010000, AcTaHa KarracLJ, AnMaTbJ ay.!(aHLI, 0 I 0000, ropo.!( ACTaHa, pa.HoH AnMaTbi EayMp){(aH MoMLIUl¥Jlb1 .!l

N0 ...... 0£/..1......

JiiJiiM, FhiJihiM LKaue Ma.z:.euueT .mauiu.z:.eri JiipiKKCH ¥JITTap ¥HhiMhiHa (IOHECKO)

¥chiHhiC xaT

ToFbl3J\¥MaJiaK, - K,a3aK, XaJIK,biHbiH; ¥JITTbiK, OMbiHbi. )l(acecnipiMHiH; aK,hiJI­ OHbiH IIIhiH;.n;an, 3lUITKep T¥JIFa peTiH,n;e K,aJihiTITacynm.n;a e3iH.n;iK opHni 6ap. ATa­ aHa MeH ¥Pl1aK, K,apbiM-K,aThiHaChiH,IJ;a CbiHJiaCTbiK, Ce3iM,n;ep OpHbiFJbiHa )K~He 6iJiiKTi Tgp6He 6epy,n;e TOFbi31\¥MaJiaK, MaH;hi3,ll;bi MgHre He. AcTaHa K,anacbi ~KiM,n;InHIH; O~<,ymomap capai1oiH,n;a ToFhl3:f\¥MaJiaK, yM:ipMeci )K¥Mhic icTei1.n;i. E¥JI yM:ipMe.n;e 30-Fa )I(YhiK, 6ana T~p6He ana.n;hr. ATa­ aHanap ¥JI-K,hi3,n;apbiH TOFbi31\¥MaJiaK, yHipMeciHe epeKme hiK,omacrreH gKenirr, ·e3 ¥PITaFhiHhiH; rrapacaTTbi 6onyoma )l(aF,n;ai1: )Kacarr OTorp. AcTaHa K,anacor gKiM.n;iriHiH; O~<,ymomap capai1hi gKiMminiri T oFhi31\¥MaJiaK, OHhiHhiH EiniM, FoiJihiM )KgHe M~.n;eHHeT )l(eHiH,n;eri. EipiKKeH ¥nrrap. ¥i1niMbiHbiH; MaTepHaJI,ll;biK, eMeC Mg,n;eHH M¥Pa T131M1He eHr13yre ¥CbiHblC eTe)J;I.

,IJ.upeKTOp E.I. Ipre6ali Uno fficial translation Nomination: Traditional Intelligence and Strategy Game: Togyzqumalaq, Toguz Korgool, Mangala/Go9iirme Letters of consent: Republic of Letter 1


Address: 010000 Astana, district Bauyrjan Momyshuly Ave., house .N'!!5 Tel./fax: 8 (7172) 70 1212 Letter N!!l30 dated 13.03.2019

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

Togyzqumalaq is a traditional Kazakh game playing special role in developing teenagers' thinking potential to its highest intellectual capacities. Intrinsic mission of the game is to provide children with quality upbringing based on respectful and harmonious relationships with their parents. The Palace of School Children of Astana Municipality encounters Togyzqumalaq class of nearly 30 children learning to master the game. Parents bring their kids to Togyzqumalaq class with a feeling of honour, trying to create all possible conditions for their children to widen their life perception through the game. Considering the abovementioned, the Palace of School Children of Astana Municipality expresses its willful consent to inscribe Togyzkumalak game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity.


K,a3a~~;~m~H Pecny6nHKllcu, AcruHll JlllllliCU. «~cap» EO, Pecny6nmca Ka30XC1'3H, ropoA AcruHll, EL( <

«_»---,-,-___ 2019roM N9 _____

}\alai\CTaH Pecny6JIHKacbiHbiH; IOuecKo ~3He HcecKo icTepi ~ouiu.z:.eri ¥JITTbii\ KoMnccnHcbiHa

1\alal\ xaJII\hiHbiH; MaTepuaJI.Z:.hll\ eMec M3.Z:.euu M¥pacbi ToFbi3J\¥MaJial\ oiihiHhiH uoMnuaunHJiay TYPaJibi

Torhi3K.¥Ma.Jial\ I\a3al\ Xa.JII\hiHhiH; .n;~cTypJii 3lUITKepJiiK )IGme crpaTenumDII\ oiioiHDI, 6a6a.Jiap.n;aH MMpac 6on 1\a.JIFaH 03hii\ M¥Pa.Jiap.n;oiH; 6ipi. K,a3ipri Ke3.n;e K,a3ai\CTaH.n;a :>K~He KerrTereH eJI.n;ep.n;e HacMxaTTa.Jihm oToip. · Torhi3J\¥Ma.Jiai\ThiH; 6acThi epeKrneJiiri :>KeKe T¥JIFaHhiH; al\hiJI-OHhiH rnDI:s;.n;an, oii:Jiay :>KyifeciH :>KeTiJI.n;ipirr, MaTeMaTMKa.Jihii\ aMa.JI.n;ap.n;oi :>Kai\Chi Me:arepyiHe KeMeKTece.n;i. )l(acecrripiMHi:a 6oiioiH.n;a ca6:oipJihiJihii\, llihi)l;aM.n;hiJihii\ 1\aCMerrepiH 1\a.JihiiiTacToipy.n;a .n;a 6¥JI OHDIHHDIH; MaH;hi3hi 30p. Tai\Ta 6acom.n;a ~p6ip :>KypicTi :>Kacay yrniH OHhiHllihiJiap oii:JiaHhiii, e3.n;epiHi:a ecerrKe :>Kyii:piK eKeHiH .n;~JieJI.n;eyi nric. E:>KeJI.n;e 6a6a.JiapoiMhi3 TOFhi3K.¥Ma.Jial\ oii:Hay yrniH ararnTaH apHaHhi Tai\Ta :>Kacarr, ¥Cal\ TacTap.n;hi CaJihiii oii:HaraH. EyriHri KyHi ¥JITThii\ oiiDIHMeH III¥FbiJI)l;aHyiiioiJiap TOFhi3K.¥Ma.Jiai\Thl MHTepHeT api\DIJibl KOMIIhiOTepJIIK 6ar.n;apJiaMaMeH HeMece TeJieoH I\.¥PhiJIFhiJiapoiH.n;aroi apHaHhi 6ar.n;apJiaManapMeH .n;e oii:Hayoma 6oJia.n;oi. Torhi3K.¥Ma.Jiai\ThiH; ¥PIIal\ T~p6MeciH.n;eri opHDI epeKrne. CoH.n;hii\TaH I\a3al\ XaJII\hiHhiH; ¥JITThii\ J\¥H.ll:hiJihii\TapoiHhiH; 6ipi 6oJihiii Ta6omaThiH Toroi3K.¥Ma.Jial\ oiioiHhiH a.n;aM3aTToiH; MaTepMa.JI)l;DII\ eMec M~.n;eHM M¥PaChiHhiH; TI31MIHe ¥ChiHY M~ceJieciHe 1\0JI.n;ay 6iJI.n;ipeMiH.

OpbiH. M.UlomeB Ten.870 14267642 N2000266 Letter 2


Address: Republic ofKazakhstan, Astana, business center "Ansar" Syganak St.25, tel.: 8 707 1230018, emal: [email protected]

11 March 2019 Ref..N217

Addressed to the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO

Regarding nomination of Kazakh people's intangible cultural heritage - Togyzqumalaq game

Togyzqumalaq- is a traditional intellectual and strategic game of Kazakh people, one of the advanced examples of cultural heritage inherited from our ancestors. Today the game has been widely popularized in Kazakhstan and many contries. Togyzqumalaq's main feature is that it develops thinking capacities of an individual, sharpening his/her mastery of mathematic calculation. Such character traits as patience and endurance are acquired by the teenagers in the game process. All players, facing the game board, have to prove their far sightedness by thinking beforehand. In ancient times our ancestors used to carve game boards from wood and find small pebbles to play Togyzqumalaq. Today people interested in traditional games may access them online via particular websites and telephone applications. Togyzqumalaq plays special role in upbringing new generation. In these regards, we extend our willful support for the inscription ofTogyzqumalaq game­ considered as one of the treasures of Kazakh culture, on the Representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

With respect, The Chairman of Federation (signature, seal) A.Baimenov

Exec.: M.Shotayev Tel.: 8 7014267642 · ~J?~/ ·~Yi:~ Pz0~ nr:l?7.1/?rw ~/?.

;:J!#~V:?-ff )h9d#l Cl ·r/o;{' .~ VJz/'7n7W ~k~ .¥iir.n/TW?.' -~b /w:t~, &t87-/ - ~ ~0 . Jr.~~~ ¥PX/"7z:.f ~£ /?J?te ~-/74 ~-f:Hol_ ~

~ ff.l-7'?._! ZJ/71-?--/ /'l',J? qJ I :>C)~ ~ ~~n~nt£~ p;~ 1'::.>/J.;.-f-'k:/XO..:f P/~,y ~~t:~y >-f7J7' Letter 3

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

As a current student of Tourism major at Eurasian National University, I, Bazaraliyeva Gulnara Bakhytqyzy, learned Togyzqumalaq from a very small age. The game has significantly enhanced my thinking abilities, helping me in everday life, particulary in thorough planning of my everyday activities and their attainment. In this regard, I express my full consent on inscribing Togyzqumalaq on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

(signature) As tan a 02.03.2019 ~f'fUUtL- ~~ -luM~ ~ N_~~~ tf~ I -!l_--W~ ~~~ · ['~~- . rll~-

~/ ~~ (f;Ct-1.~ e;~~/ )/l)7v f'~dAP~ ~ ~ ~~ Y/WJ~~ · OrA~ ~ ~ul,_'"1?-t,' ~ 'jLf-lM- b~ ~'~'H-12-' ~~- ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~VMJv- ~ w~~ ~U-r/2t2-j(_£)~ ~· ~~~~~~~ f (I I r I . Jrl/1 'J7 '~ ui!.- .fA{ 7A r;r 1-Yf ~ t(YJnt 'u~ ~ ~ . Letter 4

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

As a mother of many children, I, Nysanbek Baljan Bakhytqyzy, underline the role of Togyzqumalaq in raising children and wish this traditional game of Kazakh people to be inscribed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity.

Astana 01.03.2019 (signature) ~

i"l~ J~ J ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ' ~ -~ l t~ et) 1 r~ 4 JJ~ ~~~ f~ Letter 5

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

I, Esenbek Saltanat Maxatqyzy, study in 9th grade ofNazarbayev Intellectual School. I learned Togyzqumalaq at 7 years from my elder brother. This game has helped me to learn the sequency of mathematic moves and developed my logical thinking. If Togyzqumalaq would be inscribed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, I will be very happy. Therefore, I fully support the inscription.

Astana 02.03.2019 (signature)

Letter 6

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

Acknowledging that Togyzkumalak plays fundamental role in the life of Kazakh people as an entertaining instrument for sharpening people's thinking abilities, I, Myrzabayev Amangeldi Tolendiuly, express my full support for the inscription of Togyzkumalak game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

13.03.2019 Astana city (signature) '-'P VfV9 Q 3 .9 6>J- ~ fl\ 'i £ ~ I I -. o'l- 1- tot - 2> ntl.6~1' ~ o ·t_o f ~oM~Jf H~ nnG\~~y t3

"") "d 'N7I ~ut&r~ Jc IA1TYY' r; H -Ol'03 ttCH 'JrorotVFi I,! H-ot uog. _ YJ'I4YJ 14 w~-·ti1\Q~G ~lft~ rll~ ~ Hr.J~ ""gXJ~

HIC(H H'Qw-J ~ c;_ ~~


aj.f !?~)'I!~ Jn )y' ~ ~ ~d ~ ~ Ha-141 ?~ ~e 'om).lttt~&>.S 4/~n~err­

'JHfm WNVICf~ ! r;h9 V'( !r ~g lqhllr.t nt r:hJ....,Lilvr d -'1; I'); ~)-{~! ~3 Letter 7

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

I, Qaidarov Azamat Nurbolatuly, express my willful consent on inscription of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage inherited from the ancestors - Togyzqumalaq game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Qaidarov A. Born 07.08.1997 Mobile phone: 8 -707-130-ll-33 Aqtobe region Signature (signed) 11t f a(Jv ·iJ'a · o~ mmyo "HrJJ'JJ~j ~ f; rJ Jv ~ ;t i a J'rJ if~

-~1P Trr0?W8 ~;vJ~ m~:W mJtrr ~ ~~ ~rwtnr K?m--oJJ3ilm ~ro ~Mfu~ ~ 11«YJ o~ ~-11\JJ!9 tmmwwtJ4ttR~ , ~-mnrl~ ~'if ~ mrr

'n'YYYi"YWWA. ~ \ u

(oJI d JH()i ) -; H7Jrrrr>rrrt 1t'Orr~~rvn~ -om~ won. ~ 11'>'tTI'1 ' ~ wrrj ~h ~ ~ Letter 8

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

I, Salman Arujan Bauyrjanqyzy, express my willful consent on inscription of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage inherited from the ancestors- Togyzqumalaq game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Salman A. Signature (signed) Mobile phone: 8 771 3255137 Born 10.06.2003

Letter 9

Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent

I, Kabiyev Nurbek Amankosovich, express my willful consent on inscription of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage inherited from the ancestors - Togyzqumalaq game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Kabieyv Nurbek Amankosovich Telephone: 8 707 8806511, +7 707 8806511 Signature (signed) Aqtobe region, Aqtobe city, Abylkhair Khan Ave. 79/25 Born 29.03.1986 *~ /Jb/ h~ '0-p , (._!N~4' ~~ . ofo._~ ~~~~_p -d~ '-» H ?J') -fti"c:f - ~--A ~ ff??X~_y-::J/(?fr ?o-fi.. n--4v.y


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Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of consent

I, Eleusinov Mektepkhan, express my willful consent on inscription of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage inherited from the ancestors- Togyzqumalaq game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Eleusinov Mektepkhan Signature (signed) Tel.: 8 777 4527815 . Qyzylorda region, Syrdaria subregion, Terenozen city Born 30.04.1951 ..._

,6 0/·k kel-7 ../'../' /n ;n cep /ch<'Nh iSJ..£/~4' ~Jt -?t!X'Jb'/L/ ~/e t--P?.,y..e~€/ ~~·~u:.e~ ~~ c '1-e-~~--/~ z..eh' fi-e//~~(!?~ k'~ (k7kecl< o)


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C?l/7 Cf ·- ~bv C?H ~~q-C' $0.,-h:h'/7 /5 q-J 7-Cf' /-7

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Adressed to: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Letter of Consent 5

I, Nurkhanov Erbol, express my willful consent on inscription of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage inherited from the ancestors- Togyzqumalaq game on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Nurkhanov Erbol Signature (signed) Tel.: 8 707 1877765 Jambyl region, city Born 24.08.1985