Abaco Celebrates Independence Each Area Celebrated in Its Own Way by Anita Rolle July 10, 2002, Marked the 29Th Milestone of an Independent Bahamas

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Abaco Celebrates Independence Each Area Celebrated in Its Own Way by Anita Rolle July 10, 2002, Marked the 29Th Milestone of an Independent Bahamas July 15th, 2002 The Abaconian Page 1 VOLUME 10, NUMBER 14, JULY 15th, 2002 Abaco Celebrates Independence Each Area Celebrated in Its Own Way By Anita Rolle July 10, 2002, marked the 29th milestone of an independent Bahamas. In 1964 Great Tourism Is Boosted by Regatta Britain granted the islands of the Bahamas limited self government and in 1969 the colony of the Bahamas became a Common- wealth. We then legally became a nation on July 19, 1973, which is proudly celebrated as Bahamian Independence Day. This year the events planned to com- memorate the birthday of our island nation were varied with a seemingly renewed sense of pride in Bahamians. In keeping with our reputation as being a Christian nation, ecu- menical services in various districts ushered in July 10 centered around giving God thanks for the many blessings bestowed upon The Bahamas. Celebrations in Murphy Town, a combination of their 2002 Home Coming coupled with independence celebra- tions brought an array of activities for ev- eryone to enjoy. In Little Abaco everybody was kept well occupied on Independence Day with celebrations being held in Crown Haven and Mount Hope, drawing visitors from as far as Grand Bahama and Sandy Point. Other towns planned days of games and competitions as well as community din- ners and fellowship. Man-O-War always celebrates enthusiastically with lively games and other activities The islands of the Bahamas have been Regatta Time in Abaco hosted its 27th annual sailing series on July 4-11. This popular racing series is comprised of five days of blessed with numerous attainments in so sailing interspersed with lay days giving our visitors ample time to enjoy our communities and water. The series moves through many aspects of our heritage. Our number central Abaco allowing the entrants to experience several prime tourist areas. Some of the entrants are long-time visitors while many are experiencing Abaco for the first time. Trophies of art work are treasured awards. Please see Independence Page 35 Flag Is Raised for Independence Fire Burns Two Homes in the Mud Const. Farquharson of the Royal Bahamas Police Force raised the flag over Central Abaco at midnight on Inde- pendence eve, July 9 just as it was raised over The Bahamas 29 years ago. This culmi- nated the cer- emony held at Central Abaco Pri- mary School which included a talent show and a church service. Fireworks The Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire Department was called out at 3 a.m. on July 4 to put out a completed the pro- fire in the Mud. They were able to contain the fire so it destroyed only two homes. gram. Each area of Abaco orangized its own Renew your subscription before the expiration date shown in the label below. celebration ac- The Abaconian PRST STD cording to what the 7571 N.W. 78th St. US POSTAGE people of that area Medley, FL 33166-7530 PAID wanted. These Forward and Address Correction Permit #5050 ranged from orga- MIAMI FL 331 nized games to all day events. Page 2 The Abaconian July 15th, 2002 Sailors Anticipate Annual Regatta By Alice Bain held on Abaco Sound between Green Turtle from a bad placing in the Green Turtle Cay mented on the quality of the air. “In gen- The 27th annual Regatta Time In Abaco Cay and Hope Town. Jeff Gale’s boat Ab- race. Overall RTIA class winner was Five eral the racing was good. We had two heavy concluded with much fanfare on July 11. bey Normal placed third overall in the RTIA Speed, a 38-foot Beneteau crewed from air days and three light air days, and that Fifty-six boats competed this year in six class this year with wins in the Guana and Melbourne, Florida. Lachlan Smith skip- made for good competition. The boats got classes, sailing in the five different races Hope Town races overcoming a handicap pered Five Speed to victory this year, aided to test their limits in different conditions, by his brother Warrick who acted as tacti- and that’s nice to have in a regatta.” The cian. Rage placed fifth overall in the PHRF class, Five Speed has competed in the Regatta winning a second in the Marsh Harbour race for the past four years and was moved up to the day that Ron skippered her. the RTIA class two years ago. “We did well Overall PHRF class winner was another in this flukey wind we had this year; in the Bahamian boat, the 42 foot Beneteau Fur- heavy air we made good use of our heavy ther Folly owned and skippered by crew.” said Warrick, pointing to a very large Nassuvian Oliver Liddell. Further Folly member of their crew—a man about 6 feet carried first place in every race except the 4 inches tall with a huge butterfly tattooed Marsh Harbour where she was handicapped on his chest. Indeed, Five Speed’s two wins by the extremely light air. Matt Spencer, a came on the days with the heaviest air, the Bahamian who worked the foredeck on Fur- Man-O-War and Hope Town races. ther Folly said of the regatta, “As usual it Local Ron Pagliaro sailed on both the Abaco Rage and Abbey Normal and com- Please see Regatta Page 22 The Abaco Rage is seen here rounding the first mark. The boat was skippered by Chris Thompson of Hope Town. The Regatta Time in Abaco is a familly affair. Shown above is one of quite a few young people who were crew on the boats. The girl pictured above was very proud of the second place trophy that she helped win. Standing next to her is Carol Ewing, Co-chair of the Race Committee who came from Miami to run the races. The Abaco Rage, a Bahamian work boat, competed in the Regatta winning a second place in one race and coming in 7th overall. The crew consisted of many woman whom you see here out on the pry. bahamian cuisine on Hope Town's waterfront Bar Opens Daily 10 a.m. Closed on Tuesdays Happy Hour 5 - 6 p.m. Lunch & Dinner Daily Lunch 11:30 am • 3 pm Dinner 6 - 9 pm RENTRENTRENT Appetizers 11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m ALALAL BIKESBIKESBIKES ICEICEICECall 366-0087 • 366-0292 • VHF Ch 16 Weekly freight between W. Palm Beach, Nassau, & Marsh Harbour General Cargo, 20 & 40 ft. Containers, Drive-on Stern Ramp 20 ft. Refrigerated Containers Specify M/V DUKE OF TOPSAIL New Schedule as of March 10th, 2002 Sunday • Depart Marsh Harbour Wednesday • Depart Marsh Harbour Monday • Arrive Port of Palm Beach Thursday • Arrive Arawak Cay, Nassau Monday • Depart Port of Palm Beach Thursday • Depart Arawak Cay, Nassau Tuesday • Arrive Marsh Harbour Friday • Arrive Marsh Harbour In Abaco Call (242) 367-2091, Fax (242) 367-2235 or call on VHF ch. 16 P.O. Box AB 20737, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas UNITED ABACO SHIPPING COMPANY In USA call Palm Beach Steamship Company at (561) 844-5387 Office located above B&D Marine at the traffic light Warehouse A 2nd door, 158 “B” East Port Road, Riviera Beach, Fl 33404 July 15th, 2002 The Abaconian Page 3 Banquet Honors Robert IT’S THE LAW! Sweeting and His Wife BUCKLE UP!UP!BUCKLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeting, right and center, were honored at a banquet at Abaco Beach Resort on June 29. The Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, MP for North Abaco,left, was present along with other FNM party leaders. An appreciation banquet was held on June He warned that if the present government wants 29 to honor Mr. Robert Sweeting, Member to be successful, they will have to continue with of Parliament for South Abaco, and his wife much that has been planned. Maggie. It was held in the Pavilion at Abaco Several FNM officials were present includ- Beach Resort. Mr. Sweeting has represented ing the Leader of the Opposition in the House, South Abaco in the House of Assembly since Alvin Smith, the National FNM Chairman 1992. The crowd was enthusiastic in their Mr. Dwight Sawyer, Chairman of the Torch- response to the dedicated couple. bearers Mr. Quentin Percentie, Mr. Kenneth The keynote speaker was the Hon. O.A.T. Russell, MP from Grand Bahama. Tommy Turnquest, a Senator and the Free The Gully Roosters from Green Turtle Cay National Movement party leader who detailed provided music for enjoyment and for dancing. the successes of the FNM while in power Mr. Sweeting expected to retire from his from 1992 to 2002. The annual rate of growth official position this year and was looking was 3.5 percent. Unemployment dropped forward to spending more time with his fam- from 14 percent to below 7 percent. The in- ily and building up his business. However, flation rate dropped from 5.6 percent to un- circumstances changed which left that posi- der 2 percent. During those ten years a record tion without a candidate. He readily agreed $4 billion of foreign investments were brought to serve South Abaco for another five years. to the country. The appreciation of the people of South Abaco In attendance was the Rt. Hon. Hubert A. for his dedication and service was readily Ingraham, Member of Parliament for North apparent in this demonstration of support. Abaco, who praised the honesty, integrity and faithfulness of Mr. Sweeting, who served all com- munities in South Abaco equally. He commented that he expected the current government to follow through on projects for Abaco that are already in the planning stages. He said that the bids for a new terminal and other improvements for the Marsh Harbour International Airport were in and were within the expected cost of $5 million.

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