THE CONDOR AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY May 1998 The Condor 100:201-217 0 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1998 Lsp- CJW- A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF#b&ER DIST UTION AND HABITATS OF KIRTLANDS’ WARBL The Wilderness 900 17th Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006, e-mail:
[email protected] DAVID S. LEE North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, P.O. Box 29555, Raleigh, NC 27626 MARTHA WALSH-MCGEHEE Island Conservation Effort, Windwardside, Saba, Netherlands Antilles, West Indies Abstract. We compiled and analyzed 101 accessiblereports of 194 individual Kirtland’s Warblers (Dendroica kirtlandii) from the Bahama Archipelago, 1841-1997. Most individuals were reportedfrom northernislands (88%), and most sightreports (84%) and specimen/banding records(76%) were on island groupsthat supportor formerly supportedopen woodlandsof Caribbeanpine (Pinus curilxzea). Where habitat descriptionswere provided, 60% mentioned specificallypines or pine understory.After analysesfor potentialbiases from misidentification in sight reports and unequaleffort acrossislands, we found no evidence to supportprevious claims that Kirtland’s Warblersprefer scrubor avoid pine habitats.Rather, based upon 1995- 1997 winter surveysusing acoustic broadcasts, K&land ’s Warblerswere detectedin pine wood- landsof Abaco and Grand Bahamamore frequentlythan expectedcompared to encounterrates generatedby a null model of random habitatuse. Two periodsof apparentdecline of the Kirt- land’s Warbler this century, and a modest populationincrease on the breeding groundssince