«ram .. JO;,. DcuCNi s 014 : S s ? " .09 68* . -i:i I>uctir» _ 29'^ .J\. :.40 Kl-lW YTOTO YTO Ooit/lB _ 7^. HCIA - Uli ^ PUIS< .. 1SV. ,„ Urohim _ ^ .* 1 .. U««rJ'i 1 85 13W .«•« fUPto) JIO J I aiw .ty ujo^'i'Di M o'/v -*« .II/., HUnch _H>W ^ Paceaj. ,(,90 49 'M -41. UroAwl _ 3D -it B«wPcl . MW .7.78 i5>« U»jan 3JJ IMH '.TH.JM 'Jr.!'lu ■ Olv P£ U il Cho %Cha£1 »«"<« Olv PE t^«l __CJa— C ;;; ,ir, Kamim ,.. 17\. .W PactfCA _ u1*^ . ’* *a 30'x -«J| -W TrrcO*> CO Albarun ... {^ w .iw m-'>» !SCI 75'» *.J fcofitrn 1 .Wl - 10- .30’/: -V» .2.52.5 MertwEl ... 17 KllhUira _ « W -V. PKiCO Uf55o 1*4 w'* .113 r*37W X Ndncpn ■'.* W« .«« a 1 04,1 49 511< -V«« .25,15.1 MoriKnud ...... O'*» .',1 . 51.4 CK30> ■ CINorjy 1.00 1 7 34^■.l .Vm 4 ,43 3 SmiFD .60 ,„ 53‘.Si .758 cJicO* jJh -W IMCUI ... 16H paopina IVOTCj/ 5 ' ^ rutrirti• 1- uim .m tur.rsft .oco »u •'7 Tho-rao t.swr Jl',5 .1. Costco . ... 25 32’» -I'.l .30000 SpokorP liJOl 22 35V«J .'/». -23 CMJirtn . lJ’/« .W tfiSO . eJOW -W PatcoAn nci:C(3 IBS n't . , c«eia>. . XFfl ^ knunmd - 4H .l< PitiUt.li 'rIF'sSr 0o4!^»n . u;7U .tt W.ttq la -At3 e .50 20 39 -2 -0.96,9 TJInH 22 21 23',J .H, tnnal _ 31 V».l W Pt.,c» ' ••• j|S^ •'* Wanouo ... J iw.w ' IM 43:« «1 IMfV 100 ;iv. •'« Twu* j 4 3j n ,.l" i £UMoaI ... 20 2Ht .1'« 82 .82 Terdyn .„ 54 3 9Vj-1.-"v'. .»:i a ss :«s.r,,V«5; Intemi ., 9 -V. PA^rial wi»-r.-» Oists . 1 la CO 10'^ <0 »:> Tti,nu •3S.'V» FSecCpji CO \7 27V« -V« .21.41.4 Tup[7*t» .00 '5 u .30V4■ -1 -32,4 CCmUdi - » .J -J MOW** _ S'. .H PT,Stla ’w - n .. IB’'- -V« IJr»«a 64 351. .In ... 23 51’V« .q-w .4505.0 OSBcOn' 1,24' IJO 04’,1I -V« .42 7 C«rtr Oiii-i *; K«W«»I 3fl>» .'•» TtcwnCP . I4',7 IllhoP 1,06 14 3l»fl .3» .,0 .,0 WasftFod ,02) 14 25"/a1 --Vie .05 Oik.'iM ,. i7H.i'/«.11^ Irul .!iuu» }sv »'.« Coo .. S7'.« 2 Krfal :: :" tv, W«Am _ m , ,t • ^ 200 WJ. -W 1 ^ W ^«31 .S'* u^ m <4 3r''/» .'w CvuS ,., •}.J W/Cm ... 3iH J . Pjol!a.1n , C4S«x« .. U'.3 Gmufl kwatC .19 16'/. .W pro« :: Is-J tS vronaol. J « ,\% M -11. Os*r» K ■ ■ ■ ■ t e n : ’ S . T,H, i iftttnWrn ... le^. . 1. Pui»AJrta :- 141. -4?w Wenngin ijl 19W -W• W C4«o « Ml. .t;. (UuWdUKlljfj4l^'^U iw I S ' ' * Hofoo/auoro »o 525 most activa #toek» on Uio Nowew Yak Stock EMt>an{r«, tho 400 mosl.la ac ^ o n t n a t^omaw J4u7t^,-..2i J,,»,» IK*^ .. JThi -»v OuMSy ... .'A« CiUrt* - *)J usrmc i« 2 7 n -.'.\. N«»aflqw.sq Nallonsl Markets ar>d 100 mcsl acUv«v« on American Slock E>c^ar>ge, MutualtuaHunds (ua Corew m JiH .'/«. ’M : g r •w - C i ^ M 37U Or*r»n ,M usiuu .70 :e'.)->M i,»i5torotliirpBSl. Slocka In bclJehangod 5 poreanlnt Mc rrwp In pnce,______C4IMW Outrta z- ->u »rccm . M M \ -iU 051 Jit37l^ !IJ N»m*:Sui: Siocha aro luieo oiphaboticaity by Uio10 icompan/i full nam* • I» Lj>I Ctifl ••- “U •l'»,,Vt JiM ... U’* .» O>m.-ConI . ,„ tI77V..|W XilanCp _. 17 4JM CatrtA' ..u1SW>'*'s Ou» 40i wl! jvl m ("O' “*t “Wnbbro.rial«r). Company names made1 ufup ol mmalt appear at ^ ■ Cwv«| ,.. 471. -J»J , J«yCn sav. .Hi ftCSOFn iM u47'4 .1 .Yamo . 35U 'fs C«OT tool lOrU -Vi Oudirt- 03 M Dj Im ■ ■ ■ Z IS H" VPtcfli n mat»fliftnl-fliftnlft80f 8schl«lto™'l.jt. IS US' . Comnri Uji .J'A.J'M J=n.lU ,10t 47VJ ... IVU .52 J ISH .<.« Zaglndgan - »l« •H .4. ■. CfnSoWlM.74 JtV. .% CWmin1 .... .M'.. .V , PECO 100 SI .v» ,Ma JalFMlB - I 7W na.TCvin Cr.tjH 37 3J".^441',^ Hf5 la •* POiCCp i.» J4V* Oiw»n .60 16 •’.» OlviCufiei'unerl annual divklond rsto paid oH«.W-■w - CtftMn .. 4IU .»v HttW 1 loe00 79% ..!« PNC 1.49' 41^ •!'.< SSS,"""""' j. - a 45U lUrtrrf) .riu/'-x .m ppQ IM S9'.» .w Pnco stock was lrodt« CAaiOCA 31 -V. >URia.lnI ar,5 .It p*bco io« • ’'« n u3Ajrp«» 35 J . Chg:LowLoss or n-nn lo/ tha aity. No chBflga Intliealeali>dl)Y„.mait, I Crxtfngt-Oft •<>'« n^» leo rt> •’.» *«»»■ .:*'W4W pwiM aouM'vJ.iw 1-^ u -IH s«ll:NeU'fel aiMl valuo. Of prtc* al which fund coulduldtMsoW, ""*• »*"C'41 CM' ■ r CAHfcrr - .- JTOConi . Crvos I.IS Hmu l I.IC ie 4611 -U l>at>itH«1.05i :s\j .Jl.•Jjj Chg: DailyDaily not changa In me NAV. ______AUUUull: Ca.uo ... *',» ,„ Ktinai ■■■ ., I5’V»."^ C.cO|CC .14 «*>. -l» »*«>« ICO 47'< -% P»TClh _ 't.lM tbciroo _ 2« -H-H - C.hu> n it}. Iau n iuI. )t2,mc«.a-N«wU- c«aT> 1447.117 Zu WuISw M4 IJta ^*aS" :: 15^': • •““ s w .’l l - « ‘ ^ ‘1V» • CAon J.101»*» -W H~V£PV 56T SM M.IVm PtiTty 3.14 5J>«*T^4 V»iwo 1} -JS'.i . ’/« !»»L''oS¥lOuryig nang tfiy. g - OMMnd In C«udUn iJ ! Ocxk eilc* 10 U n - SS'„'£y-'13 .01 • AJtUl _ dH-V»■’0* FAuaPr . JU SW -W Ua«a iA i u4o - "> • ouWA .7SI t'Ji ««tn 3i 3i Ptofua t.OQ.1, .’1 V»n«i/ 11.-.l» K«wUM(itu* t» l U >«* q - OnW«>S mgua Ml.nOPEt*»*»d.t-SpJ" ... I5V«' 'J* fauifi . .-4t’,M unun ClUUlfl .741 dS^I J0» 69 ri«iCn l»0J7’,-».... Wio .. ulli* -H -vtkOiWK.(>»««¥) o( J4 pa w nw» *11»M &2 owr 6. I>ei dfl> M tpu cr ■" OSITala -10'.» .- UaSrcrw* , ~ 1J^* ’-\i T'»''»mor<._ n;. -H .1.. WaOV-H ttO MW -1 .kxA - UW '!!- CUrf>. .. V'/» .1, UdaiEn J a2 I9W TutWai -.v19W -W Clajofi M ir^ - U Harf^ 109 1» '75'^ nJw r/iMtn j7ujj>*» . 1',* nwut ih« ivraStuMOAUMtfSnew. bI - Prtlwrad -• OwhOld ... .W HmOon • 4W UmUb - H.fV*W _ • Cao. J»jl33»».?'<« Hfi« "/« W»«fMn .4* U5}«».:411 nmntBiniitBimmdi oi [tfoim prK». n - Itignit. t«i - umlAiU. wt - OUrtXiMd. 0.»uFd ,791 3.S.-IW Nabn ,. uM.W Ijnnw - 9H .1* CcttUI 40 UW liVUrOc lU140 p ^ t Iw WllCSl .U 30\H mw-wnw>Wl n(»T»m». IW - WKM MnifiM, S ;H .i:-W Olatffl ,70 uM.lW NYTIraf .941 .64 U4SH -2 USOioad .. .»H comci a M, -J >*>vn :: xj4 'w iJ 'iS phCwJ ‘“ i m *'!’... nurl .1Wu1^4^. .W EMvldtndPo>4 Poo(no(«t; a - AUo tin* cr «>9m. B • AmMUd r«« (M MXk dnkMnd. e - UvAMtqi^i»rt)4ra.«- d BAIW l Ofa l»W OBSti/n ,L • 9S. -*• NaiMXnlO '~~‘CiX*C?l '.10 r3~~-*J~ MoeiUer—— p«vt—ta«.-*}w—.1--.1- WU»VAl-IJ4 UIM..l>4. -O tU l^U f r«OMMdcn Isit OMMm-l «-OemiW jp3«rjoCWarraoT" OanuQcW 9 -Vw' tJ.r,»»iJL— llAViK— : CoonUMa.12 vioi) •JM HdUUS ' _ uim >'.1 rsQik .10 . X ■ '.f WiileMlnc.M! 3J'.» -1 iMdsndccti ■Ivnd o no adxn IMn •) M n« DadaradDKl er panl Do*** Mu34l1.l',^• ^.;K -iS^?Sl-r=S:7i!rW " - CotjPUt 1.10 MV. -1. HcuiWrt 1J61jeu1I7W*2'/« P:«»0 30 i»w .',•« W3iVZ» .. uM'.l t»» W»y«»f.»cOI. KamiMy* luua •.m m vragn mm-AmulnM.iMuctdcnUuiaiovrim - p-tr CW p M l »}| il'.v . k ' : Cork 1P7 -tl) ikvuM I.HIJOJIW ... PWOpfA JIB J4l» ^ 5>?' MnMA r-0MUrM»pMlnp>*c*4nB l2mM|0( ^ IM dMM. I - Paid In Kxk in Inl 12iimoi.mUtnM- rr Ctcrin ,. l53\« ■IH -IH Haiecoi S'fBH •\1 POtclA 1.SI CtWCAl- .09 MW -V.. 'W**®*!.!*1.ie> 44 PMvm so i65') 'S'll IVM Ol fOrrMnJ a MtxAon ant. I - Eini _ 231. Poua-. ... i7‘A .1..(« W.14CI M n'> -W S«l*f»iM.iIM. •! - In t«f*A• OarArvt^cy AO. or Mcwt-cwtmauima CflftOedo M JJrt ...' HmPro ” 4 vi Pk'iW W ■ &i»uaA4 .. 2U5 -V* IW* .10 a'.» FteWC IM W V,.'-,',t WMimn 4ei 34-IW OvucncmtCWPBfUOt. Chatfttir 4« t w -11.•li. Ifaani ... IW -W - S - ii =..,'iS,"'S;S:'w CV« Piuu .44 M >1 , ptT Atficuecn cam r - r<«j«>ivacn im a coo ComW X’T<« 2-K vev^ii driamd aalat IDM may an^. > . SuciUaciOxdando CndaAm - tU h,x .V. irrcae ... eiv«.ti->4 PrtOf .48 ir.3 ■w ' x rm ' lia u7b‘> «« "Kcii ^^e Ai»od«t»aw 1 « ' J1H' .^1' PfOOOm tiO't4m.l'V«n . I ' ■_. II* - .'-... L.,- • ' • sisfsssdlsff'^ :sa a »9m»^ jn io


...... Tueiday. July 1.1997' TUHW.N 9WI, T w in F n lli. W sho D-7 'ax______at 1B7 fn'toDanocannt790 74M 7450 7410 74 50 '.lOO Pountf $16*47 J16< J1 4439 ClXISING Fim.r u R E s .70 50 - 7 50 s.^.1 franc 1*4 ------fU 2banay.uniiva« paaio rri4/i>ata FOD DapuOicCokl ] 393 ahw^goc^!ISC"!aU5 lAFnCay 100 ID t*c»a no«ho^ MU a4 20 £ t>eaO. t;anc»r^an|Jg^l»,,2C0^e^^r r. Vor> co-wraa -tn Fr«a, am cncndment penalized parentsn ts ) 8487 .*1 89 0^^^aa^ ' RutaauiOO. 30 Ocar.j»i» 70-80 count Co<0>a00 7 iO-0 OO,10. 1-3230-2M 9M 30-61 00 2 3 2W-110i'lO :a 54 50- 14610 SwiaVVnTa JT ''u iJ* P0rtt2^ M « 8S2I Si 00-1150 COJ0.200 230114700-59 00 tr»nea.«)trc»n3BCM. 1 6' iised ''non-accrediied'’ childlild A 77 R>nui> 50lbcancnaiO lb ICO count C »«a4o 0 50-7 50. Cow» »ri iiiadyto 50P.^^«r 300 100 rj Aug Ponit>«Oy 8S0f 83 0?I 8 !- i ” H s s . W r s 4 4 ^ 1897 00. and 1 3B03Cana such as churchcs or small,;ill, J J W h ..t 3 270 J IM 3 4 83 WanorOMt006 00 47 0 0 .» 0 « 0 i0 4a0050tt) O.«r600l» 5«ci W h«.i 3M 4 j « o1 3 S™ h o m ee-based - care givers. J'orty I 3 CMICAOO I*P) — Fw1>r»: badxg at tna ooaa cn iha r t y J J Oort>»«n 7660 7ilV) 7. 0^ ara M h«n.r. oyar2W iB 42 00. jblican.s and two Demiicratsa ts Aug SoyMan 7.U 0 7.Hb 7 V '? Cn<»9oBoarto(TrKJaUdaUcn S U G / \ R « i JJ» • J'-* Op«i HV>HI/ Lmt OaO* Q«. ______- C araandc,, 275naaacon-p^^“ r F o s sill-Ft’EI-S i l S 3i =against the amendment, M Com I,<84 2 lutu>a> uad^g on tn« New liaadt. c o » e change in the independent 5 7 WPUJI. > ^11M * w B.OOOt»)n**T«itc«| 5 OfPMllk IJOO 1 1 « « 327 319^ 323X -2 VcvCoHm.! curaa. t'»a> i.-vj bon.nj .1,, covngivng u e ip f al l>«rcaniB EichangaMw«. gf»dei»!e»:,, Pu a .taa<7,. "'•lArlAycnol.:ciail(np«KJt« m s \l!.iuses to determine worker sta-;ta- I S!auC «arvji,a cfwee 2-4 I 023-1.475I75106000- ic M 1940 199 JJ Cocoa 1090 1832 1C iio iV MW -Th oa \ **'| ^ 1M4 I1I 5 11.” i J m .0 3 , ae.darxl ^ P 19 64 19iSw 9 -I’w JoM JJ Orsno*-iM* 73 <0 71.75 72 I 2-^^'cW OOO 13 59 00 40 00. aa! wI", lo « IV,I InS pporters of the change argue 1094 11 08 10 94 11 06 * 05 S«p P oU ion — _ ' IClo^M ■“wita«40.63a 2300 19 79 1997 - 22 jlla ttllthe IRS has unfairly’ penal- aa:«. 13.718 Fn a a a 'a .38.431 pacXasaOl 25 w a c t a n d c N ^ 2 ^ ^ No* Pot»!o«» — - . 1C ccer'i«112.216 V W O ^I^'ib' * ^ . 19 45 •«M 20 0 MOO -21 i7e(J bbusinesses for classifying Jan PouiMt — — 55 00-54 00.1.-W12-3 1 100-1 *00:9 50 6 «K . 1170 — S^buixMruixcantai•ntaparUahal' Sl>0Aai4 S-aug'-iarr-atcr, cho«:a 2-* 9M-1.JM m 2502 1982 2002 ' I l W O rkcT;ers as independent contrac- Mjrt»8 Pouio«t _ _ ,2 24W 2*0 244 .m Da.; CM* pate. uiiW P o tiu n — _ 2-3 1.075 1 300:b62 00-43 00 laatland instead of as employees withith Jt/M PolatoM — — 14 '■ Sap I «OO-1.179t)1400CD00 •.•ct2-3eMsis'” -1 I i:i '9I 0' I999 20W ’ 'I tors in; 14 25 — Oac 23SX 239 23 233K 2344 *2X ^ ^22^0 ^22*23 ^22*?7 22 23' J5 00-58 00 b o2 1995 2002 ^21 full berlenefits, S«p ^Y«n i»lO 84 22 8848 29 .1 ,.u , 244 2«« Cowl curtar. N»a>>ng ana txrjy} m. r, 1- Sep CU«*ni 97 80 97 82 I4 il May 2J01 233 23 247/4 25U .M ” 2 7 i ” 2^ ’2V 21 ” 222 “ ot 40 00. hgr, 40 00-«* 00 ear,, coa '-n a result, groups such as thehe t»C D-Pourt3 1M30 18544 1C A ic a v a ^ l » a a i - ^ and Wr-fl ut „ f . 5«P 0-Franc 69 38 69 OJ 89 22 42 22 42 22 42 22 42 - ( U " -9ut~y2-^-^ W ------\lrZ - -M -- Natioronni • Federtition ------«»f S;e 'VlK 'l4H ~ - N.*fw»we0090300 10200-l0300,road«f»l»afas00- 100 triTy : dobr* par n y oz. HEATIHO OIL 0 S p e a k e r N ew t G ingrich, R- j j ’ 157'‘^137*37 135 S00 153 90 00.fa«da'ne'ora475-500iP81 00- 11*20 - t o 42,000 pal. c « a par >ai Ca., TtTreasury Secretary Robert-Tt ______BI- a n 's Fn'aaaW.?84 Aug 335 90 330 70 314 00 335 3 in decried the suggestede d ' Fn'aoe«'in18.3e6’ LfVESTOCKA 31650 5300 54J(w" »M 5185 04 • OOYDEAN3 KK AUCTION - N4T^>a Irvettocn Aucion on ’ Oct 334 M 338 70 3J7:o 337? w >0 54 20 64 4 0 ’ 11 c h a n g?e,.which e , is contained in theh e , , , , , , , 8.000 MrtMnn; am. c ■n Nampa y.-1y and commafBaJ cowa 30 00-’• Oee WI 00 341 10 333 30 3*00 PiK«»r.ft»1lD0TOw». 1C0[)»,rM,.U: niap«t>iiaM «orhia'’.Y^'laiy laeder iiaari 44 00-73 00.1«h1 laadar 1*0 00 - M ^ W 95 tlCi e version of the tax legisla-la- Man>. Igti Idaho baan U> an] Kcraga cr i i , ' S s 1 CO-84 00, a!oc»af ataen 79 00-8410. i^M m " W91 MW ' « Pne«» auOjea to cn«nga w«Jx)Ut no«aca PtM>**56 90 50 4 0 M *0 -IB w ldC -Spiipread shifting of employeesres SMDO.lrJanocwkt no Quota P ticnw> a>agt«ndaJ,B «( , u a , 832 834 i? 3s 5c«cwit 450 00-400 00 per ha»d. alocK co«^ Oac 319 40 359 40 354 90 354 5. RanganalnDuN 354 70 *31 00 • Ha, WOO H U10 54 00 w 05 *14 to indcJependent-contractor status, ’ “m3 “e'344 “454,1 -M t«920 00 4HOOapar. Ranuuta «.i cicn tit cc c k mJwk^^byOoan im t:aaKai» J30 00- Fn to p a n r t 199443 Lp 10651 A ^ 54 35 - 11 l i o n s -SIsuch as pension and health,th, 31 00, Idaho P«fc. « 4 00.ja M. . t 5u.vcn - ^ i-M o a n« Fri ■»»*•«• 32*43 C^l^tW^AP0 lAP) - Fuiurei Ua«»'g on me Cn<»ho4 Ouoa!4.” • . Fn aoeanmi 139.020 tCiV-tr^t Moo ;uc 465 00 4C9 50 *58 00 *M Oi Opan KVi Um Sam* C^Q. MM -1 3 and-hoilour protections, unemploy-, SOYBEAWOn. . . Sep 471 50 474 50 *33 00 *64{iM M -7 .7 0 '^'”e i1 . a ..* 1 020 n. F.. , .,.« 4 1 539 mcnt-in >y-, ■ I------80.000 b«:c«ilap«K>5 C»nU; . ^ c 47900 40200 *70f0 *71 7i •insurance benefits and com-' G r a i n s 2220 21 4S 2179 -41 «.0eOfc»;c* p c n saation t for work-relatedi;d ------Aug 22 07 22 3 2239 21 83 21 95 - 44 ^ iis *7^ ?OC?Bw"^^£a''*''to Va’*rC ra .ri 4745 *?942 47M 07 8? " ^ t s U a , 499 00 449 00 462 40 482 8J injuiiesies," h e w rote. PiKs» (cr »twa1 s o tvshat. muM jra/i. o ~ gH g; 7030 71 35 7022 70 45 ^07 87 00 I ? 40 U H LSo^W kSOU riE ^ _ T h ee ]practice, known as “flip. ; ils liw i l Ew ^ 73 50 74 50 73 45 74 02 ^32 ^ « 3 00 W CO 491 30 491 J P- : Ounga »w>out noK* K g s g! ’ has also pnimpied objectionsns 7 t>arl., t4 ta *■'" » ^5 5 p 3 i ^ 2 5 J n '’ ‘ m p i n s , ” h Sonom’axiiaal. Jun«dgiiy«y. |2 87. Mr ,, 70 00 70 30 70 00 70 10 • 75 organized labor. The com- (48-pound baaa), m iaa $5 90(100-1(ioo-pound 734i i i i i l E s S, J a . t 9 454 Fn aaaot9.0?3 57M 5445 97 W -SO frO H l OJ a.aragry.nda.ry ^ i;.o !J<. M45 15 90 M 45 * 54 b in ’ed opposition o from the admiiiis- by Kangant m OuW »anrt93.l32. up313 Fn icp a n rt8 4 0?1 FEEOEHCATICATTUi in a n d th e unitm s could sin k S ^ k s l Agnsourea in M a,nu« Mom,.o. q-jb •5 55 99 10 55 15 - Il t f a t i o n ilk S:9l AgnSourca o( DuXay. re»x1gd tod i.:rerMe»v3a, Jan 55 35 S555 7C70 55.-0 55 70 - 00 |h O prCirovision wiien House .and •M ai, June fla^wy nUouMa/i Homa. %: 8095 41 40 803? 8087 . 47 J ’WO.M JO W75. Fa”^ f « d jT 'lw l’ofl' i.ti ■» . g p • The Pu .on c«i er in LcrxJon cne «tieat Augual Saoiemoai do w« yM , i: O i • OOYDCAWMEAL 4025 41 M M 05 40 55 . 35 t a a i 94 79 14 85 • M S c n a t:e c members work out differ-ir-' Raad C(B apot o»Sv»r< ^i;m.num. 71 1 canla per IB , lorwon l,lataiE.chl,lata N j. 2 240 2jl“ 291 jj^§ ' J scparat'ate legislation to alter the.iie. iaoi*n J): 11 pedant >«i!af 2 98 (9»«n !0) “ . SSSSS fcton Oac 24J0 2*157*15 2*05 2411 • 1 definiti(ition of independent contrac- ucm prnb. Copper .114 0 CaTOde lu’l piaio. U S cat: I'OIITLAND — WIvta >tMaI 3 44 <0o!ln4J ^ 4) nawcjcp 2M 00 201 01 84 82 44 9 2 84 20 84 6? -1 0 5 3 73-3 70. bat'ay 110 00 lilaadrl. 14 parcc Copcwr. 1i3 45cen!« per ID, N Y Mart•capMUon as F«a 2 345 2n ISO s o 2 361 2371 • I J o r s , innsists s the alarms are unjusti-^. 4 83 (down 4), t ! portenl Mmo* 3 80 Idow fn-.op.nwiW.3l3.13 L esd.44 cenii pcrip 2270 2 210 2 241 ' 3 f i c d .' ■' Od 7390 73 50 73 M 7330 -200 2.«>ad A» ■ 21JC CAIDWCU. — Wrxta Wnaal 3 02 (Haady).<>:a» new JJINSEAP0LI3 (AP) —• Cra.nluluroaMonCrt tl B r ic k e r , h is s p o k e s m a n ,- OOP 4 85. 6437 843? (143? k«37 -200 ^J37420F n Hotai.^WaaiiWKn.t.p..tac»eepar lp May 2 081J » 2^“ 2o” 20M K e n : Opan > 375 347/t 371X -7X ^ . harga pof tRrthei 44 50 93 05 M M 45 05 S.i.er .J4 040 Handy i Matman (on:, aa.-y:a.-yq^!«) r Cap 2 050 lyees and replace them witht h '. 3 84 £ s .i.e r. J4 600 iroy o r . N Y. Marc ipol HonMon Ocl S 2 CM ?o“ ! SS ! “ “ S ^M 45^5?75 5945^ 50 7J .1 6 0 MarcwY- $ 2»00per TOiBfjU. N Y Hov 2 273 . 2 273 2 17J 2 149 2 149 C O ntmactors. C I P.alinum.I41500-S*t0 00Doyo< . N Y (c(cw'traci) Dec 2 2C5 2 265 2 245 2 245 “ 1 -hle e price of getting caugtii on:)n U p d d a tk N •p>ing>n«al F'n'.*^Tt 1093 -M FMNilyAdrlaerIEv“ i?i'i KS'Ta9W *01 " te l'lT * '1295 01 Uom S8»i'Stylaa: - (VxcAp 1325 -01 ViVaOti.eOti ..3 1 -12 (^CJ3B 17.23 -0* ‘■'51t ’s 'y ” 1273 ’ 10 h'S' .844 Q 1243 - 05 t/KWp 3420 . 15' Uto^Stiy>Staylna|^^ U.ft*p 1000 -01 MuHOI 109 - 02 So Cn.?3.^n.149 .09 ' | 9 * y 03 y ^ l P -0 £ 0^ MM»54 .il 437 -ot U^A2ibtn N>U:rv»pi:63 -01 JT.-Cc0t 192 -13 mam^i; Jrr •“ 03 k F s !! : g " ' S -'5 . -04 CapOf't 1964 . 18 FWiOTyAdvlao'' ss ' Soin ij'l3-!7 *«0P '*»-00 -M CMVI 2323 .31 lUarcp IB42 93* Se 4411Sti -03 7fSnllp*^*2’*2' .01 KSk 933933 - 01 TuFl 770 -03 DevOUp \ ^ttlF^n«: ^ Sr”l.TA 'Sm -o3 Uooi 1 -02 ^ W l J 3 4 .01 C c ^ 2323323 - 02 FramortFuflda: -Ujvk - t0291029 - 02 GvScAp 062 ... 0«bali 1*44 -.18 lot} ■“ »"■ -O' 2.43 - 02 OAMFunda: M^amUync?? ' UM j'77 'o7 o'o^n I 12 oSSU u S :Vi * -s Ml 2744 >01 KJOdn t992 -82 t««p MM -0 To?Ql' 101}' ■*/*f'4lAp 1155 Hi 3 >01 ttW 876 .Ot SlrCmp 24 484 84 *39 U s'T*'^I27 03 « 5 n n 18 44 - 07 -S W -O C ckoi 411 OfMrOfMnhalniarCM. CAtuKp 5* - C2 SriSmlin^Oarriy? * L ? '^ " *03 E|^Sl»n|7.« .W IjMTo6 - 0 2 U C ^ I 1937 . « F^dainylmat: Cir^ODl ,1I2« -02 u £aC£ a l 3254 -M CapA;. p 1 71 . 11 Af 4 .01 PacOil ^134 . U A e^nn11.44r44 - 04 TaiEin"l1.M r « B J L l OigOl ’riiscd . 02 0 ^ 903 TnJitin 34M-.I9 o S p r* W2* -11 ^ . f p 1 y. - c : f\ 4 loi ^ 'eI il70 I c AU^'tfn lou963 . 01 OUOTn^at rc|o'l V58 111 DOrOiO DCn. 1375 -11 Ecir.ApI » -M 7 -0 1 U50>1l 492 -01 AUgiinn.1208 I>xlU B 1» 34 - 04 OaoA p 1 C« - 04 1.1; 1.13£Sq l*h . 05 5t«?n J?33 loj 5 .T07 VJ 1374 .07 B a ^ n 15591 ^ .0 1 | , S CBViQI TIM .11 OppanhainmRech: Oppar . Ck-^iinjp 2107 .OT 1.VL^UuDI 15 77 - 07 T.UCApn IB 15 - (* OianOi i n *” JJf"® i*'S -J O w nO 20*2 - 29 tli-irAp t!i‘H 328 -01 CWrAp. 1245 -02 Pi ^cco't :? 7 j Sg iSi pM •! l — POHOFunai: c Iw a ’p 14 OS -07 f.’*F 'P ' STCapn 1072 -01 C-s&Dn23 2* .41 MlhAp M2I -21 V. i i l ; l l i l ^ r S l ‘ lS§? &’»Tin 2«77 .0 9 «iVa»p 12U Joi^ ^ n F u n d a ^ I H ^ n 1033 -03 WcpAp 27.91 ..17 CwScn- 1998L^*“ ‘Ii iSalle National Bank, Chicago,C IL 2*M .17 l : f , SS'. ' S I Lniryn 9 B3 -W i n ^ p 785 -07 Maaowi 1**4 -0 D e p o s i t »V rQ i 841 -01 PIUCC’lUCOFundiinaii; 17 57 -10 Cci mtCsDl 7J0 - 0; nEAli>»Ofund«: 0«la.Ap 2144 - 30 g»Ean 2971? i ; . « oVtS’m l ’nS C ailla llu h ic C crlific a te .s o f D i JlaflKoacl.^' ^lY^n ijt Su m 3 « -01 K SJ- 2397 -.1 “^ ^ ’'" ‘ e i i l£"'rin"'n I o « '03 mCap’*’ 10 90 ’07 A* VabDI 33*5 -.13 BHTHanillUnMatR: oYgrJb-EcTy - Vakip 13 85 -.13 £smeift.1402 - D UtrnMLync^^^^ ^ W e ^ p I i 7 -03 llTlftdaifunai:F H i i S | CjSron2119-02 nISi IaS t l ^ -02 V t AWFunda; muEtiUn l» n J . -04ft 0at.Pr>0i»d1nnt ■ t5>;1iFun«a:l;. W5rrV.n1004'.02 “«?«'' »«)M -03 Aaaatpn 3143 .0* V I J04 USloVan 1^7.M •12 jjJj l . W irOdTtll 1013 -o; DcndAn 20U.0< tSi:'’ v^iiifp !!??:?t >tincAp a; 6 1 5 -0 1 kIq.oh 20 93 - 02 10.10 -03 EqUiAn t8C4 -0< sol *S tllxCra 2013 -ceVoyAp 1795 -04 SuS uuU lJta in h U . KiVaIn 1931 -M UwgtflOtaVrail ■ ■ CATfp C*7f 734 -02 Vcillp 1491 -01 im il :| “S s H m filrvsTin 1043 -02 CapnCapirci I7 U -1 1 PuinamFunaaD: JUIaStrRairchI: Su k:iCM.lni374 - 02 ^ “ - S 3 s :’•S s “j. '!S CotBap 19M -C iCAtiOl 813 -02 »„ to»nFn 1865 . 04 Damttalnfda: Oedfl.tCo«: '*?* “crifl“ "'j75. -02 u £?C° s e . 034 -02C»aAi»i 1952 .10 51, 5lilnRoaFdaf° « tp « n M3I Im Mn i\S2 .W 5«0u> I M) ,.0,>.01 [la:inn 65.74 -.13 23(5I'l OlanmedaFunda; J ’•inaWabBarA: ^ I 1231 -M ca C«Opn rj5 -12 ejj* . A«na»«lacL WOui 1 iO .IX Intcfost Ormtm 1837 *02 Of.»*i 1 M -a [§J - OS ‘cwSIa' p ’ AlgarFundaD: tlYMu 1 *4 .U Rato Dewl2*n"**5a -01 'S i l ’n 29M SmCapI 934.08 muvu MM-.i: 7 .W RitZn 1957 .0 4 £5^1^ iTt>i 1441 ’ « Swot 1*00 • « Sh AOIancaCapA: EmUUl 3433 .0( UtfCaan 1582 -02 ►''•'Ol 5*»9 *21 Ad « » p 7.8 *09 (teatwUm^i:;.•« ^ c5t1; f A i . a (jJadlaonF^; ------Oul^Jin 1447 . 02 SmCapn 5mCa 2791 .44 H'YCfil 12U o 1*1 51 E»IValp 3134-02 ! u 14 Ou*rWtn Funtt: ThijCDiiCDisnon<3J1jblclorttv!(i(sl ■ 1, 132 l!oa .ly ytarofir Of 2 yea n or 24 months 4nd ■I In '* terest paid sem lannuau a l l y S t ' ^ [u ^ a” ■“ ‘ " 187 -.28 KarbofFunda' IhWlCfltl1 can b6 CiCtd at ojr every 6 ' iiF t D IC Insuredto $ 100,00000 Sar""S„ . „ K j J S :» p :::-O a ifiii i; s ^ 3100-18 "wnlhstnlhstficrcallcrbylhcissuijiB !si :iS S '" s i 184 I i i J439 -M bjriK.)i. £i £s/lywt(KlrJv»almjynotbc ■ N isin.-'pAn'40s-ol avu WjOTum S5.00&. Subi«! " N*’ orvcallable fo r 2 y e a r s SififAn 980 -W oiini o ~ n !«U I « USolo! I2M -01 i li is 5^ ' IrrCql 1290 - 05 I j ” ! " ^ft” f.'l*'iT?9**l‘ .02 -W S S ! » . i .d3' • " c S ir ‘^".T93-.-2 iviJjW.ty as 0(06/30/97, • | qC allable th ereafter @ 10 1 0 0 sSc^itol 2910 !'?* Voiol . 'J i-,-0 5 S I "W » S I?'n " 4 n * C u 5 ?n 1090 'Y-inteicstcinhol remain on _ _ lUiColp 931 .01 . 13 5 *M Hoiuan 27M -09 dCIWSil;05il; oetiodc payou! ol miercst I R F nal M aturity 06/ 27/20 ?2r'“ff5i\« .. ^C^Jhlp M41 - « 5/n;ijn 131* .M Is’a;'” 6?5m 1!"1 0 4 - « H^uatvniy; rcgiutd.lu rt,. HS w 2409.-C4 RobaruonSla^hina: ivc i *■?? SS?." !n« '2J Fldantj"8«U«t: TampIafonClaiiB; loio I m si ^ , p 10*?-1>|' V«:Piv»*n27*0 -13 Vwrorgn2p t l J J -0 * (V.f.., n 21 10 - 04 ' ' ■ « .Im'' 1 * U « fi' M30 C'a a ll o r sto p by to d ay , ‘lanMrFunif - RoycaFundi: ^Qft.lMp f\n |215 -0 4 Iv.-nn . H , « s ; S I PartmJI 2324 - 03 tapOrp 2221 . 03 PanrUun BO* .10 I,„ D«a«»d 16.70-03 S f l ’ S EaO/S" 1832 -07 " E K j m "o R ?S=t“ o79'':B2 if *1 fW s i:s:? "£.;■% : s !: NawtnglandFdiA; UoCi, 3At«Va>ua n29 93 . 20 I9 W -0 1 *M « « » ' « « -O' MM -0 7 « ’ a WTpA 142J-.09 S ii S:.^S-§ N°klSla^Or’^ ” LlUuAp 13*4 . fifiap 1200 -W Q ^ ' 20 59 . 24 ';i s-§ :: § 1 aracoFdalnil' 14C 2-01 OS SeOrr. 44 29 . 20 Stlln.tl Jtylijl^ai Twea>AVnH74.0i Cm'fWp" *3*8 - 15 , ^-OI fJIrtB 1748 - 0! _r.t.r»«lCroup: ' “ *• T T.a .eaaK lV nl7o:-0* VlitaFundaB “ca-Sl H«rthi1ann 20*2 -.14 ^ UJAAOfovp: Uw Orsmcu *324 - I I , EaSSn o 2 07 W5Q«1 8*4-01■ S S 948 ..ri lira'll 1274 ■ lilROi 481 ... FrIcaF fcp^itn i088 . 47 Vlalafunaalnall, llt*rlrn'"*9 79 - 03 UTCOron 1934 -Cr) jc jio a n 1074 -0 3 Or5>^* *3U ■ E " E l 3 i H-01 S axoOiY *303 .M uum'ifl 82.78 ■ j L ' ^ c’ ''* 3 ( P i'*'m Crniisirn 2897 .01 Villa Funda Salacl. . -M n«aAp _4ij . W jM iii, 11A2 ■ r " " n ” ? 4 ‘ o! ^ “ n i s v I m Orlincn 1 C4 . ... Eat-no 9331 — '£SS"'"7«^oj ; FBL#«ila«; Uir.lne('n10AS:g2 ■ oS"'”'!-» !«•«■AlS&itini l BaAStltll l KmO St; M ii'' EfiilloSt' . h i E :i S^AI^dit” 2^rcSKn 1 04 . 03 tr«ndTF>n19 77 -a 3 . "'12 h 2 ? i' ?0^ ' « SlrtUun 100101 ■-01 hyFunda: liUMilliU iln iE . O lF in tA n . ISIMiInfllnA n.L Hurldasn tUFilUil l«3n 1 22 . 03 LaCapOriB132 -13 . QSuAn" lo i? ‘.M '^2 E i;„ essi ^ n ''i B 5 a -.'0 SPlCOn 1841 -05 ? ? “i8'-08 1S3? ilta -IS *'®’isnnos s«niiino t m -c 1»7JUblWlAn. SdUIDI SmCOrln333l .51 roCa, mun 2’ 1 0 -0 2 SmCpVaHSTOS .*« p g is|:| '^ ri:■40 lo3 JPU Inant: ' W1M T3WR5 Bo1iT>C7»-11)l 70-4CH E 5 Huv»anriaoil.loA: OnuX^ l9kn '937 I « STICIaaalc; ill w . SH .77-03 Dora 941-02 ------l~7in -.11 C^tin||^7-« ? :|f n ! ^ : S vllr^Sr;;” ’ -'^’ . K ..14 lnsE C S«I!onilnlOJ7 -.0 Ii->ai0 21*0 .. S m ii'' * » ■AOTCpn‘ ?.M / O ^ r f - i j M . ^ S ^ aB F u n d l^ ^ H.I 98 " ...... PC ;'^.,, ie s s sS K sasrw! § Edw aird jo n ei l«omA 3338 -.18 Wirtiufg Pincul AU.; , , g ; J ; ! ! i i r worn 1091 -ce l«£Qpn 2314 -0 1 . • -a w s.,-., 'ssk ii« : * ^ O a n rt« ? I? S c ^ a f F u r t^ liM 733 - 02 Wareurg Pir^cua W t: . ' f S i ■ Serving Individiidual Investors Since 1871.71 . . S s;.K :.!! is Murtt 9 4 4 .0 1 VttlEan 1 8 8 7 -0 1 .- HCfC« 199* ..I* Wiiaicli;. si? - 61. s M i l 'kTT sS-.^ 6V S 3. m ’ S ‘ ' ^ S «.adwardJonfli.com 'iss M- - - -3I_ UuSacA 1054 -.02 18p_. .■S'- - ■ ■ . ______OnaOre»«FkL______-S.Tgp;kiCtilanSXH r ^ -Sc^ft—1131—.03 E S 'i.- s iii I S . - a s . " P-=.<}Z. -2SK*".! “ . r i i _ D acV ilaii1S«-0 9 SmCat mioe 1. • ■ Vang . * 6 0 -0 4 Itc-Capr. 381 • 01 • .. UBFflA t3M *'0« AQElp 293'JT S ;" i ^f.oi EaMiirv21 80 - 04 SpacGSKOn.IBBt'oj LffSkonNai -13, Vatl n-. >«Caon 1498 ..IB , VoOA 23 3 - I t cacapimrdt: FadamadDi ATTFIp 112333 ■ -6i' 12871-02 QilMpin 049 - 03 Goacn uoU •” 8 S r" iSi! : S l » f I f i ! . I S ’i?::-" !S: J IncCqin 1989-22 (YMtnfudamnlFundaA; Ceu»y .. 0.! Ami.eipfeMl098; E-ftYjn JI.lt -03 idaB: tnftlR. *O4>'.10 lAirv 4 VI 9U .19 l«CoQninl94<-01 Etx-Mi 19.19 -.12 SalKtadFundlJ OrU v'SS.n.SIi.-",: 'S, | ! 3 : SSSS, gS:S S 's;047 ' -.14 Vafirp 3 7 7 -0 9 JUSFunda:la’ ” S L‘s 14 184? -13 LoCoVal>nl*7B-04 ,C«» ... AinSnp • 2138 - 07. l.iC :S .13 -.10 -Srf!MAp 1484 .03 ?!3S,I 'J“3SJ ' -pS UungumOra: -Djvjyn 27 l.wAp - 4 78 - 01 SaiismanCroup: MX!!»*> if2o” ol *"iSih''^i$ii a t'' (to.1.31 1034 .. HYTFIp tl J24 4 ^ - 02 E.InvAp 22.13 -.10 ’’■’K? .!«4M ^ Oflra ^77-2 92 ?2OT Iw T^nai s4YUAp a 447 -01 C n^M I 1978 -04 »'T1W A p '’ 1912 -0 3 1383 -o s '” -Essf'■" «-«-09 Oo«2-8I I0.43 - 02 IrCOTVp 24141 ... CvlnrflB 2231 ..10 M“'«>I ' (fap4iAp35JI -04 lrt;!ri»f^lr^Ap .. , CO~nAI 24IU . 12 Hur

I ' I ' ...... • M TlmM^ewvToln Ftft,tft,l(W)0 TuMdsr, July 1.1997

C o m ic s =

______-pMBlUtt.______■ ______By Chajl&s M. Schul:I F « Better or For Worse By Lyrvi JohnstonI t3_t^-U M Cl£. PHIL’S I VJiSHl WLDCoMeUinV*JrrH 1 F e e L S o ’fluiLiV.Trie/«E WHAT LETTER?.'UIHAliHAT I WROTE y o u A IS THAT WHAT THAT \ iii'/hiYA JU N K MAIL 2 StaWRBOHlVfl'5-HDU^ jjjteL C ^ Tt^e FHOM&!i ! J M?0,SlG,PH0HtSEVa>'U.J'U. ONLY Pi 5-H

i M I ^ / y . lUTftVTo W i t W CGETTfHEKe

l ^ r I ^nbert ' By Scott AdamsS t ______•■ Blondle______^ Dean Young & Sian Drake •IF THE GOAtL OF)F ALL'■I ■ tOE CAN CONCLUDE ? f fOU ARE R E / ^ ^ I THAT iX M -y I NEVER•R HfiALIzeolI niB T S ALL 5TAJ5TAN0 AHO GIVE < I I ■ CREATURES 1 5 T( 5 TO OE e ' t h a t f I'J fA MORE STARTING TO ANNOY j CALOaiE S THAT HON-3N-fiMTEMlHS • OUR CATERERlfERS A BOUSING ) K A \ l " LUHCWECN - k _ FOOOS HAPPV... ANO0 I SUCCESS?jSFUL THAN AE N O U J. J ------^ X « COULD ,, ' - o WEIGHTT VWATCHERS V - 'JOO SeRVED ^ TASTISTESO ; V-:, CHEI:nEEa.' HAPPIER THAN ‘‘N I YOU A AR R E . I S N 'T fHE G A P " \M WA5 FABUUXSjW GC _ 'VOU A R E ... . I ■ ..THAT- Pr i g h t ? ...... i [lO Ua JID E N S .) c r ^

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i l T ^ :ifcB;C;______3 ______• By Johnny Haftt Pickles By Brian Crane • I W15II I IMDHAlR p S O - K ( GEEAT.' r vJ£wee£sn?A»iCJEt?S l p.«AM0SlSS6tN&. ^ nort,\sarafEM ;^ A ir 1 [ T • ' S u m c o . f «"Pg*'eii«Kn&s-AtirMAlHEssJ ON M Y C M S S r.. J ^ A S I& M O F ^ H HOUJUiA?.VE>CC£PT PORAMHOCRAWDAA ’■rr’&ASMALLWOPLl? I -WOO&H. UiCOLO PlSNES^ / w e GOT S s UAl F USTCW»»46TOD ^AFTHRALL,rrSA ^ \'ltCUK£AP£VJ / y UAtiP, STUCKOKiKi 'Wo s e u t t Ce p c l lS s SMM.L APTIER \ pCU.HEA]?sy •J^LVJIA? i-W £ * \T '&& FROWARDONQIME.L , A U .“ CMSR AWO V A C M A Uu ., ,tiI \Ajs«uJStfi&iri6.„ ( S M A a u » e L P -V y ' , •.'■■ . ■ '

Gatflold ______-ByJim Oavis Dennis tho Monaco By Hank Ketcham The Family Circus I / C H i^KS s" LIKE \ I ( SO I-MM £60NIN& UP ON ] ( 'HERE';■RE'S MR. BUTTeRFLV, 1 By Bil Keane ■ INTELLEfXECTUW. J , ^CLASSIC5IC LITERATURE y I VISITINITING M I S S I ^ I S V ..^ / ;,/^ <5UVi THE MAN'S \ I / 7 ~ ^ REAPING A ) n ® i ( I - J ( < C COLORING y

v ^ y k J i ^ “ I , m s [j?W PAVfSvf3 7-i

• HI and Lois______By Chance Browne

' ^ QAW<5~ T 7 3 m o ; . L I K E S » ^ HATES |> M r - A ip v o i J S C A T ^ / J

“Bend dowrwn h e re , D addy, ^ a l ^ ^ • I w a nn n n a tell y o u 'I ii f l i t . fl'MlSttBEEhEENS0,Mn}i[N61ATE.* /'mvWl / / . a ww l h isp e r."

^ o r f e : l ' Ward offPf a cold by^crying > iHoroscope | l&i After hailstorms, rcpoiporters cover I Sydney Omarr I ThoWhard of Id______By Brant Parker & Johnny Hart livestock losses and pro;iroperty dam-' W h A Tr ’^’SVVHAT? I Si— ---- I ~y~°-^. °J~ afic. Bui iliey have-no waywa to detail v v n / \ l ^ HowEVEfty ...... '..i' r i v* the tnass killings o f birdirds. A lot of L.M. lULY I IS YOUR iW n D A Y ! fitfl ^ / Sr^KE / WiTlfOOT \ M -B o y d I so !„ 7 ?people : claim you ore self- E w /e AjJ ; - . . / J FHWIEII, / _ - . - _ death om there remainains unregis- abwrbcd,cd, stubborn, orifiinal 10 ihe point IWL , 0 F/»THFK h P-— /WHeR-^PIBif, tCSUEUT y . tercd, doesn't it? Ig controverslDl. Ix'o, Aquarius of being R j W l g ^ l c/hN£?taTTAtAKe __ r/*.V ^ leivertju / Jg^TiTUTfe I rfj« Among American manla n o f retire- mond.'The bowlei\vler who knocked personss tplay leading rolej in your life, IT TomeW 6KT J _____ I A: Whai < ^5T =^ T H E y ' near Atlanta, Ga. vent such an oneoncoming cold simply },cld youlu Iback will be removU - to your C M 0 CI<- ? Q. Wherc’d we RCt tliele wordv ‘‘king- by having a goododcry. ( definite:e 1advantage. Wave goodbye lu pin'7 Rapid Reply:y: ^Ves, tornadoes spin staiu.< qu>quo. Focus on travel, adventure. A. From the ninc-pirpin bowling counter-clockwis;ivi'se in the Northern discoverysry, love relationship lhat could giime of the Dutdi, liroup,3uglit here by Hemispliere, clodJockwisc in tJie South- : soul mate. early immigrants. Theyy setsi up nine cm Hemisphere, ■IINI (May 21-June 20): Moon in :re.. ' even os the water your sign pins, spaced widely apan gn emphasiies aeativiiy, timing. lart, in-a dia- in bathtub drain.-;. elementIt 0of surprise, I’eople arc drawn 10 P 1 ^ q C» ACROSS li' li " I ' n U M I I I [IIl M il iiiniiyn y °"' e 'benevolent without waterinK •jWhy A --f=T-\ 1 1 Fancy ( J o n c o ______down pmirinciplcs. Leo plays oijisianding SShatktllm <> — ■ t s ------role. 7 / . , ODoskllom . ------M y . ------CANCIiCER (June 21-July 22): For once. 13-lnon o'« '* ■ t s you arc5 irinvited to dinner. Aquarian and Boetio Bailey , By Mori Walker twnnol 7»------___■ ______another Cr Canccr will be in diarge. dis- ; culinary skills. Swordfiih dinner |||ll''"O flaC J YET 50MEHC 14 H. Ross­ I SHOULPHTSETC^9^«^/ I LIKBTO M I is NolivQ tatos H M | ! S “fConversation i will lead to prof- MAP WHEN B E E T Li E i ^f ; k l TAKE NAPS I } f s IG TransQrossions | H iiablevcn•eniun:. 5HEAK6 A NAP fe- '■ M y MY5ELF y f 17 Anon I. JS . J# ------» SI LEO. ( ».(July 23-Aug. 22): Whot a ! IQ Eoo-shapod I p ______T ______Tucjdayl' yl Gemini moon, Jupiter keynote, 10 Mootings “ ^ “iB fijs” nnU diijs aadds up to liiloniy. humor, news 2t A51CO ------__ ^ ______offinand: idal coup. Explore, be up to duie 23 ProbabUiiy “ on cxuTcrrent events, fashions. Sapttarius 24 Angof j;------H _ — — involved.j . i > i 25Cnilicon- ” ■ * ' viRCaGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22); Fiji things I 28 Formof u II — — — — aroundI hhome, place valuables under 32 P.IO up ■ lock andnd key. Individual you respect ! B u p / B 5 _____ ’ 33 Pul 10 work H M w mokes prediction:pn “You arc going places 35 Nclhing ■ ■ _ H >00oonl” Personal relationsliip 6 M i M M ss depcndscIs on integrity, 7-1 Fulufo llowor _____ 37 Ud 3 ------______LIDR/ RA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): What. 38 Monk- bcginfI 0as mifj (lirtotion hecomcs Frank and Ernest______. By Bob Thaves 33*— was M------intriguing ln& special. You'll gain informa- ; Mying...' inceming secrets, especially In ^ ------r e ^ 10 to stocks, bonds. Be analytical, be v/0 M /N U TEJ Ol-J> /INP /If 40 Sloro 53“ • / "~ OH, GfeAT! TW tfansaclions I ve without t>eing gullible. RPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll ^ ^ /lupe/ipy u U ? 5 41 Sugary k / f v e 43 COfT^posor/ *"V«» tiese whispered words; "Where ^^£TH(N6/ / / \V conductor 0 Lockockif Ycjtorday'sl^'s Puzzio solve d: liave you5U been all my life?- Key is to be Oorrsloln 10 Ador 1' i.>i . i M-. ir i.TiTi apprcciatiative, without believing every- k l i . w U \» )„ ^ idore ‘ I |-r. I I ^ M | || ill 45 Noi os good OB • 11 Pore'orsianOull . .J 'OU hear. Taurus, Libra, another 40 Burt— . landmd .^11£1£B.!, ? )pby romandc roles. ^ 7 i 47 Bridge 12 Sirlkiilrike 1^11° jjW ° ■ I IITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): < / 40 C«na!n halrstylo ‘ fopo^Dpeaiodiy ,. Bg|w|y|e|t-|o[i|o |P llt.|e |w tp |e 'M OicckLc.Leo message. Separate fact from 52 Movo# oimlossty 14 WolkVolk wearily ■ ■ l l i i i Hp n j ||[m o ]£ ]o W illusion,1, without losing sense of wonder- SOBoraork •• SOTho-he-offctarch | f | a| m| l | t | VWonjtul^tamttTTli meni. MMaritald itotus dominotes, valid 57 Sowing mashlno 22 WinliVinter.veWcle eIdIlo o lnr IA V e ■■ H o wl onswfcn1 rreceived tonight. Pisces, Virgo Invonior, Howo 24 Drillstrills I II II n M i iII II I I ! I I I arcinpiciliaure. RlCORN (Dee. 22-Jan. 19): \Vhat SONovoliclWiesel- 25S0Cf;ocfot plot - 0 D earelTlAA uI p K o H e fl GO Building placo - 2Q Oivoiliverl L . Tm^o niklytnTM I n'liU e '« T youdcsintire, you get - don't iisk for more T I»B bm L o«r By Art Sansom & Chip 61 Vends . 27Wlre!Vireloss - L than canan be handled. Finger of fate . [a M t p r polntsio) G2 Grodo 20 Com:oncludofrom H " H , L ■.■U! : 0 you - you might be lowcking on IM T p o f f l i E » i l doori of fame, fortune. Slick to own - -’^rU)Ol^PL)P’K£DOHW.W^T'lK WT ITi^'fb ;*CJm^m.TeKlZ£DBYVeK.• - T la IS THNT ! K E O U N tW T ^ J C3 Cad ovkJivkJonco ° ° ? I h TB 04 French holjr 30 Bog]logs down “ ° ' T.B.SJ.*.!,'m * |n |B W g|i-|l.|A T i methods.'Is. Taivus involved. ti0SlTY0RUfW eC£5' ^ ------lAWUS (Jaa 20-Feb. 10); Lunar DiCnONAKT-. I------' women: abbr. 31 Gladiiadden r l ^ r r B ^ r i i K ( Rd=eTinoN ik 65 Sharp sound. blfiiEEIa # ■rt) emphasiies creativity; style, i s , . ■ ' ' ' ' ' paneche.le, aura of romance. Pisces indi- |.0(PRE55lf^lDeKS; '' DOWN S'ocrlocfor 7/1/S7, vidual whwho foikd to keep word will pay Tissing price,Etotcct If 1/ against. — nFEDuxrine'CESS" ------1 ------ILOWVOICO------370W"AX------^------y - . , m 2 Rose's beloved 40 Rodtlodoiim chnntesollofchcating. r OF K O M K A m ^ i' [ 3 Camera part 41 QmcirncefulbW • • PIISCECES (F.eb. 19-March 20): . 4 AsslgnrtienlB 42 MIrailiraclos ' SOFriandto inal light, air in workplace. Sense f . s u p e p a u o u s . ' t Ig shut ip diminishes. }UghUght . ^ 0 . Slnlormalwoar 44 Coin^In Jacques Skills 47 Slgniilgnels 51 Sound of Iho ring spl^t, speak boldly to one i ^ 6 Moi.no ifkJgo lemi surf 5 5 O010 whonitra.Tacts you. SUbJea of architcaure 7 Trouble " '40 Br1d( in scenario. ■ .B SJovo ^p.Pulp;'ulpy mixture 52 Land moasuro. M M , - R lIJL

1 ■' r " I