March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 1

VOLUME 9, NUMBER 5, MARCH 1ST, 2002 PM Explained the Proposed Amendments Large Crowd Shows Interest in Women’s Equality By Anita Rolle The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Marsh Harbour Loses Old House Ingraham, was in Marsh Harbour recently to brief residents on the five referendum ques- tions voted on, February 27, 2002. Chairing the meeting was Mr. Mike Smith, Member of Parliament for the South Beach Constitu- ency. Also bringing remarks was Mr. Rob- ert Sweeting, Member of Parliament for . In his remarks Mr. Sweeting stated that he was happy to see the large crowd as this shows the interest of the people in what is going on in the country. Along with the Prime Minister, other speakers included Deputy Leader Designate of the Free Na- tional Movement, Mr. Dion Foulkes, and Member of Parliament Mrs. Janet Bostwick. The meeting was very well attended as people from all walks of life, political per- suasions and settlements throughout Abaco came. In attendance were officials of the BDM (Bahamas Democratic Movement) in- cluding Mr. Omar Smith and Mr. Cassius Stuart. These two became famous only a few weeks ago when they disrupted proceedings in the House of Assembly by attempting to remove the mace from the speaker’s throne. The speakers dissected each proposed amendment, following which the floor was opened for questions. In his speech, the Prime Minister told residents not to be swayed by The Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire on February 12 engulfing the old vacated house of Jimmy Wallace in the noise in the market as each proposed the western part of Marsh Harbour. The house was to be demolished to make way for a new road joining the new freight dock with Crockett Drive and S.C. Bootle Highway. Mr. Wallace was earlier relocated to a new government-built residence. Please see Amendments Page 3 Opposition States Its Views By Anita Rolle of the PLP including Mr. Peter Galanis, Mr. Ambassador Visits Despite the cold weather and rain many Philip “Brave” Davis, Mr. Edison Key and come out to hear what “the other side” had Mr. Bradley Roberts. Brave Davis, a law- to say as Perry Christie, leader of the offi- yer by profession and a PLP candidate, ex- cial opposition Progressive Liberal Party plained to the audience of about 150, “. . . (PLP) visited Abaco on February 23. This you should never say yes or sign off on any- was just one stop in his series of visits around thing which you do not fully understand.” to speak about the referendum. Mr. Christie was accompanied by members Please see Opposition Page 2 Disney Donates to Special Program

Mr. Richard Blankenship, newly appointed Ambassador from the United States to The Bahamas, met with American second-home owners in a meeting in Hope Town on Feb- ruary 13. Shown above is Mrs. Suzanne Bethel greeting him on his arrival in Hope Town. Mr. Blankenship is well acquainted with The Bahamas and in particular Abaco as he has visited the area many times aboard a boat.

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The Abaconian PRST STD 7571 N.W. 78th St. US POSTAGE Medley, FL 33166-7530 PAID Forward and Address Correction Permit #5050 Mr. Gunther from Disney Cruise Line presented a check for $5000 to Mrs. Lyn Major for MIAMI FL 331 the Every Child Counts program sponsored by the St. Francis de Sales Church in Marsh Harbour. The program provides education for children unable to attend regular claassrooms for a variety of physical reasons. Disney Cruise Line has committed to donating $25,000 to the program over a period of five years. This is their second payment Page 2 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Opposition Presents Other Side

mat when brought forward to the people From Page 1 Opposition of The Bahamas. Mr. Galanis noted that the party “. . . agrees on the principle The speakers explained in detail the of referendum, but not this process by individual proposed amendments and the which it is being done.” negative repercussions that could arise Mr. Perry Christie in his keynote ad- if citizens were to vote yes on February dress noted that people are being asked 27. Proposed amendment 1, for example, to vote on changes to the most sacred notably the most talked about since the document of the country - the Constitu- talk of referendum started, was picked tion - that have not been properly ex- apart. The question incorporates numer- plained to them is totally unfair. ous “other” questions/articles, some Following, the floor was opened for which you might agree on and others you questions from the audience. Speaking might not agree on. with a few people in attendance after Referring to allegations by the gov- the evening had ended, it was evident erning party that all PLP members that a few went away with a little present voted yes when the questions clearer understanding of what they would were put forth in Parliament, it was be voting for and against on February stated that the questions that were voted 27, 2002. Leaders of the Opposition party, the Progressive Liberal Party, presented their arguments on in Parliament took on a different for- against the proposed amendments to the Constitution. Shown above in the center is Mr. Perry Christie, Leader of the Opposition, flanked on the left by Mr. Philip “Brave” Davis, PLP candidate for Cat Island, and on the right by Mr. Edison Key, PLP candidate for South Abaco.

Open Daily Breakfast 7 a.m. - 11 a.m. Lunch 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.

The William Brewer Company held the grand opening of its new large retail store and warehouse on February 23 with promotions and specials accompanied by Estin Sawyer’s Tel: 367-2158 live music. The recently constructed building is a new landmark in the business section Located in the Abaco Beach Resort of downtown Marsh Harbour. From l. to r. in the front row are General Manager Jim Cates and his wife Julie, Mrs. Yvonne Malone standing with her husband and the CEO of William Brewer, Jim Malone, and Ms. Sandy Rolle, Wine Director. In the rear is Mr. Art Sands, Assistant Manager. Mr. Malone, who has Abaco roots, has been with the company for over 50 years. The interior walls of the store are decorated with original art work by Bahamian artists.

30 Boats to choose from All Meticulously Maintained Our Customers Get Extra Attention Check Out T’zers Gift Shop Boats equipped with: Weekly Rates: VHF • Top • Cooler 26’ Paramount $945 Anglers Restaurant presents international cuisine Anchor & Lines • Compass 23’ Albury Bros’ $840 with an island flair in a casual waterfront setting. Dive Ladder • Life Jackets 22’ Boston Whaler $798 One of the most popular restaurants in the Abacos, Paddle • Flares • Flashlight 20’ Albury/Hydra $770 Anglers serves breakfast, lunch & dinner every day of the year. Fire Extinguisher • First Aid Kit 18’ Privateer $560 You will be delighted by the diverse and Rates do not include gas Located in Hope Town & Marsh Harbour Call (242) 367-2513 • Fax (242) 367-2516 Open 7 days 8am - 5pm delicious menu.

Weekly freight between W. Palm Beach, Nassau, & Marsh Harbour General Cargo, 20 & 40 ft. Containers, Drive-on Stern Ramp 20 ft. Refrigerated Containers Specify M/V DUKE OF TOPSAIL Leaves W. Palm Beach Tues. • Arr. Nassau Weds. & Marsh Harbour Thurs. Sails Sunday for Nassau & Florida In Abaco Call (242) 367-2091, Fax (242) 367-2235 or VHF ch. 16 P.O. Box AB 20737, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas UNITED ABACO SHIPPING COMPANY In USA call Palm Beach Steamship Company at (561) 844-5387 Office located above B&D Marine at the traffic light Warehouse A 2nd door, 158 “B” East Port Road, Riviera Beach, Fl 33404 March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 3 Proposed Amendments Are First AA Meetings Changes for Constitution The AA (Alcoholics Anomyous) her and hers.” Servants earlier this year. group of Marsh Harbour meets Mon- Amendments From Page 1 Proposed amendment two refers to the On February 23 the Prime Minister vis- days and Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at implementation of an independent Teacher’s the Marsh Harbour Community Li- amendments had been voted upon by all mem- ited duscussing the proposed Service Commission with the responsibility bers of Parliament. ‘They voted yes, now they amendments in , Little brary. of hiring, promoting and dealing with the dis- are asking you to vote no,” said Mr. Abaco and Cooper’s Town. He was accom- ciplining of teachers. The AA group in Hope Town meets Ingraham. panied by Deputy Leader Elect Dion Faulkes, Items three and four seek approval of an Mondays at 7 p.m. at the clinic. The first proposed amendment pertains to Minister of Education, and Sen. Ronald independent Parliamentary Commissioner to the dissolution all aspects of discrimination Knowles, Minister of Health. deal with matters relating to the conduct of against women. The Prime Minister stated the election process without being subject to that we need to remove all gender biases from political control and an independent bound- the Constitution, including giving Bahamian Drayton Pilcher aries commission, removing all Members of men and women the ability to confer nation- Manager Parliament as members, respectively. ality on their children and equalize the op- Question five of the proposed amendments OFFICIAL portunity of their spouses to apply for citi- Established 1929 ROLEX RETAILER seeks to increase the age of retirement of BAHAMAS zenship. This question further seeks approval judges of the Supreme Court and the Court for changes to be made to Articles of the A Tradition of Shopping Excellence of Appeals by five years as was done for Civil Constitution - clauses referred to as “he, him, or his” will be changed to include “she,


P.O. Box 529, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, accompanied by the Hon. Janet Bostwick (next to Mangoes Restaurant on the Harbour) and the Hon. Dion Faulkes presented their case for accepting the proposed amendments. TTTel: (242) 367-2473 • Fax: (242) 367-2954 Shown above is the group at Abaco Central Primary School. Mr. Mike Smith from Marsh Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Harbour is at the podium.

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The Family Pharmacy P.O. Box: Phone: Lowe’s Pharmacy Abaco location only. The Family Pharmacy Prize will be drawn March 15th. Page 4 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 South Abaco News Cherokee Sound All Cherokee’s old-timers who used to Ms. Millie Russell. Mosquito Check “keep field” have either passed on or are By Lee Pinder Our ladies (and probably many from other We were told by “the mosquito patrol” now too old to keep up with the long hours It’s So Nice to Be communities as well) are constantly called that they received several complaints about and hard work it takes to tend a field. But on at the various public functions to help out the fogging that was being carried out in our Remembered even if you are “only” a backyard gardener or cook for a special event. This tea party is community to control the mosquito popula- This year Cupid had a little help. Some of and missed this show, you will want to mark the one time in Cherokee each year that the tion. Therefore, they are in the process of our ladies received a long-stemmed rose made your calendar to be sure to catch it when only thing that is asked of them is that they trying to find an alternative solution. One of of chocolate for Valentine’s Day that were they have it next year. It would be well worth come, be waited on and enjoy themselves. their representatives visited our settlement very much appreciated. your time for it was a good example of the Most women and mothers, in particular, are recently to inspect for standing water or other Farmer’s Exhibition many and different things we can grow for so busy with their daily chores of cooking, places where the culprits could breed. Let ourselves. One thing any good gardener will cleaning and waiting on their families that us hope that they will be able to come up Due to the invitation of Patrick Bethel, tell you is, “There is a real feeling of pride they seldom get a chance to do nothing at all with a solution to our pesky pest problem Cherokee was represented in the recent ex- and accomplishment seeing something you or ever do something just for themselves. and still protect our environment. If not, I hibition put on by the Bahamas Farmers As- have planted produce food for your own table That is exactly why our tea party is so spe- for one hope they will resume the fogging. sociation in Marsh Harbour early in Febru- and maybe some to give away.” After all, cial. It seems to accomplish this and each After all, they are the professionals and are ary. Lee Pinder and Marinus Schutemaker we live on the isles of perpetual June and year it gets better and better. I believe ev- certainly not going to use anything that would both had displays in the food processing sec- definitely have a longer growing period than eryone enjoyed themselves and we hope they harm humans, pets or plant life regardless of tion along with several others from around much of the rest of the world. Our soil may got a chance to relax and let themselves be what some may think. Abaco. appear inadequate. However, with just a pampered for a change. The main exhibits shown were of fruits, little fertilizer and some encouragement we vegetables and flowers, all of which were of can grow almost anything and we should be Please see South Page 30 extremely high quality and very impressive. taking advantage of it. There were many items on display that were Valentine’s Tea completely unknown to me, some unique and unusual items including a display showing the Rev. Carla Culmer of Epworth Methodist procedure in making a delicious old-time Chapel hosted her seventh annual ladies’ tea bread made out of the root of the Bay Rush party on February 13th in honor of Valentine’s plant which is still baked in some homes to- Day. Each year a china teacup is awarded to day. a lucky winner and this year’s recipient was Open DailyDailyOpen Breakfast 8:30 - 10 a.m. Lunch & Dinner 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Bar Open 8:30 a.m. - til’ Happy Hour 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Restaurant & Bar Live Music Weds. & Fri. 8 - 11 p.m. on the Hope Town Waterfront Tel 366-0247 or VHF 16 Specializing in Bahamian Foods

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Open Mon - Thur. 8 am - 6:30 pm Fri. - Sat 8 am - 7:30 pm Located on Stratton Drive • Marsh Harbour, Abaco • Phone (242) 367-7283 • Fax: (242) 367-5767 March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 5 RONNIE BUTLER IS COMING! PRESENTED BY ABACO PATHFINDERS, A SCHOLARSHIP ORGANISATION

Ronnie By Day Ronnie By Night April 6th April 6th 3 pm - 5:30 pm 8 pm - 10 pm Boat Harbour $20.00 Abaco InnInnAbaco Poolside BBQ Admission Admission Show your Pathfinder $40 In Advance Raffle Ticket $50 At The Door

COME SEE OUR VERY OWN BAHAMIAN ARTIST AT HIS BEST! Drawing to be: 3:30 pm • Golf Cart 4:30 pm • Truck 5:30 pm • Boat


Proceeds to benefit Abaco Pathfinders Scholarship Fund

Info available at [email protected] or Abaco Inn (242) 366-0133 Page 6 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 News of the Cays Great Guana Cay heart shaped balloons, red ribbons and beau- a fire pump and hoses, oxygen, stretchers, tiful teddy bears. It reminded some men that splints, bandages, etc. By Emily Bethel they had to do something about it before it The money raised for these supplies is by Birthday Greetings got any later. So it was a good thing that that bake sales, dinner nights, cookbooks and tee Happy 86th b•Birthday to Mr. McIntosh! golf cart made an early start to do their de- shirts. All funds are raised by the local people A long-time winter resident of Guana, Mr. livery! of Guana Gay and visiting tourists. Your help Mac, as the residents call him, has been com- David and Pam Yarbrough have been the has been greatly appreciated. Without the ing to Guana Cay for over 30 years. His first managers of Orchid Bay Marina for the past support of all the Guana Cay community, time to Abaco was to visit Hope Town but three years and have decided to move on. Guana Fire and Rescue would not be in ser- then he discovered Guana Cay and fell in They have seen changes on Guana Cay since vice as it is today. We are all very grateful love with the island and the people. It didn’t their time here. David was on Guana just a to everyone who has so generously supported take him long to purchase a house on the front few months when Hurricane Floyd brought us over the past three years. Thanks also for street right to the water where he could have much damage to the island. He and the own- the help from Doctors Boyce, Binard and his boat. He has sailed most of his life and ers of Orchid Bay helped to bring in supplies Lundy over this period of time. This couldn’t still enjoys it to the fullest. On February 8th for the locals and were a part of all the clean be done without you and all your support. Mr. Mac celebrated his 86th birthday on up. Pam helped with the Guana Rescue Team Hope Town Guana Cay and a party was given in a big Mr. McIntosh of Guana Cay so they both helped in our community. Bye celebration for him. Long time friends and ami, then on to Venezuela. They plan to be and maybe they will be back for a visit some- Ambassador Visits newly met friends all had a great time of gone for one week. Reports of their trip will time. Hope Town food and fun. Old memories which are so be put in at a later date after they arrive Fire and Rescue Celebrates By Stephanie Humblestone special were spoken of and lots of laughter back home. Three Years Hope Town’s large American sector re- of new memories were brought together in a A Special Valentine’s Dinner From the Guana Fire and Rescue Team ceived a visit on February 13 from Mr. J. special way. May you enjoy many more birth- How many of you enjoyed a Valentine din- Guana Fire and Rescue Team celebrated Richard Blankenship, the Ambassador of the days, Mr. Mac. ner on February 14? Seaside Village held a their third anniversary on January 16, 2002, United States to the Bahamas. In a talk to Coming Soon Valentine dinner for those people who enjoy as a non-profit organization. On that date a over one hundred U.S. citizens gathered in Orchid Bay Marina is going along with taking their husband, wife, girlfriend or boy- few people got together who felt that there the St. James Methodist Church, Mr. their plans and adding a restaurant which will friend to celebrate a night decorated with was a need to help people in emergency situ- Blankenship stressed that this was a visit to open in May and will be open to the public red and white. Their menu included surf and ations here on the island. As of now there familiarise himself with Americans living in with lunch and dinner. A continental break- turf night starting with coconut shrimp. Um, are eleven active members and the rescue The Bahamas. He reminded his fellow na- fast will be served only to the marina guests. um, good! team is always learning and getting more tionals that they are guests in The Bahamas The restaurant is being built on the point just On February 15 Dolphin Beach Resort held equipment as time goes on. Equipment in Please see Cays Page 7 east of the Orchid Bay Marina and will seat their Valentine dinner at the Mermaid Cafe. stock for fire and medical problems includes about 100 people inside and out. A pool has Their menu included a four course meal. What been added for the guests to enjoy while do- a meal! ing laundry or just wanting to get off the boat For all you persons who met or exchanged and do some reading, sunbathing or meet other wedding vows on Valentine’s Day, it’s truly boaters. a special day to remember, being a special Surfing day of love when “Love Is in the Air! Two young fellows from Guana Cay will Valentine’s Day seems to be a special time be leaving on February 17 to go to Venezu- when husband, wives, boyfriends and girl- ela to compete in a surfing competition. Blake friends, even now-a-days parents and chil- Sands, 17 years old, and Joshua Sands, 14 dren remember each other with beautiful years old will be going along with Timmy baskets of assorted items or beautiful bas- kets of flowers and dozens of roses are given. Albury and others from Hope Town. bahamian cuisine These fellows have enjoyed surfing here The morning of Valentine’s Day there was a on Abaco. This will be a great experience golf cart filled with beautiful baskets being on Hope Town's for Blake and Joshua as they have never been delivered to many of the wives and girlfriends waterfront on Guana. What a pretty sight with all the Bar Opens Daily 10 a.m. anywhere else to surf. They will fly to Mi- Closed on Tuesdays Happy Hour 5 - 6 p.m. B & D Marine Abaco’s Largest and Most Complete Supply of Marine Products Lunch & Dinner Daily Lunch 11:30 am • 3 pm Dinner 6 - 9 pm • Bait • Rods • Reels RENTRENTRENT Appetizers 11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m ALALAL • Fishing Tackle & Dive Gear BIKESBIKESBIKES • Filters • Pumps • Hoses ICEICEICECall 366-0087 • 366-0292 • VHF Ch 16 • Anchors & Ropes • Marine Paints SUZUKISUZUKISUZUKI • Hardware & Maintenance Items Outboards & Generators • At the Traffic Light • P.O. Box AB 20461 • Marsh Harbour • Abaco • Tel: 242-367-2622 • Fax 242-367-2395


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Visit our office on the front street For more information: Tel: 242-367-2089 “One call does it all” 242-367-2530 P.O. Box AB 20485, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 7 More News of the Cays

and fishing regulations pertained solely to the jets do not fly from Abaco the is countries. Cays From Page 6 laws of the Bahamas. Others like the repa- viewed as relatively low risk. Thus plans for In December of last year Ambassador triation of U.S. funds by Americans with a pre-clearance area are not underway. Blankenship was appointed to his present post. and as such they needed to display respect rental home income the Ambassador com- On the subject of airlines, a query arose In October 2000 he was appointed by the and adhere to the rules of the country. mented on. High on the concern list was the as to why Continental Airlines no longer ac- Speaker of the Florida House of Representa- After a short talk Ambassador opened the lack of security at the Marsh Harbour air- cept to transport dogs. Local dog lovers have tives to the State of Florida Transportation meeting to questions. Some such as hunting port. The Ambassador explained that as large been trying to seek adoption homes for Outreach program. Abaco’s many stray potcakes. The reply to Sailing School Opens this was that the matter should be taken up Hope Town has its first sailing school. directly with the airline. It was an issue per- Bahamian Matthew McCoy, who recently haps close to home as Ambassador relocated to Abaco from Miami, has opened Blankenship is married to a veterinarian. his own sailing school called Castle Harbour. One significant question was related to the It is associated with the sailing school of the function of the U.S. Coast Guard in relation same name in Florida. to The Bahamas. The Ambassador explained Matthew is located at Club Soleil where that presently the focus is on homeland secu- he has an Enson 23 and a couple of smaller rity and all forces are being deployed in this craft for children. He is offering a course in area. sailing which generally take 20 hours. It meets Ambassador Blankenship did not overlook U.S. sailing certification standards and in- the ongoing problem of drug trafficking cludes all aspects of sailing including points through The Bahamas and pledged to initiate of sail, safety and emergency measures. “Stu- and assist control and intervention measures. dents get the basics,” said Matthew, who If nothing else, it was a display of patrio- expects to introduce more advanced courses tism and a small coming together of the U.S. later on. “I would like to do cruising courses,” and the Bahamas. This was demonstrated at said Matthew, who had his first student on the end of the meeting when the Ambassador February 14. He also expects to work with and his entourage left the church in a golf cart bearing the respective flags of the two Please see Cays Page 26

Two student reporters for The Abaconian, Tia Knowles on the left and Ashley Sands, middle, converse with Ambassador Richard Blankenship outside the Wyannie Malone Historical Our new GYM is NOW OPEN Museum in Hope Town. They were in Hope Town on assignment to get material for news 2000 sq. ft of airconditioned comfort stories. Includes 550 sq. ft. aerobic & yoga floor ABACO STEREO • Yoga classes • Instructor-led classes and • Free weights • Cardio-vascular units FRIGIDAIRE CO APPLIANCE CENTER • Strength stations Washers • Freezers • Microwaves • Air Conditioners Experienced staff and instructors Satellite • TV • Stereos • Phones • Car Radio/Amp • Speakers Make 2002 your year to get fit. Treat yourself or someone you love Sales • Service • Repairs & Accessories STOVE FRIDGE to a membership • only $65 per month start at Gas 30 inch Abaco Distributors Ltd. Inclusive of all classes $209.00 Tel: 367-2265 or 367-3042 $479.00 Attain personal health and fitness goals with our staff & instructors

Open 6 Days a Week • Closed Sunday Abaco Tug & Transport Mon - Fri • 6 am - 8 pm Tug & Barge Work Saturday • 6 am - 2 pm Available for Charters Call 367-5939 Today • Memorial Plaza, Marsh Harbour Sand & Rock Deliveries Container & Building Material Deliveries Marine Construction & Development Boulders • Dock & Sea Wall Construction Hi Tide Boat Lifts • Dredging Excavation • Land Clearing Trenching • Drilling • Blasting PINE WOODSWOODSPINE On the waterfront at the end of the Key Club Road P.O. Box AB20285, Marsh Harbour, Abaco Phone 367-4879 / 367-5205 • Fax 367-4018 NURSERNURSERNURSERYYY

Spooner’s Plants Fish Men’s, Women’s & Children’s Wear Gift Items Garden Tools • T-Shirts Silk Flowers Fertilizers • Baskets Soils Infant’s Clothing • Pet Supplies Mulch Household Items • Luggage MON - FRI 9 - 5 SAT 9 - 2 Queen Elizabeth Drive Marsh Harbour Ph 242-367-2674 Fax 242-367-4755 Mon - Sat 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Marsh Harbour Tel: 367-2017 Page 8 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 The Editor Says Tight Budgets Require Creative Solutions may be newcomers who are untutored in the the requirements drastically. Even normal residents cannot get through without a police process or may include some present mem- wear and tear is hard to predict on a 15- presence to keep the road clear. Even with- bers who can lend continuity to the system. year-old building with 500 transient occu- out an event, 100 cars may be normally parked One million dollars may seem at first pants. there by commuters traveling by ferry to and glance to be a large amount for the mainte- Preparation for the school’s opening day from the cays. Taxis are lined up waiting for nance of the Marsh Harbour area. (The in September presents another problem. The the next ferry, further confusing the area. greater Marsh Harbour area includes Spring quiet summer months are the ideal time to Ball fields and basketball courts fill the City, Dundas Town and Murphy Town.) How- catch up on maintenance. However, this year need for some persons who want organized ever, on closer scrutiny nearly all the money it is complicated by two factors: 1) the new sports but we badly need larger family ori- goes for salaries and fixed maintenance con- local government personnel are learning their ented park facilities. tracts. roles and 2) the budget funds to pay for the If a tight budget is returned, all affected Salaries go to janitresses and maintenance maintenance have not yet started to flow. The Councils will have to look the numbers over staff at schools and public buildings. Road money usually comes in late August just as carefully and make some thoughtful decisions. and verge maintenance is by contract but in the facilities should be ready for the students. Each program will have to be fully justified David most respects is similar to monthly wages. One neglected area in and and on the surface supporters will claim they Ralph These are two obvious examples of routine perhaps other areas is in providing recre- cannot proceed without its full allocation. But, expenses. ational facilities for children, young adults if the budged is reduced as expected, some Once the new budget allowance is known and families. Central Abaco badly needs a hard decisions will be required. Local Government committees and coun- in early summer, councillors all over Abaco waterfront park area for weekend, holiday We need to encourage our elected repre- cils are finalizing their budgets for the up- will begin work to adapt it to their needs. and special event use. This is not the type of sentatives to look at our communities in new coming fiscal year beginning July 1st. Gov- Perhaps it will match last year’s and the task thing to get Council’s attention. Perhaps cen- ways to develop different approaches which ernment treasury revenues are down some- will not be too difficult. It may be less and tral government has a larger role to play in are more efficient. There are always ways what and it is expected that allocations to there will be some tough decisions to be made. this process. Even then, Councils should push to economize but still have well maintained local government will not be generous. All All of them must ensure that value is re- the process along. communities. We need to be more creative government departments, which included our ceived for the money spent. Marsh Harbour’s Crossing Beach is the in our analysis of situations. It can be helpful Local Government, experienced a two per- Money is allocated for school maintenance closest thing to fill this need but it is woe- for committee members meet with people cent cut in their budgets last fall. This was a throughout the year but that total is an edu- fully inadequate. An event can choke up the from other communities to see how they have direct result of the September 11 terrorism cated guess. Vandalism and storms can alter roadway to the point where Eastern Shore solved problems. incident. Revenues are slowly increasing but have not returned to pre-September levels. Central Abaco, which has the largest Fam- ily Island budget of $1 million, is asking for Generally Speaking . . . Outside the Lines slightly more than last year with a minor By Timothy Roberts consciously help it, I try to stay within the of a few simple, minor laws. It is, rather, increase for garbage and park maintenance. Yes, I know there has probably been more lines, both figuratively and literally. about the apparent attitude. The district is growing rapidly and local gov- than enough said in recent months about the True, this may, in fact, be “small tings,” There was a chief of police in the New ernment is hard pressed to maintain the area road painting deal. However, I find there is a small point of the law. Yet it is not so York area a few years back who, at arriving with the funds allocated. still much to be said. I hope to bring yet an- much the infraction but the attitude that con- at his new position, made it his point to clean As the population expands, as businesses other view on this situation different than those cerns me. It all points to respect for the law up a rather bad neighborhood. He had very grow, as traffic increases, as school popula- already stated. and the authorities who enforce the law. good success, and it was all because he pros- tions increase, as our visitor rate increases, As I make my way about town, I cannot Unfortunately, due to problems on both ecuted the small laws constantly such as lit- the corresponding need to service these in- help notice, and yes, get irked as I watch sides - the police, etc., being on one side and tering, loitering, petty vandalism, etc. terests also grows. As the need increases and motorists making their way down our roads Bahamian citizens being the other - there has When people became conscious and re- the funds remain constant or perhaps decrease, with (by reason of the new lines painted on been a cultivating of this attitude, which in spectful of the small laws and began to keep Council members must either scale back pro- the road) one side on and one side off or over no way justifies it, but begins to explain it. them, they found a new respect for the law grams or find creative ways to continue. the left line. Many other causes can be found at the root in general. The citizens of that neighborhood Abaco has the fastest growing population in “Why are you irked?” you may ask. Well, of this problem, more than can be covered in began to assist police with the bigger crimes, The Bahamas and is acknowledged to have not that I am completely innocent or that the one article, things like the break down of the and the neighborhood became a safer and an expanding economy. Expansion means rest of the civilized world is much better, family, the decreasing effectiveness of the nicer place to live. more services which central and local gov- but it sends me a message. It is not a new church, etc. There is much improvement needed in our ernment must address. message. I have, after all, lived in Nassau When there is a lack of respect for au- following the laws of the land. While there Some of our communities have organized for over fifteen years, but it is a message thority, society begins to deteriorate. Should is not abundant lawlessness abounding in the separate town welfare committees working that continues to ring louder and clearer as the disposition be left unchecked, crimes will streets of Abaco, if we do nothing to curb the on town projects outside the scope of Local time passes. increase in number and severity. This paints attitude, if we lose respect for our laws, then Government. The advantage is that these Here it is. Our “taxpayer” dollars have a bleak picture of the future. there will be a day when it may become that groups can raise money and spend it for the been spent - wisely or unwisely is of no con- “Now, now,” you may say, “isn’t that a bad. It is within our power to stop it. community good without following govern- cern to me for the sake of this article - to put bit over dramatic? Just because we don’t fol- So as you drive down the road this week mental rules. The Marsh Harbour Volunteer lines on our roads. According to our traffic low the lines in the road or the traffic laws and you feel yourself wanting to drive “out- Fire Department is an excellent example of laws these lines have significance in keeping doesn’t mean we are all going to end up side the lines,” consider the consequences to a focused community welfare group and there order to road traffic. The laws concerning criminals!” Abaco and the Bahamas. are many others. This may present opportu- these lines are all in the book we get to study The point I make is not about the breaking nities for a combination of self help groups for our drivers licence so they should not be and town committee participation, something unfamiliar, or totally unknown. They are on the order of “you buy the materials and there and they do have import. we’ll provide the labour.” What it seems that the general driving All About Town The next election for town committees will public is saying (which is not an uncommon be in June and they will take office in July. message in other areas of public life), “We By Isobel Sherman here in our notes or in the textbook.” I have They will form new Councils and operate have no respect” and/or “We do not care Reading to say yes it is and actually read it to them within the budget granted from the figures about these laws.” There is an attitude that For the past few weeks a few people have from their notes or from the text. now being prepared. Whether the amount will there really is no need to follow the rules if approached me and told me that they agree We need good reading programs and ex- be less, the same or more than presently re- you don’t want to. with what I wrote about reading a few issues cellent incentives for our older students to ceived will not be known until late June or I do not claim to be innocent of bending or ago. Mr. Al Cooper told me that reading is want to learn to read and more importantly early July. The next local government team breaking these same laws. However, as I can essential for anyone to do anything in life. It to comprehend what they are reading. They is the foundation according to Mr. Cooper have slipped through the system. When we and I heartily agree with him. have accomplished that, we can then move 7,000 copies The Abaconian Abaco’s most complete newspaper As I listened at a workshop for poll work- them on to transferring knowledge and think- Published twice monthly David & Kathleen Ralph Inquire for advertising rates ers working during the referendum election, ing real thinking. Editors & Publishers (U.S. address) Phone 242-367-2677 again the ability to read was brought home My number one critic is Patrick Bethel P O Box AB 20551 P.O. Box 1556 FAX 242-367-3677 in two ways. First, for the person voting who and I always listen to him. However, when Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Jupiter, FL 33468-1556 Email: [email protected] cannot read there is a procedure so the voter he approached me at the farm exhibit and can vote. The fact is that the ballot will have told me he was impressed with what I wrote Photo credit: Tuppy Weatherford for parrot & lighthouse on page 1 two symbols: the star for yes and the air- about reading, I was a little surprised. Later Reporters/Writers: Alice Bain, Stephanie Humblestone, Anita Rolle, Isobel Sherman plane for no. The ballot will also have the that week another man approached me and Columnist/Graphic Artist: Timothy Roberts words yes and no. I wonder how many voters told me no one can go anywhere in life with- out being able to read. Once again the NBA Contributors: Emily Bethel, Marc Binard, Rhonda Claridge, Pat Elkins, Sandra Evans, Kathleen will be voting by symbols? I will never be able to know that but I know, as sad as it Read To Achieve was highlighted during All Frederick, Tia Knowles, Lee Pinder, Ashley Sands, Daryl Sawyer, Bill and Salli Ann Schiffmacher, Star weekend. Rebecca Valrejean and Don Van Beck sounds, if some of our under 18 young people were voting, they would be voting by sym- Obviously, if you are reading this, you can Subscription rate $20.00 Abaco $25 other Bahamas Subscribe NOW - Use bols. Sad and totally out of order but true. read but do you know how many persons, es- (One Year) $35.00 USA $45 Canada - airmail order form on Page 9 Not a day goes by when a student doesn’t $55.00 UK, Europe & Caribbean - surface tell me, “Mrs Sherman, the answer is not Please see Sherman Page 31 March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 9 LettersLetters toto thethe EditorEditor Fulfill Manifestos 1 and 2 Social Services, Labor Board, Immigration, etc. But it will not be of much use to the half Dear Editor, of Abaco represented by District Councils Election time is near again and the FNM of North Abaco, South Abaco and Hope Town government is proposing another Manifesto as they are too far away to enjoy it. Hope- #3. fully, I won’t use it much either but I guess I I have a better idea. We do not need an- might need to buy a stamp or maybe pick up other manifesto. Let’s finish up 1 and 2. Here unemployment payments or if an employee are a few examples: reports me for unfair dismissal. In the least, • Water to the cays it will be a great last stop for anyone going • Cable television. There is no cable televi- off to jail. Truly, all of Abaco should be sion at the south and north ends of Elbow amazed. Cay and Man-O-War Cays March on, Bahamaland • Roads that don’t have pot holes like Elbow Cay Spray Program • Prime Minister can serve only two terms • Electricity the same price throughout all Is Successful Bahamas To the Editor: • New airport in Marsh Harbour, not specu- Sometimes it’s not what you say but how lation you say it. • Sell Batelco, Bahamas Electricity Corpo- In the February 1 edition of The Amaconian ration and Bahamasair and in response to an article describing the • Give back to the community some of (our) October Project Potcake spay neuter clinic, taxes Isobel Sherman reported that some people Mr. Prime Minister, if you win the next don’t think most dogs including strays had election, can you see if the government and been spayed or neutered in the Marsh Harbour the opposition can act like civil men and area. She also stated that there are stray dogs women in the House of Assembly. and puppies “all over Spring City” and that A concerned citizen there are strays and puppies in parts of Dundas Town. Comments on New Ad- A timely response is in order. ministration Building Project Potcake began three years ago, in an effort to reduce to manageable levels the Dear Editor, unconscionable number of unhealthy, starv- Mighty impressive! The artist’s render- ing, stray, roaming and feral Potcakes in the ings of the government’s new Administration Marsh Harbour area. Project Potcake tries Building (in The Abaconian Feb l5) to be built in every way possible to “fix” reproductive on Forest Drive and Crockett Drive. Wow! Potcakes at no cost to the owner but at great It looks as though it’s destined to be the big- cost to both Abaco Animal Require Friends gest and most expensive building in all of and Spay and Neuter Incentive Program so Abaco. The civil servants should be happy in that unwanted dogs and cats are no longer their beautiful offices with “commanding born to die. We door-to-door canvas entire views” to gaze at. The Administrative Build- communities. We willingly capture dogs ing promises to be way prettier than the rarely if ever touched before by human hand. airport’s promised metal building that the We transport these animals to and from vet- government has been planning for the last erinary clinics. Each clinic is highly publi- ten years. Hopefully, this new building will cized via newspaper, radio, flyer and word replace Marsh Harbour’s only landmark, the of mouth advertising. We also provide a cash traffic light (now missing). The good news is incentive for every dog released to us to approximately 50 dogs on each of three ma- puppies in Murphy Town and Dundas Town. that the building may be built before that light maximize community awareness and partici- jor roads running through Dundas Town and Some females we cannot catch. Despite our is replaced. pation. Since 1999 Project Potcake has spayed Murphy Town. Now there are 15 to 20. Of efforts, there also are at least three houses I really thought that the government had or neutered more than 900 animals; the ma- this number, about 75 percent are fixed. in Murphy Town and Dundas Town where neglected Abaco until I saw that picture but jority were females who would still be out How do we know? We recognize many of Potcake puppies can always be found. Why? they are using advanced thinking by provid- there having puppies were it not for Project the dogs. If it’s a male, a quick glance in the Because these residents tell us they like pup- ing a day care facility - bet it even has a Potcake. right direction tells the tale. But the easiest pies and do not want their female dogs fixed. lounge, cafeteria and daybeds! A pity, though, Eliminating Potcakes from Abaco was way to spot a Project Potcake dog is the way Unfortunately, cuddly puppies soon grown up. because of its location I doubt that our tour- never our intention. Our goal is not eradica- it looks. Spayed or neutered dogs are bigger, By the time they’re several months old, they ists will get to see it. But I can understand tion. The last thing we want is to make healthier looking and livelier. When you’re begin to wander and mature and, within an- government’s thinking . . . due to this facil- Potcakes extinct. Rather, what we set out to hungry, full of parasites and spend half your other three or four months, nature forces them ity there will be fewer cars in town and there- do – and what we have done – is significantly time searching for food and the other half to begin the endless reproductive cycle all fore, we won’t have to waste money on build- reduce their number. We are pruning the chasing or being chased by the opposite sex over again. ing any sidewalks. orchard, so to speak. you’re worn out. The best way to further reduce these pock- It will also be nice for our important dig- Before Project Potcake began we observed We also noted the number of dogs which ets of unwanted and stray (??) Potcakes is nitaries like the Magistrate, the an average of one dog per day dead or dying appeared unthrifty, a term that means stag- for people to convince their friends, family Commissioner’s Office, National Insurance, on the road because it was knocked down by gering, covered with mange or skin and bones. members and neighbors that spaying and neu- a vehicle. Astounding! Heartbreaking! Before the program began, three out of four tering is the most effective way to prevent Enjoy the Performance! Shameful! Now that number stands at four Potcakes fit this description. Now it’s closer future litters. More than 100 years of obser- per month. to one in 10. In 1999 we could always expect to see There are still reproductive females and Please see Letters Page 27

Why. . . Subscribe to The Abaconian Receiving the Abaconian is the easiest way to Name keep up with all the activity on Abaco such as: Address # Infrastructural improvements by central Address government: roads, airport, docks, etc. City St. # Phone and electric company changes Postal code + Country # Fishing, boating & sporting activities e-mail (or Fax) (for renewal) Visit our Location # Immigration, taxes or duty changes 24 issues - US$ or B$ Above subscription is a gift from: # Changes to laws and regulations ! $35 USA 3 rd Class across from # Resort & hotel development ! $25 Bahamas surface If you want to renew this gift next year, Standard Hardware # Actions by local government ! $20 to Abaco please give us your address below. # Changes in airline service ! US$45 Canada Airmail # New business ventures ! US$55 UK, Europe Surface # Community events Mail to: PO Box 1556, Jupiter, FL 33468 - 1556 Subscribe Today or: PO Box AB 20551, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Phone: 367-2326 • Marsh Harbour Nov 98 Page 10 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Central Abaco News Fire Breaks Out FNM Headquarters Valentine’s Day include many family members and special friends. By 10th Graders Tia Knowles and Ashley Opens By Stephanie Humblestone Sands Valentine’s Day kept the staff at the three Reef Ball Promises a By Isobel Sherman A fire broke out on February 12th in Marsh local nurseries and florists in Marsh Harbour The had a soft Great Time Harbour. The house which caught fire was on their toes with orders and deliveries on opening of their new headquarters in Marsh By Alice Bain uninhabited and was soon to be bulldozed to February 14. Buds and Blooms in Memorial Harbour on February 8. The headquarters is The second annual Reef Ball sponsored by make room for the new road to Forest Drive Plaza specialised in displays and was as busy located in Abaco Shopping Centre where Friends of the Environment will be held on from the new government dock. The house as other years. Gardener’s Eden said their National Marine used to be. Kim Roberts March 2nd this year at the Abaco Beach was formerly owned by Mr. James Wallace. most popular presentation this year was the will be there daily from 9 to 5. The phone Resort Pavilion. Modern Vintage will once The call came to Mr. John Hall of the half a dozen red roses in a vase while Pin- number is 367-5936. Leader Elect of the again be playing the best live dance hits any- Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire Department ewoods Nursery Found the pretty little red FNM party Tommy Turnquest will officially where in The Bahamas, and the party prom- at approximately 9.45 a.m. Fire engines ar- rose bushes popular. On Valentine’s Day the open the headquarters in a few weeks. ises to rival last year’s memorable extrava- rived on the scene at approximately 9.50 a.m. shops sold out of all the teddy bears which ganza. Abaco Beach Resort will be provid- Mr. Claude Sawyer and Mr. Shane Sands of Referendum Preparation they described as “a hot number” and most ing buffet-style food included in the price of the Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire Depart- By Isobel Sherman of the candy, balloon and mug gift baskets the ticket and a cash bar. The festivities be- ment were first at the scene. Island Administrator Everette Hart held had been sold. gin at 7 p.m. Don’t miss the best excuse to There is no knowledge to whether the fire two meetings with the presiding officers for Although February 14 is celebrated as a was intentionally lit. This seems likely as the February 27 election on the proposed ref- lover’s holiday with the giving of flowers, there was no electricity in the house. There erendums to the Constitution. The second candies and other gifts, it now extended to Please see Central Page 30 were ten fire fighters and three trucks work- meeting involved poll workers from all polls ing to keep the blaze under control as they on Abaco except Moore’s Island. The second allowed the fire to burn the house down to its meeting was held on February 22. Between Sid’s Food Store foundation. No one was hurt in this fire. the 22nd and the 26th individual presiding Groceries . Toiletries . Souvenirs officers will have meetings with their work- Serving New plymouth and the entire ers. Green Turtle Cay Area

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Caribbean Constructors Ltd. Members of the newly organized BREA Abaco Branch feel that there are many benefits to Concrete Blocks forming an organized group. It is under the unbrella of the Bahamas Real Estate Association. Stepping Stones 4"x 8"x 16" Present for the February 19 meeting were, in the front row l. to r., Kathleen Bethell, Linda Sand & Quarry in various patterns 6"x 8"x 16" Stewart, Sandra Evans, President of the BREA in Nassau David Morley, Elaine Thompson, Cracker Dust 18" x 18" 8"x 8"x 16" Sharon Pinder, Mailin Sands and Chris Plummer. Standing behind are, l. to r., Chris Rock - Local 3/8" - 3/4" 24" x 24" Corner Blocks Farrington, Marcellus Roberts, Brent Cartwright, Chad Sawyer, Derek Lee, Leslie Pinder, Rock - Imported ditto Regular Blocks June Russell, Kerry Sullivan, Kathleen Albury and Jessica Pinder. Pea Rock - Imported Hydraulic Fittings & Hoses Monday - Friday ! 7 am - 4 pm Sea Spray Resort P.O. Box AB 20403, Marsh Harbour ! Phone 367-2502 Hopetown, Elbow Cay, Abaco Villas • Restaurant • Marina

Now Offering Discounted Rates Now Through April 31, 2002 andAugust 2002 through April 2003 Boats up to 50’ $325 monthly Metered water & electricity Texaco Star Port • Fresh Water Pool • Bakery Boat House Restaurant Come by and see us We have friendly staff waiting to serve you Open 8-5 daily •VHF ch. 16 • Ph: (242) 366-0065 e-mail: [email protected] •

Harbour View Haven Located on Beautiful Great Guana Cay, Abaco, Bahamas New Rental Cottages All units Centrally air-conditioned · Sattelite TV, Radio / CD / Tape Player Two bedrooms, Queen beds, 1 bath, Full kitchen, Living room Dining area, seats 6, Bahama room with queen Futon One bedroom, one bath, apartment, Overlooking the harbour Outside BBQ Grill · Enjoy your own private Gazzebo and garden TTTel: (242) 365-5028 · Fax: (242) 365-5083 e-mail: [email protected] · Page 12 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 School News Reproductive Health Twenty students competed, representating comes when as usual, families all over Abaco Since the classroom is conducted as a pro- ten schools from Abaco. Schools competing opened their doors to “strangers.” This cul- fessional artist studio, they have chosen to Program Is in Place included St. Frances de Sales, Moore’s Is- tural exchange was a great pleasure to all on name their operation Studio One. This may By Anita Rolle land All Age School, Amy Roberts Primary Abaco and a visit to “warm the Choir’s be the first program of its kind on a high The Ministry of Education has imple- School, S.C. Bootle High School, Forest hearts” as they returned to their frigid home school level in The Bahamas. The students mented an Adolescent Reproductive Health Heights Academy, Long Bay School, Agape at Princeton University. not only learn to draw and paint but also how Education program for Abaco. The purpose Christian School, Central Abaco Primary S.C. Bootle to market their artwork. They are presently of the program is to reduce teen pregnancy School, Treasure Cay Primary School, and involved in building a website to display their and sexually transmitted diseases among teen- the Fox Town Primary School. High School work on the net. agers. The program places special emphasis Forest Heights By Rebecca Valrejean The general public will be able to view on adolescents and the individuals who influ- their work during the S.C.Bootle School Fair Italian Night Is a Success The students of S.C.Bootle have just ence them most such as their peers, teach- launched a student industry program con- coming up on March 23rd. Both students and ers, community leaders and parents. By Daryl Sawyer, Grade 12 ceived and sponsored by the art department the administration have committed themselves Co-ordinating the program is trained edu- The night of January 25 was filled with on campus. The concept involves teaching to the task of raising funds for the purpose of cator Sandy Walker of Crossing Rocks. She Italian food, music and fun at Forest Heights student skills that will allow them to be em- re-paving the quadrangle on the campus, and has received formal training for the program Academy. Everything in sight from the table- ployable by the time they graduate from the possibly, in the future, to raising a roof over through the Bahamas Family Planning Asso- cloths to the miniature flags encompassing high school. Jewelry making, ceramics, sculp- the same. ciation and is continuously upgrading. Ms. the whole room was beautifully decorated with ture, drawing and painting as well as pro- Grades 10 through 12 recently toured the Walker has formerly taught at the Crossing the colours of Italy. duction in candle and commercial soap mak- Abaco Beach Resort art show where their Rock School. It was held under the open air auditorium ing are some of the options in the progress of work was enthusiastically shared and received The office of the program is situated at with some of the PTA members helping in- being installed in the program. They even by the exhibiting artists. the Learning Resources Center in the old side the snack shack, serving dinners of lasa- have plans to build a small bronze foundry. Marsh Harbour Primary School building and gna and spaghetti. The food was prepared by At present the products available through the Please see School Page 13 is open between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Individu- parents from all over Abaco and was gra- program are t-shirts printed with the draw- als are welcomed to stop in at the office. ciously served by waiters and waitresses ings and paintings of the students along with Workshops and seminars are held throughout who were all students of the school. After Junkanoo kites sporting the colors of the Ba- the island on a regular basis and are usually the main part of the meal great desserts topped hamian flag in their tails. open to the general public. On completion of off the evening. each workshop participants receive Peer But the night wasn’t only about the food; Leader certificates. there were games and music as well. Some SUNSET of the games planned for the evening were Silver Jewelry • Ladies Dresses Spelling Bee Is Held an Italian accent competition and a Marsh Panama Jack - Hats, Sun Glasses, & Suntan Lotion By Anita Rolle Harbour business logo guessing game. It was Mens Shorts & Shirts • Kids T-shirts The 3rd grade Abaco District Spelling Bee an enjoyable fund raiser for the PTA and a “Kalik” Souvenirs • Genuine Cuban Cigars held on February 15th proved to be a raving precursor to the March 16th Steak Out and Bahamian CD’s & Tapes success as contestants exhausted the seen Raffle. spelling list at round twenty! Pronouncer Choir Gives Concert ...& a variety of other gifts & Souvenirs Cindy Armbrister then had to move on to an On the morning of January 30 the students SOUVENIRS Located Across from Mangoes Restaurant unseen list which took the competition for Marsh Harbour, Abaco Open Mon. thru Sat. • 9 am to 5 pm were treated to a surprise visit by the Tel: 367-2658 yet another few rounds! Ms. Felamease Saw- Princeton A Capella Choir. Accompanied Some Sundays ½ day yer of the Ministry of Education began the only by the fluttering of the Italian flags still competition by giving the students a pep talk, flying, the group of eleven talented young informing them that they are already win- men and women hit all the right chords as ners just for getting this far. they sang contemporary music ranging from In the end Charo Williams of the Trea- U2 to Billy Joel. The students were so en- sure Cay Primary School emerged victori- thralled by the entertainment that they had a ous overall. Placing second was Heather hard time resisting singing and clapping along Sawyer of Amy Roberts Primary School in with the choir. It was a mutual feeling as the Green Turtle Cay, and third place went to choir felt that the youthful audience responded Aricko Simmons of Fox Town Primary with great appreciation. “Singing for their School. supper” the group found the warmest of wel-

Abaco Marine Props Propellers Reconditioned and Rehubbed Aluminum • Brass • Stainless Marine grade welding on Stainless and Aluminum Sandblasting Phone 367-4276 • Fax 367-4259 across the street from Abaco Outboards in Marsh Harbour

Light Impressions Stop in and see our fine selection Tile Outlet of Wines, Spirits & Beers New Arrivals in Stock NOW! Keep Your House Clean, Cool & Comfortably Stylish With Today’s Ceramics South America • Mexico Spanish • Italian. . . Floor Tiles from 6" x 6" up to 18" x 18" Wall Tiles in 4" x 4" • 6" x 6" • 6" x 8" up to 10" x 16" We stock: Spacers • Caps • Trims • and Accessories 2 New Locations Thin-set • Mastic • Grouts • Saws & Blades Queen Elizabeth Dr., Marsh Harbour Treasure Cay Shopping Centre, Treasure Cay Abaco Shopping Centre • Free estimates Tel: 367-3242 • Free delivery for larger orders Fax: 367-3474 • Special pricing for builders and contractors • Installation also optional Open Monday - Saturday • 9 am - 6 pm Ph: 367-2180 • Fax: 367-5241 Visit us and see over 200 samples on display March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 13 More School News

mowing is under the two picnic benches in tral are unappreciative of the grass because the quadrangle. Sometimes it is hard to even for once the dust problem has disappeared, see the grass and the daily wear and tear of forever, we hope, and also it is much better all those feet has gotten to it. On mornings trampling down grass than walking on rocks. when the night draft has been very heavy, Scholarship Applications classrooms have a path of grass and dirt into their entrances as it sticks on the shoes and Are Available comes in with the students or teachers. By Isobel Sherman Now I am sure this summer, if the grass The new applications for the Bahamas survives, it will grow very high and be very Government Scholarship Loan Scheme are green. Maybe someone will think to put down now available from the Scholarship Unit of some patio stones to make paths to walk on the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. in the quadrangle. After all, it is a known They are also available at the District fact that the closest distance between two Superintendent’s office in Dove Plaza. Dead- points is a straight line. Thus getting to vari- line for the return is June 1, 2002. ous classes, the easiest and shortest way is This painting of a Cardinal Soldierfish was done by Fetty Anastin, a 12th grade student at walking across the quadrangle. S.C. Bootle High School in Cooper’s Town. The students are discovering how they can Now do not think that we at Abaco Cen- develop their talents and use them to make money. They have many ideas, several which are already proving to be successful. In their first game playing in Pool 4 the School From Page 12 Abaco Central team, the Marlins, defeated Alpha Omega from Freeport by a score of Located in Memorial Shopping Plaza Central Abaco 30-35. Marlins coach Kevin Rolle told Phil Primary School Smith of ZNS sports that the Marlin team Laine’s Kurls & Kuts had too many turnovers which he hoped would “A Unisex Salon” General PTA Meeting Is Held be corrected in their next game. The Abaco Central team traveled to Matrix, Paul Mitchell and Nexus Products and Accessories By Anita Rolle Nassau with coach Kevin Rolle and assis- Elaine Summerville, Manager A general PTA meeting was held on Feb- tant coach Charles Poitier. The boys had to ruary 12 at the Central Abaco Primary raise the money to go to the tournament them- Mon. - Sat • 9 am - 5 pm • Phone 367-3623 School. Items of discussion included fund selves, a cost of $250 per team member. raising ideas, mid-term break and registra- International Day tion for the next school term. An Environ- The third Annual International Food Day ment Enhancing Committee has been estab- will be celebrated at Abaco Central High lished at the school and plans are underway School on March 15. Once celebrated as for the development of the area at the front Commonwealth Day, it was decided to in- A & W TRAVEL of the school compound. clude countries that were not members of Election of Officers for the year was also the Commonwealth. Travel is our business held. The new slate of officers is as follows: The day will start with a parade of na- President, Mr. Quentin Bastian; Vice-Presi- tions followed by a special assembly and then dent, Ms. Maryann Dixon; Treasurer, Mr. exhibits from each country will open. Food Cleophas Cooper; Secretary, Ms. Anita from each country will be for sale as well as Rolle; Assistant Secretary, Ms. Sandy We’ll get you where you want to go.... items on display indigenous to each country. Bootle; Chaplain, Pastor Keith Russell. Countries which will be represented will The school is appealing to all parents of be The Bahamas, United States, France, the school to become more active in the PTA Great Britain, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, as there are big plans for the future of Cen- and Argentina. All residents and tourists in tral Abaco Primary School and each parent’s Abaco are invited. assistance is necessary in bringing theses Is the Grass Green? plans to fruition. Also in attendance at the Everyone was happy to see sod put on the meeting was Mrs. Valerie Whylly, the newly SUB AGENTS Abaco Shopping Centre appointed Speech Pathologist to Abaco. quadrangle at Abaco Central High School. We were told that this was a special sod used Hope Town - 366-0100 P.O. Box AB-20283 Man-O-War - 356-6048 Marsh Harbour, Abaco Abaco Central on golf courses so it could take the wear and Treasure Cay - 365-8507 Tel: (242) 367-2806/2577 High School tear of approximately 500 pairs of feet walk- Green Turtle - 365-4140 Fax: (242) 367-3219 ing on it many times during the day. Marlins Win First Game Let me say that the only place which needs By Isobel Sherman Basketball teams from Abaco Central and S.C. Bootle High School will be traveled to Nassau on February 21 to participate at the Hugh Campbell Basketball Tournament. S.C. Bootle High played in Pool 3 and Abaco Cen- tral played in pool 4.

erlin s Marine Electronics formerly Triple J Marine Electronics Factory authorized Sales, Service and Repairs of:


Raymarine Xantrex, Balmar and others F.C.C. Licensed, Factory Trained Technician Now Located atop The Jib Room at Marsh Harbour Marina

Tel: (242) 367-2163 Fax:(242)367-3388 e-mail: [email protected] Monitoring VHF CH16 Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Page 14 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 North Abaco News Treasure Cay Yard Sale of North Abaco from Treasure Cay to Little Abaco. As the area of coverage is extensive, By Bill and Salli Ann Schiffmacher a second truck will be purchased at a later The Annual Treasure Cay Yard Sale will date, one to cover Treasure Cay to Cooper’s be held on March 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Town and the second one to cover all settle- This is always a fun event, especially with ments north of Cooper’s Town. Presently, the all the local Bahamian dishes and bake goods fire engine committee is searching for an available. appropriate vehicle. Anyone is welcome to bring items to sell. So far eight volunteers are in place. First Donated items to benefit the Rose Mary Responder Sarone Kennedy conducted a First Roberts Library can be dropped off at the Responder Course in Treasure Cay last Sep- library or picked up by Jerry Roberts at 365- tember. It is hoped that some of the partici- 8474. The Library will also host an Open pants will express an interest in manning the House to show off the new addition. There trucks. Plans for a new Administration will be books for sale, and a few unique si- complex in Cooper’s Town are well under- lent auction items to bid on. way. Hopefully space for a fire station for Goal for Fire Engine Is Met the new fire engine will be factored into the new design. By Stephanie Humbelstone Administrator Ferguson has given support The Fire Engine Committee of North to fund raising efforts and has acted through- Abaco now has enough funds to purchase the out in an advisory capacity to the Fire En- long-awaited fire truck reported Mr. Ivan gine Committee. Committee members are Ferguson, Administrator for North Abaco. Chairman, Father McKenzie; Deputy Chair- “We are grateful for the many sponsors and man, Everette Bootle; Treasurer, Eric The Treasure Cay sewer plant has serious problems which are not being addressed accord- especially to corporate Marsh Harbour who Bootle; and Secretary, Nadine Rolle. ing to some residents there. Some of the equipment is not operational. Shown above is one of gave willingly,” said Mr Ferguson. the lift stations surrounded by a pool of raw sewage. At this time the Treasure Cay Resort is Initially the fire truck will serve the whole responsible for the water and the sewer systems. The Bahamas government expects to take it over at some point but no date has been set. Obituaries of Friends and Family 30 Boats to choose from All Meticulously Maintained Sheila Walker-Curtis, 35, passed away on at St. Mark’s Baptist Church in Crossing January 23 in Freeport. Her funeral was held Rocks on February 16. Officiating were Rev. Our Customers Get Extra Attention Napoleon Roberts and Rev. Mervin Burrows. Interment was in the Crossing Rocks Public Boats equipped with: Weekly Rates: Cemetery. She is survived by her children Alexia VHF • Bimini Top • Cooler 26’ Paramount $945 Curtis, Alton Jr., Sirvanno and Sheldon Anchor & Lines • Compass 23’ Albury Bros’ $840 Curtis; sisters Learleen Hepburn, Beulah and Dive Ladder • Life Jackets 22’ Boston Whaler $798 Sandy Walker and Ann Coakley; brothers Paddle • Flares • Flashlight 20’ Albury/Hydra $770 Floyd, Charles, Chester and Douglas Walker; Fire Extinguisher • First Aid Kit aunts Elease KcKinney, Effie Walker, 18’ Privateer $560 Francina Russell and Myrtle Carroll; uncle Rates do not include gas Located in Hope Town & Marsh Harbour Call (242) 367-2513 • Fax (242) 367-2516 Charles Carroll; sisters-in-law Carolyn, Mary Open 7 days 8am - 5pm and Yvonne Walker; brother-in-law Frank Hepburn; godfather Deacon Alexander Bain; godmother Mildred McKinney; nieces and nephews and many other relatives and friends including the entire communities of Crossing Rocks and Sandy Point

ABACO INN’S Annual Art Show Luncheon March 16th, 2002

Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Jewellery, Woodwork, Pottery and Glassware all by Local Artists All participants must sign-up no later than March 1st, 2002 To Reserve A Spot! SPECIAL “KIDDY CORNER” BY THE WINNERS OF EACH GRADE ON ABACO Ferries leave Marsh Harbour 10:30 am, 12:15 pm & 2:00 pm Ferries Return to Marsh Harbour 1:30 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm & 5:00 pm Reservations Required for lunch Seatings: 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm & 3:00 pm

Call us for more Information VHF 16 or Phone 366-0133 March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 15 Meeting Discusses Environmental Concerns What Is Speech Therapy and Who By Alice Bain Dr. Huntley Christie, Administrator in Pagliaro, talked about networking between Friends of the Environment held an open Training, delivered a speech in which he all those interested in helping conserve the Needs It? meeting on February 19th at Mangoes Res- described his experience as a Superintendent environment and discussed the proposed ex- By Anita Rolle taurant in Marsh Harbour to gather together for the Ministry of Education on . pansion of the Pelican Cays park to include Speech therapy is a remedial process many people concerned with protecting our Exuma has one of the most developed envi- the mangrove estuary at Snake Cay. which uses a series of activities designed natural heritage. The Ministry of Agricul- ronmental protection programs anywhere in The meeting concluded with the agree- to meet specific needs. Therapy is ad- ture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Tourism, the Bahamas, and Dr. Christie discussed ment that there were many more environ- vised if it is noticed any of the following: the Ministry of Public Works, the Abaco some of the challenges and solutions that have mental projects that need discussion and • A child’s communicating skills are not Chamber of Commerce, the Bahamas Na- been implemented there. implementation. Friends of the Environment as intelligible as that of other children tional Trust and the Bahamas Marine Mam- Among other things, the government has has decided to hold a further, day-long ses- • A child’s verbal communication with mal Survey were all represented along with stationed wardens around the Exuma Sea Park sion in the near future. A date for this will others is not at an appropriate level various business people in the retail, agri- to ensure compliance of the laws there, and be announced as soon as it has been set. All • If there is inadequate verbal content for cultural and hospitality sectors. those areas are patrolled daily. Dr. Christie persons interested in environmental preser- a good exchange of ideas. After a welcome from the president of spoke about the importance of educating the vation are invited to attend. It is advisable that children who have Friends of the Environment, Lory Kenyon, youth and instilling in them a pride in the difficulty communicating effectively with attendees enjoyed a buffet lunch while lis- beauty of our natural surroundings. others receive speech therapy. This could tening to comments by Frank Kenyon, the Following this, the vice president of result from disorders of phonology, ar- Chairman of Friends of the Environment. Friends of the Environment, Erin Lowe- ticulation, hearing, language, voice or flu- ency.

CURRY’S FOOD STORE Customer docking Homemade bread Complete line of groceries Frozen foods, fresh fruits & vegetables Block & crushed ice Located on the harbour front Green Turtle Cay Ph. 242-365-4171 Fax 365-4072

Friends of the Environment, an educational conservation organization based in Hope Town, held a meeting in Marsh Harbour with many persons interested in preserving the environ- AAAvailable atatvailable at ment. It was held at Mangoes Restaurant on February 19. Guest speaker was Dr. Huntley Christie, Administrator in training, who told the group of the conservation efforts on Exuma DOLPHIN MARINE where he lived for many years. Green Turtle Cay • 242-365-4262

THE OUTBOARD SHOP Guana Freight Services Marsh Harbour • 242-367-2703 Regular Freight Runs to Guana & Scotland Cay Full Range of Reliable Johnson & Advanced Evinrude ISLAND MARINE Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays 2 HP thru 250 HP Motors in Stock at Lower than U.S. Prices Parrot Cay • 242-366-0282 Charters & Water available on request Ask about our TWO YEAR WARRANTY Ph/Fax 242-365-5190 SEA HORSE MARINE Great Guana Cay, Full Range of Hope Town • 242-366-0023 Abaco Johnson & Evinrude Parts in Stock Call Rich or Factory Trained ROBERTS MARINE Melena Mechanics & Reliable Service Green Turtle Cay • 242-365-4249

Bluff House Beach Hotel Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Rich’s Boat Rentals Bahamian Special “Abaco’s Best Rental Fleet” At the Head of the Harbour Inviting all Bahamians to take advantage of this great offer!

Rental Rates Daily 3-day Weekly 21’ Paramount per couple $100 $270 $595 26’ Paramount .00* $150 $380 $850 per night Fishing & Snorkeling Gear Residents or citizens with proper ID Bait, Ice & Guides $99 Call 367-2742 Includes: Dinner, Breakfast and Accommodation P.O. Box AB 20419, Marsh Harbour in a Split Level Suite for Two *Not Included: Transportation, Gratuity on food and beverages, Service Charge and Tax on Rooms Tel: 242-365-4247 or Fax: 242-365-4248 online: E-mail: [email protected] Page 16 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Business Briefs Plans Are Underway for

New Restaurant Opens Mrs. Sawyer kept all of the Flipper’s staff, the All Abaco Regatta two chefs, Willie Saunders from Wood Cay By Stephanie Humblestone Abaconians are eagerly looking forward entertain the crowd throughout the regatta. Katie’s, a new restaurant which opened who is known as “Uncle Willie,” Steve Dar- to its 2002 Regatta and Homecoming festi- ville from Freeport.”Everyone seems pleased As for sloop sailing, organizers agreed to on February 11th in Memorial Plaza, is a val schedule for September 19th thru 21st. follow the same model as was used last year. first time venture for Pauline Sawyer, who with the food,” said Mrs. Sawyer, who praises So successful was last year’s regatta that her staff. Only top performers in major regattas will is known to friends as “Katie.” committee members enthusiastically adopted be invited to participate, those from the All Although Mrs. Sawyer has never managed Katie’s is open seven days a week from 8 the Let’s Do It Again theme for this year’s a.m to 11.a.m for breakfast and from 11.30 Exuma Regatta, the National Family Island a restaurant, she decided to take over the native sloop sailing events. The All Abaco Regatta, the Long Island Regatta and the site when Flippers closed down. She took on a.m to 3 for lunch. Dinner is six nights a Regatta will take place off the Treasure Cay week from 6-9 p.m. At the moment Sunday Regatta. the enterprise with optimism and an equal ferry dock. Organizers are busy tuning the The committee takes this opportunity to amount of energy. is the night she is closed. “We are opening plans for this year’s regatta which premises on Sundays for breakfast and lunch due to invite regatta enthusiasts to put September With family support and enthusiasm, she to be the Regatta of All Regattas. 19 -21 on their travel agenda. opened on schedule and since then she says popular demand,” said Pauline. According to Island Administrator, Mr. she has been busy. She describes the menu Cleaning Service Opens Everett Hart, this year’s regatta promises to as traditional Bahamian and varied. She has be nothing short of spectacular featuring the Ads in homemade buns for the burgers and a wide Steam Dry, a cleaning company, has opened in Marsh Harbour. They specialize islands finest dishes, outstanding perfor- variety of sandwiches. Evening meals, which mances and impressive sailing competition. are served in a candlelight setting, include in cleaning carpets, furniture, tile and drap- The Abaconian ery cleaning as well as commercial office The Treasure Cay ferry dock is expected to steak and fish of the day catches. Katie’s come alive with the sounds of goat skin drums serves liquor only with meals. cleaning and yacht cleaning. The residential Bring Results agent is Mike Malone of Island Development and cowbells on Thursday, the opening night. Medical Specialists Consultants at 367-5250/1 and Commercial A number of local and outside groups will Agent is William Davis at 367-2179. Visit Abaco UPS Changes Agent By Isobel Sherman By Isobel Sherman Abaco Medical Clinic has a list of specialists United Parcel Service, more commonly Building Materials who regularly visit monthly. Dr. Timothy Barrett, known as UPS, announced that Pinder’s Cus- Windows & Doors psychiatrist, comes the second Thursday of ev- tom Brokerage in Nassau will be their agent ery month. Dr. Patrick Cargill, cardiologist, Flooring & Roofing in the Bahamas. On Abaco Frederick’s comes one Friday every month. Dr. Walter Agency in Marsh Harbour will be handling Bathroom & Gibson, ear, nose and throat specialist, comes UPS. The service will be the same as it has one Saturday every month. Kitchen Cabinets been previously with packages going to the Also visitng monthly is ultrasonographer, Sonia States through Freeport. Plumbing Fixtures Paints Artwell. She will be here on March 17. Mas- GWS, which had the contract to handle sage therapist Karen Lane is available by ap- Lighting Fixtures UPS up until now, has become the agent for pointment during each week. Electrical Items TNT Express Shipping. TNT is well known All of the above can be seen by making an Close to the Port • Deliveries Arranged throughout Europe. According to Jeffrey Coo- Hand & Power Tools appointment by calling 367-4240. per, manager of the Abaco GWS office, they Phone 561-627-9555 Dr. Bland is available Monday through Sat- Garden Supplies & More will be having TNT shipping daily Monday Fax 561-625-3366 urday from 9 to 5 and Dr. Lundy is here regu- through Friday. TNT will pick up packages 3860 N. Lake Blvd. larly during the month. Call the office for her in the U.S. shipped by TNT. Lake Park (West Palm Beach) Call for your free catalog schedule.

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A DIVISION OF ABACO MARKETS LTD. Don MacKay Blvd. Marsh Harbour, Abaco CCCOLINAOLINAOLINA One block west of Tel: (242) 367-2020/8 INSURANCE Barclays Bank in Fax: (242) 367-2242 Tel: (242) 367-4391/3 Marsh Harbour. Fax: (242) 367-4392 March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 17

SPECIALS GOOD MAR. 1st - MAR. 31st, 2002 Visit one of our Stores for our U n a d v e r t i s e d W e e k l y S p e c i a l s Jams Water 18oz Smuckers Strawberry Pres. $3.49 16.9oz Viva Water $ .69

Spaghetti & Meatballs Condiments 14.7oz F.A. Spaghetti & Meatballs 2/$2.99 14oz Heinz Ketchup Glass $1.09 Treasure Cay Shopping Centre 18oz Kraft Honey BBQ Sauce $1.79 Tel (242)-365-8350 • Fax (242) 365-8352 16oz Chi Chi’s Salsa Mild $2.79 Soups 10.8oz Campbells Chky. Veg. Soup $1.29 Canned Meat 10.5oz Campbells Chicken & Rice Soup $1.09 5oz Armour Vienna Sausage 3/$1.69 Cereals 12oz Super Toro Corned Beef $1.15 Sawyer’s Building, Don MacKay Blvd. 12oz Spam w/ Tabasco Sauce $2.79 Tel: (242) 367-2044/5 • Fax: (242) 367-2059 19.5oz Kelloggs Corn Pops $4.99

Canned Tuna S U P E R S P E C I A Canned Milks 4/ 6oz s/k Chk Lt Tuna in Water $2.99 L SSL 2/ 6oz s/k Chk Lt Tuna in Oil 4/$2.99 L SSL 397gr Distinction Cond. Milk $1.39 32oz Hellmans Mayonnaise 410gr Distinction Evap. Milk 2/$1.19 $2.89 Canned Veggies Macaroni & Cheese 6pk Nutri Malt 16oz Bush Pinto Beans $ .79 7.25oz Kraft Mac & Cheese 2/$1.69 15oz Libby’s Whole Kernel Corn $ .79 $3.99 14.5oz Veg-All Cut Green Beans $ .79 15oz Best Yet Tomato Sauce $ .99 Sugar & Flour 1 Gal O/S Cran Raspberry 5# Robin Hood Flour 2/$2.29 or Cran Apple 4# Jack Frost Sugar 2/$2.49 Canned Fruits $7.99 15.2oz D.M. Sliced Peaches 2/$2.99 Baking Goods 20lbs Riceland Rice 18.5oz D.H. Yellow Cake Mix $1.75 Fruit Juices $6.99 11.5oz O/spray Fruit Punch 3/$1.00 Tin Foil 11.5oz B.B. Apple Juice 3/$1.85 37.5ft Ultra Foil $ 1 . 3 9 46oz D.M. Pineapple Juice 2/$4.99 5lbs Riceland Parboiled Rice 49 $2. Paper Products Citrus Squeeze 12 Roll Charmin Ultra White $5.99 14oz GM Honey Nut Cheerios 4pk Soft & Gentle B/R Tissue $1.69 8pk Florida, California or Fruit Punch & Lucky Charms $1.99 1 Roll Bounty Towels Des/Dec $1.79 $4.59 3 Roll Brawny Towels $4.99 Tang Pouches 1 Roll So Dri Towels Cleaning Products 10pk Orange, Fruit Frenzy or Cherry Craze $3.99 $ .89 32oz Xtra Lemon Antibacterial Clr $2.69 1 Gal Best Yet Bleach $2.99 40oz Downy Sunrise $6.79 Malts 25ft Ultra Foil $ .69 78oz Gain Ultra2 Powder 40 use $6.29 6pk Mega Malt Cans $3.99 25oz Joy Liquid $2.79

Quantity Rights Reserved Page 18 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Viewpoint It’s a Disaster Waiting to Happen By Alice Bain disasters? Why do we even want to watch haps, perhaps. I think this is an aspect of always were. There is no reprieve from the It’s one of those alarming things that will these things anyway? it, but it’s much more complex than just learning curve, no magic bullet. keep you up at night if you let it. Cumbre Well, the expansion in scale of the di- the yearning to be jolted out of our ruts. Real change takes time. And as to Bruce Vieja is a volcano on the island of La Palma sasters shown can be put to two phenom- Hollywood turns catastrophes into bed- and his sexy starlet saving us all from the in the Canary Islands, thousands of miles ena: 1) the rise of a more global conscious- time stories. In reality, a 150-foot wall of Big Bad Volcano—in real life disaster aver- away on the other side of the Atlantic. This ness due to increased commerce and com- water bearing down on The Bahamas would sion involves a much larger, long-term in- volcano, like all island volcanoes, will col- munications and 2) Hollywood’s endless most probably kill all of us. In the movies volvement. Real heroism is a subtle thing. lapse eventually and it is possible that when quest for bigger and better bangs. I would Bruce Willis and a beautiful-but-brainless When Mount St. Helens blew its top in it does, a single huge chunk of rock—some- bet that it has more to do with the second starlet would miraculously survive the 1980, residents of the area were fore- thing like one and a half times the volume of point than the first. Why show a single 747 onslaught and go about putting things right warned and evacuated based on evidence rock contained in all the Abaco islands put going down? Why not an entire fleet? again—or better yet, they would learn of gathered by teams of geologists stationed together—may fall into the sea all at once. BANG! BAM! BOOM! Cumbre Vieja’s impending collapse and, on the mountain—regular people just do- The dome of water raised by this gargan- The problem with this is that in quest- fighting against a shadowy monolithic mili- ing their jobs. tuan splash would initially be as tall as 900 ing for larger and larger catastrophes we tary/economic complex (based in Asia and At the present time, as far as I can gather, meters—close to 3,000 feet—and the wave lose the significant impact that a cata- determined to rise to global domination there is no way to avert any possible col- it produced (a tsunami wave, often incor- strophic situation has on a human indi- after the downfall of the Atlantic powers), lapse of Cumbre Vieja. When I make my rectly called a tidal wave) would be travel- vidual. When we saw airplanes flying into they would steal the plans to a secret in- first billion, I plan to hire a geologist and an ing across the Atlantic towards us at the in- the World Trade Center on television, vention that would save us all . . . See, in engineer and build them both houses on that credible speed of 600 mph. At this rate, the didn’t it feel like a movie? The trauma the end, the people who matter always volcano where they can live and spend their wave would take around seven hours to reach had an odd dislocation to it—here was a survive, or at least they die heroically and lives researching mitigation measures. Un- us and would still be up to 50 meters (about disaster movie made real. Television is live on in legend. So we go to sleep at til that time I will sleep soundly every night 160 feet) tall when it broke over Abaco. the home of the unreal, and our experi- night thinking, “Oh, it’s OK, Bruce will knowing that I have a far greater chance of The scale of this concept is ridiculous. ence was cheapened by our position on the save us!” being mauled in a road accident precipitated One fails to even be able to grasp it fully. outside of the television set. There was Perhaps, it also has to do with replacing by our still-absent traffic light than drown- The entire eastern seaboard of the United great talk in Hollywood directly after 9/ our real worries with fictional ones that are ing in a massive tsunami wave. States would be laid to waste along with the 11 about toning down explosions and gra- more easily dealt with because they’re not Bahamas, the Greater and Lesser Antilles tuitous slaughter in the movie industry. If our responsibility. “Oh, I can’t make my loan Civic Organizations and much of the northern and eastern shores any real change comes of this, I will be payment this month, but that’s small pota- of South America. Saharan Africa would see greatly surprised. toes because the Earth could get hit by a Kiwanis Club of Greater Abaco waves up to 100 meters tall and smaller tsu- There is something almost voyeuristic massive asteroid and then it wouldn’t mat- Tuesday, 7 p.m., weekly at Touch of namis would flood the Atlantic coasts of Brit- about having too keen an interest in other ter.” The problem with all of these attitudes Class, Treasure Cay, 367-2536 ain, Spain, Portugal and France, not to men- people’s tragedies. This brings us to the is that they don’t help us deal with REAL Pilot Club tion sinking every boat and ship in the At- other question—why do we have such an disasters. The workers laboring in the pit at Third Tuesday, 7 p.m., Central Abaco lantic Ocean! interest in the first place? Why do movies Ground Zero don’t feel heroic and special Primary, Dundas Town, 367-3457 This is true Disaster Movie fodder. Bruce like Armageddon draw such a large audi- every day, they’re just doing a very difficult Rotary Club of Abaco Willis is probably reviewing a screenplay ence? One friend of mine has suggested job that needs doing—one that I bet they’ll Mondays, 6 p.m., weekly at Bayview based on this concept at this very moment. that people are drawn to tragedy because be glad to finish and forget. After the catas- Restaurant, Dundas Town, 367-3114 Disaster movies have come in and out of secretly they crave it. A catastrophe of trophe, either you’re dead or life goes on— fashion over the decades, but their scope has the right scale (i.e. one that does not in- and you’re basically the same person you lately been increasing. clude you, personally, dying) gives the in- Whereas in the 1970s audiences were dividual the chance to break out of an or- thrilled by Towering Inferno, Jaws and Air- dered life and overcome the dull routine port—movies in which the disaster was highly of day-to-day living. So it’s Monday? Who CJ’s Welding & Machine Shop localized—at the millennium we are watch- cares! The Aliens have landed! We are all Aluminum, Stainless & Black Iron Welding ing the likes of Independence Day and Deep heroes in our secret hearts, he says, and Impact—catastrophes on a global scale. we’re waiting for the right circumstance What’s going on here? What fixates us about to give us a chance to really shine. Per- • Custom Fabrication & Repairs • Fuel & Water Tanks • Gates, Railings, Grills • Outboard Brackets • Decorative Security Bars • Outboard Motor Boring & Resleeving P.O. Box AB 20872 Freddy Albury • Marine ItemsItems• Marsh Harbour Drill Rig 242-367-4769 • Cylinder Head Resurfacing Abaco, Bahamas Brandon Thompson • Boat T-Tops, Bimini Tops, & Trailers • Shaft, Rudder, Strut Fabrication & Repair Email: [email protected] Dock Construction 242-367-2704 • Shaft, Rudder, Strut Fabrication & Repair Boat Lift Sales Fax: 367-2704 On the waterfront at the end of Key Club Rd. Quality Marsh Harbour - Phones: 367-4011 or 367-4879 Fax: 367-4018 BOABOABOAT LIFTS INC. We offer a variety of boat lifts From personal water craft lifts These lifts are made of top grade aluminum to lifts ou to 54,000 lbs. and stainless steel to maintain their finish and Call for information and a quote, strength in our saltwater environment. • Charters • Search & Rescue • Air Ambulance • 5, 7, 9 Seat Aircraft • 15 Seat Turbo Prop Located on Beautiful DAILY FLIGHTS BETWEEN Great Guana Cay, ABACO & FREEPORT Abaco, Bahamas Route Freq. Dep. Time Arr. Time Freeport to Treasure Cay Daily 0700 0735 Fri-Sun 1630 1705 Treasure Cay to Freeport Daily 0750 0825 Fri-Sun 1720 1755 Freeport to Marsh Harbour Daily 0700 0745 Fri-Sun 1600 1645 Marsh Harbour to Freeport Daily 0800 0845 Fri-Sun 1700 1745 Gift Shop and Laundromat Freeport to Sandy Point Fri-Sun 1230 1300 3 Villas, 2 bedroom, 1 baths • Fully furnished kitchen Sandy Point to Freeport Fri-Sun 1250 1325 1 bedroom queen, 1 bedroom 2 singles • Sitting area queen futon • Dining area seats 6 Moores Island to Freeport Fri-Sun 1335 1420 All units fully furnished, Central a/c• Sattelite TV, Radio/CD/Tape Player Freeport to Walkers Cay Daily 0700 Tue/Fri/Sun Pm Flight Outside BBQ with your own private balcony • overlooking the harbour • Pool Call 242-352-5778 • 242-359-4722 • 242-352-5781 Sea Shore Villas Sea Shore Villas Sea Shore Villas Sea Shore Villas Sea Shore Villas Sea Shore Villas Tel: (242) 365-5028 • Fax: (242) 365-5083 Fax 242-352-5778 • Freeport International Airport e-mail: [email protected] March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 19 Club News Scouting News “Y” are beyond the reach of many parents. reception on February 18 at Joyce Coleby’s nize the efforts of Don and Julie Van Beck With the aim of helping our Abaco youth residence on Pelican Shores. The reception on behalf of the yacht club. There were 123 Cub Pack Launch Fund Drive experience this positive program, we are was in honour of President Elect of Pilot In- members in attendance for the buffet dinner The 1st Abaco Cub Scout Pack has conducting our annual raffle ticket sale with ternational, Mrs. Jeannie Parson, who was and dancing. Highlight of the evening was launched its second annual fund drive. The the drawing to be held on March l6. We visiting Abaco. the awarding of 53 door prizes. Committee purpose is to raise sufficient money to help welcome any direct donations which may be M.H. Yacht Club Chairperson Roberta Burrows from the S/V Abaco Cub Scouts attend Camp McConnell, made to the 1st Abaco Cub Pack at Royal Northern Sun, reported that the “golden old- By Don Van Beck, Commodore a YMCA facility in Gainesville, Florida. Bank. We thank you and give a “Cub cheer” ies” music played by Jerrod Albury kept the The Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club held Activities at the camp such as horseback to the Abaco community for all their sup- party dancing and in a festive mood. The its first annual Commodore’s Ball on Febru- riding, rock climbing and archery are not port. committee for this event was Diane Gower, ary 22 at the Abaco Beach Resort to recog- available on Abaco. These sports plus the Pilot Club Cinci Davis, Pam Mitchell, Carolyn Kins- opportunity to meet new people and discover man and Fred Gassman. a new area were well enjoyed by the ten Cubs Valentine Treat Is Offered The yacht club has contributed recently to who attended the camp last year. The physi- By Isobel Sherman the fire works display and the Donations cal, moral and spiritual development of young The Pilot Club of Abaco provided a Val- Committee will be meeting next week to people is the primary goal of the worldwide entine treat for the students in the Every consider additional contributions for this year. Scouting organization. Child Counts program at St. Frances de Sales Rotary Club Due to the high cost of transportation, the School. The students were treated to a movie fees of even a modest summer camp like the on February 17 at RND Cinemas. 44 Golfers Tee it up for The The Pilot Club of Abaco hosted a dinner Rotary Club of Abaco Forty-four golfers paid $100 each on Janu- ary 26 to participate in the First Annual The Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club held a Rotary Abaco Golf Tournament at the Trea- Commodore’s Ball on February 22 at Abaco sure Cay Golf Course. Thanks to generous Beach Resort. Shown above is Commodore sponsors, all of the entry fees will go to the Don Van Beck and his wife. The ball was in his honour to acknowledge his work with the Please see Club News Page 30 club. Guana Harbour Grocery


Mon - Thurs • 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fri & Sat 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Pilot Club of Abaco held an installation ceremony for four new members on February Closed Sundays & Holidays 18. Guest speaker for the evening was Ms. Jeanie Parson from Montana who is the Presi- Tel: 365-5067 . Fax: 365-5180 . VHF ch. 16 dent Elect of Pilot Clubs International. Shown above are Ms. Joyce Colbey, Ms. Parson, Island Administrator Everette Hart and Ms. Neulessa Major.

Marsh Harbour Boat Yard Full Service Boat Yard 85-ton Acme Boat Lift

- Daily Service - Marsh Harbour Treasure Cay Freeport Daytona Beach Melbourne Orlando Intl. Florida Keys

Services include: • Short & long term haul-out (up to 24.5’ beam) • Hydraulic trailer for lifting small vessels • Aluminum & stainless steel fabrication & repairs • Welding & machine shop (CJ’s Welding on site) • Bottom cleaning & painting • Blister prevention & repair • Fiberglass & gel coat repairs Regardless of the destination, Please Call Us • Hydraulic hoses and fittings Today to quote Your Next Trip at: • Mechanical repairs 1-242-367-4852 or 1-242-365-8852 • Well stocked marine store (Marsh Harbour Terminal) (Treasure Cay Terminal) (incorporating Triple J Marine Store) 1-800-852-0275 (U.S. Only) (386) 423-1773 • Fax (386) 423-1774 For more information contact E-mail: [email protected] Laurence Higgs or Ian Carroll Tel: 242-367-5205 • Fax 242-367-4018 Email: [email protected] CHECK OUR WEBSITE BEFORE YOU PLAN YOUR NEXT TRIP Page 20 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Local Government at Work The Chief Councillor authorized $600 for had been approved earlier but recent con- Members gave their approval although the emergency repairs to the toilets at the air- struction was noted to be of concrete which project must be approved by Nassau due to port and had Council to ratify this expense. is not allowed. Further investigation will be the size and complexity. Cen. Abaco Town Planning 21 January 02 A request from Tourism to use Crossing made. Only wooden buildings are allowed as A letter of complaint was read from a Beach for four fish fries, April 19 and 26, it is not intended that agricultural land be Eight plans totaling $960,515 in value were Government Subdivision homeowner who felt May 3 and 10, was approved if Tourism will converted for residential use. posted for review. the nearby arrival of a small wooden resi- confirm they have budgeted funds to clean The Detour Night Club built an outside The Calcutta / Stede Bonnet Road was dence devalued his property. Plans and an the area after each event. It was suggested enclosed open deck without any roof or cover. discussed and it was pointed out that the Su- application will be requested of the owners that Tourism require the vendors to clean A permit application was submitted to re- preme Court fount it to be a public road in of the moved house to detail the exterior reno- the area since they are the ones benefitting quest permission. It was disclosed that pa- 1990. vations they have planned. These are be- financially. trons frequently went outside for a bit of quiet A letter will be written requiring that a lieved to include new siding and windows, a Funds were diverted to cover the replace- and fresh air but were then subject to legal set of heavy poles beside the road be moved new roof and a front porch. ment cost of an air conditioner at the gov- harassment for loitering. This enclosed deck inland to allow a normal width to be paved. Letters were read from Building Inspec- ernment clinic. allows patrons to take their food or drink Included is a request for the land owner to tor Ed Laroda who advised three building A request by the Marsh Harbour Com- outside but still be within the confines of the submit a permit request and pay the appro- owners to either repair or demolish derelict mittee for assistance with a $1524 water bill premises. It was approved. priate fee for the allowed poles which con- buildings within 28 days. One building at the at the airport circle was considered. The Forty pages of detailed plans were pre- stitute a form of fencing. airport has been in a ramshackle condition amount is excessive for one faucet and care- sented for the new 45,000 square foot two Chad Sawyer was given approval in prin- since Hurricane Floyd in September 1999. ful investigation did not disclose any leaks. story government administrative complex. ciple to add a 4,600 square foot addition to A token payment will be made and further the Price Right grocery store on Stratton payment may be made in June when numbers Drive. concluding this year’s expenses are reviewed. Marsh Harbour Committee 5 February 02 The Architects Act and the Local Gov- ernment Act were compared and it was con- The same budget is being submitted as last cluded that Architectural Technician Ryan year with an additional amount for garbage Archer can continue to design two story resi- collection in Sweeting’s Tract and an allow- dences as he did before the two Acts came 16 x 20 Storage Units and Yard Space ance for parks and recreational areas. into force. SECURITY The Works Department has issued letters Trucks • Cars • Boats • Etc. to owners of three derelict buildings to have Cen. Abaco Town Planning 25 February 02 them demolished within 28 days. Ph: (242) 367-2414 Four applications were reviewed for an P.O. Box AB-20504 • Marsh Harbour • Abaco • Bahamas Central Abaco Council 21 February 02 estimated construction value of $289,990. Two residents of Eastern Shores were given The meeting opened with the Chief Coun- permission to build a duplex on a lot in Dundas cillor Silbert Mills concerned that the check Town. This is for two documented Haitians signing protocol was not being observed as AAAuto PPuto ararartststs ....Practical and their families who work as a maids and the Deputy Chief Councillor had recently Affordable... gardeners on Eastern Shore. The request had & signed a check. . Administrator Hart ex- ....Versatile been approved by the Foreign Investment plained that once a check is prepared for sig- SerSerServicevicevice Functional... Board in Nassau. natures accompanied with a proper authori- ....Safe! A small car rental office was approved on CenterCenterCenter zation by the Chief Councillor, any of those 5,000 square feet of land adjacent to the lot authorized to sign is acceptable. Global Electric Motorcars, LLC used by Harbour View Marina for parking. A Subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Dundas Town and Murphy Town budgets We specialize in keeping old A lease clarified the location and two com- A low speed vehicle engineered for both street and turf, will be submitted as prepared last year with cars running like new with our mittee members had visited the site to de- with a street speed of 25 mph. Model E825/LSV includes no increases. Marsh Harbour will ask for an termine that parking for the marina was not large parts inventory. If we don’t • Four wheel hydraulic brakes •Full exterior lighting • 72 additional $10,000 for garbage collection in compromised. have it, we get air deliveries the Sweeting Tract and $7200 for park and volt low maintenance battery system A relative of a landowner on the water- playground maintenance. twice weekly from the U.S. Beginning at $9,960 front road connecting Calcutta and the Stede Members expect they may have to re-pri- Located downtown behind Bonnet Road was invited to make a state- oritize their town work schedules as the na- the SHELL Marsh Harbour Ser- ment to the Committee. She wanted the road tional economy may require across-the-board work to be stopped as the road was on pri- vice Station. cuts. In that case, the Council will have to vate property. She acknowledged that histori- rework the figures. cally a footpath followed this route but it was Call for information Councillors were advised that College of not a roadway. It was explained that this Ask for Heath the Bahamas students will arrive March 8 matter was not on the agenda and in any event for a study of local government (242) 367-2840 this body did not have authority over this is- Mon - Sat • 8 am to 5:30 pm sue. Legal remedies were suggested. BASRA Promotes A wooden building on leased farm land

Marine Safety Windows & By Stephanie Humblestone Shutters BASRA (Bahamas Air Sea Rescue) is the Abaco Hardware only search and rescue organisation in the Bahamas. With a growing interest in both fffor ContrContror actoractoractors & Homeownerwnerwnersss boating and flying the demands on the Cabinets organisation are growing. BASRA is a 24- Appliances hour service which provides fast, efficient Lumber and professional care to those in distress. Tools BASRA issues advice to boaters to Plumbing Electrical Supplies minimise accessing emergency services, such as BASRA. Always give a full description of your boat and a float plan to a responsible Building person before setting off on a journey. Never Lawn fail to check the fuel before leaving port. Furniture Hardware Make sure that there is at least one life jacket Marine ProductsPaints Supplies per person on board. Access the local and Grills international radio stations for weather up- Fencing dates. In the event of unsettled weather, stop Fixtures at the nearest port or landfall. Beware of night time boating, especially if you are un- Mon - Fri 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. familiar with the waters. Lumber & Sat. 7 a.m. to 12 Noon Dave Gale, who headed BASRA Abaco Plywood Tel: 242-367-2170 for many years, is now in charge of fund rais- Tools ing and public relations. BASRA is a volun- Plumbing & teer organisation which was founded in Nassau in 1960. It has a good working rela- Fixtures Paint tionship with the U.S. Coastguard on whom Fans & they call for long range searches. Lights Membership to BASRA Abaco costs $25 per annum. March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 21

Man reports to police that he gave money to buy drugs. Then the fel- Police Report low disappeared with his money.

As Reported to Stephanie Humblestone carrying unlawful arms and possessing substance in their bedroom. It is believed young man from Marsh Harbour was ar- A Great Guana Cay resident was ac- counterfeit currencies to the amount of that they had an intent to supply. They were rested for disorderly behaviour. He re- cused on January 31 of discharging his shot- $1000. Both suspects were arrested in the given bail and released from police cus- sisted arrest and used obscene language. gun while aiming at a neighbour’s house. area of the Marsh Harbour International tody. Police arrested a young woman in the No injury was reported at the time. Airport. The two men them had over $4000 A young girl residing in the Mud was Mud on February 15 for keeping a shop A resident of Powerline Road in Marsh in cash which is suspected to be stolen. attacked on February 13 by a fellow school without a shop license. Harbour reported on February 1 that his A Pigeon Peas resident was found to student and stabbed in her face and temple A Treasure Cay man complained to po- vehicle, a 1992 Ford Taurus station wagon have in his residence on February 11 five by a jagged bottle which was broken over lice on February 15 that a man from was stolen from his business. The culprit(s) live and four spent .38 rounds of ammuni- her head. The Cooper’s Town, to whom he entrusted the removed a screen from a window to gain tion and approximately 20 grams of mari- assailant was picked up for question- repair of his motorcycle after Hurricane entry into the business. Removed were a juana. The accused was cautioned and ing. The wounded girl was taken to the Floyd in 1999, had returned it and it has portable telephone, two computer disks and placed in a cell. Marsh Harbour Government Clinic. now been painted yellow. the vehicle. The total value is $8000. Three men from Pigeon Peas fled a bushy A Batelco employee reported the theft A Fire Road male resident was arrested A Murphy Town resident reported on area near a residence on February 12 when of cash from the safe in her office at on February 17 for causing harm to a lady February 3 that his storage shed in Bahama police arrived in connection with a reported Batelco in Marsh Harbour on February 14. friend. Palm Shores had been broken into. Stolen theft. After a search the police found a Two cashier bags were stolen from her The police went to the Mud on Febru- were 27 pre-hung windows, two exterior quantity of dangerous drugs wrapped in office which contained cash and vouchers. ary 19 where they found a plastic bag con- steel doors, 100 pieces of 2 x 4, ten sheets plastic. One of the men was detained and Bags assigned to three individuals on the taining a Ruger Pistol. It was located in a of plywood and 11 interior doors which is he and his girl friend were accompanied staff were emptied of cash. One had $380 wooden structure which resembled a a total of $4,684. home where the police discovered one plus cellular phone cards and vouchers, four chicken coop. The serial number had been Police Station reported on gram of marijuana inside the house. They $50 vouchers, 10 $100 vouchers, 15 $20 removed from the pistol. February 3 that Don Kerby Cooper had were questioned and later charged. pre-paid card and three $5 debit cards to- A lady living in Pigeon Peas reported fallen from the stern of the vessel Wonder A Marsh Harbour Haitian national ap- taling $75. Bag #2 had $189.35 of pre-paid on February 21 that she heard a gunshot. Woman while it was anchored off Jack Cay. plied for Bahamian citizenship. Investiga- cards and 30 $1000 vouchers totaling She discovered three of her house windows A search was conducted but with negative tions showed that there was already an ap- $30,000 and 18 $50 vouchers totaling $900 broken. results. plication in the same name and date of altogether totaling $32,604.. A male resident of the Mud complained A Murphy Town female reported on Feb- birth. The suspect was arrested on Febru- While in the vicinity of a local night- on February 21 that a man pulled a black ruary 3 that her brother-in-law threw a ary 12 by Immigration officials. He told club in Marsh Harbour on February 15 a handgun on him and fired from his waist. glass at her injuring her arm. A hospital them that in 1991 he was asked by a man form was issued. if he wanted Bahamian nationality. He was A Marsh Harbour resident of Govern- charged $400 and given a form to com- ment Subdivision reported on February 11 plete. That was four years ago. The man B. FFB. .. GoodrichGoodrich that he had given a resident of Little Or- who sold the document has disappeared. B. FFB. .. GoodrichGoodrich chard money to buy drugs for him. The Enquiries are continuing. supposed purchaser left and has not been A Marsh Harbour couple were arrested seen since. Both persons will be charged. on February 12 for possession of mari- A Nassau resident and a Pigeon Peas juana. The substance was found after a resident were arrested on February 11 for search revealed almost 2 ounces of the

ABACO INN Don’t get caught without a spare! ANNUAL WINE TASTING Visit AID for tires March 15th, 2002 to keep you on the road

Sponsored by MARSH HARBOUR 367-2077 Burns House Group of Companies Nassau 393-7481 - Freeport 352-8071-8 Rock Sound 334-2060 - Nichol’s Town 329-4184 - George Town 336-2780 Dinner Following Reservations Required

A ferry will be arranged for guests travelling from Marsh Harbour for a nominal fee.

For Reservations and Information ROOMS TO GO Contact us via Bella’sFurniture & Accessories VHF 16 or Ph: 366-0133

“Well Done” Water Makers WWWell DoneDoneell carries a complete line of RRReverse Osmosis Desalinators. Sizes start at 100 GPDGPD100 to 20,000 GPDGPD. We can install, service and maintain all of the equipment we sell and drill the neccessary water and drain wells to supply the units. Call us today @ 367-4842 / 367-4841 COMPLETE ROOM PACKAGES Plus Wicker & Rattan for a Beautiful Island Home • BEDROOM • DINNING ROOM • LIVING ROOM “Well Done” Water Well Services Buy a piece & save a little - Professionally drilled water and drain wells We case all of our wells down to the water and use Buy a room & save a lot! Serving all of Abaco including: Professional well screen at the pump levels. Get your well done Guana Cay, Elbow Cay, Man’O’War Cay, today to supply your water maker for your home or business. FormerlyFormerlyFormerly Western Auto Green Turtle Cay and Marsh Harbour. We also sell, service and install water makers Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - noon Call us today @ 367-4841 / 367-4842 Tel: (242) 367-2230 or (242) 367-2300 Fax: (242) 367-2391 Page 22 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Court Report

As Reported to Stephanie Humblestone arrest was issued for Defendant #3. The fendant pleaded not guilty and the matter was The matter was adjourned until February 18. Court Session February 7 matter adjourned until February 12. adjourned until March 21. Ian Knowles of Murphy Town was charged Mark Cornish, Jr., of Sandy Point appeared Staffia Deveaux and Kevin Joseph ap- Donita Thompson of Marsh Harbour was with two counts of assault. He pleaded guilty on the charge of causing harm. The matter peared on a charge of possession of an charged with disorderly behaviour. The de- and the matter was adjourned until February was adjourned until February 14. unlicenced firearm. The matter was ad- fendant was not summoned to appear. 18. A juvenile of Murphy Town was charged journed until March 27 for trial. Vilma Strachan of Spring City was charged Dion Wallace was charged with posses- with driving a motor vehicle without a driver’s Philippa Strachan of Spring City appeared with disorderly behaviour and unlawfully sion of counterfeit notes. The matter was licence. The matter was adjourned. He is to on charges with disorderly behaviour. The causing harm. He was fined $25 or three day’s adjourned until February 18. appear before the juvenile panel. defendant pleaded not guilty and the matter imprisonment on count #1 and $125 or seven Jessica Russell was charged with posses- Harry O’Bevans, Christopher Huyler and was adjourned until March 21. day’s imprisonment on count #2. sion of dangerous drugs. The matter was Virgil Miller were charged with stealing. Donalee Robinson of Spring City appeared Court Session February 14 matter was adjourned until February 18. Defendant #1 and #2 appeared. A warrant of on a charge of disorderly behaviour. The de- Akintunda Sukoma Johnson and Samuel Jean Claude Timothy of Marsh Harbour Neely were charged with shop breaking. The was charged with possession of dangerous matter was adjourned until February 21. drugs with intent to supply. The matter was In a second case of shop breaking, the de- adjourned until February 18. fendants appeared, by the above. This case Lucner Laurent and Jimmy Laurent of Pi- was adjourned until February 21. geon Peas were charged with possession of Mark Cornish of Sandy Point was charged dangerous drugs with intent to supply and with causing harm. The matter was adjourned possession of ammunition. The matter was until February 21. adjourned until February 18. Iphody Simeon of Marsh Harbour was Ian Knowles was charged with assault and charged with causing grievous bodily harm. possession of a dangerous instrument.

Reliable AffordableS K Watermakers, Inc. 4256 North US 1 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34946 150 to 100,000 (561) 489-0852 Gallons Per Day Boaters held a casual art and craft show at the Jib Room on February 23. A variety of Prices Starting Installation available in Abaco by work was displayed including many kinds of needlecraft and crafts using natural materi- at $2,450.00 U.S. Cost als in creative ways.Shown above are, l. to r., Beth Day aboard the Old Hat, Tom Professional Service LTD. O’Brien aboard the Salem, organizer of the event Candie Nilles aboard the Ja-C-Jo and (242) 366-0112 Check out our Website at Terry Wanbaugh aboard the Make Believe. Hope Town, Abaco[;’\/-0


1. DHL (Bahamas) Ltd. 2. The Royal Bank of Canada 3. J S Johnson Co. Ltd. 4. Bahamas Telecommunications Limited Long Driver 5. Shell Bahamas Limited Peter McIntosh 6. Tropical Petroleum Distributors Limited 7. Abaco Markets Limited 8. CIBC Bahamas Limited 9. William Brewer Limited 10. Barclays Bank PLC 11. Abaco Insurance Agency Limited Golfers 12. Insurance Management Bahamas Limited Robert Pinder & 13. Scotiabank (Bahamas) Limited Charlie Cooke 14. Caribbean Bottling Co. (Bahamas) Ltd 15. Myers Rum Company Limited

Thanks also to Ronnie Bootle of the Treasure Cay Golf Course, David Williams and Robert Pinder for their valuable assistance in making the First Annual a big Thanks to Steve success. Pedican for the Rotarians welcoming the golfers and making things run smoothly included excellent Hugh and Sylvia Cottis, George Riviere, Joyce Coleby, Sandra Albury, Reg condition of the Patterson, Mike and Debbie Malone, Bill Lyons and Denise Archer. golf course Watch for the Second Annual in 2003—bigger and better—fun for all and a great opportunity to help our community through Rotary. March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 23 Visitors’ Guide Area code 242 unless listed Restaurants • Services • Transportation Abaco Chamber of Commerce • 367-5822 • Fax 367-5823 • [email protected]

Emergency Services Bonefish Guides Ferry Schedule Departure times shown • Daily unless noted Police (Marsh Harbour) 367-2560 Sandy Point Cherokee Marsh Harb. Volunteer Fire Dept. 367-2000 Albury’s Ferry Service Patrick Roberts ...... 366-4286 Theodore Sawyer ...... 366-2111 Hope Town Volunteer Fire Dept. VHF Ch 16 Marsh Harbour to Hope Town 20 minute trip Nicholas Roberts Will Sawyer ...... 366-2177 Trauma One Ambulance Service 367-2911 ‡7:15 (M-F) 9 am 10:30 12:15 pm 2 4 5:30 Derrick Gaitor Marty Sawyer ...... 366-2115 Dundas Town Fire Dept. 367-2935 or 4935 Hope T. to Marsh Harbour 20 minute trip Ferdinand Burrows .366-4133 Noel Lowe ...... 366-2107 Bah Air Sea Rescue Assoc VHF 16 or 366-0282 8 am 9:45 11:30 1:30 pm 3 4 ‡5 (M-F) Vernal Burrows Junior Albury ...... 366-3058 Marsh Harbour to Man-O-War 20 minute trip Kendall White Hope Town 10:30 am 12:15 pm (M-Sat) 2:30 (M-Sat) 4 5:30 Anthony Bain ...... 366-4107 Maitland Lowe ...... 366-0133 Taxi Cab Fares for one or two passengers Man-O-War to Marsh Harbour 20 minute trip Floyd Burrows ...... 366-4175 North Abaco Plus extra for each passengers above two 8 am 11:30 (M-Sat) 1:30 pm 3:15 (M-Sat) Links Adderly ...... 366-4335 O’Donald McIntosh • Between Marsh Harbour Airport and: Marsh Harbour to Scotland Cay & Guana 30 minute trip Valentino Lightbourne Pope McKenzie ...... 477-5894 Ferry Dock ...... $12.00 + $3 Ricky Burrows ...... 366-4233 Orthnell Russell ...... 365-0125 Abaco Beach Hotel through Golden Harvest $10.00 + $3 ‡6:45 am 10:15 1:15 pm 3:30 5:30 Marsh Harbour Alexander Rolle ...... 365-0120 Dove Plaza to Stop Light ...... $10.00 + $2 Guana & Scotland Cay to Marsh Harbour 30 minute trip Western Auto ...... $ 6.00 + $2 8 am 11:30 2:30 pm 4:45 Buddy Pinder ...... 366-2163 Edward Rolle ...... 365-0024 Gov. freight dock through Dundas Town ...... $10.00 + $3 Fare • OneWay / Round Trip Adult $ 8/$12 Children $4/$6 Jay Sawyer ...... 367-3941 Green Turtle Cay Murphy Town or Pelican Shores ...... $14.00 + $4 Charters any time • Phone 367-3147 or 365-6010 VHF Ch. 16 Justin Sands ...... 367-3526 Ronnie Sawyer ...... 365-4070 Eastern Shores or Spring City ...... $15.00 + $4 Hope Town and Man-O-War ferries leave from Crossing Beach Terrance Davis ...... 367-4464 Jeff Survance ...... 365-4040 Gov. Clinic ...... $ 6.00 + $3 Guana Cay and Scotland Cay ferries leave from Conch Inn Man-O-War Ricky Sawyer ...... 365-4261 Snake Cay ...... $35.00 + $10 ‡ Workman’s special Mondays thru Fridays from Crossing Beach David Albury ...... 365-6059 Treasure Cay B ...... $55.00 + $ 5 Casuarina Point ...... $60.00 + $10 Green Turtle Ferry Airport - Treas. Cay B ...... $65.00 + $ 5 Green Turtle Cay to Treasure Cay Airport • Daily Bahama Palm Shores ...... $70.00 + $10 8 am 9 11 12:15pm 1:30 3 4:30 Restaurant Guide Little Harbour or Cherokee ...... $80.00 + $10 Treasure Cay Airport to Green Turtle Cay • Daily Prices $ Low, $$ Moderate, $$$ Upper Crossing Rocks ...... $100.00 + $10 8:30 am 10:30 11:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5 (Based on dinner entree range) Sandy Point ...... $135.00 + $10 One way adult fare $7 (Children $3) • Round trip $11 ‡ Provides ride from town • Between Marsh Harbour Ferry and: Additional to some destinations • Charter any time + Picnic tables & restroom only Abaco Beach Hotel through Wally’s ...... $ 2.00 + $2 Phone 365-4166, 4128, 4151 VHF Channel 16 Marsh Harbour Jib Room ...... $ 5.00 + $2 Anglers ...... $$$ ...... 367-2158 Stop Light or Dove Plaza ...... $ 6.00 + $3 Abaco Adventures C&G Restaurant ...... $...... 367-3227 Government Freight Dock ...... $ 7.00 + $3 Treasure Cay to Guana Cay - Daily 10 am Sunday 12 noon Conch Inn Bistro...... $$$ ...... 367-4444 Gov.Clinic, W. Auto or Nat. Insurance ...... $ 9.00 + $3 Guana Cay to Treasure Cay - Daily 4 pm Sunday 3 & 5 pm Everyone Waiting time $20 per hour, $10 per half hour Daily Bread (lunch) ...... $...... Fares One Way $10 • Round Trip $20 • Charter any time No children under three years to be charged. reads The Flippers ...... $$...... 367-4657 Phone 365-8749 VHF Channel 16 Uncaged pets will be charged as passengers Abaconian. Golden Grouper ...... $...... 367-2301 Luggage $.50 each over four, Surf Boards $3.00 ea. Jamie’s Place ...... • Between Northern Abaco Airport and: Abaco Marinas Rentals Jib Room ...... $$...... 367-2700 • Treasure Cay, Bahamas Star, or Moxy...... $14 + $6 Slips Fuel Phone Bikes & Scooters • Boats • Cars & Carts Kentucky Fried Chicken (lunch) ...... 367-2615 • Bronks or Highway Liquors ...... $10 + $5 Walker’s Cay Marsh Harbour Lacaye ...... $ ...... 367-4910 • Sand Banks ...... $20 + $5 Walker’s Cay Marina 75 .... F ...... 353-1252 A & P Car Rentals ...... 367-2655 Mangoes ...... $$$ ...... 367-2366 • Joe’s Creek ...... $35 + $5 Green Turtle Cay • Black Wood ...... $14 + $5 Blue Wave Boat Rentals ...... 367-3910 Mavis Country Kitchen ...... $...... 367-2002 Bluff House ...... 15 ...... F ...... 365-4200 • Fire Road ...... $25 + $5 Concept Boat Rentals ...... 367-5570 Pop’s Place ...... $.... + ..... 367-3796 • Cooper’s Town ...... $30 + $5 Green Turtle Club ...... 32 ...... F ...... 365-4271 Laysue Boat Rentals ...... 367-4414 Sapodill ...... $$$ ...... 367-2498 • Cedar Harbour ...... $45 + $5 Black Sound Marina .. 15 ...... 365-4531 Pier One Boat Rentals ...... 367-3587 Sharkees ...... $.... + ..... 367-3535 • Wood Cay ...... $50 + $5 Other Shore Club ...... 12 ...... F ...... 365-4195 Power Cat Boat Rentals ...... 367-4620 Snack Shack ...... $.... + ..... 367-4005 • Mount Hope ...... $55 + $5 Abaco Yacht Service . 10 ...... F ...... 365-4033 Rainbow Boat Rentals ...... 367-4602 Subway ...... 367-2798 • Fox Town...... $60 + $5 Treasure Cay Rental Wheels Scooters, Bikes, Cars .. 367-4643 Wallys ...... $$$ ...... 367-2074 • Marsh Harbour or Crown Haven ...... $65 + $5 Treasure Cay Marina 150 ...... F ...... 365-8250 Rich’s Boat Rentals ...... 367-2742 Dundas Town • Marsh Harbour Round Trip ...... $85 + $5 Man-O-War TC Hotel to Marsh Harbour ...... $55 + $5 Sea Horse Boat Rentals ...... 367-2513 Ambassador Inn ...... $...... 367-2022 Man-O-War Marina ... 26 ...... F ...... 365-6008 TC Hotel to Joe’s Creek ...... $25 + $5 Sea Star Car Rentals ...... 367-4887 Murphy Town TC Hotel to Sand Bank ...... $16 + $5 Marsh Harbour Wilmac Car Rentals ...... 367-4970 or 367-4313 Lazy Parrot - SC Bootle Hwy ...... TC Hotel to Moxey ...... $10 + $5 Boat Harbour Marina 183 ...... F ...... 367-2736 Green Turtle Cay 367-5331 TC Hotel to Bronks ...... $7 + $5 Conch Inn ...... 75 ...... F ...... 367-4000 Bay Street Rentals...... 477-5300 365-4070 Hope Town From TC Hotel to All Areas N. of T.C. Airport Add $10 Harbour View Marina 36 ...... F ...... 367-2182 C & D Cart Rental ...... 365-4084 Abaco Inn ...... $$$ ...... 366-0133 Waiting Time $12 Per Hour Marsh Harbour Marina 52 F 367 2700 D & P Cart Rental ...... 365-4656 Boat House ...... $$...... 366-0065 Mangoes ...... 29 ...... F ...... 367-2366 Donnie’’s Boat Rentalss ...... 365-4119 Cap’n Jacks ...... $...... 366-0247 Port of Call ...... 24 ...... F ...... 367-2163 New Plymouth Cart Rentals .... 365-4188 or 4149 Club Soleil ...... $$$ ...... 366-0003 Air Lines Serving Abaco Abaco Yacht Haven .... 7 ...... 367-3079 Reef Boat Rentals ...... 365-4145 Harbour’s Edge ...... $$...... 366-0087 Air Florida - Ft. Lauderdale ...... 367-5599 Hope Town Sea Side Carts ...... 477-5497 Hollywood Temptations Air Sunshine - Ft. Lauderdale ...... 367-2800 Hope Town Marina .... 16 ...... 366-0003 T & A Cart Rentals ...... 375-8055 H T Harbour Lodge ...... $$...... 366-0095 American Eagle - Miami ...... 367-2231 Hope Town Hideaways ...... 366-0224 Bahamasair - Nassau & W Palm B ...... 367-2095 Guana Cay Munchies ...... $.... + ..... 366-0423 Lighthouse Marina ...... 6 ...... F ...... 366-0154 Continental Connection - Miami Donna Sands Cart Rentals...... 365-5195 Rudy’s Place ...... $$$ ...... 366-0062 Ft. Laud and W Palm Bch ...... 367-3415 Sea Spray ...... 24 ...... F ...... 366-0065 Guana Cay Cart Rentals ...... 365-5016 Man-O-War Discover - Orlando Spanish Cay Man-O-War Pavilion ...... $...... 365-6185 Golden Airlines - Ft. Lauderdale ...... 954-359-8020 Spanish Cay Marina . 75 ...... F ...... 365-0083 Conch Pearl Boat Rentals ...... 365-6059 Hibiscus ...... 365-6380 Island Express ...... 367-3597 Guana Cay Island Treasures Cart Rentals ...... 365-6072 Guana Cay Lynx Air International - Ft. Lauderdale ..... 954-772-9808 Guana Beach Resort . 22 ...... F ...... 365-5133 Water Ways Boat Rent ..... 357-6540 & 365-6143 Coco Paradise ...... 365-5197 Major Air Service - Freeport ...... 367-4826 Orchid Bay ...... 32 ...... F ...... 365-5175 Twin Air - Fort Lauderdale ...... 365-8677 Hope Town Guana Seaside ...... $$$ ...... 365-5106 Boats coming from U.S. can clear at Walker’s Bike Shop Bicycle Rentals ...... 366-0292 Nippers ...... $$$ ...... 365-5143 USAir - Ft. Laud and W. Palm Bch ...... 367-2231 Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Treasure Cay or Marsh Cat’s Paw Boat Rentals...... 366-0380 Mermaid Cafe...... $$$ ...... 365-5137 Vintage Props & Jets - New Smyrna B...... 367-4852 Harbour. Abaco Air Charters ...... *367-2266 Dave’s Dive Shop Boat Rentals ...... 366-0029 Floyds ...... 365-5133 Cherokee Air Charters ...... *367-2089 Medical Services Hope Town Cart Rentals ...... 366-0064 Treasure Cay * Local charter companies serving S.Florida and within Marsh Harbour Island Cart Rentals ...... 366-0448 Florence’s Cafe ...... $ the Bahamas Abaco Medical Clinic ...... 367-4240 Island Marine Boat Rentals ...... 366-0282 Harbour Cafe ...... $...... 365-8635 Abaco Family Medicine ...... 367-2295 Sea Horse Boat Rentals ...... 366-0023 Hudson’s Delight...... $...... 365-8648 Government Clinic ...... 367-2510 Sea Spray Resort Boat Rentals ...... 366-0065 Island Boil & Sports Bar ... $$...... 365-8849 T & N Cart Rentals ...... 366-0069 Spinnaker Restaurant ...... $$$ ...... 365-8469 Cooper‘s Town Gov. Clinic ..... 365-0300 Treasure Cay Touch of Class ...... $$$ ...... 365-8195 Green Turtle Cay Gov. Clinic .. 365-4028 Alison Car Rent ...... 365-8193 Traveller’s Rest ...... 365-8654 Hope Town Gov. Clinic ...... 366-0108 C & C Boat Rentals ...... 365-8582 Green Turtle Cay Sandy Point Gov. Clinic ...... 366-4010 Claridge’s & Chris’s Cart Rentals ...... 365-8248 Bluff House ...... $$$ ...... 365-4200 Treasure Cay Corbett Clinic ..... 365-8288 Cornish Car Rentals ...... 365-8623 Green Turtle Club ...... $$$ ...... 365-4271 JIC Boat & Cart Rentals ...... 365-8465 Laura’s Kitchen ...... $$...... 365-4287 Dive Shops Resort Cart Rentals ...... 365-8465 McIntosh’s Restaurant ...... $...... 365-4625 Marsh Harbour Rich’s Boat Rentals ...... 365-8582 New Plymouth Inn ...... $$$ ...... 365-4161 Dive Abaco ...... 367-2787 Triple J Car Rentals ...... 365-8761 Plymouth Rock Cafe ...... 365-4234 Abaco Beach Dive Shop ...... 367-4646 Abaco Adventures - Kayaks ...... 365-8749 Rooster’s Rest ...... $$...... 365-4066 Hope Town Wrecking Tree Rest. Dave’s Dive Shop ...... 366-0029 Froggies ...... 366-0024 Harbour Café (ferry dock) ...$.... + ..... 365-8635 Treasure Cay Tours & Excursions Sandy Point Treasure Divers ...... 365-8465 Marsh Harbour Big J’s ...... $...... 366-4020 Treasure Cay Adventures ...... 365-8111 Abaco Outback - by kayak ...... 367-5358 Oeishas ...... 366-4139 Green Turtle Cay Hope Town Pete & Gays ...... $$$ ...... 366-4119 Brendal’s Dive Shop ...... 365-4411 Seaside Inn ...... $$$ ...... 366-4120 Green Turtle Divers ...... 365-4271 Froggies - by excursion boat ...... 366-0431 Treasure Cay Rickmon Bonefish Lodge ...... 366-4477 Guana Cay Dive Shop ...... 365-5178 Man-O-War Dive Shop ...... 365-6013 Abaco Adventures - by kayak ...... 365-8749 Page 24 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Viewpoint Dangers of Pressure Treated Lumber By Rhonda Claridge Websites on pressure-treated wood empha- Harbour dump site leaches through the copper-based ACQ (alkaline copper quat) This is a plea specifically to the Hope Town size the importance of wearing gloves and of ground and into the water, which is then used Preserve or what builders use here in Colo- District Council members but is important washing exposed clothing frequently and sepa- for growing food, etc.) The EPA warns, rado, recycled plastic lumber products like for all councils and town planning boards. rately from other household laundry. “All “Treated wood should not be used where it TREX or Choicedek by Weyerhauser. The Dear Hope Town District Council members, sawdust and construction debris should be may come into direct or indirect contact with latter is ideal for Abaco because it lasts for- I am writing to inform you that the U.S. cleaned up and disposed of after construc- public drinking water.” Collaborating with ever, doesn’t warp or shrink, is impervious government recently announced it will phase tion.” It is also important to keep this wood Marsh Harbour on relocating their dump to termites and rot, and it’s reusing plastic out production of pressure-treated wood over away from food, meaning, do not put com- would help the entire Abaco community. garbage. Local contractors, construction com- the next two to three years because it con- post in a pressure-treated box and do not grow Perhaps one day as garbage surmounts, panies, and hardware stores should begin or- tains carcinogenic arsenic which has been food in beds made of this wood. Do not keep Abaco will be able to purchase an incinera- dering and using these products. linked to bladder, lung and other cancers. bees in pressure-treated hives. These same tor, which they currently use in the U.S. to I apologize for this lengthy and passionate My information comes from the front page precautions go for creosote, which is actu- safely burn treated wood. Meanwhile, experts letter, but I can only emphasize that the situ- of the January 31, 2002, USA Today, but other ally worse and is known to cause frequent stress the importance of not creating a lot of ation is urgent. Do the right thing, Hope Town papers published this news. I quote, “The handlers’ hair to fall out. wasted treated wood by using scraps or “re- District Council members. You may save Bush administration’s push to end the use of As everyone knows and ignores the Hope using treated wood that has been taken out of lives. pressure-treated lumber laced with arsenic Town dump, located in the middle of a resi- service.” Sincerely, leaves no doubt that regulators see substan- dential area and just across the harbour from Finally, since treated wood is being phased Rhonda Claridge tial cancer risks in wood that has been a town, pressure-treated wood is burning ev- out, Abaconians might as well begin using staple of backyard building projects.” The ery day. Any information you will find on safe alternative products now such as the extent of those “risks,” may never be re- this wood emphasizes the dangers of burning vealed as pressure-treated wood manufactur- it: “Do not burn treated wood. Hazardous ers, in agreeing to the ban, have asked that chemicals may be produced as either part of Frederick’s Agency the Environmental Protection Agency discon- the smoke and/or ashes,” states the Cana- tinue its studies on the threats faced by people dian Institute of Treated Wood. In the U.S., Bahamas Custom Brokers exposed to the arsenic used in their wood state statutes prohibit open burning of treated Import & Export • Air & Sea product. lumber. Marsh Harbour, Treasure Cay & Green Turtle Cay According to the article, there is substan- Piles of pressure-treated lumber, creosote Albury’s Trucking tial evidence that arsenic can leach from dock poles, glued plywood, styrofoam, rub- pressure-treated wood for years. Children’s ber and plastic are lit on fire regularly at the P.O. Box AB-20468 health is especially at risk because they spend Hope Town dump, threatening the lives of Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas a lot of time playing on this wood. good people like Lawrence and Val, who own Tel: 242-367-2333 . Fax: 367-3136 I was aware of the dangers of treated wood LVA Grocery and have children. Lawrence while building our little place on Elbow Cay, says the dump is “pretty much always burn- but since Monty Albury’s tragic passing and ing,” and that the ashes (which in the U.S. this imminent ban on pressure-treated wood, are known as TOXIC WASTE) fall on his I feel that something urgently needs to be roof and wash into their water cistern. done to protect the health of people on Abaco. While lots of people have complained to We Can Help! It is up to you, Council members, to take town government about this ill-practice responsibility in remedying this situation as (Derek and Krissy Gape; Rocky Thompson, Hardware - Windows - Lumber quickly as possible. property manager of Pieces of Eight; Lesley Every afternoon bundles of pressure-treated McDonald, who lives on Centerline Road, Roofing - Doors wood are off-loaded from the freight boat onto etc.), nothing has been done about it. Come Hope Town’s public dock. The stuff is com- on, Hope Town! This is a community prob- If we don’t stock it, we will find it!! monly used throughout the islands for the logi- lem. We all create trash; we all need to pool cal reason that it is infused with pesticide our energy and resources (as was the case WE SHIP TO ALL THE BAHAMAS and prevents termite rot. Recently, I was with restoring the dune) and rectify this. We VIA THE PORT OF PALM BEACH AND MIAMI dismayed (horrified) to see that the children’s owe it to Monty Albury and to the children play set outside Hope Town School is made of Hope Town. Tel: 561-683-2244 of this toxic wood. Arsenic enters through Solutions: Hope Town is a community of Fax: 561-689-8126 the pores of one’s skin, and with children, means. Residents should be charged a trash who often put their hands in their mouths, is fee which would pay for separating toxic gar- W & W Lumber of Palm Beach ingested. The first and easiest call to action bage from burnables (palm fronds or untreated 2077 N. Military Trail is to seal the wood immediately with imper- wood). The hazardous refuse should be West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 vious paint or urethane-type coating. This is freighted to Marsh Harbour and stored far what the U.S. government recommends, and away from townships, residences and places On the corner of Military Trail and Okeechobee Boulevard it goes for all railings, decks, steps, etc. where it might leach into Great Abaco’s valu- where people’s skin is likely to come into able water table. (The present Marsh contact with the wood. I fear for all the construction workers in Abaco who handle this wood daily. The EPA’s Consumer Information Sheet precautions: “Avoid frequent or prolonged inhalation of sawdust from treated wood. When sawing and machining treated wood, wear a dust mask. Whenever possible, these operations should be performed outdoors to avoid indoor accu- mulations of airborne sawdust from treated wood. When power sawing and machining, Friendly & Professional wear goggles to protect eyes from flying par- Printing Services ticles. After working with the wood, and be- fore eating, drinking, and use of tobacco prod- Our Services: ucts, wash exposed areas thoroughly.” • Carbonless Forms • Office Stationary Watch for Original • Flyers Art by the Students • Certificates of Studio One • Tickets • Brochures • Photo Scanning • Wedding/Funeral Programs • Business Cards • Envelopes • Menus • Labels • Laminations • ...More

Support Our Students Monday - Friday • 9 am - 5 pm • Ph: (242) 367-3202 • Fax: (242) 367-3201 March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 25 Viewpoint Traffic Light Is Still Missed By Alice Bain let ONE car go in front of me (as you are world country.” For crying out loud, we ARE of Marsh Harbour. We make rush hour in I have heard various unsubstantiated claims meant to do) and THREE forced their way a third-world country! Are we not supposed Atlanta look as orderly as a minuet. At least that not one, but FIVE traffic lights have been through. Biggity me, trained as I was in to admit it? We’re a small, developing na- in New York when road markings are painted, donated to us and are here on Abaco lan- Nassau-style offensive/defensive driving, tion with a total population a fraction of that they remain visible for more than three guishing at the customs warehouse because advanced on the offenders with my hand laid of any large U.S. city. If we have preten- months. the government can’t decide whether to on the horn. The third vehicle that came sions of being part of the First World, we In next issue’s Viewpoint I will attempt to charge itself duty on them. Meanwhile, the through the junction was driven by a friend could at least start off by mandating effec- discuss something other than Marsh Harbour situation at the Junction Formerly Known as of mine, who made a cheerfully lewd ges- tive traffic control! Americans complain traffic — but I can’t promise anything. Until The Traffic Light Corner becomes more and ture as he sailed past me. I had to laugh. In about the “lawlessness” of traffic in cities the situation on the roads here begins to re- more dangerous. A cousin of mine quite ac- fact, I became a menace to public safety like Miami, New York and Los Angeles — semble something other than a twisted syn- curately refers to Marsh Harbour as “Dodge myself as I cleared the junction and drove but these same people who stoically endure thesis of “Mad Max” and David Lynch’s City.” Lately, a stop sign has sprouted on east on Queen Elizabeth Drive — I was laugh- two-hour commutes and cross-town traffic on “Lost Highway,” I am afraid that the urge the south Don MacKay side of the junction, ing so hard that my eyes started watering. a daily basis admit complete intimidation at to pontificate will be too compelling. but no stop signs are in evidence anywhere The situation is completely ridiculous. the sheer CHAOS in evidence on the streets else. There simply is NO LOGIC to this — Two other friends of mine own a tour com- in fact, at a four-way junction only bothering pany, and are often approached by tourists to put in a SINGLE stop sign is downright wanting to know how to get to the Post Of- Abaco Glass Company homicidal. If traffic on Queen Elizabeth Drive fice, the Chemist Shoppe and various other • Window glass cut and installed has the right-of-way, then another stop sign places of business on Don MacKay. They • Pictures matted and framed should be installed opposite on Don MacKay found themselves having to re-phrase their by Commonwealth Bank on the way from the directions: “Go on this road until you get to • Screens made and repaired front street I don’t think this was the inten- the corner where the traffic light USED to • Commercial store fronts tion, though. be…umm…there are a couple of banks there installed and replaced Too much traffic flows from Don MacKay and a marine supply store and there’s a string • Yale Windows onto Queen Elizabeth Drive heading east to hanging down over the road where the light simply award the right-of-way arbitrarily to used to hang…” In Marsh Harbour beside Western Auto • 367-2442 traffic heading to and from Dundas Town. I was shown an article in the Nassau Tri- Back in the Mediocre Old Days when we bune a couple of weeks ago about a turtle HAD a traffic light, so much traffic was turn- that was slaughtered on the wharf at Potter’s ing either east onto Queen Elizabeth or south Cay in Nassau. The report said something to ABACO AIR CHARTER SERVICE onto Don MacKay that the unfortunate folks the effect that “this was bad for tourism be- coming from Dundas Town, lacking an ad- cause it makes the Bahamas look like a third- Between Abaco and all the Bahamas, vanced turn signal, would often be backed up Florida and the turks and Caicos for several cycles. I wonder whether any of Scheduled service to Moore’s Island and N. Eleuthera these putative, allegedly hostage traffic lights Advertise in Twin engine • 6 & 9 passenger aircraft are equipped with advance-turn signals. ABACO FLIGHT SERVICES Chance would be a fine thing! • Aircraft maintenance • Storage • AvGas I, personally, have been attempting to treat The Abaconian CAA & FAA certified mechanics the corner as if it were a four-way stop. I P.O. Box AB20492, Marsh Harbour, Abaco lost patience the other day when I stopped to Phone 242-367-2266, 359-6357 Fax 367-3256 Page 26 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 More News of the Cays

building the others. His father was not a car- Abaco on a field trip. Accompanied by two Cays From Page 7 He is a versatile cook but his speciality is penter so he taught himself. Using only hand teachers, Mrs. Romer and Mrs. Dawkins, pastries and desserts. the children of Hope Town, a community with tools he constructs his boats piece by piece and two parents, the party had been visiting The Boathouse has not only traditional some gifted young sailors. “I hope to get using wood that he must get directly from North Abaco. Bahamian dishes but also some innovative crews together for regattas too,” he said. the tree. Finding the right wood proves to be Their brief visit had included a stay at the and unusual ones. Although the restaurant is Club Soleil will be offering package deals to quite difficult. Taking in only enough orders Treasure Cay Resort and a tour of Green relatively new, Mr. Hall is fast becoming tourists who would like to stay there and learn to support himself, Mr. Malone carries on Turtle Cay. “They enjoyed the Albert Lowe known for his outstanding desserts. to sail during their vacation. building dinghies in Hope Town. Museum very much,” said Mrs. Romer, Se- Man-O-War Matthew grew up racing sail boats; he has House Tour Planned nior Mistress School. By Pat Elkins crossed the Gulf Stream many times and has A House and Garden Tour is being held in “I liked the beach,” said Christopher a rich background in sailing. Hope Town on March 14 from 11 a.m. to Nixon. His friend Marcus McClure agreed School News Our Lighthouse 3:30 p.m. for the benefit of the Hope Town that the beach at Treasure Cay was great. The morning of February 16 did not look “The lighthouse will be the crowning glory promising for the success of the Man-O-War By 10th Grader Tia Knowles All Age School. of their trip,” said Mrs. Romer. It was a School’s annual Flea Market. The threat of The Hope Town lighthouse! When one hears Thirteen homes and their gardens within whirlwind visit. “We have a special jet com- rain kept some vendors away and the Abaco, immediately they associate it with the settlement will be open to the public. ing for us later in the day,” continued Mrs. economy in general added to the pessimism. the great red and white structure in Hope These homes have never been included in a Romer. What a surprise when the guests came and Town. The main tourist attraction in the cays, tour before. We have brand new houses as kept on coming. The rains came and the guests the Hope Town lighthouse is a site that must well as old houses which have been restored. Restaurant Has New Chef still kept on coming. Arthur Elden, aka Cow- be seen while visiting. The lighthouse was As all the homes are within the town, trans- By Stephanie Humblestone boy Bob, kept those country hits playing and built in 1864 by the Imperial Lighthouse Ser- portation will not be provided. The Boathouse Restaurant, part of Sea several volunteers fired up the grills for hot vice with much protest and attempts of sabo- Refreshments will be served at the Hope Spray Resort, now has a new chef, Mr. dogs and hamburgers in the gazebo. Full din- tage by the local people of Hope Town. Town school and the Hope Town Sailing Club Arnold Hall, who returned to rave reviews ners, which featured chicken and ribs, were Strangely enough, the lighthouse is now the from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. after an absence from the business for six served in the Pavilion. Games of chance, arts symbol of Hope Town. In 1936 the light in Tickets for the tour will be on sale at the years. When Mr. Hall first moved to Abaco, the lighthouse was changed to be more eas- booth in Jarrett Park across from the post he worked as a chef at Club Soleil and then ily recognizable and effective. Cracks in the office on the day of the tour. Tickets are $15. at the Hope Town Harbour Lodge. He re- Please see Cays Page 27 lighthouse caused by lightning were repaired Please do not bring children under 12 years ceived his training in Nassau and in London. in 1954, and that is how the lighthouse has of age. stayed. Now the lighthouse is “OUR” light- For further information, please contact house, a structure which we consider part of Anne Krout at 366-0153 or Marie McKeag J & J ELECTRIC our history and a national treasure. at 366-0194. BILL J OHNSTON The Last Abaco Lighthouse Tour Is Highlight MIKE JORGENSEN When the winds picked up on the morning Dinghy Builder ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS of February 20, temporarily grounding By 10th Grader Tia Knowles Bahamasair planes between Nassau and INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS Mr. Winer Malone, a man who doesn’t Marsh Harbour, 17 young people had an un- CELL: 242-357-6674 (BILL) • CELL: 242-477-5222 favor publicity, was willing to talk to me expected treat - a visit to the lighthouse in TEL: 242-367-5145 • FAX: 242-367-5144 about his boat building. Mr. Malone began Hope Town. P.O. BOX AB 20413 • MARSH HARBOUR • ABACO • BAHAMAS building Abaco dinghies 46 years ago. He They were the grade 4 students from St. remembers having help while building his John’s College in Nassau who were visiting first boat but “learnt the hard way” while

LIGHTBOURN REALTY Making Real Estate Real Easy Each office independently owned and operated Located one building east of Memorial Plaza. Casuarina Point - Canal front home situated on a double lot Man-O-War Cay - This 3 bed/2 1/2 bath home is in immaculate P.O. Box AB 20900, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas condition. This owner built home is sold furnished and also comprising over 41,000 sq. ft. This 3 bed / 1 bath home features Phone: 242-367-2992 • Fax: 242-367-4800 391' of canal frontage, modern kitchen and beautifully land- features solid maple cabinets. There is a 17,000 gallon rain Email: [email protected] water cistern, a large basement and the property is fenced in.- scaped yard with fruit trees and palms. $299,000 $355,000 Featuring the finest in residential, commercial, vacation homes and investment properties. Call today to list your property with us or inquire about our many listed properties.

Abaco Agents Brent Cartwright • Mailin Sands • Beth Ruzicka Bill Johnston • Chris Farrington

More Fine Homes and Properties Cabbage Point - 5 acres+/- available with Green Turtle Cay - breathtaking hilltop lots financing, 20% down and balance over 5 with panoramic harbour views of White Sound. Guana Cay - 2 bed/ 1 bath home featuring open living, kitchen years, 160’ on the road, 1300’+ deep. Prices start at $210,000 Cherokee Sound - Great 3 bed / 1 bath home located in the and dining and spacious decking, across the street from a Call for details picturesque community of Cherokee Sound. This home is well sandy Atlantic Beach. Great Rental Potential $175,500 Guana Cay - Elevated beach front lot. Best maintained and is offered furnished. Call for more details Corn Bay - Man-O-War Cay - Magnificent price in town. $119,000 15 acre estate with four houses, four beaches and a protected boat basin. Call for details. Leisure Lee - a canal front home featuring 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, fully furnished. Ex- Eight Mile Bay - Vacant property available cellent condition. $260,000 running 150’ on a beautiful Atlantic beach and 800’ deep. Call for details. Man-O-War Cay - 1 bed 1 bath house located centrally in Man-O-War. $159,000 Green Turtle Cay - 100’ x 120’ residential lot available $35,000 Man-O-War - 3 bedroom 2 bath home situated only one lot away from the beach. $475,000 Green Turtle Cay - 2 bedroom vacation rental cottage overlooking White Sound. Fully fur- Marsh Harbour - Cove Estates - Newly built 2/2½ nished, central A/C, turn key. $355,000 home, fully furnished, self contained 1 bed 1 bath down- Hope Town - This private home is situated on almost an acre Guana Cay - Owner built 3 bed/ 2 bath home featuring open stairs apt.. Call for details. of lovely landscaped property. The master bed and bath are Green Turtle Cay - 6 acres of gorgeous beach living dining and kitchen with central A/C. It also boasts of Treasure Cay - Canal lots Starting at $80,000 upstairs with living, kitchen and dining room as well. Down- extensive patios presenting views of the ocean. Sold furnished front property perfect for a small resort or luxu- stairs features a 2 bed/1 bath self-contained apartment. Too $355,000 rious estate. $210,000 many extras to mention. Call for more details March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 27

valuable. So it is with Potcakes. They are Letters From Page 27 More News of the Cays absolutely unique. Sadly, few people recog- vation proves that all other methods don’t nize this. Beyond these shores The Royal birthday cake and homemade ice cream, hold a candle to spay and neuter. Bahamian Potcake is widely considered to Cays From Page 26 Walter Sweeting presented Tony with a There also are female Potcakes who are be one of the smartest dogs on God’s green plaque of appreciation and a chain saw. Tony purposely bred to mixed or breeded males to earth. Puerto Rico has its Satos. The U.S. and crafts and flea market items were en- then opened his other gifts and the crowd sang get puppies that resemble the “mean dog” has its North Carolina Dogs. The Bahamas joyed by young and old alike. Face painting Happy Birthday. father more than the sweet mother. This prac- has it Potcakes. was a big hit and children adorned with but- When Tony first volunteered to do this job, tice forever alters the genetic pool of Potcakes Are there still puppies to be found after terflies and flowers roamed the grounds of the pay was only what the community could (who are perfectly suited for the climate and Project Potcake’s first three years? Yes! the Man-O-War Marina. The raffle was held afford to give him. After much discussion natural conditions of The Bahamas) and cre- Considering that, due to starvation, disease an hour early due to the inclement weather with local government, Tony was paid a sal- ates competition for professional breeders and other more sinister causes of death, less and booths closed earlier than usual, but af- ary that was more in keeping with his job whose higher prices and better quality are than half of an average litter survives more ter all the accounting was done the day net- duties. And he takes those duties very seri- cut by amateurs looking to make a fast buck. than four months, it is almost miraculous — ted over $15,000 for the Man-O-War School. ously. He will tell you when you need to clean Are there puppies still in Murphy Town and certainly a tribute to the plucky stamina Past Flea Market profits have been used your garbage can and will advise you on the and Dundas Town? Yes! Before Project of the Potcake— that any survive at all. to paint the school, inside and out, add a cov- proper sorting of your trash. Roadside trash Potcake began, we found as many as 15 to 20 If there were no Potcakes left, Project ered area in the front of the school for the receptacles are never overflowing and always litters during each clinic. In October we Potcake would be a dismal failure rather than children to enjoy their morning break out of have a trash bag in them. As a result Man- counted six. That’s a reduction of approxi- one of a handful of highly acclaimed programs bad weather, and purchase books and other O-War’s beauty remains pristine. It is a mately 75 percent. that will be presented in April, by invita- materials for classroom enrichment. lovely place to live. We thank you, Tony, for Spring City, Pigeon Peas, the Mud, tion, at the Humane Society’s worldwide Is- The students, faculty and parents wish to your hard work and dedication. Cooper’s Town and communities north re- land Nations conference in Miami. thank all our patrons and volunteers for all mains a work in progress. They were not in- AARF and SNIP stand ready, willing and their donations, gifts and hard work. A list cluded in our January report. Moreover, the able to help with all aspects of spaying or of donors and sponsors was posted in the Pa- full results of Project Potcake will not be neutering of reproductive dogs and cats on vilion. Please help us to show our apprecia- apparent for another year or two; that’s how Abaco. To make arrangements, please call tion by patronizing their businesses. long (or how short) a time it will take for the AARF’s Molly Roberts at 367-3262 or SNIP Tony Appreciation Night fixed Potcakes to die off. at 367-5031. Man-O-War’s Tony Albury keeps our is- On Abaco, morning glory vines are con- Yours most sincerely, land clean and has been doing so for the last sidered a weed and sea urchins a pest. Else- Kathleen Hargreaves ten years. He is our “sanitation engineer” where, they are cultivated, desirable, even or garbage man. On February 22 the com- munity honored Tony on the occasion of his FREE QUOTE FREE QUOTE birthday (we won’t say which one) to show our appreciation for the job he does. Mark Fiberglass Pools • 22 Styles Gates emceed the evening which began when • Factory direct Tony arrived, still in his work clothes, to the • Easy to Install yells of “Surprise.” He later admitted that • Health Benefits the only way Fred Sweeting could get him to • Add value to your the basketball court was to tell him what was e-mail: [email protected] up. He went home briefly to change his property clothes and returned to take his place of Chris Thompson 242-366-0224 Kathy O’Kelleher 242-367-2835 honour in a large rocking chair. After a din- Mr. Tony Albury in the honoured seat Fax 366-0434 Fax 367-3654 ner of hot dogs and hamburgers topped off by

The Exclusive Bahamas Affiliate for: CHRISTIE'S GREAT ESTATES

"Yellow Jack" "Ocean View" "Blue House" Elbow Cay - Lucayos - 2 bedroom - 2 bath home - 1/4 Acre Elbow Cay - 115’ Ocean Beach-front. 4 bedroom, 3 bath home - 3/4 Great Cistern - + 100’ Waterfront on Sea of Abaco. 3 bedroom, Fabulous Sea of Abaco Views. - Furnished acre. - Fabulous Ocean Views - Beautiful Landscaping - Furnished. 3 bath home - Terrific Views of the Sea and the Cays - Furnished. # 3709 - New Price - $415,000. #AB 0038 - New Listing $1,412,000. #AB 0036 - $295,000. Elbow Cay - North End - "Bellfree" - almost 1/2 acre - 1 bedroom, 1 Green Turtle Cay - Coco Bay - Beautiful 2.68 acre building site. Man-O-War Cay - "Cézanne" - 3 bedroom - 3 bath Luxury bath home, great Sea of Abaco Views Private dock. Furnished. sea-to-sea, between Coco Bay and the Ocean. Good elevations Residence-Large,Elegant Living Spaces - Built 1998 - Beach # AB 0043 New Listing $1,180,000. for spectacular views - Dock. Fabulous beaches on sound & ocean. Great Ocean View - #2861 - $1,295,000. Elbow Cay - White Sound Area - "Aunt Pat’s Bay" - Lot #5 - 14,914 # AB 5067 $650,000. Man-O-War Cay - "Gauguin" - 2 bedroom - 2 bath home - Furnished, sq.ft.- Great Elevation - #AB 5068 - $225,000. Green Turtle Cay - Coco Bay - 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. 2.68 Near Beach - Ocean View - #3435 - $400,000. Elbow Cay - White Sound, "Sand Dollar" - 3 bedroom, 3 bath Acres sea-to-sea between the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay - Marsh Harbour - "Running Light" - Commercial - Over 100’ of Luxury Home - 3/4 acre land - swimming pool. beautiful Custom Swimming Pool - Dock - super views. #AB 0007 $900,000. prime Marsh Harbour waterfront - over 1/3 acre. 2,600 sq.ft of Office furniture, Great elevation, Superb Ocean Views Green Turtle Cay - Splendid hill top one acre buliding site. Great or residential space in two buildings. Great parking and room for #AB 0003 - $1,450,000. elevation, wonderful White Sound and Sea of Abaco views. expansion. Private Dock - # AB 0042 $800,000. Elbow Cay - White Sound Area - 6.13 Fabulous Acres - perfect for #AB 5094 $485,000. Marsh Harbour - Commercial - 2,360 sq.ft. showroom, office and development or elegant estate - # 3697 - $1,820,000. Green Turtle Cay - Family Residence - 3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bath - warehouse located near main street - 14,965 sq. ft. fenced lot. Elbow Cay - Marnie’s Landing - "Savannah Hill" - 3 bedroom, 2 bath 2,265 sq.ft. living space on two floors on 1 1/2 secluded acres. #AB 0031 $320,000. Luxury Home - almost 1/2 acre land - Superb Sea of Abaco Views #AB 0035 $945,000. Marsh Harbour - Great Abaco Club - Lot #45 - Private Boat Slip #AB 0022 - $965,000. Lubbers Quarters - "Southwest Point" - 2 bedroom - 2 bath #AB 5066 $275,000. Elbow Cay - "Oasis" - 5.33 acres - Sea-to-sea - 3 bedroom, 2 1.2 home. 1/3 acre land - Good Elevation - Great Views - Private Dock Sand Banks Bay - One Acre plus - Wooded lots with over 90’ of bathHome - Great elevation, Superb sea of Abaco and Ocean Views - beautifully maintained - Furnished - Excellent Rental History. water frontage on Bay - 3 miles south of Treasure PrivateDock - #1481- $3,300,000. #AB 0009 - $453,000. Cay. Limited Number Available #AB 5069 from $63,700. Great Cistern - "The Chandlery" - 4 bedroom, 2 bath lovely 2,200 Lubbers Quarters - "Abaco Ocean Club - Lot 105" - 12,819 sq.ft. - Tilloo Cay - beautiful building site 14,754 sq.ft. - Good elevation sq.ft. home one acre of land - with cabin, called "Heaven" by current 1/4 acre.Beautiful Hillside Building Site - Great Sea of Abaco Views. Great Views - #AB 5062 - $42,000. owner, perfect for studio. guest house or income property. #AB 5097 - $62,000. Treasure Cay - Atlantis Condominium - Unit 2106 -2 bedroom, 2 #AB0025 $375,000. Lubbers Quarters - "West Point" - 2 bedroom - 2 bath home. .287 baths Ground floor Canal Front - Private Dock Slip - Fully furnished Great Guana Cay - "Oceanfrontier Hideaway" - mini-resort Beach- acre land - Good Elevation - Private Dock- Furnished - Excellent #AB 0041 - $170,000. front - 6 unique 2 bedroom, 1 bath, rental log cabins- 2,000 gal/day Rental History. - #AB 0008 - $442,000. Treasure Cay - "South View" - 3 bedroom, 2 bath Home. - Canal Watermaker - Central location #AB 0026 - $1,275,000. Lubbers Quarters - "Abaco Ocean Club - Lot 65" - 12,326 sq.ft. - Front Location - Great Sea of Abaco Views, Good family home - Green Turtle Cay - "Coco Sound" - 28 prime residential building 1/4 acre. Beautiful Hillside Building Site - #AB 5103- $49,000. Fully furnished #AB 0030 - $340,000. sites between Coco Bay and White Sound from 1/4 - 1/2 acre Man-O-War Cay -"Outrageous" - 4 bedroom - 31/2 bath home. Treasure Cay - "Brigantine Bay" - 120’ Canal front building #AB 5090 - priced from $59,000 Furnished, Beach Access, Ocean View, Semi-Private Dock. site. Over 140’ deep - Sea Wall - #AB 5068 - $180,000. Green Turtle Cay -104’ x 80’ Building site - #3619 - $86,000. # 2899 - $875,000 Derek A. Lee, BRI Linda S. Stewart , BRI Margot Lee Christopher Plummer John Cash Abaco District Managing Broker Broker Estate Agent Estate Agent Estate Agent Retta Thomas - Office Manager Marsh Harbour, Abaco Man-O-War Cay, Abaco Green Turtle Cay, Abaco Treasure Cay, Abaco Bay Street - P.O. Box AB 20777 Tel: (242) 367-4608 - Fax: (242) 367-5452 Tel: (242) 365-6156 - Tel/Fax: (242) 365-4648 Tel/Fax: (242) 365-8467 Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Elbow Cay - Lubbers Quarters - Tilloo Cay Fax: (242) 365-6229 e.mail: e.mail: [email protected] Tel: (242) 367-4608 - Fax: (242) 367-5452 Tel:(242)366-3138 - Fax: (242) 366-3139 e.mail: [email protected] [email protected] e.mail: [email protected] e.mail: [email protected] VHF - Ch. 16 - "Cracker P’s" "All- you need to know about real estate in The Bahamas!"3/1/02 Page 28 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 Justice May Prevail in Duck Death Hotels and House Rental Agents By Marc Binard to Cherokee where he feels the Cherokee + agents who have multiple cottages and houses Marsh Harbour canine “Buster” was ar- Beagles would give his Jack Russell client a Area Code 242 unless listed otherwise Turtle Hill 4 villas 366-0557 rested last week for the murder of Little fair trial. Conchrun further remarked that Casuarina Point Man-O-War Harbour resident “Duckie.” Arresting of- Little Harbour had a long tradition of hostil- Different of Abaco8 rm 20 cott 366-2150 Island Home Rentals 8 hse+ 365-6048 ficer, Jimmy Lawe of the Little Harbour ity toward canines. He observed that pres- Cherokee Ria-mar Rentals 9 + 365-6241 Police Department, stated that Buster sur- ently no canines live or work in Little Lee Pinder 3 hse + 366-2053 Schooner’s Landing 5 condos 365-6072 rendered without a struggle. A search of the Harbour. Visiting canines are forcibly leashed Grand Cay Marsh Harbour area canine dwelling revealed a down-filled pil- while ducks and cats roam freely. Anti-ca- Rosie’s Place 352-5458 Abaco Beach Resort 82 rms 367-2158 low and a partially eaten meal of “Peking nine sentiment and paranoia have been es- Green Turtle Cay Abaco Real Estate 6 hse + 367-2719 duck.” “It tasted like chicken,” protested the pecially strong since the untimely demise of Bank Apartiments 3 apts 365-4105 Abaco Towns 32 effic 367-2227 canine as he was taken away in pawcuffs and the elderly resident “Duckie” last fall, stated Bluff House 8 rm 20 cott 365-4200 Ambassador Inn 6 rms 367-2022 muzzle. Conchrun. Chris Plummer 3 hse 365-4648 Bustick Bight Resort 367-3980 Citing irrefutable DNA and wire tap evi- Lamenting that Conchrun had been so Coco Bay Cottages 4 cott 365-5464 Conch Inn 9 rms 367-4000 dence, a warrant was issued from the high quick to push the “species card,” Clarque Green Turtle Club 34 rm 365-4271 D’s Guest House 6 rms 367-3980 bench of the Little Harbour Bar by Judge retorted that this was not a fur versus feather Island Properties 9 hse + 365-4465 Great Abaco Club 12 hse + 367-4151 Judy who will hear the case. Too small to issue,”a duck is dead and we will see that New Plymouth Inn 9 rm 365-4161 Island Breezes Motel 8 rms 367-3776 support a full time prosecuting attorney, the justice is done.” Clarque protested that Little Ocean Blue Properties 13 + 365-4234 Lofty Fig Villas 6 eff 367-2681 Little Harbour settlement has retained the Harbour has always been open to all spe- Roberts Cottages 3 cott 365-4105 Pelican Beach Villas 6 cott 367-3600 services of legendary counselor AuBrie cies, including canines.”Why, we even had Guana Cay Marsh Harb Airport Motel 367-4402 Clarque III, Esquire. Clarque, who has spent a potcake behind the Little Harbour Bar for Sunset Point Resort 8 rm 367-5333 Dolphin Bch Resort 4 rm 10 cott.365- more time on the Little Harbour Bar than the better part of a year,” he emphasized. Moore’s Island any other Abaco Barrister, is best known for Admitting that he had on occasion called for 5137 Moore’s Is Bonefish Camp 8 rm 366- his high profile divorce cases including last the removal of dogs and children from the Coco Paradise 8 cott 365-5197 6334 year’s highly publicized case where his tal- bar, he explained that this was for their own Donna Sands 12 hse + 365-5195 ents allowed a local psychiatrist to walk protection, “Keeps ‘em from getting trampled Guana Beach Resort 8 rm 365-5133 Sandy Point free without alimony payments. Defending underfoot.” Guana Seaside 8 rm 7 cott 365-5106 Oeisha’s Resort 366-4139 his ability to prosecute a murder case, The defendant Buster is presently held Harbour View Haven 365-5028 Pete & Gay’s Resort 14 rm 366-4119 Clarque stated that there was little differ- without bail in the Little Harbour jail. Known Ria-Mar Rentals 5 + 365-6241 Rickmon’s Bonefishing 10 rm 366-4477 ence between handling a divorce or murder as the “Dungeon,” this ancient facility dates Sea Shore Villas 365-5028 Spanish Cay case. “Typically a divorce case pays better back to Little Harbour’s early days as a pe- Hope Town Spanish Cay Resort18 rm 6 hse 365-0083 but a murder case tends to be more civilized, nile colony. The maximum security facility Abaco Inn 22 rm 366-0133 Treasure Cay usually a better class of people involved,” has never had a successful escape. Club Soleil 6 rm 1 cott 366-0003 Bahama Beach Club 365-8950 he observed. Meanwhile in Marsh Harbour nightly re- Elbow Cay Prop 43 hse + 366-0035 Banyan Beach Resort 21 rm 365-8111 Marsh Harbour celebrity attorney Johnie ports of roving packs of potcakes toppling trash Hope T Harb Lodge 22 rm 366 0095 Island Dreams 45 hse + 365-8507 Conchrun has chosen to represent Buster on cans while growling “Turn over, baby, turn,” Hope T Hideaways 50 hse + 366-0224 Treasure Cay Resort 95 rms 365-8801 a pro dog bono basis. Conchrun stated that were confirmed by police who stated they Hope T Villas 3 hse + 366-0030 Walker’s Cay he would make a motion for a change of venue were trying to “keep a lid” on the situation. Island Colours + 366-0290 Walker’s Cay Resort 353-1252 Lighthouse Rentals 4 cott 366-0154 Wood Cay Remember to Subscribe to Malone Estates 18 hse + 366-0100 Tangelo Hotel 19 rm 3 villas 365-2222 Sea Spray Resort 5 villas 366-0065 General for Abaco Tanny Key 30 hse + 366-0053 The Abaconian Listings for the entire island Abaco Vacations + 800-633-9197 To Keep up with All the News of the Island Bahamas Vacations + 800-462-2426 Classified Advertisements Houses and Land - For Sale or Rent



Minimum for 3 lines in one issue $9 Picture and 4 lines $25 Additional lines at $2 per line Sea Grape Leslie A. Pinder Display classified $18 per column inch Sharon E. Pinder We can take the photo within the Marsh Realty Tel: 242-367-5046 Harbour area or use your photo. Fax: 242-367-5045 Call 242-367-2677 Fax 242-367-3677 Victor R. Patterson E-mail: Leslie.P. Memorial Plaza Sharon P.O. Box AB 20123 Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Abaco Tel: 242-367-2749 Marsh Harbour - “The Crossing” lot to the E-mail: [email protected] sea ,22,972 sq. ft. Great views Real Estate Marsh Harbour - Pelican Shores elevated Call for info Turtle Rocks - 10 acre parcel w/two sand waterfront lot in very desir- Agency Ltd beaches and cove. Ideal for small develop- able residential area minutes Marsh Harbour - “The Castle” lot 4318 sq. ment or private estate. $195,000 from downtown Marsh ft. Quiet private area. Elbow Cay - 2 bed/2 bath house with spec- Harbour, all utilities available, Call for info NEW LISTINGS tacular ocean view. Professionally landscaped 100’ on the sea. Manjack Cay - 10 acres on the water with • 3 water front lots near Albury’s property and spacious, wraparound deck. Asking $110,000 high elevation and great sea Ferry office, Marsh Harbour $345,000 Marsh Harbour - Eastern Shores waterfront views. The property has 50’ Guana Cay - Lots at Dolphin Beach Subdi- dock with 4’ of water at low • A large corner residential lot in 3000 sq. ft. duplex on the vision. Priced to move starting at $40,000 beach and waterfront for tide. Excellent building site. Little Orchard Subdivision with ocean views. boat dock across the street. Asking price $250,000 LOCATED ON Lubbers Quarters - 1 acre water front prop- Each apartment consists of Fast Food Restaurant - situated in down town STRATTON DRIVE erties, two on beach, two on bluff. Dockage 3 bedrooms and 1 bath Marsh Harbour. Excellent lo- IN MARSH HARBOUR and electricity available. upstairs and kitchen, living, cation, reasonable business P.O. BOX AB 20404 Leisure Lee - 1/2 acre lot with all utilities dining and half bath down hours, great return on invest ABACO, BAHAMAS present. $20,000 stairs. Great rental potential ment. Lubbers Quarters - House lots starting at or two family home. Call for further information. 242-367-2719 $25,000 with access to sandy beach. Views Asking price $535,000 FAX 367-2359 of the Sea of Abaco. Regattas of Abaco 2 bed/2 bath condo, totally Elbow Cay - Lots from $45,000. Roads, Bahama Palm Shores - Two residential lots refurbished, pool, tennis power, telephones, ocean views. Residential 150’ from the beach, great sea court, fitness centre, on site and Commercial. views. Asking price $42,500 rental management. Call for info March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 29 Letter Offering Legal Assistance Viewpoint from Guana Wuff-Quack and Co. • Would the Owners of Duck and Jack Russell By Kathleen Frederick saw today brought tears to my eyes. Councilors at War be willing to settle out of court? I was siting outside on my porch tonight, I remember my mother telling me, Dog Flea Alley off Quackoo Street • If the answer to the above is in the affirma- and the moonlight on the roof of my “Kathleen, if you can’t say anything good, Cat Island tive, what would be required? Replace the neighbor’s house was like a white rose. And don’t not say anything at all.” And I remem- February 8, 2002 duck? Restrain Jack Russell from Little I remember that every day when I walk out ber her telling me not to band together with The above councilors have noticed on many Harbour? Funeral costs? of my house, the roses in her garden make women who drink coffee and talk. occasions the Duck vs. Jack Russell in The We refer you to the Cherokee Decision of my heart well with beauty. Then I remem- I once heard that God created The Baha- Abaconian and we would like to offer our Chicken vs. Goat Vol: 1243, Chapter 10, Sub ber that she tried to do something beautiful mas so that He would have a place to go on legal services to assist. But first, could some- Section QA. in the community, and she was criticized. vacation. We live in the best place in the one answer our questions. Whereas the Chicken was at the time on Then I remember people that we have lost in world. I wonder if He is now having second • Was Duck a permanent resident of Little her owner’s premises, the Goat entered pri- our community because of gossip. Then I re- thoughts because He told us “Judge not, less Harbour? vate property and kicked the me#$ out of the member something that I saw on our bill- you be judged.” • Is Jack Russell a permanent resident or Chicken. The Goat was found guilty and the board today, a heart so broken with criti- Gossip hurts you. It hurts you as a com- visiting the Little Harbour area? owner of the Goat was liable for damages. cism, that it made me cringe. I wonder about munity, and it hurts our children. • Was an autopsy preformed on the duck to The Goat was sentenced to Fox Hill Prison the beauty that surrounds us. And I wonder determine the cause of death? for 18 months of land clearing. why we band together in crisis, and why we • Was Jack Russell interrogated and was a Thank you for any and all information that slay one another with gossip. And that we let lie detector test given? can be provided. gossip control our souls. • Where are the remains of Duck or was he, Yours truly, And I wonder why we are like this to each as the paper stated, made into Duck Sauce? M. Malone other. I am not a woman to cry, but what I • Did Duck attack first? Wuff-Quack and Co. Classified Advertisements Houses and Land - For Sale or Rent


Minimum for 3 lines in one issue $9 Property and Houses Property and Houses PROPERTY WANTED Picture and 4 lines $25 FOR SALE Additional lines at $2 per line FOR SALE Display classified $18 per column inch Wanted to Purchase 2-3 bedroom house in Hope Town area. Call T. Guiness at 561-335- We can take the photo within the Marsh LIVE YOUR DREAM ATTT Harbour area or use your photo. 4792 or VHF Migrant after Mar. 1st (2 weeks) Call 242-367-2677 Fax 242-367-3677 COMMERCIAL RENTALS Property and Houses FOR SALE Enjoy the life style you deserve . . . Waterfront lots with private boat slips REAL ESTATE SALES in a secure gated community Abaco, Bahamas INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY starting at $180,000 UNDISCOVERED BEAUTY Call 242-367-4151 or Fax 367-4152 Fabulous home, more than one acre on MUST SELL Sea of Abaco fishing grounds, secluded Commercial building, 12,000 sq. ft. Call REAL ESTATE IN ABACO and romantic. 3 berooms, 3 full baths, fire- 365-5175 for more info. Best Buy in Abaco place, attached garage with workshop. Sandy Point Dundas Town CBS construction, cement tile roof, dual 20 acres water front near Marsh Harbour. RENTAL HOUSES 2 storey, 4 bed, 2 bath zone A/C. Covered terraces, fruit trees, 3 bed, 1 bath New road access AND APARTMENTS dock with davit and more! $676,500 13,545 sq. ft. on ½ acre $200,000 NET. NET. Firm OUTSTANDING VALUE Lot #119 Lot #25 Phone 242-322-4782 Leave Message BAHAMAS VACATIONS 100+ private Out Prestigious Great Abaco Club. Recently Island homes, resorts, villas for rent. Free list- built villa style CBS home, deep water Murphy Town Dundas Town ing. Call 1-800-462-2426 dockage with lift and single user dock. 3 3-2 bed, 1 bath triplex Vacant Land bedrooms, 2 baths, master spa bath, at- 9,000 sq. ft. 108’ x 104” tached garage. Full-length terrace. Best buy Cherokee Polo’s Seaside Cottage. Fully fur- Lot 78B Lot #18B on the site. $589,000 nished, sleeps 6, A/C, $900/week for 2. Call 14% RETURN ON INVESTMENT 407-933-4463 Murphy Town Great Abaco Club. Private and secure. 3 bed, 2 bath Delightful tropical style villa, CBS con- Great Abaco Club - luxury vacation runtals with all resort amenities. Ph. 242-367-4151 Hill top Dundas Town split level house 3 bed/1 bath, struction. Deepwater protected dockage. 4 Lot 67 2 bed/1 bath with basement. Includes 1 bed cot- bedrooms, 4 baths. Fantastic rental income. tage in rear. Call 367-3177 or 357-6656 On-site management & maintenance, Hope Town Specialist A collection of upscale Offers should be addressed in Elbow Cay’s Best Houses and Land, Rent- proven appreciation. $690,000 pools, docks, reunions, special occasions, hon- writing to: als and Sales, Hope Town Hideaways. Call BEST KEPT SECRET IN ABACO eymoons. Hope Town Hideaways. 242-366- 242-366-0224 or Fax 242-366-0434. On the Turtle Rocks. 1/2 acre with good eleva- 0224 Fax: 242-366-0434 U. Cartwright/Ms. M. T. Rolle internet at tion, sightlines to the Sea of Abaco and private beach access, Unspoiled area, se- Marsh Harbour, down town, fully furnished P.O. Box AB20567 Elbow Cay, ocean front home, brand new, cluded yet very convenient. Buy now. two bed/ two bath condominium in gated com- Marsh Harbour, Abaco custom built by builder, 80’ wide lot, 2 bed 2 . $23,000 munity. Pool, tennis courts, fitness centre and bath upstairs, 1 bed apt. downstairs, Walk to For conditions of the sale and any other informa- GREAT ABACO CLUB beach facilities. $2000 per month. Contact Sea Spray. $850,000 Call 321-784-0163 or Wonderful family home or great income Cindy at 242-325-7355 (9-7) tion, please contact U. Cartwright/Ms. M. T. Rolle leave message for Cliff at 366-0065 at (242) 367-2141, 367-2142 Abaco. Serious en- producer. Fully furnished and equipped to Sweetings Tract 2 - 2 bed/2 bath apts., fur- Great Cistern 1/2 acre lot $50,000 net, 1/4 highest standards. Gated and secure, deep nished including water and gas. $1000 month. quiries only may be considered for qualified pur- acre lot $25,000 net. Both lots have sea view. water protected dockage. 4 bedrooms, 4 Call 367-2660 chasers. Interested persons in Nassau may con- Call Donna after 5 p.m. at 367-3472 baths, French doores, covered terrace. Treasure Cay 2 bed/1 bath furnished house tact Mr. Jones at 242-502-3024 Guana Cay 3/3 furnished on 1/2 acre w/apt Beach and health club privileges, consis- on large property. Monthly or long term only. downstairs. $265,000 all inclusive. Photos and tent property values, on-site manager. Call Donna at 367-3472 after 5 info at . $750,000 Near Cherokee Private Sale: 3 bed 2 bath Guana Cay residential lot for sale (1/4 acre) 242-367-2365 , Eleuthera - 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath, ouse built 1998, beautiful views, additional sofa bed, central A/C, TV/VCR, fully equipped acreage also available 366-2266 Located just outside settlement, 2 lots in from ocean. Call 242-357-9057. $72,000 kitchen and much more. Rates for 4 persons Affordable Property $150/night (2 night min.) $600/ week, $1500/ Marsh Harbour Duplex, 2 bed 1 bath on month, $100 per person per week (up to 6 per- Crockett Dr. Call Mr. Malone at 367-2044 days Select Homes sons). For further info call Lana Russell 242- Serving All Abaco 366-0034 ph/fax. Page 30 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002 More Central Abaco News

Central From Page 10 dress up and boogie down to all that Abaco has to offer this season! Friends of the Environment sponsors environ- mental awareness on Abaco and the organization works to help protect and preserve the natural beauty that is our heritage and that attracts so many tourists to our shores every year. Tickets are $50 each and are available at the door on the night of the dance. Concert Is Planned A Magical Musical Moments concert of songs snd instrumental music will be presented on March Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meeson are happy to 16 at New Visions Church in Marsh Harbour. It announce the marriage of their daughter Al- will feature the music of violinist Jennifer Hudson, exandria (Lexie) to Mr. Bradley Bond. Brad violinist and soloist Vicki Hart, vocalist Joan is the son of Darla and Bill Bond of St. Pe- Albury Moss and vocalist Brian Thompson as well tersburg, Florida. Brad and Lexie both at- as the music of the Je’sus group which offers a tended the University of Florida and now capella selections and soloists. The music will be work for Price Waterhouse Coopers in Tampa, a variety of songs from shows and musicals. Tickets Florida. They have made their home in St. are available at the Chemist Shoppe for $10 for Petersburg but love to visit Abaco as fre- The Cancer Society of The Bahamas, Abaco Branch, held a fund raising rummage sale on adults and $5 for children. The concert will begin quently as possible. February 23 in down town Marsh Harbour. Clothing, housewares and books offered shoppers at 7:30 p.m. a chance to buy at bargain prices. This event occurs twice or more times yearly.

South From Page 4 Club News From Page 19 Abaco RRAbaco ock Ltd.Ltd.ock “Our Reputation is Concrete” Completion of Our Roads Rotary Club’s Abaco Scholarship Fund. The tournament was a Texas scramble Our local representative, M.P. Robert format, permitting golfers of all skill levels Sweeting, recently visited Cherokee with the For all your concrete needs FULL LINE OF to enjoy the competition and contribute to • Concrete Stepping Stones • BenchesBenches• government engineer walking around the specializing in their team’s success. The winning team was • PlantersPlanters• • StorageStorage• settlement and inspecting our roads. Some Mixing and placement of concrete lead by Vernon Wells backed up by Mike • Bird Baths • Sand & Rock of them are in deplorable condition and defi- for all phases of construction Keating, Irene Shepherd and William Thomp- • PP• icnic TTicnic ablesablesables • Excavating nitely need to be replaced. Even though some son. David Williams’ team finished second of the major sections of roads were replaced followed by Steve Pedican’s team of all-stars. Hope Town, Abaco a few years back, we have waited several A 2002 Nissan Sentra was the prize for a Tel: (242) 366-0168 • Fax (242) 366-0122 years now for the job to be completed. Hope- hole in one on hole #8. No player was able to fully this means that they will soon be taken score the ace and drive off in a new car. Be care of. sure to give it a try next year! Second Shell Show Planned Valdo Prosa put his shot on hole #4 clos- Plans are in the works for a second sea- est to the pin to walk off the winner of a Government Notice shell exhibition and show to be held in Chero- Caribbean cruise for two. Valdo was heard kee on Easter Monday, April 1st, at the promising to take cart partner Charlie Cooke schoolhouse. Our first show in October 2000, with him if he won — that was before the Ministry Of Public Works also the first show of this type to ever be shot of his lifetime — no mention of Charlie shown in our area, was a huge success and after he won! Mike Malone provided plenty well attended by many Abaconians. Since then of guidance and encouragement to the com- Fencing and Clearing at: many persons have asked when will we be petitors, for a small $10 donation to the Ro- having another show as they, too, have prize tary Scholarship Fund. Treasure Cay, Marsh Harbour, seashells that they would like to put in the Outstanding golfer Peter McIntosh of Governor’s Harbour and Moss Town show. If you would like to be included as a Cooper’s Town boomed the longest drive on exhibitor, contact me at home or Michelle hole #9 to win four cases of Heineken kindly The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is cur- Lowe at the Cherokee Primary School. We donated by Burns House Limited. rently in the process of upgrading security and safety for night will charge a minimal entrance fee and have Dinner at the Spinnaker was enjoyed by landing operations at the above airports. refreshments available with all proceeds go- golfers and guests after the tournament. ing to the school, the same as last time. The project is divided into seperate fencing and clearing projects at each listed airport. Chain link fencing will be Schedule 40, 8 ft. tall, with barbed wire. Clearing will be to ground level. The follow- Employment Opportunities ing are the indicative quanties: ABABABAAACO MARKETS LTDTDTD... • Treasure Cay Airport: 18.000 feet fencing, 55,000 square yards clearing • Marsh Harbour Airport: 17,000 feet fencing, 200,000 square yards clearing • Govenor’s Harbour: 11,000 feet fencing, 55,000 square yards clearing JANITORS & BUTCHERS • Moss Town, Exuma: 23,000 feet fencing, no clearing Tenders are available at the office of the Director of Public Works Apply at Sawyer’s Market at the Ministry of Works, John F. Kennedy Drive, for a $50.00 fee, Benefits: payable by certified check to “Public Treasury” Pension Fund Duly completed tenders are to be returned not later than 2 p.m., Medical Insurance Thursday 21st March 2002, addressed to:

Regular hours - five day week Director of Works Vacation schedule Ministry of Public Works 3rd Floor, West Wing 1 - 5 years = 2 weeks John F. Kennedy Drive 5 - 10 years = 3 weeks Nassau, Bahamas 10 + years = 4 weeks P.O.Box N-8156 Signed Anita Bernard (Mrs.) Application forms available at Permanent Secretary Abaco Wholesale, Marsh Harbour March 1st, 2002 The Abaconian Page 31 I know a young man age 11 who is chang- Sherman From Page 8 ing before my eyes. Why? His parents de- pecially our young people, only look at the cided to have him tutored in reading. He is pictures? They cannot read the words. Sounds reading but has a long way to go. Each week Electronics Service Center unreal? Not being able to read is a major his reading gets better and though it may take formerly Television Service Center problem on Abaco. Let’s face it. It is not awhile, eventually he will be reading at his because of another nationality living here. grade level level. It is great that parents de- Repairing: Our own native Bahamians cannot read. It is cided to get him help. Radio, TV, VCR & Audio Equipment I issue a challenge now for those who wish so sad. Ask Mrs. Sharon Greene, who pro- Juke Boxes & Video Games vides tutoring service says that reading is to help. Contact a school near you and volun- teer to help with a reading program. If you Musical Instruments one of the main subjects she gives tutoring Marine Electronics lessons for. are turned down, call Mr. Stubbs at Abaco Central High School. I can assure you he Office Equipment I do not think we should wait for govern- will not turn you down. Cash Registers ment to implement a programme. We have service clubs on Abaco, Kiwanis, Rotary, A Nassau Trick Computers Pilot Club which could help. We have a huge I have noticed drivers doing a Nassau trick Microwaves population of winter residents who could vol- at the K & S corner in Marsh Harbour. What FAX Machines unteer to assist. Let us be like the NBA and is the trick? As drivers approach the inter- Electronic Organs launch a programme Read to Achieve. I am section on Crockett Drive wanting to turn Medical Equipment issuing a challenge to persons who have some left, they drive through the gas station to turn Automotive & Marine Electronics time to read to a child, to volunteer at a north onto Don MacKay Boulevard, thus Telephone Recorders, Phones & Phone Devices school to help a child to read. It does not avoiding waiting at the intersection. This is have to be a great amount of time 30 minutes done regularly in Nassau usually at round- In Marsh Harbour on Queen Elizabeth Drive between Keys Dr. & Firehouse Corner a week maybe. abouts. Police, take heed. TEL: 367-2830 Classified Advertisements Items for Sale, Commercial Service, Cars & Boats

Minimum for 3 lines in one issue $9 HELP WANTED Picture and 4 lines $25 VEHICLES FOR SALE BOATS AND MARINE Additional lines at $2 per line ITEMS FOR SALE Experienced chef wanted for Spanish Cay Re- Display classified $18 per column inch sort. Interested persons only please contact phone We can take the photo within the Marsh 242-365-0083, fax 242-365-0453 E-mail 28’ Baja Twin Yamaha 200, LOADED, very Harbour area or use your photo. [email protected] well maintained, rigged for fishing, great for Call 242-367-2677 Fax 242-367-3677 cruising and diving. Dry docked at Green Turtle Need SEASONAL/PART-TIME: waiter/wait- Shipyard. $28,000 OBO 561-451-2122 resses/bartender and cook. Please call SPAN- COMMERCIAL SERVICES ISH CAY RESORT AND MARINA 242-365- 0083 or fax resume to 242-365-0453. 2001 Daihatsu Coure, brand new, A/C, AM/ Small company seeks part time machinist - FM, radio, w/tape player, 5 doors. $12,000 Big Cat Equipment knowledge of metal fab, proficient in math (esp. Call Darrell at 477-5126 Rentals: Backhoe, D3 Tractor, trig.) 5 years or more on job experience, own Payloader, Dump Truck Services: Land clearing, Trenching tools a must. Fax resume to 367-3219 BOATS AND MARINE Foundations ITEMS FOR SALE Fill, rock and sand PERSONAL

All Mercury’s Fax: 242-367-2464 REWARD is offered for information regarding 135 HP $3500 50 HP $1700 28’Harkins Island, Cummins 555 270 HP. Tel: 242-367-2655 • 367-5250 the demise of an elderly duck in Little Harbour 40 HP $600 225 HP $6000 DUTY PAID. Commercial regiatration. Ph. Cell #: 477-5322 • 359-6839 last fall. Information is especially sought 23’ fishing boat with 200 HP $7000 242-365-4465 or 242-365-4695 regarding any sightings of a white duck lurking Call 367-2326 Anything Under the Sun Construction, spe- about the settlement of Cherokee last summer. 37’ Endeavour 1980 sloop-rigged sailboat w/ cializing in stamped concrete, designed resurfaced Information is taken in confidence. Reward is 13’ fiberglass dinghy $1000 OBO, 6 HP Perkins 4-108, 40 HP diesel, curently moored concrete, wood decks and fiberglass pool instal- paid in cash. Suzuki outboard $400 OBO Call 366-2266 near Marsh Harbour Marina. DUTY PAID. Law Offices of Johnny Conchrun Bahamian registered. $30,000 OBO Call 367- lation. Call 477-5848 Vintage Abaco Dinghy - “The Windrose” 14’ 2269 Swimming Pool Maintenance. Splish, Splash VEHICLES FOR SALE just painted Abaco dinghy for sale $8,000 firm Pool Service will stop you cleaning and keep you See Darwin Sands at Edwin’s Boat Yard II 37’ Soverel Sloop 3 1/2’ draft. DUTY PAID, swimming. We offer bi-weekly service including Well maintained. $24,500. Moored in Leisure chemicals . Call 477-5848 Lee. 357-6722 For all your vertical and mini-blind needs con- tact Sidney Albury at 367-2091 or 367-2031. Sales and Service. Always a good selection of cars, vans & trucks. Pre-owned quality vehicles, competitively Have sciatica? TMJ? Lower back pain? priced at Marsh Harbour Auto Sales. Ph. 367- Headaches? Get relief with muscular therapy. 2111 Call Karen Lane @ 367-5215 21’ Aero Sport with stern bracket for outboard 1985 GMC R/V Van, sleeps 2, with stove, motor, motor not included. Asking $4000. 22’ MERCHANDISE refrig & pottie, in good condition. DUTY PAID. trailer, dual axle. Asking $1800. Call Freddie $3500. Ph. 242-367-7248 Fax 972-723-0291 FOR SALE at 367-3177 or 357-6656. 1993 Ford Explorer (Eddie Bauer Edition) (11) 1250 gallon water tanks - $1600 each, in- Automatic, 4WD, leather int. A/C, cruise con- cludes duty & freight. Contact Elbow Cay Prop- trol. $10,000 OBO. Call Terry or Kesha @ erties at 366-0569 365-8867(h) or 367-2154 (w) 38’ Delta Off Shore Fiberglass, 260 HP 3208 HELP WANTED 1993 Suzuki Swift, automatic, runs excellent. Caterpillar engine - Turbo charged, 12 KW Asking $2500. 10’ x 5’ utility trailer $1500. Northern Lights generator with Luggar engine, Call 367-4643 275 gal water, 550 gal diesel, 400 gal gas, Ladies: Want a bigger paycheck? Control your 5000 lb. freezer, stabilizers, radar, GPS, VHF, income with Avon! Earn up to 50% commis- 1996 Dodge Dakota SLT club cab pick-up, small chest freezer, fridge, stove with oven, sion on your own time! Call today. Tel/fax 242- 57,000 miles, $14,900. Call 365-8188 24’ (27’ overall) Menemsha sailboat, 1972, sink, hot water heater, head with shower, air 362-6045 / pager 242-340-8673 1997 Chevy Lumina, fully loaded, excelent solid fiberglass, 3’ draft, great running diesel conditioned, sleeps 6. Ready to go. Asking Avon is seeking representatives Phone 367- condition. $8900 OBO Ph. 367-3020 or 367- eng. 10 HP, four bronze winches, 6 sails, gal- $59,000. Call Peter Sweeting @ 365-6035 5303 4453. Can be seen at Snap Shop ley, head, 3 bunks w/custom cushions. Just repainted. DUTY PAID. Asking $10,000 1998 Dodge Dakota Pick-up SLT Club Cab, ONO. Call 367-3432 W. or 367-3753 H. low mileage, beautiful condition. Call 365-8188 Page 32 The Abaconian Marsh 1st, 2002