1 ■T h e T i n n e t , . T WKJ : T w in Falls, Idaho,hQ/92nd year. N o. 18282________________ Tuesday, J 50 ccnts 'G o o d m oiRNING r ■ G j h i n a t ^akes c<ontroll over HongI Kong W e a t h e r Today: Partly cloudyr withw: a slight r. chance of showers thrchrough BBritish end coli)lonial mle aminid celebrationns, pageantry: MH tonight. West winds; nearne 15 mph. le Atioclated Preii_____________ ' th e worl3rid stage, although Prince:e Highs in the low 70s.5. LowsL near ~ 7 U.S. attltudt u d e - A 5 ;s. along with Chris Patten.n. 45. Page A2 ^ ^ '4 HONG KONG ~ With aJ n iid - th e la sIt t, British governor, m an ag ed:d H ^nj|5<3RlK l niglight change of flags, an anXiiiXioui, ' What's lienfieXt - A7 to turnn 1their retreat into a digni-li- jV/MHSIffin - Xcited Hong Kong ended itsIS :1 5 6 - _________________^_____________________ fied, restsstniined spectacle of Britisiiill ear British colonial era < ;ism. ■ M a g i c V a l l e y “ “".‘I mdconTV.ntlminisinistered the coup Ht EY W m mbarked Tuesdoy on a uncen Hong Kong’s 6.3 million peo-0- i-century colonial- - , ew'age under the sovereignc: S '” ' '» le biggest question was still11 d of an era: - . ism arid erased wh».chinmwl .B o n1 ee X u lta n t C om m unist China. ivered: Can a free capitalist ur genera- The few pro-democracy protiri.csK »lw»ss rcsardcd as 0 fimdamentol „dctysr survive in the embrace of a nd the humiliation — Bnts.mam’s seizure of Xommur tnsofstu- K n H BBST ■ "'erere sparse and peaceful, and ■unist p o w er, e v e n o n e th aIt t jpimc. Hong Kong in 18411 nts watch as E W f l iR B . 1^ Chi:hinese army moved in with pi 41 from a Chinese has proromised to keep Ho'ng Kongig msen school lious discipline. EXcept for,r irain emperor too weaklak to defend his politicallally and economicallyfree? brought thlat a t drenched the farewell ceresremo- country, T h e ininitial signs seemed mildly,y- ny,/, the eight-hour rite of passassage The broad smilnile of Chinese encourag■aging. w n , P a g e B l e In Vancouysr, Btltlih Columbia,cellcelebrated the return of unfiifolded with a flair worihy,y (of a President Jiang ZemSemin summed up ' - At daiawn, the Chinese armyy ih and China's triumph. p ouredI inij 4.000 troops in long con-1- HongKoni(ong to China Monday with new fisgaaga of Hong Kong and a irritory famous for its wealth 1 iphistication. F o r Britain, it \vas\va5 a melancholy voys ofif trucks, jeeps, buses andd . • _ NocIues:Mini^Cassiatia crewsgive _ traditional>nal dfagon danea.__ ___ _ _ j _ - ............ - — ---------- -T1-The brief ceremony,-seen-woworld- — reminder of-its shnshrunken-roleon-'—ormoredXl personnel carriers.---------; — up search" for apparentEtht'drbwriing' victim. Page Bl. ^ S l im PIICKINGS = =— Susppect held S p o r t s Too little, too late;Mik.like 'lyson \ - m told Holyfield and thehe world H j| inthleft of Monday he was sony.y. Page D1 Ahead and out: Pete: SamprasSa victiiim’s car advances, while Mpnicnica Seles bqws.out at Wimbledo]don Monday. Page D1 :stigators Pace-setters: MarinersersKen queststiohmanin ' i l l ^iriffey Jr. and custoody in Boise Lodri^eztop' By Kent McCleJleary iLM-Star Tlmaa-News wrlt(rllor________________________ J °am anninnounce- ' t w i n f aT.T.*^ u - A man being held in lent. Page D1 ! is being questioned in con- th last week’s death of a H ansen 1, Twin Falls County investi-3- O p i n i o n J close to the Twin Faljs , New start! Welfare ref(reform offers :partment investigation says ' at least as much oppof}ottuni^as------ a B Iquesdoned in Boise is sus- • risk for the poor, to dl ^ ^ s editorial p ected iving been in possession of a says. ■ • Page A6 c ar ow ned byly 1G ene H art^ «g, 48, H ansen.1. T w in 11s County Chief Deputy:y Grant Loebs said M onday^ C o m m u n i t y V I c U mn remembered -,A2 ^ — HoiHello again: DUnUWUB. A. man’s that a man bebeing detained in Boise, on a search for his Salvation;on Army worker Martin Babayan fllltI t a boX with food but the pantrleiI aiea etarting to ehow too many beibere ihelvei a t demandi Increase.“• grand theft dcharge, is being questionedid ' __ .________________Ionlong-lost________ T , _______________ in connectionin ■w ith H artivig’s d e ath . brother 'alls County She'fiff^s“ comes to an J[ \ i n S " ~ n a t Lt. Dan Hall said deputiesjs • J u m B ^"ofwelf;F a f^ fa n i XL_/LJ got leads ovver( the weekend, and fol-1- end. ■JL , low ed th e m to a suspect. Page C l « ■ Hortwig's bodyb« was found lying in an’m ‘ 1 yr-^ alfalfa field1 southeasts of Hansen Juneic_ --------------------- _______ 2 3 ,a n d his.dd e f arh 'vas n ““M o n e y dthrefoi>rm; oth(lerdema a a d s m ......... - tlgators sayly.' Deputies W ednesdayly released a deslescription’wfji man, possibly Gone for now: InflationIon pulls a — ^------------1 named Chris,:s, saying they wanted to talks: : Marcanto'nio families' goalss 1have been realized<that^hc vanishing act in the An are becom ing self-reliant."se! Want to donanate <BWi writer___________ - Loebs saidid the suspect being ques-s- economy, but for howw long.L , --------- ' ■ ' But some of th o se fam ilies m ay h a v e tu m e tio n e d in Boislise matches the descriptionin • •service agendes, which repo: food? Page D5 t w iIN n FALLS - Today is the officialaal kickoff w community-sc issu e d 'b y dctetectives. o f wclfojIforo reform, but Patty BrownTistiysit’s si increased requeile sts for food a n d o th e r old. Uere'ewtmtaeatHfyouywihav# A n a u to ppsy : has been done onn Xpecting it b u t w e d id n 't expe<pect ,rigrocirtMt»fIvi: alreadyly £a success because the number3er of fam- "'Ve were eXp -TJI.- Hartwig's bodody, but results are not yetjt g hit as hard as wo have been,len," QSahrttienARniffMdpantr N a t i o n iUcsonpn public assistan ce has de creaised, sed . w e'd b e g e ttin g 1 complete andid th e cau se o f d e a th h a s n o3t t ocial 8720. s working, it's working," saidId 1Brown, Poul Gibsotion, the Salvation Army's socii ficially determined, accord-d- o r in Tw in Falls, Q South CMtiiJ Community Hard line: President ClintonCli solf”cliancc oli manager with thehe Idaho services.director FaUs C ounty C o roner’s o f fic:e e ' ' ear is that people who have} g<got A*«ncy, 713-9351. takes a tough line on1 taXt{ cuts as Dopanmnmenc of Health and Welfare•0 iiin Twin “What we hea o ffid als. ewith Falls, "C"Our goal has been realized.d. ]I th in k Please sea WELFARE, Pago^ he prepares to battle w Plesso see SUSPECT. Pago Ai i Republicans in Congregress. ---- ^— Savwtooth pay^-to-play- 1 plaan takes effffect today —S e c t i o n - b y - sSEG e TieN --^^ iton Kennedy passes and S2 daily possespi - ond continue! asas tra il conditions im prove, ■ Tlmai-NewIbwi correipondenf______________ whether a shrinking> \U.S. Forest "Our hikinghih right now-is just notit :SectionA . Pep;arA a bby.......... 7 ~ Service staff can moaitoitor the eXpert- that good,"d," N elson said. • On top5 of0: tlio weather, n dearth of ■ \^eather......... 2 PeopleDple....... ;...B , KEiarCHUM - A “poy-’to-play" planin ment. ’ . fo rth oj SSawtooth i National Rccreation,n But enforcement wonjn't be heavy* money orfor maintenance poses prob- Nation........ 3-5 A r e a onand .the Sawtooth Nationalb1 handed, SNRA ranger PaPaul Ries said. lems in thethe SNRA and the KdtchumIt Opinion.......... 6 SectI t’fl'Kotchum Ranger Districtct "The first year is goingng to be really district. ''‘lone jsr;;into gear, today, and inftialb1 low-key," Ries’said. '‘It’.st’.s going to be Pat Wor^orth sold 31 passes at thee World........... ;7 CommTimunl!y.,..l-2 co u n ts> indicateIn many people are pay-y. a lot like winter skiers wwho spot poo- Ketchum1 districtdl M onday a n d fieldedd ! complaint. But admittedly, West............. 9 Legal>0| noticesr ...3 ' inBlhofe5 fee. pie without passes and,d say,•‘Hey, I only.one c( U u n m MXit/TW TtMiuMM id — donltsce.apass.’".___ ______. _____________,sh e w asn’t!I't solid tin g public opinion, ics went-on-salo Monday,-and . i>. Vlilting the Sawtooth Notionallal Forest Ifom California,------------ i;;::---------'C» Fsired,.-SS^ 7 /Sre " sold at SNRA and Kctchumm Roma Nelson, visitorir ■center mtln- “Most didn'tdii say, and I dion’t"asK" ' lid. cousin* Draw Moyer and Mathithew Scarano comptiro walking " S e c t i o n B .tllstrictt hhi e a d q u a n e rs. oger at SNRA headquanuiers, said she Worth said, ly sellin g pass- . S h e alsoIso said the plan has fallenn sticks w hll^uilngA dam i Quidilch Trail north of Ketchum.'TheI ' Magic Valle/-,.1-3- Sectl unclear whether people willill r w as busy all day M onday 'StlonD lue to purchase the S5 annualq1 ea, and eXpccts the brisk5 k b usiness to PIODSOp|( set^SAWTOO^^,PogeA22 boys will walk for free, elnceI b(both are under 6 yeors of ago.
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